EARLY DISCOVERY and DEVELOPMENT of the MENOMINEE IRON RANGE [Compiled and Transcribed by William J
MENOMINEE RANGE HISTORY – EARLY DISCOVERY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE MENOMINEE IRON RANGE [Compiled and Transcribed by William J. Cummings] CONSTRUCTION OF THE [sic – Quinnesec] early next fall – possibly MENOMINEE RANGE RAILROAD in time for the shipment of some ore before AND INITIAL DEVELOPMENT OF the close of navigation. The building of this line is attracting a great deal of attention to THE BREEN, BREITUNG AND the new iron field, and negotiations are now QUINNESEC MINES AS in progress looking to the extension of the REPORTED IN THE MINING railway from the Quinesaik across the river JOURNAL, MARQUETTE, to the newly discovered deposits in MARQUETTE COUNTY, MICHIGAN Wisconsin. The Mining Journal, Marquette, Marquette The Mining Journal, Marquette, Marquette County, Michigan, Number 445 County, Michigan, Number 452 [Saturday, January 27, 1877], page 4, [Saturday, March 17, 1877], page 4, column 1 column 1 Work on the Menominee Range FROM the Menominee Herald we learn Railroad is being pushed rapidly forward. that a new company has been organized The road commences at a point on the under the name of the Menominee Mining Chicago & Northwestern railway, twenty- company, to which has been transferred three miles from Escanaba, and forty-two the leases of the Breen, Breitung and from Menominee, at which buildings to be Quinnesaik [sic – Quinnesec] properties, used as offices, stores, boarding houses originally and lately held by the Milwaukee and dwellings have been erected. Three Iron company. Mr. Whitehead, the hundred men are at present employed, superintendent for the new company, is on which force will be increased as soon as the ground and expected to have a force of arrangements can be made for their miners at work on the Breen deposit this accommodation.
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