


1 Heim, A. W. & Lester, D. Performance of children on the Shaw Blocks Test. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1964, 18, 740.


2 Lester, D. Consistency and validity of the Shaw Blocks Test: a preliminary study. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1966, 22, 134. 3 Lester, D. The Shaw Blocks Test: a description. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1966, 23, 88-89. 4 Lester, D. Antecedents of the fear of the dead. Psychological Reports, 1966, 19, 741-742. 5 Lester, D. Checking on the Harlequin. Psychological Reports, 1966, 19, 984. 6 Lester, D. Sibling position and suicidal behavior. Journal of Individual Psychology, 1966, 22, 204-207. 7 Lester, D. A note on Gellerman series. Psychological Reports, 1966, 18, 426. 8 Lester, D. Partial reinforcement effect after a small number of training trials. Psychological Reports, 1966, 19, 1335-1336. 9 Lester, D. Determinants of resistance to extinction after three training trials: 1, chronological age and mental age. Psychological Reports, 1966, 19, 970.


10 Lester, D. The Shaw Test: simultaneous measures of intelligence, originality, and rigidity. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1967, 24, 1106. 11 Lester, D. Exploratory behavior in peripherally blinded rats. Psychonomic Science, 1967, 8, 7-8. 12 Lester, D. Sex differences in exploration: toward a theory of exploration. Psychological Record, 1967, 17, 55-62. 13 Lester, D. Sex differences in exploration of a familiar locale. Psychological Record, 1967, 17, 63-64. 14 Lester, D. Exploratory response of rats to stimuli of differing complexity. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1967, 24, 133-1334. 15 Lester, D. Effects of fear on exploratory behavior. Psychonomic Science, 1967, 9, 117-118. 16 Lester, D. Exploratory behavior of dominant and submissive rats. Psychonomic Science, 1967, 9, 285- 286. 17 Lester, D. Spontaneous alternation and learning in rats. Psychonomic Science, 1967, 9, 575-576. 18 Lester, D. Experimental and correlational studies of the fear of death. Psychological Bulletin, 1967, 67, 27-36. 19 Lester, D. Fear of death of suicidal persons. Psychological Reports, 1967, 20, 1077-1078. 20 Lester, D. A suggested approach to the study of 'animism' in adults. Psychological Reports, 1967, 20, 934. 21 Lester, D. Inconsistency in the fear of death of individuals. Psychological Reports, 1967, 20, 1084. 22 Lester, D. Psychology and death. Continuum, 1967, 5, 550-559. 23 Lester, D. , homicide, and the effects of socialization. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 1967, 5, 466-468. 24 Lester, D. The relation between discipline experiences and the expression of aggression. American Anthropologist, 1967, 69, 734-737. 25 Lester, D. Suicide as an aggressive act. Journal of Psychology, 1967, 66, 47-50. 2

26 Lester, D. Attempted suicide and body image. Journal of Psychology, 1967, 66, 287-290. In J. Kestenberg, J. Ehrenwald, R. Luce, et al. (Eds.) The adolescent. New York: MSS, 1972. 27 Lester, D. Determinants of resistance to extinction after three training trials: 2, the child's expectations. Psychological Reports, 1967, 20, 421-422.


28 Lester, D. Comment on "Spontaneous alternation and pattern of reinforcement". Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1968, 20, 86-88. 29 Lester, D. Response alternation: a review. Journal of Psychology, 1968, 69, 131-142. 30 Lester, D. Note on the inheritance of suicide. Psychological Reports, 1968, 22, 320. 31 Lester, D. Attempted suicide as a hostile act. Journal of Psychology, 1968, 68, 243-248. 32 Lester, D. The effect of fear and anxiety on exploration and curiosity: toward a theory of exploration. Journal of General Psychology, 1968, 79, 105-120. 33 Lester, D. Two tests of a fear-motivated theory of exploration. Psychonomic Science, 1968, 10, 385-386. 34 Lester, D. Curiosity and the role of the individual in the imposition of change. Psychological Reports, 1968, 22, 1109-1112. 35 Lester, D. & Cheses, K. T. Effects of deprivation upon aggressiveness in rats. Psychological Reports, 1968, 22, 1129-1133. 36 Lester, D. The fear of death of those who have nightmares. Journal of Psychology, 1968, 69, 245-247. 37 Lester, D. Suicide as an aggressive act: a replication with a control for neuroticism. Journal of General Psychology, 1968, 79, 83-86. 38 Lester, D. Punishment experiences and suicidal preoccupation. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 1968, 113, 89-94. 39 Lester, D. Response alternation by rats in mazes. Journal of Psychology, 1968, 70, 51-53. 40 Lester, D. Response alternation: an afterthought. Psychological Reports, 1968, 23, 362. 41 Lester, D. Pre-exposure and stimulus choice: effects of locale. Psychonomic Science, 1968, 12, 3-4. 42 Lester, D. Pre-exposure and stimulus choice: effects of odor trail. Psychonomic Science, 1968, 12, 5-6. 43 Lester, D. Effects of olfactory stimuli on Y-maze exploration of rats. Psychonomic Science, 1968, 12, 97. 44 Lester, D. National motives and psychogenic death rates. Science, 1968, 161, 1260. 45 Lester, D. The double-bind hypothesis and the failure to assimilate. Psychological Reports, 1968, 23, 520. 46 Lester, D. Double-bind hypothesis and failure to communicate. Psychological Reports, 1968, 23, 640. 47 Lester, D. Henry and Short on suicide: a critique. Journal of Psychology, 1968, 70, 179-186. 48 Lester, D. Reply to Sheldon. Psychonomic Science, 1968, 13, 64. 49 Lester, D. Effects of two types of feeding on the weight and open-field behavior of rats. Psychonomic Science, 1968, 13, 63. 50 Lester, D. Effects of habituation to fear on the exploratory behavior of rats. Nature, 1968, 220, 932.


51 Lester, D. Orderliness and activity in the exploratory behavior of rats. Psychonomic Science, 1969, 14, 125, 127. 52 Lester, D. The relationship between fear and exploration in rats. Psychonomic Science, 1969, 14, 128, 130. 3

53 Lester, D. Studies on death-attitude scales. Psychological Reports, 1969, 24, 182. 54 Lester, D. The fear of the dead in nonliterate societies. Journal of Social Psychology, 1969, 77, 283-284. 55 Lester, D. The antisuicide pill. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1969, 208, 1908. 56 Lester, D. Suicidal behavior in men and women. Mental Hygiene, 1969, 53, 340-345. 57 Collett, L. J. & Lester, D. The fear of death and the fear of dying. Journal of Psychology, 1969, 72, 179- 181. 58 Lester, D. Resentment and dependency in the suicidal individual. Journal of General Psychology, 1969, 81, 137-145. 59 Lester, D. (Ed.) Explorations in exploration. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1969. 60 Lester, D. Suicide as a positive act. Psychology, 1969, 6(3), 43-48. 61 Lester, D. Fetal suicide. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1969, 209, 1367. 62 Lester, D. Fear of death and nightmare experiences. Psychological Reports, 1969, 25, 437-438. 63 Lester, D. The subject as a source of bias in psychological research. Journal of General Psychology, 1969, 81, 237-248. In L. Marlow (ed.) Basic topics in social psychology. Boston: Holbrook, 1972. 64 Lester, D. & Schumacher, J. Schizophrenia and death concern. Journal of Projective Techniques & Personality Assessment, 1969, 33, 403-405. 65 Lester, D. Characteristics of those who call the and Crisis Service of Buffalo. Crisis Intervention, 1969, 1, 5-9. 66 Brockopp, G. W. & Lester, D. The masturbator. Crisis Intervention, 1969, 1, 10-13. 67 Lester, D., Brockopp, G. W. & Priebe, K. Association between a full moon and completed suicide. Psychological Reports, 1969, 25, 598. In L. Ellis, Research methods in the social sciences. Dubuque, IA: Brown Benchmark, 1994. 68 Lester, D. Effects of current deprivation and deprivation experience on exploration. Psychonomic Science, 1969, 17, 273-274.


69 Lester, D. Suicide and unemployment: a reexamination. Archives of Environmental Health, 1970, 20, 277-278. 70 Lester, D. Suicidal tendencies: Innate or acquired? Crisis Intervention, 1970, 2, 16-18. 71 Lester, D. Reactions to crises by suicidal individuals. Crisis Intervention, 1970, 2, 18-21. 72 Blum, D. & Lester, D. The chronic caller to a suicide prevention center: Report of a case. Crisis Intervention, 1970, 2, 21-24. 73 Lester, D. & Orloff, L. F. Personality correlates of the duration of menses. Psychological Reports, 1970, 26, 650. 74 Lester, D. Status integration and suicide. Psychological Reports, 1970, 26, 492. 75 Lester, D. Suicide in Buffalo: Some facts and figures. Crisis Intervention, 1970, 2 (supplement to #2), 3- 9. 76 Lester, D. Recruitment of a counselor. Crisis Intervention, 1970, 2(supplement to #2), 34-37. 77 Lester, D. Steps toward the evaluation of a suicide prevention center: Part One. Crisis Intervention, 1970, 2(supplement to #2), 42-45. 78 Lester, D. The snow-fall and suicide in Buffalo. Crisis Intervention, 1970, 2(supplement to #2), 46-47. 79 Lester, D. How common is suicidal behavior? Crisis Intervention, 1970, 2(supplement to #2), 48-50. 80 Lester, D. Anomie and the suicidal individual. Psychological Reports, 1970, 26, 532. 81 Lester, D. Reply to Pate. Psychonomic Science, 1970, 19, 138. 4

82 Lester, D. A comparison of the callers to the three telephone services of the Erie County SPCS. Crisis Intervention, 1970, 2, 43-47. 83 Lester, D. An analysis of "nuisance" calls received by a suicide prevention center. Crisis Intervention, 1970, 2, 48-52. 84 Lester, D. Animism and intolerance of ambiguity. Psychological Reports, 1970, 26, 966. 85 Lester, D., Reeve, C. L. & Priebe, K. Completed suicide and month of birth. Psychological Reports, 1970, 27, 210. 86 Lester, D. & Lester, G. The problem of the less intelligent student in the introductory psychology course. The Clinical Psychologist, 1970, 23(4), 11-12. 87 Lester, D. & Brockopp, G. W. Chronic callers to a suicide prevention center. Community Mental Health Journal, 1970, 6, 246-250. 88 Karp, E. S., Jackson, J. H. & Lester, D. Ideal-self fulfillment in mate selection: A corollary to the complementary need theory of mate selection. Journal of Marriage & the Family, 1970, 32, 269- 272. In D. Schneller (Ed.) Readings in family sociology. New York: Selected Academic Readings, 1971. 89 Lester, D. Suicidal behavior, sex, and mental disorder. Psychological Reports, 1970, 27, 61-62. 90 Lester, D. Personality correlates associated with choice of method of committing suicide. Personality, 1970, 1, 261-264. 91 Lester, D. Attempts to predict suicidal risk using psychological tests. Psychological Bulletin, 1970, 74, 1- 17. 92 Lester, D. A night in the life of a night-watcher. Crisis Intervention, 1970, 2, Supplement to #1, 9-11. 93 Lester, D. Steps toward the evaluation of a suicide prevention center: Part Two. Crisis Intervention, 1970, 2, Supplement to #1, 12-18. 94 Lester, D. Steps toward the evaluation of a suicide prevention center: Part Three. Crisis Intervention, 1970, 2, Supplement to #1, 19-21. 95 Lester, D. What to do as the volume of calls to a suicide prevention center increases. Crisis Intervention, 1970, 2, Supplement to #1, 22-24. 96 Lester, D. Changes in callers to the Erie County SPCS in the first eighteen months of operation. Crisis Intervention, 1970, 2, Supplement to #1, 27-29. 97 Lester, D. Re-examination of Middleton's data: sex differences in death attitudes. Psychological Reports, 1970, 27, 136. 98 Lester, D. Suicidal behavior: A summary of research findings. Crisis Intervention, 1970, 2, Supplement to #3, 1-219. 99 Lester, D. Factors affecting choice of method of suicide. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1970, 26, 437. 100 Lester, D. Relation between attempted suicide and completed suicide. Psychological Reports, 1970, 27, 719-722. 101 Lester, D. The need to achieve and the fear of death. Psychological Reports, 1970, 27, 516. 102 Lester, D. Adolescent suicide and premarital sexual behavior. Journal of Social Psychology, 1970, 82, 131-132. 103 Lester, D. Social responsibility and the results of experiments. Journal of General Psychology, 1970, 83, 139-141. 104 Lester, D. Social disorganization and completed suicide. Social Psychiatry, 1970, 5, 175-176. 105 Lester, D. The physician and the suicidal individual. Bulletin of the Medical Society of Erie County, 1970, 47(4), 18. 106 Lester, D. A comparison of patients who show for appointments and those who do not show. Crisis Intervention, 1970, 2, 75-76. 5

107 Lester, D. The caller who remains silent: Report of an unusual case. Crisis Intervention, 1970, 2, 79-81. 108 Lester, D. Suicidal behavior after restoration of sight. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1970, 214, 916. 109 Lester, D. Completed suicide and latitude. Psychological Reports, 1970, 27, 818. 110 Murphy, W. J. & Lester, D. Changing funeral practices in America. Psychological Reports, 1970, 27, 886. 111 Lester, D. Suicidal behavior and external constraints. Psychological Reports, 1970, 27, 777-778. 112 Lester, D. Suicide and sibling position. Journal of Individual Psychology, 1970, 26, 203-204. 113 Lester, D. The concept of an appropriate death. Psychology, 1970, 7(4), 61-66. In R. DeBellis, A. H. Kutscher, M. R. Goldberg, D. J. Cherico, S. C. Klagsbrun & E. R. Prichard (Eds.) Continuing care for the dying patient, family and staff. New York: Praeger, 1985. 114 Lester, D. Correlates of "animism" in adults. Psychological Reports, 1970, 27, 806. 115 Lester, D. & Endres, F. The evaluation of a summer internship program. Crisis Intervention, 1970, 2, Supplement to #4, 5-6. 116 Lester, D. Steps toward the evaluation of a suicide prevention center: Part Four. Crisis Intervention, 1970, 2 Supplement to #4, 20-22. 117 Lester, D. The patient nobody wants. Crisis Intervention, 1970, 2, 85-86. 118 Lester, D. A telephone service for the elderly. Crisis Intervention, 1970, 2, 86-87. 119 Lester, D. The obscene caller. Crisis Intervention, 1970, 2, 92-96. 120 Brockopp, G. W. & Lester, D. Time perspective in suicidal and nonsuicidal individuals. Crisis Intervention, 1970, 2, 98-100. 121 Lester, G. & Lester, D. The fear of death, the fear of dying, and threshold differences for death words and neutral words. Omega, 1970, 1, 175-179. 122 Lester, D. Religious behavior and the fear of death. Omega, 1970, 1, 181-188. 123 Lester, D. Relation of fear of death in subjects to fear of death in their parents. The Psychological Record, 1970, 20, 541-543. 124 Lester, D. & Collett, L. J. Fear of death and self-ideal discrepancy. Archives of the Foundation of Thanatology, 1970, 2, 130.


125 Lester, D. Sex differences in attitudes toward death: a replication. Psychological Reports, 1971, 28, 754. 126 Lester, D. A modest proposal for control of prejudice and group aggression. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1971, 33, 70. 127 Lester, D. Attitudes toward death and suicide in a non-disturbed population. Psychological Reports, 1971, 29, 386. 128 Lester, D. Suicide and homicide in open and closed societies. Psychological Reports, 1971, 29, 430. 129 Lester, D. & Alexander, M. More than one execution: who goes first? Journal of the American Medical Association, 1971, 217, 215. 130 Lester, D. Ellen West's suicide as a case of psychic homicide. Psychoanalytic Review, 1971, 58, 251- 263. 131 Lester, D. Suicide and homicide: bias in the examination of the relationship between suicide and homicide rates. Social Psychiatry, 1971, 6, 80-82. 132 Lester, D. Need for affiliation in suicide notes. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1971, 33, 550. 133 Lester, D. Seasonal variation in suicidal deaths. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1971, 118, 627-628. 6

134 Lester, D. Relationship of mental disorder to suicidal behavior. New York State Journal of Medicine, 1971, 71, 1503-1505. 135 Lester, D. A preliminary note on the evaluation of those upon whom one depends. Journal of Psychology, 1971, 79, 233-236. 136 Lester, G. & Lester, D. Suicide: The gamble with death. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1971. 137 Lester, D. & Kam, E. G. Effect of a friend dying upon attitudes toward death. Journal of Social Psychology, 1971, 83, 149-150. 138 Brockopp, G. W. & Lester, D. Time competence and suicidal history. Psychological Reports, 1971, 28, 80. 139 Lester, D. MMPI scores of old and young completed . Psychological Reports, 1971, 28, 146. 140 Lester, D. Cognitive complexity of the suicidal individual. Psychological Reports, 1971, 28, 158. 141 Lester, D. & Alexander, M. Suicide and dangerous sports: parachuting. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1971, 215, 485. 142 Lester, D. & Brockopp, G. W. Niagara Falls suicides. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1971, 215, 797-798. 143 Lester, D. Residential segregation and completed suicide. Crisis Intervention, 1971, 3, 7-9. 144 Lester, D. Suicide: aggression or hostility? Crisis Intervention, 1971, 3, 10-14. 145 Lester, D. Suicides and the press. Crisis Intervention, 1971, 3, 16-18. 146 Lester, D. Attitudes toward death held by staff of a suicide prevention center. Psychological Reports, 1971, 28, 650. 147 Lester, D. Completed suicide and longitude. Psychological Reports, 1971, 28, 662. In W. Simon, et al. (Eds.) The realm of psychology. New York: Selected Academic Readings, 1972. 148 Lester, D. The suicide prevention contribution to mental health. Psychological Reports, 1971, 28, 903- 905. 149 Lester, D. Geographical location of callers to a suicide prevention center: note on the evaluation of suicide prevention programs. Psychological Reports, 1971, 28, 421-422. 150 Lester, D. Suicide after restoration of sight. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1971, 216, 678-679. 151 Lester, D. The incidence of suicide and the fear of the dead in non-literate societies. Journal of Cross- Cultural Psychology, 1971, 2, 207-208. 152 Lester, D. Notes from the literature. Crisis Intervention, 1971, 3, 37-39. 153 Lester, D. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator as a predictor of counselor effectiveness. Crisis Intervention, 1971, 3, 44-46. 154 Brockopp, G. W. & Lester, D. The visibility of emergency services in telephone directories. Crisis Intervention, 1971, 3, 42-44. 155 Lester, D. Suicide and self-mutilation behaviors in non-literate societies. Psychological Reports, 1971, 28, 801-802. 156 Lester, D. Maslow and the possibility of becoming healthy. Psychological Reports, 1971, 28, 777-778. 157 Ford, R. E., Alexander, M. & Lester, D. Fear of death in a high stress occupation. Psychological Reports, 1971, 29, 502. 158 Lester, D. Choice of method for suicide and personality: a study of suicide notes. Omega, 1971, 2, 76- 80. 159 Lester, D. The evaluation of suicide prevention centers. International Behavioral Scientist, 1971, 3(2), 40-47. 160 Lester, D. Attitudes toward death today and thirty-five years ago. Omega, 1971, 2, 168-173. 7

161 Lester, D. Suicide and homicide rates and the society's need for affiliation. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 1971, 2, 405-406. 162 Lester, D. The chronic caller to a : an example of an institution "creating" a problem. Crisis Intervention, 1971, 3, 62-65. 163 Lester, D. & Priebe, K. Patients who show for therapy and those who fail. Crisis Intervention, 1971, 3, 69-72. 164 Lester, D. & Williams T. The volunteer in suicide prevention. Crisis Intervention, 1971, 3, 87-91.


165 Lester, D. Suicide after restoration of sight. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1972, 219, 757. 166 Lester, D. Suicide in Ibsen's plays. Life-Threatening Behavior, 1972, 2, 35-41. 167 Alexander, M. & Lester, D. Fear of death in parachute jumpers. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1972, 34, 338. 168 Lester, D. Studies in death attitudes: Part two. Psychological Reports, 1972, 30,440. 169 Lester, D. Why people kill themselves: a summary of research findings on suicidal behavior. Springfield, Illinois: C. C. Thomas, 1972. 170 Lester, D. Migration and suicide. The Medical Journal of Australia, 1972, 1(18), 941-942. 171 Lester, D. Voodoo death: some new thoughts on an old phenomenon. American Anthropologist, 1972, 74, 386-390. 172 Lester, D. Suicide. The Journal Of The Medical Society of New Jersey, 1972, 69, 665-667. 173 Lester, D. Self-mutilating behavior. Psychological Bulletin, 1972, 78, 119-128. 174 Perdue, W. C. & Lester, D. Personality characteristics of rapists. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1972, 35, 514. 175 Lester, D. Aggression - quantitative data. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1972, 129, 238. 176 Lester, D. & Perdue, W. C. Suicide, homicide, and color-shading response on the Rorschach. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1972, 35, 562. 177 Lester, D. & Templer, D. I. Resemblance of parent-child death-anxiety as a function of age and sex of child. Psychological Reports, 1972, 31, 750. 178 Lester, D. Comparative psychology: does it exist? American Psychologist, 1972, 27, 975-976. 179 Lester, D. The evaluation of telephone counseling services. Crisis Intervention, 1972, 4, 53-60. 180 Lester, D. The myth of suicide prevention. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1972, 13, 555-560. 181 Lester, D. Incest. Journal of Sex Research, 1972, 8, 268-285. 182 Lester, D. Drugs and suicidal behavior. The New Jersey Journal of Pharmacy, 1972, 45(12), 10-11. 183 Lester, D. Suicide rate. British Medical Journal, 1972, 4, 612. 184 Lester, D. The prevention of homicide. Crisis Intervention, 1972, 4, 105-111. 185 Lester, D. Religious behavior and attitudes toward death. In A. Godin (Ed.) Death and Presence. Brussels: Lumen Vitae Press, 1972, 107-124. Also as Attitudes devant la mort et conduites religieuses. In A. Godin (Ed.) Mort et Présence. Bruxelles: Lumen Vitae, 1971, 107-127.


186 Lester, D. Comparative psychology. Port Washington, NY: Alfred, 1973. 187 Lester, D. Temporal perspective and completed suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1973, 36, 760. 188 Lester, D. Hysteria and suicide. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1973, 224, 902. 8

189 Lester, D. Seasonal variation in suicide-rates. Lancet, 1973, i, 611-612. 190 Lester, D. & Wright, T. Suicide and overcontrol. Psychological Reports, 1973, 32, 1278. 191 Lester, D. The physician and suicide. Sandorama, 1973, #2, 19-21. 192 Lester, D. & Brockopp, G. W. (Eds.) Crisis intervention and counseling by telephone. Springfield, Ill.: Thomas, 1973. Japanese edition, Kawashima Shoten Publishing Company, 1982. 193 Lester, D. The study of the inheritance of rare behaviors: the cohort technique. Behavior Genetics, 1973, 3, 197-198. 194 Slaikeu, K., Lester, D., & Tulkin, S. R. Show versus no show: a comparison of referral calls to a suicide prevention and crisis service. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 1973, 40, 481-486. 195 Lester, D. Homicides and the death penalty. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1973, 225, 313. 196 Lester, D. National homicide and suicide rates as a function of political stability. Psychological Reports, 1973, 33, 298. 197 Lester, D. Sex differences in the homicide rate. Psychological Reports, 1973, 33, 250. 198 Lester, D. Variation in homicide rate with latitude and longitude in the United States. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1973, 36, 532. 199 Perdue, W. C. & Lester, D. Those who murder kin: a Rorschach study. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1973, 36, 606. 200 Lester, D. Completed suicide and females in the labor force. Psychological Reports, 1973, 32, 730. 201 Lester, D. External restraints, suicide, and homicide: comparison of Norway and France. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1973, 36, 646. 202 Lester, D. Status integration and homicide. Psychological Reports, 1973, 32, 774. 203 Lester, D. Prevention of suicide. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1973, 225, 992. 204 Lester, D. Suicide in released prisoners of war. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1973, 225, 747. 205 Lester, D. Fear of the dead in nonliterate societies. Journal of Social Psychology, 1973, 90, 329-330. 206 Lester, D., Bird, K., Brown, K., & Massa J. Validity of Shaw Blocks Test. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1973, 37, 442. 207 Lester, D. Suicide and internal-external orientation. Psychology, 1973, 10(3), 35-39. 208 Lester, D. Phonetic and graphic symbolism. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1973, 37, 592. 209 Lester, D. & Perdue, W. C. Movement responses of murderers to Rorschach stimuli. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1973, 37, 668. 210 Lester, D. Mortality rates and aggression management. Psychological Reports, 1973, 33, 865-866. 211 Beck, A. T., & Lester, D. Attempted suicide and month of birth. Psychological Reports, 1973, 33, 506. 212 Lester, D. Suicide-prevention centers and prevention of suicide. The New England Journal of Medicine, 1973, 289, 380. 213 Beck, A. T., & Lester, D. Components of depression in attempted suicide. Journal of Psychology, 1973, 85, 257-260. 214 Beck, A. T., Lester, D., & Kovacs, M. Attempted suicide by males and females. Psychological Reports, 1973, 33, 965-966. 215 Beck, A. T., Lester, D., & Albert, N. Suicidal wishes and symptoms of depression. Psychological Reports, 1973, 33, 770. 216 Lester, D. Psychologists/Community Crisis Services. Newsletter of Division 31, 1973, 5(2), 3. 217 Lester, D. Telephone counseling and the masturbator: a dilemma. Clinical Social Work Journal, 1973, 1, 257-260. In C. D. Bryant (Ed.) Sexual deviancy in social context. New York: New Viewpoints, 1977. 9

218 Lester, D. Suicide, homicide, and age dependency ratios. International Journal of Aging & Human Development, 1973, 4, 127-132. 219 Lester, D. Murder: a review. Corrective & Social Psychiatry, 1973, 19(4), 40-50.


220 Lester, D. Aggression management and sex and racial differences in mortality. Psychological Reports, 1974, 34, 198. 221 Lester, D. Comment on Faber's analysis of Jocasta's suicide in "Oedipus Rex". Psychological Reports, 1974, 34, 182. 222 Lester, D., Getty, C., & Kneisl, C. R. Attitudes of nursing students and nursing faculty toward death. Nursing Research, 1974, 23, 50-53. 223 Templer, D. I. & Lester, D. An MMPI scale for assessing death anxiety. Psychological Reports, 1974, 34, 238. 224 Lester, D. & Miller, N. H. Sex differences in inhibition on cognitive tasks. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1974, 38, 502. 225 Lester, D. Recent trends in telephone counseling. Crisis Intervention, 1974, 5(2), 8-15. 226 Lester, D., Perdue, W. C. & Brookhart, D. Murder and the control of aggression. Psychological Reports, 1974, 34, 706. 227 Lester, D. Effect of suicide prevention centers on suicide rates in the United States. Health Services Reports, 1974, 89, 37-39. 228 Perdue, W. C. & Lester, D. Temperamentally suited to kill: The personality of murderers. Corrective & Social Psychiatry, 1974, 20(1), 13-15. 229 Lester, D. Demographic versus clinical prediction of suicidal behavior: a look at some issues. In A. T. Beck, H. L. P. Resnick & D. J. Lettieri (Eds.) The prediction of suicide. Bowie, MD: Charles Press, 1974. Pp. 71-84. 230 Perdue, W. C. & Lester, D. Racial differences in the personality of murderers. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1974, 38, 726. 231 Beck, R. W., Morris, J. & Lester, D. Suicide notes and risk of future suicide. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1974, 228, 495-496. 232 Lester, D. & Perdue, W. C. Body image of murderers. Journal of General Psychology, 1974, 70, 187- 189. 233 Lester, D. & Lester, G. Preliminary note on a search for correlates of attitudes toward coeducation from female college students. Psychological Reports, 1974, 35, 10. 234 Lester, D. Rape and social structure. Psychological Reports, 1974, 35, 146. 235 Lester, D., Perdue, W. C. & Brookhart, D. Murderers who have attempted suicide. Psychological Reports, 1974, 35, 238. 236 Lester, D. The suicide capital of America. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1974, 228, 1637. 237 Lester, D., Kendra, J. M. & Perdue, W. C. Distinguishing murderers from suicides with the Rorschach. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1974, 39, 474. 238 Lester, D. A cross-species study of exploration and learning. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1974, 39, 562. 239 Lester, D. Suicide prevention centers: data from 1970. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1974, 229, 394. 240 Templer, D. I., & Lester, D. Conversion disorders: a review of research. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1974, 15, 285-294. 10

241 Lester, D. & Perdue, W. C. The detection of attempted suicides and murderers using the Rorschach. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 1974, 10, 101-103. 242 Lester, D. Symbolism in the Chinese language. International Journal of Symbology, 1974, 5(1), 18-21. 243 Lester, D. & Beck, A. T. Attempted suicide and religion. Psychology, 1974, 11(3), 32-34. 244 Templer, D. I., Lester, D., & Ruff, C. R. Fear of death and femininity. Psychological Reports, 1974, 35, 530. 245 Lester, D. & Beck, A. T. Suicide in the Spring: A Test of Durkheim's explanation. Psychological Reports, 1974, 35, 893-894. 246 Lester, D. Crisis intervention and counseling by telephone. In J. H. Masserman (Ed.) Current Psychiatric Therapies, 1974, 14, 199-201. 247 Lester, D. A physiological basis for personality traits: a new theory of personality. Springfield, IL: Charles Thomas, 1974. 248 Beck, A. T., Weissman, A., Lester, D., & Trexler, L. The measurement of pessimism: the hopelessness scale. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 1974, 42, 861-865. 249 Lester, D. A cross-national study of suicide and homicide. Behavior Science Research, 1974, 9, 307- 318. 250 Lester, D. The unique qualities of telephone therapy. Psychotherapy, 1974, 11, 219-221. 251 Lester, D. & Beck, A. T. Age differences in patterns of attempted suicide. Omega, 1974, 5, 317-322.


252 Lester, D. The relationship between paranoid delusions and homosexuality. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1975, 4, 285-294. 253 Lester, D., Beck, A. T. & Trexler, L. Extrapolation from attempted suicides to completed suicides. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1975, 84, 563-566. 254 Lester, D., Kendra, J. M., Thisted, R. A. & Perdue, W. C. Prediction of homicide with the Rorschach. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1975, 31, 752. 255 Lester, D. Firesetting. Corrective & Social Psychiatry, 1975, 21(2) 22-26. 256 Lester, D. The fear of death in primitive societies. Behavior Science Research, 1975, 10, 229-232. 257 Lester, D. & Lester, G. Crime of passion: murder and the murderer. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1975. 258 Lester, D. & Beck, A. T. Suicide and national holidays. Psychological Reports, 1975, 36, 52. 259 Lester, D. & Beck, A. T. Suicidal intent, medical lethality of the , and components of depression. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1975, 31, 11-12. 260 Lester, D. & Beck, A. T. Attempted suicide in alcoholics and drug addicts. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 1975, 36, 162-164. 261 Lester, D. & Beck, A. T. Racial background and suicidal behavior. Psychology, 1975, 12(2), 3-5. 262 Lester, D. Unusual sexual behavior: the standard deviations. Springfield, IL: Charles Thomas, 1975. 263 Lester, D., Narkunski, A., Burkman, J., & Gandica, A. An exploratory study of correlates of success in a vocational training program for ex-addicts. Psychological Reports, 1975, 37, 1212-1214. 264 Lester, D. & Beck, A. T. Attempted suicide: correlates of increasing medical lethality. Psychological Reports, 1975, 37, 1236-1238.


265 Lester, D. & Beck, A. T. Suicidal behavior in neurotics and psychotics. Psychological Reports, 1976, 39, 549-550. 11

266 Lester, D. Extraversion in police officers. Psychological Reports, 1976, 39, 578. 267 Lester, D. Homicidal and suicidal impulses in the Nazi leaders. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1976, 43, 1316. 268 Murphy, K. & Lester, D. A search for correlates of belief in ESP. Psychological Reports, 1976, 38, 82. 269 Lester, D. Age, sex and racial differences in morphology. Psychological Reports, 1976, 38, 106. 270 Beck, A. T. & Lester, D. Components of suicidal intent in completed and attempted suicides. Journal of Psychology, 1976, 92, 35-38. 271 Lester, D. Preferences among Sheldon's temperaments. Psychological Reports, 1976, 38, 722. 272 Lester, D. The relationship between some dimensions of personality. Psychology, 1976, 13(1), 58-60. 273 Genz, J. L. & Lester, D. Authoritarianism in policemen as a function of experience. Journal of Police Science & Administration, 1976, 4, 9-13. 274 Lester, D. & Beck, A. T. Early loss as a possible "sensitizer" to later loss in attempted suicides. Psychological Reports, 1976, 39, 121-122. 275 Beck, A. T., Weissman, A., Lester, D. & Trexler, L. Classification of suicidal behaviors: II Dimensions of suicidal intent. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1976, 33, 835-837. 276 Diggory, J. C. & Lester, D. Suicide rates of men and women: an instance of their independence. Omega, 1976, 7, 95-101. 277 Lester, D., Burkman, J. H., Gandica, A. & Narkunski, A. The addictive personality. Psychology, 1976, 12(2), 53-57. 278 Lester, D., Beck, A., & Bruno, S. Correlates of choice of method for completed suicide. Psychology, 1976, 13(2), 70-73. 279 Lester, D. & McLaughlin, S. Sex-deviant handwriting and neuroticism. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1976, 43, 770. 280 Lester, D. & Beck, A. T. Completed suicides and their previous attempts. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1976, 32, 553-555.


281 Lester, D., Kendra, J. M. & Thisted, R. A. Prediction of homicide and suicide: a test in a healthy risk- taking group. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1977, 44, 222. 282 Genz, J. L. & Lester, D. Military service, education and authoritarian attitudes of municipal police officers. Psychological Reports, 1977, 40, 402. 283 Lester, D., McLaughlin, S., & Nosal, G. Graphological signs for extraversion. Perceptual & Motor Skills 1977, 44, 137-138. 284 Lester, D. The prediction of suicide and homicide rates cross-nationally by means of stepwise multiple regression. Behavior Science Research, 1977, 12, 61-69. 285 Lester, D. Three psychological descriptions of delinquents: a synthesis. Corrective & Social Psychiatry, 1977, 23(1), 33-35. 286 Lester, D. & Beck, A. T. Suicidal wishes and depression in suicidal ideators: a comparison with attempted suicides. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1977, 33, 92-94. 287 Lester, D. Eye color, extraversion and neuroticism. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1977, 44, 1162. 288 Lester, D. Idiots savants: a review. Psychology, 1977, 14(1), 20-23. 289 Lester, D. Multiple personality: a review. Psychology, 1977, 14(1), 54-59. 290 Lester, D. The use of the telephone in counseling and crisis intervention. In I. de Sola Pool (Ed.) The social impact of the telephone. Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1977. Pp. 454- 472. 12

291 Lester, D. The use of alternative modes for communication in psychotherapy. Springfield, IL: Charles Thomas, 1977. 292 Lester, D. Suicide rate of a locale and its deviancy in status integration. Psychological Reports, 1977, 41, 374. 293 Lester, D. The relationship between suicide and homicide. Corrective & Social Psychiatry, 1977, 23, 83-84. 294 Lester, D. & Colvin, L. M. Fear of death, alienation and self-actualization. Psychological Reports, 1977, 41, 526. 295 Lester, D. Deviation in Sheldonian physique-temperament match and neuroticism. Psychological Reports, 1977, 41, 942. 296 Lester, D., McLaughlin, S., Cohen, R. & Dunn, L. Sex-deviant handwriting, femininity, and homosexuality. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1977, 45, 1156. 297 Hummel, H. & Lester, D. Extraversion and simple reaction time. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1977, 45, 1236. 298 Lester, D. Psychological studies of the fear of death. Archives of the Foundation of Thanatology, 1977, 6(4), article no. 11, unpaged. 299 Lester, D. The sex offender: a behavioral analysis. Police Law Quarterly, 1977, 8(1), 19-27. 300 Lester, D. Bereavement and suicide: a positive perspective. In B. L. Danto & A. H. Kutscher (Eds.) Suicide and bereavement. New York: MSS Information, 1977, pp. 194-198.


301 Lester, D. Dogmatism and job satisfaction in police officers. Psychological Reports, 1978, 42, 962. 302 Lester, D. The police officer and the suicidal person. Law & Order, 1978, 26(1), 16. 303 Lester, D. Suicide in police officers. Police Chief, 1978, 45(4), 17. 304 Lester, D. Predicting murder rates of police officers in urban areas. Police Law Quarterly, 1978, 7(3), 20-25. 305 Lester, D. Assaults on police officers in American cities. Psychological Reports, 1978, 42, 946. 306 Lester, D. Police protection and changes in urban population. Psychological Reports, 1978, 42, 1138. 307 Lester, D. & Pickett, C. Attitudes toward mental illness in police officers. Psychological Reports, 1978, 42, 888. 308 Lester, D., Beck, A. T., & Narrett, S. Suicidal intent in successive suicidal actions. Psychological Reports, 1978, 43, 110. 309 Murrell, M. E., Lester, D. & Arcuri, A. F. Is the "police personality" unique to police officers? Psychological Reports, 1978, 43, 298. 310 Lester, D. & Narkunski, A. Methodological problems in describing the addictive personality. Psychological Reports, 1978, 43, 134. 311 Garth, J. M. & Lester, D. The moon and suicide. Psychological Reports, 1978, 43, 678. 312 Lester, D. & Genz, J. L. Police attitudes toward training. Police Law Quarterly, 1978, 8(1), 25-27. 313 Lester, D. & Genz, J. L. Internal-external locus of control, experience as a police officer, and job satisfaction in municipal police officers. Journal of Police Science & Administration, 1978, 6, 479-481. 314 Lester, D. A study of civilian-caused murders of police officers. International Journal of Criminology & Penology, 1978, 6, 373-378. 315 Lester, D. & Wright, T. Murderers and overcontrolled hostility. Psychological Reports, 1978, 43, 1202. 13

316 Lester, D. & Arcuri, A. F. Personality correlates of police discretion to enforce traffic laws. Psychological Reports, 1978, 43, 1166. 317 Lester, D. Internal conflict and personal violence: a cross-national study of suicide and homicide. International Journal of Group Tensions, 1978, 8(3/4), 68-71.


318 Lester, D., Beck, A. T. & Mitchell, B. Extrapolation from attempted suicides to completed suicides: a test. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1979, 88, 78-80. 319 Lester, D. College major, career choice and law enforcement officers. Law & Order, 1979, 27(3), 36. 320 Lester, D. The violent offender. In H. Toch (Ed.) Psychology of crime and criminal justice. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1979, 299-321. 321 Lester, D., Babcock, A. D., & Cassisi, J. P. Birth order in police officers. Police Chief, 1979, 46(1), 39. 322 Blustein, J., & Lester, D. Locus of control and remedial students. Psychological Reports, 1979, 44, 54. 323 Murrell, M. E. & Lester, D. Masculinity in police officers. Psychological Reports, 1979, 44, 14. 324 Lester, D. Food fads and psychological health. Psychological Reports, 1979, 44, 222. 325 Lester, D., & Clopton, J. R. Suicide and overcontrol. Psychological Reports, 1979, 44, 758. 326 Lester, D. Predictors of graduation from a police training academy. Psychological Reports, 1979, 44, 362. 327 Lester, D. Sex differences in suicidal behavior. In E. S. Gomberg & V. Franks (Eds.) Gender and disordered behavior. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1979, 287-300. 328 Lester, D. Execution as a deterrent to homicides. Psychological Reports, 1979, 44, 562. 329 Lester, D. & Wilson, C. Handwriting and security-insecurity. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1979, 48, 1002. 330 Lester, D., Nosal, G., Purnell, P., & Quigley, C. Studies on disguised handwriting. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1979, 48, 640. 331 Lester, D. Temporal variation in suicide and homicide. American Journal of Epidemiology, 1979, 109, 517-520. Also in L. H. Roht, B. J. Selwyn, A. H. Holgruin & B. L. Christensen. Principles of epidemiology. New York: Academic, 1982, 22. 332 Lester, D. Preventing suicide: whether to, when and how. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference for Suicide Prevention and Crisis Intervention. Ottawa: IASP Congress, 1979, 246- 252. 333 Lester, D. & Meyer, D. Two studies on handwriting: correlates of signature size and slant. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1979, 48, 1278. 334 Lester, D. Modern psychological theories of punishment and their implications for penology and corrections. Corrective & Social Psychiatry, 1979, 25, 81-85. 335 Arcuri, A. F., Gunn, M. M. & Lester, D. Some new data on police discretion. Criminal Justice Review, 1979, 4(1), 15-23. 336 Lester, D., Monfredo, L. & Hummel, H. Attitudes toward life and aging: an exploratory comparison of elderly and young adults. Psychological Reports, 1979, 45, 562. 337 Lester, D. & Mink, S. R. Is stress higher in police officers? An exploratory study. Psychological Reports, 1979, 45, 554. 338 McAloon, M. & Lester, D. The Luscher Color Test as a measure of anxiety in juvenile delinquents. Psychological Reports, 1979, 45, 228. 339 Lester, D. Stress in police officers. Law & Order, 1979, 27(9), 50-51. 14

340 Lester, D. Preference for method of suicide and attitudes toward death in normal people. Psychological Reports, 1979, 45, 638. In S. S. Hill, B. F. Soppelsa & G. K. West, Teaching ESL students to read and write experimental-research papers. TESOL Quarterly, 1982, 16, 333-347. 341 Lester, D. Deterring effect of executions on murder as a function of number and proportion of executions. Psychological Reports, 1979, 45, 598. 342 Cherry, T. M. & Lester, D. An exploratory study of police officers' satisfaction in marriage. Psychological Reports, 1979, 45, 794. 343 Lester, D. (Ed.) Gambling Today. Springfield, IL: Charles Thomas 1979. 344 Lester, D. The policeman's lot: a positive viewpoint. Law & Order, 1979, 27(11), 58, 71. 345 Lester, D., Babcock, S. D., Cassisi, J. P. & Genz, J. L. The relevance of a personality test in decisions to hire police officers and their graduation from a training academy. Police Studies, 1979, 2(3), 24- 26.


346 Lester, D. & Murrell, M. E. The influence of gun control laws on suicidal behavior. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1980, 137, 121-122. 347 Corrigan, R. S., Lester, D. & Loftus, T. Perception of danger by police officers. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1980, 50, 284. 348 Lester, D., Sell, B. H. & Sell, K. D. Suicide: A Guide to Information Sources. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1980. 349 Lester, D. Comment: Suicide prevention by the Samaritans. Social Science & Medicine, 1980, 14A, 85. 350 Lester, D. & Sandrow, R. Preliminary study of group cohesiveness in police and faculty. Psychological Reports, 1980, 46, 86. 351 Lester, D. The validity of national suicide rates. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1980, 136, 107-108. 352 Lester, D., Babcock, S. D., Cassisi, J. P. & Brunetta, M. Hiring despite the psychologist's objections. Criminal Justice & Behavior, 1980, 7, 41-49. 353 Schnitzius, J. T. & Lester, D. Police professionals and job satisfaction. Psychological Reports, 1980, 46, 402. 354 Lester, D. & Butler, A. J. P. Job satisfaction and cynicism in police: A cross-national comparison. Police Studies, 1980, 2(4), 44-45. 355 Lester, D., Babcock, S. D., Cassisi, J. P., Genz, J. L. & Butler, A. J. P. The personalities of English and American police. Journal of Social Psychology, 1980, 111, 153-154. 356 Lester, D. The treatment of compulsive gambling. The International Journal of the Addictions, 1980, 15, 201-206. 357 Lester, D. & Gallagher, J. Stress in police officers and department store managers. Psychological Reports, 1980, 46, 882. 358 Lester, D. & Blustein, J. Attitudes toward funerals: a variable independent of attitudes toward death. Psychological Reports, 1980, 46, 1074. 359 Lester, D. Talking into a tape recorder and playback as an adjunct to therapy. Journal of Counseling & Psychotherapy, 1980, 3(1), 125-129. 360 Lester, D. Relationships between subscale scores of police officers on the Kuder Occupational Interest Survey. Psychological Reports, 1980, 46, 1276. 361 Corrigan, R. S., Pattison, L. & Lester, D. Superstition in police officers. Psychological Reports, 1980, 46, 830. 15

362 Lester, D. Choice of gambling activity and belief in locus on control, Psychological Reports, 1980, 47, 22. 363 Lester, D. & Purgavie, C. Predicting graduation from a police academy with the Kuder Occupational Interest Survey. Psychological Reports, 1980, 47, 78. 364 Teski, M. P., Arcuri, A. F., & Lester, D. Locus of control in elderly women who have worked and those who have not. Psychological Reports, 1980, 46, 1304. 365 Lester, D. & Sheehan, D. Attitudes of supervisors toward short police officers. Psychological Reports, 1980, 47, 462. 366 Lester, D. & Nagiewicz, C. A. Low status of campus police: a preliminary study. Psychological Reports, 1980, 47, 738. 367 Lester, D., Arcuri, A. F. & Gunn, M. M. Police roles, discretion and danger. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1980, 51, 318. 368 Lester, D. & Karsevar, M. Perceived satisfaction of police officers with their marriages. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1980, 51, 634. 369 Lester, D. & Zunno, F. A. The murder of police officers: comparative studies. Police Studies, 1980, 3(2), 54-57. 370 Lester, D. Regional suicide rates and the hazards of minority status. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1980, 137(11), 1469-1470. 371 Lester, D. & Solis, A. Type A personality, stress and job satisfaction in police officers. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1980, 51, 890. 372 Sheehan, D. & Lester, D. Attitudes of short versus tall police officers. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1980, 51, 878. 373 Carlson, L. D. & Lester, D. Thrill seeking in police officers. Psychological Reports, 1980, 47, 1102. 374 Lester, D. A cross-species comparison of American and Russian studies on learning. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1980, 51, 994. 375 Posner, I., Leitner, L. A. & Lester, D. Stress, mood and job satisfaction in police administrators. Stress, 1980, 1(3), 5-7. Also in Network News, 1981, 1(5), 2-4. 376 Lester, D. Effect of Gary Gilmore's execution on homicidal behavior. Psychological Reports, 1980, 47, 1262. 377 Lester, D. Variation in suicide and homicide by latitude and longitude. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1980, 51, 1346. 378 Price, C. W. & Lester, D. Preliminary study of the scholastic progress of veterans with honorable and general discharges. Psychological Reports, 1980, 47, 1174. 379 Lester, D. & Beck, A. T. What the suicide's choice of method signifies. Omega, 1980-1981, 11, 271- 277. 380 Lester, D. & Hummel, H. Motives for suicide in elderly people. Psychological Reports, 1980, 47, 870. 381 Lester, D. The evaluation of suicide prevention centers. Crisis Intervention, 1980, 10, 144-160. 382 Lester, D. Alcohol and suicide and homicide. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 1980, 41, 1220-1223. 383 Lester, D. A cross-culture study of wife abuse. Aggressive Behavior, 1980, 6, 361-364.


384 Lester, D., Benkovich, C., Brady, J., Dietrich, M. & Solis, A. Stress and job satisfaction in police officers. Police Studies, 1981, 4(1), 34-35. 385 Lester, D. Freedom of the press and personal violence: a cross-national study of suicide and homicide. Journal of Social Psychology, 1981, 114, 267-269. 16

386 Lester, D. & Brower, E. R. Stress and job satisfaction in a sample of pediatric intensive care nurses. Psychological Reports, 1981, 48, 738. 387 Posner, I., Leitner, L. A. & Lester, D. A program for stress management: An application to social service deliverers. Crisis Intervention, 1981, 11, 60-65. 388 Lester, D. (Ed.) The elderly victim of crime. Springfield, IL: Charles Thomas, 1981. 389 Lester, D. & Hoyd, R. J. Handwriting slant and thinking/feeling. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1981, 53, 258. 390 Lester, D. The psychological basis of handwriting analysis. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1981. 391 Lester, D. Ectomorphy and suicide. Journal of Social Psychology, 1981, 113, 135-136. 392 Murrell, M. & Lester, D. Introduction to juvenile delinquency. New York: Macmillan, 1981. 393 Lester, D. Spiritualism and suicide. Omega, 1981-1982, 12, 45-49. 394 Lester, D. Psychotherapy for offenders. Jonesboro, TN: Pilgrimage, 1981. 395 Lester, D. The morality of counseling the suicidal person. Journal of Counseling & Psychotherapy, 1981, 4(1), 79-84. 396 Lester, D. Are police officers cynical? Criminal Justice Review, 1981, 5(2), 51-56. 397 Lester, D. & Tappert, E. Subjective stress and internal-external locus of control. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1981, 53, 590. 398 Lester, D. Neuroticism, psychoticism, and autonomic nervous system balance. Biological Psychiatry, 1981, 16, 683-685. 399 Lester, D. Occupational injuries, illnesses and fatalities in police officers. Police Chief, 1981, 48(10), 43, 63. 400 Lester, D. A typology of police officers based upon a personality test: a research note. American Journal of Police, 1981, 1(1), 69-75. 401 Lester, D. The use of punishment in corrections and crime prevention. In S. Letman, L. French, H. Scott & D. Weichman (Eds.) Contemporary issues in corrections. Jonesboro, TN: Pilgrimage, 1981, 1- 6. 402 Lester, D. A comparative study of police prestige and police performance. Journal of Crime & Justice, 1981, 4, 171-173. 403 Lester, D. & Murrell, M. E. The relationship between gun control statutes and homicide rates: a research note. Journal of Crime & Justice, 1981, 4, 145-148. 404 Lester, D. & Murrell, M. E. The influence of gun control laws on the incidence of accidents with guns: a preliminary study. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1981, 13, 357-359. 405 Lester, D. The use of deadly force by police and civilians. Police Chief, 1981, 48(12), 56-57. 406 Leitner, L. A., Posner, I. & Lester, D. An evaluation of a stress management training program for employees. Stress, 1981, 2(4), 5-6. 407 Heller, M. A., Traylor, W. H., Ehrlich, S. M. & Lester, D. Intelligence, psychosis, and competency to stand trial. Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry & Law, 1981, 9, 267-274. 408 Lester, D. The relationship between political role of the police and their prestige: a cross-national study. Behavior Science Research, 1981, 16, 161-165.


409 Lester, D. Levels of analysis in comparative psychology. Journal of General Psychology, 1982, 106, 57- 59. 410 Lester, D., & Reeve, C. The suicide notes of young and old people. Psychological Reports, 1982, 50, 334. 17

411 Lester, D., Leitner, L. A. & Posner, I. Components of stress: a factor analytic study. Psychological Reports, 1982, 50, 326. 412 Lester, D. The structure of the mind. Washington, DC: University Press of America, 1982. 413 Lester, D., & Guerin, T. W. Further explorations of police officers' satisfaction with their marriages. Psychological Reports, 1982, 50, 608. 414 Lester, D. Astrologers and psychics as therapists. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 1982, 36, 56-66. 415 Lester, D. The prestige of policemen around the world. The Police Journal, 1982, 55, 110-112. 416 Murrell, M. E. & Lester, D. The personalities of short people. Psychological Reports, 1982, 50, 1034. 417 Lester, D. Students' evaluation of teaching and course performance. Psychological Reports, 1982, 50, 1126. 418 Lester, D. Subjective stress and sources of stress for police officers. Psychological Reports, 1982, 50, 1094. 419 Lester, D. Police officers killed and the guns used by criminals. Psychological Reports, 1982, 50, 1206. 420 Lester, D. Job satisfaction, cynicism, education and belief in an internal locus of control in police. Psychological Reports, 1982, 50, 1214. 421 Lester, D., Butler, A. J. P., Dalley, A. F., Lewis, T., Swanton, B. Job satisfaction, cynicism and belief in an external locus of control: a study of police in four nations. Police Studies, 1982, 5(2), 6-9. 422 Zunno, F. A. & Lester, D. The risk of murder for police. International Criminal Police Review, 1982, #354, 6-8. 423 Lester, D. Perceived stress in police officers and belief in locus of control. Journal of General Psychology, 1982, 107, 157-158. 424 Lester, D. Suicide: trends in New Jersey. Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey, 1982, 79, 819- 820. 425 Lester, D., Gronau, F. & Wondrack, K. The personality and attitudes of female police officers: needs, androgyny, and attitudes toward rape. Journal of Police Science & Administration, 1982, 10, 357- 360. 426 Lester, D. Suicide and homicide in U.S. Prisons. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1982, 139, 1527- 1528. 427 Lester, D. & Murrell, M. E. The preventive effect of strict gun control laws on suicide and homicide. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 1982, 12, 131-140. 428 Lester, D. Improving the police image by changing police attitudes. Police Journal, 1982, 55, 352-354. 429 Lester, D. Civilians who kill police officers and police officers who kill civilians: a comparison of American cities. Journal of Police Science & Administration, 1982, 10, 384-387. 430 Lester, D. Ectomorphy and personality. Psychological Reports, 1982, 51, 1182. 431 Lester, D. Transcendental meditation in correctional settings: a review and discussion. Corrective & Social Psychiatry, 1982, 28(2), 63-64. 432 Dalley, A. F., & Lester, D. Job satisfaction and cynicism in police: A United States and Canada comparison. Royal Canadian Mounted Police Gazette, 1982, 44(11), 16-18. 433 Lester, D., Werling, N., & Heinle, N. H. Graphoanalytic differences by sex and handedness. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1982, 55, 1190. 434 Ashton, N. L., and Lester, D. Helping behavior in police officers and reasons for choice of career. Psychological Reports, 1982, 51, 1126. 435 Lester, D. Conformity, suicide and homicide. Behavior Science Research, 1982, 17, 24-30. 436 Lester, D. The distribution of sex and age among completed suicides: a cross-national study. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 1982, 28, 256-260. 437 Lester, D. The treatment of exhibitionists. Corrective & Social Psychiatry, 1982, 28(3), 94-98. 18

437b Lester, D. On the utility of stress as an explanatory concept. Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 1982, 5, 112-113.


438 Lester, D. Police officer attitudes toward handgun control. Police Chief, 1983, 50(2), 23. 439 Leitner, L. A., Posner, I. & Lester, D. Stress, mood and job satisfaction in police chiefs. Police Chief, 1983, 50(1), 54-55. 440 Lester, D. The selection of police officers: an argument for simplicity. The Police Journal, 1983, 56(1), 53-55. 441 Lester, D. The effects of police department policies on the use of firearms by police officers. Police Studies, 1983, 5(4), 8-10. 442 Lester, D. Body build and temperament in dogs. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1983, 56, 590. 443 Lester, D. Type A personality in police officers. Psychological Reports, 1983, 52, 730. 444 Heller, M. S., Traylor, W. H., Ehrlich, S. M., & Lester, D. Competent and incompetent defendants referred to a court psychiatric clinic: a clinical comparison. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 1983, 28, 415-422. 445 Lester, D., Hvezda, J., Sullivan, S., & Plourde, R. Maslow's hierarchy of needs and psychological health. Journal of General Psychology, 1983, 109, 83-85. 446 Lester, D. Stress in police officers: an American perspective. The Police Journal, 1983, 56(2), 188-190. 447 Lester, D., Leitner, L. A., & Posner, I. Stress management training for hospital supervisory personnel. Hospital Topics, 1983, 61(3), 8-9. 448 Lester, D. The suicidal police officer: recognition and helping. Criminal Justice Career Digest, 1983, 2(8), 4-6, 8. 449 Heller, M. A., Ehrlich, S. M., & Lester, D. Victim-offender relationships and severity of victim injury. Journal of Social Psychology, 1983, 120, 229-234. 450 Lester, D., Leitner, L. A., & Posner, I. Recent life events and stress scores: an examination of the Holmes and Rahe scale. Psychological Reports, 1983, 53, 70. 451 Lester, D. Why people kill themselves; a 1980s summary of research findings on suicidal behavior. Springfield, IL: Thomas, 1983. 452 Lester, D. Why do people become police officers: a study of reasons and their prediction of success. Journal of Police Science & Administration, 1983, 11, 170-174. 453 Lester, D., Edge, W. R., Kawich, E. J., & Lee, R. Correlates of rational attitudes toward love. Psychological Reports, 1983, 53, 190. 454 Posner, I., Lester, D., & Leitner, L. A. Item-analysis of a stress scale. Psychological Reports, 1983, 53, 814. 455 Lester, D. Preventive effect of strict handgun control laws on suicide rates. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1983, 140, 1259. 456 Lester, D. Monthly variation of suicidal and accidental poisoning deaths. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1983, 143, 204-205. 457 Lester, D., Werling, N., & Heinle, N. H. Differences in handwriting as a function of age. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1983, 57, 738. 458 Edelson, J., & Lester, D. Personality and pet ownership: a preliminary study. Psychological Reports, 1983, 53, 990. 459 Hunt, D. M., Lester, D., & Ashton, N. Fear of death, locus of control and occupation. Psychological Reports, 1983, 53, 1022. 19

460 Posner, I., Lester, D., & Leitner, L. A. Stress in lower and upper echelon staff. Psychological Reports, 1983, 53, 1198. 461 Lester, D. Societal approval of suicide. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 1983, 17, 293. 462 Lester, D., & Murrell, M. E. The influence of strict handgun laws on suicidal behavior in the U.S.A. In J. P. Soubrier & J. Vedrinne (Eds.) Depression and suicide. Paris: Pergamon, 1983, 305-309. 463 Lester, D. Constructing a questionnaire measure of autonomic nervous system balance. Research Communications in Psychology, Psychiatry & Behavior, 1983, 8, 353-356. 464 Lester, D. Physiological theories of personality. Pomona: Stockton State College, 1983. 465 Lester, D., Leitner, L. A., & Posner, I. Stress and its management for police officers: part one. Police Journal, 1983, 56, 324-329.


466 Posner, I., Lester, D., & Leitner, L. A. Stress in nurses and other working females. Psychological Reports, 1984, 54, 210. 467 Lester, D., & Levitt, A. Using the Personal Orientation Device to predict Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey scores. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1984, 58, 50. 468 Ten Brink, W., & Lester, D. Reporting fellow police officers for brutality: a preliminary study. Psychological Reports, 1984, 54, 36. 469 Lester, D. Gun control: issues and answers. Springfield, IL: Charles Thomas, 1984. 470 Levitt, A., & Lester, D. Insanity and incompetence: case studies in forensic psychology. Cincinnati, Pilgrimage, 1984. 471 Lester, D. The murder of police officers in American cities. Criminal Justice & Behavior, 1984, 11, 101-112. 472 Lester, D., Leitner, L. A., & Posner, I. The effects of a stress management training programme on police officers. International Review of Applied Psychology, 1984, 33, 25-31. 473 Lester, D. Suicide. In C. S. Widom (Ed.) Sex roles and psychopathology. New York: Plenum, 1984, pp. 145-156. 474 Lester, D. An international study of the death penalty. Peace Research, 1984, 16(10), 35-37. 475 Lester, D., Dorscher, K., Harris, D., & Smith, D. Correlates of a healthy attitude toward loving. Psychological Reports, 1984, 54, 790. 476 Lester, D. Stollenwerk, A., & Smith, D. Correlates of placing a high value on love. Psychological Reports, 1984, 54, 802. 477 Heller, M. A., Ehrlich, S. M., & Lester, D. Childhood cruelty to animals, firesetting, and enuresis as correlates of competence to stand trial. Journal General Psychology, 1984, 110, 151-153. 478 Lester, D. Cynicism of police and job satisfaction. Psychological Reports, 1984, 54, 558. 479 Lester, D., Brazill, N., Ellis, C., & Guerin, T. Correlates of romantic attitudes toward love: androgyny and self-disclosure. Psychological Reports, 1984, 54, 554. 480 Lester, D. Suicide in Communist Europe. Psychological Reports, 1984, 54, 628. 481 Lester, D. Pornographic films and unconscious homosexual desires: an hypothesis. Psychological Reports, 1984, 54, 606. 482 Heller, M. A., Traylor, W. H., Ehrlich, S. M., & Lester, D. The association between psychosis and violent crime: a study of offenders evaluated at a court psychiatric clinic. Journal of General Psychology, 1984, 110, 263-266. 20

483 Heller, M. A., Traylor, W. H., Ehrlich, S. M., & Lester, D. A clinical evaluation of maximum security hospital patients by staff and independent psychiatric consultants. Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry & the Law, 1984, 12, 85-92. 484 Lester, D., Leitner, L. A., & Posner, I. Stress management training for police officers: part two - changing attitudes. Police Journal, 1984, 57, 31-35. 485 Lester, D., Leitner, L. A., & Posner, I. Stress management training for police officers: part three - assertive action. Police Journal, 1984, 57, 193-196. 486 Lester, D., Leitner, L. A., & Posner, I. Stress management training for police officers: part four - exercise and relaxation. Police Journal, 1984, 57, 254-256. 487 Lester, D. The use of deadly force by police. Police Journal, 1984, 57, 170-171. 488 Lester, D. Suicide risk by birth cohort. Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior, 1984, 14, 132-136. 489 Lester, D., Doscher, K., Estrict, M., & Lee, R. Correlates of a romantic attitude toward love. Psychological Reports, 1984, 55, 794. 490 Lester, D. Systems theories of personality: some Parsonian implications. Psychology, 1984, 21(1), 12- 14. 491 Lester, D. Sex differences in self-reported psychophysiological activity: Physique versus personality. Research Communications in Psychology, Psychiatry, & Behavior, 1984, 9, 269-272. 492 Lester, D. Sex differences in reported psychophysiological reactivity controlling for morphological differences. Research Communications in Psychology, Psychiatry & Behavior, 1984, 9, 349-352. 493 Lester, D., Butler, A. J. P., Dalley, A. F., Lewis, T., & Swanton, B. Attitudes and job satisfaction in police officers: a study of four nations. Royal Canadian Mounted Police Gazette, 1984, 46(12), 13-16. 494 Lester, D. The association between the quality of life and suicide and homicide rates. Journal of Social Psychology, 1984, 124, 247-248. 495 Lester, D. Psychological types of murderers. Research Communications in Psychology, Psychiatry, & Behavior, 1984, 9, 439-441. 496 Levitt, A., & Lester, D. The Levitt Conscious Preference-Rejection Test. Research Communications in Psychiatry, Psychology & Behavior, 1984, 9, 435-440. 497 Lester, D. The compassion of nations and its relationship to personal violence (suicide and homicide). Peace Research, 1984, 16(3), 50-53. 498 Lester, D. The fear of death, sex and androgyny: a brief note. Omega, 1984-1985, 15, 271-274. 499 Lester, D., Arcuri, A. F., & Smith, F. Impact of casino gambling at two institutions. Community College Review, 1984-1985, 12(3), 51-56.


500 Samuels, P. A. & Lester, D. A preliminary investigation of emotions experienced toward God by Catholic nuns and priests. Psychological Reports, 1985, 56, 706. 501 Lester, D. Regional variation in suicide and homicide. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 1985, 15, 110-116. 502 Lester, D. Variation in suicide and homicide rates by latitude and longitude in the United States, Canada, and Australia. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1985, 142, 523-524. 503 Lester, D. Depression and fear of death in a normal population. Psychological Reports, 1985, 56, 882. 504 Lester, D., Deluca, G., Hellinghausen, W., & Scribner, D. Jealousy and irrationality in love. Psychological Reports, 1985, 56, 210. 21

505 Lester, D., Leitner, L. A., & Posner, I. A note on locus of control and stress in police officers. Journal of Community Psychology, 1985, 13, 77-79. 506 Santangelo, S. & Lester, D. Correlates of job satisfaction of public school teachers: moonlighting, locus of control, and stress. Psychological Reports, 1985, 56, 130. 507 Lester, D. Handgun control laws, suicide, and homicide. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1985, 142, 144. 508 Lester, D. Ectomorphy in American adults: analyses by sex, race, and age. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1985, 60, 676. 509 Lester, D. Accidental deaths as disguised suicides. Psychological Reports, 1985, 56, 626. 510 Lester, D. Romantic attitudes toward love in men and women. Psychological Reports, 1985, 56, 662. 511 Lester, D. Seasonal variation in suicidal deaths by each method. Psychological Reports, 1985, 56, 650. 512 Demko, P., Ventre, L. R., & Lester, D. An evaluation of the procedure used to place students in undergraduate chemistry courses. Psychological Reports, 1985, 57, 58. 513 Lester, D. Which states have stricter handgun control statutes? Psychological Reports, 1985, 57, 170. 514 Lester, D., & ten Brink, W. Police solidarity and tolerance for police misbehavior. Psychological Reports, 1985, 57, 326. 515 Posner, I., Leitner, L. A., & Lester, D. Stress in casino floor employees. Psychological Reports, 1985, 57, 246. 516 Lester, D. Suicide at Christmas. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1985, 142, 782. 517 Lester, D. Graduation from a police training academy: demographic correlates. Psychological Reports, 1985, 57, 542. 518 Lester, D. Murder of police officers in American cities: victimization rates, and public attitudes to safety. Psychological Reports, 1985, 57, 543. 519 Demko, P., Ventre, L. R., & Lester, D. Preliminary study of predicting performance in chemistry courses. Psychological Reports, 1985, 57, 514. 520 Lester, D. Corn consumption, tryptophan and cross-national homicide and suicide rates. Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry, 1985, 14, 178-179. 521 Lester, D. The use of firearms in violent crime. Journal of Crime & Justice, 1985, 8, 115-120. 522 Donio, D., & Lester, D. Factors affecting the sex of one's friends. Psychological Reports, 1985, 57, 1040. 523 Lester, D. Applications of the principles of group behavior to systems theories of personality. Psychology, 1985, 22(2), 1-3. 524 Lester, D. The quality of life and suicide. Journal of Social Psychology, 1985, 125, 279-280. 525 Lester, D. Psychological research into punishment and its implications for crime control. Police Journal, 1985, 58, 345-351. 526 Heller, M. S., Ehrlich, S. M., & Lester, D. Suicidal history of defendants and offenders. Journal of General Psychology, 1985, 112, 221-223. 527 Arcuri, A. F., Lester, D., & Smith, F. O. Shaping adolescent gambling behavior. Adolescence, 1985, 20, 935-938. 528 Colijn, G. J., Lester, D., & Slothouwer, A. Firearms and crime in the Netherlands: a comparison with the United States of America. International Journal of Comparative & Applied Criminal Justice, 1985, 9, 49-55. 529 Lester, D. The quality of life in modern America and suicide and homicide rates. Journal of Social Psychology, 1985, 125, 779-780. 22

530 Lester, D., Lewis, T. M., & Swanton, B. Cynicism, job satisfaction and locus of control in Queensland and New Jersey police officers. In B. Swanton, G. Hannigan, & T. Psaila (Eds.) Police Source Book 2. Phillip: Australian Institute of Criminology, 1985, 613-617.


531 Lester, D., & Georges, V. C. National character and rates of personal violence (suicide and homicide). Psychological Reports, 1986, 58, 186. 532 Harris, D. W., & Lester, D. Marihuana use and personality. Psychological Reports, 1986, 58, 338. 533 Lester, D. Coroners' decisions and suicide rates. Psychological Reports, 1986, 58, 586. 534 Lester, D. Suicide rates in immigrants to Australia. Medical Journal of Australia, 1986, 144, 280. 535 Lester, D., Posner, I., & Leitner, L. A. Stress scores of workers by sex and age. Psychological Reports, 1986, 58, 110. 536 Lester, D. Seasonal variation in suicides for males and females. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1986, 148, 219. 537 Lester, D. Level of depression in nations and their suicide rate. Psychological Reports, 1986, 58, 930. 538 Lester, D. Aggression in Indian folk tales and personal violence (suicide and homicide). Psychological Reports, 1986, 58. 974. 539 Levitt, A., & Lester, D. Levels of maturity in criminals. Corrective & Social Psychiatry, 1986, 32(1), 6- 15. 540 Lester, D. Suicide and homicide on death row. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1986, 143, 559-560. 541 Lester, D. Distribution of blood types in a sample of homicide victims. Psychological Reports, 1986, 58, 802. 542 Yeh, B. Y., Lester, D., & Tauber, D. L. Subjective stress and productivity in real estate sales people. Psychological Reports, 1986, 58, 981-982. 543 Lester, D. Suicide and homicide rates: their relationship to latitude and longitude and to the weather. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 1986, 16, 356-359. 544 Lester, D. Suicide, homicide, and the quality of life: an archival study. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 1986, 16, 389-392. 545 Lester, D. Failure to find a U-shaped distribution of suicide rates of USA cities as a function of their longitude. Psychological Reports, 1986, 59, 310. 546 Lester, D. The birthday blues revisited: the timing of suicidal, homicidal and natural deaths. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 1986, 73, 322-323. 547 Lester, D. The relation of twin infanticide to status of women, societal aggression and material well- being. Journal of Social Psychology, 1986, 126, 57-59. 548 Lester, D., & Parilis, G. Personality correlates of the use of marihuana, tobacco and beer. Psychological Reports, 1986, 59, 414. 549 Lester, D. The distribution of sex and age among victims of homicide: a cross-national study. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 1986, 32(2), 47-50. 550 Lester, D. Genetics, twin studies, and suicide. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 1986, 16, 274-285. 551 Lester, D. The interaction of divorce, suicide, and homicide. Journal of Divorce, 1986, 9(3), 103-109. 552 Lester, D. The suicidal person: recognition and helping. Police Journal, 1986, 59, 216-221. 553 Lester, D., & Murrell, M. E. The influence of gun control laws on personal violence. Journal of Community Psychology, 1986, 14, 315-318. 554 Lester, D., & Rassas, S. Personality and alcohol use: a preliminary study. Psychological Reports, 1986, 59, 694. 23

555 Lester, D., Banta, B., Barton, J., Elian, N., Mackiewicz, L., & Winkelried, J. Judgments about sexual harassment: effects of the power of the harasser. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1986, 63, 990. 556 Lester, D. Levels of analysis in systems theories of personality. Psychology, 1986, 23(2/3), 55-56. 557 Lester, D. Reliability of estimates of suicide rates in nonliterate societies. Psychological Reports, 1986, 59, 1214. 558 Lester, D. Dysplasia and psychological health. Psychological Reports, 1986, 59, 1170. 559 Smith, F. O., Arcuri, A. F., & Lester, D. Attitudes toward risk-taking in traditional and nontraditional students. Psychological Reports, 1986, 59, 1186. 560 Lester, D. Attitudes of police officers to rotating shifts. Psychological Reports, 1986, 59, 1090. 561 Lester, D. Subjective stress and self-esteem of police officers. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1986, 63, 1334. 562 Lester, D., Banta, B., Barton, J., Elian, N., Mackiewicz, L., & Winkelried, J. Is personality related to judgments about sexual harassment? Psychological Reports, 1986, 59, 1114. 563 Kirch, M. R., & Lester, D. Clusters of suicide. Psychological Reports, 1986, 59, 1126. 564 Kirch, M. R., & Lester, D. Suicide from the Golden Gate Bridge: Do they cluster over time? Psychological Reports, 1986, 59, 1314. 565 Clarke, R. V., & Lester, D. Detoxification of motor vehicle exhaust and suicide. Psychological Reports, 1986, 59, 1034. 566 Lester, D. Somatosensory theory and personal violence (suicide and homicide). Journal of Social Psychology, 1986, 126, 681-683. 567 Lester, D. A cross-cultural test of Sheldon's theory of personality. Journal of Social Psychology, 1986, 126, 695-696. 568 Levitt, A., & Lester, D. The use of projective testing in forensic evaluation: some suggestions. Corrective & Social Psychiatry, 1986, 32(3), 65-68. 569 Baker, G., & Lester, D. Seasonal births, academic achievement and psychopathology (suicide and homicide): a regional analysis. Psychological Reports, 1986, 59, 742. 570 Lester, D. Tattoos, eye color and method for suicide. Activitas Nervosa Superior, 1986, 28, 239-240. 571 Lester, D. The rate of psychological functioning in theories of personality. Psychology, 1986, 23(4), 48- 49. 572 Lester, D. The murderer and his murder. New York: AMS, 1986. 573 Heller, M. S., Ehrlich, S. M., & Lester, D. A consultant's survey of the patients in a maximum security forensic hospital. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 1986, 31, 1429-1434. 574 Lester, D. Suicide, the concentration camp and the survivors. Israel Journal of Psychiatry & Related Sciences, 1986, 23, 221-224. 575 Heller, M. S., Traylor, W. J., Ehrlich, S. M., & Lester, D. Is the issue of competence raised more frequently in crimes of violence? American Journal of Forensic Psychology, 1986, 4(4), 22-26. 576 Lester, D. Southern subculture, personal violence (suicide and homicide), and firearms. Omega, 1986- 1987, 17, 183-186.


577 Smith, F. O., Arcuri, A. F., & Lester, D. Attitudes toward risk taking in disadvantaged and academically excellent students. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1987, 64, 26. 578 Lester, D. Quality of life and rates of suicide and homicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1987, 64, 94. 579 Lester, D. Wife abuse and psychogenic motives in nonliterate societies. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1987, 64, 154. 24

580 Lester, D. Hysteroid-obsessoid personality and romantic love. Psychological Reports, 1987, 60, 258. 581 Lester, D. The police as victims: the role of guns in the murder of police. Psychological Reports, 1987, 60, 366. 582 Lester, D. Substitution of method in suicide and homicide: a regional analysis. Psychological Reports, 1987, 60, 278. 583 Arcuri, A. F., Gunn, M. M., & Lester, D. Moonlighting by police officers: a way of life. Psychological Reports, 1987, 60, 210. 584 Arcuri, A. F., Gunn, M. M., & Lester, D. Measuring police discretion. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1987, 64, 774. 585 Windish, K. C., & Lester, D. Scores on the Career Maturity Inventory and self-confidence. Psychological Reports, 1987, 60, 690. 586 Lester, D. The death penalty: issues and answers. Springfield, IL: Thomas, 1987. 587 Lester, D. Suicide and homicide rates on national holidays. Psychological Reports, 1987, 60, 414. 588 Lester, D. Occupational prestige and rates of suicide and homicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1987, 64, 398. 589 Lester, D. Regional variation in suicide and homicide: controls for weather and southern culture. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1987, 64, 430. 590 Lester, D. Relation of income inequality to suicide and homicide rates. Journal of Social Psychology, 1987, 127, 101-102. 591 Lester, D. Murders and suicide: Are they polar opposites? Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 1987, 5, 49- 60. 592 Lester, D. Correlates of job satisfaction in police officers. Psychological Reports, 1987, 60, 550. 593 Lester, D. Cross-national correlations among religion, suicide and homicide. Sociology & Social Research, 1987, 71, 103-104. 594 Lester, D. Religion, suicide and homicide. Social Psychiatry, 1987, 22, 99-101. 595 Lester, D., & Gatto, J. L. Personality and blood group. Personality & Individual Differences, 1987, 8, 267. 596 Lester, D. Preventing suicide: past failures and future hopes. In J. Morgan (Ed.) Suicide: helping those at risk. London, Ont.: King's College, 1987, 69-78. In M. A. Morgan & J. D. Morgan (Eds.) Thanatology. London, Ont: King's College, 1986, 427-437. 597 Lester, D. Suicide as a learned behavior. Springfield, IL: Thomas, 1987. 598 Lester, D., & Braswell, M. Correctional counseling. Cincinnati: Anderson, 1987. 599 Lester, D. Psychology and literature. Psychology, 1987, 24(1/2), 25-27. 600 Hoxter, A. L., & Lester, D. Personality correlates of allocentrism versus psychocentrism in choice of destination for travel. Psychological Reports, 1987, 60, 1138. 601 Lester, D. Murder followed by suicide in those who murder police officers. Psychological Reports, 1987, 60, 1130. 602 Lester, D. Regional variation of suicide and homicide rates by different methods. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1987, 64, 1074. 603 Lester, D. Marilyn Monroe: love and loss in life. Archives of the Foundation of Thanatology, 1987, 13(4), unpaged. 604 Lester, D. Eye color and ectomorphy. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1987, 64, 1170. 605 Lester, D. The stability of national suicide rates in Europe: 1875-1975. Sociology & Social Research, 1987, 71, 208. 606 Lester, D. Comment on oral contraceptives, EEG dysrhythmias and suicide risk. Clinical Electroencephalography, 1987, 18, xiii. 25

607 Clarke, R. V., & Lester, D. Toxicity of car exhausts and opportunity for suicide: comparison between Britain and the United States. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 1987, 41, 114-120. 608 Garzarelli, P., Hoxter, A. L., & Lester, D. Correlates of drug abuse in Jamaican (West Indies) high school students. Psychological Reports, 1987, 60, 1210. 609 Lester, D. Month of birth of suicides, homicides and natural deaths. Psychological Reports, 1987, 60, 1310. 610 Lester, D. Suicide and sibling position. Individual Psychology, 1987, 43, 390-395 611 Lester, D. Social integration, economic hardship and rates of personal violence (suicide and homicide) 1933-1970 in the USA. Psychological Reports, 1987, 60, 1306. 612 Lester, D. Social deviancy and suicidal behavior. Journal of Social Psychology, 1987, 127, 339-340. 613 Lester, D. A subcultural theory of teenage suicide. Adolescence, 1987, 22, 317-320. 614 Lester, D. Suicide as a failure in socialization. Corrective & Social Psychiatry, 1987, 33, 199-200. 615 Lester, D. The relationship between handedness and personality traits. Personality & Individual Differences, 1987, 8, 437. 616 Lester, D. National distribution of blood groups, personal violence (suicide and homicide), and national character. Personality & Individual Differences, 1987, 8, 575-576. 617 Lester, D. Availability of guns and the likelihood of suicide. Sociology & Social Research, 1987, 71, 287-288. 618 Lester, D., & Leenaars, A. A. Differentiation of genuine suicide notes. Psychological Reports, 1987, 61, 70. 619 Lester, D. Suicide and homicide in USA prisons. Psychological Reports, 1987, 61, 126. 620 Lester, D., Math, Y. S., Guy, K. S., & Johnson, K. O. Drugs used by students: caffeine, tobacco, marihuana, cocaine and alcohol. Psychological Reports, 1987, 61, 158. 621 Lester, D., Thinschmidt, J. S., & Trautman, L. A. Paranormal belief and Jungian dimensions of personality. Psychological Reports, 1987, 61, 182. 622 Lester, D. Suicide and homicide at Easter. Psychological Reports, 1987, 61, 224. 623 Lester, D. Benefits of marriage for reducing risk of violent death from suicide and homicide for white and nonwhite persons: generalizing Gove's findings. Psychological Reports, 1987, 61, 198. 624 Lester, D. An exploratory study of the validity of administering the Hand Test in a group format. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1987, 65, 430. 625 Lester, D. Systems theories of personality: implications from Boulder's writings. Psychology, 1987, 24(3), 44-46. 626 Lester, D. A systems perspective of personality. Psychological Reports, 1987, 61, 603-622. 627 Lester, D. An availability-acceptability theory of suicide. Activitas Nervosa Superior, 1987, 29, 164- 166. 628 Lester, D. Ectomorphy ratios of completed suicides. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1987, 64, 86. 629 Kimmel, H. L., & Lester, D. Personalities of those who can taste phenylthiocarbamide. Psychological Reports, 1987, 61, 586. 630 Lester, D. Eye color, ectomorphy and autonomic nervous system balance. Personality & Individual Differences, 1987, 8, 767-768. 631 Lester, D. Status integration, suicide and homicide. Psychological Reports, 1987, 61, 672. 632 Lester, D. Indirect evidence for effects of suggestion in suicide: a critical mass hypothesis. Psychological Reports, 1987, 61, 576. 633 Yeh, B. Y., & Lester, D. Statewide divorce rates and wives' participation in the labor market. Journal of Divorce, 1987, 11, 107-114. 634 Lester, D. Suicide in Philadelphia over the last 150 years. Philadelphia Medicine, 1987, 83, 477. 26

635 Garzarelli, P., Hoxter, A. L., & Lester, D. Depression and stress in high school students from the USA and Jamaica (West Indies). Psychological Reports, 1987, 61, 854. 636 Hoxter, A. L., Lester, D., Kulak, Y., & Moll, J. K. Travel destinations and personality in travel agents. Psychological Reports, 1987, 61, 886. 637 Hoxter, A. L., & Lester, D. Holiday activities and personality. Psychological Reports, 1987, 61, 862. 638 Lester, D., & Frank, M. L. When are babies perceived as male or female? Evidence from murder rates. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1987, 65, 698. 639 Lester, D. Suicidal preoccupation and dysthymia in college students. Psychological Reports, 1987, 61, 762. 640 Lester, D. Suicide and homicide rates and fluoride. Psychological Reports, 1987, 61, 802. 641 Lester, D., & Frank, M. L. and illegitimacy rates. Psychological Reports, 1987, 61, 954. 642 Lester, D., & Frank, M. L. Beware the Nones of March: suicide at the beginning of the month. Psychological Reports, 1987, 61, 938. 643 Lester, D. Religiosity and personal violence. Journal of Social Psychology, 1987, 127, 685-686. 644 Lester, D. The concept of integration in systems theories of personality. Psychology, 1987, 24(4), 66- 67. 645 Lester, D. A social learning theory of murder. Corrective & Social Psychiatry, 1987, 33, 234-236. 646 Lester, D. The timing of attempted suicide during pregnancy. Acta Paediatrica Hungarica, 1987, 28, 259-260. 647 Lester, D. Suicide and the inhibition of aggression. In R. I. Yufit (Ed.) Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the American Association of . Denver, AAS, 1987, 170-171. 648 Lester, D. Living in the shadow: an example of the social learning theory of suicide. In R. I. Yufit (Ed.) Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the American Association of Suicidology. Denver: AAS, 1987, 432-433.


649 Lester, D. Stress and . Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1988, 66, 182. 650 Lester, D. Excitor-inhibitor scales of the MMPI and choice of method for suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1988, 66, 218. 651 Lester, D., & Math, Y. S. Drug use and prior suicidal preoccupation in college students. Psychological Reports, 1988, 62, 114. 652 Lester, D., & Cook, S. Abortions, contraceptive use and locus of control. Psychological Reports, 1988, 62, 278. 653 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Predicting execution rates in the USA. Psychological Reports, 1988, 62, 305- 306. 654 Lester, D. Effect of changes in handgun control laws on suicide rates. Psychological Reports, 1988, 62, 298. 655 Lester, D., & Collins, M. Reasons for smoking and personality. Psychological Reports, 1988, 62, 304. 656 Lester, D., & Lindsley, L. K. Inward and outward irritability in the suicidally inclined. Journal of General Psychology, 1988, 115, 37-39. 657 Lester, D. Stability of suicide rates in small areas. Psychological Reports, 1988, 62, 368. 658 Lester, D. Gun control, gun ownership, and suicide prevention. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 1988, 18, 176-180. 659 Lester, D. Personal violence (suicide and homicide) on Friday the 13th. Psychological Reports, 1988, 62, 433. 27

660 Stack, S., & Lester, D. Born under a bad sign? Astrological sign and suicide ideation. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1988, 66, 461-462. 661 Lester, D. A physiological theory of sex differences in suicide. Medical Hypotheses, 1988, 25(2), 115- 117. 662 Lester, D. Sex differences in fear of the consequences of death. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1988, 66, 550. 663 McGrath, J. N., & Lester, D. Romantic attitudes toward love and romantic behavior. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1988, 66, 486. 664 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Wives who work full-time and part time. Psychological Reports, 1988, 62, 545- 546. 665 Lester, D. The biochemical basis of suicide. Springfield, IL: Thomas, 1988. 666 Lester, D., & Clarke, R. V. Effects of reduced toxicity of car exhaust. American Journal of Public Health, 1988, 78, 594. 667 Lester, D. Effect of method of suicide on the perception of the suicidal person. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1988, 66, 578. 668 Lester, D. The critical mass hypothesis of suicide. Psychological Reports, 1988, 62, 626. 669 Lester, D. Emigration rates and personal violence indicated by suicide and homicide rates. Psychological Reports, 1988, 62, 610. 670 Lester, D. Climate and personal violence (suicide and homicide). Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1988, 66, 602. 671 Lester, D. Religion and personal violence (homicide and suicide) in the USA. Psychological Reports, 1988, 62, 618. 672 Hoxter, A. L., & Lester, D. Tourist behavior and personality. Personality & Individual Differences, 1988, 9, 177-178. 673 Lester, D. The birthday blues for males and females. Psychological Reports, 1988, 62, 638. 674 Lester, D. The perception of different methods of suicide. Journal of General Psychology, 1988, 115, 215-217. 675 Lester, D. Economic factors and suicide. Journal of Social Psychology, 1988, 128, 245-248. 676 Lester, D. Toward a theory of parasuicide. Corrective & Social Psychiatry, 1988, 34(1), 24-26. 677 Lester, D. Expressed motives in elected President's addresses and rates of personal violence (suicide and homicide) in USA election years. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1988, 66, 770. 678 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Working students and their course performance. Psychological Reports, 1988, 62, 826. 679 Lester, D., Carey, D. T., Tracey, J. J., Trengrove, J., & Sullivan, J. Measuring stress in police officers. Psychological Reports, 1988, 62, 986. 680 Lester, D. What does the study of simulated suicide notes tell us? Psychological Reports, 1988, 62, 962. 681 Lester, D. Societal approval of suicide. Psychological Reports, 1988, 62, 958. 682 Lester, D. Suicide rates by different methods over time in the UK and the USA. Psychological Reports, 1988, 62, 946. 683 Lester, D. Status integration and homicide. Psychological Reports, 1988, 62, 1006. 684 Lester, D., Christophel, C., Giannantonio, G., Osman, N., & Walsh, J. Some personality correlates of drug use. Psychological Reports, 1988, 62, 1010. 685 Lester, D., & Thinschmidt, J. The relationship of Laing's concept of ontological insecurity to extraversion and neuroticism. Personality & Individual Differences, 1988, 9, 687-688. 686 Lester, D., & Philbrick, J. Correlates of styles of love. Personality & Individual Differences, 1988, 9, 689-690. 28

687 Lester, D., & Beck, A. T. Attempted suicide and pregnancy. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 1988, 158, 1084-1085. 688 Yang, B., & Lester, D. The participation of females in the labor force and rates of personal violence (suicide and homicide). Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 1988, 18, 270-278. 689 Lester, D. A critical mass theory of national suicide rates. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 1988, 18, 279-284. 690 Lester, D. One theory of teenage suicide. Journal of School Health, 1988, 58, 193-194. 691 Lester, D., & Math, Y. Recreational drug use and psychopathology. Psychological Reports, 1988, 62, 814. 692 Lester, D. National character and rates of personal violence (suicide and homicide). Personality & Individual Differences, 1988, 9, 423. 693 Lester, D. Suicide rates in birth cohorts in Australia. Psychological Reports, 1988, 62, 922. 694 Lester, D. Gun control: AAS and political activism. AAS Newslink, 1988, 14(2), 8. 695 Lester, D. Prejudice toward AIDS patients versus other terminally ill patients. American Journal of Public Health, 1988, 78, 854. 696 Lester, D. Demographic attributions related to black suicide. Journal of Social Psychology, 1988, 128, 407-409. 697 Steer, R. A., Beck, A. T., Garrison, B., & Lester, D. Eventual suicide in interrupted and uninterrupted attempters. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 1988, 18, 119-128. 698 Lester, D., & Frank, M. L. Sex differences in the seasonal distribution of suicides. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1988, 153, 115-117. 699 Lester, D. Strikes, suicide and homicide. International Journal of Contemporary Sociology, 1988, 25(1/2), 9-14. 700 Lester, D. Suicide from a psychological perspective. Springfield, IL: Thomas, 1988. 701 Lester, D. A regional analysis of suicide and homicide rates in the USA. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 1988, 23, 202-205. 702 Lester, D. State laws on suicide and suicide rates. Psychological Reports, 1988, 62, 134. 703 Lester, D. Suicide and homicide during major sports events. Sociology of Sport Journal, 1988, 5, 285. 704 Lester, D., & Leenaars, A. A. The moral justification of suicide in suicide notes. Psychological Reports, 1988, 63, 106. 705 Lester, D. Why women kill themselves. Springfield, IL: Thomas, 1988. 706 Lester, D., & Frank, M. L. Seasonal variation in suicide rates in the United States. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 1988, 49, 371. 707 Lester, D. Restricting the availability of guns as a strategy for preventing suicide. Biology & Society, 1988, 5, 127-129. 708 Lester, D., & Frank, M. L. Homicide at the beginning of the month. Psychological Reports, 1988. 63. 402. 709 Lester, D., & Frank, M. L. Handguns, long guns, and suicide. Psychological Reports, 1988, 63, 606. 710 Lester, D. Rates of personal violence (suicide and homicide), traffic fatalities, and alcohol consumption. Psychological Reports, 1988, 63, 570. 711 Lester, D., & Nivison, B. Depression as a correlate of believing in myths about suicide. Psychological Reports, 1988, 63, 562. 712 Lester, D. A mental versus a physical response to stress. Personality & Individual Differences, 1988, 9, 933-934. 713 Lester, D. Examination of a scale to assess irritability. Personality & Individual Differences, 1988, 9, 935-936. 29

714 Lester, D. (Ed.) Suicide '88. Denver: American Association of Suicidology, 1988. 715 Lester, D., & Frank, M. L. The use of motor vehicle exhaust for suicide and the availability of cars. In D. Lester (Ed.) Suicide '88. Denver: AAS, 1988, 154-155. 716 Lester, D. The perception of different methods for suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1988, 67, 530. 717 Wendel, G., & Lester, D. Body-cathexis and self-esteem. Perceptual & Motor Skills 1988, 67, 538. 718 Sidrow, N. E., & Lester, D. Locus of control and suicidal ideation. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1988, 67, 576. 719 Frank, M. L., & Lester, D. Temporal variation of suicide in teens and young adults. Perceptual & Motor Skills 1988, 67, 586. 720 Lester, D. Attitudes toward animals and personal violence (suicide and homicide). Psychological Reports, 1988, 63, 810. 721 Lester, D. Opportunity-based suicide rates. Psychological Reports, 1988, 63, 984. 722 Lester, D. Suicide rates by region of death and place of birth. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1988, 67, 942. 723 Lester, D., & Topp, R. Suicide in the major leagues. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1988, 67, 934. 724 Lester, D. Social deviancy and suicide: medical specialty and occupation. Psychological Reports, 1988, 63, 968. 725 Ambrose, D. M., & Lester, D. Recidivism in juvenile offenders. Psychological Reports, 1988, 63, 778. 726 Lester, D. Suicide and life insurance. Psychological Reports, 1988, 63, 920. 727 Lester, D. Supervision: terminable and interminable. Psychological Reports, 1988, 63, 960. 728 Lester, D. Suicidal individuals: two types of research or two types of people? Crisis, 1988, 9, 130-134. 729 Lester, D. An analysis of the suicide rates of birth cohorts in Canada. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 1988, 18, 372-378. 730 Yang, B., & Lester, D. A hypothesis about execution rates in the United States. Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Economic Association. Pennsylvania State University, 1988, 522-529. 731 Yang, B., & Lester, D. The deterrent effect of executions on murder. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1988, 67, 878. 732 Lester, D. Youth suicide: a cross-cultural perspective. Adolescence, 1988, 23, 955-958. 733 Lester, D. Suicide and disease. Archives of the Foundation of Thanatology, 1988, 14(3), unpaged. 734 Lester, D. Suicide and AIDS. Archives of the Foundation of Thanatology, 1988, 14(4), unpaged. 735 Lester, D. Living with a chronically suicidal person. Archives of the Foundation of Thanatology, 1988, 15(1), unpaged. 736 Lester, D. Locus of control, anger and suicide. Activitas Nervosa Superior, 1988, 30, 315-316. 737 Lester, D. Rational choice theory and suicide. Activitas Nervosa Superior, 1988, 30, 309-312. 738 Lester, D. Why do people choose particular methods for suicide? Activitas Nervosa Superior, 1988, 30, 312-314. 739 Lester, D., & Wilson, C. Suicide in Zimbabwe. Central African Journal of Medicine, 1988, 34, 147-149. 740 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. The significance of the method chosen for suicide in understanding the psychodynamics of the suicidal individual. Omega, 1988-1989, 19, 311-314. 741 Lester, D. Pockets of violence. Acta Psychiatrica Belgica, 1988, 88, 394-399. 742 Lester, D. Firearm availability and the incidence of suicide and homicide. Acta Psychiatrica Belgica, 1988, 88, 387-393.



743 Lester, D. Disagreement between therapists and subsequent suicide of the patients. Psychological Reports, 1989, 64, 104-106. 744 Lester, D. Biochemical correlates of suicidal behavior in arsonists. Psychological Reports, 1989, 64, 258. 745 Lester, D. Restricting methods for suicide as a means of preventing suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1989, 68, 273-274. 746 Lester, D. The critical mass hypothesis and homicide. Psychological Reports, 1989, 64, 146. 747 Lester, D. Can we prevent suicide? New York: AMS, 1989. 748 Yang, B., Lester, D., & Gatto, J. L. Working students and their course performance. Psychological Reports, 1989, 64, 218. 749 Lester, D. A neurotransmitter basis for Eysenck's theory of personality. Psychological Reports, 1989, 64, 189-190. 750 Lester, D. Application of Piotrowski's dark shading hypothesis to Sylvia Plath's poems written before her suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1989, 68, 122. 751 Lester, D. The spatial autocorrelation of states' suicide and homicide rates. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1989, 68, 218. 752 Lester, D., & Agarwal, K. S. Accidental death rates as a measure of the availability of a method for suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1989, 68, 66. 753 Lester, D. Gun control. In W. G. Bailey (Ed.) Encyclopedia of police science. New York: Garland, 1989, 249-250. 754 Lester, D., & Jason, D. Suicides at the casino. Psychological Reports, 1989, 64, 337-338. 755 Lester, D. The deterrent effect of executions on homicide. Psychological Reports, 1989, 64, 306. 756 Chaggaris, M., & Lester, D. Fear of death and religious belief. Psychological Reports, 1989, 64, 274. 757 Lester, D., Haig, C., & Monello, R. Spouses' personality and marital satisfaction. Personality & Individual Differences, 1989, 10, 253-254. 758 Lester, D. Suicide by car exhaust. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1989, 68, 442. 759 Lester, D. Association of population growth, technological development and social integration on rates of personal violence. Psychological Reports, 1989, 64, 462. 760 Lester, D., & Nowicki, M. Remembering dreams and the fear of death. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1989, 68, 470. 761 Lester, D., & Kimmel, H. L. Autonomic nervous system balance and personality. Personality & Individual Differences, 1989, 10, 373-374. 762 Lester, D. Suicide and homicide rates in Hungary and Czechoslovakia during the suppression of dissent. Psychological Reports 1989, 64, 666. 763 Yang, B. Y., & Lester, D. Fertility rates and suicide. Psychological Reports, 1989, 64, 676. 764 Lester, D., & Smith, B. Applicability of Kubler-Ross's stages of dying to the suicidal individual. Psychological Reports, 1989, 64, 609-610. 765 Lester, D. The critical mass hypothesis applied to national suicide rates. Psychological Reports, 1989, 64, 746. 766 Lester, D. Personal violence (suicide and homicide) in South Africa. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 1989, 79, 235-237. 767 Lester, D., & Frank, M. L. The use of motor vehicle exhaust for suicide and the availability of cars. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 1989, 79, 238-240. 768 Lester, D. Questions and answers about suicide. Philadelphia, Charles, 1989. 769 Lester, D. A test of Jung's hypothesis of the determination of type of symptom. Personality & Individual Differences, 1989, 10, 473-474. 31

770 Wolff, R., & Lester, D. A theoretical basis for counseling the retired professional athlete. Psychological Reports, 1989, 64, 1043-1046. 771 Lester, D. Depression, suicidal preoccupation, and rational thinking. Journal of General Psychology, 1989, 116, 221-223. 772 Lester, D., & Baker, G. Suicide after legal arrest. Medicine, Science & the Law, 1989, 29(1), 78. 773 Lester, D., & Stack, S. Bias resulting from the choice of sample and results of cross-national analyses of suicide rates. Quality & Quantity, 1989, 23, 221-223. 774 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Which states have a death penalty? Psychological Reports, 1989, 64, 1180. 775 Lester, D. A regional analysis of suicide. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 1989, 24, 143- 145. 776 Lester, D. Gun ownership and suicide in the United States. Psychological Medicine, 1989, 19, 519-521. 777 Frank, M., Ransom, B., & Lester, D. Sources of conflict between trustees and faculty. Psychological Reports, 1989, 65, 170. 778 Lester, D., & Topp, R. Major league baseball performances of players who were later suicides or homicide victims. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1989, 69, 272. 779 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Which states have the death penalty: data from 1980. Psychological Reports, 1989, 65, 185-186. 780 Lester, D. The suicide rate by drowning and the presence of oceans. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1989, 69, 338. 781 Steinberg, S., & Lester, D. Seating location and personality. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1989, 69, 304. 782 Lester, D. Relationship between locus of control and depression mediated by anger toward others. Journal of Social Psychology, 1989, 129, 413-414. 783 Lester, D. Specific agents of accidental and suicidal death. Sociology & Social Research, 1989, 73, 182- 184. 784 Lester, D. Suicide from a sociological perspective. Springfield, IL: Thomas, 1989. 785 Lester, D. Barbiturate sales and their use for suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1989, 69, 442. 786 Lester, D. Attitudes toward AIDS. Personality & Individual Differences, 1989, 10, 693-694. 787 Lester, D. Experience of personal loss and later suicide. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 1989, 79, 450- 452. 788 Lester, D., & Moksony, F. Ecological correlates of suicide in the United States and Hungary. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 1989, 79, 498-499. 789 Lester, D., & Gatto, J. L. Self-destructive tendencies and depression as predictors of suicidal ideation in teenagers. Journal of Adolescence, 1989, 12, 221-223. 790 Lester, D., & Clarke, R. V. Effects of reduced toxicity of car exhaust on accidental deaths. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1989, 21, 191-193. 791 Lester, D. Jungian dimensions of personality, subclinical depression, and suicidal ideation. Personality & Individual Differences, 1989, 10, 1009. 792 Lester, D. Effect of divorce on the suicide rates of single and married men. Psychological Reports, 1989, 65, 658. 793 Lester, D. The self-image of teenagers and suicide rates. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1989, 69, 590. 794 Lester, D. Sex differences in rates of depressive disorder and suicide. Psychological Reports, 1989, 65, 642. 795 Lester, D. Family style and suicide. Psychological Reports, 1989, 65, 514. 796 Lester, D. Status integration and homicide. Psychological Reports, 1989, 65, 594. 797 Lester, D. A depression paradox theory of suicide. Personality & Individual Differences, 1989, 10, 1103-1104. 32

798 Clarke, R. V., & Lester, D. Suicide: closing the exits. New York: Springer Verlag, 1989. 799 Lester, D. Tryptophan intake and national rates of suicide and homicide. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 1989, 4, 159-160. 800 Lester, D. Sex differences in the motives expressed in suicide notes. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1989, 69, 642. 801 Lester, D., & Hand, S. Locus of control and mathematics anxiety as predictors of performance in a psychological statistics course. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1989, 69, 504. 802 Lester, D. Who would have a test for AIDS? Psychological Reports, 1989, 65, 810. 803 Lester, D., & Ferguson, R. Predicting performance of the state police from scores on psychological tests. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1989, 69, 626. 804 Lester, D. Suicide rates in immigrant groups and their countries of origin. Psychological Reports, 1989, 65, 818. 805 Lester, D., & Tarnacki, P. A. Frequencies of dreams and day-dreams and locus of control. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1989, 69, 954. 806 Lester, D. Is the amount of death instinct constant from region to region? Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1989, 69, 810. 807 Lester, D. Media violence and suicide and homicide rates. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1989, 69, 894. 808 Lester, D. Menninger's motives for suicide in genuine and simulated suicide notes. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1989, 69, 850. 809 Lester, D. Use of handguns and long guns in suicide and homicide. Psychological Reports 1989, 65, 938. 810 Lester, D., & Abe, K. The effects of restricting access to lethal methods of suicide. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 1989, 80, 180-182. 811 Lester, D. Are those who choose guns for suicide more intent on dying? Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1989, 69, 922. 812 Lester, D., Beck, A. T., & Steer, R. A. Attempted suicide in those with personality disorders. European Archives of Psychiatry & Neurological Sciences, 1989, 239, 109-112. 813 Garzarelli, P., & Lester, D. Self-concept and academic performance in Jamaican teenagers. Journal of Social Psychology, 1989, 129, 725-726. 814 Lester, D., & Dunn, C. A test of Sheldon's theory of personality in ferrets. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1989, 69, 962. 815 Lester, D. Tryptophan intake and national character. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1989, 69, 930. 816 Tarnacki, P. A., & Lester, D. Nightmare content and the Emotions Profile Index. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1989, 69, 990. 817 Lester, D. Belief in life after death and suicide rates by region. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1989, 69, 1090. 818 Lester, D. Locus of control, depression and suicidal ideation. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1989, 69, 1158. 819 Lester, D. Social approval of suicide and suicide rates. Psychological Reports, 1989, 65, 1150. 820 Lester, D. (Ed.) Suicide '89. Denver: AAS, 1989. 821 Coleman, L., & Lester, D. Boys of summer, suicides of winter. In D. Lester (Ed.) Suicide '89. Denver: AAS, 1989, 238. 822 Lester, D. National suicide and homicide rates. Social Science & Medicine, 1989, 29, 1249-1252. 823 Lester, D. Changing rates of suicide by car exhaust in men and women in the United States after car exhaust was detoxified. Crisis, 1989, 10, 164-168. 824 Lester, D. Public health education against suicide. Crisis, 1989, 10, 181-183. 33

825 Lester, D. Type A behavior, depression and suicidal ideation. Psychological Reports, 1989, 65, 1234. 826 Lester, D. Seasonal variations in suicide. Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, 1989, 23(12), 6,14. 827 Yang, B., & Lester, D. The association between working and personal violence (suicide and homicide) in married men and women. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Economic Association. University Park: Pennsylvania State University, 1989, 343-350. 828 Lester, D., Fong, C. A., & D'Angelo, A. A. Chronic suicide attempters who switch methods and those who do not. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1989, 69, 1390. 829 Lester, D. Immigration and rates of personal violence (suicide and homicide) Psychological Reports, 1989, 65, 1298. 830 Lester, D. The quality of life and suicide rates in American cities in 1930. Psychological Reports, 1989, 65, 1358. 831 Lester, D. Suicide in a middle-born child. Adolescence, 1989, 24, 909-914. 832 Lester, D., & Abe, K. The effects of controls on sedatives and hypnotics on their use for suicide. Clinical Toxicology, 1989, 27, 299-303. 833 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Suicide rates and handgun ownership in the United States 1959-1984. Social Science & Medicine, 1989, 29, 1143. 834 Lester, D., & Abe, K. Car availability, exhaust toxicity, and suicide. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry, 1989, 1, 247-250. 835 Lester, D. Alcohol consumption and rates of personal violence (suicide and homicide) Activitas Nervosa Superior, 1989, 31, 248-251. 836 Lester, D., & Caffery, D. Birth order, depression and suicide. Psychological Reports, 1989, 64, 18. 837 Lester, D. Suicide among psychologists and a proposal for the American Psychological Association. Psychological Reports, 1989, 64, 65-66. 838 Lester, D. A test of Durkheim's theory of suicide using data from modern nations. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 1989, 30, 235-238. 839 Lester, D. A new public health approach to suicide prevention. Corrective & Social Psychiatry, 1989, 35(4), 62-64. 840 Lester, D. La prévention du suicide. Acta Psychiatrica Belgica, 1989, 89, 361-372.


841 Lester, D. The effects of detoxification of domestic gas on suicide in the United States. American Journal of Public Health, 1990, 80, 80-81. 842 Lester, D. Social correlates of lethal aggression. Psychological Reports, 1990, 66, 146. 843 Lester, D. Capital punishment, gun control, and personal violence (suicide and homicide) Psychological Reports, 1990, 66, 122. 844 Lester, D. Women in the labor force and suicide. Psychological Reports, 1990, 66, 194. 845 Lester, D. Was gas detoxification or establishment of suicide prevention centers responsible for the decline in the British suicide rate? Psychological Reports, 1990, 66, 286. 846 Lester, D. If women are more often depressed, why don't more of them kill themselves? Psychological Reports, 1990, 66, 258. 847 Arcuri, A. F., & Lester, D. Moonlighting and stress in police officers. Psychological Reports, 1990, 66, 350. 848 Lester, D. Galen's four temperaments and four-factor theories of personality. Journal of Personality Assessment, 1990, 54, 423-426. 849 Lester, D. Fat consumption and suicide. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 1990, 5(1), 20-21. 34

850 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. What characteristics of suicide notes are salient for people to allow perception of suicide notes as genuine? Death Studies, 1990, 14, 25-30. 851 Lester, D., & Frank, M. L. Suicide and homicide in rural areas. Psychological Reports, 1990, 66, 426. 852 Lester, D. Suicide after restoration of sight. Archives of the Foundation of Thanatology, 1990, 16(2), unpaged. 853 Lester, D. The availability of firearms and the use of firearms for suicide. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 1990, 81, 146-147. 854 Lester, D. Suicide prevention in the schools. High School Journal, 1990, 73, 161-163. 855 Lester, D. The sex distribution of suicides by age in nations of the world. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 1990, 25, 87-88. 856 Lester, D. Suicide and the menstrual cycle. Medical Hypotheses, 1990, 31, 197-200. 857 Lester, D. Analysis of poets and novelists who completed suicide. Activitas Nervosa Superior, 1990, 32, 6-11. 858 Lester, D. Changes in the methods used for suicide in 16 countries from 1960 to 1980. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 1990, 81, 260-261. 859 Lester, D. An economic theory of choice and its implications for suicide. Psychological Reports, 1990, 66, 1112-1114. 860 Lester, D. Suicide, homicide and the quality of life in various countries. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 1990, 81, 332-334. 861 Lester, D. A classification of acts of attempted suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1990, 70, 1245- 1246. 862 Lester, D. Suicide as a political act. Psychological Reports, 1990, 66, 1185-1186. 863 Lester, D. Biorhythms and the timing of death. Skeptical Inquirer, 1990, 14, 410-412. 864 Lester, D., & Miller, C. Depression and suicidal preoccupation in teenagers. Personality & Individual Differences, 1990, 11, 421-422. 865 Lester, D. Changes to suicide rates unique to Canada? Canadian Journal of Public Health, 1990, 81, 240-241. 866 Lester, D. (Ed.) Current concepts of suicide. Philadelphia: Charles, 1990. 867 Lester, D. Ecological correlates of adolescent attempted suicide. Adolescence, 1990, 25, 483-485. 868 Brevard, A., Lester, D., & Yang, B. A comparison of suicide notes written by suicide completers and suicide attempters. Crisis, 1990, 11, 7-11. 869 Lester, D. The regional variation of suicide by different methods. Crisis, 1990, 11, 32-37. 870 Lester, D. The study of suicide from a feminist perspective. Crisis, 1989, 11, 38-43. 871 Lester, D. Mortality from suicide in follow-up studies of psychiatric patients. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1990, 71, 230. 872 Lester, D. Suicide and presidential elections in the USA. Psychological Reports, 1990, 67, 218. 873 Lester, D., Seiden, R. H., & Tauber, R. K. Menninger's motives for suicide in genuine, simulated and hoax suicide notes. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1990, 71, 248. 874 Lester, D. Medical resources and suicide prevention. Psychological Reports, 1990, 67, 344. 875 Lester, D. Depression and suicide in college students and adolescents. Personality & Individual Differences, 1990, 11, 757-758. 876 Lester, D. Overcrowding in prisons and rates of suicide and homicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1990, 71, 274. 877 Lester, D. Self-monitoring, depression and suicidal ideation. Psychological Reports, 1990, 67, 410. 878 Lester, D. Suicide rates around the world. Crisis, 1990, 11, 82-84. 35

879 Lester, D., & Frank, M. L. The seasonal variation in suicide in urban and rural areas. Journal of Affective Disorders, 1990, 19, 171. 880 Lester, D. Relationship between firearm availability and primary and secondary murder. Psychological Reports, 1990, 67, 490. 881 Lester, D. Sex differences in severity of injury in attempted suicides who jump. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1990, 71, 176. 882 Lester, D. Judgments about suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1990, 71, 402. 883 Lester, D. Lethal aggression, suicide and homicide. Deviant Behavior, 1990, 11, 293-295. 884 Lester, D. A study of opportunity-based suicide rates. Psychological Reports, 1990, 67, 498. 885 Lester, D. Az ongyilkossag megelozesenek uj megkozelitesi modjai. Psychiatria Hungarica, 1990, 5, 97-102. 886 Lester, D. Accidental death rates and suicide. Activitas Superior Nervosa, 1990, 32, 130-131. 887 Lester, D., & Frank, M. L. The seasonal variation in suicide rates. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1990, 70, 57-58. 888 Lester, D., & Wilson, C. Teenage suicide in Zimbabwe. Adolescence, 1990, 25, 807-809. 889 Lester, D. Surviving a suicide. In A. H. Kutscher, S. Bess, S. G. Klagsbrun, M. E. Siegel, D. J. Cherico, L. G. Kutscher, D. Perez, & F. E. Selder (Eds.) For the bereaved. Philadelphia: Charles Press, 1990, 52-55. 890 Lester, D. The Collett-Lester fear of death scale. Death Studies, 1990, 14, 451-468. 891 Lester, D. Restricting access to methods for . In G. Ferrari, M. Bellini, & P. Crepet (Eds.) Suicidal behavior and risk factors. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, 1990, 965-971. 892 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Time-series analyses of the American suicide rate. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 1990, 25, 274-275. 893 Yang, B., Lester, D., & Wachter, S. Subjective stress and productivity. Psychological Reports, 1990, 67, 738. 894 Lester, D., & Desch, R. Self-destructiveness and Type A personality. Psychological Reports, 1990, 67, 746. 895 Lester, D., & Gatto, J. L. Interpersonal trust, depression and suicidal ideation in teenagers. Psychological Reports, 1990, 67, 786. 896 Lester, D., & Pitts, J. Depression and locus of control in police officers. Psychological Reports, 1990, 67, 826. 897 Lester, D., & Abe, K. The availability of lethal methods for suicide and the suicide rate. Stress Medicine, 1990, 6, 275-276. 898 Lester, D. Understanding and preventing suicide. Springfield, IL: Charles Thomas, 1990. 899 Biegel, K., & Lester, D. Religiosity and psychological disturbance. Psychological Reports, 1990, 67, 874. 900 Lester, D. Suicide and homicide on St. Valentine's Day. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1990, 71, 994. 901 Lester, D., Hadley, R. A., & Lucas, W. A. Personality and a pro-life attitude. Personality & Individual Differences, 1990, 11, 1183-1186. 902 Lester, D. Maslow's hierarchy of needs and personality. Personality & Individual Differences, 1990, 11, 1187-1188. 903 Lester, D. Suicide in Mainland China by sex, urban/rural location and age. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1990, 71, 1090. 904 Lester, D. Impulsivity and threatened suicide. Personality & Individual Differences, 1990, 11, 1097- 1098. 36

905 Lester, D., & Mielish, C. Belief in myths about suicide and irrational thinking. Psychological Reports, 1990, 67, 1050. 906 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Predicting execution rates in the United States. Psychological Reports, 1990, 67, 1146. 907 Lester, D. The effect of the detoxification of domestic gas in Switzerland on the suicide rate. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 1990, 82, 383-384. 908 Heim, N., & Lester, D. Do suicides who write notes differ from those who do not? Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 1990, 82, 372-373. 909 Zonda, T., & Lester, D. Suicide among Hungarian gypsies. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 1990, 82, 381-382. 910 Decker, J. J., & Lester, D. Type A personality and poor driving habits. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1990, 71, 1352. 911 Lester, D., Decker, J., Eisenberg, R. J., Ecker, C., Guerriero, J., & Mielish, C. Association between whirling responses on psychological tests and suicidal preoccupation. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1990, 71, 1105. 912 Lester, D. The use of prescribed medications for suicide. International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine, 1990, 1, 279-281. 913 Lester, D., & Wosnack, K. An exploratory test of Sheldon's theory of personality in neonates. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1990, 71, 1282. 914 Matin, S. A., & Lester, D. Attitudes of emergency medical service providers toward AIDS. Psychological Reports, 1990, 67, 1314. 915 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. Suicide in adolescents. Psychological Reports, 1990, 67, 867-873. 916 Lester, D. The relevance of Ellis's neurohormonal theory of crime and delinquency to suicide. Personality & Individual Differences, 1990, 11, 1201-1206. 917 Lester, D. (Ed.) Suicide '90. Denver: ASS, 1990 918 Lester, D. Preventing suicide by restricting access to methods for suicide. In D. Lester (Ed.) Suicide '90. Denver: AAS, 1990, 39 -40. 919 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. A comparison of rates and patterns of and the United States. In D. Lester (Ed.) Suicide '90. Denver: AAS, 1990, 21-22. 920 Lester, D., Ecker, C., & Kimchick, M. Autonomic reactivity and personality. Psychological Reports, 1990, 67, 1304. 921 Lester, D., & Agarwal, K. Ecological correlates of suicide and homicide in India and the USA. Psychological Reports, 1990, 67, 1374. 922 Lester, D., & Frank, M. L. Suicide and homicide away from home. American Journal of Forensic Medicine & Pathology, 1990, 11, 298-299. 923 Lester, D., & Icli, T. Belief about suicide in American and Turkish students. Journal of Social Psychology, 1990, 130, 825-827. 924 Kirch, M., & Lester, D. Is a spate of suicides a cluster? Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1990, 70, 46.


925 Lester, D. Attitudes toward the survivors of suicides as a function of motive for suicide. Omega, 1990- 1991, 22, 215-218. 926 Lester, D. Mortality from suicide and homicide for African Americans in the USA. Omega, 1990-1991, 22, 219-226. 37

927 Lester, D. A cross-cultural look at the suicide rates of children and teenagers. In A. A. Leenaars & S. Wenckstern (Eds.) Suicide prevention in schools. New York: Hemisphere, 1991, 17-25. 928 Lester, D. Documenting the stigma of having AIDS. In M. Tallmer, C. Clason, R. F. Lampke, A. H. Kutscher, E. Braun, & F. E. Selder (Eds.) HIV positive. Philadelphia: Charles Press, 1991, 156- 158. 929 Lester, D. A brief introduction to the stages of development. In A. A. Leenaars (Ed.) Life span perspectives of suicide. New York: Plenum, 1991, 17-24. 930 Lester, D. Suicide across the life span. In A. A. Leenaars (Ed.) Life span perspectives of suicide. New York: Plenum, 1991, 71-80. 931 Ecker, C., & Lester, D. Traits associated with poor mathematics performance. Psychological Reports, 1991, 68, 114. 932 Lester, D. Concentrations of cerebrospinal fluid monoamine metabolites in suicide. Psychological Reports, 1991, 68, 146. 933 Lester, D. Effects of detoxification of domestic gas on suicide in the Netherlands. Psychological Reports, 1991, 68, 202. 934 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Is there a natural suicide rate for a society? Psychological Reports, 1991, 68, 322. 935 Lester, D., & Yang, B. Suicidal behavior and Becker's definition of irrationality. Psychological Reports, 1991, 68, 655-656. 936 Lester, D. Incomplete mourning in childhood and later suicide. Illness, Crises & Loss, 1991, 1(1), 56- 58. 937 Lester, D. Suicide and the elderly. Illness, Crises & Loss, 1991, 1(1), 94-96. 938 Lester, D. Totalitarianism and fatalistic suicide. Journal of Social Psychology, 1991, 131, 129-130. 939 Lester, D., Curran, P. S., & Yang, B. Time series regression results of suicides rates by social correlates for the USA and Northern Ireland. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 1991, 8, 26-28. 940 Lester, D., & Abe, K. The effects of restricting sales of medication on accidental death rates. Pharmacopsychiatry, 1991, 24, 31. 941 Lester, D. Social correlates of youth suicide rates in the United States. Adolescence, 1991, 26, 55-58. 942 Curran, P. S., & Lester, D. Trends in the methods used for suicide in Northern Ireland. Ulster Medical Journal, 1991, 60, 58-62. 943 Lester, D. Crime as opportunity. British Journal of Criminology, 1991, 31, 186-188. 944 Lester, D. Murdering babies. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 1991, 26, 83-85. 945 Ausenda, G., Lester, D., & Yang, B. Social correlates of suicide and homicide in the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the 19th Century. European Archives of Psychiatry & Clinical Neuroscience, 1991, 240, 301-302. 946 Lester, D., & Clarke, R. V. The influence of firearm ownership on accidental deaths. Social Science & Medicine, 1991, 32, 1311 -1313. 947 Lester, D. Childhood predictors of later suicide. Stress Medicine, 1991, 7, 129-131. 948 Brevard, A., & Lester, D. A comparison of suicide notes written by completed and attempted suicides. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry, 1991, 3, 43-45. 949 Lester, D. Psychotherapy for suicidal clients. Springfield, IL: Charles Thomas, 1991. 950 Lester, D. Alexithymia, depression, and suicidal preoccupation. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1991, 72, 1058. 951 Lester, D. Accurate knowledge about suicide and judgments about suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1991, 72, 1018. 952 Lester, D. Mortality from suicide in attempted suicides. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1991, 72, 1030. 38

953 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. Myths about suicide notes. Death Studies, 1991, 15, 303-308. 954 Lester, D., & Yang, B. Association between war and suicide and homicide. Psychological Reports, 1991, 68, 1030. 955 Lester, D., Guerriero, J. M., & Wachter, S. M. The suicide attitude vignette experience. Death Studies, 1991, 15, 435 -441. 956 Lester, D. The study of suicidal lives. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 1991, 21, 164-173. 957 Lester, D. Are the societal correlates of suicide and homicide rates the same for each lethal weapon? European Journal of Psychiatry, 1991, 5, 5-8. 958 Yang, B., & Lester, D. The effect of gun availability on suicide rates. Atlantic Economic Journal, 1991, 19(2), 74. 959 Lester, D., Castromayor, I., & Icli, T. Locus of control, depression, and suicidal ideation among American, Philippine, and Turkish students. Journal of Social Psychology, 1991, 131, 447-449. 960 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Correlates of statewide divorce rates. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 1991, 15, 219-223. 961 Frank, M. L., Lester, D., & Wexler, A. Suicidal behavior among members of Gamblers Anonymous. Journal of Gambling Studies, 1991, 7, 249-254. 962 Lester, D. The seasonal variation of suicide in Zimbabwe. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1991, 73, 18. 963 Lester, D. A test of Lester's depression paradox hypothesis of suicide. Psychological Reports, 1991, 68, 1254. 964 Lester, D., & Wolff, R. Retirement and loss. Illness, Crises & Loss, 1991, 1(2), 27-29. 965 Lester, D. Questions and answers: crisis intervention telephone services. Illness, Crises & Loss, 1991, 1(2), 100-102. 966 Lester, D. Does suicidal intent mean the same in completed suicides as it does in attempted suicides. Psychological Reports, 1991, 69, 50. 967 Lester, D. Preventing suicide. Giornale Italiano di Suicidologia, 1991, 1(1), 7-13. 968 Lester, D. Physical abuse and physical punishment as precursors of suicidal behavior. Stress Medicine, 1991, 7, 255-256. 969 Lester, D. National consumption of chocolate and rates of personal violence. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 1991, 6, 81-82. 970 Lester, D. Depression, suicidal ideation and autonomic reactivity. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1991, 73, 294. 971 Lester, D. Social correlates of suicide in urban and rural regions. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1991, 73, 274. 972 Lester, D., & Abe, K. Emission controls on cars and accidental deaths from car exhaust. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1991, 73, 306. 973 Lester, D. Accuracy of recognition of genuine versus simulated suicide. Personality & Individual Differences, 1991, 12, 765-766. 974 Lester, D. Is the availability of firearms associated with the homicide rate? Indian Journal of Criminology, 1991, 19(1), 9-12. 975 Lester, D. National measures of extraversion and neuroticism and suicide and homicide rates. Psychological Reports, 1991, 69, 434. 976 Lester, D., & Pitts, J. Who would have a test for HIV? Psychological Reports, 1991, 69, 198. 977 Lester, D. Suicide among alcoholics. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1991, 73, 242. 978 Lester, D. Premature mortality associated with alcoholism and suicide in American writers. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1991, 73, 162. 979 Lester, D. Questions and answers about murder. Philadelphia: Charles, 1991. 39

980 Stack, S., & Lester, D. The effect of religion on suicide ideation. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 1991, 26, 168-170. 981 Blumberg, M. L., & Lester, D. High school and college students' attitudes toward rape. Adolescence, 1991, 26, 727-729. 982 Lester, D., & Bernard, D. Liking for chocolate, depression and suicidal preoccupation. Psychological Reports, 1991, 69, 570. 983 Lester, D. Dark-shading in the poems of Anne Sexton. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1991, 73, 366. 984 Lester, D. Size of youth cohort and suicide rate in Japan. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1991, 73, 508. 985 Lester, D., & Yang, B. Microsocionomics versus macrosocionomics as a model for explaining suicide. Psychological Reports, 1991, 69, 735-738. 986 Lester, D. Iatrogenic concerns in the treatment of suicidal patients. Pharmacology & Toxicology, 1991, 69, 301-302. 987 Holinger, P. C., & Lester, D. Suicide, homicide, and demographic shifts. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 1991, 179, 574-575. 988 Lester, D. Social integration and suicide in the Caribbean Islands. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1991, 73, 742. 989 Lester, D. Depression and fears of individuation and attachment. Transactional Analysis Journal, 1991, 21, 218-219. 990 Lester, D. (Ed.) Suicide '91. Denver: AAS, 1991. 991 Leenaars, A. A., Maris, R. W., Lester, D., Berman, A., Balance, W. D., & Richman, J. Suicide, coping and the life span. In D. Lester (Ed.) Suicide '91. Denver: AAS, 1991, 1-2. 992 Lester, D., Berman, A. L., Clarke, R., & Richman, J. The psychological meaning of the method chosen for suicide. In D. Lester (Ed.) Suicide '91. Denver: AAS, 1991, 218-219. 993 Lester, D. Do suicide prevention centers prevent suicide? In D. Lester (Ed.) Suicide '91. Denver: AAS, 1991, 220. 994 Lester, D. Suicide rates in major cities and their states. Psychological Reports, 1991, 69, 810. 995 Lester, D. The trauma of loss of reputation. Illness, Crises & Loss, 1991, 1(3), 61-62. 996 Lester, D. Questions and answers: the crisis of divorce. Illness, Crises & Loss, 1991, 1(3), 97-98. 997 Lester, D. Completed suicide in the gifted. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1991, 100, 604-606. 998 Lester, D. Zum Stand der Suiziverhutung. Suizidprophylaxe, 1991, 18, 115-126. 999 Lester, D., & Pitts, J. Do police officers have accurate information about suicide? Psychological Reports, 1991, 69, 830. 1000 Lester, D. National differences in dexamethasone suppression test results and suicide rates. Psychological Reports, 1991, 69, 878. 1001 Lester, D. Police department policies. Psychological Reports, 1991, 69, 945-946. 1002 Lester, D. The climate of urban areas in the United States and their rates of personal violence (suicide and homicide). Death Studies, 1991, 15, 611-616. 1003 Lester, D., & Yang, B. The effect of war on personal aggression. Medicine & War, 1991, 7, 215-217. 1004 Lester, D. Rates of attempted suicide and completed suicide in European Community nations. Psychological Reports, 1991, 69, 866. 1005 Lester, D. Childlessness, suicide and homicide. Psychological Reports, 1991, 69, 990. 1006 Lester, D. The association between platelet imipramine binding sites and suicide. Pharmacopsychiatry, 1991, 24, 232. 1007 Lester, D. Depression, suicidal preoccupation and scores on the Rokeach Value Survey. Psychological Reports, 1991, 69, 998. 40

1008 Lester, D. Reliability of naive judges of genuine suicide notes. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1991, 73, 942. 1009 Lester, D. Association of different measures of gun ownership over time. Psychological Reports, 1991, 69, 1058. 1010 Lester, D. & Yang, B. The relationship between war and homicide rates. Psychological Reports, 1991, 69, 1097-1098. 1011 Lester, D. Eye color and personality. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1991, 73, 1074. 1012 Lester, D. Speed and performance on college course examinations. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1991, 73, 1090. 1013 Ross, T. E., & Lester, D. Suicides at Niagara Falls. American Journal of Public Health, 1991, 81, 1677-1678. 1014 Lester, D. Emigration from Europe to the USA. Psychological Reports, 1991, 69, 1082. 1015 Lester, D. The Lester Attitude Toward Death Scale. Omega, 1991, 23, 67-75. 1016 Heim, N., & Lester, D. Factors affecting choice of method for suicide. European Journal of Psychiatry, 1991, 5, 161-165. 1017 Heim, N., & Lester, D. A study of different types of suicide notes. Homeostasis in Health & Disease, 1991, 33, 109-112. 1018 Lester, D., & Yang, B. The relationship between divorce, unemployment and female participation in the labor force and suicide rates in Australia and America. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 1991, 25, 519-523. 1019 Lester, D. Alternative approaches for crisis intervention. Illness, Crises & Loss, 1991, 1(4), 37-39. 1020 Lester, D. Questions & Answers: Attempted suicide. Illness, Crises & Loss, 1991, 1(4), 94-98. 1021 Lester, D. The association between involvement in war and rates of suicide and homicide. Journal of Social Psychology, 1991, 131, 893-895. 1022 Lester, D. Do suicide prevention centers prevent suicide? Homeostasis in Health & Disease, 1991, 33, 190-194.


1023 Yang, B., Stack, S., & Lester, D. Suicide and unemployment. Journal of Socio-Economics, 1992, 21, 39-41. 1024 Lester, D., McCabe, C., & Cameron, M. Judging the appropriateness of completed suicide, attempted suicide and suicidal ideation. Omega, 1991-1992, 24, 75-79. 1025 Lester, D., Braswell, M., & Van Voorhis, P. Correctional counseling. 2nd Edition. Cincinnati: Anderson, 1992. 1026 Lester, D., & Yang, B. Social and economic correlates of the elderly suicide rate. Suicide & Life- Threatening Behavior, 1992, 22, 36-47. Also in A. A. Leenaars, R. W. Maris, J. L. McIntosh & J. Richman (Eds.) Suicide and the older adult. New York: Guilford, 1992, 36-47. 1027 Lester, D., Ferraro, T. M., & Murphy, J. A. Headache symptoms, depression, and suicidal preoccupation. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1992, 74, 90. 1028 Lester, D., & Badro, S. Depression, suicidal preoccupation and purpose in life in a subclinical population. Personality & Individual Differences, 1992, 13, 75-76. 1029 Lester, D. Strategies for success. Psychological Reports, 1992, 70, 106. 1030 Schaeffler, J., & Lester, D. Impulsivity in problem students. Psychological Reports, 1992, 70, 10. 1031 Lester, D. Demographic determinants of youth suicide rates. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 1992, 180, 272. 41

1032 Lester, D. War and personal violence. In G. Ausenda (Ed.) Effects of war on society. San Marino: AIEP, 1992, 211-222. 1033 Lester, D., & Yang, B. Fertility and suicide rates. Journal of Biosocial Science, 1992, 24, 97-101. 1034 Lester, D. Miscounting suicides. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 1992, 85, 15-16. 1035 Yang, B., Lester, D., & Yang, C. H. Sociological and economic theories of suicide. Social Science & Medicine, 1992, 34, 333-334. 1036 Lester, D. Month of suicide and month of conception. International Social Science Review, 1992, 67(1), 13-14. 1037 Leenaars, A. A., Lester, D., & Yang, B. Menninger's motives for suicide in the notes of completed and attempted suicides. Psychological Reports, 1992, 70, 369-370. 1038 Lester, D., & Terry, R. The use of poetry therapy. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 1992, 19, 47-52. 1039 Lester, D. Why people kill themselves. 3rd. Edition. Springfield, IL: Charles Thomas, 1992. 1040 Lester, D. The etiology of suicide and homicide in urban and rural America. Journal of Rural Community Psychology, 1992, 12(1), 15-27. 1041 Lester, D., Eleftheriou, L., & Peterson, C. A. Birth order and psychological health. Personality & Individual Differences, 1992, 13, 379-380. 1042 Lester, D. Alcoholism and drug abuse. In R. W. Maris, A. L. Berman, J. T. Maltsberger & R. I. Yufit (Eds.) Assessment and prediction of suicide. New York: Guilford, 1992, 321-336. 1043 Lester, D., & Ferguson, M. An exploratory study of funeral cost for suicides. Psychological Reports, 1992, 70, 938. 1044 Lester, D. State initiatives in addressing youth suicide. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 1992, 27, 75-77. 1045 Lester, D., & Abe, K. The effects of the switch from coal gas to natural gas on the accidental death rate. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1992, 24, 157-160. 1046 Lester, D., & Hoffman, S. Self-defeating behavior, depression, and suicidal preoccupation. Psychological Reports, 1992, 70, 1106. 1047 Lester, D. Testing Gibbs and Martin's theory of suicide. Psychological Reports, 1992, 70, 1010. 1048 Yang, B., & Lester, D. The association between working and personal violence (suicide and homicide) in married men and women. International Journal of Contemporary Sociology, 1992, 29(1), 67- 75. 1049 Lester, D. Preventing murder. Illness, Crises & Loss, 1992, 2(1), 86-90. 1050 Lester, D. Stress management for crisis counselors: 1. Illness, Crises & Loss, 1992, 2(1), 31-36. 1051 Lester, D., & Ausenda, G. Suicide and homicide as indicators of social stress leading up to war. Peace Research, 1992, 24(1), 57-63. 1052 Lester, D. Love, loss and divorce: the risk of suicide. In A. R. Tiemann, B. L. Danto, & S. V. Gullo (Eds.) Divorce shock. Philadelphia: Charles Press, 1992, 124-127. 1053 Lester, D. Locus of control, depression and suicidal preoccupation. Depression Briefing, 1992, 3, 98- 100. 1054 Lester, D. A secondary prevention tactic for suicide. Giornale Italiano di Suicidologia, 1992, 2(1), 17- 18. 1055 Lester, D. Roe v Wade was followed by a decrease in neonatal homicide. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1992, 267, 3027-3028. 1056 Lester, D. A test of Durkheim's theory of suicide in primitive societies. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 1992, 22, 388 -395. 1057 Lester, D. Social correlates of opportunity-based suicide rates. Psychological Reports, 1992, 71, 154. 1058 Lester, D. Psychiatrists use of antidepressants. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 1992, 9, 72. 42

1059 Lester, D. Rage dyscontrol and suicide. South African Journal of Psychology, 1992, 22, 27-28. 1060 Lester, D., & Motohashi, Y. Effect of using age-adjusted suicide rates on the results of time-series analyses of the suicide rate. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1992, 75, 310. 1061 Lester, D., & Yang, B. The influence of war on suicide rates. Journal of Social Psychology, 1992, 132, 135-137. 1062 Lester, D., & Bean, J. Attitudes toward preventing versus assisting suicide. Journal of Social Psychology, 1992, 132, 125-127. 1063 Lester, D. Women's liberation and rates of personal violence (suicide and homicide). Psychological Reports, 1992, 71, 304. 1064 Lester, D. The stability and variability of suicide rates in the states of the USA. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1992, 75, 494. 1065 Lester, D. The Emotions Profile Index and locus of control. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1992, 75, 530. 1066 Lester, D. Unemployment, suicide and homicide in metropolitan areas. Psychological Reports, 1992, 71, 558. 1067 Lester, D. Cooperative/competitive strategies and locus of control. Psychological Reports, 1992, 71, 594. 1068 Lester, D., & Anderson, D. Depression and suicidal ideation in African-American and Hispanic American high school students. Psychological Reports, 1992, 71, 618. 1069 Lester, D. Gender equality, legitimization of violence, social disorganization and rates of personal violence (suicide and homicide) in America. Psychological Reports, 1992, 71, 626. 1070 Lester, D., & Heim, N. Sex differences in suicide notes. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1992, 75, 582. 1071 Lester, D. Preventing suicide. Loss, Grief & Care, 1992, 6(1), 73-83. Also in E. J. Clark & A. H. Kutscher (Eds.) The thanatology community and the needs of the movement. New York: Haworth, 1992, 73-83. 1072 Lester, D. The disunity of the self. Personality & Individual Differences, 1992, 13, 947-948. 1073 Lester, D. Collectivism-individualism and rates of personal violence (suicide and homicide). Psychological Reports, 1992, 71, 714. 1074 Lester, D. Decriminalization of suicide in Canada and suicide rates. Psychological Reports, 1992, 71, 738. 1075 Lester, D. Infant mortality and illegitimacy. Social Science & Medicine, 1992, 35, 739-740. 1076 Leenaars, A. A., Lester, D., Wenckstern, S., McMullin, C., Rudzinski, D., & Brevard, A. Comparison of suicide notes and parasuicide notes. Death Studies, 1992, 16, 331-342. 1077 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Suicide, homicide and unemployment. Psychological Reports, 1992, 71, 844- 846. 1078 Lester, D. The threat of war and religion in primitive societies. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1992, 75, 730. 1079 Lester, D. Effect of using age-adjusted suicide rates on time-series studies of the American suicide rate. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1992, 75, 778. 1080 Lester, D., Hudson, R. B., & Costic, J. Arousing patriotic feelings in men and women. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1992, 75, 914. 1081 Lester, D. Can there be a Durkheimian theory of homicide? Indian Journal of Criminology, 1992, 20, 81-85. 1082 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. Comparison of rates and patterns of suicide in Canada and the United States, 1960-1988. Death Studies, 1992, 16, 417-430. 1083 Lester, D. Dimensions of modern warfare. Psychological Reports, 1992, 71, 1010. 43

1084 Yang, B., & Lester, D. The misery index and an index of misery. Atlantic Economic Journal, 1992, 20(3), 98. 1085 Lester, D. Stress management training for crisis counselors: changing attitudes. Illness, Crises & Loss, 1992, 2(2), 38-43. 1086 Lester, D., & Bean, J. Attribution of causes to suicide. Journal of Social Psychology, 1992, 132, 679- 680. 1087 Lester, D., Martin, R., Serrecchia, T., & Sgro, J. The desire to lose one's identity. Personality & Individual Differences, 1992, 13, 1351-1352. 1088 Lester, D. Alcohol consumption and rates of personal violence in Australia. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 1992, 31, 15-17. 1089 Lester, D. Changes in society can help prevent suicide. In M. Biskup (Ed.) Suicide: opposing viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1992, 151-157. 1090 Lester, D. The murder of babies in American states. Psychological Reports, 1992, 71, 1202. 1091 Lester, D. Suicide among Asian Americans and social deviancy. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1992, 75, 1134. 1092 Lester, D. State regulations for suicide prevention in jails and the jail suicide rate. Psychological Reports, 1992, 71, 1170. 1093 Lester, D. Ontological insecurity and fears of death. Psychological Reports, 1992, 71, 1178. 1094 Lester, D. Consistency between death rates of immigrants and death rates in their home nations. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1992, 75, 1154. 1095 Lester, D. The threat of nuclear war and rates of suicide and homicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1992, 75, 1186. 1096 Lester, D. Suicide in Chinese Americans. Advances in Thanatology, 1992, 7(2), 77-79. 1097 Schoenberg, A., Kutscher, A. H., & Lester, D. Index of books published by the Foundation of Thanatology. New York: Foundation of Thanatology, 1992. 1098 Lester, D. Medical resources and suicide prevention. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1992, 75, 1254. 1099 Lester, D. Sex differences in the methods used for suicide. Psychological Reports, 1992, 71, 1234. 1100 Lester, D. Scholarly research on war as an index of the nation's military involvement. Psychological Reports, 1992, 71, 1246. 1101 Lester, D. Religiosity, suicide and homicide. Psychological Reports, 1992, 71, 1282. 1102 Lester, D. Have national suicide rates increased and converged over the last 100 years? Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1992, 75, 1262. 1103 Lester, D., & Hodgson, J. The effects of the detoxification of domestic gas on the suicide rate in Scotland. European Journal of Psychiatry, 1992, 6, 171-174. 1104 Lester, D. Is there a need for suicide prevention? Crisis, 1992, 13, 94. 1105 Lester, D. Stress management for crisis counselors: Part 3. Illness, Crises & Loss, 1992, 2(3), 36-40. 1106 Lester, D., Motohashi, Y., & Yang, B. The impact of the economy on suicide and homicide rates in Japan and the United States. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 1992, 38, 314-317. 1107 Lester, D. The dexamethasone suppression test as an indicator of suicide. Pharmacopsychiatry, 1992, 25, 265-270. 1108 Lester, D. The relationships between family integration and suicide and homicide in Finland and the USA. Psychiatria Fennica, 1992, 23, 23-27. 1109 Agarwal, K. S., Lester, D., & Dhawan, N. A study of perception of women by Indian and American students. In S. Iwawaki, Y. Kashima & K. Leung (Eds.) Innovations in cross-cultural psychology. Amsterdam: Swets & Zeitlinger, 1992, 123-134. 1110 Lester, D. Suicide in police officers. Police Studies, 1992, 15, 146-147. 44

1111 Lester, D. (Ed.) Suicide '92. Denver: American Association Suicidology, 1992. 1112 Canetto, S. S., & Lester, D. A feminist perspective on women and suicide. In D. Lester (Ed.) Suicide '92. Denver: American Association of Suicidology, 1992, 252-255. 1113 Zonda, T., Rihmer, Z., & Lester, D. Social correlates of deviant behavior in Hungary. European Journal of Psychiatry, 1992, 6, 236-238. 1114 Lester, D. Suicide and disease. Loss, Grief & Care, 1992, 6(2.3), 173-181. Also in W. Bulkin, J. E. Cimino, D. I. Wollner, A. H. Kutscher, S. C. Klagsbrun, T. Kinzel, & P M. O'Connor (Eds.) The physician and hospice care. New York: Haworth, 1992, 173-181. 1115 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. Facts and myths of suicide in Canada and the United States. Journal of Social Psychology, 1992, 132, 787-789. 1116 Lester, D., & Abe, K. Social integration and suicide/homicide in Japan and the United States. Japanese Journal of Psychiatry & Neurology, 1992, 46, 849-851. 1117 Lester, D. Stress management training: exercise and relaxation. Illness, Crises & Loss, 1992, 2(4), 35- 37. 1118 Lester, D., & Rihmer, Z. Sociodemographic correlates of suicide rates in Hungary and the United States. Psychiatria Hungarica, 1992, 7, 435-437. 1119 Lester, D. (Virginia Woolf's suicide and unresolved mourning.) Virginia Woolf Miscellany, 1992, #39, 1.


1120 Lester, D. The stigma against dying and suicidal patients. Omega, 1992-1993, 26, 71-75. 1121 Lester, D., & Becker, D. M. College students' attitudes toward death today as compared to the 1930s. Omega, 1992-1993, 26, 219-222. 1122 Lester, D., & Templer, D. I. Death anxiety scales. Omega, 1992-1993, 26, 239-253. 1123 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. Myths about suicide notes. In G. E. Dickinson, M. R. Leming & A. C. Merman (Eds.) Dying, death and bereavement. Guilford, CT: Dushkin, 1993, 165-167. 1124 Lester, D., & Danto, B. L. Suicide behind bars. Philadelphia: Charles Press, 1993. 1125 Lester, D. Legal abortions and neonatal homicide after Roe v Wade. Psychological Reports, 1993, 72, 46. 1126 Lester, D., & Rencher, A. Aversion to physical touching and personality. Personality & Individual Differences, 1993, 14, 259-260. 1127 Lester, D. The cruelest death: the enigma of adolescent suicide. Philadelphia: Charles Press, 1993. 1128 Lester, D., & Leenaars, A. Suicide rates in Canada before and after tightening firearm control laws. Psychological Reports, 1993, 72, 787-790. 1129 Lester, D., & Castromayor, I. The construct validity of Templer's Death Anxiety Scale in Filipino students. Journal of Social Psychology, 1993, 133, 113-114. 1130 Lester, D. Suicidal behavior in bipolar and unipolar affective disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 1993, 27, 117-121. 1131 Lester, D. Sexual versus psychiatric predictors of suicide in men with AIDs related illnesses. American Journal of Drug & Alcohol Abuse, 1993, 19(1), 139-140. 1132 Lester, D. The effect of war on suicide rates. European Archives of Psychiatry & Clinical Neuroscience, 1993, 242, 248-249. 1133 Lester, D. How do people perceive the different methods for suicide? Death Studies, 1993, 17, 179- 184. 45

1134 Dunzelman, J. E., & Lester, D. The effect of a rape-awareness presentation on the attitudes of high school students toward rape. Psychological Reports, 1993, 72, 822. 1135 Lester, D. Violence in novels and military build-ups in the USA. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1993, 76, 810. 1136 Lester, D. Decriminalization of suicide in New Zealand and suicide rates. Psychological Reports, 1993, 72, 1050. 1137 Lester, D. Rates of prescribing medications and adverse effects. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1993, 76, 894. 1138 Garzarelli, P., Everhart, B., & Lester, D. Self-concept and academic performance in gifted and academically weak students. Adolescence, 1993, 28, 235-237. 1139 Lester, D. Controlling crime facilitators: evidence from research on homicide and suicide. Crime Prevention Studies, 1993, 1(1), 35-54. 1140 Lester, D. Rates of attempted suicide and of completed suicide in European nations. Psychological Reports, 1993, 72, 1202. 1141 Lester, D. A test of Ferri's hypothesis about suicide and homicide rates. Psychological Reports, 1993, 72, 1122. 1142 Lester, D. Firearm deaths and the density of firearms dealers in America. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1993, 76, 978. 1143 Lester, D. Restricting the availability of alcohol and rates of personal violence (suicide and homicide) Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 1993, 31, 215-217. 1144 Lester, D. The effect of war on marriage, divorce and birth rates. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 1993, 19(1/2), 229-231. 1145 Lester, D. Paranormal beliefs and psychoticism. Personality & Individual Differences, 1993, 14, 739. 1146 Lester, D. War and alcohol use. Psychological Reports, 1993, 72, 1282. 1147 Lester, D. The structure of Templer's death anxiety scale among Egyptian students. Psychological Reports, 1993, 72, 1378. 1148 Lester, D. Fertility and homicide rates. Indian Journal of Criminology, 1993, 21(1), 7-8. 1149 Lester, D. The influences of society on suicide. Quality & Quantity, 1993, 27, 195-200. 1150 Lester, D. Availability of methods for suicide and suicide rates. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1993, 76, 1358. 1151 Lester, D. Depression, suicidal ideation, and locus of control. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1993, 76, 1282. 1152 Lester, D. Ten theories of suicide and their applicability to older suicides. In K. Böhme, R. Freytag, C. Wächtler & H. Wedler (Eds.) Suicidal behavior. Regensburg, Germany: S. Roderer, 1993, 157- 160. 1153 Lester, D. Domestic social integration and suicide in Italy and the United States. Giornale Italiano di Suicidologia, 1993, 3(1), 29-31. 1154 Lester, D. The changing sex ratio in suicidal and homicidal deaths. Giornale Italiano di Suicidologia, 1993, 3(1), 33-35. 1155 Lester, D. Suicide and culture. Homeostasis in Health & Disease, 1993, 34(1/2), 96-102. 1156 Lester, D. The stability of national suicide rates over time. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1993, 77, 42. 1157 Lester, D. Seasonality in suicide and economic growth. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1993, 77, 10. 1158 Lester, D. Rates of mental illness and suicide by state. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1993, 77, 330. 1159 Lester, D. The critical mass theory of suicide. Psychological Reports, 1993, 73, 78. 1160 Lester, D. Mortality from suicide in follow-up studies of schizophrenics. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1993, 77, 114. 46

1161 Lester, D. The effect of war on crime. Psychological Reports, 1993, 73, 381-382 1162 Lester, D. A test of a social deviancy theory of suicide using the foreign born. Psychological Reports, 1993, 73, 58. 1163 Lester, D. Suicide and homicide rates during Presidential terms as a function of economic conditions. Psychological Reports, 1993, 73, 50. 1164 Lester, D. Alcohol use and abuse, suicide and homicide. Psychological Reports, 1993, 73, 346. 1165 Lester, D. Suicide and homicide rates and national character. Psychological Reports, 1993, 73, 194. 1166 Lester, D. Using age-adjusted rates in ecological studies of suicide and homicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1993, 77, 270. 1167 Lester, D. The deterrent effect of the death penalty in Canada. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1993, 77, 186. 1168 Lester, D. The sex ratio in samples of attempted and completed suicides over time. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1993, 77, 402. 1169 Lester, D., & Schaeffler, J. Self-defeating personality, depression, and suicidal ideation in adolescents. Psychological Reports, 1993, 73, 113-114. 1170 Lester, D. Suicide in New Zealand 1950-1985. New Zealand Medical Journal, 1993, 106, 111. 1171 Lester, D. Attempts to explain changing elderly suicide rates. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 1993, 8, 435-437. 1172 Lester, D., & Lynn, R. National character, suicide and homicide. Personality & Individual Differences, 1993, 14, 853-856. 1173 Lester, D. The quality of life in urban areas and suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1993, 77, 482. 1174 Lester, D. Accurate knowledge about suicide and personality. Psychological Reports, 1993, 73, 506. 1175 Lester, D. Borderline personality disorder and suicidal behavior. Psychological Reports, 1992, 73, 394. 1176 Lester, D. The effectiveness of suicide prevention centers. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 1993, 23, 263-267. 1177 Lester, D., Fraser, D., & Turoff, M. Recognizing suicides from photographs. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1993, 77, 506. 1178 Lester, D. Suicide from bridges in Washington, DC. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1993, 77, 534. 1179 Lester, D., & Yang, B. (Suicide prevention from the perspective of Western civilization.) Lin Chuang Jing Shen Yi Zue Za Zhi (Journal of Clinical Psychological Medicine), 1993, 3, 108-110. 1180 Lester, D. Suicide in creative women. Commack, NY: Nova Science, 1993. 1181 Lester, D. Time-series versus regional correlates of rates of personal violence. Death Studies, 1993, 17, 529-534. 1182 Zonda, T., & Lester, D. Blood type and suicide. Biological Psychiatry, 1993, 33, 850-851. 1183 Lester, D. Tedium, depression, and suicidal preoccupation. Psychological Reports, 1993, 73, 622. 1184 Lester, D. Firearm availability and accidental deaths from firearms. Journal of Safety Research, 1993, 24, 167-169. 1185 Lester, D. Social correlates of suicide and homicide in England. European Journal of Psychiatry, 1993, 7, 122-126. 1186 Lester, D. Testing Durkheim's theory of suicide in nineteenth and twentieth century Europe. European Archives of Psychiatry & Clinical Neuroscience, 1993, 243, 54-55. 1187 Lester, D., & Yang, B. Anticipating the impact of the high rate of unemployment in Eastern Europe. Current Politics & Economics of Europe, 1993, 3, 33-35. 1188 Lester, D. Social integration and suicide. Sociale Wetenschappen, 1993, 36(3), 52-59. 1189 Lester, D. The impact of suicide. Befriending Worldwide, 1993, #40, 9, 12. 1190 Lester, D. Testosterone and suicide. Personality & Individual Differences, 1993, 15, 347-348. 47

1191 Lester, D. Predicting the rate of justifiable homicide by police officers. Police Studies, 1993, 16, 43. 1192 Lester, D., & Hu, Y. H. The regional variation of suicide and homicide in the USA and Taiwan. Crisis, 1993, 14, 126-128. 1193 Lester, D. Reliability of judging genuine and simulated notes. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1993, 77, 882. 1194 Lester, D. A subjective index of American social, economic, and political threat, war and personal violence. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1993, 77, 994. 1195 Lester, D. Domestic integration and suicide in England and Wales, 1901-1975. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1993, 77, 922. 1196 Lester, D. Violations of human rights and personal violence (suicide and homicide). Psychological Reports, 1993, 73, 1146. 1197 Lester, D. Functional and dysfunctional impulsivity and suicidal ideation in a subclinical population. Journal of General Psychology, 1993, 120, 187-188. 1198 Lester, D. A study of police suicide in New York City, 1934-1939. Psychological Reports, 1993, 73, 1395-1398. 1199 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Is suicide a rational behavior? Atlantic Economic Journal, 1993, 21(3), 95 1200 Lester, D. Suicide in the military as a function of involvement in war. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 1993, 88, 223. 1201 Lester, D. Suicide in Ireland from 1950 to 1985. Irish Medical Journal, 1993, 86, 172. (Also 210-211) 1202 Lester, D. Firearm deaths in the United States and gun availability. American Journal of Public Health, 1993, 83, 1642. 1203 Lester, D. Suicide by drowning and the extent of the nation's coastline. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1993, 77, 1118. 1204 Lester, D. Economic status of African-Americans and suicide rates. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1993, 77, 1150. 1205 Lester, D. Depression, suicidal preoccupation and scores on the Rokeach Value Survey. Psychological Reports, 1993, 73, 1202. 1206 Lester, D. Intelligence and . Psychological Reports, 1993, 73, 1226. 1207 Lester, D. Marital integration, suicide and homicide. Psychological Reports, 1993, 73, 1354. 1208 Lester, D. Household structure and suicide in elderly Japanese women. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1993, 77, 1282. 1209 Lester, D., & Francis, L. J. Is religiosity related to suicidal ideation after personality and mood are taken into account? Personality & Individual Differences, 1993, 15, 591-592. 1210 Lester, D. Age distribution among suicides in nations of the world. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1993, 77, 1386. 1211 Lester, D., Kaminsky, S., & McGovern, M. Sheldon's theory of personality in young children. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1993, 77, 1330. 1212 Lester, D., & Yang, B. Suicide and society. Homeostasis, 1993, 34, 161-167. 1213 Lester, D. The logic and rationality of suicide. Homeostasis, 1993, 34, 167-173. 1214 Lester, D. The prevention of suicide. Chinese Journal of Mental Health, 1993, 6(1), 3-11. 1215 Leenaars, A. A., Yang, B., & Lester, D. The effect of domestic and economic stress on suicide rates in Canada and the United States. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1993, 49, 918-921. 1216 Lester, D. Alcohol use and abuse in Canada and mortality from suicide. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 1993, 84, 402. 1217 Lester, D. (Ed.) Suicide '93. Denver: American Association of Suicidology, 1993. 48

1218 Lester, D. Suicide rates in Army personnel in times of peace and war. Military Medicine, 1993, 158(12), A7. 1219 Lester, D. Understanding suicide. Commack, NY: Nova Science, 1993. 1220 Lester, D. Challenges in preventing suicide. Crisis, 1993, 14, 187-189. 1221 Lester, D., & Ausenda, G. The regional variation of suicide in Italy and the USA. Italian Journal of Suicidology, 1993, 3, 97-99. 1222 Lester, D. Durkheim's theory of suicide in Hungary and the United States of America. Psychiatria Hungarica, 1993, 8, 493-496. 1223 Lester, D., & Abe, K. The regional variation of divorce rates in Japan and the United States. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 1993, 21, 227-230. 1224 Lester, D. Intégration sociale et suicide. Bulletin du Groupement d'Études et de Prévention du Suicide, 1993, 12(1), 5-7. 1225 Lester, D. National character and the causes and consequences of war. Peace Research, 1993, 25(4), 79-84. 1226 Lester, D. The neuropsychology of violence and suicide. Corrective & Social Psychiatry, 1993, 39, 11- 13.


1227 Lester, D., & Terry, R. Emotional self-repair and poetry. Omega, 1993-1994, 28, 79-84. 1228 Lester, D. On the disunity of the self: a systems theory of personality. Current Psychology, 1993-1994, 12, 312-325. 1229 Lester, D., & Tallmer, M. (Eds.) Now I lay me down: suicide in the elderly. Philadelphia: Charles, 1994. 1230 Lester, D. A comparison of 15 theories of suicide. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 1994, 24, 80- 88. 1231 Lester, D. The social correlates of regional rates of abortion. American Journal of Public Health, 1994, 84, 122-123. 1232 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Capital punishment and deterrence. Applied Economics Letters, 1994, 1, 12- 13. 1233 Lester, D. Dépression, individuation et attachement. Actualites en Analyse Transactionnelle, 1994, 18(69), 47-48. 1234 Lester, D. Suicide in writers. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 78, 698. 1235 Lester, D. Native American suicide and homicide rates. Psychological Reports, 1994, 74, 702. 1236 Gaylord, M. S., & Lester, D. Suicide in the Hong Kong subway. Social Science & Medicine, 1994, 38, 427-430. 1237 Lester, D. Astrological cuspal days and births and deaths of suicides. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 78, 898. 1238 Lester, D. Suicide rates in Native Americans by state and size of population. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 78, 954. 1239 Lester, D., & Kaplan, S. The Depression-Happiness scale. Psychological Reports, 1994, 74, 858. 1240 Kaplan, S., & Lester, D. Depression, mania, and suicidal preoccupation. Psychological Reports, 1994, 74, 974. 1241 Lester, D. Astrologers and psychics as therapists. In W. Andritzky (Ed.) Yearbook of cross-cultural medicine and psychotherapy, 1992. Berlin: Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung, 1994, 293-301. 49

1242 Lester, D. Differences in the in Asian Americans by nation of origin. Omega, 1994, 29, 89-93. 1243 Kalodner, M. F., Rodin, R. A., & Lester, D. Handedness and personality. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 78, 1066. 1244 Andrews, L., Haas, D., & Lester, D. Manic-depressive tendencies and acceptance of self and others. Psychological Reports, 1994, 74, 1382. 1245 Akande, A., & Lester, D. Psychological health, suicidal ideation, and family size among Nigerian Yoruba students. Individual Psychology, 1994, 50, 203-206. 1246 Young, J., & Lester, D. Measuring anxiety on the Lüscher Color Test. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 78, 1106. 1247 Lester, D. Psychotherapy for suicidal clients. Death Studies, 1994, 18, 361-374. Also in A. A. Leenaars, J. T. Maltsberger & R. A. Neimeyer (Eds.) Treatment of suicidal people. Washington, DC: Taylor & Francis, 1994, 63-73. 1248 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Crime and unemployment. Journal of Socio-Economics, 1994, 23, 215-222. 1249 Lester, D. Social integration and suicide in Puerto Rico and the United States. Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal, 1994, 13, 39. 1250 Lester, D. Suicide by jumping in Singapore as a function of high-rise apartment availability. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 79, 74. 1251 Lester, D. Do how-to-commit-suicide manuals increase the suicide rate? Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 79, 10. 1252 Pacifico, C., & Lester, D. Attitudes toward war in adolescents. Psychological Reports, 1994, 75, 394. 1253 Alliano, M., & Lester, D. Attitudes toward war in veterans. Psychological Reports, 1994, 75, 314. 1254 Lester, D., & Castromayor, I. Myths about suicide in American and Philippine nurses. Psychological Reports, 1994, 75, 538. 1255 Lester, D. Suicide. Encyclopedia of Human Behavior, 1994, 4, 347-352. San Diego: Academic Press. 1256 Lester, D. Homicide. Encyclopedia of Human Behavior, 1994, 2, 529-533. San Diego: Academic Press. 1257 Lester, D. Maori and nonMaori youth suicide. New Zealand Medical Journal, 1994, 107, 161. 1258 Lester, D. Patterns of suicide and homicide in America. Commack, NY: Nova Science, 1994. 1259 Allen, J., & Lester, D. Belief in paranormal phenomena and an external locus of control. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 79, 226. 1260 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. Suicide and homicide rates in Canada and the United States. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 1994, 24, 184-191. 1261 Posner, I., Leitner, L. A., & Lester, D. Diet, cigarette smoking, stressful life events, and subjective feelings of stress. Psychological Reports, 1994, 74, 841-842. 1262 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Economic and social correlates of suicide in Caribbean nations. Psychological Reports, 1994, 75, 351-352. 1263 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. Effects of gun control on homicide in Canada. Psychological Reports, 1994, 75, 81-82. 1264 Lester, D. Young adult suicide and exposure to television. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 1994, 29, 110-111. 1265 Lester, D. The variation of suicide rates over time in Scandinavia. Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine, 1994, 22, 159-160. 1266 Lester, D., & Yang, B. Homicide and unemployment in seven nations. Indian Journal of Criminology, 1994, 22(1), 27-28. 50

1267 Lester, D. The critical mass hypothesis of suicide in adolescents. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 79, 306. 1268 Lester, D. Social correlates of the percentages of suicides and homicides employing firearms. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 79, 254. 1269 Lester, D. Sex differences in methods for suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 79, 418. 1270 Lester, D. Suicide and unemployment. Psychological Reports, 1994, 75, 602. 1271 Lester, D. Correlates of accuracy in judging genuine versus simulated suicide notes. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 79, 642. 1272 Lester, D. Suicide in wide-open spaces. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 79, 650. 1273 Lester, D. Suicide by region of birth and region of residence. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 79, 698. 1274 McCollaum, B., & Lester, D. Violent sexual fantasies and sexual behavior. Psychological Reports, 1994, 75, 742. 1275 Lester, D. Domestic integration and suicide in Pacific Rim nations. Chinese Journal of Mental Health, 1994, 7(1), 21-24. 1276 Lester, D. The epidemiology of suicide in Chinese populations in six regions of the world. Chinese Journal of Mental Health, 1994, 7(1), 25-36. 1277 Lester, D. An alternative measure of the frequency of suicide and homicide and its social correlates. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 79, 606. 1278 Lester, D. Suicide in Hungary. Psychiatria Hungarica, 1994, 9, 225-230. 1279 Lester, D. Are suicides disguised as accidental and undetermined deaths? European Journal of Psychiatry, 1994, 8, 89-92. 1280 Lester, D. Estimates of prescription rates and the use of medications for suicide. European Journal of Psychiatry, 1994, 8, 81-83. 1281 Lester, D. Political style and military expenditures. Psychological Reports, 1994, 75, 778. 1282 Lester, D. Scholastic aptitude and rates of personal violence in the USA. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 79, 738. 1283 Lester, D. Experience of loss and subsequent suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 79, 730. 1284 Akande, A., & Lester, D. Suicidal preoccupation, depression and locus of control in Nigerians and Americans. Personality & Individual Differences, 1994, 16, 979. 1285 Lester, D. Gender and the risk of violent death in Canada. Psychological Reports, 1994, 75, 858. 1286 Lester, D. Interstate return migration. Social Science Journal, 1994, 31, 463-465. 1287 Lester, D. Suicide in prison. European Archives of Psychiatry & Clinical Neuroscience, 1994, 244, 99- 100. 1288 Lester, D. Choice of violent vs nonviolent methods for suicide by immigrants. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 79, 718. 1289 Lester, D. Car ownership and suicide by car exhaust in nations of the world. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 79, 898. 1290 Lester, D. Social integration and primary versus secondary murder. Psychological Reports, 1994, 75, 962. 1291 Lester, D. Suicide rates in cohorts over time in Denmark. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 79, 974. 1292 Lester, D. Use of firearms for suicide in Canada. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 79, 962. 1293 Lester, D. Suicide in custody. Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine, 1994, 1, 67-70. 1294 Lester, D. The military participation rate and suicide rates in Austria, 1873-1913. Psychological Reports, 1994, 75, 894. 51

1295 DeSimone, A., Murray, P., & Lester, D. Alcohol use, self-esteem, depression, and suicidality in high school students. Adolescence, 1994, 29, 939-942. 1296 Lester, D. Estimates of prescription rates and the use of medicaments for suicide. Pharmacology & Toxicology, 1994, 75, 231-232. 1297 Lester, D. (Ed.) Emile Durkheim: Le Suicide one hundred years later. Philadelphia: Charles Press, 1994. 1298 Lester, D. Time-series studies of the murder and homicide rates in the USA. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 79, 862. 1299 Lester, D. Predicting the suicide rate in Wales. Psychological Reports, 1994, 75, 1054. 1300 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. Domestic and economic correlates of personal violence in Canada and the United States. Giornale Italiano di Suicidologia, 1994, 4(1), 7-12. 1301 Lester, D. Domestic social integration and suicide. Giornale Italiano di Suicidologia, 1994, 4(1), 13- 15. 1302 Lester, D. Factors affecting student attitudes toward war. Journal of Social Psychology, 1994, 134, 541-543. 1303 Basile, G., Mignone, P., & Lester, D. School closings and school performance. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 79, 1150. 1304 Lester, D. Gender equality and the sex differential in suicide rates. Psychological Reports, 1994, 75, 1162. 1305 Lester, D. Motives for suicide in suicide notes from completed and attempted suicides. Psychological Reports, 1994, 75, 1130. 1306 Lester, D. Suicide in immigrant groups as a function of their proportion in the country. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 79, 994. 1307 Lester, D. Involvement in war and suicide rates in Great Britain, 1901-1965. Psychological Reports, 1994, 75, 1154. 1308 Lester, D. Depression and suicidal preoccupation in high school and college students. Psychological Reports, 1994, 75, 984. 1309 Linblad, J., Koury, D., Trapani, L., & Lester, D. Stress and attitudes toward suicide. Psychological Reports, 1994, 75, 1082. 1310 Lester, D., & Akande, A. Attitudes about suicide among the Yoruba of Nigeria. Journal of Social Psychology, 1994, 134, 851-853. 1311 Lester, D. Bellicose nations and rates of personal violence. International Social Science Review, 1994, 69(1/2), 13-16. 1312 Yang, B., & Lester, D. The effect of war on the economy. Atlantic Economic Journal, 1994, 22(3), 81. 1313 Herman, S. L., & Lester, D. Physical symptoms of stress, depression and suicidal ideation in high school students. Adolescence, 1994, 29, 639-641. 1314 Lester, D. Suicide and anti-semitism. Journal of Psychology & Judaism, 1994, 18, 249-258. 1315 Lester, D. Access to gambling opportunities and compulsive gambling. International Journal of the Addictions, 1994, 29, 1611-1616. 1316 Lester, D., & Arcuri, A. F. How did police officers view the Rodney King incident? Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 79, 1382. 1317 Lester, D., Icli, T., & Castromayor, I. Who has accurate knowledge about suicide? Psychological Reports, 1994, 75, 1306. 1318 Lester, D. Challenges in preventing suicide. Death Studies, 1994, 18, 623-639. 1319 Lester, D. Suicide rates before, during and after the world wars. European Psychiatry, 1994, 9, 262- 264. 52

1320 Lester, D. Is there a natural homicide rate? Psychological Reports, 1994, 75, 1434. 1321 Lester, D., & Leenaars, A. A. Gun control and rates of firearms violence in Canada and the United States. Canadian Journal of Criminology, 1994, 36, 463-464. 1322 Lester, D. The Holinger/Easterlin cohort hypothesis about youth suicide and homicide rates. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 79, 1545-1546. 1323 Lester, D. Domestic social integration, suicide and homicide in Poland, France and Yugoslavia. EuroCriminology, 1994, 7, 73-75. 1324 Okoth, A., Moderski, T., & Lester, D. Impostor feelings in disturbed adolescents. Psychological Reports, 1994, 75, 1538. 1325 Lester, D. Domestic integration and suicide in 21 nations, 1950-1985. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 1994, 35(1-2), 131-137. 1326 Lester, D. L'efficacité des centres de prévention du suicide. Santé Mental au Québec, 1994, 19(2), 15- 24. 1327 Lester, D. Can suicidologists distinguish between suicide notes from completers and attempters? Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 79, 1498. 1328 Yang, B., & Lester, D. The social impact of unemployment. Applied Economics Letters, 1994, 1, 223- 226. 1329 Lester, D., & Moksony, F. The social correlates of suicide in Hungary in the elderly. European Psychiatry, 1994, 9, 273-274. 1330 Hoxter, A. L., & Lester, D. Gender differences in prejudice. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1994, 79, 1666. 1331 Lester, D. Are there unique features of suicide in adults of different ages and developmental stages? Omega, 1994, 29, 337-348. 1332 Lester, D. (Ed.) Suicide '94. Denver, CO: American Association of Suicidology, 1994. 1333 Lester, D. Bereavement after suicide by firearms. In Lester, D. (Ed.) Suicide '94. Denver, CO: American Association of Suicidology, 1994, 12-13. 1334 Lester, D. Alternative techniques for crisis intervention with suicidal clients. In Lester, D. (Ed.) Suicide '94. Denver, CO: American Association of Suicidology, 1994, 100-103. 1335 Lester, D. The future for suicide research and prevention. In Lester, D. (Ed.) Suicide '94. Denver, CO: American Association of Suicidology, 1994, 147-150. 1336 Leenaars, A. A., Lester, D., Wenckstern, S., & Heim, N. Suizid-Abschiedsbriefe -- Ein Vergleich deutscher und amerikanischer Abschiedsbriefe von Suizidenten. Suizidprophylaxe, 1994, 22(3), 99-101. 1337 Lester, D. The protective effect of marriage for suicide in men and women. Italian Journal of Suicidology, 1994, 4(2), 83-85. 1338 Lester, D. Comparing the changing suicide rate in Singapore with the rates in England/Wales and the USA, 1950-1985. Singapore Medical Journal, 1994, 35, 490-491. 1339 Lester, D. Evaluating the effectiveness of the Samaritans in England and Wales. International Journal of Health Sciences, 1994, 5, 73-74. 1340 Lester, D. The Collett-Lester fear of death scale. In R. A. Neimeyer (Ed.) Death anxiety handbook. Washington, DC: Taylor & Francis, 1994, 45-60. 1341 Lester, D. Reflections on the statistical rarity of suicide. Crisis, 1994, 15, 187-188. 1342 Lester, D. The rest cure of Silas Weir Mitchell in the 19th Century and Japanese Mortia therapy. Bulletin of Division 29, 1994, 29(4), 51-53.

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1343 Lester, D., & Akande, A. Gender and depression in undergraduates. Psychological Reports, 1995, 76, 22. 1344 Lester, D. Alcohol availability, alcoholism, and suicide and homicide. American Journal of Drug & Alcohol Abuse, 1995, 21, 147-150. 1345 Canetto, S. S., & Lester, D. (Eds.) Women and suicidal behavior. New York: Springer, 1995. 1346 Lester, D. Judy Garland. In F. N. Magill (Ed.) Great lives from history: American Women. Pasadena: Salem, 1995, 734-738. 1347 Lester, D. Amy Lowell. In F. N. Magill (Ed.) Great lives from history: American Women. Pasadena: Salem, 1995, 1153-1156. 1348 Lester, D. Combining opposing methodologies in studies of suicide and homicide. Quality & Quantity, 1995, 29, 67-72. 1349 Lester, D. Officer attitudes toward police use of force. In W. A. Geller & H. Toch (Eds.) And justice for all. Washington, DC: Police Executive Research Forum, 1995, 177-185. 1350 Lester, D. Suicide in Québec, 1951-1986. Psychological Reports, 1995, 76, 122. 1351 Lester, D. Explaining regional differences in suicide rates. Social Science & Medicine, 1995, 40, 719- 721. 1352 Lester, D. Individualism and divorce. Psychological Reports, 1995, 76, 258. 1353 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. Assessment and prediction of suicide risk in adolescents. In J. K. Zimmerman & G. M. Asnis (Eds.) Treatment approaches with suicidal adolescents. New York: Wiley, 1995, 47-70. 1354 Lester, D. Az alkoholfogyasztás ökológiája. Addictologia Hungarica, 1995, 3(1), 44-46. 1355 Lester, D. To die with your boots on. Psychological Reports, 1995, 76, 529-530. 1356 McCollaum, B., & Lester, D. Authoritarianism, anti-authoritarianism, and locus of control. Psychological Reports, 1995, 76, 418. 1357 Lester, D. Gun control. In W. G. Bailey (Ed.) Encyclopedia of police science. 2nd. Edition. New York: Garland, 1995, 341-344. 1358 Lester, D. Social integration, the opportunity for suicide, and suicide. Homeostasis, 1995, 36, 35-39. 1359 Lester, D., & Moderski, T. The impostor phenomenon in adolescents. Psychological Reports, 1995, 76, 466. 1360 Canetto, S. S., & Lester, D. Gender and the primary prevention of suicide mortality. Suicide & Life- Threatening Behavior, 1995, 25, 58-69. Also in M. M. Silverman & R. W. Maris (Eds.) Suicide prevention: Towards the year 2000. New York: Guilford, 1995, 58-69. 1361 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Social stress and suicide. Psychological Reports, 1995, 76, 553-554. 1362 Hoxter, A. L., & Lester, D. Social distance evaluations in white and African-American students. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1995, 80, 478. 1363 Lester, D. Estimating the true cost of suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1995, 80, 746. 1364 Lester, D., & Natarajan, M. Predicting the time series suicide and murder rates in India. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1995, 80, 570. 1365 Lester, D. An examination of Leenaars' theory of suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1995, 80, 578. 1366 Lester, D. Secular trends in suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1995, 80, 1041-1042. 1367 Lester, D., & Yang, B. Do Chinese women commit fatalistic suicide? Chinese Journal of Mental Health, 1995, 8, 23-26. 1368 Lester, D. Medical resources and the prevention of suicide and homicide. European Journal of Psychiatry, 1995, 9, 97-99. 54

1369 Lester, D. The concentration of neurotransmitter metabolites in the cerebrospinal fluid of suicidal individuals. Pharmacopsychiatry, 1995, 28, 45-50. 1370 Farley, J., & Lester, D. Smoking and trait anxiety. Psychological Reports, 1995, 76, 858. 1371 Lester, D., & Akande, A. Depression in Nigerian and American students. Psychological Reports, 1995, 76, 906. 1372 Alprin, L., & Lester, D. Belief in reincarnation and locus of control. Psychological Reports, 1995, 76, 1018. 1373 Lester, D. Are females' suicides in Japan fatalistic? Psychological Reports, 1995, 76, 986. 1374 Lester, D. Suicide rates among Native Americans in 1890. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1995, 80, 830. 1375 Lester, D. Suicide and parasuicide in Scotland. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1995, 80, 862. 1376 Lester, D. Subway suicide rates and national suicide rates. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1995, 80, 954. 1377 Lester, D. Personality correlates of correctly identifying genuine suicide notes. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1995, 80, 890. 1378 Lester, D. Does domestic integration predict the Dutch homicide rate? Sociale Wetenschappen, 1995, 38(2), 47-49. 1379 Lester, D. Counseling by telephone. Crisis Intervention & Time-Limited Treatment, 1995, 2, 57-69. 1380 Lester, D. Explaining the regional variation of suicide and homicide. Archives of Suicide Research, 1995, 1, 159-174. 1381 Francis, L. J., Lewis, J. M., Brown, L. B., Philipchalk, R., & Lester, D. Personality, and religion among undergraduate students in the United Kingdom, United States, Australia and Canada. Journal of Psychology & Christianity, 1995, 14, 250-262. 1382 Lester, D. [Suicide and culture.] Jing Shen Yi Zue Za Zhi [Journal of Clinical Psychological Medicine], 1995, 35, 118-119. 1383 Lester, D. Abortion laws and infanticide. Psychological Reports, 1995, 76, 1370. 1384 Lester, D. Suicide and homicide among Native Americans. Psychological Reports, 1995, 77, 10. 1385 Lester, D. Handedness and personality. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1995, 80, 1290. 1386 Lester, D. Recent trends in national suicide rates. Italian Journal of Suicidology, 1995, 5, 29-32. 1387 Lester, D. Il suicidio in Italia. Italian Journal of Suicidology, 1995, 5, 33-37. 1388 Lester, D. Suicide in Hong Kong, 1971-1990. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1995, 80, 1230. 1389 Lester, D. Theories of personality. Washington, DC: Taylor & Francis, 1995. 1390 Lester, D. War and suicide in France, 1850-1913. Psychological Reports, 1995, 77, 130. 1391 Lester, D. Domestic terror and rates of suicide and homicide in Canada, 1960-1985. Psychological Reports, 1995, 77, 42. 1392 Lester, D. Intelligence and suicide in Ireland and the United Kingdom. Psychological Reports, 1995, 77, 122. 1393 Lester, D. Suicide, alcohol and divorce. Addiction, 1995, 90, 985. 1394 Lester, D., & DeSimone, A. Depression and suicidal ideation in African-American and Caucasian students. Psychological Reports, 1995, 77, 18. 1395 Lester, D. Is the gender of a writer associated with judgments made about the suicide? Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1995, 81, 50. 1396 Lester, D., & Monaghan, K. Belief in paranormal phenomena and personality. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1995, 81, 114. 1397 Lester, D., & O'Neill, B. G. Is it rational to have reasons for not committing suicide? Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1995, 81, 94. 1398 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Suicide, homicide and unemployment. Applied Economics Letters, 1995, 2, 278-279. 55

1399 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. The changing suicide pattern in Canadian adolescents and youth, compared to their American counterparts. Adolescence, 1995, 30, 539-547. 1400 Darcy, P., Kusznikow, T., & Lester, D. Job satisfaction of special education teachers. Psychological Reports, 1995, 77, 186. 1401 Lester, D. Effects of the detoxification of domestic gas on suicide rates in six nations. Psychological Reports, 1995, 77, 294. 1402 Byrnes, K. D., & Lester, D. The imposter phenomenon in teachers and accountants. Psychological Reports, 1995, 77, 350. 1403 Lester, D. Myths about childhood suicide. Psychological Reports, 1995, 77, 330. 1404 Lester, D. Serial killers. Philadelphia: Charles Press, 1995. 1405 Lester, D. The ecology of alcohol consumption. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1995, 81, 462. 1406 Herbst, A., & Lester, D. Blue questionnaires and blue mood. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1995, 81, 514. 1407 Lester, D. Is divorce an indicator of general or specific malaise? Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 1995, 23, 203-205. 1408 Lester, D. Remarriage rates and suicide and homicide in the United States. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 1995, 23, 207-210. 1409 Lester, D. Suicide in the elderly in Austria. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 1995, 10, 713-714. 1410 Lester, D. The association between alcohol consumption and suicide and homicide rates. Alcohol & Alcoholism, 1995, 30, 465-468. 1411 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Individualism and economic growth. Atlantic Economic Journal, 1995, 23, 239. 1412 Lester, D. Preventing suicide in women and men. Crisis, 1995, 16, 79-84. 1413 Lester, D. The availability of guns and the rates of personal violence (suicide and homicide). Italian Journal of Suicidology, 1995, 5, 73-76. 1414 Darcy, P., & Lester, D. Job satisfaction in casino dealers. Psychological Reports, 1995, 77, 642. 1415 Maltsberger, J. T., Lester, D., Klepser, M. B., & Weinberg, E. Diffusion of responsibility in the care of a difficult patient. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 1995, 25, 415-421 1416 Lester, D., & Yang, B. Suicide and society. In B. L. Mishara (Ed.) The impact of suicide. New York: Springer, 1995, 215-226. 1417 Lester, D. Counseling the suicidal person in the modern age. Crisis Intervention & Time-Limited Treatment, 1995, 2, 159-165. 1418 Black, S. T., & Lester, D. Distinguishing suicide notes from completed and attempted suicides. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1995, 81, 802. 1419 Aine, D., & Lester, D. Exercise, depression, and self-esteem. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1995, 81, 890. 1420 Francis, L. J., Lewis, J. M., Philipchalk, R., Lester, D., & Brown, L. B. Reliability and validity of a short scale of attitude toward Christianity among students in the UK, USA, Australia, and Canada. Psychological Reports, 1995, 77, 431-434. 1421 Lester, D. Suicide and abortion. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 1995, 12, 119. 1422 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. Impact of suicide prevention centers on suicide in Canada. Crisis, 1995, 16, 39. 1423 Lester, D. Suicide and homicide in Costa Rica. Medicine, Science and the Law, 1995, 35, 316-318. 1424 Lester, D. The social meaning of female participation in the labor force. Quality & Quantity, 1995, 29, 429-432. 56

1425 Lane, M., & Lester, D. Watching televised sports and personality. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1995, 81, 966. 1426 Lester, D. Infant mortality in Caucasians and African Americans. Psychological Reports, 1995, 77, 962. 1427 Lester, D. American Indian suicide rates and the economy. Psychological Reports, 1995, 77, 994. 1428 Lester, D. Changes in national suicide rates, 1980-1990. Psychological Reports, 1995, 77, 906. 1429 Lester, D. Suicide, homicide, and a history of oppression in the Caribbean nations. Psychological Reports, 1995, 77, 942. 1430 Lester, D. Measures of status integration in theory of suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1995, 81, 1042. 1431 Lester, D. Height and mortality. Annals of Human Biology, 1995, 22, 347. 1432 Lester, D. The impact of availability, attraction and lethality of on suicide rates in Germany. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 1995, 92, 318. 1433 Lester, D. The toxicity of car exhaust and its use as a method for suicide. Psychological Reports, 1995, 77, 1090. 1434 Lester, D. The moral acceptability of suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1995, 81, 1106. 1435 Lester, D. An extension of the association between population density and mental illness to suicidal behavior. Journal of Social Psychology, 1995, 135, 657-658. 1436 Francis, L. J., Lewis, J. M., Philipchalk, R., Brown, L. B., & Lester, D. The internal consistency reliability and construct validity of the Francis scale of attitude toward Christianity (adult) among undergraduate students in the U.K., U.S.A., Australia and Canada. Personality & Individual Differences, 1995, 19, 949-953. 1437 Lester, D., & Garcia, J. M. G. Suicide and domestic integration in Spain. Psychological Reports, 1995, 77, 1218. 1438 Lester, D. Suicide rates in Canadian prisons. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1995, 81, 1230. 1439 Lester, D. Suicide rates in Canadian aboriginals and size of population. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1995, 81, 1282. 1440 Lester, D. Suicide rates in birth cohorts in England and Wales. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1995, 81, 1146. 1441 Lester, D. Suicide and alternative measures of domestic integration. Psychological Reports, 1995, 77, 1322. 1442 Lester, D. Fundamentalism, suicide, and homicide. Psychological Reports, 1995, 77, 1338. 1443 Lester, D. Which nations establish suicide prevention centers? Psychological Reports, 1995, 77, 1298. 1444 Lester, D. Social correlates of American Indian suicide and homicide rates. American Indian & Alaska Native Mental Health Research, 1995, 6(3), 46-55. 1445 Boiko, I. G., & Lester, D. Suicide in Russian prisoners. Corrective & Social Psychiatry, 1995, 41(2), 23-24. 1446 Lester, D. Why are some nations experiencing an increase in youth suicide rates? Homeostasis in Health & Disease, 1995, 36, 232-233. 1447 Lester, D. Domestic integration and the Taiwanese homicide and suicide rate. Chinese Journal of Mental Health, 1995, 8(3), 21-25. 1448 Huang, W. C., & Lester, D. Have suicide prevention centers prevented suicide? Chinese Journal of Mental Health, 1995, 8(3), 27-29. 1449 Lester, D. Preventing suicide by restricting access to methods for suicide. In R. F. W. Diekstra, W. Gulbinat, I. Kienhorst & D. De Leo (Eds.) Preventive strategies on suicide. Leiden, the Netherlands: E. J. Brill, 1995, 163-171. 57

1450 Yang, B., & Lester, D. New directions for economics. Journal of Socio-Economics, 1995, 24, 433- 446. 1451 Lester, D., & Yang, B. An economic approach for examining the rationality of suicide. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Economic Association, 1995, 299-304. 1452 Lester, D.(Ed.) Suicide '95. Washington, DC: AAS, 1995. 1453 Lester, D. Suicide as bereavement. In D. Lester (Ed.) Suicide '95. Washington, DC: AAS, 1995, 135. 1454 Lester, D. A journalist's study of the certification of suicide. In D. Lester (Ed.) Suicide '95. Washington, DC: AAS, 1995, 141-143. 1455 Boiko, I. B., & Lester, D. Self-aggression among Russian prisoners. Corrective & Social Psychiatry, 1995, 41, 67-70. 1456 Lester, D. A cirrózis okozta halálozási ráta elörejelzése Magyarországon és az Egyesült Allamokban. Addictologia Hungarica, 1995, 3, 284-285. 1457 Lester, D. Durkheim öngyilkosság-elméletének ellenórzése Magyarországon. Psychiatria Hungarica, 1995, 10, 509-511. 1458 Lester, D. Thwarting disorientation and suicide. Cross-Cultural Research, 1995, 29, 14-26.


1459 Lester, D. Interpersonal problem-solving, subclinical depression and suicidal ideation. International Journal of Psychology Research, 1996, 1(1), 33-35. 1460 Lester, D. Is gambling in adolescents pathological? International Journal of Psychology Research, 1996, 1(1), 29-31. 1461 Lester, D., & Whipple, M. Music preference, depression, suicidal preoccupation, and personality. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 1996, 26, 68-70. 1462 Lester, D. Testing Durkheim's theory of suicide. European Archives of Psychiatry & Clinical Neuroscience, 1996, 246, 112-113. 1463 Lester, D. Are murders and suicides committed by different methods intrinsically different? Medicine, Science & the Law, 1996, 36, 28-30. 1464 Linn, M., & Lester, D. Content differences in suicide notes by gender and age. Psychological Reports, 1996, 78, 370. 1465 Lester, D. Predicting the rate with which law enforcement officers are murdered. Psychological Reports, 1996, 78, 578. 1466 Lester, D. Comment on "Jewish affiliation in relation to suicide rates." Psychological Reports, 1996, 78, 834. 1467 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. Testing the cohort size hypothesis of suicide and homicide rates in Canada and the United States. Archives of Suicide Research, 1996, 2, 43-54. 1468 Lester, D. Testing a Durkheimian theory of suicide and homicide in Switzerland. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 1996, 22(1), 201-204. 1469 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Conceptualizing suicide in economic models. Applied Economics Letters, 1996, 3, 139-143. 1470 Lester, D. Sexism in suicidology. Homeostasis, 1996, 37, 83-88. 1471 Williams, D., & Lester, D. Eating disorder and manic-depressive tendencies. Psychological Reports, 1996, 78, 794. 1472 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. (Eds.) Suicide and the unconscious. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, 1996. 1473 Lester, D. Religion and suicide. Psychological Reports, 1996, 78, 1090. 58

1474 Lester, D. Gender differences in methods for suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1996, 82, 1154. 1475 Groettum, G., & Lester, D. How do nonalcoholics view alcoholics? Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1996, 82, 1202. 1476 Lester, D. A hazardous environment and city suicide rates. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1996, 82, 1330. 1477 Lester, D. The quality of life and suicide in Great Britain. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1996, 82, 1386. 1478 Lester, D. Membership in associations and suicide rates. Psychological Reports, 1996, 79, 202. 1479 Lester, D. Unemployment and alcohol consumption. Psychological Reports, 1996, 79, 150. 1480 Lester, D. Accurate knowledge about suicide and personality. Psychological Reports, 1996, 79, 218. 1481 Lester, D. Gun ownership and rates of homicide and suicide. European Journal of Psychiatry, 1996, 10, 83-85. 1482 Lester, D. On the relationship between fatal and nonfatal suicidal behavior. Homeostasis, 1996, 37, 122-128. 1483 Lester, D. An attributional analysis of suicide. Journal of Social Psychology, 1996, 136, 399-400. 1484 Lester, D. Psychological issues in , suicide and . Journal of Social Issues, 1996, 52(2), 51-62. 1485 Pook, R., Conti, T., & Lester, D. Eating disorders, depression and suicidal preoccupation in a nonclinical sample. Psychological Reports, 1996, 79, 302. 1486 Lester, D. The murder of women around the world. EuroCriminology, 1996, 10, 155-157. 1487 Lester, D. Trends in divorce and marriage around the world. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 1996, 25(1/2), 169-171. 1488 Lester, D., & Yang, B. An approach for examining the rationality of suicide. Psychological Reports, 1996, 79, 405-406. 1489 McCann, N., & Lester, D. Smoking and stress. Psychological Reports, 1996, 79, 366. 1490 Lester, D. Fertility and suicide. Psychological Reports, 1996, 79, 482. 1491 Lester, D. A regional study of fertility and suicide rates. Psychological Reports, 1996, 79, 474. 1492 Lester, D. The mortality of attempted suicides in follow-up studies of male suicide attempters. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1996, 83, 530. 1493 Lester, D. Youth cohort size and suicide rates. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1996, 83, 306. 1494 Campbell, F., & Lester, D. The temporal distribution of suicides in Baton Rouge. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1996, 83, 14. 1495 Lester, D. The geographic variation of suicide rates by solid and liquid substances. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1996, 83, 98. 1496 Lester, D. Suicide in Indian states and religion. Psychological Reports, 1996, 79, 342. 1497 Lester, D. Cultural evolution, suicide and homicide. Psychological Reports, 1996, 79, 334. 1498 Lester, D., Saito, Y., & Abe, K. Have suicide prevention centers prevented suicide in Japan? Archives of Suicide Research, 1996, 2, 125-128. 1499 Lester, D. Officer attitudes toward police use of force. In W. A. Geller & H. Toch (Eds.) Police violence. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996, 180-190. 1500 Migeot, M., & Lester, D. Psychological abuse in dating, locus of control, depression, and suicidal preoccupation. Psychological Reports, 1996, 79, 682. 1501 Diggs, K. A., & Lester, D. Emotional control, depression and suicidality. Psychological Reports, 1996, 79, 774. 1502 Lester, D. Fears of death and the probability of suicide. Psychological Reports, 1996, 79, 510. 1503 Lester, D. Social stress, homicide, and suicide. Psychological Reports, 1996, 79, 922. 1504 Lester, D. Domestic protests and rates of personal violence (suicide and homicide) Psychological Reports, 1996, 79, 1006. 59

1505 Lester, D. Inequality of income and rates of violence in Caucasian and black groups. Psychological Reports, 1996, 79, 978. 1506 Lester, D., & Leenaars, A. A. The ethics of suicide and suicide prevention. Death Studies, 1996, 20, 163-184. 1507 Lester, D. Social correlates of suicide in the British Isles. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1996, 83, 1194. 1508 Lester, D. Homicide rates in the Caribbean Islands. Psychological Reports, 1996, 79, 1070. 1509 Lester, D. The civilization of violence. Psychological Reports, 1996, 79, 1122. 1510 Lester, D. Aboriginal suicide in British Columbia. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1996, 83, 1202. 1511 Lester, D. Height, gross domestic product and suicide and homicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1996, 83, 1182. 1512 Lester, D. American Indian suicide and homicide rates and unemployment. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1996, 83, 1170. 1513 Lester, D., & Garcia, J. M. G. Domestic integration and . Psychological Reports, 1996, 79, 1162. 1514 Vella, M. L., Persic, S., & Lester, D. Does self-esteem predict suicidality after controls for depression? Psychological Reports, 1996, 79, 1178. 1515 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. Gender and the impact of gun control on suicide and homicide. Archives of Suicide Research, 1996, 2, 223-234. 1516 Lester, D. Suicide and culture. Zeta, 1996, #16, 12-16. 1517 Cantor, C. H., Leenaars, A. A., Lester, D., Slater, P. J., Wolanowski, A. M., & O'Toole, B. Suicide trends in eight predominantly English-speaking countries 1960-1989. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 1996, 31, 364-373. 1518 Lester, D., & Yang, B. National levels of individualism and welfare effort. Psychological Reports, 1996, 79, 1378. 1519 Lester, D. Suicide in the elderly. Befriending Worldwide, 1996, #51, 6-7. 1520 Lester, D. The impact of unemployment on marriage and divorce. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 1996, 25(3/4), 151-153. 1521 Leenaars, A. A., Lester, D., & Heim, N. Menninger's motives for suicide in suicide notes from Germany and the USA. Crisis, 1996, 17, 87. 1522 Lester, D. Patterns of suicide and homicide in the world. Commack, NY: Nova Science, 1996. 1523 Lester, D. An encyclopedia of famous suicides. Commack, NY: Nova Science, 1996. 1524 Lester, D. Regional variation in homicide rates of infants and children. Injury Prevention, 1996, 2, 121-123. 1525 Lester, D. Recent trends in suicide mortality. Crisis, 1996, 17, 94. 1526 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Does unemployment have a greater social impact on men than on women? Atlantic Economic Journal, 1996, 24, 380. 1527 Lester, D. On the regional variation of suicide in Finland. Psychiatria Fennica, 1996, 27, 167-169. 1528 Lester, D. Applying the concept of national character to states within a nation. Personality & Individual Differences, 1996, 21, 1055-1057. 1529 Lester, D. Suicide in America. In J. L. McIntosh (Ed.) Suicide '96. Washington, DC: American Association of Suicidology, 1996, 1-15. 1530 Lester, D. Issues in preventing suicide by firearms. In J. L. McIntosh (Ed.) Suicide '96. Washington, DC: American Association of Suicidology, 1996, 34. 1531 Lester, D. Trends in national suicide rates from 1960-1990. Italian Journal of Suicidology, 1996, 6, 71- 72. 1532 Lester, D. Lethal violence and marital disintegration. Italian Journal of Suicidology, 1996, 6, 73-75. 60

1533 Lester, D. Suicide in the former Czechoslovakia. Homeostasis in Health & Disease, 1996, 37(5), 209- 213. 1534 Lester, D. Preventing suicide: What does this imply? Crisis, 1996, 17, 189.


1535 Lester, D. The regional variation of suicide in the United States in 1880 and 1980. Omega, 1996-1997, 34, 81-84. 1536 Lester, D. AIDS and rational suicide. Omega, 1996-1997, 34, 333-336. 1537 Van Voorhis, P., Braswell, M., & Lester, D. Correctional counseling and rehabilitation. Cincinnati: Anderson, 1997. 1538 Lester, D. Seasonal variation in American Indian suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1997, 84, 46. 1539 Lester, D. The sexual politics of double suicide. Feminism & Psychology, 1997, 7, 148-154. 1540 Lester, D., & Savlid, A. C. Suicide and wealth in Sweden. Psychological Reports, 1997, 80, 34. 1541 Lester, D., & Ausenda, G. Correlates of suicide in Italian regions in 1864-1876. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1997, 84, 106. 1542 Bergman, K. J., Carmel, L. H., & Lester, D. Birth order, suicidal preoccupation, and scores suggesting manic-depressive tendencies. Psychological Reports, 1997, 80, 442. 1543 Rainieri, N., & Lester, D. Parental loss, depression, and suicidality. Psychological Reports, 1997, 80, 378. 1544 Francis, L. J., & Lester, D. Religion, personality and happiness. Journal of Contemporary Religion, 1997, 12, 81-86. 1545 Goldney, R. D., & Lester, D. Ethology and self-injury. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1997, 170, 192- 193. 1546 Cantor, C. H., Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. Under-reporting of suicide in Ireland 1960-1989. Archives of Suicide Research, 1997, 3, 5-12. 1547 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. The impact of gun control on suicide and homicide across the life span. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 1997, 29, 1-6. 1548 Lester, D., & Yang, B. The economy and suicide. Commack, NY: Nova Science, 1997. 1549 Yang, B., & Lester, D. War and rates of personal violence. Journal of Social Psychology, 1997, 137, 131-132. 1550 Lester, D. Suicide in America. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 1997, 27, 50-59. 1551 Lester, D. Suicide in an international perspective. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 1997, 27, 104-111. 1552 Lester, D. Multiple selves and self-monitoring. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1997, 84, 938. 1553 He, Z. X., & Lester, D. The gender difference in Chinese suicide rates. Archives of Suicide Research, 1997, 3, 81-89. 1554 Lester, D. An empirical examination of Thomas Masaryk's theory of suicide. Archives of Suicide Research, 1997, 3, 125-131. 1555 Lester, D. Operationalizing 'modernization.' Archives of Suicide Research, 1997, 3, 137-138. 1556 Leenaars, A. A., De Leo, D., Diekstra, R. F. W., Goldney, R. D., Kelleher, M. J., Lester, D., & Nordstrom, P. Consultations for research in suicidology. Archives of Suicide Research, 1997, 3, 139-151. 1557 Meyler, E., & Lester, D. Attitudes toward gun control. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1997, 84, 962. 1558 Yang, B., & Lester, D. National character and personal savings. Psychological Reports, 1997, 80, 1018. 61

1559 Lester, D. Comment on "Catholicism and indices of social pathology in the states." Psychological Reports, 1997, 80, 1005-1006. 1560 Lapenz, S. K., & Lester, D. Job satisfaction in casino employees. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1997, 84, 1258. 1561 Lester, D. Social correlates of suicide rates in Portugal. Psychological Reports, 1997, 80, 962. 1562 Lester, D., & Savlid, A. C. Social psychological indicators associated with the suicide rate. Psychological Reports, 1997, 80, 1065-1066. 1563 Lester, D. Making sense of suicide. Philadelphia: Charles Press, 1997. 1564 Lester, D. Easing the legacy of suicide. Changes, 1997, 15, 134-139. 1565 Duva, D., & Lester, D. Eating disorder and body image. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1997, 85, 58. 1566 Brown, A. M., & Lester, D. The sex of one's friends. Psychological Reports, 1997, 80, 1138. 1567 Lester, D. Toward a system theory of the mind. Psychological Reports, 1997, 80, 1392-1394. 1568 Lester, D. Note on a Mohave theory of suicide. Cross-Cultural Research, 1997, 31, 268-272. 1569 Lester, D., Maggioncalda-Aretz, M., & Stark, S. H. Adolescents' attitudes toward the death penalty. Adolescence, 1997, 32, 447-449. 1570 Lester, D. Suicide in American Indians. Commack, NY: Nova Science, 1997. 1571 Lester, D., & Linn, M. Sex differences in suicide notes. Psychological Reports, 1997, 80, 1302. 1572 McCollaum, B., & Lester, D. Locus of control, depression and suicidality in Korean workers. Psychological Reports, 1997, 80, 1282. 1573 Lester, D. Unemployment and suicide in American Indian youth in New Mexico. Psychological Reports, 1997, 81, 58. 1574 Lester, D. The effectiveness of suicide prevention centers. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 1997, 27, 304-310. 1575 Lester, D. Tryptophan and suicide. Psychological Reports, 1997, 81, 234. 1576 Lester, D. Effect of war on crime. Psychological Reports, 1997, 81, 194. 1577 Kondrichin, S. V., & Lester, D. Finno-Ugrians and suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1997, 85, 514. 1578 Lester, D. Seasonal depression and conception. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1997, 85, 286. 1579 Lester, D. Anxiety, economic growth and suicide and homicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1997, 85, 382. 1580 Lester, D. Homicide-suicide rates and homicide rate. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1997, 85, 178. 1581 Lester, D. Economic development, suicide and homicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1997, 85, 458. 1582 Lester, D., & Goldney, R. D. An ethological perspective on suicidal behavior. New Ideas in Psychology, 1997, 15, 97-103. 1583 McCollaum, B., & Lester, D. Sexual aggression and attitudes toward women and mothers. Journal of Social Psychology, 1997, 137, 538-539. 1584 Lester, D. Domestic social integration and suicide in Israel. Israel Journal of Psychiatry, 1997, 34, 157-161. 1585 Lester, D. Infant mortality among American Indians. Psychological Reports, 1997, 81, 146. 1586 Lester, D. Social characteristics of states which do not prohibit assisted-suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1997, 85, 654. 1587 Lester, D. Welfare and suicide in 18 affluent capitalist democracies. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1997, 85, 642. 1588 Lester, D. The sex ratio in American Indian suicides. Psychological Reports, 1997, 81, 506. 1589 Lester, D. Use of age-adjusted suicide rates in time series studies in Canada. Psychological Reports, 1997, 81, 490. 1590 Eckert, R. M., & Lester, D. Altruism and religiosity. Psychological Reports, 1997, 81, 562. 62

1591 Lester, D. Suicidality in German concentration camps. Archives of Suicide Research, 1997, 3, 223- 224. 1592 Lester, D. Determinants of choice of method for suicide and the person/situation debate in psychology. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1997, 85, 497-498. 1593 Maisto, B. A., & Lester, D. Job satisfaction and suppression of emotions. Psychological Reports, 1997, 81, 478. 1594 Lester, D. Clinical suicidology. Zeta, 1997, #19, 23-28. 1595 Lester, D., & Rihmer, Z. The regional variation of divorce in Hungary. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 1997, 26(3/4) 83-85. Also in C. A. Everett (Eds.) Divorce and remarriage: International studies. Binghamton, NY:: Haworth, 1997, 83-85. 1596 Lester, D. Correlates of worldwide divorce rates Journal of Divorce & Remarriage,1997, 26(3/4) 215- 219. Also in C. A. Everett (Eds.) Divorce and remarriage: International studies. Binghamton, NY: Haworth, 1997, 215-219. 1597 Politano, J., & Lester, D. Self-destructiveness and credit card debt. Psychological Reports, 1997, 81, 634. 1598 Rife, J., & Lester, D. Religiosity and psychological disturbance. Psychological Reports, 1997, 81, 978. 1599 McLaughlin, M., & Lester, D. Brain hemisphere dominance and personality. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1997, 85, 786. 1600 Lester, D. The role of shame in suicide. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 1997, 27, 352-361. 1601 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. The effects of gun control on the accidental death rate from firearms in Canada. Journal of Safety Research, 1997, 28, 119-122. 1602 Lester, D. The effect of alcohol consumption on marriage and divorce at the national level. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 1997, 27(3/4), 159-161. 1603 Lester, D., Cantor, C. H., & Leenaars, A. A. Suicide in the United Kingdom and Ireland. European Psychiatry, 1997, 12, 300-304. 1604 Lester, D. Marriage, remarriage, suicide and homicide in America. Psychological Reports, 1997, 81, 1082. 1605 Lester, D. Spring peak in suicides. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1997, 85, 1058. 1606 Lester, D. Suicide. In A. Baum, S. Newman, J. Weinman, R. West & C. McManus (Eds.) Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health and Medicine. New York: Cambridge University Press, 602- 603. 1607 Lester, D. Domestic integration and suicide rates in the provinces of Canada. Psychological Reports, 1997, 81, 1114. 1608 Lester, D. Effect of suicide prevention centers in Ireland and Great Britain. Psychological Reports, 1997, 81, 1186. 1609 Lester, D. The birthday blues. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1997, 85, 1090. 1610 Lester, D. Menninger's motives for suicide notes from America and Germany. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1997, 85, 1194. 1611 Lester, D., Saito, Y., & Abe, K. The efect of suicide prevention centers on suicide in Japan. Crisis, 1997, 18(1), 48. 1612 Lester, D. Time-series analysis of suicidal and undetermined deaths. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1997, 85, 1242. 1613 Lester, D., & Abdel-Khalek, A. Gender and depression in undergraduate populations. Psychological Reports, 1997, 81, 1210. 1614 Willging, B. T., & Lester, D. Paranormal beliefs and personality scores of high school students. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1997, 85, 938. 63

1615 Lester, D., & Akande, A. Patterns of depression in Xhosa and Yoruba students. Journal of Social Psychology, 1997, 137, 782-783. 1616 Lester, D. Social correlates of murder rates by each method. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1997, 85, 1314. 1617 Berry, D., & Lester, D. Blood pressure and personality. Psychological Reports, 1997, 81, 1266. 1618 Lester, D., & Savlid, A. C. Comment on "Social psychological variables in populations contrasted by income and suicide rate." Psychological Reports, 1997, 81, 1386. 1619 Lester, D. Black riots and black suicide rates. Psychological Reports, 1997, 81, 1134. 1620 Lester, D. Communitarianism and suicide prevention. Crisis, 1997, 18, 118-123. 1621 Lester, D. Suicide and culture. In T. Munakata, F. N. Onuoha & S. Suwa (Eds.) Crisis behavior toward growth and solidarity. Chiba, Japan: International Conference of Health Behavioral Science, undated (circa 1997), 109-112. 1622 Lester, D. Suicide in Finland, 1752-1988. Psychiatria Fennica, 1997, 28, 26-33. 1623 Lester, D. Comment. Israel Journal of Psychiatry, 1997, 34, 325. 1624 Lester, D. Suicide in Italy: the North versus the South. Italian Journal of Suicidology, 1997, 7, 19-21. 1625 Lester, D. Counseling the suicidal person in the modern age. In A. J. Botsis, C. R. Soldatos & C. N. Stefanis (Eds.) Suicide: Biopsychosocial approaches. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1997, 193-200. 1626 Lester, D., & Yang, B. Unemployment and suicide. In J. L. McIntosh (Ed.) Suicide '97. Washington, DC: American Association of Suicidology, 1997, 173. 1627 Lester, D. Suicide in the elderly. In J. L. McIntosh (Ed.) Suicide '97. Washington, DC: American Association of Suicidology, 1997, 174-175. 1628 Lester, D. The association of suicide and homicide over time in nations. Italian Journal of Suicidology, 1997, 7, 111-112.


1629 Lester, D. Unionization and rates of personal violence (suicide and homicide). Psychological Reports, 1998, 82, 154 1630 Lester, D. Attitudes toward physician-assisted suicide. Psychological Reports, 1998, 82, 106. 1631 Lester, D. Suicide rates in immigrants. Psychological Reports, 1998, 82, 50. 1632 Carter, R., & Lester, D. Personalities of players of Dungeons and Dragons. Psychological Reports, 1998, 82, 182. 1633 Bernard, M., & Lester, D. Attitudes toward gun control and personality. Psychological Reports, 1998, 82, 234. 1634 Lester, D. Time-series studies of the French suicide rate using age-adjusted rates. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1998, 86, 126. 1635 Lester, D. by ethnic group, 1955-1984. Psychological Reports, 1998, 82, 350. 1636 Perrone, A., & Lester, D. Confidence in personal computer use and locus of control. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1998, 86, 162. 1637 Lester, D. The death penalty. Springfield, IL: Charles Thomas, 1998. 1638 Ozment, J. M., & Lester, D. Helplessness and depression. Psychological Reports, 1998, 82, 434. 1639 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. The impact of gun control on suicide. Archives of Suicide Research, 1998, 4, 25-40. 1640 Lester, D. Preventing suicide by restricting access to methods for suicide. Archives of Suicide Research, 1998, 4, 7-24. 64

1641 Lester, D. Phenomenological description of subselves using George Kelly's Repertory Grid. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1998, 86, 537-538. 1642 Lester, D., & Leenaars, A. A. Suicide in Canada and the United States. In A. A. Leenaars, S. Wenckstern, A. Sakinofsky, R. J. Dyck, M. J. Kral & R. C. Bland (Eds.) Suicide in Canada, pp. 108-121. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1998. 1643 Lester, D. Suicide as a search for spirituality. American Journal of Pastoral Counseling, 1998, 1(2) 41- 47. 1644 Lester, D., & Savlid, A. C. Homicide and suicide in Swedish counties. Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine, 1998, 26, 8-9. 1645 Francis, L. J., Brown, L. B., Lester, D., & Philipchalk, R. Happiness as stable extraversion. Personality & Individual Differences, 1998, 24, 167-171. 1646 Canetto, S. S., & Lester, D. Gender, culture, and suicidal behavior. Transcultural Psychiatry, 1998, 35, 163-190. 1647 Lester, D. The regional variation of suicide rates in Switzerland. European Journal of Psychiatry, 1998, 12, 45-49. 1648 Lester, D. Suicidal behavior in African-American slaves. Omega, 1998, 37, 1-13. 1649 Lester, D. The sociological study of suicidal ideation. Omega, 1998, 37, 101-105. 1650 Lester, D. Exploration of a Durkheimian theory of suicide and homicide in Australia and New Zealand. Medicine, Science and the Law, 1998, 38, 170-172. 1651 Lester, D. Helplessness, hopelessness, and haplessness and suicidality. Psychological Reports, 1998, 82, 946. 1652 Lester, D. Experience of loss in famous suicides. Psychological Reports, 1998, 82, 1090. 1653 Lester, D. Predicting the incidence of AIDS from 1980 to 1995. Psychological Reports, 1998, 82, 1082. 1654 Lester, D. Suicide and homicide after the fall of communist regimes. European Psychiatry, 1998, 13, 98-100. Suicidio y homicidio después de la caída de los regímenes comunistas. European psychiatry (Ed Española), 1998, 5(6):392-395. 1655 Lester, D. Judging the sex and age of suicide note writers. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1998, 86, 1218. 1656 Lester, D. Ethnicity, religion and suicide in Swiss cantons. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1998, 86, 1210. 1657 Andrews, L., & Lester, D. Manic-depressive tendencies and belief in life after death. Psychological Reports, 1998, 82, 1114. 1658 Carcilli, A., & Lester, D. Attitudes toward gun control in urban and suburban youth. Psychological Reports, 1998, 82, 1402. 1659 Lester, D. Comment on "The positive and negative suicide ideation scale." Psychological Reports, 1998, 82, 1394. 1660 Lester, D. The sex ratio, suicide, and homicide in nations of the world. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1998, 87, 50. 1661 Lester, D. The monthly distribution of suicides and urbanization. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1998, 86, 1458. 1662 Lester, D., & Abe, K. The suicide rate by each method in Japan. Archives of Suicide Research, 1998, 4, 281-285. 1663 Lester, D. Subjective well-being, suicide, and homicide. Psychological Reports, 1998, 83, 234. 1664 Lester, D. Predicting cirrhosis death rates in Hungary and the USA. Psychological Reports, 1998, 83, 158. 1665 Lester, D. Life-satisfaction, suicide, and homicide. Psychological Reports, 1998, 83, 126. 65

1666 Lester, D. Correlates of primary and secondary murder. Psychological Reports, 1998, 83, 98. 1667 Lester, D. Suicide in eminent persons. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1998, 87, 90. 1668 Lester, D. Suicide and the shame of exposure. Psychological Reports, 1998, 83, 106. 1669 Lester, D. The association of shame and guilt with suicidality. Journal of Social Psychology, 1998, 138, 535-536. 1670 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. Predicting suicide rate among elderly persons in Canadian provinces. Psychological Reports, 1998, 82, 1202. 1671 Lester, D. An examination of Shneidman's application of Henry Murray's classification of needs to suicidal individuals. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1998, 87, 42. 1672 Lester, D., & Abdel-Khalek, A. M. Depression in college students in the United States and Kuwait. Psychological Reports, 1998, 83, 410. 1673 Lester, D. Legal gambling and crime. Psychological Reports, 1998, 83, 382. 1674 Lester, D. The use of long guns for murder. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1998, 87, 162. 1675 Lester, D., & Linn, M. Joseph Richman's signs for distinguishing genuine from simulated suicide notes. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1998, 87, 242. 1676 Lester, D. Steven Stack's ecological studies of national suicide rates. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1998, 87, 374. 1677 Lester, D., & Shephard, R. Variation of suicide and homicide rates by longitude and latitude. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1998, 87, 186. 1678 Lester, D. Regarding down-rating the lifetime suicide risk in major depression. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 1998, 97, 467. 1679 Wilson, G., & Lester, D. Suicide prevention by e-mail. Crisis Intervention & Time-Limited Treatment, 1998, 4, 81-87. 1680 He, Z. X., & Lester, D. Methods for suicide in mainland China. Death Studies, 1998, 22, 571-579. 1681 Kondrichin, S. V., & Lester, D. Voting conservative and mortality. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1998, 87, 466. 1682 Lester, D. The sex ratio of juvenile suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1998, 87, 610. 1683 Lester, D. Suicide and heart disease. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1998, 87, 594. 1684 Lester, D. Differences in content of suicide notes by age and method. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1998, 87, 530. 1685 Lester, D., & Rife, J. Predicting suicidality. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1998, 87, 498. 1686 Lester, D. Prison suicide rates by state. Psychological Reports, 1998, 83, 514. 1687 Lester, D. Suicide in African Americans. Commack, NY: Nova Science, 1998. 1688 Lester, D. Suicide. World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago: World Book, 1998. 1689 Lester, D. Introduction to the Special Issue (on Sylvia Plath). Death Studies, 1998, 22, 595-596. 1690 Lester, D. Theories of suicidal behavior applied to Sylvia Plath. Death Studies, 1998, 22, 655-666. 1691 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. Social factors and mortality from NASH in Canada. Crisis, 1998, 19, 73- 77. 1692 Lester, D. Testing Durkheim's theory of suicide in Hungary. Psychological Reports, 1998, 83, 881- 882. 1693 Lester, D. A test of a Durkheimian theory of homicide. EuroCriminology, 1998, 12, 89-92. 1694 Lester, D. Suicide and homicide rates in American states classified as introverted and neurotic. Psychological Reports, 1998, 83, 686. 1695 Lester, D., & Akande, A. Attitudes about suicide in Zambian and Nigerian students. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1998, 87, 690. 1696 Ozment, J. M., & Lester, D. Suicidality and helplessness. Psychological Reports, 1998, 83, 718. 66

1697 Lester, D., & Linn, M. The content of suicide notes written by those using different methods for suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1998, 87, 722. 1698 Lester, D. Adolescent suicide risk today. Journal of Adolescence, 1998, 21, 499-503. 1699 Lester, D., & Abdel-Khalek, A. Suicidality and personality in American and Kuwaiti students. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 1998, 44, 280-283. 1700 Lester, D., & Berry, D. Autonomic nervous system balance and introversion. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1998, 87, 882 1701 Lester, D., & Leenaars, A. A. Is there a regional subculture of firearm violence in Canada? Medicine, Science & the Law, 1998, 38, 317-320. 1702 Lester, D., & Yang, B. Suicide and homicide in the 20th Century. Commack, NY: Nova Science, 1998. 1703 Scott, V., & Lester, D. Listening to silence. Crisis, 1998, 19, 105-108. 1704 Abdel-Khalek, A. M., & Lester, D. Reliability of the Arabic Obsessive-Compulsive Scale in Kuwaiti and American students. Psychological Reports, 1998, 83, 1470. 1705 Lester, D. Schools can help prevent suicide. In Suicide: Opposing viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven, 1998, 153-157 1706 Lester, D. Suicide in Greece. [Archives of Psychiatry & Psychology of Adolescents & Adults], 1998, 5(2), 45-46. 1707 Lester, D. Tobacco consumption and national rates of personal violence (suicide and homicide) Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine, 1998, 26, 299. 1708 Lester, D. Capital punishment. Law Studies, 1998, 22(1), 17-22. 1709 Lester, D. The association of alcohol use, abuse and treatment with suicide and homicides rates. Italian Journal of Suicidology, 1998, 8, 23-24. 1710 Lester, D. Domestic integration and suicide in Italy. Italian Journal of Suicidology, 1998, 8, 25-26. 1711 Kondrichin, S. V., & Lester, D. Suicide in Belarus. Crisis, 1998, 19, 167-171.


1712 Lester, D., & Saito, Y. The reasons for suicide in Japan. Omega, 1998-1999, 38, 65-68. 1713 Lester, D. Correlates of regional suicide rates. Omega, 1998-1999, 38, 99-102. 1714 Campbell, F., Simmons, C., & Lester, D. The impact of gambling on suicidal behavior in Louisiana. Omega, 1998-1999, 38, 235-239. 1715 Lester, D. A comment on "Urbanism and Crime." Cross-Cultural Research, 1999, 33, 26-29. 1716 Schmidtke, A., Fricke, S., & Lester, D. Suicide among German federal and state police officers. Psychological Reports, 1999, 84, 157-166. 1717 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. Gender, gun control, suicide and homicide. Archives of Suicide Research, 1999, 5, 77-79. 1718 Lester, D. Native American suicide rates, acculturation stress and traditional integration. Psychological Reports, 1999, 84, 398. 1719 Lester, D. An empirical examination of 28 serial murderers. Journal of the Mental Health in Corrections Consortium, 1999, 44(4),8-10. 1720 Campbell, F., & Lester, D. The impact of gambling opportunities on compulsive gambling. Journal of Social Psychology, 1999, 139, 126-127. 1721 Lester, D. Zen and happiness. Psychological Reports, 1999, 84, 650. 1722 Zonda, T., Csiszer, N., & Lester, D. Blood groups among attempted and completed suicides. European Journal of Psychiatry, 1999, 13, 58-60. 67

1723 Kondrichin, S. V., & Lester, D. "I'm all right Jack" in Russia too. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1999, 88, 892. 1724 Pascale, M., & Lester, D. The blame attributed to rape victims. Psychological Reports, 1999, 84, 880. 1725 Shadinger, M., Hinninger, K., & Lester, D. Belief in life after death, religiosity and fear of death. Psychological Reports, 1999, 84, 868. 1726 Lester, D. Suicide in post-Soviet Central Asia. Central Asian Survey, 1999, 18, 121-124. 1727 Lester, D., Agarwal, K., & Natarajan, M. . Archives of Suicide Research, 1999, 5, 91- 96. 1728 Yang, B., & Lester, D. The misery Index and suicide. Psychological Reports, 1999, 84, 1086. 1729 Lester, D. Wine consumption and suicide rates. Psychological Reports, 1999, 84, 1054. 1730 Lester, D. Pace of life and suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1999, 88, 1094. 1731 Lester, D. Variation in national suicide rates over time. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1999, 88, 1126. 1732 Meelheim, L. G., & Lester, D. Optimism and manic-depressive tendencies. Psychological Reports, 1999, 84, 1122. 1733 Lester, D. Effect of changing alcohol laws in Iceland on suicide rates. Psychological Reports, 1999, 84, 1158. 1734 Lester, D. Regional differences in divorce rates. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 1999, 30 (3/4), 121-124. 1735 Lester, D. Suicidality and risk-taking behaviors. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1999, 88, 1299-1300. 1736 Lester, D. Social correlates of divorce rates. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1999, 88, 1330. 1737 Lester, D. Suicide and homicide in Caribbean nations. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1999, 88, 1350. 1738 Schmidtke, A., Weinacker, B., Stack, S., & Lester, D. The impact of the reunification of Germany on the suicide rate. Archives of Suicide Research, 1999, 5, 233-239. 1739 Lester, D. Suicides at the Millennium. AAS Newslink, 1999, 25(3), 16-17. 1740 Lester, D. Body mass index, suicide and homicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1999, 89, 126. 1741 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. Domestic integration and suicide in the provinces of Canada. Crisis, 1999, 20, 59-63. 1742 Lester, D., & Akande, A. Depression and suicidal preoccupation in South African students. Psychological Reports, 1999, 85, 242. 1743 Lester, D. State and trait depression and suicidality. Psychological Reports, 1999, 85, 162. 1744 Lester, D. Social correlates of the undetermined death rate. Psychological Reports, 1999, 85, 178. 1745 Lester, D. Predicting the suicide rate of children in America. Psychological Reports, 1999, 85, 212. 1746 Lester, D. Regional variation of suicide in Austria. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1999, 89, 194. 1747 Lester, D. Predicting the time-series suicide and homicide rates in Hong Kong. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1999, 89, 204. 1748 Lester, D. Implications of the sex ratio for suicide and homicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1999, 89, 222. 1749 Lester, D. Obesity and suicide in Native Americans. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1999, 89, 218. 1750 Lester, D. Seasonal variation in suicide and the methods used. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1999, 89, 160. 1751 Lester, D. Correlates of suicide rates calculated in different ways. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1999, 89, 172. 1752 Lester, D. Neuropsychological correlates of violence and aggression. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1999, 89, 389-392. 1753 Lester, D. Age and intelligence as mediators of anger in black suicide attempters. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1999, 89, 338. 68

1754 Lester, D., & Young, L. External versus internal attributions in suicide and their implications for crisis intervention and suicide prevention. Psychological Reports, 1999, 85, 383-396. 1755 Lester, D. One small thing... Surviving Suicide, 1999, 11(2), 3,8. 1756 Lester, D. Suicide. In M. Runco & S. R. Pritzker (Eds.) Encyclopedia of creativity, Volume 2. San Diego: Academic, 1999, 585-589. 1757 Lester, D. Sylvia Plath. In M. Runco & S. R. Pritzker (Eds.) Encyclopedia of creativity, Volume 2. San Diego: Academic, 1999, 387-392. 1758 Lester, D. Regional associations of methods used for suicide. Psychological Reports, 1999, 85, 422 1759 Jenkins, R., & Lester, D. Physique and personality in kindergarten children. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1999, 89, 458. 1760 Paskalides, C. J., & Lester, D. Inconsistency in attitudes toward President Clinton. Psychological Reports, 1999, 85, 462. 1761 Duggan, G., Mastapeter, A. P., & Lester, D. The cost of funerals. Psychological Reports, 1999, 85, 504. 1762 Lester, D. Does democracy increase suicide and homicide rates? Psychological Reports, 1999, 85, 518. 1763 Leenaars, A., Lester, D., & Wenckstern, S. Suicide notes in alcoholism. Psychological Reports, 1999, 85, 363-364. 1764 Lester, D. Predicting the rate with which police officers are assaulted, injured, and killed. Psychological Reports, 1999, 85, 606. 1765 Roman. R. E., & Lester, D. Abortion attitudes and personality. Psychological Reports, 1999, 95, 528. 1766 Lester, D. Crime and the Native American. Springfield, IL: Charles Thomas, 1999. 1767 Abdel-Khalek, A., & Lester, D. Obsession compulsion in college students in the United States and Kuwait. Psychological Reports, 1999, 85, 799-800. 1768 Schustov, D., & Lester, D. Counseling the suicidal client by letter. Crisis, 1999, 20, 127-131. 1769 Lester, D. Suicide and other violence toward the self. Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict, 1999, 3, 441-446. Academic Press. 1770 Lester, D., & Wittkowski, J. Religiosity and pathology. Psychological Reports, 1999, 85, 834. 1771 Canetto, S. S., & Lester, D. Motives for suicide in suicide notes from women and men. Psychological Reports, 1999, 85, 471-472. 1772 Lester, D., & Surault, P. Domestic social integration and suicide in France. Psychological Reports, 1999, 95, 856. 1773 Promish, D. L., & Lester, D. Classifying serial killers. Forensic Science International, 1999, 105, 155- 159. 1774 He, Z. X., & Lester, D. What is the Chinese suicide rate? Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1999, 89, 898. 1775 Lester, D. Assisted suicide for prison inmates. The Correctional Psychologist, 1999, 31(2), 1, 3-5; 31(4), 5-8. 1776 Vander Ryk, A. L., O'Neill, M. J., & Lester, D. Attitudes toward abortion, capital punishment, and assisted suicide. Psychological Reports, 1999, 85, 904. 1777 Lester, D. Locus of control and suicidality. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1999, 89, 1042. 1778 Lester, D. Comment on "Manic-Depressiveness and its correlates." Psychological Reports, 1999, 85, 1057-1058. 1779 Lester, D. Climatic data and national suicide and homicide rates. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 1999, 89, 1036. 1780 Lester, D. The social causes of suicide. Omega, 1999-2000, 40, 307-321. 1781 Roman, R. E., & Lester, D. Religiosity and mental health. Psychological Reports, 1999, 85, 1088. 69

1782 Knight, M. T. D., Furnham, A. F., & Lester, D. Accurate knowledge about suicide. Psychological Reports, 1999, 85, 1040. 1783 Burge, M., & Lester, D. Depressive and manic tendencies in high school and college students. Psychological Reports, 1999, 85, 1118. 1784 Abdel-Khalek, A. M., & Lester, D. Criterion-related validity of the Arabic Obsessive-Compulsive Scale in Kuwaiti and American students. Psychological Reports, 1999, 85, 1111-1112. 1785 Lester, D., & Abdel-Khalek, A. M. Manic-depression, suicidality, and obsessive-compulsive tendencies. Psychological Reports, 1999, 85, 1100. 1786 Lester, D. Predicting the variation in suicide rates in Norwegian counties. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 1999, 27, 239-240. 1787 Lester, D. The suicide rate in Finnish prisons. Psychiatria Fennica, 1999, 30, 93-96. 1788 Lester, D. Correlates of divorce rates in Caribbean nations. Psychological Reports, 1999, 85, 1250. 1789 Lester, D. Gun deaths in children and guns in the home. European Journal of Psychiatry, 1999, 13, 157-159.


1790 Lester, D. National differences in neuroticism and extraversion. Personality & Individual Differences, 2000, 28, 35-39. 1791 Van Voorhis, P., Braswell, M., & Lester, D. Correctional counseling and rehabilitation. 4th Edition. Cincinnati: Anderson, 2000. 1792 Lester, D. Psychology of suicide. In Encyclopedia of Stress, 2000, 3, 544-548. 1793 Lester, D. Sociology of suicide. In Encyclopedia of stress, 2000, 3, 549-552. 1794 Street, M. E., & Lester, D. Manic-depressive tendencies, suicidality, and perfectionism. Psychological Reports, 2000, 86, 142. 1795 Lester, D. Motivations for preventing versus assisting suicide. Psychological Reports, 2000, 86, 134. 1796 Knight, M., Furnham, A., & Lester, D. Is it important to have accurate knowledge about suicide? The Listener, 2000, January, 4. 1797 Kalafat, J., & Lester, D. Shame and suicide. Death Studies, 2000, 24, 157-162. 1798 Lester, D. Suicide in emigrants from the Indian subcontinent. Transcultural Psychiatry, 2000, 37, 243- 254. 1799 Lester, D. Steven Stack’s ecological research on suicide applied to homicide. Psychological Reports, 2000, 86, 482. 1800 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Culture and the economy. Psychological Reports, 2000, 86, 519-520. 1801 Lester, D. Freud’s death from bone cancer!!!!! Contemporary Psychology, 2000, 45, 233. 1802 Fessman, N., & Lester, D. Loneliness and depression among elderly nursing home patients. International Journal of Aging & Human Development, 2000, 51, 137-141. 1803 Williams, D. M., Frank, M. L., & Lester, D. Predicting anxiety in competitive sports. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2000, 90, 847-850. 1804 Lester, D. Counseling survivors of murderers. Crisis, 2000, 21, 6-7 1805 Crain, E. J., & Lester, D. Attitudes toward death-related choices. Psychological Reports, 2000, 86, 1200. 1806 Abdel-Khalek, A. M., & Lester, D. Obsession-compulsion, locus of control, depression, and hopelessness. Psychological Reports, 2000, 86, 1187-1188. 1807 Leenaars, A., Cantor, C. H., Connolly, J., EchoHawk, M., Gailiene, D., He, Z. X., Kokorina, N., Lopatin, A., Lester, D., Rodriguez, M., Schlebusch, L., Takahashi, Y., & Vijayakumar, L. Ethical 70

and legal issues. In K. Hawton & K. van Heeringen (Eds.) The international handbook of suicide and attempted suicide. New York: Wiley, 2000, 421-435. 1808 Lester, D. Is there a consistent pro-life attitude? Advances in Psychology Research, 2000, 1, 1-9. 1809 Lester, D. The social correlates of migration. Advances in Psychology Research, 2000, 1, 175-179. 1810 Connolly, J. F., & Lester, D. Suicide rates in Irish counties. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2000, 17, 59-61. 1811 Lester, D. Decades of suicide research. In T. Joiner & M. D. Rudd (Eds.) Suicide science. Boston: Kluwer, 2000, 9-16. 1812 Lester, D. Reducing lethal violence. Journal of Trauma, 2000, 48, 1168. 1813 Lester, D. By their own hand. Chichester, UK: Aeneas, 2000. 1814 Knight, M. T. D., Furnham, A. F., & Lester, D. Lay theories of suicide. Personality & Individual Differences, 2000, 29, 453-457. 1815 Lester, D. Gun availability and the use of guns for suicide and homicide in Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 2000, 91, 186-187. 1816 Lester, D., & George, D. Metapreferences, preferences and suicide. Crisis, 2000, 21, 57-58. 1817 Yang, B., & Lester, D. An exploration of the impact of culture on the economy. Journal of Socio- Economics, 2000, 29, 281-290. 1818 Lester, D., & Kondrichin, S. Murder in Russia. Medicine, Science & the Law, 2000, 40, 241-244. 1819 D’Alessandro, M., & Lester, D. Self-destructiveness and manic-depressive tendencies. Psychological Reports, 2000, 87, 466. 1820 Kondrichin, S. V., & Lester, D. The ecological variation of suicide in Russia and the United States. European Journal of Psychiatry, 2000, 14(2), 79-84. 1821 Lester, D. Correlates of rates of suicide and homicide committed by different methods. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2000, 91, 616. 1822 Lester, D. Executions as a deterrent to homicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2000, 91, 696. 1823 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Suicide is not a rational act. In L. A. Miller & P. A .Rose (Eds.) Suicide. San Diego: Greenhaven, 2000, 50-55. 1824 Lester, D. Suicide prevention. In L. A. Miller & P. A .Rose (Eds.) Suicide. San Diego: Greenhaven, 2000, 108-116. 1825 Lester, D. The pace of life and suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2000, 91, 748. 1826 Lester, D. Psychache, depression and personality. Psychological Reports, 2000, 87, 940. 1827 Burge, M., & Lester, D. Manic-depressiveness and Jungian dimensions of personality. Psychological Reports, 2000, 87, 596. 1828 Lester, D. Democracy and suicide. Psychological Reports, 2000, 87, 822. 1829 Liszewski, C. L., & Lester, D. Attitudes toward abortion. Psychological Reports, 2000, 87, 802. 1830 Yezzi, J. A., & Lester, D. Job satisfaction in teachers. Psychological Reports, 2000, 87, 776. 1831 Lester, D. Religious homogeneity and suicide. Psychological Reports, 2000, 87, 766. 1832 Lester, D. Equality in suicide and date of women’s suffrage. Psychological Reports, 2000, 87, 738. 1833 Lester, D. Islam and suicide. Psychological Reports, 2000, 87, 692. 1834 Lester, D. Suicidality in primary health care and national suicide rates. Psychological Reports, 2000, 87, 688. 1835 Lester, D. Manic-depressive tendencies and Jungian dimensions of personality in college students. Psychological Reports, 2000, 87, 634. 1836 Lester, D. Does residential segregation in cities predict African-American suicide rates? Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2000, 91, 870. 1837 Lester, D. Suicide and birth order. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2000, 91, 836. 71

1838 Lester, D. Individualism and suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2000, 91, 826. 1839 Lester, D. Contacting the dead and national character. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2000, 91, 800. 1840 Lester, D. Comparing correlations over time and space. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2000, 91, 758. 1841 Lester, D. Unemployment and suicide over nine regions in England and Wales. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2000, 91, 782. 1842 Upmanyu, V. V., Upmanyu, S., & Lester, D. Depressive symptoms among U.S. and Indian College students. Journal of Social Psychology, 2000, 140, 669-671. 1843 Lester, D. Alcoholism, substance abuse, and suicide. In R. W. Maris, A. L. Berman & M. M. Silverman (Eds.) Comprehensive Textbook of Suicidology. New York: Guilford, 2000, 357-375. 1844 Lester, D. The of Arthur Koestler and Cynthia Jeffries. In R. W. Maris, A. L. Berman & M. M. Silverman (Eds.) Comprehensive Textbook of Suicidology. New York: Guilford, 2000, 227-228. 1845 Lester, D. The suicide of Yukio Mishima. In R. W. Maris, A. L. Berman & M. M. Silverman (Eds.) Comprehensive Textbook of Suicidology. New York: Guilford, 2000, 179. 1846 Harmstead, J. R., & Lester, D. Dimensions of impulsiveness. Psychological Reports, 2000, 87, 701- 702. 1847 Lester, D. Firearm availability and the use of firearms for suicide and homicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2000, 91, 998. 1848 Phifer, J. A., & Lester, D. Femininity and abortion attitudes. Psychological Reports, 2000, 87, 956. 1849 Fawcett, J., Andrews, V., & Lester, D. Religiosity and attitudes about abortion. Psychological Reports, 2000, 87, 980. 1850 Garzarelli, P. S., Everhart, B., & Lester, D. Evaluation of a program to raise self-concept of eighth graders. Psychological Reports, 2000, 87, 849-850. 1851 Boiko, I., & Lester, D. Deliberate self-injury in female Russian inmates. Psychological Reports, 2000, 87, 789-790. 1852 Lester, D. Major dimensions of near-death experiences. Psychological Reports, 2000, 87, 835-836. 1853 Lester, D. Manic-Depressiveness Scale, The. In J. Maltby, C. A. Lewis & A. P. Hill (Eds.) Commissioned reviews on 300 psychological tests. Lampeter, Wales: Edwin Mellen Press, 2000, 594-597. 1854 Leenaars, A. A., Cantor, C., Connolly, J., Echohawk, M., Gailiene, D., He, Z. X., Kokorina, N., Lester, D., Lopatin, A. A., Rodriguez, M., Schlebusch, L., Takahashi, Y., Vijayakumar, L., & Wenckstern, S. Controlling the environment to prevent suicide. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 2000, 45, 639-644. 1855 Lester, D. Samobojstwa w Polsce na tle trendow swiatowych. Psychiatria Polska, 2000, 34, 773-781. 1856 Lester, D. Why people kill themselves. Springfield, IL: Charles Thomas, 2000. 1857 Harrison, C., & Lester, D. Learning style and personality type in high school students. Psychological Reports, 2000, 87, 1022. 1858 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Who buys their textbooks online? Psychological Reports, 2000, 87, 1183-1184. 1859 Lester, D. Explaining the regional variation of suicide in Germany. Suizidprophylaxe, 2000, 27(102), 68-69. 1860 Lester, D. Substance abuse is a factor in many suicides. In T. L. Roleff (Ed.) Teen suicide. San Diego: Greenhaven, 2000, 57-62. 1861 Lester, D. Suicide rates, international. In C. D. Bryant (Ed.) Encyclopedia of criminology and deviant behavior. Philadelphia: Brunner-Routledge, 2000, Volume 4, 520-522. 1862 Lester, D., & Schaller, S. Could “How-to-Commit Suicide” books prevent suicide? Crisis, 2000, 21, 109-110. 72

1863 Lester, D. The end of suicidology. Crisis, 2000, 21, 158-159. 1864 Lester, D. Armed robbery and the availability of firearms in Canada. EuroCriminology, 2000, 14, 113- 115.


1865 Lester, D., & Krysinska, K. E. Suicide in the Lodz Ghetto during World War Two. Omega, 2000- 2001, 42, 209-217. 1866 Lester, D. Lay theories of suicide. Psychological Reports, 2001, 88, 182. 1867 Lindsay, M. S., & Lester, D. Suicide in a Northeastern police department. Psychological Reports, 2001, 88, 226. 1868 Halpin, K., & Lester, D. Hopelessness and perfectionism. Psychological Reports, 2001, 88, 252. 1869 Ozment, J. M., & Lester, D. Helplessness, locus of control, and psychological health. Journal of Social Psychology, 2001, 141, 137-138. 1870 Kondrichin, S. V., & Lester, D. Cancer and suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2001, 92, 468. 1871 Leenaars, A. A., Connolly, J., Cantor, C., Echo-Hawk, M., He, Z. X., Lester, D., Lopatin, A. A., Rodriguez, M., Schlebusch, L., Takahashi, Y., & Vijayakumar, L. Suicide, assisted suicide and euthanasia. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2001, 18, 33-37. 1872 Lester, D. Suicide in Barbados. Advances in Psychology Research, 2001, 2, 193-197. 1873 Young, L., & Lester, D. Gestalt therapy approaches to crisis intervention with suicidal clients. Brief Treatment & Crisis Intervention, 2001, 1, 65-74. 1874 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. The impact of gun control (Bill C-51) on homicide in Canada. Journal of Criminal Justice, 2001, 29, 287-294. 1875 Lester, D. The suicide rate in Austrian prisons. Psychological Reports, 2001, 88, 1222. 1876 Lester, D. Association of alcohol use and suicide in 27 nations of the world. Psychological Reports, 2001, 88, 1129. 1877 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Suicide as an indicator of quality of life. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2001, 93, 95-96. 1878 Lester, D. Social correlates of injury mortality rates. Advances in Psychology Research, 2001, 3, 235- 244. 1879 Connolly, J. F., & Lester, D. Suicide rates in Irish counties. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2001, 18, 87-89. 1880 Schmidtke, A., Fricke, S., & Lester, D. Suicidal behavior among German police officers. In D. C. Sheehan & J. I. Warren (Eds.) Suicide and law enforcement. Washington, DC: FBI, 2001, 431- 436. 1881 Lester, D. Regional variations in male and female unemployment. Perceptual & Motors Skills, 2001, 93, 310. 1882 Lester, D. Extreme opposition to assisting suicide. Crisis, 2001, 22, 3-4. 1883 Lester, D. Regional studies of homicide. Death Studies, 2001, 25, 705-708. 1884 Lester, D. (Ed.) Suicide prevention. Philadelphia: Brunner-Routledge, 2001. 1885 Black, S. T., & Lester, D. The use of substitute subjects in the study of suicide. European Journal of Psychiatry, 2001, 15, 133-136. 1887 Lester, D. Nonfatal suicidal behavior as a communication. Crisis, 2001, 22, 49-51. 1888 Lester, D. Suicidology: A victimology perspective. Crisis, 2001, 22, 89-90. 1889 He, Z. X., & Lester, D. Sex differences in suicidal ideation in a community sample. Crisis, 2001, 22, 132-134. 73

1890 He, Z. X., Yang, B., & Lester, D. Suicide notes of Chinese youth. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2001, 93, 317-318. 1891 Frank, M. L., & Lester, D. Risky behaviors in Hispanic youth. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 2001, 23, 498-504. 1892 Kondrichin, S. V., & Lester, D. Correlates of regional suicide and cancer mortality rates. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2001, 93, 338. 1893 He, Z. X., & Lester, D. Elderly . Psychological Reports, 2001, 89, 675-676. 1894 Lester, D. Attitudes toward abortion. Psychological Reports, 2001, 89, 290. 1895 Kondrichin, S., & Lester, D. Tuberculosis and suicide. Psychological Reports, 2001, 89, 326. 1896 Lester, D. Conscientiousness in childhood and later suicide. Crisis, 2001, 22, 143. 1897 Lester, D. Monthly variation in suicide is still strong in the USA. British Journal of Psychiatry, 2001, 179, 370. 1898 Lester, D. Violent versus nonviolent methods for suicide. Psychological Reports, 2001, 89, 445-446. 1899 Lester, D. The military participation rate and suicide rates in Italy, 1864-1913. Psychological Reports, 2001, 89, 452. 1900 Lester, D., & Krysinska, K. E. Regional variation of divorce in Poland. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2001, 93, 574. 1901 Lester, D. An inventory to measure helplessness, hopelessness, and haplessness. Psychological Reports, 2001, 89, 495-498. 1902 Lester, D. Suicide among the elderly in the world. In D. De Leo (Ed.) Suicide and euthanasia in older adults. Seattle: Hogrefe & Huber, 2001, 1-19. 1903 Lester, D. Predicting murder rates of police officers and civilians by each other. Psychological Reports, 2001, 89, 520. 1904 Lester, D. Suicide in youth. In J. Connolly (Ed.) Suicide prevention in schools. Castlebar, Eire: Connaught Telegraph, 2001, 39-55. 1905 Lester, D. Establishing a teen hotline. In J. Connolly (Ed.) Suicide prevention in schools. Castlebar, Eire: Connaught Telegraph, 2001, 85-89. 1906 Lester, D. Sophocles. In J. Connolly (Ed.) Suicide prevention in schools. Castlebar, Eire: Connaught Telegraph, 2001, 94-97. 1907 Lester, D. Predicting the Italian suicide rate for 1864-1962. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2001, 93, 704. 1908 Burge, M., & Lester, D. Predicting suicidal ideation in high school students. Psychological Reports, 2001, 89, 283-284. 1909 Lester, D. Quality of life for children and suicide rates. Psychological Reports, 2001, 89, 616. 1910 Lester, D. Gun availability and use of guns for murder and suicide in Canada. Psychological Reports, 2001, 89, 624. 1911 Lester, D. The scientific understanding of suicide. Lifenotes, 2001, 6(4), 3. 1912 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Predicting the number of credit cards held by college students. Psychological Reports, 2001, 89, 667-668. 1913 Lester, D. Publishing for suicidologists. In J. L. McIntosh (Ed.) Suicide 2000. Washington, DC: American Association of Suicidology, 2001, 221-223. 1914 He, Z. X., & Lester, D. Elderly suicide in China. In J. L. McIntosh (Ed.) Suicide 2000. Washington, DC: American Association of Suicidology, 2001, 246-249. 1915 He, Z. X., Yang, B., & Lester, D. Suicide notes of Chinese youth. In J. L. McIntosh (Ed.) Suicide 2000. Washington, DC: American Association of Suicidology, 2001, 250-255. 1916 Lester, D. Emotional and unscholarly condemnation of September 11. Cerebrum, 2001, 3(4), 7-8. 74

1917 Lester, D. El suicidio en Mexico a traves del tiempo. Revista Internacional de Tanatologia y Suicidio, 2001, 1(4), 59-61


1918 Lester, D. Collectivism and rates of personal violence (suicide and homicide). Psychological Reports, 2002, 90, 300. 1919 Lester, D. Soshitsu Taiken to Jisatsu. In Y. Saito. Jisatsu Mondai Q and A: Jisatsu Yobo no tame ni. Tokyo: Shibundo, 2002, 156-157. 1920 Lester, D. Jisatsu yobo to Beikoku no Shisaku. In Y. Saito. Jisatsu Mondai Q and A: Jisatsu Yobo no tame ni. Tokyo: Shibundo, 2002, 194-195. 1921 Lester, D. Murder rates in the regions of Germany. Psychological Reports, 2002, 90, 446. 1922 Lester, D., & Kondrichin, S. V. Genetic risk factors and variation in European suicide rates. British Journal of Psychiatry, 2002, 180, 277-278. 1923 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Furnham’s money attitude scale. Psychological Reports, 2002, 90, 699-700. 1924 Lester, D. The ‘Troubles’ in Northern Ireland and suicide. Psychological Reports, 2002, 90, 722. 1925 Lester, D. Changes in the treatment of depression in the United States. Journal of the American Medical Association, 2002, 287, 1803-1804. 1926 Lester, D. Applying social science research to solving the problems of modern nations. Journal of the Social Sciences, 2002, 30(1), 135-151. (in Arabic) 1927 Lester, D. Trends in mass murder. Psychological Reports, 2002, 90, 1122. 1928 Kondrichin, S. V., & Lester, D. Finno-Ugrians and homicide. Psychological Reports, 2002, 90, 1190. 1929 Lester, D., Aldridge, M., Aspenberg, C., Boyle, K., Radsniak, P., & Waldron, C. What is the afterlife like? Omega, 2001-2002, 44, 113-126. 1930 Lester, D. Suicide and aircraft. Crisis, 2002, 23, 2. 1931 Lester, D. Sophocles. Crisis, 2002, 23, 34-37. 1932 Kondrichin, S. V., & Lester, D. Suicide in the Ukraine. Crisis, 2002, 23, 32-33. 1933 Abdel-Khalek, A., & Lester, D. Manic-depressiveness, obsessive-compulsive tendencies, and suicidality in Kuwaiti college students. Psychological Reports, 2002, 90, 1007-1008. 1934 Abdel-Khalek, A. M., Lester, D., & Barrett, P. The factorial structure of the Arabic obsessive- compulsive scale in Kuwaiti and American college students. Personality & Individual Differences, 2002, 33, 3-9. 1935 Lester, D., & Abdel-Khalek, A. Reliability and factorial structure of the Taoist Orientation Scale for samples of Kuwait and American students. Psychological Reports, 2002, 91, 114. 1936 Abdel-Khalek, A., & Lester, D. Convergent and discriminant validity of the Arabic Obsessive- Compulsive Scale for Kuwaiti and American college students. Psychological Reports, 2002, 90, 1261-1262. 1937 Burge, M., Goldblat, C., & Lester, D. Music preferences and suicidality. Death Studies, 2002, 26, 501- 504. 1938 Lester, D. National character and rates of suicide and homicide. Psychological Reports, 2002, 91, 192. 1939 Lester, D. Qualitative versus quantitative studies in psychiatry. Archives of Suicide Research, 2002, 6, 15-18. 1940 Abdel-Khalek, A., & Lester, D. Factorial validity of the Arabic Obsessive-Compulsive Scale in two cultures. Psychological Reports, 2002, 90, 869-870. 1941 Abdel-Khalek, A., & Lester, D. Using the short subscales of a questionnaire to assess subcomponents with low reliabilities. Psychological Reports, 2002, 90, 1255-1256. 75

1942 Lester, D. Correlates of age-adjusted national homicide rates. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2002, 95, 650. 1943 Lester, D. Correlates of state homicide rates. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2002, 95, 636. 1944 He, Z. X., & Lester, D. Sex ratio in Chinese suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2002, 95, 620. 1945 Yang, B., & Lester, D. PC anxiety. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2002, 95, 670. 1946 Lange, R., Thalbourne, M. A., Houran, J., & Lester, D. Depressive response sets due to gender and culture-based differential item functioning. Personality & Individual Differences, 2002, 33, 937- 954. 1947 Lester, D. (Ed.) Crisis intervention and counseling by telephone. Springfield, IL: Charles Thomas, 2002. 1948 Pettit, J. W., Lam, A. G., Voelz, Z. R., Walker, R. L., Perez, M., Joiner, T. E., Lester, D., & He, Z. X. Perceived burdensomeness and lethality of suicide method among suicide completers in the People’s Republic of China. Omega, 2002, 45, 57-67. 1949 Lester, D., & Saito, Y. Predicting the time-series suicide rate in Japan by motive. Omega, 2002, 45, 149-152. 1950 Lester, D. Serum cholesterol levels and suicide. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 2002, 32, 333- 346. 1951 Abdel-Khalek, A., & Lester, D. Can personality predict suicidality? International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 2002, 48, 231-239. 1952 Frank, M. L., & Lester, D. Self-destructive behaviors in American Indian and Alaska Native high school youth. American Indian & Alaska Native Mental Health Research, 2002, 10(3), 24-32. 1953 Leenaars, A. A., Lester, D., & Wenckstern, S. Social support in suicide prevention. In J. D. Morgan (Ed.) Social support. Amityville, NY: Baywood, 2002, 99-111. 1954 Canetto, S. S., & Lester, D. Love and achievement motives in women’s and men’s suicide notes. Journal of Psychology, 2002, 136, 573-576. 1955 Lester, D. National ratings of happiness, suicide, and homicide. Psychological Reports, 2002, 91, 758. 1956 Lester, D. Alcohol law changes and homicide in Iceland. Psychological Reports, 2002, 91, 742. 1957 Smargisso, D. M., & Lester, D. Mortality from abortion after Roe vs Wade. Psychological Reports, 2002, 91, 780. 1958 Lester, D. Regional variation of divorce in Germany. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2002, 95, 886. 1959 Lester, D., & Tartaro, C. Suicide on death row. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2002, 47, 1108-1111. 1960 Lester, D. Suicide among murderers. Psychological Reports, 2002, 91, 864. 1961 Schmidtke, A., Schaller, S., Muller, I., Lester, D., & Stack, S. Imitation von Amok und Amok-Suizid. In M. Wolfersdorf & M. Wedler (Eds.) Terroristen-Suizide und Amok. Regensburg: S. Roderer, 2002, 91-112. 1962 Leenaars, A., Cantor, C. H., Connolly, J., EchoHawk, M., Gailiene, D., He, Z. X., Kokorina, N., Lester, D., Lopatin, A., Rodriguez, M., Schlebusch, L., Takahashi, Y., & Vijayakumar, L. Ethical and legal issues in suicidology. Archives of Suicide Research, 2002, 6, 185-197. 1963 Lester, D. “Dark shading” of words in the diary of a suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2002, 95, 1006. 1964 Lester, D. Decriminalization of suicide in seven nations and suicide rates. Psychological Reports, 2002, 91, 898. 1965 Zonda, T., & Lester, D. Blood type and bipolar disorder. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2002, 95, 988. 1966 Lester, D. Comment on “Convergent validity of the Collett-Lester fear of death and Templer death anxiety scales in Egyptian male college students.” Psychological Reports, 2002, 91, 940. 76

1967 Lester, D. Stack, S., Schmidtke, A., Schaller, S., & Muller, I. Clustering in rampage murders. Psychological Reports, 2002, 91, 914. 1968 De Wilde, E. J, & Lester, D. Social protests and rates of personal violence in the Netherlands. Archives of Suicide Research, 2002, 6, 249-255. 1969 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Internal consistency of the Yamauchi/Templer Money Attitude Scale. Psychological Reports, 2002, 91, 994. 1970 Krysinska, K. E., & Lester, D. Suicide in the Lodz ghetto 1941-1944. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 2002, 33(2), 21-26. 1971 Lester, D. Guttman scaling national laws on suicide. Crisis, 2002, 23, 89-90. 1972 Joiner, T., Pettit, J. W., Walker, R. L., Voelz, Z. R., Cruz, J., Rudd, M. D., & Lester, D. Perceived burdensomeness and suicidality. Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology, 2002, 21, 531-545. 1973 Lester, D. El suicidio en Mexico. Revista Internacional de Tanatologia y Suicidio, 2002, 2(3), 51-57. 1974 Lester, D. Cult suicide and physician-assisted suicide. Psychological Reports, 2002, 91, 1194. 1975 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Buying textbooks online. Psychological Reports, 2002, 91, 1222-1224. 1976 Lester, D. Suizid. In W. Heitmeyer & J. Hagan (Eds.) Internationales Handbuch der Gewaltforschung. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 2002, 942-957. 1977 Lester, D. Twin studies of suicidal behavior. Archives of Suicide Research, 2002, 6, 383-389. 1978 Furnham, A., Tang, T. L. P., Lester, D. O’Connor, R., & Montgomery, R. Self-estimates of ten multiple intelligences. European Psychologist, 2002, 7, 245-255. 1979 Lester, D. The scientific study of suicide requires accurate data. Crisis, 2002, 23, 133-134. 1980 Lester, D. A Marxist perspective on assisted suicide. Crisis, 2002, 23, 178-179. 1981 Black, S. T., & Lester, D. The content of suicide notes. Omega, 2002-2003, 46, 241-249. 1982 Yang, B., & Lester, D. E-commerce: Who buys online? In D. Kantarelis (Ed.) Global Business & Economics Review - Anthology 2002. Worcester, MA: Business & Economics Society International, 2002, 152-169. 1983 Lester, D. A North American view of international suicidology. AAS Newslink, 2002, 28(4), 7. 1984 De Leo, D., Bertolote, J. M., & Lester, D. Self-directed violence. In E. G. Krug, L. L. Dahlberg, J. A. Mercy, A. B. Zwi & R. Lozano (Eds.) World report on violence and health. Geneva: WHO, 2002, 185-212. 1985 Leenaars, A. A., Lester, D., Lopatin, A. A., Schustov, D. I., & Wenckstern, S. [Suicide notes from Russia and the United States.] [Social & Clinical Psychiatry], 2002, 12(3), 22-28. 1986 Schmidtke, A., Schaller, S., Muller, I., Lester, D., & Stack, S. Imitation von Amok und Amok-Suizid. Suizidprophylaxe, 2002, 29(3), 97-105. 1987 Yang, B., & Lester, D. E-commerce. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Economic Association, 2002, 220-237. 1988 Lester, D. Suicide in Poland. Archives of Psychiatry & Psychotherapy, 2000, 2(3), 35-43. (out of order) 1989 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. The impact of gun control on suicide and homicide across the life span. In Annual Editions: Psychology; Canadian Edition. Chapter 34. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2000. (out of order).


1990 Lester, D. Native Americans and the criminal justice system. In J. Joseph & D. Taylor (Eds.) With justice for all. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2003, 149-160. 1991 Lester, D., & Abdel-Khalek, A. The Collett-Lester fear of death scale. Death Studies, 2003, 27, 81-85. 77

1992 Lester, D. Depth of near-death experiences and confounding factors. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2003, 96, 18. 1993 Lester, D. The regional correlates of suicide in Canada. Archives of Suicide Research, 2003, 7, 145- 148. 1994 Lester, D. Nations’ rated individualism and suicide and homicide rates. Psychological Reports, 2003, 92, 426. 1995 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Buying books online. Psychological Reports, 2003, 92, 393-394. 1996 Lester, D. The plural self. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2003, 96, 370. 1997 Lester, D., & Moksony, F. Seasonality of suicide in Eastern Europe. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2003, 96, 421-422. 1998 Lester, D., & Abdel-Khalek, A. Correlates of an ego-grasping attitude in Kuwaiti and American students. Psychological Reports, 2003, 92, 488. 1999 Lester, D. Suicide. In J. J. Ponzetti (Ed.) International Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family. New York: Macmillan Reference, 2003, 1598-1603. 2000 Lester, D. Adolescent suicide from an international perspective. American Behavioral Scientist, 2003, 46, 1157-1170. 2001 Yang, B., & Lester, D. PC versus Macintosh users. Psychological Reports, 2003, 92, 616. 2002 Leenaars, A. A., Moksony, F., Lester, D., & Wenckstern, S. The impact of gun control (Bill C-51) on suicide in Canada. Death Studies, 2003, 27, 103-124. 2003 Lester, D., & Al-Tarrah, A. A. Authoritarian attitudes and psychological health. Psychological Reports, 2003, 92, 744. 2004 Lester, D. European-ness and personal violence (suicide and homicide). Psychological Reports, 2003, 92, 716. 2005 Lester, D. Suicide in murderers in England and Wales. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2003, 96, 772. 2006 Lester, D. Do male and female suicide jump from different heights? Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2003, 96, 798. 2007 Wahlgren, K., & Lester, D. The big four personality in dogs. Psychological Reports, 2003, 92, 828. 2008 Lester, D. Murder in England and Wales. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2003, 96, 962. 2009 Lester, D. Fixin’ to die. Amityville, NY: Baywood, 2003. 2010 Lester, D. A new scale for the manic-depressiveness scale. Psychological Reports, 2003, 92, 866. 2011 Lester, D. Theories of suicide. In R. Kastenbaum (Ed.) Macmillan Encyclopedia of Death and Dying. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2003, 856-859. 2012 Lester, D. Understanding suicide in the 21st Century. Preventing Suicide, 2003, 2(2), 8-10. 2013 Lester, D., & Abdel-Khalek, A. Reliability of a scale to measure existential insecurity. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2003, 96, 1152. 2014 Lester, D., & Yang, B. Unemployment and suicidal behaviour. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 2003, 57, 558-559. 2015 Yang, B., Lo, P., & Lester, D. Purchasing textbooks online. Applied Economics, 2003, 35, 1265-1269. 2016 Leenaars, A. A., Haines, J., Wenckstern, S., Williams, C. L., & Lester, D. Suicide notes from Australia and the United States. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2003, 96, 1281-1282. 2017 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Liaw’s measures of attitudes toward computers and the Internet. Computers in Human Behavior, 2003, 19, 649-651. 2018 Lester, D. Social correlates in injury mortality rates. In J. Z. Arlsdale (Ed.) Trends in social psychology. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2003, 183-192. 2019 Abdel-Khalek, A. M., & Lester, D. Death obsession in Kuwaiti and American college students. Death Studies, 2003, 27, 541-553. 78

2020 Lester, D. National estimates of IQ and suicide and homicide rates. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2003, 97, 206. 2021 Lester, D. Derivation of a proxy measure of death anxiety from the Suicide Opinion Questionnaire. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2003, 97, 120. 2022 Lester, D. Suicide by jumping from a bridge. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2003, 97, 338. 2023 Yang, B., & Lester, D. A factor analysis of Furnham’s Money Attitude Scale. Psychological Reports, 2003, 93, 358. 2024 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Liaw’s scales to measure attitudes toward computers and the Internet. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2003, 97, 384. 2025 Lester, D., Wood, P., Williams, C., & Haines, J. Correlates of motives for suicide. Psychological Reports, 2003, 93, 378. 2026 Lester, D. Serum cholesterol levels and suicide. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 2003, 33, 338- 339. 2027 Lester, D. Critics of near-death experiences as evidence for survival. Journal of Near-Death Studies, 2003, 21, 253-256 2028 Lester, D. Problem behaviors and suicide and homicide. Psychological Reports, 2003, 93, 458. 2029 Al-Tarrah, A. A., & Lester, D. Authoritarian and aggressive attitudes in American students. Psychological Reports, 2003, 93, 448. 2030 Lester, D., & McIntosh, J. L. The variation of the mean age of suicides in the United States. Crisis, 2003, 24, 173-174. 2031 Schaller, S., Lester, D., & Abdel-Khalek, A. Attitudes toward physician-assisted suicide and death anxiety. Psychological Reports, 2003, 93, 641-642. 2032 McIntosh, J. L., & Lester, D. The temporal distribution of black suicides. Psychological Reports, 2003, 93, 648. 2033 Lester, D. Attitudes toward preventing versus assisting suicide. Psychological Reports, 2003, 93, 673- 674. 2034 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Competitiveness and economic growth. Psychological Reports, 2003, 93, 682. 2035 Lester, D. Death anxiety, death depression, and death obsession. Psychological Reports, 2003, 93, 695-696. 2036 Lester, D. Comment on “The self as a problem.” Journal of Socio-Economics, 2003, 32, 499-502. 2037 Frank, M. L., & Lester, D. Delinquent and self-destructive behaviors among high school youth. Journal of Ethnicity & Criminal Justice, 2003, 1(2), 73-84. 2038 Abdel-Khalek, A., & Lester, D. Obsession-compulsion and its relation to age and sex in Kuwaiti and American students. Psychological Reports, 2003, 93, 803-804. 2039 Yang, B., & Lester, D. PC versus Macintosh users. Psychological Reports, 2003, 93, 954. 2040 Yang, B., & Lester, D. National character and Internet use. Psychological Reports, 2003, 93, 940. 2041 Lester, D. Suicide and aggression. Studies on Aggressiveness & Suicide, 2003, 1(1), 6. 2042 Lester, D., & Kondrichin, S. Suicide and homicide in Siberia. Sibirica, 2003, 3, 103-107. 2043 Lester, D. Cross-cultural perspectives on suicide. In C. D. Bryant (Ed.) Handbook of death and dying. Volume 1. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2003, 351-356. 2044 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Who are online shoppers? Global Business & Economics Review, 2003, 5, 350-368. 2045 Lester, D. Collett-Lester Fear of Death Scale. In J. Hoyer & J. Margraf (Eds.) Anstdiagnostik: Grundlagen und Testverfahren. Heidelberg: Springer, 2003, 474-475. 2046 Lester, D. Suicide. In W. Heitmeyer & J. Hagan (Eds.) International Handbook of Violence Research. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2003, 753-765 79

2047 Abdel-Khalek, A., & Lester, D. The Kuwait University Anxiety Scale. Psychological Reports, 2003, 93, 1109-1114.


2048 Lester, D. . Archives of Suicide Research, 2004, 8, 37-42. 2049 Lester, D. (Ed.) Katie’s diary. New York: Brunner-Routledge, 2004. 2050 Lester, D. Personal violence in Northerners and Southerners. Crisis, 2004, 25, 35-36. 2051 Lester, D., Wood, P., Williams, C., & Haines, J. Motives for suicide. Crisis, 2004, 25, 33-34. 2052 Lester, D. The suicide rate in the concentration camps was extraordinarily high. Archives of Suicide Research, 2004, 8, 199-201. 2053 Esposito-Smythers, C., Jobes, D. A., Lester, D., & Spirito, A. A case study on adolescent suicide. Archives of Suicide Research, 2004, 8, 187-197. 2054 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Attitudes toward buying online. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 2004, 7, 85-91. 2055 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. Understanding the declining Canadian homicide rate. Death Studies, 2004, 28, 263-265. 2056 Spinella, M., Yang, B., & Lester, D. Prefrontal cortex dysfunction and income. Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 2004, 15, 217-223. 2057 Lester, D. A possible after Weininger’s “Sex and Character.” Archives of Suicide Research, 2004, 8, 293-294. 2058 Lester, D. Denial in suicide survivors. Crisis, 2004, 25, 78-79. 2059 Lester, D. Blood types and national suicide rates. Crisis, 2004, 25, 140. 2060 Lester, D. Mass murder. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2004. 2061 Lester, D., & Krysinska, K. E. The regional variation of murder and suicide in Poland. Omega, 2003- 2004, 49, 321-326. 2062 Lester, D., & Kondrichin, S. Finno-Ugrians, blood types, and suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2004, 98, 814. 2063 Leenaars, A. A., Cantor, C., Connolly, J., EchoHawk, M., Gailiene, D., He, Z. X., Kokorina, N., Lester, D., Lopatin, A., Rodriguez, M., Schlebusch, L., Takahashi, Y., & Vijayakumar, L. Ethical and legal issues. In A. A. Leenaars, Psychotherapy with suicidal people. Chichester, UK: John Wiley, 2004, 394-417. 2064 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. The impact of suicide prevention centers on the suicide rate in the Canadian provinces. Crisis, 2004, 25, 65-68. 2065 Lindsay, M., & Lester, D. . Amityville, NY: Baywood, 2004. 2066 Lester, D., Yang, B., & Lindsay, M. Suicide bombers. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 2004, 27, 283- 295. 2067 Yang, B., James, S., & Lester, D. The PC Anxiety Scale. Psychological Reports, 2004, 94, 1312. 2068 Yang, B., Spinella, M., & Lester, D. Credit card use and prefrontal cortex dysfunction. Psychological Reports, 2004, 94, 1267-1268. 2069 Lester, D. The fragmented self. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2004, 98, 1326. 2070 Spinella, M., Lester, D., & Yang, B. Reliability of a brief credit card attitude scale. Psychological Reports, 2004, 94, 1392. 2071 Lester, D., Stack, S., Schmidtke, A., Schaller, S., & Muller, I. The deadliness of mass murderers. Psychological Reports, 2004, 94, 1404. 2072 80

2073 Lester, D. Derivation of a proxy measure of suicidal ideation from the Suicide Opinion Questionnaire. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2004, 99, 1046. 2074 Lester, D. The inner voice and the plural self. Psychological Reports, 2004, 94, 1455. 2075 Lester, D. La prevenzione del suicidio. Zeta, 2004, #28, February, online. 2076 Lester, D. The factorial structure of the revised Collett-Lester fear of death scale. Death Studies, 2004, 28, 795-798 2077 Spinella, M., Yang, B., & Lester, D. Prefrontal system dysfunction and credit card debt. International Journal of Neuroscience, 2004, 114, 1323-1332. 2078 Lester, D. Association between neuroticism and introversion. Psychological Reports, 2004, 95, 988. 2079 Yang, B., James, S., & Lester, D. Assigning blame in British and American students. Psychological Reports, 2004, 95, 992. 2080 Abdel-Khalek, A., & Lester, D. The factorial structure of the Arabic version of the revised Collett- Lester fear of death scale. Death Studies, 2004, 28, 787-793. 2081 Lester, D. Living with a chronically suicidal person. In A. H. Kutscher (Ed.) Living under the sword. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2004, 33-39. 2082 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Buying online: textbooks versus books. Psychological Reports, 2004, 95, 878. 2083 Lester, D. The increasing English homicide rate. Psychological Reports, 2004, 95, 850. 2084 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Sex differences in attitudes toward computers and the Internet. Psychological Reports, 2004, 95, 862. 2085 Spinella, M., Lester, D., & Yang, B. Gambling and delaying rewards as a function of frontal system dysfunction. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2004, 99, 993-994. 2086 Lester, D. Sex differences in severity of suicidal behavior in an Iranian sample. Psychological Reports, 2004, 95, 964. 2087 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Natural suicide rates in nations of the world. Crisis, 2004, 25, 187-188. 2088 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Correlation of national Internet use with extraversion and neuroticism. Psychological Reports, 2004, 95, 1014. 2089 Lester, D., Portner, J., & Sierra, D. Mormon and Jewish views of the afterlife. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2004, 99, 1097-1098. 2090 Lester, D. Suicides among former major league baseball players. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2004, 99, 1122. 2091 Lester, D. Subself theory and reincarnation/possession. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2004, 99, 1336- 1338. 2092 Lester, D., & McIntosh, J. L. Measuring the distribution of suicide rates by age in a population. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2004, 99, 1230. 2093 Van Voorhis, P., Braswell, M., & Lester, D. Correctional counseling and rehabilitation, 5th Edition. Cincinnati: LexisNexis/Anderson, 2004. 2094 Lester, D. Thinking about suicide. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2004. 2095 Lester, D. The legacy of Silas Weir Mitchell. Israel Journal of Psychiatry, 2004, 41, 228.


2096 Leenaars, A. A., & Lester, D. A note on Shneidman’s Psychological Pain Assessment Scale. Omega, 2004-2005, 50, 301-307. 2097 Yufit, R. I., & Lester, D. (Eds.) Assessment, treatment, and prevention of suicidal behavior. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2005. 81

2098 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Sex differences in purchasing textbooks online. Computers in Human Behavior, 2005, 21, 147-152 2099 Yang, B., James, S., & Lester, D. Reliability and validity of a short credit card attitude scale in British and American subjects. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 2005, 29, 41-46. 2100 Lester, D. Suicide and the Chinese cultural revolution. Archives of Suicide Research, 2005, 9, 99-104. 2101 Lester, D. Predicting suicide in nations. Archives of Suicide Research, 2005, 9, 219-223. 2102 Lester, D., & Yang, B. Regional and time-series studies of suicide in nations of the world. Archives of Suicide Research, 2005, 9, 123-133. 2103 Lester, D. Is there life after death? Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2005. 2104 Simlot, R., Ramos, O., & Lester, D. Preliminary study of police experience of misconduct in their colleagues. Psychological Reports, 2005, 96, 213-214. 2105 Tartaro, C., & Lester, D. An application of Durkheim’s theory of suicide to prison suicide rates in the United States. Death Studies, 2005, 29, 413-422. 2106 Lester, D. Suicide by jumping from bridges. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2005, 100, 628. 2107 Lester, D. Resources and tactics for preventing suicide. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 2005, 2(1), 32-36. 2108 Lester, D. Helping attempted suicides and their significant others. AAS Newslink, 2005, 32(1), 6. 2109 Lester, D. National character, suicide and homicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2005, 100, 760. 2110 Lester, D. Organ donation and the fear of death. Psychological Reports, 2005, 96, 769-770. 2111 Spinella, M., & Lester, D. Money attitudes and personality. Psychological Reports, 2005, 96, 782. 2112 Spinella, M., Lester, D., & Yang, B. Predicting credit card behavior: A study in neuroeconomics. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2005, 100, 777-778. 2113 Abdel-Khalek, A., Lester, D., & Schaller, S. Attitudes toward physician-assisted suicide and death anxiety among Kuwaiti students. Psychological Reports, 2005, 96, 625-626. 2114 Abdel-Khalek, A., & Lester, D. Factorial structure of the manic-depressiveness scale in American college students. Psychological Reports, 2005, 96, 603-604. 2115 Lester, D. Applying social science research to solving problems of modern nations. Psychological Reports, 2005, 96, 799-804. 2116 Lester, D., McIntosh, J., & Rogers, J. R. Myths about suicide on the Suicide Opinion Questionnaire. Psychological Reports, 2005, 96, 899-900. 2117 Lester, D. Aggressione autodiretta e aggressione eterodiretta negli adolescenti Americani. Studies on Aggressiveness & Suicide, 2005, 5, 8-11. 2118 Lester, D., & Abdel-Khalek, A. Birth order and personality. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2005, 100, 882. 2119 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Correlates of credit card ownership in men and women. Psychological Reports, 2005, 96, 912-914. 2120 Lester, D. Legalized abortion and the murder of newborns. Psychological Reports, 2005, 96, 970. 2121 Lester, D. Attitudes toward credit cards. Psychological Reports, 2005, 96, 962. 2122 Lester, D. Predicting past suicidality using the Manic-Depressiveness Scale. Psychological Reports, 2005, 96, 988. 2123 Lester, D., Yang, B., & James, S. A short computer anxiety scale. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2005, 100, 964-968. 2124 Lester, D. Suicide in Vietnam veterans. Archives of Suicide Research, 2005, 9, 385-387. 2125 Lester, D. On being happy that someone has committed suicide. Crisis, 2005, 26, 95-96. 2126 Pompili, M., Tatarelli, R., & Lester, D. La prevenzione del suicidio e possibile e riguarda tutti. Psichiatria e Psicoterapia, 2005, 24(2), 88-90. 82

2127 Cameron, S., Yang, B., & Lester, D. Artists’ suicides as a public good. Archives of Suicide Research, 2005, 9, 389-396. 2128 Abdel-Khalek, A., & Lester, D. The factorial structure of short scales measuring manic-depression in Kuwaiti undergraduates. Psychological Reports, 2005, 97, 128. 2129 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Gender differences in e-commerce. Applied Economics, 2005, 37, 2077-2089. 2130 Schmidtke, A., Schaller, S., Muller, I., Lester, D., & Stack, S. Imitation of amok and amok-suicide. In J. L. McIntosh (Ed.) Suicide 2002: Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the American Association of Suicidology. Washington, DC: American Association of Suicidology, 2005, 205- 209. 2131 Lester, D. The impact of the Samaritan centres on suicide in Scotland. Psychological Reports, 2005, 97, 587-588. 2132 Lester, D. The domestic behavior of Northerners and Southerners. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2005, 101, 408. 2133 Lester, D. Individualism and suicide. Psychological Reports, 2005, 97, 576. 2134 Lester, D. The birthday blues” in a sample of major league baseball players; suicides. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2005, 101, 382. 2135 Lester, D. National character and sexual behavior. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2005, 101, 434. 2136 Lester, D. Absolutism in the diary of a suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2005, 101, 498. 2137 Lester, D. The manic-depressiveness scale. Psychological Reports, 2005, 97, 690. 2138 Lester, D. Association of gun-related measures in American states and child and adolescent firearm mortality. Psychological Reports, 2005, 97, 757-758. 2139 Pompili, M., Tatarelli, R., & Lester, D. The prevention of suicide is everyone’s business. Minerva Psychiatrica, 2005, 46, 145-146. 2140 Tatarelli, R., Pompili, M., & Lester, D. Prevention of suicidal behaviors. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 2005, 2, 209-211. 2141 Lester, D., Stack, S., Schmidtke, A., Schaller, S., & Muller, I. Mass homicide and suicide. Crisis, 2005, 26, 184-187. 2142 Lester, D. Suicide and the Holocaust. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2005. 2143 Lester, D., & Yang, B. The base rate of suicide. New Ideas in Psychology, 2005, 23, 49-51. 2144 Abdel-Khalek, A., & Lester, D. Sibship size, birth order, and personality. Psychological Reports, 2005, 97, 387-388. 2145 Spinella, M., Lester, D., & Yang, B. Consistency of the Yamauchi/Templer Money Attitude Scale. Psychological Reports, 2005, 97, 962.


2146 Lester, D. Suicide and Islam. Archives of Suicide Research, 2006, 10, 77-97. 2147 Lester, D. Sex differences in completed suicide by schizophrenic patients. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 2006, 36, 50-56. 2148 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Buying books online. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2006, 102, 73-74. 2149 Yang, B., Lester, D., & Spinella, M. Neurotransmitter-related personality traits and money attitudes. Psychological Reports, 2006, 98, 21-22. 2150 Spinella, M., Lester, D., & Yang, B. Prefrontal cortex dysfunction and income. Psychological Reports, 2006, 98, 37-38. 2151 Lostao, L., Joiner, T. E., Lester, D., Regidor, E., Aiach, P., & Sandin, B. Social inequalities in suicide mortality. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 2006, 36, 113-119. 83

2152 Lester, D. Suicide attacks in Israel and suicide rates. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2006, 102, 104. 2153 Pompili, M., Rinaldi, G., Lester, D., Girardi, P., Ruberto, A., & Tatarelli, R. Hopelessness and suicide risk emerge in psychiatric nurses suffering from burnout and using specific defense mechanisms. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 2006, 20, 135-143. 2154 Lester, D. Suicide among indigenous peoples. Archives of Suicide Research, 2006, 10, 117-124. 2155 Lester, D. Suicide in Siberian aboriginal groups. Archives of Suicide Research, 2006, 10, 221-224. 2156 Park, B. C. B., & Lester, D. Social integration and . Crisis, 2006, 27, 48-50. 2157 Hicinbothem, J., Gonsalves, S., & Lester, D. Body modification and suicidal behavior. Death Studies, 2006, 30, 351-363. 2158 Abdel-Khalek, A., Lester, D. Optimism and pessimism in Kuwaiti and American college students. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 2006, 52, 110-126. 2159 Pompili, M., Girardi, P., Lester, D., & Tatarelli, R. Suicide soon after generalized tonic-clonic seizure. TheScientificWorldJournal, 2006, 6, 356-360. 2160 Pompili, M., Girardi, P., Tatarelli, R., & Lester, D. Subthreshold bipolar traits and suicide risk among undergraduates. Psychological Reports, 2006, 98, 417-418. 2161 Cheng, H. F., & Lester, D. The economy and suicide in Japan, 1985-2000. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2006, 102, 338. 2162 Yang, B., James, S., & Lester, D. British and American attitudes toward credit cards. Psychological Reports, 2006, 98, 385-388. 2163 blank 2164 Tatarelli, R., Pompili, M., & Lester, D. Comprendere e aiutare l’individuo a rischio di suicidio. Quaderni Italiani di Psichiatria, 2006, 25, 5-7. 2165 Yang, B., & Lester, D. A prolegomenon to behavioral economic studies of suicide. In M. Altman (Ed.) Handbook of contemporary behavioral economics. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 2006, 543-559. 2166 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Digital access and national character. Psychological Reports, 2006, 98, 462. 2167 blank 2168 Pompili, M., Tatarelli, R., & Lester, D. Sex differences in reasons for living. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2006, 102, 321-322. 2169 Lester, D., Understanding suicide through studies of diaries. Archives of Suicide Research, 2006, 10, 295-302. 2170 Krysinska, K., & Lester, D. Comment on the Werther effect. Crisis, 2006, 27, 100. 2171 Abdel-Khalek, A., & Lester, D. Astrological signs and personality in Kuwaitis and Americans. Psychological Reports, 2006, 98, 602-607. 2172 Lester, D. Can suicide be a good death? Death Studies, 2006, 30, 511-527. 2173 Lester, D. Can suicide be a good death? A reply. Death Studies, 2006, 30, 555-560. 2174 Lester, D. Body modification and suicidal behavior. In. J. R. Rogers (Ed.) Suicide 2005. Washington, DC: AAS, 2006, 183-185. 2175 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Who uses eBay? Psychological Reports, 2006, 98, 819-820. 2176 Pompili, M., Lester, D., Iliceto, P., Cecchitelli, C., Olivieri, C., Girardi, P., & Tatarelli, R. Gender differences in the evaluation of suicide risk among psychiatric patients. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 2006, 3, 286-291. 2177 Lester, D., & Walker, R. L. The stigma for attempting suicide and the loss to suicide prevention efforts. Crisis, 2006, 27, 147-148. 2178 Lester, D. Comment on factorial structure of the Kuwait University Anxiety Scale. Psychological Reports, 2006, 98, 921-922. 84

2179 Zeyrek, E. Y., & Lester, D. The plural self and a Taoist orientation in two cultures. Psychological Reports, 2006, 99, 91-92. 2180 Abdel-Khalek, A. M., & Lester, D. Correlations of attitudes toward physician-assisted suicide, death depression, death obsession, and trait anxiety. Psychological Reports, 2006, 98, 734. 2181 Lester, D. Suicide and Islam. Journal of the Islamic Organization of Forensic Medicine, 2006, 1, 40- 63. 2182 Walker, R. L., Lester, D., & Joe, S. Lay theories of suicide. Journal of Black Psychology, 2006, 32, 320-344. 2183 Lester, D., & Tartaro, C. “Self-execution” and state execution. Psychological Reports, 2006, 99, 306. 2184 Lester, D. Absolutism in diaries of suicides. Psychological Reports, 2006, 99, 305. 2185 Pompili, M., Galeandro, P. M., Lester, D., & Tatarelli, R. Suicidal behavior in surviving co-twins. Twin Research & Human Genetics, 2006, 9, 642-645. 2186 Lester, D., & Yang, B. Should suicide prevention programs target individuals or society as a whole? Crisis, 2006, 27, 200-201. 2187 Krysinska, K., & Lester, D. The contribution of psychology to the study of the Holocaust. Dialogue & Universalism, 2006, 16(5-6), 141-156. 2188 Yang, B., Lester, D., Wong, W. W. M., Cappelletti, D., & Jimenez, A. R. Some personality correlates of using eBay. Psychological Reports, 2006, 99, 762. 2189 Spinella, M., Lester, D, & Yang, B. A paper-and-pencil measure of prefrontal subcortical dysfunction. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2006, 103, 676. 2190 Lester, D., & Zeyrek, E. Y. Arthur Schopenhauer and Andras Angyal. Psychological Reports, 2006, 99, 799-802, 2191 Lester, D., Yang, B., & Spinella, M. Depression, anxiety, and personal finance behavior. Psychological Reports, 2006, 99, 833-834. 2192 Al-Tarrah, A., & Lester, D. Authoritarian attitudes and the expression of aggression in Kuwaiti and U.S. students. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2006, 103, 767-770. 2193 Lester, D. E-therapy. Psychological Reports, 2006, 99, 894-896. 2194 Zeyrek, E. Y., Lester, D., & Alpan, E. Death anxiety and a Taoist orientation in two cultures. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2006, 103, 778. 2195 Lester, D. Sexual orientation and suicidal behavior. Psychological Reports, 2006, 99, 923-924. 2196 Pompili, M., Lester, D., Tatarelli, R., & Girardi, P. Incomplete oedipism and chronic suicidality in psychotic depression with paranoid delusions related to eyes. Annals of General Psychiatry, 2006, 5: 18. 2197 Leenaars, L., & Lester, D. Perfectionism, depression, and academic performance. Psychological Reports, 2006, 99, 941-942, 2198 Abdel-Khalek, A. M., & Lester, D. Anxiety in Kuwaiti and American college students. Psychological Reports, 2006, 99, 512-514. 2199 McCollaum, B., Zeyrek, E. Y., & Lester, D. Correlates of a Taoist orientation. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2006, 103, 846. 2200 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Attitudes toward online shopping. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2006, 103, 834. 2201 Spinella, M., Lester, D. Can money buy happiness? Psychological Reports, 2006, 99, 992. 2202 Pompili, M., Tondo, L., Grispini, A., De Pisa, E., Lester, D., Angeletti, G., Bonocore, L., Girardi, P., & Tatarelli, R. Suicidal attempts in bipolar disorder patients. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 2006, 3, 327-331.

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2203 Voracek, M., Loibl, L. M., & Lester, D. Lay theories of suicide among Austrian psychology undergraduates. Crisis, 2007, 28, 204-206. 2204 Lester, D. Hopelessness and suicide in schizophrenia. In R. Tatarelli, M. Pompili & P. Girardi (Eds.) Suicide in schizophrenia. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Biomedical, 2007, 147-155. 2205 Lester, D. Suicide mortality in schizophrenics. In R. Tatarelli, M. Pompili & P. Girardi (Eds.) Suicide in schizophrenia. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Biomedical, 2007, 19-29. 2206 Pompili, M., Girardi, P., Lester, D., & Tatarelli, R. Stigma and suicide risk. In R. Tatarelli, M. Pompili & P. Girardi (Eds.) Suicide in schizophrenia. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Biomedical, 2007, 329-336. 2207 Pompili, M., Tatarelli, G., Rinaldi, G., & Lester, D. Medical staff and suicide risk in schizophrenia. In R. Tatarelli, M. Pompili & P. Girardi (Eds.) Suicide in schizophrenia. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Biomedical, 2007, 341-352. 2208 Zonda, T., & Lester, D. Preventing suicide by educating general practitioners. Omega, 2006-2007, 54, 53-57. 2209 Lester, D. Suicide. In S. Ayers, A. Baum, C. McManus, S. Newman, K. Wallston, J. Weinman & R. West. (Eds.) Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health and Medicine, 2nd Edition. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2007, 904-906. 2210 Pompili, M., Lester, D., Iliceto, P., Tatarelli, R., & Girardi, P. No increase in suicide risk among cardiopathic patients. American Heart Hospital Journal, 2007, 5, 103-106. 2211 Spinella, M., Yang, B., & Lester, D. Development of the Executive Personal Finance Scale. International Journal of Neuroscience. 2007, 117, 301-313. 2212 Lester, D., & Yang, B. Who buys textbooks online? Psychological Reports, 2007, 100, 30. 2213 Lester, D., & Abdel-Khalek, A. Some correlates of subjective life expectancy. Psychological Reports, 2007, 100, 57-58. 2214 Lester, D. Exploration of Thalbourne’s Manic-Experience Scale. Psychological Reports, 2007, 100. 66. 2215 Leenaars, L., & Lester, D. Construct validity of the Helplessness/Hopelessness/Haplessness Scale. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2007, 104, 152. 2216 Rogers, J. R., Bromley, J. L., McNally, C. J., & Lester, D. Content analysis of suicide notes as a test of the motivational component of the existential-constructivist model of suicide. Journal of Counseling & Development, 2007, 85, 182-188. 2217 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Recalculating the economic cost of suicide. Death Studies, 2007, 31, 351-361. 2218 Stack, S., & Lester, D. Body mass and suicide risk. Crisis, 2007, 28, 46-47. 2219 Pompili, M., Tatarelli, R., Rogers, J. R., & Lester, D. The hopelessness scale: A factor analysis. Psychological Reports, 2007, 100, 375-378. 2220 Lester, D., Templer, D. I., & Abdel-Khalek, A. A cross-cultural comparison of death anxiety. Omega, 2006-2007, 54, 255-260. 2221 Templer, D. I., Connelly, H. J., Lester, D. Arikawa, H., & Mancuso, L. Relationship of IQ to suicide and homicide rate. Psychological Reports, 2007, 100, 108-112. 2222 Yang, B., Lester, D., & James, S. Attitudes toward buying online as predictors of shopping online for British and American respondents. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 2007, 10, 198-203. 2223 Pompili, M., Lester, D., Girardi, P., & Tatarelli, R. High suicide risk after development of cognitive and working memory deficits caused by cannabis, cocaine and ecstasy use. Substance Abuse, 2007, 28(1), 25-30. 2224 Pompili, M., Amador, X. F., Girardi, P., Harkavy-Friedman, J., Harrow, M., Kaplan, K., Krausz, M., Lester, D., Meltzer, H. Y., Modestin, J., Montross, L. P., Mortensen, P. B., Munk-Jorgensen, P., 86

Nielsen, J., Nordentoff, M., Saarinen, P. I., Zisook, S., Wilson, S. T., & Tatarelli, R. Suicide risk in schizophrenia. Annals of General Psychiatry, 2007, 6, #10. 2225 Gençöz, F., Vatan, S., & Lester, D. Umutsuzluk, Çaresizlik ve Talihsizlik Ölçeği’nin Türk Örnekleminde Güvenirlik ve Geçerlik Çalışması (Reliability and validity study of Hopelessness, Helplessness and Haplessness Scale in a Turkish sample). Kriz Dergisi, 2006, 14, 21-29. 2226 Spinella, M., Yang, B., & Lester, D. Prefrontal systems in financial processing. Journal of Socio- Economics, 2007, 36, 480-489 2227 Walker, R. L., & Lester, D. Hopelessness and helplessness as predictors of suicidality. In J. R. Rogers (Ed.) Proceedings of the 39th Annual AAS Conference. Washington, DC: AAS, 2007, 152-153. 2228 Park, B. C. B., Zeyrek, E. Y., & Lester, D. Correlates of a Taoist orientation among Korean students. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2007, 104, 1042. 2229 Lester, D. Life span issues and traumatic death. In D. Balk (Ed.) Handbook of thanatology. Northbrook, IL: Association for Death Education & Counseling, 2007, 277-281. 2230 Handelman, L. D., & Lester, D. The content of suicides notes from attempters and completers. Crisis, 2007, 28, 102-104. 2231 Lester, D. Sex differences in surviving suicide attempts by jumping. Psychological Reports, 2007, 100, 1121-1122. 2232 Lester, D. The causes of changing suicide rates. Psychological Reports, 2007, 100, 1140. 2233 Abdel-Khalek, A., & Lester, D. The psychometric properties and correlates of the Reynolds’ Suicide Ideation Questionnaire with Kuwaiti and American students. Archives of Suicide Research, 2007, 11, 309-319. 2234 Barnes, D. H., Lawal-Solarin, F. W., & Lester, D. Letters from a suicide. Death Studies, 2007, 31, 671-678. 2235 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., del Casale, A., & Tatarelli, R. Suicide risk in dissociative disorders. In R. Tatarelli, M. Pompili & P. Girardi (Eds.) Suicide in psychiatric disorders. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2007, 119-134. 2236 Pompili, M., Lester, D., Girardi, P., De Vanna, M., Angeletti, G., & Connolly, J. Suicide risk among epileptic patients. In R. Tatarelli, M. Pompili & P. Girardi (Eds.) Suicide in psychiatric disorders. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2007, 135-152 2237 Pompili, M., Lester, D., Grispini, A., Calandro, F., de Pisa, E., & Innamorati, M. Suicide and attempted suicide in anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, obesity and weight-image concern. In R. Tatarelli, M. Pompili & P. Girardi (Eds.) Suicide in psychiatric disorders. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2007, 153-179. 2238 Pompili, M., & Lester, D. Suicide risk in schizophrenia. In R. Tatarelli, M. Pompili & P. Girardi (Eds.) Suicide in psychiatric disorders. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2007, 315-332. 2239 Pompili, M., Girardi, P., Tatarelli, R., Lester, D., & Rogers, J. R. Reasons for Living Inventory. Psychological Reports, 2007, 100, 1259-1262. 2240 Van Voorhis, P., Braswell, M., & Lester, D. Correctional counseling and rehabilitation. Cincinnati: Anderson, 2007 2241 Lester, D., & Barnes, D. H. Survivors and researchers collaborate. Surviving Suicide, 2007, 19(2), 10- 11. 2242 Lester, D. On the nature of the plural self. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2007, 105, 27-28. 2243 Lester, D., & Walker, R. L. Suicide, psychology of. In G. Fink (Ed.) Encyclopedia of stress, 2nd Edition, 2007, Volume 3, 684-688. Oxford, UK: Academic, 2007 2244 Lester, D., & Fernquist, R. M. Suicide, sociology of. In G. Fink (Ed.) Encyclopedia of stress, 2nd Edition, 2007, Volume 3, 689-692. Oxford, UK: Academic, 2007. 87

2245 Pompili, M., Lester, D., Innamorati, M., Narciso, A., Vento, A., De Pisa, E., Tatarelli, R., & Girardi, P. Risk-taking and reasons for living in non-clinical Italian university students. Death Studies, 2007, 31, 751-762. 2246 Gençöz, F., Vatan, S., Walker, R., & Lester, D. Hopelessness and suicidality in Turkish and American respondents. Omega, 2007, 55, 311-319. 2247 Lester, D., & Walker, R. L. Hopelessness, helplessness, and haplessness as predictors of suicidal ideation. Omega, 2007, 55, 321-324. 2248 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., Brunetti, S., Tatarelli, R., & Girardi, P. Gender effects among undergraduates relating to suicide risk, impulsivity, aggression and self-efficacy. Personality & Individual Differences, 2007, 43, 2047-2056. 2249 Yang, B., Lester, D., & James, S. British and American attitudes toward buying online. Oxford Journal, 2007, 6(1), 18-27. 2250 Abdel-Khalek, A. M., & Lester, D. Religiosity, health, and psychopathology in two cultures. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 2007, 10, 537-550. 2251 blank 2252 Lester, D. Preventing suicide by restricting access to lethal methods. Journal of Islamic Countries Organization of Forensic Medicine, 2007, 2, 43-55. 2253 Lester, D. Predicting performance in a psychological statistics course. Psychological Reports, 2007, 101, 334. 2254 Lester, D. A subself theory of personality. Current Psychology, 2007, 26, 1-15. 2255 Ebeling-Witte, S., Frank, M., & Lester, D. Shyness, Internet use, and personality. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 2007, 10, 713-716. 2256 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Mosticoni, S., Lester, D., Del Casale, A., Ardenghi, G., Volterri, S., Angeloni, M., Comazzetto, C., Gentili, F., Erbuto, D., Verrastro, R., Manfredi, G., Giupponi, G., Girardi, P., Tatarelli, R., & Grissini, A. Suicide attempts in major affective disorders. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 2007, 4, 106-110. 2257 blank 2258 Abdel-Khalek, A. M., & Lester, D. Sibship size, birth order, and personality among Kuwaiti college students. Psychological Reports, 2007, 101, 53-54 2259 Lester, D. What do death anxiety scales measure? Psychological Reports, 2007, 101, 754. 2260 Lester, D., & Spinella, M. The Executive Personal Finance Scale. Psychological Reports 2007, 101, 722. 2261 Lester, D., & Moksony, F. The seasonality of suicide in Hungary in the 1930s. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2007, 205, 714. 2262 Dogra, T. D., Leenaars, A. A., Raintji, R., Lalwani, S., Girdhar, S., Wenckstern, S., & Lester, D. Menstruation and suicide. Psychological Reports, 2007, 101, 430-434. 2263 Hokans, K. D., & Lester, D. Motives for suicide in adolescents. Psychological Reports, 2007, 101, 778. 2264 Lester, D., Innamorati, M., & Pompili, M. Psychotherapy for preventing suicide. In R. Tatarelli, M. Pompili & P. Girardi (Eds.) Suicide in psychiatric disorders. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2007, 237-263. 2265 Lester, D., & Abdel-Khalek, A. A Taoist orientation and mental health in Kuwaiti and American students. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2007, 105, 921-922. 2266 Pompili, M., Vanacore, N., Macone, S., Amore, M., Perticoni, G., Tonna, M., Sasso, E., Lester, D., Innamorati, M., Gazzella, S., Di Bonaventura, C., Giallonardo, A., Girardi, P., Tatarelli, R., & De 88

Pisa, E. Depression, hopelessness and suicide risk among patients suffering from epilepsy. Annali dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanita, 2007, 43, 425-429. 2267 Pompili, M., Iliceto, P., Rihmer, Z., Akiskal, H. S., Akiskal, K. K., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., Puccinno, M., Girardi, P., & Tatarelli, R. Temperamento, personalità e disperazione nella determinazione del rischio di suicidio. Studi su Aggressività e Suicidologia, 2007, 10, 17-25. 2268 Leenaars, A. A., EchoHawk, M., Lester, D., & Leenaars, L. Suicide among indigenous peoples. Canadian Journal of Native Studies, 2007, 27, 475-497. 2269 Lester, D. Suicide by jumping. Journal of Islamic Countries Organization of Forensic Medicine, 2007, 3, 53-67.


2270 Lester, D. Theories of suicide. In T. L. Leong & M. M. Leach (Eds.) Suicide among racial and ethnic and minority groups. New York: Routledge, 2008, 39-53. 2271 Stack, S., Krysinska, K., & Lester, D. Gloomy Sunday. Omega, 2007-2008, 56, 349-358. 2272 Pompili, M., Lester, D., Innamorati, M., Erbuto, D., Gentili, F., Tatarelli, R., Girardi, P., & de Pisa, E. Reasons for living and sleeping patterns among youths. International Journal of Medicine, 2008, 1(1), 6-11. 2273 Tartaro, C., & Lester, D. Saving lives through suicide prevention. In R. Ruddell & M. Tomita (Eds.) Issues in correctional health. Richmond, KY: Newgate Press, 2008, 147-166. 2274 Tartaro, C., & Lester, D. Suicide in prisons and jails. In S. G. Shoham, O. Beck & M. Kett (Eds.) International handbook of penology and criminal justice, Boca Raton, LA: CRC Press, 2008. 77-97. 2275 Zhang, J., & Lester, D. Psychological tensions found in suicide notes. Archives of Suicide Research, 2008, 12, 67-73. 2276 Lester, D., & Yang, B. Calculating jail suicide rates. American Jails, 2008, 21(6), 45-46. 2277 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Raja, M., Falcone, I., Ducci, G., Angeletti, G., Lester, D., Girardi, P., Tatarelli, R., & De Pisa, E. Suicide risk in depression and bipolar disorder. Neuropsychiatric Disease & Treatment, 2008, 4, 247-255. 2278 Pompili, M., Lester, D., Innamorati, M., Tatarelli, R., & Girardi, P. Assessment and treatment of suicide risk in schizophrenia. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 2008, 8(1), 51-74. 2279 Pompili, M., Lester, D., De Pisa, E., Del Casale, A., Tatarelli, R., & Girardi, P. Surviving the suicides of significant others Crisis, 2008, 29, 45-48. 2280 Lester, D. Suicide among indigenous peoples. Crisis. 2008, 29, 49-51. 2281 Pompili, M., Rihmer, Z., Akiskal, H. S., Innamorati, M., Iliceto, P., Akiskal, K. K., Lester, D., Narciso, V., Ferracuti, S., Tatarelli, R., De Pisa, E., & Girardi, P. Temperament and personality dimensions in suicidal and nonsuicidal psychiatric inpatients. Psychopathology, 2008, 41, 313-321. 2282 Krysinska, K., & Lester, D. Suicide in the Soviet Gulag camps. Archives of Suicide Research, 2008, 12, 170-179. 2283 Spinella, M., Yang, B., & Lester, D. Prefrontal cortex dysfunction and attitudes toward money. Journal of Socio-Economics, 2008, 37, 1785-1788. 2284 Pompili, M., Lester, D., Leenaars, A., Tatarelli, R., & Girardi, P. Psychache and suicide. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 2008, 38, 116-121. 2285 Gencoz, F., Vatan, S., Walker, R., & Lester, D. Helplessness, hopelessness, and haplessness as predictors of suicidal ideation. Omega, 2008, 57, 315-318. 89

2286 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., Comazzetto, C., Angelone, M., Falcone, I., & Tatarelli, R. Suicide risk, sleep and psychiatric disorders in the precipitation of traffic accidents. In G. P. Bartley (Ed.) Traffic accidents. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2008, pp. 163-176. 2287 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Masotti, V., Personne, F., Lester, D., Di Vittorio, C., Tatarelli, R., Girardi, R., & Amore, M. Suicide in the elderly. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 2008, 15, 727-735. 2288 Lester, D. Computer analysis of the content of suicide notes from men and women. Psychological Reports, 2008, 102, 575-576. 2289 Innamorati, M., Pompili, M., Ferrari, V., Tatarelli, R., Tamburello, A., & Lester, D. Cannabis use and the risk behavior syndrome among Italian university students. Psychological Reports, 2008, 102, 577-594. 2290 2291 Lindsay, M., & Lester, D. Criteria for suicide-by-cop incidents. Psychological Reports, 2008, 102, 603-605. 2292 Lester, D. Possible role of posttraumatic stress disorder in suicide terrorists. Psychological Reports, 2008, 102, 614-615. 2293 Dench, B., Martino, S., & Lester, D. A proposed typology of personality disorder based on Andras Angyal’s system principles. Psychological Reports, 2008, 102, 621-622. 2294 Lester, D., & Krysinska, K. Suicide and other violence toward the self. In L. Kurtz (Ed.) Encyclopedia of violence, peace, and conflict, 2nd Edition. Elsevier, 2008, 2012-2018. 2296 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Reflections on rational choice. Journal of Socio-Economics, 2008, 37, 1218- 1233. 2297 Zeyrek, E. Y., & Lester, D. Cronbach alpha reliability and concurrent validity of the Collett-Lester fear of death scale in a Turkish sample. Psychological Reports,2008, 102, 706-708. 2298 White, J., & Lester, D. Suicide and serial killers. American Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, 2008, 29(2), 41-45. 2299 Lester, D. Women and suicide in Islamic sub-Saharan Africa. Psychological Reports, 2008, 102, 734- 738. 2300 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Sex differences in online shopping. Psychological Reports, 2008, 102, 723- 726. 2301 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Mann, J. J., Oquendo, M. A., Lester, D., Del Casale, A., Serafini, G., Rigucci, S., Romano, A., Tamburello, A., Manfredi, G., De Pisa, E., Ehrlich, S., Giupponi, G., Amore, M., Tatarelli, R., & Girardi, P. Periventricular white matter hyperintensities as predictors of suicide attempts in bipolar disorders and unipolar depression. Progress in Neuro- Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 2008, 32, 1501-1507. 2302 Innamorati, M., Pompili, M., Masotti, V., Personné, F., Lester, D., Tatarelli, R, Girardi, P., & Amore, M. Completed vs. attempted suicide in psychiatric patients. Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 2008, 14, 216-224. 2303 Lester, D. Suicide in Italy. Studies on Aggressiveness & Suicide, 2008, 11(April), 24-27. 2304 Masocco, M., Pompili, M., Vichi, M., Vanacore, N., Lester, D., & Tatarelli, R. Suicide and marital status in Italy. Psychiatric Quarterly, 2008, 79, 275-285. 2305 De Filippis, S., Erbuto, D., Gentili, F., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., Tatarelli, R., Martelletti, P., & Pompili, M. Mental turmoil, suicide risk, illness perception and temperament, and their impact on quality of life in chronic headache. Journal of Headache & Pain, 2008, 9, 349-357. 2306 Yang, B., & Lester, D. The deterrent effect of executions. Journal of Criminal Justice, 2008, 36, 453- 460. 90

2307 Innamorati, M., Pompili, M., Lester, D., Tatarelli, R., & Girardi, P. Recreational drug use and suicidality among Italian young adults. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 2008, 27(4), 51-59. 2308 Lester, D. Ted Hughes: On being angry at survivors. Surviving Suicide, 2008, 20(2), 6. 2309 Pompili, M., Lester, D., Innamorati, M., De Pisa, E., Iliceto, P., Puccinno, M., Nastro, P. F., Tatarelli, R., & Girardi, P. Suicide risk and exposure to mobbing. Work, 2008, 31, 237-243. 2310 Voracek, M., Loibl, L. M., Swami, V., Vintila, M., Kolves, K., Sinniah, D., Pillai, S. K., Ponnusamy, S., Sonneck, G., Furnham, A., & Lester, D. The Belief in the Inheritance of Risk Factors for Suicide Scale (BIRFSS). Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 2008, 38, 688-698. 2311 Park, B. C. P., & Lester, D. South Korea. In P. S. F. Yip (Ed.) Suicide in Asia. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2008, 19-30. 2312 Lester, D. Suicide and culture. World Cultural Psychiatry Research Review, 2008, 3(2), 51-68. 2313 Lester, D. A further study of sex differences in suicide notes. Psychological Reports, 2008, 103, 797- 798. 2314 Lester, D. Differences between genuine and simulated suicide notes. Psychological Reports, 2008, 103, 527-528. 2315 Lester, D. Exit weeping. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2008. 2316 2317 2318 Lester, D. “Undecided” responses on the Suicide Opinion Questionnaire. Psychological Reports, 2008, 103, 661-662. 2319 Lester, D., & Abdel-Khalek, A. Religiosity and death anxiety using non-Western scales. Psychological Reports, 2008, 103, 652. 2320 Anderson, A. L., Lester, D., Rogers, J. R. A psychometric investigation of the Suicide Opinion Questionnaire. Death Studies, 2008, 32, 924-936. 2321 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., Comazzetto, C., Angelone, M., Falcone, I., & Tatarelli, R. Suicide risk in personality disorders. In I. V. Halvorsen & S. N. Olsen (Eds.) New research on personality disorders. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2008, 151-170. 2322 Vatan, S., & Lester, D. The internal consistency and concurrent validity of the hopelessness, helplessness, and haplessness scale in a Turkish sample. Psychological Reports, 2008, 103, 701-702. 2323 Lester, D., & Frank, M. How do American undergraduates view suicide bombers? Psychological Reports, 2008, 103, 713-714. 2324 Jablonski, J. F., & Lester, D. Incorporating development into Personal Construct Theory. Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 2008, 5, 41-49.


2325 Zonda, T., Bozsonyi, K., Veres, E., Lester, D., & Frank, M. The impact of holidays on suicide in Hungary. Omega, 2008-2009, 58, 153-162. 2326 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., Akiskal, H. S., Rihmer, Z., Del Casale, G., Amore, M., Girardi, P., & Tatarelli, R. Substance abuse, temperament and suicide risk. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 2009, 28(1), 13-20. 2327 Pompili, M., Lester, D., Innamorati, M., De Pisa, E., Amore, M., Ferrara, C., Tatarelli, R., & Girardi, P. Quality of life and suicidal risk in patients with diabetes mellitus. Psychosomatics, 2009, 50, 16- 23. 2328 Lester, D. Extended suicide. In D. Wasserman & C. Wasserman (Eds.) Oxford textbook of suicidology and suicide prevention. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009, 133-135. 91

2329 Lester, D. Suicide during war and genocide. In D. Wasserman & C. Wasserman (Eds.) Oxford textbook of suicidology and suicide prevention. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009, 215-218. 2330 Leenaars, A. A., Lester, D., Baquedan, G., Cantor, C., Connolly, J. F., Ovuga, E., Pelaez Remigio, S., & Vijayakumar, L. Restriction of access to drugs and medication in suicide prevention. In D. Wasserman & C. Wasserman (Eds.) Oxford textbook of suicidology and suicide prevention. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009, 573-576. 2331 Pompili, M., Rihmer, Z., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., Girardi, P., & Tatarelli, R. Assessment and treatment of suicide risk in bipolar disorder. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 2009, 9(1), 109- 136. 2332 Tartaro, C., & Lester, D. Suicide and self-harm in prisons and jails. Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2009. 2333 Pycha, R., Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Schwitzer, J., Lester, D., Sani, G., Tatarelli, R., & Giupponi, G. Sex and ethnic differences among South Tirolean suicides. European Psychiatry, 2009, 24, 47-56. 2334 Zeyrek, E. Y., & Lester, D. A Taoist orientation and fears of death and dying. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2009, 108, 81-82. 2335 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Is there a natural suicide rate? Applied Economics Letters, 2009, 16, 137-140. 2336 Lester, D. Voodoo death. Omega, 2009, 59, 1-18. 2337 Lester, D. The use of the Internet for counseling the suicidal individual. Omega, 2008-2009, 59, 233- 250. 2338 Pompili, M., Del Casale, A., Forte, A., Falcone, I., Palmieri, G., Innamorati, M., Fotaras, M., Tatarelli, R., & Lester, D. Impulsiveness and suicide risk. In G. H. Lassiter (Ed.) Impulsivity: Causes, control and disorders. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2009, 59-81. 2339 Lester, D. Culture and suicide. In S. Eshun & R. Gurung (Eds.) Culture and mental health. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009, 297-319 2340 Pompili, M., Serafini, G., Rigucci, S., Romano, A., Innamorati, M., Del Casale, A., Di Cosimo, D., Tatarelli, R., & Lester, D. White matter hyperintensities in psychiatric disorders and their association with suicide risk. In T. B. Westland & R. N. Calton (Eds.) Handbook on white matter. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2009, 111-132. 2341 Pompili, M., Iliceto, P., Lester, D., Innamorati, M., Girardi, P., & Tatarelli, R. Manuale: Beck Hopelessness Scale. Firenze, Italy: Giuntio.S, 2009. 2342 Lester, D. Learning about suicide from the diary of Cesare Pavese. Crisis, 2009, 30, 222-224. 2343 Innamorati, M., Pompili, M., De Filippis, S., Gentili, F., Erbuto, D., Lester, D., Tamburello, A., Iacorossi, G., Cuomo, I., Dominici G, Tatarelli, R., & Martelletti, P. The validation of the Italian Perceived Disability Scale (IPDS) in chronic daily headache sufferers. Journal of Headache & Pain, 2009, 10, 21-26. 2344 Pompili, M., Mosocco, M., Vichi, M., Lester, D., Innamorati, M., Tatarelli, R., & Vanacore, N. Suicide among Italian adolescents: 1970-2002. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 2009, 18, 525-533. 2345 Hokans, K. D., & Lester, D. Anger and hopelessness in suicide notes. Psychological Reports, 2009, 104, 608. 2346 Yang, B., Lester, D., & Spinella, M. Personality correlates of financial behavior. Psychological Reports, 2009, 104, 723-724. 2347 Lester, D., & Yang, B. Two sources of human irrationality. Journal of Socio-Economics, 2009, 38, 658-662. 2348 Pompili, M., Lester, D., Grispini, A., Innamorati, M., Calandro, F., Iliceto, P., de Pisa, E., Tatarelli, R., & Girardi, P. Completed suicide in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research, 2009, 167, 251-257. 92

2349 Krysinska, K., Lester, D., & Martin, G. Suicidal behavior after a traumatic event. Journal of Trauma Nursing, 2009, 16, 103-110. 2350 Innamorati, M., Tamburello, A., Lester, D. Rigucci, S., Amore, M., Di Vittorio, C., Giradi, P., Tatarelli, R., & Pompili, M. Socioeconomic risk factors in the precipitation of suicide in the elderly. The Open Geriatric Medicine Journal, 2009, 2, 28-33. 2351 Pompili, M., Di Cosimo, D., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., Tatarelli, R., & Martelletti, P. Psychiatric comorbidity in patients with daily chronic headache and migraine. Journal of Headache & Pain, 2009, 10, 283-290. 2352 Pompili, M., Serafini, C., Del Casale, A., Rigucci, S., Innamorati, M., Girardi, P., Tatarelli, R., & Lester, D. Improving adherence in mood disorders. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 2009, 9, 985-1004. 2353 Lester, D. Memes and suicide. Psychological Reports, 2009, 105, 3-10. 2354 Lester, D. The impact of gun control on murder and suicide in Canada. In R. B. Toliver & U. R. Coyne (Eds.) Homicide: Trends, causes and prevention. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2009, 99-116. 2355 Abdel-Khalek, A. M., Lester, D. Maltby, J., & Tomas-Sabado, J. The Arabic Scale of Death Anxiety. Omega, 2009, 59, 39-50. 2356 Pompili, M., Lester, D., Innamorati, M., Del Casale, A., Girardi, P., Ferracuti, S., & Tatarelli, R. Preventing suicide in jails and prisons. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2009, 54, 1155-1162. 2357 Van Voorhis, P., Braswell, M., & Lester, D. Correctional counselling and rehabilitation. 7th Edition. New Providence, NJ: LexisNexis, 2009. 2358 Lester, D. Preventing suicide: Closing the Exits revisited. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2009. 2359 Stack, S., & Lester, D. (Eds.) Suicide and the creative arts. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2009. 2360 Davis, M. S., Callanan, V. J., Lester, D., & Haines, J. An inquiry into relationship suicides and reciprocity. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 2009, 39, 482-498. 2361 Zeyrek, E. Y., Gencoz, F., Bergman, Y., & Lester, D. Suicidality, problem-solving skills, attachment style, and hopelessness in Turkish students. Death Studies, 2009, 33, 815-827. 2362 Pompili, M., Iliceto, P., Innamorati, M., Rihmer, Z., Lester, D., Akiskal, H. H., Girardi, P., Ferracuti, S., & Tatarelli, R. Suicide risk and personality traits in physically and/or sexually abused acute psychiatric inpatients. Psychological Reports, 2009, 105, 554-568. 2363 Lester, D., Yang, B., & Lindsay, M. Suicide bombers. In M. Ozguler, A. Ozdogan, A. S. Yayla, E. Mus, & H. Iltas (Eds.) Terrorism. Washington, DC: Turkish Institute for Security & Democracy, pp. 262-286. 2364 Lester, D. A proposal for a nomenclature for suicide. Psychological Reports, 2009, 105, 685-686. 2365 McGarigal, A., Jablonski, J., Ferri, C., & Lester, D. Family moves and depression among Coast Guard wives. Psychological Reports, 2009, 105, 933-934. 2366 Lester, D. Suicide, counseling and prevention. In C. D. Bryant & D. L. Peck (Eds.) Encyclopedia of death and the human experience. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2009, pp. 911-913. 2367 Krysinska, K., & Lester, D. Dysthanasia versus euthanasia. Psychological Reports, 2009, 105, 701- 702. 2368 Lester, D. Theories of attempted suicide. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 2009, 6, 188-191. 2369 Lester, D. Prosecuting attempted suicides in London: 1891-1913. Psychological Reports, 2009, 105, 825-826. 2370 Yang, B., Lester, D., & Spinella, M. Gambling and delaying rewards as a function of current mood. Psychological Reports, 2009, 105, 787-788. 93

2371 Pompili, M., Cuomo, I., Innamorati, M., Lester, D. Fotaras, M., Serafini, G., Girardi, P., Serra, G., Ruberto, A., & De Filippis, S. High lethality suicide attempts among chronic schizophrenic patients. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 2009, 6, 202-207. 2372 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Del Casale, A., Serafini, G., Forte, A., Lester, D., Raja, M., Amore, M., Tatarelli, R., & Girardi, P. No cathartic effect in suicide attempters admitted to the emergency department. Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 2009, 15, 433-441 2373 Abdel-Khalek, A. M., & Lester, D. Religiosity and death anxiety. Psychological Reports, 2009, 104, 770-772. 2374 Abdel-Khalek, A. M., & Lester, D. A significant association between religiosity and happiness in a sample of Kuwaiti students. Psychological Reports, 2009, 105, 381-382. 2375 Lester, D. Cognitive complexity and personality. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2009, 109, 605-606. 2376 Lester, D. Emotions in personal construct theory. Personal Construct Theory & Practice. 2009, 5, 90- 98. 2377 Pompili, M., Lester, D., Innamorati, M., Forte, A., Iacrossi, G., Dominici, G., Sapienza, L., & Tatareilli, R. Internet resources for preventing suicide. In L. Sher & A. Vilens (Eds.) Internet and suicide. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2009, 81-97. 2378 Ramos, O., & Lester, D. Attitudes of police toward suicide. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2009, 109. 649-650. 2379 Park, B. C. B., & Lester, D. Protest suicide among Korean students and laborers. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2009, 109, 917-920. 2380 Abdel-Khalek, A. M., & Lester, D. Death anxiety as related to somatic symptoms in two cultures. Psychological Reports, 2009, 105, 409-410. 2381 Pompili, M., Forte, A., De Simoni, E., Telesforo, L., Lester, D., Tatarelli, R., & Ferracuti, S. Post- traumatic stress disorder and suicidal behavior. In L. Sher & A. Vilens (Eds.) War and suicide. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2009, 113-139. 2382 Pompili, M., Cuomo, I., Dominici, G., Falcone, I., Iacrossi, G., Saglimbene, A., Lester, D., Tatarelli, R., & Ferracuti, S. Suicidal behaviour among current and former peacekeepers. In L. Sher & A. Vilens (Eds.) Suicide in the military. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2009, 41-55. 2383 Pompili, M., Rigucci, S., Di Cosimo, D., Pugliese, M., Pontremolesi, S., Sapienza, L., Innamorati, M., & Lester, D. Suicide prevention in the Army. In L. Sher & A. Vilens (Eds.) Suicide in the military. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2009, 57-69. 2384 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Cuomo, I., Manfredi, G., Tatarelli, R., & Lester, D. Depression, suicide risk and heart disease in men. In A. B. Todd & M. H. Mosely (Eds.) Heart disease in men. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 101-123.


2385 Lester, D. The reasons for suicide. Death Studies, 2010, 34, 54-70. 2386 Vichi, M., Masocco, M., Pompili, M., Lester, D., Tatarelli, R., & Vanacore, N. Suicide mortality in Italy from 1980 to 2002. Psychiatry Research, 2010, 175, 89-97. 2387 Krysinska, K., & Lester, D. Post-traumatic stress disorder and suicide risk. Archives of Suicide Research, 2010, 14, 1-23. 2388 Lester, D. The other survivors. Surviving Suicide, 2010, Winter, online. 2389 Lester, D. Regional suicide rates in Scotland. Psychological Reports, 2010, 106, 134. 2390 Lester, D., & Braaten, G. DDT and personal violence (suicide and homicide). Psychological Reports, 2010, 106, 78. 94

2391 Lester, D. Suicide and the partition of India. Suicidology Online, 2010, 1, 2-4. 2392 Lester, D. Female suicide bombers and burdensomeness. Psychological Reports, 2010, 106. 160-162. 2393 Masocco, M., Pompili, M., Vanacore, N., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., Girardi, P., Tatarelli, R., & Vichi, M. Completed suicide and marital status according to the Italian region of origin. Psychiatric Quarterly, 2010, 81, 57-71. 2394 Lester, D. Suicide in mass murderers and serial killers. Suicidology Online, 2010, 1, 19-27. 2395 Rogers, J. R., & Lester, D. Understanding suicide: Why we don’t and how we might. Göttingen, Germany: Hogrefe, 2010. 2396 Lester, D., & Fleck, J. What is suicide? Psychological Reports, 2010, 106, 189-192. 2397 Lester, D., & White, J. Suicide in serial killers. Psychological Reports, 2010, 106, 246. 2398 Vatan, S., Gencoz, F., & Lester, D. Sibship size and personality. Psychological Reports, 2010, 106, 231-232. 2399 Lester, D., Voracek, M., & Loibl, L. M. Correlates of the belief in the inheritance of suicide. Psychological Reports, 2010, 106, 216. 2400 Lester, D. An attempt to improve the Suicide Opinion Questionnaire (SOQ). Omega, 2009-2010, 60, 383-395. 2401 Pompili, M., Serafini, G., Innamorati, M., Dominici, G. Ferracuti, S., Kotzalidis, G. Serra, G., Girardi, P., Janiri, L., Tatarelli, R., Sher, L., & Lester, D. Suicidal behavior and alcohol abuse. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 2010, 7, 1392-1431. 2402 Pompili, M., Serafini, G. Di Cosimo, D., Dominici, G., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., Forte, A., Girardi, P., De Filippis, S., Tatarelli, R., & Martelletti, P. Psychiatric comorbidity and suicide risk in patients with chronic migraine. Neuropsychiatric Disease & Treatment, 2010, 6, 81-91. 2403 Lester, D. Linguistic analysis of a blog from a murder-suicide. Psychological Reports, 2010, 106, 342. 2404 Lester, D. A multiple self theory of personality. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2010. 2405 Lester, D. Letters from a suicide. Psychological Reports, 2010, 106, 381-382. 2406 Lester, D., & Hathaway, D. Blood type, homicide, and suicide. Psychological Reports, 2010, 106, 405- 406. 2407 Lester, D. Big five personality scores of Americans by state. Psychological Reports, 2010, 106, 433- 434. 2408 Lester, D. Are suicide bombers heroes? Psychological Reports, 2010, 106, 499-500. 2409 Lester, D., Haines, J., & Williams, C. L. Content difference in suicide notes by sex, age, and method. Psychological Reports, 2010, 106, 475-476. 2410 Mao, S. W., & Lester, D. Sex differences in the heights from which suicides jump. Psychological Reports, 2010, 106, 358. 2411 Innamorati, M., Tamburello, A., Lester, D., Amore, M., Girardi, P., Tatarelli, R., & Pompili, M. Inequalities in suicide rates in the European Union’s elderly. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 2010, 55, 229-238. 2412 Lester, D., Furnham, A., & Salem, N. Attitudes toward egg and sperm donation. Psychological Reports, 2010, 106, 579-580. 2413 Abdel-Khalek, A., M., & Lester, D. Personal and psychological correlates of happiness among a sample of Kuwaiti Muslim students. Journal of Muslim Mental Health, 2010, 5, 194-209. 2414 Lester, D. The final hours. Psychological Reports, 2010, 106, 791-797. 2415 Lester, D., & McSwain, S. Poems by a suicide. Psychological Reports, 2010, 106, 811-812. 2416 Rogers, J. R., & Lester, D. The structure of Thalbourne’s brief Manic-Depressive Scale. Psychological Reports, 2010, 106,901-904. 95

2417 Lester, D., & Krysinska, K. E. Suicide and other violence toward the self. In G. Fink (Ed.) Stress of war, conflict and disaster. San Diego: Academic, 2010, 601-608. 2418 Lester, D. Extraversion and suicidal behavior. Advances in Psychology Research, 2010, 69, 239-247. 2419 Lester, D. Suicidality. In I. B. Weiner & W. E. Craighead (Eds.) The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology, Volume 4, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2010, 1732-1734. 2420 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Tatarelli, R., & Lester, D. Smoking as a risk factor for suicide. In J. Egger & M. Kalb (Eds.) Smoking relapse. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2010, pp. 1-54. 2421 Vatan, S., Gencoz, F., Walker, R., & Lester, D. Lay theories of suicide in Turkish and American students. Suicidology Online, 2010, 1, 28-33. 2422 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., Girardi, P., & Tatarelli, R. Nearly lethal resuscitated suicide attempters have no low serum levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. Psychological Reports, 2010, 106, 785-790. 2423 Iliceto, P., Pompili, M., Girardi, P., Lester, D., Vincenti, C., Rihmer, Z., Tatarelli, R., & Akiskal, H. S. Hopelessness, temperament, and health perception in heroin addicts. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 2010, 29, 352-358. 2424 Lester, D., Battuello, M., Innamorati, M., Falcone, I., De Simoni, E., Del Bono, S. D., Tatarelli, R., & Pompili, M. Participation in sports activities and suicide prevention. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 2010, 41, 58-72. 2425 Lester, D. Neuroticism and psychoticism as correlates of suicidal behavior. In R. G. Jackson (Ed.) Psychology of neuroticism and shame. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2010, 235-238. 2426 White, J. H., Lester, D., Gentile, M., & Jespersen, S. Serial murder. American Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, 2010, 31(3), 17-37. 2427 Pompili, M., Serafini, G., Innamorati, M., Battuello, M., Mililli, M., Tatarelli, R., & Lester, D. Antidepressant therapy and risk of suicide among patients with major depressive disorders. In J. T. van Leeuwen (Ed.) Antidepressants. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2010. 67-89. 2428 Pompili, M., Piacentini, E., Innamorati, M., Capezzali, L., Milelli, M., Tatarelli, R., & Lester, D. Substance abuse and suicide risk among adolescents. In L. Sher & A. Vilens (Eds.) Suicidal behavior in alcohol and drug use and dependence. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2010, 425-441. 2429 Lester, D. Evidence-based suicide prevention by helplines. In M. Pompili & R. Tatarelli (Eds.) Evidence-based practice in suicidology. Göttingen: Hogrefe, 2010, 139-151. 2430 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Girardi, P., Tatarelli, R., & Lester, D. Evidence-based interventions for preventing suicide in youths. In M. Pompili & R. Tatarelli (Eds.) Evidence-based practice in suicidology. Göttingen: Hogrefe, 2010, 171-209. 2431 Innamorati, M., Pompili, M., Amore, M., Di Vittoria, C., Serafini, G., & Tatarelli, R., & Lester, D. Suicide prevention in late life. In M. Pompili & R. Tatarelli (Eds.) Evidence-based practice in suicidology. Göttingen: Hogrefe, 2010, 211-232. 2432 Lester, D. Evidence-based suicide prevention by lethal methods restriction. In M. Pompili & R. Tatarelli (Eds.) Evidence-based practice in suicidology. Göttingen: Hogrefe, 2010, 233-241. 2433 Lester, D. Where is more evidence needed? In M. Pompili & R. Tatarelli (Eds.) Evidence-based practice in suicidology. Göttingen: Hogrefe, 2010, 359-369. 2434 Lester, D. Qualitative research in suicidology. Suicidology Online, 2010, 1, 76-78. 2435 Innamorati, M., Lester, D., Amore, M., Girardi, P., Tatarelli, R., & Pompili, M. Alcohol consumption predicts the EU suicide rates in young women aged 15-19 years but not in men. Alcohol, 2010, 44, 463-469. 2436 Pompili, M., Serafini, G., Innamorati, M., Ambrosi, E., Giordano, G., Girardi, P., Tatarelli, R., & Lester, D. Antidepressants and suicide risk. Pharmaceuticals, 2010, 3, 2861-2883. 96

2437 Haines, J., Williams, C. L., & Lester, D. Murder-suicide. Forensic Science International, 2010, 202, 93-96. 2438 Angster, A., Frank, M., & Lester, D. An exploratory study of students’ use of cell phones, texting, and social networking sites. Psychological Reports, 2010, 107, 402-404. 2439 Pompili, M., Serafini, G., Innamorati, M., Serra, G., Dominici, G., Fortes-Lindau, J., Pastina, M., Telesforo, L., Lester, D. Girardi, P., Tatarelli, R., & Martelletti, P. Patient outcome in migraine prophylaxis. Patient Related Outcome Measures, 2010, 1, 107-118. 2440 Lester, D. Brain parasites and suicide. Psychological Reports, 2010, 107, 424. 2441 Shrivastava, A., Johnston, M. E., Shah, N., Innamorati, M., Stitt, L., Thakar, M., Lester, D., & Pompili, M. Persistent suicide risk in clinically improved schizophrenia patients. Neuropsychiatric Disease & Treatment, 2010, 6, 633-638. 2442 Yeh, C., & Lester, D. Suicides from the Golden Gate Bridge. Psychological Reports, 2010, 107, 491- 492. 2443 Lester, D., & Hathaway, D. Organ donation and suicide. Psychological Reports, 2010, 107, 500. 2444 Serafini, G., Pompili, M., Del Casale, A., Mancini, M., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., Girardi, P., & Tatarelli, R. Duloxetine versus venlafaxine in treatment of unipolar and bipolar major depression. Clinica Terapeutica, 2010, 161, 321-327. 2445 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Is there an economic argument for suicide prevention? Suicidology Online, 2010, 1, 88-91. 2446 Giupponi, G. Bizzarri, J., Pycha, R., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., Conca, A., Girardi, P., Tatarelli, R., & Pompili, M. Socioeconomic risk factors and depressive symptoms in alcohol use disorders among male suicides in South Tirol, Italy. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 2010, 29, 466-474. 2447 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Vichi, M., Masocco, M., Vanacore, N., Lester, D., Serafini, G., Dominici, G., Girardi, P., De Leo, D., & Tatarelli, R. Suicide prevention among youths. Minerva Pediatrica, 2010, 62, 507-535. 2448 Lester, D. Predicting European suicide rates with physiological indices. Psychological Reports, 2010, 107, 713-714. 2449 Gunn, J. F., & Lester, D. Moral development and perceptions of attempted suicide and physician- assisted suicide. Psychological Reports, 2010, 107, 697-698. 2450 Serafini, G., Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Iacorossi, G., Cuomo, I., Della Vista, M., Lester, D., De Biase, L., Girardi, P., & Tatarelli, R. The impact of anxiety, depression, and suicidality on quality of life and functional status of patients with congestive heart failure and hypertension. The Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 2010, 12(6), e1-e9. 2451 Pompili, M., Serafini, G., Innamorati, M., Möller-Leimkühler, A. M., Giupponi, G., Girardi, P., Tatarelli, R., & Lester, D. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and serotonin abnormalities. European Archives of Psychiatry & Clinical Neuroscience, 2010, 260, 583-600. 2452 Lester, D. David Lester. In M. Pompili (Ed.) Suicide in the words of suicidologists. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2010, pp. 127-129. 2453 Lester, D. Aaron Beck. In M. Pompili (Ed.) Suicide in the words of suicidologists. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2010, pp. 225-228. 2454 Lester, D. Louis Dublin. In M. Pompili (Ed.) Suicide in the words of suicidologists. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2010, pp. 228-231. 2455 Lester, D. Emile Durkheim. In M. Pompili (Ed.) Suicide in the words of suicidologists. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2010, 231-234. 2456 Lester, D. Sigmund Freud. In M. Pompili (Ed.) Suicide in the words of suicidologists. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2010, pp. 234-239. 97

2457 Lester, D. Edwin Shneidman. In M. Pompili (Ed.) Suicide in the words of suicidologists. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2010, 239-242. 2458 Lester, D. David Lester. In M. Pompili (Ed.) Suicide in the words of suicidologists. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2010, 256-262. 2459 Lester, D. Suicide in Ireland. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2010, 27, 198-204. 2460 Haines, J., Williams, C. L., & Lester, D. Completed suicides: Is there method in their madness? Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 2010, 7, 133-140. 2461 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Narciso, V., Kotzalidis, G. D., Talamo, A., Girardi, P., Lester, D., & Tatarelli, R. Burnout, hopelessness and suicide risk in medical doctors. Clinica Terapeutica, 2010, 161, 511-514. 2462 Pompili, M., Serafini, G., Innamorati, M., Serra, G., Forte, A., Lester, D., Ducci, G., Girardi, P., & Tatarelli, R. White matter hyperintensities and late-onset affective disorders. Clinica Terapeutica, 2010, 161, 555-563. 2463 Lester, D. Extraversion and the autonomic nervous system. International Journal of Psychology Research, 2010, 5(3/4), 421-425. 2464 Lester, D. Extraversion and suicidal behavior. International Journal of Psychology Research, 2010, 5(3/4), 263-273. 2465 Lester, D. Extraversion and the autonomic nervous system. Advances in Psychology Research, 2010, 65, 335-338. 2466 Lester, D. Extraversion and suicidal behavior. Advances in Psychology Research, 2010, 65, 313-321. 2467 Innamorati, M., Lester, D., Tatarelli, R., & Pompili, M. The World Health Organization and tobacco. In M. Pompili (Ed.) Smoking as a risk factor for suicide. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2010, 1- 16. 2468 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Tatarelli, R., & Lester, D. Smoking as a risk factor for suicide. In M. Pompili (Ed.) Smoking as a risk factor for suicide. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2010, 17-72. 2469 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Serafini, G., Forte, A., Cittadini A., Mancinelli, I., Calabro, G., Dominici, G., Lester, D. Akiskal, H. S., Rihmer, Z., Iacorossi, G., Girardi, P., Talamo, A., & Tatarelli, R. Suicide attempters in the emergency department before hospitalization in a psychiatric ward. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 2010, 47, 23-34.


2470 Pompili, M., Girardi, P., Lester, D., & Tatarelli, R. Antidepressant therapy and risk of suicide among patients with major depressive disorders. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Biomedical, 2011. 2471 Leenaars, L., & Lester, D. Indirect aggression and victimization are positively associated in emerging adulthood. Journal of College Student Development, 2011, 52, 62-76. 2472 Pompili, M., Iliceto, P., Luciano, D., Innamorati, M., Serafini, G., Del Casale, A., Tatarelli, R., Girardi, P., & Lester, D. Higher hopelessness and suicide risk predicts lower self-deception among psychiatric patients and clinically-well subjects. Rivista di Psichiatria, 2011, 46, 24-30. 2473 Serafini, G., Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Fusar-Poli, P., Akiskal, H. S., Rihmer, Z., Lester, D., Romano, A., Reis de Oliveira, I., Strusi, L., Ferracuti, S., Girardi, P., & Tatarelli, R. Affective temperamental profiles are associated with white matter hyperintensity and suicidal risk in patients with mood disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2011, 129, 47-55. 2474 Lester, D., & Dench, B. The holistic theory of Andras Angyal. Psychological Reports, 2011, 108, 213- 216. 98

2475 Lester, D., Saito, Y., & Park, B. C. B. Suicide among foreign residents of Japan. Psychological Reports, 2011, 108, 139-140. 2476 Lester, D., & Gunn, J. F. National anthems and suicide rates. Psychological Reports, 2011, 108, 43-44. 2477 Innamorati, M., Pompili, M., Serafini, G., Lester, D., Erbuto, D., Amore, M., Tatarelli, R., & Girardi. Psychometric properties of the Suicidal History Self-Rating Screening Scale. Archives of Suicide Research, 2011, 15, 87-92. 2478 Lester, D., Iliceto, P., Pompili, M., & Girardi, P. Depression and suicidality in obese patients. Psychological Reports, 2011, 108, 367-368. 2479 Bridges, F. S., & Lester, D. Homicide-suicide in the United States, 1968-1975. Forensic Science International, 2011, 206, 185-189. 2480 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Szanto, K., Di Vittorio, C., Conwell, Y., Lester, D., Tatarelli, R., Girardi, P., & Amore, M. Life events as precipitants of suicide attempts among first-time suicide attempters, repeaters, and non-attempters. Psychiatry Research, 2011, 186, 300-305. 2481 Abdel-Khalek, A. M., & Lester, D. Love of life in Kuwaiti and American college students. Psychological Reports, 2011, 108, 94. 2482 Lester, D., McSwain, S., & Gunn, J. F. A test of the validity of the IS PATH WARM warning signs for suicide. Psychological Reports, 2011, 108, 402-404. 2483 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Venturini, P., Serafini, G., Lester, D., & Girardi, P. Child abuse as a risk factor for suicide in life. Minerva Psichiatrica, 2011, 52, 61-69. 2484 Park, B. C. B., Kim, J. J., & Lester, D. Reasons for committing suicide in South Korean university students. Suicidology Online, 2011, 2, 11-16. 2485 Lester, D., & Jablonski, J. Birth order of children in families. In M. Craft-Rosenberg & S. R. Pehler (Eds) Encyclopedia of Family Health: Volume 1. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2011, 113-114. 2486 Vatan, S., Ertas, S., & Lester, D. Test-retest reliability and construct validity of the Helplessness, Hopelessness, and Haplessness Scale in patients with anxiety disorders. Psychological Reports, 2011, 108, 673-674. 2487 Pompili, M., Venturini, P., Innamorati, M., Serafini, G., Telesforo, L., Lester, D., Tatarelli, R., & Girardi, P. The role of asenapine in the treatment of manic or mixed states associated with bipolar I disorder. Neuropsychiatric Disease & Treatment, 2011, 7, 259-265. 2488 Pompili, M., Serafini, G., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., Shrivastava, A., Girardi, P., & Nordentoft, M. Suicide risk in first episode psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 2011, 129, 1-11. 2489 Haines, J., Williams, C. L., & Lester, D. The characteristics of those who do and do not leave suicide notes. Omega, 2011, 63, 79-94. 2490 White, J. H., Lester, D., Gentile, M., & Rosenbleeth, J. The utilization of forensic science and criminal profiling for capturing serial killers. Forensic Science International, 2011, 209, 160-165. 2491 Pompili, M., Serafini, G., Innamorati, M., Del Bono, S. D., Piacentini, E., Lester, D., & Tatarelli, R. Hallucinations and suicide risk. In M. S. Payne (Ed.) Hallucinations. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2011, pp. 163-178. 2492 Zonda, T., Nagy, G., & Lester, D. Panic disorder and suicidal behavior. Crisis, 2011, 32, 169-172. 2493 Innamorati, M., Pompili, M., Gonda, X., Amore, M., Serafini, G., Niolu, C., Lester, D., Rutz, W., Rihmer, Z., & Girardi, P. Psychometric properties of the Gotland Scale for Depression in Italian psychiatric inpatients and its utility in the prediction of suicide risk. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2011, 132, 99-103. 2494 Tatarelli, R., Serafini, G., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., Girardi, P., & Pompili, M. Psychiatric diagnoses during institutionalization. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 2011, 123(5-6), 135-144. 99

2495 Lester, D., & Krysinska, K. Suicide. In M. A. Runco & S. R. Pritzker (Eds.) Encyclopedia of creativity, 2nd Edition, Volume 2, 396-402. San Diego, CA: Academic, 2011. 2496 Lester, D. Sara Teasdale. In M. A. Runco & S. R. Pritzker (Eds.) Encyclopedia of creativity, 2nd Edition, Volume 2, 453-457. San Diego, CA: Academic, 2011. 2497 Ling, V. J., Lester, D., Mortensen, P. B., Langenberg, P. W., & Postolache, T. T. Toxoplasma gondii seropositivity and suicide rates in women. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 2011, 199, 440- 444. 2498 Gunn, J. F., & Lester, D. Sex differences in sympathy for attempted suicides. Psychological Reports, 2011, 109, 24-26. 2499 Lester, D. Violence in the workplace. In Clarke, S., Burke, R. J. & C. L. Cooper (Eds.) Occupational health and safety. Burlington, VT: Gower, 2011, 179-194. 2500 Lester, D., & McSwain, S. A text analysis of the poems of Sylvia Plath. Psychological Reports, 2011, 109, 73-76. 2501 Pompili, M., Serafini, G., Innamorati, M., Ambrosi, E., Telesforo, L., Venturini, P., Giordano, G., Battuello, M., Lester, D., & Girardi. P. Unmet treatment needs in schizophrenia patients. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 2011, 11, 989-1006. 2502 Iliceto, P., Pompili, M., Lester, D., Gonda, X., Niolu, C., Girardi, N., Rihmer, Z., Candilera, G., & Girardi, P. Relationship between temperament, depression, anxiety, and hopelessness in adolescents. Depression Research & Treatment, 2011, ID 160175. 2503 Girardi, P., Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Serafini, S., Berrettioni, C., Angeletti, G., Koukopoulos, A., Tatarelli, R., Lester, D., Roselli, D., & Primiero, F. M. Temperament, post-partum depression, hopelessness, and suicide risk among women soon after delivering. Women & Health, 2011, 51, 511- 524. 2504 Pompili, M., Del Casale, A., Innamorati, M., & Lester, D. The role of anger in the risk of suicide. In J. P. Welty (Ed.) Psychology of anger. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2011, 253-267. 2505 Lester, D., & Gunn, J. F. Lyrics of national anthems and suicide rates. Psychological Reports, 2011, 109, 137-138. 2506 Pompili, M., Baldessarini, R. J., Berman, A. L., Lester, D., Wasserman, D., De Leo, D., & Girardi, P. Integration of suicidology with general medicine. Patient Education & Counseling, 2011, 85, 127- 128. 2507 Lamis, D., & Lester, D. (Eds.) Understanding and preventing college student suicide. Springfield, IL: Charles Thomas, 2011. 2508 Scuderi, G., Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Pasquale, N., Pontremolesi, S., Erbuto, D., Mazzeo, C., Lester, D., Serafini, G., Tatarelli, R., & Girardi, P. Affective temperaments are associated with higher hopelessness and perceived disability in patients with open-angle glaucoma. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 2011, 65, 976-984. 2509 Serafini, G., Pompili, M., Haghighat, R., Pucci, D., Pastina, M., Lester, D., Angeletti, G., Tatarelli, R., & Girardi, P. Stigmatization of schizophrenia as perceived by nurses, medical doctors, medical students and patients. Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, 2011, 18, 576-585. 2510 Lester, D. A history of the Psychology Program. In K. Tompkins & R. Gregg (Eds.) Reaching 40: The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey. Galloway, NJ: The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, 2011, pp. 84, 108-109. 2511 Shrivastava, A., Johnston, M., Nelson, C., & Lester, D. Predicting suicidality among psychiatric patients. Psychological Reports, 2011, 109, 367-368. 2512 Czabanski, A., & Lester, D. Adolescent attitudes about altruistic suicide. Suicidologi, 2011, 16(2), 14- 15. 100

2513 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M. Vichi, M., Masocco, M., Vanacore, N., Lester, D., Serafini, G., Tatarelli, R., De Leo, D., & Girardi, P. Inequalities and impact of socioeconomic-cultural factors in suicide rates across Italy. Crisis, 2011, 32, 178-185. 2514 Innamorati, M. De Leo, D., Rihmer, Z., Serafini, G., Brugnoli, R., Lester, D., Amore, M., Pompili, M., & Girardi, P. Tobacco smoking and suicidal ideation and planning in school-aged children 12-15 years old. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 2011, 30, 359-367. 2515 Lester, D. Is a multiple self healthy or pathological? Psychological Reports, 2011, 109, 600-602. 2516 Martino, S., & Lester, D. Perceptions of visible piercings. Psychological Reports, 2011, 109, 755-758. 2517 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., & Tatarelli, R. Suicidal risk in patients with diabetes mellitus. In A. L. Berman & M. Pompili (Eds.) Medical conditions associated with suicide risk. Washington, DC: American Association of Suicidology, 2011, 125-138. 2518 Serafini, G., Lester, D., & Pompili, M. Suicide and dysmetabolisms. In A. L. Berman & M. Pompili (Eds.) Medical conditions associated with suicide risk. Washington, DC: American Association of Suicidology, 2011, 139-150. 2519 Lester, D. Female suicide bombers. Suicidology Online, 2011, 2, 62-66. 2520 Yang, B., & Lester, D. The presentation of the self. Suicidology Online, 2011, 2, 75-79. 2521 Lester, D., & White, J. Necrophilia in serial killers. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 2011, 8, 367-368. 2522 Serafini, G., Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Giordano, G., Tatarelli, R., Lester, D., Girardi, P., & Dwivedi, Y. Glycosides, depression and suicidal behaviour. Molecules, 2011, 16, 2688-2713. 2523 Gunn, J. F., Lester, D., & McSwain, S. Testing the warning signs of suicidal behavior among suicide ideators using the 2009 National Survey on Drug Abuse and Health. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 2011, 13, 147-154. 2524 Innamorati, M., Serafini, G., Lester, D., & Pompili, M. Personality disorders and suicide. Advances in Psychology Research, 2011, 81, 215-235.


2525 Lester, D., & Krysinska, K. Suicide. In V. S. Ramachandran (Ed.) The encyclopedia of human behavior, 2nd Edition, Volume 3, pp. 558-563. Elsevier, 2012. 2526 Ilicito, P., Pompili, M., Candilare, G., Rosafio, I., Erbuto, D., Battuello, M., Lester, D., & Girardi, P. Temperament, insecure attachment, impulsivity, and sexuality in women in jail. Journal of Forensic Nursing, 2012, 8, 23-29. 2527 Abdel-Khalek, A. M., & Lester, D. Constructions of religiosity, subjective well-being, anxiety, and depression in two cultures. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 2010, 58, 138-145. 2528 Lester, D. The cultural meaning of suicide. Omega, 2011-2012, 64, 83-94. 2529 Lester, D. Suicide and opportunity. In N. Tilley& G. Farrell (Eds.) The reasoning criminologist. London, UK: Routledge, 2012, 160-171. 2530 Lester, D. Spirituality and religiosity as predictors of depression and suicidal ideation. Psychological Reports, 2012, 110, 247-250. 2531 Liu, C. M., & Lester, D. Body modification sites and abuse history. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 2012, 21, 19-30. 2532 Roma, P., Spacca, A., Pompili, M., Lester, D., Tatarelli, R., Girardi, P., & Ferracuti, S. The epidemiology of homicide-suicide in Italy. Forensic Science International, 2012, 214, e1-e5. 2533 White, J., & Lester, D. A study of female serial killers. American Journal of Forensic Psychology, 2012, 30(1), 25-29. 101

2534 Furnham, A., & Lester, D. The development of a short measure of character strength. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2012, 28, 95-101. 2535 Lester, D. Reliability of the Ego-Grasping Scale. Psychological Reports, 2012, 110, 378-382. 2536 Pompili, M., Rihmer, Z., Akiskal, H., Amore, M., Gonda, X., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., Perugi, G., Serafini, G., Telesforo, L., Tatarelli, R., & Girardi, P. Temperaments mediate suicide risk and psychopathology among patients with bipolar disorders. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 2012, 53, 280- 285. 2537 Lester, D. Suicide prevention by lethal means restriction. In R. I. Simon & R. E. Hales (Eds.) The American Psychiatric Publishing textbook of suicide assessment and management, 2nd edition. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2012, 593-619. 2538 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., & Lester, D. Suicide prevention programs. In R. I. Simon & R. E. Hales (Eds.) The American Psychiatric Publishing textbook of suicide assessment and management, 2nd edition. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2012, 581-592. 2539 Pompili, M., Lester, D., & Girardi, P. Assessment and management of suicide risk. In. M. Pompili (Ed.) Suicide: A global perspective. Bentham, 2012, 3-8. 2540 Lester, D. Culture and suicide. In M. Pompili (Ed.) Suicide: A global perspective. Bentham, 2012, 9- 29. 2541 Innamorati, M., Pompili, M., Lester, D., Yang, B., Amore, M., Di Vittorio, C., & Girardi, P. Economic crises and suicide. In M. Pompili (Ed.) Suicide: A global perspective. Bentham, 2012, 30-39. 2542 Innamorati, M., Pompili, M., Serafini, G., Janiri, L., Harnic, D., Erbuto, D., & Lester, D. Suicide and alcohol abuse. In M. Pompili (Ed.) Suicide: A global perspective. Bentham, 2012, 40-54. 2543 Pompili, M., Lester, D., Girardi, P., & Tartaro, C. Risk factors for suicide in prisons. In M. Pompili (Ed.) Suicide: A global perspective. Bentham, 2012, 102-106. 2544 Lester, D. Suicide in Europe. Suicide: A global perspective. In M. Pompili (Ed.) Suicide: A global perspective. Bentham, 2012, 143-149. 2545 Lester, D. Suicide in Asia. In M. Pompili (Ed.) Suicide: A global perspective. Bentham, 2012, 150- 158. 2546 Krysinska, K., & Lester, D. Suicide and suicidal behavior in Australia. In. M. Pompili (Ed.) Suicide: A global perspective. Bentham, 2012, 168-177. 2547 Lester, D. Suicide in North America. In. M. Pompili (Ed.) Suicide: A global perspective. Bentham, 2012, 178-184. 2548 Krysinska, K., Andriessen, K., Lester, D., Battuello, M., & Pompili, M. Active sport participation, sport spectatorship and suicidal behavior. In. M. Pompili (Ed.) Suicide: A global perspective. Bentham, 2012, 213-225. 2549 Martino, S., & Lester, D. Suicide and self-mutilation. In. M. Pompili (Ed.) Suicide: A global perspective. Bentham, 2012, 236-245. 2550 Serafini, G., Girardi, P., Erbuto, D., Lester, D., & Pompili, M. Hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis and prolactin abnormalities in suicide behavior. In. M. Pompili (Ed.) Suicide: A global perspective. Bentham, 2012, 246-253. 2551 Amore, M., Baratta, S., Di Vittorio, C., Innamorati, M., & Lester, D. Suicide among elderly. In. M. Pompili (Ed.) Suicide: A global perspective. Bentham, 2012, 267-278. 2552 Shrivastava, A., Kimbrell, M., & Lester, D. (Eds.) Suicide from a global perspective: Psychosocial approaches. Hauppauge, NY: Nova, 2012. 2553 Shrivastava, A., Kimbrell, M., & Lester, D. (Eds.) Suicide from a global perspective: Vulnerable populations and controversies. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2012. 102

2554 Shrivastava, A., Kimbrell, M., & Lester, D. (Eds.) Suicide from a global perspective: Risk assessment and management. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2012. 2555 Shrivastava, A., Kimbrell, M., & Lester, D. (Eds.) Suicide from a global perspective: Public health approaches. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2012. 2556 Shrivastava, A., Kimbrell, M., & Lester, D. (Eds.) Suicide from a global perspective: Psychiatric approaches. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2012. 2557 Lester, D. A multiple self theory of the mind. Comprehensive Psychology, 2012, 1, #5. 2558 Lester, D. Gaia, suicide, and suicide prevention. Suicidology Online, 2012, 3, 51-58. 2559 Gunn, J. F., Lester, D., Haines, J., & Williams, C. L. Thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness in suicide notes. Crisis, 2012, 33, 178-181. 2560 Lester, D. Reflections on jokes and cartoons about suicide. Death Studies, 2012, 36, 664-674. 2561 Lester, D. The role of irrational thinking in suicidal behavior. Comprehensive Psychology, 2012, 1, #8. 2562 Giordano, B., White, J., & Lester, D. A typology of criminal cannibalism. American Journal of Forensic Psychology, 2012, 30(3), 35-44. 2563 Gunn, J. F., & Lester, D. Media guidelines in the Internet age. Crisis, 2012, 33, 187-189. 2564 Lester, D. The autonomic nervous system and personality. Psychological Reports, 2012, 111, 44-46. 2565 Lester, D. Toxoplasma Gondii and homicide. Psychological Reports, 2012, 111, 196-197. 2566 McSwain, S., Lester, D., & Gunn, J. F. Warning signs for suicide in Internet forums. Psychological Reports, 2012, 111, 186-188. 2567 Lamis, D. A., & Lester, D. Risk factors for suicidal ideation among African American and European American college women. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 2012, 36, 337-349. 2568 Stack, S., Bowman, B., & Lester, D. Suicide by cop in film and society. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 2012, 42, 359-376. 2569 Lester, D., & Yang, B. Commentary on: Inoue K, Fukunaga T, Okazaki Y. Study of an economic issue as a possible indicator of suicide risk. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2012, 57, 1403. 2570 Pompili, M., Serafini, G., Innamorati, M., Biondi, M., Siracusano, A., Di Giannantonio, M., Giupponi, G., Amore, M., Lester, D., Girardi, P., & Möller-Leimkühler, A. M. Substance abuse and suicide risk among adolescents. European Archives of Psychiatry & Clinical Neuroscience, 2012, 262, 469- 485. 2571 Innamorati, M., Serafini, G., Contardi, A., Lester, D., & Pompili, M. Personality disorders and suicide. In M. Pompili (Ed.) Exploring the phenomenon of suicide. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2012, 341-360. 2572 Lester, D., Innamorati, M., & Pompili, M. Psychotherapy for preventing suicide. In M. Pompili (Ed.) Exploring the phenomenon of suicide. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2012, 373-399. 2573 Kaplan, K. J., Innamorati, M., Piacentini, E., Battuello, M., Lester, D., Tatarelli, R., & Pompili, M. Religiosity and suicide. In M. Pompili (Ed.) Exploring the phenomenon of suicide. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2012, 445-462. 2574 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., Serafini, G., Erbuto, D., Battuello, M., Tatarelli, R., Oquendo, M. E., & Girardi, P. Suicide attempts in acute psychiatric referrals with substance use disorders. Rivista di Psichiatria, 2012, 47, 313-318. 2575 Dogra, T. D., Leenaars, A. A., Chadha, R. K., Manju, M., Lalwani, S., Sood, M., Lester, D., Raina, A., & Behera, C. A psychological profile of a serial killer. Omega, 2012-2013, 65, 299-316. 2576 Lester, D., Haines, J. T., & Williams, C. L. Firearm suicides among males in Australia. International Journal of Men’s Health, 2012, 11, 170-176. 2577 Lester, D. Bereavement after suicide. Omega, 2012-2013, 65, 189-194. 103

2578 Lester, D. Defeat and entrapment as predictors of depression and suicidal ideation versus hopelessness and helplessness. Psychological Reports, 2012, 111, 498-501. 2579 Park, B. C. P., & Lester, D. Rural and urban suicide in South Korea. Psychological Reports, 2012, 111, 495-497. 2580 Iliceto, P., Pompili, M., Candilera, G., Natali, M. A., Stefani, H., Lester, D., Serafini, G., & Girardi, P. Gender-related differences concerning anger expression and interpersonal relationships in a sample of overweight/obese subjects. Clinica Terapeutica, 2012, 163, e279-285. 2581 Lester, D., & Rogers, J. R. Crisis intervention and counseling by telephone and the Internet. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 2012. 2582 Serafini, G., Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Giordano, G., Lester, D., Tatarelli, R., & Girardi, P. Psychology of hopelessness and despair. Advances in Psychology Research, 2012, 85, 109-125. 2583 Lester, D., & White, J. Which serial killers commit suicide? Forensic Science International, 2012, 223, e56-e59. 2584 Stack, S., Lester, D., & Rosenberg, J. S. Music and suicidality. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 2012, 42, 654-671. 2585 Roma, P., Pazzelli, F., Pompili, M., Lester, D., Girardi, P., & Ferracuti, S. Mental-illness in homicide- suicide. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry & the Law, 2012, 40, 462-468. 2586 Innamorati, M., Pompili, M., Martinotti, G., Serafini, G., Amore, M., Lester, D., De Vita, O., Hatzigiakoumis, D. S., Quatrale, M., Girardi, P., & Janiri, L. Andamento dei decessi per problematiche potus-relate nei paesi dell’Unione Europea nel periodo 1980-2003. Mission, 2012, 10, n. 35, 27-36. (Newsletter: Clinica del l’Alcolismo), 2012, 3(2), 27-36.) 2587 Gunn, J. F., & Lester, D. Twitter postings and suicide. Suicidologi, 2012, 17(3), 28-30. 2588 Lamis, D. A., & Lester, D. Risk and protective factors for reasons for living in college men. International Journal of Men’s Health, 2012, 11, 189-201. 2589 Lester, D., & Gunn, J. F. Perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belonging. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 2012, 9, 221-224.


2590 Colucci, E., & Lester, D. (Eds.) Suicide and culture. Cambridge, MA: Hogrefe, 2013. 2591 Lamis, D. A., & Lester, D. Gender differences in risk and protective factors for suicidal ideation among college students. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, 2013, 27, 62-77. 2592 Innamorati, M., Baratta, S., Di Vittorio, C., Lester, D., Girardi, P., Pompili, M., & Amore, M. Atypical antipsychotics in the treatment of depressive and psychotic symptoms in patients with chronic schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research & Treatment, 2013, #423205. 2593 Harnic, D., Pompili, M., Mazza, M., Innamorati, M., Di Nicola, M., Catalano, V., Bruschi, A., Del Bono, D., Forte, A., Lester, D., Girardi, P., Bria, P., & Janiri, L. Affective temperaments and psychopathological dimensions of personality in bipolar and cyclothymic patients. Behavioral Medicine, 2013, 39, 17-23. 2594 Iliceto, P., Pompili, M., Spencer-Thomas, A, Ferracuti, S., Erbuto, D., Lester, D., Candilera, G., &1Girardi, P. Occupation stress and psychopathology in health professionals. Stress, 2013, 16, 143- 152. 2595 Krysinska, K., & Lester, D. Life span issues and traumatic death. In D. K. Meagher & D. Balk (Eds.) Handbook of thanatology, 2nd edtion. New York: Routledge, 2013, pp. 297-303. 2596 Beshai, J. A., & Lester, D. Belief in a day of judgment and death anxiety. Psychological Reports, 2013, 112, 100-105. 104

2597 Lester, D. Depression and suicidal ideation in college students. Psychological Reports, 2013, 112, 106-108. 2598 Simlot, R., McFarland, K., & Lester, D. Testing Joiner’s theory of suicide in jail inmates. Psychological Reports, 2013, 112, 100-105. 2599 Pompili, M., Lester, D., Dominici, G., Longo, L., Marconi, G., Forte, A., Serafini, G., Amore, M., & Girardi, P. Indications for electroconvulsive treatment in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 2013, 146, 1-9. 2600 Lester, D. An essay on loss of self versus escape from self in suicide. Suicidology Online, 2013, 4, 16- 20. 2601 Park, B. C. B., & Lester, D. Suicides by fire in South Korea. Burns, 2013, 39, 816-817. 2602 Gunn, J. F., & Lester, D. Using google searches on the Internet to monitor suicidal behavior. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2013, 148, 411-412. 2603 Clarke, R. V., & Lester, D. Suicide: Closing the exits. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 2013. 2604 Lester, D., & Voracek, M. Big five personality scores and rates of suicidality in the United States. Psychological Reports, 2013, 112, 637-639. 2605 Zhang, J., Tan, J., & Lester, D. Psychological strains found in the suicides of 72 celebrities. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2013, 149, 230-234. 2606 Lester, D. Co-author of Psychoanalytic therapy (pp. 47-66); Radical behavioral interventions (pp. 67- 89); Early approaches to group and milieu therapy (pp. 91-110); Cognitive therapies (pp. 183-209); Treating sexual offenders (pp. 245-264); Treating severely antisocial offenders (pp. 301-316). In P. Van Voorhis & E. J. Salisbury (Eds.), Correctional counselling and rehabilitation, 8th Editon. New York: Anderson, 2013. 2607 Innamorati, M., Pompili, M., Fiorillo, M., Lala, N., Negro, A., Del Bono, S. D., Lester, D., Girardi, P., & Marterlletti, P. Overattachment and perceived disability in chronic migraineurs. Clinical Neurology & Neurosurgery, 2013, 115, 954-958. 2524a [out of order] Lester, D. Extraversion and the autonomic nervous system. Advances in Psychology Research, 2011, 78, 219-222. 2524b [out of order] Lester, D. Extraversion and suicidal behavior. Advances in Psychology Research, 2011, 78, 113-121. 2608 Lester, D., & Gunn, J. F. Suicide in professional and amateur athletes. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 2013. 2609 Shrivastava, A., Johnston, M., Stitt, L., Thakar, M., Iyer, S., Shah, N., & Lester, D. Suicidal ideation in callers to a crisis hotline in Mumbai, India. Journal of Public Health & Epidemiology, 2013, 5, 305- 308. 2610 Zhang, J., Lester, D., Zhao, S., & Zhou, C. Suicidal ideation and its correlates. Archives of Suicide Research, 2013, 17, 236-241. 2611 Innamorati, M., Pompili, M., Martinotti, G., Serafini, G., Amore, M., Lester, D., Girardi, P., & Janiri, L. Trends in alcohol-related deaths in the EU countries in 1980-2003. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 2013, 59, 443-451. 2612 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Gonda, X., Serafini, G., Sarno, S., Erbuto, D., Palermo, M., Seretti, M. E., Stefani, H., M., Lester, D., Perugi, G., Akiskal, H., Siracusano, A., Rihmer, Z., Tatarelli, R., Amore, M., & Girardi, P. Affective temperaments and hopelessness as predictors of health and social functioning in mood disorder patients. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2013, 150, 216-222. 2613 Lester, D. A scale to measure the desire to be dead. Omega, 2013, 67, 323-327. 2614 Lester, D. Irrational thinking in suicidal individuals. Suicidologi, 2013, 18(2), 18-21. 2615 Manson, R., Lester, D., Gunn, J. F., & Yeh, C. Do suicides cluster? Omega, 2013, 67, 393-403. 105

2616 Pompili, M., Sher, L., Serafini, G., Forte, A., Innamorati, M., Dominici, G., Lester, D., Amore, M., & Girardi, P. Posttraumatic stress disorder and suicide risk among veterans. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease. 2013, 201, 802-812. 2617 Czabanski, A., & Lester, D. Suicide among Polish officers during World War II in Oflag-II-C Woldenberg. Psychological Reports, 2013, 112, 727-731 2618 Lamis, D. A., Leenaars, L. S., Jahn, D., & Lester, D. Intimate partner violence: are perpetrators also victims and are they more likely to experience suicidal ideation? Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2013, 28, 3109-3128. 2619 Lester, D. Hopelessness in undergraduate students around the world. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2013, 150, 1204-1208. 2620 Connolly, J., Cullen, A., & Lester, D. Job stress and suicidal ideation in Irish female general practitioners. Suicidology Online, 2013, 4, 92-95. 2621 Lester, D., & Gunn, J. F. Ethnic differences in the statements made by inmates about to be executed. Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 2013, 11, 295-301. 2622 Pompili, M., Shrivastava, A., Serafini, G., Innamorati, M., Milelli, M., Erbuto, D., Ricci, F., Lamis, D. A., Scocco, P., Amore, M., Lester, D., & Girardi, P. Bereavement after the suicide of a significant other. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2013, 55, 256-263. 2623 Coster, D., & Lester, D. Last words: analysis of suicide notes from an RECBT perspective. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, 2013, 31, 136-151. 2625 Pompili, M., Serafini, G., Innamorati, M., Biondi, M., Girardi, N., Murri, M. B., Amore, M., Lester, D., &. Giradi, P.Impulsivity, aggression, and suicide risk in patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatric Annals, 2013, 43, 458-462. 2626 Lester, D. Suicide prevention on campus. Crisis, 2013, 34, 371-373. 2627 Lester, D. Measuring Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Psychological Reports, 2013, 113, 15-17. 2628 Kahn, D. L., & Lester, D. Efforts to decriminalize suicide in Ghana, India and Singapore. Suicidology Online, 2013, 4, 110-118. 2629 Lester, D. Those who jumped from the Twin Towers on 9/11” Suicides or not? Suicidology Online, 2013, 4, 105-109. 2630 Martino, S., & Lester, D. Menarche and eating disorders. Psychological Reports, 2013, 113, 315-317. 2631 Roma, P., Pompili, M., Lester, D., Girardi, P., & Ferracuti, F. Incremental conditions of isolation as a predictor of suicide in prisoners. Forensic Science International, 2013, 233, e1-e2. 2632 Pompili, M., Serafini, G., Palermo, M., Longo, L., Lester, D., Amore, M., & Girardi, P. Hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis and prolactin abnormalities in suicidal behavior. CNS & Neurological Disorders – Drug Targets, 2013, 12, 954-970. 2633 Lester, D., McSwain, S., & Gunn, J. F. : the case of Amanda Todd. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health & Human Resilience, 2013, 15, 179-180. 2634 Abdel-Khalek, A., & Lester, D. Mental health, subjective well-being, and religiosity. Journal of Muslim Mental Health, 2013, 7, 63-76. 2635 Lester, D., & Rogers, J. R. (Eds.) Suicide: A global issue: Understanding. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2013. 2636 Lester, D., & Rogers, J. R. (Eds.) Suicide: A global issue: Prevention. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2013. 2637 Lester, D., & Carter, R. Multiplicity and its correlates. Comprehensive Psychology, 2013, 2, Article 7. 2638 Redd, C. S., & Lester, D. Lack of racial and sex stereotypes in the prediction of completed suicide. Psychological Reports, 2013, 113, 987-993 106

2639 Meyers, S., & Lester, D. The effects of situated learning through a community partnership in a teacher preparation program. Sage Open, 2013, 3, (July-September), 1-9.


2640 Lester D. Rational suicide: Is it possible? Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2014. 2641 Lester, D. College student stressors, depression and suicidal ideation. Psychological Reports, 2014, 114, 293-296. 2642 Giupponi, G., Pycha, R., Innamorati, M., Lamis, D. A., Schmidt, E., Conca, A., Kapfhammer, H. P., Lester, D., Girardi, P., & Pompili, M. The association between suicide and the utilization of mental health services in South Tirol, Italy. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 2014, 60, 30-39. 2643 Innamorati, M., Serafini, G., Lester, D., Amore, M., Girardi, P., & Pompili, M. Violent deaths among the Russian and EU male older adults. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 2014, 60, 89-94. 2644 Gunn, J. F., White, J., & Lester, D. Twice the evil. American Journal of Forensic Psychology, 2014, 32(1), 5-17. 2645 Canetto, S. S., & Lester, D. Suisidal kadinlar. Kriz Dergisi, 1998, 6(1), 45-53. [in Turkish; out of order] 2646 De Leo, D., Bertolote, J. M., & Lester, D. La violencia autoinfligida. In E. G. Krug, L. L. Dahlberg, J. A. Mercy, A. B. Zwi & R. Lozano (Eds.) Informe mundial sobre la violencia y la salud. Washington, DC: Organizacio Panamerica de la Salud, 2003, 200-231. [in Spanish; out of order] 2647 Yang, B., & Lester, D. A subcultural study of credit card debt and foreclosures. Applied Economics, 2014, 46, 323-328. 2648 Pompili M, Forte A, Lester D, Erbuto D, Rovedi F, Innamorati M, Amore M, & Girardi P. Suicide risk in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 2014, 76, 352-360. 2649 Vatan, S., Lester, D., & Gunn, J. F. Emotion dysregulation, problem-solving, and hopelessness. Psychological Reports, 2014, 114, 647-651. 2650 Lester, D. Altruistic suicide in the trolley problem. Comprehensive Psychology, 2014, 3, article 6. 2651 Innamorati, M., Lester, D., Balsamo, M., Erbuto, D., Ricci, F., Amore, M., Girardi, P., & Pompili, M. Factor validity of the Beck Hopelessness Scale in Italian medical patients. Journal of Psychopathology & Behavioral Assessment, 2014, 36, 300-307. 2652 Bando, D. H., & Lester, D. An ecological study on suicide and homicide in Brazil. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 2014, 19, 1179-1189. 2653 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Di Vittoria, C., Baratta, S., Masotti, V., Badaracco, A., Wong, P., Lester, D., Yip, P., Girardi, P., & Amore, M. Unemployment as a risk factor for completed suicide. Archives of Suicide Research, 2014, 18, 181-192. 2654 Pompili, M., Vichi, M., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., Yang, B., De Leo, D., & Girardi, P. Suicide in Italy during a time of economic recession. Health & Social Care in the Community, 2014, 22, 361- 367. 2655 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Gonda, X., Erbuto, D., Forte, A., Ricci, F., Lester, D., Akiskal, H., Vazquez, G. H., Rihmer, Z., Amore, M., & Girardi, P. Characterization of patients with mood disorders for their prevalent temperament and level of hopelessness. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2014, 166, 285-291. 2656 Lester, D. Toxoplasma gondii, suicide and homicide. In C. M. Lee (Ed.) Recent advances in toxoplasmosis research, pp. 35-42. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2014. 2657 Lester, D., Gunn, J. F., & Quinnett, P. (Eds.), Suicide in men. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 2014. 107

2658 Ridgway, R., Tang, C., & Lester, D. Membership in fraternities and sororities, depression, and suicidal ideation. Psychological Reports, 2014, 114, 966-970. 2659 Gunn, J. F, & Lester, D. Theories of suicide: Past, present and future. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 2014. 2660 Park, B. C. P., & Kim, J. J., & Lester, D. Enculturation and suicidal ideation among Korean and U.S. university students. Cross-Cultural Communication, 2014, 10(4), 7-10. 2661 Zhang, J., Zhao, S., Lester, D., & Zhou, C. Life satisfaction and its correlates among college students in China. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 2014, 10, 17-20. 2662 Bahrami, F., Dadfar, M., Lester, D., & Abdel-Khalek, A. M. Death distress in Iranian older adults. Advances in Environmental Biology, 2014, 8(12), 56-62. 2663 Dadfar, M., Lester, D., Asgarnejad Farid, A. A., Atef Vahid, M. K., & Birashk, B. Death depression in Iranian nurses. Advances in Environmental Biology, 2014, 8(13), 218-222. 2664 Pompili, M., Lester D., Forte, A., Seretti, M. E., Erbuto, D., Lamis, D. A., Amore, M., & Girardi, P. Bisexuality and suicide. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2014, 11, 1903-1913. 2665 Lester, D. Suicidal protests, self-immolation, hunger strikes, or suicide bombing. Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 2014, 37, 372. 2666 Lester, D. Murder-suicide in workplace violence. Psychological Reports, 2014, 115, 28-31. 2667 Lester, D., Walker, R. L., Gencoz, F., & Vatan, S. Acculturation and suicidal behavior in college students. In J., Merton (Ed.), Acculturation: psychology, processes and global perspectives. Hauppauge, NY: Nova, 2014, 61-65. 2668 Lester, D. Participation in sports teams and suicidal behavior. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2014, 119, 38-41. 2669 Barnes, D. H., Pazur, D., & Lester, D. Parents’ views of their child’s death by suicide. Illness, Crisis & Loss, 2014, 22, 181-193. 2670 Lester, D. Oppression and suicide. Suicidology Online, 2014, 5, 59-73. 2671 Gunn, J. F., & Lester, D. Sports participation and suicidal behavior. International Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 2014, 12, 333-338. 2672 Lester, D., & Yang, B. Red state, blue state, conscientious state. National Social Science Association Proceedings, 2014, 55(#2), 146-154. 2673 Dadfar, M., Asgarnejad Farid, A. A., Atef Vahid, M. K., Lester, D., & Birashk, B. Reasons for fearing death in Iranian nurses. Global Journal of Advances in Pure & Applied Sciences, 2014, 4, 335-341. 2674 Lester, D., & White, J. A study of African American serial killers. Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 2014, 12, 308-316. 2675 Lester, D. The “I” of the storm. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter, 2014. 2676 Lester, D. Suicidal tendencies. In G. T. Brown (Ed.) Mind, body and sport. Indianapolis, IN: NCAA, 62-64. 2677 Pompili, M., Dominici, G., Giordano, G., Longo, L., Serafini, G., Lester, D., Amore, M., & Girardi, P. Electroconvulsive treatment during pregnancy: a systematic review. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 2014, 14, 1377-1390. 2678 Spinella, M., Lester, D., & Yang, B. Compulsive buying tendencies and personal finances. Psychological Reports, 2014, 115, 670-674. 2679 Lester, D., & Hathaway, D. Organ donation by suicides. Psycholopgical Reports, 2014, 115, 948-950. 2680 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Gonda, X., Serafini, G., Erbuto, D., Ricci, F., Fountoulakis, K. N., Lester, D., Vazquez, G., Rihmer, Z., Amore, M., & Girardi, P. Pharmacotherapy in bipolar disorders during hospitalization and at discharge predicts psychosocial functioning at follow-up. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical & Experimental, 2014, 29, 578-588. 108

2681 Pompili, M., Serafini, G., Innamorati, M., Montebovi, F., Lamis, D. A., Milelli, M., Giuliani, M., Caporro, M., Tisei, P., Lester, D., Amore, M., Girardi, P., & Buttinelli, C. Factors associated with hopelessness in epileptic patients. World Journal of Psychiatry, 2014, 4(4), 141-149. 2682 Furnham, A., Salem, N., & Lester, D. Selecting egg and sperm donors. Psychology, 2014, 5, 220-229.


2683 Lester, D. Hopelessness in adolescents. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2015, 173, 221-225. 2684 Lester, D. Suicide among the Roma people and Irish Travelers. In D. van Bergen, A. H. Montesinos & M. Schouler-Ocak (Eds.) Suicidal behavior of immigrants and ethnic minorities in Europe. Boston, MA: Hogrefe, 2015, pp. 101-111. 2685 Dadfar, M., Lester, D., Atef Vahid, M. K., Abdel-Khalek, A. M., Bolhari, J., Mohammadian, M., Bahrami, F., & Asgarnejad Farid, A. A. Mental disorders signs in Afghan immigrants/refugees. In Handbook on businesss strategy and social sciences: Proceedings book of 2nd ICBSSS, Dubai. Punjab, Pakistan: Pak Publishing Group, 2015, 30-37. 2686 Dadfar, M., & Lester, D. Death education program. Tehran, Iran: Mir-Mah, 2015. 2687 Avery, J. M., Lester, D., & Yang, B. State level personality and presidential vote share in the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections. Social Science Journal, 2015, 52, 112-122. 2688 Upmanyu, V. V., Upmanyu, S., Lal, R., Lester, D., & Singh, J. Depressive symptoms among American and Indian college students. Indian Journal of Psychological Science, 2010, 1(1), 9-20. 2689 Andriessen, K., Krysinska, K., & Lester, D. Predicting the natural suicide rate in Belgium. Suicidology Online, 2015, 6(1), 15-20. 2690 Lester, D. Is there life after death? In M. Martin & K. Augustine (Eds.), The myth of an afterlife. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015, pp. 631-649. 2691 White, J. H., Lester, D., & Gunn, J. F. Serial killers who murder women. Advances in Psychology Research, 2015, 101, 1-8. 2692 Lester, D. The use of the Internet for counseling suicidal individuals. ADEC Forum, 2015, 41(1), 16- 17. 2693 Lester, D. On multiple selves. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 2015. 2694 Lester, D. Morningness-eveningness, current depression, and past suicidality. Psychological Reports, 2015, 116, 331-336. 2695 Dadfar, M., Lester, D., Atef Vahid, M. K., Abdel-Khalek, A. M., Mohammadian, M., Bolhari, J., Bahrami, F., & Asgarnejad Farid, A. A. Mental disorders signs in Afghan immigrant/refugees. International Journal of Management & Sustainability, 2015, 4(2), 26-38. 2696 Dadfar, M., & Lester, D. Death concern and death obsession in Iranian nurses. Psychological Reports, 2015, 116, 704-709. 2697 Abdel-Khalek, A. M., & Lester, D. Self-reported religiosity in Kuwaiti and American college students. Psychological Reports, 2015, 116, 986-989 2698 Yang, B., Lester, D., Lyke, J., & Olsen, R. Is the suicide rate a random walk? Psychological Reports, 2015, 116, 983-985. 2699 Zonda, T., Kmetty, Z., Lester, D., & Toth, M. D. Effects of parliamentary elections on suicide rates in Hungary. Crisis, 2015, 36, 148-151. 2700 Lester, D., & Naik, K. Suicide in India. Advances in Sociological Research, 2015, 16, 137-144. 2701 Lester, D. Improve police image by changing police attitudes. Kenya Police Review, 2000, September, 39-40. 2702 Lester, D., White, J., & Giordano, B. Cannibalism. Omega, 2015, 70, 428-435. 109

2703 Atef Vahid, M. K., Dadfar, M., Kessler, R. C., Bahrami, F., & Lester, D. Validation of Farsi version of the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) in college students. European Journal of Social Sciences, 2015, 49, 115-124. 2704 Krysinska, K., Lester, D., Lyke, J., & Corveleyn, J. Trait gratitude and suicidal ideation and behavior. Crisis, 2015, 36, 291-296. 2705 Lester, D. Self-construal and the fear of death. Psychological Reports, 2015, 117, 376-379. 2706 Lester, D. Suicide as a staged performance. Comprehensive Psychology, 2015, 4, #18. 2707 Lester, D., & Stack, S. Suicide as a dramatic performance. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 2015. 2708 Tartaro, C., & Lester, D. Suicide on death row. Psychological Reports, 2015, 117, 944-950. 2709 Spinella, M., Lester, D., & Yang, B. Compulsive buying tendencies. Psychological Reports, 2015, 117, 649-655. 2710 Tarsafi, M., Kalantarkousheh, S. M., & Lester, D. The defeat-entrapment theory versus Beck’s hopelessness theory of depression and suicidality. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 2015, 61, 777-780. 2711 Dadfar, M., Lester, D., Atef Vahid, M. K., Asgharnejad Farid, A. A., & Birashk, B. Death distress in nurses: Psychoeducational interventions. Tehran, Iran: Mir-Mah, 2015. 2711b Lester, D., & Yang, B. Compulsive buying tendencies. National Social Science Proceedings, 2015, 58(2), 152-160.


2712 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Personality traits and economic activity. Applied Economics, 2016, 48, 653- 657. 2713 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Regional differences in intelligence and economic activity. Intelligence, 2016, 54, 33-36. 2714 Pompili, M., Innamorati, M., Milelli, M., Battuello, M., Erbuto, D., Lester, D., Gonda, X., Rihmer, Z., Amore, M., & Girardi, P. Temperaments in completed suicides: are they different from those in suicide attempters and controls? Comprehensive Psychiatry, 2016, 65, 98-102. 2715 Lester, D. The death effect – is there a suicide effect? Omega, 2016, 72, 360-361. 2716 MacKenzie, D. W., Lester, D., Manson, R., & Yeh, C. Do suicides from the Golden Gate Bridge cluster? Psychological Reports, 2016, 118, 70-73. Correction p. 686. 2717 Lester, D., & Walker, R. L. Suicide, psychology of. In G. Fink (Ed.) Stress consequences: mental, neuropsychological and socioeconomic. New York: Academic, 2010, pp. 325-329. 2718 Lester, D., & Fernquist, R. M. Suicide, sociology of. In G. Fink (Ed.) Stress consequences: mental, neuropsychological and socioeconomic. New York: Academic, 2010, pp. 329-333. 2719 Giupponi, G., Conca, A., Innamorati, M., Forte, A., Lester, D., Erbuto, D., Pycha, R., Girardi, P., Möller-Leimkühler, A. M., & Pompili, M. Differences among South Tyrolean suicides: a psychological autopsy study. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 2016, 128, 125-130. 2720 Dadfar, M., Lester, D., Atef Vahid, M. K., & Nasr Esfahani, M. The psychometric parameters of the Farsi form of the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) in psychiatric outpatients. International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences, 2016, 5(2), 1-7. 2721 Lester, D., & Leenaars, A. A comparison of suicide notes written by men and women. Death Studies, 2016, 40, 201-203. 2722 Zonda, T., Bozsonyi, K., Kmetty, Z., Veres, E., & Lester, D. The birthday blues. Omega, 2016, 73, 87- 94. 110

2723 Lester, D., & Gunn, J. F. Psychology of suicide. In G. Fink (Ed.) Stress: concepts, cognition, emotion and behavior. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 2016, pp. 267-272. 2724 Lester, D., & Gunn, J. F. Sociology of suicide. In G. Fink (Ed.) Stress: concepts, cognition, emotion and behavior. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 2016, pp.273-275. 2725 Bando, D. H., Lester, D., Machado, M. F. S., Pires, E. S. M. R., & Barrozo, L. V. Estudo ecologico sobre suicidio e homicidio no estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Espaço & Geografia, 2016, 18(2), 397-417. 2726 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Validating the Executive Personal Finance Scale with financial investments and expectations in university students. Psychological Reports, 2016, 118, 804-809. 2727 Lester, D. Predicting success in psychological statistics courses. Psychological Reports, 2016, 118, 772-777. 2728 Meyers. S., & Lester, D. An attempt to change college student attitudes toward individuals with disabilities. Comprehensive Psychology, 2016, 5, 1-7. 2729 Serafini, G., Pompili, M., Angelone, M., Lester, D., Girardi, P., & Tatarelli, R. Clinical and functional outcome in a subject with bipolar disorder and severe white matter hyperintensities. European Journal of Psychiatry, 2011, 25, 41-45 2730 White, J. H., & Lester, D. Criminal profiling. In W. G. Jennings (Ed.), The encyclopedia of crime and punishment, pp 429-434: Wiley-Blackwell, 2016. 2731 Krysinska, K., & Lester, D. Religiosity and suicidal ideation and behaviour. In R. Cooper (Ed.), Religiosity: Psychological Perspectives, Individual Differences and Health Benefits, pp. 71-85. Hauppauge, NY: Nova, 2016 2732 Dadfar, M., Atef Vahid, M. K., Lester, D. & Bahrami, F. (2016). Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K6): Psychometric testing of the Farsi form in psychiatric outpatients. Advances in Bioresearch, 7(2), 105-108. 2733 Stack, S., Laubepin, F., Vichi, M., Minelli, G., Lester, D., Ferracuti, S., Girardi, P., & Pompili, M. Economic deprivation as a predictor of the direction of lethal violence. Archives of Suicide Research, 2016, 20, 483-487. 2734 Pompili, M., Belvederi Murri, M, Patti, S., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., Girardi, P., & Amore, M. The communication of suicidal intentions. Psychological Medicine, 2016, 46, 2239-2253. 2735 Dadfar, M., Asgharnejad Farid, A. A. Lester, D., Atef Vahid, M. K. & Birashk, B. (2016). Effectiveness of death education program by methods of didactic, experimental, and 8A model on the reduction of death distress among nurses. International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences, 2016, 5(7), 60-71. 2736 Innamorati, M, Erbuto, D., Venturini, P., Fagioli, F., Ricci, F., Lester, D., Amore, M., Girardi, P., & Pompili, M. Factorial validity of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire in Italian psychiatric patients. Psychiatry Research, 2016, 245, 297-302. 2737 Serafini, G., Calcagno, P., Lester, D. Girardi, P., Amore, M., & Pompili, M. Suicide risk in Alzheimer’s disease. Current Alzheimer Research, 2016, 13, 1083-1099. 2738 Tarsafi, M., Kalantarkousheh, S. M., & Lester, D. [Exploratory factor analysis of the Defeat Scale and its relationship with depression and hopelessness among Iranian University Student] Quarterly Clinical Psychology Studies, 2015(1394), 5(19), 81-98. 2739 Dadfar, M., & Lester, D. (2016). The reliability, validity, and factorial structure of the Collett-Lester Fear of Death Scale in a sample of Iranian nurses. International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences, 5(7S), 306-317 2740 Atef Vahid, M. K., Dadfar, M., Abdel-Khalek, A. M., & Lester, D. Psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Love of Life Scale. Psychological Reports, 2016, 119, 505-515. 111

2741 Pompili, M., Innamorato, M., Lamis, D. A., Lester, D., Di Fiore, E., Giordano, G., Ricci, F., Erbuto, D., Tambelli, R., Balestrieri, M., Amore, M., & Girardi, P. The interplay between suicide risk, cognitive vulnerability, subjective happiness and depression among students. Current Psychology, 2016, 35, 450-458. 2742 Lester, D., & Naik, K. Suicide in India. In O. B. Torres (Ed.) Encyclopedia of suicide, pp. 67-74. Hauppauge, NY: Nova, 2016. 2743 Lester, D. Toxoplasma gondii, suicide and homicide. In O. B. Torres (Ed.) Encyclopedia of suicide, pp. 115-120. Hauppauge, NY: Nova, 2016. 2744 Lester, D., Walker, R. L., Gençöz, F., & Vatan, S. Acculturation and suicidal behavior in college students, In O. B. Torres (Ed.) Encyclopedia of suicide, pp. 225-230. Hauppauge, NY: Nova, 2016. 2745 Gunn, J. F., Roseman, I., Shukusky, J., Loatman, P., & Lester, D. Thwarted needs and suicidality. Suicidology Online, 2016, 7, 24-31. 2746 Zhang, J., Zhao, Z., Wu, Q., & Lester, D. Extracurricular participation and its correlates among Chinese college students. Archives of Sports Medicine & Physiotherapy, 2016, 1, 1-4. 2747 Innamorati, M., Quinto, R. M., Imperatori, C., Lora, V., Graceffa, D., Fabbricatore, M., Lester, D., Contardi, A., & Bonifati, C. Health-related quality of life and its association with alexithymia and difficulties in emotion regulation in patients with psoriasis. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 2016, 70, 200-208. 2748 Dadfar, M., Lester, D., Bahrami, F. Death anxiety, reliability, validity, and factorial structure of the Farsi form of the Arabic Scale of Death Anxiety in Iranian old-aged persons. Journal of Aging Research, 2016, ID 2906857. 2749 Bando, D. H., & Lester, D. The quality of life in the regions of Brazil and suicide and homicide rates. Suicidology Online, 2016, 7, 58-60. 2750 Honick B., Lester, D., & Gunn, J. F. The birthday blues. Suicidology Online, 2016, 7, 61-63. 2751 Tartaro, C., & Lester, D. Suicide on death row. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2016, 61, 1656-1659. 2752 blank


2753 Abdel-Khalek, A., & Lester, D. The association between religiosity, self-efficacy, mental health, and happiness in Arab college students. Personality & Individual Differences, 2017, 109, 12-16. 2754 Lester, D. Participation in sports activities and suicidal behaviour. International Journals of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 2017, 15, 103-108. 2755 Lester, D., & Walker, R. L. Religiosity is a protective factor for suicidal ideation in European American students but not in African American students. Omega, 2017, 74, 295-303. 2756 Innamorati, M., Pompili, M., Lester, D., & Yang, B. Economic crises and suicide. In O. Wilson-Flores (Ed.) Economic crises. Hauppauge, NY: Nova, 2017, pp. 123-138. 2757 Dadfar, M., & Lester, D. Psychometric characteristics of Patient Health Questionnaire-2 (PHQ-2) in Iranian psychiatric outpatients. Austin Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 2017, 4(1), 2- 6. 2758 Lester, D. Changes in the content of diary entries by a suicide as the date of death draws near. Suicidology Online, 2017, 8, 114-117. 2759 Lester, D., Battuello, M., Falcone, I., De Simone, E., Berry, I., Innamorati, M., Falcone, I., De Simoni, E., Del Bono, S. D., Tatarelli, R., & Pompili, M. (2009). Does participation in sports activities prevent suicide? Policlinico - Sezione Medica, 115(1), 1-12. [out of order; reprint of #2424] 112

2760 Dadfar, M., & Lester, D. Cronbach’s α reliability, concurrent validity, and factorial structure of the Death Depression Scale in an Iranian hospital staff sample. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 2017, 4, 135-141. 2761 Yang, B., & Lester, D. Suicide among smart people. In M. Altman (Ed.) Handbook of behavioural economics and smart decision-making. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2017, 464-475. 2762 Lester, D., & Naik, K. Suicide in India. Current Politics & Economics of Northern & Western Asia, 2015, 24(4), 543-551. [out of order] 2763 Dadfar, M., Abdel-Khalek, A. M., Lester, D. & Atef Vahid, M. K. The psychometric parameters of the Farsi form of the Arabic Scale of Death Anxiety. The Scientific World Journal, 2017, ID 7468217. 2764 Lester, D., & Gunn, J. F. Suicide and gender. In K. L. Nadal (Ed.) The Sage Encyclopedia of psychology and gender. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2017, pp. 1644-1647. 2765 Dadfar, M., & Lester, D. Religiosity, spirituality and death anxiety. Austin Journal of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, 2017, 4(1), 1061, 1-5. 2766 Abdel-Khalek, A. M., & Lester, D. Mental health in Kuwaiti and American college students. Psychology & Behavioral Science, 2017, 6(2), 1-3. 2767 Dadfar, M., Lester, D., Atef Vahid, M. K., & Abdel-Khalek, A. M. Psychometric properties of the Farsi version of the Wish to be Dead Scale (WDS). Omega, 2017, 76, 78-88. 2768 Dadfar, M., Lester, D., Asgharnejad Farid, A. A., Atef Vahid, M. K., & Birashk, B. A conceptual model for death education. Shefaye Khatam, 2017; 5(4), 98-109. 2769 Dadfar, M., & Lester, D. Prevalence of personality disorders and clinical syndromes using the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory III (MCMI-III) in an Iranian clinical sample. International Journal of Biomedical Engineering & Clinical Science, 2017, 3(4), 36-47. 2770 Dadfar, M., Abdel-Khalek, A. M., & Lester, D. Psychometric characteristics of the Reasons for Death Fear Scale among Iranian nurses. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 2017, 4, 384-388 2771 Lester, D. Does religiosity predict suicidal behavior? Religions, 2017, 8(11), 238. 2772 Imperatori, C., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., Continisio, M., Balsamo, M., Saggino, A., & Fabbricatore, M. The association between food addiction and early maladaptive schemas in overweight and obese women. Nutrients, 2017, 9!1), 1259. 2773 Lester, D. Non-human animal suicide could be tested. Animal Sentience, 2017, 088, 20(3).


2774 Innamorati, M., Quinto, R. M., Lester, D., Iani, l., Graceffa, D., & Bonifati, C. Cognitive impairment in patients with psoriasis. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 2018, 105, 99-105. 2775 Lester, D. Protests and suicide. In A. Pichette (Ed.) Protests and riots: past, present and future perspectives., pp. 91-96. Hauppauge, NY: Nova, 2018. 2776 Giupponi1, G., Giordano, G., Maniscalco, I., Erbuto, D., Berardelli, I., Conca, A., Lester, D., Girardi, P., & Pompili, M. Suicide risk in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Psychiatria Danubina, 2018, 30(1), 2-10. 2777 Dadfar, M.., Lester, D., & Atef Vahid, M. K. Psychometric characteristics of the Wish to be Dead Scale (WDS) in Iranian psychiatric outpatients. Current Psychology, 2018, 37, 498-507. 2778 Bellini, M., Erbuto, D., Andriessen, K., Milelli, M., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., Sampogna, G., Fiorillo, A., & Pompili, M. Depression, hopelessness, and complicated grief in survivors of suicide. Frontiers in Psychology, 2018, 9, e198. 2779 Dadfar, M., Abdel-Khalek, A. M., & Lester, D. Validation of the Farsi version of the Death Obsession Scale with nurses. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 2018, 5, 186-192. 113

2780 Lester, D., & Zeyrek-Rios. E. Y. Intihar bombacilarinin profilini cikarma (Profiling suicide bombers). In E. Senol-Durak & M. Durak (Ed.), Adli psikoloji (pp.259-283). Ankara, Turkey: Nobel Akademik Yayincilik, 2017. (out of order) 2781 Dadfar, M., & Lester, D. The Farsi translation, reliability and validity of the Death Concern Scale. Trends in Psychiatry & Psychotherapy, 2018, 40(2), 114-125. 2782 Dadfar, M., Kalibatseva, Z., & Lester, D. Reliability and validity of the Farsi version of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) with Iranian psychiatric outpatients. Trends in Psychiatry & Psychotherapy, 2018, 40(2), 144-151. 2783 Lester, D., & Abdel-Khalek, A. M. Personality differences between Kuwaitis and Americans. Advances in Psychology Research, 2018, 135, 205-216. 2784 Abdel-Khalek, A. M., & Lester, D. Subjective well-being and religiosity: significant associations among college students from Egypt and the United Kingdom. International Journal of Culture & Mental Health, 2018, 11, 332-337. 2785 Yang, B., & Lester, D. National character and economic performance. International Journal of Economics & Finance, 2018, 10(9), 9-13. 2786 Nardella, A., Falcone, G., Padovano, A., Bonanni, L., Erbuto, D., Lester, D., & Pompili, M. Traumatic brain injury and suicide risk. Journal of Psychopathology, 2018, 24, 164-179. 2787 Zhang, J., Lester, D., Zhang, Y., & Tuo, Y. (2018). Factors associated with depression among Chinese college students. Clinical Depression, 2018, 4(3). 1000136. 2788 Dadfar, M., Lester, D., Momeni Safarabad, N., & Roshanpajouh, M. (2018). The Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K6) as a screening instrument. Annals of Depression & Anxiety, 2018, 5(2), #1097. 2789 Leenaars, A. A., Dieserud, G., Wenckstern, S., Dyregrov, K., Lester, D., & Lyke, J. A multidimensional theory of suicide. Crisis, 2018, 39, 416-427. 2790 Lester, D. Assisted suicide for prisoners. Suicidology Online, 2018, 9, #2, 1-5. 2791 Innamorati, M., Imperatori, C., Lester, D., Fabbricatore, M., Gaudini, L., Contardi, A., & Balsamo, M. Preliminary validation of the Italian Night Eating questionnaire (I-NEQ-16). Frontiers in Psychology, 2018, 9, #2628.


2792 Grassi, C., Del Casale, A., Cuce, P., Kotzalidis, G. D., Pelliccione, A., Marconi, W., Saccente, F., Messina, R., Santorsa, R., Rapinesi, C., Lester, D., Giannini, A. M., Tatarelli, R., Girardi, P., & Pompili, M. Suicide among Italian police workers from 1997 to 2017. Rivista di Psichiatrica, 2019, 54(1), 18-23. 2793 Bixby, K., White, J., & Lester, D. The characteristics of sexual sadists. Journal of Psychiatry & Behavioral Health Forecast, 2019, 2(9), #1009. 2794 Lester, D. Theories of personality. New York: Taylor & Francis. Psychology Library Editions: Personality, 2019, Volume 10. 2795 Pinzone, V., De Rossi, P., Trabucchi, G., Lester, D., Girardi, P., & Pompili, M. Temperament correlates in adult ADHD. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2019, 252, 394-403. 2796 Imperatori, C., Fabbricatore, M., Lester, D., Manzoni, G. M., Castelnuovo, G., Raimondi, G., & Innamorati, M. Psychometric properties of the modified Yale Food Addiction Scale Version 2.0 in an Italian non-clinical sample. Eating & Weight Disorders, 2019, 24, 37-45. 114

2797 Berardelli, I., Sarubbi, S., Rogante, E., Hawkins, M., Cocco, G., Erbuto, D., Lester, D., & Pompili, M. The role of demoralization and hopelessness in suicide risk in schizophrenia. Medicina, 2019, 55, #200. 2798 Lew, B., Yu, P. P., Yuan, L., Wang, D. F., Ping, F., Abu Talib., Lester, D., & Jia, C. X. Associations between depression, anxiety, stress, hopelessness, subjective well-being, coping styles and suicide in Chinese university students PLoS One, 2019, 14(7), e0217372. 2799 Bonanni, L., Gualtieri, F., Lester, D., Falcone, G., Nardella, A., Fiorillo, A, & Pompili, M. Can anhedonia be considered a suicide risk factor? Medicina, 2019, 55(8), #458. 2800 Dadfar, M., Lester, D., Turan, Y., Beshai, J. A., & Unterrainer, F-H. Validation of the Multidimensional Inventory for Religious Spiritual Well-Being with Iranian samples. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 2019, 22, 591-601. 2801 Abdel-Khalek, A. M., Nuño, L., Gómez-Benito, J., & Lester, D. The relationship between religiosity and anxiety. Journal of Religion & Health, 2019, 58, 1847-1856. 2802 Lester, D. The end of suicidology. Hauppauge, NY: Nova, 2019. 2803 Lester, D. Firearms and suicide. Hauppauge, NY: Nova, 2019, 2804 Lester, D. How culture shapes suicide behavior. Hauppauge, NY: Nova, 2019. 2805 Nilsson, M. G., Tzani-Pepelasis, C., Ioannou, M., & Lester, D. Understanding the link between sextortion and suicide. International Journal of Cyber Criminology, 2019, 13(1), 55-69. 2806 Paolini, M., Lester, D., Hawkins, M., Hawkins-Villarreal, Erbuto, D., Fiorillo, A., & Pompili, M. Cytomegalovirus seropositvity and suicidal behaviour. Medicina, 2019, 55, #782.


2807 Dadfar, M., & Lester, D. The effectiveness of 8A model death education on the reduction of death depression. Nursing Open, 2020, 7, 294-298. 2808 Barjasteh-Askari, F., Davoudi, M., Amini, H., Ghorbani, M., Yaseri, M., Yunesian, M., Mahvi, A. H., & Lester, D. Relationship between suicide mortality and lithium in drinking water. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2020, 264, 234-241. 2809 Lester, D. Understanding suicidal ideation. Hauppauge, NY: Nova, 2020. 2810 Berardelli, I., Sarubbi, S., Spagnoli, A., Fina, C., Rogante, E., Erbuto, D., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., & Pompili, M. Projective technique testing approach to the understanding of psychological pain in suicidal and non-suicidal psychiatric inpatients. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Heath, 2020, 17, #284. 2811 Bellini, M., Erbuto, D., Andriessen, K., Milelli, M., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., Sampogna, G., Fiorillo, A., & Pompili, M. Depression, hopelessness, and complicated grief in survivors of suicide. In R. Calati & J. Lopez-Castroman (Eds.) Psychosocial interventions for suicide prevention, pp. 34- 47. Lausanne, Switzerland: Frontiers Media, 2020. [see 2778] 2812 Lester, D. Eating people. Hauppauge, NY: Nova. 2813 Stefa-Missagli, S., Unterrainer, H. F., Giupponi, G., Holasek, S. J., Kapfhammer, H. P., Conca, A., Sarlo, M., Erbuto, D., Rogante, E., Moujaes-Droescher, H., Davoc, K., Berardelli, I., Krysinka, K., Andriessen, K., Lester, D., & Pompili, M. Suicide and personality traits. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 2020, 50, 220-232. 2814 Lester, D. Hierarchy of needs (Maslow). In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.) Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2017. [out of order] 2815 Lester, D. A subself theory of personality. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.) Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2017. [out of order] 115

2816 Lester, D. Rational theory of Freud’s psychoanalytic theory. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.) Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2019. [out of order] 2817 Lester, D. Holistic theory of the mind. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.) Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2019. [out of order] 2818 Lester, D., & Gunn, J. F. Personality and suicide. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.) Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2019. [out of order] 2819 Lester, D. Physiological basis for personality traits. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.) Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2019. [out of order] 2820 Lester, D. The role of neurotransmitters in personality. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.) Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2019. [out of order] 2821 Lester, D. A four-factor theory of personality. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.) Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2019. [out of order] 2822 Lester, D. Suicide and our subselves. Suicidology Online, 2020, 11, 13-15. 2823 Lester, D. The debate over whether physician-assisted suicide is the same or different from suicide. Suicidology Online, 2020, 11, 16-18. 2824 Tzani-Pepelasi, C., Gavrilovic-Nilsson, M., Lester, D., Pylarinou, N. R., & Ioannou, M. Profiling HMRC and IRS scammers by utilizing trolling videos. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting, 2020, 12(1), 163-178. 2825 Bozsonyi, K., Lester, D., Fülöp, A., Zonda, T., & Bálint, L. The effects of sunshine duration and ambient temperature on suicides in Hungary. Neuropsychopharmacology Hungarica, 2020, 22(1), 23-28. 2826 Lester, D., Cantor, C. H., & Leenaars, A. A. El suicidio en el Reino Unido e Irlanda. European Psychiatry, Spanish Edition, 1998, 5(2), 93-98. [out of order] 2827 Gunn, J. F., Goldstein, S. E., & Lester, D. The impact of widely publicized suicides on search trends. Archives of Suicide Research, 2020, 24(supplement 1),142-155. 2828 Giupponi, G., Innamorati, M., Rogante, E., Sarubbi, S., Erbuto, D., Maniscalco, I., Sanna, L., Conca, A., Lester, D., & Pompili, M. The characteristics of mood polarity, temperaments and suicide risk in adult ADHD. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 2020, 17, #2871. 2829 Turan, Y., Dafar, M., Kar, S., Lester, D., & Beshai, J. A. A day of judgment: a study on Turkish Muslims students. Pastoral Psychology, 2020, 69, 119-133. 2830 Dadfar, M., & Lester, D. Death distress constructs. Nursing Open, 2020, 7(4), 1026-1031. 2831 Berardelli, I., Erbuto, D., Rogante, E., Sarubbi, S., Lester, D., & Pompili, M. Making sense of the unique pain of survivors. Frontiers in Psychology, 2020, 11, article #1244. 2832 Montag, C., Sindermann, C., Lester, D., & Davis, K. L. Linking individual differences in satisfaction with each of Maslow’s needs to the Big Five personality traits and Panksepp’s primary emotional systems. Heliyon, 2020, 6, e04325. 2833 Balsamo, M., Carlucci, L., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., & Pompili, M. Further insights into the Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS). Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2020, 11, e727. 2834 Zhang J., Lester, D., Haines, J., Williams, C. L., Zhou, R., Qi, Q., Li, T., Liu, L., & Ma, W. Identifying psychological strains in suicide notes. Omega, 2020, 82, 120-127. 116

2835 Colucci, E., & Lester, D. A cross-cultural study of attitudes toward suicide among young people in India, Italy and Australia. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 2020, 66, 700-706. 2836 Lester, D. The Psychology Department, Brandeis University in the 1960s. Comparative Civilizations Review, 2020, 83, Article 18 2837 Dadfar, M., Eslami, M., Mohagegh, F., Lester, D., & Abdel-Khalek, A. M. Love of life in Iranian clinical and non-clinical groups. Mankind Quarterly, 2020, 61(1), 23-35. 2838 Dadfar, M., Lester, D., McSwain, S., & Abdel-Khalek, A. M. The prediction of hopelessness in a Western sample using scores on the Arabic Scale of Optimism and Pessimism. Mankind Quarterly, 2020, 61(1), 56-66. 2839 Lester D. The diary of a suicidal youth: A linguistic analysis. Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences, 2020; 6: 141-143. 2840 Dadfar, M., Asgharnejad Farid, A, Hosseini, A. F., Nasr Esfahani, M., Lester, D., & Kalibatseva, Z. Measuring somatic symptoms with the PHQ-15. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 2020, 23, 289- 301. 2841 Dadfar, M., Abdel-Khalek, A. M., & Lester, D. The Revised Arabic Scale of Obsession-Compulsion (ASOC): Validation with Iranian psychiatric outpatients. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 2020, 23, 274-288. 2842 Lester, D. Suicide terrorists and terrorism. Hauppauge, NY: Nova, 2020. 2843 Dadfar, M., Abdel-Khalek, A.M., & Lester, D. Love of life and its association with well-being in Iranian psychiatric outpatients. Nursing Open, 2020, 7, 1861-1866. 2844 Giordano, B., White, J., & Lester, D. A study of criminal vampires. Journal of Forensic Sciences & Criminal Investigation, 2020, 14(5), 555898.0096 2845 Berardelli, I., Forte, F., Innamorati,M., Imbastaro, B. I., Montalbani, B., Sarubbi, S., De Luca, G. P., Mastrangelo, M., Anibaldi, G., Rogante, E., Lester, D., Berardelli,D., Serafini, G., Amore, M., & Pompili, M. Clinical differences between single and multiple suicide attempters, suicide ideators, and non-suicidal inpatients. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2020, 11, #605140. 2846 Sarli, G., Polidori, L., Lester, D., & Pompili, M. COVID-19 related lockdown. BMC Psychiatry, 2020, 20, #558. 2847 Stefa-Missagli, S., Unterrainer, H. F., Giupponi, G., Wallner-Liebmann, S. H., Kapfhammer, H. P., Conca, A., Sarlo, M., Berardelli, I., Sarubbi, S., Andriessen, K., Krysinka, K., Erbuto, D., Moujaes- Droescher, H., Lester, D., Davok, K., & Pompili, M. Influence of spiritual dimensions on suicide risk: The role of regional differences. Archives of Suicide Research, 2020, 24, 534-553. 2848 Paolini, M., Lester, D., Hawkins, M., Hawkins-Villarreal, A., Erbuto, D., Fiorillo A., & Pompili, M. (2020). Cytomegalovirus seropositivity and suicidal behavior. In M. Pompili & A. Fiorillo Eds.) Preventing suicide in patients with mental disorders, pp. 13-21. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI. [2806] 2849 Bonanni, L., Gualtieri, F., Lester, D., Falcone, G., Nardella, A., Fiorillo, A., & Pompili, M. (2020). Can anhedonia be considered a suicide risk factor? In M. Pompili & A. Fiorillo Eds.) Preventing suicide in patients with mental disorders, pp. 65-78. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI. [2799] 2850 Berardelli, I., Sarubbi, S., Rogante, E., Hawkins, M., Cocco, G., Erbuto, E., Lester, D., & Pompili, M. (2020). The role of demoralization and hopelessness in suicide risk in schizophrenia. In M. Pompili & A. Fiorillo Eds.) Preventing suicide in patients with mental disorders, pp. 105-122. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI. [2797]



2851 Lester, D. Extended suicide. In D. Wasserman (Ed.) Oxford textbook of suicidology and suicide prevention. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021, 113-115. 2852 Lester, D. Suicide during war and genocide. In D. Wasserman (Ed.) Oxford textbook of suicidology and suicide prevention. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021, pp. 209=213. 2853 Lester, D., & Dadfar, M. The Death Depression Scale. In C. R. Martin, L. A. Hunter, V. Patel, V. Preedy & R. Rajendram (Eds) The neuroscience of depression, pp. 211-218. New York: Academic, 2021. 2854 Abdel-Khalek, A. M., Dadfar, M., & Lester, D. Death depression in Egyptian clinical and non-clinical groups Nursing Open, 2021, 8(1), 48-53. 2855 Berardelli, I., Erbuto, D., Rogante, E., Sarubbi, S., Lester, D., & Pompili, M. (2021). Making sense of the unique pain of survivors. In Andriessen, K., Krysinacka, K., & Dransart, D. A. C. Grief after suicide, pp. 143-150. Lausanne, Switzerland: Frontiers Media SA. [reprint of 2831] 2856 Lester, D. Escala de miedo a la muerte de Collett-Lester. In Neimeyer (Ed.) Métodos de evaluación de la ansiedad ante la muerte, pp. 57-72. Barcelona, Spain: Paidos, 1996. [out of order; #1340] 2857 Forte, A., Sarli, G., Polidori, L., Lester, D., & Pompili, M. The role of new technologies to prevent suicide in adolescence. Medicina, 2021, 57(2), 1-13. #109. 2858 Davoudi, M., Barjasteh-Askari, F., Amini, H., Lester, D., Mahvi, A. H., Ghavami, V., & Ghalhari, M. R. Association of suicide with short-term exposure to air pollution at different lag times: Science of the Total Environment, 771, #144882. 2859 Rigucci, S., Sarubbi, S., Erbuto, D., Rogante, E., Hantouche, E. G., Innamorati, M., Lester, D., & Pompili, M. Negative emotion dysregulation is linked to the intensity of suicidal ideation in a mixed inpatient sample. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2021, 281, 605-608. 2860 Mohagegh, F., Moghaddasi, M., Eslami, M., Dadfar, M., & Lester, D. Disability and its association with psychological factors in multiple sclerosis patients. Multiple Sclerosis & Related Disorders, 2021, 49, #102733. 2861 Dadfar, M, & Lester, D. Workplace violence (WPV) in healthcare systems. Nursing Open, 2021, 8(2), 527-528. 2862 Lester, D., Yang, B., & Naik, K. Suicide in India. In A. Rogríguez Andrés & S, Mitra (Eds.) A socio- economic and demographic analysis of mental wellbeing: the Indian case, pp. 27-38. Hauppauge, NY: Nova, 2021. 2863 Dadfar, M., Lester, D., Turan, Y., Beshai, J. A., & Unterrainer, H. F. Religious spiritual well-being: Results from Muslim Iranian clinical and non-clinical samples by age, sex and group. Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging, 2021, 33(1), 16-37. 2864 Lester, D. The hysteroid and obsessoid personalities, depression and suicidality. Austin Journal of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, 2021, 7(1), #1076. 2865 Lester, D. Depression, suicidal ideation and the Big Five personality traits. Austin Journal of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, 2021, 7(1), #1077. 2866 Lester, D. The environment and suicide. Crisis, 2021, 42, 89-91. 2867 Dadfar, M., Lester, D., Abdel-Khalek, A., & Ron, P. Death anxiety in Muslim Iranians. Illness, Crisis & Loss., 2021, 29, 143-158.

In Press

2868 Dadfar, M.,….Validity and reliability of the Farsi Version of the Death Anxiety Scale with nurses. Illness, Crisis & Loss, 2869 Dadfar, M., & Lester, D. A study of callers to a telephone counseling service. Illness, Crisis & Loss, 118

2870 Dadfar, M., Lester, D., & Sanadgol, S. The Interpersonal Mattering Scale: Its reliability and validity in an Iranian sample. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 2020, 2871 Dadfar, M., Lester, D., & Abdel-Khalek, A. Religiosity, happiness and suicidal behavior: a cross- sectional comparative study in Iran. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 2020, 2872 Abdel-Khalek, A. M., Korayem, A. S., & Lester, D. Religiosity as a predictor of mental health in Egyptian teenagers in preparatory and secondary school. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 2020, in press. 2873 Lester, D. Psychology, suicide, and literature. In J. R. Velasco (Ed.) Suicide in modern literature. 2874 Lester, D. Collectivism-individualism and suicide. In A. Akande, B. Adetoun, & M. Adewuyi (Eds.) The global nature of organizational science phenomena. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers 2875 Lester, D. The environment and suicide. Crisis, 2020, 2876 Dadfar, M., Lester, D., Gunn III, J. F., & Abdel-Khalek, A. M. (2020). Love of life model with Iranian clinical samples. Mental Health, Religion & Culture. 2877 Lester, D., & Krysinska, K. E. Suicide and other violence toward the self. Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict, 2021. Academic Press. 2878 Lester, D., & Gunn, J. F. Is perceived burdensomeness present in the lives of famous suicides? Death Studies, 2021, 2879 Dadfar, M., & Lester, D. Measuring concern over coronavirus in an Iranian non-clinical sample using the Coronavirus Disease Concern Scale (COVID-19CS). 2880 Berardelli, I., Inamorati, M., Sarubbi, S., Rogante, E., Erbuto, D., De Pisa, E., Del Casale, A., Pasquini, M. Hawkins, M., Lester, D., & Pompili, M. Are Demoralization and Insight Involved in Suicide Risk? An Observational Study on Psychiatric Inpatients. Psychopathology, 2021.