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Season 2012/2013

1 Table of Contents

Administration Notice of Annual General Meeting 2 Executive Council and Office-Bearers 3 President’s Report 4 - 5 Executive Report 6 - 8 Appreciation 9 -10 General 11 Vale 71 Financial Treasurer’s Report 12 Balance Sheet 13 Summary of Income and Expenditure 14 - 15 Auditor’s Report 15 Senior Section Umpires’ Report 16 Medal Winners 17 - 18 Representative Matches 19 - 28 Turf Section Results 29 - 30 Synthetic Section Results 31 - 32 Limited Over Section Results 32 - 33 Turf Section Averages 34 - 37 Limited Over Section Averages 38 - 40 Synthetic Section Averages 41 - 43 Junior Section Junior Chairman’s Report 44 - 45 Junior Executive Report 46 - 47 Junior Trophy Winners 48 Junior Representative Matches 49 Junior Section Results 50 - 53 Junior Section Averages 54 - 62 Records Past Office-Bearers 63 - 64 Patrons 64 Life Members 65 Premiership Records 66 - 70

2 Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given to Members that the fourteenth Annual General Meeting of the Eastern Association Inc will be held at the St Scholastica College Hall on Wednesday 7 August 2013, commencing at 8 pm.


(1) To confirm the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 1 August 2012. (2) To discuss any business arising from the previous Minutes. (3) To receive and consider the Annual Report. (4) To adopt the Financial Statement and Balance Sheet for the period ending 31 May 2013. (5) To elect Executive Council Members and Office-Bearers for the ensuing season in accordance with the Constitution. (6) General Business: Affiliation with the Victorian Metropolitan Cricket Union. Determination of affiliation fees for season 2013/2014. Appointment of auditor. Umpires’ report and recommended fees for season 2013/2014. List of clubs comprising the Association for season 2013/2014. (7) To transact any other business of which notice has been given to the Operations Manager.

By order of the Executive Council.

RODNEY PATTERSON Operations Manager Date: 31 July 2013

3 Office Bearers

Executive Council President Dennis Butler Vice President Paul Zennaro Operations Manager Rodney Patterson Assistant Operations Manager Mike Slattery Financial Manager Keith Carr Turf Section Manager Peter Marshall Synthetic Section Manager Michael Bingley Juniors Chairperson Richard Barker Communications Manager David Bourke Umpires’ Manger Frank Clarke

Senior Office Bearers Umpires’ Appointments Officer Mike Slattery Publicity/Promotions Officer Vacant Turf Grade Secretary Charles Cohen Turf Grade Secretary Steve Oluc Turf Grade Secretary Greg McLeod Turf Grade Secretary John Dinneen Synthetic Grade Secretary Eugene Fitzwilliam Synthetic Grade Secretary Mrs Jenni Dyson Synthetic Grade Secretary Investigation Committee Chair Malcolm Fielden

Junior Office Bearers Disciplinary Committee Junior Administrator Saturday Mark Morris Chairman Neil Oliver Junior Administrator Friday Stuart Hamilton Member Michael McRae Assistant Junior Administrator Eddie Frampton Member Brian Barnard Age Level Manager Gavin Smith Member John Taylor Development Manger Rep Teams Paul Devine Manager Rule & Admin Hugh Wilkinson Committee Barry Cull Committee Brendan Moore

4 President’s Report

Another cricket season has passed and despite some occasions during the year, I can again report that Eastern Cricket Association has had a successful season.

As you will no doubt be aware, the Association is very proud of its junior competition and more importantly the number of players that compete in the underage divisions each year. This section has always been a strength to the ECA and provide a solid player base for our senior teams. A major responsibility of the association, is to ensure that our junior section is well supported and continues to develop.

It was pleasing to see that after a small decline in player numbers last season, this season, the numbers have stabilised with a slight increase evident. Many thanks go to the hard work of our Junior Executive who manages this important part of the association. The Executive hope this growth continues, even at a modest pace, as it is the life blood of cricket to all clubs in the Association.

The Executive is also committed to growing our senior section as it believes this is the only way to ensure our association remains one of the most competitive and highly regarded in Melbourne. Two clubs joined us this year and both acquitted themselves very well with Edinburgh Cricket Club making the final of our T20 competition and the semi final of our MacGibbon Shield. We look forward to the continued development and growth of both Edinburgh and East Ivanhoe Saints cricket clubs in the ECA.

The Kookaburra T20 competition was again well supported and I take this opportunity to thank all clubs that competed. The T20 is now firmly established within the calendar of cricket, for most clubs, as it continues to thrive by giving all clubs an opportunity to compete against a variety of opponents. It would be remiss not to thank who became the major sponsor for this competition by assisting through equipment supply and prize money.

Well done to the eventual Kookaburra T20 winners, Heathmont Cricket Club whom will progress into the Dunstan Shield grade next season on the back of a very solid year.

5 President’s Report

The Executive continues to support inter-association competitions through the various age competitions, which are held annually. The work done in all sections from the Under 21 team right down through the junior age groups is acknowledged and greatly appreciated, it gives all our younger players great exposure and opportunity to experience cricket at a higher level and against very skilled opponents. This work often goes unnoticed but is extremely appreciated by all, including those players who take part.

The finals of our Association are always keenly contested and there is no doubt this is proven at our presentation night where successful clubs are very keen to see their season’s efforts acknowledged in front of peers. Congratulations to all the winners for the season and especially to STC South Camberwell and Mont Albert cricket clubs who won the premiership in our highest grades in both the synthetic and turf competitions.

My thanks to all members of the Executive and their respective Office Bearers for all their hard work done over the season. The demands and time constraints on all these people continues to grow, so it is very pleasing to note Eastern Cricket is seen in the cricket community as one of the best administered associations and given our size, it’s a great team effort.

No doubt the coming season will bring many fresh challenges with all clubs searching for ways to attain the ultimate prize. Please be assured your Executive will continue to look at ways to improve our competition and explore opportunities to make our association even more competitive in all grades.

Good luck for the coming season.


6 Executive Council Report

Season 14 started at the Annual meeting in August 2012 with all clubs returning. It also had Burnley CYMS returning and Edinburg and East Ivanhoe Saints cricket clubs registering for the first time with the advent of the collapse of the Heidelberg District Cricket Association and Hawthorn Monash Uni CC submitting a combined side with the Mulgrave CC. Just before the season commenced, East Malvern RSL had to fold as their player base dwindled and they could not sustain any teams.

The Annual Meeting also had two new Life Members invested, as the association honoured Eugene Fitzwilliam and Frank Dobeli for their long and outstanding service to Eastern Cricket.

This season the Executive personnel remained the same as the previous season. However there will be a number of changes going into the new season.

Turf Clubs are now trying to make full use of their facilities and the number of teams playing on Sundays has increased, so much so the Turf Committee decided to strike an extra grade. The name for this Shield would be mine and it is an honour to be recognized in this way.

With the advent of two new clubs into the synthetic competition a decision was made to change the top two grades into 10 team competitions.

Most Councils have completed their summer grass conversion as far as ECA clubs go, but your Executive continues to monitor and offer assistance where possible, to ensure minimal disruption is achieved.

During the early part of the season our Principle sponsor in Primary Edge financially collapsed. This lead to fruitful discussions with Kookaburra Sports, who agreed to become the sponsor of the T20 competition. A slight revamp of the Kookaburra T20 Cup occurred, with clubs having two home games in the preliminary rounds. 7 Executive Council Report

This season the two T20 finalists were Heathmont and Edinburgh, with Heathmont winners in a very tight Grand Final. The association thanks Kookaburra the major sponsor, also the Donvale Cricket Club which hosted the Semi finals and final. Without this support, the competition could not be a success.

It was another extremely dry cricket season in Melbourne and there was only one day of the home and away games which was effected by weather. Unfortunately the grand finals were not so lucky with the first day heavily impacted, so much so that every game either commenced early the second week or used their reserve day to finalise results.

In grand finals, games were played on grounds supplied by councils and it is pleasing to advise the venues chosen were all summer grassed and in excellent condition.

There were some issues with exorbitant cost increases for hire of grand finals venues. It is pleasing to report the Executive worked to resolve them, for this season. Clubs should be aware, as fees go up so too does your affiliations as the association must ensure it has sufficient reserves to maintain a healthy association for you to play your cricket.

Our Sponsors continue to give their support to the association and on behalf of all members I thank Kookaburra Sports, GI Printing, Fort Knox Self Storage and the Bendigo Bank.

As I intimated earlier there is to be a number of changes to Officer Bearers as Paul Zennaro, Peter Marshall and Frank Clarke all indicating they will be standing down. On behalf of all members and clubs, I would like to thank them for their support and efforts over their time with ECA.

Also it is with some sadness that I too will not be renominating, after nearly 17 seasons involved with Eastern Cricket and some 250 games in 22 years at Mulgrave Cricket Club. My work commitments may see me relocate interstate.

8 Executive Council Report

It has been a privilege to work with most club secretaries and those ECA President’s and Executive members I have served over 13 seasons as Operations Manager.

Whilst ECA matters are steady as she goes, the game is struggling to maintain the commitment and enthusiasm from the young senior players for this great game. This is evident in the gradual decline of senior numbers, more one day games being played and a growth in Veterans competitions.

I know the ECA will continue to address these issues and continue to supply people with what they want in their cricketing life but this may come at a cost with a reduction in clubs, grounds and the like.

Good Luck to all.

ROD PATTERSON Operations Manager

9 Appreciation

• The Association has been well supported by a number of organisations and individuals. This support has been extremely important to us and we wish to recognise and record our appreciation to the following: • The local councils of Banyle, Boroondara, Knox, Manningham, Maroondah, Monash, Stonnington, Whitehorse and Yarra for their efforts in providing the excellent facilities enjoyed by our clubs. In particular the overall standard of turf is the envy of other Associations. Congratulations to Glenn Hall of Manningham Council for winning the "Best Prepared Council Ground" for Donvale oval. Right is Glenn accepting the award from Cricket Victoria’s Inner East Regional Manager – Shane Koop. • The various committees of management which allow our clubs the use of their community facilities each season. • Our sponsors Kookaburra Sport, GI Printing, Fort Knox Self Storage and Bendigo Bank for their support during the season. • Cricket Victoria, which supports metropolitan cricket at many levels and provided the ECA with a grant to help in developing our Umpires. • Charlie Acutt, Will Woodgate and Michael Paolini for taking on the role of Under 21 Team Managers for our representative matches in the VMCU Wright Shield. • Our umpires and their Association which has been well led by their President, Iain Graham, and Secretary, Kevin Burt. • Shane Koop, Cricket Victoria's Inner East Regional Manager. Who is involved with the Junior development in the Inner East.

10 Appreciation

• Dick Menting as Chair of the Inner East Regional council with Mike Slattery and Rick Barker who are ECA’s representatives on that council. • Those people who helped organise, coach and manage the junior representative sides. • The Umpires who officiated in the senior representative games. • St Scholastica College for allowing us the use of their facilities for Executive Meetings and Disciplinary Committee sittings.

11 General

The Annual Presentation Night was held on Friday May 3 at Manningham Function Centre. The guest speaker was former Australian Player Rod Hogg entertaining guests with his anecdotes.

The Best Administered club award went to North Balwyn Cricket Club. Left is Jakub Syslo accepting the trophy from the Financial Manager – Keith Carr

We continued our affiliation with the Victorian Metropolitan Cricket Union and attended most meetings, being represented by Mike Slattery. Life Member Kevin Noy still holds the position of President for this Union and Rod Patterson also continues his position as their Administrator. This season was the 100th for the VMCU and to celebrate they supplied the Dunstan Shield to the winners.

This season, Tom Thirlwell and Jesse Gannon both of Heathmont made the VMCU Under 21 Representative team played at Cranbourne CC at Casey Fields against the Victorian Country Cricket League.

Both wicket committees once again selected a team of the year award and requested the respective captains of the two top grades to provide feedback on the selection. Each side was announced at the Presentation Night.

Those nominated in Turf are: Jack Taylor (Glen Iris), Dean Day (Mulgrave), Arosha Perera (Surrey Hills), Andrew Grubich (Glen Iris), Matthew Cox (Ashburton Willows), Bryan Vance (Mont Albert) - , Cameron Armstrong (Glen Iris), John Dinneen (Marcellin OC), James Binney (North Balwyn), James Porter (Mont Albert), Xavier Schaff (St Kevins OC), Leigh Parsons (Deepdene Bears)

Those nominated in Synthetic are: Shaun Lorenzini (Deepdene Uniting), Chris Branigan (Edinburgh), Greg Clift (Wyclif), Stuart Brown (Edinburgh), Sam Fairbrother (STC Sth Camberwell), Chris Morris (Boroondara), Steve O’Connell (STC Sth Camberwell), Robbie Ross (Boroondara), Cameron Stewart (East Ivanhoe Saints), Luke D’Astoli (STC Sth Camberwell) – Captain, Dalis Thomas (Clifton Hill), Brad Shadbolt (Edinburgh) 12 Treasurer’s Report

It is with much pleasure I submit the following Balance Sheet and Statement of Income and Expenditure for the Eastern Cricket Association In. for the financial year ending 31 May 2013

The Association recorded a surplus of $20,244.82. We were pleased that we were able to negotiate a substantial lift income from our Sponsors and a grant from Cricket Victoria to the tune of $11,344. The other unexpected revenue resulted from the high level of fines, which was slightly up on last year. It was expected that this would reduce considerably this year as clubs became more accustomed to the use of the Cricket Victoria website. This is now the source that your Association is relying on to run the necessary reporting functions to allow its Office Bearers to carry out their responsibilities.

We are grateful that the cost to run the 20/20 Cup was defrayed by our major Sponsor, Kookaburra Sports, at short notice, stepped in when our previous Sponsor was not able to continue with their arrangement.

The Presentation Night resulted in a deficit of $4,357 due mainly to a change in the cost of our Guest Speaker’s arrangement with Kookaburra. The cost was the same charged last year by Manningham Function Centre and as usual did an outstanding job.

As at 31st May 2013, the Association has a carried forward surplus of $94,795.75.

I take this opportunity of thanking club secretaries, treasurers and delegates for their assistance during the season.

KEITH W CARR Financial Manager

13 Balance Sheet

Current Assets 2013 2012 Cash on Hand 500.00 500.00 Bank 85,168.80 82,185.98 Receivables 5,644.60 595.00 Stock - Scorebooks See note 2 13,101.95 5,253.50 104,415.35 88,534.48 Current Liabilities Provision for Junior Development 4,745.00 5,370.00 Provision for Printing Score Books 3,412.60 15,000.00 Reserve for Historical Publications 1,462.00 1,462.00 Sundry Creditors 0.00 0.00 9,619.60 21,832.00

Total Net Assets 94,795.75 66,702.48

Members Funds Accumulated Surplus(Deficit) 94,795.75 66,702.48

Notes Forming Part of the Accounts 1. Reimbursed Costs - Inter Association, $13,430.00 Junior Uniforms Umpires Fees $3,040.00 2. Stock of Score Books increased by $7,848.45

Accounting Method The accrual basis of accounting has been used and the accounts have been prepared on the basis of historical facts. There were no mortgages, charges and securities of any description affecting any of the property of the Association as at end of the financial year.


Income and Expenditure

Income Notes 2013 2012 Affiliation Fees 48,580.00 46,340.00 20/20 Entry Fees 7,200.00 2,590.00 Bonds/Deposits Received 1,350.00 1,100.00 Donations 0.00 0.00 Expenses Recouped See Note 1 16,470.00 16,598.80 Fines 15,595.00 15,395.00 Interest Income 3,139.59 3,961.89 Presentation Dinner 18,190.00 21,435.00 Score Book Income 5,925.00 5,775.00 Sponsorship 19,556.00 11,992.00 Umpires Development Subsidy - CV 3,780.00 0.00 Total Income 139,785.59 125,187.69

Expenditure Affiliation & Subscriptions/VMCU Dinner 1,200.00 100.00 Balls Purchased 5,601.75 3,841.20 Bonds/Deposits Repaid 0.00 900.00 Bank Charges 49.35 53.20 Catering Expenses 0.00 0.00 Computer Expenses 937.55 3,363.22 Accreditation re Umpires 420.00 732.95 Ground Hire 8,049.19 8,609.10 Honorarium 12,000.00 12,000.00 Interpreters Fees 1,814.86 1,837.00 Inter Association Costs 21,480.47 19,755.78 Office Stationery 1,209.56 944.77 Postages 74.70 310.50 Presentation Dinner Expenses 22,547.60 23,567.66 Printing - Rules & Fixtures 7,026.80 7,177.50 Printing - Annual Report 2,838.00 2,838.00 Printing - Laws of Cricket/Forms 550.00 175.99 Sundry Expenses 360.93 199.99 Trophies & Pennants 7,314.24 8,014.77 Telephone & Internet 8,739.75 8,281.50 Venue Hire 2,875.00 805.01 15 Income and Expenditure

Expenditure (ctd) 2013 2012 Van Hire 377.91 0.00 Provision for Printing Score Books 0.00 8,500.00 20/20 Cup Expenses 6,652.01 5,335.35 Equipment Purchased 471.10 0.00 Development Cost Refunds 6,950.00 0.00

Total Expenditure 119,540.77 117,343.49

Surplus (Deficit) 20,244.82 7,844.20

Add/(Subtract) Score Book Stock (see note 2) 7,848.45 (3,644.30)

Add accumulated Surplus from Prior Years 66,702.48 62,502.58

Accumulated Surplus 94,795.75 66,702.48

Auditor’s Report

To the Members of Eastern Cricket Association Inc

We have audited the financial Statement for the year ended 31st May 2013 in accordance with the Australian Auditing Standards. Our Examination consisted of such tests of accounting records, bank statements, cheque butts, deposit slips, invoices and other supporting records we considered necessary in the circumstances. Our Scope was not extended beyond those entries recorded in the books and records of the Association and no opinion is expressed in regard to transactions outside those books and records. Subject to the above, in our opinion, the Financial Statements present fairly the financial position of The Eastern Cricket Association Inc. as at 31st May 2013, and the results of its operations for the year then ended is in accordance with the Australian Accounting Standards.

Geoff Bowes CPA Bell Taxation & Consulting Services

16 Umpires’ Report

Once again, it is my pleasure to report the umpires list has grown to approximately eighty. However due to work, university commitments and illness we did not have a full list to appoint each round.

Similar to last season, the training sessions for new umpires were held on Sunday mornings at Glen Iris, as well as one night session, to explain the ECA rules and the requirements for new umpires. My thanks go to Kevin Burt, Greg Spithill, Geoff Wheeler and other umpires for their assistance.

Unfortunately, our Umpires Coach, Dan Bomford, suffered a heart attack and was absent for two meetings. Thus some of our senior umpires came forward to assist with trainings sessions. It is great to see Dan back, and I wish him good health for the future.

Similar to last season, I contacted a number of captains in different grades to discuss their comments on umpire performances. It was pleasing to hear that our training program seems to be working. I informed the captains the umpires coach acted on their remarks, to improve umpiring techniques; therefore their reports were important, and should be treated as such.

May I extend my sincere thanks to Mike Slattery, the Umpires Association and my fellow executive members, for your support during the season.

I have notified the President and Operations Manger that I will not be seeking re-election to this position, as I have decided after many years to retire from cricket Umpiring. I have thoroughly enjoyed my nearly twenty years with the ECA.

I take this opportunity to congratulate the main officiating Umpires for the Dunstan Shield in Kevin Burt and Geoff Wheeler, for the MacGibbon Shield in Mike Slattery and Keith Carr, all Premiership clubs and individual trophy winners.

FRANK CLARKE Umpires’ Manager

17 Association Medal Winners

The Dunstan Medal is awarded to the best and fairest turf cricketer in the Association and is based on votes given by the umpires in Dunstan Shield matches. It is named after Alf Dunstan who served as an Executive Member of ESCA for forty years and was president of the Association from 1952 to 1972.

The award was won jointly by Dean Day of Mulgrave and Jack Taylor of Glen Iris with 15 votes.

Other players polling well in the Dunstan Medal were Leigh Parsons on 13 votes, James Porter on 12 votes, Andrew Grubich on 10 votes and on 9 votes were James Binney, John Dinneen, James Goodwin, Robert Tongue, Tim Wright & Alex Strauch.

The Stuart Medal is awarded to the best and fairest synthetic cricketer in the Association and is based on votes given by the umpires in Macgibbon Shield matches. It is named after Ian Stuart, a life member of ESDCCA, who umpired VCA matches for 23 years and was umpires’ adviser to ESDCCA for 35 seasons.

This season’s award was won by Chris Branigan of Edinburgh with 19 votes. Left is Chris accepting his award from Vice President – Paul Zennaro

Other players who polled well in the Stuart Medal were Dalis Thomas on 14 votes, Greg Clift & Pat Gregory on 13 votes and Luke D’Astoli & Julian Delahunt on 12 votes.

18 Association Medal Winners

The Millard Medal is awarded to the best and fairest player in the Dunstan Shield Grand Final based on the umpires’ assessment. It is named after Alby Millard, an outstanding Association umpire for nearly fifty years. Greg Cull of Mont Albert was the winner of this award.

The Tulloch Medal is awarded to the best and fairest player in the Macgibbon Shield Grand Final based on the umpires’ assessment. It is named after George Tulloch in recognition of the services he provided to both the ESDCCA and their Umpiring body. Adam D’Addazio was the winner of this award. Left is Adam accepting the award from George Tulloch.

The nominated Player of the Grand final for other grades were: A Turf – Chris Judd (Bulleen), B Turf - Sean Steinwall (St Kevins OC), C Turf - Jamie Koo (Bulleen), D Turf - John Bonnyman (Donvale), E Turf - Mitchell Daniels (Ringwood), F Turf - Tristan Black (Marcellin OC), G Turf - Leigh Gilmore (TMH Mulgrave) Burt - L Lambert (Edinburgh), A Synthetic - Campbell Furze (Blackburn North Utd), B Synthetic - Luke Colby (Boroondara), C Synthetic - Dinuka Jayasuriya (STC), D Synthetic David Wright (Clifton Hill) LOC1 - Grant Hudson (St Barnabas), LOC 2 - Chris Jolly (Bulleen), LOC 3 - Anthony Beltrame (Marcellin OC), LOC 4 - Scott Tunnicliffe (Mulgrave), LOC 5 - Marcus Barber (St Barnabas)

19 Representative Matches Synthetic Representative Games The RDCA/BHRDCA/ECA T20 Rep Challenge Shield

This season it was the turn of ECA to host this competition and we selected Macleay /Myrtle Park as the host venue.

The association’s thanks go to North Balwyn and St Barnabas Cricket Clubs for hosting and to the Boroondara Council for allowing us to use these ovals.

MACGIBBON SHIELD Game 1. ECA All out 121 defeated by Box Hill DCA 3/127 in the 20th over Game 2. RDCA 151 defeated BHRDCA 106 Game 3. ECA 9/92 defeated by Ringwood DCA 7/111 Winner of the McIntosh, Macgibbon, Trollope Challenge Shield – Ringwood District Cricket Association.

BURT SHIELD Game 1. ECA All out 76 defeated by Box Hill DCA 7/118 Game 2. BHRDCA defeated RDCA Game 3. ECA 7/112 defeated by RDCA 2/114 in the 15th over Winner of the Wilson, Burt, Wilkins Challenge Shield – Box Hill Reporter District Cricket Association.

20 Representative Matches ECA “Macgibbon Shield ” Representative Team

This representative squad consisted of: Luke D’Astoli (STC) (Capt.), Sam Fairbrother (STC), Steve O’Connell (STC), Hugh Ingham (Boroondara), Steve Perkins (Burwood Utg Cant), Chris Branigan (Edinburgh), Greg Clift (Wyclif), Cameron Stewart (East Ivanhoe Saints), Michael Paolini (Burwood Utg. Cant), Dalis Thomas (Clifton Hill), Stuart Brown (Edinburgh), Keith Carr (Umpire)

MACGIBBON SHIELD – GAME 1 Versus Box Hill Reporter After winning the toss and electing to bat, the ECA lost their 1st wicket at 7 ( Hugh Ingham - 6), then after 2 overs 2 -18 when Stuart Brown was for 10. A quick partnership of 39 runs in 4 overs saw at the end of the 6th over the score 3 – 57 with Sam Fairbrother (20 off 12 balls) & Greg Clift 14 when Sam was out on the last of the 6th over. After 9 overs with the score 3 -72 the ECA were looking at a strong total to defend. However three quick wickets in two overs saw Steve O’Connell (6), Chris Branigan (1) & Greg Clift (24 off 27 balls) dismissed and the ECA slump to 6 – 75 off 11 overs. Over the next 5 overs 37 runs were added by Cam Stewart ( 24 off 19 balls ) & Mick Paolini (13) and after 16 overs the score was a respectable 6 -112 with 4 overs remaining to push on to a defendable score.

Unfortunately in the chase for quick runs over the next 15 balls ECA lost 4 for 9 including the wickets of Stewart, Paolini, Steve Perkins (2) and Dalis Thomas (0) and finishing 9 balls short of facing our full 20 over compliment with a score of 121.

Going into the field ECA started well with a wicket in the 1st over to Dallas Thomas, Box Hill 1-0. A solid 34 run partnership over the next 7 overs eventuated before Luke D’Astoli took the 2nd wicket Vozzo. After 10 overs Box Hill were 2 – 57 and by the end of the 14th over, it became 3 – 83 when Cameron Stewart had Yze caught behind. With wickets up their sleeve and try as hard as the ECA players could, the winning runs came off the 4th ball of the 20th over, with Box Hill victorious 3 for 127.

Bowling & fielding was great with the following bowling figures : Dalias Thomas 3 overs 1- 22, Cameron Stewart 4 overs 1-11, Luke D’Astoli 4 overs 1-17, Sam Fairbrother 4 overs 0- 28, Chris Branigan 3 overs 0-25, Mick Paolini 1 over 0-11, Greg Clift 1 over 0-9. In a game where the advantage changed quite quickly on a number of occasions the ECA boys did their best work when bowling and fielding.

21 Representative Matches

MACGIBBON Shield – GAME 3 Versus Ringwood District After seeing Ringwood comprehensively beat Box Hill in the second game by 45 runs, the opportunity to still win the “Challenge Shield” was open to the ECA by winning the game and needing to improve our net run-rate. With this in mind the popular decision was to find out our target required in the adjusted over equation to win the competition. And so with Ringwood first the ECA set about restricting the total as best as possible. With wickets falling steadily after 8 overs Ringwood were 4-45, a solid partnership of 35 over 6 overs before the next break through saw Ringwood 5-77 off 14 overs, 6-95 off 17 overs and finally 7-111 off the allotted 20 overs.

Again the bowling and fielding was great with the following bowling figures : Dalis Thomas 4 overs 1-12, Cameron Stewart 4 overs 2-27, Luke D’Astoli 4 overs 2-22, Chris Branigan 4 overs 1-30, Sam Fairbrother 4 overs 1-19.

The challenge ahead while batting was to win the game within 15 overs and 4 balls (94 balls) at an average of 7.2 per over to allow ECA to win the competition on net runrate. A steady start to the innings before we lost our first wicket at the end of the 4th over to be 1- 18 when Sam Fairbrother was caught for 11.

Within another 3 overs, the game was quickly slipping away with the fall of wickets each over, 2-27 Greg Clift (7), 3-27 Hugh Ingham (8), 4-29 Shaun Brown (0). With the hope of winning the competition gone, Mick Paolini & Chris Branigan set out to chase the win within the 20 overs. After 11 overs the score was 4-52, so with 9 overs remaining and 6 wickets in hand to score 60 runs to win.

The loss of another 3 quick wickets, 5-52 Chris Branigan (9), 6-54 Mick Paolini (14), 7-56 Cameron Stewart (2) saw victory in the game slip dramatically. From there ECA batted out to push the score to a disappointing 9-92 off our allotted 20 overs. 8-79 Steve Perkins (7) & 9-83 Luke D’Astoli (3) with the 2 not out batsman Steve O’Connell (21 no) & Dalis Thomas (4 no).

In the end after an excellent 20 overs in the field by the ECA we were outplayed by Ringwood District who over both their games performed throughout each of the whole game in all three facets of the game whether batting, bowling & fielding and were very deserving winners of the “Challenge Shield”.

Thanks to the North Balwyn CC for their support throughout the whole day in making the day a success and for the use of Macleay Park oval No.2, with both other Associations very impressed with how the day, facilities & concept made for enjoyable competitive cricket. Thanks to Team Manager, Michael Bingley for organising & the effort he put in to help make the day run smoothly & a final thanks to Captain, Luke D’Astoli .

The ECA Executive would like to thank the Macgibbon players who showed great 22 Representative Matches commitment to give up a full Sunday in representing the Association and look forward to the challenge of winning in 2013/14.

ECA “Burt Shield” Representative Team The representative squad consisted of : Eamon Jennings (Manningham) (Capt.), Shannon Gill (Manningham), David Prowse (North Balwyn Combined), Matt Gurney (North Balwyn Combined), David Beattie (North Balwyn Combined), Simon Wraight (Edinburgh), Jonathan Coyne (Edinburgh), Chris Horsley-Wyatt (Edinburgh), Cameron Eshuis (Knox Churches), Andrew Merbach (Knox Churches), Steve McCleary (Trinity Willison), Eugene Fitzwilliam (Team Manager) BURT SHIELD – GAME 1 versus Box Hill Reporter. Box Hill Reporter batted first and made 7-118 off their allotted 20 overs. A good performance by all when bowling and fielding left the ECA in a position to bat at making a run a ball to win. Throughout Box Hill’s innings the ECA boys applied pressure through great line and length bowling and the run-rate was kept at a reasonable level early. Box Hill after 5 overs 1-15, after 10 overs 3-45 but from there averaging over 7 runs an over for the last 10 overs were able to post a respectable 7-118. ECA Bowling figures : Matt Gurney 4 overs 1-15, Cameron Eshuis 4 overs 1-13, Steven McCleary 3 overs 1-19, Shannon Gill 4 overs 1-27, Chris Horsley-Wyatt 3 overs 2-25 & Eamon Jennings 2 overs 1-15.

Chasing 6 runs an over to win the ECA started well and being 1-22 off 3 overs with Simon Wraight out for 6, 2 tight overs by Box Hill saw the ECA 1-26 after 5 overs. Within the space of 4 overs the game was turned upside down as the ECA slumped to 6-39 off 9 overs. Wickets falling as follows, 2-29 Dave Beattie (10), 3- 30 Jonathan Coyne (0), 4-36 David Prowse (14), 5-39 Matt Gurney (1), 6-39 Andrew Merbach (0).

After 12 overs the ECA were 6-55 and by the 17th over ECA were all out for 76, wickets falling as follows: 7-56 Shannon Gill (2), 8-65 Chris Horsley-Wyatt (2), 9-68 Cameron Eshuis (0) & 10- 76 Eamon Jennings (32) with Steven McCleary (3 no). In what was a very disappointing batting performance, with only 3 players reaching double figures and only Eamon Jennings batting very well for his 32. The boys were keen to make amends in their second game after their lacklustre effort with the bat in this game.

23 Representative Matches BURT SHIELD – GAME 3 versus Ringwood District Winning the toss and batting the ECA were determined to put up a much better batting display against Ringwood District, a good platform was built by the ECA early, losing our first wicket at 11, Dave Beattie (6), then 2-55 David Prowse (27) at the half way stage of 10 overs 2-56, so with wickets in hand the push for a strong total was on the cards. A good bowling performance from Ringwood never allowed the ECA bats to really fully hit out and with wickets falling at a regular basis the ECA lost 5-56 in the last 10 overs to finish 7-112 in the allotted 20 overs. The following wickets fell: 3-72 Simon Wraight (26), 4-94 Eamon Jennings (18), 5-100 Jonathan Coyne (14), 6-107 Andrew Merbach (2), 7-110 Shannon Gill (1). The boys worked hard to give themselves a respectable total to defend, and were ready to bowl themselves to victory as they were aware 112 would be difficult to defend.

In what turned out to be a real anti-climax for the ECA team it become apparent early on that 112 was not enough as the two opening bats for Ringwood took to our bowlers. After 5 overs 0-35, that turned into 0-92 off 10 overs when 40 runs came from 2 overs and the game was shot. The ECA 1st wicket came in the 12th over 1-99, 2-110 at the end of the 14th over with the winning runs first ball of the 15th over. ECA Bowling figures: Matt Gurney 3 overs 0-13, Cameron Eshuis 2 overs 0-22, Steven McCleary 2 overs 0-23, Shannon Gill 2 overs 0-28, Dave Beattie 2 overs 0- 14, Jonathan Coyne .1 over 0-4 with the pick of the bowlers Chris Horsley-Wyatt 3 overs 2-9.

In what was a very disappointing way for the ECA team to finish the day, the challenge for the ECA is to find the competitive format needed at the Burt level when playing the other two Associations.

Thanks to the St Barnabas CC for their support throughout the whole day in making the day a success and for the use of Myrtle Park West ground.

Thanks to Team Manager, Eugene Fitzwilliam for all his support and effort throughout the day and a final thanks to Captain, Eamon Jennings.

The ECA Executive would like to thank the Burt Shield players for giving their support to the ECA and this Twenty/20 concept and we look forward to an improved showing next season against quality opposition.

24 Representative MatMatchesches VMCU Under 21 (Eastern Thunder) Representative Games The squad consisted of Chris Morris (C) (Boorondara), Rob Howes (Mazenod OC), Alex Jones (Mazenod OC), Tom Thirlwell (Heathmont), Jesse Gannon (Heathmont), Lachie Mason (Mulgrave), Alex Davies (Mulgrave), Nick Jamieson (Glen Iris), Fraser Heron-Paterson (Deepdene Bears), Chris Barr (Ashburton Willows), Andrew Hummerston (Ashburton Willows), Jack Lynch (Ashburton Willows), Jack Taylor (Clifton Hill), Jack Viola (Edinburgh), Cristian Di Angelo (Burwood Uniting Canterbury). Matt Vaiano (East Doncaster) with Team Managers Michael Paolini, Charlie Acutt & Will Woodgate

Round 1 of the competition saw ECA take on Southern District & CCL at the picturesque Melbourne University Cricket Club main oval. ECA led by Chris Morris (Boroondara) lost the toss and were strangely sent in to bat in perfect conditions.

Opening up the innings for ECA with Chris Morris was Alex Davies (Mulgrave) fresh from the U19 world cup playing for England which was held in Australia. Both batmen showed poise and executed shots with precision and purpose in an opening stand of 130, before Chris departed for a well-constructed 51 (68 balls) in the 22nd over.

Next in was Tom Thirlwell (Heathmont) who gave the Southern District bowlers no respite from ball one with a quick-fire 17 (11 balls) before being dealt an unlucky bounce from a pitch that playing true – the score moving to 167 in the 25th over.

This brought Lachie Mason (Mulgrave) to join Alex at the crease in what proved to be a superb batting display. Both batsmen continued to wreak havoc on Southern District’s bowlers and were not out at the compulsory closure after 40 overs in an unbeaten 154 run stand. Lachie 71* (47 balls) with the star of the innings, Alex 177* off 114 balls, having carried his bat for the entire innings.

ECA ended up 2/321 (40 overs) in what was a performance sure to break records. Opening up the bowling attack for ECA was Jesse Gannon (Heathmont – 4/25 off 7 overs) partnered by young Chris Barr (Ashburton – 1/21 off six overs). Both bowlers were consistently hitting line and length on a pitch that was had little margin for error. The pair cut a swath through the Southern District top order, leaving them reeling at 5/37 in the 11th over.

Jesse picked up four of these wickets in an opening spell of 4/16 (six overs) including a double wicket maiden. This opening spell set the tone for the rest of the bowlers with unrelenting pressure rewarded with consistent wickets. Andrew Hummerston (Ashburton – 1/12 off 6 overs) teamed with Fraser Heron-Paterson (Deepdene – 3/25 off 5.2 overs) to account for the middle and lower order of Southern District.

25 Representative Matches Complementing the bowling was the first-rate fielding, where the entire team showed great intensity and clean execution. As a direct result of the fielding pressure, very sharp work from youngster Chris Barr was rewarded with run out. Southern Districts were all out 89 in the 26th over, giving the ECA boys a 230 run win and a handy percentage boost early in the carnival.

This game set the tone for the level of determination of the entire squad and was a great start to the tournament. With three more games to go the team will be aiming high for finals success.

On Sunday 18th of November took us to the pristine Ashburton Willows Cricket Club to take on the new-look Diamond Valley Cricket Association for the second round of the Under 21 comeptition . As the dark clouds rolled in as soon as the covers were taken off, the curator wasted no time in getting on and off the pitch as quick as he could. It looked to be a pretty good batting wicket and Captain Chris Morris (Boroondara) believed so to winning the toss and electing to bat. We opened up with Chris and Tom Thirlwell (Heathmont CC) the boys got us off to a pretty decent start with 55 runs coming from the first 8 overs. From there we preceded to lose 2 quick wickets Chris for 25 and Lachie Mason (Mulgrave CC) who didn’t trouble Sue on the score sheet.

This bought Mulgrave’s pom Alex Davies to the crease (177* last game).Alex was dropped first ball then seemed to be in a rush for 12 balls scoring 21 before he was dismissed. So at 3/87 off 15 overs things weren’t looking too bad, but in the next 10 overs we lost 5/28 and starring down the barrel of a sub-par score on a baking Ashburton wicket.

In that time Tom Thirwell was 33 before being dismissed. Some resilience came toward the end of the innings with Jesse Gannon(Heathmont CC) and Andrew Hummerston (Ashburton Willows CC) coming together to put 56 on for the last wicket, with Jesse making a chunk of the runs finishing unbeaten on 67. So at the close of the Eastern Thunders Innings 5.3 overs short of the maximum 40 we had been dismissed for 171.

DVCA innings started with Jesse Gannon & Jack Viola (Edinburgh CC) bowling in a very handy partnership with no luck, after a few chances went begging. DVCA lost their 1st wicket at 93 and the pitch was becoming more and more like the Hume Highway. DVCA eventually surpassed the required total of 171 only with 3 wickets lost. The innings lacked the bowlers to bowl one-side of the deck allowing the opposition to score very freely.

26 Representative Matches Jesse Gannon was unlucky throughout and finished with 0/22 of his allotted overs, Andrew Hummerston chimed in with 1/27 off 6 and a very classy direct hit run-out. The only other wicket taker was Fraser Heron-Paterson (Deepdene Bears CC) who finished with 1/31 off his allotted 8 overs. We thank Ashburton Willows CC for hosting the day.

In round 3 of the Under 21 carnival, Eastern Thunder ventured out to Dodemaide Oval to play Mercantile CA. Winning the toss ECA batted first on what was a worn pitch. The first wicket went down at 40 and continued at this level through the 40 overs, with the eventual target for MCA to win set at 5/188. Best with the bat were Jack Taylor 54 and Nick Jamieson 47.

Opening with Jesse Gannon and Andrew Hummerston the boys kept the lid on the scoring rate. Wickets were tough to get with MCA batsman playing cautiously, none better than their opener in Andrew Snook who went onto make 80. However the wickets fall at the other end on a regular basis and when Snook was dismissed MCA could not get over the line. The final reply was 164 with the best from ECA being Gannon 4/35 and Viola 3/43.

The final round of the VMCU U21 Carnival had Eastern Thunder taking on Ringwood District Cricket Associations at Balwyn Park.

With a bit to offer in the pitch early, ECA won the toss and decided to send RDCA in to bat. Jesse Gannon (Heathmont CC) and Jack Viola (Edinburgh CC) opened the bowling and got us off to a great start with Jack taking 3 wickets in his first spell, all clean bowled with a great display of controlled swing bowling, while Jesse continued to keep it tight at the other end.

Andrew Hummerston (Ashburton Willows CC) and Matt Vaiano (East Doncaster CC) then came into the attack and continued to choke RDCA and not allow them to create a partnership and score freely on a small and quick ground. They both bowled extremely tight, Andrew finishing with 7-1-1-25 and Matt 5-1-0-19.

Oli Heywood (Boroondara CC) and Jack Lynch (Ashburton Willows CC) also bowled tightly to ensure we weren't chasing a big total on a small ground. Oli finishing with 8-0-0-21 and Jack 5-1-1-14.

Jesse and Jack came on to close out the innings and keep RDCA to 9/119 off their 40 overs. Jesse finishing with fantastic figures of 7-3-3-14 but the pick of the bowlers was Jack with 8-3-4-15.

The sun continued to bake the wicket and we certainly got the best of the batting wicket and Chris Morris (Boroondara CC) and Tom Thirlwell (Heathmont CC) made sure they worked hard early and get themselves in.

27 Representative Matches Both Chris and Tom played great cricket shots finished unbeaten on 62 and 57 respectively ensuring that we recorded a strong 10 wicket win inside 17 overs going into the semi finals.

The semi-final was against old foes Dandenong at VSDCA’s Noble Park ground. The game was a very one sided affair with Dandenong winning comfortably.

The association appreciates and thanks the three Team Managers Charlie Acutt, Will Woodgate and Michael Paolini for all their time and efforts. Also all the players who participated.

In the RTP Hodge Medal awarded to the best player in the Under 21 VMCU competition, as voted by the Umpires was won by Jesse Gannon (Heathmont) and Nick Jamieson (Glen Iris). This medal recognizes the legendary work and dedication of Ron Hodge who spent 42 years as Team Manager for this side.

28 Turf Section Results (1)

Dunstan Shield Wright Shield (A Turf) Club Points Club Points Glen Iris 58 Heathmont 68 Mont Albert 54 Bulleen 58 St Kevins OC 46 Canterbury 42 Mulgrave 42 Burwood 40 Hawthorn 42 St Barnabas 36 Ashburton Willows 36 Mazenod OC 36 Deepdene Bears 30 Donvale 30 Marcellin OC 27 East Malvern Tooronga 30 Surrey Hills 24 Old Carey 24 North Balwyn 15 Glen Iris 24 Boronia 15 Richmond City 22 East Doncaster 15 Deepdene Bears 6 Semi-finals: Semi-finals: Mont Albert 6/266 def St Kevins OC 184 Bulleen 165 def Canterbury 148 Mulgrave 7/307(cc) def Glen Iris 203 Heathmont 6/158 def Burwood 72 Final: Final: Mont Albert 226 def Mulgrave 117 Bulleen 9/233(cc) def Heathmont 170 Mont Albert Premiers Bulleen Premiers

Sturgess Shield (B Turf) Armstrong Shield (C Turf) Club Points Club Points East Doncaster 45 Surrey Hills 52 Marcellin OC 42 Bulleen 48 Ashwood 42 Ashburton Willows 46 St Kevins OC 40 Donvale 39 Hawthorn 36 Mont Albert 39 North Balwyn 34 East Malvern Tooronga 36 Burwood 34 Canterbury 36 Mulgrave 33 Richmond City 32 Richmond Union 28 Deepdene Bears 30 Boronia 24 Glen Iris 28 Mazenod OC 21 East Doncaster 18 Heathmont 21 St Barnabas 6 Semi-finals: Semi-finals: St Kevins OC 3/208 def East Doncaster 207 Donvale 136 def Surrey Hills 90 Marcellin OC 205 def Ashwood 87 Bulleen 236 def Ashburton Willows 177 Final: Final: St Kevin OC 174 def Marcellin OC 164 Bulleen 5/167 def Donvale 164 St Kevins OC Premiers Bulleen Premiers

29 Turf Section Results (2)

Thomson Shield (D Turf) Mair Shield (E Turf) Club Points Club Points Donvale 61 Hawthorn 55 Boronia 60 Ringwood 54 La Trobe University 57 North Balwyn 51 Mont Albert 42 Bulleen 45 Canterbury 34 Old Carey 45 Ashwood 33 Surrey Hills 36 Richmond City 19 St Kevins OC 23 East Malvern Tooronga 12 Donvale 6

Semi-finals: Semi-finals: Donvale 9/215(cc) def Mont Albert 1340 Hawthorn 269 def Bulleen 184 Boronia 133 def La Trobe University 105 Ringwood 3/241 def North Balwyn 240 Final: Final: Donvale 9/199(cc) def Boronia 94 Ringwood 8/188(cc) def Hawthorn 108 Donvale Premiers Ringwood Premiers

Cohen Shield (F Turf) Patterson Shield (G Turf) Club Points Club Points Marcellin OC 60 TheMightyHawks-Mulgrave 67 Glen Iris 54 St Barnabas 61 North Balwyn 45 Surrey Hills 57 Ashburton Willows 42 East Doncaster 54 Hawthorn 42 Mont Albert 53 La Trobe University 39 Heathmont 48 Deepdene Bears 18 La Trobe University 23 Richmond Union 18 Richmond City 21 East Malvern Tooronga 21 Semi-finals: Semi finals: Marcellin OC 175 def Ashburton Willows 170 TheMightyHawks-Mulgrave 9/315(cc) def East Doncaster 100 North Balwyn 1/84 def Glen Iris 65 Surrey Hills 6/233(cc) def St Barnabas 110 Final: Final: Marcellin OC 5/288(cc) def North Balwyn 137 TheMightyHawks-Mulgrave 1/107 def Surrey Hills 106 Marcellin OC Premiers TheMightyHawks-Mulgrave Premiers

30 Synthetic Section Results (1)

Macgibbon Shield Burt Shield Club Points Club Points Boroondara 76 Burwood Uniting Canterbury 80 STC South Camberwell 72 Edinburgh 66 Edinburgh 66 Manningham 58 Deepdene Uniting 48 North Balwyn Combined 48 Clifton Hill 30 STC South Camberwell 48 Burwood Uniting Canterbury 30 Knox Churches 42 Wyclif 30 Deepdene Uniting 24 East Ivanhoe Saints 18 Trinity Willison 18 Trinity Willison 12 Boroondara 11 A.Y.C. 12 Mazenod OC 6

Semi-finals: Semi-finals: Boroondara 3/133 def Deepdene Uniting 131 Burwood Utg Cant 301 def Nth Balwyn Comb 171 STC Sth Camberwell 9/367(cc) def Edinburgh 8/345(cc) Edinburgh 3/111 def Manningham 110 Final: Final: STC South Camberwell 6/190 def Boroondara 189 Edinburgh 4/97 def Burwood Utg Cant 96 STC South Camberwell Premiers Edinbugh Premiers

Shaw Shield (A Grade ) Holzer Shield (B Grade) Club Points Club Points Blackburn North United 64 Boroondara 84 Burwood 63 Clifton Hill 76 Clifton Hill 54 A.Y.C. 70 Heathmont 43 Blackburn North United 50 Edinburgh 40 Deepdene Uniting 36 Burwood Uniting Canterbury 39 Burwood Uniting Canterbury 34 Wyclif 36 Edinburgh 30 Boroondara 30 Knox Churches 18 East Ivanhoe Saints 18 North Balwyn 12 North Balwyn Combined 15 Manningham 12

Semi-finals: Semi-finals: Blackburn North United 3/152 def Heathmont 127 AYC 8/267(cc) def Clifton Hill 134 Clifton Hill 7/266 def Burwood 136 Boroondara 169 def Blackburn North United 137 Final: Final: Blackburn North United 8/189 def Clifton Hill 185 Boroondara 6/257 def AYC 76 Blackburn North United Premiers Boroondara Premiers.

31 Synthetic & LOC Section Results

Wilson Shield (C Grade) Merrell Shield (D Grade) Club Points Club Points STC South Camberwell 75 Clifton Hill 76 Heathmont 55 Wyclif 72 Mazenod OC 46 Edinburgh 45 Ashwood 41 Burnley CYMS 39 Burwood Uniting Canterbury 40 STC South Camberwell 36 East Doncaster 33 Deepdene Uniting 24 North Balwyn Combined 24 East Ivanhoe Saints 21 Trinity Willison 9

Semi-finals: Semi-finals: STC South Camberwell 9/336(cc) def Ashwood 236 Clifton Hill 1/129 def Burnley CYMS 122 Heathmont 230 def Mazenod OC 158 Wyclif 5/299 def Edinburgh 8/293(cc) Final: Final: STC South Camberwell 211 def Heathmont 144 Clifton Hill 374 def Wyclif 176 STC South Camberwell Premiers Clifton Hill Premiers

McCarthy Shield (LOC 1st Division) RW Laws Shield (LOC 2nd Division) Club Points Club Points St Barnabas 84 Salvation Army Waverley 102 South Camberwell 78 Bulleen 89 Heathmont 72 Hawthorn 66 Mulgrave 60 Knox Churches 63 Ashburton Willows 60 Abbotsford Anglers 63 Melbourne Deaf 54 Burwood 54 North Balwyn 54 Glen Iris 42 Abbotsford Anglers 48 Edinburgh 32 Glen Iris 30 South Camberwell 22 Blackburn North Baptist 1

Semi-finals: Semi-finals: South Camberwell 6/237(cc) def Heathmont 176 Salvation Army Waverley 7/168 def Knox Churches 165 St Barnabas 8/198 def Mulgrave 9/195(cc) Bulleen 5/110 def Hawthorn 109 Final: Final: St Barnabas 8/208(cc) def South Camberwell 141 Bulleen 7/194 (cc) def Salvation Army Waverley 152 St Barnabas Premiers Bulleen Premiers

32 Limited Over Section Results

Lamborn Shield (LOC 3rd Division) Tobias Shield (LOC 4th Division) Club Points Club Points Knox Churches 96 Mulgrave 108 Marcellin OC 89 Eastern Salvation Army 72 Eastern Salvation Army 78 Manningham 69 Burwood Uniting Canterbury 72 St Stephens Greythorn 66 Trinity Willison 66 Mont Albert 60 Ashburton Willows 42 Clifton Hill 54 Wyclif 35 Boroondara 44 Richmond Union 30 North Balwyn Combined 39 STC South Camberwell 24 East Doncaster 17

Semi-finals: Semi-finals: Burwood Utg Cant 8/150 def Knox Churches 146 Mulgrave 8/209(cc) def Manningham 32 Marcellin OC 2/61 def Eastern Salvation Army 60 Eastern Salvation Army 175 def St Stephens Grey 158 Final: Final: Marcellin OC 8/181(cc) def Burwood Utg Cant) 114 Mulgrave 9/208(cc) def Eastern Salvation Army 94 Marcellin OC Premiers Mulgrave Premiers

Minahan Shield (LOC 5th Division) Club Points Hawthorn 84 Clifton Hill 80 Richmond Union 78 St Barnabas 75 Burwood Uniting Canterbury 53 A.Y.C. 36 Melbourne Deaf 12

Semi-finals: St Barnabas 8/148(cc) def Hawthorn 91 Richmond Union 8/140 def Clifton Hill 138 Final: St Barnabas 4/221(cc) def Richmond Union 100 St Barnabas Premiers

33 Turf Section Averages (1)

Players Games Inns NO 100s HS Runs Ave DUNSTAN Andrew Grubich (GI) 12 12 4 1 100* 517 64.63 Shield Mathew Cox (AW) 11 10 2 0 99* 492 61.50 Arosha Perera (S Hills) 10 11 2 1 107 431 47.89 Batting Bryan Vance (Mont A) 13 14 4 0 82* 438 43.80 Averages Suhan Alagaratnam (Mulg) 10 10 2 0 74* 318 39.75 Jack Taylor (GI) 12 13 0 2 210 513 39.46 Ben Stallworthy (Bor) 11 11 0 0 82 433 39.36 Dean Day (Mulg) 12 12 0 0 86 448 37.33 Cameron Armstrong (GI) 12 13 0 0 85 450 34.62 Xavier Davis (St Kev) 12 14 2 1 109* 415 34.58 Players Games Overs Maid Runs Wkts B/B Ave Andrew Cossar (Haw) 7 70 17 172 22 5/7 7.82 Lachlan Armstrong (GI) 11 71.3 22 232 20 3/27 11.60 Jack Taylor (GI) 12 145.5 52 307 25 5/19 12.28 Bowling Leigh Parsons (Deep B) 11 126.5 39 304 24 5/10 12.67 Averages James Porter (Mont A) 11 184.3 58 440 33 6/43 13.33 Xavier Schaff (St Kev) 11 169.1 54 417 28 6/25 14.89 Chris Jackson (Mont A) 10 85.1 26 241 16 4/21 15.06 John Dinneen (Marc) 10 164 40 426 28 5/63 15.21 James Goodwin (AW) 11 134 35 385 25 6/40 15.40 Paul Young (Mulg) 11 126.5 31 374 24 5/33 15.58

Players Games Inns NO 100s HS Runs Ave WRIGHT Scott Porter (Bull) 12 12 1 3 183 617 56.09 (A Turf) Simon Tuckett (Bull) 13 12 3 0 76 422 46.89 Jason Smith (EMT) 8 8 1 1 101* 323 46.14 Batting Ben Morris (Heath) 12 13 2 2 111* 499 45.36 Averages Ryan Skeen (St B) 11 12 2 1 155 409 40.90 Michael Hancock (Maz) 11 11 2 0 81 363 40.33 Gregory Powick (Cant) 12 14 1 3 148 523 40.23 Linden Gerhard (Old C) 11 11 0 1 105 410 37.27 Matthew Van der Westhuizen (Donv) 11 12 3 0 69 303 33.67 Matthew Garratt (EMT) 11 9 1 0 79* 269 33.63 Players Games Overs Maid Runs Wkts B/B Ave Stephen Nichol (Heath) 9 81 29 154 21 6/30 7.33 Clint Hillas (Bull) 13 140.1 52 289 39 6/9 7.41 Timothy McCann (Heath) 13 174.1 74 317 35 7/7 9.06 Bowling Himesh Sandaradura (Cant) 10 143 36 392 40 7/39 9.80 Averages Mitchell Rosam (Donv) 9 121.1 37 315 25 4/26 12.60 Rohnan Laws (Rich C) 9 109 24 287 22 5/9 13.05 Jason Brown (Maz) 8 77.5 13 257 19 6/44 13.53 Siphe Mzayidume (EMT) 9 125.1 22 372 27 9/47 13.78 Kerry Tsonis (Bull) 13 170.1 60 308 21 3/25 14.67 Cameron Adam (GI) 7 106.1 23 322 21 5/35 15.33 34 Turf Section Averages (2)

Players Games Inns NO 100s HS Runs Ave STURGESS Brett Coad (Ashw) 9 9 2 1 103* 336 48.00 (B Turf) Benjamin Cameron (St Kev) 10 10 3 0 88* 308 44.00 Brodie Akers (Bor) 11 10 3 0 80* 264 37.71 Batting Ivan Reljic (Rich U) 9 10 1 0 90 265 29.44 Averages Anthony Edmonds (Ashw) 11 10 1 0 60 259 28.78 Marcus Tilley (Haw) 10 11 2 0 71 258 28.67 Hans Nathanielsz (Mulg) 10 11 1 0 92 276 27.60 Trevor Shepherd (Ashw) 12 12 0 1 107 329 27.42 Simon Ellsmore (Nth B) 11 15 1 1 101* 375 26.79 Michael Torriero (Haw) 11 13 0 0 88 326 25.08 Players Games Overs Maid Runs Wkts B/B Ave Hans Nathanielsz (Mulg) 10 80.3 23 227 24 7/30 9.46 Luke Cameron (St Kev) 11 163.4 45 371 32 5/22 11.59 Peter French (Marc) 10 98.2 37 277 23 5/39 12.04 Bowling Ivan Reljic (Rich U) 9 131.2 23 405 33 7/37 12.27 Averages Julian Sakowski (Marc) 12 119.3 42 265 20 5/15 13.25 Jackson Brazzale (Haw) 6 77.1 20 244 18 6/35 13.56 Adrian Monk (Haw) 9 115.5 23 344 23 5/51 14.96 Harry Rainbow (Rich U) 9 117 38 271 18 4/61 15.06 Daniel Day (Marc) 12 101 30 304 20 3/24 15.20 Robert Jago (Maz) 10 149.3 50 380 24 5/28 15.83

Players Games Inns NO 100s HS Runs Ave ARMSTRONG Bruce Anderson (Cant) 9 8 2 0 78 385 64.17

(C Turf) Utpal Prajapati (EMT) 9 8 1 0 70 294 42.00 Eugene Lee (Bull) 10 10 0 1 107 375 37.50 Batting David Bourke (Donv) 9 9 1 0 62 285 35.63 Averages Rhian Dickins (Cant) 10 10 2 0 79 273 34.13 Shane Kelly (GI) 8 8 0 0 74 255 31.88 Sean Leith (AW) 10 12 1 0 88 337 30.64 Joel Driscoll (AW) 8 10 1 0 92* 275 30.56 Scott James (Cant) 10 11 0 0 86 307 27.91 Harvey Jones (Mont A) 11 11 1 0 55* 269 26.90 Players Games Overs Maid Runs Wkts B/B Ave Greg Cull (Mont A) 8 107 38 208 21 5/42 9.90 Shayne Moore (EMT) 8 117.3 39 245 23 4/20 10.65 David McDonald (Rich C) 10 117.4 29 342 32 7/13 10.69 Bowling Aaron Grant (Donv) 12 184.2 70 358 32 5/25 11.19 Averages Jamie Koo (Bull) 11 176 44 456 40 6/38 11.40 George Tsatas (S Hills) 10 146.1 40 402 32 5/35 12.56 Joel Driscoll (AW) 8 140.5 42 308 22 5/51 14.00 Daniel Zachariah (Donv) 13 174.5 46 450 31 6/26 14.52 David Gallacher (Donv) 8 93.5 23 250 16 3/10 15.63 Nicholas diBenedetto (Bull) 9 117.3 25 300 17 3/20 17.65

35 Turf Section Averages (3)

Players Games Inns NO 100s HS Runs Ave THOMSON Narasimhan Krishnan (La T U) 13 13 1 1 114 445 37.08 (D Turf) Gary Booth (Donv) 10 9 1 1 105* 277 34.63 Michael Massey (Mont A) 14 15 5 0 44* 327 32.7 Batting Mark Harris (Bor) 10 10 2 0 65* 257 32.13 Averages Richard Barker (Mont A) 11 12 1 0 57 344 31.27 John Blennerhassett (Bor) 15 14 3 0 62 325 29.55 Chris Jones (Mont A) 12 13 1 0 82 274 22.83 Paul Currie (Donv) 12 13 1 0 57 258 21.50

Players Games Overs Maid Runs Wkts B/B Ave Yohan Jayasinghe (Bor) 8 82.1 26 127 20 5/15 6.35 John Bonnyman (Donv) 12 92.4 21 217 24 7/26 9.04 Prashanth Nadarajah (La T U) 13 95.2 19 214 19 4/6 11.26 Bowling Anthony Laver (Donv) 7 77.2 11 242 21 4/28 11.52 Averages Steven Fowler (Donv) 9 109 32 222 19 4/7 11.68 Narasimhan Krishnan (La T U) 13 143 40 286 24 4/14 11.92 Niraj Dobariya (La T U) 11 105.2 35 234 19 3/3 12.32 Gourav Kalia (La T U) 13 128.4 31 346 25 4/24 13.84 Darcy Brown (Bor) 11 135.1 30 301 20 5/33 15.05 Michael Wilson (Ashw) 11 104.4 27 279 18 5/19 15.50

Players Games Inns NO 100s HS Runs Ave MAIR Brendan Moore (Haw) 7 7 0 1 168 357 51.00 (E Turf) Julian Cohen (Nth B) 10 9 2 0 63 334 47.71 Mitchell Daniels (Ring) 12 11 3 1 113 316 39.50 Batting Dario D'Alessandro (S Hills) 13 13 2 0 94 411 37.36 Averages Chris Todd (Bull) 9 8 0 0 71 268 33.50 Jayden Sullivan (Donv) 10 11 1 1 108* 334 33.40 Brendan Grace (Ring) 15 15 1 0 91 439 31.36 Jake Castelow (Ring) 15 15 4 0 87* 341 31.00 Tim Debenham (Haw) 12 11 1 0 66 285 28.50 Robert Curley (Ring) 11 10 0 0 65 281 28.10 Players Games Overs Maid Runs Wkts B/B Ave Nigel Fernando (Bull) 7 80.4 26 198 21 5/11 9.43 Nic Everett (Old C) 8 82.1 24 178 18 6/18 9.89 Stephen Yole (Haw) 7 85.5 17 234 19 8/61 12.32 Bowling Tom Zavecz (Haw) 9 98.4 34 230 17 4/15 13.53 Averages Roger Fernando (Bull) 13 108.1 28 303 19 4/16 15.95 Robert Curley (Ring) 11 102 25 289 18 4/25 16.06 Mitchell Daniels (Ring) 12 132 33 387 23 5/48 16.83 Will Quinert (St Kev) 8 102.3 21 271 16 4/39 16.94 Sachin Halangode (Ring) 14 109 14 419 24 4/28 17.46

36 Turf Averages (4)

Players Games Inns NO 100s HS Runs Ave COHEN Stuart Kemp (Marc) 14 14 3 1 126 574 52.18 (F Turf) William Hiser (Marc) 10 10 2 0 71 296 37.00 Paul Dinneen (Marc) 13 13 3 0 72 353 35.30 Batting David Zugaro (La T U) 9 10 1 1 103* 293 32.56 Averages Declan McLaughlin (Nth B) 11 12 1 0 60 259 23.55 Naveen Radhappan (Haw) 11 11 0 0 58 259 23.55 Phil Mather (GI) 11 12 0 0 89 280 23.33 Robert Kemp (Marc) 13 13 0 0 55 273 21.00

Players Games Overs Maid Runs Wkts B/B Ave Pranav Saluja (La T U) 7 68 13 150 17 5/17 8.82 Paul Chappell (Marc) 11 71 14 236 25 6/21 9.44 Jonathan Gumley (Nth B) 13 97 17 309 29 4/6 10.66 Bowling Frank Morris (GI) 12 109 36 199 16 5/30 12.44 Averages Ron Murray (Marc) 15 102 39 237 18 4/20 13.17 Peter Mirabella (Marc) 13 121.5 32 326 24 5/24 13.58 Peter Tierney (AW) 12 180.1 29 569 31 5/60 18.35 Naveen Radhappan (Haw) 11 133 38 419 22 5/21 19.05

Players Games Inns NO 100s HS Runs Ave PATTERSON Cameron Carey (E Donc) 7 8 2 0 75* 361 60.17

(G Turf) Mat Pinwill (St B) 9 7 2 1 101* 273 54.60 Allen Burton (Mont A) 10 10 2 1 162 411 51.38 Batting Richard Saw (Hawks-Mulg) 10 9 3 0 80 274 45.67 Averages Roop Bommala (Hawks-Mulg) 11 11 1 1 158 441 44.10 Stan Pamieta (Rich C) 10 12 3 0 55* 356 39.56 Darren Bourke (E Donc) 10 9 1 1 115 309 38.63 Darren McNeil (Heath) 10 9 0 0 78 314 34.89 Jack Vandeven (S Hills) 12 11 2 0 84* 284 31.56

Players Games Overs Maid Runs Wkts B/B Ave William Wordsworth (S Hills) 12 116.2 36 242 25 5/23 9.68 Zac Gemenis (Heath) 8 92 28 165 17 5/32 9.71 Benjamin Galtieri (Mont A) 8 82.4 25 256 23 3/8 11.13 Bowling Brad Thompson (S Hills) 11 77.4 12 268 21 5/24 12.76 Averages Pulkit Gupta (Hawks-Mulg) 10 106.5 27 269 21 4/27 12.81 Joshua Freeman (Heath) 11 89 20 234 16 5/19 14.63 Tom Fogarty (EMT) 10 103.5 27 312 20 7/44 15.60

37 LOC Averages (1)

Players Games Inns NO 100s HS Runs Ave McCARTHY Tyronne Mitchell (AW) 10 9 3 1 102* 357 59.50 (LOC 1) Aaron Kneebone (Sth Cam) 9 8 1 0 96 373 53.29 Cameron Saw (Heath) 16 16 5 1 126* 523 47.55 Batting Damien Argenti (St B) 11 10 1 1 102* 366 40.67 Averages Travis Green (Heath) 14 14 0 1 132 562 40.14 Paul Levins (Heath) 15 15 1 0 67 521 37.21 Paul McRedmond (Mulg) 14 14 3 0 75* 392 35.64 Michael Parremore (Melb D) 11 11 0 1 140 388 35.27 Richard Dwelly (Mulg) 9 9 0 0 91 309 34.33 Chris Haralambopoulos (St B) 12 11 2 0 64 292 32.44 Players Games Overs Maid Runs Wkts B/B Ave James Morris (Mulg) 17 119 36 274 29 4/6 9.45 Colby Schmidt (Sth Cam) 10 48.3 4 223 17 4/32 13.12 Samuel Wright (Sth Cam) 12 77.2 9 294 22 3/13 13.36 Bowling Neil Purdham (Mulg) 14 79 21 283 20 4/16 14.15 Averages Ben Ditterich (Sth Cam) 10 57.4 6 253 17 5/34 14.88 Malcolm Lockwood (AW) 16 107 24 365 22 3/20 16.59 Blake Pendlebury (Melb D) 11 75.2 11 300 16 3/15 18.75 Marko Dordevic (GI) 15 104 13 541 28 4/29 19.32 Brett Kallio (AW) 16 86 6 439 22 5/33 19.95 Mark Walker (Sth Cam) 17 109.2 12 492 24 3/16 20.50

Players Games Inns NO 100s HS Runs Ave RW LAWS Gareth Campbell (SA Wav) 19 16 7 5 120* 804 89.33 (LOC 2) Leigh Warren (SA Wav) 14 13 7 1 112* 400 66.67 Anthony Wijeytunge (Knox Ch) 13 12 4 1 101* 438 54.75 Batting Simon Inglefinger (SA Wav) 19 14 6 0 57* 378 47.25 Averages Stuart Avery (Bull) 9 8 1 0 80 322 46.00 Cory McGeary (Haw) 10 9 1 0 66 343 42.88 Caleb Webb (SA Wav) 18 18 4 0 70 590 42.14 David Rymarz (Haw) 10 9 1 0 97 295 36.88 Kasun Imbulagoda (Knox Ch) 11 11 2 1 119 328 36.44 Steve Coad (Sth Cam) 14 14 2 0 80* 411 34.25 Players Games Overs Maid Runs Wkts B/B Ave Jarred Webb (SA Wav) 18 116.4 22 388 39 8/19 9.95 Neil Henry (Bull) 16 68.4 9 202 20 5/10 10.10 Gareth Campbell (SA Wav) 19 94.4 19 307 29 4/11 10.59 Bowling Simon Inglefinger (SA Wav) 19 85.3 18 298 28 4/29 10.64 Averages Manith Warnasuriya (Knox Ch) 15 116 16 411 33 4/30 12.45 Nadeera Fernando (Knox Ch) 13 81.1 5 303 23 4/17 13.17 Luke Kars (Burw) 13 87 12 327 21 5/26 15.57 Carlo Negri (Bull) 15 91.4 8 427 26 4/10 16.42 Joshua Dart (Burw) 16 106.2 17 510 28 4/24 18.21 Luke Sherman (Sth Cam) 13 53 0 292 16 4/49 18.25

38 LOC Averages (2)

Players Games Inns NO 100s HS Runs Ave LAMBORN Gary Gunasekere (Knox Ch) 15 12 5 1 143* 550 78.57 (LOC 3) Alec Crosswell (Marc) 10 10 4 1 108 451 75.17 Andrew Hillyer (Bur U C) 18 16 5 0 87 744 67.64 Batting Luke Gill (Trin W) 16 13 6 2 109 465 66.43 Averages Dirk D'Silva (Knox Ch) 15 13 4 1 110 491 54.56 Chris Tsolos (East SA) 13 13 4 0 81* 469 52.11 Richard Zambelli (Trin W) 14 12 2 0 75 496 49.60 Erik Tolhurst (AW) 9 8 1 0 93 346 49.43 Vinny O'Brien (Bur U C) 16 15 6 0 75* 442 49.11 Jan de Kretser (Knox Ch) 15 12 2 1 127* 433 43.30 Players Games Overs Maid Runs Wkts B/B Ave Anthony Beltrame (Marc) 12 81.1 24 200 30 5/22 6.67 Ben Everard (East SA) 15 101 22 331 26 4/15 12.73 Darcy Sketcher (East SA) 14 68.5 7 250 18 4/13 13.89 Bowling Leon Lewis (Knox Ch) 16 95 18 352 25 4/17 14.08 Averages Jake Bentley (East SA) 16 115 19 419 29 5/14 14.45 Neranje Dunuwille (Knox Ch) 17 80.5 11 295 18 5/20 16.39 Ian McRae (Bur U C) 13 82.2 18 302 18 3/12 16.78 Dean Lennon (Bur U C) 15 110.5 20 413 24 4/17 17.21 Michael Tricarico (Marc) 16 82.2 10 337 17 3/23 19.82 Rohan Schulties (Bur U C) 14 97.5 15 381 17 3/10 22.41

TOBIAS Players Games Inns NO 100s HS Runs Ave Tim Kerr (B'dara) 10 10 2 2 110* 605 75.63 (LOC 4) Ryan Collett (East SA) 12 9 1 2 122 538 67.25 Scott Tunnicliffe (Mulg) 15 15 5 2 152* 668 66.80 Batting Niketh Raghavan (St Steph) 13 10 4 0 92* 312 52.00 Averages Stuart Lynn (East SA) 17 16 6 0 73 429 42.90 Ryan Meggs (Mulg) 16 16 3 0 86 481 37.00 Lachlan Wright (Mulg) 14 11 2 1 110* 330 36.67 Greg Ryan (E Donc) 10 10 1 0 76 322 35.78 Stephen Day (St Steph) 13 12 2 1 106* 327 32.70 Ben Gilling (Mulg) 12 10 1 0 79 286 31.78 Players Games Overs Maid Runs Wkts B/B Ave Darren Mills (Mulg) 13 69.4 12 280 23 6/25 12.17 Niketh Raghavan (St Steph) 13 97.1 18 270 22 5/27 12.27 Tim Rossi (Mont A) 14 80.2 13 240 18 3/6 13.33 Bowling Ian Bhungard (Mulg) 15 93.5 15 322 24 3/5 13.42 Averages Stuart Lynn (East SA) 17 97 25 314 19 4/13 16.53 Lachlan Wright (Mulg) 14 92.5 21 268 16 3/16 16.75 Rohan Raghavan (St Steph) 10 71.1 3 304 16 4/34 19.00 Adrian Kumar (Mann) 13 93.2 15 328 17 4/14 19.29 Rohan Ferguson (St Steph) 13 87 15 402 18 4/16 22.33 Hari Nair (East SA) 18 98.5 10 504 22 6/9 22.91

39 LOC Averages (3)

Players Games Inns NO 100s HS Runs Ave MINAHAN David Wright (Clif Hill) 15 13 3 4 173 835 83.50 (LOC 5) John Constable (Bur U C) 11 11 4 1 117* 556 79.43 Paul Kelly (St B) 14 14 7 0 78* 523 74.71 Batting Marcus Barber (St B) 11 11 2 2 141* 523 58.11 Averages Bernard Tanner (Bur U C) 9 9 1 2 139* 450 56.25 Harry Coghlan (Rich U) 9 8 1 0 67 293 41.86 Wayne Hussey (Haw) 14 13 2 0 76* 445 40.45 Jos Opt Hoog (Rich U) 12 12 2 0 81 370 37.00 David Rossborough (AYC) 11 11 1 1 107 362 36.20 George Portelli (St B) 15 14 3 1 114 389 35.36 Players Games Overs Maid Runs Wkts B/B Ave Paul Kelly (St B) 14 94 24 240 30 6/1 8.00 Marcus Barber (St B) 11 70 14 189 19 4/12 9.95 Peter Bole (Haw) 14 98.2 17 355 30 5/16 11.83 Bowling Benson Adams (Rich U) 14 89.3 7 367 23 4/24 15.96 Averages James Wright (Clif Hill) 15 92.5 13 338 21 3/7 16.10 Shaun McGrath (Rich U) 15 100.4 18 404 24 5/9 16.83 Daniel Gayton (Rich U) 12 84 12 315 16 4/24 19.69

40 Synthetic Section Averages (1)

Players Games Inns NO 100s HS Runs Ave MACGIBBON Sam Fairbrother (STC) 14 14 2 2 123 623 51.92

Shield Greg Clift (Wyc) 13 13 0 0 98 650 50.00 Brad Shadbolt (Edin) 14 12 2 1 157 473 47.30 Batting Shaun Lorenzini (Deep U) 13 13 1 1 107* 531 44.25 Averages Chris Branigan (Edin) 13 12 1 0 92 478 43.45 Stuart Brown (Edin) 12 12 1 1 103* 461 41.91 Alex Maunder (Wyc) 13 13 0 2 138 544 41.85 Tom Bach (STC) 10 10 1 1 104* 355 39.44 Stephen Perkins (Bur U C) 11 11 0 1 109 413 37.55 Chris Marsiglio (Bur U C) 11 12 0 1 117 447 37.25 Players Games Overs Maid Runs Wkts B/B Ave Dalis Thomas (Clif Hill) 13 228.3 51 553 52 9/19 10.63 Patrick Gregory (Deep U) 10 111.2 22 337 31 10/66 10.87 Ben Thomson (B'dara) 9 96.2 20 300 24 4/8 12.50 Bowling Matt Corstorphin (Bur U C) 11 139.5 31 418 29 5/55 14.41 Averages Julian Delahunt (Edin) 14 171 44 479 32 5/43 14.97 Chris Branigan (Edin) 13 148.1 37 339 22 7/18 15.41 Andrew Rogers (Bur U C) 12 97 21 321 20 4/32 16.05 Luke D'Astoli (STC) 14 235.2 75 627 38 5/36 16.50 John Kapiniaris (Trin W) 11 121.5 39 331 20 5/57 16.55 Rohan Worthy (STC) 8 128 42 330 19 3/23 17.37

Players Games Inns NO 100s HS Runs Ave BURT Bob Neilson (Edin) 10 8 5 0 64 250 83.33 Shield Eamon Jennings (Mann) 9 10 2 1 108* 351 43.88 Neville Read (Bur U C) 12 12 1 1 128* 429 39.00 Batting Sunny Bhasi (Edin) 15 13 4 1 120 350 38.89 Averages Darren Earp (Bur U C) 11 11 0 1 101 403 36.64 Andrew Merbach (Knox Ch) 13 14 1 0 81 473 36.38 David Prowse (Nth B C) 11 11 1 0 84 361 36.10 Chris Lee (Maz) 8 8 0 1 125 284 35.50 Simon Wraight (Edin) 9 9 1 1 111 277 34.63 Darren Read (Bur U C) 15 14 1 0 95 439 33.77 Players Games Overs Maid Runs Wkts B/B Ave Steven McCleary (Trin W) 7 79 23 172 22 7/30 7.82 L Lambert (Edin) 7 81.5 17 196 21 5/12 9.33 Neville Read (Bur U C) 12 155.3 39 372 35 7/42 10.63 Bowling Anthony Schaepman (Nth B C) 14 159.5 43 425 39 6/19 10.90 Averages Shane Dharmatilake (Bur U C) 11 139.2 29 372 30 7/74 12.40 Mick Younger (Edin) 12 156 49 331 24 4/75 13.79 Cameron Eshuis (Knox Ch) 10 133.2 20 443 32 6/59 13.84 Roshan Perera (Bur U C) 15 121 37 291 21 4/20 13.86 Chris Horsley-Wyatt (Edin) 11 90.3 15 250 18 4/18 13.89 Richard Lee (Mann) 11 117.2 29 291 20 5/40 14.55

41 Synthetic Section Averages (2)

Players Games Inns NO 100s HS Runs Ave SHAW Lachlan Stonehouse (Burw) 13 15 4 3 238 957 87.00 (A) Campbell Furze (Blk N U) 15 15 3 2 181 928 77.33 Ed Hartley (Wyc) 5 5 1 2 150* 302 75.50 Batting Paul Connors (Clif Hill) 8 8 1 0 82 450 64.29 Averages Glen Noonan (E Iv S) 8 8 3 1 122* 291 58.20 Nick Leavy (Blk N U) 12 12 2 1 136 455 45.50 Padmal Gunatilake (Burw) 7 8 2 0 78 266 44.33 Andrew Wembridge (Edin) 12 11 3 0 94 331 41.38 William Horsley-Wyatt (Edin) 12 11 1 1 155* 382 38.20 Adam Nicholls (Edin) 11 11 0 0 86 396 36.00 Players Games Overs Maid Runs Wkts B/B Ave Chris Berry (Edin) 7 72.2 18 194 16 5/18 12.13 Lucas Shah (Heath) 13 116.1 29 363 29 5/25 12.52 Adam Sledge (Blk N U) 14 159 34 383 25 5/27 15.32 Bowling Brian Pollard (Wyc) 12 103.3 33 300 18 4/23 16.67 Averages William Horsley-Wyatt (Edin) 12 108.1 19 393 22 4/27 17.86 Stephen Booth (Blk N U) 10 123.1 36 328 18 4/32 18.22 Damian de Ryk (Blk N U) 13 152.4 31 483 26 5/48 18.58 Alex Barr (Bur U C) 9 74.1 18 315 16 5/9 19.69 Michael Kilner (Burw) 7 108.5 26 341 16 5/62 21.31 Balinder Brar (Bur U C) 10 115 22 416 16 4/100 26.00

Players Games Inns NO 100s HS Runs Ave HOLZER Scott White (B'dara) 15 14 4 1 204* 692 69.20 (B) Jim Phillips (Blk N U) 8 8 2 1 110 388 64.67 Matt Sanders (Bur U C) 11 14 1 1 202* 659 50.69 Batting Timothy Frampton (Deep U) 7 7 1 1 107 268 44.67 Averages Craig Burnham (Deep U) 11 10 1 1 105 398 44.22 Scott Riddle (Deep U) 13 12 2 1 107 433 43.30 Geoff Amoore (B'dara) 12 11 0 0 85 457 41.55 Zahirullah Khan (AYC) 12 11 2 0 78 355 39.44 Andrew Kemp (Edin) 11 10 1 1 118 352 39.11 Matt Decarne (Nth B) 9 11 1 1 102 335 33.50 Players Games Overs Maid Runs Wkts B/B Ave Kristian Bardsley (B'dara) 14 200.1 76 334 42 5/20 7.95 Stephen Ford (B'dara) 15 153.2 52 357 37 6/11 9.65 Josh Humphries (Blk N U) 8 93.2 23 218 20 4/21 10.90 Bowling Andrew Kemp (Edin) 11 70.2 16 241 16 3/21 15.06 Averages Michael Jansen (Blk N U) 14 160.2 40 438 29 5/12 15.10 Ian Angus (AYC) 10 97 15 315 19 5/23 16.58 Mitchell Daley (AYC) 8 138.1 35 444 24 6/47 18.50 Oliver Young (Nth B) 10 108 12 450 24 6/28 18.75 Adam Jones (AYC) 7 98.3 16 324 17 4/20 19.06 Peter Jansen (Blk N U) 14 171.4 28 654 27 4/44 24.22

42 Synthetic Section Averages (3)

Players Games Inns NO 100s HS Runs Ave WILSON Musashi Fujihara (Ashw) 7 7 2 2 174* 475 95.00 (C) Darren Sheean (Ashw) 9 9 2 2 108 499 71.29 Steve Kolynuik (Maz) 14 16 4 1 102* 631 52.58 Batting Peter Lynch (STC) 9 9 2 2 118* 314 44.86 Averages Bruce Bott (Bur U C) 10 11 1 1 109* 440 44.00 Adam Burt (STC) 14 14 0 0 88 467 33.36 Ivan Dunuwille (Heath) 14 14 1 0 80 353 27.15 John Mills (Nth B C) 8 12 2 0 51 263 26.30 Steven Brown (Heath) 10 11 1 0 58 253 25.30 James Hooi (E Donc) 11 11 0 0 56 254 23.09 Players Games Overs Maid Runs Wkts B/B Ave Alex Gemenis (Heath) 13 103.1 29 286 25 5/11 11.44 Darren Sheean (Ashw) 9 110.2 32 268 20 4/41 13.40 James Taylor (Heath) 8 102.4 37 254 18 4/43 14.11 Bowling Matt White (Maz) 8 87.3 9 284 19 4/29 14.95 Averages Michael Fitzgerald (Maz) 14 123.1 26 385 22 5/47 17.50 Lachlan Quirk (Bur U C) 10 87.3 14 335 18 3/15 18.61 Chris Diazikis (E Donc) 12 139.4 41 321 16 3/14 20.06 David Peake (Nth B C) 12 83.2 10 373 16 3/24 23.31 Paul Sparks (Trin W) 12 178.5 42 517 22 5/70 23.50 Matthew Francis (STC) 12 109.1 19 412 17 3/52 24.24

Players Games Inns NO 100s HS Runs Ave MERRELL Ben Pilley (Wyc) 7 7 1 2 121* 366 61.00 (D) Rod Suter (Wyc) 8 8 0 2 112 474 59.25 Vaughan Kelly (Clif Hill) 8 7 2 0 59 253 50.60 Batting Chris Davis (Wyc) 13 13 1 1 125 552 46.00 Averages Robbie Heane (Clif Hill) 13 11 3 1 132 355 44.38 Steven Draffin (Edin) 10 10 1 1 107 358 39.78 Harry Douglas (STC) 9 9 0 0 73 291 32.33

Players Games Overs Maid Runs Wkts B/B Ave Robbie Heane (Clif Hill) 13 62.1 13 164 16 4/8 10.25 Andrew Gigacz (Clif Hill) 10 131 37 311 27 4/12 11.52 Richard Mumford (Wyc) 9 136 32 423 24 6/26 17.63 Bowling Alastair Reed (Wyc) 9 91 11 310 17 3/16 18.24 Averages Dean Stakos (Wyc) 13 77 5 420 18 4/40 23.33

43 Junior Chairman’s Report

Junior cricket in the ECA is about participation, first of all some interesting facts: - The inner east region has one of the highest take up rates of Milo In2cricket centres in Australia. - 35 clubs entered junior teams this season - 201 teams entered - That means approx. 3500 active junior players. - Over 200 team managers and coaches. - Around 100 games in progress each week.

This is a testament to the diligence and hard work of the junior secretaries and coordinators at all our Clubs that provide the OPPORTUNITY for junior players to participate in junior cricket. None of this happens without considerable effort and LEADERSHIP by individuals within each club, the players and the Clubs are very fortunate that these people put in the time they do, make sure they are suitably feted, thanked and most of all ACKNOWLEDGED. I am sure they would all say they did not do it for the acknowledgement or thanks but never the less, it does not need to be the thankless task it would sometimes feel.

The Junior Section continues to evolve and this year we made further changes to our rules and playing conditions including the adoption of exclusive use of white balls in U14 & 16 grades and fixturing changes to ensure the competition is as fair to all teams as we can make it.

I would like to express my appreciation for the efforts of all of the members of the junior executive for the time they put into running our association and encourage anyone interested in the future development of the game of cricket to get involved. Modern technology has certainly made the job of an administrator easier, and we can now make more time to look forward and plan. Thanks also go to the members of the Senior Executive who support the juniors in many ways and the programs and initiatives we propose.

Particular thanks go to Stuart Hamilton and Mark Morris for jointly taking on the Junior Administrator’s role and really running with it to make our processes and particularly our Fixtures, as good as we can make them. Both Mark and Stuart have been instrumental in the development of Junior teams at their respective Clubs and have brought a wealth of experience and knowledge to the position.

44 Junior Chairman’s Report

Thanks to the coaches and managers of our representative teams, particularly Paul Devine who took on the demanding role of development manager again.

Paul has concentrated on improving the selection process we go through for our representative teams and has put in a power of work to ensure we are able to provide our players with a quality experience. The ECA representative teams have been the envy of other associations in recent seasons, but other associations are catching up. So we need to be ahead of the pack and to this end, Paul has been liaising with Cricket Victoria to streamline the interaction of selection processes between our ECA teams and regional representative teams.

To all of the coaches, team managers and supporters at all of our Clubs, keep up the good work, you are the life blood of our association. To our players, thanks for your participation and to those who are going on to senior cricket, congratulations on your junior careers and all the best for the future. In the end, transitioning players into senior teams is what juniors is about for our Clubs and I encourage all players to give seniors a go and senior players to welcome and nurture young players coming into senior cricket.

In closing I would like to mention again the debt of gratitude that our Junior Association owes to Mr Tom Bellis who passed away following the 2011-12 season. Tom was for 17 years the heart and soul of the juniors and had to deal with many changes over the years including amalgamation with the churches competition and the advent of MyCricket and electronic reporting, all of which he took in his stride.

See you all out there next season.

RICHARD BARKER Junior Chairperson

45 Junior Executive Report

The 14th year of the Eastern Cricket Junior Section was another successful year.

At the Junior Annual Meeting, clubs learned of the sad passing of Tom Bellis. Tom had been the Junior Administrator since the beginnings of the merged body. He worked tirelessly at the start of each season on fixtures and dealing with clubs and councils to make sure the season got underway without too many problems.

He ensured the season continued to run smoothly dealing with various club issues. He also organised many successful Junior Presentation evenings and was always seen loitering on the boundary at representative cricket games. Tom will be sadly missed.

His role as Junior Administrator was taken on by Mark Morris (Saturday and Sunday) and Stuart Hamilton (Friday).

Frank Dobeli stood down after many years with the Junior Executive as a grade secretary and saw the change from match report pink slips, to MyCricket.

We welcomed Paul Devine who took on the role of Development Manager Representative teams. We also welcomed Brendan Moore and Barry Cull onto the Junior Executive as Grade secretaries.

For season 2102/13 we had 22 grades with 201 teams from 35 clubs. There were a few combined teams and it is pleasing to see clubs working together to make sure kids have an opportunity to play cricket.

We welcomed Edinburgh and East Ivanhoe Saints to the competition this year after they transferred to the ECA following the dissolution of the Heidelberg District Cricket Association.

The allocation of teams to grades was carefully considered this year. Whilst we rely on clubs to nominate teams in correct grades it is believed the decisions taken ensured a much more even competition was achieved, in most grades. This helps make the season an enjoyable one for all Junior cricketers.

Congratulations to the 14 clubs winning premierships with Boroondara (3), Burwood (2), Clifton Hill (2), and STC South Camberwell (2) multiple winners.

46 Junior Executive Report

The Twenty/20 competition was run again for the U14A and U16A grades. The winners were Kew Junior U14A and Boroondara U16A.

The representative season was well organised by Paul Devine. Selections are just the start of the process each year and we usually have more than 200 kids try out for positions. Paul was well assisted by his coaches and team managers in the U12, U14 and U16 age groups.

Thank you to Rod Patterson and Mike Slattery for their assistance through the season. Mark and I found their advice invaluable in our first year in this role. The other members of the Junior Executive also ably supported us.

We must also thank all the junior coordinators/secretaries, team managers and parents who assist in the running of games each week.


47 Junior Trophy Winners

DAVE DICKIE MEMORIAL TROPHY Was awarded to Ben Douglas of the Boroondara CC. Ben’s Career included: ▪ Represented ECA Mitchell Shield 2008/2009 ▪ Represented Victorian Under 13 team 2009/2010 ▪ Selected in Boroondara 1st XI as a 14 year old 2010/2011 ▪ Represented Inner East Region 2010/2011(Captain), 2011/2012, 2012/2013 ▪ Winner of Boroondara 2nd XI 2011/2012 ▪ Captain Boroondara Under 16A Undefeated premiers and 20/20 winners ▪ ECA Under 16A Grand Final made 42 runs and took 2/2 off 6 overs ▪ Winner of Boroondara and ECA Under 16A Batting average 2012/2013 ▪ 2012/2013 senior and junior cricket 577 runs @ 44.38, 32 wickets @ 14.84 ▪ Winner of Boroondara Cricket Club outstanding junior 2012/2013

DAVE DICKIE Past Winners

1987/88 Robert Bartlett (Mt Waverley) 2000/01 Alister Neville (Trinity Willison) 1988/89 Michael Foster (North Balwyn) 2001/02 Peter Nevill (Box Hill) 1989/90 Dario Rath (Camberwell) 2002/03 Marc Murphy (East Doncaster) 1990/91 David Butterworth (Brentwood) 2003/04 Tyson Yeo (Eastern Willows) 1991/92 Adam Roberts (Mt Waverley) 2004/05 Mitchell Brook (Richmond City) 1992/93 Alexander Littlejohn (Camberwell) 2005/06 Matthew Brown (Balwyn) 1993/94 James White (Canterbury) 2006/07 Will Shute (Camberwell Magpies) 1994/95 Tim Wright (Mont Albert) 2007/08 Lachlan O’Connell (North Balwyn) 1995/96 Matthew Ford (Mt Waverley) 2008/09 Marcus Berryman (Bulleen) 1996/97 Andrew Kent (Canterbury ) 2009/10 Nicholas Morrey (Ashwood) 1997/98 Luke Johnson (East Doncaster) 2010/11 Lachlan Holmes (Glen Iris) 1998/99 Leigh Murphy (East Doncaster) 2011/12 Lachlan Thomas (Boroondara) 1999/2000 Alistair Stewart-Holmes (Balwyn) 2012/13 Ben Douglas (Boroondara)

48 Junior Representative Matches

The ECA had over 180 boys try out for our 6 representative sides this year, starting with the first trial date on the 21st of October. There were a record numbers of boys try out for the under 16 level, which was great to see. The boys and their parents should be congratulated on their efforts, as their commitment to the trials and carnival was fantastic.

From 180 boys, 80 represented the association. All those involved did so with pride and conducted themselves in a manner in which the ECA and parents should be proud of. A huge 'thank you' to Annie Devine and Swan Richards for outfitting the boys in such a short time frame. The boys and officials looked professional and the boys wore the association attire with pride.

While our results overall were mixed, we had some great individual performances. Both under 12 teams and an under 14 team made finals. Unfortunately our under 12 Mitchell Shield team were beaten in the Grand Final by a better team on the day, however, the boys all played well as a team throughout the carnival and represented the ECA in a manner which could be described as exemplary.

We concluded our carnival with a presentation day at the Mont Albert Cricket Club which was well attended by all age groups and well received. A big thank you to the executive for supporting the day and to the volunteers who organized food etc. Congratulations to all trophy winners from the carnival.

I would also like to thank the team managers and coaches of all teams for their assistance from the start of the trials right through to the conclusion of the carnival. Again, without the continued support of Rick Barker, Mark Morris, Stu Hamilton, Whitehorse, Manningham & Boroondara Councils and the ECA Umpires’ Association, the carnival would not have run as successfully as it did.

PAUL DEVINE Development Manager Junior Representative Teams

49 Junior Section Results (1)

AG Grace Shield (U16A) AR Tongue Shield (U16B) Club Points Club Points Boroondara 51.5 STC South Camberwell 44 Mont Albert 36.5 Wyclif 39 Camberwell Magpies 34 Balwyn 34 North Balwyn 31.5 Burwood 34 Glen Iris 31.5 Boroondara 34 Kew Junior 29 Trinity Willison 31.5 Canterbury 24 Knox Churches 29 Hawthorn 14 Ashburton Willows 29 Camberwell Magpies 24 Deepdene Bears 16.5

Semi Finals: Boroondara 9/148 def North Balwyn 9/143 Semi Finals: Balwyn 5/143 def Wyclif 9/139(cc) Camberwell Magpies 3/68 def Mont Albert 63 STC Sth Camberwell 8/178(cc) def Burwood 116 Grand Final: B’dara 7/166(cc) def Camb Magpies 8/126 Grand Final: STC 9/181(cc) def Balwyn 111 Harry Lewis Best Player Medal Joshua Ball Best Player Medal

TR Bellis Shield (U16B) KE Noy Shield (U16C) Club Points Club Points East Doncaster 49 Manningham 46.5 Clifton Hill 41.5 Deepdene Uniting 45.5 East Ivanhoe Saints 41.5 Richmond City/Union 41.5 Edinburgh 34 Bulleen Templestowe 29 North Balwyn 31.5 Bulleen 29 Kew Junior 29 Kew Junior 26.5 Box Hill 28 Boroondara 24 Park Orchards 19 Edinburgh 14 Mont Albert 18 Canterbury 16.5

Semi Finals: Edinburgh 5/109 def East Doncaster 106 Semi Finals: Bulleen Temple 7/164(cc) def Manning 96 Clifton Hill 95 def East Ivanhoe Saints 75 Deepdene Utg 142 def Richmond City/Union 137 Grand Final: Clifton Hill 7/141(cc)def Edinburgh 68 Grand Final: Bulleen Temple 5/164(cc) def Deep Utg 146 Andrej Yaksender Best Player Medal Stephen Di Ciocco Best Player Medal

J Bate Shield (U16C) Club Points Burwood Uniting Canterbury 49 Burwood 49 Glen Iris 34 STC South Camberwell 34 Trinity Willison 29 North Balwyn 23 Boroondara 19 East Ivanhoe Saints 6

Semi Finals: Burwood 4/139 def Glen Iris 9/135(cc) Burwood Utg Cant 1/93 def STC Sth Camberwell 85 Best Player Medal: Lachlan Quirk Grand Final: Burwood 2/106 def Burwood Utg Cant 98

50 Junior Section Results (2)

CL Martin Shield (U14A) EC Orr Shield (U14B) Club Points Club Points Kew Junior 46.5 Mont Albert 51.5 Glen Iris 39 Edinburgh 44 North Balwyn 36.5 Clifton Hill 44 Boroondara 31.5 Glen Iris 39 East Doncaster 31.5 Bulleen 33 Canterbury 24 Burwood 29 Camberwell Magpies 24 East Ivanhoe Saints 26.5 Box Hill 19 Deepdene Bears 21.5 Bulleen Templestowe 16.5 Trinity Willison 9

Semi Finals: Kew Junior 5/104 def Boroondara 99 Semi Finals: Glen Iris 8/76 def Mont Albert 70 Glen Iris 3/136 def North Balwyn 129 Clifton Hill 132 def Edinburgh 131 Grand Final: Glen Iris 5/95 def Kew Junior 92 Grand Final: Clifton Hill 6/88 def Glen Iris 9/87(cc) Nathan Boucher Best Player Medal Joshua Robinson Best Player Medal

FJ Dobeli Shield (U14B) M Van Zuyden Shield (U14B) Club Points Club Points Boroondara 49 STC South Camberwell 44 Kew Junior 44 Hawthorn 43 Balwyn 36.5 Boroondara 39 Burwood 34 Burwood Uniting Canterbury 39 Knox Churches 31.5 Surrey Hills 39 Deepdene Bears 31.5 Kew Junior 26.5 Glen Iris 29 Richmond City 24.5 North Balwyn 26.5 Richmond Union 24 Wyclif 16.5 Canterbury 21.5 Box Hill 16.5 North Balwyn Combined 11.5

Semi Finals: Kew Junior 7/180(cc) def Balwyn 165 Semi Finals: Hawthorn 199 def Boroondara 5/197(cc) Boroondara 2/210(cc) def Burwood 9/133(cc) STC Sth Camberwell 196 def Burwood Utg Cant 195 Grand Final: Boroondara 5/169(cc) def Kew 9/137(cc) Grand Final: Hawthorn 4/242(cc) def STC 6/206 Kaushick Maheshwaran Best Player Medal Christopher Tsatas Best Player Medal

JD Norman Shield (U14C) SJ Mason Shield (U14C) Club Points Club Points East Ivanhoe Saints 46.5 Wyclif 49 Clifton Hill 43 Camberwell Magpies 44 East Doncaster 41.5 Canterbury 39 Kew Junior 39 STC South Camberwell 39 Edinburgh 39 Boroondara 39 Box Hill 24 Burwood Uniting Canterbury 29 Mont Albert 21.5 North Balwyn 29 Bulleen 21.5 Glen Iris 21.5 Deepdene Bears 21.5 Burwood 14 Surrey Hills 21.5 Kew Junior 11.5

Semi Finals: East Ivanhoe Saints 4/125 def Kew 123 Semi Finals: Wyclif 9/200(cc) def STC 75 East Doncaster 6/198(cc) def Clifton Hill 7/189(cc) Camberwell Magpies 191 def Canterbury 141 Grand Final: East Donc 8/149(cc) def East Ivan Sts 129 Grand Final: Wyclif 7/149(cc) def Camb Magpies 122 Connor O'Brien Best Player Medal Merrick Blake Best Player Medal

51 Junior Section Results (3)

RJ Barker Shield (U12A) GJ Male Shield (U12B) Club Points Club Points Kew Junior 44 STC South Camberwell 54 Glen Iris 41.5 Burwood Uniting Canterbury 49 Boroondara 39 Deepdene Bears 44 Mont Albert 36.5 Clifton Hill 29 North Balwyn 34 Edinburgh 24 Ashburton Willows 24 East Doncaster 19 Canterbury 19 Wyclif 19 Box Hill 14 Trinity Willison 14

Semi Finals: Mont Albert 3/155(cc) def Kew 9/133(cc) Boroondara 2/96 def Glen Iris 6/93(cc) Grand Final: Mont Albert 8/129(cc) def Boroondara 99 Benjamin Blaich Best Player Medal Declan Foley Best Player Medal

ER Frampton Shield (U12B) J Kwasny Shield (U12C) Club Points Club Points Burwood 49 Bulleen NBCC 84 Boroondara 49 Burwood 74 Deepdene Bears 44 Kew Junior 64 Kew Junior 39 Richmond Union 61.5 Balwyn 24 Surrey Hills 59.5 North Balwyn 19 Edinburgh 42 Canterbury 14 Canterbury 39 Mont Albert 14 Box Hill 34 Boroondara 19 Clifton Hill 14

Angus Molden Best Player Medal Nikolas Perduv Best Player Medal.

F Jackson Shield (U12C) RK Wilkins Shield (U12C) Club Points Club Points Richmond Union 84 Canterbury 79 Kew Junior 59 Burwood Yellow 76.5 Ashburton Willows 54 Glen Iris 58 Surrey Hills 52 STC South Camberwell 40 Boroondara 46.5 Burwood Uniting Canterbury 39 Balwyn 36.5 Burwood Green 38 Ashwood 34 Boroondara 37.5 North Balwyn 32 Hawthorn 19

Randima Dodangoda Best Player Medal Harrison Langkau Best Player Medal

52 Junior Section Results (4)

UNDER 10 GRADE BLUE UNDER 10 GRADE GOLD UNDER 10 GRADE YELLOW UNDER 10 GRADE BLACK Bulleen Ashwood Balwyn Ashburton Willows Clifton Hill Burwood Boroondara Blue Burwood East Doncaster Burwood Utg Canter Boroondara Yellow Canterbury DA Edinburgh A Kew Junior BA Burwood Canterbury DB Edinburgh B North Balwyn Camberwell Magpies Deepdene Uniting Kew Junior St Barnabas Hawthorn Kew Junior DA Mont Albert A STC Sth Camberwell B Kew Junior CA Kew Junior DB Mont Albert B STC Sth Camberwell R Kew Junior CB Richmond Union North Balwyn Trinity Willison Green North Balwyn Trinity Willison North Balwyn Combined Trinity Willison Yellow Richmond Union

UNDER 10 GRADE SUNDAY Box Hill Glen Iris A Glen Iris B Glen Iris B Glen Iris C There are no ladders for the Under 10’s, nor are there any Glen Iris D batting or bowling averages calculated. Surrey Hills A Surrey Hills B Surrey Hills B Surrey Hills C

53 Junior Section Averages (1)

Player Games Inns NO HS Runs Ave GRACE Ben Douglas (B'dara) 8 6 2 62 185 46.25 (Under 16A) Sebastian Contos (Kew) 8 8 2 61* 262 43.67 Oscar Sharp (Cant) 7 7 0 72 291 41.57 Sam Dawborn (Mont A) 9 8 3 82* 201 40.20 Batting Joshua Boehm (Camb M) 7 7 2 73 200 40.00 Averages James Blair-Holt (Camb M) 9 9 2 49* 246 35.14 Harry Lewis (Camb M) 9 9 0 76 303 33.67 Angus Dowling (Kew) 9 8 1 87 205 29.29 Josh Tyquin (GI) 9 10 2 52 220 27.50 Aditya Narayana (Nth B) 9 9 1 46* 219 27.38 Player Games Overs Mdn Runs Wkts Ave Angus Steele (B'dara) 9 72 17 181 21 8.62 Jasper Mylius (GI) 9 36.5 5 137 14 9.79 Matthew Saunders (GI) 9 60 8 210 17 12.35 Sebastian Knox (Mont A) 9 72.5 12 245 17 14.41 Bowling Benjamin Galtieri (Mont A) 9 55 10 200 12 16.67 Averages Jacob de Paiva (Kew) 9 60 10 241 14 17.21 Josh Tyquin (GI) 9 57.1 13 207 12 17.25 William Sist (Kew) 9 77.2 15 262 12 21.83

Player Games Inns NO HS Runs Ave TONGUE Shane de Kretser (Knox Ch) 9 9 4 80* 366 73.20 (Under 16B) Daniel Clarke (Balw) 8 6 3 82* 213 71.00 Joshua Ball (Wyc) 9 9 3 80* 420 70.00 Harrison Larkey (AW) 8 8 5 36* 186 62.00 Batting Joshua Dirisan (Knox Ch) 8 7 3 73* 206 51.50 Averages Matthew Bianco (Wyc) 9 8 4 50* 194 48.50 Jacob McElroy (AW) 7 7 3 39 187 46.75 Angus Lane (Camb M) 9 9 3 70* 279 46.50 Christopher Barr (AW) 7 7 2 60* 217 43.40 Jack Rennex (Balw) 9 9 2 77 287 41.00 Player Games Overs Mdn Runs Wkts Ave Angus Lane (Camb M) 9 57.4 10 152 14 10.86 Mitchell Bulte (Camb M) 9 51.1 5 156 13 12.00 Caleb Poppenbeck (Knox Ch) 9 35.5 0 160 13 12.31 Anthony Tamburrino (Burw) 9 62 12 202 16 12.63 Bowling Matthew Bianco (Wyc) 9 56 7 178 12 14.83 Averages Patrick McCarthy (Balw) 9 60 14 220 13 16.92 Darcy Clarke (Trin W) 9 63.3 6 239 12 19.92

54 Junior Section Averages (2)

BELLIS Player Games Inns NO HS Runs Ave Andrej Yaksender (Clif Hill) 7 8 7 77* 394 394.00 (Under 16B) Rudi Hunt (Park O) 9 8 5 79* 273 91.00 James Bluer (Clif Hill) 7 7 3 80* 281 70.25 Angus Hands (Box H) 9 9 4 82* 345 69.00 Batting Riley Terrens (Clif Hill) 9 10 4 83* 367 61.17 Averages Daniel Stanford (E Donc) 9 8 3 81* 289 57.80 Marcus McMahon (Kew) 9 8 4 41* 200 50.00 Nicholas White (Edin) 9 9 2 80* 346 49.43 Nicholas Karkalas (E Iv S) 9 9 2 81* 315 45.00 Nicholas Fletcher (Box H) 9 9 1 80* 307 38.38 Player Games Overs Mdn Runs Wkts Ave Kyle Hoath (E Donc) 9 43.1 15 108 13 8.31 Christopher Campbell (Edin) 8 47 11 116 12 9.67 Myles Scott (Kew) 9 47 6 139 14 9.93 Siddharth Bhardwaj (Nth B) 9 66.2 18 143 14 10.21 Bowling Nicholas White (Edin) 9 51 7 198 17 11.65 Averages Cameron Smith (E Iv) 9 45 4 169 14 12.07 Max Jones (E Iv) 8 47.4 2 161 12 13.42

NOY Player Games Inns NO HS Runs Ave Stephen Di Ciocco (Mann) 9 8 5 53* 266 88.67 (Under 16C) Mikoto Quinn (Rich C) 7 7 4 52* 245 81.67 Caleb Hounihan (Rich C) 8 6 3 53* 203 67.67 Christian Cortese (Mann) 9 9 3 50* 273 45.50 Batting Rafael Epstein (Bull Temp) 8 7 2 51* 227 45.40 Averages Robson Berry (Deep U) 9 9 3 50* 262 43.67 Nickalas Ericjoy (Bull Temp) 8 8 3 50* 210 42.00 Adriano Stenta (Mann) 9 9 4 45 204 40.80 Samuel Grisold (Kew) 9 10 3 51* 265 37.86 Thomas Hayman (Deep U) 9 8 3 54* 176 35.20 Player Games Overs Mdn Runs Wkts Ave Kaylem Lambrecht (Rich C) 8 30 7 68 14 4.86 Ben McManamny (Mann) 9 50 8 122 13 9.38 Anthony Pierri (Mann) 9 43 3 168 12 14.00

Bowling Averages

55 Junior Section Averages (3)

BATE Player Games Inns NO HS Runs Ave Lachlan Quirk (Bur U C) 8 8 6 53* 279 139.50 (Under 16C) Anthony Minisini (Bur U C) 9 7 5 53* 195 97.50 Christian Masson-Moyle (STC) 9 9 6 32* 200 66.67 Mike Rouskas (Burw) 9 8 4 53* 202 50.50 Batting Ben Thiele (Trin W) 9 9 4 50* 239 47.80 Averages Timothy Barnett (Nth B) 9 10 5 54* 180 36.00 Harrison Rodger (Trin W) 9 9 4 50* 179 35.80 Lachie Powell (Burw) 9 9 2 52* 202 28.86 Hayden Salathiel (Trin W) 9 9 1 50* 191 23.88 Jon Thiele (Trin W) 9 9 1 52* 186 23.25 Player Games Overs Mdn Runs Wkts Ave

Bowling Averages

MARTIN Player Games Inns NO HS Runs Ave Nathan Boucher (GI) 9 8 4 82* 327 81.75 (Under 14A) Elliott Brandon-Jones (Nth B) 9 8 4 52* 256 64.00 Noah Croes (B'dara) 9 9 5 47* 193 48.25 Josh Mannix (Kew) 9 9 3 68* 260 43.33 Batting Lachlan Bangs (Kew) 9 9 4 39 177 35.40 Averages Josh Edwards (B'dara) 9 9 4 83* 170 34.00 Dion Di Battista (Camb M) 7 7 2 80* 168 33.60 Michel Nehme (Nth B) 9 7 2 47 156 31.20 Sam Townsend (Cant) 9 9 1 80* 247 30.88 Daniel Ingleton (GI) 8 7 1 79 175 29.17 Player Games Overs Mdn Runs Wkts Ave Dominic Holden (Cant) 9 31 3 109 12 9.08 Campbell Gerny (Box H) 9 56 8 173 16 10.81 Lachlan Bangs (Kew) 9 48 11 151 12 12.58 Luke Stacker (Nth B) 9 66 11 182 14 13.00 Bowling Jim Cowie (GI) 9 75 15 191 14 13.64 Averages Frank Coxon (Kew) 9 57 13 159 11 14.45 Luke McIntosh (Cant) 9 39 2 177 12 14.75 Matthew Tyquin (GI) 9 48 6 173 11 15.73 Jeremy Burrill (Box H) 8 50.3 7 177 11 16.09 Sam Townsend (Cant) 9 55.5 10 174 10 17.40 56 Junior Section Averages (4)

Player Games Inns NO HS Runs Ave ORR Matthew King (Bull) 9 7 6 58* 233 233.00 (Under 14B) Regsan Watkins (Mont A) 7 6 5 55* 205 205.00 Joshua Robinson (Edin) 9 9 5 62* 246 61.50 James Casey (E Iv S) 9 9 6 60* 173 57.67 Batting Roy Girvan (Clif Hill) 8 8 4 60* 194 48.50 Averages Alex Eden Lachowicz (Mont A) 9 7 2 50* 235 47.00 Scottie Polmear (Burw) 9 9 5 47* 182 45.50 Alexander Strempel (Deep B) 9 9 4 63* 212 42.40 Sam Milne (Burw) 9 9 4 39* 202 40.40 James Wright (Clif Hill) 8 7 3 52* 154 38.50 Player Games Overs Mdn Runs Wkts Ave Joshua Broderick (Edin) 9 30.1 7 61 11 5.55 Tom Hall (Edin) 9 31.1 9 76 11 6.91 Charlie Connors (GI) 7 39 5 92 10 9.20 Joshua Robinson (Edin) 9 33.4 5 116 12 9.67 Bowling Malty Lynas (Clif Hill) 7 31.4 7 105 10 10.50 Averages James Melville (Burw) 9 45 3 161 13 12.38

DOBELI Player Games Inns NO HS Runs Ave Kaushick Maheshwaran (Balw) 9 9 6 60* 281 93.67 (Under 14B) Alexander Barling (Balw) 9 9 4 62* 298 59.60 Patrick Farrawell (Kew) 9 8 5 46* 164 54.67 Matthew James (Balw) 9 9 4 60* 267 53.40 Batting Patrick Bohan (Burw) 9 9 4 54* 210 42.00 Averages Nicholas Neil (Knox Ch) 8 8 3 39 164 32.80 Shawn D'Souza (Balw) 9 8 2 60* 168 28.00 Ryan de Kretser (Knox Ch) 9 9 2 61 188 26.86 Dylan Wolters (GI) 9 10 3 36 181 25.86 Lee Haydon (Wyc) 8 8 2 54 153 25.50 Player Games Overs Mdn Runs Wkts Ave Zac Stathis (B'dara) 9 42.4 7 149 17 8.76 Alexander Barling (Balw) 9 35 4 91 10 9.10 Anthony Mustica (Nth B) 9 43 6 135 13 10.38 Sebastian Woolley (Deep B) 7 35 7 104 10 10.40 Bowling Shawn D'Souza (Balw) 9 39 5 126 12 10.50 Averages Christopher Jackson (B'dara) 8 32 1 152 11 13.82 Liam O'Meara (GI) 7 39 2 193 13 14.85

57 Junior Section Averages (5)

Player Games Inns NO HS Runs Ave VAN ZUYDEN Christopher Tsatas (S Hills) 8 8 6 58* 282 141.00 (Under 14C) Liam Hounihan (Rich C) 7 6 4 62* 199 99.50 Patrick Hounihan (Rich C) 7 6 3 56 229 76.33 Ben Bromell (Haw) 8 8 5 61* 223 74.33 Batting Patrick Cassidy (Bur U C) 9 8 5 57* 221 73.67 Averages Patrick Conole (S Hills) 8 8 3 61* 252 50.40 Hugh Hamilton (STC) 8 8 3 58* 231 46.20 James Briggs (STC) 8 8 4 51* 154 38.50 Thomas McIntyre (B'dara) 9 9 3 41* 181 30.17 William James (B'dara) 9 9 3 37 157 26.17 Player Games Overs Mdn Runs Wkts Ave Liam Hounihan (Rich C) 7 33.1 5 73 10 7.30 Ben Bromell (Haw) 8 38 13 95 11 8.64 Charlie Wilson (Haw) 8 46.3 12 128 12 10.67 Ben Thomas (Bur U C) 9 42 7 170 11 15.45 Bowling Averages

Player Games Inns NO HS Runs Ave NORMAN Mac Hill (E Donc) 8 8 6 38* 170 85.00 (Under 14C) Daniel Coleman (Clif Hill) 7 7 5 43* 165 82.50 Jack Wynne (Mont A) 9 8 5 43* 204 68.00 Connor O'Brien (E Iv S) 9 9 6 42* 200 66.67 Batting Bregon Cotchett (Kew) 9 10 5 42* 216 43.20 Averages Arjun Tickner (S Hills) 9 11 7 38* 164 41.00 William Clark (Edin) 9 9 4 40* 200 40.00 Tomas Inglese (E Iv S) 9 9 4 40* 198 39.60 Samuel Windisch (Mont A) 9 8 4 40* 151 37.75 Jackson Ellingworth (Deep B) 9 11 6 41* 176 35.20 Player Games Overs Mdn Runs Wkts Ave Jason King (Clif Hill) 7 33 9 58 10 5.80 Tom Paul (Kew) 8 32 6 78 10 7.80 Bregon Cotchett (Kew) 9 34.1 3 102 10 10.20 Jack Wynne (Mont A) 9 43 12 125 11 11.36 Bowling Averages

58 Junior Section Averages (6)

MASON Player Games Inns NO HS Runs Ave Trent Ryan (Wyc) 9 9 6 43* 208 69.33 (Under 14C) Merrick Blake (B'dara) 9 10 5 43* 274 54.8 Matthew Bourikas (Nth B) 9 10 5 42* 243 48.6 Zac Bortolussi (Cant) 9 9 5 44* 186 46.5 Batting Daniel Hale (Bur U C) 8 8 4 43* 174 43.5 Averages Christopher De Martinis (Nth B) 8 9 5 34* 161 40.25 Nicholas Brown (B'dara) 9 10 6 40* 157 39.25 James Ellis (STC) 9 9 3 41 206 34.33 Andre Salemi (B'dara) 9 10 4 41* 196 32.67 Cooper Leon (Cant) 9 9 4 43* 155 31 Player Games Overs Mdn Runs Wkts Ave Jack Norris (Wyc) 8 30 7 87 16 5.44 Oliver Arrowsmith (Cant) 9 31 4 89 11 8.09 Felipe Herrera (GI) 9 37 4 138 10 13.80 Sam Cooper (Camb M) 9 40 6 150 10 15.00 Bowling Averages

BARKER Player Games Inns NO Runs HS Ave Ben White (Box H) 6 6 5 48* 137 137.00 (Under 12A) James Meehan (Kew) 9 9 7 49* 223 111.50 Benjamin Blaich (GI) 8 8 4 51* 217 54.25 Oscar Wyer (GI) 6 6 3 46* 156 52.00 Batting Adam Davidson (Box H) 9 9 5 52* 197 49.25 Averages Luca Gambell (B'dara) 8 8 5 29* 128 42.67 Joshua May (Box H) 9 9 5 51* 159 39.75 Campbell Wansbrough (Kew) 9 9 5 30* 136 34.00 Ben Jepson (Cant) 9 9 5 43 134 33.50 Xavier Bateman (Nth B) 9 9 3 50* 195 32.50 Player Games Overs Mdn Runs Wkts Ave Luca Gambell (B'dara) 8 34 3 80 13 6.15 Jakob Devine (Mont A) 11 33.5 7 109 10 10.90 Joshua May (Box H) 9 35 4 138 11 12.55

Bowling Averages

59 Junior Section Averages (7)

MALE Player Games Inns NO HS Runs Ave Miles Nelson (Clif Hill) 7 7 6 43* 201 201.00 (Under 12B) Douglas Warren (Edin) 9 9 7 41* 168 84.00 Thomas Briggs (STC) 7 7 5 40* 149 74.50 Callum Wigg (Bur U C) 8 7 5 40* 125 62.50 Batting Oliver Crawford Smith (Clif Hill) 9 10 7 38* 159 53.00 Averages Declan Foley (STC) 9 9 5 40* 207 51.75 Thomas Sheehan (STC) 9 9 6 39 153 51.00 Joel Lagastes (STC) 9 9 5 40* 163 40.75 Julius Pompei (STC) 9 9 5 40* 145 36.25 Henry Burke (Bur U C) 8 9 4 42* 174 34.80 Player Games Overs Mdn Runs Wkts Ave Joshua McLeod (Deep B) 8 29 8 39 12 3.25 Thomas Sheehan (STC) 9 31.1 13 54 12 4.50 Oliver Bilston (STC) 9 31 5 92 10 9.20 Ben McLeod (E Donc) 9 30 1 136 12 11.33 Bowling Matthew Lewison (Trin W) 8 29 0 150 10 15.00 Averages

FRAMPTON Player Games Inns NO Runs HS Ave Liam Fitzpatrick (Deep B) 9 9 8 32* 140 140.00 (Under 12B) William Llewelyn (Kew) 7 7 5 35* 134 67.00 Angus Molden (Burw) 9 9 7 23* 134 67.00 Will Sheedy (Kew) 7 7 3 32* 132 33.00 Batting Archie Stevens (Burw) 9 9 5 32* 125 31.25 Averages Nicholas Guiney (Kew) 9 9 3 30* 128 21.33

Player Games Overs Mdn Runs Wkts Ave Archie Stevens (Burw) 9 29 5 52 12 4.33 Angus Jones (Nth B) 7 25 2 58 10 5.80

Bowling Averages

60 Junior Section Averages (8)

KWASNY Player Games Inns NO HS Runs Ave Finbar Jenkins (Kew) 9 9 7 23* 138 69.00 (Under 12B) Nikolas Perduv (Bull) 14 14 11 23* 204 68.00 Jett Anderson (Bull) 13 13 9 25* 231 57.75 Henry Brown (S Hills) 13 13 9 23* 184 46.00 Batting Declan Kerr-Lawley (Bull) 8 8 5 22* 130 43.33 Averages James Amalfi (Bull) 12 11 6 24* 150 30.00 Hugo Boreham (Rich U) 13 12 7 24* 147 29.40 Jack Stewart (Rich U) 13 13 7 21* 153 25.50 William Mayhood (Burw) 13 13 7 25* 141 23.50 Matthew Costello (Kew) 13 13 7 21* 133 22.17 Player Games Overs Mdn Runs Wkts Ave Nikolas Perduv (Bull) 14 29 7 39 12 3.25 Jett Anderson (Bull) 13 27 11 42 11 3.82 Nathan Barr (Burw) 11 28 6 47 12 3.92 William Mayhood (Burw) 13 29 6 61 12 5.08 Bowling Yash Patel (Rich U) 14 27.3 6 65 11 5.91 Averages Justin Witt (Burw) 12 26 2 86 12 7.17 Alistair Barr (Kew) 13 26 6 73 10 7.30 Luke Matthews (Box H) 11 28 3 76 10 7.60 Joshua Downs (Kew) 14 35 2 87 10 8.70 Ned Bennett (S Hills) 13 30 2 97 10 9.70

F JACKSON Player Games Inns NO HS Runs Ave Jack Divenuto (Rich U) 12 12 9 23* 154 51.33 (Under 12C) Paul Lindsay (Balw) 13 13 9 23* 143 35.75 Daniel Fitzpatrick (Rich U) 13 13 7 23* 160 26.67 Tom Hakins (Rich U) 13 13 7 23* 153 25.50 Batting Harry Parsons (AW) 11 11 5 23* 135 22.50 Averages Randima Dodangoda (Ashw) 14 14 6 22* 151 18.88 Alex Stork (AW) 11 11 4 22 127 18.14 Ben Georgakas (Rich U) 13 13 4 19* 134 14.89 Joseph Papalia (Ashw) 14 14 5 21* 130 14.44

Player Games Overs Mdn Runs Wkts Ave Alex Hart (Balw) 12 30 4 66 15 4.40 Randima Dodangoda (Ashw) 14 39.5 10 106 23 4.61 Harry Surkitt (Rich U) 13 29 5 51 11 4.64 James Rutherford (S Hills) 14 30 7 70 13 5.38 Bowling Joseph Papalia (Ashw) 14 39 13 92 15 6.13 Averages Marcus Merry (S Hills) 14 29 4 88 13 6.77 Harrison Brown (Kew) 14 29 3 77 11 7.00 Murray Robinson (Kew) 12 26 1 87 12 7.25 Cameron Visentin (S Hills) 14 29.3 1 105 12 8.75 Joseph Woodgate (S Hills) 14 29.5 4 107 12 8.92

61 Junior Section Averages (9)

WILKINS Player Games Inns NO HS Runs Ave Karl Worner (Burw) 14 14 11 21* 168 56.00 (Under 12C) Jonathon Florentzou (Burw) 13 12 9 23* 152 50.67 Cooper McNamara (Burw) 14 13 10 22* 144 48.00 Aedan Mccormick (Cant) 13 13 9 19* 145 36.25 Batting Angus Hume (Cant) 13 13 9 20* 142 35.50 Averages Michael Forwood (Cant) 13 13 9 20* 134 33.50 Kieran Yeates (Burw) 14 13 8 23* 143 28.60 Harrison Langkau (Burw) 14 13 7 21* 159 26.50 Angus Scott (Cant) 13 13 8 21* 128 25.60 Alexander Taylor (Cant) 12 12 6 21* 142 23.67 Player Games Overs Mdn Runs Wkts Ave Harrison Langkau (Burw) 14 34 6 54 17 3.18 Max Mulcahy (GI) 13 34 9 75 14 5.36 Tom Steventon (Cant) 13 28 5 76 11 6.91 Nicholas Caruso (Burw) 14 31 7 102 12 8.50 Bowling Luke Davis (Burw) 14 36 5 86 10 8.60 Averages Lachlan Capp (Burw) 13 35 0 174 12 14.50

62 Record of Office Bearers

Eastern Cricket Association President Operations Manager Financial Manager 1999/2000 C L Martin R K Wilkins G A Bowes 2000/2001 C L Martin R A Patterson G A Bowes 2001/2002 K E Noy R A Patterson G A Bowes 2002/2003 K E Noy R A Patterson G A Bowes 2003/2004 K E Noy R A Patterson G A Bowes 2004/2005 K E Noy R A Patterson G A Bowes 2005/2006 K E Noy R A Patterson K W Carr 2006/2007 G J Male R A Patterson K W Carr 2007/2008 G J Male R A Patterson K W Carr 2008/2009 G J Male R A Patterson K W Carr 2009/2010 D E Butler R A Patterson K W Carr 2010/2011 D E Butler R A Patterson K W Carr 2011/2012 D E Butler R A Patterson K W Carr 2012/2013 D E Butler R A Patterson K W Carr

East Suburban District and Churches Eastern Suburbs Presidents Presidents 1925/26 - 1934/35 A Latham 1903/04 W Smith 1935/36 - 1938/39 J A Gray 1904/05 – 1913/14 W L Baillieu 1939/40 T D Oldham 1914/15 – 1918/19 A T Danks 1940/41 F P Western 1919/20 – 1926/27 F G Doney 1941/42 - 1951/52 P W Robinson 1927/28 – 1929/30 S Green 1952/53 - 1954/55 F P Johns 1930/31 – 1931/32 W H Jenkins 1955/56 - 1976/77 J C MacGibbon 1932/33 – 1946/47 P W Gray 1977/78 - 1987/88 J D Norman 1947/48 – 1951/52 J C Whyte 1988/89 I S Speed 1952/53 – 1971/72 A T Dunstan 1989/90 - 1996/97 R B Tobias 1972/73 – 1977/78 J P Duerdoth 1997/98 - 1998/99 K E Noy 1978/79 – 1981/82 H N Wright 1982/83 – 1990/91 K W Sturgess 1991/92 – 1997/98 C L Martin 1998/99 R K Wilkins

63 Record of Office Bearers

East Suburban District and East Suburban District and Churches Churches Secretaries Treasurers 1925/26 - 1928/29 K W Weeding 1925/26 - 1926/27 G E Rewell 1929/30 - 1930/31 A E Roberts 1927/28 - 1928/29 S Palmer 1931/32 - 1932/33 K W Weeding 1928/29 - 1941/42 C L Rooney 1933/34 - 1934/35 K W Kerr 1942/43 H L Wain 1935/36 - 1936/37 F O Owen 1943/44 - 1946/47 B Masterman 1937/38 - 1938/39 F L Birch 1947/48 R Langham 1939/40 - 1942/43 D B Leigh 1948/49 - 1950/51 J A Downey 1943/44 - 1946/47 H L Wain 1951/52 - 1954/55 H L Wain 1947/48 - 1950/51 B Tamblyn 1955/56 - 1971/72 K G Lean 1951/52 - 1954/55 A R Gillespie 1972/73 - 1975/76 J Bell 1955/56 - 1960/61 D A McIntyre 1976/77 - 1980/81 K W Carr 1961/62 - 1980/81 R Dyer 1981/82 - 1982/83 R B Tobias 1981/82 P Shears 1983/84 - 1986/87 T R Gorman 1982/83 - 1984/85 D Allen 1987/88 - 1988/89 G Danson 1984/85 - 1993/94 Ms M A Merrell 1989/90 - 1994/95 R Maskiell 1994/95 - 1996/97 S J Mason 1995/96 A van der Nol 1997/98 - 1998/99 B R Barnard 1996/97 - 1998/99 G A Bowes

Eastern Suburbs Eastern Suburbs Secretaries Treasurers 1903/04 L Reynold 1914/15 – 1915/16 W Hotchin 1904/05 – 1910/11 F Gibson 1916/17 – 1931/32 H K Whitman 1911/12 – 1915/16 W A Hotchin 1932/33 – 1934/35 E Curry 1916/17 J Fagan 1935/36 – 1941/42 R W Laws 1917/18 – 1924/25 F Silvers 1942/43 – 1952/53 V A Rider 1925/26 – 1931/32 J C Whyte 1953/54 – 1969/70 G D Mair 1932/33 – 1937/38 J R Rewell 1970/71 – 1998/99 I Thomson 1938/39 P C James 1939/40 – 1941/42 P Allen 1942/43 – 1943/44 T Rees PATRONS 1944/45 – 1951/52 L J Carbarns 1952/53 – 1964/65 H N Wright RB Tobias 1965/66 – 1969/70 I Thomson CL Martin 1970/71 – 1971/72 R W Scheffer HN Wright 1972/73 – 1974/75 P N Shaw 1975/76 – 1986/87 K D Burt SJ Mason 1987/88 – 1996/97 R K Wilkins RK Wilkins 1997/98 – 1998/99 A G Grace PE Warner & Camberwell Magpies Cricket Club

64 Life Members

H Whitman (d) 1925 ESCA C L Martin 1981 ESCA F Silvers (d) 1925 ESCA J R McCarthy 1982 ESCA F G H Doney (d) 1926 ESCA M R Wilson (d) 1982 ESCA A B Cottee (d) 1927 ESDCCA R B Tobias 1982 ESDCCA S Green (d) 1929 ESCA R M Anderson 1983 ESDCCA P W Gray (d) 1929 ESCA D Allen (d) 1983 ESDCCA J C Whyte (d) 1929 ESCA J D Norman (d) 1984 ESDCCA F P Western (d) 1929 ESDCCA K D Burt 1985 ESCA B G Mathers (d) 1930 ESCA I S Speed 1986 ESDCCA D Dickie (d) 1932 ESCA I McG Stuart (d) 1986 ESDCCA K W Weeding (d) 1932 ESDCCA S J Mason 1987 ESDCCA W H Jenkins (d) 1933 ESCA R T P Hodge (d) 1988 ESCA J R Rewell (d) 1935 ESCA Ms M A Merrell 1988 ESDCCA A Latham (d) 1935 ESDCCA G C Tulloch 1988 ESDCCA J C Macgibbon (d) 1936 ESDCCA K W Carr 1989 ESDCCA P C Allen (d) 1941 ESCA F Jackson (d) 1989 ESDCCA W R Laws (d) 1942 ESCA F S Ray (d) 1992 ESDCCA D D Bell (d) 1942 ESDCCA G G Armstrong (d) 1993 ESCA L Carbarns (d) 1943 ESCA R J Neate (d) 1993 ESDCCA A T Dunstan (d) 1945 ESCA L R Wallace 1993 ESDCCA F P Johns (d) 1945 ESDCCA B R Barnard 1995 ESDCCA H Holzer (d) 1946 ESCA A G Grace 1996 ESCA C J Rooney (d) 1946 ESDCCA R K Wilkins 1996 ESCA F T Sambell (d) 1949 ESDCCA Mrs E Jackson 1997 ESDCCA V Rider (d) 1950 ESCA T R Gorman 1997 ESDCCA Canon P Robinson (d) 1952 ESDCCA I G Scott 1997 ESDCCA S J McWhinney (d) 1952 ESDCCA R W Webster 2001 ECA A Hardy (d) 1956 ESCA C L Cohen 2002 ECA H L Wain (d) 1958 ESDCCA T R Bellis (d) 2002 ECA G D Mair (d) 1959 ESCA K E Noy 2003 ECA H N Wright 1959 ESCA A R Tongue 2005 ECA M J C Shaw (d) 1963 ESDCCA MGH Fielden 2005 ECA R H Slatter (d) 1964 ESDCCA R J Barker 2006 ECA W C Merrell (d) 1967 ESDCCA E R Frampton 2006 ECA J P Duerdoth (d) 1968 ESCA R A Patterson 2011 ECA T A Minahan (d) 1968 ESCA E L Fitzwilliam 2012 ECA P G Webster 1968 ESDCCA F J Dobeli 2012 ECA R W Laws (d) 1969 ESCA L Davy (d) 1970 ESDCCA R H Lamborn (d) 1970 ESDCCA A R Gillespie (d) 1970 ESDCCA R H Dyer (d) 1972 ESDCCA K G Lean (d) 1972 ESDCCA K W Sturgess (d) 1975 ESCA I Thomson (d) 1975 ESCA A A Breadmore 1975 ESDCCA P N Shaw 1977 ESCA C Dew (d) 1977 ESDCCA D A McIntyre (d) 1978 ESDCCA B Proctor (d) 1979 ESDCCA H R Laws (d) 1980 ESCA Eugene Fitzwilliam accepting Life Membership from Michael Bingley

65 Turf Premiership Records

Grade Dunstan Wright Sturgess Armstrong Thomson Mair Season Shield A Turf B Turf C Turf D Turf E Turf Deepdene North 1999/2000 Bulleen Old Carey West Hawthorn East Doncaster Bears Balwyn St Kevins St Kevins North 2000/01 Ashburton Bulleen Old Carey OC OC Balwyn St Kevins 2001/02 Canterbury Heathmont North Balwyn Deepdene Bears Deepdene Bears OC Richmond Richmond 2002/03 Mulgrave Hawthorn Mulgrave Ringwood Union Union Mazenod 2003/04 Mulgrave Marcellin OC Ashburton Boronia Richmond Union OC Marcellin 2004/05 Mulgrave Boronia Eastern Willows Hawthorn Deepdene Bears OC Richmond Deepdene 2005/06 Mulgrave Hawthorn Glen Iris Eastern Willows Union Bears Mazenod East Richmond Richmond 2006/07 Mulgrave Bulleen OC Doncaster City City Deepdene 2007/08 Ashburton Willows Donvale Ashwood Mazenod OC Canterbury Bears East Marcellin East Richmond 2008/09 North Balwyn North Balwyn Doncaster OC Doncaster City

2009/10 Mont Albert Glen Iris Mulgrave Heathmont Marcellin OC Surrey Hills

2010/11 Ashburton Willows Boronia Glen Iris Marcellin OC Burwood Hawthorn

2011/12 Deepdene Bears North Balwyn Deepdene Bears Boronia Glen Iris Ringwood

2012/13 Mont Albert Bulleen St Kevins OC Bulleen Donvale Ringwood

Grade Cohen Patterson Season F Turf G Turf East 2003/04 Doncaster 2004/05 Old Carey 2005/06 Mont Albert 2006/07 Bulleen 2007/08 -- 2008/09 -- 2009/10 St Kevins OC 2010/11 Bulleen 2011/12 Donvale TheMightyHawks- 2012/13 Marcellin OC Mulgrave

66 LOC Premiership Records

Grade McCarthy RW Laws Lamborn Tobias Minahan Season LOC 1 LOC 2 LOC 3 LOC 4 LOC 5

1999/2000 Burwood Heathmont

Abbotsford 2000/01 St Kevins OC Anglers St Stephens 2001/02 Abbotsford Anglers Greythorn St Stephens STC South 2002/03 Bulleen Greythorn Camberwell Abbotsford Abbotsford 2003/04 Mulgrave Anglers Anglers St Stephens 2004/05 Ashburton Glen Iris Greythorn St Stephens St Stephens 2005/06 Mulgrave Greythorn Greythorn Abbotsford 2006/07 Burwood Glen Iris Heathmont Anglers St Barnabas & St Stephens East Malvern 2007/08 Heathmont North Balwyn Greythorn RSL Combined Marcellin 2008/09 North Balwyn Glen Iris St Barnabas Clifton Hill OC Knox 2009/10 Melbourne Deaf Ashburton Willows St Barnabas Ashburton Willows Churches 2010/11 Glen Iris Ashburton Willows Mulgrave Richmond Union Marcellin OC Eastern Salvation 2011/12 South Camberwell Heathmont Boroondara Marcellin OC Army 2012/13 St Barnabas Bulleen Marcellin OC Mulgrave St Barnabas

67 Synthetic Premiership Records

Grade Macgibbon Burt Shaw Holzer Wilson Merrell Season Shield Shield (A ) (B) (C) (D) Blackburn Nth Blackburn Nth 1999/2000 Trinity Willison Nth Balwyn Comb St Barnabas Eastern Willows United United North Balwyn 2000/01 Burwood Utg Cant Wyclif Manningham Preshil Deepdene Uniting Combined STC South Blackburn North STC South 2001/02 Trinity Willison Burwood Utg Cant Mulgrave Camberwell Baptists Camberwell STC South 2002/03 AYC Burwood Utg Cant. Deepdene Uniting Marcellin OC Hawthorn Camberwell STC South STC South Blackburn North Camberwell 2003/04 Manningham Boronia Churches Camberwell Camberwell United Salvation Army 2004/05 AYC Boroondara Deepdene Utg Mulgrave Boroondara Burwood Utg Cant 2005/06 Deepdene Uniting Nth Balwyn Comb Trinity Willison Boroondara Eastern Willows Glen Iris Heathmont 2006/07 Wyclif Manningham Eastern Willows Burwood Utg Cant. Eastern Willows Baptists 2007/08 Trinity Willison St Barnabas Manningham Burwood Utg Cant. Mazenod OC Heathmont Baptist STC South Heathmont 2008/09 Clifton Hill Glen Iris Trinity Willison Mulgrave Camberwell Baptist

2009/10 Deepdene Utg St Barnabas Trinity Willison North Balwyn Boroondara Deepdene Utg

2010/11 Deepdene Utg Nth Balwyn Comb AYC Burwood Utg Cant Blackburn Nth Utd Burwood

STC South 2011/12 AYC Knox Churches Burwood Utg Cant Burwood Heathmont Camberwell STC South Blackburn Nth STC South 2012/13 Edinburgh Boroondara Clifton Hill Camberwell United Camberwell

Grade Season Dyer HR Laws McIntyre Minahan Tobias Lamborn Basin FTG Salvation 1999/2000 Trinity Willison Melbourne Deaf St Barnabas Burwood Utg Cant East Malvern RSL Army Camberwell 2000/01 West Hawthorn Burwood Utg Cant Deepdene Uniting Melbourne Deaf Salvation Army Camberwell 2001/02 East Malvern RSL Manningham Wyclif Mulgrave Salvation Army STC South Blackburn Nth 2002/03 Manningham East Doncaster North Balwyn Camberwell Bapts. North 2003/04 Mulgrave Glen Iris Wyclif Balwyn 2004/05 Boroondara Mulgrave Burwood Utg Cant Ashwood

2005/06 Ashwood Eastern Willows Glen Iris Richmond 2006/07 Burwood Utg Cant Glen Iris Union 2007/08 Mulgrave Richmond Union Mulgrave Mazenod 2008/09 East Doncaster OC 2009/10 Deepdene Bears

2010/11 Glen Iris

68 Under 16 & 14 Premiership Records

Grade Grace Tongue Bellis Bate Noy Shaw Martin Season (Under 16) (Under 16) (Under 16) (Under 16) (Under 16) (Under 16) (Under 14) Donvale Camberwell 1999/2000 St Barnabas Glen Iris United Kew Green Magpies Green Donvale Deepdene 2000/01 Box Hill Trinity Willison Bulleen Kew Green Bears Camberwell Mulgrave Richmond East Ivanhoe 2001/02 St Barnabas Glen Iris United Magpies Red City Saints Kew/ 2002/03 St Barnabas Mt Waverley Burwood Tigers Bulleen Glen Iris Glen Iris Burwood Utg Richmond Burwood Utg Cant North Balwyn 2003/04 Canterbury Kew Heatherdale Cant City (U14) Maroon Deepdene Park Burwood District North Balwyn 2004/05 North Balwyn Eastern Willows Richmond City Uniting Orchards (U14) Maroon North Balwyn Camberwell Burwood East Ivanhoe Burwood Utg Cant Camberwell 2005/06 Balwyn Maroon Magpies District Saints (U14) Magpies Burwood Utg Park Hawthorn 2006/07 North Balwyn Box Hill Heatherdale North Balwyn Cant Orchards (U14) Burwood STC Sth Burwood STC Sth 2007/08 North Balwyn Bulleen Surrey Hills District Camberwell (U14) Camberwell North Manningham 2008/09 Boroondara Heatherdale Clifton Hill Wyclif Glen Iris Balwyn (U14) Burwood Utg 2009/10 Glen Iris Box Hill Burwood Canterbury Bulleen Canterbury Cant Camberwell Camberwell 2010/11 Glen Iris Burwood Wyclif Park Orchards Magpies Magpies Canterbury/ Richmond 2011/12 North Balwyn Hawthorn Surrey Hills Glen Iris Mont Albert Union City STC Sth Bulleen 2012/13 Boroondara Clifton Hill Burwood Glen Iris Camberwell Templestowe

Grade Dobeli Orr Mitchell Mason Davidson VanZuyden Norman Season (Under 14) (Under 14) (Under 14) (Under 14) (Under 14) (Under 14) (Under 14) Eastern Willows 1999/2000 Box Hill Brentwood Glen Iris (Under 12) Deepdene Richmond Surrey Hills (Under 2000/01 Kew Mulgrave Blue Bears Union 12) East 2001/02 Burwood Mont Albert Mulgrave East Doncaster Mazenod OC Doncaster (Under 12) Richmond North Balwyn Richmond 2002/03 St Barnabas Surrey Hills City Black City Richmond Burwood Utg Cant 2003/04 Box Hill Boroondara Surrey Hills Glen Iris Union (Under 10) Burwood Kew 2004/05 Box Hill Glen Iris Canterbury Eastern Willows District (Under 10) Burwood East Ivanhoe STC Sth Wyclif 2005/06 Park Orchards Boroondara District Saints Camberwell (Under 10) STC Sth Camberwell Eastern Kew 2006/07 Kew Canterbury Park Orchards Camberwell Magpies Willows (Under 10) Burwood Utg Deepdene Richmond Ashwood 2007/08 Heatherdale Burwood Cant Bears Union (Under 10) Burwood Utg Richmond North Balwyn 2008/09 Clifton Hill Manningham Clifton Hill Cant City (Under 10) Burwood Camberwell Mont Albert Red 2009/10 Wyclif Kew Richmond City Box Hill District Magpies (Under 10) 2010/11 Ashwood Clifton Hill North Balwyn Boroondara Bulleen Richmond City STC Sth Bulleen 2011/12 Kew Balwyn North Balwyn Wyclif Camberwell Templestowe 2012/13 Boroondara Clifton Hill Wyclif Hawthorn East Doncaster

69 Under 12 & 10 Premiership Records

Grade Barker Frampton Wilkins F Jackson E Jackson Kwasny Male Season (Under 12) (Under 12) (Under 12) (Under 12) (Under 12) (Under 12) (Under 12) Mulgrave North Balwyn 1999/2000 North Balwyn Surrey Hills Red Blue Glen Iris North Balwyn 2000/01 Canterbury Burwood Mulgrave United Red Burwood Utg 2001/02 Canterbury Mt Waverley Canterbury Bulleen Cant. North Balwyn Burwood Utg Camberwell 2002/03 Ashwood Bulleen Maroon Cant. Magpies

2003/04 Glen Iris Kew Green Park Orchards Canterbury Bulleen Camberwell STC Sth 2004/05 Canterbury Canterbury Deepdene Bears Magpies Camberwell STC Sth Burwood Utg Burwood Mont 2005/06 Canterbury Camberwell Cant. District Albert Glen Iris STC Sth STC Sth North Ashwood 2006/07 Clifton Hill Green Camberwell Camberwell Balwyn (Under 10) Ashburton Richmond Willows/ 2007/08 Mont Albert Wyclif Canterbury Deepdene Bears City Wyclif (Under 10) Camberwell Wyclif 2008/09 Ashwood Burwood Burwood Magpies (Under 10) Box Hill/ STC Sth Boroondara Richmond Wyclif 2009/10 North Balwyn Bulleen Glen Iris Camberwell Blue Union (Under 10) (Under 10) 2010/11 North Balwyn Burwood Burwood Burwood Mont Albert Glen Iris Clifton Hill Glen Iris/ Deepdene 2011/12 Glen Iris Clifton Hill East Doncaster Canterbury Balwyn Knox Churches Bears Burwood & Richmond STC Sth 2012/13 Mont Albert Canterbury Bulleen NBCC Boroondara Union Camberwell

Grade Southwood Joyce Rewell Gabre Matthews Gillespie Season (Under 12) (Under 12) (Under 12) (Under 10) (Under 10) (Under 10) Kew Richmond Union 1999/2000 Kew (Under 14) (Under 12) East Doncaster Boroondara Blue 2000/01 North Balwyn (Under 14) (Under 12) Camberwell Canterbury Canterbury/ 2001/02 North Balwyn Magpies/ (Under 12) Deepdene Bears Canterbury Canterbury/ Burwood District/ 2002/03 Boroondara Bulleen North Balwyn Canterbury 2003/04 Box Hill Camberwell Magpies Canterbury Canterbury Trinity Willison 2004/05 Canterbury Canterbury North Balwyn Canterbury (Under16)

2005/06 Bulleen Kew Kew Canterbury Kew

2006/07 Clifton Hill Clifton Hill Bulleen Wyclif Mont Albert Box Hill Camberwell 2007/08 Kew Burwood Box Hill North Balwyn Balwyn Magpies Green Kew/ 2008/09 North Balwyn Kew Hawthorn Bulleen Camberwell Magpies North Balwyn 2009/10 Clifton Hill Maroon Kew Green Balwyn Kew Green North Balwyn Black 2010/11 Boroondara


This season the association lost two Life Members: Tom Bellis in Sept 2012 and Ian Stuart in March 2013.

Tom Bellis came from Tasmania and played most of senior cricket at Mulgrave being a hard hitting opening batsman and some what questionable slow bowler.

He served as a committeeman for Mulgrave for 15 seasons and began his illustrious career with the Junior body back in 1992 in the former ESCA as a committeeman. In 1997 he took over the role of Administrator for the ESCA Juniors and continued in this role through the merger until his sad passing. He was made a Life Member of the ECA in 2002.

Ian Stuart’s association with the former Churches Association began as a player with the Canterbury Presbyterian club. Ian was a slow left-arm bowler and lower order batsman but in the mid 1950s he turned his attention to umpiring.

Ian became a member of the VCA umpires in season 1955/56 and went on to officiate in 227 District first-eleven matches, including three grand finals. As a result, he was made a member of the VCA 200 Club and elected a life member of the VCA Umpires Association. His ability was further recognised with appointment to 14 first-class matches at the MCG between January 1961 and December 1964, including four against touring teams from England and South Africa.

He later resumed his association with the ESDCCA as umpires advisor, a position he held for 25 years, for which he was elected a life member of the Association.

The association’s condolence go to each of their families.