HMS Victory, a First-Rate Royal Navy Warship Lost in the English Channel, 1744
Odyssey Papers 2 HMS Victory, a First-Rate Royal Navy Warship Lost in the English Channel, 1744. Preliminary Survey & Identification Neil Cunningham Dobson Odyssey Marine Exploration, Tampa, USA Sean Kingsley Wreck Watch Int., London, United Kingdom In April 2008, Odyssey Marine Exploration recorded an interesting target in the western English Channel using a side-scan and magnetometer as part of its ongoing Atlas Shipwreck Survey Project. Subsequent visual investigation using the Remotely- Operated Vehicle Zeus, complemented in September and October by a pre-disturbance survey, identified a substantial con- centration of wreckage covering an area of 61 x 22m, comprising disarticulated wooden planking, iron ballast, two anchors, a copper kettle, rigging, two probable gunner’s wheels and, most diagnostically, 41 bronze cannon. An examination of the site and its material culture in relation to a desk-based assessment leads to the conclusion that Odyssey has discovered the long-lost wreck of Admiral Sir John Balchin’s first-rate Royal Navy warship, HMSVictory , lost in the Channel on 5 October, 1744. This preliminary report introduces the results of an archaeological field evaluation, which took the form of a non-disturbance survey and limited small-scale trial trenching, and cumulatively addresses this underlying identification. The prevailing historical orthodoxy that situates the wreck of Victory around Alderney and the Casquets is proven to be false. © Odyssey Marine Exploration, 2009 1. Summary surement and photography of surface features (type and During ongoing surveys in the western English Channel orientation). as part of Odyssey Marine Exploration’s Atlas Shipwreck Survey Project, designed to map the archaeological land- C.
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