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Research Library Acquisitions G e tty Resea r ch I n st i t u t e RESEARCH LIBRARY ACQUISITIONS The Resea rch Library at the Getty Resea rch Inst i tu te builds its special co l l e c t i o n s a cco rding to four broad thematic ca te g o r i es: Histo r i o g ra p hy of Art, Arc h i te c tu re, and A rchaeology; the Modern Period; History of Collecting and Display; and Visual So u rces. Selected Special Collections Acquisitions Made between July 1, 2001, and June 30, 2002 Historiography of Art, Gaspard Monge (French, 1746–1818) Architecture, and Archaeology Géométrie descriptive, Paris, 1799 The first complete edition of the course lec- RARE BOOKS AND PERIODICALS tures on descriptive geometry of the French mathematician, professor, and administrator Chérubin d’Orléans (French, 1613–1697) who worked in the regime of Napoleon as La dioptrique ocu l a i re, ou la théorique, la head of the Institut d’Egypt in Cairo. p os i t i ve et la mechanique, de l’o cu l a i re 2564-354 d i o ptrique et to u t es ses es p è ces, Pa ri s , 1 6 7 1 An illustrated work on the science of perspec- ARCHIVES AND MANUSCRIPTS tive with diagrams of optical experiments and Italian manuscript dictionary of contemporary instruments.The author was a iconography, ca. 1575–1600 Capuchin priest (born Michèle Lasséré) who A manu s c ript dictionary of iconogr a p hy that became well known for his manufacture of was most likely produced in a literary and art i s - optical aids. tic circle before the codification of iconogr a p hy 2583-149 78 in Cesare Ripa’s I c o n o l o g i a ( R o m e, 1 5 9 3 ) . 2001.M.36 Halsted B. Vander Poel collection on the history of Pompeii, ca. 1750–1990 The Campanian collection of Halsted Vander Poel is a research library and archive devoted to the historiography of archaeological investi- gations conducted around the Bay of Naples, with particular reference to Pompeii and Herculaneum. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Halsted B.Vander Poel 2002.M.16 Two Grand Tour travel diaries Two handwritten accounts by sophisticated travelers who wrote extensively about the monuments and fine art objects that they encountered on their travels to Italy, with spe- cial focus on Rome. Joseph Hippolyte Charles HUBERT VINCENT after Giovanni Antonio Crecolini. In Breve G. G. Ko m a rek (Czech, a c t . I t a l y, f l . 1 6 8 0 – 1 7 1 9 ) François de Alpheran,“Sejour a Rome,” descrizzione e disegni delle carrozze Breve descrizzione e disegni delle 1834–36, and John Mallet du Pan,“Notes sur dell’eccellentissimo signore Antonio carrozze dell’eccellentissimo signore mon voyage de Florence à Rome,” 1821–22. Floriano by Giovanni Giacomo Antonio Floriano, del S.R.I. prencipe di 2002.M.6, 2002.M.7 Komarek, Rome, 1694. Etching. (GRI) Liechtenstein, Rome, 1694 Edmund Lincoln (American, n.d.) A descriptive catalogue with 13 plates of the Miscellaneous papers relating to the decorated coaches owned by the prince of excavation of Mayan ruins, ca. 1892 Liechtenstein for his use in Rome. A small arc h ive of photogr a p h s , j o u r n a l s , l e t t e rs , 2560-333 and manu s c r ipts chronicles an arc h a e o l ogi c a l expedition to Honduras and Guatemala in 1892 undert a ken by Harva rd Unive r s i t y ’s Peabody Museum of A m e r ican A rc h a e o l og y and Ethnolog y. 2002.M.15 The Modern Period Jean François Raffaëlli (French, 1850–1924) Letters and manuscripts, 1890–1910 RARE BOOKS AND PERIODICALS Letters, manuscripts with a number of auto- graph documents, and three photographic Flacara, Bucharest, 1911–23 portraits made at various stages of life by A complete set (in 309 issues) of the weekly draftsman, painter, printmaker, sculptor, and Romanian periodical Flacara, a formative pub- author Raffaëlli. lication for the study of East European 860758 modernism and the avant-garde. 2573-983 Emil Nolde (German, 1867–1956) Letters, 1921–46 Vasilii Kamenskii (Russian, 1884–1961), Fifty-one letters by Emil Nolde and his wife, David Burliuk (Russian, 1882–1967), and Ada, to Alfred and Johanna Heuer in Elmshorn Vladimir Burliuk (Russian, 1886–1917) report on publications on and by Nolde, exhi- Tango s korovami, Moscow, 1914 bitions, details of his illness in 1936, and the WENZEL JAMNITZER. Perspectiva corporum A Russian futurist book titled Tango with Cows, 1937 exhibition Entartete Kunst in Munich and regularium, Nuremberg, 1568. Etching by p r inted on brightly colored floral wa l l p a p e r ; t h e Jost Amman. (GRI) subsequent auction in Lucerne of “degenerate” texts are examples of ferro - c o n c ret e poems. works from the German Museum in 1939. 2567-605 2001.M.35 PRINTS AND DRAWINGS Rare photo publications by Japanese Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (German, 1880–1938) avant-garde photographers Wenzel Jamnitzer (German, 1508–1585) Letters to Rodolph Gaberel Three photo-books by major avant-garde pho- Perspectiva corporum regularium, (Swiss, 1882–1963), ca. 1928–44 tographers of the 1960s and early 1970s: Nuremberg, 1568 E l even unpublished letters from German expre s- <11:02> Nagasaki (Tokyo, 1966) by Shomei A complete copy, with 49 etchings attributed sionist artist Kirchner to Gabere l , the Swiss Tomatsu; For a Language to Come (Tokyo, 1970) to Jost Amman, of the German goldsmith a rchitect working in Davos who arranged for by Nakahira Takuma; and a complete set of the Jamnitzer’s visual treatise on perspective. K i rc h n e r ’s commission to decorate the wo o d photo-magazine Provoke (Tokyo, 1968–70), 2002.PR.39 relief above the Wildboden schoolhouse doors . accompanied by First Abandon the World of 2001.M.34 Peter Iselberg (German, ca. 1568–ca. 1630) and Certainty (Tokyo, 1970), published by Provoke. Friedrich von Valckenborch 2604-887, 2604-891, 2604-874 René Magritte (Belgian, 1898–1967) (German, ca. 1570–1623) Letters sent to Noël Arnaud Mail art exhibition documentation, Vera atque perspicua ichnographia, (French, 1919–?), 1952–58 1970–2001 79 portae triumphalis, Nuremberg, 1612 A collection of 15 signed letters and six signed A comprehensive collection of approximately A large illustrated broadside celebrating the coro- p o s t c a rds from the surrealist artist Magritte in 1,263 exhibition catalogues, posters, and print- nation of the Holy Roman Emperor Matthias II B r ussels to the surrealist writer A r naud in Pa r i s . ed ephemera on mail art projects and artists and his entry into Nuremberg on July 9, 1 6 1 2 . I t S everal of the letters and postcards include ori g- assembled by John Held, Jr., a practitioner and p i c t u res the elaborate triple triumphal arch that inal color pencil and bl a c k - a n d - blue ballpoint aficionado of mail art. was built in front of Neudörfferischen Haus. d r awings by Magri t t e. 2001.M.28 2002.PR.15 2002.M.20 Coop Himmelb(l)au (founded 1968) ARCHIVES AND MANUSCRIPTS Emilio Adolfo Westphalen (Pe ru v i a n , 1 9 1 1 – 2 0 0 1 ) Architectural models and drawings, Arsène Alexandre (French, 1859–1937) Letters to André Coyné Vienna, ca. 1983–95 Letters received from artists, 1889–1930 (French, b. 1925), 1956–93 Twenty-seven models and 49 drawings made A group of 63 letters sent to the art critic and Twenty-eight handwritten letters from the for five architectural projects designed in the collector Alexandre from three painters, writer and editor Westphalen to critic and poet 1980s and early 1990s by the internationally Maurice Denis, symbolist and society painter Coyné.Written while Westphalen lived in renowned Vienna-based architectural firm Albert Besnard, and Postimpressionist Henri de Lima and Rome and Coyné lived in Paris, the Coop Himmelb(l)au. Groux.Also included is a pen-and-ink portrait correspondence offers insight into the personal 2002.M.2 of Alexandre made in 1904 by Besnard. and intellectual ties between them and into the RARE AND DOCUMENTARY 2001.M.38 critical relationship each had with the artist and poet Cesar Moro. PHOTOGRAPHS 2002.M.21 Georges Perrot (French, 1832–1914), Edmond Guillaume (French, 1826–1894), and Jules Delbet (French, 1836–1908) Exploration archéologique de la Galatie et de la Bithynie, Paris, 1862–72 Based on eight months of fieldwork undert a ke n in 1861, this seminal publication employs the p i o n e e r ing photolithographic process to re c o rd ancient sites in Asia Minor. It combines measure d d r aw i n g s , a rchitectural re c o n s t ru c t i o n s , a n d a rc h a e o l ogical data with photographic images. 2569-177 COOP HIMMELB(L)AU. The Rehak House, Malibu, Architectural Model #15, 1990–95. (GRI) PRINTS AND DRAWINGS Recueil de 283 estampes gravées à l’eau forte par les plus habiles peintres du tems, d’apres les desseins des grands maîtres, que possédoit autrefois M. Jabach et qui depuis on passé au cabinet du roy, Paris, 1754 The Recueil Jabach, a bound suite of 283 etchings, is the first reproductive publication of a collection of drawings.
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