Broadband Internet and Political Outcomes; Effects of Pronatec
Three essays about Brazilian public polices: broadband internet and political outcomes; effects of Pronatec; and returns to technical education Thiago Mendes Rosa 08/07/2021 Three essays about Brazilian public polices: broadband internet and political outcomes; effects of Pronatec; and returns to technical education Thiago Mendes Rosa Tese apresentada ao Departamento de Economia da Universidade de Brasília como requisito parcial para a obtenção do título de Doutor em Economia – Área de Concentração: Setor Público. Orientador: Rafael Terra de Menezes. Acknowledgement This work was only possible with the support of many people. Firstly, I am thankful for my family support, notably my mother, Edelair, and my aunt, Ivone, who always encouraged education in my life. I would like to thank all my professors who helped to pave my way until here, particularly Flávio. I am especially grateful for the opportunity to have a couple of first quality supervisors, Rafael and Ana Carolina, whose expertise made this study feasible. I would also like to thank Bruno and Luiz Rubens, for the partnership in research, co-authorship of the third essay and for the valuable friendship in work and life. I very thankful for all support, love, and patience of Najla, my partner in life who always believed in me. Lastly, I want to thank all Brazilian people, the truly providers of this unique opportunity. Resumo Essa tese contém três ensaios independentes sobre políticas públicas no Brasil. No primeiro ensaio, investigamos a relação entre a velocidade de internet banda larga fixa e os resultados eleitorais no Brasil (2008, 2010 e 2012). Utilizando uma estratégia de identificação robusta, um RDD aplicado à implementação do programa Backhaul, exploramos saltos na velocidade da internet de acordo com o tamanho da população dos municípios.
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