Ineco Ineco is a global leader in transport engineering and consultancy.

For over 45 years, its expert team of around 2,500 employees has been contributing to the development of infrastructures in the aviation, railways, roads, urban transport and port sectors, offering solutions in more than 45 countries.

Global leader in transport engineering and consultancy EXPERTS IN TRANSPORT


Experts in engineering and consultancy on airports, air traffic, conventional and high-speed railway systems, logistics, urban transport, ports and roads. MULTIMODAL PROJECTS


RAILWAYS We provide the knowledge in ROADS engineering and consultancy our clients need for the URBAN development and management TRANSPORT of their transport systems. PORTS

This knowledge extends to all BUILDING sectors: aviation (including air transport, airports and air navigation), railways, roads, urban and sea transport and building. MULTIMODAL PROJECTS

PLANNING Solutions

DESIGN Ineco offers comprehensive and CONSULTANCY innovative solutions for all phases of a project, from feasibility WORKS studies to the commissioning and OPERATION AND execution, including the MAINTENANCE improvement of management, operational and maintenance PROJECT MANAGEMENT processes.



Innovation at the service of transport

Ineco invests in research, development and innovation to increase the competitiveness and the quality of its services. Algeria Mali El Salvador Bulgaria Norway India Philippines Angola Mauritania Jamaica Croatia Poland Jordan Qatar Cape Verde Morocco Denmark Portugal Kazakhstan Saudi Arabia Egypt Namibia Estonia Serbia Kuwait Singapore Ethiopia Uganda Costa Rica European Commission Spain Nepal United Arab Emirates Kenya Greece Turkey Oman Italy Ukraine Lithuania United Kingdom

URBAN TRANSPORT Our key projects


Ineco has contributed decisively to improving mobility in Spain's main cities through the development of their metro networks. In this way, we have structured the cities and enhanced the quality of life of their citizens Metro Lines Spain Ineco has been working on upgrading the infrastructure of Line 1 of the metro, a task that includes support work on the project Línea 1 Caracas management, management, coordination and supervision of the works Metro Venezuela Ineco has developed the Tenerife Light Metro project from conceptual engineering to entry into commercial service, including Tenerife Light the line construction and the projection of three underpasses Metro Spain Ineco worked on modernisation of Line 4 of the tram system, drawing up a previous study and developing the preliminary design for the work to be performed on the line Tallinn Tram Line 4 Estonia The tasks entrusted to the Ineco team ranged from project and Reorganisation of communication management to data collection, the generation of the tools bus services in for analysis through to the study and diagnosis of the information compiled Algiers Algeria Ineco is performing the consultancy to retrofit the fleet of 49 model NS-74 trains that currently cover Lines 2 and 5 Santiago de Chile Metro Chile Ineco proposed the construction of a national railway system to connect Kuwait Rapid Kuwait with neighbouring countries and creation of an underground rail Transit & Railroad transport system for the metropolitan area Master Plan Kuwait Ineco is in charge of technical management of the entire rolling stock design, construction and commissioning project and carries out supervision of all phases Medellín Metro Colombia Ineco’s objective lies on designing an efficient, modern and quality public Transport and transport system to encourage people to use it as an alternative to the Mobility Plan in private transport Muscat Oman Ineco has drafted a National Strategic Mobility and Transport Plan (PEM in Ecuador), which covers the whole country and all its modes of transport, with Strategic Mobility a view to developing the transport system in a balanced and efficient manner Plan Ecuador

Bringing People&Places Together