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Download 1 File : •^"""-^^ w ED EDITIO OPERA LIBRETTOS. AIDA. [The Ethiopian Slave.] »3F»3ESX^ja. 3J:3»8r l^CyXIJEl. yStCGPSS. Composed by ^wwrm TBKDI. This Series now comprises Librettos of the following Operas EY ARE CAREFULLY TRANSLATED AND ARRANGED FROM THE ORIGINAL TEXTS, AND FOR COMPLETENESS AN D BEAUTY OF TYPOGRAPHY, SURPASS ALL OTHER EDITIONS. Verdi. lUCREZIA BORGIA, Donizetti. i BOLENA, Donizetti. LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR, Donizetti. CAINE, Meyerbeer. j LINDA DI CHAMOUNIX, Donizetti. 1 :mian girl. Balfe. 1 MARTHA. (Illustrated.; Flotow. IN MASCHESA, Verdi. i MARITANA, Wallace. ;EE of SEVILLE, Rossini. MARRIAGE OF FIGARO, Mozart. E HELENE, Offenbach. j MERRY WIVES OF V/INDSOR, Nicolai. E BLUE, Offenbach. MIGNON, Thomas. E OF MESSINA, Bonawit?. ' MASANIELLO, Auber. rs DIAMONDS. (Illti 5trated.) Anber. ! MAGIC FLUTE, Mozart. >INO E LA COMAEE, Ricci. 1 MIRELLA, Gounod. .iHTER OF THE EEGIMENT, Donizetti. NORMA. (Illustrated.) Bellini, FEEISCHUTZ, Weber. ORPHEUS, Offenbach. RAH, Meyerbeer. OSTROLENKA, Bonawitz. GIOVANNI. Mozart. POSTILLION OF LONJUMEAU, Adam. 2 BLANCHE, Boieldieu. PRINCESSE DE TREBIZONDE, Offenbach. iNI, Verdi. PERICHOLE, Offenbach. RITA, Donizetti. POLIUTO, Donizetti. LIO, Beethoven. j ROSE OF CASTILE, Balfe. T, Gounod. ROBERT LE DIABLE, Meyerbeor. E DE MADAME ANGOT, Lecocq. 1 RIGOLETTO, Verdi. DIAVALO. (Illustrated.) Auber. RUY BLAS, Karchetti A LADRA, Rossini. SATANELLA, T, VIEVE DE BRABANT, Offenbach. STRADELLA. fD DUCHESS, Offenbach. SONNAMBULA, LET. Thomas. i TRAVIATA, Veidi. JENOTS. Meyerbeer. TROVATORE, Verdi. HOE. Templar and Jewesi, Marsohner. TANNHAUSER, Wagner. CSS, Halevy. WILLIAM TELL, Eossi:n. ;ngeiit. Wagner. ZAMPA, K'v.-: ; Boston: OLIVER DITSON & CO., 451 Washington St. /A \h NEW YOBZ: CHICASO: t>^-~'^j. r---.^^' O. H, DiTSON & Co., LtOH & IlEALT, 711 Broadway. Itr- ; : : : FRICZS, FIFT'iSEN GENTS. «r-n,- STANDARD EDITION OF OPERA LIBRETTOS. AlDA. \) [The Ethiopian Slave.] Composed by This Series now comprises Librettos of the following Operas THEY ARE CAREFULLY TRANSLATED AND ARRANGED FROM THE ORIGINAL TEXTS, AND FOR COMPLETENESS AND BEAUTY OF TYPOGRAPHY, SURPASS ALL OTHER EDITIONS. AIDA, Verdi. LUCREZIA BORGIA, Donizetti. ANNA BOLENA, Donizetti, LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOS, Donizetti. AFKICAINE, Meyerbeer. LINDA DI CHAMOUNIX, Donizetti. BOHEMIAN GIRL, Balfe. MARTHA. (Illustrated.) Flotow. BALLO IN MASCHERA, Verdi. MARITANA, Wallace. BARBER OF SEVILLE, Rossini. MARRIAGE OF FIGARO, Mozart. BELLE HELENE, Oifenbaoh. MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR, Nioolai. BARBE BLUE, Offenbach. MIGNON, Thomas. BRIDE OF MESSINA, BonawitJ. MASANIELLO, Auber. CROWN DIAMONDS. (Illu5tTated.) Auber. MAGIC FLUTE, Mozart. CRISPINO E LA COMARE, Ricoi. MIRELLA, Gounod. DAUGHTER OF THE REGIMENT, Donizetti. NORMA. (Illustrated.) Bellini. DER FEEISCHUTZ, Weber. ORPHEUS, Offenbach. DINORAH, Meyerbeer. OSTROLENKA, Bonawitz. DON GIOVANNI, Kozart. POSTILLION OF LONJUMEAU, Adam. DAME BLANCHE, Boieldien. PRINCESSE DE TREBIZONDE, Offenbach. ERNANI, Verdi. PERICHOLE, Offenbach. FAVORITA, Donizetti. POLIUTO, Donizetti. FIDELIO, Beethoven. ROSE OF CASTILE. Balfe. FAUST, Gounod. ROBERT LE DIABLE, Meyerbear. FILLE DE MADAME ANGOT, Lecocq. RIGOLETTO, Verdi. FRA DIAVALO. (Illustrated.) Auber. RUY BLAS, Marchetti. GAZZA LADRA, Rossini, SATANELLA, Balfe. GENEVIEVE DE BRABANT, Offenbach. STRADELLA, Flotow. GRAND DUCHESS, Offenbach. SONNAMBULA, Bellini.* HAMLET, Thomas. 1 TRAVIATA. Verdi. HUGUENOTS, Meyerbeer. TROVATORE, Verdi. IVANHOE. Templar and Jeweii, Marschner. TANNHAUSER, Wagner. JEWESS, Halevy. WILLIAM TELL, Rossini. LOHENGRIN, Wagner. ZAMPA, Herold. Boston: OLIVER DITSONI & CO., 451 Washington St. HEW YOEK: CEICAaO BOSTON PHILAUELPnU ^ U. H. DiTSOif Sc Co., liTON & HeALT. J. O. Hayhes & Co. J. E. DlTSON it Co., ^ 711 Broadwaj. 8uccc«son to Lee tt Talkor. oz^ : : I ill i III i H im H l l i iiiiii i iiii m wii AMY CASSONET. OPERA LIBRETTOS. OSTROLEK Eomantic Opera, GRAITD IN THEEE ACTS, ROMANTIC ONLY CORRECT EDITION. Composed by IN GBOEGE W. TRYON, JR. PEICE, EACH, 15 CTS. Four Acts. Full Vocal Score of this beautiful new opera, abounding in BALLAD GESIS, and The English translation of the texts especially adapted for given in this series is always that which Composed by Parlor Use, or Singing Societies, most nearly assimilates to the spirit of J. H. BONAWIT as well as for stage representation. the original; great care being used in se- Printed from beautifully engraved plates, lecting the Best from the versions in use. and bound in fine cloth. The Libretto is printed Complete, inclu- FULL VOCAL SCORE, wit PEICE, SENT BY MAIL, $4.00. ding those scenes and passages which, on FORTE ACCOMPANIMENT. Pr account of the indolence The following is the table of or incapacity of contents, beautifully engraved plates, si all of which are published separately Opera Singers and Managers, are in size. sheet form sometimes omitted or garbled in repre- ENGLISH ACT I. sentation. The entire series has been AND GERMAliT 1. Overture. carefully edited and prepared for publi- Nearly two hundred pages, 2. Evening Hymn. Chorus. cation by Geo. W. Tryon, Jr., who has en- bound in fine cloth. 3. Serenade, Keep those eyes. Tenor. tered 4. Duet. The parting. Soprano and tenor. into the work, con amore. Our Li- PRICE, SENT BY MAIL, i 6. Eomanza. Go then, 'tis vain. Tenor. brettos are more complete and accurate 6. Comic Duet. Ah, this old woman. So- than any other edition, although sold at ALL THE prano and bass. one-half the price of others, It is the 7. Duet and Recit. Kay, try again. Tenor and bass. only edition in which a Sketch of the GEMS OP .THE^O] 8. Aria. Still dear in thought. Soprano. Plot invariably accompanies the Test, and Vocal and Instnimental, are 9. Trio. There comes a time. Soprano, it is the only edition in which the type is lished separately. contralto and bass. , large 10. Finale to Act First. enough to be read at the Theatre Grand Chorus. LIBRETTO, 15 CENtJ without injury to the eyes. ACT II. The following is the list of Librettos 11. Forest Boughs. Chorus. published 12. When Spring adorns. Tenor and OPERATIC LEA^ Chorus. AIDA, ANNA BOLENA, AFRICAINE, Beautiful melodies for the 13. Aria. 'Twas freedom's call. Bass. BOHEMIAN GIRL, BALLO IN MASCH- p 14. When Night's dark Mantle. Female lected from the various favori chorus. ERA, BARBER OF SEVILLE, BELLE carefully fingered (without oct 15. Buffo Aria. Der Teufel put on his Sun- HELENE, BARBE BLEUE, BRIDE OF pleasingly arranged by the diet day' clothes. Bass. MESSINA, CROWN DIAMONDS, Illus- 16. Aria. Dear ones far distant. Soprano. composer, Fr. Eummer. Th trated, CRISPING E LA- COMARE, 17. Duet and Prayer Sweet dreams attend. though of recent issue, is aire Soprano and contralto. DAUGHTER OF THE REGIMENT, DER ting a steady demand, and is, w 13. Finale to Act Second. Ensemble, FREISCHUTZ, DINORAH, DON GIO- the mt^st excellent and dcsirab! ACT III. VANNI, DAME BLANCHE, ERNANI, the kind now published. The 19. Entr' Acte and Aria. Tenor. FAVORITA, FIDELIO, FAUST, FILLE large one, handsomely bound, a 30. Aria. Alas, where'er I go. Tenor, DE MADAME ANGOT, FRA DIAVOLO, 21. SincE Riae of fail to prove a most desirable ao Morning Sun. Chorus. Illustrated, GAZZALADRA, GENEVIEVE 22. The Joyous Bells. Chorus. DUCHESSE, By all means see it. It is wortl 23. Aria. Alone. Contralto. DE BRABANT, GRANDE form, at least $25.00. 3i. Hymen Crown thy Erow with Roses. HAMLET, HUGUENOTS, IVANHOE, Chorus. Templar and Jewess, LOHENGRIN, LU- CLOTH, COMPLETE, $6. 25. Comic Duet. That old woman. Sop. CREZIA BORGIA, LUCIA DI LAMMER- NUMBER, 35 Cts and Bass. EACH 23. Quartet. Ah, happy day Soprano, MOOR, LINDA DI CHAMOUNIX, MAR- contralto, tenor and bass. THA, Illustrated, MARITANA, MAR- 27, Finale. Blessings upon these fond RIAGE OF FIGARO, MERRY WIVES OF CONTENTS. onos, WINDSOR, MIGNON, MASANIELLO, (Each Opera in Two Numbe LIBRETTO, 30 CENTS. MAGIC FLUTE, MIRELLA, NORMA, Ill- Crispino e la Comare, Marria ustrated, ORPHEUS, OSTROLENKA, POS- garo, Martha, Lucrezia Borgia TILLION OF LONJUMEAU, PRINCESS J. H. BOITAWITZ'S tore, Fidelio, Norma, Fille du Ri DE TREBIZONDE, PERICHOLE, POL- (irand Tragic Ernani, Favorita, Fra Diavolo, S Opera, lUTO, ROSE OF CASTILE, ROBERT LE Robert le Diable, Zampa, Fr« DIABLE, RIGOLETTO, RUY BLAS, SA- Rigoletto, Night in Granada, No BE-IDE OP MESSINA. TANELLA, STRADELLA, SONNAMBULA, Fau$t, Magic Fluto. Bohemian G TRAVIATA, TEOVATORE, TANNHAUS- Giovanni, Lucia dl Lammer™ FULL VOCAL AND PIANO ER, WILLIAM TELL, ZAMPA. SCORE nambula, Linda, Traviata, Sii of this very successful new Opera. It is pers, Masaniollo, Maritana, I DsautifuUy engraved, piinted on fine pa- STANDARD OPEEA LIBRETTOS Dame Blanche, Barber of Se% par and handsomely bound in cloth. LIBRARY EDITION. liam Tell, Puritani, Africaini PEICE, SENT BY MAIL, $5.00. Ball, Genevieve, Eomeo and Ju'. All the Beautiful Gems of the Opera, are Handsomely bound in two volnmee, Bleue, La Belle Heleue, Liaoho] alco publijhed separately cloth illnstrated, containing 61 Librettos. in sheet form. chen, La Grande Ducheise, LIBRETTO, 15 CENTS. PRICE, $5.00. Crusoe. — [The Ethiopian Slave.] Composed by [ LIBRETTO CONTAININa CORRECT ENGIilSH WORDS. EDITED BY GEO. W. TRYON, Jr. BOSTON: New York: C. H. riTSON & CO., Chicago: LYON & TTRATiY. Philadelphia: J. B, DITSON & CO. 711 BROAD' VAV. Successors to Lib & Walkbr. Sold by Music and Book Dealers generally. /"musk- ubkary \ UiifVfcPSITV OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY J SKETCH OF THE PLOT. BOA* daughter of Amonasro, King of Ethiopia, has been led into captivity by tlie Egyptians. While in bondage, she conceives a tender passion for Radames, a young
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