being NOTE: Statutes of , 1906 Act, 1906 (Assented to May 26, 1906). Chapter 45 of the This consolidation is not official. Amendments have been Amendments have been This consolidation is not official. statutes original the reference and of convenience for incorporated and regulations should be consulted for all purposes of interpretation preserve the order to the integrity of In the law. of application and errors that may have appeared statutes and regulations, original are reproduced in this consolidation. The Revised Statutes Statutes The Revised FOR HISTORICAL REFERENCE ONLY

Table of Contents of Table to revise Ordinances of N.W.T. and consolidate as of N.W.T. to revise Ordinances Statutes of Saskatchewan Short title in Council may issue commission Lieutenant Governor Statutes Arrangement of consolidated of expenses of consolidation May arrange for payment May alter language 1 2 3 4 5 FOR HISTORICAL REFERENCE ONLY The .” [Assented to May 26, 1906] [Assented to May being chapter 42 of the Acts of the of Acts the 42 of chapter being 1906 CHAPTER 45 CHAPTER The Revised Statutes Act 1906 The Saskatchewan Act Saskatchewan The had not been passed; subject nevertheless except with respect to such to respect except with nevertheless subject passed; been had not consolidate the same as the Statutes of Saskatchewan consolidate the This Act may be cited as “ This

Territories and the Acts of the Province of Saskatchewan and to Province of Saskatchewan and Acts of the and the Territories 1 Statutes of Saskatchewan and for adding to and including in the said revision and and for adding to and including Statutes of Saskatchewan day of first the passed since Saskatchewan of Province the of Acts all consolidation September one thousand nine hundred and five and prior to the final completion of the said revision and consolidation: Assembly Legislative the of consent and advice the with and by Majesty his Therefore of Saskatchewan enacts as follows: regulation were before the coming into force of this Act vested in or exercisable by exercisable or Act vested in this of force into coming the before were regulation and in vested be shall Territories North‑West the of functionary or officer public any of functionaries and public officers by like the said province and for in exercisable by competent authority;” the said province when appointed And whereas it is expedient that measures should be adopted for revising the as and consolidating the said Ordinances Territories of the North-West Ordinances as are enacted by or existing under Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain or of the Acts of the Parliament as are enacted by or existing under altered or repealed, abolished be and Ireland to Britain Great of Kingdom United the Legislature of the said province according by the or by or of the said Legislature: to the authority of the Parliament or order any law, under which and functions authorities all powers, “Provided that inconsistent with anything contained in this Act or as to which this Act contains this or as to which Act in this inconsistent with anything contained and criminal of civil and all courts therefor intended as a substitute provision no and all officers powers, authorities and functions and all commissions, jurisdiction existing immediately administrative and ministerial judicial, and functionaries, the territory hereby established as the Act in of this before the coming into force Act and this if as said province the in continue shall Saskatchewan of Province Act Parliament of Canada passed in the session thereof held in the 4th and 5th years the 4th and held in thereof the session passed in Parliament of Canada of Saskatchewan the Province Majesty King Edward the Seventh of the reign of his nine hundred and five; the first day of September one thousand was established on Act it was amongst other things enacted that: And whereas in and by the said not are they as far so made thereunder and regulations order all and laws “All WHEREAS in and by WHEREAS in An Act to authorise the Revision of the Ordinances of the North‑West of the North‑West the Revision of the Ordinances Act to authorise An Short title 4 c. 45 REVISED STATUTES ACT 1906

Lieutenant Governor in Council may issue commission to revise Ordinances of N.W.T. and consolidate as Statutes of Saskatchewan 2 It shall be lawful for the Lieutenant Governor in Council to issue a commission under the Great Seal to two or more persons constituting them commissioners for revising and consolidating the Ordinances of the North-West Territories in the form of Statutes of the province and for adding to and including in such revision and consolidation all Acts of the province passed since the first day of September one thousand nine hundred and five and prior to the final completion of the said revision and consolidation; and from time to time in case of the death or refusal or incapacity to act of any of the said commissioners to appoint some other person or persons to be a commissioner or commissioners as aforesaid to accomplish the purposes of this Act. Arrangement of consolidated Statutes 3 The said commissioners shall be and they are hereby authorised and empowered to prepare and arrange for publication the said revised and consolidated Statutes of Saskatchewan, to omit therefrom all such Ordinances and Acts and parts thereof which have expired, been repealed or had their effect and all Ordinances and Acts and parts thereof repealing any or any parts of any Ordinance or Act and the schedules of all such repealed or repealing Ordinances and Acts and to alter the numbers of FOR HISTORICAL REFERENCE ONLY the Ordinances or Acts that shall be in force at the time of the completion of their work by the said commissioners and the arrangement of the different sections thereof where necessary or advisable and to revise and alter the language thereof where necessary or desirable so as to give a better expression of the spirit and meaning of the law but not so as to change the sense of any enactment and to frame new provisions and suggestions for the improvement of the laws and a comprehensive index for the whole. May arrange for payment of expenses of consolidation 4 It shall be lawful for the Lieutenant Governor in Council to make provision for the payment of such sums as may be fixed by order or orders in council not exceeding the moneys to be appropriated from time to time by the Legislature for such purposes as remuneration or honorarium to the said commissioners and also for such further charges and expenses as shall be incurred, laid out and expended in and about the work of such revision and consolidation and the printing and binding of such Revised Statutes or incident thereto. May alter language 5 The said commissioners in revising and consolidating the said Ordinanres and Statutes may make such alterations in their language as are requisite in order to preserve a uniform mode of expression and may make such minor amendments as are necessary to bring out more clearly what they deem to have been the intention of the Legislative Assembly or to reconcile seemingly inconsistent enactments or to correct clerical or typographical errors and they may omit from said revision and consolidation any Ordinances or Acts or parts thereof which although public general Ordinances or Acts have reference only to a particular place or municipality and have no general application throughout the province.

Regina, Saskatchewan Printed by the authority of THE QUEEN’S PRINTER