Adopted Local Plan Still Remain Essential to the Local Plan Review

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Adopted Local Plan Still Remain Essential to the Local Plan Review ASHFIELD LOCAL PLAN REVIEW ADOPTED NOVEMBER 2002 FOREWORD The previous Ashfield Local Plan was adopted in December 1995 with a plan period to 2001. Following adoption of the Nottinghamshire Structure Plan Review in November 1996 work commenced on the Ashfield Local Plan Review with a plan period to 2011. In July 1997 consultation took place on the Main Issues and Site Allocations Report. The Council's response to comments made on the report were subsequently published on 4th March 1999 together with the Ashfield Local Plan Review Deposit Draft. Following detailed consideration of responses to the Deposit Draft Plan and revised Government guidance, a Second Deposit Local Plan was prepared to include proposed changes to the Deposit Draft Local Plan. The Second Deposit Local Plan was subsequently approved on 11th May 2000 for public consultation. An Inquiry into unresolved objections to the Ashfield Local Plan Review was held between 13th February and 22nd May 2001. The Inspector considered all of the outstanding objections to the Plan together with a number of informal 'Inquiry Changes’ (IC’s) that the Council proposed at the time of the Inquiry. The Inspector’s Report on the Local Plan Inquiry was released for public consideration on 16th January 2002. The Council considered all of the Inspector’s recommendations, and subsequently the 'Statement of Decisions on the Inspector's Report & Proposed Modifications to the Ashfield Local Plan Review' was published for consultation on 9th May 2002. A report of consultation was published in July 2002 indicating that no further material changes were required to the plan. The Council resolved on 5th September 2002, to formally adopt the Local Plan in its modified form. The Council publicly advertised its decision to adopt the Plan, on the 22nd November 2002. Mr. P.K. Johnson, Dip T.P., M.R.T.P.I. Head of Development Services, Ashfield District Council, Council Offices, Urban Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Nottingham, East Midlands, NG178DA Ashfield Local Plan Review – Adopted November 2002 Index INDEX Page HOW TO READ AND USE THIS DOCUMENT 1 GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 3 SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION AND STRATEGY Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION The Development Plan System 11 Policy Context for the Ashfield Local Plan Review 11 Local Plan Review Main Issues Report 12 Form of the Local Plan 12 Departure Procedure 12 Consultation 12 Chapter 2: THE LOCAL PLAN REVIEW STRATEGY Introduction 13 Central Government Advice 13 Ashfield District: Background 13 Structure Plan Review 14 Aims and Objectives of the Local Plan 15 Environmental Appraisal 16 Settlement Hierarchy 17 Policy ST1 – DEVELOPMENT 17 General Location of Development 18 Policy ST2 – MAIN URBAN AREAS 20 Policy ST3 – NAMED SETTLEMENTS 21 Policy ST4 – THE REMAINDER OF THE DISTRICT 21 Map A - County Setting 23 Map B - District Setting 24 SECTION 2: LAND USE POLICY AND IMPLEMENTATION Chapter 3: THE ENVIRONMENT Introduction 25 Central Government Advice 25 Structure Plan Review 26 Other relevant plans and publications 26 Environment Objectives 26 Environment Assessment 27 The Rural Environment - 27 Policy EV1 - GREEN BELT 28 Policy EV2 - THE COUNTRYSIDE 30 Policy EV3 - RE-USE OF BUILDINGS IN THE GREEN BELT AND COUNTRYSIDE 32 Policy EV4 - MATURE LANDSCAPE AREAS 33 Policy EV5 - SITES OF SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC INTEREST AND LOCAL NATURE RESERVES 34 Policy EV6 - SITES OF IMPORTANCE FOR NATURE CONSERVATION AND GEOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE 34 Policy EV7 - SITES/BUILDINGS SUPPORTING SPECIES PROTECTED BY LAW 36 Policy EV8 - TREES AND WOODLANDS 36 Ashfield Local Plan Review – Adopted November 2002 Index Page 1 Index Hedgerows 37 Greenwood Community Forest 37 Policy EV9 - AGRICULTURAL LAND 38 The Built Environment 38 Policy EV10 - CONSERVATION AREAS 39 Policy EV11 - ANCIENT MONUMENTS AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES 41 Policy EV12 - LISTED BUILDINGS 42 Policy EV13 - SETTING OF LISTED BUILDINGS 43 Policy EV14 - HISTORIC PARKS AND GARDENS 43 Policy EV15 - DERELICT AND CONTAMINATED LAND RECLAMATION 44 Policy EV16 - WATER QUALITY AND FLOOD PROTECTION 45 Policy EV17 - TELECOMMUNICATIONS 46 Minerals Local Plan 47 Waste Local Plan 48 Policy EV18 - RENEWABLE ENERGY 48 Chapter 4: EMPLOYMENT Introduction 51 Central Government Advice 51 Structure Plan Review 52 Employment Objectives 52 Employment Land Requirement and Provision 53 Table 4.1: Employment Land Requirements and Provision, 1991-2011 53 Policy EM1 - EMPLOYMENT LAND ALLOCATIONS 54 Employment Sites with Planning Permission 55 Sherwood Business Park 55 Employment Sites without Planning Permission 55 Summary of Employment Land Allocations 56 Road Related Development 59 Appropriate Uses and Hazardous and Pollutant Industries 59 Development in the vicinity of Rolls Royce, Hucknall 59 Policy EM2 - OPEN AIR TESTING ZONE AT ROLLS ROYCE 60 Policy EM3 - OTHER EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT IN THE MAIN URBAN AREAS AND NAMED SETTLEMENTS 60 Employment Development in Rural Areas 60 Policy EM4 - PROTECTION OF EMPLOYMENT LAND ALLOCATIONS 61 Policy EM5 - PROTECTION OF EXISTING EMPLOYMENT SITES AND BUILDINGS 61 SITE CONSIDERATION DEVELOPMENT 62 Policy EM6 - EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT 62 Policy EM7 - BUSINESSES IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS AND PROPERTIES 63 Chapter 5: HOUSING Introduction 65 Central Government Advice 65 Structure Plan Review 65 Housing Objectives 66 Housing Land Requirement 66 Table 5.1 Dwelling Requirement and Provisions 1991-2011 66 Housing Land Supply 67 Index Page 2 Ashfield Local Plan Review – Adopted November 2002 Index Housing Location Strategy: A Sequential Approach 67 Policy HG1 - HOUSING LAND ALLOCATIONS 68 Housing Sites with planning permission 69 Housing Sites without planning permission 70 Housing Development Contributions to other facilities 70 Summary of Housing Allocations 70 Policy HG2 - OTHER RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE MAIN URBAN AREA(S) AND NAMED SETTLEMENTS 75 Policy HG3 - HOUSING DENSITY 75 Policy HG4 - AFFORDABLE HOUSING 76 SITE CONSIDERATION POLICIES 79 Policy HG5 - NEW RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 79 Residential Caravans and Mobile Homes 80 Policy HG6 - PUBLIC OPEN SPACE IN NEW RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS 80 Policy HG7 - RESIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS 81 Policy HG8 - RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILITIES, HOUSES IN MULTIPLE OCCUPATION BEDSITS, FLATS AND HOSTELS 81 Policy HG9 - GYPSY CARAVAN SITES AND SITES FOR TRAVELLING SHOW PEOPLE 82 Chapter 6: TRANSPORTATION Introduction 83 Central Government Advice 83 Structure Plan Review 83 Transport Objectives 84 Public Transport 84 Policy TR1 - NOTTINGHAM EXPRESS TRANSIT 85 Cycling 85 Policy TR2 - CYCLING PROVISION IN NEW DEVELOPMENTS 86 Policy TR3 - PEDESTRIANS AND PEOPLE WITH LIMITED MOBILITY 86 Policy TR4 - PEDESTRIAN PRIORITY SCHEMES 87 Policy TR5 - COUNTY COUNCIL HIGHWAY SCHEMES 87 Policy TR6 - DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTIONS TO TRANSPORT IMPROVEMENTS 89 Car Parking 91 Chapter 7: SHOPPING Introduction 93 Central Government Advice 93 Structure Plan Review 93 Shopping Objectives 93 Policy SH1 - DISTRICT SHOPPING CENTRES 94 The Need for New Retail Development 95 Table 7.1 Potential for Additional Retail Floorspace 1997-2011 96 Policy SH2 - RETAIL DEVELOPMENT SITES 96 Policy SH3 - RETAILING OUTSIDE DISTRICT SHOPPING CENTRES 98 Policy SH4 - LOCAL SHOPPING CENTRES 99 Policy SH5 - MINOR SHOPPING CENTRES AND SINGLE SHOPS 100 Policy SH6 - FACTORY SHOPS 101 Policy SH7 - FARM SHOPS 101 Ashfield Local Plan Review – Adopted November 2002 Index Page 3 Index SITE CONSIDERATION POLICIES 101 Policy SH8 - COMMERCIAL/RETAIL DEVELOPMENT 101 Policy SH9 - HOT FOOD SHOPS 102 Policy SH10 - SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT SITE: KINGSMILL ROAD EAST/MANSFIELD ROAD SUTTON-IN-ASHFIELD 103 Chapter 8: RECREATION, TOURISM AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Introduction 105 Central Government Guidance 105 Structure Plan Review 105 Recreation, Tourism and Community Services Objectives 106 Open Space 106 Table 8.1 Summary of Open Space Provision in Ashfield 106 Country Parks outside Main Urban Areas and Named Settlements 106 Policy RC1 - NEW INFORMAL OPEN SPACE 107 Policy RC2 - OPEN AREAS IN MAIN URBAN AREAS AND NAMED SETTLEMENTS 108 Policy RC3 - FORMAL OPEN SPACE 109 Outdoor Playing Space Assessment 113 Table 8.2 Outdoor Playing Space in Ashfield: Current Requirements at 1997 113 Table 8.3 Outdoor Playing Space in Ashfield: Projected Requirements to 2011 114 Policy RC4 - NEW FORMAL OPEN SPACE 114 Table 8.4 Non Site Specific New Open Space Requirements on Residents Sites in Policy HG1 115 Table 8.5 Comparison of Outdoor Playing Space deficit and provision to 2011 115 Playing Pitch Assessment 115 Policy RC5 - ALLOTMENTS 116 Cemeteries 117 Policy RC6 - INDOOR LEISURE FACILITIES 118 Policy RC7 – INDOOR LEISURE FACILITIES OUTSIDE DISTRICT SHOPPING CENTRES 118 Policy RC8 - RECREATION ROUTES 119 Specialist Pursuits 119 Tourism 120 Policy RC9 - COMMUNITY SERVICES 120 Chapter 9: IMPLEMENTATION Introduction 123 Development Control Policies 123 Promotional Policies 123 Policy Implementation Matrix 124 Table 9.1 Ashfield Local Plan Review: Policy Implementation Matrix 124 SECTION 3: APPENDICES Appendix 1: List of SINCs 125 Appendix 2: List of Ancient Woodland Sites 129 Appendix 3: List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest 131 Appendix 4: Employment Site Briefs 133 Appendix 5: Housing Land Allocations 139 Appendix 6: Housing Site Briefs 143 Appendix 7: Parking Standards for New Developments 149 Appendix 8: Special Development Site Brief 175 Index Page 4 Ashfield Local Plan Review – Adopted November 2002 How to Read and Use this Document HOW TO READ AND USE THIS DOCUMENT The Ashfield Local Plan Review is intended as a comprehensive document covering all
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