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Bolm Zool., Univ. S. Paulo 10:9-18, 1986


T.E. THOMPSON & G.M. JARMAN Zoology Department, University of B r istol, U. K.( recebido em 1 .VIII. 1985 ) .,

RESUMO - Um conjunto de dados derivados de observações sobre mais de 60 espécies de moluscos opistobrânguios dos oceanos Atlântico e Pacífico, incluindo espécies planctotróficas, le citotròficas e não-pelágicas, foi submetido à análise para encontrar uma expressão que ajuste a massa de observações de modo aceitável. A principal finalidade foi quantificar as re lações entre tamanho do ovo, período embrionário e temperatu ra de criação de opistobrânquios A temperatura provou ser de importância capital na medida que uma mudança de 283 para 296 graus absolutos aumentou a taxa de desenvolvimento por um fator de 2.07. O tamanho do ovo foi quase tão importante: um aumento no diâmetro do ovo de 73 para 181 micrômetros au­ mentou o período embrionário por um fator de 2.02. O tempo de desenvolvimento fez apenas ligeira diferença e diferenças negligenciáveis puderam ser atribuídas ao fato das espécies serem atlânticas ou pacíficas. ABSTRACT - A data-base derived from observations on more than 60 species of opisthobranch molluscs from both Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and including planktotrophic, lecithotro- phic, and non-pelagic species was subjected to analysis in order to find an expression which fits the mass of data in an acceptable way. The principal aim was to quantify the re­ lationship between ovum-size, embryonic period and rearing temperature in opisthobranchs. Temperature proved to be of paramount importance to the extent that a change from 283 to 296 degrees absolute increased the development rate by a factor of 2.07.Ovum size was almost equally important: an in crease in ovum diameter from 73 to 181 micrometres increased the embryonic period by a factor of 2.02. Development-type made only a slight difference, and negligible differences could be ascribed to whether the species were Atlantic or Pa cific. ~ 10 T.E. Thompson & G.M. Jarman


Egg development is slowed by factors tending to redu ce the rate of penetration of cleavage furrows, while rapid development is encouraged by small size and factors which speed cleavage, such as high temperature. Embryonic period is a highly characteristic feature of every oviparous species, and has been moulded by natural selection acting upon the evident need for each species to make the maximal bestowal of resources for its young without incurring the penalty of slowing down development to hatching. Slowing the rate of early development is dangerous for an oviparous species because it prolongs the period of exposure to accidental mechanical damage and to attack by predators at an especially vulnerable stage of the ontogeny. The prov_i sion of more deutoplasm for each ovum would necessarily slow down early development, because yolk takes the form of inert, heavy material which hinders the penetration of cleavage furrows. Many viviparous have mastered this problem by the expedient of producing small, almost yolk-free (oligo lecithal) ova, which therefore have fewer mechanical cons - traints governing cleavage rate. The embryo is then nouri - shed hour by hour according to its needs, and protected by the parental body. Oviparous species have perforce evolved other adaptations in order to avoid or mitigate the penalty that should be paid if egg-size is increased. The introduc - tion of meroblastic cleavage by the cephalopod molluscs is a classical example. In these animals, cleavage is initially restricted to a small, relatively yolk-free blastodisc; the great mass of yolk remains undivided until a later stage. This adaptation enables development to move at a brisk pace during a sluggish period of other molluscs lives. It is axiomatic that the inhibiting effect of yolk diminishes with time, as it is progressively metabolised. The cephalopods have avoided the consequences of increasing ovum-size by cy- tological advances which speed cleavage. Other molluscs have achieved success by introducing mechanisms which diminish the effective ovum-size. Competiti ve aggression between embryonic siblings occurs in some neo­ gastropod molluscs (reviewed by Fretter & Graham, 1962) This may be unfortunate for the individuals which are consumed by their capsule-siblings, but can be viewed as a simple adapta tion to increase the amount of deutoplasm (yolk) available to the fortunate survivors, without slowing down their em­ bryonic development. Another evolutionary approach has invol ved separate packaging of some of the nutrient material ~ either inside the egg-capsule (as extra-zygotic albumen, or EZA) or outside it, sometimes taking the form of discrete lozenges, one for each capsule, but occasionally forminq amorphous strands in the egg-jelly, having all the visible characteristics of yolk (Boucher 1983) Presumably this ma­ terial is assembled in the ovary and discharged with the oocytes during ovipositon; it has been termed extra-capsular yolk or ECY (Thompson & Salghetti-Drioli, 1984) As yet', there Egg size and embryonic period in opisthobranchs 11

has been no attempt to quantify the effect on developmental rate of either EZA or ECY. In an attempt to investigate the relationship between ovum-size, embryonic period and temperature in opisthobranch molluscs, we have collected data from various sources. Where the literature is concerned, we have been handicapped in the same way as were Hadfield and Switzer-Dunlap (1984), who no­ ted the -deplorably low accuracy of some earlier workers in the following terms: "A recurrent problem. is that egg sizes (and other similar measures) for a species often vary widely among the reports of different authors, or even among the successive publications of a single author" We are inclined to believe that this denotes scientific inaccuracy rather than a genuine geographical or temporal variation Consequently, we have exercised a form of selection of the data for consideration. We have taken preferentially data published within the last 25 years, when microscopical techni ques for measuring eggs have become well-established worldw_i de. We have kept separate those data emanating from the Atlantic fauna and the Indo-Pacific fauna. Moreover, we have separated the data derived from the three principal reproduc tive strategies (Thompson, 1967 ): type 1 (resulting in plank- totrophic larvae), type 2 (lecithotrophic larvae), and type 3 (direct, non-pelagic development) The data are presented in Table 1.


Our aims in scrutinizing these measurements were: (1) To find an expression which fits the whole mass of data in a mathematically acceptable and biologically un­ derstandable way. (2) To confirm that it is reasonable to assume that, for ova of the same diameter, increase of rearing temperatu­ re results in faster development (this is almost axiomatic) and to quantify that rate of increase. (3) To attempt to show that it is reasonable to assume that, for eggs reared at the same temperature, the larger the egg the longer it takes to develop to hatching. (4) To see if, within the range of species studied, there is a significant difference in development rate that can be related to whether the species undergo type 1 (plank- totrophic), type 2 (lecithotrophic) or type 3 (direct) deve­ lopment . (5) To see if any significant difference in develop­ ment rate can be ascribed to whether the species are Atlan - tic or Pacific in habitat.


After trying a variety of mathematical relationships and fitting methods, we decided to fit an equation of the type: 12 T.E. Thompson & G.M. Jarman

c b T P = a . D e where P is the embryonic period in days, D the ovum diameter in micrometres and T the absolute temperature in Kelvins; a, b and c are constants to be fitted and e is the base of natu ral logarithms. The reasons for choosing this particular formula w e r e : (1) In its logarithmic form, InP = In a+b.ln D-i-c/T , it can be fitted using ordinary multiple-regression methods, which is what we decided to do. (2) The fit with the data was as good as the fit of any other three-parameter formula that we tried.

(3) The temperature term eT is of a form similar to that frequently used in physiological studies, and compari - son is therefore easy. (4) It seems intuitively sensible to use an expression — c T b in which a rate term, e is divided into a term a.D which represents, in some sense, the 'amount of development to be done 1 Against these advantages must be set the need to jus; tify the procedure of fitting the logarithm of the embryonic period by least squares, as opposed to fitting, say. the pe­ riod itself, the development rate or the logarithm of the rate (all of which would have given different results) Some of the evidence in this paper, for example that relating to normality and homogeneity of residuals, lends support to our choice as being statistically reasonable. Naturally, more complicated equations could have been used to achieve a closer fit, but some were tried and the improvement in fit did not appear to justify the additio nal complication.


The equation which best fitted the selected data was:

InP = -17.4 + 0.775.In D + 4687/T

4687 corresponding to P = (2.78 x 10 e T

where P is the embryonic period in days, D the ovum diameter in micrometres and T the absolute temperature in Kelvins. 4687 Inspecting the equation per se, the term eT indica tes that a 10° C rise in temperature increases the develop - ment rate by a factor of about 1.8, which is quite normal Egg size and embryonic period in opisthobranchs 13

for a physiological process. Also, increase in size incurs a rather small penalty; a doubling of ovum volume multiplies embryonic period by a factor of only 1.2. It is opportune here to interject that these conclu­ sions are adequately reliable, as may be judged from the standard deviations of the fitted constants, which are tabu­ lated below: value standard deviation coefficient of 1/T: 4687 + 628 coefficient of InD: 0.775 + 0.106 constant term: -17.4 + 2.23

Inspection of the residuals (the set of 71 differen­ ces between the logarithms of the observed embryonic periods and those predicted by the equation) yields 4 conclusions,of which the first two are of statistical interest and the last two of biological importance (Table 1): (1) There is no significant correlation (throughout this paper significance is measured at the 5% level) between the numerical size of the residuals and the logarithm of the embryonic period (r = 0.09); in other words, the amount of "scatter" of the points is similar whether the embryonic pe­ riod is long or short. (2) The residuals are normally distributed (judged by d'Agostino's (1971) test) (Points (1) and (2) strengthen the case for our cho_i ce of m'ethod . ) (3) The mean residuals for species with type 1, type 2 and type 3 development are +0.028, -0.148 and +0.098 res - pectively; these may be compared with the standard deviation of all 71 residuals which is + 0.398. Analysis of variance shows the difference between the three means to be not sign_i f icant. (4) The mean residuals for Atlantic and Pacific spe­ cies are +0.0026 and -0.0052 respectively- The difference is far from significant.


We can now list the four factors that we have consi­ dered, in order Of their 'importance1: (1) Temperature is paramount; taking as representat_i ve temperatures those corresponding to (mean + standard devi£ tion) of the 1/T values, a change of rearing temperature from 283 to 296 degrees' absolute increases the development rate by a factor of 2.07 (2) Ovum size is almost equally 'important ; taking as representative ovum sizes those corresponding to (mean + standard deviation) of the In D values, an increase in ovum size from 73 to 181 micrometres increases the embryonic pe - riod by a factor of 2.02. (3) Development type makes a slight difference; type 2 developers average 20% faster and type 3 developers 7% 14 T.E. Thompson & G.M. Jarman

-a* CO CO r—i I—1 à à 10 (0 1981

subtracting the the embryonrc 4 4

Bridges, 1975 Hamatani, 1967 Eyster, 1980 Thompson, 1972; Baba, Rose, 1937 Gohar & Soliman, 1967 Seager, 1979 Smith, 1967 Eyster, 1979 Schmekel, 1966 Chia, 1971 Rivest, 1978 Tardy, Tardy, 1962 Thompson, 1967 Hadfield Hadfield & Switzer-Dun: Hadfield & Switzer-Dun: Gohar & Abul-uEla, 1957 Rao Rao & Alargaswamy, 196( Rao, Rao, 1961 Gohar & Abul-Ela, 1959 Rasmussen, 1944 Tardy, Tardy, 1962 Todd, 1981 Kress, 1972 Eyster, 1979 Grahame, 1969 Thompson, 1S)62 Thompson, 1967 Eyster, 1981 Thompson, 1958 Schmekel, 1966 Reference

oommioH IDOCOHIOH 3 OHisinoio 298 042 050 380 075 041 125 404 818 399 104 210 805 835 425 312 122 ,159 ,159 .145 .011 .136 .519 .024 484 . .021 in ooooooooooo r-H O O O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a) + + + 1 + 1 1 1 1 1 + 1 1 1 + I 1 1 + 1 I + + + + 1 + + 1 + + p e r % fChe «

2.790 3.437 332 2. 2.363 2.608 2.711 3.311 3.154 4.303 3.767 2.981 2.082 2.371 2.244 2.345 2.724 3.015 577 2. 2.483 2.090 3. 299 3. 344 3. 2.539 2.147 2.483 2.918 2.461 1.954 3.239 2.191 1.873 ln ln P Predicted


CN CN IN Oi CN m 3.912 3.178 3.332 2.079 2.197 2.197 2.442 2.079 2.140 1.946 2.303 565 2. 2.970 1.946 2.890 4.787 3.664 3.611 3.466 2.140 2.251 2.708 2.708 1.386 1.386 ln ln P

in in in in in

8 8 9 8. 9. 4 8 8 7 7 7 0 04 4 o m o x H O 32 32 15 15 13 50 11. 19, 19, 18 24 28 H H ÍN H H (*1 ■P

the the absolute temperature and cola» 10 >

i-i 1 120 in in .5 .5 .5 39 37 .3 .3 9 .5 15 .5 10 3 3 E-< 290 290 283 283 296 296 292 284 286 298. 296 292 303 282. 282, 288 288 298 298 301. 300 298 283 282 O 285 295 293 285 274. 285 297 295 295. 5 5 287. 72 columS columS a 140 137 180 140 200 220 199 120 100 180 140 150 185 156 225 128 380 290 160 103 130 379 150. 200 245 240 230 200 170 203

pharpa Pacific: Pacific: type 2 Facelina Facelina fusca Tenellia Tenellia pallida Discodoris Discodoris erythraeensis Eubranchus Eubranchus farrani Tenellia pallida Berthelinia caribbea Cuthona adyarensis Eolidina mannarensis Eubranchus Eubranchus exiguus Eubranchus Eubranchus farrani Phestilla Phestilla sibogae Dendronotus frondosus Melibe Melibe pilosa Arinina tigrinaArinina Berthellina citrina Tritonia Tritonia hombergi Atlantic: type 2 Adalaria Adalaria proxima Species Atlantic: type 3 Aeolidiella Aeolidiella alderi Cadlina Cadlina laevis Cuthona Cuthona nana Pacific: Pacific: type 3 Tenellia Tenellia pallida Philine gibba Retusa Retusa obtusa Trinchesia Trinchesia granosa Acteonia cocksi Dermatobranchus striatellus Doriopsilla Doriopsilla Hypselodoris bennetti Phyllaplysia taylori Okadaia Okadaia elegans Trippa Trippa spongiosa the the prediction in column 6 from the observation in column b. ricd. ricd. Column 6 gives the predictions of the embryonic equation in the text. The entry in the 'residual; column is the result of subtracting period period in days. Column 5 contains the natural logarithms of the observed emurycnic pe diameters Tn micrometres, Table Table 1 Embryonic oeriods of opisthooranch molluscs. Column 2 lists representative ovum Egg size and embryonic period in opisthobranchs 15 1977 Alkon, Alkon, 1978 & Alkon, Alkon, 1978 & T T P In P d r„dict. * Residual Reference 5 5 295 6 6.5 283.5 1.872 12 2.167 2.485 -0.295 2.491 Harris, 1975 -0.006 Harrigan 5 5 7 7 295 2 6 298 298 9 298 298 7 2.197 7 9.5 1.946 1.933 6.5 2.251 1.946 1.872 1.697 1.835 1.^91 +0.264 1.577 +0.249 Kriegstein +0.416 et al., +0.155 1974 +0.295 Switzer-Dunlap & Harris, 1977 Switzer-Dunlap Paige, 1979 & Harris, 1977 Switzer-Dunlap & Harris, 5 5 283 28 3.332 3.072 +0.260 Thompson, 1967 0 0 5 0 286.5 2 287 6 7.8 285.5 2.048 284.9 5.5 15.5 295 11 1.705 2.741 2.358 2.398 2.168 6 2.415 -0.310 2.558 1.792 -0.463 +0.326 Bickell & Chia, 1979 1.847 -0.160 Harrigan Chia & Koss, 1978 Kempf -0.055 Willows, & 1977 Harrigan & Alkon, 1978 0 0 298 8 2.079 1.818 +0.261 Switzer-Dunlap & Harris, 1977 2 2 5 298 298 15 2.708 4 1.386 1.915 1.565 +0.793 Thompson -0.179 1969 & Bebbington., Perron Turner, & 1977 2.5 2.5 o 286 2.5 8 8 288 289 8.5 1.5 288 2.140 298 5.2 6 2.499 292 . 1.658 21 15 1.792 2.296 -0.359 5 3J045 2.708 2.216 1.609 Kuzirian, 2.430 1979 -0.638 1.884 -0.424 2.154 Thompson, +0.615 1967 +0.824 Schmekel & Portmann, 1982 -0.545 Thompson & Bebbington, 1969 Thompson & Bebbington, 1969 Franz, 1971 3.5 3.5 3 282.5 0 6.5 23 283 0 282.5 4 283 3.135 0 14 10 5 282 18 7 283 2.584 2.639 2.303 2 293 10 289 5 2.890 16 3 287.2 2.650 +0.551 2.457 9.5 2.944 283 5 2.651 6 7 2.773 6.5 283 284 0 Thompson, 284 1967 1.872 18 -0.011 1.609 2.619 -0.154 0 1.946 10 2.387 +0.239 5 289 16 18 5 2.166 2.890 289 Thompson, 1.995 Thompson, 1967 1967 +0.325 2.178 289 2.303 Thompson, 1967 +0.386 2.773 285 2.890 8.5 2.579 282 6 -0.294 -0.386 Thompson, 2.140 2.607 1967 6.5 -0.232 Thompson, 2.671 13.5 1967 2.530 1.872 13 1.792 Schmekel +0.311 2.603 Tardy, & 2.504 Portmann, 1964 1982 Thompson, -0.304 1967 +0.102 +0.360 2.565 2.216 2.307 Thompson, 2.154 1967 -0.364 Thompson, 1967 Thompson Kress, & Brown, 1975 2.569 1984 -0.344 -0.515 +0.449 Miller, 1958 Schmekel -0.004 Schmekel & Portmann, & Kuzirian, Portmann, 1982 1982 1979 Kuzirian, 1979 ! ! ! ! Pacific: Pacific: type 1 Atlantic: Atlantic: type 1 Doridella Doridella obscura Doridella steinbergae Hermissenda crassicornis Phestilla melanobranchia 6 1 Elysia Elysia chlorotica Elysia chlorotica Archidoris Archidoris pseudoargus 15 Acteocina canaliculata 9 Rostanga pulchra Tritonia Tritonia diomedea Dolabella Dolabella auricularia Coryphella Coryphella pedata Alderia modesta Aplysia punctata Aplysia depilans Aplysia fasciata 8 8 9 9 10 Aplysia Aplysia californica Aplysia dactylomela Bursatella leachi plei Stylocheilus longicauda Doto Doto coronata Eubranchus farrani Dicata 6 odhneri Coryphella gracilis Coryphella pellucida Coryphella verrucosa 9 5 7 9 8 Aplysia Aplysia juliana Polycera Polycera guadrilineata Tergipes tergipes Tergipes tergipes Coryphella lineata Hero 8 formosa Doto fragilis Doto pinnatifida Cuthona gymnota 8 7 6 8 9 8 11 Onchidoris Onchidoris bilamellata Onchidoris muricata 9 8 Tritonia plebia 8 Species Species D Jorunna Jorunna tomentosa Acanthodoris pilosa 71 7! Table Table 1. (cont.) 16 T.E. Thompson & G.M. Jarman

slower development to hatching than type 1 species, but these differences are not statistically significant. (4) Negligible differences can be ascribed to whe - ther the species are Atlantic or Pacific.


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