The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650 INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT 10F, Fukoku Seimei Building Fax: (03) 3597 6695 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION 2-2-2, Uchisaiwai-Cho Cable: INTBAFRAD TOKYO Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Dear People,

We are in transition to a kinder world. The Earth's healers noticed this transition in August, 2016; a group of healers noticed the transition, and commented that "Energies are strong and chaotic." The Critical Mass have put us in a new reality. I have mentioned this turning point to you several times, including in a tweet on January 1, 2018:

divine Thu, Apr 16, 6:15 PM (7 days ago) sequence Karen, This last week or two has been very tough. I had a molar crack in half and my

dentist was no where to be found. Finally, I got a hold of a dental surgeon

Karen Hudes Fri, Apr 17, 7:33 AM (6 days ago)

to divine

This message has been deleted. Restore message Katy,

I think we know who tried to take you out of commission with this. I am glad to know what is up with you. Hang in there, valiant friend.

I spoke to Betsy and we are holding down the fort until you manage to get through with this. love, Karen

On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 6:15 PM divine sequence wrote: Karen, This last week or two has been very tough. I had a molar crack in half and my dentist was no where to be found. Finally, I got a hold of a dental surgeon here who took a look and said it was pretty much an emergency. I am on strong antibiotics, mouth and jaw are swollen, taking medrol dose pack and high powered pain killers. It is very, very painful. I had my phone turned off for several days and saw today that you tried to call. However, my mouth is the size of a chimpmunk with all of winter's acorns in one cheek! I am here, keeping up as best I can with the posts. I didn't want you to think I had forgotten you or am not thinking of you. I just have my hands full with this. I go into surgery next Tuesday. I have to have time to take a higher powered antibiotic before they open it up. I will be pretty dopey for several days, but it


beats having this pain. I literally had it in 3 pieces but still connected to the roots with a nerve exposed.

If you need to reach me or ask any questions or just to vent or talk, email me. I am not much good talking.

Love, Katie

Karen Hudes Sat, Apr 18, 4:20 PM (5 days ago) to Healer

Dear Healer,

I and my family are doing ok (except possibly for [loved one]-two days ago they got scared and went To the hospital emergency room, thinking they might have eaten a poisonous mushroom -- it was a false alarm though they always have lots of mysterious aches and pains). But a dear friend Katie, (whom I work with closely) is in alot of pain. Maybe you can help her? love, Karen Karen Hudes Sat, Apr 18, 4:22 PM (5 days ago) to divine

This message has been deleted. Restore message I asked our healer to help you love, Karen

------Forwarded message ------From: divine sequence Date: Sat, Apr 18, 2020 at 1:22 PM Subject: Re: Update To: Karen Hudes

Thank you dear friends. I had 101-102 fever all last night. Terrible attack of pain in my sternum in writhing pain. The pain meds are triggering a condition of a sphincter muscle in my common bile duct. It was brutal. I am staying strong. I know exactly who is behind this. But we have a much more powerful weapon than they. Truth. Love to all of you. Thanks for being my friends. I will keep you posted on my progress.

Love, Katie


The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650 INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT 10F, Fukoku Seimei Building Fax: (03) 3597 6695 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION 2-2-2, Uchisaiwai-Cho Cable: INTBAFRAD TOKYO Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan Sunday, January 28, 2018 thought-we-wouldnt-be-able-to-see-what-they-are-doing-guess-what-banking- cartel-we-are-onto-yo


There is growing support for the Global Currency Reset as a critical mass of humanity is working together to end the corruption in the world's money system. The turning point, when the Global Currency Reset became irrevocable, was in August, 2016, and was noticed by a group of healers, who commented that "Energies are strong and chaotic." I have mentioned this turning point to you several times, including in a tweet on January 1, 2018:


January 1, 2018

The Banking Cartel tried to intimidate me but this only backfired, as I showed this compelling evidence of the existence of the Banking Cartel

Now I am going to show you a three year old tweet so that you can see how the coalition for the rule of law has been gaining momentum as we learn about this corruption in the world's money system and join forces to take down the bankrupt banking cartel.

From: Karen Hudes Sent: Monday, September 19, 2016 2:58 PM To: Rietje Subject: Re: Covert Operations and The Exchange Stabilization Fund and Its History: Eric deCarbonnel – Forbidden Knowledge TV

Rietje, learn critical thinking. The ESF is not under the control of the Network of Global Corporate Control. You are believing lies. The ESF is really the Global Debt Facility, which is administered by the Board of Governors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

From: Rietje Sent: Monday, September 19, 2016 11:16 AM To: Karen Hudes Subject: Covert Operations and The Exchange Stabilization Fund and Its History: Eric deCarbonnel – Forbidden Knowledge TV history-part-1-27536/

Of course you know all this. And you do what you do nonetheless. A herculean task, Karen. I read myself into a stupor, and wonder how this all could happen if not by engaging pure evil. Thanks for holding on and staying on course. Bin it, just know I think of you daily and send you blessings and chutspa.

Love from Amsterdam���

Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPad From: Karen Hudes Sent: Monday, September 19, 2016 2:56 PM To: Richard Subject: Re: I truly hope it is....but is it?

Dear Richard,

Thank you for your question. I will tweet my answer and share it tomorrow on DCTV (only not your identity).

David Tong, Chairperson of the Singapore International Trade Council, has done precisely that, as I informed the Group of 77, which is actually 134 developing countries, and forms the backbone of the coalition for the rule of law on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF.

Your worries about the accuracy of the power transition model are misplaced, as a literature search would show.

Best, Karen Hudes Acting General Counsel International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

[Actually, David Tong was not prepared to commit the Singapore International Trade Council just yet. There obviously needs to be more people aware of the corruption in the money system. As I have mentioned before, we are on a one-way street to the Global Currency Reset, a fact that the coalition for the rule of law is demonstrating each day to Black at the center of the Banking Cartel.


I left this Tweet for a few hours to think about what needed improving. One of the ways to accelerate the Global Currency Reset is to follow Paul Jenkinson's suggestion and to expose the Black Nobility at the center of the Banking Cartel. The Banking Cartel is trying to resist, and put this warning on the link to

behind Rothschild.

In the upcoming segment in the DCTV Series on the Network of Global Corporate Control, I am including a question on the Black Nobility. The Black Nobility is not happy about this.

1.30.18 6pm EST "Questions & Answers"

The hackers in my PC are trying to change the margins and prevent page numbering on this Tweet.

I have had to spend an extra 15 minutes fixing the formatting. These daily battles with the Banking Cartel's shills and agents are a very aggravating part of my existence.

So this is the question on the Black Nobility.

What is the Black Nobility, and why is it important to know about them? The "Black Nobility" are the oligarchic families of Venice and . Genoa (Italian, Genova) is a historical port city in northern Italy, the capital of the Region of .

The Black Nobility were descended from ancient Egyptian Pharaonic bloodline families. Ancient Egyptians called themselves Km.t or kemet, meaning black. In the 12 th century these families held the privileged trading rights (monopolies). The first of three , from 1063 to 1123, established the power of the

Venetian Black Nobility and solidified the power of the wealthy ruling class. The Black Nobility aristocracy achieved complete control over Venice in 1171, when the appointment of the Doge, or chief magistrate, was transferred to what was known as the Great Council, which consisted of members of the commercial aristocracy.

Around 1400 European power centers coalesced into two camps:

the Ghibellines, who supported the Emperors family

the Guelphs, from Welf, the German prince who competed with Frederick for control of the

The Guelphs and Ghibellines (English pronunciation: [gwɛlfs], [gɪbəliːnz]) were factions supporting the Pope and the , respectively, in central and northern Italy. During the 12th and 13th centuries, the split between these two parties was a particularly important aspect of the internal policy of the Italian city-states. The descended from the House of Guelph.

In an earlier segment on DCTV I have mentioned that Queen Elizabeth II is an illegitimate descendent of Queen Victoria, who in turn was actually sired by Jacob [in English "James" (de) Rothschild. Jacob de Rothschild was stationed in Paris and the youngest of 5 brothers from the old Armschel Rothschild] is the biological father of Queen Victoria. Queen Victoria had a legitimate first-born son who was exiled to Portugal. Queen Victoria married George V of Hanover when she was 14, and never divorced him. Victoria's son Edward VII (Elizabeth II's great-grandfather) was illegitimate. I covered Queen Elizabeth II's family feud with the other contender for the throne of England in an earlier episode of the DCTV Series on the Network of Global Corporate Control.

Victoria, etc

Venice has remained in the hands of the Venetian Black Nobility ever since, but the power and influence of the Venetian Black Nobility extends far beyond its borders, and is still felt in every corner of the globe.

In 1204 the oligarchic families parceled out feudal enclaves to their members, and this group forms the center of the "Head of the Snake", where the government became a closed corporation of the leading Black Nobility families.

The Black Nobility also earned its title through dirty tricks, so when the population revolted against the

monopolies in government, the leaders of the uprising were quickly seized and brutally hanged. They use secret assassinations, murder, the bankrupting of opposing citizens or companies, kidnapping and rape. The list of the Black Nobility: House of Guelph (Britain) (Belgium) () House of (Liechtenstein) () (Germany) (Germany) () House of Orange (Netherlands) () (Germany) (Portugal) (Luxembourg) (Austria) (Italy) House of Karadjordjevic (Yugoslavia) House of Wurttemberg (Germany) (Albania)

Today the Guelphs rule by dominating the raw materials market, and for years they have fixed the price of gold, which they do not produce and do not own. The Global Debt Facility owns the world's gold.

The House of Windsor also controls the price of copper, zinc, lead and tin. It is no accident that the principle commodity exchanges are located in London. Black Nobility families run British Petroleum, Oppenheimer , Lonrho, Philbro and others. Another Black Nobility family are the Grosvenors in England. For centuries this family lived - as most of the European royal families - on ground rent. Today the family owns at least 300 acres of land in the center of London. The land is never sold, but leased on a 39 year leasehold agreement - the ground rent of the middle ages. Grosvenor Square, in which the American Embassy is located, belongs to the Grosvenor family, as does Eaton Square. In Eaton Square apartments are rented out at 25,000 pounds a month, and that does not include maintenance costs. This will give you some idea of the immense wealth the Black Nobility families garner from ground rents, and why families like the Windsors are not at all interested in industrial. This is the only reason why these "noble" families are fighting population growth. Prince Philip and Prince Charles are the most visible symbols of these movements and both have often spoken with the utmost callousness about the need to rid the world of unwanted people.

Black Nobility are connected to the "Committee of 300". The Club of Rome, the CFR, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Bilderbergers , the UN, the Round Table

...all originate from the "Committee of 300" and therefore from the European Black Nobility families.

These families and their descendents today are the ones who are corrupting the world's money system. These are the ones who are collecting and keeping our taxes, all of them. These persons are the ones who own all of our media and are lying to us, and who have been lying to us for centuries about our history. These are the ones who are commanding the world's intelligence agencies. These families are the ones who are registering the births of our children and turning our innocent babes into companies with names in all capital letters. These families are the ones who have been telling the puppet, corrupt governments what evil policies to carry out and to simply ignore whatever the people in the countries may want. These families are the ones who instruct the corrupt administrative judges what to decide in the administrative hearings these corrupt judges pretend to preside over. These families are the ones who have suspended the US Constitution of 1789.

The Banking Cartel has not understood that it cannot defend itself and remain hidden at the same time now that a critical mass understands reality and the existence of the Banking Cartel.

Best, Karen Hudes Acting General Counsel International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

From: Richard Sent: Monday, September 19, 2016 11:34 AM To: [email protected] Subject: I truly hope it is....but is it?

Hello Karen, I've been following you and your fight for over a year now and let me first say how thankful I, along with my daughters am. I am totally aware of how the media, who use to be our, the people's champion no longer serve us and obfuscate, mislead and outright lie to us on a daily basis nowadays and don't expect to hear anything about any of this through them. But isn't there anyone else, someone well known with some kind of longstanding credibility or reputation to match yours that would be willing to speak out on this matter with you so as to give those of us that support and follow you some sort of reassurance that this, to put it bluntly isn't all just some sort of disinformation or means to mislead us? It's just that I can't seem to find anywhere any sort of corroboration and would very much like to see that along with something that let's us know that something is actually happening to fix all the damage that's been done. I am behind you totally and mean you know disrespect Karen, and will continue to be to the

end of all this. I hope you understand where I'm coming from in this matter. I also wanted to say that I am worried about the 90-95% accuracy of the transition model. I feel that giving these guys 5-10% room to wriggle out of this, with his all of their power, experience and influence is more than enough room for them to do so. I pray that this isn't the case. Anyway,thank you again for all that you are doing Karen and know that you have MANY behind you supporting you however we can. You are a brave woman. Keep fighting the good fight. Sincerely, Richard


I left this Tweet for a few hours to think about what needed improving. One of the ways to accelerate the Global Currency Reset is to follow Paul Jenkinson's suggestion and to expose the Black Nobility at the center of the Banking Cartel. The Banking Cartel is trying to resist, and put this warning on the link to

behind Rothschild.

In the upcoming segment in the DCTV Series on the Network of Global Corporate Control, I am including a question on the Black Nobility. The Black Nobility is not happy about this.

1.30.18 6pm EST "Questions & Answers"

The hackers in my PC are trying to change the margins and prevent page numbering on this Tweet.

I have had to spend an extra 15 minutes fixing the formatting. These daily battles with the Banking Cartel's shills and agents are a very aggravating part of my existence.

So this is the question on the Black Nobility.

What is the Black Nobility, and why is it important to know about them? The "Black Nobility" are the oligarchic families of Venice and Genoa. Genoa (Italian, Genova) is a historical port city in northern Italy, the capital of the Region of Liguria.

The Black Nobility were descended from ancient Egyptian Pharaonic bloodline families. Ancient Egyptians called themselves Km.t or kemet, meaning black. In the 12 th century these families held the privileged trading rights (monopolies). The first of three crusades, from 1063 to 1123, established the power of the

Venetian Black Nobility and solidified the power of the wealthy ruling class. The Black Nobility aristocracy achieved complete control over Venice in 1171, when the appointment of the Doge, or chief magistrate, was transferred to what was known as the Great Council, which consisted of members of the commercial aristocracy.

Around 1400 European power centers coalesced into two camps:

the Ghibellines, who supported the Emperors Hohenstaufen family

the Guelphs, from Welf, the German prince who competed with Frederick for control of the Holy Roman Empire

The Guelphs and Ghibellines (English pronunciation: [gwɛlfs], [gɪbəliːnz]) were factions supporting the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor, respectively, in central and northern Italy. During the 12th and 13th centuries, the split between these two parties was a particularly important aspect of the internal policy of the Italian city-states. The House of Windsor descended from the House of Guelph.

In an earlier segment on DCTV I have mentioned that Queen Elizabeth II is an illegitimate descendent of Queen Victoria, who in turn was actually sired by Jacob [in English "James" (de) Rothschild. Jacob de Rothschild was stationed in Paris and the youngest of 5 brothers from the old Armschel Rothschild] is the biological father of Queen Victoria. Queen Victoria had a legitimate first-born son who was exiled to Portugal. Queen Victoria married King George V of Hanover when she was 14, and never divorced him. Victoria's son Edward VII (Elizabeth II's great-grandfather) was illegitimate. I covered Queen Elizabeth II's family feud with the other contender for the throne of England in an earlier episode of the DCTV Series on the Network of Global Corporate Control.

Victoria, etc

Venice has remained in the hands of the Venetian Black Nobility ever since, but the power and influence of the Venetian Black Nobility extends far beyond its borders, and is still felt in every corner of the globe.

In 1204 the oligarchic families parceled out feudal enclaves to their members, and this group forms the center of the "Head of the Snake", where the government became a closed corporation of the leading Black Nobility families.

The Black Nobility also earned its title through dirty tricks, so when the population revolted against the

monopolies in government, the leaders of the uprising were quickly seized and brutally hanged. They use secret assassinations, murder, the bankrupting of opposing citizens or companies, kidnapping and rape. The list of the Black Nobility: House of Guelph (Britain) House of Wettin (Belgium) House of Bernadotte (Sweden) (Liechtenstein) House of Oldenburg (Denmark) House of Hohenzollern (Germany) House of Hanover (Germany) House of Bourbon (France) House of Orange (Netherlands) House of Grimaldi (Monaco) House of Wittelsbach (Germany) House of Braganza (Portugal) House of Nassau (Luxembourg) House of Habsburg (Austria) House of Savoy (Italy) House of Karadjordjevic (Yugoslavia) House of Wurttemberg (Germany) House of Zogu (Albania)

Today the Guelphs rule by dominating the raw materials market, and for years they have fixed the price of gold, which they do not produce and do not own. The Global Debt Facility owns the world's gold.

The House of Windsor also controls the price of copper, zinc, lead and tin. It is no accident that the principle commodity exchanges are located in London. Black Nobility families run British Petroleum, Oppenheimer , Lonrho, Philbro and others. Another Black Nobility family are the Grosvenors in England. For centuries this family lived - as most of the European royal families - on ground rent. Today the family owns at least 300 acres of land in the center of London. The land is never sold, but leased on a 39 year leasehold agreement - the ground rent of the middle ages. Grosvenor Square, in which the American Embassy is located, belongs to the Grosvenor family, as does Eaton Square. In Eaton Square apartments are rented out at 25,000 pounds a month, and that does not include maintenance costs. This will give you some idea of the immense wealth the Black Nobility families garner from ground rents, and why families like the Windsors are not at all interested in industrial. This is the only reason why these "noble" families are fighting population growth. Prince Philip and Prince Charles are the most visible symbols of these movements and both have often spoken with the utmost callousness about the need to rid the world of unwanted people.

Black Nobility are connected to the "Committee of 300". The Club of Rome, the CFR, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Bilderbergers , the UN, the Round Table

...all originate from the "Committee of 300" and therefore from the European Black Nobility families.

These families and their descendents today are the ones who are corrupting the world's money system. These are the ones who are collecting and keeping our taxes, all of them. These persons are the ones who own all of our media and are lying to us, and who have been lying to us for centuries about our history. These are the ones who are commanding the world's intelligence agencies. These families are the ones who are registering the births of our children and turning our innocent babes into companies with names in all capital letters. These families are the ones who have been telling the puppet, corrupt governments what evil policies to carry out and to simply ignore whatever the people in the countries may want. These families are the ones who instruct the corrupt administrative judges what to decide in the administrative hearings these corrupt judges pretend to preside over. These families are the ones who have suspended the US Constitution of 1789.

The Banking Cartel has not understood that it cannot defend itself and remain hidden at the same time now that a critical mass understands reality and the existence of the Banking Cartel.

Best, Karen Hudes Acting General Counsel International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

From: Richard Sent: Monday, September 19, 2016 11:34 AM To: [email protected] Subject: I truly hope it is....but is it?

Hello Karen, I've been following you and your fight for over a year now and let me first say how thankful I, along with my daughters am. I am totally aware of how the media, who use to be our, the people's champion no longer serve us and obfuscate, mislead and outright lie to us on a daily basis nowadays and don't expect to hear anything about any of this through them. But isn't there anyone else, someone well known with some kind of longstanding credibility or reputation to match yours that would be willing to speak out on this matter with you so as to give those of us that support and follow you some sort of reassurance that this, to put it bluntly isn't all just some sort of disinformation or means to mislead us? It's just that I can't seem to find anywhere any sort of corroboration and would very much like to see that along with something that let's us know that something is actually happening to fix all the damage that's been done. I am behind you totally and mean you know disrespect Karen, and will continue to be to the

end of all this. I hope you understand where I'm coming from in this matter. I also wanted to say that I am worried about the 90-95% accuracy of the transition model. I feel that giving these guys 5-10% room to wriggle out of this, with his all of their power, experience and influence is more than enough room for them to do so. I pray that this isn't the case. Anyway,thank you again for all that you are doing Karen and know that you have MANY behind you supporting you however we can. You are a brave woman. Keep fighting the good fight. Sincerely, Richard

Venetian Black Nobility and solidified the power of the wealthy ruling class. The Black Nobility aristocracy achieved complete control over Venice in 1171, when the appointment of the Doge, or chief magistrate, was transferred to what was known as the Great Council, which consisted of members of the commercial aristocracy.

Around 1400 European power centers coalesced into two camps:

the Ghibellines, who supported the Emperors Hohenstaufen family

the Guelphs, from Welf, the German prince who competed with Frederick for control of the Holy Roman Empire

The Guelphs and Ghibellines (English pronunciation: [gwɛlfs], [gɪbəliːnz]) were factions supporting the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor, respectively, in central and northern Italy. During the 12th and 13th centuries, the split between these two parties was a particularly important aspect of the internal policy of the Italian city-states. The House of Windsor descended from the House of Guelph.

In an earlier segment on DCTV I have mentioned that Queen Elizabeth II is an illegitimate descendent of Queen Victoria, who in turn was actually sired by Jacob [in English "James" (de) Rothschild. Jacob de Rothschild was stationed in Paris and the youngest of 5 brothers from the old Armschel Rothschild] is the biological father of Queen Victoria. Queen Victoria had a legitimate first-born son who was exiled to Portugal. Queen Victoria married King George V of Hanover when she was 14, and never divorced him. Victoria's son Edward VII (Elizabeth II's great-grandfather) was illegitimate. I covered Queen Elizabeth II's family feud with the other contender for the throne of England in an earlier episode of the DCTV Series on the Network of Global Corporate Control.

Victoria, etc

Venice has remained in the hands of the Venetian Black Nobility ever since, but the power and influence of the Venetian Black Nobility extends far beyond its borders, and is still felt in every corner of the globe.

In 1204 the oligarchic families parceled out feudal enclaves to their members, and this group forms the center of the "Head of the Snake", where the government became a closed corporation of the leading Black Nobility families.

The Black Nobility also earned its title through dirty tricks, so when the population revolted against the

monopolies in government, the leaders of the uprising were quickly seized and brutally hanged. They use secret assassinations, murder, the bankrupting of opposing citizens or companies, kidnapping and rape. The list of the Black Nobility: House of Guelph (Britain) House of Wettin (Belgium) House of Bernadotte (Sweden) House of Liechtenstein (Liechtenstein) House of Oldenburg (Denmark) House of Hohenzollern (Germany) House of Hanover (Germany) House of Bourbon (France) House of Orange (Netherlands) House of Grimaldi (Monaco) House of Wittelsbach (Germany) House of Braganza (Portugal) House of Nassau (Luxembourg) House of Habsburg (Austria) House of Savoy (Italy) House of Karadjordjevic (Yugoslavia) House of Wurttemberg (Germany) House of Zogu (Albania)

Today the Guelphs rule by dominating the raw materials market, and for years they have fixed the price of gold, which they do not produce and do not own. The Global Debt Facility owns the world's gold.

The House of Windsor also controls the price of copper, zinc, lead and tin. It is no accident that the principle commodity exchanges are located in London. Black Nobility families run British Petroleum, Oppenheimer , Lonrho, Philbro and others. Another Black Nobility family are the Grosvenors in England. For centuries this family lived - as most of the European royal families - on ground rent. Today the family owns at least 300 acres of land in the center of London. The land is never sold, but leased on a 39 year leasehold agreement - the ground rent of the middle ages. Grosvenor Square, in which the American Embassy is located, belongs to the Grosvenor family, as does Eaton Square. In Eaton Square apartments are rented out at 25,000 pounds a month, and that does not include maintenance costs. This will give you some idea of the immense wealth the Black Nobility families garner from ground rents, and why families like the Windsors are not at all interested in industrial. This is the only reason why these "noble" families are fighting population growth. Prince Philip and Prince Charles are the most visible symbols of these movements and both have often spoken with the utmost callousness about the need to rid the world of unwanted people.

Black Nobility are connected to the "Committee of 300". The Club of Rome, the CFR, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Bilderbergers , the UN, the Round Table

...all originate from the "Committee of 300" and therefore from the European Black Nobility families.

These families and their descendents today are the ones who are corrupting the world's money system. These are the ones who are collecting and keeping our taxes, all of them. These persons are the ones who own all of our media and are lying to us, and who have been lying to us for centuries about our history. These are the ones who are commanding the world's intelligence agencies. These families are the ones who are registering the births of our children and turning our innocent babes into companies with names in all capital letters. These families are the ones who have been telling the puppet, corrupt governments what evil policies to carry out and to simply ignore whatever the people in the countries may want. These families are the ones who instruct the corrupt administrative judges what to decide in the administrative hearings these corrupt judges pretend to preside over. These families are the ones who have suspended the US Constitution of 1789.

The Banking Cartel has not understood that it cannot defend itself and remain hidden at the same time now that a critical mass understands reality and the existence of the Banking Cartel.

Best, Karen Hudes Acting General Counsel International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

From: Richard Sent: Monday, September 19, 2016 11:34 AM To: [email protected] Subject: I truly hope it is....but is it?

Hello Karen, I've been following you and your fight for over a year now and let me first say how thankful I, along with my daughters am. I am totally aware of how the media, who use to be our, the people's champion no longer serve us and obfuscate, mislead and outright lie to us on a daily basis nowadays and don't expect to hear anything about any of this through them. But isn't there anyone else, someone well known with some kind of longstanding credibility or reputation to match yours that would be willing to speak out on this matter with you so as to give those of us that support and follow you some sort of reassurance that this, to put it bluntly isn't all just some sort of disinformation or means to mislead us? It's just that I can't seem to find anywhere any sort of corroboration and would very much like to see that along with something that let's us know that something is actually happening to fix all the damage that's been done. I am behind you totally and mean you know disrespect Karen, and will continue to be to the

end of all this. I hope you understand where I'm coming from in this matter. I also wanted to say that I am worried about the 90-95% accuracy of the transition model. I feel that giving these guys 5-10% room to wriggle out of this, with his all of their power, experience and influence is more than enough room for them to do so. I pray that this isn't the case. Anyway,thank you again for all that you are doing Karen and know that you have MANY behind you supporting you however we can. You are a brave woman. Keep fighting the good fight. Sincerely, Richard

The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650 INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT 10F, Fukoku Seimei Building Fax: (03) 3597 6695 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION 2-2-2, Uchisaiwai-Cho Cable: INTBAFRAD TOKYO Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan Sunday, July 7, 2019

Dear People,

I am sending you a copy of a letter this morning to one of the Earth's healers. It updates you. I have left out some identifying information, at the same time that I have outed one of the Banking Cartel's agents. Sincerely, Karen Hudes Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruuction and Develkopment Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility TVM-LSM-666

---- Forwarded Message -----

From: Karen Hudes

To: One of the Earth's Healers

Sent: Sunday, July 7, 2019, 8:16:40 AM EDT

Subject: Developments

Dear Healer,

I wanted to contact you about the severe attack on my friend ______. Both me and [one of my loved ones who is very susceptible to mind control and is constantly under attack] seem to be okay.[My loved one] is busy foraging and farming; I was attacked last month, but from my music I can see that I am well on the road to recovery.

My friend ______is a nuclear physicist, and understands more than just about any other scientist about magnetic fields in solar energy. I have known ______for more than 50 years; he is married to one of my closest friends,______


I have asked your help before with one of ______'s loved ones who was under attack and also very susceptible to mind control..

I have known that _____ has been harmed by an agent named Drew Mulenberg. Drew works for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency; I found a letter from DARPA to Drew a couple of years ago when I was visiting ______in Florida. Drew has been trying to sabotage _____'s publications for many years, but ____ considers Drew to be one of his closest friends.

_____ is dying of cancer now; just weeks ago he was in remission. I had dinner with ____ yesterday, and he is now asking me if you can help him? Any help you can provide would be gratefully accepted by ___. ____ lives with [my friend].. If there is any other information that we should provide, please let me know.

Why I don't get more attention? What makes you think you know how much and what kind of attention I am getting? Attempted bribes. Threats. Flattery. Millions of dollars spent in trying to harm me and my family and friends. I spend much time contacting the healers who can neutralize these malicious attacks. Still, the progress in freeing ourselves from centuries and millennia of corruption is relentless.

How do I know there is progress? I can tell how much easier it is to write the blogs, and see how hard the Cabal is working to try and hide what I post, and how the information just keeps on spreading and ripples out, and what is even better, how clearly the people see what is going on.

Want me to jump the shark? That phrase means that I have done all that I can do and that people would realize this. How is it possible for me to "jump the shark" when I am in relationship to everyone, and following everyone, and "dancing the tango" with everyone? I am never going to "jump the shark."

Yesterday I went to the National Arboretum. There I heard a celtic harp. It was being played in an impromptu concert by "a Traditional Harper". love, Karen Hudes Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility

The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650 INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT 10F, Fukoku Seimei Building Fax: (03) 3597 6695 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION 2-2-2, Uchisaiwai-Cho Cable: INTBAFRAD TOKYO Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

Saturday, January 20, 2018

When this article was first created, I tried to correct some of the disinfo, and my comment was not accepted. My attempt to make a second comment today (after this blog was again cited in my social media today) was also rejected. Just because someone is using my name does not mean that what they say is correct. Actually, the fact that the Banking Cartel and its agents are misusing my name is to be expected. This is another sign that the exchange of Banking Cartel fiat currencies is approaching.


and you missed this tweet:

Also, please see my post today about the head of the snake:

3 meet/story?id=52376420&cid=social_twitter_abcn

The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650 INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT 10F, Fukoku Seimei Building Fax: (03) 3597 6695 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION 2-2-2, Uchisaiwai-Cho Cable: INTBAFRAD TOKYO Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

There is no Congressional oversight of the intelligence agencies. The Banking Cartel has corrupted the bit actors in the US Congress down to the last member of Congress. The intelligence agencies are all part of the Banking Cartel. That is why the Marines attacked the CIA (whose branch office is in Langley, VA, and whose headquarters are in Switzerland) on November 18th, 2017.

Here is a letter which I wrote to Senator Mikulski in 2014, who was then on the Select Senate Intelligence Committee, about how the CIA was trying to steal the US' Monetary Gold Reserves: Well, we still have our monetary gold reserves, and we are winding down that bankrupt Banking Cartel.

1 winding-down-the-banking-cartel-and-launch-the-global-currency-reset-we-need- to-decentralize-so-we-can-put-an-end-to-all-of-this-corruption/



you sock puppet for the Banking Cartel.







The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650 INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT 10F, Fukoku Seimei Building Fax: (03) 3597 6695 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION 2-2-2, Uchisaiwai-Cho Cable: INTBAFRAD TOKYO Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan Friday, March 29, 2019

Dear People,

We are having a conversation here about the world's wealth that was put into hiding at the end of World War II.

Yesterday a person (or a sock puppet?) whom I have accused of being a mouthpiece for the Banking Cartel asked me a very difficult question: how do I know truth from lies. If you can follow links on twitter, here is our conversation. I will give you screenshots at the end.

When you ask a whistleblower how to tell truth from lies, they are likely to advise you to keep an open mind and be ready to admit whenever you are wrong. I have already said that one of the ways we are going to know if we are "on track" to clear the corruption from the world's money is if we are hearing from our worst critics. Speaking of which, here is a recent criticism from my latest DCTV video:

I am the lawyer for the world's wealth in the Global Debt Facility that José Rizal and Ferdinand Marcos put into hiding with the World Bank and International Monetary fund at the end of World War II. If Danny Walling is right, then the Banking Cartel and Black Nobility have control over the world's monetary gold reserves and other wealth.

People can see how I have shot down all claims to the world's wealth over the years: It is clear that the world's wealth remains with "We the people," in the Global Debt Facility.


Those of us who know about the world's wealth, working together, have managed to reach critical mass. This means that our chances of keeping the world's wealth are about 90-95%. We know this from a power transition model developed by the US National War College that Jacek Kugler, the political scientist who developed it, brought to the World Bank in 2004. A couple of minutes ago reminded me about a recent tweet.


We are all in this together. There is a lot for us to do as we bring the world's wealth out of hiding and clear the corruption in the world's money. I am going to end this tweet with something I posted in 2014, some links to videos on my YouTube channel, and screenshots of my conversation with

Donald Trump is a traitor, and he is also bankrupt for his cheating and lies during the Global Currency Reset. or-you-are-in-reality-Twitter3-28-19

You are going to have to use headphones to listen to the videos, as YouTube has tried to censor me by lowering the volume on its video player.

In many of the recent shows we are talking about electromagnetic weaponry that makes it hard for most people to reason. Those of you who are less sensitive to this weaponry should work together with people close to you who are also less sensitive to the scalar weapons, and learn how to work yourself loose. Those of us who are still trapped in what some people call "the matrix" are going to need your help. Sincerely, Karen Hudes Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

Attached:  Something I posted in 2014  Tweet from last December,  links to top ten videos on my YouTube channel in a similar format, and  further screenshots of my conversation with @nanie_bel

3 proposes-central-banks-should-hand-consumers-cas

Here is just one of the investment pundits predicting an end to the reserve currency status of Federal Reserve Notes:

The US military, speaking through the Joint US Japan Committee under the Status of Forces Agreement, and the County Executives of America have accepted the offer to replace Federal Reserve Notes with currency of gold from the Global Debt Facility. This is what JF Kennedy and Ronald Reagan had in mind before the banking cartel and the Bank for International Settlements got in the way.

No wonder the Fed is scrambling.

YouTube is owned by Google, and Google was created by the CIA

YouTube has tried to censor me by lowering the volume on its video player


Subscriber On December 13-14, 2018, you may see a noticeable decrease in your subscriber as we remove spam from your channel. You will see an alert in YouTube Studio if impacted.

This was 2 years ago - I will give you the text of my 2016 tweet at the end



From: Karen Hudes Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2016 8:21 AM To: RICK Subject: Re: currency reset


Dear Rick,

Thanks. You are asking the right questions. We are used to inflation and "funny money", and the transition to stable, honest currency is going to be phased in as the Federal Reserve Notes are taken out of circulation gradually. Local currencies issued by villages and towns are going to come into circulation, and Federal Reserve Notes are going to be used for some time as people will hold onto the Treasury Dollars, which are ultimately going to be exchanged for the currency containing gold. The transition is hopefully going to happen in a coordinated way and smoothly; I have just mailed my letters to the Governors and Adjutants General of the 50 states. [ ]

The power transition model from Ronald Tammen (the former Chair of the Department of National Strategy and Professor of National Strategy at the National War College in Washington) is now kicking in -- I owe my position as Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility containing the US' and rest of the world's monetary gold reserves to this model. I now vote the US shares at the World Bank and IMF.

People who are living hand to mouth and are unable to save have been complaining to me. The broad outlines of the Global Currency Reset were decided a year ago already, but none of the details could be worked out because the Network of Global Corporate Control was in denial The Development Committee is going to have to resolve issues on the Global Currency Reset -- I speak for the Board of Governors on matters involving the Global Debt Facility, but I don't decide for them, and these kinds of issues are going to have to be deliberated during the transition.

The secretariat of the World Bank and IMF can't read the Articles of Agreement, and they keep on ignoring their Board of Governors. The important thing is that we know who is in charge, and that we have a coalition to resolve these issues peacefully and transparently. So here are my expectations: the Treasury Dollars are going to be exchanged dollar for dollar for Federal Reserve Notes. The biggest impact is going to be that interest on country debt is going to end, and so will the income tax. The banks are all in receivership in the Global Debt Facility. They are not yet prepared to talk about how to transition. I don't see the villages and towns issuing their local currencies yet either or bringing the rampant corruption under control, starting from the grassroots up. You will know that we are safely avoiding WWIII when these things start happening.As you know, the Network of Global Corporate Control keeps on acting as if the inevitable is not going to happen. So I can only tell you what I expect, this is not going to be definitive until the people who have been masquerading as legitimate understand that they are unmasked. The best weaponry at this point in time is humor. Look how devastating it can be:


Yes, precious metals are definitely an insurance policy to keep us honest in the transition. Stay tuned.

Best, Karen Hudes From: RICK Sent: Wednesday, May 4, 2016 10:06 PM To: Karen Hudes Subject: currency reset

Hi Karen

I have been following you some time now and I admire you for what you are doing.

Can you cover in your updates what it means to the average working person with a 401k and a little savings in the bank when the currency reset happens. Will we trade our federal reserve notes for a new currency that will have a similar value? what happens to our mortgage in Dollars?

I have bought some sliver eagles recently as a insurance for this mess we are in, any thoughts on that?

Thanks for all you do, you are right if we don't stop the corruption soon we will all perish.

Rick working guy in California wanting to retire in a few years.


People want to know what is taking so long, and when we are going to start exchanging "funny money" in the Global Currency Reset. Look, we are in transition and this transition is on an unprecedented scale. Most people have no inkling yet of what is going on, and we have to bring them on board peacefully. Keep in mind that the corruption has gone on for a very long time. On Monday I "held my breath" as I waited to see whether Interpol was going to arrest me or any of the world's governments were going to argue with my firing nine senior managers at the World Bank, and beginning to bankrupt them. Stay tuned as I finish bankrupting the Acting Managing Director of the World Bank and the rest of the World Bank's financial management.



Donald Trump is a traitor, and he is also bankrupt for his cheating and lies during the Global Currency Reset. or-you-are-in-reality-Twitter3-28-19 Don't put words in my mouth, or people are going to doubt your credibility. Stay tuned to hear about progress.



On Tuesdays at 7:00 pm EST interviews: