Sascha Müller Berliner Str. 92A D– 13467 Berlin Germany
[email protected] San Martín de Amacayacu, 12th of April2006 THE PAN AMAZON RAIN FOREST BETWEEN CONSERVATION AND POVERTY ALLEVIATION: PROPERTY RIGHTS REGIMES AT THE TRIPLE BORDER IN THE SOUTHERN COLOMBIAN TRAPECIO AMAZONICO1 1 Introduction: The Pan Amazon Rainforest between conservation and poverty.................. 1 2 Theoretical framework: Deforestation of the rainforest as a problem of “social dilemmas” ........................................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Decentralization, external regulation, and self-governance..................................... 4 2.2 Structural heterogeneity in the context of CPR........................................................ 5 3 Legal framework in and around the Amazon Trapeze of Colombia................................... 7 3.1 De jure property rights governing the natural resources in Colombia and its indigenous territories .......................................................................................... 7 3.2 The new forest law: Opportunity for development or the end of the forest? ......... 11 3.3 Broad legal aspects of Peru and Brazil regarding forest management................... 12 4 Analyses of property rights regimes in the resguardo TiCoYa and at the triple boarder: The status quo and resulting patterns of interaction ........................................... 13 4.1 The Resguardo TiCoYa of Puerto Nariño.............................................................