Washington Butterfly Association
[email protected] Pine White ( Neophasia menapia ) w ww.naba.org/chapters/nabaws / Identification : White with black forewing patch, black veins below. Flight Period : late June – early October, peak in August. Common Butterflies of the Puget Sound Region Favorite Nectar Plants : Goldenrod, and Their Food Plants - By David Droppers Pearly Everlasting, Asters, Thistles. Larval Host Plants : Ponderosa Pine, Western Tiger Swallowtail ( Papilio Lodgepole Pine, Douglas-Fir, among other conifers. rutulus ). Identification : Large. Yellow with black tiger stripes. Cabbage White ( Pieris rapae) Underside with some blue. Flight Identification : White, black wing tips and Period : mid April – late September, spots. Males have one spot, females two peak in June. Favorite Nectar Plants : spots. Flight Period : early March – early Mock Orange, Milkweeds, Thistles, November, peaks in May, July and large showy flowers. Larval Host September. Favorite Nectar Plants: Plants : Native Willows, Quaking Many, especially garden flowers, such as Oregano and Lavender. Aspen and other poplars, Red Alder Larval Host Plants : Garden Brassicae, especially broccoli and cabbage. Anise Swallowtail ( Papilio zelicaon) Identification : Large. Mostly black, Cedar Hairstreak ( Mitoura grynea ) centrally yellow, with row of blue dots Identification : Small. Varying brown above, below buff brown on hindwing. Flight Period : late with violet tint, variable white postmedian line, small tails on March – late September, peaks in May, hindwings. Flight Period : late March – early August, peaks in July-August. Favorite Nectar Plants : May-June. Favorite Nectar Plants : Goldenrods, Yarrow, Many flowers, mostly large and showy. Dandelion, Clovers, Red Flowering Currant. Larval Host Plants : Garden Parsley Larval Host Plants : Western Red Cedar, Incense Cedar and Dill, Angelica, Cow Parsnip, many others.