SCOTTISH BULLETIN OF EVANGELICAL THEOLOGY The scope of the Bulletin is broadly defined as theology, especially Scottish and Reformed, whether biblical, systematic-dogmatic, historical or practical, and Scottish church history. Articles submitted for publication should be sent to the Editor, books for review to the review editor (see below). Contributors are free to express their own views within the broad parameters of historic evangelicalism. The opinions of contributors may not be assumed to be those of Rutherford House or the Scottish Evangelical Theology Society. EDITOR: THE REVD DR ALISTAIR I. WILSON, Dumisani Theological Institute, P.O. Box 681, King William's Town, 5600 Eastern Cape, South Africa AssoCIATE EDITOR: DR JASON M CURTIS, Rutherford House, 1 Hill Street, Edinburgh EH2 3JP. Email:
[email protected] REVIEW EDITOR: REvD JAMES R A MERRICK, School of Divinity, History and Philosophy King's College, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB24 3UB. Email:
[email protected] The Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology is published twice annually by Rutherford House in association with the Scottish Evangelical Theology Society, whose officers are: President: Professor I. Howard Marshall, University of Aberdeen Chairman: The Revd Dr Fergus Macdonald, 113 St Alban's Road, Edinburgh, EH92PQ Secretary: The Revd David Easton, Rowanbank, Cormiston Road, Quothquan, Biggar, ML12 6ND. Tel. 01899 308459. Email:
[email protected] The Scottish Bulletin ofEvangelical Theology is indexed in Elenchus, Cerdic, IZBG, ATLA and Relig. Theo!. Abstr. Subscriptions should be addressed to: Rutherford House, 1 Hill Street, Edinburgh, EDINBURGH, EH2 3JP. e-mail:
[email protected]. Rates from 2009: £14.00; Students £7.00.