
ARTICLE OPEN One-shot detection limits of quantum illumination with discrete signals ✉ ✉ Man-Hong Yung1,2,6, Fei Meng 1,3,6, Xiao-Ming Zhang 4 and Ming-Jing Zhao 5

To detect a stealth target, one may directly probe it with a single photon and analyze the reflected signals. The efficiency of such conventional detection scheme can potentially be enhanced by quantum illumination, where entanglement is exploited to break the classical limits. The question is what is the optimal signal state for achieving the detection limit? Here, we address this question in a general discrete model, and derive a complete set of analytic solutions. For one-shot detection, the parameter space can be classified into three distinct regions, in the form of a “phase diagram” for both conventional and quantum illumination. Interestingly, whenever the reflectivity of the target is less than some critical value, all received signals become useless, which is true even if entangled resources are employed. However, there does exist a region where quantum illumination can provide advantages over conventional illumination; there, the optimal signal state is an entangled state with an entanglement spectrum inversely proportional to the spectrum of the environmental noise state and is, surprisingly, independent of the occurrence probability and the reflectivity of the object. The entanglement of the ideal probe state increases with the entropy of the environment; it becomes more entangled as the temperature of the environment increases. Finally, we show that the performance advantage cannot be fully characterized by any measure of quantum correlation, unless the environment is a complete mixed state. npj (2020) 6:75 ; https://doi.org/10.1038/s41534-020-00303-z 1234567890():,;

INTRODUCTION virtually know nothing about the message communicated9.An 31 One of the most important tasks in quantum information science experimental implementation of the protocol above suggested is to understand how physical procedures related to information that quantum illumination can provide a reduction up to five processing can be improved by exploiting quantum resources orders of magnitude in the bit-rate error against an eavesdropper’s such as entanglement1. Apart from the well-established applica- attack. Furthermore, experimental implementations of quantum tions such as quantum computation2, simulation3,4, teleportation5, illumination have been demonstrated for not only the opti- metrology6, etc., the area of quantum illumination7–28 is emerging cal11,31,34 but also the microwave domain12,28. as a promising and novel quantum method for increasing the Despite the progress achieved so far, quantum illumination sensitivity or resolution of target detection in a way that can go lacks a fundamental understanding on the ultimate limit of the beyond the classical limits. The primary goal of quantum performance advantage of quantum illumination over conven- illumination is to detect the presence or absence of a target, with tional illumination (quantum advantage) when the noise state is potentially a low reflectivity and in a highly noisy background, by arbitrary. Most existing literature of quantum illumination assumes sending out an entangled signal and performing joint measure- maximally entangled states as probe states. This is fine for infinite ments. More specifically, the setup of quantum illumination temperature, since the optimal signal is the maximally entangled consists of three parts: (i) a source emits a signal entangled with state when the environmental noise is white noise. However, an idler system kept by a receiver, (ii) if a target exists, the receiver when the environment is of finite temperature, and thus the noise obtains the reflected part of the signal in addition to the has a nontrivial spectrum, the maximally entangled probe state is background noise; otherwise, only the background noise can be no longer the best possible one. To obtain its ultimate received, and (iii) the receiver performs a joint positive-operator performance, we need to optimize the probe state. In fact, valued measure (POVM) measurement on the whole quantum quantum illumination should be treated as a problem of channel – system and infers from it the presence or not of the target. discrimination35 38. The existence and absence of the object An intriguing feature of quantum illumination is that it is highly correspond to two different channels, whose inputs should be robust against loss and decoherence. One can still gain quantum optimized such that the outputs are most discriminable. Quantum advantages, even if the signal is applied to entanglement-breaking channel discrimination is generally a difficult computational channels29. As an important application, one can apply quantum problem where only a few analytic solutions have been illumination to secure quantum communication9,30–33, where the discovered39; it is complete for the quantum complexity class sender encodes a 0-or-1 message by controlling the presence or QIP (problems solvable by a quantum-interactive proof system), absence of an object, and the receiver determines its presence by which has been shown40 to be equivalent to the complexity class illuminating entangled photons. In this way, an eavesdropper who PSPACE (problems solvable by classical computer with polynomial does not have access to another half of the entangled signal could memory).

1Shenzhen Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering and Department of Physics, Southern University of Science and Technology, 518055 Shenzhen, China. 2Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Quantum Science and Engineering, Shenzhen Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, 518055 Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. 3Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR, China. 4Department of Physics, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, China. 5School of Science, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, 100192 ✉ Beijing, China. 6These authors contributed equally: Man-Hong Yung, Fei Meng. email: [email protected]; [email protected]

Published in partnership with The University of New South Wales M.-H. Yung et al. 2 1234567890():,;

Fig. 1 Conventional and quantum illumination. a In conventional illumination, a signal is sent to probe a target without the use of entanglement. b In quantum illumination, the signal is entangled, and a joint POVM measurement is performed at the end to reduce the detection error. c The phase diagram for conventional illumination and d the same diagram for quantum illumination.

We solved the one-shot quantum illumination problem completely, with a compact analytic solution, for any given parameter regime and any finite-dimensional noise. We extend the protocol to finite- temperature noise and even athermal noise; the basis and spectrum of the environmental noise in our analysis are completely arbitrary. We obtained the minimum-error prob- ability of target detection, where the minimization is over all possible POVM measurements and all finite-dimensional probe states. Furthermore, the optimal state we obtained depends only on the environmental noise. In other words, the minimum-error probability can always be achieved without even knowing the reflectivity and the occurrence probability of the target. Fig. 2 Relations between entropy of the environment ρE and Our results show that there are three performance regions (see entanglement of the corresponding optimal probe states for a. d = 2 Fig. 1c, d) for both conventional and quantum illumination. When and b. d = 10. The environment has a linear spectrum, and each ρ λ the reflectivity of the target is smaller than a critical value (Regions I triangle represents a E with a particular value of d. Entanglement is and II), the received signals become useless, and the optimal quantified by the Von Neumann entanglement entropy. strategy is directly guessing “Yes” or “No”. But in Region III, the reflected signals are useful, and the quantum illumination has better performance. In this region, the optimal probe state is an entangled correlation cannot fully characterize the quantum advantage. In state whose entanglement spectrum is inversely proportional to the fact, we show that no measure of quantum correlation can fully noise spectrum. The maximally entangled state is optimal only when characterize the quantum advantage at any finite temperature fi the environment is of in nite temperature, which corresponds to a (see “Methods”). We identify two competing factors that completely mixed state as the noise state. In other words, the ideal contribute to the performance of the protocol: the local probe state is less entangled when the environmental noise is of distinguishability and the quantum correlation (see Supplemen- lower temperature. The quantum correlation (entanglement) con- tary Discussion 5). With our results, not only can we optimize the tained in the ideal probe state increases with the entropy of the performance of the quantum illumination in practice, but also environment noise (see Fig. 2). On the other hand, efforts have been made to understand the better understand its power and limitation. resources attributing to the advantage of quantum over conven- tional illumination. When the environment is of infinite tempera- 41 RESULTS ture, the discord of encoding, a measure of quantum correlation , was suggested15,42 to be the resource inducing the advantage of Model of one-shot quantum illumination quantum illumination. However, when the environmental noise is Following ref. 7, let us consider the illumination problem where of finite temperature, or is a nonequilibrium state, this measure of the signal is encoded with an optical photon mode. The thermal

npj Quantum Information (2020) 75 Published in partnership with The University of New South Wales M.-H. Yung et al. 3 environment is in a temperature significantly lower than the target is absent: ρ = ρ ⊗ ρ ⊗ optical energies, i.e., th 1 2 . . . . Here, ρ ρ ρ ; ρ ε ε2 ðE0 IÞð ABÞ¼ E B (5) k  jivac hjþvac OðÞji1k hjþ1k OðÞ, whereji 1k represents a single-photon mode with frequency k. Furthermore, we assume where ρB is the reduced density state of the joint state ρAB, and that the detector can distinguish a finite number of photonic when it is present, modes of single photons, which means that we can approximate ρ ηρ η ρ ρ : the environment as ðE1 IÞð ABÞ¼ AB þð1 À Þ E B (6) X 2 Similar to conventional illumination, one has to optimize all ρ  jivac hjvac þ OðÞε ji1 hj1 þ Oðε Þ: th k k (1) possible signal–ancilla states and the joint measurements to find k their ultimate performance. In this work, we focus on the “single-shot” detection case, where one waits until the detector is triggered only once. So one can Solving the channel discrimination problem post select the single-mode term of Eq. (1), and the density matrix The problem of target detection in quantum illumination can be describing the environment is the diagonal matrix on the 35–38 frequency basis (the model can be generalized to more regarded as a problem of discrimination , complicated environment states, such as the entangled state, where one has to optimize both the input state of the channel and multiphoton state, or the one including vacuum state. One just the optimal POVM measurements to answer which channel fi needs to diagonalize the environment state, making it coincide de ned above is given. with the form of Eq. (2)) To begin with, we review the results of quantum-state discrimination as a hypothesis testing. A binary random variable Xd = ρ ρ ρ λ θ θ ; X 0, 1 is encoded in a pair of quantum states 0 and 1, with E ¼ ijii hji (2) prior probabilities p0 for X = 0 and p1 = 1 − p0 for X = 1. The task i¼1 of state discrimination is to test which quantum state is given, by θ where each basis jii corresponds to a frequency mode, and we performing the optimal POVM measurement {Π0, Π1} and giving have assumed that there are totally d modes. In fact, our analysis is the answer Xest. An error occurs whenever one answers 0 for state applicable for arbitrary basis. The frequency basis is adopted here ρ1 and 1 for state ρ0. because it is most frequently used in practice. In Lloyd’s paper7 In terms of the POVM element, the error probability can be and other existing literature, thermal noise is simply approximated ρ Π ρ Π 1 ρ written as Perr ¼ p0tr½ 0 1Šþp1tr½ 1 0Š¼2 f1 À tr½ðp0 0À by white noise, i.e., the λ for all jiθ are identical. But considering ρ Π Π Δ ≔ ρ − ρ i i p1 1Þð 0 À 1ފg. By denotingP p0 0 p1 1, we have that the noise can, in general, have a nontrivial spectrum, we Δ eigenvalue decomposition ¼ idijii hji for an orthonormal basis 43 generalize the model to a scenario where different modes can fjigi .P By the Helstrom theorem , the optimal POVM is given by have different weights. For convenience, we assume that the noise Π i i , the projector onto the positive support of Δ, and 0 ¼ Pdi 0jihj spectrum λ1 ≥ λ2...≥ λd is decreasingly ordered. While the Π1 ¼ jii hji , the projector onto the negative support of Δ. quantum advantage has been shown7 by the input state of Bell di < 0 The minimum-error probability is state, it is unclear what is the ultimate limit on the power of quantum illumination with general noise. As discussed later, the 1 P  ðÞ1 À kkp ρ À p ρ ; (7) noise spectrum in Eq. (2) can be used to design optimal probing err 2 0 0 1 1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi states, which improve the detection performance over the y standard Bell-state-based scheme. where kkA  tr A A denotes the trace norm of matrix A. For the minimum-error detection in the illumination problems, we should Our major contribution is the optimization of the input signal ρ ρ ρ ρ take 0 ¼E0ð AÞ, 1 ¼E1ð AÞ for conventional illumination, and state and derivation of the ultimate performance of one-shot ρ ρ ρ ρ 0 ¼ðE0 IÞð ABÞ, 1 ¼ðE1 IÞð ABÞ for quantum illumination. quantum illumination. This is done by modeling the detection as a Ω ρ 35–38 Moreover, the corresponding trace norms are labeled by kkcð AÞ problem of quantum channel discrimination . Ω ρ and k qð ABÞk, respectively, where For conventional illumination, a single-photon-probe state ρA is Ω ρ ρ ρ ; sent for detecting a distant object. As shown in Fig. 1a: (i) if the cð AÞp1E1ðÞÀA p0E0ðÞA (8a) target is absent, the probe signal ρA is completely lost; we can only receive the noisy state from the environment. This process can be Ω ρ ρ ρ : qð ABÞp1ðE1 IÞð ABÞÀp0ðE0 IÞð ABÞ (8b) modeled by the following quantum channel: In other words, the corresponding minimum errors are given by E ðρ Þ¼ρ : (3) 0 A E 1 Pc ðρ Þ ðÞ1 À kkΩ ðÞρ ; (9a) (ii) If the target is present, with probability, or reflectivity, η, the err A 2 c A probe photon is reflected. With probability 1 − η, the probe photon is absorbed, and only background noise can reach the 1 Pq ðρ Þ ð1 ÀkΩ ðρ ÞkÞ: (9b) detector. This process can be modeled by the following quantum err AB 2 q AB channel: Then, to solve the illumination problem as a channel ρ ηρ η ρ : discrimination, we should minimize the error probability over all E1ð AÞ¼ A þð1 À Þ E (4) possible input states Pc  min Pc and Pq  min Pq . They err;} ρ err err;} ρ err Then the detector measures the returned photon, telling us which are given by AB AB state it is in, and therefore the presence or absence of the object. To find the ultimate one-shot performance, one has to optimize c 1 Ω ; Perr;}  ð1 À kkc 1Þ (10a) the signal as well as the measurements43. 2 For quantum illumination, besides the probe signal A, the agent 1 q Ω ; (10b) also keeps an ancillary system B, which can be entangled with the Perr;}  ð1 Àk qk1Þ former. When the probe signal is sent, depending on the absence 2 Ω ρ or presence of the target, it will undergo the evolution described where k c;qð Þk1 denotes the induced trace norm Ω Ω ρ by either E0 or E1, whereas the ancillary system B is kept k c;qk1  maxρ k c;qð Þk. When the two subsystems of the unchanged. Therefore, the composite system of the signal and quantum case are uncorrelated, i.e., ρAB ≡ ρA ⊗ ρB, quantum ancilla is updated by the following quantum channel when the illumination reduces to the conventional case. Therefore, the

Published in partnership with The University of New South Wales npj Quantum Information (2020) 75 M.-H. Yung et al. 4 performance of the quantum illumination is at least as good as the boundary of Region II depends on the spectrum of the q c environmental noise. In particular, when there is at least one conventional illumination, i.e., Perr;}  Perr;}. mode that is noiseless, i.e., λd = 0, Region II vanishes for both the Main results: the phase diagram conventional and quantum illumination. But in general, the boundary for the conventional illumination is different from Our major results contain a family of complete analytic solutions quantum illumination; the size of Region II with a useless signal for for both conventional and quantum illumination for any d- ρ the quantum illumination is smaller, which is a signature for dimensional signal state and any given environmental state E. For quantum advantage. both illumination problems, the minimum-error probabilities are Region III (the region excluded by Regions I and II): For strongly dependent on the occurrence probabilities {p0, p1} and fl η conventional illumination, the minimum error over all possible the re ectivity of the target. In general, we can divide the input states is given by parameter space into three distinct regions, namely (I, II, and III). η η ≡ − c γ λ ; Region I: (i) p0 < p1, and (ii) < * 1 p0/p1. For both Perr;} ¼ p0 þ ðÞ1 À d (15) conventional and quantum illumination, the minimal error is and for quantum illumination, given by q γ λ : : P err ;} ¼ p0 þ ðÞ1 À h (16) Perr ¼ p0 (11) Here the parameter, γ ≡ p1(1 − η) − p0, depends on the occur- Furthermore, the optimal strategy for both quantum and fl η conventional illumination does not even require a measurement rence probabilities {p0, p1} of the target and the re ectivity .In “ ” this region, γ < 0 is negative, and it is a decreasing function of η. of the signals; one can simply guess yes (presence of the target) c q for all detection instances. As whenever p < p , the error for this This implies that both Perr;} and Perr;} decrease with the increase 0 1 in the reflectivity η. Furthermore, the difference between the simple strategy is equal to p0, i.e., Perr = p0. We summarize this result as follows (the proof is left in Supplementary Discussion 2): classical and quantum cases (i.e., quantum advantage) depends λ − λ Result 1 (Region I, for both conventional and quantum illumina- on the difference, d h, which is tion). (a) The minimum errors for both conventional and quantum c q γ λ λ : P err;} À Perr ;} ¼ jjðÞd À h 0 (17) illumination are equal to p , i.e., P = p , and (b) the bound can 0 err 0 λ ≠ be achieved with any probe state (pure or mixed). When there is no noiseless mode, i.e., d 0, the performance of We can interpret this region as a regime where the reflected the quantum illumination is strictly better than the conventional signal become useless, due to the low reflectivity of the object. illumination. Generally speaking, the quantum advantage is larger Intuitively, if the object has high probability to be present, and the when the noise spectrum is more flat and close to the white noise. reflectivity is so small that the reflected signal cannot help us to The optimal probe state is given in Results 3 and 4. However, rule out its presence, then we should always guess that the object when there is at least one noiseless mode, its performances are is present. The boundary of this region is only determined by the the same, and the quantum advantage vanishes, because in this λ = λ = properties of the object. In other words, it is irreverent to the case h d 0. Under this situation, the minimum error is Perr,◇ = − η environmental noise. The boundary for both conventional and p1(1 ) for both protocols. This is because the signal sent can quantum illumination coincides. be orthogonal to the environmental noise, which implies that the signal state can be perfectly distinguishable from the noise. Thus, Region II: (i) p0 > p1, and (ii. a) for conventional illumination: λ η < η ðp0 À 1Þð d Þ, or (ii. b) for quantum illumination: the error occurs only when the object is present and the signal is c p 1Àλd 1 lost, corresponding to the probability p1(1 − η). To summarize p0 λh η < η ð À 1Þð λ Þ. The minimal error is given by q p1 1À h (proof in Supplementary Discussion 2 and 3), we have ; Result 3 (Region III for conventional illumination). The minimum Perr ¼ p1 (12) error Perr over all possible conventional input states is given by for both conventional and quantum illumination. Moreover, both c γ λ ψ θ Perr ¼ p0 þ ðÞ1 À d , which is obtained by choosing ji¼jid to η → 0 and η → 0 vanish as λ → 0, which implies that Region II c q d be the eigenvector of ρE associated with the smallest eigenvalue. vanishes for both conventional and quantum illumination. The The above result is intuitive; the optimal signal should fully same performance is achieved by guessing “no” (i.e., absence of occupy the mode with minimal noise. However, this strategy is not the target) for all events. Here optimal if the ancillary system is allowed as shown by the Xd following result. For quantum illumination, the optimal probe λÀ1 λÀ1 ; h  i (13) state is an entangled state between the signal sent and the idler i¼1 ancillary system. Notably, the dimension of the ancillary system is which is proportional to the harmonic mean of the eigenvalues the same as the signal state, and the entanglement spectrum is {λ }. For λ >0,λ is always less than the smallest eigenvalue λ of inversely proportional to the noise spectrum. i d h d Result 4 Region III for quantum illumination. The minimum error ρE, i.e., Perr over all possible conventional input states is given by λ < λ ; (14) q γ λ h d Perr ¼ p0 þ ðÞ1 À h , which can be reached with P ρ ψ ψ λ =λ λ d =λ AB ¼ jiAB hjAB , where (because d h ¼ dð i¼1 1 iÞ > 1). Therefore, Region II for the case of quantum illumination is always smaller than that of Xd ψ I μ θ θ conventional illumination (see Fig. 1). To summarize (proof in ji¼AB A UB ijii jii (18) Supplementary Discussion 2, 3), we have pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffii¼1 μ λ =λ Result 2 (Region II for conventional and quantum illumination). (a) with i ¼ h i and UB to be any local unitary on the ancillary The minimum error for conventional and quantum illumination is system B. equal to p1, i.e., Perr = p1, and (b) the bound can be achieved with In Region III, the reflected signals become useful in the one-shot any (pure or mixed) probe state. detection setting. When the reflectivity is larger than the critical Similar to Region I, we can interpret this region as a regime value, the probe state becomes sufficiently discriminable to the where the reflected signals become useless due to low reflectivity. environmental noise, resulting in an error probability smaller than When the object is more likely to be absent, and the reflected the trivial strategy. In this region, the nonclassical correlation signal cannot rule out the absence of the object, we should guess contained in the entangled probe state helps to increase the joint that the object is absent. However, different from Region I, the distinguishability between the reflected signal and the

npj Quantum Information (2020) 75 Published in partnership with The University of New South Wales M.-H. Yung et al. 5 environmental noise with the help of the ancilla. Interestingly, the Hermitian matrix. In its diagonal basis (labeled asfgji 0 ; ji1 ), we λ ideal probe state has an entanglement spectrum that is inversely ρ 0 0 write E ¼ . proportional to the noise spectrum. This can be interpreted as a 0 λ1 balance of the local distinguishability and the quantum correla- Since the trace norm is invariant under unitary transformation, tion; the inverse proportionality results in a reduced state that is we can always choose to have the pure state to be optimized as relatively more discriminable to the noise locally, while maintain- ψ μ μ μ ≥ follows: ji¼ 0jiþ0 1ji1 , where both parameters, 0 0 and ing sufficient quantum correlation that increases the joint μ ≥ μ2 μ2 1 0, are positive, and 0 þ 1 ¼ 1. Consequently, we have distinguishability. This also implies that the amount of entangle- ac 2 2 ment of the optimal probe state increases with the entropy of the Ωc ¼ , where a  p ημ þ γλ0, b  p ημ þ γλ1, and c ≡ cb 1 0 1 1 environment. In Fig. 2, we provide an example on the linear ημ μ λ Ω p1 0 1hi. The eigenvalues ± of c are given by environment spectrum case, i.e., λi = λ1 + (i − 1)dλ. pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi λ 1 Ω 2Ω Ω To better understand the above result and the performance of ± ¼ 2 tr c ± tr c À 4 detf cg , where trace and determi- quantum illumination Eq. (16) in Region III, we summarize the Ω Ω = + = η + γ = − nant of c are tr ÀÁc a b p1 p1 p0, steps for deriving it. Ω 2 γ2λ λ ηγ λ μ2 λ μ2 detf cg¼ab À c ¼ 0 1 þ p1 0 1 þ 1 0 . The trace norm of Ωc is given by one of the following possibilities: Sketch of the proofs for quantum illumination  jjtr Ω if detfgΩ  0; The main physical quantity to be investigated is Ω pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffic c kkc ¼ 2 (22) Ω ρ ηρ γρ ρ γ ≡ − η − tr Ωc À 4detfgΩc if detfgΩc < 0: k qð ABÞk1 ¼kp1 AB þ E Bk1, where p1(1 ) p0. The trace norm of this operator is the sum of the absolute values Note that det Ωc is a product of the two eigenvalues; the condition of its eigenvalues. Due to the convexity of the norms, the optimal of detfΩcg > 0 implies that either both eigenvalues are positive or input states must be pure (see Supplementary Discussion 1). Then both negative. for convenience, we can focus on the pure input states. Defining Hq ≡ Ωq/γ, we have Hq ¼ ρ ρ À αψjihjψ and Example 3—completely-mixed environment. Suppose the E B Ω ψ ψ γ ψ ψ ; returning signal from the noisy environment is completely mixed, qðjihjÞ1 ¼j jÁ HqðjihjÞ1 (19) i.e., ρE = I/d, the corresponding matrix Ωcðjiψ hjÞψ , for any pure where jiψ is any pure bipartite state and state jiψ , can be diagonalized explicitly to give γ α η =γ η = η Ω ψ ψ p η dÀ1 γ . In Region I, where p 1 and À p1 ¼ p1 ðÞp0 À p1ðÞ1 À > 0. Furthermore,P we express kkcðjihjÞ ¼ 1 þ d þ d jj 0  2 d η ≤ η ≡ − γ ≡ − η − ≥ the bipartite pure state in the following form: jiψ ¼ jiθi jiui , * 1 p0/p1, we have p1(1 ) p0 0. As a result, i¼1 Ω η γ c where the vectors jiui ’s are not assumed to be normalized. In kkc ¼jp1 þ j¼jjp1 À p0 and hence Perr ¼ p0. On the other general, they can be even nonorthogonal to one another. hand, in Region II, p > 1 (where γ < 0) and η<ðp0 À 1Þ 1 (where 0 2 p1 dÀ1 However, since the eigenvalues θ ’s are orthonormal, the η + γ Ω η γ jii P p1 /d < 0), we have again kkc ¼ jjp1 þ ¼ jjp1 À p0 , but it ψ ψ d c Ω η = γ normalization condition implies that h ji¼ i¼1huijiui ¼ 1. gives Perr ¼ p1. In Region III, kkc ¼ p1 þ ðÞ2 d À 1 , which gives ψ ≥ ≥ ≥ c η γ= Denoting the eigenvalues of Hq ( )byPE1 E2 ... Ed, we can Perr ¼ p1ðÞÀ1 À d. Similarly, for quantum illumination, we ψ have Pq ¼ p for Region I, Pq ¼ p for Region II. For Region III, we calculate its trace norm as Hqð Þ 1 ¼ ijEij. We can prove that err 0 err 0 Ω η = 2 γ q η there is at most one negative eigenvalue (Lemma 1 in have k qk¼p1 þð2 d À 1Þ , which gives Perr ¼ p1ðÞ1 À Supplementary Discussion 2). Then we have Àγ=d2. XdÀ1 In Fig. 3, we demonstrate the advantage of quantum

H ðψÞ ¼ E þjE j¼1 À α À E þjE j: (20) illumination over the conventional illumination under different q 1 i d d d η i¼1 dimensions and parameters p0 and . To minimize this trace norm, it is sufficient to bind the minimum eigenvalue, E  λ ðH Þ of the matrix H . The corresponding Complementary results d min q q “ ” eigenvector jgψi, where H jgψi¼E jgψi, can always be expanded If for all the events, we simply guess yes (i.e., the presence of the q d “ ” by theP the following vectors (in a way similar to jψi), target) whenever p0 < p1 and no (i.e., absent) whenever p0 > p1. d jgψi¼ kθ ijv i, where, again, the vectors jiv ’s can be neither Then, the error for guessing wrong is given by the minimum of the i¼1 i i i ; normalized nor orthogonal to one another. By Lagrangian probabilities p0 or p1, i.e., minfgp0 p1 . For example, the instance multiplier, we found that (see Supplementary Discussion 3) the shown below shows that the number of wrong decisions (i.e., eigenvalue is minimized when we choose ju i¼jv i for all i’s, “yes” when the object is absent “0”) is equal to the number of i i “ ” which means that jgψi¼jψi. Finally, we found that the minimum absent events 0 . eigenvalue, Ed = λh − α,ofHq can be achieved by choosing an input of the form Xd pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ψ μ θ θ ; μ λ =λ : ji¼ ijii jii i ¼ h i (21) i¼1

Examples This argument can be justified more formally for both classical Below, we provide three different examples to illustrate our and quantum illuminations with the following, where the proof is results. given in Supplementary Discussion 4. — λ ψ Example 1 when min ¼ 0. For the eigenstate ji of Result 5 (upper bound of minimal error). The error probability Perr Ω ψ ψ ηψ ψ γρ ψ ρ ψ 1 cðjihjÞ¼ p1 jihjþ E, i.e., hjEji¼ 0. The error prob- is bounded above by either p0 or p1, i.e., Perr  ðÞ¼1 À jjp0 À p1 1 η γ η ≤ η ; 2 ability is Perr ¼ 2 ½1 À ðފp1 þ jj , which means that (i) when * minfgp0 p1 . (or γ ≥ 0), then Perr = p0, and (ii) when η ≥ η* (or γ ≤ 0), then This error bound is relevant to the cases where the reflectivity η η η → ρ = ρ Perr ¼ p1ðÞ1 À , which vanishes as expected when 1. is zero, i.e., 0 1 for both conventional and quantum illumina- — 1 Example 2 binary signals. Let us consider the case where the tion, which gives Perr ¼ 2 ðÞ1 Àjp0 À p1j . In other words, when signals are two-dimensional, which means that ρE is a 2 × 2 there is no signal related to the absence/presence of the target,

Published in partnership with The University of New South Wales npj Quantum Information (2020) 75 M.-H. Yung et al. 6

Fig. 3 Advantage of quantum illumination over conventional illumination in a completely mixed environment ρE ¼ I=d.aColor plot of c q fl η = the difference of minimal error Perr À Perr as a function of the occurrence probability p0 and re ectivity for two-dimensional signals d 2. b = – c q η The same plot for d 10. c f Explicit dependence of Perr and Perr as a function of . Solid lines represent quantum illumination, and dash lines represent conventional illumination.

the best strategy one can make to minimize the error of Region III, quantum illumination can yield a lower minimal error discrimination is exactly the strategy mentioned above. than conventional illumination. Another interesting question is how the reflectivity η affects the Mathematically, this quantum advantage originates from the error bound. Intuitively, we would believe that the higher the difference between the induced trace norm44 and the diamond value of η, the smaller the error bound. This intuition can be norm45, which can be directly observed from the definitions. fi fi Ω Ω justi ed by the following theorem (proof in Supplementary De ning  p1E1 À p0E0, then kkc 1 is the induced trace norm Ω Ω Ω Discussion 4): of , and k qk} is the diamond norm of . The quantum Result 6 (monotonicity of minimal error). For a given reflectivity η, advantage, in terms of the difference in detection error and density matrix ρ as probe state, the minimal error is given by probability, is just the difference between them. η 1 ρ η ρ ρ η ηρ η ρ PerrðÞ¼2 ðÞ1 À kkp1 1ðÞÀp0 0 , where 1ðÞ¼ þ ðÞ1 À 0. Physically, the performance of the quantum illumination is The minimal error is a nonincreasing function of the reflectivity, determined by two competing factors: the quantum correlation in 0 0 i.e., if η  η , thenPerrðÞη  PerrðÞη . the probe state, and the local distinguishability of the probe state and the noise. When the environment is of infinite temperature, the optimal probe state is the maximally entangled state whose DISCUSSION reduced state is completely mixed. This implies that the In this work, we presented complete solutions to the problem of nonclassical correlation dominates the performance. However, one-shot minimum-error discrimination for both conventional and when the environment is of zero temperature (a pure state), the quantum illumination. The analysis is divided into three regions. optimal probe state is unentangled and orthogonal to the noise Region I is the same for both conventional and quantum state. This implies that the local distinguishability dominates the illumination; the minimal error is a constant and does not depend performance. When the environment is of finite temperature, the on the reflectivity of the target, with the optimal strategy being a ideal probe state is at a subtle balance between these two simple guess. Region II is similar and the reflected signal is useless, competing factors. As a result, no measure of quantum correlation but quantum illumination shrinks the boundary of Region II. For can fully characterize the quantum advantage when the

npj Quantum Information (2020) 75 Published in partnership with The University of New South Wales M.-H. Yung et al. 7 environment noise is not white. This is because the non-white noise is no longer isotropic and it breaks the local unitary invariance (see “Methods”), which is a necessary symmetry for any measure of quantum correlation46. Although the discord of encoding42, as a measure of quantum correlation, can characterize the quantum advantage under white noise, it cannot be applied to other noise states. We also extend our discussion to the multishot detection case. Our numerical result shows that the optimal bipartite probe state (Eq. (21) for Region III) for one-shot detection also has the minimum asymmetry error for multishot detection. This result implies that the optimal probe state we obtained may play a more important role beyond the one-shot detection case, which can be Fig. 4 Quantum relative entropy for different probe state ψAB in an interesting topic in the future. Moreover, the discussion about Eq. (24). We set λ1 = 0.3. a S(ρ0∣∣ρ1) and S(ρ1∣∣ρ0) versus α. We set β = the optimum illumination strategy may also be extended to the 0. The black dash line corresponds to α = 0.7. b S(ρ0∣∣ρ1) and S(ρ1∣∣ρ0) scenario when the interaction between the environment and the versus β. We set α = 0.7. probe state is more complete than direct substitution.

Multiple-shot detection and quantum relative entropy METHODS Here, we provide numerical evidence for the optimality of the probe state No measure of quantum correlation can fully characterize the in Eq. (21) that holds for a special class of multiple-shot quantum quantum advantage illumination. The discussion is restricted to the following scenario: given ρ We claim that the quantum advantage cannot be solely captured by probe state AB, the task of n-shot detection is to distinguish between ρ n ρ n quantum correlation, when the environmental noise is not a maximally 0 (absent) and 1 (present). We aim at minimizing two kinds of ρ ≠ I= asymmetric error: Type-I error occurs when declaring the target present mixed state, i.e., E d. To justify our claim, we first set up a framework in describing the while it is not, and Type-II error occurs when declaring the target absent ’ 47 quantum advantage, with the assumption that the environmental noise is while it is not. According to Quantum Stein s Lemma , when Type-I error cannot exceed a fixed value δI ∈ (0, 1), the optimal type-II error takes the not white noise. The presence and absence of the object are denoted by a ϵ ρ ρ = exponential form (for large enough N) II ¼ exp½ŠÀNSð 1jj 0Þ . Similarly, binary random variable X, where X 1 means the object is present, and X δ ∈ = when Type-II error is restricted to below II (0, 1), the optimal type-I error 0 means the object is absent. This random variable is encoded in two ϵ ρ ρ ϵ : ; ρx ϵ : ; ρx is given by I ¼ exp½ŠÀNSð 0jj 1Þ . So both Type-I and Type-II errors are quantum ensembles, Q ¼fpx Qg and C ¼fpx Cg, with p0 where the 22,48 determined by the quantum relative entropy S(ρ1∣∣ρ0) and S(ρ0∣∣ρ1) . probability of the random variable is 0, p1 where the probability of the ρ0 ρ ρ1 ηρ η ρ ρ0 ρ ρ We simply restrict all systems to be two-level. The environment can be random variable is 1, C ¼ E, C ¼ A þð1 À Þ E , Q ¼ E B, ρ1 ηρ η ρ ρ described by Q ¼ AB þð1 À Þ E B. The agent performs the optimal POVM on ρ λ λ ; the ensemble and gets the best estimate Xest, which maximizes the mutual E ¼ 1ji1 hjþð1 1 À 1Þji2 hj2 (23) ≔ − ∣ fi information I(X, Xest) H(X) H(X Xest). We de ne IC as the maximum ρ ψ ψ and the probe states AB ¼ jiAB hjAB are assumed to be pure. Remarkably, mutual information obtained for conventional illumination with ensemble ρ ∣∣ρ ρ ∣∣ρ ϵ numerical results show that both S( 0 1) and S( 1 0) reach their C and similarly IQ for quantum illumination. Then, the quantum advantage ψ Δ ≔ − fi ρ maximumpffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi when jiAB pffiffiffiffiffitakes the form of Eq. (21), i.e., is characterized by the difference I IQ IC.By xing A as the optimal ψ λ λ Δ ji¼AB 1 À 1ji1 Aji1 B þ 1ji2 Aji2 B. As an example, in Fig. 4, we show probe state for conventional illumination, the quantum advantage I is a λ = ψ the case when 1 0.3, and jiAB are parameterized as function of the entangled probe state ρAB.  pffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Then, we prove that ΔI(ρAB) cannot be explained by only the quantum ψ α α β β ; jiAB ¼ ji1 ji1 þ 1 À ji2 ji1 þ 1 À ji2 (24) correlation in the optimal quantum probe state ρAB. This is because of the advantage that ΔI has different symmetries from any quantum correlation The maximum of the entropies is taken when α = 0.7, β = 0, which ρ measure. For any measure Q of quantum correlation, Qð ABÞ must satisfy coincides with Eq. (21). Note that we have only considered a special case ρ ρ y y local unitary invariance, i.e., Qð ABÞ¼QðUA UB ABUA UBÞ for any where the detection signal remains the same for each run, and there is no unitary UA acting on system A and unitary UB acting on system B. This correlation and adaptation for different shots. The optimal probe state and local unitary invariance is a necessary requirement for any lawful quantum- strategy for genuine multiple-shot detection with adaptive operations are correlation measure46. still an open question, which requires further studies. Moreover, one may However, this invariance symmetry is broken for ΔI(ρAB) when the also study the multishot cases based on other quantities, such as the ρ ≠ I= Δ ρ ≠ Δ 42 49 environmental noise E d. In other words, Ið ABÞ IðUA mutual information or conditional max entropy . ρ y y I UB AB UA UBÞ, unless UA ¼ A. To see this, recall that we have found ρ ψ ψ ψ theP optimal signal statepffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiAB ¼ jihjin the main text, where ji¼ d μ θ θ μ λ =λ ρ ≠ I= i¼1 ijii jii and i ¼ h i. When E d, the ability to discriminate DATA AVAILABILITY ρ0 ρ1 ψ Q from Q is decreased if a local unitary is applied to system A, since ji The data generated during this study are available from the corresponding author has been proved to be the unique (up to local unitary on system B) optimal upon reasonable request. signal state in Result 4 of Supplementary Discussion 3. ρ I= When the environmental noise is white noise, i.e., Ep¼ffiffiffiP d, the optimal ψ = θ θ Received: 12 December 2019; Accepted: 18 June 2020; probe state is the maximally entangled state ji¼ 1 d ijii jii . In this ρ Δ ρ Δ case, E is unitary invariant. This implies that we have Ið ABÞ¼ IðUA ρ y y Δ ρ UB AB UA UBÞ for any local unitary UA and UB, and therefore I( AB) is the local unitary invariant. So, in principle, this quantum advantage with white noise can be explained by quantum correlation. 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npj Quantum Information (2020) 75 Published in partnership with The University of New South Wales