N2 Combined Authority - Have Your Say

Discussions have begun between the City, County and district councils on the creation of a Combined Authority for the area (which would be known as the “N2” area).

As part of the process for creating a Combined Authority, a consultation is taking place to seek views from citizens in all the council areas involved as well as local public, private and voluntary sector organisations.

If you would like to have your say on the proposed Combined Authority, please complete the following short survey.

Combined Authorities, which have already been established in Greater Manchester, the Liverpool and Sheffield City Regions, West Yorkshire and the North East, are statutory bodies which lead collaboration between authorities on transport, regeneration and economic development.

A Combined Authority for and Nottinghamshire could help deliver long-term strategic decisions on major issues which are vital to the economic prosperity of the region.

Although a Combined Authority (or CA) would effectively be a new body, it would not replace the existing authorities.

The CA would co-ordinate regeneration, economic development and transport work across an economic area, with additional powers devolved to them from central Government in return for the promise of benefits through enhanced delivery and efficiency.

The closing date for this consultation is 06 February 2015. Q1 Which Council area do you live in? Council Council Broxtowe Borough Council Borough Council District Council Newark & Sherwood District Council Borough Council Outside Nottingham City & Nottinghamshire Please type in your Council area

Thinking about the local authority areas of Ashfield, Bassetlaw, Broxtowe, Gedling. Mansfield, , Nottingham City and Rushcliffe..

Q2 How much would you agree or disagree that a more co-ordinated approach will help improve... Strongly Strongly agree Agree Neither Disagree disagree ..economic development and regeneration ..the effectiveness and efficiency of transport ..the overall economy

Q3 Do you support the proposal for these councils to work more closely together through a new Combined Authority? Yes No Don't know Please tell us why

Q4 In your view, should the proposed N2 Combined Authority include other groups or bodies as observers? Yes No Don't know Q5 If yes, which of the following sectors do you think should be represented Third / voluntary sector Small business representatives Wider Private sector including eg the Chamber of Commerce and D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership Surrounding Combined Authorities and Local Authorities. Other Please state

Q6 Are you responding to this consultation as a..? Resident Member of Parliament Local Authority representative Combined Authority representative Partner organisation representative Business representative Voluntary and community sector representative Other interested party

Q7 Please tell us which constituency you represent.

Q8 Which organisation do you represent?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. For further information about the proposed Combined Authority please contact: [email protected]