
Scanned from the President's Daily Diary Collection (Box 76) at the Gerald R. Ford



The President and the First Lady were overnight guests of Governor and Mrs. William G. Milliken (R-Michigan).

8:34 The President went to his carriage.

8:40 8:54 The President went by horse drawn carriage to the Grand Hotel.

8:54 The President was greeted by: Albert J. Engel, U.S. Circuit Judge, Grand Rapids, Michigan Daniel R. Musser, President of the Grand Hotel

The President, escorted by Judge Engel, went to the dining room.

8:55 9:50 The President attended a breakfast for participants in the 36th Annual Conference of the Sixth Judicial Circuit Court of the U.S. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "A. II Members of the press

8:55 The President, escorted by Judge Engel, went to the head table.

9:00 ? The Presidential party had breakfast.

9:32 9:50 The President addressed approximately 450 breakfast guests.

9:58 The President returned to his carriage.

9:5e 10:10 The President went by horse drawn carriage from the Grand Hotel to the Governor's residence.

10:22 10:25 The President and the First Lady went to Trinity Episcopal Church.

10:35 11:25 The President and the First Lady attended worship services at Trinity Episcopal Church. They were accompanied by: Senator Robert P. Griffin (R-Michigan) Mrs. Robert P. Griffin Governor and Mrs. Milliken

GPO, 1974 Ol-555 863 P.ge....l.. of -.!:!.. Pagels). THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD


1------.------4 iII ~ II In Out .. '" 11:30 The President and the First Lady were greeted by: Rev. Roland V. Raham, Minister of Trinity Episcopal Church Mrs. Roland V. Raham Mrs. Raham presented the President with two Trinity Episcopal Church centennial china plates.

11:45 The President and the First Lady participated in a walking tour of the town. They were accompanied by: Senator and Mrs. Griffin Governor and Mrs. Milliken

The President and the First Lady went to May Fudge Shop and bought fudge.

10:43 R The President was telephoned by his daughter, Susan. The call was not completed.

11 :45 The President and the First Lady boarded a horse drawn carriage.

11 :45 11 :55 The Presidential party continued their tour of the island by carriage.

11:55 The President and the First Lady greeted F. Stuart Woodfill, owner and former host of the Grand Hotel.

11:56 12:15 The Presidential party went by carriage to Fort Mackinac.

The Presidential party was greeted by Eugene T. Peterson, Director of the Mackinac Island State Park,Commission.

12:15 12:35 The Presidential party participated in a tour of Fort Mackinac.

The Presidential party returned to their carriage.

12:35 12:37 The Presidential party rode from Fort Mackinac to the Governor's residence. Enroute the President greeted Glen S. Allen, Jr., appeals court judge and former Mayor of Kalamazoo, Michigan.

'1:30 '2:30 The President and the First Lady attended a luncheon. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "B."



1----....-----1 £I' ~:1 In Qut ... IX

2:30 The President returned to his carriage.

2:32 2:37 The President rode from the Governor's residence to the Grand Hotel tennis court. He was accompanied by: Governor and Mrs. Milliken 1. ,.William Seidman, Execut ive Director of the Economic Policy Board and Assistant for Economic Affairs

2:45 3:45 The President played tennis with: Governor and Mrs. Milliken Mr. Seidman

3:55 The President returned to the Governor's residence.

4:15 The President returned to the Grand Hotel. He was accompa­ nied by: Senator Griffin Congressman Elford A. Cederberg (R-Michigan) Dennis Dufina, Grand Hotel golf professional

4:19 The Presidential party went to the golf CQurse.

4:19 5:54 The Presidential party played golf.

6:00 The President returned to the Governor's residence.

6:25 6:33 The President and the First Lady walked from the Governor's residence to Mackinac helipad.

6:35 6 :50 The President and the FirstLa~y flew by helicopter from Mackinac helipad to Kincheloe AFB. For a list of passen­ gers, see APPENDIX "C."

7:20 8:51 The President and the First Lady flew by the "Spirit of '76" from Kincheloe AFB to Andrews AFB, Maryland. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "D."

9:01 9:08 The President and the First Lady flew by helicopter from Andrews AFB to the South Grounds of the White House. For a list of passengerli, see APPENDIX "C."

9:11 The President and the First Lady went to the second floor Residence.

GPO; 1974 Ol- 555-863 page.l.. of .l!:.. Page(.). THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD


9:48 10 :57 The President met with: Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State Lt. Gen. Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs

Note: Some of the Presidentts activities in Michigan were scheduled but not confirmed.

EJ/EJ 8/15/75

GPO. 1974 Ol-555-663 PageiL of..!±. Page(s). APPENDIX "A" 1r Attendance not confirmed. 1',:


CIRCUIT JUSTICE NOTE: A list of guests attending the " Han. , Washington, D.C. breakfast w~s not available The attached is a list of CIRCUIT JUDGES delegates'and guests Han. Harry Phillips, Nashville, Tenn. attending the conference. Han. 11aul C. Weick, Akron, : ' Han. George Edwards, Cincinnati, Ohio Hall. Anthony J. Celebrezze, , Ohio Han. John W. Peck, Cincinnati, Ohio Han. Wade H. ~.IcCree, Jr" , Mich. Han. William E. :\1 iller, Nashville, Tenn. Han. Pierce Lively, Danville, Ky. Han. Albert J. Engel, ,Grand Rapids, Mich.

SENIOR CmCUIT JUDGES Hon. Thomas F. McAllister, Grand Rapids, Mich. Hon. Lester L. Cecil, Dayton, Ohio Han. Clifford OSullivan, Port Huron, Mich.

DISTRICT JUDGES - ~fICHIGAN Han. Frederick W. Kaess, Detroit Han. Noel P. Fox, Grand Rapids Han. Damon J. Keith, Detroit Han. Lawrence Gubow, Detroit Han. Cornelia G. Kennedy, Detroit Han. John Feikens, Detroit Han. Phillip Pratt, Detroit lIon. Robert E. De:\lascio, Detroit Han. Charles Joiner, Detroit lIon. James Harvey, Detroit Hon. Wcndell A. :\Iilcs, Grand Rapids Hon. James P. Churchill, Detroit

DISTRICT JUDGES - OHIO Hon. Frank J. Battisti, Cleveland Han. Ben C. Green, Cleveland Han. Don J. Young, Toledo HOll. Joseph P. Kinnear)" Columbus Hon. William K. Thom2s, Clcwland Han. Timothy S. Hogan, Cincinnati Hon. David S. Porter, Cincinnati Han. Thom:1s D. Lambros, Clevcbnd Han. Robert B. Krupansky, Cleveland Hon. Nichnlas J. WllHnski, Jr., Toledo Hon, C.,r} il. Huhin, Columbl,s Hon. Leroy J. Contie, C\cvel'lnd Hon. Robert M. Duncan, Columbus '. APPENDIX "A" p. 2 ~'" ". -TlD175 .'" ,...

DISTRICT JUDGES - SPECIAL GUESTS Hon. Bernard T. Moynahan, Jr., Lexington Paul D. Carrington, Law School Hon. James F. Gordon, Owensboro Hon. Rhodes Bratcher, Louisville Congressman , Jr., Detroit, }.fichigan Hon. Charles M. Allen, Louisville The Rev. William A. Dimmick, Marquette, ~Iichigall Hon. H. David Hermansdorfer, Catlettsblll'g James D. Fellers, President, American Bar Association Hon. Horace '¥. Gilmore, Wayne County Circuit DISTRICT JUDGES - TENNESSEE Detroit, Michigan Hon. Frank ,V. Wilson, Chattanooga Senator Robert P. Griffin, Detroit, 1lichigan HOIl. Robert L. Taylor, Knoxville Senator Philip A. Hart, Detroit, Michigan Hon. Bailey Brown, Memphis Robert A. Hartzc)l, Administrative Office of the Unitt;; Hon. Frank Gray, Jr., Nashville States Courts Hon. C. G. Neese, Greeneville 'Hon. Robert M. McRae, Memphis Lawrence Herman, Ohio State University College of La','; Hon. L. Clure Morton, Nashville Congressman Edward Hutchinson, Benton Harbor, ~lich- Hon. Harry W. Wellford, Memphis igan Maurice Kelman, Wayne State University Law Sello:1 SENIOR DISTRICT JUDGES Mrs. ,V. Wallace Kent, Kalamazoo, Michigan Hon. Frank L. Kloeb, Toledo, Ohio Rowland F. Kirks, Director, Administrative OFfic0 of the Hon. Thomas P. Thornton, Detroit, .\!ichigall U.S. Courts HOll. Ralph M. Freeman, Detroit, ?liichigan ~laurice Moe, 'Vest Publishing Comp,my Han. Carl A. 'Veinman, Dayton, Ohio Hon. Alfred P. Murrah, Senior Judge, Co;::-t Han. Girard E. Kalbfleisch, Cleveland, Ohio of Appeals Hon. Talhot Smith. Ann Arbor, ?lIichigan Anthony Partridge, Federal Jndicial Center, \\-ashingtor;. D.C. Kenneth L. renegar, Dean, Unh'ersity of Tennessee Law James A. Higgins, Circuit Executive, Cincinnati, Ohio School John P. Hehman, Clerk, United States Court of Appeals, John W. Reed, University of .\lichigan Law School CinciJmati, Ohio Robert A. Sedler, University of Kentucky College of L\;. Theodore Souris, Detroit, Michigan REPRESENTATIYES OF STATE JUDICIARY

Honorable William H. D. Fones, PRESIDENTS AND H.EPRESENTATIVES Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Tennessee OF BAR ASSOCIATIONS

Honorable Joe Henry, Ben L. Kessinger, Jr., President, Kentucky Bar Associat;·~:: Associate Ju~ticc. Supreme Court of Tennessee Henry D. Stratton. President-Eject, Kentucky t,_ Association Honorable Thomas G. Kavanagh, Stephen C. Bransdorfer, President, State Bar of :'I Iichig.,:', Chief Justice. Supreme Court of ~Iichigall George E. Bushnell, Jr., President-Elect. State Bar 0: Michigan ~ Honorable C. William O':Xeill, Chief Justice. Supreme Comt of Ohio William L. Howland, IJresident, Ohio State Bar Assod::i-" Daniel 1. Rosenthal, President-Elect, Ohio State B.:~ Honorable Scott Reed, Association Chief Justice, Court of Appeals of Kentucky J. 'Voodrow Norven, President, Tennessee Bar Associatic.;-, Honorable G. Mennen Williams, John D. Whalley, President-Elect. Tennessee !Lr AS!iociate Justice, Michigan Supreme Court Association • APPENDIX "A" p. 3 ., 7/13/75

REPRESENTATIVES OF LAW SCHOOU; DELEGATES (Continued) John S. Abbott, Detroit College of Law John Henry, Dayton, Ohio Richard L Braun, University of Detroit School of Law Charles T. Herndon, III, Johnson , Tennessee Lindsey Cowcn, Case \\'estcrn Reserve University Wolfgang Hoppe, Detroit, Michigan B. James George, Jr" Wayne State Unh'ersity Law School Lawrence A. Kane, Jr., Cincinnati, Ohio James C. Kirby, Jr., Ohio State University College of Law George F. Karch, Jr., Cleveland, Ohio Robert L. Knauss, Vanderhilt University School of Law Harold E. Kelley, Ashland, Kentucky James R. Merritt, University of Louisiville School of Law W. Wallace Kent, Jr., Caro, Michigan ,Theodore J. St, Antoine, University of ~Hchigan Law David Kirschenbaum, Cleveland, Ohio School Gerald Kirven, Louisville, Kentucky Stanley A. Samad, University of Akron School of Law William McD. Kite, Cincinnati, Ohio Bennet Kleinman, Cleveland, Ohio Ii, Alphonse M. Squillante, Ohio Northern University Charles G. Williamson, lTnivcrsity of Kentucky College WaUson G. Knack, Grand Rapids, Michigan of Law Harry Kobel, Detroit, Michigan Samuel S. Wilson, Universit}' of Cincinnati College of Law John A. Kruse, Detroit, Michigan David Baker Lewis, Detroit, Michigan John A. Lloyd, Jr., Cincinnati, Ohio DELEGATES Roger J. Makley, Dayton, Ohio \Villiam G. Allen, Lexington, Kentucky Sam F. Massie, Jr., Grand Rapids, l\[iehigan Alexander G. Andrews, Detroit, Michigan Gilbert S. Merritt, Jr., Nashville, Tenne.>s€'e It Brcoke Alloway, Columbus, Ohio Ernest A. ~1ika, Grand Rapids, ~1ichig.in J. 'V. Baker, Sr., Knoxville, Tennessee George E. Morrow, Memphis, Tennessee Oscar W. Baker, Bay City, ::-'lichigan G. W. Morton, Jr., Knoxville, Tennessee W. Harold Bingham, Nashville, Tennessee James F. Neal, Nashville, Tennessee Earl R. Boonstra, Detroit, Michigan John Weld Peck, Cincinnati, Ohio Bennett F. Bratcher, Louisville, Kentucky Thomas A. Pedersen, Knoxville, Tennessee Hon. Vincent J. Brennan, Detroit, !\1ichigan Daniel l\L Phillips, Toledo, Ohio Prentiss ~1. Brown, Jr., St. Ignace, Michigan Jane M. Picker, Shaker Heights, Ohio John }'1. Chase, Jr., Detroit, Michigan Clifford D. Pierce, Jr., Memphis, Tenne5see John S. Clark, Petoskey, Michigan Dudley Porter, Jr., Chattanooga, Tennessee Charles P. Cobb, Memphis, Tennessee Ferdinand Powell, Jr., Johnson City, Tennessee J. Paul Coleman, Johnson City, Tennessee John A. Pietrykowski, Toledo, Ohio Thomas L. Conlan, Cincinnati, Ohio Joscph S. Radom, Detroit, l\1iehigrm Mack D. C~ok, II, Akron, Ohio \Villiam G. Beamon, Grand Rapids, .Michigan John Czameeki, Toledo, Ohio Nelson D. Rodes, Danville, Kentucky Robert E. Dice, Detroit, ::-'fichigan Robert J. Rotatori, Cleveland, Ohio Stuart Dunning, Lansing, 11ichigan George T. Roumell, Detroit, Michigan J. Warren Eardley, Granel Hapids, ~lichigan Jeptha W. Schureman, Detroit, Michigan James ?\f. Edwards, Lansing, Michigan John M. Smartt, Knoxville, Tennessee Daniel L. Ekelman, Clewland, Ohio Carl Smith, Jr., Bay City, Michigan Michael Franck, Lansing, Michigan Ernest F. Smith, Kingsport, Tennessee Walter B. Freihofer, Grand Rapids, Michigan Jane K. Souris, Detroit, Michigan . l Jolm Anderson Fulton, Louisville, Kentucky \Villiam D. Spears, Chattanooga, Tennessc", 1 David C. Greer, Dayton, Ohio Robert G. Stachler, Cincinnati, Ohio ! Richard E. Guster, Akron, Ohio Edyvard H. Stopher, Louisville, Kentucky Ralph B. GIl~', Jr., Detroit, Michigan C. Russell Thompson, Columbus, O!lio Honorable Barbara Hackett, Detroit, Michigan Hewitt p, Thomlin, Jackson, Tennessee APPENDIX "A" p. 4 11 7/13/75

DELEGATES (Continued) LIFE MEMBERS (Continued) John D. Tully, Grand Rapids, Michigan Dean Maurice S. Culp, Cleveland, Ohio Charles Hampton White, Nashville, Tennessee John W. Cummiskey, Grund Rapids, :Michigan \Vayne A. Davies, St. Paul, Henry Wilhoit, Jr., Grayson, Kentucky James C. Davis, Cleveland, ?hio . . Lively M. Wilson, Louisville, Kentucky Joseph F. Deeb, Grund Rapids, .)'llchlgan William C. Wilson, Knoxville, Tennessee Victor De;"! areo, Cleveland, Ohio Jon F. DeWitt, Grand Rapids, )'~ichigan Allan B. Diefenbach, Akron, OhlQ LIFE ~IEMBERS Harlan Dodson, Nashville, Tennessee James E. Alpeter,Akron, Ohio Buell Doelle, Detroit, Michigan Hugh H. Altick, Dayton, Ohio John C. DonneIlS', Detroit, ]\1ichigan . David j\I. Amberg, Grand Rapids, :1Ilichigan John H. Doughty, Knoxvill~, Te?n~ssee Floyd Anderson, Cincinnati, Ohio George L. Downing, Detroit, Michigan Samuel C. Andress, Akron, Ohio George Dudley, Louisville, Kentucky \Valtcr P. Armstrong, Jr., ~\le;11phis, Tennessee George C. Edwards, III, Detroit, Michigan Foster D. Arnett, Knoxville, Tennessee John Elam, Columbus, Ohio J. Vincent Aug, Cincinnati, Ohio Thomas Elam, Union City, Tennessee Bernard H. Barnett, Louisville, Kentucky William Ellman, Detroit, Michigan Richard W. Barrett, Cincinnati, Ohio Lewis A. Engman, Washington, D.C. Professor Roscoe L. Barro\\', Cincinnati, Ohio Wendell A. Falsgraf, Cleveland, Ohio F. Graham Bartlett, Knoxville, Tennessee Stanley ]\1. Fisher, Cleveland, Ohio Sam D. Bartlo, Akron, Ohio E. Br~ce Foster, Knoxville, Tennessee Harold D. Beaton, ~vlanistique, Michigan Robert H. French, Cincinnati, Ohio C. R. Beirne, Cincinnati, Ohio John Gaither, Chattanooga, Tennessee James E. Bennett, Jr., Youngstown. Ohio Harry G. Gault, Flint, ]\1ichigan 1. Joseph Berger, Cleveland, Ohio William B. Giles, Delroit, ]\lichigan Lawrence B. Biebel, Dayton, Ohio Judge Horaee \V. Gilmore,. Detr?it,. ]\Iiehigan Theodore R. Boehm, Columbus, Ohio Gordon I. Ginsberg, DetrOit, ]\Iichlgan Hon. Theodore It Bohn, Detroit, ~Iiehigan James A. Gleason, Clevelan~, Ohio John L. Bowers, Jr., Knoxville, Tennessee Francis Goheen, Paducah, Kentllcky Marion S. Boyd, Jr., 11emphis, Tennessee Nathan B. Goodnow, Detroit, Michigan Henry S. Brainard, Akron, Ohio Charles 1L Gore, Bristol, Tennessee Frank N. Bratton, Athens, Tennessee Hobert B. Gosline, Toledo, Ohio George Brody, Dctroit, ~1ichigan William T. Gossett, Detroit, !\Iichigan Eli H. Brown, III, Louisville. Kentucky Robelt J. Grace, Ann Arbor, :'Iichigan William D. Buchanan, Grand Rapids, ).fiehigan Arthur W. Grafton, Louisville, Kentuckr Philip W. Buchen, Grand Rapids, Michigan B. n. Gullett, Nashville, Tennessee Frederick G. Buesser, Jr., Detroit, ~fiehigan Patrick E. Hackett, Detroit, :\Iichigan George E. Bushnell. Jr., Detroit ~Iichigan Daniel W. Hammer, Clcvebnd, Ohio Dwight B. Buss, Cleveland, Ohio Harry A. Hanna, Cleveland, Ohio. Sumner Cana.ry, Cleveland, Ohio John H. Hanninen, Clen:b'1d, OhIO James ~I. Carney, Cleveland, Ohio Tyree n. Harris, III, Nashville, Tennessee Thomas C. Cecil, Darton, Ohio James G. Headley, Cincinnati, Ohio C. Kenneth Clark, Sr., Youngstown, Ohio I"crdinand D. Heilman, Saginaw, i\Iichigan C. Kenneth Clark, Jr., Youngstown, Ohio Douglas \V. Hillman, Grand Rapids, l-Uchigan Charles F. Clarke, Cleveland, Ohio O. B. Hofstetter, Jr., Nashville, Tennessee 1 Oldham Clarke, Louisville, Kentucky Morton J. Holbrook, Jr., Owensboro, Kentllc":y George 1. Cline, ~Iorehead, KentUCky John D. Holschuh, Columbus, Ohio William Patrick Clyne, Cleveland, Ohio John J. Hooker, Jr., Nashville, Tennessee Louis J. Colombo, Jr., Birmingham, Michigan G. Wilson Horde, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Bert T. Combs, Louisville, Kentucky F. William Hutchinson, Grand Rapids, l"liehig:m Charles L. Cornelius, Jr., Nashville, Tennessee Sidney D. L. Jackson, Jr., Cleveland, Ohio Robert H. Cowan, Nashville, Tennessee Harry P. Jeffrey, Dayton, Ohio Edward B. Crocker, Cleveland, Ohio Erby L. Jenkins, Knoxville, Tennessee

• APPENDIX "A" p. 5 '. 7/13/75

LIFE MEMBERS (Continued) LIFE MEMBERS (Continued) Hon. George M. Jones, Youngstown, Ohio David H. Patton, Detroit, Michigan Siegel W. Judd, Grand Rapids, !\lichigan J. Royden Peabody, Jr., Louisville, Kentucky Duane J. Kelleher, Columbus, Ohio ' Charles P. Pfarrer, Dayton, Ohio David W. Kendall, Detroit, Michigan William E. Pfau, Jr., Youngstown, Ohio Dean Charles H. King, Detroit, :\Iichigan Joseph Planck, Lansing, Michigan Harry J. Knudsen, Muskegon, J\Iiehigan -. Franklin A. Polk, Cleveland, Ohio Matt Kolb, Toledo, Ohio John Purcell, Saginaw, Michigan Stephen J. Kovacik, Jr., Columbus, Ohio John H. Ranz, Youngstown, Ohio Thomas V. Koykka, Cleveland, Ohio Leo Rattay, Clev'eland, Ohio Arnold Kramer, Knoxville, Tennessee Carl W. Reuss, Cincinnati, Ohio Warren F. Krapohl, Flint, .l\lichigan Martin A. Rini, Cleveland, Ohio Dean Karl Krastill, Toledo, Ohio Joseph B. Roberts, Chattanooga, Tennessee Edward W. Kuhn, l\Iemphis, Tennessee John A. Rowntree, Knoxville, Tennessee C. D. Lambros, Cleveland, Ohio A. D. Ruegsegger, Detroit, Michigan John Lansdale, Cleveland, Ohio Dean Ivan C. Rutledge, Columbus, Ohio George E. Lee, Detroit, J\1iehigan Theodore Sachs, Detroit, Michigan McAfee Lee, Knoxville, Tennessee John P. Sandidge, Louisville, Kentucky Judge Charles L. Levin, Detroit, Michigan Karl D. Saulpaw, Jr., Knoxville, Tennessee Joseph Levin, Detroit, J\Iichigan Harold Sawyer, Grand Rapids, :'Uchigan Judge Rodney .\1. Lo\'e, Dayton, Ohio Charles F. Scanlon, Akron, Ohio Pat D. Lynch, 'Vinchester, Tennessee James C. Sennett, Cleveland, Ohio Lon P. :'IacFarland, Columbia, Tennessee J. D. Senter, Humboldt, Tcnnessce James :M. Manire, .l\Iemphis, Tennessee J. Thaxter Sims, Cynthiana, Kentucky James A. Markle, Detroit, j\Iichigan David 1. Sindell, Cleveland, Ohio Grauman !vfarks, Cincinnati, Ohio Lee Slater, St. Paul, ;\Iinnesota McAlister Marshall, Cleveland, Ohio Carl H. Smith, Bay City, .\fichigan John D . .l\Imtin, Jr., .l\Iemphis, Tennessee J. ~1. Smith, Dctroit, .l\1ichi(!an Dean ,V. L. .l\fatthe\\'s, Jr., Lexington, Kentuckv :\latthew J. Smith, ;:-';ew , Ohio John G. Mattimoe, Toledo, Ohio . Otis M. Smith, Detroit, i\Iichigan Joseph A. .l\fcAfce, Knoxville, Tennessee P. , Dayton, Ohio William J. McBrearty, Detroit, .l\Iiehigan Theodore Souris, Detroit, l\Iiehigall W. Stuart l\IcCloy, .l\Iemphis, Tennessee Craig Spangenberg, Cleveland, Ohio Robert :McCrcary, Jr., Cle\'eland, Ohio S. Arthur Spiegel, Cincinnati, Ohio Dan E ..MeGugin, Nashvllle, Tennessee Jolm G. Slarr, Grand Rapids, l\lichigall John S. McLellan, Kingsport. Tennessee Judge Kenneth J. Stommel, Port Huron. l\fichigan Harley ~leNeal, Cleveland, Ohio Thomas \Vardlaw Steele, N'ashville, Tennessee GeOlge L Meisel, Cleveland, Ohio Richard F. Stevens, Cleveland, Ohio John W. Mekille, Cincinnati, Ohio l\lyron S. Stoll, Cleveland, OhiD Erich ,V. !'Ilerrill, Memphis, Tennessee Joseph E. Stopher, Louisville, KentuckY Samuel B. Miller, Johnson City, Tennessee Dean Frank R. Strong, Chr'pel Hill, N'a'rth Carolina James B. Milliken, Frankfort, Kentuckv John Swinford, Cynthiana, Kentucky Earl F. Morris, Colllmbus, Ohio ' John E. Tarrant, Louisville, Kentucky Ray H. Moseley, Chattanooga, Tennessee S. Shepherd Tate, .l\lemphis, Tennessee 'Villiam P. i'.Ioss, Jackson, Tennessee Alfred W. Taylor, .l\Iilligan College, Tenllessee Thomas P. Mulligan, Cleveland, Ohio Jere T. Tipton, Chattanooga, Tennessee Clarence ,v. N'euhaus, Toledo, Ohio Charles C. Trabue, Jr., !\ashville, Tennessee Robert W. Newlon, Columlms, Ohio Andrew J. Transue, :Flint, l\lichigan John F. Noonan, Southfield, ~fichigan Harold Traverse, Cleveland, Ohio Judge Michael D. O'Hara, ~Ienominee, .l\·liehigan Cooper Turner, Jr., i\lemphis, Tennessee Laurence E. Oliph:mt, Jr., Cleveland, Ohio John M. Ulman, Akron, Ohio Royal A. Oppenheim, Detroit, 11ichigan Leroy G. Vandeveer, Detroit, i\Iiehigan Jerome F. O'Rourke, Flint, :\lichigan Laurent K. Varnum, Grand R::mids Michir'Ml Dean G. Ostrum, Clevelantl, OLio Dean Marlin M. Volz, LouiSVille, Kentuekl' C. Patrick O'Sullivan, POlt Huron, !vlichigan Dean John W. Wade, Nashville, Tennc'i,e~ APPENDIX "A" p. 6 1/13/75 LIFE MEMBERS (Continued) Myron H. 'VallIs, Detroit, ~,Iichigan Robert Kirk 'Valker, Chattanooga, Tellnessee Roane Via ring, Jr., :\Iemphis, Tennessee Dean Harold C. Warner, Knoxville, Tennessee Robert M. Weh, Cle\'elaml, Ohio John C. Weick, Union Lake, ;\1ichigan Paul A. Weick, Akron, Ohio Kenneth G. Weinberg, Cleveland, Ohio S. Burns Weston, Cleveland, Ohio James G. Wheeler, Paducah, Kentucky John A. Wiethe, Cincinnati, Ohio E. R. Whinham, Detroit, :\1ichigan J. Olin White, Nashville, Tennessee August Winkenhofcr, Jr., Louisville, Kentucky Benjamin W. Wise, Kalamazoo, Michigan . Joseph W. 'Vise, Akron, Ohio George E. Woods, Jr., Detroit, Michigau Henry L. Woolfenden, Detroit, l\1ichigan Wilson W. Wyatt, Loul5villc, Kentucky Robert Young, Knoxville, Tennessee NOTE: Every eHort has been made to have the lists herein accurate and complete. If there is any error, please advise the Secretary of the Conference. APPENDIX "B"

Attendance not confirmed


July 13, 1975

The President The First Lady

Governor William G. Milliken (R-Michigan) Mrs. William G. Milliken Elaine Milliken, daughter William Milliken, son Senator Robert P. Griffin (R-Michigan) Mrs. Robert P. Griffin Max M. Fisher, Chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel and Chairman of the Fisher New Center Company, Detroit, Michigan; and Member of the Advisory Boardfor the President Ford Committee Congressman Elford A. Cederberg (R-Michigan) Mrs. Elford A. Cederberg Congressman Philip E. Ruppe (R-Michigan) Mrs. Philip E. Rupe William McLaughlin George Weeks, Assistant to Governor Milliken Joyce Braithwaite, Assistant to Governor Milliken Congressman (R-Michigah) Mrs. Guy Vander Jagt Philip W. Buchen, Counsel Ronald H. Nessen, Press Secretary L. William Seidman, Executive Director of the Economic Policy Board and Assistant for Economic Affairs APPENDIX "c"


July 13, 1975



The President Senator Robert P. Griffin (R-Michigan) David H. Kennerly, Personal Photographer Capt. Walter Domina~ Marine Corps Aide Congressman Elford A. Cederberg (R-Michigan) Congressman Guy Vander Jagt (R-Michigan) Congressman Philip E. Ruppe (R-Michigan) Jerry H. Jones, Special Assistant Ronald H. Nessen, Press Secretary Rear Adm. William M. Lukash, Physician USSS



The President The First Lady Mr. Nessen Philip W. Buchen, Counsel L. William Seidman, Executive Director of the Economic Policy Board and Assistant for Economic Affairs Donald H. Rumsfeld, Assistant Mr. Jones Terrence O'Donnell, Aide Rear Adm. Lukash Maj. Robert E. Barrett, Army Aide .. PASSENGER MANIFEST APPENDIX liD"

1 AIR FORCE ONE 27000 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY HISS ION 851 Kincheloe AFB, 111 to Andrews AFB, l.Jashington DC 13 Ju1 1975 Dep: 7:20pm Arr: 8:50pm 1+50 690SH

1. THE PRESIDENT 2. Nrs. Ford 3. Senator Robert Griffin (R-Michigan) 4. Representative Elford Cederberg(R-Michigan) 5. Mrs. Elford Cederberg 6. Representative Guy Vander Jagt (R-Michigan) 7. Representative Philip Ruppe(R-Michigan 8. James Griffin, son 9. Paul Griffin, son 10. Mr. Philip Bucheq Counsel ll. Mr. L. William Seidman, Executive Director of the Economic Policy Board 12. Mr. Ronald Nesse~ Press Secretary 13. Mr. Jerry Jones, Special Assistant 14. Captain L. S. Kollmorgen, Military Assistant 15. Mr. Terry O'Donne14 Aide 16. Mr. Byron Cavaney, Direcbor of the Presidential Advance Office 17. Ms. Gwen Andersoq Deputy Assistant to Counsellor Hartmann 18. Ms. Sheila Weidenfe14 Press Secretary for the First Lady 19. Mr. M1lton Friedma~ Deputy Executive Editor 20. Admiral William Lukash, Physician 21. General Lawrence Adams, Commanding Officer of White House Communications Agency 22. Mr. Frank Ursomarso, Staff Assistant 23. Mr. David Kennerly, Personal Photographer 24. Major Robert Barrett, Army Aide 25. 111SB Nancy Chirdon, Secretary on the First Lady's Staff 26. Niss Jan Davis, Secretary to Paul A. Theis 27. M1ss Phyllis Luther, Secretary to Mr. Rumsfeld 28. Mr. Dan Slane, volunteer advanceman 29. MSG Herbert Oldenburg, baggage handler 30. MSC A. Bautista, valet 31. SGT Patricia A. Jones, stenographer 32. Mr. R. Keiser 1 33. Mr. R. Pontius i 34. ~r. R. Hartwig I 35. Mr. L. Buendorf I usss 1 36. Mr. F. Wi son ..1) 37. Mr .. W. Johnson I, 38. Mr. R. Pawson ' 39. Mr. J. Williams " 40. Hr. C. Ortman 4l. Mr. N. Mentav10s 42. Mr. Carl Leubsdorf AP 43. Mr. Wesley Pippert UPI 44. Mr. John Duricka AI! Photo 45. Mr. John Full UP! Photo 46. Hr. Tom DeFrank Newsweek 47. Hr. Barganian CBS Pool 48" Hr. Gerloch CBS Pool FOR OFFICIAL USE O~~Y