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DEBTS RECOVERY TRIBLINAL.III, KOLKATA Govemment oflndia 8th Floor, Jeevan Sudha Building 42 C, Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Kolkata- 700 071 SALE PROCLAMATION OFFICE FO THE RECOVERY OFFICER DEBTS RECOVERY TRIBUNAL-III, KOLKATA R.C. No. 15 of2016 dated 8tt February,2016 & R.C.No. rrrrK September,2020 TION OI. Ul.ll INCOME AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS ACT. I993 RP No. 15 of 2016 o. RP No. 132 of 2020 lndian Eank VS. Monai Maiumdar & Anr lnd an Bank V5. Biou Rov & Anr To l.Monaj Majumdar, sole proprietor carrying on business under the name and style of M/s. venus p.O. Traders, 1280/1, KrishnaSar Road, Noapara, P.S. Barasat, djst. 24- Paraaanas {North}, Kolkata - 700125. 2 Bipul Roy, S/O- Parimal Roy, Netaji pally, Noapara, BamMr, Kolkara_ 7ool25.Kolkata- 700125, West Bengal. also at M/S Roy Distributor, Tallykhola Barrackpore Road, Barasa! North Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal-700115 Also At. Sole prcprietor of M/S Roy Distributor. Tallykiola. Barrackpore Road, Barasat, North Twenty Four parganas,West Bengal - 7001 l5 3. Sri Dilip prafulla (undu, Kundu, son of t-ate at 1, No. pannajhil, Noapara, Barasat, Xolkata _ 125 (Guarantor). Whereas you Monaj Majumdar and Sri Dilip Kundu have failed to pay the sum of Rs.1,19,99.822.00 (Rupees One Crore trineteen lacs trirety tritre thousand eight hutrdred twenty two only) payable by you in respect of Recovery Certificate in T.A. 160 of2013 by the Presiding Officer, Debts Recovery Tribunal, Kolkata III and the interest and costs payable together with simple interest @ 13.25% per annum on the above said amount from 01.01.2012; case of RP/15/2016 and Rs 2,68,61,155 ( Rupees Two Crore Sirty Eight L!k[s Sixty One Thousands One Hundred Fifty Five Only ) along with pendentellite and future interest (! 13.25 % w.e.f. 1,1.02.2012 ti realization in Rp/lj2l2020. And whereas the undersigned has ordered the sale of property mentioned in the Schedule belou in satisfacrion ofrhe said cenificare And whereas there will be due there under a sum Rs. 38860977.00 (Rupees Three crore eiShty eiSht lac sixty thousand nine hundred seventy seven onty inctuding RS. t,19,99,822.00 in Rp/lSnol6 + RS.2,68,61.155 in RP/132,2020) together with simpte interest @ 13.2s% pet annum on Rs.1,19,99,822.00 w,e.f. 01.01.2012 io RP/l5/2016 rnd @ 13.25% per annum on Rs 2,58,61,155 said amount w.e.f. 14.02.2012 itWll32l2020 upto actual payment/realisation alongwith costs. Notice is hereby given that in absence ofany order of postponement, the said property shall be sold on 2/,?1,-?01l between 11.30 hrs and ll..l0 hrs. rryith ruto timc cx minutes each, till srle is concluded by e-auclion and bidding shall take phce lin( Elcclronic BiddinR" through the ,r.irr?. httt,\:.*wb.h nAequdh'tt!.(t'nt f Bu\iness Space, Maloncha,44, Elgln Road, Near Bhavonipur College, Kolkato - 700020. biaAeO'-tisy M/s Cl lrrdia Pyt- Ltd., Contoct Person: Mr. Kingshu* Chosh Mob No- 9E36311889 e iit, +st1zs$af.24rtz6.kolk.ra a cl !g.p@I! HelDlitre I Ol244l02,0.20nl'\\;)., l22qf,,:., /j Ihe inspecrion ofrhe properry ma) be raken on l2l04f2021 between f l)fi't)X lf.Oqi".]. hrs hrs. after prior appointment with the Bank OfTicer and / or Shri Sumon Mondal. Maq4l&Z Indian Batrlq Stressed Asset Management Vertical, Kolkata- 700001,Mob No- 9836756954, Contact No. - 033- 2231l47l, Email id- lgsgye4lql!4lEalsl[sEbs4tssg:i!. The sale will be ofthe property ofthe defendant above named as mentioned in the schedule belorv and the liabilities and claims attaching to the said propeny, so far as lhey have b€en ascertained, are those specified in the schedule against each lot. The property will be put up for the sale in the lots specified in the schedule. lfthe amount to be realized is satisfied by the sale of a portion of the property, the sale shall be immediately stopped with respect to the remainder. The sale also be stopped if, beforc any lot is knocked down, the arrears mentioned in the said certificate, interest costs (including cost ofthe sale) arc tendered to the officer conducting the sale or proofis given to his satislaction that the amount of such certificate, interest and costs have trcen paid to the undersigned. No officer of other person, having any duty to perfoam in connection with sale, however, cither directly or indirectly bid for, acquire or aiempt to acquire any interest in the property sold. The sale shall be subject to the conditions prescribed in Second Schedule ofthe tncome Tax Act, I 96 I and the rules made there under and to the tirrther following cond itions. The particulars specitled in the annexed schedule have been stated to the best of the inlbrmation ofthe undcrsigned, but the undersigned shall not be answemble for any error, mis- stalement or omission in this proclamstion. The Reserve Price below which the property (mentioned below) shall not be sold is Rs. 1,46,86,000.00 (Fifty One Crore Forty Six Lakhs Eighfy Six ThousMd. The amount by which the biddings are to be increased shall be l7o ofthe Rescrve Price. In the event ofany dispute arising as to the amount of bid. or as to the bidder, the lot shall at once be again put up to auction. The highest bidder shall be declared to be the purchaser ofany lot provided that further that the amount bid by him is not less than the reserve price. lt shall be in the discretion of the undersigned to decline/acceplance of the highesl bid when the pric€ offered appears so clearly inadequate as to make it inadvisable to do so. Earnest Monery Deposit (EMD) ofRs. 14,6E,600/- (Rupees Fourteetr hc sixty eight thousatrd six huDdred orly) by 191412021, 14.30 hrs. by Demrnd Drsft fovouring "The Recovery Officer, Kolk ts DRT - III" and prysble et Kolksta, along with Bid Application proof, Form and details of the property , copy of PAN card, Address proof and identity E-mail lD, Mobile No. and in cise of the company or any other document confmning reoresen6tion/a$ome! of the company and the receipt/counter file of such deposit in sealed covers addressed lo the Recovery Ofllcer, Kolkata Debts Recovery Tribunal - III, at the Tribunal's address by hand or by Registered / Speed Post. EMD deposited thereafter shSll not be participation in the .t'. considered for e-auction. :-1.:.'.' The successful bidder shall have to pay 257o of the sale proceeds afler adju6tmeniof.EMD nexl day is on being knocked down by next date i.e. by 3:00 P.M. itr the said accoutrt' lf the Holiday or Sunday, then on next first office day. The purchaser shall deposit the balance 75yo of the sal€ proceeds on or before l5th'rtiy from the date of sale of thi ptoperty, exclusive of such day. or if the 15' dayldSuldly or ;ther Holiday, then on the first ofliie day after the I 5s day by prescribed mode as sbted aboYer. in uJaition tJift" uuore the purchaser sh;ll also deposit Poundtge fec nitb Recovery offttt, ' excess of the said amount ol DRT - III, Kotkata @27o upto Rs.1,000/- snd @ly" of the Rs.1,000/- through DD in favour ofRegistrer, DRT - III' Kolksts' the In case of default of payment within the prescribed period, the deposi! after defraying Govemment and expenses ofthe sale, may, ifthe undersigned thinks fit, shall be forfeited to the part the sum for the defaulting purchaser shall forleit all claims to the property or to any of which it may subsequently be sold. The property shall be resold, after the issue of ftesh proclamation oFsale. The property is being sold on 'AS IS WHERE IS BASIS"' The undersigned reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids if found unreasonable or postpone the auction al an)"time without assigning any reason' SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY Claims, if No. G;lptt"i of th" property to be sold with the Revenu Details of hich of names ofthe co-owners where the property belongs e any other any, have b€en lots to defaulter and any other person as co-owners. assesse encumbranc d upon e to which put forward the property is to the propert liable property, yor and any any other part known thereof particulars bearing on its nature and value. 4. 5. I l. All the piece and parcel of area ofthe comme.cial shop and proportionate share of concemed land situated at holding no-10 Jessore Road South, P.O & P.S- Barasal, District-North 24 Parganas, Pin- No info.mation available 700124, Dag No.-14,15 & 16, L.R Khatian No. 463. Mouza-Hridaypur, J.L. No.4l, Re. Su no-242, measudng an area of2130.6 sqft. Commercial unit B on the l" floor in Shreyee Shopping Mall within the local limils of Barasat Municipality. ward no-6 in favour of defendant no-2, which was mongaged by deposition of Title Deed vide no. 1725 for the year 2008. (i) Propertv Mortqaeed in RC No. 132/2020 :All the piece and parcel of area oi the commercial shop and proportionate share ofconcemed land situated at holding no-10 Jessorc Road South. P.O & P.S- Barasat. District-North 24 Parganas, Pin- 7OOl24, D^g No.-14,15 & 16, L.R' Khatian No. 463, Mouza'llridalpur. J.L No.4l. Re.