Celebrating Our Missionary Sisters

Celebrating Our Missionary Sisters

On the Feast of the Patronage of the Mother of God, our Archeparchy, within the limitations placed by the pandemic, unassumingly and intimately, commemorated the anniversary of the founding of the Missionary Sisters. A Divine Liturgy of thanksgiving and a Panachyda for deceased members of the community was at the heart of the last week’s quiet and prayerful celebration.

Founded on the Feast of the Patronage of the Mother of God, by Metropolitan and Auxiliary , this tiny community of religious sisters —14 full-fledged members over the 75 years—had a noteworthy spiritual impact and continues quietly to inspire many people in our Archeparchy.

When one reflects on the rich legacy of their activities, it is wonder — how was it possible? The Sisters founded the Mother of God Academy in Stamford, Connecticut; organized and operated two nursery schools and our Ukrainian Catholic school in Perth Amboy; conducted summer schools and weekend religious and catechetical classes; published sacred art projects; embroidered beautiful vestments; embellished pysanky with studious detail and great tenderness: published books for children; and recorded liturgical singing for the community; all the while continuing supporting the with meals and tending to their daily needs.

Our Missionary Sisters continue to fulfill their mission, generations of service for the spiritual enrichment of those they serve — forming youth on the basis of Christian principles in the Byzantine-Ukrainian rite. Joyous voices of the children they taught can still be heard echoing in their home on Franklin Street adjacent to the Ukrainian cathedral. Sadly, the house is now only half-full due to the absence of new vocations. The Sisters had to curtail many of their activities. However, with characteristic humor and deep faith the Sisters claim that now they are in perfect harmony: with 7 in the Heavenly Kingdom and 7 who continue to serve, witnessing to this Kingdom here on earth.

It is not clear what the fate of the Sister’s community will be. It is not clear if there will be a 100th anniversary. But maybe that is not essential in God’s plans. I was deeply encouraged by Archbishop Ambrose words that “even if the Sister’s community were to end in my lifetime, their efforts are impactful and worthwhile, since much has been accomplished”. I can say the same.

Upon reflection in the spiritual context what was accomplished?

Praise of the Lord has been rendered, prayers and petitions answered. The primary goal of the newly created congregation in 1944 (the th75 anniversary is year-long commemoration), was “to seek the Glory of God through the sanctification of its members bound by the three vows and the observance of the constitution.” Without canonizing any one individual but recognizing the Sister’s community as a whole, I wish to share what I have said at a Permanent Synod of our Church. One of the most uplifting experiences in my short and modest service in Philadelphia has been spending time with the Missionary Sisters who pray with us daily and who, in this confusing time, with all their frailty and the scarcity in numbers, remain truly joyful in the Lord.

There were never many disciples around Jesus. As I have mentioned in my previous article, the first-century Churches to which Paul preached were the size of many of the parishes in our Archeparchy. Not much to write home about.

The Kingdom of God is not about quantity but quality: the quality of living and believing together, and the quality of mutual support. It is the type of quality we see in our Missionary Sisters. Most recently we saw it when through the grace of God and patient nursing of her co-sisters Sister Evhenia rose up from her deathbed. In February Sister was given one month to live! The loving kindness of the community was the instrument the Lord used to revive her. It was not broadly broadcast by Fox News or written up in the New York Times. In the spirit of the Sisters, a quiet miracle occurred for those with eyes to see.

The Missionary Sisters gave up much of what our world values — power, fame, financial well-being. Everything they stand for, everything they do and manifest, is a sign of the sisters’ desire to live with Christ and give everything to Christ. For those of us who stand near them, their witness inspires. Consciously or not, every time we engage with them, we realize that through these religious women the Lord is speaking to us and to the world. Whether it is in the hidden service to frail sisters in their own home or by quietly sitting in the cathedral for hours waiting for the lonely person in need of spiritual counsel. The sisters render witness.

Reflecting upon the discrete service and rich history of the Missionary Sisters, I am filled with gratitude. We thank God for our Sisters’ vocation. Jesus called a young girl from Chicago, a few from Brazil, even one from Syracuse, my home town; a Ruthenian, a Ukrainian, an American, each one left everything, and became His follower — these amazing women heard Christ’s call.

Beloved Sisters, we thank you for your generous response.

+Borys Hollywood Comes to Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy in Philadelphia

Hollywood Comes to Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy in Philadelphia

Philadelphia– A little bit of Hollywood came to Franklin Street and the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia from October 14-16.

For two days, the Chancery Offices, the former cathedral parochial school, had a new name with a new sign over its entrance “St. Francis Roman Catholic High School.”

The site became a location shoot for a new Netflix movie called Hustle, starring Adam Sandler. It is a basketball movie where Sandler plays an NBA scout and he discovers a player in Spain and brings him to America.

All filming was done outside Thursday night and was completed by 1:15 a.m. Friday morning.

Special interior lighting was used to light up the windows of the Immaculate Conception Cathedral for the exterior shoot. The set dressers added shrubbery and greens in front of several buildings and decorative light fixtures.

Fourteen tractor trailer trucks, which transported equipment, served as make-up, hair, wardrobe, cafeteria and dressing rooms, lined Franklin Street, Eighth Street and Brown Street.

Sandler recently said on a television show that the movie will feature Toronto Raptors’ star point guard, Philadelphia native Kyle Lowry, LeBron James and “loads of NBA guys.”

According to a report printed in The Philadelphia Inquirer in July, Hustle will follow an American basketball scout who was fired after discovering a ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ player outside of the country, prompting him to bring the player to the United States and groom him for the NBA, in efforts to prove naysayers wrong.

The film is being produced by Adam Sandler and LeBron James. It is scheduled to shoot from October to December.




A virtual conference, sponsored by the League of Ukrainian Catholics of America and the Mothers in Prayer, together with the hierarchs of the Ukrainian , will be held Saturday, October 10, 2020. There is no doubt that the events of this pandemic year have been emotionally and physically exhausting. Through this conference, our hierarchs will attempt to help the faithful experience healing, spiritual growth and transformation from this unprecedented chaos.

All registrants will receive a link to the program by email. The video presentations will be in English and Ukrainian.

Register at:: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdD2W8Pc-HN7yr96rDkJtFk6HTsl9aBb_mex9 nyN2fciH2WRQ/viewform?fbclid=IwAR3ny8W9Antl2ApANF0Iv8PwrSucx1OTUgCMExSG QMdxztDwA9IcCzAWwWQ

Everyone will benefit from Unity, Dignity & Healing. The event is free, registration is short and simple. You can view the conference when suitable for you on Saturday, October 10th. Please share with your family and friends and become spiritually enriched by participating in this virtual program.



Remembering the late Metropolitan- Archbishop Emeritus + on His 96th Birthday

The late Metropolitan-Archbishop Stephen Sulyk served as the spiritual shepherd of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia and Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the United States from March, 1981 until his retirement in November, 2000.

Ninety-six years ago Stephen Sulyk was born in Balnycia, Ukraine on October 2, 1924.

He emigrated to the United States in 1948 and studied at The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. from 1948 to 1952 while a seminarian at St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Seminary.

He was ordained a priest by the late Archbishop Constantine Bohachevsky in Philadelphia on June 14, 1952.

As an assistant priest from 1952 to 1955, he served in parishes located in Omaha and Lincoln, Nebraska, Brooklyn, NY, Minersville, PA, and Youngstown, OH.

From 1955 to 1980, he served as pastor in Phoenixville, PA, Frackville, PA, St. Nicholas in Philadelphia, and Perth Amboy, NJ where he served for 18 years.

He was appointed by the Holy Father, St. John Paul II as Metropolitan Archbishop of Philadelphia on December 29th, 1980, and was consecrated by Patriarch Josyp Slipyj in Rome on March 1, 1981. He retired on November 29th, 2000.

On April 6, 2020 he was born into eternal life, succumbing to the complications of the Covid-19 pandemic and was interred in the crypt of the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Philadelphia, Pa.

May Almighty God grant his servant +Stephen rest in the bosom of Abraham, number him among the saints and may his memory be eternal! Vichnaya pamyat! Knights of Columbus Donate $6,200 for Vocations of the Archeparchy of Philadelphia

On Thursday, September 17, 2020 Fran O’Hara, George Koch, Raymond McLauglin and Nicholas J Marcantonio, Jr. from the Knights of Columbus met with Metropolitan- Archbishop Borys Gudziak and Bishop at the Chancery Office in Philadelphia. The main reason the Knights asked for a meeting was to present two gifts, an Icon “Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians” to the Metropolitan and a check for $6,269.65 to support vocations.

Archbishop Gudziak began the meeting by thanking the Knights of Columbus for who they are and what they do. Archbishop spoke about how he appreciated the Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention in Minnesota in August 2019, which he attended shortly after his enthronement. The metropolitan was impressed with the service and mission spirit that the Knights of Columbus bring to the Church and society. Archbishop also mentioned how the Knights of Columbus are continuing to grow in Ukraine. He encouraged the Knights to continue to be radical in what they do.

Among the discussion points during the meeting was the presently inactive chapter in the Knights of Columbus at the Cathedral parish. The Knights hope the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Philadelphia can once again be an active chapter.

The Knights of Columbus then presented Metropolitan Gudziak with an Icon of Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians and a check for vocation support. They explained how two Icons of Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians travelled around the Philadelphia area where there were prayer services in churches in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia The Knights presented one of those two Icons of Our Lady of Help of Persecuted Christians to the metropolitan.

The Icon “Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians” is an icon commissioned by the Knights from Italian artist Fabrizio Diomedi and was presented first at the Supreme Convention in Baltimore, Maryland. Depicted in the Icon gathered under the mantle of the Mother of God are men, women and children who died as martyrs in recent times.

Also, at the meeting the Knights presented Metropolitan Gudziak with a generous check to help foster future priests for the Archeparchy. Fran O’Hara helps the Knights raise funds to help seminarians. Metropolitan Gudziak was very appreciative of the two very generous gifts to the Archeparchy.

Metropolitan Borys explained that we have three seminarians and a deacon in the seminary. There are two registered seminarians in Washington, DC and there is a seminarian and a deacon doing a short term of studies at St. Charles Borromeo in Pennsylvania.

Archbishop also spoke of how he is hoping to invite a number of priests from Ukraine to come to our Archeparchy. He explained how there has been a large wave of immigrants in recent years and how we have 63 parishes in the Archeparchy but only 42 active priests for those parishes. Archbishop Gudziak explained that none of our priests in the Philadelphia Archeparchy are under the age of 40. The group of six candidates from Ukraine are undergoing a weekly preparation for service in the US along with their wives. It is hoped that they will arrive in the first part of 2021.

The meeting concluded with a group photo and a discussion with Very Rev. Archpriest John Fields reminiscing about the Knights of Columbus.

Photo (l to r): Very Rev. Archpriest John Fields, Bishop Andriy Rabiy, Nicholas J Marcantonio, Jr., Raymond McLauglin, Metropolitan-Archbishop Borys Gudziak, Fran O’Hara and George Koch pose by the Icon “Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians” that was donated by the Knights of Columbus to Metropolitan-Archbishop Borys Gudziak.

Pilgrimage to the Mother of God on October 4th has been Cancelled

September 16, 2020

Reverend Father,

I am very sorry to share with you that the Pilgrimage to the Mother of God scheduled for Sunday, October 4, has been CANCELLED. However Live Stream is available on YouTube.

We were hopeful that a modified schedule and comprehensive safety precautions would allow us to host pilgrims in person. However, after further prayer and consideration, we have make this difficult decision to eliminate any possibility of spreading illness. Your health and the health of our Sisters are of paramount importance.

The Pilgrimage is a beloved occasion that has continued for generations, and we look forward to resuming it in 2021.

Thank you in advance for your understanding. Be assured that we will continue to remember your intentions and pray for an end to the pandemic.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Sr. Dorothy Ann Busowski, OSBM


P.S. We invite you individually, if you like, to visit Our Lady of Pochaiv Grotto

Livestreaming Schedule 9/12-9/13

Liturgical Services Livestreaming Schedule in the Philadelphia Archeparchy

(updated Friday, September 11, 2020)

Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

Philadelphia, Pa. On the weekend of September 12-13, 2020 we are on the regular Divine Liturgies schedule at the Cathedral: Saturday – 4:30pm (in English), Sunday – 9:00am (in English) and 10:30am (in Ukrainian). However, only Sunday’s Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral will livestreamed.

Divine Liturgy at 10:30 am (in Ukrainian) — will be livestreamed via Cathedral and/or Fr. Roman Pitula’s Facebook pages.

To watch on the Cathedral Facebook page click: https://www.facebook.com/Philadelphia-Ukrainian-Catholic-Cathedral-of-th e-Immaculate-Conception-139284692765626/

12-13 вересня ми будемо мати звичайний розклад Богослужінь у нашому Архикатедральному Соборі: у суботу – о 4:30 год. вечора (по англійськи), у неділю – о 9:00 год. ранку (по англійськи), о 10:30 год. ранку (по українськи). Проте, тільки недільна Літургія о 10:30 год. ранку буде транслюватись наживо через інтернет.

Божественна Літургія о 10:30 год. ранку (по українськи) – буде трансляція наживо через Aрхикатедральну та/або о. Романа Пітули Facebook сторінки.

Для перегляду на на Архикатедральній сторінці у Facebook натисніть на: https://www.facebook.com/Philadelphia-Ukrainian-Catholic-Cathedral-of-the- Immaculate-Conception-139284692765626/

Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine of the Holy Family

Washington, DC

Open for public Sunday Divine Liturgies at 9:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. We will continue to Livestream via Facebook the 9:00 a.m. Liturgy in English and the 11:30 a.m. Liturgy in Ukrainian until further notice.

Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/holyfamilyshrine/

Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church

Silver Spring, MD

Open for Public Services

The Sunday Divine Liturgy at 11:30AM is livestreamed via

YouTube: https://tiny.cc/htucc

Facebook: https://facebook.com/HTUCCMD/

St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church Newark, New Jersey

Divine Liturgies will be livestreamed: Monday to Saturday 8 am Ukrainian Sundays: 8:30 am English, 10 am Ukrainian Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/St.JohnUkrainianCatholicChurchNewarkNJ/

St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church

Whippany, New Jersey

The Divine Liturgy in English will be broadcast at 5 PM on Saturdays and in Ukrainian/English at 11 AM on Sundays until further notice.

Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/St-John-the-Baptist-Ukrainian-Catholic-Church-1 12583470375669/

Ss. Cyril and Methodius Ukrainian Catholic Church

Berwick, Pa.

Open for Public Services

The Divine Liturgy will be livestreamed on Saturday at 5:30 pm in English

Sunday Divine Liturgy at 10:30 am in English

Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/Ss-Cyril-Methodius-Ukrainian-Catholic-Church-15218 30254764142/

Ss. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church

Bridgeport, Pa.

The Divine Liturgy will be livestreamed Saturday at 6 pm in English and Sunday at 9 am Ukrainian until further notice.

Youtube link: https://youtu.be/KCMD73t8F0g

You can also click on this link to go to Father Ron’s YouTube Channel.

For more information visit parish website at www.sspeterpaulukrchurch.us

St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church

Frackville, Pa.

The Divine Liturgy will be livestreamed this Sunday at 10:30 am.

Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/stmichaelsukrainianchurchfrackville/

St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church

Hazleton, Pa.

Sunday 8 a.m. Divine Liturgy will be livestreamed.

Facebook link: D. George Worschak Facebook page

St. Mary’s (Patronage) Ukrainian Catholic Church McAdoo, Pa. Saturday 5 p.m. Divine Liturgy will be livestreamed.

Sunday 10 a.m. Divine Liturgy will be livestreamed.

Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/St-Marys-Ukrainian-Catholic-Church-Mcadoo-PA-1405 436026338802/

St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church

Northampton, Pa.

The Divine Liturgy will be livestreamed Sunday at 9:00 am until further notice. Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/st.johnthebaptistnorthampton/

Ss. Cyril and Methodius Ukrainian Catholic Church

Olyphant, Pa.

The Divine Liturgy will be livestreamed Sunday at 10 am on Facebook and then uploaded to YouTube until further notice. Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/PATRICKMARCINKOIII?fref=search&__tn__=%2 Cd%2CP- R&eid=ARAJdEfSt-2q4l9ENpwj955asc33ZTHZRsxwi45w1jNyXKQqRtbfooWuRBk 3-3PI1MK4FktAXljvolce

Youtube link: https://stcyrils.weconnect.com

Link to parish website: https.//stcyrils.weconnect.com

Christ the King Ukrainian Catholic Church

Philadelphia, Pa.

The Divine Liturgy will be livestreamed Sunday at 10:30 am until further notice.

Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/yaroslav.kurpel

St. Anne Ukrainian Catholic Church

Warrington, Pa. Sunday Divine Liturgy livestreamed at 9 am

Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/StAnneUkrainianCatholicChurchinWarrington PA/

Clergy Assignments

Clergy Assignment (view pdf document) Click here

No. 418/2020 CB

From: Metropolitan-Archbishop Borys Gudziak

Date: August 27, 2020 Re: Clergy Assignments


Metropolitan Borys announces the following assignments beginning September 1, 2020:

Msgr. Peter Waslo is reassigned as Judge of the Metropolitan Tribunal

Very Rev. Mykola Ivanov is appointed Judicial Vicar of the Metropolitan Tribunal

Msgr. Peter Waslo is relieved as Protopresbyter (Dean) of the Philadelphia Protopresbyterate (Deanery)

Very Rev. Volodymyr Klanichka is appointed Protopresbyter (Dean) of the Philadelphia Protopresbyterate (Deanery)

Msgr. Peter Waslo is relieved of the position of Coordinator of the Safe Environment Office

Msgr. Peter Waslo is relieved as Pastor of Holy Myrrh-Bearers Church in Swarthmore, PA

Rev. Archpriest Daniel Troyan is appointed Pastor of Holy Myrrh-Bearers Church in Swarthmore, PA

Msgr. Peter Waslo remains as Chancellor of the Archeparchy of Philadelphia

Flag raising on Ukrainian Independence Day

Flag Raising on Ukrainian Independence Day with Archbishop Borys Gudziak and Bishop Andriy Rabiy on August, 24, 2020 outside the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Philadelphia, PA