The Ithacan, 1973-09-27
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Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1973-74 The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 9-27-1973 The thI acan, 1973-09-27 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1973-09-27" (1973). The Ithacan, 1973-74. 4. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1973-74 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. -/"·""····;·, :, 1 ith_aca, n.y.'. s_eptember '2'1, 1973 · volume 47 / no. 4 EQUESTRIANS Co~) -Cetwles OuJ ......... Walk,Trot,Canter 1st , ... , ....... Patti Fuller 2nd ........ Laurie Co~nell 3rd .. -, ... Penny_Pocheretz 4th .......... ldy Touhey A90.1ns+ Drug L~ws agreed to put more buses in President of Student Congress, service to the campus. but for has received rnformation from B[ Leah Fackos Sit-A-Buck ..... Walk, Trot By Barbara Sheldon free service. more 1nvestigat1on 1st . , ....... Lorie Andrews Syracuse University concerning will have to be undertaken The Ithaca College Riding 2nd .......... ldY Touhey Student Congress approved by their existing bail fund. With the before any positive statement Club held a Horse Show this past 3 rd · · · ·······.Gary Nurse acclamation to sanction the help ·of Mr. Galbraith, an IC can be announced. Saturday afternoon. The show 4th • · · · · · • • M lckl Perrlcelll Community Health and Safety business : professor and local Lloyd Eckl!r. chairman of the was open to the students 5th · · · · · · · · · Nancy Tuttle Committee to organize all lawyer, Student Congress hopes Bureau of Concerts, announced enrolled in GIPPE, Riding Club Sit-A-Buck . Colleges and Universities in New ,to make arrangements with that Bette M1dler has been members· and Riding Team . Walk,Trot,Canter York State to oppose the recent Ithaca's District Attorney, contracted for a concert members. The show was 15t ............ Patti Fuller New York State drug law in William Sullivan, to locate the scheduled for November 9th. sponsored as a club activity and 2nd .......... Barb Glasow regard to its treatment ot Ithaca College bail fund in the Tickets will go on sale the with the hope of gaining interest 3rd ..•........ Liz Schenk marijuana cases. Ithaca College D.A.'s office. ~\S'n\,~Y after the October 13th in the club. 4th ........ Sherryl Seeley shall be the headquaters of. all Also, in reaction to the last t of Livingston Taylor and There were five different 5th ••••...• Rusty Gingrich operations·. Through Andy fall's disappearance of Karen David Frye. game events that students Telsey, the committee's Levy, a Syracuse University Kenny May. President of competed in, and each was Musical Bags .... Walk, Trot chairman, New York State has. coed, the Offices of Student Stud en t Congress, L~ very . divided into levels. These 1st ......... Rusty Gin grlch been organized into twelve Concern h'ave decided to concerned with improving included; tacking race, 2nd •..... Penny Podheretz regions under the authority of implement a new voluntary commumcations on the c.tmous sit-a-buck, !]lUSical bags, obstacle 3rd ........ M 1ckl Perrlcelll twelve universities to lobby to system as part of the existing with students. and once again he course, and snake race. The 4th ........ Sherryl Seeley organize the college students in ride board situated on the north would like to emphasize that all levels coni;isted of both 5th •••••••••• Donna Hunt New York State into a lobbying side of the first floor of Egbert membership to committees is beginners and advance. There group to effect changes in the Union. When students want to open to any interested lC' were also all-level equitation Musical BagsWalk, Trot, Cante law as it now stands. post ride notices, they can go students. and that students are classes on · the llilt a_nd over ut .. ,' .. ·...... Ruth w erner An organizational meeting first to· the Office of Student welcome to drop by the Student fences. Concerns and have their I.D. 2 nd .•........ 13arb Glitow shall be held on IC campus the C'o"neress office on the chird Tlie show was directed by weekend of October 12th to embossment imprinted on the 3rd floor of Egbert Union whenever Debbie Butler, the riding_ team • • • · • • • • • • • Patti Fuller 14th at which the twelve notice. This is to show that the 4th .......... ldY Touhey the~ like for any purpose, coach and club advisor. Judge · regional representatives shall student offering the ride is that 5th ._ •••.••.••• LIZ Schenk whether it be inquiry or for the show was Noel-Redinger: further plan their program. said student, and is registered at suggestion. The Officers are from Schenectady. There were Obstacle Course . Walk, Trot Andy is requesting help from all the college. If a student does interested in what the students five ribbons each class interested IC students to join the take a ride with another student, 1st ........... Donna Hunt . are' thinking. Also, for all and a total of 85 ribbons they may notify the Office of 2 nd ........... Sally Klein organization and ~ts c?mm1ttees. students, but particularly for received b;y the participants. Committee partic1pat1on is open Student Concerns or their lrd •..... Penny Podheretz IC b those off campus, a community Those receiving ... awards, to the entire student ody. roommate just to inform 4th : ........ .. sue Hunter . , . d" bulletrn board shall be set up in within each category·. are as Sth ....... Lorrie Andrews The organizations 1mme iate someone of where and with the lobby of Egbert Union to follows:.. goal is a statewide morato_rium whom the student has left the inform all students of the campus, Once again, this is Tacking Race ... Walk, Trot Obstacle Course · · · · · · · · · · · , to be held in New York City in act1v1ties of their Student . Walk,Trot,Canter November. Andy is hoping to purely voluntary . Congress. For anyone interested. 1st , •.•..... Rusty G rig rich Also, Andy Telsey has been 1st ... : .........sue Keller organize 100,000 students to the phone number of the 2nd-.' . .. , .•...• Gary N ilrse looking into the possibility of a 3rd , . ; . , .• , • . Ruth Werner 2 nd .......... Lis.ii Young attend, and there will be a Student Congress office is bus shuttle service up and down ~74-3377 4th _. •...... Micki Perrlcelll 3rd .•.....•. ,...-tdy Touhey concert. or 4th .......... Jamie_ TUIIO In the meantime, Kenny May, the hill. The City of Ithaca has x3377. Tacking Race. .... ·.. .; ...... 5th ......•. Laurie Connell D.A. NARCS, BUSTS, and the LAW SULUVAN.. _._... ' _RAPS. ABOUT. Out and out demals along the By Andy Friedman "Are --~ll. these people which ahead. If the search is an illegal can show that he knowingly and you '· refei:. to. feceiving an_y search .. :the pr·oceeds of the willingly possessed it, and the lines of, "Hey, man, I didn't fact that it would've been found know it was there. I never seen Your best friend may be .3 .. ·compensation for th~1r search will be-suppressed." This information?" a panehst means that anything found on . among his belongings, would go the stuff he fore!", are not arc. , .. , · . · . d an illegal search can not be used pretty far in terms of showing appreciated .and don't impress Monday night the air waves of mgmre . ' - . III CB-AM broadcasted a taped "·The only people that receive against YO!! in court." that, then I wuld indicate yes, I the judges. ·tne DA said that a hope nterview with District Attorney - co·mpensation are . the state "If, in fact, the officer had think that's sufficient to gain a attached to the new laws is that 1/illiant---· Sullivan .. Mt. Sullivan- · troopers who work under the right to make the search and conviction." people would give up drup abuse w a s q u e··s-t i O 11 e d by cover." there was a esistance on the and sales and get help for representatives-from three local The program aired for thirty part of the people involved then BURDEN ON ACCUSED themselves before they're newspape. .rs, .The Ithacan minutes and was repeated ill b ::ak' est 'th · 'gh 9 00 A -variety we w e mr_mg arr s wi Mr. Sullivan continued, "By arrested. included. Well into the program, Tuesday m t at : · respect to anybody dealing -_ d. •· ed all of the. same token, if that One of the last questions he was asked if he had any narcs of topics were . lStu~ ' th drugs. When this comes or how individual ·can convince us that asked dealt with informants. workjng- .for. his office. He · them -directly_ re ate to· e, it comes, I'm just not at liberty he· did not possess this drug but st "Has anyone come to you replit!d:... ·. ·· .. ·· welfare of u_dents. The to discuss." he finished. since the law went into effect on · "W";e'tl·,~·w· e have.,.pe-ople· .•. who , following are portions of that in ·fact the drug was planted, "Is' there any kind of that he does not use d~ugs,then September I with nformation are ~.14fd,tasins'dnigs. Whether 0 r · program. · ··, pro tee tion w ha ts~ver for we may well not have a criminal on drug dealers?" not~). aitybo•b<IDld~,c~ver.~ .· ~. '·' · someone w.ho, let's say .. prosecution at all." "We've received informatiorr at this time, *'m,not willing ·to . SEARCHING mariJ'uana · plan_ted there (in involving people selling drugs, disc'P.> There ~are --also ... pe_ap~e . :. ,··, ._ - . ,, . The evidence would be mon. · yes.''" - us·with informilt~on . , _' :rec~_mm_~.n~at10 r_oom) a.~~ ~e ·police w,ere · than_ slightly overwhelming and whotrovide '.MY n., , ~s.