Congressional Record—House H7344
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H7344 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 4, 2011 Payne Richardson Sanchez, Loretta bill makes significant steps and oceans, the Great Lakes, and inland Perlmutter Roskam Smith (WA) progress towards aligning the Coast waterways remain safe and efficient; Peterson Ross (FL) Stark Platts Ruppersberger Guard’s authorities with those granted and that our maritime industries con- Reed Rush by DOD. tinue to be vibrant sources of jobs and In addition to the parity issue, the b 1128 economic opportunity for the Amer- bill contains a title intended to reform ican people. Messrs. ROTHMAN of New Jersey, and improve Coast Guard administra- I want to thank Chairman LOBIONDO TIERNEY, and GEORGE MILLER of tion. The Coast Guard does an out- for his leadership in developing this California changed their vote from standing job for our Nation. However, legislation, H.R. 2838, the Coast Guard ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ in the current budget environment, it and Maritime Transportation Act of Mr. AMASH changed his vote from is important for the Coast Guard to re- 2011, to reauthorize the activities of ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘present.’’ view the services authorities and to the Coast Guard for fiscal year 2012 So (two-thirds being in the affirma- find ways to improve operations while through fiscal year 2014. tive) the rules were suspended and the reducing costs. I believe this bill will Although I have reservations that bill was passed. do just that. the authorized funding levels in this The result of the vote was announced The bill also amends shipping laws to bill are not sufficient to meet the as above recorded. improve safety and foster job growth many well-documented needs of the A motion to reconsider was laid on throughout the maritime sector and re- Coast Guard, at least this bill provides the table. authorizes the activities of the Federal for roughly level funding for the next 3 Stated for: Maritime Commission through 2015. years. We have had this discussion in Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall 831, I Included in the bill is the text of H.R. committee for the last several months was away from the Capitol due to prior com- 2840, the Commercial Vessel Discharge about the Coast Guard, Mr. Chairman, mitments to my constituents. Had I been Reform Act, which will improve cur- people wanting the Coast Guard to do present, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ rent regulation of ballast water and more with less. The greatest concern Mr. HIMES. Mr. Speaker, on Friday, Novem- other discharges incidental to the nor- that we have is that as we look at fund- ber 4, 2011, I was unable to be present for mal operation of a vessel. ing for the Coast Guard, we’re begin- rollcall vote 831 on H.R. 3321. Had I been Mr. Chairman, this provision is pret- ning to ask them to do less with less. present, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ ty simple. Currently, the Coast Guard And that is going to cause future prob- f and the EPA are making rules and lems for our Coast Guard. have authority to enforce ballast In general, Mr. Chairman, the legisla- COAST GUARD AND MARITIME water. There are currently 29 States tion includes several noncontroversial TRANSPORTATION ACT OF 2011 and tribes that have their own rules, provisions, especially title II, which The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. and it is a regulatory nightmare to be addresses issues of disparity in policy KINGSTON). Pursuant to House Resolu- able to do business in. We need one and authority between the Coast Guard tion 455 and rule XVIII, the Chair de- standard operation that reaches the and other armed services. I want to clares the House in the Committee of highest level of technology that is commend the chairman for his com- the Whole House on the state of the available to us. This also allows for us mitment to address this issue. Union for the consideration of the bill, to improve technology, and this is. If There are some provisions in this H.R. 2838. we’re talking about jobs, and we cer- bill, however, which remain problem- tainly are hearing an awful lot about atic, none more so than the provision b 1129 that these days, this is an opportunity that would sequentially decommission IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE for us to be able to ensure that mari- the Coast Guard’s two heavy ice- Accordingly, the House resolved time jobs will be able to continue to breakers. The administration has ex- itself into the Committee of the Whole grow. pressed its strong opposition to this House on the state of the Union for the The current system is simply impos- provision in its statement of adminis- consideration of the bill (H.R. 2838) to sible, and it threatens our inter- tration policy. authorize appropriations for the Coast national maritime trade. At some point, we need to construc- Guard for fiscal years 2012 through 2015, This legislation eliminates this ridic- tively engage the Coast Guard in devel- and for other purposes, with Mr. ulous regulatory nightmare and estab- oping a sound, balanced path forward WOMACK in the chair. lishes a single uniform national stand- that realigns our expectations with a The Clerk read the title of the bill. ard. level of performance that we can rea- The CHAIR. Pursuant to the rule, the The EPA, the Coast Guard, the Na- sonably expect the Coast Guard to de- bill is considered read the first time. tional Academy of Sciences, the EPA liver, especially for its icebreakers and The gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. Science Advisory Board, the U.S. Flag its polar operations. LOBIONDO) and the gentleman from Industry, every national maritime With that, Mr. Chairman, I reserve Washington (Mr. LARSEN) each will labor union, manufacturers, farmers, the balance of my time. control 30 minutes. energy producers, and our largest and EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESI- The Chair recognizes the gentleman most strategic international trading DENT, OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT from New Jersey. partners all endorse our approach to AND BUDGET, this legislation. It’s a commonsense Washington, DC, November 3, 2011. 1130 b way to be able to move forward, and it STATEMENT OF ADMINISTRATION POLICY Mr. LOBIONDO. Mr. Chairman, I helps us be able to accomplish our H.R. 2838—COAST GUARD AND MARITIME TRANSPORTATION ACT OF 2011 yield myself such time as I may con- goals in the long run. sume. I would urge all of my colleagues to (Rep. LoBiondo, R–New Jersey, and Rep. Mica, R–Florida) H.R. 2838 will reauthorize the activi- support the legislation, and I reserve ties of the Coast Guard through 2014 at The Administration strongly opposes the balance of my time. House passage of H.R. 2838 because it in- levels which are consistent with the Mr. LARSEN of Washington. Mr. cludes a provision that would require the House-passed budget resolution. Chairman, I yield myself such time as Coast Guard to decommission the icebreaker This bill includes critical provisions I may consume. USCGC POLAR STAR. The administration that will give the Coast Guard, its The Coast Guard is a multi-mission has requeted, and Congress has appropriated, servicemembers and dependents great- agency responsible for a broad range of funds to reactivate the USCGC POLAR er parity with their counterparts in the activities including mariner licensing, STAR by December 2012 and extend that ves- Department of Defense, something that emergency oil spill response, vessel in- sel’s service life for seven to 10 years. This is critical and important for these pa- spections, and search and rescue oper- effort will stabilize the United States’ exist- ing polar fleet until long-term icebreaking triotic Americans. Ensuring parity ations. These and many other activi- capability requirements are finalized. By di- among the armed services has been a ties of the Coast Guard are indispen- recting the Commandant to decommission top priority for the committee for sable and ensure that our coasts and the USCGC POLAR STAR within three some time, and I am proud to say this ocean resources are protected; that our years, the bill would effectively reduce the VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:36 Jul 20, 2012 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD11\RECFILES\H04NO1.REC H04NO1 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE November 4, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7345 vessel’s service life to two years and create a and foreign commerce in such ways, if they are forced to operate from inad- significant gap in the Nation’s icebreaking particularly in more sensible, uniform, equate facilities and to utilize equip- capacity. The Administration supports Title and environmentally protective ap- ment that has long since passed its ex- II (Coast Guard and Servicemember Parity), proaches available under this bill. pected lifetime. If we expect our ports which would promote parity between the Coast Guard and the other branches of the Title VII of H.R. 2838 aims to address and waterways to remain safe and se- armed forces. The Administration looks for- both the needs for standards to reduce cure and if we want our maritime econ- ward to working with the Congress to im- the risk of introducing invasive species omy to be vibrant and growing, ade- prove H.R. 2838 as the bill moves through the in our Nation’s waters through dis- quate investment in the Coast Guard is legislative process. charges of ballast water, and the need not an option but a requirement. Mr. LOBIONDO. Mr. Chairman, I for vessels that navigate from one ju- I also wish to express my concern yield such time as he may consume to risdiction to another to have a uniform about the ballast water provisions, a the gentleman from Ohio (Mr.