Great Hucklow, Grindlow, Windmill, Little Hucklow and Coplowdale Parish Council Newsletter – February 2019 PARISH COUNCIL MEETING DATES The next Parish Council meeting be held on Monday the 25th of March 2019 at 8.00pm in the Old Methodist Chapel. All parishoners are welcome to attend. Copies of the minutes of all previous meetings are now available to view on our website at PUBLIC MEETING – SURFACE COLLAPSES SILENCE HERITAGE SITE AND ROAD SUBSIDENCE ON BRETTON EDGE Unfortunately recent attempts to organise a public meeting about the above have failed due to the difficulty in finding dates when all relevant authorities could be present. Our January Parish Council meeting was attended by a number of parishoners who expressed concerns and following discussions it has been suggested that a different approach might prove more successful. We would like to hear from you if you would be interested and willing to participate in a group which can provide a broader perspective on solving the problems caused by current and historic mining. Once that group is formulated then we can decide how best to liaise with the authorities and BFL. Please contact Nick Williams
[email protected] by 28th February if you would like to participate. NB: there is no need to become involved in this group of you simply want to be kept informed about parish activities on this topic. Regular updates will be circulated via the Parish Council newsletter. CONTINUING SUBSIDENCE AT SILENCE HERITAGE SITE SHS remains closed to visitors. The large collapse which took place in August continues to grow and has now reached the edge of the footpath through the site.