flavor Fires Business Administrator '' ' \ > ' • SEaevE STORerrnovxartnwY BELOW [ Sunny, Pleasant THEBMLY | 'Sunny and pleasant today. FINAL ' Clear and mild tonight. Fair 1 Red Bonk. FraeboIJ 7" and wanner tomorrow. \ Long Branch J EDITION (See Detail'. P. Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 249 RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1969 18 PAGES 10 CENTS iiiiiMinniiiiiiiiiiii! iiniiJiiiu-LiLajiiiiitMH'ijJiiiiiiHi rinnnLi i[ifiiiiiiiiiUfnF!in!sinr!Ti IJ-HNIIKI DeCavalcante, Shore Figures Are Subpoenaed TRENTON (AP) - Re- organized crime, said yester- He was the principal par- He said Lawrence Wolfson ida deal" with another re- The SIC chairman said the and to what extent criminal puted Mafia leader Sam (The day DeCavalcante and other ticipant in the alleged con- of Deal, John Riggi and Louis puted Mafia figure. investigation would cover elements have infiltrated the political, economic and busi- Plumber) DeCavalcante, the alleged underworld figures versations contained in 13 (Fat Louis) Larasso, both of Hyland said all nine men "whether the laws are being Linden, and Philip Comora faithfully and effectively en- ness life of those areas." key participant in conversa- were subpoenaed to appear volumes of transcripts filed would be required to appear of Elberon also were served forced in Long Branch, N.J., Gov. Richard J. Hughes tions contained in FBI tran- before the four-member com- by the U.S. attorney's office before the commission and scripts allegedly obtained mission here July, 8. . last Tuesday in U.S. District with subpoenas last week. with particular reference to . had directed the SIC to "in- Was State Official that they would face the pos- organized crime and racke- vestigate the entire contents through electronic surveil- Hyland said it has not yet Court In Newark. sibility of contempt citations teering; whether public offi- of alleged transcripts and lance, and several Monmouth been determined whether the ' Hyland said subpoenas Comora, who served 11 years as a member of the and possible jail terms if cers and public employes in other information concerning County men have been sub- session will be private or were served Thursday to An- public. old state bureau of tenement they refuse to testify. the city of Long Branch and the activities of organized poenaed to appear before the thony (Little Pussy) Russo, DeCavalcante was served h»use supervision, was men- Hyland also said that eight Monmouth County are prop- crime in New Jersey." State Investigations Commis- Anthony Angellino and Ro- sion (SIC). with a subpoena Friday night tioned in the FBI transcripts or nine corporations would be erly discharging their duties Earlier yesterday in New- bert Basile Occhipinti, all of with particular reference to William T. Hyland, chair- at his home in Princeton as allegedly having conversa- subpoenaed but that he could ark, Federal Court Judge Township, a spokesman for Long Branch, and Louis Fer- tions with DeCavalcante con- not identify them at this law enforcement and rela- Lawrence Whlpple scheduled man of the powerful agency tions to criminal elements; created last year to fight the commission- said. rara of Elberon. cerning an unspecified "Flor- time. (See PROBE, Pg. 3, Col. 4) Marines Repulse Reds

SAJGON (AP) — Three one corner of a 200-square weeks. The other corners of angle. The area has been used ported killing 17 North Viet- hundred North Vietnamese mile triangle where 7,000 U.S. the triangle are Da Nang, as a staging point for attacks namese in a three-hour battle. troops firing rifles, machine and South Korean Marines South Vietnam's second larg- on Da Nang and the big Ma- One American was wounded. guns and rocket-propelled and South Vietnamese ran- est city, and Hoi An. rine combat base at An Hoa. Enemy, gunners shot down grenades attacked a U.S. Ma- gers and infantrymen have The task force claims to In another operation called two Army helicopters in the rine base camp near Da been conducting a sweep have killed more than 300 of Frederick Hill, 20 miles east same area, raising to 2,752 Nang early today for the called Operation Pipestone the estimated 2,000 North of An Hoa, U.S. 196th Light the number of American third time in a week. Like the Canyon for the past three Vietnamese troops in the tri- Infantry Brigade soldiers re- choppers lost in the war. Four other two times they were re- U.S. soldiers suffered minor pulsed. wounds. Field reports said the North Sharp scattered fighting Vietnamese hit the night flared Monday in War Zone camp of a 5th Marine regi- D, a Viet Cong and North ment unit 22 miles southwest TaxExemptionRule Vietnamese staging area 50 miles northeast of Saigon. of Da Nang despite a 7,000- U.S. 1st Air Cavalry Division man allied sweep in the area. troops lost two men killed and Thirty-one North Vietnamese 10 wounded in one engage- were reported killed while Important to State ment. Enemy losses were not Marine casualties were one known. dead and 49 wounded. TRENTON (AP) - The U.S. Supreme yer who says his right of religious freedom The Marines called for ar- is being violated because he is forced, in ef- Four miles from that fight, Court's decision to look into tax exemptions a South Vietnamese recon- tillery help and an Air Force fect, to make payment to churches who pay on property used for religious purposes naissance company battled twin-engine plane armed with could have an effect on the status of bil- no taxes. In New Jersey, a special legislative for 11 hours with entrenched three machine guns spewed lions of dollars worth of property in New North Vietnamese. Backed by out 18,000 rounds a minute on Jersey. commission has been conducting hearings for two years on tax exempt property. At U.S. helicopter gunships and the attackers. According to the state Bureau of Taxa- South Vietnamese reinforce- No Penetration tion's study of exempt property, there is one hearing earlier this year, a number of church spokesmen urged that the exemp- ments, they reported killing "No enemy were reported over |6 billion worth of exempt facilities in 36 enemy at a cost of three to have penetrated the per- the state. tions be continued on the grounds that the 1 churches would be hard put to function dead and 13 wounded. imeter,' a spokesman for the And while tax officials'have no break- The U.S. Command report- U.S. Command said. Two down on how much is church-owned and without them. The New Jersey tax study lists all ex- ed 22 rocket and mortar at- Morth Vietnamese soldiers iiow much is not, most estimates are that tacks overnight, including the were captured, he added. a sizable portion of the property is used empt property without a breakdown, ex- cept for governmental property, which 11th shelling of Saigon this The camp came under sim- for churches or for related facilities — year. ilar attack last Tuesday and cemeteries, parsonages or church-owned comes to about $380 million. again last Thursday, costing housing. MINIMUM AMOUNT The rockets landed in the North Vietnamese 58 men 'PROBABLE JURISDICTION' But tax officials emphasized that the the capital's downtown area. killed. Marine casualties were The high court said in its decision that total value of the property in their study — One hit a school and the oth- three killed and 31 wounded it has "probable jurisdiction" in the matter $5.9 million — is a minimum amount be- er a shopping center. Both In those two attacks. and said it would hear arguments at its cause many of the values are out of date were unoccupied because of next term into a suit by a New York law- and re-evaluation is needed. the early morning hour, and TRADITIONAL RITE — Kenneth Stevens, 14, and Lorelle Brina, 13, eighth grad» The camp is near An Hoa, spokesmen said there were no casualties and only light dam- pupils shown in center, were crowned king and queen as boy and girl with age. highest averages in graduating class of Monmouth Beach School yesterday. Meanwhile, military They are framed by scenes from the "Massing of the American Flag Cere- sources reported the North mony" by Mrs. Eleanor Van Note's fifth grade, a traditional last day of school Marlboro Business Aide Fired Vietnamese have returned in ceremony at Monmouth Beach. Children performed a long series of intricate strength—possibly up to 1,000 marching drills in time with patriotic songs. Letters of praise were received By WILLIAM J. ZAORSKI hired by the late Mayor Mr. Leo had resigned as business administrator. When men—to Dong Ap Bia, the 3,- MARLBORO - Mayor Charles T. McCue, a mem- deputy municipal clerk of he quit the job in 1967, Mr. 000-foot mountain where they from U.S. Sens. Clifford P. Case and Harrison A. Williams Jr., as were notes Walter C. Grubb Jr. con- ber of the Purpose and Holmdel to accept this posi- Young charged he was de- fought a bloody and contro- from the office of President Nixon and Vice President Spiro Agnew. prived of authority, harassed versial battle with U.S. para- firmed last night that he has Principle Coalition, Mayor tioniast Dec. 19. ••••:."• ' (Register Staff Photos by Larry Perna) fired Business Administra- Grubb said he felt that he He succeeded Edward Ivins and interrogated by the coun- troopers last month. tor Joseph P. Leo. should pick his own man for 3rd who had resigned Sept. cil majority, then the purpose Mr. Leo becomes the third the job. 29, stating that he did not and principle coalition. township business administra- No Charges Made want to become. a political "I asked him to resign last tor to leave the township in There are no charges football in the coming elec- Wednesday," continued May- Red Bank the last three years. The first against the 31-year-old busi- tion. or Grubb, adding that Mr. Eastside Park Grading two resigned. ness administrator, said the Mr. Ivins replaced Sidney Leo refused unless council Noting that Mr. Leo was mayor. O. Young as the township's wanted him to quit. He then requested a meeting with Mourning council, reported the mayor. Council has the right to Pact Let in Red Bank override the mayor should it Wickline New Yorkers Today Decide desire to, he continued, add- RED BANK - This bor- RED BANK - The Bor- tinuing program, initiated was another on John St. and ing that if council wants to ough is mourning Pfc. Don- ough Council last night took three years ago, to replace Harrison Ave., because of the retain Mr. Leo, then he will ald L. Wickline Jr., dead of another step in construction interior meters with, outside number of false alarms withdraw his position. wounds received in Vietnam of the eastside park. ones. turned in from them, Coun- Lindsay and Wagner Future Mayor Grubb said he re- battle. , The council awarded a $1,- In reply to a query from cilman William S. Anderson spected Mr. Leo's profession- Mayor Daniel J. O'Hern 100 contract to B & W Truck- Augustinho Monteiro, Mayor reported two weeks ago. NEW YORK (AP) — Voters al status but that he felt that yesterday proclaimed official Daniel J. O'Hern said that Review Is Set go to the polls today in a pri- ing, Long Branch, for level- it was important for him to mourning until after the fu- ing and grading of land the the replacement of the fire Mayor O'Hem last night mary election that could de- be represented by someone neral and burial rites for the alarm box at the corner of said that Mr. Anderson is termine the political futures borough already has acquired with the same viewpoints young soldier. for the project. W. Bergen Place and Pearl meeting with the Fire Preven- of Mayor John V. Lindsay, a Pvt. Wickline was born St. "is still under advise- tion Bureau to review the sit- that he holds. The federal Department of Republican, and former May- here just 23 years ago, the ment." uation. Mr. Anderson, who or Robert F. Wagner, a Dem- 'The Only Way' Housing and Urban Develop- son of Donald L. and Loretta The box was removed, as (See PARK, Pg. 3, CoL 6) ocrat. "The only way to do this Sample Wickline of 32 John ment last month approved a Lindsay, the city's 103rd was the way I did it," he St. He died Saturday of 510,387 grant to the borough, mayor, faces a stiff conserva- said. wounds received In battle in one - half the purchase price tive challenge from state Sen. The mayor said that Mr. Vietnam on May 9, In the of another 0.76 acres at the John J. Marchi. Political ob- Leo's employment at $11,000 early days of the fierce fight- northwest corner of Harrison servers and private polls a year is terminated July 4. ing for Hamburger Hill. Ave. and Marion St. for the The Inside Story agree it is likely to be an ex- The business administra- His wife of less than two park. tremely close contest. tor is currently on military years, the former Eileen The borough must put up Teen charm course enthusiasts Page 8 Wagner, the city's 102nd duty and is expected to re- Wright of New Monmouth, the other half of the cost of RumsoD church readies for fair .„ Page • mayor, left City Hall in 1965 had arrived at Pvt. Wick- turn June 30. In his absence, acquiring the additional prop- Olshan returns lo coaching Page U after 12 years. He was con- township attorney James R. line's bedside in the 106th erty. sidered a slight favorite Minogue of Middletown is General Hospital in Yokoha- Await Grant Report Faces at the races _ Page U among the five Democrats acting business administrator. ma, Japan, only a few hours The council still hasn't any Monmouth Park Today Page 11 seeking the party's nomina- before his death. Concerning a replacement, word on its application for Astro Guide 17 Sports 12, B tion. Mayor Grubb said that he His father lost the desper- $62,206 in federal money to The other Democrats are Allen-Goldsmith S Successful Investing S John V. Lindsay would like to get someone ate race to reach Pvt. Wick- cut Broad St. through to the Amusements •_. 7 Surl, Field, Stream II city Comptroller Mario A. Robert F. Wagner line's bedside. The plane car- with more municipal experi- Navesink. According to a Television 7 Procaccino, Bronx Borough step with Republican thinking rying the elder Mr. Wickline Births : t Polls are open from 3 p.m. ence." HUD official, that agency ex- Bridge 17 Women's News 8, J President Herman Badillo, to 10 p.m.; 2,130,000 Demo- and has no legitimate claim from California was airborne pects to say its final word on millionaire U.S. Rep. James Mr. Leo has an extensive two hours out of Yokohama The Chuck Wagon 12 Movie Timetable _._._ 7 crats and 628,000 Republicans on Republican support." background in public rela- that application within a Classified .....U-16 H. Soheuer, and author Nor- are eligible to vote. A turn- when his son died. ; DAILY REGISTER Lindsay brought in some tions and five years of ex- week. Comics _ 17 man Mailer. out of 30 to 35 per cent would (See SOLDIER. Pg. 3. Col. 6) PHONE NUMBERS top state Republicans includ- perience in municipal govern- The council held for study Crossword Puzzle 17 Three-Way Race be normal. Rugs cleaned by rug men at Main Office .741-M1I The November election will ing U. S. Sens. Jacob K. Jav- ment. For two years before a $22,130 bid from American Editorials Classified Ads 741-SStl coming here, he had served Shehadi Rugs, Rt. 35, Shrews- Meters Control Corp., Phila- be a three-way race regard- Yesterday, the last of the its and Charles E. Goodell Herblock __ nome Delivery .741-Mlt campaign, the candidates as Holmdel Township's first bury. Call 741-6272. (Adv.) delphia, Pa., for new water less of who wins the GOP to certify his GOP creden- Stock Market Middletown Bureau (71-2250 traded charges, gibes and full time administrator. Special meters. The company was James KUpatrlck .... contest because Lindsay is al- tials. Javits told a news con- Freehold Bnreau ..-JSMUl so running on the Liberal snipes. Before he went to Holmdel, 18"x24" sample rugs, 50c ea., the sole bidder. Obituaries 1. Long Branch Bureau 2U-H1I party line and Marchi has the Marchi told a news confer- ference that his instinct told Mr. Leo worked in Madison while they last. Shehadi Rugs The council has budgeted Sylvla Porter Sports Department) 741-M17 Conservative party nomina- ence, "The plain fact is that him Lindsay would win. Township as director of fi- Company, Rte. 35, Shrewsbury, $25,000 for the purchase of tion. Lindsay is completely out of ;(See LIND.SAY, Pg. 3, Col. 3) (See LEO, Pg. 2, Col. 4) next to Post Office. .(Adv.jj the new meters, part of a con- 2 THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK • MIDDLETOWN, N. J.: TUESDAY, JUNE L7, 1969 Red Bank Inspections Anti-Litter Campaign Of Buildings Set Today Scheduled in Freehold ton Falls Schools Teachers FREEHOLD - Borough Councilman Harry N. the dissenting ballots, and RED BANK - A furniture spector Maxwell Klarin will summons will be issued," Association presented three Council last night set aside Frank Jr. introduced a reso- will be included as an amend- scholarships at the senior store and a rooming house make an inspection today of Chief Watkins declared. lution tkat would prohibit de- July 1 to 7 as 1969 Glass Con- ment to the salary ordinances. awards assembly at the Mon- will be inspected today in Ituscil's Furniture Store, 25 In a strongly-worded letter tainer Industry National Anti- partment heads of all bor- It will affect Police Chief E. Front St., to determine if mouth Regional High School. the crackdown on fire haz- dated May 16, the store own- Litter Week. ough divisions from collecting Henry T. Lefkowich; Borough ards here. fire hazards have been elim- The recipients are students er was notified by the Fire The proclamation was is- overtime pay. "All other em- Engineer Harold W. Goldberg Fire Chief Wiliard D. Wat- inated. Prevention Bureau that a who plan to become teachers. sued in support of recent ployes will receive compensa- and Township Clerk Vivian kins said lie and building in- "If we find violations, a court summons would be is- tion for the time they work The scholarships were sued if the hazards weren't campaigns to eliminate un- Taylor. awarded to: . sightly litter in the streets but I feel that department All alcoholic beverage li- eliminated within 30 days. heads, if they run their opera- Miss Kathleen Sharon and vacant lots here. censes in the borough were Hughes, daughter of Mr. and The 30-day period ended tion properly, do not have to renewed as were bingo licens- Jersey City, Newark yesterday. Of these conditions, Mayor put in extra hours to get their Mrs. James Hughes Jr. of 67 John I. Dawes said: "It is an es for the Church of St. Rose The Fire Prevention Bureau job done." Barker Ave., Shrewsbury eyesore and menace to the of Lima and its Holy Name said that in an April 30 in- Township. Miss Hughes has community. It lowers proper- Councilman Tobias H. Society. A raffles license for been accepted at High Point Elections in Progress spection of Ruscil's it found Joseph P. Leo ty values and discourages the Mayer objected, saying "The Walter J. Conley Lodge 1379 College, High Point, N. C, city's first recall election. two violations of the bor- JERSEY CITY (AP) - Jer- development of new business blanket statement eliminat- was granted. and plans to major in elemen- sey City voters will elect a In the Democratic strong- ough's fire prevention code ing all department heads A letter frotn Mrs. Lillian hold of Jersey City, incum- and six other fire hazards. Leo and the influx of new resi- tary education. mayor in a runoff election to- dents. On top of that it eats is much too broad and does A. Pine regarding water ser- Miss Donna Trocchia, bent Mayor Thomas Whelan Chief Watkins, Mr. Klarin (Continued) up the tax dollar." not include emergency situa- vice to 109 Manalapan Ave. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. day as voters in Newark is pitted against former May- and fire inspector Andrew tions such as the recent riots nance, deputy municipal He cited the fact that litter- was referred to the borough Dominic Trocchia of 21 Hance choose a councilman in that or Thomas Gangemi. Whelan, DePonte will make an inspec- that happened here." Mr. clerk, deputy municipal man- ing during the July 4th holi- engineer. Ave., New Shrewsbury. Miss an ally of Democratic leader tion today of the rooming ager and acting manager. In Lewis said he felt that any- John V. Kenny, is a solid fa- day is especially heavy and A contract to supply 1,000 Trocchia will enter Brookdale house at 82 Shrewsbury Ave. that post, he was Madison's one who worked extra hours tons of l'/j stone and 2,000 vorite. The ' run-off is re- where fire broke out early called upon all citizens to ex- College, Lincroft, in the fall Jetty Strip first municipal manager is entitled to extra pay. tons of three-quarter quarry quired because none of the Sunday morning when one of ert an extra effort not only and will major in elementary under the Faulkner Act. However, the resolution was mayoralty candidates in the the occupants apparently fell during this week but through blend was awarded to Trap education. May 13 election received a Before Mr. Ivins—who was the entire year. adopted four to two with Mr. Rock Industries of Kingston Charles Edward Davis, son Pact Given asleep with a lighted cigar- selected by the Citizens Com- majority of the votes. Whel- ette. The bed and a section Councilman August J. Daes- Mayer and Mr. Lewis casting for ?8,700. of Mrs. Dorothy Davis, 58 Ste- mittee—had resigned, he, too, an received a substantial of a bedroom wall were set ener Jr. said, we can start vens Ave., New Shrewsbury. plurality. To Howland aflame. The owner of the was fired by the incumbent beautifying our community Mr. Davis will enroll at mayor, of the opposing politi- Chamberlayn Junior College, MIDDLETOWN - The Gangemi is backed by John rooming house was told to by having property owners of have a fire extinguisher in- cal party. two buildings in town fix , Mass. He plans to state Department of Conser- J. Kenny, a former protege Name Fund Aide but no relation to J.V. Kenny. stalled in the dwelling by to- Fight Plan Dropped them up. We have listened to major In Uie education of han- vation and Economic Devel- J. J. Kenny was deposed as day, Chief Watkins said. Mr. Ivins initially decided their stalling long enough. dicapped children. opment has awarded a $64,- to fight his termination which He cited the Freeman prop- The funds for these scholar- county chairman last week Rigorous code enforcement 180 contract to Jesse A. How- by the forces of J.V. after was for undisclosed charges erty and a building known as At Brookdale ships were raised by the asso- and a crack-down on rooming filed by Mayor MCue but land and Sons, Inc., Sea an unsuccessful revolt in the houses and businesses whicti Two Brothers as being in ex- LINCROFT — Aaron Knight, ciation with a musical pro- later decided to resign the with which it will provide pro- Bright, to extend the east primary election. violate the borough ordi- tremely poor repair. "It is executive director of the Red gramming for the education- duction, "Faculty Capers." jetty at Pew's Creek 200 feet. In Newark's predominant- nances were pledged by bor- position. He cited the wel- the owners business to see Bank Community Center, has ally and economically disad- The scholarships are awarded Mayor Harold H. Foulks ly Negro South Ward, voters ough officials following the fare of the township and ex- that these properties are fixed been named acting chairman vantaged and financial assis- each year in memory of Mrs. orbitant legal fees for him- up." He requested a reso- Lillian Raye, a former teach- said he received a telegram will go to the polls to vote Feb. 1 fire which gutted an of the Economic Opportunity tance for students with eco- for or against white Council- self as the reasons for his lution requiring they comply er in the Tinton Falls Schools. announcing the award yester- Oakland St. rooming house, Fund Advisory Committee at nomic needs. man Lee Bernstein and pos- resignation. with the building inspector's Brookdale Community Col- day from Commissioner Rob- killing three men. The Advisory Committee sibly pick a successor. Although Mr. Ivins was demands by July 7 or the lege. ert A. Roe. Only After Battle Mayor Daniel J. O'Hern at buildings will be torn down. held its first meeting at the Hospital Bids hired for the job by the Citi- Mr. Knight, who holds a college offices and agreed on The recall election was set that time said he would press Councilman Alfred E. San- The mayor admitted the for appointment of a paid fire zens Committee,, the same master of social work degree procedures for its first task, only after a four-month legal ders agreed with him and re- from Atlanta University Due on July 2 jetty extension is not likely marshall tD assist the Fire party as that of Mayor Grubb, the screening of candidates battle that saw the case car- the mayor isn't looking back- quested the Borough Attor- School of Social Work, served FREEHOLD - Bids for to make John Ketchow, who Prevention Bureau and the for the full-time position of operates a marina on the ried twice to the state Su- ward. He said that he was ney, Richard O'Connor be au- as executive director of the the construction" of the 120- preme Court. Bernstein's fi- building inspector in code en- EOF coordinator. bed Greater Freehold Area creek, very happy. Mr. Ket- forcement. An ordinance not considering the former thorized to draw up the res- Christina Community Center, nal challenge of the recall's township aide as a potential olution immediately and that Wilmington, Delaware, before The committee will inter- Hospital will be received chow, who often complains legality was knocked down by establishing the post of fire to the Township Committee for the post. July 7 be underlined on every- assuming the Red Bank post view and review the records Wednesday, July 2, at the courts last week. marshall has been drafted 11 a.m., instead of tomorrow, that he is forced to keep and is being reviewed by the After he quit the Marlboro one's calendar as a remind- in July 1968. Of all candidates for the posi- The ballot is set up on two it was announced yesterday. dredging out the mouth of Fire Prevention Bureau. post, Mr. Ivins was employed er of the resolution. The EOF Committee of 11 tion and will make recom- the creek at his own effort lines: The top line listing the by the Bureau of Govern- Wants a Manager members is organized to in- mendations to the Brookdale The bids will be received and expense, wants a jetty, public question: "Shall Lee ment Research at Rutgers Mr. Daesener also recom- volve the community in the administration. The coordina- in the American Hotel here. Bernstein be removed from all right — but on the creek's University. It is not known mended that the council ad- EOF program and to provide tor will be a member of the The hospital is estimated to office by recall? Yes or No?" 2 Bandits if he is interested in return- vertise for a borough man- college-community liaison. college staff and appointment cost $3.2 million, of which west side, to prevent, sand And the second line lists five being pushed into the. creek ing to the township. He was ager to handle municipal af- Brookdale has been award- will be made by the board of about $1.2 million is to be nominees, including Bern- ed an EOF grant of $97,390 by prevailing winds. not available for comment fairs. "The budget in our trustees. met through long term fi- stein, as possible successors. Get $159 community is growing larger nancing. "Maybe next time we'll get The votes for a successor yesterday. every year and our responsi- It is to be built on Ht. 537, one on the west for John," will not count unless the pub- Mr. Ivins was a secondary bilities grow with it. It is im- the mayor surmised. lic question receives a ma- Motel school administrator and Master Plan Revision about 1.5 miles west of Rt. 9. jority "Yes" votes. OCEAN TOWNSHIP - An guidance ^counselor for the possible for part-time officials The candidates, in order of early morning armed robbery "Woodbridge Schools from to do as thorough a job as E ntr Set Hearing ballot listing, are Floyd Hal], today at the Tower Motel, Rt. 1964 to 1967 before he took should be done with the huge Urged in Colts Neck J a Newark policeman; Mrs. 35, netted the two bandits the Marlboro township post. amounts of money we are A Jennie Lemon, administrative $159 in cash. Mr. Young, who was ap- now spending. We should have COLTC S NECK - A recom- At Post aide to Mayor Hugh J. Ad- pointed to the business ad- a professional handling these mendation was sent tp the FREEHOLD -. , Ray- For Youths Police said the pair en- affairs," he declared. Township Committee last housing and other community mond'Stappen, Philadelphia, donizio; Leon Ewing, a for- tered the building at 12:28 ministrator's post in 1954, changes necessitated updat- RED BANK - Two local . The .jR9Wic.iJ.,wBlr study. $e $gk\'Py;,tt\&. Panning Board pleaded guilty yesterday to mer councilman-at - large; a.m. and ordered the owner, quit in 1987 to take a new ing of the master plan. youths face court hearings Bernstein, and Rev. Horace proposal and render its' ver- requesting a contract be charges of breaking into the Christian Schluter, to give position in Rhode Island. '.tJbS. -THE DAILY HEGISTEB, BED BANK • MIDDLETOWN, N. J.i TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1969 Top of the News Second Trooper Set ^j^ Ocean Council Prods State WASHINGTON — Pentagon and State Department of- For Track Traffic of Guilt On Widening of Rt. 35 Job ficiate are holding meetings with families of more than 1,- LITTLE SILVER — Mayor David B. Kelly on .May 26 FREEHOLD — Douglas 390 captured U. S. servicemen in a widening effort to as- OCEAN TOWNSHIP - A trial Development Commit- "As for jughandles," the as- Gordon N. Iitwin announced listing the intersections of Schneider of Pittenger Pond call to state legislators to tee, that he is aware of the sistant commissioner said, sure them they have not been forgotten. , . iBranch and Sycamore Aves., at last night's Borough Coun- Road, Freehold, pleaded guil- speed up the long-awaited urgency of the Rt. 35 pro- "we have committed our- ' Two sessions already have been held and- more brief- cil meeting that an agree- Eastview and Oceanpo.t ings are planned in the next four or five weeks to inform ty yesterday to charges of Rt. 35 widening program was gram. He added that "the selves to the advance con- ment has been reached with Aves., Silverside and Ocean- forging a $101.21 check Aug. ordered by Township Council highway has received con- the relatives about the government's efforts to free the port Aves. and Rumson and struction of only one of them the State Police for the state 10 in Freehold. action last night. • siderable development in the —at the southeast corner of men and ease their conditions of captivity. force to supply a second Seven Bridge Roads as need- Another purpose is to make sure tie families of men The check was the property Councilman Herbert Bueh- past year, with an accom- Rt. 35 and Deal Road." trooper to help direct traffic ing "highly trained person- panying increase in traffic missing or captured in the Vietnam war are receiving all nel to handle the volume of of Herbert Frank of 60 Jer- ler told the governing body He said the needed land bound for Monmouth Park on seyville Ave., Freehold. that the state Department of volume." the help to which they are entitled. Richard G. Capen* dep- the heaviest traffic days. traffic." has been purchased for that uty assistant secretary of defense, is head of the team of Schneider also pleaded Transportation has notified " .. .As you probably are program and that construc- officials arranging the meetings as part of a new Nixon ad-, Mayor Litwto said a troop- The letter also states, "... guilty to charges of breaking him that bids for the widen- aware," Mr. Mullen's letter tion is slated to start soon. ministration program. er will be stationed at the all of this traffic is generated into the home of C. Craig, ing program will not be said, "we are now embarked The remaining jughandles, comer of Seven Bridge and by an enterprise which pro- Pittenger Road, Freehold, sought by the state agency on our greatest highway con- however, are to be included Among sessions tentatively planned are ones at McGuire until October, 1970. struction program in the Air Force Base. Rumson Roads on Wednes- duces revenue for the State Aug. 28, 1968 and stealing a in the regular construction days, Fridays and Saturdays of New Jersey and no rev- derringer pistol valued at He asked the panel to state's history. This has contract, he said. placed a greatly accelerated from July 1 until the end of enue for the Borough of Lit- $50 and to stealing a .45 cali- authorize letters to state tle Silver." workload upon our staff," the Mr. Mullen wound up his Rocky's Meeting Brazilians the racing season. ber service automatic valued legislators seeking official backing of the township's ef- letter continued. "Because of report saying the state's BRASILIA, Brazil — Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller meets' The State Police currently Rufus Z. Johnston was at $50 and a .38 caliber pis- our many complex assign- timetable has be«n set on a with Brazil's armed forces commanders and leaders of the sworn into office as borough forts to get the program off station a man in the Branch tol valued at $50 July 2 in the ground. ments at this time, we re- "very realistic approach." suspended congress today before flying to Rio de Janeiro, Ave. railroad station area. administrator and borough Freehold Township. He said if the situation can Mayor John J. Reilly added gret that we are unable to the next stop on his fact-finding mission for President Nixon. clerk by borough attorney He also pleaded guilty to give inquiries such as yours be expedited, jt will be done". • Few residents of this backwoods capital turned out yes- Mayor'Litwin told the coun- William Blair. Mr. Johnston that the state agency is drag- cil and the public that con- charges of selling the ging its feet in getting the the immediate attention we Council approved the re- terday to greet Rockefeller and few of them cheered, but was chosen from a field of .45 automatic and the Der- feel they should receive." newal of 13 plenary retail there were no violent anti-U.S. demonstrations like those trolling race track-bound traf- more than 60 applicants for widening project started. He ringer between July 1 and said that he and Councilman consumption liquor licenses that marked his previous Latin-American visits. fic is a responsibility of Mon- the $10,000 a year position. Mr. Mullen said the state mouth Park and the sta'e, Sept. 31 in Howell Township John W. Beekman expect highway design staff has com- and four package store li- The only incident occurred last night as»the New York since Little Silver receives no Tax assessor Charles Sulli- without a permit. to visit Trenton today on censes. governor conferred with President Arthur de Costa e Silva. pleted plans for the widening revenue from Monmouth van, who has been acting bor- Schneider pleaded guilty to other business and would at- program. The right-of-way ac- Club license renewals went Witnesses said four young men drove past the hotel hous- Park. Because there is little ough clerk for 10 weeks since having marijuana in his pos- tempt to see Russell H. Mul- quisition, however, is prov- to the Gimbel-Lehy-Quirk . ing the Rockefeller missioii and shouted: "We'll kill the chance of the track supplying the sudden resignation of session Dec. 7 in Howell len, assistant highway com- ing to be a complex and time- VFW Post, The Deal Golf sbnof a bitch!" Police caught one of the men. police to direct traffic in the Mrs. Dorothy. Miller, was Township. missioner, in an effort to consuming task, he said. He and Country Club and the borough, Little Silver is look- thanked for his service in that County Court Judge M. speed up the stalled program. added that the acquistion Hollywood Golf Club. Hospital Honors Credit Cards ing to the State Police for post. Raymond McGowan accepted Aware of Urgency program would stall the pro- Also approved by council help. Next year, the mayor the pleas and set Aug. 1 for gram until October, 1970, af- SUMMIT — Patients with credit cards are being admit- An ordinance was intro- Mr. Mullen told Council- action was the transfer of a said, he hopes there will be sentencing. man Buehler, who is also ter which construction bids package store license from ted to a New Jersey hospital. Overlook Hospital announced duced to grant the Northeast will be sought. four state troopers on duty in Monmouth County Regional Assistant County Prosecu- chairman of the local Indus- the Wanamassa Pharmacy to yesterday that patients can have hospital care now and pay the borough during the rac- later with Bank Americans, the bank credit system. Ofii- Sewerage Authority several tor Thomas J. Smith Jr. pre- Shop-Rite -Liquors of Oak- ing season. easements to run sewer pipes sented the state's case. Wil- hurst, to be constructed on ficials said it is believed to be the first credit card affilia- Rt. 35. tion with a hospital in New Jersey. The mayor wrote to State across borough-owned prop- liam Murphy' of Bloomfield W OITKITI JUdge LeVWS 16 Police Superintendent Col. erty. represented Schneider. A pair of ordinances intro- duced would provide penalties Britain Pushes Market Try Fines on Errant Drivers up to $500 or 90-day jail EASTBOURNE, England - Britain is summoning home NEW SHREWSBURY — in his possession. Kathleen terms for borough codes envoys from key continental countries to appraise policy and 21 Convicted Persons Given Acting Judge Felicia V. Sal- J. McNicholas of Cranbwy which are without penalty tactics for a new bid to win entry into the European Com- vest, who was sworn in last was fined $25 for disregard- stipulations and would extend mon Market, informants said today. Friday to replace Judge Law- ing a stop sign. a time limit for special use The move came after, Prime Minister Harold Wilson sig- rence A. Carton 3d for two permits to three years from In speeding violations, Don- the time they are approved naled President-elect Georges Pompidou of France that Bri- Sentences by Judge McGowan weeks, presided in Munici- ald R. Puryear of Long tain is ready to begin the process of British-French recon- pal Court yesterday. by the council. Such approv- Branch was fined $40 and had als must be utilized under ciliation. London hopes Charles de Gaulle's successor will FREEHOLD - Steve Kas- reformatory term and fined Shore Motel, Ocean Ave., Judge Carton is with his license revoked for 90 remove the French veto on British entry. low Jr. of Munroe Ave., As- $50 for possession of heroin Long Branch, was given a the present code within one the N. J. National Guard on a days for travelling 100 miles year or they expire. bury Park is serving a seven- Sept. 27 and Nov. 15 in Long suspended reformatory term two-week training exercise. per hour in a 60 m.p.h, zone. to' 10-year term in state Branch. He also was given and fined $200 for possession Judge Salvest imposed the Sieek Income Tax-Free Level prison for manslaughter. He credit for 17 days In the coun- of hashish Feb. 5 in West Charles J. Tomney of Man- following sentences: asquan and John J. Canniz- NEWARK — The United Auto Workers asserted to the was convicted by a jury for ty jail for destroying vending Long Branch. Fuller Fitzpatrick of En- Coed Death Democratic State Platform committee today that "not a machines at Klein's Service zaro of Lodi were each fined the death Jan. 2 of Miss Salvatore Martinelli, 34 glishtown, charged with oper- single penny should be taken from individuals whose annual Gloria Solomon in Asbury Station, Long Branch, Jan. 13. $20 for traveling 69 and 68 Spruce Road, Howell Town- ating a motor vehicle while Incomes are below $10,000." Park. miles per hour, respectively, Information Clarence E. Boyd, 317 Gar- ship, was given a suspended impaired, was fined $55 and The platform committee opened the first of three public The sentence and these 20 field Court, Long Branch, in a 60 m.p.h. zone. Theodore reformatory term, placed on had his driver's license re- C. Mirabella of Long Branch hearings. Hearings will be held tomorrow in Camden and others were imposed by Coun- was sentenced to an indeter- two years probation and fined in Trenton on Thursday. voked for six months. was fined $15 for doing 65 Is Reported ty Court Judge M. Raymond minate reformatory term and $300 for possession of demerol For tampering with a motor was fined $20 for possession miles per hour in a 60 m.p.h. McGowan here Friday: and aiding in the sale of vehicle, Robert L. Bacon of SOMERS POINT (AP) - of morphine Jan. 8 in Long zone. State Police have disclosed Shell Kills American Tourist Ronald Lubischer of 320 marijuana last July 23 in Bel- Madison was fined $30. Poole Ave., Long Branch, a Branch. mar. Fined $10 each were Fran- that a witness who told of see- TEL AVIV — A 25-year-old woman tourist from New , Angelo Setaro of Nutley was three-to five-year term for Herbert V. Waake, Peskin cis T. Ferraro of Eatontown, ing a male behind the steer- ' York was killed by shellfire on the Israeli-Jordanian border Eddie Johnson, 72 Oakwood fined $25 for operating an un- breaking into Freda's Res- Dr., Farmingdale, was sen- for having no registration in ing wheel in the automobile today and four other American tourists were wounded, Is- Road, Point Pleasant 'was registered boat trailer. Max- of two cOeds shortly before taurant, Asbury Park, Feb. tenced to an indeterminate his possession, and Robert F. raeli army sources reported. fined $100 for receiving a ton Castle of Long Branch they were slain provided oth- 5 with intent to steal. reformatory term for entering Fesen of Toms River and The dead woman was identified by an Army spokesman stolen television worth $150. was fined $25 for careless er information "that we will John R. Smith of Toms without breaking into the of- The set was the property driving and having no license James L. Divine Jr., Mana- not disclose because it may as Shirley Anderson. One of the wounded was identified River was given a suspended fice of Boyarin Insurance squan, careless driving. •as Helen Bernard, 27, also of . of Yair Lamdanski, Ocean jeopardize the case." two-to-four year state prison Agency, Howell Township, Township. . Officials said a 122mm shell fired by Iraqi guns in Jor- sentence, placed on two years between Nov. 30 and Dec. 2 Detective Robert Saunders ••' dan hit a taxi In which the tourists were riding tQ,Ka)Jia, probation ana flhed''$200 for Alfonso Malboa Jr., Union Park said yesterday that the wit- stealing a typewriter and City, was given a suspended Jersey Named •< a tourist and health resort near the Dead Sea 15 miles east breaking into the DiLa Corp., seven treasury checks all ness also saw a black Pontiac of Jerusalem. The wounded were taken to a Jerusalem reformatory term, placed on (Continued) parked north of where the Howell Township April 17 and valued at $247 and for steal- was reported ill, wasn't at In U.S. Suit hospital. taking goods valued at $4,- one year probation and fined girls' convertible was seen. ing $40 Dec. 4 from George's $25 for possession of mari- last night's meeting. WASHINGTON (AP) -The "The witness stated that 400. Sunoco Station, Howell Town- juana last June 25 in Eaton- Approved for member- Supreme Court gave the there were several cars that Harry. Liegel, 1 Woodland, ship, Dec. 4. He also was Teacher Strike Spurs Action town. ship in the fire department United States yesterday the passed him and that therefore Drive, Cliffwood. Beach, was charged with stealing a 1967 PATERSON — Mayor Lawrence Kramer has obtained a last night were William Van right to sue all 13 Atlantic these witnesses may have given an indeterminate re- Cadillac valued at $3,500, the passed the scene of the Superior Court injunction against a strike threatened for to- Pelt, 78 Wallace St.; John An- coast states to settle owner- day by the Paterson Education Association. formatory term for stealing property of Albert Jarmon, crime," Saunders said. March 11 in Freehold Town- thony Falvo, 98 Herbert St., The injunction, granted last midnight by Passaic Coun- articles valued at $175 from ship of millions of acres of He reiterated a plea for any the home of John Keleman, ship. Rights and George W. Selah Jr., 132 ty Superior Court Judge TVorral F. Mountain, was issued , Oakland St. submerged offshore land. persons who might have in- several hours after the association, representing about 1,000 Marshall Concourse, Cliffwood Michael T. Bailey, 928 Mat- The Justice Department formation concerning the co- Beach, last July 17 and for An ordinance prohibiting teachers, voted 875-15 to strike. tison Ave., Asbury Park, was Pushes GPs contends the states own the eds or their automobile to no- stealing articles value at $625 ' parking on both sides of tify state police. William Bulner, association president, said "Kramer is sentenced to an indeterminate l\Js>ryiitTinl Broad St. for specified dis- land only out to a distance of Just making things worse. We are not going back until the from the home of Herman reformatory term for posses- I'M. VI Mr I IU,V Investigators said Saturday Vopellus, Sherwood Dr., Cliff- tances from its intersection three miles. The action is di- ' full membership agrees to a package, We will go to jail." sion of heroin Feb. 11, and that a motorist had a look at wood Beach last July 23. LONG BRANCH — Mem- with Harding Road was intro- rected primarily at Maine. a youth sitting in the victims' Oct. 12,1968 in Long Branch, duced and scheduled for pub- Thomas J. Nelson Jr., 76 and for having in his posses- bers of the Rights Equality The states, including New car. They said that a passing Wants New Price Ceilings Hamilton Ave., Leonardo, and Action League have donated lic hearing at the July 7 motorist saw one of the 19- sion a stolen color TV set meeting. Jersey were given 60 days to WASHINGTON"— The man who called the shots when John McGermott, Bay Ave., valued at $500 Jan. 23 in As- $22 to the fund to equip the year-old coeds sitting in the price ceilings were last clamped on the nation thinks it is Highlands, were given inde- Pfc. Jerry Morgan Memorial The Ten Realty Corp., is file full defenses. front seat and the other in the bury Park. He was given Atty. Gen. John N. Mitch- time for the government to try controls again — but volun- terminate reformatory terms credit for 81 days in the Playground, Long Branch appealing the decision of the back seat. Saunders declined ell, had told the court in April to elaborate on the witness, tary, this time. for stealing $100 in cash from county jail for assaulting Ave. Planning Board, which denied Michael V. DiSalle, Korean War price boss, suggested the Rumson Hotel, Waterman it a major subdivision neces- that Maine has "purported" or to answer specific ques- Sheriff's Officer Robert Keid- Mrs. Jane liandall, presi- to grant exclusive oil and gas tions from, newsmen on the" Nixon administration might try for hold-the-line agree- Ave., Rumson, Jan. 20. erling March 5 in Freehold. dent of REAL, said the unit sary to carve a vacant lot ments with the 500 biggest corporations, or with major in- William L. Nicholas, Regen- at 14 Linden Place from prop- rights in approximately 3.3 grounds it could hamper the Robert F. Johnson, 79 Man- will continue its active role million acres of disputed land. investigation. dustries. . cy Manor, 175 Long Branch chester Ave., Keyport, was in the effort. erty it owns at 91-93 Broad Ave., Long Branch, was sentenced to six months in The play area, named in St. The council last night set Kidney Transplant Set Today sentenced to an indeterminate the county jail for breaking honor of the 21-year-old sol- 8:30 p^m. on Monday, July 7, reformatory term and fined to hear the appeal. NEWARK — Six doctors at Beth Israel Medical Center into the home of Mildred Ben- dier who died in Vietnam $100 for having heroin in his nett, 11 Memorial Pkwy., Long April 21, will be dedicated The council approved re- here will perform the hospital's fourth kidney transplant possession Oct. 1 and Feb. newal of liquor licenses for today on a mother and daughter from Elizabeth. Branch, and stealing clothing July 4. Pfc. Morgan was the 6 in Long Branch. and purses valued at $114.44 son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry 24 restaurants and bars, 17 . A hospital spokesman 'said a kidney from the 58-year- Lawrence Borders, 108 package good stores, and old mother will be transplanted into her 18-year-old daugh- last Aug. 19. Morgan Sr., of 8 Seaview Newman Springs Rd., Red JRobert Alfano, 14 Station Manor. four private clubs. ter, who is stricken with a chronic kidney disease. The op- Bank, was given an indeter- eration will be the hospital's second live donor transplant, Road, Marlboro, was given a Appeals for support of the minate reformatory term for suspended reformatory term, the spokesman said. The first live donor transplant at atrocious assault and bat- program were also made at SEE YOU AT Beth Israel was made on Sept. 25,1968. placed on two years proba- Sunday services in the Second Soldier • tery on John M. Logan April tion and fined $150 for pos- 8 in Red Bank and for carry- Baptist and Trinity AME (Continued) session of marijuana last Aug. Churches, both Union Ave. Crash Balloon Is Developed Ing a 22 caliber pistol with- 6 in Marlboro. Pvt. Wiekline was severely out a permit. Councilman Wilbert Russell wounded in the abdomen, DETROIT — A Detroit firm has developed a new auto Jeffrey Baker, Flemington, heads the program committee. James Smitho, 117 Laurel sides and legs by small arms safety device, an air bag that Inflates almost instantaneous- was given a suspended re- Assisting are Mayor Paul Ave., Long Branch, was fire while on operational pa- ly when a vehicle is in a front-end collision. formatory term, placed on Nastasio Jr.; Randy Phillips, sentenced to an indeterminate trol, but his family had been The inflated bag presses the riders into their seats, pre- two years probation and fined director of the Neighborhood told his life wasn't in danger. An English Hunt Buffet venting them from being thrown against the dashboard or $150 for possession of opium Service Center; Merrick To- He suffered a concussion when other portion of the car interior. Feb. 7 in West Long Branch. maine, city recreation di- the 312th Evacuation Hospital Every Sunday Lindsay Bobble Ann Manniello of rector, and R. Barry Kamm, in Chu Lai, Vietnam, where 23 Yard Ave., Freehold, was Says Train Was Movable (Continued)1 the city's public relations di- he was a patient, was heavily given a suspended reforma- rector. shelled by the Viet Cong on Evening NEWARK — A Penn Central railroad mechanic has as- "It is an important thing tory term, placed on two June 8. It was then that he serted a commuter train that caught fire and stopped in a to the Republican party na- Donors of funds or equip- years probation and fined $10 ment are asked to contact Mr. was transferred to the Yoko- Hudson River tunnel could have come out under its own tionally to continue in control for possession of marijuana Kamm in the city hall annex. hama hospital. Every Noon Monday Thru Friday power." of City Hall with a progres- April 3, 1968 in Freehold. sive Republican," Jayits said. A second man appearing at a public hearing yesterday Vincent Manniello of Free- testified a period of 35 minutes went by before equipment to On the Democratic side, Wagner declared that he was hold, was given a suspended siphon off heavy smoke from the fire was activated. reformatory term, placed on .Gain more leisure time, pay your bills at home For most of those 35 minutes the train stayed in the the only liberal progressive Democrat and Badillo, Mailer two years probation and tunnel while its passengers groped through smoke and dark- . fined $100 for possession of MUSICAL INTERLUDES ness to reach the New Jersey exit of the tunnel. One pass- and Scheuer were only "spoilers" trying to prevent marijuana March 23 in At- enger was struck and killed by the train as it was pushed lantic Highlands and March "The STROLLERS out of the tunnel by a second train. a Wagner win over Procacci- no. 27,1968 in Freehold. Bewise...opena Wagner said a Procaccino James Lo Proto, Sun and Strike Idles Only Few Ships victory would be a "disaster Checkmaster NEW YORK — Fewer than 30 of the nation's 900 mer- for liberalism" and would chant marine ships have been idled by a strike of East and "follow the reactionary path Probe account Shadotobrook to the polls that was taken A K£ll£R MMIIV INKAVOR Gulf Coast deck officers, now in its second day. (Continued) SHREWSBURY But the total will rise each day as more ships reach recently in Los Angeles.", No minimum Scheuer, Badillo and Mail- a hearing for Friday to de- port. No negotiations were scheduled as shippers refused cide whether the government Adjacent to meet the union's precondition for talks. er fired back soon after Wag- Parkway Erii ner's news conference ended. should be restrained from Service is our making public any further "Mr. Wagner is an authori- biggest asset. Calls Cahill the Underdog ty on spoilers," Mailer said. details of the electronic sur- BORDENTOWN - U. S. Rep. Charles W. Sandman Jr. "He managed to spoil the veillance of DeCavalcante. has cast his recent victorious opponent in the Republican most magnificent city in the An application for an order gubernatorial primary, U. S. Rep. William T.'Cahill, as an world in his 12 years as may- requiring the government to underdog against Democratic contender Robert B. Meyner. or. The only difference be- show cause why an injunc- The Cape May Republican said yesterday. "Meyner tween him and the rest is that tion should not be issued was 1 must at this point be regarded as the favorite" in a speech he is Uw lead hobb/horse in filed by. S.M. (Chris) Franz- WBALJEBStYBANK to (Jje 21 GOP. county cSalrmen, a wooden Mid," Bail," ./• -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK • MIBDLETOWN, N. J.» TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1969 John Miller s ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - John Miller, 77, of 18* A East Washington Ave. died June 3 w£ ££•' Matawan Board Hears Demands In Monmouth Medical Cen- NEW YORK (AP) - Har- $16,269 in school supplies to rison Tweed, 83, a noted law- MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - ing. We can speak our pieces, er than an optional holiday. school psychologist were ap- ter, Long Branch, after a Sentencing Alex Jackson of 35 Gaston and then you can go into your The optional holiday, he de- proved. The increases repre- low bidders determined by short Illness. yer, died yesterday in New St., unsuccessful self-styled caucus and we can all go clared, is an insult to the sent advances on the salary the board secretary. The sup- . There are no known sur- York Hospital. PATERSON (AP) — Mrs. black candidate for the Mata- borne," Mr. Jackson said. blacks. guide because of master's de- plies are a multitude of small uivtrs. Tweed was (he only lawyer Suzanne Schleich, wife of the wan Regional Board of Edu- His second proposal was Fourth, Mr. Jackson sug- grees acquired, credit for items in many categories. . Burial, under direction of Contracts to Manzo to receive the distinguished assistant secretary of the cation, last night presented that an independent educa- gested the board make public military service, credit for . Scott Funeral Home, Belford, service medals of the Ameri- four proposals to the board. tion evaluation service be what it has done to comply non-public school experience Manzo Contracting Co. Inc., New Jersey State Senate, has was yesterday in Clover- can Bar Association, the New Speaking in the public por- hired to rate integrated with a state Department of and corrections of errors. Matawan, was awarded con- leaf Memorial Park Ceme- York State Bar Association been convicted of false swear- tion near the end of last studies in particular and Education request for local Anthony Crago was hired tracts for site development at tery, Woodbridge. and the Association of the Bar ing in connection with the Ju- night's two-hour meeting, Mr. the kindergarten through board statements of policy on as audio-visual director for Cliffwood Avenue School, $24,- of the City of New York. dith Kavanaugh murder in- Jackson suggested the board 12th grade curriculum in gen- student disorders and redress the 1969-70 school year at a 070, and for repair of asphalt Frank Slezak He had served as president vestigation. use microphones so the pub- eral. procedures. salary of ?ll,500. paving at several schools, $3,- of the Legal Aid Society of lic could hear. 135; ' LITTLE SILVEE-Service The verdict was delivered Sees Insult Edward J. Scullion, board Two to Retire for Frank Slezak, 59 of 251 New York and the National "If you won't use micro- Third, Mr. Jackson urged Thomas Vena of Cliffwood yesterday by a Superior secretary, promised micro- • The retirement requests of Branch Ave. will be at 11 a.m. Legal Aid Association and as phones, then I recommend that Jan. 15, the birthday of phones will be available at received a contract to paint chairman of the American Mrs. Marguerite Murphy and tomorrow in the Adams Me- Court jury which deliberated you have the public portion at Martin Luther King Jr., be a the board's next meeting. Mrs. Helen Berry Quinn, ef- several schools on a total tow morial Home, Red Bank, with Bar Association's Committee more than four hours. Mrs. the beginning of the meet- holiday for all students rath- on Legal Aid. Dr. John F. McKenna, fective June 30, were ap- bid of $8,145. Bev. Charles S. Webster offi- Schleich's iiusbaiig, Roy, is school superintendent, ex- proved. Appreciation of the Atkins and Co. Inc. of Sum- ciating. Burial will be in He was a graduate of Har- the assistant secretary of the plained the board had adopt- board was . extended Mrs. mit was awarded a contract vard College and Harvard Oceanview Cemetery, Staten State Senate. ed policies on student disor- Murphy for 35 years service for furniture for tie additions Island, N. Y. Law School. Trial Continues Today and Mrs. Quinn for 14 years. Judge Salvatore Viviano set ders and redress procedures to Ravine Drive and Broad Mr. Slezak died Sunday in President Kennedy desig- July 2 for sentencing. and sent them to the state Four summer workshops Street Schools on a low bid Biverview Hospital, Red nated Tweed do-chairman of Department of Education. for teachers at a-total cost of $21,171. Ban. the Lawyers' Committee for Mrs. Schleich was charged In Luft Checks Case Copies of the policies are with lying on Sept. 6, 1967, of $7,700 were approved. The A change order to Michael He 5s survived by his wid- Civil Rights under Law, when FREEHOLD - The trial of of the trial before County available to the public, he Kennedy created it in 1963. to a Passaic County grand workshops will include U.S. Ries & Co. of Fords, con- ow, Mrs. Myrtle Macklui Sle- Michael Sidney ;(Sid) Luft, Court Judge Patrick J. Mc- declared. history team teaching, ninth tractor for the school addi- Tweed is survived by his jury which was investigating zak; a brother, Herman Sle- the Judith Kavanaugh mur- Judy Garland's ex-husband Gann Jr. Other Points grade team teaching, social tions, authorizes installation zak, and a sister, Mrs. Edith third wife, the former Bar- Luft is charged with issu- bara Banning; their daugh- der. She testified at the time and manager, on two charges "What about my other two studies integrated curriculum of a sidewalk in front of Ra- Bleler, both of Jersey City. that she and Clifton Police ing worthless checks totaling points?" Mr. Jackson de- and a general program work- vine Drive School at $3,450. ter, Sandra, of New York; of issuing wortMess checks Sgt. John DeGroot had dinner $3,639.68 to the Berkeley Car- manded. \^ shop. The Riesz firm was also two daughters by his first totaling $3,639.68 continues Charles Hodetz marriage; a sister; two at Maria's restaurant on 57th teret Hotel, Asbury Park, "I have no comment on The board secretary was hired to remove classroom ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - grandsons, Nelson W. Aldrich St., near Lexington Ave., in today. last June when Miss Garland those now." Dr. McKenna authorized to execute an walls in the high school at a Charles J. Hodetz, 72, of 125 Jr. and Tweed Roosevelt; a New York City between 5:45 The state rested its case and her retinue stayed there. replied. agreement for participa- cost not to exceed $1,842. Waterwitch Ave., died yes- granddaughter and a great- p.m. and 8 p.m. on Feb. 23, yesterday in the opening day Miss Garland was appearing tion in the national school The board adopted a salary terday in Veterans' Hospital, at the Garden State Arts Cen- There were no comments granddaughter. 1966. The state contended that from board members, either. lunch and milk programs for guide reflecting increases 'or New York City. DeGroot was working until 9 ter, Holmdel. the 1969-70 school year. secretaries and clerks for The transportation commit- Mr. Hodetz was born in p.m. on that date and that Ailing Bus Line In yesterday's session, Luft Contracts were awarded for 1969-70. Brooklyn, N. Y., and lived James A. Whitney after leaving work participat- denied issuing the worthless tee, headed by Mrs. Esther Rinear, was authorized to ad- here for 60 years. RED BANK - James Ar- ed in a meeting at a Garfield Aid Seen Sure checks, maintaining that he He was a veteran of World thur Whitney, 84, who died restaurant with Mrs. Kava- vertise for bids for pupil NEW BRUNSWICK (AP) — did not know that there were transportation for 1969-70. War I and a member of VFW Friday in Riverview Hospital, naugh; her husband, Paul -- State Sen. Norman Tanzman, insufficient funds in the Post 6902; the American Le- was born in Swan Quarter, and several others. Bids will be received at 8 D-Middlesex, said yesterday account. p.m. July 7. gion Twin light Post 143, and N. C. He resided at 9 Worth- Gov. Richard J. Hughes has His attorney, Frank Metro die Old Guard, Bed Bank. ley St. here. The trial was the fourth The committee recom- assured him lie will work for of Newark, produced a letter Does Your Roof Leak? stemming from false swear- mends 22 routes with 36 runs, He Is survived by his wid- In addition to Information passage of bills to subsidize from NiedMnger Associates to Call us about our tough ... ow, Mrs. Betty Hodetz; a ing charges in connection financially ailing bus lines. Mrs. Rinear explained. Of the given fa the obituary in yes- with the investigation. Two the hotel, that it would guar- daughter, Mrs. Helen Per- terday's Daily Register, Mr. 22 routes, four are shorter defendants were acquitted Tanzman said that the gov- antee payment of the deficit. JOHNS-MANVILLE kins of Corpus Christi, Tex.; Whitney was also an employe than the 2'4-jnile minimum and one was convicted. ernor, replying to a letter a sister, Sister Christine of Ft. Monmouth. from him, pledged to work Cross examination by As- for high school student pas- sistant County Prosecutor Odette of New York City, and His funeral was to be today Mrs. Schleicn is a consult- "forcefully" to bring the bill sengers. These four routes one grandchild. at 2 p.m. in Calvary Baptist ant to a fashion house in New to the attention of Assembly John A. Petillo of Luft con- are in sections of the school A Requiem Mass will be of- Church. Interment will be in York. Republican leaders for pos- tinues today. The case is ex- district considered hazard- fered In Our Lady of Perpet- White Ridge Cemetery, Eaton- The Kavanaugh trial is sible action at a special leg- pected to go to the jury ous. ROOFING ual Help at 9 a.m. on Thurs- town, under the direction of scheduled to start Sept. 15. islative session in July. The today. At the suggestion of Her- The state contends Judith • IS-ytor quarant** • Avoid Inttrlor wall day. Interment will be in Mt. the F. Leon Harris Funeral measure has already passed Others testifying were bert Feder, two sets of bids damage Olivet, Cemetery, Middletown, Home here. Kavanaugh was murdered be- the Senate. Stephen Frankel, vice presi- will be solicited — one com- • Mad* by Johnt-Manvllle • Avollabl* In 10 dlHir»»t tween midnight and 1 a.m. on The measure would ear- dent of operations of the plying with minimum distanc- • 235 lbs. p«r iquare foot colon Feb. 24, 1966 at the home of mark $750,000 to keep defi- hotel, and Martin (Marty) es specified by state law and Harold and Dorothy Matzner FURNITURE CO. • cit-ridden buses from going Rothenl>erg, former general the other with the four short FREE ESTIMATES • NO MONEY DOWN in Denville, Morris County. out of business. Tanzman manager of the hotel. routes thrown in. • YEARS TO PAY Keyport 264-0181 j Matzner, his wife, Paul Kav- said Hughes also pledged to "Let's get lit both ways to WEST anaugh and Vincent D. Kear- support a bill to protect sec- see if the difference is signifi- features . . ney have been charged with ond mortgage borrowers cant," Mrs. Rinear suggest- the murder. which Tanzman sponsored. Trailer Park FREE DELIVERY ed. Dally and Saturday B A.M-5:30 P.M. "HOWELL" Sewer Link Gilbert Agrees, I Wedanday and Friday 'HI 9 P.M. * Board member Franklin M. EST. 1869 REGISTER Gilbert, who said the Borough Council and the Township D Main Office: Is Approved 101 Cbeitmt St., Bed Bank, N. 1. OTTO , Council can and should pay Branch Offloeu HAZLET - The Township Open Mon. and Fri. Evenings 'til 9 * 878 Rt. JS,.MIddletown, N. J. for the short routes, agreed 30 EMI Main El., Freehold, N. f, Sewerage Authority last to the suggestion. Vtt Broadway, Lonic Branch, N. J. night gave approval to the 32 BROAD ST. • 741-7500 • RED BANK Eltablllhed In 1811 by John n. Coot and Henry Clar Houde Trailer PSfk to con- Seventeen teachers were , 3 CREDIT TERMS AVAILAILI Pabllsbed t>r Hie Bed Bank Jleghter Incorporated struct a sewer system and hired and resignations were • IUDGBT • EASY CHAROE • FROWN'S CREDIT Member or Uio Associated Press -- Ttit Associated Press Js entitle exclusively to the use for republlcatlon of all tbe Iocs! newi printed In thl» .connect, it,f. the Bayshore accepted from six. Salary in- newspaper as wen as all AP news dlsp&tofaes. " Sewerage Company treat- creases for 15 teachers and a Second class postage paid at Red Bank. N. X 07701 and tit additional Ike la pact malllnr otflcw. Published duly. Monday throng Friday. ment plant. Home Delivery by Carrier — Single copy a.t counter, 10 cents; by Carrier 60 Cent* Per Week. The trailer park, on Rt. 36, 1 monlh-W.75 < months—JU.00 presently has septic tanks. I months—$7.50 U montiu-WT.OO Approval was given subject FOUNDER'S DAY subscription Prices In Advance to several conditions, includ- ing maintenance of the future lines by a reputable service company and compliance with the township trailer park ordinance. An application for similar approval by the 40-unit Haz- let Trailer Park, Rt. 36, was received by the authority and will be acted on at next month's meeting. sniDJunw Also received was an appli- cation for a sewer connection by the Jehovah's Witnesses, who are building a church at 44 Middle Road and Poole Ave. Meg. 1.9B The authority waived the fil- 1• ing fee for the group. In order to open its meet- Favoritetunes of yesterday ings on time, the authority and today.By Frank Sinatra, adopted a resolution requir- Glen Campbell, DeanMartin. ing all applications to be And many others. filed no later than two weeks prior to the meeting date. The body has already set HARRY E. PATTERSON Our Diamond back its meetings to 9 p.m., and last night declared, after Wedding Bands! beginning at 9:15, that delays are usually caused by accep- The "Buck" is Tied to Every tance of applications the night of the meeting. Shadow Lam Manager's Desk Walk Repair When former president Truman placed that sign over his desk which read, "The tuck stops here," doubtless he was unaware that it also stops at the desk of every Shadow Sheer stretch If* Pont Aeele* Pact Let In Lawn manager, too. But that's one thing Harry Patterson grasped within a few days Fall Cant of assuming the direction of our Holmdcl office. And customers doing business with KETA1E BRIEFS A sparkling diamond of Diummcb us know from experience that they can expect a straight answer to any financial HKinmoiis fat each band. Sea bright for Only problem they wish to discuss with Harry ... or any Shadow Lawn manager. his $44.95 1289 SEA BRIGHT — A contract hers $39.95 for $1,917 for the repair and 3 1.15 replacement of 500 feet of 2H.I4 Harry's'eminently qualified, too; not only to give you a slraight answer but a help,- sidewalk paving in front of tte§. 70c pr. Keg. 59C pr. ful one, for he has a sound background of over 16 years in banking and family Micro mesh in fashion colors. Soft-touch tricot Full cat for the Grammar School was Chocolate browns to lemon yel- comfort. Double crotch, elastic awarded by the Board of Ed- financing. Moreover, he has studied all aspects of financing at the American Banking lows, Neutrals, more. Fit 9-11. legs. White only. Sizes StelO. ucation last night to William Institute and has be,en a regular aitendant at the Shadow Lawn managerial Beminah. Shiers, Long Branch contrac- tor, on his low bid. ^ The board approved a pact A lifelong resident of Red Bank and a graduate of Red Bank High, Harry is a for general supplies from the veteran of 4 years in the Korean conflipt, aboard the aircraft carrier Coral Sea J. L. Hammett Co., Union, for and was discharged a Petty Officer, 2nd Class. He is a past member of the Red a sum not to exceed $1,393. Bank fire department. A man of many parts, he is an'avid sports enthusiast; spend- Also approved by the board was the purchase of the bus ing summers at the Driftwood Beach Club and winters in the islands or skiing at Wedding band with leased for the 1968-69 school northern slopes. An amateur painter, he is most interested in the arts and.maintain- «parklln; diamonds. year from GMC Sales Inc., of ing his bachelor status. Ona carat $moo Bradley Beach, for a sum not Slightly irregmlar 3xS ft. plush pile to exceed $6,077. James Gilchrist of Spring CONVENIENT TERMS AVAILABLE Lake was appointed seventh BATH TOWELS ACCENT RU6S and eighth grade teacher at an annual salary of $10,300. I* Re-appointed for the 1969-70 2.97 school year were: Thomas W. Garland Jr., board secretary; it perfect 1.99 3.99 value Big thinty cotton terries in Mrs. Mary Larson, custodian Closely woven cutrayonjpile on of school moneys; Dr. Leon- decorator prints and solids. As- a i)dd-iesuta*t back. Fringed sorted colors* Stock up now! ends. Herein live smart colors. ard S. Danzig, school phy- sician and Dr. Louis F. Mel- laci, school dentist. 600 Broadway, ar Norwood Ave., Long Branch 52 Broad St., Red Bank Bids for the supply of fuel oil for the 1969-70 school year will be advertised and will be • OAKHURST • WAYSIDE • MIDDLETOWN • KlVrORT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED REPLACEMENT OH MONEY REFUNDED opened at the next.regular • NEPTUNI CITY MANALAPAN • EMSL1SHTOWN • HOLMDEI. ' boaty meeting on July 21. -THE DAILY EEGISTEE, BED BANK-MIDDlETpWN, N. J.i TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1969 CDjm-ETES THAWING ^WW ^ cyidfl/ son: rf Mr^ and Mrs. Chattel J. Local Securities Another New Low for Street Beynolda of 8 Dartmouth Representative inter-dealer quotation* at approximately 3:00 p.m. Drive, Hazlet, bas completed Successful yesterday from NASD. Prices do not include retail mark- NEW YORK % nig in an optimistic state- && Mercn_ Nat.j Bank (x) fa M IS 16 Brokers said the early half-hour of trading. But it er on the American Stock Ex- Fund hat been hitting new ment at tie annual meeting ru-st Nat'l Bank of Spring Lake (xx) 2.25 move to the upside apparent- began to dip steadily after change. AMERICA'S highs while the rest of the 69 predicted higher earnings'for 1st Nafl Bk of Toms River (x) (xx) .76 46 ly was weighed down by con- that and at the close was off Associated Press corporate MOST POPULAR market was declining. I can't 1969 and a more favorable 1st state Ocean Cty (x) 10% Stock DM. 20 tinuing concern over tighten- 3.68 at 801.16, the lowest it bond averages were slightly seem to find much informa- climate for foreign invest- Keansburg-Middletown 1.20 42 has been since last Aug. 22 higher. U.S. Treasury bonds, ~ tion on He company. Have ment. I would be inclined to Middletown Banking Co. when it closed at 888.30. were unchanged to higher. AWNINGS you any? R.p. 25 Attends Continuing wait it out until nearer the Monmouth County Nat'l (xxx) .20 11% 11% The close at 891.16 was a A — Japan Fund, a closed- year-end .before possibly tak- N. J. National Bank (x) (xx) .24 16% 17% Education Course new low for the year. The New Monmouth Man ing a tax-loss. Ocean County National 1.70 end investment company, as RIVER PIAZA - John E. previous 1969 low was set last Is Mortgage Officer of March 31, had more than Ronson's President Aron- ^"I1 22* S* Monn">ua> •*> 19 Webb, 17 Sherwood Road, re- Thursday when the Dow fell (x) Plus 4% Stock Div. NEW YORK - Wfflam Stof- half of its assets invested in son has predicted a record p$£^£X cently attended a course at to 892.53. electronics and construction M 140 The Associated Press aver- fe of 7 June, Ter., New Mon- vpavear forr hhim spnmnnnv with ""F™" *«" * ««<•« «- Centre College of Kentucky companies. These two areas age of 60 stocks fell 1.1 to mouth, N.J., has been named of the Japanese economy are Alumni College, an initial 317.5 — a new 1969 low — a deputy mortgage officer of expected to show the great- venture in the field of con- with industrials off 1.5, rails the Bowery Savings Bank. est percentage of growth in nonrecurring charges and ' INDUSTRIAL tinuing education. off ,8, and utilities off .4. Mr. Stoffe Joined the Bowery the next five years. The greater efficiency from plant Aerological Research 9 10% Mr. Webb, a 1951 graduate At one point, gains led in 1947. shares are trading at about consolidation should also Brockway 72 73 of Centre, has been active in losses by a wide margin, but Mr. Stoffe attended Newark ALUMINUM AWNINGS a 27 per cent premium over boost earnings. Five new con- Buck Engineering ,15 16% alumni work. He is sales this situation also was re- College of Engineering and is net asset value. Since the first sumer products, electric and Electronic Associates Wi 18% representative with the Paul versed in later trading. Of a graduate of the School of FIEXALUM awnings protect oi the year, shares have flame, will be introduced In ftoctamlc Assistance 12% 13% Revere life Insurance Co.'s 1,585 issues traded, 819 de- Mortgage Banking at North- your fine furnishings and win- moved up about 60 per cent western University. dow frames from the destruc- the last half of 1969. Gradual Foodaraina 29 23% new offices in Red Bank. clined, and 532 advanced. tion of summer sun; make your primarily, reflecting new all- long-term growth should re- International Computer Sciences 47. 5% | home cooler, more comfortable. time highs in the Tokyo Stock higher trading levels, jg^ 12 15 ICbOoat from 5 styles and over Market. 22 24 100 color combine- In purchasing these shares Monmouth Capital 12 tlon*. Monmonth Electric Take advantage of you should take note of the our low, low prices. fact that they are quoted two 16, call us today. Egg Market 5S5 25 % World*! Foramoit ways. Shares which are ac- Productrof Aluminum companied by American own- TA 7% ership certificates are not sale egg offerings ample. spedcor 35 • Comb. Aluminum subject to the Interest Equal- niand slow yesterday. 1094 10% Spiral Metal 22 ; Doers & Windows ization Tax. The lower quotes Wholesale selling prices u.. S. HomeHomess ; 21 are on foreign shares which 27 29 based on exchange and other United Telecontrol Electronics 14 • Aluminum are subject to the tax. volume sales. Walter Reade-Sterling 13 Q — I am retired with am- New York spot quotations Wlnslow TeL W* MM Replacement ple Income. Two holdings, in follow: 4H Windows spite of stock dividends, are Standards 29-32. off considerably from my pur- Holloman Elected By Controllers chase price. Should I hold or Whites sell Cerro Corp. and Eonspn Fancy large 47 lbs. min. 34- .MORRIS PLAINS — Wil- AlHowell's Corp.? B.D. 36; fancy medium 41 lbs, av- liam E. Holloman, secretary Aluminum Sales A .—' The future cf Cerro erage 23-25; fancy smalls 36 and controller of Red Bank RED BANK, N. J. Corp., because of its, involve- lbs. average 16-18. Savings and Loan Association ment in Peru and the atten- Browns was installed as president of CALL 741-5688 dant uncertainty of the politi- None. Hie New York — New Jersey Free Estimates cal situation there, is cloud- Chapter, National Society of ed ComDanv President Koe- Controllers and Financial Of- Lane Is Director ficers of Savings Institutions Of Defense Assn. at an installation' dinner- BUMSON - Attorney dance in Llewellyn Farms. Harry Lane Jr. of the Bum- The society is represented son law firm of Lane and In the New York — New Jer- Evans was elected a director sey area by 200 hundred con- of the New Jersey Defense trollers from S & L associa- CONSOLIDATE YOUR DOR tions and savings banks. UP TO ? YRI. TO PAY Association at a recent meet- Mr, Holloman joined Bed CASH AMOUNT 60 MO. ing. Mr. Lane is the associa- YOU GET ' OF NOTE PVMT. Bank Savings and Loan As- additional tion's immediate past presi- sociation in 1954 after serv- Six-button double breasted Dacren* and eotfon ««ersudcer $1000 1355.40 22.59 The association is dedicated 12000 2711.67 45.20 ing with the Signal Corps.in sport coat. Shaped body, high center rent, 55.00. The cash! to improving legal ethics and the Korean conflict. A grad- W.LONQ BRANCH TOMS RIVER (MOO 6779.19 11299 courtroom decorum, to elimi- !/4O0 10.168J0 169.47 uate of the Savings and Loan Square • third floor, Natelsons J. Kridel. 5427300 244-5400 nation of civil trial delay and Institute, he is in his second t BRUNSWICK CLARK HUM Artllibli M All lent to retaining and improving year of graduate work at the i] 2574000 • 3J2-7400 SPECIALISTS IN HOME the jury-court method of de- Graduate School of Business jj MODUtN Rf-r INANC I NO termining,,damages, ta, law- at. Indiana- University. For UJ RT. Jt, W. LONO >MNCH> II. J. suits which' seek money nine years he was an officer 143] HOOPER AVE.. TOMS RIVER, N. J. awards as the best means of ACOPTAHCI 211 HIGHWAY II- EAST BRUNSWICK, H. J. of the Monmouth and Ocean CORP- 1114 RARITAN RD., CLARK, N. J. gaining justice for both County Savings and Loan mmmt lie. am. n. n lies • claimants and defendants. League. He is the treasurer of the Red Bank Lions Club and of READING the Monmouth County Chap- ter, National Multiple Sclero- sis Society. He resides with his wife, SUN. MON. TUES. WED. THUR. FRI. SAT. the former Jeanne Rail, four as they did in 1901 daughters and one son at 128 Samara Drive, Shrewsbury. Al Al At 41 41 A% 41 StockMarket Bring your READING HABITS up to dote Yesterday's dosing stocks: AOFInd I-T-H Imp SOU Adajns Ex John. Man 13U Air Prod JORM A If 2614 We want to show you how the Evelyn than just increasing your reading speed. Air Redua Joy Mil 41 41 Alleg Op Kalier Al 8* A% Al A% 41 Al Alleg Lull Kennecott Allef Pow Koppera Wood Reading Dynamics course in- We show you how to remember more of Allied Ch K ranc o Aius Cnal Kr»ge, 8S Alcoa Kroger 37% creases your reading speed. And we what you've read. Am Alrlln Leh Port O 18 Am Can Leh Val Ind 10M Am cvan . .. LOF Co 41 Am M Fdy as L16 McN think the best way to do this is to give You'll see a documentary color film Al Al A% A% Al 12 m Am Motor* JO'i Un * Mr Am smelt 35% Litton Ind Am BM 3«Si Lukem SU you a free sample of our product. When showing what students, teachers and Am Tel*Tel&3 Hagnavox Am Too 34K Mam.th oil AMP too 44* MirUn M Anaoonda 40W Masontte you come to the Mini-Lesson, we'll show congressmen think about "dynamic 41 Arm co SU 63 V. 41 A% Al Merci A% Al Al 3OVi Armour MOM Aim* Web 947! Minn M4 you how to increase your reading speed. reading." Then we'll devote time to Aehl Oil UV1i Mo Pao A AU Richiut no ; Moblloll 79 Avco Com J8i4 Marcor This isn't much of a claim for us. Our questions and answers. We can say Babcock W S8S Mor-Nor 41 Bayuk Clg 15!i Nat Blao 8* 41 Al Al Al 41 N Oa*h Rei A% Bell & How 75?t Nat Distill 18ii average graduates read 4.7 limes fast- with experience: the Mini-Lesson will Bendlx 4414 Nat Oypa 29(4 Beth Steel 34 Nat Steel 4S*i Boeing 42 Nil M Pow 9% Bordcn 30!i No Am Rock 32tt er than when fhey started. The Mini- be one hour of your time that will lead Borg Warn Nor Pao M Brunswk 2o'i Nwtt Alrlln 32% Bucy Brla 24 Outl> Mar 37U Lesson will show you that we go further to saving you hours a day. Bulom Owena HI 71^ Burl Ind 37» fan Am WId 10Vi ...We have your INTEREST Case, Ji Penney, JC 02 Cater Traa erua Pa Pw & Ut 28* CManeie eg Penn Cen 49^ Chei & Ob 63 d Pepel Co 47^fc Chryaler Perkln Kim 471i We've taught over 400,000 people to read an average of 4.7 times faster. Cltlei Bv 60!, PHier 83 Cooa Cola 12V. ) in mind Everyday! Colg Palm Phil El 2T(t Attend a FREE MINI-LESSON* and learn how to read faster in \u\\ one hour! Colum Oaa 28U Phil Pet 32 V, Coinl Solv 19>> Pun Bv EtQ 31 u Oon Bdli 32 Pullman 47% Con Can RCA 44',, CPC IntI l 337)7 4 Readlni Oo 22% There is no interest, like daily interest! Here your savings Corning 01 2M Repub Btl 42 U Cm Zell G0 Revlon 85 u CurUu Wt 2O Reyn Met 37 earn interest from the day of deppsit to the day of with- D Reyn Tob 3«\ BsaUply «K Rob Controls 38 ii drawal ... make your deposit on any business day and it Dow Chera 71 % St Jcx Lead 33 WEST LONG BRANCH X)resi Ind 33l£ St Kegia Pap 42H duPoat 133U Soars Roto (BV starts earning interest immediately! Your savings earn DDu q UU Shea Oil 6SK Bait Ktxl SmIUi, AO 43U Ind John ,«„ Sou Pao 3BS every day, Sunday and Holidays included, right to the day Flreatone 58 Sou Ry 60S PMC Cp 28 Sporry Rd Oil Holiday Inn • Rt. 35 ToM Mot 47« Bid Brand 45 7i of Withdrawals. The interest your savings earn is yours to OAC Cp 66!i 81(1 Oil C.I Gen Clg 24 aid Oil NJ eni, Clen Dynam 29W Stud Worth 79H keep, day of withdrawal does not affect the interest up Oen Eleo M!i Texaon 4 Hi Oen Fd« $2 Tei O Sul 791? THURSDAY, JUNE 19 Oen Motor« 71(4 Textron 24H to that time, as long as there is a balance in your account Oen Pun ut 2«)4 Tranaamer 3OU Un Carbide 32U 0 Tel * Tel 35 Un pac at the end. of the interest period. Oen Tlzm S2U Unlroyal 5:30 and 7:30 P.M. 0 Unit Alro SRiSf. " S» United Con> Look for our 1901 US Plywood Olen Aid i2!i US Smelt Clastts New Forming In this Area * 447-0547 Ooodyear MS Un suet Olds in your area Orac« Oo 31 Walworth 43(4 Well MkH 01 A4P 2JK Wn Un Tel 2.r.;.yi!?"ni' 20 W»ts XI 4 MIDDLETOWN BANKING COMPANY White Mot S Wltoo Ctwa WoolwUx Xwox 1JB0Hi|hWl/35 100HI«hwiy35 2nt fr i (itNimlnkRimRNd) Jnt

OPIN SATURDAY TIU.NQ0N it Navailnlc Rivar Offlea READING DYNAMICS INSTITUTE Mimbir rulwl Dipeilt iniurMciCwpMUM' American Can Marc Kin Ark 1« Creole Pet Molybdenum 21/ * Equity Cp Phoenix SU 11* Sponsored by ACADEMY OF, READING SCIENCE, he. « Ont Clmland Ploct, Springfield. N. J. 4*7-0567 Gen. IMywd Pren Hall 4'!t» auir c«n Toohnlool Jlti ' Imp Oil ' Utah Ma U Men And Horses May Be Vcndering FROM OUR READERS , negater welcomes * Tiio ibLooiuMv Wa* Called" e Eegteter welcom* [ in 1878 — Published by The Bed Bask Register, Incorporated vMM tfcey centals dguture, address Md k**^ M. HAROLD KELLY, Publisher ha, Utasn **wH be limited .to JM wonb. Ttofejr mm fee typewritten. An letter* are «*!«* U condejurtlM uA ['.;/: - Arthur Z. Kamin, Editor editing. Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor —6 ' Tuesday, June 17,1969 For Happier Familim Point Boad ' Little Silver, N. J. To the Editor: Those of us who work toward healthy, happy families War on Grime Must Escalate know too well the heartbreak and the problems that arise with "unwanted" children-larger families than they can The FBI's 2,000-page transcript of tains "the most interesting and scary provide for-unmarried mothers. Most ol us know Of yottnj monitored conversations among New conversations the people of New Jer- people even in high school who have had to stop their educa- Jersey Cosa Nostra leaders points up sey have ever heard." tion because of pregnancy. the problem this state faces because His principal weapon against or- We in Planned Parenthood of.Monmouth County have of the widespread operations of or- ganized crime, he said, will be "21 had the chance over a period of years to lecture to college ganized crime. new young, aggressive, forceful, fight- students, nursing students, church and other groups. We This is a fascinating document, one ing prosecutors." This would come realize how often even the college student is lacking'lit which should arouse the public to the about, according to Mr. Cahill, be- knowledge about the responsibilities of marriage and. how point that a forceful demand is made cause his election would end 16 years the consequences of illegitimate children and hurried mar- for an all-out war on crime. Part of of Democratic administration. If a riages can affect the lives ol three generations in the home. that public, unfortunately, had been prosecutor failed to take appropriate We in Planned Parenthood realize the need for young lulled into the belief that not much steps, he promises, a deputy attorney people of all ages to be aware of life around them and to could be done, and that stories about general would be given the job. be able to face normal problems of life and to discuss openly the Mafia are fiction. "Effective law enforcement can- and with guidance facts that would otherwise come from Despite the "respectful fronts" not result from witchhunts or sensa- hidden sources. . these hoodlums have been able to tionalism. Thus, the counterattack on Planned Parenthood World Population states "Thfiptfinary establish, the transcript accurately — organized crime must be spearheaded responsibility tor sex education resides with the parents and schools along with the church and other community agencies by using their own words — describes by hard, dedicated and objective po- who must play an essential role in extension of such kndwl- them as murderers who exist through lice and court work, It must be sys- edge, relating it with the broader context of human physio- corruption. They aren't "bad guys" tematic and it must be'unremitting." logical, psychological and moral development." turned good. They comprise an evil They were his words May 1. Dr. Guttmacher, president of Planned Parenthood World fraternity that preys on human frailty We can be assured that the subject Population, says: "It's time we acknowledge openly that and fear. of organized crime will be discussed most parents fail utterly to educate their children sexually. The Republican candidate for gov- at length in the days ahead. This will A CONSERVATIVE VIEW Most young people gain their information and mdslnforma" ernor, William T. Cahill, both in his serve a useful purpose if the public Ion, about sex from ill-informed friends, In locker rooms and primary campaign for the nomination demands that all the weapons of gov- now television and movies that generally treat fiel- It ft and in his address before his party's ernment foe used in the battle. We Justice Douglas Should Quit commodity." Planned Parenthood maintains that fertility control, state convention, has made it clear cannot permit the current disclosures By JAMES J. KILPATRICK a lumpy concoction of bare bosoms, first- population dynamics and world population problems should that organized crime will be a key to be tucked away. That happened South Carolina's Sen. Thurmond rate writing, he-she jokes, and Prof. Hef- all be component of family life education. issue in his campaign. after the Kefauver and McClellan had a tough time on the floor the other ner's portentous advice to the lovelorn. It The John Birch Society and certain fundamentalist reli- A congressman and former FBI Senate hearings more than a decade afternoon, trying to build his case for the makes millions. It attracts letters and ar- gious groups have organized a nationwide campaign to dis- ticles from senators, bishops, and assorted agent and county and city prosecutor, ago, and our nation and state are the resignation of Justice William 0. Douglas. credit sex education. It was not, to speak truth, the senator's literati. (Next month: Frank Church.) Mr. Cahill said the transcript con- worse for lit. most shining hour, Mainly it attracts aging sportsmen, out to Planned Parenthood Is opposed to extremist attic*. Edu- though it might have ogle the centerfold bunny. cation in responsible parenthood must include knowledge oi come off better without The point is that Playboy simply Is no fertility control, population dynamics and world population John Llewellyn Lewis the incessant interrup- place for an associate justice of the United problems. It must create a youth code of sexual responsibility John Llewellyn Lewis had the Federation of Labor, he forged indi- tions of Sen. Kennedy. States Supreme Court to propound his through awareness of the tragic consequences of sexual ir- views on public affairs. If such publication massive rending power of a natural vidual skilled craft unions of the mass Yet Thurmond was responsibility. . . ., right: Douglas ought to is not beneath Douglas's dignity, it is be- force. The impression of dormant production industries into the formid- resign. neath the court's dignity. It is almost im- Planned Parenthood of Monmouth CJounty Js pleased to power was heightened by the leonine able Congress of Industrial Organiza- It is not a matter of material to inquire what. Doulgas was see the great efforts that many churches and school* trei mane, mastiff jaw and measured tions. one thing, or two things, paid for the articles. (He won't say; I making to educate our young people to their respohsMinei ' voice which seemed to rise from sub- In forming and heading the CIO, or three. The extracurri- have asked.) What Hefner bought for his toward family life and their willingness to Stan tiR And terranean depths. he alienated not only captains of in- cular activities of money was some of the respectability of speak for what they believe is right. JOLPATRICK this busy jurist are one the highest court in the land. That Isn't During the tumultuous Thirties, the dustry but his former Mend, William for sale.N Submitted by fuzzy thing after another. Nothing patently Eleanor Ingram, PresSMM • Green, president of the AFL. • • • • • ' • . . leader of the United Mine Workers illegal. Nothing covert or crooked. But Planned Parenthood of was denounced as a subversive by de- Lewis knew and quarreled with Douglas flirts with impropriety with a THE PLAYBOY pieces aren't Doug- Monmouth County fenders of privilege. The fiery ex- almost every President from Woodrow brand of arrogance all his own. He does las's only contributions to belles lettres. not exactly disgrace the robe he wears; As Sen. Paul Fannin of Arizona has dis- miner was less concerned with win- Wilson on. His grandiose Welch he merely leaves it a little bit soiled. ning popularity contests than with rhetoric matched his personal stature. closed, he did a free-lance article on folk There is, for example, the matter of singing for the March issue of Avant- Middletown Apartments establishing a union shop in the coal Typically, he primed his oratorical Douglas, the free-lance writer, contributor Garde, the latest enterprise of Ralph Ginz- 191 Holland Boad industry and abolition of the Southern style on the Bible, Shakespeare and to Playboy magazine. The current (July) burg. Whatever may be said of tiie Play- Middletown,N; J. " wage differential. Lincoln. The beneficiaries of his stub- issue of Hugh' Hefner's effulgence, inteijd-. boy contributions,.this exercisfe:,for Avant- To the .Editor: •'••••, When John L. Lewis retired in 1959 born courage saw in him an invinci- ed for sophomores of all ages, carries a Garde was plainly an impropriety: Ginz- Middletown has a master plan, a zoning map and zoning ble champion. lengthy article by the justice, this one burg is a notorious pornographer, de- ordinance. Under the present ordinance, no apartments are as president of the UMW, basic daily dealing with the dam-building sins of the nounced by five of Douglas's colleagues as allowed anywhere in the township. In the past six months, pay for union miners was $24.25 as Mr. Lewis, who died last week at Corps of Engineers. a panderer. > applications for variances were received by the Zoning Board compared with an average daily pay the great age of 89, has best described . * * * Much has been written about Justice of Adjustment from developers who want to build apartments of $2.50 when he took office. It was his manner of pleading the miners' Douglas's part-time executive duties as in the township; an River Plaza, DwJght and Redhill Roads IT IS DOUGLAS'S fourth contribution president of the Parvin Foundation, yet iind Rt. 35 at Applebrook I. Up to this time, no variance the opulent UMW welfare fund, fi- cause: ".. .Not in the quavering tones -to Playboy in a span of 18 months. His first much remains obscure. He resigned has been granted, but the Planning Board is at this moment nanced by 40-cents-a-ton royalties of a mendicant asking alms, but in the article, on invasions of privacy, appeared in April from the $12,000 job. It is a legiti- considering the proposal for Rt. 35 at Applebrook I. , from bituminous coal producers, how- thundering voice of the captain of a in December of 1967. A second, on water mate inquiry to ask what he did to earn If one variance is granted, this township will Have in ever, that Lewis considered his great- mighty'host. . ." pollution, appeared in June of 1968. A the 'money. Mr. Justice Douglas isn't say- apartment explosion. All areas of the township will be vul- third, on civil liberties, ran in Playboy for ing. nerable. I would urge Middletown residents interested, in th* est achievement. January, 1969. Now this. In the lull after the titanic labor Between 1965 and 1967, the Parvin orderly planning and growth of the township to attend the The Apostle of Big Labor did not struggles of the first half of. the Viewed on their merits, the articles Foundation gave $70,000 to the Center for next Planning Board meeting on Monday, July 7, in town hesitate to assault Big Business. Lead- century, the orotund words seem are unexceptional. There is not an original the Study of Democratic Institutions, and hall at 8 p.m. and listen to that board's idea of "adhering ing his union out of the American simply true. idea ,in them, but they are well docu- offshoot of the Foundation for the Repub- to the master plan." If the Planning Board believes that mented and strongly presented. If any oth- lic, Douglas Is chairman of the center. Middletown needs apartments, they should re-draw their er conservationist or libertarian had writ- He has received plump stipends from both zoning map, re-write their zoning ordinance and hold th| INSIDE WASHINGTON ten them, one might remark only his as- the center and the foundation. required public hearings. They can then present their view* tonishment that Playboy should have pub- It is too much. The Supreme Court is to the public and listen to the opinions of the people of lished the pieces. And.there's the rub. Hef- —or ought to be—the most revered Institu- Middletown. Spot zoning for apartments Is irresponsible planning. c i ' ner didn't buy these essays for their con- , tion in our public life. The nine men who Nixon Appointees and the Senate Yours sincerely, 1 tent; he brought them for their byline. sit on that court have an obligation for By ROBERT S. ALLEN ago that he would fight Knowles appoint- And that's what Douglas sold. propriety beyond the obligations of- other Peggy Koaipfner . . and JOHN A. GOLDSMITH ment. With the post still unfilled, Dirksen Now, Playboy isn't obscene. By def- men. Those who can't measure up ought President Nixon, who has been slow in restated his opposition last week. initions Douglas helped to write, it sails to to. stand down. If that shoe fits Douglas— filling top government jobs, is now having Knowles is the director of the presti- the windward of the law. The magazine is and it does—let him put it on. the Luxury of Golf I gome of his appointments delayed by gious Massachusetts General Hospital. The W.Wilson Circle games of senatorial cat-and-mouse. American Medical Association opposed his YOUR MONEY'S WORTH Middletown, N. J. .. * Senate leaders of both parties are in- appointment to the HEW post because To tie Editor: volved. The result is a lit- Knowles has supported compulsory health, I am compelled to state my position on the netsA pro- tle more tarnish on the posal to purchase a municipal goil course. lack-lustre facade of the care plans and other liberal social welfare Far-Out Investment Since the people united and. defeated the school budget current, 91st, Congress. projects. By SYLVIA PORTER collectors' items has remained at or be- twice, I think the Township Committee should reaHM thai The Senate has al- Dirksen, who professes great admira- You are aware that the values of well low their face value and their sole use is the citizens of Middletown are just paying more taxes than ways been zealous in car- tion for Taft, has not really explained his chosen stamps are now rising as much as as postage. they can afford. rying-out its constitution- opposition to Knowles. Dirksen has noted We are faced with a sewage plant expense and the con' 29-30 per cent a year. You're appalled by 4) Do stick to the higher price speci- al responsibility to "ad- that the AMA is opposing Knowles and he tinuous rising,school costs. I fail to understand how the ,the fact that recently the shrinkage in the mens and avoid the typical 50 per cent vise and consent" on was reported to have described the doctor, town officials could burden taxpayers with a two million . buying power of your dollar has more retail markup on inexpensive "examples. presidential nominations. a fellow Republican, as a "radical" at one dollar country club. The idea is great but lower-and middle than wiped out the Inter- The big increases in values are tak- In the past, however, closed-door meeting. income salaries will only stretch so far. est you have earned on ing place today in this high priced cate- rather precise criteria Otto F. Otepka-He as the former State •your bank savings and Let's keep expenditures to a reasonable amount. applied in consider- gory—particularly, 19th century stamps were Department Security Officer who was U. S. bonds. and early airmail stamps. Very truly yours, .;' ing Dresidential appointments. demoted after he privately slipped some How can you, the * * * .. • M. S. Beam The other formula, as the late Sen. departmental data to the Senate Internal amateur, intelligently in- Robert A. Taft, R-Ohio, once explained it, Security Subcommittee in 1963. His cause vest a portion of your 5) DO, IF YOU find an old stamp col- gave a president wide latitude in select- was quickly espoused by a number of right capital in stamps to pro- lection in the attic and want to sell it, take ing top aides, provided that an appointee wing groups, and he then became a target tect your savings against it (or a representative sample) to two or (1) was not clearly in- of the left wing. Inflation and probably to three reputable stamp dealers and/or auc- competent to do the job make substantial profits, tioneers. Ask each how much he .consid- assigned, and (2) had not At Dirksen's behest, President Nixon ers the whole collection to be worth. If nominated Otepka on March 20 to be a too? been guilty of an offense FOSTER the stamps are attached to the original let- member of the nearly defunct Subversive Here, from an inter- involving moral turpi- terview with Bernard ters, don't remove them, or you may slash Activities Control Board. No one testified their value to virtually nothing. A stamp tude. against the nomination, and the Senate Ju- Harmer, president of New York's H. R. There was another Harmer, Inc., the world's largest stamp professional may legitimately charge you diciary Committee approved it 12 to 3 for an assessment of your collection, if you proviso. A single senator more than a month ago. auctioneers, is how: could block a presidential do not end up selling it to him. Typically * * * 1) Do start as a general collector, in- appointment on grounds vesting only small sums. Then develop a an auctioneer will charge you a commis- that the nominee was ' - SINCE THAT TIME the nomination specialty—such as stamps of one type sion of 20 per cent of the sale price of the collection for auctioning It, less If the •GOLDSMITH "personally obnoxious," has been stalled and in a sort of limbo on (e.g. airmail stamps or engraved stamps), but such an objection the Senate calendar. The Senate's Demo- from a particular country or region, or collection Is very valuable. To make sure could only be applied to a nominee from cratic leadership, which attends to such from a particular era. Study as much re- a stamp dealer is reputable (and quite a a senator's own state to a federal position precedural matters, simply has not sched- liable literature as possible and attend as few aren't), check names with the Ameri- within that slate. uled the Otepka nomination for floor con- many auctions in your area as you can. can Stamp Dealers Association in New York City or one of its chapters in other The personally obnoxious ploy has not sideration. • * * big cities. been used for years. The thoughtful for- Eventually, the nomination will be ap- 2) DON'T WASTE your money on mula employed by Taft and his contem- proved. The word now is that action may cheap packets of stamps. The odds that 6) Do, if you know nothing about poraries has apparently been junked alto- come this week after a few opponents, you'll find a valuable one are virtually stamps but still want to Invest for profit, gether. • mostly Democrats, air their objections, nil because these packets are put together employ a knowledgeable dealer or other Now a nominee can be opposed which are keyed to the old security mat- by experts who almost surely have snagged expert to advise you, to buy stamps for on grounds of prejudice; personality, ter and to the way Otepka raised money to any valuable stamps before they get into you at auction, or simply to sell you or even pique. This is how things have fight the long legal battle which ensued, the packet. The wholesale price of a typi- stamps he deems investment-worthy. Such been Rolnc; for President Nixon: Carl J. Gilbert—Two Senate committee cal collection of 5,000 stamps is only $12.50. agents today are representing increasing Dr. John H, Knowles—President Nixnn chairman are in a jurisdictional battle over 3) Don't buy up whole sheets of ordi- numbers of investors; their fees generally hadn't even nominated Knowles, his Gilbert, who was nominated by President nary new stamps from this or that coun- run about 5-10 per cent of the cost price of "You really beflln to feel the generation choice lo be assistant HEW secretary for Nixon on April 14 (o be the U.S. special try—where a currency devaluation could stamps bought. Serious collectors and top gap, whan your aatinae I do la atart pilliril health, when Senate Bepublican Leader representative for trade negotiations, a Job flash their value. This goes (or tha U. S. (tamp auctioneers-can steer, you to tdvi*- Everett M, Dirksen, 111.! announced peeks with ambassadorial rank. tXhifi M* , • r.*i ' u fify -3HE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK.MDDLETOWN, N. J.: TUESDAY, JUNE 17, TV COMMENT Ashury Park Lions1 Installation Friday WANAMASSA - The As. pecko Drive. bury Park Lions Club will Donald Pappa, dub presi- bold its annual officer instal- dent, stated that an announce- lation dance. Friday at the ment of extreme importance Rodgers Show Wanamassa Gardens. Wicka- would be made at this affair. WCBS-TV I WNEW-TV iWOR-tV fflVVNDT:TV WNBC-TV ' WABC-TV WPIX-TV O IndieaUs Color Engaging Piece ' . O TWILIGHT ZONE DAYTIME SPECIALS v , . Du5t", When the hangman's,rope breaks, it seems By CYNTHIA LOWRY — it didn't try to imitate that a pouch of "magic dust" »old as a hoax Is COMFORTABLY AIR CONDITIONED 2:00 ID BILLY GRAHAM CRUSADE "Laugh-In." •-" '• responsible. NEW YORK (AP) - "The WALTER READE THEATRES Fourth sewion of 10-day crusade ' © TO BE ANNOUNCED The casual viewer could S:00 ID NEW YORK YANKEES BASEBALL 9 Jimmie Rodgers Show," have become pretty confused 9:00 O TUESDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES which is replacing CBS's Detroit Tigers vs Lankeei at Yankee Stadium. ' '.'. '.^King's Pirate" starring Doug McClure, Jill St. earlier in the evening with DAYTIME MOVIES John. In 18th century Madagascar, a British naval Carol Burnett and company Don Murray appearing simul- • officer masquerades as a deserter to gain entrance for the summer, took off with taneously on two networks. RID IANK MIDDIETOWN 10:00 Q"Th»Old DarkHouia" • • to a pirate stronghold. (1967) (Rr zip and enthusiasm last night, He was playing a slick, at- O "Guilty Bystander" . ©MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE • « auguring a tractive Wild Bill Hickok in ARLTON OWN 12:00 O "Thunder Over tha Plains" : . © EVERYMAN ON THE STREET 8 couple of NBC's movie rerun, the 1966 74MU0 T 47I40M 2:00 O "I'll See You in My Dreams" © THE DORIS DAY SHOW © months of I "Plainsman." At the same 3:00 O "Within These Walls" pinner becomes a comic disaster when Billy and pleas- time he was the sweaty, un- ASIURY tUOL 4:30 O "Lonely Are the Brave" Toby take their mother to a restaurant that turns ant diver- shaven Earl Corey of ABC's •ATONTOWN ' ;•••'' ; out to be a garish roadhousa with a clientele to O "Jupiter's Darling" , • sion. •':1 ,•;:•.• • )natch. (R) . rerun of "The Outcasts." DRIVE-IN AYFAIR Rodgers, • 0 N.Y.P.D. 8 "The Doris Day Show" is 543-4100 77B4H1 EVENING an engaging VI i •• -"The Case of the Shady Lady". A beautiful go-go undergoing some repair work yopg man 6:00 O O NEWS 8 • . • dancer accuses a businessman of having, murdered for its' second CBS season. STARTS TOMORROW with a sooth- O MeHALE'S NAVY her husband after his death has been ruled aulclde. Plans are to move the family .'• © TO BE ANNOUNCED ing voice O 6 O'CLOCK MOYIE out of those bucolic surround- 10:00 6 WHO, WHAT,, WHEN, WHERE, WHY 8 and a lop- ings and into the city. And "Th» Lady is Willing" starring M&rlen* Dietrich, "Inflation" special on the subject of how the shrink- Fred MacMurray. A glamorous stage «tar wants a LOWRY sided grin, they are beefing up the baby so badly she kidnaps one the thinks has been "..• • ing dollar affect* the average working man and worked his way through an comedy side with the addition woman. ' ' abandoned. (1942) assortment of songs and in- of Rose Marie, late of the D 10 O'CLOCK NEWS 8 © TV HIGH SCHOOL troduced his guests with an "Dick Van Dyke Show." O THE DICK CAVETT SHOW 8 4:30 O MY FAVORITE MARTIAN easy air. © NEWSFRONT • • •• Ralph Bellamy, another TV O EYEWITNESS NEWS-o:30 REPORT 8 11:00: OO NEWS, WEATHER, SPORTS 8: Surrounding him were old-timer who has been away © THE FRENCH CHEF O HUMPHREY BOGAftT FILM FESTIVAL three members of the Burnett for a long time, returns next "High Sierra" starring Humphrey Bogart, Ida troupe — Vicki Lawrence, season, playing the father of 7:00 O CBS EVENING NEWS WITH Lupino. Exciting drama of gangster and girl who WALTER CRONKITE S hide out in the High Sierras until police find them. Carol's look-alike; Lyle Wag- Lana Turner and George O HUNTLEY-BRINKLEY REPORT 9 (1941) goner, the announcer, and Hamilton in ABC's "The Sur- O II O'CLOCK MOVIE O I LOVE LUCY © Don Crichton, the lead danc- vivors." O ABC EVENING NEWS WITH ID BILLY GRAHAM CRUSADE 8 er. Added were an attractive FRANK REYNOLDS 9 ! Fifth evening of 10-day crusade MUS\C 0 NEW JERSEY SPEAKS FOR ITSELF 11:30 O TONIGHT SHOW 0 young group, the "Burgundy MAKtRS 7(30 O LANCER 0 0 THE JOEY BISHOP SHOW 8 Street" singers, and an out- [THEATRES 12:00 ID TWELVE O'CLOCK NEWS 8 Scott finds himself succumbing to the wiles of s size redhead named Nancy lovely girl who has convinced the Lancers she is AIR-CONDITIONED! in California to dispose of her late grandfather* 12:35 ID TONIGHT AT THE MOVIES Austin, who if she stays away "I Met Him in Paris" starring Melvyn Douglas, •state. (R) • from cliche fat-woman Jokes ' O STAR TREK © Claudette Colbert. New York fashion designer, who THEPIA7A saved for three years for a three week trip to Is likely to steal the show. «!C. 31 »I MIDOLE ID, HAIIET 2M-44H "Day of the Dove". Hatred reigns aboard the Enter- Europe meets tvro writers in Paris and then spends priie as crew members battle Kllngons and eventu- two weeks with them in the Swiss Alps. (1931) Soloist Scores • ' ally each other. (R) 1:00 G .THE LATE SHOW Miss Austin's solo, "I'm the B TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES Q O THE MOD SQUAD © "The Black Shield of Falworth" starring Tony Cur- Last of the Busby Berkeley tis, Janet Leigh. Howard Pyle's novel of a knight- SNOrriNG CENTER, ROUTE 70 477-MDD 'Tear, is the Bucking Horse", The squad works a Girls" was the closest tlrng hood trainee who learns that his father was of to a show-stopper in the hour. rodeo undercover to protect a TV cowboy »tar noble Mood and was wrongly accused of disloyalty whose life has been threatened. (R) ' by the Earl who desired to take over the throne. The sets were simple, clean- 0 DIVORCE COURT © (1954) lined and in bold, fresh colors. An American iwclear-attack . fitanton vs Stanton". A husband attempts to resist O TONIGHT'S NEWS 8 The total effect was easy on 5H0PFIKS CENTER. IO0TE 74474U00 sub sets oat on. a mysterious his wife's suit for divorce claiming that she ap- O THE CHEATERS eye and ear. It fell down in mission... carrying a spy! proved of his behavior. Q JOE FRANKLIN SHOW 8 ID WORLD PRESS © only one department — com- STARTS TOMORROW 1:05 O THE BEST OF BROADWAY 1:00 0 PAY CARDS 8 edy. One feature, which is to "Blueprint For A Million" starring Gunner Hell- i; Playeri teat their memories and luck to pair up be a weekly effort, involves Adventure at strom, Tor Isedal. A. suspense filled drama about a taking home movies with the cards for money. Art James to host. supposedly foolproof plan for a million dollar haul. top of the world! Station ZrfftflT O DIVORCE COURT 1:15 O THE GREAT GREAT SHOW ' cast at various locations. The ijnttterpttsats 'Tempi* vs Temple". A husband returns home after "Jungle Manhunt" starring Johnny Weissmuller, first was at a nearby Air ^AMl recuperating in the hospital from an auto accident Bob Waterfield. Jungle Jim and a news photog- Force base and, with all the Rock Ernest Patrick Jim only to find his wife asking him for a divorce. rapher search for a former football star who wai slapstick gags, it didn't come Hudson Borgnine McGodhanBeom 1:30 O THE RED SKELTON HOUR 9 reported missing in the jungle during a wartime off. There were some weak mission. (1B51) "fee . Guests: Tpny Sandier and Ralph Young efforts about a vending ma- O JULIA © 1:30 O NEWS HEADLINES chine world and a wedding Station "Solid Brass Ssow Job". Hoping to get business 2:00 O NEWS AND WEATHER ceremony programmed by a from Astrospace Industries health office, a medical 2:05 (D LATE NEWS FINAL Zebra" •upply salesman hires a handsome young fellow computer but neither worked Lost Day of tht Corlton — "DR. 2HIVAGO" MGM ' to romance Julia. (R) 3:00 Q LATE NIGHT NEWS well. Loil Day at the Drlv«.ln — "Gmn Slim*" O THE MERV GRIFFIN SHOW 9 3:05 Q THE LATE LATE SHOW I O IT TAKES A THIEF © "The Oregon Trail" starring Fred MacMurray, Joe Hamilton Is the ex- Last Day al the Town and tfw Mayfalr "Hans Across the Border". Mundy arranges to ,be Gloria Talbott, Nina Shipman. A New York news- ecutive producer of the show "FISTFUL OF DOLLARS" and "FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORI" psp<5r,>reDpr,ter. is, sent, to cover the situation, in the ... with ROCK HUDSON , imprisoned in East Germany as a spy, tty'raake Jos- 1 < and perhaps the vital missing Oregon,'ehralite to which many settlers 'have been' and JIM BROWN Bible his exchange for a supposed Communist spy, massacred by Indians. (1951) - , yriio is actually a V. S. aeent. (R) ingredient was his wife: Miss 5:00 B GIVE US THIS DAY Burnett. It did have some- EATONTOWN thing unusual about it, though OMMUNITY Mrs. Nathan Witkind Heads I S4M8I STARTS TOMORROW At The STARTS TOMORROW THAT OLD DEVIL OF Monmouth Symphony League A MUSICAL HIT! Modes EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT ASBURY PARK-The Mon- Other officers seated were The league assists the STARTS FRIDAY EVENING 8:30 "FINIAN'S RED BANK mouth Symphony League held Mrs. Eugene Landy, vice orchestra in its social, educa- k * * OlIJMBArTMBreeis * * * RAINBOW" CARLTON- tional and fund-raising func- TKIOMUSFRCCUM,! its Installation luncheon in the president; Mrs: A. H. Linky FRED ASTAIRE Dl. Zhlvtro 1:00; I;00. and Mrs. Emil Wuorio, vice tions. On the new board of di- EATONTOWN Empress Motel here. PETULA CLARK presidents; Mrs. Harry Ro- rectors are Mrs. Irving Band- COMMUNITY- Gilman Collier, conduc- TOMMY STEELE X rutlui of Dollw «:M: 1MB: tor of the Monmouth Sym- man, treasurer; Mrs. Je- er, Mrs. George Chertoff, For a Ftw Dolliri Hart 2:00; T:30. phony Orchestra, installed rome Buskin, recording sec- Mrs. Milton Conford, Mrs. DRIVEIN- Nathan Daniel, Mrs. Leonard LAST TIMES TONIGHT I Th< Qreen SUme 8:49; IJ-.lSi Mrs. Nathan Witkind, as pres- retary, and Mrs. J. B. Band- Huvm With a Bun 10:30. • ident., er, corresponding secretary. Danzig, Mrs. Milford Farley, The Plaza & Brick Plaza FREEHOLD Mrs. Lester Hess, Mrs. Eu- "The Green Slime" (G) MALL- gene Kahn, Mrs. J. C. Kep- TWICE DAILY — 2:30-8:30 ' TK Lani<«t Day 1:00. pler, Mrs. Ira Katchen, Mrs. RESERVED SEATS NOW BY Freehold Mall ASBURY PARK MAIL OR AT BOX OFFICE Walter Kohn, Mrs. Eugene BARONET- "The Longest Day" If 1:00: 1:10. Lehmkn, Mrs. Robert tippin- OPENING NITE BENEFIT LYRIC- cott, Mrs. David Marner, Man. County Arthritis Found. Mall Cinema All S»ah S5.50 . Tax Daduct. Tht Lion In Wlnltt I:JO. Miss Lily Pier, Mrs. Eugene "Southern Star" MAYFAIR- Rothenberg, Mrs. Roy Sager, Lait Day at Nopruno — "GREEN SLIME" A Fl»t Full at Dollin 3:00; 7:00; Last Day at the Community — "FISTFUL OF DOLLARS" Mitt: For a Fiw.Dalian lion Mrs. George Skokas, Mrs.i - S:»0; 1:30. Leo Slobodin and Mrs. Joseph I and "FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE" ST. JAMES- B. Sugarman. Premiere Tomorrow 8:30 War * Pet.ce (Put II) 3:00: li0O. FARMINGDALE Exclusive Engagement SHbRE DRIVE-IN- ASBURY PARK If It'i Tutida; Thli Mint B« Beliium 9:00; 1J:4S; Oxisin'i } AIR CONDITIONED i •MM 11:10. YRIC NEPTUNE CITY ^ATLANTIC; I 77S-1M! NEPTUNE CITY— < VUUn >f the DimniJ 1:30: Owen 4 Atlantic Hlghlondi 291-0148 J ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! LAST 3 DAYS IlliM 7:00: 10:00. 4 Fte* Smoking Section K BRIELLE DR1VEIN- "GOI-FORTHE FURY. Charly 1:15: 12:40: S»lt * Ftppn BEST ACTRESS! w WINNER 3' FORCE AND FUN OF tt:M. BRICK TOWN ll« -COOK BRICK PLAZA- BARBRA STREISAND ACADEMY "ANGRY.TOUGHAND «reen tllnu 7:30: »:SI>. MALL CINEMA- FULLOFSTINGI"-.*, Th« Southern Star 7:21; «:«. AWARDS "A PICTURE YOU MUST LAURELTON DRIVEIN- Including SEE THIS YEAR IS it." 1*» Loni»it Day 1:15: 1:19: TS« -UCUCi HQUlJOunn, BUM Dt MM. Bloeiom 11:55. . Best Actress {! TOMS RIVER {MM PICTURES DOVER- WINS AWARD — Monmouth Arts Foundation Merit Dr. Zhlvaio 1:00. Aliff MORiAL ENTERfRBES FUM DRIVEIN- Award winner Daniss Parks, left, receives first an- 1001 A Si*c« Otymy l:«; 1:10; ANAVCO6MBAKVFILM Ildmi Summer 11:25. nual Somerville Award for talent in music, from Mn. ISLAND HEIGHTS SomerviHo, whose husband, Dr. W. T. Somerville, of BAY DRIVE-IN- Fair Haven, past chairman of the foundation, A rintful of Dollar! •:<»: 12:50: KATHARINt HtPBURN For a Few DfllUrl Mort 10:30. inaugurated tha award, this year. Presented at Howell .MAJIINPOll.^., North of Red Bank Township High School, whare Miss Perks, a 1969 THeUONINWINTCR ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS ATLANTIC- graduate, won honors as an oboist, the 'award con- Shotl of thi Flihcrmtn 8:11. sists of a gold medial arid a scholarship in her chosen MIDDLETCWN field of music. The Somerville Award has been set up TOWN- for annual presentation to a talented and dosorving ASBURY PARK A Fiitirul Df Dollan 7:00; 10;W; TODAY AT For a Faw Dollar! Mor« 8:40. student iin the fields of either music or visual arts. HAZLET AMES 2:00 P.M. and 8:00 P.M. PLA2A- 7754883 Th» nrten ailme 7:25; 9:25. "Ice RT. 35 DRIVEIN- Station KAY MEOFORO ANNE FRANCIS WALTER PIDGEO««wi«w Flatful of Dollnri 1:<5; 12:<9; For Garden State 1 < 1 PART a raw Dollar! More 10:SO. ""HESIW-" " B08MERRa £ACADEMY KEYPORT Zebra ' STRAND- Arts Center f AWARD " Inia 7:30: 10:22: FiWar I:M. ,il Telegraph Hill P.nk on the Garden State Parkway • lul I IE DAY PERTH AMBOY THURSDAY SATURDAY I WINNER! AMBOY DRIVE-IN- Caruon 1:45; The Grain (Urn* PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA i:5l; 12:28: Batllt BenaaUi lha XtrUi 10:11. nc no nunr rmuomtr LEO TOLSTOYS EAST BRUNSWICK 2 SHOWS DAILY • 2:30 and 8:30 TURNPIKE- OUTDOOR—araan Slime 1:50: PRICES —— 12:15: Kaavan wiui a oun 10:30. BUTTERFLY ENDS TODAY Mart. Men.-Fil. $2.00, 2.50. 3.00. Sot-Sun. H.50 3.00. 3.SO. INDOOR — Green SUme TI30; 11 IVM. Sun.-Ftl. $2.50,1.00, ISO. Sot. and H»l. J3.00, 3.SO. 4.00. WARWPEACE 10:50; llaivan With a Oun 1:10. "A Fistful of Dollar* MENU) PARK I. For into ml) 764.9700. RISIRVID SEATS NOW AT BOX OFFICE OR BY MAIL. PHICt S W Sd ' P?. . fS 4 'At, 3 MJ Lmvi SrMiinj Fn, A Sul. t3 SO Mon Tliuri iV.OO, "For A Few Doflars More" CINEMA-T- ,., ^\AeWWiV Bf. Bfclvia> l:J0l l:0«)/t:M. f -THE DAILY REGISTER. R£D BANK-MIDDLETOWN, N. J.: TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1969 Charm Course Hints Enthusiasm Lingers Oh Can eight weeks make a showed each girl how to style The girls are proof that difference to teen-agers these her hair, and Mrs. Penny teen-agers can be taught, and days? Kopsick, of Bonwit Teller in like to be taught the right Apparently so, at least for Short Hills, whose discussions things. The girls who partici- 15 young ladies from Holm- of today's fashions proved pated in the course exhibit a del. most popular with the girls. surety and poise that adds to During the eight weeks the the natural beauty of youth. An eight-week charm girls concentrated on posture, They all agree that the course course with a difference was was a help to them, and look sponsored by the Colts Neck learning to stand and walk properly and beautifully. Dur- forward to attending again, Township Recreational Com- if it is offered. mittee. ing the sessions on hair, the girls learned the proper way Typical of the enthusiastic Organized by Mrs. Bruce to tease from the root up, response to the course was M. Van Vliet, the "differ- the advantages of lemon and the comment of one of the ence" was supplied by two vinegar as a rinse, and the girls when asked her family's experts, Mrs. Albert Herman, reaction. "My sister wanted Colts Neck, and Mrs. Donald importance of good diet, cleanliness and regular brush- to come," she began, but was Skistimas, Milltown. Both are interrupted by another girl, registered nurses, and they ing to the health of their hair and scalp. who-quipped, "Not here! My stressed that the best way to mother wanted to come!" beauty and charm was The practical approaches Participants in (he initial through good health. Under to beauty and charm gave course were Sue Lane, Diane' their tutelege, the girls the girls the skills and poise Brittain, Kathy Fralick, Deb- learned the benefits of good . to produce a fashion show for diet; exercise to tone the bie Carola, Peggy Smith, their parents, with fashions figure, and how to care for provided by Countrywear of Sheila Ketner, Marian War-' their skin to keep a youthful gacki, Chris Bosworth, Paula complexion. Colts Neck. The show was a great success, and the girls Curley, Peggy Neihaus, Basic tips for beauty were ; are still bubbling with excite- Tracy Andrews, Karen • provided by Mr. Robert of ment over the new look the Pierce, Patsy Fiorino, Bar- Robert's Beauty Salon, who charm course gave them. bara Buck and Mary Wier. IT'S EASY — Sue Lane, left, demonstrates her new skill with the complexities of fashion to two young admirers, Cynthia Duncan, 10, and Suzanne Van Vliet, ANN LANDERS 7, right. (Register Staff Photos)

FASHION FLAIR — Karen Pierce In a red frenf.pla.at skirt topped with a'red and blue jersey, and Patsy Ironclad Reasoning Fiorino, in a white sailor-style dress, model the out- Dear Ann: Please settle an . •fits they wore in the charm school fashion show. My father gets awfully mad he gives a shot, for die same argument between my dad when he sees me ironing reason. Some shots produce and me. I'm 21, have a good Jordie's shirts. I say if I discomfort and semi-lncapad- SMILE IN STYLE—Mrs. Bruce M. Van Vliet, organizer office job and live at home. learn now it will save a lot tation for a few hours and It'i of the Colts Neck charm course, gives a final touch I've been going with a very of arguments later. Please logical to put the less active interesting guy who has had express an opinion, T- Press- to Paula Curley's new hair style. arm out of commission. a bad mar- ing Problem riage and is deter- Dear Press: Practice on mined not your dad's shirts. You can Women tackle the starch problem af- to make an- ter you are married. other mis- To Tour take. Jord- Dear Ann Landers: I'm ie's ex-wife bugged by something and I didn't know 3 Parks don't know who to ask. So, beans about HOLMDEL - A bus tOW Of housework you're elected. the Monmouth County Park ,or cooking LANDERS We all know that a right- or ironing handed person wears his wrist System will replace the usual and he wants to make sure watch on his left wrist. Why monthly meeting of the Mon- I can please him. Every week do left-handed people wear mouth County Federation of Jordie brings over his shirts their watches on the right Republican Women Thursday. so I can practice. He is very wrist? — Red Sails Board members and offi- fussy about the amount of Dear Red: The watch is starch in his collars and cuffs. worn on the arm that is used cers of the federation will We always go over the ironed less to diminish the chances meet at HoTmdel Park at 10 shirts and discuss what I did for breakage. The doc a.m. to board buses which wrong. chooses; the watch arm when will take them through the Holmdel facilities, then to the Thompson Park-site of the former estate of a federation, founder, the late Geraldine Woman of Year Award Thompson—and then on to RED BANK - Mrs. LeRoy Department and committee Turkey Swamp Park, Free- M. Phifer of 94 Garden Road, chairmen named are Mrs. hold, where a box lunch will Shrewsbury, was named Jay Guyer, ChKStlaiTS^cial be served. The meeting of the Woman of the Year by the board will take place in the &>•£& relations; itoff Thomas La- S»fi Woman's Society of Christian cey, missionary education shelter facilities located at Service of the United Meth- and service; Mrs. Edward B. Turkey Swamp. r "L: . odist Church. Cheney Jr., spiritual growth, John Lemon, secretary of r • '' — She was honored for her and Mrs. Maurice Whalen, the Board of Recreation Com- Thank You to Workers service as treasurer of the so- local church responsibilities. missioners, will conduct the RUMSON - The Mon- cheon in River House Inn win, .Oceanport; Miss ciety for the past four years Also, Mrs. Herbert D. King, tour. The group will return to mouth County Association for yesterday to honor and thank Christine O'Neill, Highlands; Engagements and for her endeavors as cir- membership cultivation; Mrs. Holmdel for a final summa- cle leader. Retarded Children held its community - minded women Miss Beth Ann Patterson, Richard Stout, campus min- tion of the park development anticipated by the county. second annual volunteers' lun- who have volunteered time Mrs. Wendy Evans, Red Mrs. Frank E/Stehlik, who istry; Mrs. Warren Farring- consistently on programs for Bank; Mrs. Esther Herbert, was elected for her second ton, program materials; Mrs. the retarded operated by the Mrs. Phyllis Zimmer and term as president, presented Merton Morse, supply work; Senior Citizens . association. Mrs. Rosemary Hammond, Mrs. Phifer a gold pin repre- Mrs. Gustave Husenitza, res- Middletown; Mrs. Jean AVirth, senting special membership. ervations; Mrs. Robert Sad- Slate Events Special awards were pre- LITTLE SILVER - The Se- The perl eel time sented by the hostess, Count- Neptune Township; Mrs. Vir- Mrs. Phifer, the mother of ler, parsonages; Mrs. Harold ginia Hudson, Mrs. Elizabeth three married children, Alan W. Compton, sunshine and nior Citizens Group of Little to learn computer ess Anatole Buxhoeveden, Silver will meet next Tues- Rumson. Services bars were Moynahan, Mrs. Elizabeth Phifer of Texas, Donald Phif- Mrs. Irvin M. Schulte, public- Halverson, Shrewsbury; Mrs. er of Asbury Park and Mrs. ity. day at 12:30 p.m. in Embury programming awarded to Mrs. Mildred An- Methodist Church Hall, 49 derson, Sea Bright; Mrs. Vir- Dorothy Johnson, Eatontown; Jay Duncan of Long Branch, Mrs. George W. Schmidt, Church St. Mrs. William Car- ginia Clapp, Little Silver, and Mrs. Caroline Pease and Mrs. also was recipient of a recent js when you've sewing group; Mrs. Kenneth hart will be in charge of des- Mrs. Sally Gaskill, Ocean- Elizabeth Bernheim, Holm- commendation for her work C. Brandenburg, Sunday just graduated port; all representing 11 del; Mrs. Rose Green, Sea as a civilian employe at Ft. sert and beverages. The greeters; Mrs. R. Clifford Rev. S. M. Haney of the years of volunteer service; Bright; Mrs. Ann Heenehan ,..4 Monmouth. Whitfield, Mrs. Henry J. Pal- from high school. Miss Pam Riker of Rumson, and Mrs. Eileen Maloney, Lit- church will show films of his Adams Miss McCall New officers also elected mer and Mrs. William Mac- trip to Panama and South And 1t» perfect place is ECPI. was given a service bar for tle Silver; Mrs. Lois are Mrs. Fred Collender, vice donald, hospitals and homes America's oldest largest and most nine years of service and Miss Thatcher, Fair Haven; Mrs. America. respected institution for data proc- president; Mrs. Robert Rick- and Mrs. Whitfield, Mrs. essing nfucjtion. Call, writs or drop Mary Kelly of Red Bank, six Pam Jamison, Englishtown, Erhard-Adarns ner, secretary; Mrs. Gordon Brandenburg, Mrs. Stanley According to Mrs. J.F. in today for free career years. and Mrs. Margaret Kiraly, EATONTOWN — Mr. and School, Montclair. She is em- I. Morison, treasurer, and Scott, Mrs. Phifer, Mrs. Rob- Simpson, public relations for information and apti- Freehold. the group, there are a few tude test without obli- Other honored volunteers Mrs. Maurice H. Adams, 286 ployed as a secretary of the Mrs. Orville Warman, finan- ert Dawson and Mrs. Cheney, gation. who have served three years Mrs. John Knapp, Fair Ha- Broad St., Eatontown, have Engineering Department, cial secretary. nominations. vacancies available for a "bus and boat trip to Bear Moun- ELECTRONIC or less include Mrs. Jayne ven, vice president of the announced the engagement of Electronic Associates, Inc., Tietz, Mrs. Sara Barrett, Mrs. Greater Red Bank Auxiliary their daughter, Miss Sandra North Long Branch. tain, N. Y., tomorrow. The club will then recess for the COMPUTER Marie Ludewig, Mrs. Mary for Retarded Children, was Lee Adams to William R. Mr. Erhard, a graduate of PROGRAMMING Jane Sheehan, Mrs. Nancy luncheon chairman. Staff Erhard Jr., son of Mr. and summer. They are slated to Long Branch High School, meet again Sept. 23 in St. INSTITUTE APP'D FOR VETS TNG. Sayre, Mrs. Chris Gerweck, members with whom the vol- , Mrs. Erhard, 338 East Colum- has just finished his enlist- Mrs. Barbara Wellman, Mrs. unteers work during the year bus Place, Long Branch. John's Episcopal Church, WEST LONG BRANCH • 541-2800 ment with the Air Force and Point Road. . US Monmoulh Park Highway Virginia Hintelman, Mrs. were also guests at the lun- Miss Adams is a graduate is employed at the United Jean Callinan, all of Rumson; cheon. Advertising Company, Long NEW BRUNSWICK • 844-4111 of Monmouth Regional High 135 Georgt sired Mrs. Ruth Malthaner, Colts Branch. He is attending Lin- Bobby Banker says, Neck; Mrs. Margaret Mclr- School, New Shrewsbury, and coln Technical School in " We stand guard over Benefit Katharine Gibbs Secretarial Newark. your valuable paper$." BEWARE "" Mellen-McCall Show NEW SHREWSBURY - Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Mc- the so-called discount location car- Call, 788 Tmton Ave., have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Diane DeCamp McCall, to Andrew J. pet cleaner who is not experienced For MMC Mellen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Mellen, Big Flats, and mill trained. Some problems are LONG BRANCH - The Ma- N. Y. ternity Auxiliary of Mon- The bride-elect is a graduate of Monmouth Regional mildew, shrinkage, seams that split mouth Medical Center will High School and Harcum Junior College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. hold its annual spring fund- open, ripples and a poor cleaning raising luncheon and fashion Mr. Mellen is a graduate of Chaminade High School, Mineola, L. I., and is a senior at Villanova (Pa.) University. job and lack of proper insurance! show at 12:30 p.m. tomorrow here in Spring Lake Golf Not so at ... Club, featuring fashions from Hammitt-Love * the Dainty Apparel Shop of Asbury Park. RUMSON - Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Love Jr., 91 Rent a safe deposit Ridge Road, announce the engagement of their daughter, box. You have the Funds raised will be used Miss Barbara Laurette Love, to Craig Hammitt Jr., son by the auxiliary in support of of Mr. and Mrs. Craig Hammitt, Rye, N. Y An Aug 23 only key. the medical center's nurs- wedding is planned. SHEHflDI ery and maternity units. Most m An alumna of Smith College, Miss Love is a candidate RT. 35, SHREWSBURY 741-627^ recently the organization re- for a master's degree in French at Teachers College of TRIBUTE — Mrs. LeRoy M. Phifer, left, receives pin equipped the nursery with 30 1 tm °P'n Doi'y f:)0 *• >:»> Wednesday S Friday 'III » . She is working on Mayor Lindsay's designating her Woman of the Year of the Woman ! new bassinets. Previous proj- re-election campaign. | RT. 35, SEA GIRT 449-5900 ects have included the pur- Society of Christian Service j>f the Red Bank United chase of electric patient beds Mr. Hammitt, who is with the Chase Manhattan Bank Methodist Church, from Mrs. Frank E. Stehlik, who M Open Dolly 1:00 la !:»; Wednesday I Friday 'nil » RBB s/17 in New York, is an alumnus of Choate School, Wallingford, and special lighting for the Conn., and received degrees from the University of Virginia was reelected president of the society. delivery room. « . and th». University oi Virginia Law School. •x. • (Register Staff Photo) There's an off Ice near you!

>/• A -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK^MTDDLnOWN, N. It TU&SDAY, AWE 17, 1969 THE FAST GOURMET Cuisine .'f oi ' ly POPFV CANNON This problem may not be Cut tender unpeeled cucum- 10 to 15 min.; 1 can beef Couples have problems other earth-shaking in this day and ber into quarter-inch slices. gravy; yj cup water; M cup than those so vividly de- age. Nonetheless, it is a bit of Spread with creamed cottage brown sugar; 1 small lemon, scribed by John Updike in a brain-twister and one that cheese. Top with strips of thinly sliced; 3 tbsp. cider his latest and wildly selling is just plain fun to solve, Nova Scotia salmon and gar- vinegar; 6 gingersnaps, crum- volume. Even more prevalent, pleasant to enjoy and to nish with capers. bled; i tbsp, raisins. ' if less controversial, the prob- serve. LITTLE EGGS WITH CAV- lem beset- ~~ Here is a buffet menu that IER T- Cut hard-cooked pullet MALAYSIAN CRAB MEAT ting most should cause some gasps of eggs into halves crosswise. — For six, melt 2 tbsp. but- couples in suspense and delight. And Top each with a spoonful of ter. Add 1 tbsp. curry powder. small towns, nothing, we promite you, is sour cream mixed with red Stir over heat about 2 min. big cities or the least bit complicated to or black caviar, and place a Add lean chicken gravy, 1 g u b u r • prepare. Or expensive. bit of unmixed caviar on top can drained and rinsed bean ban commu- sprouts, 2 (VA oz.) Alaska BUFFET DINNER PARTY Decorate with finely chopped RIVERVIEW AWARDS — Frank F. Blaisdell, president of Riverview Hospital's nities " con- Cherry Tomatoes parsley or chives. crab meat cut 'into chunks. cerns what, Cucumber Canapes MEATBALLS IN SWEET Cook gently 10 min. Sprinkle board of governors, presents awards for volunteer service fo left to right Mrs. D. T. to.serve Little Eggs With Caviar AND SOUR SAUCE - To lavishly with toasted salted Brewsfer, Rumson, and Mrs. Viola F. Fal/o, Little Silver, for 2,000 hours; Mrs. S. each, other . Meatballs in serve six add to l'/S lb. almonds. Wilson Laird of Red Bank, 4,000 hours, and Mrs. John H. Hinemon «lta of Red when groups Sweet and Sour Sauce chopped beef; 1 onion, fine- IMMEDIATE MACEDOINE Bank, 3,000 hours. , '' . get together CANNON Malaysian Crab Meat ly chopped; 1 egg; 2 tbsp. OF FRUITS,- Boil together with reasonable regularity. Brown Rice cracker meal; 1 tsp. each salt 1 min.: Vt cup each sugar The menus must have a cer- Fresh Asparagus and Worcestershire sauce. and water. Add 2 pekg. frozen tain distinction, some indi- Immediate Ma cedoine Form into ljinch balls. Brown fruit salad, 1 tbsp. Kirsch or viduality and a fair degree of of Fruits in butter. Add to a sauce white rum. Cover 2 min. elan; . • CUCUMBER CANAPES, - made by simmering together Ready. Volunteers Honored . RED BANK — Four hun- The pins were given to Mrs. Mrs. William Dor, Mrs. Eliza- dred and twenty-five volun- George F. Baine, Mrs. Julia beth Elwell, Miss Diane teers who gave more than Butcher, Mrs. James P. Fasano, William Florence, 43,000 hours this past year at Cochrane, Arthur H. Einbeck, Mrs. Charles M. Forbes, Mrs. Riyerview Hospital, were Mrs. Thomas F. Fallon, Mrs. George R. Furber, Samuel recognized in ceremonies held Margaret L. Howland, Mrs. Gerver, Mrs. Morris H. Canterbury Fair Set for Friday in the Rendezview Coffee L. H. Keller, Robert W. Mac- Jacks, Miss Priscllla Ann shop here at the hospital. cubbin, Mrs. Leon Penning- Jones, Mrs. Thomas Law- " RUMSON — The traditional medieval Members of the fair's steering commit- James S. Parkes, honorary ton, Mrs. L. R. Schreiner, rence, Mrs. Max Leon, Mrs. theme is set for the annual Canterbury tee are Mrs. G. P. Melllck Belshaw, Mrs. chairman of the board, pre- Mrs. Philomay Serpico, Mrs. A. Jackson Lindsley, Mrs. J. Fair on the grounds of St. George's by-the- Donald Gahn, Mrs. John Callen, Mrs. sented 2,000-hour pins to Elmer E. Sharp, Mrs. Viola H. Luhrs, Mrs. John P. Man- River Episcopal Church. The fair will be Charles. Johnson and Mrs. John Spurdle, Mrs. Viola F. Falvo, Mrs. Sickles, Mrs. Ralph Stein, ley, Mrs. David C. Nickel and held Friday, rain or shine, from 10 a.m. to all of lUimson. David T. Srewster and Mrs. Miss lone C. Van Buskirk, Miss Ruth Patterson. 5 p.m. A luncheon of lobster salad or turkey Other committee chairman are Mrs. Berkeley A. Cater. Mrs. George C. White, Dr. Also Mrs. Carl H. Pfrom- sandwich will be served in the church hall Eliot Coleman, Mrs. Robert Beaton, Mrs. Dr. Charles Paterno, presi- Charles A. Wolbach, Mrs. mer, Mrs. Albert J. Rogers, at 11:30 and noon. William Hamilton, Mrs. John Langhammer, dent of the medical staff, pre- Harold H. Fish, Mrs. Charles Mrs. Joseph A. Smith, Mrs. In' addition to the white elephant table, Mrs. Jeremy Judge, Mrs. Hamilton Shippee, sented a 3,000-hour pin to E. Greene and Mrs. Noel J. E. T. Waters, Mrs. William country, store, plants and flowers, jewelry Mrs. Henry Gridley, Mrs. William McRob- Mrs. John H. Hinemon Jr. Lartaud. T. Wright, Mrs. Howard R. and gift booths, there will be a fortune erts, Mrs. Edgar Von Gehren, Mrs. Ben- Miss Ruth Wallace, director President of the volunteer Young, Mrs. Brooks Banker, teller,.toy booth, pony rides, a make-up net Vroman, Mrs. William Wright, Mrs. of nursing, awarded the 4,000-' advisory committee, Mrs. Mrs. Louis E. Cooke, Sr., booth, golf games and cartoons. Charles Berry, Mrs. Kent Hoffman, Mrs. hour pin to Mrs. S. Wilson Donald McMurray, and Mrs. Mrs. A. R. DeNezzo, Mrs. ', Artist Roberta Carter Clark will do por- W. Martin Lyford, Mrs. K. T. Ma, Mrs. Laird. _ Niels Johnsen, a member of William G. Heron and Mrs. traits of children. David- Freeman, Mrs. Peter Hetzler, Mrs. The 1,000-hour pins were the board of governors, pre- Maynard Rollins were hon- St. Mary's Guild will offer tables of Charles Slingluff, Mrs. Paul O'Neil, Mrs. , awarded by Frank F. Blais- sented 500ihour pins to Mrs. ored for 500 hours of service. fancywork, toys and dolls, and home made Edward Kuzmeir, Mrs. Robert Lloyd, Mrs. dell, president of the board Walter M. Bacon, Mrs. Eien- Chairman of the event was foods. Mrs. Charles Johnson is in charge. Frederick Zipf, Mrs. James Gordon and of governors,. and William T. pra Carman, Mrs. Joseph T. Mrs. Elma Blowers, director Home baked pies, cakes and cookies Mrs. Robert Peacock, Rumson; Mrs. Bay- Gill, hospital administrator. Cook, Mrs. Ralph A. Corley, of volunteers. will be available, as well as submarine ard Stout, Mrs. Richard Hurd III, Mrs. sandwiches, hot dogs, soda and candy. George Coe III, Middletown; Mrs. Henry Small World Booth Barron, Mrs. William Overman, Mrs. Marie The Small World booth will feature chil- de St. Croix, Mrs. Raymond Johnson, Mrs. TEEN FORUM dren's clothes, beach robes and towels, William Blair and. Mrs.. Donald Forsyth, foot stools, pillows and toys, all made by Fair Haven, and Mrs. pavid Dickson and the women of the parish. Mrs. Harold Scott, Little Silver. Wanted: New Friends By JEAN ADAMS of some of my poems. — Who crave to exist at a DRUG THREAT: (Q.) In Deborah M. Decino. more frenzied pace our town some drugs have (A.) Thank you for the To strive to maintain the Weddings been going around, and one poems. I am sending you a status of "face," of my friends takes some. list of editors who may be Yet never have time ex- Well, I am afraid I will, too. interested in your writing. I cept for a dime CANTERBURY FAIR — Four-year-old George Mel.ick So far I have refused her am taking the liberty of print- To make room for the gap models a handmade suit from the Small World booth every time she asked me to. ing one of your poems. I be- It would take to remap in preview for the fteeri'ng committee of fhe annual But my will lieve some teen readers may Their purpose of place power is get a glimpse of themselves And existence in space. Canterbury Fafiv'.iifK 1b riajrt/'iWi mother, Mrs. <5. P. running out. in it. Mellick 'Belthsw, wife of the rector; Mrt. Don-aid Want personal answers to Should I PURPOSE OF BEING your questions? Write to Jean Gahn and Mrs, John Spurdle Jr., ill of Rumson. The keep saying Into the inky darkness of Adams, Box 2402, Houston, •vent will take place at St. George's by-the-River no to her space or should Scatter the toils and Texas 77001. Be sure to en- Episcopal Church, Waterman Ave., Rumson, Friday I forget angers of the whole close a stamped, self-ad' from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. rain or shine. her and human race, dress2d envelope. (Register Staff Photo) find new friends? - C. in Maine. ADAMS (A.) If Millstone Auxiliary Claytoni'Matthews ;you stay with your drug-tak- ing friend your will power Gives Hospital $1,100 may run out. But that isn't JACKSON TOWNSHIP - Mrs. Doyle, projects; Mrs. FREEHOLD - Miss Mere- Lynne Walker, and Linda all. Even if you take no drugs, dith Anne Matthews and Rus- Clayton, sister of the bride- you may lose your good repu- The Millstone Hospital Aux- Thaddeus Markowski, pro- sell David Clayton Jr. were groom. tation just by associating iliary to the Greater Freehold gram; Mrs, Joseph Meyer, married Saturday, June 7 Lance Alluord was best with her. Area Hospital held an in- membership; Mrs. Dorothy here in the First Presbyterian man. Ushers were Francis stallation dinner in Rova MacAllister, publicity; Mrs. Mrs. Russell Clayton Church. The Rev. James R. Meade, Jeffrey Goldstein, There is a chance that by Farms. Mrs. Paul Keldsen Lavrovsky and Mrs. Helen MM. William Hodapp Sormer (The former Memmott officiated. Ross Clayton, brother staving with her you might was installed as president; Rindler, news letter; Mrs. Mrs. Thomas Doyle, first (The former Laura Mellaci) Marlene Nisonoff) Meredith Matthews) The bride is the daughter of the groom, and John Thom- be able.to talk her out of her Jane Luiz, hospitality; Mr?; as. vice president; Mrs. Frank Martha Keyes, sunshine; Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. William A. babit. But it's a pretty long Lavrovsky, second vice presi- Matthews, 11 Jackson Ter. The couple are graduates chance. Walter Johnson, telephone; Bragar*Nisonoff dent; Mrs. Carol Graves, sec- Mrs. Vernon Laird, nominat- The bridegroom is the son of of Freehold Regional High I advise you to find new retary; Mrs. Fannie Valerio, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton, West School. ing committee; Mrs. Roger Bragar, sisters of the bride- mark. friends whose interests do not treasurer, and Mrs. Barbara Jacobus, audit; Mrs. Willlanj • VERONA - Miss Marlene Main St., Freehold Township. The bride is an honor grad- Soden, corresponding secre- Nisonoff was married here groom. Paul Bragar was his Mr. Bragar was graduated include drugs. Houseman, bazaar booth-toys, magna cum laude from A reception was held in the uate of the University of YOUNG POET: (Q.) I am tary. Sunday-to Raymond Aaron son's best man. American Hotel. The couple Pittsburgh, with a bachelor of and representative, to the Bragar in the Richfield Re- The bride received a bache- Rutgers University, New an amateur writer, mostly of A check for $1,100.10 was thrift shop. Brunswick, and is a student will reside at Kinsington Gar- science degree in chemistry. poems. I am 17. Would you gency. The parents of the lor of arts degree from New- dens, Fords. She is employed by Ciba presented to Harold Gold- Mrs. Markowski was dinner bride are Mr. and Mrs. Isador ark State College this month. at Harvard Law School in be gracious enough to help berger, a member of the hos- Cambridge, where the couple Miss Dianne Sagotsky was Pharmaceutical , Company, me obtain the addresses of chairman. Guests included Nisonoff, 10 Provost Ave., She also attended the Univer- Summit. pital's board of trustees. Mayor William McNeill and Keyport. The bridegroom is sity of Copenhagen, Den- will reside. the fiction editors of some maid of honor. The brides- The bridegroom is a senior magazines. I enclose copies Committee chairmen are Mrs. Harold Goldberger. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul maids were the Misses Judi at Rider College, Lawrence- Bragar, 11 Circle Lane, Little Matthews, sister of the bride, ville. Silver, Hodapp'Mellaci Rabbi Jack Rosoff of Con- FT. MONMOUTH - Miss Her husband is a graduate LONG BRANCH SUMMER SCHOOL gregation B'nai Israel, Rum- Laura Ann Mellaci was mar- of Columbus High School, and Quarino'Cook son, officiated. ried here Saturday to Army is a radar repairman in the Long Branch, New Jersey ' Miss Rena Nisonoff was her Staff Sgt. William Ralph Ho- Division at Ft. Monmouth. PRINCETON JUNCTION- brother's best man. Ushers Tha Long Rraneh Summer School ho* eourui davalepcd for •lamtdrery. |Mler Wlpli Fairleigh Dickinson Uni- tion family as auto dealers. neth Degenhardt, Steven Scholarship dents have been awarded Sihler, Freehold, and Cynthia versity are Benjamin F. Degenhardt and Robert Ed- Mr. Straub Sr. is president. bachelor of arts degrees from M. Manna, West Long His son, Charles Straub Jr., Bluford Jr., 65 Parker Ave., monston, Middletown, bache- Branch. For Mendel Muhlenberg College. They are is secretary-treasurer and Fair Haven, master of science lor of science; Louise Jack- in physics; Nancy Borus, Fair son, Middletown, bachelor of LONG BRANCH — Jeffrey Roma W. Theus 2nd, a mem. Gordon W. Bartle, son o! general manager, and Charles C. Mendel of Wanamassa is Straub 3d has donned jumpers Haven, associate of arts; Leo arts; Gerald Healey, Mon- ber of Phi Beta Kappa, son Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W« Chomyts, Holmdel, master of mouth Beach, master of one of 24 students awarded a of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Theus, Bartle, Englishtown, was and is learning the business college scholarship in na- while finishing college at business administration; Dud. science; Gregory Decker, Red New Shrewsbury;1 Susan E. awarded his degree Id ab- ley Robinson 3rd, bachelor of 1 tionwide competition spon- Villanova. Bank, bachelor of science; Muller, daughter of Mr. and •r sentia. science; Christel Aussicker Joel Morgovsky, Red Bank,' sored by American Water The father-son team lias and James Fiasconaro, Long master of arts; Mark Scharff, Works Foundation. Mrs. Robert F. Muller, Bum- if been active in automotive son; Jane K. Peck, daughter '* Eesch Spaeth Montgomery Branch, bachelors of arts; Red Bank, bachelor of arts, Mendel, who will graduate trade and civic activities. Mr. Robert Mousted, Matawan, and Edgar vonGehren, Rum- from Ocean Township High of Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Straub Sr. has been a trustee bachelor of science;] James son, master of arts. School in June, plans to at- Peck, Fair Haven; H. Alain for 20 years of the New Jk- tend Yale University where Sheer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Local Students Get sey Automobile Dealers As- lie will major in mathematics. Herbert Sheer, New Shrews- sociation and a lieutenant He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. SPECIAL governor of the New Jersey Red Cross Delivers Robert Mendel, 926 Grass- Georgian Court BAs district of Kiwanis. i mere Ave. Auto Air Mr. Straub Jr. is president LAKEWOOD — Awarded son, Manasquan; Louise The award was announced 1 of the New Jersey Bujck bachelor of arts degrees from Anne Brien, Shrewsbury; 808 Pints of Blood by Gordon N. Ells, vice presi- Retired Conditioning Dealers Group, a past presi- Georgian Court College were Helen Patricia Croddick, United States through Red dent of Monmouth Consol- dent of Kiwanis and also ,of SHREWSBURY - Maj. TUNE-UP Sheila Elizabeth Montgom- Freehold; Nora Julia Franc- Cross and American Associa- idated Water Company. ery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the Monmouth County Auto- Gen. A, F. Cassevant, USA fort, Oakhurst; Barbara Jane ;(Ret), Bed Bank, chairman tion of Blood Banks reciprocal (Mendel's award was based Senior 88 mobile Dealers. ' ' Charles V. Montgomery, Ea- Horn, Freehold; Mary Eileen agreements, and overseas Mr. Straub Sr. began' his en his performance in the col- tontown; Judith Ann Resch, Horan, Oakhurst; Maria Be- of the county Red Cross through the International Red automotive career as a retail lege entrance examination daughter of Mr. and Mrs. jar Hunt, Matawan; Cynthia blood program, has an- Cross. Charles J. Resch, Eaton- car salesman in the early ^SOs board tests administered by Citizens Keromitis, Asbury Park; nounced that Bed Cross blood "Blood for major disaster town; Carolyn J. Spaeth, in Perth Amboy. i Educational Testing Service, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Arlene Rose Monzillo, Free- and blood components de- and for defense is given free. Princeton. V. Spaeth, Shrewsbury, and hold; Michelle Catherine PINEWOOD DERBY livered to local hospitals be- No other blood program of- He was a member of the FREE Dana Dorothy Jamison, Nice, Hazlet; Mary Jo Ann RED BANK - Cub Scout' tween December, 1968 through fers so much and at mink National Honor Society the CHECKING ACCOUNTS Palumbo, Brick Township, f daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pack 17, sponsored by the April totaled 808 pints. mum cost. The cooperation past two years and a selection and Susan Curran Risen- • no mointanonc* Daniel J. Jamison, Belford. United Methodist Church, held This included whole blood, and coverage by the Greater for the Spartan Scholar mann, Manasquan. chargD Also, Pamela Mary Ander- aPinewoodderby at its final packed red cells and com- Award for four years. He is New York Blood Program, of • no minimum meeting of the year. also recipient of the Mathe- Let WARDS factory traloid ponents such as frozen which we are a part, Is im- balance required Derby winners included plasma, leukocytes and cryo- matical Association of Ameri- tvchnleloM get your cTr-condl- pressive," the general said. tioMr In TOP OPERATINS Northern District Scout Nick Samaras, grand winner; precipitate. ca Award. • no activity charge* Nick Samaras, J. Giglio and He added that never has there He was president of the •hap* for thow hot dayi ahead. Mark Hardy, first place; den In the civilian blood pro- • Check All Belt, an* Pulltyi gram conducted by Eed been a failure to provide the school's Chess Club, captain winners; John Cain, David • Check All Hosts Leaders Are Honored Cross, only 433 pints were proper type and amount when of the bowling team and Hardy and Daniel Sickels, • Check System for Leaks collected locally during the and where needed in Mon- played varsity soccer. EAST KEANSBURG-Three An executive board certifi- second place, and Mark He served two years on stu- • Recharge Syirim hundred seventy-five scout cate of appreciation was pre- Hardy, best-designed car. same period that the 808 pints mouth County. were needed, and Gen. Cas.- dent council and was a mem- with this COUPON leaders ' of Great Northern sented to Hilda Abrams,. den 1 Awards were presented to The'^bunty^Red Cross pros' •Wof'-the^Key Club four I£,[]•> IfMnher *«dewl Beitn* Monmouth Shopping Center District, Monmouth Council of mother in Atlantic Highlands sevant commented upon the Federal Deposit Iniarane* Carp* Thomas Trufolo, Stephen extra blood as one of the gram is conducted through years. Eatontown Cirelt Boy Scouts, were feted at the Cub Scout Pack 22, for 16 O'Neal, Robert Rusillo, Leon- 8:30 A.M. 'HI 9:30 P.M. annual recognition dinner in years of service. Mrs. Abrams great benefits to groups be- bloodmobies sponsored by 24 ard Vogel, David Hardy, longing to the Bed Bank pro- community, veterans and ser- —ADVERTISEMENT— Buck Smith's. is the longest registered den Mark Hardy, John Howell, Mi- mother in the council's his- gram. vice groups. Some units par- Keynote speaker was Eagle chael Kopka, Richard Meise, ticipating are Bell Laborato- tory. "This volunteer non-profit Now Many Wear Scout Gary Motsek, president David Harrison, Bruce Bar- ries employees, the Greater DIAL A DECORATOR of Belford Explorer Post 141, Hunter Pollack was honored reca, David.Lewis and Paul community program provides Red Bank Council of FALSE TEETH who reported to President for 17 years of service as Gale. blood in the right-amount and Churches, Southern Mon- If your home furnishings problem is big or Nixon on "Boypower 76." cubmaster of Pack 22. With Lit*le Worry John Cain advanced to at the right time for planned mouth County Jaycees (Man- Do your false teeth annoy &nd em- small just call 542-1010 and our trained Has Silver Beaver Webelos. barrass by slipping* dropplng.orvob- operations. Because of the squan and Wall Township), blinsc when you eat, laugh or talk? staff of decorators will be glad to help you. the wood badge was Joseph Smithy, who is mov- Asbury Park Post, Jewish Then sprinfclo a UttleFASTEETH on FLOAT YOUR awarded to Andrew J. Len-. size of the Red Cross pro- your plates. FASTEETH holds den- No charge, of course. ing to California, was cited War Veterans, Monmouth Col- tures firmer and more comfortably. nart, scoutmaster of Lincroft for his contributions to the gram, any blood needs can Mates eating easier. It's alkaline— DOCK ON lege, five churches and one doesn't sour. No gummy, gooey, Troop 110, who holds the Sil- pack. ' be met. temple in the Bayshore area patty taste or feet Helps check plate ver Beaver. odor. Dentures that fit are essential Huffman & Boyle STYROFOAM BB The pack won a trophy at "The program serves those and the total communities of to health. Bee your dentist regularly. Cited for his service as the recent Youth Day pa- who participate wherever Ocean Township and Free- Set FASTBCRI at all drug counten. Kt. 35 Circle • Eatontown, N. J. 542-1010 chairman of the district ac- rade. they may be in continental hold. tivities committee during thi past year was Robert Wi' liams, Middletown. William Abels, New Shrewi bury, was recipient of tin 25-year veteran award. Receiving 10-year vetera: ibCrRM • Permanently buoyant awards were Russell P. Leah POMR. • WMnotrwt and Gerald W. Rousseau, both of Troop 110. Dock* on STYROFOAM* BB 18 Training Awards brand buoyancy billets cost Training awards were give: less than regular docks. This to 18 scouters, keys to rigid polystyrene foam will not and den mother's trainin, rust or waterlog. Low in cost awards to six. and easy to install. Simply cut Eight men were presentee with a hand saw and fasten in Commissioner's Arrow Heat place. See us today for free Honors for six months' ser build-it-yourself plans for low vice and completion of pro; cost floating docks and rafts. ects designed to help scouting -•>• >«ni iin ir inri • iir mini units develop stronger pro grams. All unit leaders received tit BLAISDELL clips from Keansburg-Middle- LUMBER CO. town National Bank. 15 So. Bridge Ave. Announced were the ap pointments of Norman Berg Red Bank as council director of ex SH 1-2121 ploring and Thomas R. Frale; as district executive.

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MIDDLETOWN I ATI. HIGHLANDS I LINCROFT 171-2400 I 291-0100 I 842-4400 Ask Red Bank Police Beef Up

RED BANK — The Bor- ers and the J & R Cycle Ser- armed robberies of business with the recent appointment ter occurred since the begin- oiigh Council last night was vice, 169-171 W. Front St., de- establishments since January, of three additional patrolmen ning of April. urged to fill vacancies for a clared "there's no report in a seventh attempted armed "the chief (Police Chief Le- At the same time, Mr. lieutenant and a sergeant on. the papers, but robberies are robbery that was foiled by the roy McKnight) feels we are: Labrecque chastised Mr. the police force and hire two taking place. storekeeper, and two armed up to strength." Knoll for discussing publicly additional patrolmen. "Windows are being brok- robberies of persons on the Mr. Labrecque acknowl- at the council meeting two Charles R. Knoll, an ex- en out regularly," Mr. Knoll street. It also has reported edged there has been an in- weeks ago the fact that a foot fire chief who operates a car- added, ". . . the situation break-ins and thefts at 13 bus- crease in crime here. patrolman hadn't been in a pentry business on West St., won't get any better ... we iness establishments and five "We have had a rash of specific location. declared that the borough need more men to patrol. It residences, and a, break-in at breakings and enterings," he Public discussion of the lo- needs more policemen on foot would solve a lot of prob- the high school in which noth- said, "but so has every town cation of patrols "is an invi- patrol to stem thefts and rob- lems , . . window breakings, ing was reported stolen. at the shore. It seems when tation to criminals to be beries in its business areas. breakings and enterings, false The reports of the crimes spring comes, along come the where the police are not," Mr. Knoll, citing specifical- alarms . . ." came from the police chief. 'b and e' boys..." Mr. Lobrecque said. ly break-ins he said occured A quick check in the Daily Councilman Theodore J. Ten of the break-ins and Saverio Melina, N. Bridge recently "at two businesses Register library shows that Labrecque Jr., who is police three of the armed robberies Ave., declared that there; near me," Delatush's Print- this paper has reported six commissioner, declared that reported in the Daily Regis- would be vacancies for two additional patrolmen if pro- motions were made to fill the existing vacancies for a lieu- tenant and a sergeant. Holmdel Industrial Board "Why haven't the appoint- ments been made?" he asked, noting that there are two men in line for the lieutenant's SURVEY — Long Branch Mayor Paul Nastasio Jr., seated, goes over « city map post "and one man has been with two state Recreation Bureau representatives to initiate i Minnesota - .32 26 .6S2 — By CHUCK TRIBLEHORN All-American second team behind Ted Marchibroda and the San Francisco 33 26 .559 21, Oakland Jl 26 .644 V, Cincinnati . 211 25 .545 3V, Seattle ...... 2! 32 .448 « Register Sports Editor All-Ukrainian team. The big guy with the vibrant sense of It USUin 29 33 .453 9 Chicago -21 32 .429' 7 humor would probably tell you Wat there probably were San Diego 2A 38 .406 12 Kansas City .25 35 .417 I The Big 0 is returning to his first love — coaching — Yesterday'^ HrMiltN California ...J» 37 .339 11 and Ocean Township has him. only 11 Ukrainians playing football in the country. Cincinnati 8. San Francisco 6 Yesterday's Results Atlanta 68. Houston 2-4 Boston 8. Cleveland 5 After 15 years at Red Bank High School, Bdb Olshan is Although he stopped coaching at Bed Bank in i960, Pittsburgh 0, Chicago 8 Detroit 3, New York 1 Olshan has never been out of sports. He has been recrea- St. Louis 3. Montreal 0 Minnesota 8. California 4 moving down county to Ocean Township High School as Bun Diego 3. Los Angeles 2, 13 Chicago 8, Seattle 3 an English teacher. He also has been recommended for tion director of Rumson's highly successful program for Innings Oakland 7-2, Kansas City 9-3; lit Tonight's Games grame 13 innings, 2nd game 12 inninga an assistant football coaching job under Jack Tighe, the 13 years and spent a year each in Shrewsbury and Little New York (Gentry 5-5 and Card-' Tonlght'a (lames Silver before that. He and Glisson again teamed up to well 2-fli at Philadelphia (Jackson Oakland (Dobson 6-5) a.t Kansas Spartans' varsity mentor. 5-*= and Champion 1-K 2 City (Drago 3-5) The official confirmation may come tonight when the coach the Bayshore Redwings for two years. Also, the guy San Diego (N'lpkro 2-:i and Sisk California (McssersmiUi 1-5) at n- ' 't 1,-s Angeles (Singer 7-6 and Minnesota (Morris 0-0) township Board of Education meets. is a veritable walking sports encyclopedia. Try playing the Foster 1-4). 2 Boston (LonborK 6-l> at Cleveland name game on obscure or forgotten athletes with him some- ("hk-4K:> (Selma 6-3 and Jenkins , 2 inston (Shellenback 1-1) Montreal iWejener 2-3) at St. Louis Seattle (Brabender 3-4 and Pattln coach under Bob Glisson, now Keansbarg's In 1962* Olshan underwent open-heart surgery at De- (Canton 6-41 6-41 at Chicago (Peters 4-7 and BtU athletic director and grjd coach. Both quit borah Hospital. His recovery was — and has been — Houston iLemaster 5-7) at Atlanta 2-6., 2 (Pappas <-6) Detroit (Lolich 6-1 and Hiller 1-1) in 1960 after a controversy involving phenomenal. He must have spent his entire convalescent Cincinnati (Culver 4-4) at San at New York (StotUemyre 9-i and JVanclico (MartchaJ 7-3) Keklch 0-2). 3 coaching salaries. period studying sports rule books and records. It won't take in addition to his football duties,.the long for the youngsters at Ocean Township to realize that Big O led the Buccaneers to their last they have a man who knows what he is talking about. baseball title in 1959. He also chucked FATHER OF FIVE WELL, AT LEAST ONE WAS OUT—Montreal pifch.r.. Big O and his wife, Joanne, have five children, and in that job over the salary dispute. Jerry Robertson (wi+h bat) i» very nonchalant about Olshan has always been associated son Michael gives every indication of following in daddy's Taste is with sports, and the last nine years have footsteps. He has been outstandng in Rumson's junior foot- Gary Sutherland sliding home in the second inning' been hard on him. ball program, is a fine pitcher, and perhaps a better hitter. on a mined hit and run play. Robertson could care SON OF COAL MINER Red Bank will miss Olshan in many ways — in sports, less since fce'd already taken * fhird strike for the • ' The road started in a little ptece called personality and academically. With 15 years of service, the name of Goose Island, which is actually part of wakes-Barre. The he was the senior member of the English department in final out. St. Louis Cardinal catcher Tim McCarter..: son of a coal miner who died of miner's asthma, he fought years spent in Red Bank High, didn't care which wai out IO long >as one of them"; a rheumatic heart in his early years to become one of the What do his colleagues think of him? H you see him, was, because all he cared about twi the third out. finest athletes to ever come out of talent-rich Wyoming ask him to show you the gold watch they gave him at his St. Louis blanked Montreal, 3-0. (AP Wirep'hotoL the game. Valley. An all-scholastic quarterback on a championship going away party. Meyers High School team, he could throw the ball a mile. CAUGHT IN A CORNER Unfortunately, that same arm became dangerous when Rick Nowell, a junior from Holmdel and a graduate he became a baseball pitcher. You see — the Big O only of Red Bank High School, showed well in the spring foot- has vision in one eye. He couM have batters ducking when ball drills at Lafayette College. The Leopards' passing game Tigers Trip Yanks he started his wind-up. In basketball lie was a rugged showed progress and Nowell figures to be a prime wide rebounder on the band box courts around The Valley. receiver come September. Among the many coaches wno> lifted his arm was the Junior Jim Griffin of Keansburg earned his varsity Imperial legendary Wally Butts, so the trail led him to Georgia. baseball letter at Yankton (S.D.) College. The Greyhounds On McLain's IWth At that time, the Bulldog quarterback was a gent by the finished with a 25-17-1 record and shared the Tri-State con- name of Johnny Kausch. Going into spring practice his ference crown with Dana College and represented District NEW YORK (AP) - De- pitched perfect ball until Roy Just a sip smoother sophomore year, the Big O's backup man was a fellow 12 in the NAIA regional playoffs in Topeka,' Kansas. troit's Denny McLain swept White's leadoff double in the called Zeke Bratkowski. One of his classmates was Marian Senior Phil Lawes of Rumson earned his varsity tennis to his 100th major league ninth • than the rest Campbell, former Philadelphia Eagle tackle who is now letter at Bucknell University as a member of the champions victory last night and became The 25-year-old right- coach of the Los Angeles "Fearsome Foursome." of the* Middle Atlantic Conference; '. '":' ":•'; the American League's first hander won his 10th game For various reasons, Olshan found nimself at Kings Richard F. Torre, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Torre 10-game winner this season, last season on June 13th and College in 1950. Through all these journeys, his pet re- of 28 Queens Drive, Little Silver, received his varsity letter beating New York Yankees, went on to finish 31-6. With ceiver, Neil West, traveled with him. They teamed up at in swimming at Babson (Mass.) Institute. A freshman, 3-2, with a six-hitter ' a lifetime mark of 100-53, he Kings to establish the Monarchs, who no longer play varsity Torre is a graduate of Red Bank High School where he was McLain, 10-5, committed a is the youngest active pitcher football, as a small college power in Pennsylvania. co-captain, of. the wrestling team. He holds varsity letters first-inning balk, setting up to reach the century mark. While at Kings, Olshan was named to the Catholic in golf and cross-country. New York's first run, and Al Kaline gave McLain all worked out of a bases-loaded the support he needed with bind in the fourth, then a two-run homer off Frit? Peterson, 8-7, in the fourth: Don Wert singled in the fifth and scored from first when Darkness Halts Carleton Tilt center fielder Jim Lyttle Little Silver and Middle- D'onirio and a single by Rich Asbury Park, 7-0, behind the missed a shoestring catch on town played to a 6-6 tie last Marshall. one-hit pitching of Steve McLain's fly ball single. •- night in a Central Division Middletown tied matters O'Horo. Peterson set down the; NOW game of the Ed Carleton again in its half of the frame The winners decided the Tigers in order in the first thru Memorial Baseball League without a hit. game early with a four-run three innings, striking out before the game was called five. But Mickey Stanley AUGUST7 because of darkness. Monmouth Beach nipped outburst in . the opening OCEANPORT, NJ.> COMfNG HI-LIGHTS Eatontown, 5-4, In another frame. opened the fourth with a 2 miles from Garden The tie gave both teams a Central Division clash, giving booming, ground rule double; State Parkway, Exit 105 COLLEEN STAKES 1-1-1 record. West Long Branch is now, that bounced into the left both teams a 1-2 mark. M, while Asbury Park is 0-3. Take a One-Day, Fun-Day, Wed., June 18 The score stood at 3-3 go- center bleachers. One ou£ Kevin Dougherty was the In the only other fame later, Kaline sliched his ninfli Holiday ANY Day... LONGFELLOW H'CAP ing into the eighth frame, but winning hurler for Monmouth Scheduled, Twin Boros and CHILDREN UNDER 16 HOT ADMITTED homer into the lower stands Sat., June 21 Little Silver came up with Beach, and Rich Rubley was Freehold were cancelled due in right. ;:: IUNDED WHISKEY • li PROOF • 39% STRAIGHT WHISKEYS • 70% GRAIN MUTCUl SPIRITS POST 2 PM • Daily Double 1:50 PM three runs in the stanza with charged with the loss. to wet grounds. HIRAM W41KEH t SONS INC., PEMIA, ILL the help of a triple by Fat West Long Branch bombed After Horace Clarke poked a leadoff single off McLain in Softball Lead the first, Jerry Kenney. bunted into a force play, toolc To Lily Tulip second on McLain's balk and. UNION BEACH - Lily- scored on a two-out single by Tulip held, on to its lead in White. the Monmouth County In- Gene Michael singled in1 Dick joined Honeywell's Computer Service Engineering program upon his release from dustrial Softball League by White for the Yankees' other the Air Force in October 1963. His training1 on airborne radar electronics at Keesler tripping LCR, 9-7, with a run in the ninth. •••" three-run sixth inning rally. Air. Force Base provided a good background for the extensive training he received at Detroit (It) Honeywell. He worked hard at this program and it paid off. Since his first assignment Gary Randolph homered for >rh the winners who are now 3-0. fila.nley.ss 1 1 401 as a service engineer he has earned two promotions. He now directs a large staff and M'A'K!a,2b 1 0 Kenney,31} 4 110 Kaline.r( 1 1 Muroer, rf 4 0'b is responsible for alt computer service engineering in a major metropolitan market.' IFF Research won its first Cash.lb 0 1 White, If 4 12 At 25 Pick has made his mark at Honeywell and his career has just started. game of the season by beat- W.Hotr'n.lf o o J. Hall.lb 4 0 0 0 0 0 LWtle.rt • t 01 No wonder he likes his job. dng Air Cruisers, 11-5. The Re- MTthr'r.Qf 3 0 0 searchers got 14 hits to go Freehan.c 3 0 0 Glbbi.c' 3 <0l 20 Wert,3h 3 l l F.P'ten'n.p 3 0.0 To Dick, joining, Honeywell proved to be a "Once In a Life-Time Opportunity." with Roger Green's pitching. McLaln.p 3 0 1 Cox.ph l'0'O HcDintel.p Yet he is but one of many service engineers that have started outstanding careers Brian Kenney and Don Cra- I oo. rt

with HoneywelL As a firmly established yet rapidly growing company in the computer ven had a total of five hits Detroit ... OOO 210 OOOrr.1. or t fielfl we can offer practically unlimited growth, dependent only upon ability and hard and five RBl's. ,^ ^ ' io1UoU 00UV0U 001^WJI—Z* -,L0.B-Delroll 2, New york «. 2B-"' work. We presently have positions available in major cities throughout the country for IFF Manufacturing scored Bllnley, Mlohasl, VMt: HR—Kallna. electronics specialists who are looking for the right place to start a rewarding career. four runs in the sixth inning ,, , , ir HBERBBSn Mcl.aln (W, lfl-S) a I u I !" to edge Interdata, 9-4. Henny P. rt'i'i, (L. 8-7) 7 i 3 ! O 9 Gunsauls and Bob Ostervich MoDanlel ....j 1 o 5 0 1 homered for the winners. It Balk-MoLaln. T-2:O4. A-W,«2t" was Interdata's first loss. „ add agate Jaycees Slate .,.': LEAGUE STANDINGS Uljr Tulip LCB Meet for Juniors IntfrdBla If you have a minimum of one year's formal education and/or equivalent military or IFF Rranrch LONG BRANCH - The civilian training in electronics (1500-2000 hours) or similar background in electro- IFF JHr. Greater Long Branch Jaycees ; mechanical devices, you can't afford to pass up this professional career opportunity. Air CralH>ri t ...... will sponsor their annual JK'' nior Champ Track and Fie'ffl" If you qualify you will recaive 3 months training at full salary at our training Susser Leads Shore Meet at Long Branch High" center in suburban Boston; instructions will includa Logic Design, Circuitry, School Saturday, June 21. - Programming, Diagnostic Routines and System* Analyiii. Upon completion Builders in Tourney The program, open to all you will be assigned to a location of your choice, LAKEWOOD - Dan Susser children residing in Long: FORT MONMOUTH AREA INTERVIEWS of Holmdel topped a field of Branch, West Long Branch'," Mr. Robart King will be interviewing in the Fort Monmouth, New Jsrtay are* 75 golfers to win the N.J. Oceanport and Monmouth" on Thursday, June 19, 1969. To arrange an interview appointment, pleat* Shore Builders Association Beach, will Include events for call Mr. King at (20I ) 542-5769 Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, Juna 16, golf title with a 40-44-84 at boys from ages 8-18, and for, 'Lakewood Golf Club as the girls 11-18. '•'•; I 7 or 18, from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Or call Mr, King, Thursday, June 19 at NJSBA and N.J. Builders I20I) 229-9000. Collect calls accepted Entry blanks, and a schecP' Association held their 10th ule of events can be obtained' annual golf tourney. If untbla to neat with ui (hii limt, The Other Computer Company: at all local schools. The dead-. pleats forward your reiume to: Mr. Rob»r( King, Toms River builder Jerry line for filing entries is Tours-', Schurgin, an NJSBA vice day, June 19. '; Honeywell president, copped the State Awards will be given to the: 141 Needham Street, Newton, Mau. 02161 Association builder's laurels first three finishers in each' with 4M3-83, while Dick Opportunlllct nnl in oik*' Hontywtll DmiioK. Sand rnuna to 1.1. blftg, Hontywlt, MinfiNeolil, MlmwtoU U4M. An [qutl Omnrtuiilv InflnM. event. All prizes were donat-, Sambol, also of Toms River, ed by Thomson and McKin-', took the SBA associate mem- non, Stockbrokers of Long. ber title with his JJM2-80. -Branch. .1 .THE DAILY REGISTER, BED BANK- MTDDUTOWN, N. J.i TUESDAY, JUNE 17,1969 Varied Faces of a Day at the Races computer _ experience?


JOCKEY RUDOLPH MAAG PONDERS HIS FATE Ridin' Easy In Colleen OCEANPORT - Chance Mist, and Holly Crest Farm's Hill Farm's Ridin' Easy, My Fair Daisy. winner of the Fashion and Kidin' Easy lost only her debut before proving herself Polly Drummond Stakes in at next asking in stakes com- her last two outings, is ex- pany. But she won't be the pected to seek her third only double stakes victress stakes triumph in tomorrow's in the field. Little Tudor and $20,000-added Colleen Stakes Mary Lancer have each at Monmouth Park. posted a pair of added-money tallies. The 5'/2-furlong dash is also expected to lure Brookmeade Little Tudor won Keene- Stable's Box The Compass,1- land's Bewitch and Chur- FIGURE FILBERT THERE MUST BE A WINNER HERE SOMEPLACE Phil Godfrey's Corte Madera, chill Downs' Debutante on (Register Photos by Don Lordl) Mrs. H. B. Massey's Rapid Derby Day, but was unplaced Link, Howard Wells' and against Ridin' Easy in the Hgss Inman's Mary Lancer, Polly Drummond. Loblolly Stable's Toana, Car- Mary Lancer has run up a • ter Thornton's Little Tudor, string of six wins in as many and S. & F. Farm's Joe's tries and may be the winning- Monmouth Park Today Lil Girl. est 2-year-old to date. Her Others considered possible victories have come at Oak- entrants include Briardale lawn and Sunland Parks, and Entries Selections Farms' Ashua, Brookfield Ak-Sar^Ben, and include suc- cims.; tVx-t. Big Time Mo (NB) 20-1 1—Spartan Game, Cathedral, Bunny Jet (NB) 15-1 Ml.i» Royal Table (Hernandez) 10-1 Farms' Insensitive, Mrs. cesses in Sunland's Futurity RM M«ng« (Whltemen) 20-1 Very Fancy (Thornburg) 12-1 . Galligber and Futurity Trial. Cathedral (Kullai) 4-1 Fan The Queen (Maple i 4-1 Bussell L. Keineman's Sweet oentle sky (Brouisard) 3-1 sue Saint Marie (Ferna) 20-1 2—King My Chimes, Delta Seasoned Traveler (Bsxrus.) 121 Peau Rouge (Culmone) 5-Z Kowm-Bonga (Fellcl&no) ' •-1 Imperial Rag (Blum) 3-1 Sutcbess, Orphan Lady 8psrtan Game (Hole) 7-2 Gypsy Wagon (Hole) 6-1 Lord Fiddle (Terilll) 1M SURF, FIELD, STREAM Tree Mots (NB) 3—Federal Grant, Swaps Galllghor (BrumHeld) • 10-1 Baker Pro (NB) 20-1 6TH-M.OO0! Clmg.; 3 yoi 6f. Tiirn, Mark Ye Way First Qlory (NB) 12-1 Blr Belson (Korte) 10-1 8-1 8->ce '-'armer (Cardone) 8-5 4—Colons Real, New Quote, Rifle (Blum) 4-1 SND-W,!OOs Clmi.l J yoi; ftVt-l- Cool Canary (Hole) 3-1 Love Bandit Final Note (Garramone) 12-1 Maryland Native INB) 6-1 Willie Tackle•mi/s -iris Orphan Lady (AriMOM) .'..,, 3-1 WUtoi/ Vale. (Kallal) 7 J 5—Peau Rouge, Ragtime Bs-rfoerton Miss (Blum) 10-1 : Sultan's Delight (Pullzzl) 15-1 Rhythm, Fan the Queen Color Me PlnH (Harrison) 12-1 7TH—«6,000; Altr.l 3 * < jo; t-f. 6—Space Farmer, Maryland Lucky Finance (KB) 20-1 Greek Flare (Maple) 8-1 Zlba Blue i.Mlcelli 1-1 Basic Witness (Blum) 9-2 Native, Willow Vale Striped Bass Lost Atoll (BrumHeld) 10-1 Bazoom (Blum) 10-1 7—Raise a Dancer, Rapid i:-l Dancer, Basic Witness By DICK RIKER Delta Duchess (Brunuleld) 5-2 Prince Jerry iBattazar) 6-1 Gibe's Pet (NB) . 10-J •Tulnadel (NB) 12-1 8-Directive, Besieger, Mav- " It was Just about a year ago today that Willie went lu^ld Dancer (Micell) 3-1 erick 3rd 3RD—f1.7001 Clmr.! 3-DPI 0-f. Make It Easy (NB) 12-1 berserk. At least to a stranger it would appear that Willie Bold Rajah (Imp&rato) 8-1 8—Rosehearty, Ridgid, Prince had dropped over the edge. But to those who know Willie, Gherrybrook (Fellclano) lo-l 8Tll-410,0OO| Alw.l 3-np| 1-mlle. Banker Barn (Kortei 4.1 Troy he was just experimenting. After all, there isn't a very Bundle of Twigs (Imparato) 6-1 Rlncon (Rlos) 20-1 Best Bet: Space Farmer Mark Ye Way (NB) 7-2 Besieger (NB) . 5-2 thick line drawn between paranoia and an intense desire to Sage Jamie (Iropftrato) 204 Maverick 3rd (Hernandez) 4-1 (6th) catch a striped bass. FetHrs.1 Grant (Blum) 3-1 Ole Comrade (Ballazar) ' 6-1 Swaps Turn (NB} 6-1^ Directive (Thornburg) 7-2 (Yesterday's winner: Mister . •=•• It was a sunny day in mid June and the waters just Common Defence. (Verardl) 6-1 DO Bee, Best Bet, IS) east of Sandy Hook were unusually calm when it all- 4Tll~jj,(HKl; Clmr. I 3-up; 6-1. Wood-Pro (Kallal) 10-1 Lady Hlllsborough (Suarez) 6-1 Smoke Tree (BalUzar) 7-2 started. Bunker were in the area in tre- Oollna Real (Hole) 6-2 Love Bandit (Thornburg) - 4-1 9TH_«,TOOI .i 1-npi lA-m. Scratches mendous numbers and stripers were there Welsh Idyll (CuMln) 8-1 feeding on the bunker. New Quote (NBi 3-1 Rldgld (NBI (-2 l-Geatle Sky Kathleen Gee (Garraiinone) 12-1 HaUopolls (Cmrtlni S-l •:. These bass I'm talking about were not Minnie Baby (NB) 7-2 Dance Toledo (NB) 4-1 2-Lost Atoll Ronehearty (Cubmone) «-l your every day reel-em-up-on-the-beach lladl (Fellclano) 8-1 7-Tutaadek STH—U.ooo: 3 £ 4 yos; «.'. Prince Troy (Kallal) 3-1 variety of stripers. The bass that were Noon Wine (Maple) 121 Smoektnda (Kasaenl 10-1 8—Smoke Tree Chasing those bunker were the genuine Ragtime Rhythm (NB) 10-1 Classy Gent (Sversole) 15-1 Track clear and fast mossy-backed monster variety that showed a tail you couldn't span with your two hands. \- The gang tried everything in their Yesterday's Results boxes with a spectacular lack of success. 1ST—Clm» : 3 * 4 yr: md: St., 5TH—clmg.; 3 yrs: 6-f, You dorft The stripers wanted live bunker and Dramiloiue (Role) 7.00 4.40 3.80 One Dark Night (T'b'g) 6.60 3.80 3.00 Ons Appeal (MlceU) 4.00 3.00 Midway Battle (Kalian 7.60 5.SO Wanted them bad. A swimming bunker would be smashed Turn All Hands (Cardone) 9.20 Three Giant Steps (Plomohok) 4.80 four feet into the air by an angry striper. The crippled JHD—Clmg.; 3-up; 6-f. «TH—Clmg.; (up: 6-f. Sir Hot (Culmone) 10.00 5.00 4.20 RowdyTJowdy (B'l'z'r) 18.80 7.00 4.00 tanker would flutter on the surface long enough for old Ho Caplto Bene (Blum) 4.00 3.20 Winged Kim (Arlstone I 3.80 2.80 Mistaken Identity (Ttiornburg) 6.20 Bells and Whistles (Kallsl) 3.20 man bass to swing around and scoop him up in a maw big 7TH—Alw.i 3-1 ym «-f. enough to swallow a football without choking. (Dally Double (5-8) Paid 161.40) Skate Back (Culmone) 8.60 6.00 3.80 need it! Bubble Cas (Kortei 8.60 4.80 •'• As I said, Willie loves to experiment. He loves to take Little Red Onion (Blum) 5.60 3RD-Clmg.; 2 yrs; 5-t. 8TH—Alw.; 3 yr»; UVm. striped bass. Somehow he had to find a way to horn in on Newsnaperboy (Maple) 19.60 4.60 3.00 Hunters Dance (P'ch'k) 6.00 4.20 2.80 If you have the talent and ability to help us in one ol the areas Fast Rule (Baltazar) • 3.40 2.60 Excellent Landing rCulm'ej 7.20 4.20 listed we will provide you with the technical training nicenary tfte fantastic action taking place under his very nose. HI Mitch (Culmone) 3.00 Cimntry AucUon (Blum) 4.40 to start your career in the commercial computer industry. At v Willie figured if he could get a wounded bunker and 4TH—Mdns.; 2 yr«: 51. STH—Clmg; 4-up;lli m; off 5:63. Mister Do Bee (Hole) 5.00 3.00 2.20 a.Thu'rsIrd III (B'l'ar) 3.40 2.20 2.40 Honeywell, one -ol the fastest growing computer companies, put a hook in it, maybe old man bass would grab it with- Busy BotJ-O (Blum) 4.00 3.20 Wapplnger (Micell) 3.00 2.80 you will have a unique opportunity to develop your expertise out looking ton hard for a catch. Willie figured right. Mr. Greek Empire (Kallal) 3.60 a-Eibar (Thornburg) 2.40 within an environment that fosters and rewards Bass was definitely interested. individual excellence. •' So the race began. A striper would slap a bunker into Fort Yacht Club' Member* Christen TECHNICAL WRITERS TRAINEE TQ SENIOR the sky. Then Willie would race the striper to see who was 1 OCEANPORT - A dual tish Lass. Fred and Haze A number ol positions are available at all levels requiring no going to grab the bait. Sometimes the bass won and some- christening of two new yachts Lozier presented their new 37- technical writing background (you should have experience as tjrne Willie won. was held by two members of foot Viking, the Nancy Jan. an electronic technician) lo senior writer positions with up to ,.I When Willie won the race, the fun was only beginning. Fort Yacht Club at the water 4 years' willing experience in the electronics industry. Threading a hook through the meat just ahead of the dorsal The gala occasion was at front home of Fred Lozier tended by 60 members of the PROGRAMMED INSTRUCTION WRITERS , fin of the bunker, Willie would then cast the bait out from here. bis little tin boat. The problem was that Willie was equipped Fort Yacht Club and guest Specialists are needed in our course research group to design William and Tina Bennett of their families. Leonard and develop programmed instruction courses for our Field. with rods too light and too supple to handle a pound or more Service Organisation. Experience in programmed learning of bait on a cast. Willie could strip line off the reel and of Red Bank presented their Compton, past commodore, 31-foot Broadwater, the Scot- methods, coupled with electronics experience, would be ideal: then throw the bait as far as he could using his Class AA was in charge of the event. however, we are prepared to offer training in programmed Softball pitch. learning techniques. ' Now the problem was solved. Willie had his bait and COMPUTER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTORS was ready for action, or was he? Caught in the act of Austin America. Put the past few years to work for you. If you have found that pitching a dead or dying menhaden to a 50-pound striper you like instructing, are good at it and would like to continue could be embarassing. Willie had to pitch the fish, grab his The lowest-priced car this interest, we can oflei you a iewatdi»g career opportunity rod and be ready to strike as a bass took the proffered pitch with fully-automatic 4-speed transmission within a completely professional environment offering — I mean fish. Sometimes Willie won and he had a fish on. Only'1899^ WAYNE professional rewards and growth. A good electronics Other times the bass won and Willie had to give with an- background and some previous instiucting experience are (And the price includes everything you sec in this ad.) required. Von will receive extensive training in Honeywell other curve. Computer Systems technology and Maintenance Procedures. To complicate matters, the idea was great but the • fully-automatic, • laigeu trunk in in class. technique lacked something. More often than not, the 4-speed transmission. HORSE KRUNGI sti:ike would simply pull the bait from the striper's mouth. shaped, deep foam padded vinyl teats. FORT MONMOUTH AREA INTERVIEWS After a smash, a couple of pitches on Willie's part and • front-wheel drive • Top notch feed for all ages and Mr. Roller( King.will be interviewing in the Tort Mon- ior Incredible iiactii a missed strike, the bait looked a bit frazzled. breeds'of horses mouth. New Jersey area on Thursday. June 19. 1969. To This June finds bunker off the Hook and stripers chasing ananp.e an interview appointment, please call Mr. King those bunker. The scene is the same, only now a number • Reduces waste. Easily digested by at (701) Wb/SI Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, of; anglers have the technique down pat. No more must lunc 16, \f nr 18. Irnm 9 AM. In b P M. Or call Mr. young colts and horses " Kmi:. Thursday, lunc 19 at 12011 229-9000 Colled calls Willie race a bass to a freshly killed mossbunker. Now he accepted. can buy them from his tacklemaster. _. .ning qusrrer-vents » Develops and maintains bone Tide doesn't seem to enter into this brand of striper and rear windows. • fitted carpeting. structure; conditions and gives more If unable to meet with us at this time, please forward yiur hunting. Sometimes they hit on the outgoing and sometimes * chrome wheel-diics. • Itlf-ldjulting, stamina resume to Mr. Robert King, Honeywell, 141 Needham Street, on the incoming. You just have to be along the False Hook fade-free disc brakes. • unique hydrolaitic suspension Newton. Mass. 02161. when the ballgame starts. ", A blinker, preferably fresh but a recently defrosted Come see the Austin America. specimen will do in a pinch, is hooked through the mouth And see how much you get for how little you pay. Fred D. Wikoff using a strong treble hook. I emphasize the treble hook. The Other Computer Company: You lose too many strikes using a single hook through ASBURY PARK Co. the back. A" & G Motors, 82 Main Street The bunker is then slowly drifted out from the boat. 234 Maple Ave. Honeywell You can float it high or you can add a two ounce drail EATONTOWN MANASQUAN Red Bank nnd put the bait right on the bottom. Better yet, try one Monmouth Motors Show Motors Rr. 35 Rt. 35 747-0552 •• OiM'lufl'11" •"" >" sthff Ntmiatll Dimionl, naliaimtti. Slltl of* each. If you can' get fresh bunker try herring. But get Ittumii 10 I I llin|. KIKFIMII, Minnlllllll, Ulflnittts MIDI. out there rigjj( now and try. »o l«Ml qyinlanil lm»ll< 14 -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK • MZDDLETOWN. K J.s TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1969

ANNOUNCEMENTS AUTOS FOE SALE AUTOS FOB SALE AUTOS FOB SALE BOATS and ACCESSORIES HELP WANTED—FEMAtE HELP WANTED-MALE HELP WANTEB-MALE LOST AND FOUND 11*5 DART OT a».TERTlBI.E - IM7 FOUR WKESL DRIVE TOYOTA 1M2 FORD — Convertible. Automatic 23* FJBEHGl^AB CRUISER — UtWAITRESS — Evtnters. Apply In per. Sli cylinder, power steering, acto- LAND CRUISER — geyen-paeaenier. V-8. Power steering. Goof>0 OLDSMOBILE CONVERTIBLE— Call equipped ith many extras including nemi-profemlonal multi-office opera- APPLY IN PERSON ONLY All power. Good condition. 264-4125 741-9826. w tion. 5% dayx, $100 per week. Write WAGON — 2,500 miles. Take over ckls and winter cover. One owner. lo Box O-114, The Dally Register, payments. 512-6783 after 6 p.m. aller 5. MERCEDES BENZ 1962 — Green. Excellent cDndftion. $1,000. Call 568- MUSICIANS — Your group deserves SSOO, 9 to !S weekd*yR. Red Bank, stating qualifications, STATION CAn — Ford Wagon 1958. 19S.1 ENGLISH FORD — Good run- Four door, six cylinder. 220S. J700. ning condition. Perfect second car. Call S7MITH. a. break. You've got to have tape. Not much to lock at, but dependable. COMPASSES ADJUSTED GIRL WANTED — For Ugbt ofrtce VIKOA CABLE CO. Reasonable orfer accepted. Call 747- S'JIX) firm. 872-1804. "iMS VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER — work Tor major motion picture com- 40G2 after 3 p.m. Kobgrt A. Redmond 264-8015 pany. Call between 10 and 5, Mr. Llg> Halls Mill Road Freehold. N. J.; Record your sounds. 741-*315. 1962 MORGAN $1995. C Douglas Ala-n, 100 Oceanport glo 747-9700. CHEVROLET 1S67 —Bel Air [out- Call Ave., Little Silver. 642'5353J MtlST SELL 15" ~ Lapatrake hull. Needs paint nn Inniile, Meal ror ski REDUCE sate and fast with GoBese door pedan. Automatic transmission, 747-1687 alter 5 p.m. 1905 REN — Excel- HOUSEKEEPER — For two-prle«t An Equal Opportunity Employer 1 radio, heater. A-l condition. Low mile- or rishlng. Reasonable. 671-3297 Orrectory. Reliable, mature, live In. For tslilets and E-Vap ''wa-ler pUK , Pro- FIAT — Four-door sedan,- ?25O. Irnt Alter 4, 7477411fl- 5 fesMonal Phflrmacy, Rrrl Bank and age. One owner. 51500. 747-0738. Call 4605. interview write Box L132, The Daily linn mouth Drugs, Shrewsbury. Register, Red Bank. 1964 BUICK BLECTRA — Four-door 747-9079 1961 CORVETTE — 283. four-speed 1926 30' RED BANK SEA SKIFF — hardtop. Fully equipped. All extres. Sleeps two, Good condition, In water. EXPERIENCED SALESWOMAN - HELP WANTED-FEMALE HELP WANTED-MALE 1966 VOLK8WAGEN — Green. Good Clean and good running condition Needs engine. $1400. 842-3508. Excellent condition .$1200. Call after condition. $1150. Call 787-8390 after Call after 5 p.m. 842-4978. For bakery. Year round. Excellent AUTOMOTIVE 4 p.m. 49S-11708. 7 Garrett n., New3 p.m. 1968 J8' CHAMP BOAT — AM trill, Salary. Call 787-6022. WOMAN — To help out In antique Monmouth. 1963 PONTIAC TEMPEST — Four er. No motor. Call Bhop. 222-7433. Tilings A Stuff, 180 DRIVERS AUTOS FOR SALE 1963 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE — cylinder. Excellent running condition. SANDWICH WOMAN — From 11 a.m. Monmouth Rd., West Long Branch. 1955 T-BIRD CLASSIC — Automatic. 1965 Corvair and 1965 Mercury. Best Ideal second car. Musi sell. 741-8110 787-61113 to 2 p.m. Apply In person, BUROEK Experienced in handling: $1,185 or best offer. Call offer. Call 493-8184. BOWL. 15 White 'St., Red Bank. 1963 FORD FALCON — Futlira con- 787-5212 after fi. 16' 0L/AS3 DAY SAILER —• In me WOMAN — To do retail selling and household goods, Apply in vertible. VR automatic. $399. Call af- 1965 MERCURY Montclair — Full K.J. water. Completely equipped. Call 671- office work. Permanent position. $85 ter 6. 774-3953. 3866 TR M—Red convertible. 45,000 IfiRO VOLKSWAGEN — Sedan. 3297 or 741-4555. DICTAPHONE TYPIST — . Insurance power, and 1965 Mustsnp. power steer- State Inspection guaranteed. $450. experience necessary. Good typing week. Matawn area. Write lo Boxperson, ANDERSON BROS., miles. Excellent condition. J1595. ing, automatic, alx. Both cars excep- 1969 THRBK-SPEED ELECTRIC L-137, The Daily neglster, lied B«n)i. NEW 1969 OLDSMOBILE F-85 - $2265 Radio, Spoke knock-off hubs. Alter 6, Call 747-2654. skills. Hours 9 to 5 p.m.'Write P.O. INC., 51-53 Mechanic St., delivered. Gem OMsrnobtle, 110 Main tionally clean. Original owner. Guar- BOAT MOTOR — With battery. 741. Box 824, Red Bank. Bt.. Matawan, 566-3600. 671-0511. antee. 431-0128 after 5 p.m. 1965 BARRACUDA V-8, 4-»reed. Very 4515. CAFETERIA ATTENDANT — Part' Red Bank. IMS BUICK RIVIERA — All power, good condition. Call LEGAL STENOGRAPHER — Mini- time evenings, 6 to 10:30. six days. IT ONLY TAKES A MINUTE-To get Alr-conditbned. Original owner. 1966 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE — 787-9033 1967 GLASSPAR 17' — Inboard-out- mum of 3 years experience. Salary Excellent possibility of full-time em- better deal at Russell Oldsmobtle- Chrome wheels. *220O. 787-2156. Excellent condition. Stick shut. Call 19ffT CA.MARO Rally Sport - Power- board, 120 b.p., «eati elx. Used one J120 per week. Call 747-3730. ployment. Call 671-9342. ' SALESMAN—Full time. Experienced Cadillac, 100 Newman Springs Rd., 147-0516. season. Engine and hull excellent Bllde. Power steering, Vinyl roof, RH WANTED WEEKENDS — All desired. Salary pluc commission - Red Bank. 741-0910. JAGUAR 1865 3.85 — Four-door sedan BEST BUICK — OFEI, BUYS Verv clean. Circle Chevrolet. 7*1-3130. sbape. Interior needs cleaning. Best SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR — 3 tc squire's Men's Shop. 1300 Uery. 35,' offer over 12,000. Call after 6 p.m.11 shift. Full or part time. Perma- shifts. Apply King James Nunlng A H Motors Inc. Fully equipped. Must cell. Call 741- i Straub Motors Home, 400 Hwy. 35, Mlddletown. 291- Mlrldletown. 671-0292. ; Hwy. 35 Eatontown, N. J.6737 after 1 p.m. wy. 35 Keyport 264-4000 19fi(l VALIANT — Soon body. Neei]» 204-8068. nent, not summer work. 741-4700. work. Ideal for zuy who liken to 17' SKIFF — Extremely well built, 3400. SHORT ORDER COOKS — Itesdy 5121111 196! FIAT — Model 124 utatlon wag- work on cars. Will sell oneaji. Call SECRETARY — Mature. Must 1e ex : I9S6 BEIGE VOLVO STATION WAG- never In wMer. 1998. 8(2-1421, 8»2- AVON CALLING year-round positions. Must apply ln AUSTIN AMERICA - Two-door, four- ON — Mint condition. Serviced re- on 3M0 miles. Call atter S P.m.after 5. 741-47.11. 0125. perlenced. In Red Bank. Call 747- person. No phone calls. HOWARD speed, $1,872. P.O.E. slightly higher llfously. 11500. Call 671-5259 days, or 542-6783. 3730. NEED Immediately three ladlea In JOHNSON'S KESTAURANT, Hwy 85 wltn automatic. Also Sprites, Mlrt&ets, 741-8973 after 6:30 p.m. 1OB2 CHEVROLET — Bel Air. 8l3t- 14' 8ONFISH SAILBOAT—With da- the Belrord area with ambition 10 Mlddlelown. MGE roadsters — GT. AiG MOTORS, 1065 SUNBEAM ALPINU — convert- cvUnder stir*. Radio, heater, power cron sails. 14' Bar'Miir skiff. Evln- EXBCUTIVH SECRETARY — Per- earn money. Good Income, part-time. Astiury Park. 775-3483. 1964 RENAULT R8 — Automatic ible, excellent condition S895. Call 671- steering. Excellent condition. One rude motor 2B h.p. Beat offer. Call sonal secretary to owner executives Call J. Blrchall, 741-4343. owner. 787-2248. of established well known ceramtc AIRLINE TRAINEE transmission, radio. Excellent condi- 9545. 229-0113. tile producing firm now growing and Kroll Ifotors Inc. tion. Call 787-7042 after 6:30 p.m. DENTAL ASSISTANT Matawnn $ per wesk, pliui Blue crMSBJue S79 Broadway Long Branch. N. J. 1964 CHEVROLET IMPAtA HARDTOP 14' SCOTT SKI BOAT — New motor, changing under aggressive new man- Experience arid/or training necessary. Shield, pension, two week* vamtlon- 222-3600 SUPER SPORT — Needs some work. TRUCKS FOR SALE excellent trailer. WIUl water akls. 5700 agement. Must be excellent typist, in- Full-time. No evenings, call S66-2.i:f after one year and free and reduced Have to sell. *»5. 229-2171. Call 747-2706. telligent and personable nDt easily AUTOS FOR SALE 1385 FORD VAN TRUCK - Fully flustered. Make g«od Impression on rate vacR-llon travel for you and your J9B0 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL LIVELY, MATURE GIRL — Mom family Anywhere In the world, but- AUTOS FOR SALE equipped. Low mileage. Radio. Excel- 28W OLSEN SKIFF — Fully equipped visitors and phone callers. Impor- through Frl. Take 5 bright school- more important, hero Is a position with $150 lent condition. Good bur- 254-2459 or In allp, ready to go. Call belween 5-7 tance of Job demands highly reliable age children lo beach for working a real future. You must b* a high 291-9354 after 6 p.m. p.m. 8720141. person with excellent character, dis- 787-1540 cretion, and judgment. ATCO CE- moUier, Call 842-3130 between 6 and school' graduate, aent In appewanci 196< PLYMOUTH SPORT FURY — 1055 FORD ONE-TON CAB AND INVENTORY OLEARANCE RAMICS CORP. Hwy. 35, Keyport. p.m. and have a burning desire tt enter CHASSIS. SIM. Call Sunrish - Scorpions • Day Sutlers the exciting world of Aviation. If you Two-door hardtop. Power steering, MONMOUTH 8AILINQ CENTER SECRETARY — Full time. Write, qualify, see Airline Placement Servlci power brakes, automatic-console. Ex- 264-7377. SALES REPRESENTATIVES — Part giving age, experience and qualifica- KlOli Main St., Matawan. 586-1605. C. Douglas cellent condition. S950. Call «2-S295, West St. Monmoutti Beach 222-34M 1953 FORD TRUCK — Stake time, no experience necessary, to tions, lo Box 0-116, The Dally Regis- after 5 p.jn, 25' KETOH — 25 h.n. Inboard. No bal- visit expectant mothers for the lead- ter. Red Bank. Call last. Very reasonable. DRAFTSMAN MERCEDES-BENZ 264-4125 atter 5. ing diaper service In your area. Leads Mechanical and Electrical, 3-5 yean RASSAS PONTIAC 671-0481 supplied. High commissions plus car OFFICE PERSONNEL — For small experience on electro-mechanical is* 1969 DODGE FOUR-WHEEL DKIVU • llowance. Call LULLABYB DIAPER company. Knowledge of NCR machine l Sales & Service 395 Broad St. 7U-518O Red Bank 15' RUNABOUT — steering wheel typing, billing, general bookkeeping, aembiies. Apply in perion, Electro U LINCOLN CONTINENTAL I960 JAGUAR 3.< SEDAN PICKUP—With mow plow attachment ana controls, 45 h.p. Mercury electric SERVICE, 741-2642. Ask for Mr. Impulse, 116 Chestnut St., Red Bank; Hardtop Coupe, green gray with match- ana camper roof. J33CO. KARITAN Knute. accounts receivable desirable. C3ood Forsign or Domestic valves. Pretty car. 9775 or start. Tilt trailer. Other accessories. starling salary. Advances. Company ing leather 291-2937. GARAGE, a. Main St.. Keyport. 264- See anytime at 40 Central Ave.. OHff- and black Delivery 0361. wood Beacti or call 566-3341, Asking MAID3 — Full time day positions benefits. 37't hours a week. INDUS- in/f roof. 1966 OTO — 4-speed. 389, 3/2'a.. Clean, $69.1 or best offer. available with good salary and full TRIAL PROPANE CORP. 634-5544. EXECUTIVE TYPE MAN Electric One block from good condition. Beat otter. 671- fringe benefits, contact Personnel Of- DENTAL RECEPTIONIST — TYPIST windows, MOTORCYCLES 15' CUSTOM BUILT OEDAR ROW- fice, Rlvervlew Hospital, Red Bank. Salary (800 monlh increasing to I960 Little Silver R.R. Station 2189. —Capable, mature, conscientious. Ex- end of six months, $1000 end of first seals ond BOAT — With a front locker, floor- 741-2700, Ext. 22J. An Equal Opportu- cellent long term position. Write Box air condi- lOOOctonportAve. Little Silver | 1061 OLD8MOBILE — Super 88. Fou: 1965 B3A LIGHTNING — Twin car- board and oars. Depn, Excellent con- nity Employer. year If ability warrants. Etcellsnt door hardtop. V-8. Ksdlo. Automatic. dition. $135. Call 842-5941. L-131, The Dally Register. Red Bank. three year training program with op- tioned $3491 Power steering and brakes. Factory buretor. Rebuilt engine. Excellent EXPERIENCED HOUSEWORKER — portunity In management. Resume or 842-5353 condition. $750. 671-2368. IB' BRISTOL BLUEFISH — 40 h.p. BOOKKEEPER — Qene>ral ledger, CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE air conditioned. Best offer. 531-0271 12 to 5 four afternoons weekly, »2 for CPA ofrice, to amilst with clients' call collect, Robert W. Kuntz, 59 John 1964 TRIUMPH 1695. Johnson wllh two tanks. All equip- hourly. Must have own car and ref- records, payroll, retui-ru, etc. Bend St., N.Y.C. 212-227-3241, > am, -s p.m. BROADWAY Af 4TH CADILLAC 1959 — While, air-condi- tion. S42-142I, ment. Excellent condition. $iOO. 291- erences. Call 291-3530. 222-1234 LONG BRANCH tioned Crulie control, all power. Ex- 2948. resume stating it-alary desired to P.O. cellent condition. Ashing 5575. Can be GENERAL HOUSEWORK - Five Box 802, Red Bank. seen at 31 Forman St., Fair Haven. ORDERLIES — 7 to 3, experienced 1968 PUCH TRAIL — 50cc, excellent days per week. Two In family. Own REGISTERED NURSE — Three to only. $2 per heur plus benefits. 846- 1959 PORSCHE — Excellent condition condition. Low mileage. Call 9(6' BUSINESS NOTICES transportation. Colts Neck area. four hours anytime during B-10 p.m. 4200, HOLMDEL CONVALESCBNT 4869. Weekdays call 462-8500, Sundays 431- Call PRO FLOOR WAXING Four evenings per week. Call 291- CENTER. 741-8768 1867 TRIUMPH — SIM CC. Rebuilt 1212. 0440 Tor further information. Commercial - Residential WANTED engine, dual carburetors. Best offer "Phone 747-2140 or 747-2872 NURSES' AIDES — 11 p.m. • 7 a.m. HOUSEKEEPER — 2-6 p.m. Clean, 1963 COUNTRY SQUIRE — One own- over SS'XI. 291-0217. SALB9MAN shift. Five da/ week. Paid holidays. prepare dinner, Hon., Tuea.I Wed,,i er. Automatic, power steering, $400. FUHNTrmm MOVING - AIHM UK l/l E^UIV Wlllllbl i ai^wiiis d1«ma' p >«4r*IIB FULL OR PART-TIMB 1966 HONDA 90 and helmet. Excel- Apply In person, BroOKdale Nursing Frl. To start late August. Call eve- Call 291-3758. cellars cleaned. Free estimate*. Cull Home. J325 Hwy. 35, Hazlet. TOP TRADE ALLOWANCE—Supern lent condition. Call after 5 p.m. 291-T47-300J. nings 717-3438. To establish own credit brokerage Service. DOWNES PONTIAC 62 Lower 3520. WOMAN — LIVE IN—HOUBEWOKK. RELIABLE CLEANINO WOMAN - Dullness. No Investment. T* help git Main St., Matawan. 566-2299. > TRIUMPH 500 CC — Call alter SHEET METAL WORK WANTED - SALARY J90 PER WEEK PLUS Needed for Mondays. Own transpor- started we guarantee $180 weekly to « p.m. S550. Small or large. "Red Bank Sheet ROOM AND BOARD. WILL BOARD tation necessary. 291-2538. man meeting our requirements. Age BAYBHORE CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH Metal Co., 1 Leonard St., Red Bank. HUSBAND FREE. CALL. 493-O23 no barrier. Write: Manager, Bol 700, First Ave.. Atlantic Highlands 787-2241 741-3*54. AFTER 5:30. MATURE WOMAN — To care [or Pilnesville, Ohio 44077. 291-9200 1967 HONDA — 305 Scrambler. 2,030 working mother's children. Mu»t HEWING MACHINE OPERATORS — NEED A GOOD U.SED STATION miles. Excellent condition. $495. Call have own transportation. Call 542- 741-9054. SUMMER PAINTING! Union shop. Apply WALL STREET 0805. WAGON? See Mount English Ford Call now for free estimate. Top Quali- FASHIONS. 37 Wall St.. Red Bank. today. Red Bank. 741-6000. BARMAID — Attractive. Experience ty Work. Reasonable Prices, Fully In- WAITRESSES - - Part-time and lull BIJHLER ft BITTER MOBILE IIOMES not necessary. Five nights a week. time. Must be over 21. Five day 8 hours per day. 787-9827. PLYMOUTH — CHRYSLER 'U":'1' MY THREE SONS week. 747-D85B. ELECTRONIC 32!W Hwy. 35, Hailet, 2S4-01M HOLLY HILL HOUSEKEEPER — Beginning Sept. FIAT 1967 — H50 Sport Coupe. Ex- MOBILE HOME SALES rt. .Palntinr Contractors SALESLADY WANTED — In wom- Two children. School hours. Own NEW and USED J en's and children's wear. Full or transportation or sleep-In. Weekdays cellent condition. $825. Call 229-7582 583-9^06 244-7449 part-time. Borne experience preferred. TECHNICIANS afier 6 p.m. See the newest concent In mobile home after 3 p.m. 679-3622. living. The elegant Delta for 1969 fx- LIQHT HAULTNG—CLEAN CELLARS Apply Westrelch's, 45 W, Front St. 1967 THUNDERBIHD — Four-door. cluslvely on display at Holly Hill. We Keyport. LUNCHEONETTE COUNTER r.IFtL— YARDS OARAGES — Frm estimate!. Experienced. Full time. 8 to 4. Five Fully cquinped wlfti sir conditioning. carry a complete line of 12' wldea Oil after 3 vm. 741-21(9. PAYROLL CLERK — Experienced, Asklnlt $2800. 671-2165. priced to Ht your budget. Drive out days. Costa's. 7 W. Front St., K«y- HONEYWELL if infsrvievv. today and let us show you how easy and good skills with calculator and port. 261-9702. 1965 CADILLAC — DeVllle, full pow- It Is to buy a quality mobile home. HAVING A PARTY? NCR bookkeeping machine. Apply ing in Fort Monmouth irsa er, new tlrej, 38.000 miles. One own- Open 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. dally, to 6 p.m. ATCO CERAMICS, Hwy 35, Keyport EXPERIENCED HOUSEWORKER - DEL1CI0USLY PREPARED FOODS Live-In. Recent references required. er Best offer over S2100. 115 White St Sat. CALL MERRI MAKTNGS WOMAN — Office cleaning nights — this week. For details, Shrewsbury. 741-931*. S. Amboy, K. J. 711-5953 Mon. thru Frl. 9 a.m. -12 Call 842-1980. Rt 33 1 Mon. thru Frl., approximately 6 p.m. pleaie refer to our adver- 1963 THUNDERBIRD — Power win- Phone 721-5858 Two days advance notice a. "MUST to It p.m. Must have car. Keyport- HOUSEKEEPER — Cooking, light dows, steering, brakes. Oood tires. Matawan area. 966-5818. cleaning. Full charge. Llve-ln. Hluh tisement on the SPORTS Asking $575. Call 542-1M5 after fip.m . ALL TYPES OF HOME REPAIRS salary. References required. 747-28D5. WANTED AUTOMOTIVE Alterations, remodeling, and psjntlng EXECUTIVE. SECRETARY — Full PAGES of today's paper. VOLKSWAGEN CAMFMOBIUG 106G— Reasonably priced. Free estimates. or part-time. Mature woman. Experi- GIRL — For light factory work. Walk-through seats, ppp-up top. Ex- GET CASH FOR VOUR FOREIGN - Prompt service. Call 741-3953. enced. Top notch skills. Send resume, JOHN KINKEL ft SON, <4 Apple St., P.O. Box 183, Oceanport. New Shrewsbury. tras. Must see. Excellent condition. AND SPORTS CARS AT MONMOUTB SUSPENDED CEILINGS - Paneling, 747-4584. MOTORS, me, Hwy. 36, Eitontoira, Finish recreation rooms and attics. WANTED — Capable woman to live WOMAN TO DO IRONINO The Other Com- 1957 DODGE — Good running Condi- H2-21H. Sheet!!!«, Finerfflas body, 1400 lbs. Very quick. $1,000 firm, 291' BOATS AND ACCESSORIES SALES - MUTUAL FUNDS Techanloil, Bleetrletl You Just Bought 90- 747-4349 or 741-275? INTERDATA If you are llcemed you can K«t top $ nESIONERS — EiectrlceJ, Oumlotl. FOR THE ECONOMY MINDED—19«6 THE BOATMAN'S SHOP BLACKTOPPINEJ drlvewayi, bichhos 2 Oreacent PI. Oceanport plus profit nharlnB. SECURITY IN- structural. 0 (Bulletins: nehlml Holiday Inn) VESTORS CO., 1 Main St., Batontown, DRAFTSMEN - All facet* Valiant station wagon. Four-door, ALL YOUR SPRING ierv.ee, trenching, lot cleartnc*. M2-W00. standard transmission. Radio , and FITTING OUT NEEDS Trucking of stone, gravel or land. An Equal Opportunity Employer PROJECT MANAOERB — EsllmiWr.. heater, vinyl interior, etc. Ex- Nftw Jersey'* Largest Uarioe lupplT 8end resume or call In eonfMenee' to Your New Car Call 7*7-2535. BEACH OIRL —To help In writer's MECHANIC— Experienced on Ctimltr KING EXECUTIVE SERVICED Bo« cellent condition. 51195. Call now M. House, tt Wharf ave.. Bed But. 741- house for summer or longer, Help Corporation oari. FREEHOLD DODGE. RCHWARTZ, 747-0787, 141 W. Front 5780. open Sun. and Holidays, 9 a.m. LAND3CAPINO AND CAREENING with kids. Great old house. Must 4824234. 2111. Erflson, H. J. 08117. M1.518-H2O, St.. Red Bank to 1 p.m. SERVICE — JOB Lopez, 842-0714, after drive and type. Good fun and experi- •r uter a p.m., loully. ence. Low pay. 291-3527. CAREER OPPORTUNITY — Join one 1968 XKE ROADSTER — Vary low HANS PEDERSON CUSTOM BUILT 6 p.in. of Monmoulh and Ocean Countlei From Wall! mileage. Very clean. I«M. BAILLY SKIFir_24' - With cuddy cabin. Pew- LANDSCAPING and LAWN SERVICE ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPjyi — Ex- futMt vrowlof real wtate afenciei. BROS.. 19 E. Newman Springs Rd.. ered by 240 h.p. Marine Interceptor AR. Diaz. 19 Leljhton Ave., Bed perienced nood with figures. Must We will train and prepare for llcen*' Red Hank. 147-0598. engine. Fishing chalrn, navy top, rod Bank. Dial 747-6010. type. Diversified duties. All benefits, Inn, through our special company (More Classified Ads THEY HAVE THE FINEST SELECTION OF CARS 1963 IMPALA — Convertible. Four- hDlderg, adjustable outrigger mounts, pleasant working conditions. Apply •ohool, qualified jronnf men for po- On The Next Page) speed, rebuilt engine. Perfect running head. Very fast. Perfect family or SAMSON ELECTHTCAL SUPPLY, CO, sitions In one of today's most lucra- AROUND ... AND A PRICE TO MATCH ronriHion. Asking $650. 747-3863. fishing boat. Painted and read/ for EMPLOYMENT J85 Rector St., Purth Amboy. tive profession*, If you are Intftrented launching. Maka an offer. Call iAZ-Wi In flnt year earnings of SI2.000, with HELP WANTED-MALE 1966 RED FORD—Mustang, six-cylin- after 5 p.m. HELP WANTED-FEMALE ' LEOAL SECRETARY — Mature. Ex- unlimited future Innoms potential, call THESE ARE JUST A FEW der hardtop with low mileage. In good perience required. Red Bank-Middle- Mr. etcarn, 7S7-8600. condition. $1590 or belt oner. Must 19.3" ORADY WHITE — 75 h.p. elec- town ares. Salary open. 741-3900. •ell. 291-5680. tric start Johnson. New navy tap, aide LPN'i — 3 to 11, 11 to 1. Klni James EXPERIENCED AUTO MECHANIC EXPERIENCED TYPICAL WALL VALUES! curtains and back rover. Compass, Nursing Home. WANTED — Competent babysitter. IS —Chryaler productn. Good pay. h(M- 1862 THUNDERBIftD — Bxcellenl Fire extinguisher, cushions and equip- 291-3100 or over. Care for one child. Prefer pltftIIration, vacation and rfltlrpmpnt. AUTOMOBILE condition. Low mileage. Original own- ment. Winter cover. All In excellent vicinity Monmouth Beach River and Good working conditions. Call Mr. er. Call atter 6 946-8263. condition. SUM firm. 741-2152. PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY Frank at F*H OODflE. M2-1117. Avoid the Humidity ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Surf Club. 3 to 11 p.m. Reference. MECHANIC Keep Your Baby Cool BUICK 1965 — LeBshre. Wnlte four, 1962 25' OWENS CABIN CRUISER— 20 Thomas Ave. 747-34M Shrewsbury C»U 812-11U. Excellent pay, all fringe bM.lltl. door hardtop. Excellent condition. 1 BUY THIS BUY THIS Oood condition. Fully equipped. PHYSICAL THERAPIST - Full 01RL — 18 to 2ft, driver • IICDHFO. I HELP WANTED-MALE Good working conditions. Monmouth 531-9173. Phone 946-416S. part-time. Flexible hours. Call live days, to live In or out. Mother's County's Import Leader. 1969 COUGAR 1968 IMPALA CUSTOM two-door, 1957 CHRIS CRAFT SKIFF — 130 h.p. KI1-2B1 helper. 842-1004, Red Bank Auto fmporft 1969 MONTEGO Rlsc-k vinyl Interior, power steering, nary top, full canvas, two bunks, head MOTHER'S HELPER . — , Summer, JOB OPPORTUNITIES Newman Sprlnos Rd. Red Rank With air conditioning, aufo Four-dooi with air condition- 307 V-B automatic. Radio, snow tires Depth finder, 2G4-4&13 after 5 p.m. REGISTERED NURSES Sleep-In. Wfd. to Sun. Own air con- 74I-589O mafic, power iteering, vinyl with rims. Excellent condition. Origi- For Chargo Nurse duties. All shIIU. ditioned room. Pool privileges, 5G ing, V-8, automatic, power nal owner. 9*8-8231. FIBEROLAS" RUNABOUT — With Full time preferred. Excellent work- «30 •t JENSEN MARINE roof, radio, whiiewall +Iras, steering, tinted glan, white- Johnson electric: motor. Call ing conditions in new extended care 196B TRIUMPH — Spitfire. Two tops, 842-0097 CLEANINO WOMAN — Qen*ral | Rapidly »xpoti(flng East coast Dlont I front bumper guards and dec- walls, deluxe wheel coven, re- Fihernlas hardtop and convertible, facilities. S72S0 plus liberal benefits. or largest sailboat producer In U.S. 11153 OWENS CABIN CRUISER — Call for appointment. 916-4200, HOLM- hounework in Hazlet. Two days a or group. Stock #41 mote control mirror and cour- pluu canvas cover. Excellent condl- week. Call 787-8702. neadi steady, year round help. Boat FUEL OIL SALESMAN linn. S1200. 747-0165 after 5. 26', twin gDrew. Original owner. 275 DEL CONVALESCENT CENTER. «xp«rlcnce not necessary. W< will teiy light group. Stock #291 hours. Can lie demonstrated. $3500. Holmdel. Sticker Price $4,062.90 1965 CHEVROLET - AVON CALLING ' train ASSEMBLERS - CARPENTERS Experienced 1 - Impala four- 741-0002 aflcr s a.m. Atter 3:30 p.m. LPN'S — All uhlrta. J54S0 plus liberal NEED Immediately fnur ladled In the - PAINTERS - FIBERGLASS Sticker Price $3,(00 door, Radio, heater. Priced to icll. Mfririfetnwn area wKh amhltlon to WALL Call 842-5277. 842-0156. benefits. Call for appointment. 9<6- MOLDERS - WOODWORKERS. Paid To work ror mn|or oil company In 24' BILVERTON cabin skiff. Two 1200. HOLMDEL CONVALMCANT earn money. Good Income, part-time. hospltol and medical benefits, paid Call J. Blrchall, 711-4343. Monmouth ond Ocean Countlei. Ex* VALUE WALL $ 1064 CADILLAC — Coupe DeVllle. bunks, head, ice box, automatic bllfte. CENTER, Hwy. 34, Holmdel. holidays and vacallorr, bonu.es and I cellenl benefit program. An oopor* Air rnnriitinning,, all powerpe . Excellent JB75. can be seen at Highlands M«- EXPERIENCED SINGLE NEEDLE ADMITTING CLERKS — Interesting overtime. I lunlty tor odvancemenl. VALUE conditionditio , *1MO M23W7 rlna» 201-O8O2. 3175 M2-3W7. OPERATORS — 33 hrs. week. Floor ant! diver flirted full-Utno positions JENSEN MARINE, Dlv. of Banoo I 1 help al»o. 741-SO?, } available In a modern ho.ipllnl ad- Punlo Corp., P. O, Box 113, Boundry Send resume to Box O-lll, The Dally 14' FIBERGUAS RUNABOUT — $100. mitting office on the 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. | Register, Red BonK, N J. Beat the Heat MOBILE HOMES Call alter 6 p.m. HOaTESS-CAaHIER - Excellent «nd 4 p.m. to 12 midnight shifts. Rd., Marlboro, N. J. Write or Phone f Ride with Your 747-9106. your-round position, llust apply In Typing ensentlftl Rood salary. Plerm- 431-0100 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. BUY THIS pennon. No phone call!". HOWARD nnt working conditions and full (An equal opportunity employer) An Equal Opportunity Employer Windows Up 23" SKIFF—Fully equipped. In water. JOHNSON RESTAURANT, RTB 35, fringe benefit!.. Contact Personnel or- SCHIFFMArf In gom\ running condition. $1600 or Middlctown. fli-f\ Rlvervlew HoupJta], 741-27OO Ext 1969 COLONY PARK BUY THIS CAMPERS & TRAILERS reasonable offer. 291-0278. After 5 p.m. 22S, for an Inlcrview. An equal op- lO-pflnengor wagon with air TRAILERS — CAMPERS SECRETARY portunity employer. HELP WANTED-FEMALE HELP YVANTED-FEMALl? MOTOR HOMES 19' JERSEY SPEED SKIFF — Con- Matawan insurance office hna five day conditioning, automalic, whita- 1969 MONTEREY verted for flsMne- 110 h.p. Gray ma- permanent petition (or experienced wflll tirei, luggaga rack, pow- N. J.'s largest dealer, over 100 units rine inboard. Wooden bout with fiber- on display. secretary. Insurance experience pre- BOATS and ACCESSORIES er iteeririg, power brakes, ra- Four-door hardiop, (demo), ffJus bottom. With trailer, $350. 2fii- ferred bul not essential. Slartlnjr with air conditioning, deluxe Norris Gold Seal. Monitor. Avion. salary commenpurale wild ability and dio with dual roar t pea leers, Def/Rcy. Volunteer. Swlnoer. experience. Cull Mr Inselborg, M3- SECRETARIES tinted gUu, remote control vinyl interior, automatic, pow- Wlnnebogo. Giles. Aristocrat. Srnokey. TUOJAN CABIN CRUISER — 1«62, 1300, lor personal Interview, er ftaering, power bralcet, ra- 21 * with IH) h.p. Bvlnrudp motor. In mirror and front and rear You con see them all at water, ready (or summer cruising. OAL FRIDAY — Secretary, One girl If yoj Irave good skills, use the elec- mah. Slocfc #361 dio, tinted gUn, decor group, SCHIFFMANS Very reannniitiliv R3i-31"JI>. orriie. uciokkpepinjr. payroll experi- I "SEA-DOO" j vinyl roof. Stock ^ 11 ot the Colllngwood Circle, Rl. 33 8. 34 ence. Pleasant office, central Jted tric typewriter and want a good job Formlngdale, N. J. V3J-S5M. 23' HLAYTON — Shlp-to-slinro rnrtln Bank, flpnil resume to Box 0-113 The By Sticker Price 55,233,20 ilrplh finder. Elrctrlr comiiass. He- Dally HoBlHter, fled Bank. with a future, here is your chance for Sticker Price 54.626.70 built engine. Call 8-I2-4IH6 after 6 WALL $. Bombardier Ltd., Canada a diversified and interesting position $ WALL $$< ' RtfCEtfriONIBT — NPftt with good VALUE WANTED AUTOMOTIVE •J.V rLHTCH HhPltPr cabin • •*• • ' telephone personality for busy tnn- £ SEE THE FUN BOAT —', with a dynamic, fast growing program 4413 VALUE 3690 tninKs, lipiul. 1M0 Chryalrr. Moving, gcninl nrflee In Eatonlown. Soma ex- Tiiusl sell- Real offer. 583-1618. |ii?rlence iircforrtiti. Freo hospltallza- and company cafeteria. Attractive tlon, Write for Interview to Box R-103 AS PLAYFUL 1 The Dally Rcgl.itcr, Red Bank aettlng starting salaries. Summer Is Just AUTO RENTALS I ....forth. qualification] and nlary de I AS A DOLPHIN Around rhe Corner... I .fired. Call 636-3000 And we need 100 Uteri Cart LEOAl, SECRETARY — For Eeton ! NOW AT or apply in parson,to Mr. Seyler RENT A CAR town lay orriiT. Only those with le««l We will intt-a or buy out erience neeit spply. Free hospital- right'— Call or Come In DAY • WEEK • MONTH Inn, Wrllu for Interview to Box \ RED BANK K. Tlio Dslly Uejlsttr. Re/t I)snk HESS OIL & TOM'S FORD WALL liiR experience and salary dcslreii. ! AUTO IMPORTS ASK FOR ED SIGLER LINCOLNMERCURY EXPEH1ENCKD _ Wrnnsn with ! NEWMAN SPRINGS R0. SHREWSBURY AVE.' & SYCAMORE AVE. 747,6400 Shrewibl/ry Aue., ot Sycamore claims harkernund to handle first par- CHEMICAL CORPORATION Hwy. 35 264-1600 Keyport 747-5400 ty home owners and related clslm.. :REO BANK '•*'' 74i.58lsoJ I Hsss Plaza Woodbridge, New Jersey Established compsny. Many benefits. An equal opportunitI .fill VIy* ASUBtemployet m«imr^ Lriv* diyj. Clll M24U0, -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK • MIDDLETOVN. N. J.\ TUESDAY, JTJNE 17,1969 HELP WANTED — MALE HELP WANTED - MA1J5 ] HELP WANTED-MALE Family Circus FOE SALE FOB SALE FOR SALE TRUCK EQUIPMENT MKHANtc - ITEMS YOU NO LONGER PLUfO — Ba.by nM gUKTBOARO CkatUmor %UUnC TELETYPE •lactrle player. I3(». ft". EKtllent condition. |M. NEED OR USE WILL... nnots «71I7» PROGRAMMERS SPRAY PAINTER _ For truck bod- lei. Call Mr. Gray. EQUIPMENT PANEIXCTRO AUPUriER — 10" MAPLt BED — With MX •prlllia speaker. Outur, case, fuzitone in and mattress. Kictllent condition. 5423220 REPAIRMEN SELL eluded. All for 1100. After «, M2 3MH. Call (4MTJ7. BARTENDER Experience necesaary to perform cor- BPEED OEAPHIC OUTJTIT — Com MINX STOLE — Iicellent cmdiUot. Hey, Steady year-round job in cocktail rective and preventative maintenance. plete accessories, call Call after 6 p.m. I7B. lounge. 4 p.m. until cloBlng. Call lor 8114O97 741-3O2« detaila anil appointment 7*7-2716. FAST Good fltartlnK rate and benefit pro- THREE-PIECE living room let. Fire G.E. STOVE—Two ovens 1100. a.T. We gram. place, fire acreen, fire logs. Ejid ta dryer g25. Kitchen dlshwashtr 125. WITH A QUICK ACTION '3\KS, china closet, kitchen tabls and Double stainless steel links, dram PRODUCTION chalrfi, end tablen and matchlnf cof- boards, fixtures, 133. M2-37M. INTERDATA LOW-COST fee table. 25 gal. electric water heater, Did it 2 Orescent PI. Oceanpert u*ed one season. Television, Call 787- SURFBOARD RICK PLASTIC — Fan- DAILY REGISTER 1395. tastic V-iottom. »"2", 1110. Oood eon- ELECTRICIANS diUoa call 071-2314 if imeiestfd. (Building behind Holiday Inn) PIANOS AND ORGANS — U«»d UP- Require high achool graduates with 4 Rl.-MMAOE SALS — Bmali hous.loid An Equal Opportunity Employer FAMILY AD rlgliU from J2S. Itenlala from 07c per Items. Books, lamps, etc. 14ft Conovtr Again yean industrial electrician and me- week. Large selection of u«ed grands chanical experience, will be required Lane, Mlddletown, 10 to o p.m. lion. CUTTER WANTED — Experienced 3 LINES - 5 DAYS and player*. Used spinet* from 3250. and Tuea. to make electrical and mechanical re- cutter for ladiea' sportswear. 52 FREEHOLD KIMBALL PIANO k 0K- M pairs. Must rotate shifts. Qualified weeks a year work. Plenty of over- FOR $O Art GAN WARBHOUiE, ct nl i«rin, Ban, Vlt<n, Vote and CLIFFWOOD, N. J. dltion&l line tLOO. No eopr channel EMERALD CUT 1U OARAT PIA- •thtri, has once again outdone An Equal Opportunity Employer m&r ba nude and no ducounu or MONO — with wedding sand. ttl- its competitor! in tlia computer retlvai vUl be made gnu «u- ORGAN 2293. field, MAN — EXPERIENCED — To install celM berfore extrfrAtlon. aluminum doors and windows. Call BROWN SOFA — Coral chair, two -We are involved with ON-LINE, Van any morning. PROWN'S, 32 AUTOMOBILE To Pl<» Your Daily JUjiitir blonde step-tables and matching eock* 1 REALTIME management informa- Broad at., 741-7500 FAMILY AD, CALl.,. STUDIO tall lable. 7*7-5810. : tion iy»t»ms, utilizing remote FENDER DA8S.MAS AMPUFPBR — printers and cathode ray tube de- AUTO SERVICE WRITER — Top sal- SALESMAN OF ASBURY PARK Like new. Phone vice* to provide action orientated ary and eommiBfllonn. All benefita, Ex- 222-8277 Information to top marketing/ cellent opportunity. Call Mr. Bell Excellent opportunity to Join • a A 741-6900 NEW HAMMOND .. Ml eg/financial and manulactm-intr long - established Cadillac - Oldsmo- 24-Hour S«rvie» CADETTE ORGAN SINGER Factory Machine, A-l condi- management. This has been ac- BRISGS CHEVROLET bkle dealership Uiat has an excel- tion. Vinyl covered sofa. desk. T- complished through the following 721-14 00 South Amboy lent reputation. Mb DISKS «15 ap nLIB, Ublei, oiain, cushion bridge chair. Dresses II to 44 "TodaV Jefft/v/acrutr! anrl I dried." auldlnt msehlaea, tnrwrltora, orflct $555 Bridal gowns. Reasonable. 787-7M3. project areas: eoulpmmt, etc, at barralo prl Includes bench, delivery, Instant-play PART TIME The man we seek must be an New or u»ea AAO DBBK OUK book (lets you play aongs on your own DINING ROOM BET — Crexel, w»I- • Extended ON-LINiff MIS Han with machine nhop experience. aggressive, selt-al&rting individual 8L IS. Oaklmnt M1-M00 from the start) and 8 weekfl of lensona nut, antique, buffet, hutch, tabls, tad- • External market statistic a Phone 542-6522. who's not afraid to apply him- at no charge. COME IN FOR A FREE ding, six chairs. Asking SfflO. gurbur, and market potential analysis self...and If you have any weak WSDDINO QOWN — Of lr DEMONSTRATION. ban gas dryer In good condition, 944- model ASSEMBLERS — Light Electronic as- points...our aalca and research an. INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION lace, Alencon and Feau de iote. 4760. • Computerized palletizing sembly. Excellent fringe benefits. Ad- alysla testing will point them out. Detachable Watteau train. Bpnr of PR 5-9300 • Computerized Issue planning vancement opportunity. Call 7*1-0404 appliques on (own and train. Head 3W Main 81. Asbury Pirlc G.E. 30" stove, 4-burner, single oven, •• ON-LINE Inventory status lor appointment.. We o/fer a liberal pay plan !hat WE HAVE OUR OWN COMPUTER piece of crystal, pearl and lace.. No open dally til 9: sat. 'til 9:39 Coppertone. Nearly new, S30. CUl MI- NUS. • Multi-divisional centralised RADIO ENGINEER — Experienced will allow the right man to earn veil. Size 12. Used only once. (75. 201- production, distribution, In- In broadcast only. Part-time. WHTG, an above average Income. Other Th. Fabulous IBM 360 For You Te Train On! 1058, after 6 p.m. fj TOMATO STICKS SURFBOARD — Weber Feathlr l««l. ventory control, statistical Eatontown. benefits Include paid vacation and 9'. Like new. tioo. call reporting, blomedlcU re. a top notch pension plan. Step up Into a hlQh-paylna action-packed career! Day and evening classes Tie up your tom&to plants, 4' itlcka •eaten SINGER ZIS ZAS Sc each, V stick, 10c each, 787-l.WS MONEY-MONEY-MONEY It you fceJ you quality as a now forming . . . approved for veterans . . . Tuition loans available. On* of the latest models. D«ei every- PIANO — Upright. Very good I'm Ured of talking to phoneys. If you thing without attachments, fillrhtlr RED BANK LUMBER Theie tfforta have created SALESMAN, call or visit us today ENROLL IN THE COMPUTER SCHOOL WITH IBM COMPUTER tfon. Phone the following new openings: have the Initiative to listen and to (or a personal interview. used. 155.20 or $7 monthly. Guaranteed. Pearl and WAH, Red Bank, 741-8500 learn we will train you and mate you ON PREMISES FOR STUDENTS USE CREDIT DEPT. 254-5553 .842-1250 M2-S779 top salesmen. If you are really money MATER DEI BTUDENT8 — Call 787- SWIMMING POOL — 15'. 4' dMp. COMPUTER SYSTEMS wngry we can earn you 57,000 part- ASK FOR MR. MANUFACTURER'S CLOSEOUT — 1305 for Freshmen and Sophomore Complete. Ladder, Filter. »200. One time and $18,000 full time per year. Table with extension leaf and four Books. year old. Call 201-H53. We are a well known company and For Free Booklet Mall Thli Coupon or Tel. 747-4147 rhalrs. Special $39.05. Limited quanti- REFRrGEILATOR — X3 cu. ft. double we don't have to knock on doora. Call Computer ty. BARON DINETTES, 1874 Hwy. 24"' T.V. CONSOLE — *2S COORDINATOR Mr. Frank at 747-9700. RUSSELL 33, Mlddletown, (Opposite Klnney door, automatic defrost, $70. Call 493- Call after R n.m. Collet! degree with 3-5 years Imtitutt iNAME Shoe jughandle). 671-0004. 80J7. experience in programming/ CARPENTERS — Piece or hourly. OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC 842-11115 ' interns analynfs, with project SURFBOARD — M" Hoble, Qood REFRIGERATOR - perfect running Fr&mern, aheathem, facia, trimmers 100 Newman Springs Bd., Red Bar* 40 English Plan J ADDRESS . ANTIQUES — Bric-a-brac, t/3 oK management responsibilities. •equtred for large residential.develop- FREE BOOK EVERY * PURCHASE*. condition. $45, Call after 5 p.m. 741- condition. |35. rial! ment. Call Ben at 364-2300. 741-0910 J42-0773 RED BANK. N. J. i aTY _._ STAtE. Z|p Moving to Florida. CURIOSITY SHOP 11 Third Ave., l/tng Branch. 11-5 p.m. TWO CHAIRS — One Club Chair with DININO ROOM BET — 150. living )S PLANNER TRUCK DRIVERS AND HELPERS— Call 747-4647 ! ottoman and one recliner. }26. Call room sofa, $20. Ba^y atroller, tltf For feed trucks. O-sort starting rate. NATIONWIDE] COMPANY — Seeks i PHONE ASE 8120176 after 5 p.m. Bedroom bureau, SIS. 741-0573. College grad with 4-5 y«ars ex- Apply Hicka Feed Company. Mon- tire changer, lull time. Liberal bene- DON'T WAIT perience In financial applica- jnouLh Park Stable Gate, Oceanport. lci for your window ahadei. Bring WEBIUl — 0*2" aurfboird, light LAST CHANCE — 12x18 nylon rtlf. Uom area, Including financial fits. Paid vacation, good working con- In your rollers or afzes. Wa stock win- BeauUftil WurUtztr piano, I4M. 71v«. dition*. Apply in person, FIRESTONE weiRht, l •mall feather, fllB. C&U piece white French Provincial ted-- Information systems, general OPENING FOR EXPERIENCED ME- STORED, White and Maple Sti.. Red HELP WANTED-MALE HELP WANTED-Male-Femali dow ahadea to w wide, ledger, iUndsrd cost, etc. CHANIC—New car agency. Five-day 741-95M. room set, 1265. bookcase, mower, Bank. An equal opportunity employer. PROWN'S . SOUVENIR SPOONS _ sugar shell* dishes, etc. 29 Vreeland PI., Ocean- week. Top wages for the right man. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN — Ex- COLLEGE STUDENTS — Man port. Call In person, Labriola. Motors, 120 perienced or Inexperienced. Mon woman for summer position In homi 32 Broad St. Red Bank 741-7M0 and fancy serving pieces. EAST COMPUTER SYSTEMS SERVICE MANAGER — Oood oppor- HOUSE, ANTIQUES, Hwy 35 at Bc 1 B. Newman Spring* Rd., Red Bank. tunity - well known company - for mouth County's fastest growing bro- for the aged. General duties. 787-W5, THHEB SPEED 16" PORTABLE Atlantic {fights net*. MINI-TALL — Frosted brown. Kev- right man with knowledge residential ker will train you to earn over $250 & BLBCTRIC FAN — Tilt jt»nd, Hoov- er worn. Reasonable. Call ANALYST EXPERIENCED SHORT ORDER—10- heating and air conditioning • In- week. For an Interview call 671-2900. TEMPORARY SUMMER JOBS—Mai five speed electric waxer and pol- 284 2181 , Man. through Frl. Good pay. Ap- cluding estimating. Apply by letter to Ask for Mr. Rich. and Female. Over 18, light astembl; isher. All In first-class condition.. Call DRIVEWAY COATING College grad with 2-i yeaxs ex- ply In person, Chapel Hill Luncheon, and maintenance, day and night shift for appointment. 842-1021. Coal your blacktop driveway your- RCA WHIRLPOOL WASHER - 1 ptrlenct in programming and Box L-134, The Dally Register, Red cycle, excellent condition. Two living 449 Rt. .15, Mlddletown, Bank, HAN — Steady. Sales and delivery. Apply Personnel. BENDIX. SEMI self and you'll know ll'ii done right. computer systems with some Must appl/ in person. Marine Lurrr CONDUCTOR DIVISION, HoJmrfel, FUBNITURB AND APPLIANCES — 6 gal. pal) Durex Blacktop Sealer, room chairs, leather top coffee table, project leadership. »ORTER—Morning work. Steady em- ber Co., 1139 Ocean Ave., Sea Bright. N. J. An «qual opportunity employer, WELFARE AND PEOPLE WITH (3.99 pail. Handy applicators, 91.79 ca. four kitchen cabinets, One linen cab!' iloyment. Pleasant working conditions, CREDIT PROBLEMS. IMMEDIATE net, trunks, luggage, three electrle ipply Manager, Lerncr Shop*. Mon- TECHNICIANS RELIEF COOK — Two days pe UVBORATORY TECHNICIAN — Part DELIVERY. INSTANT CREDIT. RED BANK LUMBER motors, 1/20. 1/6, V, h.p. Call after • nouth Shopping Center, Eatontown. week. Call Bayvlew Nursing Home time opening for registered technl CALL MR. dRAN, 373-6636. Pear) and Wall, Red Bank. 7U-5MXI p.m. 747-3804. QUALITY CONTROL ^ for Interview. 291-0M0. PROGRAMMERS CARPENTERS AND HELPEUIS — clan on Saturdays and Sundays, Gooc DEBK — Oak, iDlId top, YARD SATJE — From three homes. 1*3 yearn WO/30-40 experience Year round work. Apply 25*0 MorrU PAINTER — Must be experienced ffalary and pleasant working eondl 30" x 34", 3 drawers each aide, f25, Antiques, refrigerator, portable TV's, with COBOL, BAL, PL 1 or IN THB AREAS OF: oraftsman. Year round work for long lions. Contact Personnel Office. Rivei SINGER Ave.. Union, N.J., 9-12, Mon- Fri.. or • Electrical testing on components, view Hospital. Ked Bank. 741-2700, 787-6180. bric-a-torafl. iewelry, tools, etc. Wed., Telecommunications, II 687-2233. established contractor. Call 741-3403. SEWING MACHINE Thurs., «nd Frl., 1 Mlple PI., off systems and sub assemblies. Ext. 225, for an Interview. 10 SPEED EACINO BIKE — Racing Oreen Grove Ave., Keypflrt. Beside* opportunity, you'll OB OPPORTUNITIES • Repair and modification of teat MAN — Part day. Mature or college An'equal opportunity employer '• Kig zag cabinet model, slightly condition. Top condition. Working jHnd top a&Iarlej and a very equipment. ' student or soldier. AM or PM. Handy price. «71-96«9. UNCLAIMED SINGER — Heavy duty. MECHANICS 12) work In West End. SI.75 Jir. 229-0300. lined. This machine darns, monogrami, liberal benefit program lie re. appliques, sewtt buttonholes, etc., all TENT — »M«1«. »l«sp« five, »20. Yours for repair bin, J24.50. AIA.- • Mu.it have good electrical back- without attachment*. 5-yei.r parti SEW 8HOPPE8, «« Church U-, LUBE MAN ground. MULTIL1TH OPERATOR SITUATIONS WANTED-Femal Call If you're tired of looking for a Require experienced operator lo run guarantee, 812-3342 Keanshurg. 49S-O177. . Job that really d*e» offer the op- PICK UP AND DELIVERY 12G0 and' related duplicating equip- COLLEGE JUNIOR wishes Intetestln portunity for you personally to get APPLY IN PERSON FULL PRICE OARAGE SALE - Monday through' ment. Liberal benefit program, paid well-paying Job. Experienced waitress, BURFBOABD — B'2" OreH Noll, Friday, days and evenings. Patio l»t_ ahead, you ought to do it just onca MAN holidays and vacation. Pleasant work. salesgirl, etc. Transportation. WrltE good condition. 340. Call tg&ln . , . look into this employ- 49 Salem La., Little Silver. 7U-IM37. (71-9407 crlh, mattress household Items. 14 merit opportunity, You may just Exceilpnt opportunity for dependable INTERDATA Ing conditions. Salary open. Call 222- $51.10 Lakeside Ave.. numsan. never have to look, again. You'll men. Top working conditions and lib- 6600. Personnel, tor Interview. OR J1.63 PER WEEK BABY CHIB —Light oik, aolla pan- 2 Orescent PI. Oseanptrt CHILD CARE FOR WORKINO PAR- Cill eredU manager 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. DININO IIOOM SET — Sight pleci*. be busy helping ua make our own sral company benefits Including paid ENTS — Any age accepted. Also nur- els, sprlnz and mattress, ISO, 7&7- Best rettonaWe offer. Black art* •ptclal brand o( history . . . and /•cation and pension plan. Apply in (Building behind Holiday Inn) 61S0. An Equal Opportunity Employer sery school. Open year round. Ca 775-4775 whtt* conioli TV. *33. 787-T247. who Knows, you might even make person At Rumell Oifismob!.e-Cad.nn.c HELP WANTED—Male-Female 842-5213. BABY OBAND PIANO — » little history here for yourtelf! To., 100 Nowmiin Springs Rd., Red RARE AND UNUSUAL PLANTS — a.-«»t condition. (275 Call «•' ATLAS LATHE — New motor fenk, Aik for Bill Grieg. BEAUTICIAN WANTED — Full time WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN — I No reamna.bl« offer reluied. 201 Shore 7*1 7654. New forward and reveria twitch. Call Interested applicants should LABORERS — General construction part-time. Male or female. Good sal- my own home. Clean home, fenced Blvd., and Mornlngaldt Ave'., Keani- »42-3521. , •all or sand resume along with DRIVER- ary. Call 671-1)765 EAST OF EDEN In yard. 2H4-7023. burg. TST-5431. UVINO ROOM BET — Sofa, two work, with driver's license. Call 3'M- BBAUTI SALON, Mlddlelown. chairs, coffee table, two end tables MAPLE Formica topped kltthljl •alary required, In confidence, to 100, EXPERIENCED MOTHER — Woul LIKE NEW EQUIPMENT - Belaaw and two matching lamps. Eicellent table, like new. Call STOCK CLERK DRY CLEANING AND SHIRT PRESS- like to care for children In my home. . MR. 8TEVIN CONTE HEN WANTED — For carpet clean- Sharp-All reel mower sharpener, condition. $200 or cest offer. Call 291' V , 14T-15S3 ng plant. No experlenre neceaaary. ERS — Excellent opportunity. Good Fencing, yard and sun porch. Elver handsaw filar, belt Bander, chain aaw 2555 after 6 p.m. FURNTTUHB — Bedroom, gterei. V9- ItRaciy work. Call 222-2272. lary. Call 516-0122. Plaza ares. 812-4B90. snarpener. saw letter. Co>t *1000, will right piano, tools, garden supplies, 201-923-5000 for factory supply sell tor 1,500. 787-5681 or 739-06*8. Will CONTENTS OF HOME — 3 complete business. 21-YEAR-OLD COLLEGE STUDEN1 not sell separately. bedrooma; knotty pine dining room appliances and miscellaneous Hems. INSPECTORS —Wants summer Job. Experlencei set $<00; contemporary living room 78702W. ' : • I!ermangnt position proor reader, counter and Dalrl THE COUNTRY MOUBH ANTIQUES aet: kitchen net. Formic* with 6 TOPER OAS BANOE — so'a. thre;- Queen waitress, cleric and camp eoun —29 THOMAS AVB.. BHHEWBBUHY. chairs; weatherproof rittan pltla tsti cuaflfoff. lfirht nrown, In. food condi- Bristol-Myers EXPERIENCE DESIRABLE FLOOR WORKERS lor. Call 741.9933. OPB^f DAILV 12 TO 5. MON. THRU tion.. Call ;a71-2929.' Call for interview BAT. FIVE KO0M9 OF SHOPS. with 4 chairs, 2 counhe* tnri din Ins 5 perform IN* PROOESS .aipeotton EXPERIENCED COLLEGE O1RL — SPECIALIZING IN RARE AND UN- Ubia with 8 chiln $1,200 anrf many Products accordance with engineering spectfl- 787-5000 TutJrlns children. Variety ol subjects. USUAL PRIMITIVES. CHINA, GLASS, othrr household Itfm*. All excellent Ltlons, drawings and quality control Ages 5-H. Call 8421332. COPPER,AND BRASS. CALL 741-9671 condition. Call 747-083* alter 8 w«ek- MACHINERY FOB SALE 225 Long Avenue -ocedures. UNDER PRESSERS dayn. weekend* after 1 p.m. TYPING OR SrENO BONE AT LIVING ROOM SOFA — CHalr, din- TOWMOTOR FORK LIFT - Ots»- HOMK — Experienced". Red Bank Hillside, Nsw Jersey YpUNO MEN ing room aet. table, six chairs. China WET SUIT — Like new. Parltway. line run. in good condlHen. at area. Call 747-0897. closet. End tables, etc. 741-33OS. Woman's large. S20. CRATE'S BSVERAOE8. 14 N. Bridge INTERDATA To ba trained In sales and service. Ave., Red Bank. 747-1495. An Equal Opportunity Oceanpert Salary and commission.'Company car EXPERIENCED WOMAN wishes to 291-0811 Plans lor Prosresi Employer furnished. All' company benellts. Only - OPERATORS do Ironing at home. Call alter 8, T41- POTTY BOX PROBLEM? — This ad those Interested In steady position 176S. and (8.95 will bring you ona year's AIR CONDITIONER—G.E. 8,000 BTtT, need apply. Apply In person, no phone. •upply of LITTER BUDSflnest lltler excellent, SiS. Mercury 7 h.p. 1&2. HERCHANDISE WANTED (Bullnlm behind 11011111; Inn) odor control. 8AFE FOR KITTENS! Briggi A fltxatton mower US. 228-3020. An Enua! Opportunity Employer THE SINGER COMPANY, 69 Broad Steaay work... Benefit!. Apply LUCY'S TRACTOR TRAILER OPERATORS — St. Bed Sank, SITUATIONS WANTEDMate Money back guarantee. LITTE^R Q — Tirrany torn. toT»Jnr- SPORT8WEAR dally 8:30 to «. 221 BUDS (DR) Hollcong Rd. Helicons, CUBTOM MADE UVINO ROOM Experience necessary. 23 and over. OURNEYMAN MACHINIST — Job West Frtnt Bt., Red Bank. CHAIR — Never u*ed. Brown, silver nlture. ititm, p^atiiigt^gtotiitrT. ojtoe. Apply In ptrion, NAPPI TRUCKING, hop experience preferred, but not e»- PHE83ER-KXPER1ENCED — Steady TEACHER — Homo repairs and PA. 18928. shaded. Colt tS9. »35 takes It. Firm. lighting fbrtarea. C«rr»d 0*1 dinrag Rt. at, Metawen, N.J. intlal. Small machine shop offering work, good pay, pleasant working provrements. Painting, carpentry, rOTI- room piece*. Copper Kettle AaUue eae benefits for right man; good conditions. Apply- at once BROAD ST. Ing. Free estimates. 872-1488. SURFBOARD _ >• Dewey Weber, 493-000. OaJdrant S31-UH r —— wages,.group and life insurance, paid CLEANERS, 78 Broad at., Keyport. Very good condition. ISO. Call 741- Krmnlch End COLLEGE STUDENTS-TEACHERS DRAFTSMAN — Part-time evenings. 0992. PIANO — Braall uprlgl holidays and vacations, alck benefits 284-1153. Our firm needs 22 to start lmmedl' Bach. *100. Call OOU.EOT0K — Waste nrfits. Full-tlmi* emplov- IT'S SUMMER INC. L.B. PAINTING COOTTIACTOR — offer menl. Apply Kcypnrl Weekly. B2 West nities. Learn to plM" Reasonable price. Free estimates. In* Front fU.. Keyporl. Piano-Organ Diamonds Bought or Restyled PACKING — MOVINA terlor. exterior. General repairs. 717- • Good Starting Salaries In vour own home s:>4 'ARJUBTANT TO BUILDER—Muni lip iPPLY JN PERSON ALFRED fl. MASON" ITORA0I • Periodic Salary Reviews handy with tnols and not a Ira Id nf G71-.r)fi73 'ii\rd work. Six rt»v» ppi- week. Annlv Let us bur tha diamonds rou don't Pearl and Bead Restrlnglng • Excallent Benefits In prrsoii nt Hniland RldgR, Hol- BEGINNEItS O1IITAR LESS0N3 — •rear or let us reatyle them for yoa land and Telegrnpti Hill Rrin., Holm- KLE-FORGE CORP. 82 halt hour, fall personallr. neusaUlea-. S« Broad II • Tuition Refund Plan 74I1MJ Eiperur on braided nrlon. ILM • del. Rt. 34 & Garden State Parkway, strand. Starllnx elaape trom TSo- PART-TIME — NEAT. TAR. EARS' Exit 95 General Contractors REUSSILLES'. M Broad ft., Xee) Come in any weekday before 2:30 P.M. *7fl WEEKLY. CALL, MON. AND MERCHANDISE Bar- WEO. ONLY 4 TO 7 P. M. MR. ,I>EE, Allenwood, N. J. FOR SALE CAKP-NTRT - Addition*. ptUMtrjif, MecktnMU. 741-0030 Rtdlsni Plumbing and Heating Ft flX AND" PA RT-TI MBfoPEN INflS steps, eldevalkj, ~ patios, odd Jobs. THE PRUDENTIAL • Ptir pnlntrrs and waxf rn. pprmB- Reasonable rate*. g42-4J«. nt-OU. PLVUBTSa - RaaUiit anil beithMeea nent employiripiit, llvt davn per w^fk. FACTOItY HELP -- Qoorl pay for HAT FOR SALE Odd Jobs ismodsUng INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA -10 hours Htcidy work. Year-round >So bale a.nd ut>. Alao aitrav, Applv In pnraon. Bldg. 6E)2, Fort Mon- Indoors makinj fins reramlc tile. No tC2-B273 ALL TiTIS OF HOMB REPAIRS LIGHT 1UULDIO—Cellars, glragee CORRISAN'S Employment Bureau mnuth Mon, thru Pri.. B a.m. to 4 experience needed. Did factory lun't Alterations, remodeling, and painting. etleajied up. Hare truck. Free ests- 213 Washington St. p.m. S2.22 fnr hour lor clean»ra. *2-42 fancy, but you'll like Atco'n friendly TTPEWRJTKRB. ADDUJO maohuua. Reasonably priced. Free esUmates. matee. 7412149 aftsr t t>ra UTI Oakland (t. Red Bat- TeMTW ppr nniir fnr wnxprn. prnple. paid holiday*, vacation, Insur- All makes nsw or used. Ouarsnued Prempt •etrlca. Call 74I-3SS3. Newark N.J. MAN — To work In rrUIl liquor" ance, nltier benefit*. We were an Low aa IB. sorpleca 101 Uownouti Painting and Decorating Roofing, Siding & Injolatiw «tfire fhnln. All arnimd work. Mint equal opportunity employer j-Mri M- St. Neit to tbee.l»r. 747-Orto. fora It becomei fuhlonable. ATOQ CE- SON AMD BUILDER — Com- CARL B. JONES — PalMlng ut* OLMM CO. ma RooRsg, »W Ajriequol Opportunity Employer h<* murrlfd, at lra«t 30 jesri of aif. DECORAfCliRi VELVETS — R.mnants No txporisneo rfriutred. Ca.ll b*twica RAMICS CORP.,, Hwy. U K plete home Improvements. Tteaaon- vailpaperiag. Tmty Insured, For trex bnilttlos butmlled and gun 3M-S0O0. ? HSS. IS.BS. Value gll-MS. lAmi Silver aole. Free eiaUmates. ull »I!O122. eatlmam, eaS I»»e_t lor u Mara TTKrrm. _n«eo. O^ind 11. U7-tUi. Uc4orter7 h Dv 7i7-itV0i 16 -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BAM. MIDDLETOWN, N. I.: TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1969 rarra AND LIVESTOCK COMMERCIAL RENTALS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE R6USES FOB SALE BOUSES FOE SALE WANTED — BtcUttrrt Ptnim ttt> WUUBOtm WKMM IPAOB — LITTLE SILVER 136.5W «n« kmai, Xeuontbl*. ConUct Un. tui WO aa. ft. OaS Immaculate four-bedroom expand Middletown Zoners Dismiss X- Btxrlm. after «, an-lW4. All c»U 7*7-1100 COUNTRY FARMHOUSE C&pe Cod on large lot with many larg «W fci ta*an Into eonillewtion. Qimlnt and charming amall one-stor: treed. Large living room with fire AKC LABRADOR RSTKIIVER PUP- omci mm — IM •«. .n. la w home on two rolling acres In hills < place, full dining room plus dlnlni riKI — Biz week old. Yellow. Chun- cnUeat location. DtdrafcU toi any we- Mlddletown. Six rooms, l\h baths. S area off kitchen, two full baths. Ful plon b.tkjround. |1U *uh. 711-9011, tawloa. OaU 747-1730 betwaes I and 5. eluded, yet readily exceaslble to ai cellar with finished recreation room, OFFICES — (Prlntu) In larta mite. conveniences. Call today. f40,000. soreenad porch. Walking distance ' Appeal for Diner Variance •tUr t p.m. Ai until al 70 an. ft All lenrlcel buses, schools, shopping. Paxochl. EXCELLENT BBUBCTION — for u desired. XxccuUva Center, l Main school parish. Close to Bed BanK. a hardship variance because of occupancy," Mr. Roberts •iopllon. AHcctlonttt dois, pups, call St, Satontown. M5-3M1. EXCELLENT FINANCING Won't last. Can be shown anytime. MIDDLETOWN - The Zon- KltUns. R92-8SS5. To qu&litled buyer. Early possession, ing Board last night after the vestibule of the building said, "but this does not indi- MINIATURE POODLES AKC —Black. MODERN OTFICSS — Mnflei o Four bedrooms, two baths. Game hearing 45 minutes of testi- was inadvertently built 37.3 cate he has this kind of llile> only. Wormed mnd vaccinated. aultea. own parklnf, Colonial »tyl< room. Attached garage. Spotless. $28,. JEAN K. IRWIN til week* old. J100. SS1-23J7. bulldlm. H«»t. toll maintenance, air BOO. Realtor mony dismissed without feet from the road in a zone money to spend for moving conditioning optional. Keuonabla Tea- On the Naveslnk Blver Red Ba DALMATIAN PUPS — AKC, chtm- tl 10 Soring »L, Bad Bank. Call prejudice the application of where a 50-foot setback is re- the foyer. The cost of moving plon «lred. Permanent tnots, wormed. 747-3500 bust nil Inla ireik. Mak> offer. Ml- 842-4188 a Rt. 35 diner owner after quired. this structure would cause 3900 HJ. IT. — Ufht manolFCtortm WATERBURY it was discovered that some The error in construction a great economic hardship on mm. loll for laaia. TALL TREES AKC STANDARD DACHSHUNDS — Oall TtMlM AGENCY residents of the area were was discovered by the build- my client," he said. Black and tan. Champion bloodline, OFFICE — 100 800 >q. ft. All ser- FOUR BEDROOMS not properly served with hear- ing inspector who refused Mr. Paszmente, under di- for (now or pat. Lovable, happy neallhy REALTOR-INSUROR This new llslln? ia offered at Jusl thi jwpples. One mtle, three /emales, vices. Small building. Shrewsbury. ing notices. Clll 747-2(01 62 Maple Avenue right time (or your summer enjoy the applicant a certificate of rect questioning from the flOO and up. For xnora Inlormatlon ment. Center hall, sunny living room, occupancy. board, admitted he had per- call 51I-HSI alter 5 p.m. OFFICE SPACE — Ground floor, 18x Red Bank 07701 dining room, eat-In kitchen. 2'.^ baths, The applicant, Kostis G. PUPPIES - PUPPIES • PUPPIES 60', 505 Broad St., Shrewsbury. Call large family room, den, laundry room, Konstantinitis, owner of the Last night attorney Howard mitted construction of the OAUI-V1N PET SHOPPE 741-5152. MINIATURE basement. Double garage. A half acre Monmoulh shopping Center In a top New Shrewsbury location. Town and Surf Diner at the A. Roberts presented several structure from a set of plans 542-1273 STORE FOR RE.VT — In new build- JUST LIKE HIS Hurry, call today. Be moved in bj In* otf Hwy 36 on First Ave., Atlantic August. $34,M0. intersection of Cherry Tree witnesses for the' applicant, other than those on file in the DACHSHUNDS — AKC reitsterei Highlands. Ideil for off tee or small GRANDDADDY Farm Hoad, has applied for including Pasquale Faderro office of the building inspec- one male, one lernale. six weeks oli buRtness. Call 291-3020 between 9 a.m. Four bedrooms, two baths, gameroom Call 7J7-4SS7. - 6 p,.m. . studio, den. Swimming pool, and, t< HALL BROS,, Realtors of Clifton, manufacturer of tor. "I admit I neglected to nuke the cheese more binding, cJt: 813 River Kd. 141-7086 Fair Havci LEGAL NOTICE MINIATURE AKC POODLES STORE — 20-JW. AH* three )*rgt> sewers. Priced ai 537,000. Besides all Member Multiple Listing Service the dining car, and Edward check the plans," he said. Champion slrtd. sliver. J65 eac: this-Extras-True-Call we're easy to talk Call 291-819. offices. Reasonable rent Available open 7 Days NOTICE Paszmente of Highland Park, Mr. Konstantinitis told the July 1st. Apply Serplco'n, 101 Mon- to. MIDDLETOWN TAKE NOTICE That Hazlet Bever. AKC K-9 CUTIEI moulh St., Red Bank, next to Carlton age Oo., Inc. had applied to the Di- general contractor. board the structure and the Theatre. &RAB THIS 5'/j % rector of Alcoholic Beverage Control GRAND OPENING HASSING'ER & for a State BeveragB Distributor's Li- It was during the testimony site represents "a $475,000 EATONTOWN Available for lm- GLAZEBROOK ASSUMPTION!!! cense for premises situated at 1O0C of Mr. Faderro that Richard tax ratable." PUPPY VILLA mullate occupancy, attractive office, Lovely 8 • YEAR - OLD 4 • BEDKOOW State Highway 38. Hazlet, K. J. • REALTORS SPLIT. On nicely landscaped choice A, Stryker of 15 Winston Dr. The board approved two Bonnie Kodadek Instarrt Credit wood paneled, carpeting, 450 »q. ft. 205 E. River Rd. Rums OFFICERS Bpacial Poodles from $50, ej] sizes al 542-1441. 100x125 Large living room, FULL Jttfleph R. Walklewicz, Presldent-Direc. objected that several of his variances, held 13 for decision colors. 6t. Bernards from $110, Dal 842-5880 DINNING ROOM, family room. Tiled nutiaiu from $75, Fabulous Grea bath + 2'A baAhs. Garage. Many extras, 7 rEllsa.*eith St., Welt MilUngton, neighbors who allegedly re- at its next meeting, denied Danes from 1100, Bloodhounds, Irle N. J. side within 200 feet of the one application and referred Pick Scout (Betters, Toy Pox Terriers, Wire Fc NEED RUMSON ONLY $33,500 Lillian M. Wallciewte, Vice President, Terriers, Baiset Hounds, Seattle Director restaurant, were not notified two application to the Plan- Cocker Spaniels, Schnauzers, Weltni DEEP WATER 7 Elizabeth St., West SUIIlngton, of the hearing. ranens, Dachshunds, Shetland Sheei BEACH AGENCY, Realtor JJ. J. ; ning Board. To Attend Dogs. (Miniature collies). ALL PUP! WAREHOUSE (33,600 1M nt. 35 Mlddletown, N. J. Edward C. WalMewkz, Secretary, HEALTH GUARANTEED. Permamn This spotless two-story residence en Treasurer, Director The board recessed five Approved were the appli- •hots, wormed. Lowest Prloes. Be; the river offers leisure living where 842-2626 NEEvesW: 531-476LISTIN8 OpeGn 7 day» 22 HtllBcrent Rd.. Martinsville, N", J. minutes, then went on with cations of Louise Reynolds of Quality. SPACE It Is always vacation time. Three bed- Charming Colonial, 12 years old. Faf STOCKHOLDERS OVVKING MORE Conference WE ARE MOVING-LOOK FOR. rooms, Vh hathe, living room with Haven. FOOT bedrooms, 23^ baths, THAN 10% OF STOCK the hearing while its attorney, Magnolia Lane, who sought GRAND OPENING fireplace, enclosed porch and oneca 14x16 den. Glassed and screened Joseph R. Wo.Iklewlcz-50 Ehiire! Paul T. Warshaw, researched permission to erect a board- PHILAEDLPHIA - Bonnie K-B CLUB IN garage. Ideal, Call for appointment. porch, 12x16. River rights. A real buy 7 EllzabelJi St., West MlMngton, I X. Front St. Bed Ban! at $5i50O N. J taxmaps. ing home for sheltered care Kodadek, New Shrewsbury, 747-3631 Lillian M. Walkiewlcz—50 Shares RUSSELL M. BORUS 7 Elisabeth St., West Millitigton, Several minutes later Mr. on her property; and Mrs. N.J., one of 250 Senior Girl SIAMESE AT KRY LYESA — Bern SHREWSBURY? STERLING THOMPSON ASSOC. N. J tlful colors. Inoculated, kittens ani REALTORS REALTOR Edward C. Walkiewlcz—-50 Shares Warshaw reappeared and Eileen Majors, also of Mag- Scouts throughout the nation, atud service. 8(2-2854. GALLERY OF HOMES 600 River Rd. Pair Havel ,5 W. River Rd. 747-0800 Rumson 22 Hlllcreat Rd., Mjirtlnsvllle, N. 3. stated; "After a cursory ex- nolia Lane, who sought per- who holds the First Class LILAC SIAMESE KITTENS — Onl Objections, If any, should be made amination of the tax maps, I mission to rebuild a kennel three males left. Affectionate, health 741-4300 mmediately In writing to the Direc- designation, highest rank in registered. Breutch Colonial on one acre. COMMERCIAL. PROPERTY fload, Locust and John I? ice LARGK ROOM WITH SHOWER — HENNET IIENKV, fajao known lands, after the car in which Ave., Keansburg, paid a ?30 First floor, private entrance. Call 747- Air conditioned. Wall-to-wall caroetlng as SENNET WH.I.IAMSI and they were parked was investi- of 157 Prospect Ave., Red FOR REAL SERVICE 1041, 9-4 p.m., 4-s p.m. 946-8441. Many extra*. Low taxes. &50.&00. 1CDDL.HTOWN TWP. — Oonmndal MR HKNItV, husband of 8KN- fine for careless driving. CROWBILL AGENCY, 76 W. Front Bt, property alone Hwy. 3S or 36. From NET IIENItY, Inlso known as gated by Patrolmen James Bank, were each fined $35 for IN REAL ESTATE *E> BANK — Clean, attractive. 741-4030. ITS' to 10 aerM MUliJLNEY REAL- SENNET WIM.IAMS) speeding 43 miles per hour in Mngle. Parking. Convenient location. MIDDLETOWN — Split Level Four J7I-5U1. Fenn and Robert Wellner. Contracts Awarded Consult a )>i TV allowed. 741-257,1. bedrooms, two baths, living room, a 25 m.p.h. zone. Also fined Member of ' SINGLE OR DOUBLE ROOM — 73 dining room, kitchen, paneled family Beer was found in the ve- Wallace St., '" room, laundry room and foyer. Can REAL ESTATE WANTED $35 for speeding Ai miles per By Middletown Board R«d Bank Area assume Vi^ lDan. S31.500. 671-5S38. hicle and Mr. Piano was Red Bank USTINOS OF BETTER HOMES — hour in a 25 m.p.h. zone was MIDDLETOWN - Meeting MLS IN KeamMlrz • Mfddletom • Hazlet- charged with threatening a ml [olmdel. The Smolko Agency. 787-0123 Donald Carew of 59 Conover briefly in special session last HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE police officer, disorderly con- Place, Red Bank. night, the Board of Education NEED VACANT LAND duct and inviting minors to Small lot or largt trasU. Call UUI«- •o defendants, pending In Hie ,For doing 40 miles per hour awarded contracts totaling LANEY REALTY. «T1-5151. -rlo" Court of New Jersey. wHliln have alcoholic beverages in in a 25 m.p.h. zone, Judge $46,708 for general supplies to Llncroft Excellent 3-bedroom, V/j-borh ranch home with full ;t,.Sr July B, 1089. exclusive COLTS NECK-HOLMDEL such clntf. n you fall to no so, his car. A hearing of the Kirkpatrick fined Peter Sub- J.L. Hammett Co., Union, low basement, finished playroom, bar, ping pong table. COO CAA 'a hava ready qualified buyera. so iirtgment by rttrault may he. rijn- charges against Mr. Piano is bidder. Porch 8x12. Transferred owner looking for fosf tale, rlce. STERLING THOMPBON * AB. ho purpose ol forecloslns » certain IOC. 747-5600. crtlflcate of HI "Me. nff«ctln« lands cated a substance which was throp Place, Hazlet, was fined leporate dressing room 9x10, raised flreploct In living N HURRY TO BELL? WE BUYi n (he Township of Marlhoro, County sent to the State Police lab- $25 for speeding 49 miles per room and pamt room. Naveslnk River rights and view. 1O1IES OR LOTS FOR CABH. CALL. ' Monmouth, and Slate of New Jr-r- Near Novesink Country Club. Senior executive estate. py. situate on the Norllierly- side of oratory in Trenton, for analy- hour in a 25 m.p.h. zone. $135,000 •si-me. ;nrlnr Valley Honrt, known a* Block Lot 3fi on the Tax map of the sis. On May 30, that labora- John Montgomery of 10 LIST WITH CONFIDENCE : )ux 14 professional saletiMtopI* ar« ownihlp of Marlboro anrl ielng al»o tory reported the substance to Brookside Drive, here, was NEW AND RESALE — OVER 400 HOMES J20.000 TO $125,000 adf and ttble to market jour prop- mwn as lot 7-n as approved on a ty miccessfully. ilnor Biindlvlslnn application for be marijuana and the four fined $15 for allowing a dog to Tr&de-Ins — Exchange! arlbom Township PUnnlnK Hoard were arrested on the narcotic Member Multiple XJstlnc B&TVICM le tl I!J.W and containing fi^lf) acrRS run at large. WALKER A WALKBR, Jleallon It morn or less which certificate drug charge. torewsburr Holmdftl i pxerutod by the Tax Collector 41-M12 U71-3J11 thp Township of Marlboro dated ctober tf», tflll.% and recorded In the Freed on Bail Voting Unit to Meet Innmouth County Clerk's Office on MULL AN EY COLTS NECK AREA 1 All were released on $500 KEANSBURG - Miss ctober Ifi. lflft ! fn Book 2.VJ9 of mort- Mtmbtr lath have customers waiting for * and ises, page 349; and to her the bail each. The Clancy and Sheila Kuyl, chairman of Multiple Llitlng bedroom Colonials and 3 and *- lulty of redemption tliereln: and cdroom ranchers, priced between IU 'the persona to whom Ihla notice Kelly youths were found not Monmouth County's Voting __ S«rvlcM Realty 5,000 and SOS,000. Memhers of 3 addressed. »re made party defen- [iiltlpie I/lstlncs. ILLMBN8EE AGKN' v guilty of the alcoholic bever- Age Coalition, announced Y, RMltnr, Jit. 3i, OJU Neck, 482- ants tiecause you rn» havp pome LTZ. oldest AKflncy m ColLs Neck. Blit of curleny In eald lands and age charge last night. Judge that the association will meet 8 TINDALL RD. hP herelnahnva dosi^naled. BUY — In Kurrmon urea. Good .7: np 13, . IDPO. Kirkpatrick stated a warrant today at 2:30 p.m. in the 671-5151 MIDDLETOWN "My wif play, |{ ,(, iROMRTI lUILOINei ivicy. Imme1ist« occupancy not JBB n. NEWMAN, m. .win be issued for the arrest of United Methodist Church, 00 •cenary, Ftlnclpalf only. Writ* Box p) driv., ih - 133, Tbo rally RegliUr, Red Bink. i ,-k of tire Superior Courl Andrews, #ho failed to ap- Church Street. ' ,• :ar I'tfgor in une IT, 24, July 1, S 197.00 hi Daily Ragiit.r wain) (ail" -THE BJEGISTER, MD BANK-WDDLETOm, N. J.: TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1969 17 Peanota Children's Letters to God 40Furn!tan IU8ET 8 Spirit maker ' '' SKWS6ONNA PUZZLE 44 Unsteady r£!U^ HE TALKS, HISrf I Entitled 5LEEPM6 WDM ONE OF MY OLD By Dorothea E. Shlpp 46 Observe 0HW0FHI5 .-. POLL BEPS... 10 Small pie 47 Dozes PO6.HOU5E- - ACROSS 44 Old Dutch II To be: Fr. 49 Fat fnaTHe 1 Indonesian measure 12 Bellow 51 Gnawed island 45 His and 13 Little devils appearance 6 State flower hers: Fr. 18 Cajole 52 Bristle 10 Mythological 46 Homilies 22 Fairy 53 About '; elf 48 High speed ! 24 Deserter: si. 54 Retreat 14 Worship aircraft: •* 25 Yells 55 Jetty 15 English abbr. 27 Impulses 57 Great river 49 Upon: poet, 28 Bland quantity: 16 Particle 50 Declare 29 Sprites colloq. Blondie 17 Fairy 52 Ray 31 Vessel 58-Fitz- ARE VOU cobbler 56 Conference / ENJOVIMG 32 Hobgoblins gerald 19 Snare 60 Sword YDURVACATIONI. 33 Subdues 59 Belgian 20 gambling 61 Fungi ELMO? MV FOLKS 34 Lively river /tf-l ARE MAKING ME place 64 Pitch 36 Noun suffix 62 Beer GOTO 21 Wedges 65 Pot 38 Israel tribe 63 Pop 23 Leading 66 Fiber ladies 67 Poker term Answer to Yesterday's Puzzle . 26 Laurel 68 Require 27 Habit 69 Roman 30 Precisely emperor: 32 School var. group: abbr. DOWN 35 Queen 1 French 37 Ash chalk 38 Binary 2 Notion 39 Donated 3 Kitchen 40 In good — implements S-17 41 Summit 4 Scented root Mary Worth © Kiac Faalxna SyuSote. Inc. 1969. World riftairti.rr« i 42 Always 5 Rejoin 43 Pile 6 Cheer

HERE'S THE tl COFFEE. SPOON VOU "ASTRO-GUIDE" By Ceean — DROPPED, MR. t I it 13 Wednesday, June 18 ia •MM Present—For You and Yours - • • A change- 11 able sort of day. Concentrate on what you're doing l"l 1 if so that mistakes are kept to a minimum. Control n 1 1 desire to criticize co-workers. %Reassuring remarks 20 1" on your part will do much to promote harmony. •1 •• ••• HBHB Mj Don't put too much stock in Information you receive from unreliable source-it is likely to be incorrect. I • M 31 M 31 The Day Under Your Sign saiflaw I Arfe.SornMar.2l la Apr. 19 Ubu. S»p». 23 to Oct. 22 Excess •orial spending <• ill- Beware'of indtiUice in an at- ••••a •MB advised. You'll be miry jou tempt to fml youtseU ka well splurged once tbe part? is ovec Bs your usociates. MM* Taurus. April 20 to May 20 Sccxp.ftOcf.23 toNov.2l Andy Capp Don't let yourself be imposed Aspect? are good prorided you upon; on the othtr html, don't Mcer cl«r of situation •which •••>* ••MB ••OK "WAT FLItW WOMAN be overly sainicfoos of OOKHL' coald put you on tbe spot with G«mini. May 21 to Jtn» 21 the boss. LONG&0ESI YiF I KNEW THAI •• imm I '""'T"~^^TBBJi •• You w31 derive anjeh satisfac- Sagittarius. Nov.U lo D«.21 TAKE'Ear GO r tion from helping out friend People stem to be in a con- kt wwmnE who needs confidence in torn- I • genial* co-operative — and ro- 1 THEbOCTOR'SP/ n »4 57 at Gincw. JIMM 22 to July 21 mantic —- frame of mind. •••o yu Better curb your igRresitreness Capricorn. Dec. 22 to JM. 20 to 1 «2 1 61 j I Wue current »ibratt«w reign. It is to your advantage to ,•11 Emotional otftbtxrit not tdr'tsc- reconcile differences. Don't be able. afraid tn admit you were wrong. 81 I I* |H|«« Uo. July 22 to Aug. 21 Aquarius. Jan. 21 to F»b. 19 It nhoaldn't surprise you if it • trouble arises from puttinjf your Finish whatever is hanfiinK fire, own ptea&are abcad ot family but don't embark on new rto- 1 1 ••** wlfare. turc of any sort, Virgo. Aug. 22 to 5»pl. 22 Piscai. Feb. 20 fo Mvch 30 Better refuse an imitation tian Your main problem will be to accept it and not enjoy your- human relations, Periotialitics self "ben you get there. tlash and arguments arise. QField Enterpri»e», Inc. 1969 Bridge Advice Dennis the Menace By ALFRED SHE1NW0LD ! The Wizard of Id Everybody knows that con- West dealer fwwfe Tr tract bridge iavors aggres- Both sides vulnerabb TUtT WAZHfT Mg~. sive bidders, but not every- NORTH THAT WASTES body has the courage to prac- 4> K963 tice what we all preach. Film V None star Omar Sharif is said to O K6 approach-a bridge hand as • K986542 though it were a girl (they WEST EAST -jrf" 4 AJ 4 8754 say that courage and a heal- V AQJ7 thy bank balance are useful O AJI083 0 74 in this sport also, but what *Q] • 73 does a poor bridge columnist SOUTH know about this?), and per- 4 Q102 haps his daring bid in today's CK1094 hand proves the allegation. 0 Q952 Who has the nerve to bid *A10 three notrump'when vulner- West North East Sooth 2 NT 34 Pass Snuffy Smith able against a vulnerable op- 3 NT. HOWDY All Fats ponent who has opened with Opening lead - 0 J RUN GIT ME PARSON two , notrump? If you've A DYDEE OFF'N guessed that Sharif did it, TH'CLOTHESLINE, you're right. JOSHAID- a low club to the ace. When'" The scene was an interna- the Jack dropped, Sharif" tional bridge tournament in knew that the suit would run Beirut, recently, and Sharif since West would not have knew that his partner'had a opened two notrump with aifi long club suit for his over- singleton in clubs. -- call of three clubs. Sharif had 11 high-card points, expected Sharif switched to a low his partner to hold 8 or 9, spade, and West could take ' SWJP Wtl £V0? OTTO KEOKUK,E>WA,WE and knew that West needed only his three aces. Sharif ' ftoW6UiXY0FAWE It) UICE MXJ TD LOOK UP all the remaining high cards took the rest, making his - of the deck for'his opening game with an overtrick. Faint.! bid of two notrump. East heart ne'er won three no- Phantom 26 Graduate At OLPH would never get in to make trump. any embarrassing leads DAILY QUESTION ' VOU PIP A THEY'RE THERE ARE HIGHLANDS - Twenty-six Batzle, Regina E. Breme- AIL THIS?/VICIOUS STILL A FEW TIED-I'U SEND through the South hand. As dealer, you hold: S— A ; MEN— OUTSIDE - THE 8ANDWR eighth grade students at Our kamp, Judith E. Chodnicki, , If North had really good TO TAKE THEM J H —A Q J 7 D- A J 10 • PESERrERS- INCLUDING Lady of Perpetual Help Cath- Marie L. Curren, Martha A. clubs, Sharif would be able INTENT OM THEIR 70 THE olic School received diplomas. Curren, Lynn A. Dempsey, 8 3. C— Q J. What do you . LOOT AND LEADER- BORPER- to run about seven club tricks say? MURDER.' I WHALE/ Awards were given Carol Lorraine E. Dooley, John W. as the nucleus of his game HAD TO WORK Ann KanarkowsW and Loret- Coleman, Michael J. Gorman, in notrump. If North's clubs Answer: Bid one diamond. - FAST.1 ta A. Rossi, excellence; Mary Margaret M. Hall and James were ragged he would surely The hand is a trifle light for . L. Anthony and Terrence Ry- L. Horan. have a couple of side cards, an opening bid of two no-- an, merit; Kim Maurer, char- Noreen M. Horan, Thomas and West would be unable to trump, and the doubleton Q-J ... acter; Michael Gorman, cour- Jablonsky, Carol Ann Kanar- develop the setting trick in a of clubs is a doubtful holding • - tesy; James Horan, citizen- kowski, Debra A. Layton, hurry. for such a bid. Avoid making ship; Loretta A. Rossi, writ- Kim M. Maurer, Haik It. a bid that is doubtful on two '.'.' ing, and Mary L. Anthony, Mendes, Jane M. Mullen, Works as Expected counts. (In the recent inter- forensic. Catherine A. O'Neil, Mark M. It worked as Sharif expect- national tournament in Beirut • -•- The class of 1969: Rich, Luisa J. Ros, Terrence ed. West's opening lead of the West actually bid 2-NT, but;v. Frank A. Atnodio, Mary M. Ityan, Colecn M. Wilson jack of diamond? went to he lived to regret it — and . L. Anthony, Marguerite B. and Loretta A. Bossi. dummy's king, and Sharif led so might you.) UP I! Beetle Bailey VOU (JOIN& I 01165$ THAT "/OLJ MgAN5'NO7 WON'T BELIEVE COULD HAVE TOPAV THftBUT I FEU. AT LEAST REAP Y65 OS 1WS A0OUTiV(e ASLEEP ON THE NO" BUS AND DJDN'T BU5 PJWEK5 WAKE UP TILL MOTE IT 6OT TO OF" CENTERVH.LE

Pogo WHO I NEEDED TORE A LEAF AM ERASER REAL BAP OFF MV RUBBER PLANT? THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK. MIDDLETOWN. N. J.: TUESDAY. JUNfc 17.19» On Campus Two students received hon- or grades during the 5th marking period and semester at the Pingry School, Hillside. They are Joel Rodgers, 61 King's Highway, Middletown, and James Johnston, 6 Healthcliff Hoad, Rumson. Miss Elizabeth Lacy, a bi- ology major in her junior year at Monmouth College, has been accepted into the School of Veterinary Medi- Open 4 Days Only cine at the University of Pennsylvania. In September she will begin a four-year WED.. THURS.. FRI. 10-9; SAT. 10-6 course leading to a degree of We offer the 1969 graduating class our sincere best wishes, both to these OVER 600 JUST BROUGHT IIS FRESH TO CHOOSE doctor of veterinary medi- of you who go to college and to those who choose a career in business or 1 cine. LADIES AND GIRLS' 1969 STYLED She is a graduate of Little industry. Good Luck! Silver Grammar School and Red Bank Catholic High ALL-WEATHER School. GRADUATING CLASS-RED BANK HIGH SCHOOL She is the daughter of Mrs. Grace Lacy and the late Mr. Robert James Adenon Janet Maria Ernerian Lawrence W. La* Dean Stewart Ross Joseph Lacy of 96 Little Sil- Barnard Jeiaph Ailten Francis Xavier Erba Julia L. Levinsky Shirley Caret Rubens RAIN OR SHINE RuthAnne Albreeht COATS *t/Donne Marie Eiposito Margaret Lavinson Robert Rudrow Jr. ver Pkwy., Little Silver. REVERSIBLE Geoffrey King Allan Chrlstirra Lynn Fanfone Patricia Anna Lewis Patricia Evelyn Ryder Rifa L. Alsobroolts *Bruce Kevin Farley A. Jeffrey Lind tCarol Arne Eliiabeth BELTED • 007 TYPE Richard A. White, son of Jo-Ann T. Ambroiin* Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Joan Emilia Farrall •Ellen Cathy Linden Sakowltt RAGLIN SLEEVES • COTTON Larry Armitrong Samuel David Fation* Daniel M. Lisa Raymond W. Salm III $qoo White, 555 Hopping Hoad, Bel- Jamas R. Avafi •Leslie Joan Feathers Barry J. Lloyd •fRobin Jane Sarin WATER REPELLENT ford, an Air Force BOTC ca- Patricia LaVarna Barker Joseph M. Ferraina. - • Catharine May Lloyd Leonard Samuel Sesso 'Carol Jan* Barton *Eduardo A. Fiquaroa FLOWERS • SOLIDS • CHECKS det at Ohio Wesleyan Univer- Pamela M. Lodge David I*. Sawyer J TO Karan Maria Baiiita •Rejine Evert Flournoy Melissa A. MacConnill sity, Delaware, Ohio, has Laura Rose Scharg POLKA DOTS • CAPE TYPE •/Marion Nadina Bait Ronald Folger Peter Alfred MacDonald 'Janeiro Joy Schaw* been awarded the Rotary G-eHruda Anna Beamari Karan Louise Fonrue Janet R. Maddalana WASHABLE • DOUBLE BREASTED John Henderson Sch'mpf Club Bronze Medal. The Philip A. Bacairo Craig H. Fowfer Linda Ann Madusky Waverely Maria Sehindler SNAP FRONTS • ACETATE • ETC Dabra Lynn Bennett James Herman Fritsehe award goes to the outstanding 'Linda Maria Magliona Charles W. Schmidt Jamas Philip Bennett Charles Douglas Frost DACRON POLYESTER LINING Arnold Air Society member William John Maguira Kenneth Patrick Schwab Michael Scott Bannatt Ell.en Linda Gallop Harry David Mahonay $|QOO for community service. Madeline Scott SOME STYLES WITH RAIN SCARFS Jatar Bantlay John Sarofalo Dominick A. Mas'cola Mary Anne Saitz Timothy Batz Robert Walter Garrison Carol May Mass Richard Greig Krumcl of 20 Joseph W. Saroaw'ch SIZES 3 to 6X - 7 to 14 - 5 to 6 15 to 16 NONE HIGHER Katharina Gibson Black Andrew Charles Gawel Peggie Maizucca Swartzel Drive, Middletown, James George Giannell James Joseph Shaloe Laa Blackwood Michaeell O'Petrie"k MeGulr* Daborah Ann Gill Mark Shaeiro NATIONALLY ADVERTISED UP TO $29.95 was recently pledged to Sig- Harold W. Boohar /Audrey Lynn MeKnight Carolyn Mary Gilley , Dorothy Sillci* ma Phi Epsilon fraternity at {Elizabeth Moshar Boynton Thomas Alan McMullen Michael D. Golden Robert Anthony Silver Kent State University where Sharon Dtniia Bradlay •tGeoffrey L. McNally OVER 1,000 JUST BROUGHT IN FRESH TO CHOOSE Cheryl Ann Braiaa John Thomas Goodhue Milton Simros he is a sophomore English '/Catharine Ann* Meehai Anthony Sincius 1 Judith Francin* Brennar Larry D. Goodlng LADIES AND GIRLS' 1969 STYLED major. Eichard is a gradu- Ronald B. Grayial Maria B. Mallaci John S. 5kim«lis Paul S. Brestow Charles Menosky '/Susan Nancy Greanberg Patricia E.Siiok* ate of Middletown Township *Laura Jeanna Brewer Richard Allan Michel Bruea R. Greenwood Virginia H. Snyder High School. Patricia Joyce Brink William E, Gr.qg III 'Alan Stuart Mond Pamela Ann Soltii Priicilla Laa L. Brookes Stephen Montanino Ivan John Grill! Stephen Vincent Sevltro Joel Rogers, 61 Kings Hwy., Patricia Maria Broolcs Patricia Montigros Frank Grob Carol Joy Stanar Middletown, was a member Douglas William Brephy Kathleen J. Mooney Judith Ellen Grubmart David Edward Stswart of the Pingry School physics Craig D. Bunting Denis* Michel Gunthar Milton Moore - Saorga Victor Buonano Robirt Frank Mosca Kathleen Diana Sloye team which competed in the Patricia Margaratta Hedd'eri Pennv Sue Suner Christina Btnec David D. Mott 19th annual State Science Day Philip Francis Hague tJan Kristina Swanion Barnica Byron Robin Elizabeth Mott at Fairleigh Dickinson Uni- Dannis I. Halsey Bedell A. Tarry Marian Eitella Campbell Karen Lynna Halvartorr Daniel Bruce Nankervis Linda Joyce Therletseif versity. There were 392 com- Fern Ruth Caplan Gary Lea Hamilton 'tSteven Mark Nat.lscn /Dana Lynn Thompson petitors in the physics divi- Linda Joy CaravaHi 'Robert G. Hamlin Jr. Patricia A. Neary NONE HIGHER Janet Merv Thompson SIZES 3 TO 6X—7 TO 14—S-M-L-XL Jo.anne P. Carson Karan Sail Harris Michael F. Nelson sion. In the statewide team Channinq Titus Maria A. Carrona Valerie Racheal Harris John M. Niro NATIONALLY ADVERTISED UP TO $9.95 award, Pingry, which Is in Steven Patrick Tomatns •Lynn Cheney Diana Margaret Noglaws Hillside, placed fourth. Judy Ann Nolan Natividad Torres-Ortiz Theresa Anna Chieffalo : Jeanne Handrickton Ronald Jamas Nowall ' Deborah Sue Turner Over 600 to Choose Frank Clark Over 400 Just in Fresh to Choose '/Nancy Lou Hendrickson David L. Ogdan Georg* Underwood Rocque S. Era, son of Mr. Lillian Marcalla Clay •Carolyn Wendy Hart Julie Ann Orkwii •tCarol Anna VanKirk GIRLS' BETTER LADIES' 1969 STYLES and Mrs. Rochford H. Ern of Barbara Bath Cohan 35 Wigwam Road, Locust, Bruce Alfred Hasi Robert P. Ormsba* Jr. •tGlanrr Alan VanLeet Robert Cohan Gail Frances Hester Victoria Van Waqamn Kathy Lou Colmorgen 'Deborah Elaine Otis was elected secretary-trea- Gary. Ronald Hill Linda Ann. VmWickl* *f Michael William Connors David hi. Ovens SWIM TUNIC surer of the senior class at Carl. Andrew Hofar Carat Verona Denise Lynn Parsons Laurelcrest Preparatory Deborah A. Coolc Geraldln* Hollomon Donna A. Vlllant •tCathy Pastewiit SETS DRESSES School in Bristol, Conn. He Sandra Alata Cooper Gregory A. Horten Bryan F. Weadar Taddie Lyn Peck 'Richard Alan Corson Ra* Hoichka Marian. W.hrli SUITS plans to enter Greensboro in Stephanie Anne Patanan Rosamaria Diana Costa Phyllis Ann Huabnar Joe Nathart Wist Alane Janice Phifer 1.2-3 pc. STYLES BRA-SHIFTS • SHIFTS the fall. Kevin Jamas Costello Katfrerina Florence Hugg Warren Philip West Vincent Coyn* Carman Louis Anthony Patricia Ann Pingitor* NYLON STRETCH • CULOTTS Miss Janet E. Lewis, a Bruce Wedal 100% COTTON graduate of Humson-Fair Ha- Chapall Crank ladarosa Jr. •Robert Anthony Pingitor* John E. W.itendorf • ARNEL JERSEY /Eliiabeth Ann Crowall Judith Jailer Mercy Arlana Pollock Carol Ann Whit* ASST. PATTERNS ven Regional High School, Kimberly McCotter Crswall Virginia Ann Post • VOILS was named outstanding se- Linda Elizabeth Jamas Chart.. A. Whit* ASST. COLORS • COTTON Frances Antonatta Crupi Clarine Ann Johnson baborah Leslie Prats Mary Elhat Whit* nior by the University of Palmyra DalPra Mark Richard Pressman • BELL-BOTTOMS Thomas J. Johnson III •WWy Wilbar Tampa (Fla.) Alumni Associ- Deborah Ann Davis Frederick Walter Johnston Rota Marl* Privatara Jamas Lawion Wilcoxen III • SCOOP NECKS ation. James A. DeCarlo Jay Jubert •Arlana Randolph Ad.l. Hester Williams • EMPIRE WAISTS Miss Lewis received the Dolores DeChalui "tCynthia Abby Kati '/Joan Parnalia Ranson Clyde Williams • ETC. • ETC. Thomas W. DaSantis - Daniel S. Kahd* Bruc* lea Raynor Edna E. Williams NONE HIGHER plaque during a recent hon- Coiean Ann Dingle • SIZES 3-15 Douglass M.lvilla Kitpar 'Robert P. Raynor Holly Wilson , NONE HIGHER ors convocation where she Rachal Doan Scott P. Kendill Deborah L. Register Michael Albert Wilson Nat. Adv. to $18.00 was also cited as the out- Kathy Lynn pern Glenn M- Kennv*1 Ann Klnhiir Re'chard Kenneth J. Winfield Nationally Advertised to $24.00 standing graduating sorority Philip And.rew Doffs Nancy K*y»s 'Robert J. R.i.tko tKaren-L.. Woodruff woman and named to appear Elaine Carol Douglas Judith Anne King Roianir* Rlbustalli Linda Ann Woolay Only 50 Just in Fresh Over 800 Over 300 Martha Nason Doughty Roy Carl Klopf.nstelrt James Leonard Richard Kathy M. Young in "Who's Who Among Stu- 'Elizabeth Ann Duym •Kenneth Philip Kodama Roy Richardson •tEJixab.th Ann* Wylt. LADIES' Just in Fresh Just in Fresh dents at American Universi- Leslia Alfred Drinkwafer Donald Jaan LaMontagna *t/Leah Rissman •tLewis Zagar MEN'S MOCK-TURTLE ties and Colleges." Susan Laa Earl* Gregory A. Langlay Jr. Victor F. Rlziuto Christopher Allan ZaM LADIES' BETTER The daughter of Mr. and •/Marilyn Ann Edmunds Deborah Ann Ladig Marllynne E. Robinson Elaine lindt Zomro DORMER Mrs. Clifton C. Lewis who BELL now reside in St. Petersburg, (*) INDICATES NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY (t) INDICATES FRENCH HONOR SOCIETY WARMERS SHIRT Fla., she has been on the (/) INDICATES SPANISH HONOR SOCIETY dean's list and honor roll as 1 PIECE P.J. BOTTOMS W* hov* *»*ryrhlng well as holding an academic FIRST WITH ZIPPER • FLORAL scholarship. for Ik* eamtra bug! <• FRONT- RIOT! She served as both secre- | THE BUSINESS FIRMS LISTED HERE MERCHANTS • 100% PRINTS DORN'S RUBBER tary and student judge in the NATIONAL • ATTACHED COTTON • PASLEY student government and was PHOTO SHOP 1 WISH YOU WELL MAY SUCCESS $ Siipplta aid Iquipment • ORLON $ • STRIPES PRINTS president of Zeta Tau Alpha BANK $ sorority. BE YOUR REWARD IN YOUR | FEET • SOLIDS • SOLIDS 747-2273 11 Convenient THERMAL • ASSORTED A member of Phi Alpha • SHORT Theta history honorary fra- 15 Wallace St. 1 CHOSEN FIELD. | Offices to A T SLEEVE L RS 6 6 ternity, she worked on the • » - NONE NONE • «.2 ? NONE RED BANK Serve You • SIZES r C Moroccan yearbook. She ma- HIGHER HIGHER I ' ' .1 SIZE? S-M-L • SIZES HIGHER jored in physical education. 5-15 Nat. Adv. to $18.00 Nat. Adv. to $4.95 Nat. Adv. $18.00 Susan McRoberts, daugh- BETTER RED BANK ter of Mr. and Mrs. William SERPICO'S A. S. MILLER HOUSEKEEPING Over 200 Just in Fresh Over 200 Just in Fresh J. McRoberts of 1 Azalea TypcwrlMr Headquarr*r» SAVINGS and Lane, Rumson, has been SHOP LITTLE GIRLS' GO FEMININE WITH SHOE COMPANY LOAN BOYS' BELL BOTTOM and elected president of her 101 Monmouth St. Harm Appliances 100% NYLON STRAIGHT LEG house, East Village I, at Pine ASSOCIATION pc. SHORTY Manor Junior College, Chest- RED BANK 18 Broad St. 46 Monmouth St. 2 PAJAMAS nut Hill, Mass. Miss McRob- RED BANK Now located at • JUMPSUIT TYPE erts has just completed her 747-0485 RED BANK Broad St. and Beroen PI., • PAJAMAS $ PANTS RIOT! freshman year. 741-4310 RED BANK • NIGHT SHIRTS • PRE CUFFED • RUFFLES • WIDE BELT LOOPS Michelle Nice of Hazlet won the departmental award in • LACE TRIMMED • CHECKS 1 1897 . .«<• English at recent commence- 72 Y*ars of Strvlca • PASTEL COLORS NON2E • PLAIDS SHERMAN'S CLAYTON REUSSILLES • SOLIDS ment exercises at Georgian • RAINBOW COLORS HIGHER Court College, Lakewood. A Ham* Decorators Monmoulh's FRED D. • SIZES 3-6X, 7-14 • SIZES 6-20 NONE HIGHER & MAGEE member ol the class of 1969, Leading Jewelers Nationally Advertised to $5.95 Nationally Advertised to $12.95 Miss Nice was officially hon- 741-2646 Men's and Boys' Outfitters WIKOFF CO. ored by the college at class Slic* 184* Sine* 1886 Hue Cool-Fual Oil-Hoy 20 Broad St. Fwd-PerSuppllo , OVER 500 JUST IN FRESH THIS WEEK night. 19 Broad St. 36 Bread St. RED BANK 234 Maple Ave. MEN'S and BOYS' DURABLE — PERMA PRESS Miss Deborah Bcrdan, RED BANK at the clock HOT WEATHER—GO COOL daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Da- RED BANK vid Berdan, Hilltop Road, Freehold, has been named to the dean's list at Springfield TETLEY'S College, Springfield, Mass., LOVE LANE CARROLL'S STEINBACH BERMUDAS $050 $050 Established 1884 for the fall and winter terms. UU ww BRIDAL STATIONERS • FORTREL POLYESTER * # *P < She is a sophomore majoring Stationary - Office Supplies COMPANY • COMBED COTTON / TO • I in elementary education. She 741-4819 747-1000 Toys • Grafting Cards . Gifts • ASSORTED PASTEL COLORS is associate editor of the 741-0001 RED BANK • CHECKS • PRINTS • SOLIDS NONfai E HIGHERW school newspaper, a member 35 Broad St. 28 Broad St. • SIZES 27-42 of Student Council and also 17 Broad St. ASBURY PARK NATIONALLY ADVERTISED UP TO a member of the, Class of RED BANK RED BANK 3.95 1971 executive board. RED BANK BRICK TOWN Over 800 to Choose Over 150 All Netc Just in Fresh Attend Parley LADIES' — GIRLS' MEN'S—ALL AMERICAN SWINGER On Involvement MONMOUTH Mainstay Federal A NEW GROUP OF AUTOMATIC • TAPERED LAWES NEWBERRTS MARK-DOWNS... • BODY MEDFORD, Mass. - Mary COUNTY Savings and Lee Cittadino, Elberon,. and Sycamore Ave. DRESSES SAVINGS • SHAPE NATIONAL Loan Association SHIRTS Elliott Lee, Long Branch, SHREWSBURY DOWNTOWN SHIFTS > VOILS • CREPE juniors in Long Branch High BANK • COTTONS • RUFFLES School, were among 300 dele- 36 Monmouth St. RED BANK BERMUDAS • LONG POINTY gates attending the 13th an- RED BANK RED BANK COLLARS nual Northeastern states Red Bank SHELLS I SOLIDS • PRINTS FAIR HAVEN > PLEATED • ETC. Youth Citizenship Conference TOPS > CAPE TYPE • ETC. at Tufts University, June 4-6. The theme of the three day SUCKS ! IITSVMT*" NONE HIGHER OFF conference was "Student In- COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES, JUNE 19, 1969, 8 P.M. ETC. Nationally Advertised $26.00 volvement: Rights and Re- sponsibility." A cross-section RED BANK HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC FIELD of high schools in New Eng- (Rain Dal*, Junt 20th, In Gymnasium) . , FOR YOUR SHOPPING land, New York, Ngjw Jersey f AIR CONDITIONED CONVENIENCE .« and Pennsylvania was reprt> sented. IfflDDLETOWN-BAYSHOREHllTION : THE DAILY REGISTEE, BED BANK -MIDDLCTOWN, N. J.: T^IMYHUNKnrrear :* T • Second Trooper SetSix Charges Top of the News Yield Pleas New Manager Deluged WASHINGTON — Pentagon and State DepWment of- For Track Traffic Of€mlt ficials are holding meetings with families of more than 1,- LITTLE SILVER — Mayor David B. Kelly on May 28 FREEHOLD — Pouglas 300 captured U. S. servicemen in a widening effort to as- By Water Complaints Gordon N. Litwin announced listing the intersections of Schneider of Pittenger Pond sure them they have not been forgotten. >• at last night'fc Borough Coun- Branch and Sycamore Aves., Road, Freehold, pleaded guil- MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - the seriousness of Mr. Wise's Lack of water in Freneau Two sessions already have been held and more brief- cil meeting \that \an agree- Eastview and Oceanpo .t ty yesterday to charges of, tags are planned in the next four or five weeks to inform George E. Smith, township problems, adding that stag- also concerned council as it ment has teen i Aves., Silverside and Ocean- forging a $101.21 check Aug. manager of two weeks, got nant water was also drawing adopted a resolution declar- the relatives about the government's efforts to free the the State Police >, port Aves. and Rumson and 10 in Freehold. men and ease their conditions of captivity. his Jeet wet last night in a mosquitoes. ing that the township will force to sup Seven Bridge Roads as need- The check was the property Another purpose is to make sure the families of men trooper to p ing "highly trained person- deluge of complaints from Mrs. Bernice D'Angelo of not accept bids on property missing or captured in the Vietnam war are receiving all of Herbert Frank of 60 Jer- Cliffwood Beach residents 872 N. Concourse said water it owns in the Woodfields bound for Monmoh nel to handle the volume of seyville Ave., Freehold. the help to which they are entitled. Richard G. Capen, dep- the heaviest traffic" traffic." about flood conditions near depths reached 114 feet on section. uty assistant secretary of defense, is head of the team of Schneider also pleaded their homes. her street because of plugged Mayor Frojhlich said the officials arranging the meetings as part of a new Nixon ad- Mayor Litwin said a-troop- The letter al*o states, "... guilty to charges of breaking Several beach residents storm drains, while Theodore area has only two-inch water ministration program. er will be stationed at the all of this traffic is generated into the home of C. Craig, told the Township Council Schwenk of 863 N. Concourse pipes which cannot accommo- corner of Seven Bridge and by an enterprise which pro- Among sessions tentatively planned are ones at McGuire Pittenger Road, Freehold, that clogged storm drains, said his home, at the bottom date any further residential Rumson Roads on Wednes- duces revenue for the State Aug. 28,1988 and stealing a Air Force Base. poor construction and leaking of a slope, was inaccessible building. He said the ban will days, Fridays and Saturdays of New Jersey and no rev- derringer pistol valued at water pipes were causing because of two feet of water be lifted when larger pipes from July 1 until the end of enue for the Borough of Lit- $50 and to stealing a .45 cali- erosion of fill, undermining at the entrance to his drive- are installed. Rocky's Meeting Brazilians the racing season. tle Silver." ber service automatic valued streets and flooding proper- way. The council renewed 11 re- BRASILIA, Brazil — Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller meets The State Police currently Rufus Z. Johnston was at $50 and a .38 caliber pis- ties. The conditions were es- Mayor Hans H. Froehlich tail consumption liquor li- with Brazil's armed forces commanders and leaders of the station a man in the Branch sworn into office as borough tol valued at $50 July 2 in pecially prevalent they said the problems have been censes, three retail distribu- suspended congress today before flying to Rio de Janeiro, Ave. railroad station area. administrator and borough Freehold Township. claimed, during the week- turned over to Mr. Smith, tion liquor licenses and one clerk by borough attorney He also pleaded guilty to end's storm. who made an on-site investi- the next stop on his fact-finding mission for President Nixon. Maj/or Litwin told the coun- club liquor license. Conspic- Few residents of this backwoods capital turned out yes- William Blair. Mr. Johnston charges of selling the Thomas Wise of 869 N. gation of the area yesterday. uous by its absence was an cil and the public that con- was chosen from a field of He added that council has terday to greet Rockefeller and few of them cheered, but trolling race track-bound traf- .45 automatic and the Der- Concourse said a drain pipe application for renewal by there were no violent anti-U.S. demonstrations like those more than 60 applicants for ringer between July 1 and across his property was pull- included the construction of the Cat 'n Fiddle Tavern in fic is a responsibility of Mon- the $10,000 a year position. that marked his previous Latin-American visits. mouth Park and the sta'e, Sept. 31 in Howell Township ing fill from his back yard two new catch basins in this Cliffwood Beach, which re- The only incident occurred last night as the New York since Little Silver receives no Tax assessor Charles Sulli- without a permit. and dumping it at the oppo- year's budget and will con- cently had its license sus- governor conferred with President Arthur de Costa e Silva. revenue from Monmouth van, who has been acting bor- Schneider pleaded guilty to site end of the pipe. tinue annually to include pended by the state division Witnesses said four young men drove past the hotel hous- Park. Because there is little ough clerk for 10 weeks since having marijuana in his pos- Backs Up Statement drainage work in Cliffwood of Alcoholic Beverage Con- ing the Rockefeller mission and shouted: "We'll kill the chance of the track supplying the sudden resignation of session Dec. 7 in Howell George Wentzel of 329 Beach until the problems are trol for falsification of its li- son of a bitch!" Police caught one of the men. police to direct traffic in the Mrs. Dorothy Miller, was Township. Woodbine Ave. testified to solved. cense application. borough, Little Silver is look- thanked for his service in that County Court Judge M. Hospital Honors Credit Cards ing to the State Police for post. Raymond McGowan accepted help. Next year, the mayor the pleas and set Aug. 1 for SUMMIT — Patients with credit cards are being admit- said, he hopes there will be An ordinance was intro- duced to grant the Northeast sentencing. Matawan Teacher Regards ted to a New Jersey hospital. Overlook Hospital announced four state troopers on duty in Assistant County Prosecu- yesterday that patients can have hospital care now and pay the borough during the rac- Monmouth County Regional Sewerage Authority several tor Thomas J. Smith Jr. pre- later with Bank Americards, the bank credit system. Offi- ing season. • sented the state's case. Wil- ficials said it is believed to be the first credit card affilia- easements to run sewer pipes The mayor wrote to State across borough-owned prop- liam Murphy of Bloomfield Discipline Above Pay Issue tion with a hospital in New Jersey. represented Schneider. Police Superintendent Col. erty. , MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - the Regional High School and Casagrande insisted. Britain Pushes Market Try Mrs. Helene Casagrande of the Faculty Advisory Board, Board member Herbert Matawan was concerned which even in the absence Feder told Mrs. Casagrande EASTBOURNE, England — Britain is summoning home more over discipline than dol- of proper home guidance has he is "sympathetic with her envoys from key continental countries to appraise policy and 21 Convicted Persons Given lars as the Regional Board of effected improved teacher- aspirations." He suggested tactics for a new bid to win entry into the European Com- Education last night consid- student relations. she and others who think as mon Market, informants said today. ered substantial raises for Nevertheless, Mrs. Casa- she does talk to Dr. McKenna The move came after Prime Minister Harold Wilson sig- eight administrators. grande concluded, there are and the other school adminis- naled I>resident-elect Georges Pompidou of France that Bri- Sentences fey JudgeMcGowan trators. She is concerned, she told repeated instances of specific tain is ready to begin the process of British-French recon- offenses and breakdowns of Dr. John F. McKenna, ciliation. London hopes Charles de Gaulle's successor will FREEHOLD - Steve Kas- reformatory term and fined Shore Motel, Ocean Ave., the board, because discipline Long Branch, was given a is not enforced in the school discipline which administra- school superintendent, re- remove the French veto on British entry. low Jr. of Munroe Ave., As- $50 for possession of heroin ceived a salary increase from Sept. 27 and Nov. 15 in Long suspended reformatory term system. Also, there is an ob- tors and faculty, she said, bury Park is serving a seven- have ignored or passed off $23,000 yearly to $25,500. Oth- to 10-year term in state Branch. He also was given and fined $200 for possession vious lack of respect for the Seek Income Tax-Free Level of hashish Feb. 5 in West authority of teachers, who, with only token' disapproval. er salary increases went to prison for manslaughter. He credit for 17 days in the coun- Anthony Nuccio, assistant su- i NEWARK — The United Auto Workers asserted to the was convicted by a jury for' ty jail for destroying vending long Branch. Mrs. Casagrande went on, "It's going to get worse be- should be respected first as perintendent, $16,740; John Democratic State Platform committee today that "not a the death Jan. 2 of Miss machines at Klein's; Service Salvatore Martinelli, 34 fore it gets better," she Palsha, director of elemen- single penny should be taken from individuals whose annual Gloria Solomon in Asbury Station, Long Branch, Jan. 13. Spruce Road, Howell Town- adults, second as faculty warned. members. tary education, $17,300; Leon incomes are below $10,000." Park. Clarence E. Boyd, 317 Gar- ship, was given a suspended Specific offenses in the high Sweeney, director of special The platform committee opened the first of three public The sentence and these 20 field Court, Long Branch, reformatory term, placed on In addition, Mrs. Casagrande school Mrs. Casagrande is education, $15,000; Edward J. hearings. Hearings will be held tomorrow in Camden and others were imposed by Coun- was sentenced to an indeter- two years probation and fined declared, she is concerned concerned about include: Scullion, business adminis- in Trenton on Thursday. ty Court Judge M. Raymond minate reformatory terra and $300 for possession of demerol because student privileges ap- —Lingering in the halls and trator and board secretary, McGowan here Friday: was fined $20 for possession and aiding in the sale of parently are being given be- late reporting to class. $18,910; Ronald Ward, assis- Shell Kills American Tourist Ronald Lubischer of 320 of morphine Jan. 8 in Long marijuana last July 23 in Bel- cause students demand them, —Students "making out" in tant to the business adminis- Poole Ave., Long Branch, a Branch. mar. rather than as rewards to be the halls ("We called it 'neck- TEL AVIV — A 25-year-old woman tourist from New trator, $10,500; Robert Har- three-to five-year term for Herbert V. Waake, Peskin Eddie Johnson, Ti. Oakwood earned. ing'"). York was killed by shellfire on the Israeli-Jordanian border die, principal of Ravine Drive breaking into Freda's Res- Dr., Farmingdale, was sen- Road, .Point Pleasant was Admitting that discipline —Cutting of classes. school, $17,080; and Ivins today and four other American tourists were wounded, Is- taurant, Asbury Park, Feb. tenced to an indeterminate fined $100 for receiving a and respect should start at —No work done in classes Morse, maintenance superin- raeli army sources reported. 5 with intent to steal. reformatory term for entering stolen television worth $150. home, Mrs. Casagrande went supervised by substitute tendent, $11,000. All increases The dead woman was identified by an Army spokesman John R. Smith of Toms without breaking into the of- The set was the property on to praise cooperation be- teachers. are effective in the 1969-70 as Shirley Anderson. One of the wounded was identified River was given a suspended fice of Boyarin Insurance of Yair Lamdanski, Ocean tween the Student Council of —"Sassing" teachers. school year. as Helen Bernard,, 27, also of New York City. tworto-four year state'prison Agency, Howell Township, Township. —Smoking not confined to ' Officials said a'tftan shell fired by Iraqi guns in Jor- One No Vote sentence; placed on two years between Nov. 30'and Dec. 2 Alfonso Malboa Jr., Union the blacktop area as required dan hit a taxi in which the tourists were riding to Kallia, probation and fined. $200 for stealing a typewriter and by agreement. Only Eugene M. Coppola, a a tourist and health resort near the Dead Sea 15 mlWs-'e'ast •City, was given a suspended Park township representative on breaking into flie DlLa'Corp., seven' trea'sury''checks all reformatory term, placed on —Litter , and trash strewn of Jerusalem. The wounded were taken to a Jerusalem Howell Township April 17 and valued at $247 and for steal- (Continued) over school grounds. the board, voted against the hospital. one year probation and fined increases. While, he said, he taking goods valued at $4,- ing $40 Dec. 4 from George's $25 for possession of mari- was reported ill, wasn't at "These offenses are often 400. Sunoco Station, Howell Town- juana last June 25 in Eaton- last night's meeting. had no intention of demean- ignored. There is no disci- ing the efforts of the adminis- Teacher Strike Spurs Action Harry liegel, 1 Woodland ship, Dec. 4. He also was town. Approved for member- pline. Parents should be Drive, Cliffwood Beach, was charged with stealing a 1967 ship in the fire department trators, Mr. Coppola added' PATERSON — Mayor Lawrence Kramer has obtained a asked to cooperate," Mrs. that "we have gone beyond Superior Court injunction against a strike threatened for to- given an indeterminate re- Cadillac valued at $3,500, the last night were William Van formatory term for stealing property of Albert Jarmon, Pelt, 78 Wallace St.; John An- •the point of being fair and day by the Paterson Education Association. equitable. The injunction, granted last midnight by Passaic Coun- articles valued at $175 from March 11 in Freehold Town- Coed Death < thony Falvo, 98 Herbert St., Jersey Named ty Superior Court Judge Worral F. Mountain, was issued the home of John Keleman, ship. and George W. Selah Jr., 132 "I think we're paying for Oakland St. more than the quality as pre- several hours after'the association, representing about 1,000 Marshall Concourse, Cliffwood Michael T. Bailey, 928 Mat- Information In U.S. Suit teacjiers, voted 875-15 to strike. Beach,'last July 17 and for An ordinance prohibiting WASHINGTON (AP) -The sented right now, although tison Ave., Asbury Park, was the potential is there," the William Bulner, association president, said "Kramer is stealing articles value at $625 sentenced to an indeterminate parking on both sides of Supreme Court gave the Just making things worse. We' are not going back until the from the home of Herman Is Reported Broad St. for specified dis- United States yesterday the board member said. "I'm just reformatory term for posses- protesting the amount of full membership agrees to a package. We will go to jail." Vopelius, Sherwood Dr., Cliff- sion of heroin Feb. 11, and tances from its intersection right to sue all 13 Atlantic wood Beach last July 23. SOMERS POINT (AP) — with Harding Road was intro- coast states to settle owner- money as compared to the Oct. 12,1968 in Long Branch, State Police have disclosed quality of the people con- Thomas J. Nelson Jr., 76 and for having in his posses- duced and scheduled for pub- ship of millions of acres of. Wants New Price Ceilings Hamilton Ave., Leonardo, and that a witness who told of see- lic hearing at the July 7 submerged offshore land. cerned." sion a stolen color TV set ing a male behind the steer- WASHINGTON — The man who' called the shots when John McGermott, Bay Ave., valued at $500 Jan. 23 in As- meeting. The Justice Department "We've moved ahead; we price ceilings were last clamped on the nation thinks it is Highlands, were given inde- ing wheel in the automobile must pay for it," said Mrs. bury Park. He was given of two coeds shortly before The Ten Realty Corp., is contends the states own the time for the government to try controls again — but volun- terminate reformatory terms credit for 81 days in the appealing the decision of the land only out to a distance of Esther Rinear, veteran board tary, this time. for stealing $100 in cash from they were slain provided oth- member. county jail for assaulting er information "that we will Planning Board, which denied three miles. The action is di- Michael V. DiSalle, Korean War price boss, suggested the Rumson Hotel, Waterman Sheriff's Officer Robert Keid- not disclose because it may it a major subdivision neces- rected primarily at Maine. George A. Younkheere the Nixon administration might try for hold-the-line agree- Ave., Rumson, Jan. 20. erling March 5 in Freehold. jeopardize the case." sary to carve a vacant lot The states, including New called the administrators "a ments with the 500 biggest corporations, or with major in- William L. Nicholas, Regen- " Robert F. Johnson, 79 Man- at 14 Linden Place from prop- Jersey were given 60 days to select group" and termed the dustries. Detective Robert Saunders file full defenses. raises "very equitable." cy Manor, 175 Long Branch chester Ave., Keyport, was said yesterday that the wit- erty it owns at 91-93 Broad Ave., Long Branch, was sentenced to six months in ness also saw a black Pontiac St. The council last night set Kidney Transplant Set Today sentenced to an indeterminate the county jail for breaking parked north of where the 8:30 p.m. on Monday, July 7, reformatory term and fined to hear the appeal. NEWARK - Six doctors at Beth Israel Medical Center into the home of Mildred Ben- girls' convertible was seen. $100 for having heroin in his nett, 11 Memorial Pkwy., Long "The witness stated that The council approved re- here will perform the hospital's fourth kidney transplant possession Oct. 1 and Feb. today on a mother and daughter from Elizabeth. Branch, and stealing clothing there were several cars that newal of liquor licenses for 6 in Long Branch. and purses valued at $114.44 passed him and that therefore 24 restaurants and bars, 17 A hospital spokesman said a kidney from the 68-year- Lawrence Borders, 108 old mother will be transplanted into her 18-year-old daugh- last Aug. 19. these witnesses may have package good stores, and Newman Springs Rd., Red Robert Alfano, 14 Station passed the scene of the four private clubs. ter, who is stricken with a chronic kidney disease. The op- Bank, was given an indeter- eration will be the hospital's second live donor transplant, Road, Marlboro, was given a crime," Saunders said. minate reformatory term for suspended reformatory term, He reiterated a plea for any the spokesman said. The first live donor transplant at atrocious assault and bat- Beth Israel was made on Sept. 25,1968, placed on two years proba- persons who might have in- Soldier tery on John M. Logan April tion and fined $150 for pos- formation concerning the co- 8 in Red Bank and for carry- session of marijuana last Aug. eds or their automobile to no- (Continued) Crash Balloon Is Developed ing a 22 caliber pistol with- 6 in Marlboro. tify state police. Pvt. Wickline was severely DETROIT — A Detroit firm has developed a new auto out a permit. Investigators said Saturday wounded in the abdomen, Jeffrey Baker, Flemington, sides and legs by small arms safety device, an air bag that inflates almost instantaneous- James Smitho, 117 Laurel •was given a suspended re- that a motorist had a look at ly when a vehicle is in a front-end collision. Ave., Long Branch, was a youth sitting in the victims' fire while on operational pa- formatory term, placed on trol, but his family had been The inflated bag presses the riders into their seats, pre- sentenced to an indeterminate two years probation and fined car. They said that a passing An English Hunt Buffet motorist saw one of the 19- told his life wasn't in danger. venting them from being thrown against the dashboard or $150 for possession of opium He suffered a concussion when other portion of the car interior. year-old coeds sitting in the Every Sunday Feb. 7 in West Long Branch. front seat and the other in the the 312th Evacuation Hospital Lindsay Bobbie Ann Manniello of back seat. Saunders declined in Chu Lai, Vietnam, where Says Train Was Movable (Continued)' 23 Yard Ave., Freehold, was to elaborate on the witness, he was a patient, was heavily Evening given a suspended reforma- NEWARK — A Penn Central railroad mechanic has as- "It Is an important thing or to answer specific ques- shelled by the Viet Cong on to the Republican party na- tory term, placed on two tions from newsmen on June 8. It was then that he | as well as lerted a commuter train that caught fire and stopped in a years probation and fined $10 Hudson River tunnel could have come out under 'its own tionally to continue in control grounds it could hamper the was transferred to the Yoko of City Hall with a progres- for possession of 'marijuana investigation. hama hospital. Every Noon Monday Thru Friday power. April 3, 1968 in Freehold. A second man appearing at a public hearing yesterday sive Republican," Javits said. and testified a period of 35 minutes went by before equipment to On the Democratic side, Vincent Manniello of Free- siphon off heavy smoke from the fire was activated. Wagner declared that he was hold, was given a suspended Every Wednesday Evening For most of those 35 minutes the train stayed in the the only liberal progressive reformatory term, placed on .Gain more leisure time, ,pay your bills at home tunnel while its passengers groped through smoke and dark- Democrat and Badlllo, Mailer two years probation and JSICAL INTERLUDES BY' ness to reach the New Jersey exit of the tunnel. One pass- and Scheuer were only fined $100 for possession of enger was struck and killed by the train as it was pushed "spoilers" trying to prevent marijuana March 23 in At- out of the tunnel by a second train. a Wagner win over Procacci- lantic Highlands and March "The STROLLERS" no. 27, 1968 in Freehold. Wagner said a Procaccino James Lo Proto, Sun and wise...open a Strike Idles Only Few Ships victory would be a "disaster NEW YORK — Fewer than 30 of the nation's 900 mer- for liberalism" and would Checbaster fEML chant marine ships have been idled by a strike of East and "follow the reactionary path A Kiuat fAMiLY aauvui to the polls that was taken Probe account Gulf Coast deck officers, now in its second day. #haiiotobtoolSHREWSBURY, N. J. t But the total will rise each day as more ships reach recently in Los Angeles." '(Continued)' No minimum port. No negotiations were scheduled as shippers refused Scheuer, Badillo and Mail- a hearing for Friday to de- Adjacent to meet the union's precondition for talks. er fired back soon after Wag- cide whether the government Parkway Exit 109 ner's news conference ended. should be restrained from Service Is our "Mr. Wagner is an authori- making public any further Calls Cahill the Underdog ty on spoilers," Mailer said. details of the electronic sur- biggest asset. BORDENTOWN - U. S. Rep. Charles W. Sandman Jr. "He managed to spoil the veillance of DeCavalcante. has cast his recent victorious opponent in the Republican most magnificent city in the An application for an order gubernatorial primary, U. S. Rep. William T. Cahill, as an world in his 12 years as may- requiring the government to underdog against Democratic contender Robert B, Meyner. or. The only difference be- show cause why an injunc- The Cape May Republican said yesterday. "Meyner tween him and the rest is that tion should not be issued was 1 must at this point be regarded as the favorite' in a speech iia Is tho load taWfl1 dorse in tiled tyr S.M,;