
Train Service-Effedive October 29, 1967 COLUMBUS • CINCINNATI • ST. LOUIS from New York

The $ "Spirit al Cincinnati PIDn Mall and Sl Louis" Limited Texas Express USTllN STANDAID nMI New York to Indianapolis 31 31-77 77 3 13 87 Except Miles CINTIAl STANDAID nMf Mon.& Nov. 24, Greencastle to St. Louis Dec. 24, 26, 31 Dailv Daily Daily Daily & Jan. 2 Daily

falfern Standard Time PM PM AM PM AM PM .o Lv NEW YORK, Penna. Sta. __ N. Y. v 4.05 v 4.05 v 6.45 10.0 v 4.22 v 4.22 v 7.00 58.1 : ¥!~~::_~~~=~: ~: _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_----~. ,{- v 5. to v 5.10 • Pblladelphla ______Pa. North Phila. Station ______85.9 "Paoli______" c 5.37 c 5.37 c 8.12 111.4 6-12 6.12 8.46 159.3 '' Lancaster ______'' 6.57 6.57 9.38 Lv Wasblngton ______D. C. • 7.00 • Baltlmore______Md. • 7.55 194.6 7.30 ---r.30 10.35 255.2 Lr 1i::=fo~~~~~~~======P.a. 8.45 8.45 325.4 " Altoona______" 9 59 9.59 12.52 439.3 Ar Pittsburgh ______Pa. 12.28 12.28 3.37 439.3 Lv Plttsburgh ______Pa. 12.53 12.53 4ll2 10.15 482.5 • Steubenvllle ______. 2.16 2.16 5.21 11.39 514.4 " Scio ______" 529.8 " Dennison f•) ______" 6.11 561.7 " Coshocton______"_ _ 6.41 597.1 " Newark(•) ______" 7.12 630.2 Ar Columbus ____ -- ______• 5.00 5.00 8.00 630.2 f,v Columbus ______" 6:00 6.00 684.9 Ar Xenia ______------7.00 7.00 745.9 " Norwood (Cincinnati) ______" 8.30 8.30 755.1 Ar Cincinnati (Union Terminal)_ " 8.50 8.50 630.2 Lv Columbus ______" ~ 8"05 2 40 9.30 684.9 Ar Xenia ______" 10.25 --6~56 }Dayton ______. - . . . .. 9.30 -Tos to.so 700.9 t~ 6 50 9.30 405 11.20 __ . _ ...... _. _Jnd. 7.45 10.25 5 10 12.15 742.4 t~}Rlcbmond 7.45 10.25 5 10 - ... _. ______• 9.20 12.07 6.43 810.13 t~}lndlanapolls. 9.20 12.07 7.08 Central Standard Time Ar Greencastle ______" fll. 52 r 6.44 849 ..5 " Terre Baute ______" -"9:46 12.25 7.17 882.6 • Elftngbam ______Ill. ql0.45 t.30 8.35 950.5 East St. Louis_. ______• b12.20 b 3.00 bt0.15 1047.3 Ar ST. LOUIS ______Mo. 1050.6 12.so 3.30 10.45 PM AM AM PM PM AM

al reproduction or distribution prohibited Downloaded from http://PRR.Railfan.net - Collect ion of Rob Schoenberg © 2020 Co mmerci al reproduction or distribution REFERENCE NOTES

E9 Coaches only; no dining car or parlor car service. c Stops only to receive passengers. • Station !or Grnnvllle. f Stol>S only on signal or notice to agent or conductor to receive or dtsch&t'&'e passengers. • St¥~fcf~rse~:11:v:~~Ua~rew1np~~f~e,ifr~t6:sd b~~':~ Dennison and New Philadelphia-Dover when applied q Stops only on notice to conductor to discharge passengers tor locally by passenger. or on notice to agent to receive p888engers for St. Louis. • connecting train. Pasl!lengers change trains at Harrisburg. r Stops Sundays only on signal or notice to agent or coo ... ductor to receive or discharge ·passengers. c.s. T. Central Standard Time. v Stops only to receive passengers tor points west ot PhD&· b Stops only on notice to conductor to discharge passengers. delphla.

WILLIAM E. HUSSING Rerrional Paaaenrrer Asent Station, Plttabursh, Pa. 15222


Form 91 1st ed. 4-0M 10-11~7 ALLEN. LANE a acoTT. PHILA. PRINTED IN u. •·A. Train Service-Effective October 29, 1967 PITTSBURGH • PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK from St. Louis Indianapolis Cincinnati Columbus

The Cincinnati Penn "'Spirit or Cl!Nr.,u STANDARD TIMI LimHed T11as Sl Louis" St. Louis to Greencastle 78 78-4 30 32-54 86 Miles USTlllN STANDARD TIMI Indianapolis to New York

Daily Daily Daily Daily DaiIJ· Daily PM PM AM PM PM AM Central Standard Time .o Lv ST. LOUIS __ ------__ ... Mo. 10.00 12-10 6 35 3.3 " Ea.st St. l.ouis ______Ill. c!O .15 112.25 c 6 50 100.l " EfHogham ______" 11.33 n 1.44 8.10 168.0 " Terre Haute ______Jnrl. 12.40 2 40 9.10 201.l " Greencastle _____ -- ______" f 1.16 b 9.47 fa1tern Standard Time 240.0 £~)1ndlanapolls ______" 3 05 4 55 11.35 3.05 4 55 11 50 308.2 £;)a1chmomL ______4.30 6.20 1.15 4.30 6.20 1.35 ""ii:i5 349.7 5.20 7.15 2.25 6.00 -- 5.20 7.15 2.25 6.15 365.7 Art,~ :;:~:~~~~~----~--~Columbus ______~-- ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~h,;o " 6.35 420.4 --&:so 8.45 3.55 8.00 --.0 Lv Cilrelnnatl (Union Terminal)_ " 3.25 9.2 " Norwood (Cincinnati) ______3.45 • Xenia______" 5.15 70.2 Ar Columbus ______• 124.9 6.20 - 420.4 Lv Columbus ______• 7.10 7.10 9:00 4.15 453.5 Newark (0 ) _ - - -- ______7.50 7.50 488.9 Coshocton.------___ " 8.25 8.25 Dennison(•) ______" 8.55 520.8 Scio __ ·-______" 8.55 536.2 568.l " Steubenvllle ______" ··ns -Tss --6:59 611.3 Ar Pittsburgh ______.Pa. 11.23 11.23 -i:rn 8.25 611.3 Lv Pittsburgh ______•. Pa. 11.47 11.47 12.53 -9.05 725.2 2.09 2.09 3.38 11.52 795.4 A.r t!~::wn:::::::::::::::::: :: 1.14 856.0 Ar Harrisburg______Pa. ·-.r29 ·-.r29 "'§:56 2.21 939.3 Ar ______Md. • 8.10 • 8.10 9 5.05 979.4 • Wasblngton ______o. C. • 9.10 • 9.10 9 6.50 891.3 6.37 3.10 AJ ii"5:56 d 5.56 7.24 4.02 939.2 " ~:~~~~e~:::::::::::::::::::~~·Pblladelpbla______" 964.7 North Phila. Station ______d 6.25 d 6.25 d 7.52 4.35 " Trenton ______N. J. d 7.05 992.5 " Newark ______" d 7.05 d 5 16 1040.6 d 7.52 d 7.52 ciT65 6.05 1050.6 Ar NEW YORK, Penna. Sta ... N. Y. 8.15 8.15 9.20 6 30 PM AM AM AM PM AM

al reproduction or distribution prohibited Downloaded from http://PRR.Railfan.net - Collect ion of Rob Schoenberg © 2020 Co mmerci al reproduction or distribution REFERENCE NOTES

• Station tor Granvllle. f Stops only on signal or notice to agent or conductor to receive or discharge passengers • St¥~~.f~rse~:.~c~v:~:ita~:'ew1np~~~~Pr~~~1:~db~~';~1;i n Stopa only on notice to conductor to discharge passengers Dennison and New Phlladelphla-Do•er when applied for from St. Louis or on signal or notice to agent to receive locally by passenger. passengers. t Stops only to receive paaaengera tor Terre Haute and • Connecting train. Passengers change trains at Harrisburg. beyond.

Q Connecting train. Passengers change trains at Harrisburg and Baltimore. The thne !rom 12.01 A. M. to 12.00 o'clock noon, ln- c.s:r. Central Standard Time ~~usi~e;,,~1!~~,0~1'!.!r.~1f,bt"~!f~.\~::';b';d1!'r~~i~~. ~-Y:!: b Stops only on notice to conductor to discharge passengers. Reapon•ibility. The Pennsylvania: Railroad Is not responsible tor errors in time tables, nor tor inconvenience c Stoll8 only to receive passengers. or damage resulting from delayed trains or tallure to make :~n4;~~~~ec:i; t~~o~g1j~~h'(! ~?i:i1:~gfe a~:es~g~::im: d Stoll8 oiily to dlschanre passengera. change without notice.