flavor Fires Business Administrator '' ' \ > ' • SEaevE STORerrnovxartnwY BELOW [ Sunny, Pleasant THEBMLY | 'Sunny and pleasant today. FINAL ' Clear and mild tonight. Fair 1 Red Bonk. FraeboIJ 7" and wanner tomorrow. \ Long Branch J EDITION (See Detail'. P<w 3>. Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 249 RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1969 18 PAGES 10 CENTS iiiiiMinniiiiiiiiiiii! iiniiJiiiu-LiLajiiiiitMH'ijJiiiiiiHi rinnnLi i[ifiiiiiiiiiUfnF!in!sinr!Ti IJ-HNIIKI DeCavalcante, Shore Figures Are Subpoenaed TRENTON (AP) - Re- organized crime, said yester- He was the principal par- He said Lawrence Wolfson ida deal" with another re- The SIC chairman said the and to what extent criminal puted Mafia leader Sam (The day DeCavalcante and other ticipant in the alleged con- of Deal, John Riggi and Louis puted Mafia figure. investigation would cover elements have infiltrated the political, economic and busi- Plumber) DeCavalcante, the alleged underworld figures versations contained in 13 (Fat Louis) Larasso, both of Hyland said all nine men "whether the laws are being Linden, and Philip Comora faithfully and effectively en- ness life of those areas." key participant in conversa- were subpoenaed to appear volumes of transcripts filed would be required to appear of Elberon also were served forced in Long Branch, N.J., Gov. Richard J. Hughes tions contained in FBI tran- before the four-member com- by the U.S. attorney's office before the commission and scripts allegedly obtained mission here July, 8. last Tuesday in U.S. District with subpoenas last week. with particular reference to . had directed the SIC to "in- Was State Official that they would face the pos- organized crime and racke- vestigate the entire contents through electronic surveil- Hyland said it has not yet Court In Newark. sibility of contempt citations teering; whether public offi- of alleged transcripts and lance, and several Monmouth been determined whether the ' Hyland said subpoenas Comora, who served 11 years as a member of the and possible jail terms if cers and public employes in other information concerning County men have been sub- session will be private or were served Thursday to An- public. old state bureau of tenement they refuse to testify. the city of Long Branch and the activities of organized poenaed to appear before the thony (Little Pussy) Russo, DeCavalcante was served h»use supervision, was men- Hyland also said that eight Monmouth County are prop- crime in New Jersey." State Investigations Commis- Anthony Angellino and Ro- sion (SIC). with a subpoena Friday night tioned in the FBI transcripts or nine corporations would be erly discharging their duties Earlier yesterday in New- bert Basile Occhipinti, all of with particular reference to William T. Hyland, chair- at his home in Princeton as allegedly having conversa- subpoenaed but that he could ark, Federal Court Judge Township, a spokesman for Long Branch, and Louis Fer- tions with DeCavalcante con- not identify them at this law enforcement and rela- Lawrence Whlpple scheduled man of the powerful agency tions to criminal elements; created last year to fight the commission- said. rara of Elberon. cerning an unspecified "Flor- time. (See PROBE, Pg. 3, Col. 4) Marines Repulse Reds SAJGON (AP) — Three one corner of a 200-square weeks. The other corners of angle. The area has been used ported killing 17 North Viet- hundred North Vietnamese mile triangle where 7,000 U.S. the triangle are Da Nang, as a staging point for attacks namese in a three-hour battle. troops firing rifles, machine and South Korean Marines South Vietnam's second larg- on Da Nang and the big Ma- One American was wounded. guns and rocket-propelled and South Vietnamese ran- est city, and Hoi An. rine combat base at An Hoa. Enemy, gunners shot down grenades attacked a U.S. Ma- gers and infantrymen have The task force claims to In another operation called two Army helicopters in the rine base camp near Da been conducting a sweep have killed more than 300 of Frederick Hill, 20 miles east same area, raising to 2,752 Nang early today for the called Operation Pipestone the estimated 2,000 North of An Hoa, U.S. 196th Light the number of American third time in a week. Like the Canyon for the past three Vietnamese troops in the tri- Infantry Brigade soldiers re- choppers lost in the war. Four other two times they were re- U.S. soldiers suffered minor pulsed. wounds. Field reports said the North Sharp scattered fighting Vietnamese hit the night flared Monday in War Zone camp of a 5th Marine regi- D, a Viet Cong and North ment unit 22 miles southwest TaxExemptionRule Vietnamese staging area 50 miles northeast of Saigon. of Da Nang despite a 7,000- U.S. 1st Air Cavalry Division man allied sweep in the area. troops lost two men killed and Thirty-one North Vietnamese 10 wounded in one engage- were reported killed while Important to State ment. Enemy losses were not Marine casualties were one known. dead and 49 wounded. TRENTON (AP) - The U.S. Supreme yer who says his right of religious freedom The Marines called for ar- is being violated because he is forced, in ef- Four miles from that fight, Court's decision to look into tax exemptions a South Vietnamese recon- tillery help and an Air Force fect, to make payment to churches who pay on property used for religious purposes naissance company battled twin-engine plane armed with could have an effect on the status of bil- no taxes. In New Jersey, a special legislative for 11 hours with entrenched three machine guns spewed lions of dollars worth of property in New North Vietnamese. Backed by out 18,000 rounds a minute on Jersey. commission has been conducting hearings for two years on tax exempt property. At U.S. helicopter gunships and the attackers. According to the state Bureau of Taxa- South Vietnamese reinforce- No Penetration tion's study of exempt property, there is one hearing earlier this year, a number of church spokesmen urged that the exemp- ments, they reported killing "No enemy were reported over |6 billion worth of exempt facilities in 36 enemy at a cost of three to have penetrated the per- the state. tions be continued on the grounds that the 1 churches would be hard put to function dead and 13 wounded. imeter,' a spokesman for the And while tax officials'have no break- The U.S. Command report- U.S. Command said. Two down on how much is church-owned and without them. The New Jersey tax study lists all ex- ed 22 rocket and mortar at- Morth Vietnamese soldiers iiow much is not, most estimates are that tacks overnight, including the were captured, he added. a sizable portion of the property is used empt property without a breakdown, ex- cept for governmental property, which 11th shelling of Saigon this The camp came under sim- for churches or for related facilities — year. ilar attack last Tuesday and cemeteries, parsonages or church-owned comes to about $380 million. again last Thursday, costing housing. MINIMUM AMOUNT The rockets landed in the North Vietnamese 58 men 'PROBABLE JURISDICTION' But tax officials emphasized that the the capital's downtown area. killed. Marine casualties were The high court said in its decision that total value of the property in their study — One hit a school and the oth- three killed and 31 wounded it has "probable jurisdiction" in the matter $5.9 million — is a minimum amount be- er a shopping center. Both In those two attacks. and said it would hear arguments at its cause many of the values are out of date were unoccupied because of next term into a suit by a New York law- and re-evaluation is needed. the early morning hour, and TRADITIONAL RITE — Kenneth Stevens, 14, and Lorelle Brina, 13, eighth grad» The camp is near An Hoa, spokesmen said there were no casualties and only light dam- pupils shown in center, were crowned king and queen as boy and girl with age. highest averages in graduating class of Monmouth Beach School yesterday. Meanwhile, military They are framed by scenes from the "Massing of the American Flag Cere- sources reported the North mony" by Mrs. Eleanor Van Note's fifth grade, a traditional last day of school Marlboro Business Aide Fired Vietnamese have returned in ceremony at Monmouth Beach. Children performed a long series of intricate strength—possibly up to 1,000 marching drills in time with patriotic songs. Letters of praise were received By WILLIAM J. ZAORSKI hired by the late Mayor Mr. Leo had resigned as business administrator. When men—to Dong Ap Bia, the 3,- MARLBORO - Mayor Charles T. McCue, a mem- deputy municipal clerk of he quit the job in 1967, Mr. 000-foot mountain where they from U.S. Sens. Clifford P. Case and Harrison A. Williams Jr., as were notes Walter C. Grubb Jr. con- ber of the Purpose and Holmdel to accept this posi- Young charged he was de- fought a bloody and contro- from the office of President Nixon and Vice President Spiro Agnew. prived of authority, harassed versial battle with U.S. para- firmed last night that he has Principle Coalition, Mayor tioniast Dec. 19. ••••:."• ' (Register Staff Photos by Larry Perna) fired Business Administra- Grubb said he felt that he He succeeded Edward Ivins and interrogated by the coun- troopers last month. tor Joseph P. Leo. should pick his own man for 3rd who had resigned Sept. cil majority, then the purpose Mr. Leo becomes the third the job. 29, stating that he did not and principle coalition.
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