1863-1864 Obituary Record of Graduates of Yale University
OBITUARY RECORD OP GRADUATES OF YALE COLLEGE DECEASED DUKING THE AOADEMIOAL YEAE ENDING IN JULY 1864, INCLUDING THE EEOOED OP A FEW WHO DIED A SHOBT TIME PREVIOUS, HITHERTO UNBEPOBTED. [Presented at the Meeting of the Alumni, July 27,1864.] [No 5 of the printed Series, and No 23 of the whole Record] OBITUARY RECORD OF GBADUATES OF YALE COLLEGE deceased during the academical year ending in July 1864, includ- ing the record of a few who died previously, hitherto unreported. \Presented at the Meeting of the Alumni, July 27t7i, 1864.J [No 5 of the printed Series, and No 23 of the whole Record.] OF 1787. JOSHUA DEWEY, who has been since 1859 the graduate of oldest academic standing in this College, died at Watertown, N. Y., Feb 23, 1864. in his ninety-seventh year. He was born in Lebanon, Conn., April 7, 1767, where his father, Daniel Dewey, resided as a farmer. The son was fitted for college in his native town, at the school of the well-known " Master Tisdale " After the burning of New London in the Eevolutionary War, he shouldered his musket and became for a time one of the garrison of Fort Griswold on the Thames. fie removed in 1791 to Cooperstown, N. Y., and taught a school in which James Fenimore Cooper is said to have learned the alphabet. Two years later he became a farmer in that neighborhood and began to enter into public life. He was thrice elected a member of the Legislature, and was afterwards commissioned by President Adams as a Collector of Internal Eevenue, In 1809, he removed to the new town of De Kalb, St Lawrence Co., where he also exercised various political func- tions, being a supervisor of the town, a county magistrate and a commissioner of schools In the war of 1812, he joined the militia for a short time in the defense of Ogdensburgh.
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