OP-ED AftE P. SPORTS P. 14 Dumb glass Duck? Duck? Goo! Scoring on yokels The glass boats hanging In Fondren represent another It sounds gross, but World of Goo may fust be the greatest Rice volleyball defeats Conference USA-leading University Instance of the university's misplaced priorities. video game this side of the Mississippi. of Alabama-Birmingham. ' ' "* ' "

thVOLUME XCVI,e ISSUE NO . 12Ric STUDENT-RUe N SINCE 1916 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2008 Fieldhouse Esperanza t facelift gets record completed turnout BY MELISSA TSANG Autry Court FOR THE THRESHER Once infamous for its low turnout renamed for donor and unpopular venues, this year's Es- peranza attracted an unprecedented BY SARAH RUTLEDGE 1,000 students, the highest number the THRESHER STAFF Rice Program Council has seen in re- cent years. The formal, this year hosted The building formerly known as on campus in a tent between the Jesse Autry Court now has a new name H. Jones School of Management, the and a new face, after almost two James A. Baker III Institute for Public years of construction. Former Rice Policy and the Shepherd School of Mu- basketball player Bobby Tudor sic, sold out last Thursday, two days (Hanszen '82) fulfilled a longtime before the event last Saturday. dream when he donated $7 million While last year saw an increased for Autry renovations, which began DAVID ROSALES/THRESHER turnout of 550 students for Esperanza, in February of 2007. Tudor Field- this year's turnout almost doubled. Brooklyn rockers The National performed at Rice last Friday as part of house had its grand opening last RPC Formals Committee co-Chair the weekend's homecoming festivities. The activities culminated with Friday and will open for the 2008- National spotlight Maggy Taylor said she was surprised '09 basketball season tonight when a well-attended Esperanza Saturday night. and pleased by the turnout. the women's basketball plays Cali- "It was just incredible," Taylor, fornia State University-Northridge. a Will Rice College senior, said. "We The athletic court itself will keep the were all just incredibly dumbfounded name Autry in honor of Mrs. James Registrar adds ESTHER restrictions that that even happened. We honest- < L. Autry, whose daughter donated to ly did not even in.agine selling this the gymnasium building. many tickets." Assistant Athletic Director and Students find new prerequisite requirements » Media Relations Director Chuck U to enroll in the course. over 100 courses since Monday night * Pool said a new Autry Court has BY CINDY DINH However, the main difficulty was to recommended prerequisites, which been a dream for a very long time. THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF differentiating between what the will not block registration. Bobby Tudor, after whom Tudor We were not allowed As online registration for spring academic departments deemed as "We worked all Monday late into Fieldhouse is named, was told that to sell anymore. We semester classes began this week on hard prerequisites, which are abso- the evening to update the system," renovations to Autry Court were on ESTHER, some students encountered lutely required courses, and soft pre- Tenney said. "My wish was that we actually had the the table when he went on his high several inconveniences which pre- requisites, which are recommended would know that before. This both- school recruiting trip to Rice 31 Fire Depart- vented them from signing up for up- courses, Tenney said. ered me because our office was in years ago. The plans became a real- per- courses. For this registration "The biggest thing we ran into was conversation with every department ment come and we ity when Rice received a $7 million period, the Registrar's Office is imple- not a problem in the system," he said. for the past three months. It was a contribution from Tudor and his had no idea that they menting the prerequisite rule estab- "The circumstance we encountered little surprise to me that there were so wife, Phoebe. Tudor is a former Rice knew about it, but lished by the academic departments, was the prerequisite the department many changes this week." basketball player and is now chair- which bars students who have not tak- gave to us is actually a recommenda- Baker College junior Amy Liu said they made sure that man and CEO of Tudor, Pickering, en the required courses from register- tion for courses." she knew several students who ran Holt & Co., LLC. we kept the capacity. ing for classes, Registrar David Tenney Several academic departments into problems with the new prerequi- The opening, which took place (Sid '87) said. Instead, students will later submitted revisions changing the site block while registering. Maggy Taylor over Homecoming Weekend, in- need to bring a Special Registration mandatory prerequisite courses to rec- "It was frustrating for a lot of my Will Rice college senior cluded tours of the building's in- form to the appropriate department ommended prerequisite courses. Ten- friends who had trouble registering, RPC Formals Committee terior, a dinner on the floor of the and obtain the professor's signature ney said the registrars have changed O see ESTHER, page 9 court and a presentation honoring 99 contributors. The event was initially planned as a Grand Opening, but was scaled back due to the continu- Council adds transparency clause The dance sold out two days be- ation of renovations. Pool said the fore the event. Tickets went on sale building's essential features for fans BY SARAH RUTLEDGE She said the change will help She said the council's decision Saturday, Oct. 25 and sold out Thurs- and athletes are complete, but some THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF eliminate some of the mystery in hon- was influenced by a student opinion day, Nov. 6 at 6 p.m., prompting Tay- secondary elements, such as down- or code violation progressions. article and students petitioning for a lor and her co-chair Esra Gumuser to stairs areas for post-game inter- Due to student complaints about "This will relieve students' minds change in its processes. At the trial, offer an additional hundred tickets views, are not finished. He said this the vagaries of honor code violation and calm them down a little bit, get attendees were free to take copies of for sale Friday, Nov. 7. The 1,000-stu- was standard for all types of build- notifications, the Honor Council vot- them a little more prepared," Am- the council's report of penalties and dent turnout exceeded initial predic- ing openings. ed Tuesday to specify the information mons, a Brown College junior, said. cases for the 2007-'08 year, which tions of 600-700 students. "It's the way it always seems to go in the initial e-mail sent to students She said the issue was not brought includes the amount of time it took A deluge of irate e-mails, Facebook when people build houses," Pool said. under investigation. Students will up to the council before this year. the group to reach a decision about messages and phone calls barraged "They end up moving in and still have now be notified of the class in which Ammons said the council was each case. the co-chairs as students tried to pro- carpenters fixing up stuff because they the honor code violation is being con- initially concerned about students Ammons said the council plans cure tickets after they sold out again had a deadline to move in when every- tested before their initial investigative talking to and involving the profes- to host study breaks at the residen- last Thursday. One student sent an thing was not quite finished." meeting with the council. sor from the class if they knew the tial colleges next semester where e-mail on the Jones College list serve, There are some ongoing projects, The council hosted a mock trial course in which they received the college Honor Council representa- offering $100. as well as his iPod, in such as the renovation of the pool, Tuesday to show students how an violation. Contacting professors tives will explain more about their exchange for two tickets to the dance. which will have to wait until the honor code violation is dealt with, from the class during the investiga- process. The council will also ex- Tickets originally sold for $15. Recreation Center opens next fall, the result of concerns raised at its tion process is not allowed by the plain more about Article XII, which Taylor estimates an additional he said. Consensus Penalty Structure meeting council. Previously, students did will be voted on in the spring Stu- 100 students were turned away once "You're not going to walk in on in October, President Jackie Ammons not learn the course in which they dent Association elections. Article ticket sales reached the venue's maxi- Friday and see complete total reno- said. After the trial, the floor was received the violation until after XII, known as the honor code loop- mum capacity. vation of entire Autry Court facility," opened to discussion and afterward, the investigation began. However, hole, allows students with honor "We were not allowed to sell any- Pool said. "But it's a pretty signifi- the council voted on an issue raised the council decided that during the code violations to temporarily leave more," Taylor said. "We actually had cant upgrade from where we were by students in previous weeks about investigation, students could still Rice before beginning the investiga- the Houston Fire Department come two years ago." the transparency of the process, Am- theoretically talk to the professor of tion without having any record on and we had no idea that they knew 0 see TUDOR, page 8 mons, a Brown College junior, said. the course, Ammons said. their transcripts. O see ESPERANZA, page 9

You would have loved the '80s Registration ends Trips to the theater INDEX Opinion 2 Even if you never lived in the '8os (I'm look- Registration happened this week. Wait, The following performances occur tonight: News 4 ing at you, freshmen), you can still appreciate what? You forgot to register? Your life is ruined "Cabaret," Lovett College, 8 p.m. Arts & Entertainment 10 the excessive hair, spandex and sappy pop because all of the classes you really wanted to "Private Eyes," Hamman Hall, 8 p.m. Sports 14 songs that defined the decade. Celebrate your take and needed for your major are full now? "SYZYGY," Brown Hall at Shepherd, 8 p.m. Calendar 19 would-be love at Sid's '80s party this Saturday Hrm. Well I guess you can always sneak a spot "Drop Dead," Wiess College, 8 p.m. Backpage 20 night starting at 10 p.m. in PHYS 101, right? EDITORIAL FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14,2008

THE AMER/CAti DREAM 1 \ KKvi USE ANOTHER. the Rice (Ihresher fcEAUN ptfPReoJvro/vree j feeom' trough-• -nus is New registration restrictions hampering Many students attempting to register for their Spring 2009 classes discovered this week that there is a new error message to be found in the ESTHER system: "Pre-req and Test Score Error." Newly-implement- ed by the Registrar's Office, the change comes on the heels of of the double-booking restriction put into effect during registration for this semester (See story, page 1). This newest change signals a disturbing trend in the Registrar's Office. In conjunction with the pending changes to the academic cal- jgafo;.; -y-.-.ri endar, which will greatly diminish the timeframe in which students m can modify their schedules, the double-booking restriction curtailes TWIS FR.UIT BovJL (OOU, LoVELN'. the possibilities of the course shopping period. Prerequisite checking WIU- ACCENT VOOR — and the associated errors within ESTHER related to it — has done nothing to repair this situation. In fact, ESTHER'S failure to properly TABLE QOVTE • identify cross-listed and in-progress courses has prevented students from registering for courses in which they belong. The issue at stake is in the registrar's collection of student liberties into greater automated restriction. We have functioned without these constraints for years and there does not appear to be strong motivation for their implementation. The net effect of these recent changes is to re- duce students' freedom and flexibility in creating their schedules and, ul- timately, to discourage the academic growth promoted by "shopping." Apart from the issue that these changes appear in conflict with the spirit of enlightenment Rice claims to espouse, they create unneces- sary paperwork on an individual basis. The registrar's all-students e- mail advises that we complete a Special Registration Form if we have issues with the new system. While we are looking towards a 1,000-per- AvACrltAGr son increase in the student population, the Registrar's Office should be i'LL TAKEN GLMS seeking to streamline their system to reduce the number of individual hUNE* exceptions they must resolve, not increase it. &oivt$ aepfte^T The bottom line: While these changes might seem to improve the THE. flteSAfrgw PN process in the long run, no amount of fixes or adjustments will make TO them better than the unfettered system we enjoyed before last spring.

RPC gets Esperanza right • 1 After years of declining attendance and profit loss, Rice Program Coun- cil has found the key to hosting a successful Esperanza. The tent was well decorated; the drinks were flowing; the food was amazing; and the chocolate-covered strawberries were scrumptious. • 1 All in all, Rice Program Council put together an excellent Esperanza (see story, page 1). • » We have no critiques at all of the way RPC handled and prepared for Esperanza this year, save that maybe students could have used a little more updated notice as to the remaining number of rapidly-selling tick- ets. Instead, we simply want to offer our general praise and applause, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR thresher-ops@rice. edu and encourage RPC to commence planning for next year's event as • 1 soon as possible. to destroy, but some pastors have es- destroyers God created in order to This year's dance was a bit of a perfect storm. The Rice Centennial Gay marriage timated it to be in the billions. test us. The freedom-fighters fought Campaign was already using the temporary tent between the James wrongly opposed Yet what happened at the voting valiantly to ensure the passing of the A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy and the Jesse H. Jones Graduate booths last Tuesday was truly his- California state amendment known as School for Management in order to kick off the $1 billion fundraiser, To the editor: toric and inspiring. A dedicated, di- Proposition 8, as well as similar state verse group of Americans overcame amendments in Arizona, Arkansas and RPC tacked Esperanza along for the ride. Next year, it is likely that With all the talk about the fi- nancial crisis, the two wars we are ethnic, partisan and certain kinds and Florida. The amendments pro- there will be no pre-constructed, readily available tent, and if the plan- fighting, an astronomically rising of religious barriers to form a holy vide badly-needed assistance to be- • • ners want to keep the dance on-campus (which we hope they will), they deficit and an equally fast-paced coalition which heroically defended leaguered married couples who have will have to undertake the task of still managing to give it a fresh, off- decline in the United States' stand- the institution of marriage against struggled to maintain their wedding campus feel. ing in the world, many Americans gay aggression. In particular, evan- vows in the face of the gay onslaught. To us, this means choosing a location off the beaten path for on-campus had forgotten about the catastroph- gelicals were able to momentarily Perhaps one day, measures like events (i.e. not the Grand Hall), and one that is upscale enough to capture ic rise in gay marriages which pre- put aside their hatred of Mormons these will allow heterosexual men Esperanza's elegance (i.e. not a gymnasium). cipitated all of those problems. to join the Church of the Latter-Day and women across America to get While we have no brilliant ideas of our own to offer at this time, we In the past few years, more than Saints in their mutual hatred of gays. married and form families without • • strongly encourage RPC representatives to ask for advice from any and 18,000 gay couples said "I do" in the The Catholic Church and the Union fear of gay retaliation and intimi- all who are willing to give it. Students know what they want and like, state of California alone, reportedly of Orthodox Jewish Congregations dation. Please join me in saluting and they generally have no qualms about expressing exactly what that causing irreparable damage to het- of America also poured money into the heroes who made this glorious is. With any luck, well-planned and excellently-staged Esperanzas can erosexual families as far away as Col- the campaign. victory possible. be Rice staples for years to come, and the hard times that befell the orado and Arkansas. It is not known Despite the crushing recession, dance just a few years ago can be little more than distant memories. precisely how many healthy marriag- they raised over $31 million to pro- Eric Frey es the gay aggressors have managed tect families from the gay family- Physics graduate student • • Tudor Fieldhouse opens Lily Chun & Dylan Farmer The Rice Thresher, the official student news- Editors in Chief paper at since 1916, is pub- for basketball season lished each Friday during the school year, except during examination periods and holi- NEWS PHOTOGRAPHY days, by the students of Rice University. The big blue curtain is finally gone, and Tudor Fieldhouse has Sarah Rutledge Editor David Rosales Editor finally opened its renovated doors (see story, page 1). Catherine Bratic Asst. Editor Ariel Shnitzer Asst. Editor Letters to the Editor must be received by First and foremost, we would like to congratulate everyone directly Cindy Dinh Asst. Editor Lauren Schoeffler Asst. Editor 5 p.m. the Monday prior to publication and must be signed, including college and year if involved with the project for finishing everything necessary for the host- Jocelyn Wright Asst. Editor Zach Castle Designer WEB the writer Ls a Rice student. Utters should not ing of both women's and men's basketball home-openers this week- Kylie Klein Designer Editor exceed 250 words in length. The Thresher re- John Michael Cuccia serves the rights to edit letters for content and end. The ridiculous Houston weather never quite cooperates with the Tiffany Kuo Designer Stephen Wang Asst. Editor length and to place letters on our Web site. construction schedules of mere mortals, but despite torrential rains, Nicholas Morales Designer Jenny Sun Designer flooding and a bonus hurricane, the doors will still be open tonight and BUSINESS Editorial & business offices are Sarah Mitchell Manager located on the second floor of the Ley Stu- tomorrow for the arena's game-play inauguration. OP-ED Yvette Pan Payroll Manager dent Center: Secondly, we would like to congratulate the administration and Amanda Melchor Editor Jessie Huang Subscriptions Manager athletics department, but especially principal donor Bobby Tudor Neel Shah Cartoonist Gustavo Herrera Distribution Manager 6100 Main St., MS-524 Sergio Jaramillo Distribution Manager Houston, TX 77005 1892 (Hanszen '82) and his wife Phoebe for undertaking all of the necessary Phone (713) 348-4801 SPORTS hassles to ensure that Rice will have respectable basketball and volley- Fax (713) 348-5238 Natalie Cleriruzio Editor ADVERTISING E-mail: threshertfbrice.edu ball facilities for years to come. Expanded and updated locker rooms Yan Digilov Editor Joseph Ramirez Ads Manager Web site: www.ricethresher.org and training facilities, new bleachers and a giant scoreboard are just a Thomas Yeh Ads Manager few of the many additional features fans will see when they walk in the ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Tiffany Kuo Classified Ads Manager Unsigned editorials represent the major- Julie Armstrong Editor ity opinion of the Thresher editorial staff. doors for the first time. Prospective recruits will see them, as well, and Joe Dwyer Asst. Editor BACKPAGE All other opinion pieces represent solely it is good to know that their recollections of Rice will no longer be domi- Timothy Faust Editor the opinion of the piece's author. COPY nated by visions of a giant blue curtain, but rather by ideas of what a Eric Doctor Editor The Thresher is a member of the Nick Schlossman Editor program committed to rebuilding and improving can accomplish. Associated Collegiate Press. James Bond! Ryan Stickney Editor CALENDAR Overall, we applaud Rice campus' newest addition, and we hope Anna Wilde Editor Sean McBeath Editor © Copyright 2008 that all students will join us in welcoming our indoor sports teams to the new floor for the first time. Op-Ed Funds for campus art nice but misplaced Personal story sheds light EVERYONE LIKES ART, right? The a seminar on Ulysses would be current students chose Rice for its glass boats recently hung from the completely inexplicable. But if you comparatively attractive price tag. on death penalty failings ceiling of are sup- have hundreds of thousands of Then tuition went up, and then the posed to be the first of many proj- dollars at your disposal and you financial market tanked. Addition- ON MARCH 7, 2007 Lee Greenwood wood's family gave everything to try ects around campus, according to want to improve Rice University, I al scholarships and the like, always watched as her son, Joseph Nichols, and save Joseph from a series of disas- the Arts Committee. Art may well be do not think you should spend it ecstatically welcome, would be ap- an African-American, was brought trously unfit trials, at one point spend- an "essential element to achieving all on glass, even if you do com- preciated now more than ever. into the death sentence chamber after ing $50,000 to have a 50-page petition our mission as a great university," mission one of the world's greatest I cannot recall the last time I he was transported there in a manner written to the courts. However, in Jo- as President David Leebron said living glassblowers. heard someone describe the cam- designed to scrape away at his dignity. seph's case it just wasn't enough, and during the official unveiling of the For example, if you were to buy pus as "in need of beautification," they eventually ran out of funds. And sculptures. However, as enjoyable enough chocolate cake to soothe even after the hurricane. In fact, if you don't have the money, you don't as art can be, there remain several the nighttime hungries of every most people are downright enam- get to live. much more direct ways to make student on campus for the next ored with Rice's appearance. The If you're a poor minority, just Rice a better school. fifty years, that would probably be library in particular is already full being in the wrong place at the wrong far more useful than a metaphori- of original art, especially after the time is enough. Is the death of one in- cal "passageway to knowledge." painted books displayed in our nocent person worth whatever "jus- Students have been voicing their art gallery last year were hung all tice" comes from executing a thousand desire for late-night dining options. over Fondren. Students can look guilty people? Since the death penalty Art may inspire, but in those certain up from their work and see life-size Richard Treadwell was reinstated in 1973, there have been desperate situations that every Rice horses and ostriches tumbling on 130 exonerations, most of which were student has become far too familiar the walls. Is it even possible to im- Joseph wrote before his execu- achieved by hard-working activist orga with, healthy blood sugar leve's are prove on that? tion, "They cut off all my clothes and nizations working against the criminal far more propulsive. When people give money, the stripped me naked. I finally got a pair justice system. Still, there isn't enough Sarah Bronson You could also build the MOB a results tend to be visible, whether of boxers but my feet were shackled energy put into innocence projects, so band hall. The MOB is a band with- they take the form of a dirty plaque together, my hands were chained wrongful executions have taken place. The unveiling ceremony was ex- out a band hall. Instead, we creep in front of a tree or a whole building and then another chain bound my citing enough for there to be wine. about in a foul basement where complex named after a benefactor. feet, went up over my shoulders and The pavilion was crammed with pieces of ceiling sometimes fall In terms of visibility, the chocolate bound my hands. This is how our U men in sportcoats and women in on our heads and odors of sewage cake plan has very little sway; it people were brought here from the bright skirts holding wine glasses sometimes issue from the bath- would probably be difficult to feel motherland, naked and chained, and We must ask while the four plasma screens fea- rooms, due to the construction good about the conjured image of a this is how I will leave." tured the oozing of molten glass. upstairs. The room is acoustically bleary-eyed student chewing cake Lee came recently and told her ourselves which Leebron stood somewhere in the dead. And it is really difficult to get at 2 a.m. The band hall, being un- painful story at a Rice for Peace anti- part of our human middle of them all. Around 5:45 marimbas and macroscopic burky- derground, seems almost beyond death penalty workshop and said that p.m., the group made its way into balls up and down the stairs. The hope of impressing anyone with its when a prisoner is being executed nature is the library to admire nine glass MOB is the biggest supporter of Rice looks. Architecture and art, on the they amplify the heartbeat for all to boats hanging from the ceiling. A athletics. There is no better place to other hand, have that immense, hear. Struggling through her emo- satisfied. The few inspirational speeches were expel excess creative energy than a timeless feel. tions, she told of listening as her son's age-old question • • given, a few pictures taken on scatter band. The university even Still, the project of making the heart raced, stuttered and came to a BlackBerry phones. A student em- gets extra publicity from some of campus even more aesthetically still and final rest. Life is not taken of justice versus ployee at the front desk, referring to our more interesting performanc- appealing should be second- from only the prisoner; people like vengeance arises. them as "radishes," wondered if the es. The MOB cares about Rice, but ary to any functional problems, Lee are left to suffer the piece of their rumors about the cost of the boats whether or not Rice returns the especially when the solutions are lives permanently stolen from them. I I were true. feeling remains in question. fairly obvious. Joseph's words echo one of the • 1 deeply value art; otherwise, Of course, there's always the less numerous and grave wrongs found in 99 my decision to drop the popular colorful course of action: helping Sarah Bronson is a Brown capital punishment: The death pen- German fairytale class in favor of to lower our tuition a little. Many College junior. alty is inextricably tied to race. Con- In addition to the bitter possibility of sider that whenever a white person is killing an innocent person and blatant murdered the defendant is about five prejudice, the death penalty has been times more likely to receive the death shown to be a feeble crime deterrent penalty than if the victim is black. according to Jeffrey Fagan in his article Professor leaves long legacy of kindess How can we allow a criminal justice titled "Death and Deterrence Reduce: system tainted by such unreasonable Science, Law, and Casual Reasoning on OVER THE PAST week, I heard all the which seemed to push against the edg- are you doing for Christmas, Sarah?", and biased thought to judge whether a Capital Punishment". Richard C. Diet- amazing things that Hispanic Studies es of his cheeks. It almost seemed as if grinning from ear to ear. The rest of fellow human being can keep his life? er, Executive Director of the Death Pen- Professor James Castaneda accom- his smile couldn't hold all of the joy he the evening was filled with delicious alty Information Center has also stated that the death penalty tends to be more plished in his lifetime. They read like had. I passed his office several times a paella and a sweet older couple danc- (( • • the accomplishments of not one great day this semester, but he made sure to ing salsa and singing for us from the expensive than life in prison and often man, but of five or six. say hello and to ask how I was doing small stage by the table. It all sort of times, to not provide any closure to vic- every time he saw me. blends together as enjoyable evenings How can we allow tims' families. In fact, several organiza- My first Christmas home from col- often do, but I'll never forget how kind tions composed of victims' families ex- lege, when my family asked about my he was that night and how genuinely a criminal justice ist in opposition to the death penalty, finals, I probably should have groaned joyful he seemed to be spending the system tainted by such as Murder Victims' Families for about my massive biology final or the evening with us. Reconciliation. hand cramps I still felt from filling blue His concern and interest in us was unreasonable and In spite of all these pragmatic ar- book upon blue book. The first story I never isolated to those end of semester biased thought to guments against capital punishment, told, though, wasn't about a test at all. dinners, though they do mark high- some will still argue that some crimes It wasn't even about a crazy night out lights in each semester I was fortunate judge whether a are so bad, the perpetrator deserves to Sarah Cook with friends. I looked at my family sit- enough to attend. After each test, he die. In response to this argument, we ting across the table, bowls of Captain would give the recipients of the highest fellow human must carefully ask ourselves which Some of the highlights include Crunch between us, and told them scores posters or maps of Spain from being can keep part of our human nature is satis- playing for the Baltimore Orioles, about the amazing dinner Professor his personal collection. Earlier this fied. The age-old question of justice Cordele and Real Madrid, being dec- Castaneda invited us to. I had heard semester, when everyone found them- his life? versus vengeance arises. It's a com- orated by King Juan Carlos I for his stories about friendships between selves with an impossible amount of plicated question, but often we seek scholarly contributions to studies of students and professors, whether it post-hurricane work, Castaneda found to rid our anger and sadness with vio- Spain and spending 47 years as a pro- was chatting over a beer at Valhalla the time to shoot me an encouraging ft lence. Let's not seek to relieve these fessor at Rice. That's probably more or through the professor's office hours e-mail after I had slept through one emotions by replacing them with than twice your age, and is almost into dinner. As a first semester fresh- of his afternoon classes. Instead of What's more: In every case, the violence; let's learn the art of forgive- half of the time that Rice has been man, this idea of a professor as a responding with indifference or even socioeconomic status of the defen- ness and compassion. It has been the t • around. In addition, he also served friend seemed completely alien to me. questioning how much work I had tak- dant is a factor in whether or not light of compassion illuminating the 21 years as a Rice baseball coach and I thought of professors as constantly en on, he wrote words of encourage- he's executed, making the poor un- darkness of wrath that has created 15 years as a Rice golf coach, during speaking from a metaphorical pulpit, ment and offered help if 1 ever needed fortunate targets. Legally appointed the progress we enjoy today. which the team attended the NCAA separated from me by an uncrossable it. It was a much needed boost of sup- lawyers — even if they're actually mo- Joseph's statement above testifies tournament three years in a row. He gap in years and wisdom. port which showed me, yet again, that tivated - lack the resources to conduct to this idea. His ancestors were freed also published five books, numerous When Castaneda, who had calmly he was a man just as concerned with costly and well-researched investiga- by compassion, but he was shackled articles, 52 book reviews and accepted guided me through a semester of my pushing us to be better as he was with tions. Controversy raged over Joseph's and killed in compassion's absence. If over 80 speaking engagements, and mediocre Spanish skills, invited our cheering on who we were. sentenceforallegedlymurderingastore the same goals can be accomplished he worked with countless commit- class to dinner, I found myself accept- That first Christmas break, sitting attendant during a robbery the months through life imprisonment, then the tees that helped push Rice forward ing without question. He seemed so at the table with my family, they asked preceding his execution. The first trial death penalty is a needless remnant of both academically and athletically. excited about it, and I, too, was excited me what a professor who would give showed Joseph did not kill the atten- a violent nature that can be stopped at Do you see why it is almost impos- to break the monotony of cramped such a great end-of-semester gift to dant. Willie Williams, Joseph's part- any time we wish. If peace is a worth- sible to imagine what Rice University classrooms and harsh library lights. his students was like. I didn't say he ner, testified to being the sole shooter; while goal, the United States must would be like without him? When we arrived at the restaurant, a was a great scholar (though he was). the medical examiner's testimony cor- show the world we value all human roborated Williams'; and the district life, regardless of the crimes it's com- The list of his accolades is unbeliev- small building tucked behind a resi I didn't say he was a great professor attorney tried Williams as the sole mitted. As A.J. Muste wrote, "There is able. Yet when 1 think about Castaneda, dential street, the table was set with (though he certainly was that. too). In- shooter. The jury was split and a mis- no way to peace peace is the way." all of these things seem to fall away and sangria, soda and delicious tapas. I sat stead, I replied. "He's just so nice. You trial was declared. During the second are overshadowed by my memory of near Castaneda. He talked to everyone, know, the kind of man you wish were Visit www.deathpenaltyinfo.org for trial the district attorney's office tried the kind, witty, caring man that he was never asking questions about how thev your grandfather." information on the death penalty. Joseph as the sole shooter; the medical every day to everyone around him. He had liked his course or if they were examiner reversed his testimony and was always quick with a compliment, working on their final papers. Instead, Sarah Cook is a Wiess Richard Treadwell is a Baker Joseph was sentenced to die. Green a joke, a proverb or a signature smile he turned to me and asked, "What College junior. College junior. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14,2008 4 NEWS THE RICE THRESHER Visiting professors program seeks funding to continue

BY MARGEUX CLEMMONS The residence program is in its professor program for the 2007-'08 THRESHER STAFF second year and runs out of Rice's and 2008-'09 academic years, Energy and Environmental Systems awarding $80,000 for the two-year The International Visiting Fel- Institute. The program invites pro- period. The $40,000 annual budget lows Program fosters collaborative fessors in engineering, the natural goes toward living stipends, travel K work among Rice professors and sciences and the social sciences vouchers for the fellows and re- researchers from diverse communi- to conduct a research project with search costs. If the program is able ties on environmental and sustain- at least one faculty member for a to raise adequate resources in the ability issues, but the program may period of two to nine months, co- coming months from outside do- not be able to sustain itself if its Director Carrie Masiello said. nors, the committee will begin ac- co-directors are unable to secure The President's Faculty Initiative cepting applications this winter for future funds. Fund originally funded the visiting 2009-'i0 fellows. If the program is unable to obtain funding, it will not continue in the 2009-'i0 academic year, Masiello said. Still, she hopes the program's goals will continue whether or not International Visiting Fellows Program co-Director Carrie Masiello (left) the program remains a formal entity at Rice. works with visiting professor Tibisay Perez, the program's first fellow. We are promoting the fellows within the Houston community, and academic year. sor of Biochemistry and Cell Biology the main goal with that is extending Upc0mingfell0wsf0rthe2008-'09 Joff Silberg and the program's first the bridges," Masiello said. "We academic year include Erick Ban- participant, Venezuelan Institute are talking with individual donors dala, from Universidad de las for Scientific Research in Caracas Why choose and continuing collaboration with Americas, Puebla; Hong Lin, Tsin- Professor Tibisay Perez. In addi- the development office, which has ghua University; and Yin-jin Yuan, tion to making connections with Baylor Law? helped us with brainstorming ideas Tianjin University, who, as the the Houston community, they saw for what kinds of events to hold and dean of chemical engineering at the program as an opportunity both developing long term planning." his institution, listed fostering op- to meet a major need for increased • Highest bar passage rates in the state of for the Masiello said the program will portunities for both Rice and Tian- communication among scientists • Smaller classes allow more interaction with faculty not seek foundation support un- jin students as one of his foremost from developing and developed • Spacious, new, state-of-the-art facility just for law til it is able to demonstrate a three goals in applying for the fellowship, countries working on sustainabil- or four year history of success. • Generous scholarships available Masiello said. ity, environmental and energy is- Achievement will be measured by sues and to meet goals expressed Application fee waived for online A: the program's engagement with un- in the university's Vision for the dergraduates on an international it applications. Daily visits or Preview Days Second Century, Masiello said. level, collaborative publications, Therefore, preference is given to available so you can see for yourself why funding and the quality of scientists It's much harder for candidates from developing areas the program attracts. an American sci- such as China, India and nations in the best belong at Baylor. The program facilitates relation- Latin America. ships between Rice and internation- entist to build the "Dr. Tibisay Perez maintains Questions? Contact [email protected] al faculty: During the application kinds of local con- good relations with farmers and process each international fellow private owners of pristine tropical applicant must write a proposal nections necessary forest sites in her home country of in cooperation with a Rice faculty i for long field cam- Venezuela, making it easy for her member, after which a review board paigns in the devel- to generate data on the effects of law.baylor.edu of scientists who are experts in the BAYLOR tropical agriculture on forest eco- UNIVERSITY field of the applicant's research oping world. systems," Masiello said. "It's much proposal selects the fellows for the Carrie Masiello harder for an American scientist i> * international Visiting to build the kinds of local connec- % Fellows Program tions necessary for long field cam- n paigns in the developing world. Conversely, scientists from devel- Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellows Program oping countries sometimes lack the advanced analytical infrastructure Each fellow will be working with necessary to answer some of their • & May* Rice faculty from various disciplines, research problems." including mechanical engineering, "At least one of the teams that earth science, chemical engineering wasn't funded |by the program) is and civic engineering. The fellows going ahead with their project with are also required to apply for resi- outside funds," said Masiello. "This dential college associate positions. is just one example of how the out- Masiello co-authored the initial come of the project goes beyond grant in 2006 with Assistant Profes- funded fellows." ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT GRADUATE STUDY LEADING TO THE PH.D.? STUDENT ASSOCIATION MINUTES The following were noted at the most recent meeting of the Student Association on November 10. IF SO, READ ON. • The Women in Architecture club was approved. The Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellows Program (MMUFP) at Rice University has three goals. First, it seeks to increase the number of minority students, and others with a demonstrated commitment to eradicating racial • Director of Elections Tim Faust introduced a resolution celebrat- disparities, who will pursue PhDs in core fields in the arts and sciences. In doing so, (he program aims to reduce ing the life of James Castenada and his contribution to Rice Uni- over time the serious under-representation on the faculties of individuals from certain minority groups, as well as versity. The resolution was unanimously approved. to address the attendant educational consequences of these disparities. Second, it seeks to nurture these students to be the researchers, teachers, and mentors of the highly diverse college student bodies of the future. Third, it seeks • University President David Leebron addressed the Student Associ- to encourage study abroad experiences as part of their research agenda. The fields that the Andrew W. Mellon ation and then answered questions posed by those in attendance. Foundation has targeted for support are: Anthropology, Art History, Classics, Computer Science, Demography, Earth Sciences, Ecology, English, Ethnomusicology. Foreign Languages, History, Literature. The SA will meet next Monday at 10 p.m. in the Farnsworth Pavilion. Mathematics, Musicologv, Philosophy, Physics, Political Theory, Religion and Sociology.

Applicants should normally be completing their sophomore year as a student at Rice University. Juniors are invited to apply as Associate Fellows. Selection will be based on a number of attributes including but not limited to academic standing and potential, life experiences and interests, commitment to building bridges in multicultural settings, and interest in pursuing graduate education. Students who participate in the program receive a yearly stipend of $2,000. work closely with a faculty mentor for two years, and are also eligible for participation in summer fellowship programs at the end of their sophomore or junior years. Finalists will be interviewed. Announcements will be made in March.

For more information and to download the application go to: http://rice.edu/mellonmays

Application deadline is January 23. 2009

CONTACT: Dr. Roland It, Smith, Jr. or Gloria Bean Office of the Associate Provost The Phils! The Phils, featuring joyous Baker College Rice University senior Payton Odom, sing Accidentally in 713/348-5688 Love in the Rice Chapel Friday. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14,2008 THE RICE THRESHER NEWS

RUPD POLICE BLOTTER NCAA athlete graduation rates up The following items were reported to the Rice Univer- sity Police Department for the period Nov. 5-12. BY CATHERINE BRATIC athletes' success, Associate Director "Even though there's a separation THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF of Academic Advising for Athletes that's perceived on this campus, in RESIDENTIAL COLLEGES Julie Griswold said. comparison to a lot of other institu- South Colleges Quad Nov. 5 Criminal Trespass Rice student-athletes are grad- "The student athletes at Rice are tions, athletes at Rice are really pret- uating at higher rates than last really committed," she said. "They ty well integrated," she said. "You go ACADEMIC BUILDINGS year's figures, according to infor- have a dual role: They're commit- to class with student athletes, and Space Sciences Nov. 7 Criminal Mischief mation from the National Colle- ted to academics and athletics. And they live across the hall from you." giate Athletic Association released Rice is a place that wants people to Since the high graduation rates last month. Rice ranked seventh be successful. The peer pressure is to of student athletes are almost a OTHER LOCATIONS of 119 schools with an 84 percent do well." given in any year, some teams have Presidents Drive Nov. 6 Driving While Intoxicated six-year graduation rate and eighth shifted their focus away from gradu- Campus Way Nov. 8 Driving While Intoxicated with a 92 percent four-year gradu- ation to grades. ation rate. In combined categories, The women's basketball team Rice ranked sixth in the NCAA and NUMBERS was challenged last year by head first in Conference USA. coach Greg Williams to bring their There are two major athlete grad- grade point averages up to a 3.0, an MEDICAL SCHOOL uation rates reported by the NCAA, According to the National Col- accomplishment which he said was calculated slightly differently from legiate Athletic Association, within their power to achieve given each other to either include or ex- Rice student-athletes are the team's record of hard work. INSIDER clude late arrivals and transfers in graduating at higher rates. "We just challenged our team to and out of the university. The first try to compete as hard in the class- and most commonly compared is « Rice ranked seventh out of room as they were in the basketball the Graduation Success Rate, which 119 schools. courts," Williams said. includes scholarship athletes who He said the team achieved its Want the inside scoop on transfer into the university but not • In combined categories, goal, and he expects their academ- those who transfer out of the uni- Rice ranked sixth in the ic success to help them once they versity in good standing. In this cat- NCAA and first in Confer- leave Rice. getting into medical school? egory, Rice ranked eighth out of 119 ence USA. "In today's competitive market football bowl subdivision institu- world, if you can play a team sport Find out for FREE at the Medical School insider event. tions, formerly the members of the • By the Graduation Success and if you can have a 3.0 when you NCAA Division I A. Compared to the Rate, 92 percent of eligible graduate from Rice, your employ- Medical School admissions officers and test prep experts will discuss: nationwide 78 percent graduation ment opportunities will greatly Rice student-athletes gradu- rate, 92 percent of Rice student-ath- increase," Williams said. "And • The most important medical school admissions factors ated last year, compared to letes graduated that year. that's something that I know from • Strategies for creating a successful medical school application 78 percent nationwide. • Tips for success on the MCAT Rice also ranked seventh of 119 experience, but a lot of times they schools with an 84 percent gradu- don't know." Tuesday, November 18th ation rate in the Federal Measure, • By the Federal Measure, 84 Rice's football team, which was which only includes athletes who percent of Rice student-ath- ranked 10th this year in the NCAA's 6:00-8:00 PM enter in the fall of their freshman letes graduated in six years, graduation, also boasted its highest Houston Kaplan Center I 2500 Dunstan Road. 5th floor year, and allows them six years to compared to 91 percent for team GPA in at least 25 years. graduate. Rice's overall student body the overall student body and Head coach David Bailiff said Panelists include: graduation rate, which is calculated 61 percent nationwide. the team was responding to new Dr. Alice Speer - Internist the same way, was 91 percent, com- academic challenges in addition to pared to a 61 percent average in the athletic ones. Space is limited! rest of the NCAA. "They come to Rice because Call or visit us online to register. KAPLAN The rankings, which have con- Griswold said the university is they want to exceed athletically 1-800-KAP-TEST | kaptest.com/insider sistently placed Rice in the top 10 in successful as a whole because ath- and academically," he said. "When TEST PREP AND previous years, reflect the environ- letes are generally integrated into the you raise your expectations, they 'MCA! s a r&q:tter«c !r3cw~.3rV c» the Association of Amencsn- Meocal MOC319Q ADMISSIONS ment the university has set up for student body. keep up." •> » % (ft

s Move Thanks for using a

driver— 8i% of college students do!

National Association of Stat* Urov*r*iti« and Land 6rant College

According to the U S Census Bureau, the maiority of college students are of legal drinking age However, those under 21 should not drink at all. 'Source Arr.cr.car. College Health Association Fall ?006 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14,2008 6 NEWS THE RICE THRESHER The state i An in-depth look at the art department reveals discontent br



BY LOGAN BECK Gallery has been showing student art. partment until I felt like I had to move university that we are here." Ray said the VADA Student Advisory FOR THE THRESHER In 1996, the gallery separated from the on," Davenport said. "We had this Dean of Humanities Gary Wihl, who Board is working on finding an alterna- VADA department with the caveat that amazing Brazilian artist whom you had approved the decision of the gallery, de- tive space for this year's show. For the first time in decades the it would continue to hold the show. to book way in advance to get the visa ciined to be interviewed for this article. "We're looking at other galleries Rice Gallery will not be hosting the In July, VADA Department Chair Kar- and he could only really come in that Huberman said the gallery has a re- around Houston to see if we can find Visual and Dramatic Arts student art in Broker, who had served for five years, time that would have overlapped with sponsibility to showcase student art. an opening," she said. "The problem is show this year during graduation. was replaced by Associate Professor of the student show. So I thought, I'm just "I don't see why it's such a problem the School of Humanities has not given Many students and faculty are upset Film Brian Huberman. Huberman said going to wait and if I don't hear any- for such a small period of time for a gal- us any funding to replace what we lost and taking action. Broker had been contacted by the gal- thing I'm going to book him." lery, which after all, is on a university with the Rice Gallery. There's not much lery concerning problems with the stu- Huberman said he disagrees with campus, to provide some sort of service we can do without any money and Senior show at Rice Gallery dent show but she decided the decision the way this decision was made. to the student population," he said. since the Dean of Humanities approved Rice Gallery Director Kimberly Dav- was one the new Chair should make. "There should have at least been VADA Lecturer Paul Hester said Dav- the decision of the Gallery, it seems like enport, who took her post in 1994, said Huberman said by the time the issue a proper hearing," Huberman said. enport's expectations of the students it should also be [his] responsibility to she decided not to host the VADA senior was brought to him, the gallery had al- "I feel a certain disappointment that for the show were unrealistic. help us fund a new show." show after several years of dwindling ready booked an artist for the time that the department has been excluded "From what I've heard, [Daven- attendance and interest. the student show was usually held. from the gallery after all these years port's] frustration is with the lack of The larger problem "Last spring's annual student show Davenport said when she did not because the gallery provided such a professionalism with the students and Many feel like the decision made had the lowest attendance of any show receive notification from the VADA de- wonderful showcase for the senior faculty," he said. "I think her expecta- by the School of Humanities and the since I've been here," Davenport said. partment, she booked Henrique Olivei- students. Its location at the heart of tions of the students are very high. I Rice Gallery is indicative of a larger Since the founding of the VADA ra in place of the senior art show. the campus was really important in don't think that's a bad thing; but it is trend at Rice. department in the late 1960s, the Rice "I waited for a response from the de- terms of reminding the people of the unfair that she is comparing the way it "I think this move is part of a larger I) is to work with students and the way it problem: an overall marginalization oi is to work with the artists that she pays the arts at Rice," Huberman said. 0 a lot of money to have work for her." He estimated the VADA has not been Davenport said she considered sev- given a new tenure-track position in at SUMMER 2009 RESEARCH eral factors in making her decision, least 20 years. notably the decline of the quality of stu- "We have approximately 70 majors dent art in recent years. or double majors," Huberman said. OPPORTUNITY "Over the past several years, a de- "That puts us at third largest in the hu- «) crease in the quality of the work seemed rrurvvv I,, f, ,1 /yvyv manities. Yet we're not treated in a way to come about," she said. "Students that rewards us for carrying our share of Interested in receiving a $4,000 seemed to lose interest in it. It didn't the load." LJ 1 Lffl. 1 1 i-j seem to be that big a deal to be in the Dean of Undergraduates Robin stipend to conduct independent gallery. Getting work from the students Forman said he did not have informa- on time was increasingly difficult — it tion about faculty appointments. He research or design projects with a was like pulling teeth. I don't know said Rice is supportive of its art pro- Center for Civic whether it wasn't being communicated grams, however. faculty member and a Houston-based as a big deal or if they didn't like the for- "I think there's a general sense Engagement mat. I really don't know." that there's just not enough art at Rice, community partner in the summer? at Rice University Senior VADA major and VADA Stu- and I haven't spoken to anyone who Apply to the CCE Fellows program. dent Advisory Board member Haley disagrees," he said. "It's just a mat- Ray agreed that she heard about the ter of finding the right venues. There's problems with last year's senior show. interest in providing more art for the "I've heard professors say that the campus at every level of the university, student work was very sloppy. People from students to faculty to the Board To learn more come to were coming in without their artwork of Trustees." matted or framed, expecting the gal- Hanszen College sophomore and lery to do all that work, which is un- VADA major Delphine Zimmern said CCE Fellows fair; you wouldn't walk into a profes- she got the feeling the arts are not a sional gallery anywhere else with major university priority after meeting unfinished work," Ray, a Jones College President David Leebron. senior, said. "President I^eebron sat down next to Davenport said the gallery's pres- me at lunch one day during last year's Information Session tige has grown and the costs of bringing Parents Weekend," Zimmern said. "At in quality art has increased. the time, I didn't know who he was; I "The gallery has now grown to a thought he was just another parent. point where it costs a lot of money to We started talking and I told him I was hold all the shows we do," Davenport an art major. He assumed I was talking Thursday, November 20, 2008 said. "We look at the student show the about History of Art and after I correct- same way. I just couldn't justify taking a ed him I found out that he really didn't whole spot devoted to a show that no- know where the Art Department was. 7:00 to 8:00 PM in Miner Lounge body seemed to want. There are artists He kept confusing the Media Center and that would love to have a show here." the Rice Gallery. After I found out I was Huberman said this event empha- talking to the president of the university sizes the need for student interest in the I was shocked. I^eebron doesn't seem to •I betterment of the program. be a proponent of the arts." "This is one of those moments that Huberman said university support Meet Current CCE Fellows we have to remind people that the arts of the arts at Rice is lackluster at best. are important," he said. "We seemed to have succeeded Ray underlined the fact that the stu- in achieving a degree of anonymity Learn About the Application Process dents need to play a central role in heal- that surprises me sometimes," Huber- ing the relationship between the gallery man said. "But our people are doing and the VADA. something. We've had Emmy-winning For more information, contact the CCE at [email protected] or 713-248-2223. "We've got to prove that our artwork filmmakers. They're not just doing this is deserving of a professional space," 'basket weaving' and going off and be- she said. "Our work has to be just as come lawyers, doctors and scientists good as anybody else's in the art world. and such — there are those as well and We can't be allowed to slack off just be- I bet you they're better for it — a little cause we're students." basket weaving never hurt anyone. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14,2008 THE RICE THRESHER NEWS 7 of the arts f brewing beneath the surface, a desire to move forward 7/ !

T /

That's what is great about this univer- gallery and they said, 'that's studio • • sity. If you want that broad education stuff and as a filmmaker it really doesn't then coming here is the right choice be- affect me.'" cause you could read the great books or Ray agreed that the department is Looking towards the future do some painting or make a film if you riddled with problems and that the Rice wanted to." administration has not been very sup- Huberman said that there are many portive of the arts. VADA works to improve department, curriculum divisions within the students and fac- "There has been a lot of frustration • ' # ulty and he believes that this is due among the student body," Ray said. "A BY JOSH RUTENBERG Sperandio said. "The visual and dra- space for them," Forman said. in large part to the fact that the VADA lot of people are wondering where their THRESHER STAFF matic arts have been long suffering." "But right now it's not on the list lacks a central building. The offices of money is going and why the adminis- Dean of Undergraduates Robin of current projects." many of the professors, as well as the tration is not more accessible to ques- Architecture. Music. Rice schools Forman said plans for a visual arts Lamar Advertising Agency photography and film sections, are tions that we have about certain things, of the arts rank among the best building are not a priority at this recently donated $15,000 in bill- located in the Media Center, near the like the gallery, lab fees, professional around. In 2006, the Design Futures point because of lack of funding. boards to the VADA. The 11-foot by police station. Studio arts, however, are preparedness classes, just to name a Council ranked Rice's Undergradu- Instead, the next big project will 24-foot billboards will feature Rice located in Sewall Hall on the north side few issues." ate Architecture program second in be the construction of a new phys- students' artwork around the Hous- of campus. Theatre is in yet another sec- Davenport also agreed that the arts the nation. The Shepherd School of ics building. ton area. tion of campus — Hamman Hall. are often overlooked at Rice. Music was one of eight music schools "I think there are a lot of needs on Huberman has also been work- "Even though the academic sea! is chosen by the John F. Kennedy Center campus right now and there's a lot of ing with the University of Texas at letters, science and art, art always gets for the Performing Arts for its Con- construction going on," Forman said. Austin to develop a Summer Film 44 servatory Project. However, when "[A visual arts center] is not in the Institute at Rice. The Institute will I) pushed to the side," Davenport said. "It's one-third of the academic mission. it came to visual and dramatic arts, current wave of construction." host both Rice and UT students, and Rice somehow slipped off the radar. Both Huberman and Speran- is set to kick-off this May. 0 Even though the aca- Why isn't more made of it?" Forman said he had not heard com- Well, that's all about to dio said they want to improve the Recently, VADA Professor John demic seal is letters, plaints from visual arts students who change, according to Professor of VADA program by making changes Sparagana held a "Meeting of the science and art, art felt the department was overlooked. Visual and Dramatic Arts Christo- to its curriculum. Huberman be- Minds". The presentation consisted pher Sperandio. always gets pushed to "I'm disappointed to hear that lieves the current program could be of an assemblage of Visual and Dra- that's the experience of some of our Until 2003, the Visual and Dra- improved through innovation and a matic Arts professors, working in all D the side. It's one-third art students," he said. "It's the general matic Arts department and the Art change in focus. representative art mediums, who of the academic mis- agreement throughout the administra- History department were combined. "We need to improve our offer- came together and shared their works tion and Board of Trustees that it'd be However, according to a 2003 Issue ings," Huberman said. "Human with other professors and students in sion. Why isn't more wonderful to have more art on campus of Sallyport, "the two disciplines nature is to do what comes easy, the VADA department. made of it? ... there's a lot of appreciation for art in had grown too large to be managed and that doesn't serve the depart- Sparagana got the idea to hold general and the department of visual together effectively. Art professors ment well." his collaborative meeting from Kimberly Davenport arts in particular." also have different needs than art his- Sperandio suggests hiring ad- Bomb Magazine. Rice Gallery Director Not all the problems stem from lack tory professors, such as dealing with ditional faculty and building more "The magazine had artists in- of administrative support, Ray said. heavy equipment and chemicals, facilities to house a variety of VADA terviewing other artists," Spara- "In some of my classes, there's no safety procedures, and adequate classes. He hopes VADA students will gana said. "It's a very informal accountability put on the students by space for working." better utilize the Houston art scene. approach, often different from an the professors," Ray said. "There's also When the programs split, Karin "Given the physical location of art historian's." "We've always been scattered," Hu- no accountability put on the professors Broker became the chair of Visual Rice near the Museum District, it's a Sparagana noted that although berman said. "For years we've request- by the students. One professor had peo- Arts. Current Visual Arts Chair Brian terrific opportunity for Rice to make the department is small, everyone ed a single building, but we've always ple over for tea during our class. Actions Huberman said he continues to elab- a big impact on Houston {arts]," Spe- in the department is still a work- been denied that. President Leebron like that just made us feel unimportant orate on her vision, while incorporat- randio said. "1 think it's a real oppor- ing artist. If students are able to see mentioned during his State of the Uni- and unmotivated- like the professor ing his own. tunity for Rice to enter the 21st centu- their instructors' involvement in the versity address in October that a Visual had other, more important things than "We hear stories of people with ry, and I'd love to see that happen." arts outside of the classroom setting, Arts building was being planned. When teaching her class and helping her stu- little knowledge we exist," Huber- In order for his vision to work, Sparagana believes the students will he was asked about it he answered that dents develop." man said. "It's somewhat depress- Sperandio said Rice's administra- develop a deeper relationship with tion — in particular, the president, the professor, and subsequently, a they're not planning anything. The atti- Huberman said the call for ing. Rice has always stressed a the provost and the trustees - needs healthier department. tude towards the visual arts is that until change has to come from both stu- fully-rounded education. We need to look at the art programs of peer we find an outside donor, nothing will dents and faculty. to take the maximum advantage of Forman said the department was institutions and examine what can well known for assembling quality happen. They're not going to go into "The students have to demand the the offerings we have so students be done. Sperandio said he fears that faculty members. debt for a Visual Arts building." education they pay for," Huberman can get the best." Seventy students are VADA ma- Rice's VADA department might disap- "Visual arts plays an important Forman said plans for a visual arts said. "And the faculty have to fulfill jors and double majors. pear altogether without substantial part in everyone's vision of what Rice building are not the university's top pri- their commitment to their research, Huberman said Sperandio's scrutiny and investment. is and 1 think we've had some truly ority right now. their teaching and their service to the appointment was a step in the For example, Washington Univer- wonderful artists on our faculty," "There is a general understanding university. We need to address these right direction. sity spent $56.8 million on a new Cen- Forman said. "I think it's great that that there would be a great value in get- problems and heal the department "Hiring Sperandio was a huge ter for the Arts and Visual Design five we can provide those kinds of experi- ting a better space for visual arts but it's from within." breakthrough," Huberman said. years ago. The building linked three ences for our students." not the most pressing priority," he said. The senior show will likely be held Sperandio replaced former pro- of the university's schools — Architec- Sparagana said he plans to hold a "There are a lot of needs on campus in the Media Center this year. Huber- fessor of painting and drawing Basil- ture, Art and Art History and Archeol- department meeting each semester, right now and a lot of construction go- man said the department will continue Poulos. With few spaces allotted ogy — with the already-existing Gal- eventually developing an exchange ing on, but if we find the money for it to work to get the Rice Gallery show for professors in the VADA program, lery of Art and Architecture Library. with other professors and students tomorrow, we'd begin building it. As of back for future seniors. Davenport Poulos' retirement allowed Huber- In 2006, Princeton announced it from the University of Houston. m € right now, though, it's not on the list of agreed that she believes the relation- man to bring a new vision and focus would be constructing new academic If VADA at Rice continues to ex- current projects." ship between the gallery and the VADA department could be repaired. into the program. buildings for its art programs, includ- pand, Sperandio said he imagines the Huberman said in addition to be- ing dance studios, acting studios and reinstatement of a Bachelor of Fine "It's not to say that it won't ever be Sperandio said he is concerned ing decentralized, the facilities for the an experimental media studio. The Arts degree, in addition to a Master of back but some stuff has to be gotten to- about the decentralization of Rice's VADA department are out of date, in Princeton University Arts Building Fine Arts and Ph.D. Huberman noted gether," Davenport said. art facilities. Art classes are currently eluding the Rice Media Center, which will cover more than 130,000 square the Art History program, part of the Huberman said the VADA wants held in various locations across cam- was built in 1970. feet upon its completion. Humanities department, will begin to improve the awareness of the arts pus. Given that art students often "The Media Center was designed offering a Ph.D next fall. at Rice. have to carry their supplies to and Forman said the university would to last five years," he said. "So when "It's going to be slow, and I don't "We've got to generate excitement from classes, a consolidated art cen- like to provide a new facility for visual I arrived in '75 it was technically out think anyone will see anything on about the arts," he said. "If there's a ter would make transportation easier arts but this might be difficult given of date." the short term," Sperandio said. "But positive thing to take away from the for students, and would also benefit Rice's finances right now. There is also a sense of division we're going to do the best with what bruising that we've taken recently, 1 faculty, Sperandio said. "I think the general sense at between the tracks of the department, we're given. We would just like to be would say that it's an opportunity to "There has been a lack of vision at the administration is that we'd Huberman said. "I had a film student the top levels in the administration," love to be able to provide a better given more." with whom I was talking about the reinvent ourselves." FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14,2008 8 NEWS THE RICE THRESHER OTUDOR FROM PAGE 1

The entire gymnasium building "It has been remarkable to see has been redesigned. The new facility the development from contributions contains several fan-friendly features, made from former basketball play- including enhanced wheelchair ac- ers," he said. cess, concession windows, remodeled Pool said that the new facility seating and improved bathrooms. Au- will benefit all aspects of Rice's ath- try Court also has a new sound system letic programs. and scoreboard equipped with a Jum- "Alumni, athletes and fans can all boTron, a giant television. take great pride in what is in store," "It runs the full spectrum," Pool he said. said. "There are basic standards that A tailgate with pizza and burritos fans have come to expect [when at- will take place at 1 p.m. before the tending] any level of athletic event ... Rice and Portland State University's we now have a facility that addresses men's basketball game Saturday af- a lot of those areas." ternoon. The athletic court, which Pool said the new facility is a began renovations in February 2007, testament to the quality of athletes' first opened for a black-tie sneak experience at Rice. peek event last Friday.

PrOOf Mathematician Sir Andrew John Wiles speaks to students Tuesday in the RMC's Grand Hail. Wiles Q&A WITH PRESIDENT LEEBRON is famous for solving Pierre de Fermat'sfinal theorem , which Ferrnat invented 357 years ago. President David Leebron answers questions at the SA meeting.

Q: If Rice buys Baylor, will Baylor's tuition go up to Rice's current level, and would students who have already been accepted into Bay- More Choices. lor be grandfathered into that? A: First off, let's not use the term Rice buys Baylor... we wouldn't an- ticipate changing. We want to make sure that the finances for Baylor remain more or less at the current tuition.

More Flavor. Q: I've heard some concerns about the relative size of the Baylor budget versus the Rice University budget. If a merger happens, will a tail-wagging-the-dog scenario occur since their budget is so More Value Everyday. large? A: I think it wouldn't have too much of an effect. The bigger risk if we bring Baylor into Rice University is not that it would sort of overwhelm MONDAY FRIDAY us, but that it would remain too separate in a way. We wouldn't real- ize the benefits of a medical school as part of us and build those Mission Monday Night Football Mission TGIF bridges and research opportunities for undergraduates. $5 Burrito/Beer Combo / any burrito - any beer $1 beers / $2 margaritas $1 chips & guac or chips & small queso All Day Q: What's at stake with the tradeoffs between the acquisition of 5pm to close Baylor College of Medicine and the South colleges renovation?

SATURDAY A: Let me tell you what's not at stake. What's not at stake is the TUESDAY Mission College Football Day Taco Tuesdays fundamental renovations of Baker and Will Rice. And it may be that S5 Burrito/Beer Combo / any burrito - any beer nothing's at stake. In a time like this, we're going to be very cau- $1 Tacos / chicken, beef, pork or shrimp All Day tious about changing our mind about things. All Day Q: I was wondering if you would comment on, because you are a very WEDNESDAY SUNDAY ambitious person, how long you plan on staying [at Rice]? Mission Hump Day Mission NFL Day S1 beers / $2 margaritas S1 beers / $2 margaritas A: Can you clarify as to whether the question was whether I would be S1 chips & guac or chips & small queso here too long or too short? (laughter) I don't know whether or not All Day I'm a very ambitious person. I am very ambitious with the university All Day at which I am at. I came here because I thought it was a great op- THURSDAY portunity. There are a lot of things my family and I really like about Taco Thursdays being here, and I do think this is an exciting time to be at Rice Univer- $1 Tacos / chicken, beef, pork or shrimp sity ... I plan on being here for the centennial in 2012. All Day (Pr MISSION # • Q: Is the university in debt? If so, how much, and what are we going qqIburrito. to do to fix it? Korfc Koffi. fQ~4L.VCrr-. A: Of course [the university is in debt]. What's wrong with being in debt? We borrow money to build buildings, and then we pay off limes Blvd. RICE VILLAGE • 5510 Morningside the money. Frankly, it's much better to borrow money. You borrow Suite 120 • Houston, TX 77005 money at 2 percent and you have money in the endowment a few years ago earning 10 percent. Fifteen years ago, we did not borrow 713.520.7240 phone • 713.807.0496 tax money, but we have changed that. We're AAA-rated, so we have the Umvemfy Bivd highest rating you can have. We now have somewhere around $650 We Validate Parking! million of debt, but when we move to complete the south colleges and all of those other plans, we'll have about $800 million worth of Valid only at Rice Village location. Offers good thru Dec. 31,2008. debt. And compared to an endowment of around $4 billion dollars or queso, guac & avocado are always extra so, that seems to be a reasonable amount of debt to have. Q: After Baker and Will Rice move out of Duncan and McMurtry, how are the colleges planning on being filled with upperclassmen?

Peter A. Canovas Jr. has been A: We're still working on that; we don't have a definite plan yet. I Medical Center Optical working in the Texas Medical think what we're currently leaning toward is some kind of random Center area since 1980. He has process. There may be a small number of upperclassmen from Will a Masters in Ophthalmic Optics Rice and Baker who move in the first year who remain in those col- J : , ^ from the American Board of leges, but the larger number of upperclassmen who move in may be onveniently Located on the corner Opticianry and is a Registered chosen by some kind of random process. My own view is that to Dispensing Optician with the populate the entire college with a selection process is inconsistent of Greenbriar and Holcombe with the philosophy of the colleges at Rice. So instead we might Texas Department of Health. send letters to people that say we'd like you to consider becoming a member of a new college. We would never say to somebody in a col- lege, you must move into a new college. That's not what we want to do. But we also think it's not ideal just to wait for people to choose 2240 Suite B themselves in a way. W Holcombe Blvd. Houston, TX 77030 Q: What plans are underway to improve Rice's national rankings? i; 713-664-5678 A: What makes Rice extraordinary is bringing together this commit- ment to undergraduate education with the opportunities of a re- Quality search university. If we lose one of those two things, we cease to A be relevant. Student and Faculty discounts are I available [email protected] FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14,2008 THE RICE THRESHER NEWS 9

OESPERANZA ESPERANZA: THIN AND NOW FROM PAGE 1 9 Attendance figures from past Esperanza dances about it, but they made sure that we open bar for students over 21. the Centennial Campaign tent posi- kept the capacity." "The tent gave [Esperanza] a lot of tively affected student opinion and Year LocatiM Attendance Since the costs of the tent were press," she said. "It was in a setting reaction to the dance, Taylor said. 2007 Minute Maid 550 covered by Rice's Centennial Cam- when people were still unfamiliar with "It's nice to have it on campus," 2006 paign, RPC was able to direct its it and gave it a little air of suspicion. Brown College freshman Kensey King Aquarium 580 $6,ooo budget towards other aspects They had to go see for themselves." said. "I enjoyed my experience. Over- 2005 Grand Room 400 of the Blue and Grey Ball, includ- Just prior to the event, the com- all, they did a really good job." Event Center ing hiring student DJ Alex Marks, a pany running the open bar notified RPC plans to host Rondelet off- 2004 Westin Galleria 700 Lovett sophomore, and providing an RPC that the bar would have to close campus next spring, Taylor said. She open bar for students 21 and over. at 1 a.m. instead of the previously- said RPC is considering holding the 2003 Koch Building 700 RPC did not profit and lost $4,000. announced 2 a.m. The company re- formal at St. Arnold's Brewery. 2002 Minute Maid 900 Taylor said this was less than expect- funded RPC half the price of the $10 "We were just so happy that peo- 2001 NASA Space 1,000 ed, as the club usually expects to lose wristband, which was then passed on ple responded the way they did," she Center $6,000 in throwing the event. as a $5 discount on wristbands that said. "We really hope that people will Gumuser, a Will Rice sophomore, had been purchased. be continually excited about Ronde- 2000 Crowne Plaza 1,000 attributed the high turnout to Espe- Despite some initial complaints let and Esperanza. And hopefully ranza's convenient on-campus loca- and resistance to the formal being we won't have to turn away people tion, the tent's appearance and the held on campus, the magnitude of ever again." patagonia


Love is fleeting! patagonia fleece is for the long haul. Despite initial student distaste toward the idea of an on-campus Esperanza, a tent-filling 1,000 students attended. Patagonia Marsupial. Classic fleece pullover. 0 Warm, comforting, colors for men & women

ft O ESTHER Visit our FROM PAGE 1 NEWEST STORE at Post Oak A but I understand that the registrar courses were identical in nature, who may have skipped the introduc- Westheimer has a lot to deal with since they've they were not picked up by ESTHER, tory-level courses. r ff e Whole Earth changed the system so much, includ- which barred students from reg- "For people that have a mastery Prizes, a ^ 9'v - ing doing away with pin numbers," istering for classes which needed of the language and never took the aways, and more. Provision Co. Liu said. those prerequisites. 100- or 200-level course the instruc- 2934 South Shepherd Drive. 713-526-5226 Assistant Registrar Debra Rob- "We had a few instances of some tor will let them take the course if 2501 Post Oak Boulevard, 713-526-5440 erts said the office had a plan to errors on our part and caught that on they know the student has the lan- www.WholeEarthProvision.com implement the prerequisites with in- Monday," Tenney said. "Some course guage ability," Tenney said. formation from the departments. equivalents were not probably ac- "We went through a methodical counted for. The course prerequisite list for calling departments," she was Business 305, which is the same said. "Most of [the problems] are as Accounting 305 and regrettably just alternate courses that could be the system was not catching that." Master of Engineering in Manufacturing substituted, but the departments ne- Baker College junior James Liu glected to mention that to us." was faced with this situation when This is the first time ESTHER has he tried to register for Biological Sci- Creating Global Professionals recognized prerequisites during the ences 302, a second-semester bio- registration process. chemistry class, despite taking the The prerequisite rule is in place prerequisites for it. Manufacturing is more important than New technologies and markets require a new to ensure students have the basic "The prerequisite is organic ever, in the U.S. and around the world. kind of professional. We prepare students with knowledge of a course that the in- chemistry," Liu said. "1 took the hon- the knowledge and experience they need to structors assume students have and ors version of it. My guess is that all should not prevent students from the people in honors Orgo didn't get become innovators in the field of global taking courses outside of their ex- into the class, but those in general manufacturing. pertise, Tenney said. organic chemistry did." "I'm all for students for venturing Several students alerted the aca- outside and exploring things outside demic departments and the Regis The Master of Engineering in Manufacturing is their major," Tenney said. "That's a trar's Office about the conflicts. Japan an intensive one-year program with an good place to use the Pass/Fail [op- "1 talked to [Peer Academic Advi- integrated, project-oriented curriculum tion]. My belief is enforcing the pre- sors] who observed some of the ini- requisite is not going to prevent the tial challenges on Monday," Tenney grounded in engineering science. A group student to venture out. For example, said. "Thanks to them we were able United States project in industry gives students real-world an engineering student may want to to immediately address this. 1 regret experience. take some sociology or anthropology that it's inconvenient this semes- classes. But to jump into an upper ter. The good news is that by going 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% class, 300 or 400 level sociology, it's through this process we're not going Percent of Global Value-Added Fellowships and opportunities for global study appropriate to have prerequisites." to have this challenge in the future." Manufacturing, 2005 are available. Will Rice College sophomore Ivan Students can still sign up for Source: United Nations Statistics Division Van said students should be able to classes without taking the prereq- #1 • sign up for courses on their own, uisites by asking the instructor to Become a leader in manufacturing and learn the process, without extra restrictions from the sign a Special Registration Form that registrar's office. can be found on the Web site of the product, system, and business aspects of manufacturing. "I don't think enforcing the pre- Registrar's Office. requisites through ESTHER was "The role of the office of the reg- For more information, including application materials, visit necessary," Van said. "I feel that istrar is to enable registration for prerequisites exist to make sure we students," Tenney said. "No way are http://web.mit.edu/meng-manufacturing/ I • have a certain level of knowledge be- we intending to block a student's aca- fore taking a higher level class, but I demic career or make their academic Master of Engineering Program think it should be the students' own choices complicated. As with any sit- MIT Room 35-231 Massachusetts responsibility to police themselves." uation, the instructor always has the 77 Massachusetts Avenue A major difficulty with registra- authority to override the prerequisite Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Institute of 617-258-5622 tion included courses that were via the special registration form." [email protected] cross-listed under different depart- This override especially applies Technology ments, Tenney said. Though these to students taking language classes arts& %> ^ENTERTAINMENT World of Goo will do you a world of good BY TIMOTHY FAUST THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF

Two guys who steal their Wi-Fi from coffee shops are about to destroy your GPA, and you're going to thank them for it. As the new independent game studio 2D Boy, Kyle Gabler and Ron Carmel, formerly of , have lovingly crafted World of Goo into one of this generation's most innovative, accessible and entertaining games.

World of Goo * • • • • •

Developer: 2D Boy Platform: PC,

World of Goo was released in October with a simple prem- Perched perilously between the spikes and flames, the brave Goos work toward the pipe with a little Help from above. ise and a terrifying amount of detail. The main gameplay mechanism is easy to figure out. Each level is full of wide- eyed, amorphous Goos of varying colors and qualities. The more than a tower- or bridge-building game. But it is more. has already learned and turns them upside down with a new player picks up a Goo and drags it toward a pre-placed cluster We are treated to a game that is frequently challenging, often type of Goo or an unexpected challenge. Not once in all of World of other Goos, where the Goo grows appendages and affixes hilarious and permeated with a rare enthusiasm and raw joy of Goo's 48 levels does any part of the game feel stale or over- itself to the structure. Ultimately, the player seeks to move all that is visible in every single aspect of the game. From the played. Here, everything is innovative. Figuring out just how to the Goos to an exit pipe on the other side of the level. Each installation menu — the installation menu! — which offers to work those adorable Goos over a windmill (or up a waterfall or new Goo changes the weight and balance of the whole con- "make [the player] dirty right now" to the very final level, 2D under a furnace or even through a giant digestive system) satu- struction, making the game a limited physics simulator. Boy has created a work with a devastatingly thorough com- rates the whole experience with an air of concentrated delight. This design is interesting and fun by itself and would be mitment to excellence. The visuals, sound effects and music in World of Goo, lathered worth a few weeks' idle time if World of Goo were nothing Each level takes the strategies or mechanics that the player A see GOO, page 13 Matisyahu brings message Mirror's Edge remix album a good listen

BY JOE DWYER with the five remixes of Miskovsky's up to the point where they are unintel- that goes beyond the music THRESHER EDITORAL STAFF track. Each artist took a bit of the origi- ligible while still managing to achieve nal source material, added a pinch or a hint of lyrical quality with them. He Who is Matisyahu? Carlebach, Buju Banton and Sizzla, he To coincide with this week's arrival two from one of the other remixes on then adds some acoustic guitar and An Ashkenazi Hebrew and Yid- maintains a truly original sound. Us- of the highly anticipated and much- the album and then injected personal easy drumbeats underneath the piano dish pronunciation of the biblical ing his own style of hip-hop, his Jewish hyped video game Mirror's Edge, EA style to create the rest. riffs for a nice, laid-back track. name Matthew? faith and his spirituality, he harbors an and EA Digital Illusions CE (DICE) Van Dyk's remix showcases the art- A conservative Hasidic Jew from the openness of mind and belief that some have also released a digital album fea- ist's trance and techno background with streets of West Chester, Pennsylvania? see as betraying his faith. turing the game's theme song by Lisa a hard-hitting drum and bass beat that Or a reggae-performing dancehall Although he makes every attempt Miskovsky, as well as five different re- pushes through the entire track. It keeps champion and beatbox king? to abide by strict Hasidic Jewish law, mixes by noted dance and electronica all the lyrics and piano parts of the origi- Matisyahu need not be defined as including not allowing women to lead artists Benny Benassi, Junkie XL, Paul nal song intact and mixes in Van Dyk's any one of these things, when he is cer- prayers, he embodies an artist who Van Dyk, Teddybears and Armand Still Alive (The Theme signature club vibe. tainly all three and more. respects his religious traditions but al- Van Helden. As a whole, the album From Mirror's Edge) — Van Dyk's bass-heavy track is fol- lows the propagation of their opposites. is a solid effort and definitely worth a lowed by a lighter remix by Teddybears, He is a man of conflict, which is what listen, but listeners shouldn't expect The Remixes who use snare and hi-hat to give the gives him power and drive. anything groundbreaking. song a punchy punk rock feel. This re- While Bob Marley styled himself The title track, "Still Alive" (not to be * • • 1/2 mix is perhaps the most upbeat of the as a warrior for political change, with confused with the hilarious end-credit entire album. Artist: Lisa Miskovsky, dress and stage performances embrac- song by GLaDOS at the end of Portal), Saving the best for last, the album feat, remixes by Benny ing this image, Matisyahu is seen as a is performed by Swedish pop rock star ends with a remix by Van Helden. Tak- Benassi, Junkie XL, Paul warrior for social change. Though not Miskovsky, who enjoys a considerable ing snatches from all of the other remix- Van Dyk, Teddybears, Jordan Davis quite as revolutionary as Marley, Mati- reputation across the pond in Sweden es on the album, Van Helden sews them Armand Van Helden syahu fights for peace and harmony for but is relatively unknown here in the together into a high-energy electronic Often described as the the rabbi of all humans, not just those of his faith. states, although she did help write of tapestry that is pure ear gravy. reggae rap, Matisyahu lends his pow- After a two-year hiatus, the warrior "Shape Of My Heart" for the Backstreet Still Alive (The Theme From Mirror's erful lyrics, most of which are derived returns with a new EP entitled Shat- Boys in 2000. Benassi draws on his own unique Edge) - The Remixes is only available from Hebrew prayers, to the voice and tered, and his newest album, Light, has The song features largely nonsensi- electro house roots to create a remix that digitally through places like Amazon cause of Amnesty International. But an expected release date of February cal lyrics on top of a backing synthe- keeps a few elements of Miskovsky's MP3 and the iTunes Store or your friend- he is more than just an artist or activ- 2009. He has not turned away from the sizer, punctuated every now and then original but for the most part strikes ly neighborhood torrent site. It sells for ist. He is a symbol of change and di rhythmical beats and rhymes for which by some heavy drums and a repeating out into its own musical territory with just under $10. The review copy I got versity with respect to what hip-hop he has become so famous, and they set piano riff that manages to work its way heavy bass and distorted synthesizers. had only six tracks, but the retail version and reggae can sound like and who the tone for both the EP and the album. into each subsequent remix of the song. Junkie XL, who has worked with EA has 11, featuring additional shortened they can represent. Having grown up The exploration of current issues In contrast to the rest of the tracks on before on titles such as Need for Speed: versions of some songs as well as radio as a troubled youth, he committed his and life challenges turns this new the album, Miskovsky uses her soaring Pro Street and SSX Blur, plays around edits. If you're looking for new tunes to life to finding God during his first trip material into a journey through what vocals instead of a heavy bass beat to more with the vocals, chopping them add to your jogging playlist or for the to Israel, and while there he embraced O see MATISYAHU, page 13 drive the song. next blacklight party in your common his roots. These religious and cultural The real fun in this album comes room, give this album a whirl. It may influences became the main inspira- not be as fun as actually playing the tions for the music he makes. LIGHTS game, but with music like this you Influenced greatly by reggae AUGUST can at least pretend you are. musicians like Bob Marley, Shlomo POLES Christmas may not be for an- Celebrate the debut of Rice other month or so, but that alum Chris Eska's award- The nth Annual Polish Film shouldn't stop you from mak- MATT TAYLOR winning Spanish film, August Festival opens this week at ing the drive out to Galveston Evening, about the plight of the Angelika Film Center for the 7th annual Moody Gar- Your very own Dean of Un- immigrant Mexican work- With showings on Nov. 7, dens Festival of Lights, featur- dergraduates will be rocking ers in America today only at 9, 14, 16 and 17. Be sure to ing thousands of festive holi- out with Tody Castillo over at THE the Angelika. Showtimes are check out the Angelika web- day light displays and even Walter's next Thursday, Mov. m WEEKif 11:45 *- - and 2:20, 4:55. site to see what movies will an outdoor ice skating rink. ao at 7tjo p.m. Tickets are 7:20 and 10:0s p.m. Tickets be playing and when. Stu- It opens tomorrow and runs $ta in advance, so bp sure SCENE should run around $6. dent tickets are $«, - through fan. 3. Tickets are to click over to their website only $$.9$. .ind get yours now. Editors' picks for ewnts ANGELIKA FILM CENTER ANGELIKA FILM CENTER outside the hedges, both 510 TEXAS AVENUE 510 TEXAS AVENUE MOODY GARDENS WALTER'S ON WASHINGTON around Rice and in the WWW.ANGEUKAFILM WWW.ANGEUKAFILM 1 HOPE BLVD, GALVESTON 4215 WASHINGTON AVENUE Houston area, for this week. CENTER.COM CENTOi.COM WWW.MOODY6ARDEN5.COM www.43t5wASHiNGTON.coM FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14,2008 THE RICE THRESHER A&E 11 %• "About Today" with

%> Matt from The National Last Friday I got the chance to end of the night? sit down with Matt Berninger, lead MB: Probably me. I'm the one singer of The National, after the that definitely turns in on a night band's fully "get up and dance" con- on tour the earliest. You're talking cert in the Central Quad. Clad in all about consumption, passing out, black, wearing sunglasses, drink- that sort of thing? We have fun, but ing whiskey on stage and smoking none of us has ever had that kind a Marlboro, he seemed like the ul- of a situation. Maybe 'cause we're timate rock star — until I talked to all in our 30s, nobody passes out him and found out he was a totally anymore. I'm probably the one who normal guy. Which is the ultimate falls asleep the quickest. So I'm the rock star cliche, right? one with the Sharpie. I asked him a few random and RT: What do you do to prepare not-really-music-related questions, for a show? Do you have any pre- and what follows are excerpted show rituals or superstitions? answers. The full interview will be MB: We kind of make fun of each Passeisby outside the Rice Media Center take in "daughter, sister, Victims, fighters, bouncing around the airwaves of other for half an hour. We don't do wife, mother," Wee visual arts professor Karin Broker's i RTV5 at some undetermined point in any kind of huddle, like group bond- survivors honoring her sister Pam and Breast Cancer Awareness Month. the future. ing; we inspire each other through Rice Thresher: This question antagonism and snottiness. We t comes from a friend of mine. What have a superstition against a pep would your animal be? Like your rally before shows, so we just do spirit animal? our own little thing. Off-stage we're Changeling is moving, but slow-moving Matt Berninger: A possum. It's kind of snotty to each other, but in ugly, awkward, but a really func- a loving way. We don't do anything BYFAMEEM AHMED have seen a film with Jolie front-lining blows her off repeatedly until they mi- tional animal ... I don't know, can sweet and supportive for each other THRESHER STAFF in a serious role (as much as I appre- raculously return with her missing son I think of a different one? Maybe a at all... maybe we should. ciated Wanted, in which she had ap- several months later. Just one problem: giraffe. They have long necks, and RT: I've read in some past in- The winter months and the end proximately four lines and relied on her The ldd is not Walter Collins. (Note: A they are just kind of charming. But terviews that you don't think The of the year are looming. With them, exotic eyebrows and luscious lips for 95 changeling is an elf or fairy left in the that wouldn't apply to me, either. National is that great of a name. If sprawling dramas, emotionally empow- percent of the movie). place of a human child.) I don't know. A gorilla. Half man, you could rename the band, what ered cinematography and tear-inducing Changeling is based on the true story half gorilla. Half guy ... a guyrilla. would you pick? performances will soon inundate the of Christine Collins, whose son, Walter, Apparently you can do that now, MB: Yeah ... our name is just box office, wooing audiences, critics goes missing in 1928 Los Angeles. Dur- with cloning. I'll go with that. such a boring name, and we picked t • and, most importantly, the Academy. ing this time period, the Los Angeles RT: Where were you when it because we thought that'd be A Best Picture nomination is viewed Police Department has been flooded by Obama was elected? 1 know you cool. But it didn't cross over to the as the highest achievement for direc- corruption, bribery and drug traffick- guys were really big supporters. cool factor, it just stayed boring. 1 tors, a lofty goal reserved only for the ing. Officers are seen in the company of Changeling MB: I was in my apartment with guess we'd pick something to re- cinematic elite. hookers and criminals, often throwing • • • my wife and my brother, and we member — "Fire Flower" or "El- One of the films vying for the 2009 innocent people behind bars. (Sounds were just watching and soaking it ephant Eyes" or something. One Oscars is Clint Eastwood's Change- like the LAPD hasn't changed much in. We didn't go to a big party, we of my favorite band names is The Starring: Angelina Jolie ling, starring Angelina Jolie (Mr. & Mrs. over the years.) just had a moment of quiet happi- The. They did the right thing: They Smith). It's been a while since fans After Collins visits the police, LAPD ness. We're very happy about it ... went a little more boring, and then We're all very, very excited. It's a it was memorable. But we're stur(k When Christine insists that this boy mixture of euphoria and optimism. in the middle zone of forgettable. is not her son, Police Captain Jones tells I think things are going to shift in But we've realized that band names her she is crazy, delusional and shirk- a very positive way. I think it's a mean nothing after 10 minutes, so % ing her duty as a loyal mother. She {j&uy .A moment that in 50 years we'll look whatever. We're stuck with it; it's WILLY'S PUB threatens to make her case public with back on. I think Obama is going to who we are. the aid of radio host Reverend Gustav be the glue that starts to bring a RT: Last question. It's kind of Briegleb, adeptly played by the talented lot of the world together, if he can. hard. What were you for Halloween? John Malkovich (Bum After Reading), It'll take a long time, but it's a big MB: I did not dress up. I went to Vlondalayy . November 17 but Jones throws her into the psychiat- change for everybody. a lounge with a lounge singer that's • ric ward, an institution just as corrupt RT: If you ran for president, who a friend of mine, and it was sort as the police force. would your vice president be? of a cocktail affair at a little club. Margarita Mondays While Changeling opens somewhat MB: Oh God ... I think I would I've kind of had bad experiences slowly, the meaty middle will captivate have my wife, you know. She's a lot with Halloween. When I was a kid Tuesday. November IS the audience's attention as a surpris- smarter than 1 am and a much more my parents would try to make all ingly disturbing subplot takes over the eloquent speaker. Yeah, I'd pick my my costumes out of brown paper film. Viewers will find themselves on wife. We kind of pretend like our bags, so they'd make me go as Mr. Sid Richardson College Pub Night the edges of their seats, grimacing in house is like the White House, but Peanut. I was just a little kid with anticipation of the next event in the she's more of a Cheney, and I'm underwear and a brown paper bag twisting storyline. more of a Bush. over my head all night. It was kind Wednesday. November 0 Eastwood is in top form as the di- RT: What was your weirdest of traumatic. What was I, a poor rector, artfully using a washout effect groupie or fan moment? ugly kid with a brown bag over his to capture the essence of the '20s. Jolie MB: That'd be hard to think of; head? So this year I just went to a Conquistador Trivia m plays Collins with a sweet touch, but her we don't have that kind of crazy bar and relaxed ... performance does not particularly bowl following. We're not like Motley It's too stressful to try to be Tuesday November 2Q the audience over. The most notewor- Criie — we've never had underwear funny and creative and comfortable thy performance is that of Jeffrey Dono- thrown at us. Maybe the weirdest [with costumes]. I went as a drill van (Bum Notice), who plays Captain thing was when we found out Mi- bit one year. I got a gray foam thing Mayflower Pub Night Jones. Donovan is absolutely detest- chael Stipe was a fan. He came to and wound it into a spiral and put able, a slimeball cop who viewers will a show, and that was the weirdest it on my head, so 1 ended up with want to scream at for the entire movie. thing, to find out one of your heroes three feet of foam on my head all Many kudos to Donovan for playing the is a big fan. And then he threw his night and no one understood what perfect villain. underwear at us. it was. 1 was just a guy with foam The most important part of any RT: Since this is for a college on my head. Phil's Phriday: 4pw-7pw film, however, is its ending. The movie publication, I have to ask: Who is can have an amazing opening, a great the group lightweight? Who ends Allee Rosenmayer is a Will Rice O see CHANGE, page 13 up with Sharpie on his face at the College senior.

Actually, I specifically told you Phineas DIES? Blitzball was a lot more to read "To Kill a Mockingbird". And Gene is just fun in Final Fantasy X I didn't even mention "OKAY" with that? "A Separate Peace" Hobart this book is TERRIBLE, Why did you recommend it to me?! Yes it was, Amadeus Yes it was

@3 1 EJ) KA @3


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Matisyahu feels is wrong with this the stage, which made for quite an world and how listeners might fix it. enjoyable dance party. His excellent The EP is darker when contrasted with crowd control and deliberate use of some of his more feel-good songs, but dervishes — those whirling motions it is also more experimental. with arms spread - propagated the Choosing to develop his sounds enormous amounts of energy that and work with different patterns, seemed to bring the music into a Matisyahu has produced a unique realm of visible sound. blend of his original talent with an Showing the crowd his improvisa- alternative feel without denying his tional ability by remixing "Chop 'Em jam rock roots. Fans will see evolu- Down" right on stage, Matisyahu let tion in his thought and creativity the crowd's fervor direct where the throughout the EP, beginning with song would go next. While the band the first song, "Smash Lies." took a break, he split off into what This song, like other songs on seemed to be a trance, performing a the EP, begins with a mixed and hypnotic 12-minute beatbox session. chopped electronic intro. Numer- The man has a way with sounds. ous sound effects further empha- With nothing but his mouth to pro- size the beat of the music. This style duce noise and his hand to keep contrasts sharply with his previous time, fully immersed in the music work, in which the words supported he was creating, he barely seemed to The new exhibit at the Rice Media Center, "FACE IT," showcases Visual themselves against simple beats. A notice the audience. 'FACE IT" Arts students' self-portraits in a variety of media. long introduction sets the stage for He ended his first set with the ev- a lyrical explosion flanked by con- er-popular song "Jerusalem." When tinuing electronic sounds. a spirited fan jumped on stage and security made a charge for him. Mat- enough to warrant its play outside of to technophobe, can pick up World of isyahu not only waved them off but S3 GOO the game. Goo and play it for five minutes (or five also offered him a hand to get back FROM PAGE 10 Perhaps the ultimate appraisal of hours). How fortunate we are that such on stage after he had fallen off. Mul- World of Goo is how difficult it is to an enjoyable concept is backed by such Matisyahu has titudes of fans were dancing on stage in a healthy shampoo of quirk and choose a single part of the experience an extraordinary effort. with him as he was finishing up. The charm, rise to the lofty standard set by that is more enjoyable than the rest. 2D Boy's Web site is http:// produced a unique finale culminated with Matisyahu the gameplay. Each level boasts an ex- It's not an entirely perfect game, but www.2dboy.com. A free and lengthy blend of his origi- raised on the shoulders of fans and tensive array of colors and eye-pleas- it's as close as anything on the shelves demo of World of Goo is available, and carried offstage. ing environments set in front of lush, might get. The whole game has been the full game (for Windows and Mac, nal talent with an After a short break, the artist elaborate backdrops. The in-garne cut polished over to a Goo-ey sheen, but with forthcoming) sells for $20. alternative feel returned for another one-hour set scenes, which serve to progress World perhaps its strongest asset is its play- The Wii version is available from the Wii in which he performed his newer of Goo's surprisingly poignant and ef- ability. Anyone, from "hardcore" gamer Shop Channel for $15. Goo'd luck! without denying songs from the EP. Beginning with fectively satirical plot, use a catchy art "Smash Lies," he again picked up style reminiscent of the twisted but his jam rock roots. the energy he had imparted in the enthralling works of Gahan Wilson or first set. The song sounded a great Tim Burton. B CHANGE deal more electronic than those in The soundtrack is glorious. Each FROM PAGE 11 the previous set, and it was clear level loops a one- or two-minute track, that this was a new direction for which, because of stellar instrumenta- middle and climax, but if the ending is different endings, but he implausibly Shattered continues with "So him, but the strength of his rhymes tion and scoring, never gets old. World mediocre, that is all the audience \ /ill continues the movie, throwing in scenes Hi So Lo," "Two Child One Drop," and the passion that he showed of Goo features everything from hope- remember as they leave the theater. seemingly for no reason. If Changeling and "1 Will Be Light," which are made it an instant crowd favorite. ful carnival organ waltzes to mysterious Many films fail to sustain their rising ended about 20 minutes earlier than it significantly slower and showcase I look forward to picking up his minimalist tracks to tongue-in-cheek emotional drive for two-plus hours, and does, it would definitely be nominated Matisyahu's vocal range and lyrical new album after listening to his most epic hymns to, in one level — "The unfortunately, Changeling falls into that for Best Picture (although we all know themes. Greater detail is paid to the recent tracks and attending his con- Red Carpet" — a trip-hop beat catchy category. Eastwood provides about four The Dark Knight is going to win). crisp instrumentals that provide cert. 1 can't wait to sit back, relax the background for these tracks. and let his creative genius paint me After buying Shattered on a picture when I close my eyes. Wednesday, 1 felt blessed to at- tend his concert in Houston this Jordan Davis is a Martel College past Monday. I went expecting to senior. drift away to the smooth rhythms I had been listening to all week. I rallied some friends to go with me on that most waterlogged of Mon- day nights, and following drinks at MEM the Flying Saucer, we made our way to the blue neon-lit corner under- neath the sign for the recently built House of Blues, backlit by the red J** neon outline of the . Numerous security guards directed us to the third floor, where the con- cert was already going on. An elec- tronica band named Future Rock finished up their set before the au- t dience applauded them off stage in anticipation of Matisyahu. The energy built as the road- Chips & Drink ies cleared the stage to make way for the main event. As promised With purchase of any medium at Hillel earlier that day, he burst sandwich or pizza onto the stage promptly at 10 p.m., amidst a roar of applause and a soft After 3 p.m. everyday intro mix of electric guitar and bass. Show your RICE ID or Bring this ad in With the first song, "Exaltation," Matisyahu had the crowd in the palm 8200 8.11* 71348MIQ11 of his hand, giving them the spiri- tual, powerful side they craved. He I rr*t vxT ol «d t ufc rnt of 410 certainly brought the strength that w." *>:« "nm Su[«* !»>>.<: }W (« Moiitrw ?l he had poured into his albums onto All day Saturday any regular size chop-chop The Princeton and drink for $5.55 ^— Review when you 5how your Rice University ID * We Score More. www.chickenkitchenhouston.com Guaranteed.

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The their biggest victory of the season The Owls began the third set with Owls widened their lead to 18-13 on on Friday afternoon, defeating Uni- an 8-3 run, but were unable to fend a kill by Holderness and another 4-0 versity of Alabama-Birmingham in off UAB which took a 28-26 victory run gave them a 22-13 margin from a five-set thriller. The Owls followed and a 2-1 set lead. Facing defeat, the which Memphis could not recover. up their victory with a three-set win Owls opened the fourth set by grab- Rice came out in the third hun- over the University of Memphis, bing a 7-4 lead of their own. While gry for a sweep. With the score tied giving the Owls a pair of important UAB attempted to battle back, a Bo- at nine, the Owls went on a 10-5 run conference victories. gan kill gave the Owls the set with a to take a 19-14 lead, but the Tigers The Owls wrapped up their regu- 25-22 win. fought back to within one point at lar season last night against the Uni- Rice opened the deciding fifth set 22-21. The Owls scored the next three versity of Houston, which sat directly taking a 5-2 lead over UAB. A kill by points on a Bogan kill and two attack- behind Rice in the Conference USA the Blazers brought UAB to within one ing errors by the Tigers, giving them a standings. The Owls had already de- point, but the Owls would take over af- 25-22 victory in the third set and a 3-0 feated the Cougars once before this ter that. Rice ended the match on a 5-1 set victory. season in four sets. run, giving them a 15-10 win in the fifth Volpe pointed to the team's strong Now, Rice turns its attention to the set and 3-2 set victory overall. Morgan's defense when asked about the key to upcoming C-USA Tournament, run- five kills in the crucial final set proved Sunday's victory. ning Nov. 20-23 in Memphis, Tenn., too much for the Blazers to overcome. "We really hurt them with our first with the championship game to be She recorded 26 kills overall in the touch," she said. "Our defense al- televised on the CBS College Sports match, one shy of her career high of lowed us to run over the middle, and Network. Depending upon the out- 27. Head coach Genny Volpe cited Mor- our lack of errors were also a big part come of the final weekend of C-USA gan's play as instrumental to the Owls' of the win." play, the Owls will be seeded first, strong performance this weekend. The win over Memphis gave the second or third, giving them a first "Karyn Morgan had a phenom- Owls their 12th conference victory of round bye. enal weekend," she said. "She was the season, their most since joining Rice began its weekend against the offensive player of the week, the C-USA in 2005, and a 21-5 overall re- ' • C-USA leading UAB. The Owls and first time we have had one all sea- cord, the team's best since 2004. With Blazers began the first set trading son, and UAB really had a hard time one more regular season match and points, with neither team gaining an with her." the ensuing conference tournament advantage of more than three points Coming off Friday's emotional vic- remaining, the Owls have an opportu- until the Owls pulled away late in the tory, Rice continued their momentum nity to improve their win totals. Volpe set. With the scored tied at 19, the through their match against Memphis, and the team know they still have Owls went on a 6-1 run for the 25-20 which sat in the middle of the C-USA much to accomplish this season. • • victory, capped by a kill by junior standings. Rice began their first match "We know if we win the conference middle blocker Natalie Bogan. Soph- of the season against the Tigers with tournament, we go to the NCAA Tour- omore setter Meredith Schamun's 15 a 7-6 advantage. Memphis fought back nament, which has been our number assists were integral in the first set to take a 12-11 lead in the closely con- one goal the entire year," she said. and were part of her earning the C- tested first set. Memphis took a 19-15 "A NCAA Tournament appearance USA Setter of the Week award for the lead, but the Owls refused to give up, would only be the second in the second week in a row and third time battling back to tie the set at 23 on a school's history, and it would mean # this season. service ace by Holderness. After trad- a lot to the team to have our seniors Sophomore middle blocker Caroline Gill leaps up for a kill in Rice's The second set started similarly ing points, the Owls won the first set achieve that." victory over UAB on Friday. The Owls are now ranked No. 2 in C-USA. to the first, with the Owls and Blaz- on a team block by freshman outside Coming off Friday's emotional ers staying close to one another. After hitter Ashleigh McCord and sopho- O see VOLLEYBALL, page 15 • • Football outfights Army COMMENTARY Clement sets C-USA touchdown record

by Meghan Hall here with a win." Rice football finally sees the light THRESHER STAFF The team is learning as they prog- All hyperbole aside, we are liv- New Orleans Bowl. After a return to career yards, simultaneously be- ress that teams are playing against ing in historic times. Last week was the cellar last year — our eighth los- coming the first player in conference The football team turned its bowl them differently and they must pre- one that will fill memory banks and ing season in the last 10 years — this history to toss for more than 8,000 eligibility into a cemented bowl berth pare for such situations. scribbled diaries forever more-an year's squad brought back many of yards and rush for more than 1,500. last Saturday with a 38-31 homecom- "We're in situations where we're era to be shared fondly with your the same pieces to the gridiron. Meanwhile, Dillard has just ing win over Army at Rice Stadium. not the old Rice, we're the new Rice," children and maybe even yelled And somehow, some way, we're about every receiving record fath- The victory improved the Owls' re- Bailiff said. "People are gunning for about to your grandkids. going to a bowl game again. omable for the Owls, and currently us now. People are playing hard for cord to 7-3, which ensures that they And unless you were standing holds the record for most career four quarters trying to beat us. I think will play in a bowl game for the sec- in line to try some new BioBeer, touchdowns. No, not just at Rice — there's a learning curve that programs ond time in three years. The team you were lucky enough to be there in the entirety of college football. also set a new single-season Rice have, and we got hit by it today." in person. Pardon me while I start a fund for scoring record. Clement was once again the cen- Oh, you thought I was talking his shrine. ter of the Rice offense-he passed for "It used to be that when we got a about Barack Obama? And since these two are amaz- win we were excited," senior quar- three touchdowns and ran for one % Nope. Try Rice football. ing by themselves, logic goes to • terback and Conference USA Offen- more, breaking former University of As 19,243 of you saw last Satur- show that they would be unstop- sive Player of the Week Chase Clem- Houston quarterback Kevin Kolb's day, the outstanding Owls held on Casey Michel pable together. With 48 touchdown ent said. "We're striving for so much C-USA record for total touchdown THRESHER STAFF for a 38-31 homecoming gut-grinder connections between them — yet more. We have such a talented team. passes with 87. Clement threw for 384 against Army. With the victory, the another NCAA record — Clement We've done so much, we've come so yards, and the team rushed for 133 Owls not only guaranteed a winning I know Christmas doesn't come and Dillard are the most prolific far that just winning isn't enough. We yards, 87 of which came from Clem- season, but they officially cemented in November, but dang, it sure feels pairing since Sid and Nancy, al- want to get better so we can continue ent. He became the first Rice player their place as lecture material for like it has. though it seems that our boys get m to win." in history to top 10,000 yards with his John Boles, Rice's noted historian. So how did we get to this place? along a bit better. Though Army scored a quick 471 total yards on the day. It's easy to see why, for this sea- How did a team that was too small, But the twosome couldn't have touchdown to open the game, Rice Senior wide receiver Jarett Dil- son has been remarkable on more too lanky and too brainy escape led Rice to the Promised Land by came back and scored 31 straight lard was Clement's target twice in levels than a Super Mario game. from the Bottom 10 and become a themselves. The offensive line is points. Army managed a field goal the second quarter, with passes of Most points scored in the program's C-USA powerhouse? still standing strong after being run just before the halftime whistle blew, 80 yards — the duo's longest scoring history; most times head coach Da- The short answer lies with Rice's ragged by overuse. The running and the Black Knights also put the play of the year — and 10 yards. Dil- vid Bailiff has been mistaken for a dynamic duo, the terrific twosome of game, with C.J. Ugokwe as anchor, • « first points of the second half on the lard has 57 career touchdown catches giant, grinning toddler. Chase Clement and Jarett Dillard. and only needs three more to tie the has finally found its feet after its milk- board with a touchdown. The Owls But that's not all. Since there are To call Clement and Dillard cam- scored again to increase their lead to all-time Conference USA record. This carton absence last season. And the six bowl bids allocated for Confer- pus celebrities would be like saying defense, that little engine that could, 38-17, but Army got two more touch- week Dillard was also named as one ence USA teams, Rice, which once that baseball coach Wayne Graham has barreled through injury and inex- downs to end the game with a close of ten semifinalists for the Biletnikoff seemed destined for a Division II is starting to gray. These guys are perience to keep Rice within striking score of 38-31. Award, which recognizes the best demotion, is all but guaranteed a idols, and rightfully so. 1 don't know distance in almost every game. "It's one of the things we're learn- receiver in college football. postseason berth. them personally - I guess that ex- Sadly, there's not a lot of in- « • ing - that you can't go to sleep," head Dillard has now surpassed 1,000 Think about that for a second. plains the lack of postcards — so I'll ternational demand for televising coach David Bailiff said. "It doesn't receiving yards on the season, and Before 2006, no one could chal- let the stats do the talking. Rice football. GameCast may il- matter how many points you're up. sophomore wide receiver James Casey lenge Rice's decades of ineptitude, Clement, the grizzled gunslinger, lustrate how many centimeters our Those guys are a good solid team and joined him at that mark with his six save for maybe the Chicago Cubs. is a one-man offensive machine, drives lasted, but those digitized they're going to play hard for four catches for 61 yards. Then Todd Graham, our crew- long ago eclipsing most Rice quar- lines just aren't the same as quarters. I think we grew up tonight. Clement's third passing touchdown cutted commander, spearheaded terback records. On Saturday, he watching Southern Methodist We learned that, and we got out of Osee FOOTBALL, page 18 a shot-in-the-dark run to the 2006 was the first Owl to reach 10,000 O see LIGHT, page 18 • # FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14,2008 THE RICE THRESHER SPORTS 15 Svvimmii^foils t o University of Houston, New Mexico Ackerman said. "It's going to come "We swam probably one of our down to us and UH." best meets of the season," Huston Rice began last weekend's meet said. "New Mexico State and Hous- in strong fashion, winning the first ton just looked like they were more event, the 400-yard medley relay. physically ready." The foursome of juniors Angelo Junior Erin Mattson and Ernst Wo and Pam placed second and Zelnick, fresh- third, respectively, man Alexandra in the 100-yard but- Ernst and senior terfly, while Lin and Carlyann Miller Wo took third and took first with a PHIL HANSEL fourth in the 100- season-best time yard backstroke. of 3:56.99- DUALS Snatching second, Of the 15 re- third and fourth maining events, WHEN place in the 1,000- UH took first Saturday 6 p.m. & yard freestyle were Sunday 11:30 a.m. place in 11 of distance swimmers them, and New WHERE senior Caitlin War- Mexico took the University of Houston ner and freshmen other four first Natatorium Nicole Delaloye and places. Rice, Alex O'Brien. Rice m&mmrn HISTORY however, did se- Last season in the Phil Hansel was able to repeat cure six second Duals Rice fell to BYU but de- this success in the place finishes. feated Florida International 200-yard butterfly, Junior Justine University, UH and Univeristy where freshman ARIEL SHHITZNER/THRESHER ''' ' '' % ' -' ^ '>//"/• Lin swam a sea- of New Orleans. Louise Gliga, Matt- son-best in the son and Ackerman The swim team wilt try to redeem itself at the Phil Hansel Duals this weekend after going 1-4 so far this season. 200-yard back- finished two, three stroke, finish- and four, respective- ing at 2:05.33 to take second place. ly. Senior Skylar Craig and Zelnick by Tracy Dansker across the board. nate Word, Vanderbilt University Freshman Shelby Bottoms twice were Rice's top finishers in the 50- THRESHER STAFF "What we have here [at Rice] is a and Florida International Univer- rose to the top of the pack, taking yard and 100-yard freestyle, respec- really good conference team," Hus- sity. The meet will be scored as if second place in the 200-yard free- tively, where they both took third Winston Churchill once said, ton said. "We might not have a stud, it is a conglomeration of four dual style with a time of 1:52.53 and then place. The Owls ended the meet with "Success consists of going from fail- so to speak, in every event against meets, so while all five teams will again in the 200-yard individual a strong second place finish in the ure to failure without loss of enthu- every team in a dual meet, but swim at the same time, each team medley with a time of 2:09.19. 400-yard freestyle relay. The team siasm." After being defeated by four we're going to have a lot of depth, will be scored against every other Huston felt this meet was a su- consisted of Zelnick, Mattson, Miller out of the five teams they have com- and that is really crucial when you team on a head-to-head basis. In- perb performance by the Owls. and Craig. peted against this season, this is ex- get to a championship meet." carnate Word is currently 3-2, Van- actly the attitude the swim team has Rice next competes at the Phil derbilt is 1-2, Florida International chosen to maintain, even after fall- Hansel Duals, a two-day meet start- is 0-4, and after beating Rice, UH is ing last weekend to the University ing today at 6 p.m. and tomorrow now 5-1. O VOLLEYBALL FROM PAGE 14 of Houston 173-121 and New Mexico at 11:30 a.m. UH hosts the meet at Sophomore Ashten Ackerman State University 151-1/43. the UH Recreation Center Natato- believes Rice will be successful victory, Rice refused to overlook two attacking errors by the Tigers, Head coach Seth Huston said he rium. The teams competing include against UH this time around. Memphis, which sat in the middle giving them a 25-22 victory in th believes in the strength of his team Rice, UH, University of the Incar- "We should dominate them," of the C-USA standings. Memphis third set and a 3-0 set victory. Volpe fought back to take a 19-15 lead, but pointed out the team's strong de- the Owls refused to give up, battling fense when asked about the key to back to tie the set at 23 on a service Sunday's victory. POWDERPUFF PREDICTIONS ace by Holderness. After trading "We really hurt them with our points, the Owls won the first set on first touch," she said. "Our defense a team block by freshman outside allowed us to run over the middle, 2008 PLAYOFFS WEEK 1 hitter Ashleigh McCord and sopho- and our lack of errors were also a big more middle blocker Caroline Gill part of the win." that gave them a 30-28 advantage. The win over Memphis gave the ' • TIM DYLAN CASEY JOE YAN Rice opened up the second set Owls their 12th conference victory of with an early 10-6 advantage. The the season, their most since joining BACKPAGE E.I.C. IN AUSTRALIA A&ENOOB SPAWTS EDATUR Owls widened their lead to 18-13 on C-USA in 2005, and a 21-5 overall re- a kill by Holderness and another cord, the team's best since 2004. Volpe 4-0 run gave them a 22-13 margin and the team know they still have from which Memphis could not much to accomplish this season. Martel Martel or Uhh... Yeeaaah Martel recover. The Owls won the second "We know if we win the confer- » i • MARTEL set 25-15. ence tournament, we go to the NCAA vs - 'Roids." Whomever "What's foot- Wiess he says with a Rice came out in the third hun- Tournament, which has been our JONES Jeremy ball? Is that like squoosed-up gry for a sweep. With the score tied number one goal the entire year," she Goodreau rugby?" face. at nine, the Owls went on a 10-5 said. "A NCAA Tournament appear- wants run to take a 19-14 lead, the Tigers ance would only be the second in the fought back to within one point school's history, and it would mean at 22-21. The Owls scored the next a lot to the team to have our seniors • • three points on a Bogan kill and achieve that." Baker Joe-Pa So... Yeeaaah Baker SID "This one time, "It's a playoff vs "Sid should but Wiess BAKER Baker boasts in Australia, I game?" Jessica Chidi." wrote a PRIVATE EYES column." "a comedy of suspicion..." • • written by Steven Dietz directed by Julia Traber

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IAUMII SCMOERNEIT/RHFTCSHEFT jf f S H K ^ 1 NfllM It milntc Mart** quarterback Jenn Wolfel throws a pass in a game against Will Rice PRESENTED BY THE RICE THEATRE PROGRAM AND WOW II COUII15 earUer this season. Martrf Is ranked first overall with a perfect 8-0 record. • A Ro: rf..\\Tk\S FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14,2008 J 16 SPORTS THE RICE THRESHER RICE BASKETBALL 2008 New Ben Braun era begins for men's basketball team with emphasis on consistent effort and constant improvement

expect to see different sets from the letters of intent this last Wednesday motion offense that former head will be the second class recruited coach Willis Wilson used last sea- to Rice by Braun. After arriving late son, which ended with Rice ranked last spring, Braun was confronted last in the conference in points with a team that had just six players scored and shooting percentage. on scholarship, including only two "The offense is more free flow- seniors and two juniors. ing," Foster said. "There's a lot more Working to make up lost recruit- emphasis on ball movement, player ing time, Braun was able to bring movement and reading the defense. I in five freshmen, three of whom are think it will be fun to watch." forwards. Forward Lucas Kuipers The return of junior guard Cory and guard Connor Frizzelle have Pflieger will boost the team's offen- received praise for their play in a sive game since scrimmage game he is capable of (I against Houston stretching de- Baptist Univer- fenses with his Sometimes it's just sity last week. accuracy from With only four the perimeter. a matter of getting upperclassmen Pflieger was a year older, a year on the roster, it is likely the pair granted a medi- smarter and a year cal redshirt af- will receive sig- ter missing all more confident. But, nificant playing but five games there are also things time by the end last season to an of the season. ankle injury. you can control. You The team Other return- can control how hard has not set any ing players in you play and how hard goals regarding the backcourt total wins, but are Foster and you work. instead they have sophomore Bry- stressed the need SKJrrsi Ben Braun an Beasley. Fos- to stay healthy Men's Basketball Coach Head coach Ben Braun directs morning practice. The players chose to hold practices at 6 a.m. in the morning in ter played nearly and improve each 34 minutes per day in practice. order to get through the day's work early. Braun has been impressed with his players' work ethic and dedication. game last sea- "Our goal is to son, leading the look forward and by Brody Rollins and locker rooms. Aside from gen- bounds, with an average of 9.8 team in assists. The other return- see what we can change positively per game, and he was third on the from last year to this year," Braun THRESHER STAFF erating excitement for the start ing guard, Beasley, gained valuable of the season, the opening of the team in scoring. In May, Packev- experience in his first season as he said. "Sometimes it's just a matter of icius inked a three-year deal to play getting a year older, a year smarter For all intents and purposes, on-campus facility has provided a started 20 of 30 games and finished for Fastweb Casale Monferrato in and a year more confident. But, there Division I basketball is back at sense of optimism and stability to a second in assists. I the Italian Serie A2, a second-tier are also things you can control. You Rice University. After playing their program that desperately needed it While it is still too early to tell the league in Italy. can control how hard you play and home games last season in front of after the events of last season. extent to which Braun has improved Britton's play picked up after how hard you work." sparse crowds at the Merrell Center "I've been waiting for this for the current team, his effect on the Packevicius' injury. He led the team and Reliant Arena, the Owls are re- the past six months," senior guard recruiting trail is already evident as Starting this season, the Owls chose in scoring in six of the final nine turning home Saturday to play their Rodney Foster said about Satur- he scored a coup in landing a verbal to start practice at 6 a.m., with some games and finished the season with first game on campus in over a year day's game. "We've been prepar- commitment from Iranian-born pow- players arriving as early as 4:45 a.m. the team's highest points per game and a half. ing for this all summer and all fall. er forward Arsalan Kazemi. Accord- to receive treatment and participate in average at 11.3. Saturday's game at 3 p.m., fea- Saturday's the grand opening, and ing to multiple recruiting Web sites, stretching and warm-ups before prac- turing the defending Big Sky Con- we're really looking forward to it." With the departure of Packev- the 6-foot, 7-inch, 190-pound Kazemi tice. 'Hie energy and motivation reflect- ference champions and 2008 NCAA Not only are the Owls com- icius and Britton, the frontcourt received scholarship offers from some ed in practice are the product of a new tournament participant Portland ing off a 3-27 campaign last sea- remains the largest uncertainty for of the biggest names in the business, voice in the locker room, the return of State, will also mark the debut of son, but they are also faced with the Owls heading into the season. including Conference USA rival Mem- players from injury and the near dou- first year head coach Ben Braun and the task of replacing two of the Junior Lawrence Ghoram, listed as a phis and non-conference schools bling of the roster size, all of which have the renovated Tudor Fieldhouse. top three scorers from last sea- guard, is the top returning rebound- such as the University of Louisville, helped to dissolve the painful losses of er on the team with 3.8 per game. In University of Maryland and Oklaho- the last few seasons. i Construction on the fieldhouse son's team in senior forwards addition to Ghoram, senior forward ma State University. began i6monthsago, withthefinish Paulius Packevicius (Wiess '08) While winning certainly will not Aleks Perka and sophomore for- date set for today's women's game and Patrick Britton (Jones '08), Kazemi is actually one of five come easy to the Owls, this Satur- ward Suleiman Braimoh are likely against California State University- who both graduated in May. early verbal commitments that the day marks the beginning of an en- to see extensive playing time. Northridge. The fieldhouse features Packevicius played in only 18 Owls received for the class of 2009, tirely new era in men's basketball a brand new student-athlete study games last season and still man- Sophomore center Trey Stanton, the most of any C-USA school. at Rice University, and that alone is and resource center, weight room aged to lead the team in total re- a 6 foot, 10-inch tall sophomore The players that signed their reason to be optimistic. transfer from the Navy who was ineligible last year by NCAA regu- lations, is the tallest player on the roster and was named to the Patriot League All-Freshman team during OPENING DAY TAILGATE his only season in Annapolis, Md. On Saturday, November 15, the feeling of walking out of a morning ouse Stanton shot 37 percent from be- Men's Basketball team will open shoot a round and seeing the stu- yond the arc at Navy and recorded (t their season at the renovated Tu- dent body camped out or lined up a team high 24 blocked shots. The dor Fieldhouse at 3 p.m. against in anticipation of getting into the last freshman at Navy to record that Portland State. Admission is free arena on game day," said Coach many blocks was David Robinson to all students. This will mark the Ben Braun. "It is a huge boost for in 1984. first home game on campus for all the players and coaches to be Braun emphasized defense in the the men's basketball team since able to see the Rice Students get- pre-season, and players on the team the 2006-2007 season, and will be ting geared up for a big game. The believe their communication in that the first game at Rice for new head Tudor Tailgate will be the opening area has improved considerably. How- coach Ben Braun. phase of giving our team a true ever, the lack of size outside of Stanton Portland State finished last sea- home court advantage. We are will force the Owls to work even hard- son 23-10 with an appearance in looking forward to seeing the Tu- er around the boards to limit opposing the NCAA tournament, where they dor Tailgate in action and can't wait teams' second chance opportunities. were defeated by eventual national to bring Rice Basketball back to the PSU does not possess a notable champion Kansas in the first round. students in Tudor Fieldhouse." height advantage over the Owls, but The Big Sky champion Vikings re- they do have skilled big men and a The pre-game Tudor Tailgate turn leading scorer and assist man, begins at 1 p.m. on the day of the deft swing forward in Phil Nelson, who 5'6" senior Jeremiah Dominguez. came off the bench to score a leading game. All food and events will be Before the game, there will be 19 points in their victory over Western first-come, first-served while sup- an exciting tailgating experience on Oregon University last weekend. plies last. Live music will be playing the intramural field next to Autry, with both student bands and the Aside from being a test for the Rice where there will be free food and Basketball Owl Band in attendance. forwards, the game tomorrow will also drinks courtesy of our sponsors in feature exciting matchups on the pe- Rice Marketing will be handing the village, including Domino's, rimeter. Senior Jeremiah Dominguez, out student section shirts prior Coke, Jersey Mike's and Mission who stands at just 5 feet 6 inches, led to the game. These shirts will be Burrito. In addition, there will be the team in scoring with 14.2 points free and will bear the name of games and activities including face per game and was named Big Sky con- the student section selected by painting and basketball competi- ference player of the year last season. the students at the homecoming tions for prizes. game vote. If the game tomorrow does turn "There is nothing like the into a shootout, then Rice fans can - Information from Zack Harwood FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14,2008 THE RICE THRESHER SPORTS 17 RICE BASKETBALL 2008 Young women's basketball squad prepares for new start in new home; consistent play key goal for successful season

by Yan Digilov 65 percent of the team's offense THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF graduated last year from the squad that had the second lowest scoring A new home, a new look, and five average in Conference-USA. "In the new freshmen on the court are all rea- past two years we have graduated sons that the 2008-2009 Owls are look- four l.ooo-point scorers," Williams ing forward to the future, in their lone said. "We've only had 15 in the pro- exhibition match last Thursday the gram's history. We're still trying to Owls delivered a convincing 81-56 win establish and figure out who's going against Houston Baptist University, to score points for us." showcasing the prospects for the com- Some of those questions were an- ing season, before getting ready for swered in the match up against HBU. their home opener against California For most of the second half, the fresh- State University-Northridge tonight. man additions handled the ball, and While both players and coaches performed up to expectations. Fresh- are excited to prove themselves on man Candace Ashford led the Owls in the court as the first game inside the scoring, alleviating some fears that mg L newly built Tudor Fieldhouse ap- their low-post presence had left when r proaches, they are even more excited Valeriya Berezhynska (Will Rice '08) about the new court itself. graduated in the spring after averag- "To see the new building is really ing 12.7 points per game. special," head coach Greg Williams Though the issue of finding a said. "It was something that we heard consistent scoring threat will loom about and discussed for many years, throughout the season, the incom- and now it has become a reality. Our ing class solved another issue that players are probably more excited created problems for the team last than 1 am. They've been without a year. Freshman point guard D'Frantz locker room for about 18 months." Smart, who was first runner up for While Tudor Fieldhouse was un- Ms. Illinois Basketball 2008, started junior guard Tara Watts (left) and senior guard Maudess Fulton (right) show off the Owls' new warm-ups, only der construction, the term "home in the exhibition and exhibited ma- a small part of the team's new look. The veterans will be asked to fill roles as leaders on the team and to help game" was a mis- turity and confi- give direction to the squad's five new freshmen. The Owls open tonight at home against Cal State Northridge. nomer. The squad dence in leading was forced, at a the offense. De- times, to drive up spite standing also expected to join the rotation. Regardless of the Owls' post-sea- ers going over the i,ooo-point barrier to thirty minutes We have a new team, only 5 feet tall, With their new additions, the Owls son performance, this year's results while we were here." she showed off for home games are shaping up to be a young team will be the first real judge of coach Now, Williams' team is the under- a new gym, and I feel her versatility at the Merrell Cen- with high potential that will need to Williams' success. dog, registering no votes for top finish- with nine points, ter in Katy, Tex. like it's a new begin- work on consistency above all else. "It is a new beginning as our ers in the preseason poll of Conference five steals, four They also saw a ning. I think we have "I really think our team could be two seniors are the only two players USA team. With such a young team, rebounds, and steep decline in a lot like the Dow Jones," Williams left from Christie McKinney and her though, winning the conference may attendance at the a lot of talent. We are four assists. joked. "I think we probably will have < i staff's recruiting era," Williams said. not be the only mark of a successful games. The new meshing well, and I "Even though some inconsistency since we have "So now it's up to us to try and sus- season. Strong team performances base of operations I am looking forward to she [Smart] is a five freshmen in our top nine or ten- tain with the players that we brought against top teams like Baylor could po- will be a return freshman, she rotation. Hopefully, they'll be more in ourselves." tentially be signs of what is to come in to normality for a seeing how we prog- has taken her consistent than inconsistent." Williams first came to Rice in 1905 to the Greg Williams era. For now, though, squad that is be ress as a team. role and ran with But Williams, like most coaches, play for the men's basketball team. The the squad is focusing on getting used to busy rebuilding it," Fulton said. will tell anyone that there is no single Hanszenite earned Southwest Confer- their new home and one another. and regrouping Maudess Fulton "She is confi- coaching solution for inconsistent ence Co-MVP honors in 1969 and spent "We have a new team, a new gym, after losing sev- Wiess '09 dent, and that is play. It takes time for the players to several years on the coaching staff of and I feel like it's a new beginning," eral key starters. what you need." adjust, and for the team's collective the men's basketball team. After a long Fulton said. "I think we have a lot of The highest W Smart's ar- shape to form. That shape will come career coaching professional women's talent. We are meshing well, and I returning scor- rival also gives along faster with proper leadership basketball, he returned to his alma am looking forward to seeing how we ers from last year the team depth from the older players. mater four years ago. With a 51-46 re- progress as a team." are junior guard Tara Watts and se- at the point guard spot. The Owls had For the first time since her fresh- cord as head coach of the Owls, this Tonight's game at 7 pm will be nior guard Maudess Fulton. Watts, only one true ball carrier by the end man year, senior Emery Carter has the season will be a defining point for the the first sign of how the team is com- who has had several caps on Cana- of last season, which resulted in a opportunity to play the role of leader. growth of the program. ing along. A large crowd is expected dian national squads, started all 32 large number of turnovers. Tonight, she will play her first NCAA "I knew when I accepted the job for the first NCAA game ever to be games last year, but averaged only Also in the freshman class are game without the knee brace she has at Rice that I was inheriting an out- held in Tudor Fieldhouse. Assur- 8.1 points per game. Fulton, one of forward Brianna Hypolite, who led worn since she was hurt in her soph- standing program that had not only edly, the sound of screaming fans only two seniors on the squad, has Dickinson High School as the Texas omore year. Her performance will be a winning tradition but also several and sight of friends and family will the most experience on the team as 4-A player of the year for 2008, and just another variable that could mean outstanding players," he said. "That be both a welcomed return and a a fifth year, but has never filled the guard Amenemope McKinney. After the difference between success in a was obvious with four of those play- much-anticipated beginning. role of a go-to scorei, averaging only redshirting due to a preseason injury post-season tournament and a year 7.9 points last year. last year, forward Megan Elliott is of rebuilding. Buy Any Pizza Get One _ FREE! ^•2nd Pizza'Must Be Of Equal Or Lesser Value StorefTCSKfflently Owned & donated • P

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to prepare for the season. Although the Aggies' Austin Krajicek 7-5, 6-1 0) by Prem Ramkumar the Holiday Inn Astrodome Rice Fall and Texas Tech University's Raony FOR THE THRESHER Invite was canceled, the team still Carvalho 6-4, 6-2 on the way. Even participated in match play at the though the second seed fell to the After a strong individual show- Baylor Invitational and Texas Fall Aggies' third seed Conor Pollack ing from junior Bruno Rosa at the Invitational. At the individual level 4-6, 6-1, 7-5, he still qualified for ITA Intercollegiate Tennis Association Rosa and Miiller made a great deal nationals. Rosa and Pollack have South Central Regional Champion- of noise in the Intercollegiate Tennis been a pair to watch as they have ship and National Intercollegiate In- Association at the South Central Re- gone back and forth in match deci- door Championship, the men's tennis gional Championships and National sions, with the last going to Rosa as team will settle down for a long rest Championships. he dispatched Pollack last year in over the next few months. The Owls At the Baylor Invitational on Sept. the NCAA tournament victory over will kick off the spring-heavy year 26-28 in Waco, Texas, freshmen Andy the Aggies. with a match-up against Conference Wang and Garforth-Bles made their At the ITA National Intercollegiate USA rival University of Memphis on debuts. Although Garforth-Bles lost Indoor Championship at the Boar's Jan. 16. in the first round Head Sports Club After their sixth consecutive in Flight A, he in Charlottesville, NCAA Tournament bid and yet an- won an impres- it Va., Rosa made other promising fall season, the Owls sive consola- it past Virginia's look only to improve upon their suc- tion match 6-1, I think we can become Dominic Inglet 6-7, 7-5, 6-4 in a cess with returning strong leadership 6-4 against the a top 10 team in the and new firepower from the eighth seventh seed Ed gutsy first round best recruiting class in the nation. Corrie from Uni- nation. I know we can effort. However, With much to prove, freshmen Sam versity of Texas be really competitive he came up short Garforth-Bles, Christian Saravia, at Austin. Wang in the second Isamu Tachibana and Andy Wang as rolled through with any other team round against well as returning Ail-American stars players from UT out there. Ohio State Uni- Rosa and senior Christoph Miiller and Texas Chris- versity's Justin have high expectations for this 22nd tian University in Kronauge 6-4, Junior Chong Wang nationally-ranked team. None, how- Flight B to reach 6-4, who later ever, exude as much confidence as the Round of 16. Men's Tennis Captain went on to lose junior captain Chong Wang. As expected, to his teammate in the finals. "We have a really solid team Miiller eas- 99 along with good freshmen," Wang Junior Bruno Rosa displays his forehand shot during '08 fall play. ily reached the "[Rosa] said. "I think we can become a top Round of 16 be- played a brilliant 10 team in the nation. I know we can fore being ousted by the ninth seed, first round," Ustundag said. "He be really competitive with any other a top 16 team compete," Ustundag lead the Owls to the next echelon of while standout Rosa lost in a gritty was very emotional and very con- $ team out there." said. "[We saw] the energy, the NCAA tennis. quarterfinal match. Another bright spot centrated. He was very passionate Last year's 4-0 loss to the for- intensity and the commitment of "I'm very excited because we have for the Owls at the Baylor invitational and very tough. I'm proud of him, midable University of Texas in the play. We wanted to learn from them a great team, and I know we are go- occurred at the doubles end, where but had he played that way the next NCAA Championship was closer than this year so we could be right there ing to do great things," Saravia said. Garforth-Bles and Miiller teamed up to day, the outcome would have been it seemed on paper, but the Owls be- next year." "I don't feel there is a lot of pressure take down Oklahoma State University's more favorable." gan their renewed quest to the top Smarr and Ustundag have been on me because there are three other second seed, before falling in the sub- The Owls capped off another great only days after their loss. Coaches working hard to improve the Owls by great freshmen and amazing return- sequent round. fall season at both the individual and Ron Smarr and Efe Ustundag took focusing on doubles, on playing ag- ing players. I know we will go far." Another team tournament was the team level, but this is only the begin- their players to watch the Round of gressively and on closing out matches Although the Owls begin the sea- Texas Fall Invitational that was held ning as they prepare to make another 16 teams play, which only highlights definitively. Smarr said that Tachi- son in earnest in the spring, they at UT's Penick-Allison Tennis Center run at the NCAA Division I Champi- their dedication to become elite. bana, Garforth-Bles and Saravia are have been working hard in the fall from Oct. 31-Nov. 2. After advancing onships. The Owls have had their "This year we actually got to see here to make an immediate impact and at both the individual and team level past the Round of 64 with straight-set moments when the sky seemed to victories, Saravia and Tachibana put be the limit, but soon after notching forth an admirable effort before falling impressive victories, an anticlimac- to the first and second seeds both from tic loss resulting from inconsistent UT. Saravia and Tachibana showcased energy and play occasionally occurs. their skills as an impressive tandem Consistency of play may be the only by defeating a University of Texas-San limiting factor for this talented team Antonio doubles pair 8-0. However, with lofty goals. Garforth-Bles was upset as the fifth "The goals are always the same: seed in a grueling three-set match. win Conference USA, host an NCAA The fall season showcases in- Regional and reach the Elite Eight Call and you could save. tercollegiate tennis at a more indi- [at least]," Ustundag said. "We vidual level, particularly during the need to have a better individual ITA South Central Regional Champi- showing." onships and ITA National Intercol- From what can be seen from fall Class dismissed. legiate Indoor Championships. The play, the Owls are a dangerous team regional took place at the George for any opponent because of the P. Mitchell Tennis Center at Texas sheer talent, experience, leadership, A&M University, where Miiller lost in resilience and confidence men's ten- the quarterfinals to Will Spencer of nis possesses. If the cohesion remains A81M 7-6, 7-5. and the inconsistency is curtailed, Rosa was even more successful, the Owls should make a strong run in reaching the finals by defeating the spring.

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THURSDAY HOW TO SUBMIT CALENDAR ITEMS Submission methods the Calendar Fax: 713.348.5238 I still haven't realized that Email: [email protected] NOV. 14 - 21, 2008 there are two "SACs on Campus Mall: Calendar Editor this campus Thresher, MS-524 FRIDAY The Staff Advisory Committee will MONDAY meet today during lunch (12:01-1 p.m.) in the RMC's 2nd floor con- ference room. "All are welcome." Yes, classes are important The award for the longest lec- ture title of the week goes to... Don't forget to sign up for classes. If "Trouble" with a capital "T" you don't do it today, you'll get fined. "Evolution of the Antarctic Penin- that rhymes with "P" that So make sure you log into ESTHER sula continental margin from Late stands for "Pool" at 4:45 p.m. today and type in some Eocene to present: Seismic strati- BEST MUSICAL random CRNs. (A hint: They start graphic analysis related to the The Masquerade Theatre — at with a 2 and are 5 numbers long.) 3552 East T.C. Jester — opens its development of the Antarctic Pen- Z' '"s insula Ice Sheet (APIS)." Doctoral production of The Music Man to- <0 ", J*..' * V- • "Entertainment held in a candidate Russell Smith will give night at 8 p.m. The show runs nightclub or restaurant while the this lecture today 1:30-3 p.m. in Nov. 20-23 and 28-30 at 8 p.m. and Sunday showings at 2 p.m. audience eats or drinks Geo Labs room 123. Description: Tickets run about $30-50. For at tables" "An investigation into Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet (APIS) de- more information, call the box Lovett College Theatre's Cabaret velopment from the stratigraphic office at (713) 861-7045 or visit opened last night, but didn't make record of three geographic areas: www.masqueradetheatre.com. the calendar. So it's receiving a re- The James Ross Basin (North- demption mention. (BONUS: 1 won't western Weddell Sea), the Pacific make really sarcastic comments continental margin of the Antarc- FRIDAY about their show to make up for tic Peninsula, and the Joinville that. Apologies to those who only Slope (Northwestern Weddell 0 read the calendar for the sarcasm. Sea). Isopachs of the first order Do you ever wonder how stratigraphic sequences of the You should just skip to the next Scrooge McDuck can literally continental shelves and rise show event.) Cabaret will run Nov. 13-15 swim in his gold coins? and 20-22 at 8 p.m. in the Lovett shifting depocenters through time. Upper Commons. Tickets are $5 for Significant increases in sediment It seems like it'd hurt. A lot. flux to the margin occurred during Rice students, $7 otherwise. It's got The Alley Theatre's holiday pro- the initial build up of the Antarc- Nazis! (I think...and the posters are duction of Dickens' classic A tic Peninsula Ice Sheet (APIS) and ^ cool so you should go.) Christmas Carol — A Ghost Story of the early Pliocene warm period." Christmas opens tonight and runs I didn't forget to put this in through Dec. 28. It's produced by m lots and lots of famous, award- Wiess College Theatre's Drop Dead TUESDAY l8 winning people, etc. etc. etc. For opens tonight at 8 p.m. in the Wi- tickets and info, call (713) 228-9341 ess Commons. The show runs Nov. or visit www.alleytheatre.com. _ 1/4-15 and 20-21 at 8 p.m. and Sat- Tickets run about $40-50. I think perhaps that "Got Mature Themes: Sexual Situations ® urday Nov. 22 at 5:30 p.m. Tickets and Strong Language Milk" is almost too good are $5. The Facebook event con- For those who think that get- tains no real information about of a tagline ting arrested is an amusing the show, so I guess think of it as a Shmuel Shepkaru, a University mystery. Spooky. and good time of Oklahoma Associate Professor GET YOURTICKETS TODAY! f of History and author of Jewish Jones College's Prison Break Party JANUARY 6-18,2009 • HOBBY CENTER ^ Do you know who Steven Dietz is? Martyrs in the Pagan and Christian is tonight from 10 p.m. - 2 a.m. Worlds, will give his lecture "Got in the Jones Commons. I think BroadwayAcrossAmerica.com ^ 713.629^1700 (Answer: He writes funny plays.) Guilt?: Joseph and Jesus in the the general idea is to dress like a Groups of 20 or more 888.451 The Rice Players and Rice VADA Jewish-Christian Dialogue of the felon. In Calendar tradition, cos- Department continue to bring you — —A_ si 'V> Middle Ages" this afternoon from tumes I'd like to see: Ted Stevens BROADWAyVjACROSS AMERICA Hourro* chhokicu Private Eyes, a Dietz "relationship (R-AL), Tom DeLay (R-TX) and 4-6 p.m. in Humanities room 119. 0t* » •»' :-»t dg:«r. iwviiwi wc-.

Suck it, Ike; nothing can stop • Early hands-on clinical experience '80s. Despite the best efforts of # • Medical centers as primary training facilities hurricane force winds, Sid Rich's Do you sometimes worry about '80s party will run — nay, rock — tonight from 10 p.m. - 2 a.m. in the end of the universe? • Top residencies throughout the country with Assuage your fear... the Sid Commons. 100% placement Jason Rhodes, from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), SUNDAY will tell you what will happen in Join us for a Reception & Program a bajillion years during his lec- ture "AU - DARK MATTER, DARK Faculty & admission counselors will he available to answer questions Can you talk with pie in ENERGY, AND THE FATE OF THE Wednesday, November 19th • 6 - 8 pm UNIVERSE." (All-caps presum- your mouth? Houston Airport Marriott, 18700 JFK Blvd. ably indicates that he speaks in The Rice Interfaith Dialogue As- a manner not unlike Samuel L. RSVP: [email protected] sociation hosts "Dessert and Dia- Jackson.) The basic idea is that logue" tonight from 8-9:30 p.m. he'll "show how weak lensing California School of Podiatric Medicine can be used to place tight con- in the RMC's Sammy's Cafe. En- at Samuel Merritt College, Oakland, CA joy free pie from House of Pies straints on the future of the Uni- and listen to Reformed Univer- verse via dedicated dark energy sity Fellowship Minister Billy missions like SNAP and Euclid." 800-607-6377 Crain (who is awesome) discuss And if that didn't mean anything www.sa m uel merri tt.ed u evil from a Christian perspective. to you, find out what all those ac- Then talk it up and try to keep ronyms mean today, 12:05-12:55 Premier Health Sciences Education the pie in your mouth. p.m. in Hermann Brown 227. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14,2008 € 20 BACKPAGE THE RICE THRESHER rice m \ review scrotum-to-Sotum Forman fielded questions from the In a bold and confusing move that college presidents at a lunch on Mon- has been compared to a fusion of week of the Ultimate Fighting Championship day but offered no concrete answers and the Church of Latter-Day Saints, about his genital jousting jamboree, " nov. 9 Dean of Undergraduates Robin For- preferring instead to stare down his man spent last Friday night walking audience and sip from a flask of Wild door-to-door at Lovett College, find- Turkey. Jones College president Dan-1 student association ing male freshmen and punching iel Hodges-Copple raised the issue them in the groin. that the testicles are a very sensitive SA President "I'm not positive I understand region of the male anatomy. Forman Matt Youn stops replied that this was "the first time a discussion of what happened. What the hell?" ex- the Rice-Baylor claimed Lovett freshman Stevey "Ice" [he'd] heard of that" and that he'd^ JT merger during Kropidowski. "We were sitting here "look into it ar this week's Sen- watching Superbad when someone ate meeting to announce that he in a suit knocked on our door. We has finally seen thought it was RUPD so we poured all MEMO TO JT The Notebook the Taaka down the toilet but when E and wants tolalk * -- PHISHIN,XIViGj about it. we opened the door, Forman stood . t~~" £o//sae there, just, like, grinning stupidly. I • Chat fie Id walked up to shake his hand and he /ytd/ydatt andrew wiles visits crouched down and... he punched me faggots ! Send m ,-h CO////*5 .00 in the balls! I don't mean a bag-tag or n/p „. uut another of the thresher would have been on L assiA/n 'use Lug- the scene, but apparently none ^anything..----- . it was -a —straigh—t to Shit °p ree>u^ts this weekend. of us are math majors or read B&I credit some servers Time the promotional signs, And try to get T0NE5T AL'S CMC'HP LLKKTR cards this time - doesn mescaline 8 WHEELBARROW RVE. p°y for itself. HOUSTON, TX esperanza TftRKfi ?seni PlflSTIC »S.95 PLASTIC $5.9S SiJ' 750HL PL«STIC »S.9S & ife . LIGHT £4PHK


HHNKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS SA President Matt Youn called the meeting, £xpTt*^« ROBIN FORMAN dent David Leebron, fresh from his semi-annual office hour, wouT yrite-uns arrive to answer student questions about construction, the Rice- Baylor merger and other campus changes. 1 For thirty-five uncomortable minutes, the Student Association , BackpaQ Senate sat in silence.

1 President Leebron staggered in smelling of cheap wine coolers. He was wearing neither his jacket nor his glasses. Conspiracy

misclass , 1 Leebron tried to hug Parliamentarian Christopher Warrington but "Esperanza is a good excuseI was rebuffed. Boe3r 111 to roofie someone • When Youn, a Brown senior, attempted to regain order Leebron i ^' Overheard at Will Rice College took the stand. A student asked about a possible tuition raise if ; after The National's concert Baylor Medical School and Rice merged, to which Leebron replied, "FUCK YOU, GOT MINE" and jogged out of Farnsworth Pavilion. "I mean, like, it's just so ACXAVITIES BOYD BECKWITH weird... It's just so weird O A, OUFLTT A that, like, this happened. • TRANSCRIPT OF CONVERSATION BETWEEN DIR T mT 11/7/08, 12:41 pm Esau and Jacob? And, like, |f| AND THE NATIONAL George Washington... I just mm mm can't, like, understand that BSCKWITH: Okay, guys, that was gr,»t. Theyto take those shots now.

things - important things - MATT BERHINGER (THE NATIONAL) : Veah, y. £realts in the fedoras. happened in the past!" AARON DESSNER (THrHE NATIONAL)NATIONAL,) :: Whmiuo t e ^ bottle down. about them. Please put that bottle Brown sophomore with a Bible worry down. Look, I have a speci BECKWITH: in one hand and a Keystone in Don't the other J request from the President. to request. ijjSBIB DESSNER: president Bush? need you play a special Have you guys - ,'ESS >1 SEND IN MISCLASS BECKWITH: No, President Lee ton. ' k 6stley backpage@rice. edu msMM ever heard of 'Never Gonna Give You up 'nft i 1 IT MAKES US LOVE YOU DESSNER: What the fuck? •~4> 0 ,, ir£ «t\V fii MM rife* I you may text your misclass to: i/ ,1y 920.257.7515 The Backpage is satire and is written, poorly, by Timothy Faust and Eric Doctor, who Or send it online! ricethresher.org planned this week's Backpage on a comically large whiteboard. CLASSIFIEDS @ rice.edu MONTESSORI SCHOOL NEAR Museum (Tues-Thurs). Mostly school pick up, Lifeguard Candiadates must have world! No experience or partner HELP WANTED of Fine Arts needs substitute teachers some errands, park time and most CURRENT certifications in : lifeguard- needed! Every Friday, 7:30 pm-10 pm, and part-time assistants. References definitely tons of fun times. Hourly ing (YMCA or Red Cross), CPR °VR, First Unitarian Universalist Church, EVENINGS/WEEKENDS JOB AVAILABLE required. Ideal for flexible schedules. pay depends on personality and great and First Aid. Lifeguard classes held 5200 Fannin at Southmore. Students at Rice! Join other Rice Students in Experience with children a plus. Con- attitude. Call 713-252-0685. April i9th-26th and May ioth-i7th . $1; Faculty $4. For more information: calling alumni to tell them about the tact Niki at 713-520-0738. Training will be provided for Swim www.folkdancers.org, houstonfolk- Annual Fund. $9/hr plus bonuses, HONEST, HARDWORKING, AND de Instructors. Contact Holly Jenkins at [email protected], view three vid- incentives. Flexible evening shifts PURE WIGS AND EXTENSIONS needs pendable personal assistant for at- [email protected]. eos at www.YouTube.com, 713-723- Sunday -Thursday. Contact: 713-348- part time help Mon through Sat. Con- torney needed approx 10 hrs/week @ 6332. First visit is FREE! 4363, [email protected]. venient availability. No experience $i5/hr. Will run background check. needed. Contact John at 713-526-3822. Contact Lauren at laurenchappy@ 1391 RICHMOND. ONE bedroom apart- ABB GROUP INC. is looking for part gmail.com. BOTHER ment available now, approx. 600 sq ft. time workers for the post of ACCOUNT AFTERNOON CHILDCARE HELP needed. Hardwood floors, carpeted bedroom, REP/SALES REPS/PAYMENT REPRE- Entails irregular schedule of after- THE WEEKLEY FAMILY YMCA is looking Attention!! Houston International central air & heat. Assigned off-street SENTATIVES and Bookkeeping. It noon pick ups of my 10 and 14 year for Swim Instructors and CERTIFIED Folk Dancers (HIFD) invites Rice parking in gated lot. No dogs, please. pays $2500- $4000 a month plus ben- old sons, and hanging with them at lifeguards and to work morning, af- Students and Faculty to weekly rec- $695.00 plus utilities, one year lease efits and takes only little of your time. my house until I get home, not too ternoons, evenings and/or weekends. reational dancing from around the and deposit. Andover 713-524-3344. Please contact us for more details. late. Need own vehicle. Respond to Requirements -Should be a computer ADVERTISING CLASSIFIEDS SUBSCRIPTIONS [email protected]. We accept display and classified advertise- literate, have 2-3 hours access to the 1-35 words $15 Annual subscription rates: ments. The Thresher reserves the right 36-70 words $30 $60/year domestic internet weekly.must be over 22 yrs of GALLERIA-AREA PROFESSIONAL SEEKS to refuse any advertising for any reason. 70-105 words $45 $125/year international via First Class Mail age, must be efficient and dedicated.If Additionally, the Thresher does not take French language tutor for private les- responsibility for the factual content of any you are interested and need more in- Cash, check, or credit card payment must Non-subscription rate: sons. Interested in a conversational ad. Printing an advertisement does not con- be recieved before the advertisement can be First copy free formation, contact Catherine Millan, lesson plan. Meet 2x per week 7:30- stitute an endorsement by the Thresher. published.Thedeadlineforeachissueis5p.m. Second copy $5 on the Tuesday prior to publication. Submit Email: [email protected] 8:3op at my home. Respond with Display advertisements must be received by at information online at Jessie Huang qualifications and salary ($/hr) re- 5 p.m. on the Monday prior to publication. www.ricethresher.org/thresherclassifieds/ The Rice Thresher $5,ooo-$45,ooo PAID. EGG DO- quirements to: girljustami@yahoo. PO Box 1892, MS-524 Joseph Ramirez & Thomas Yeh Tiffany Kuo NORS for up to 9 donations. +Exps. com Houston, TX 77251-1892 Advertising Managers Classifieds Advertising Manager Phone 713-348-3967 N/Smokers, ages 19-29, SAT>noo/ 713-348-3967 713-348-3974 Fax 713-348-5238 ACT>24/GPA>3-o Reply to: info@egg WEST U FAMILY needs help with 2 girls thresher-adsrice.edu thresherdbrice.edu donorcenter.com if qualified. (6 and 4 yrs) 2-5 pm 3 days a week