Corrective Gene Transfer of Keratinocytes from Patients with Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa Restores Assembly of Hemidesmosomes in Reconstructed Epithelia
Gene Therapy (1998) 5, 1322–1332 1998 Stockton Press All rights reserved 0969-7128/98 $12.00 Corrective gene transfer of keratinocytes from patients with junctional epidermolysis bullosa restores assembly of hemidesmosomes in reconstructed epithelia J Vailly1, L Gagnoux-Palacios1, E Dell’Ambra2, C Rome´ro1, M Pinola3, G Zambruno3, M De Luca2,3 J-P Ortonne1,4 and G Meneguzzi1 1U385 INSERM, Faculte´ de Me´decine, Nice; 4Service de Dermatologie, Hoˆpital L’Archet, Nice, France; Laboratories of 2Tissue Engineering and 3Molecular and Cell Biology, Istituto Dermopatico dell’Immacolata, Rome, Italy Herlitz junctional epidermolysis bullosa (H-JEB) provides deposited into the extracellular matrix. Re-expression of a promising model for somatic gene therapy of heritable laminin-5 induced cell spreading, nucleation of hemides- mechano-bullous disorders. This genodermatosis is mosomal-like structures and enhanced adhesion to the cul- caused by the lack of laminin-5 that results in absence of ture substrate. Organotypic cultures performed with the hemidesmosomes (HD) and defective adhesion of squam- transduced keratinocytes, reconstituted epidermis closely ous epithelia. To establish whether re-expression of lami- adhering to the mesenchyme and presenting mature hemi- nin-5 can restore assembly of the dermal-epidermal attach- desmosomes, bridging the cytoplasmic intermediate fila- ment structures lacking in the H-JEB skin, we corrected the ments of the basal cells to the anchoring filaments of the genetic mutation hindering expression of the 3 chain of basement membrane. Our results provide the first evi- laminin-5 in human H-JEB keratinocytes by transfer of a dence of phenotypic reversion of JEB keratinocytes by laminin 3 transgene.
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