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FOR SUPREME VICTORY GERMANY'S MASTER STRATEGISTS. More Titan 100,000 HOPE "HELPHALT "Smiths" in U< S. Army LOST TO HOHENZOLLERNS HUN," Tfce Army ka> more tkaa IOOdOOO .9mltka,N 1^0# WUllM Smltlu, Offensive NEWLOANSLOGAN 1,000 John Smiths aad SOI J*ha War Expert Simonds Declares the A. jlmttlt. It Mmm 10*00 Miller*. 1&000 WIImm mm* MS Jok> J. Diminished to the Level of a to O'Briens, of irkom SO kiTe wirwi Has Now Message Many Conveyed by Paris Church Struck by Ger* named Mary. Tkare are 1,000 in man Shell Good Fri- 1 Jmkm Browna, 1J00 Jokn Jokn- Fierce Raid Against Amiens. Slips Today's Pay During aona, and 1,040 George Miller*. on Identical name* Services. Tkeoe fgnrea which delivered the decisive Envelopes. day cited today by the karcav BY FRANK H. SIMOND8. army wiw (Copyright, 1818.) thrust at the Marne in the ever mem¬ .f war risk lasnraaee aa a rea¬ orable engagement about Lafere Cham- is almost over. Barring ac¬ pencies. Six weeks later he was in su¬ son why applicants for fovera- The worst CAMPAIGN STAGE IS SET RUNS HIGH cidents. the chance of a supreme Ger¬ preme command of the allied armies INDIGNATION meat soldiers* lasaniaee or for between the sea and the Scarpe, and di¬ allotment aad allowance pay¬ man victory seem* to have passed com¬ recting the British. French and Belgian and the offensive which began operations in the stand which ments should sign their full name pletely glorious "Help halt the Hun" la the slogan By the AuorllUd Praa*. as an effort to crush the military power saved Calais and ended the German of¬ rather than Inltlala oaly. fensive in the If there Is be being- used by the District of Columbia of Britain is to the level of west. to PARIS, March 30..Rescue parties at diminishing an allied counter offensive now, the liberty loan committee in its work a raid against Amiens, with man who won the Marne coun¬ work in the church which was struck gigantic by his preparatory to the opening of the third the two-fold object of separating the ter thrust at the moment when defeat by a shell from a German seemed assured is the man for com¬ liberty loan campaign on April 6. yesterday of American troops. De¬ British and French armies and destro>- more bodies. the' dispatch mander-in-chief. About little con¬ long-range gun have found sirous as are Americans of putting: their the British communications with 100,000 printed slips lng "My right is retreating, imy center is It is now known that fifty-four women utmost available man power into the Havre and Rouen, their principal bases broken, my left is routed. I shall at¬ taining this slogan and a strong sug¬ ft*ht for democracy, it was pointed out tack," these were Foch's words at the gestion to invest in the coming bonds were killed. situations might arise which would on the south. decisive that moment of the Marne. As It were in north side of the make necessary the disregarding of sen¬ While the main German drive has not stands today, the allied prospects on the today placed pay envolopes The shell struck the timental considerations and point to use been It has been contained be¬ Somme are far less desperate than their and otherwise distributed to persons down of the roof of available tonnage for checked. church, bringing part of a large portion tween the Ancre and Somme rivers on outlook at the Marne or the Yser. And who were being "paid off." other purposes. FV>ch snatched out of defeat on and opening a breach twelve feet high Avre on the south. victory In the is * Such a condition might arise in ca»e the north and the both these occasions. Washington stage practical¬ and twenty feet wide. Nearly all the jr of a vigorous drive against Italy, where Actually the German wedge is narrow¬ ly set for the coming drive and at the man is not but debris fell inward the heads of \ trained power lacking, ing every moment and If the present liberty loan headquarters on H street upon ; where food, coal and munitions might be¬ the feet below. 1 be sorely needed. allied effort to hold the Germans fr^vas^Ennounceci that the'committee is worshipers sixty The most nearly fixed element of tween these two rlvers the ready and eager for the fray. Com¬ \ mittee are held almost Built in Middle . American participation, therefore, is German advance may endcpntinues.In a blind ai meetings being Ages. flexible factors D.C. every minute in the day. and the MAY space, east of Amiens. BOARDS g Shipping ley Just The edifice la now a heart-rendln* food and sup- Germans t Include men. munitions, For the past two days the The enormous mass of stone, Realization of this latter prob- have been between the Brit¬ Mrs. Hamlin Leads Women. sight. ; plies. efTort. it is thrusting crumbled into all shapes and sizes. Ilea | lem has led to a general ish and the French armies and toward Mrs. Charles S. Hamlin was today ap¬ I understood, inspired by the recent oon- British and the in the middle of the nave and plied to Wilson with the Amiens, while the pointed chairman of the woman's com¬ ; ference of President French, the crossings of ini BACK mittee. This committee will be an es¬ about the same height as the high altar, holding GET RECORDS to t administrative war agency officials, Ancre. the Somme and the Avre. have active one. it will not The side ; correlate more closely the country's pecially Although which was damaged. 'with rail and water been shepherding the Germans toward not be a separate body it will be a dis¬ aisles are littered with less cumbersome % industrial output able to tinct one in itself. It will have head¬ the west They have not been and the Is covered 5 transportation. check the full force of the German Return to Old Plan to quarters of its own. wreckage pavement thrust by frontal counter-attack as likely Mrs. Hamlin is the wife of Charles S- with gray dust. All the stained glass vet. although they have slowed it down, Decide on Draft Hamlin of the Federal Reserve Board. windows, some of which were of his- but they have canalised it, as it were. Dispute Within a few days she will announce yirical Interest, are shattered. The the appointment of a number of sub¬ tho middle IS will *iurch, although begun in Wedge May Beach Amiens. Centralization. committees whose principal duties In the consist of house-to-house canvassing. ag^s. was entirely remodeled The possibility that the extreme point «poch of the renaissance The beauty Other chairmen of committees an¬ f iu musical services, which were ®un®» of the German wedge may of bis more assistant* in the Held. The kaiser nounced are: James W. music Amiens survives. The chance thatre»?hthe Am aiaraal inapchot, ihowlBg the kaiser and some Important military today Judge unaccompanied, attracted many ADJOURNS the Is seen Prince of Witten, committee on fraternal organi¬ ASHOUSE von Lndendorff. behind RIOT emperor with Gen. Immedlatelj- Henry PrusKla, Germans will be able temporarily to REGISTRATION FIGURES la shown talklnf I. com¬ counselor One la shown the crown zations; Judge Walter McCoy, 10Inrtddltion to H. Stroehlin, occupy Amiens and destroy this brother of the ruler. Standing between the kaiser and Lndendorff prince. mittee on universities and colleges; as well ae all old capital of Picardy. Thomas W. Sidwell, committee on 21,SS W i Follows Two-Day Filibuster on Bud¬ the British military material stored Restoration of and all private schools, and P. Blair, SKM5 there, and isolate the Brit¬ Questionnaires Henry temporarily records to each of the ten boards cen¬ committee on public schools. get Bill.Speaker Pushed ish and the French forces, remains, but the injured are Countess even were this to occur now. it would tralised at the District building may re¬ British Holding Sure to Exceed Quota. count Molitor and former SenatorMoraM^vi">» the Magnificently, From Rostrum. be but a passing detail, for unless sult from the refusal of board No. S, lo¬ OFFER Gautteron. can widen his he will PERSHING'S Late this afternoon the committee had German front cated at the city post office, to turn over soon have to retire to avoid being not been notified what its quota In the Homw Church Hit Last Sunday. of, its records to the District building. From Battle Front loan will but to the two millstones coming be, according ANNAPOLIS. Md.. March SO..When caught between With the indorsement the bill Report The same church was .truck by » Senate Says the of members of committee, Washing¬ ad¬ British and French armies. of high Republican Speaker Wooden rapped It was the of this which would all men who ton will exceed the amount just as it Shell during the celebration realization danger register young the divisions were used the Germans journment of the Maryland house of that led Germans to on Thurs¬ have become of THEFRENCH .Br Anoclattd Prau. by did in the two previous loans. mass last Sunday and many caaualtl.. begin age since last June 5 like¬ SIS LONDON, March British Una along: a narrow front between Gavrelle Eugene E. Thompson, secretary of the delegates early this morning, after a day their desperate attacks upon the ly to become a law almost it is SO,.The and east of and any day, held Friday, ac¬ Boyelles, Arras, at committee, returned today from a speak- two-day filibuster on the budget bill by British line about Arras.