Nativity Epistle

March 2015 .

What is Great

Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Prepared by Father Philemon Karamanos Detroit His Eminence Metropolitan (Clean or Kahara Deftera) this year began on Monday, February 23rd and ends on Pascha, Sunday Morning April 12th. This period is called Great Lent in contrast to Lent Nicholas (40 days before Christmas), because it is longer - 54 days before Pascha including Holy Week. It is a time of

preparation which includes physical and spiritual , repentance and Holy Confession. Physical fasting: Nativity of the Virgin Mary abstaining from meat and dairy products; spiritual fasting: battling our weaknesses, faults; guarding our hearts 39851 W. Five Mile Rd. and tongues; asking for and giving forgiveness; increasing our prayer life. Plymouth, MI 48170

Phone: 734734----420420420420----0131013101310131 What is the Purpose of Great Lent? Fax: 734734----420420420420----0602060206020602 The purpose of Great Lent is to bring us closer to God through repentance and confession and thus to

be reconciled with Him, as did the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-31), as did King David

(2 Kingdoms 12). Church Office Hours Monday through Friday 10:00 amam————2:002:00 pm What are the Provisions for this Spiritual Journey for the Orthodox Christian and as a Family?

Office Administrator 1. Focus on Christ Kathleen M. Kyriacou This includes reading the Bible and the pamphlet “Great Lent: A Week by Week Meaning.” Pray daily - [email protected] better yet, memorize - the Penitential Prayer of Saint Ephraim (Prayed during Great Lent and actually any time of year - given below).

2015 Parish Council 2. Have a regular prayer life Set aside quiet time each day to pray and go inward, to the oasis of your heart, to ‘…be still and know that Louis Poulos I am God’ (Psalm 45:11, Orthodox Study Bible ) President 3. Make good use of your time Angela Kheir Practice philanthropy, charity, ‘being our brother’s keeper’ (Matt. 25:40). Shut out the ‘noise’ and dis- Vice President tractions of the world, including minimizing TV, social events and avoiding improper places and peo- ple who can tempt you. Voula Sonbay Treasurer 4. Be vigilant against small sins This means daily self examination, especially judging ourselves and not others. (Saint Ephraim’s Charlene Galbraith Penitential Prayer) Secretary

Michael Fafalios 5. Accept God’s Will with joy Evans Ferras ‘In everything give thanks.’ (1Thess. 5:18). Merge your will with His and you won’t go wrong. Dennis Ford Angelos Katramados What Other Aids Does the Orthodox Church Give Us? Georgia Koumariotis Read: a) the Four Gospels; b) 1 John; c) Romans: Chapters 12-14 Michael Szlinis Use the Holy Week Book. George Zervos Attend as many Church Services as you can. Prepare for Holy Communion by first preparing to go to Holy Confession - a spiritual cleansing.

Daily Penitential Prayer of Saint Ephraim the Syrian

O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, faint-heartedness, lust of power and idle talk. But, give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to your servant.

Yes, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own errors and not to judge my brother, for You are blessed from all ages to all ages. Amen.

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2015 Lenten Services


1ST SUNDAY OF LENT, MARCH 1ST 8:45am Orthros SUNDAY OF ORTHODOXY 10am Div. Liturgy

Wednesday, March 4th 6:30pm Pre-sanctified Liturgy

Friday, March 6th 6:30pm Salutations to the Theotokos


Wednesday, March 11th 6:30pm Pre-sanctified Liturgy

Friday, March 13th 6:30pm Salutations to the Theotokos

3RD SUNDAY OF LENT, MARCH 15TH 8:45am Orthros SUNDAY OF THE CROSS 10am Div. Liturgy

Wednesday, March 18th 6:30pm Pre-sanctified Liturgy

Friday, March 20th 6:30pm Salutations to the Theotokos

4TH SUNDAY OF LENT, MARCH 22ND 8:45am Orthros SUNDAY OF THE LADDER 10am Div. Liturgy

at St. Cons 10am ANNUNCIATION - Greek Independence Day Wednesday, March 25th Liturgy

Friday, March 27th 6:30pm Akathist Hymn

5TH SUNDAY OF LENT, MARCH 29TH 8:45am Orthros SUNDAY OF ST. MARY OF EGYPT 10am Div. Liturgy

Wednesday, April 1st 6:30pm Pre-sanctified Liturgy

Saturday, April 4th 10:00am Lazarus Saturday

6TH SUNDAY OF LENT, APRIL 5TH 8:45am Orthros - END OF LENT 10am Div. Liturgy

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Nativity News

SPECIAL THANK YOUS: To Nick and John Petru for skillfully painting the office and Larry Stassinos for graciously donating the paint. To Alex Tzelepis for wiring the electrical and communications lines for the new office. To John Vardouniotis for volunteering to have the carpet cleaned in the Ed Center. To Angela Kheir and cleaning aid Sandy Snyder for cleaning and reorganizing the kitchen (lets work together to keep it that way from now on!).

STEWARDSHIP 2015: Please fill out your 2015 stewardship pledge form and remember that according to our archdiocese, a “Parishioner in Good Standing” is an adult who lives their life according to the Orthodox Faith, fulfills their financial obligations and is current on their stewardship.

OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHIES: To the family and friends of Christopher Theos, who recently reposed in the Lord. May his memory be eternal.

NATIVITY PRAYER LIST: Lord Jesus Christ, Physician of our Souls and Bodies, have mercy on, forgive, heal and save your servants: Michael, Stefanos, Gerasimos, Charles, Maria, Chris, Andrew, Helen, Jenny, Richard, Ekaterina, Michali, Sandy, Nick, Taylor, Mia. Please submit your name or those of loves ones who approve and would like to be prayed for by our community to the office. Names will be listed in the weekly bulletin and monthly Epistle.

CONNECTING WITH YOUNG ADULTS: A new committee called Nativity Kiss has been created to communicate love to our young adults age 18-22 who have gone to college, entered the military or moved away through the sending of care packages. If you would like to include a loved one (even if they are living at home), please submit names, address, date of birth and a brief note about what they are doing to [email protected] . Please contact Anne Randall at the above email address or 734-420-2402 with questions or if you would like to help.

PAINTING THE NAVE: Thank you parishioners Steve Vlahakis of Seaway Painting and Dimitri Papasoglou of Colortech Painting Co. for teaming up to paint our church interior with paint donated by Sherwin Williams. The much needed and difficult job requires equipment to be left in the church while the improvements are being made, we apologize for any inconvenience.

MARCH 1ST - SUNDAY OF ORTHODOXY - SCOUTS SUNDAY - All boy and girl scouts are invited to wear uniforms to church and serve with the parish council assisting with Sunday duties such as greeting, ushering, candle and collections. Also Photo June 2014: Father Sean awards Charles Hunsinger, Jay Patterson & Sophia Zervos the Chi Rho award. For scouting info

PHOTOS FOR THE EPISTLE: If you have captured any photos showing parish life, please forward them to [email protected] for publication in the Epistle.

SARAH LAMBI IN THEATRICAL PERFORMANCE: South Lyon East High School Drama presents Beauty and the Beast starring Sarah Lambi as Cogsworth! Support Sarah and South Lyon arts by seeing her perform March 12th-15th or 20th-22nd. Tickets available at . Congratulations Sarah and God’s Blessings!

HAVE NEWS YOU WANT TO SHARE? Please submit your family news, celebratory events, congratulations, accomplishments, highlights, awards, new job placement or any life moments you wish to have listed on this page to [email protected] .

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Orthodox Christian Stewardship is a way of life, which acknowledges account- ability, reverence, and responsibility before God. A primary goal of Stewardship is to promote spiritual growth and strengthen faith. Be- coming a Steward begins when we believe in God, to whom we give our love, loyalty and trust and act on those beliefs. As Stewards, we af- firm that every aspect of our lives comes as a gift from Him. Steward- ship calls on the faithful to cheerfully offer back to God a portion of the gifts with which they have been blessed.

An Orthodox Christian Stew ard is an active participant in the life of the Church. The parish encourages all who accept the Orthodox Faith to become practicing Stewards. Each year the Steward is expected to carefully review his or her personal circumstances and make a commit- ment of time, talent, and treasure to support the Parish and her Minis- tries, which in turn support the National Ministries of our Archdio- cese, Metropolises, and institutions.

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Once again, the Order of AHEPA District # 10 Educational Foundation will be awarding educational scholarships to high school students who are graduating in June 2015. In addition, the Founda- tion will also be awarding scholarships to current college students. It is extremely important that applicants review carefully, the indi- vidual application requirements, to avoid any submission problems. Applications must be completed no later then May 1st.


All Scouts

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ADULTS --- $10.00

CHILDREN UNDER 12 --- $5.00

Following Services Your Support is Greatly Appreciated

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Palm Sunday April 5, 2015 8:30 am Orthros 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 7:00 pm 1st Bridegroom Service

Holy Monday April 6, 2015 7:00 pm 2 nd Bridegroom Service

Holy Tuesday April 7, 2015 7:00 pm 3 rd Bridegroom Service

Holy Wednesday April 8, 2015 6:30 pm Holy Unction Service

Holy Thursday April 9, 2015 6:30 am Vesperal Liturgy of St.Basil 6:30 pm The 12 Gospels

Holy Friday April 10, 2015 10:00 am Royal Hours 3:00 pm Apokathelosis 6:30 pm The Lamentations

Holy Saturday April 11, 2015 10:00 am The Protoanastasis 11:00 pm Resurrection Service

Pascha Sunday April 12, 2015 11:00 am Agape

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Nativity of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church 39851 West Five Mile Road Plymouth, Michigan 48170 Telephone: (734) 420420----01310131 Fax: (734) 420420----06020602 Website:

Dear Parishioner:

The Nativity Parish Council is sponsoring a community Pascha Card. The cost is $10 and your Paschal greetings will be sent to all our church families. If you wish to participate in this year’s Pascha Card, simply fill out the form below. Include your check or money order made payable to “Nativity Church” and give to Georgia Koumariotis who will be colleting forms for the Parish Council. The form can also be dropped off at the church office.

Only those whose order forms are received with payment by the deadline date of Sunday, March 22, 2015 will be included in our card.



Nativity Parish Council

Detach on the line below and return with your payment.

Nativity Pascha Card deadline Sunday, March 22, 2015

Print your name exactly as you want it to appear on the Pascha card.

Name ------Phone (Home) (Work) ------Enclose payment donation of $10.00 and this form. Check or money order made out to Nativity Church.

Please fill out and return to the church as soon as possible.

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Nativity Kiss

A new committee has been created to connect with and support our college students, as well as those young adults aged 18-22 who have de- cided to enter the military, job training or the world of work. The Committee is called "Nativity Kiss". We will be providing intermittent care packages and words of en- couragement to our young people. Please assist us by providing the names, addresses, date of birth and a brief note about what your young adult is doing (for example: a junior at Eastern University, first year voca- tional training at Schoolcraft college, entered U.S. Air Force, started new job at Macy's in 2014). We would like to connect with all of our young adults, even if they are still living at home. Please send contact information to na- [email protected] . For questions or if you would like to assist with this committee, please see Anne Randall

Calling all High School Juniors & Seniors

Applications are currently being accepted for the Crossroads Crossroads summer program at Hellenic College/Holy Cross in Boston. CrossRoad is a ten-day academic summer institute that prepares high school juniors and seniors to make big life decisions and connect with the Orthodox Christian theological and spiritual tradition. Hosted on the scenic Hellenic College Holy Cross campus, overlooking the beautiful Boston skyline, participants experience daily worship, visit local parishes, tour Boston, and spend a day at the beach. This wonderful program focuses on all vocations and life decisions, not just religious vocations. For more information or to apply -

June Session: June 20 – June 30

July Session: July 7 – July 17

Application Priority Deadline: March 22.

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Dear Nativity Families,

We would like to invite your daughter to serve as a Myrrh-bearer (Myrophora) in the Holy Friday evening service. As Myrrh-bearers, the girls will represent the faithful and holy women who went to the burial site of Our Lord, to dress the Body with sweet herbs and spices. It is a position of honor and love.

In order to participate, the following will be required:

The girls will need to arrive at the church by no later than 5:15 p.m. The girls will process into the church together. It is an honor to serve in this manner and the girls need to understand the significance of whom they are representing. Girls who do not arrive on time will not be able to participate.

The girls will need to be dressed in white. Dresses should be modest and appropriate to the occasion. Unduly tight fitting revealing tops and plunging necklines or short skirts are not appropriate.

If you would like your daughter to participate, please call Mary Takis at (734) 459-9311 by no later than Palm Sunday, April 5, 2015 With Love in Christ,

Your Sunday School Teachers

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I pray this New Year has started with health and happiness for you. It's a time we resolve to do the things that we haven't yet fulfilled. Let's not forget to add helping those in need and visiting someone sick. Maybe cook a meal for someone unable to or just call them to say hello. It would mean so much to them. We started January off with our Vasilopita Sunday and passed a tray for St. Basil's Academy. We also hosted a pancake breakfast to support the rebuilding of St. Nicholas the Shrine at ground zero in New York City. We would like to thank the Detroit Sausage Co, D & M Coffee Co and Zoe's Pancake House for their generous food don- tions. Also, a great big thank you to Jimmy Fefopoulos and Yianni Petrou for their cooking talents in the kitchen. Thanks Vessa Fefopoulos for chairing and the Philoptochos members for their hard work. Our next meeting will take place on Monday, February 2nd and most of the discussion will be on our Love Luncheon which we have scheduled for Sunday, February 15th. Please join us for this event. It is, by far, the only event we host to help us raise the funds needed to support our parish.

In Christ's Holy Name, Betsy Basoukeas

A special HOLY FRIDAY RETREAT for all Church School Youth (Kindergarteners through Teens)

An important learning experience for all: the theology, symbols, and hymns of Holy Friday and Holy Week

Friday, April 10, 2015 12:30 pm – 3:00 pm Followed by the Taking Down from the Cross Service (Apokathilosis)


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Nativity of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church 39851 West Five Mile Road Plymouth, Michigan 48170 Telephone: (734) 420420----01310131 Fax: (734) 420420----06020602 Parish Priest: Rev. Father Demetrios Sean Govostes Website:

Holy Friday Retreat 12:30pm-3:00 pm April 10, 2015

Registration and Permission Slip

______Participant’s Last Name First Middle Date of Birth

______Street Address Apt. # City State Zip

______Name of Parent(s) or Legal Guardian(s) Phone Number Email Address ______Home Parish City State

MEDICAL – E MERGENCY INFORMATION Information provided is strictly for use by retreat leader. All information is mandatory and will be confidential. Emergency Contact Information

______Name Phone Number Relationship to Participant Insurance Information ______Name of Policy Holder Insurance Provider Policy Number

Please list any allergies (food, pets, etc.): ______

Please list any other special medical needs: ______

I, (print name) ______, verify that this child has permission to attend this youth activity. All information provided is accurate and up to date.

Parent or Legal Guardian Signature Date:______

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The Parish Council Invites You To The

Palm Sunday Luncheon Sunday, April 5, 2015 Please join us in the Church Social Hall For a Delicious Fish Dinner Ticket prices are as follows Adults $15.00 $5.00 children 12 & under Macaroni & Cheese available for children

Please see any Parish Council member to purchase tickets.

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Scouts Sunday

Girl Scouts of America

Sunday, March 1, 2015 Sunday of Orthodoxy & Scouts Sunday

All boys and girls scouts are invited to observe a combined Scouts Sun- day to remind our community that a scout promises to serve God re- spectfully and reverently.

Please report to the social hall at 10am. Altar boys scheduled for this Sunday should serve as usual. Please wear your uniform. Girls may wear a dark skirt with their vest/sash. Remember to please bring an icon as we will be helping the ushers and participate in the Icon proces- sion. All scouts will receive service patches for their efforts. Parents are asked to contact Mrs. Mary Takis (734-459-9311). Alumni are welcome.

To learn more about religious awards available through Girl or Boy Scouting visit

Senior Citizens Gathering

The Senior Group had another successful luncheon in February. Thank you to Theodora Bageris and all those who help make another delicious meal. Their next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 10th at 12:00pm. If you are interested in attending please contact the church office no later then Friday, March 6th (734) 420420----01310131

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Nativity of the Virgin Mary – March 2015

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 Philoptochos Presanctified Greek School Salutations of Sunday of Meeting @ Liturgy @ @ 6pm the Theotokos Orthodoxy 6:30pm 6:30pm @ 6:30pm Memorial Lenten Pot- 40 day luck to fol- Alexandra low Zembylas Greek School @ 6pm 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Sunday of St. Senior Gath- Presanctified Greek School Salutations of Gregory ering @ 12pm Liturgy @ @ 6pm the Theotokos Palamas 6:30pm @ 6:30pm Memorial Parish Coun- Lenten Pot- 1 year cil luck to fol- Katherine Meeting @ low Valtadoros 7pm Greek School GOYA Lenten @ 6pm Spaghetti Luncheon 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Sunday of the Presanctified Greek School Salutations of Holy Cross Liturgy @ @ 6pm the Theotokos 6:30pm @ 6:30pm Nativity Lenten Pot- Dancers Bake luck to fol- Sale follow- low ing services Greek School @ 6pm 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Sunday of St. Annunciation Greek School Akathist John Service at Sts. @ 6pm Hymn @ Climacus Constantine 6:30pm Greek School & Helen @ Greek Ind- 10am pendence Day Program Greek School at 1:30pm @ @ 6pm St. Cons

29 30 31 Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt

Sunday Services 8:45 am Orthros 10:00 am Divine Liturgy

Page 23 DID YOU KNOW? There is an easier and more environmentally friendly way to fulfill your stewardship pledge! Sign up for DIRECT WITHDRAWAL and transfer funds electronically to our church on a weekly or monthly basis. No more writing checks, bringing envelopes or falling behind on payments. Forms are available in the Narthex or call Kathy in the church office for more information.


Listen to Me, O house of Jacob, and all the remnant of the house of Israel, who have been upheld by Me from birth, who have been carried from the womb: Even to your old age, I am He, and even to gray hairs I will carry you! I have made, and I will bear; I will carry, and will deliver you. -Isaiah 46:3-4

The silver-haired head is a crown of glory, if it is found in the way of righteousness. - Proverbs 16:31

Age should speak, and multitude of years should teach wisdom. - Job 32:7

Continued Thanks to our monthly Epistle Sponsors

Nativity Ministries George N. Atsalis, D.D.S

Philoptochos Atsalis Dental Excellence Betsy Basoukeas President Boloven, Tiano & Associates PC Religious Education Michele Prokos Hunsinger Certified Public Accountants Jerry Takis

Nativity GOYA Charles Step Funeral Home, Inc. Irene Kaplantzes Fay Mili Redford Twp. And Walled Lake

Senior Citizen Group Kostantine Kassapis George’s Livonia Gardens Protopsaltis Dr. Panayiotis Mitsias Diamond Kapsalis Steele and Family

Greek School Anna Liakou-Hentnik Global GNC Industries Ltd.

Fellowship The Stassinos Family Georgia Koumariotis

Stewardship Karl’s Cabin Restaurant Evans & Diane Bageris Cleo Demetriou The Karl Poulos Family Angela Kheir Christina Tzilos

OYAA Basketball Francis X. Kelly D.D.S. Nondo Basoukeas Family Dentistry Michael Fafalios

Fundraisers Angela Kheir L.J. Griffin Funeral Home, Inc. Canton, Livonia and Westland Book Club Marc Rentis

Book Store Ram’s Horn Restuarants Jerry Takis Gus and Eugene Kasapis Usher Coordinator Michael Fafalios Seaway Painting Nativity Dancers Peggy Collias Steve Vlahakis

Boy/Girl Scouts Mary Takis Transworld Title Company LLC Hope/Joy Farmington Hills Alyssa Galbraith Denise Stein

Building/Grounds Undercover Self Storage Nick Varlamos George Zervos A Kallis Enterprise Company

Nativity “Kiss” Anne Randall

Epistle Editors Kathleen Kyriacou Lous Poulos