ANNUAL REPORT AND 2015 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OUR INSPIRATION That when years turn our vision dim and gray, we shall still see beauty in the tired wrinkles of our faces and shall take comfort out of the fact and knowledge that when we were given the opportunity we did all we could to empower our people to exploit opportunities and realise their full potential on the road to economic prosperity. Equity Centre 9th Floor, Hospital Road, Upper Hill, Postal Address: P.O. Box 75104-00200 Nairobi, Tel: +254 763 026 000, Contact Centre: +254 763 063 000 Fax: + 254 020-2711439, E-mail:
[email protected] Website: REGIONAL FOOTPRINT CHAD CHAD Malakal Wau CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC SOUTH SUDAN Bor Yambio Juba Torit Kajo keji UGANDA KENYA REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO GABON RWANDA Mwanza DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO (DRC) Dodoma Kinshasa TANZANIA Morogoro ANGOLA MOZAMBIQUE Transforming lives in Africa, one branch at a time BRANCHES 261 (a) Branches in Kenya 173, Nairobi 48 (b) Branches in Uganda 31, Kampala 4 (c) Branches in South Sudan 11, Juba 6 (d) Branches in Tanzania 13, Dar es Salaam 7 (e) Branches in Rwanda 11, Kigali 5 (f) Branches in DRC 22, Kinshasa 17 Agent Outlets 23,991 Point of Sale Terminals (POS) 11,560 ATMs 672 Equity Group Holdings Limited And Subsidiaries Annual Report And Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 December 2015 CORPORATE PHILOSOPHIES The Company was founded in 1984 as Equity Building Society (EBS). social payments and development of ethical leaders through The Group has recorded various key milestones over the years.