Evolution, 59(5), 2005, pp. 1160±1161 ANIMAL SIGNALS AND THE OVERLOOKED COSTS OF EFFICACY1 MICHAEL J. RYAN2 AND MOLLY E. CUMMINGS Section of Integrative Biology C0930, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712 2E-mail:
[email protected] Received March 22, 2005. costly; handicaps can make it more costly, but lack of hand- The most striking aspects of many animals are signals. icap does not make it cost free. This book concentrates on Thus one might expect Animal Signals by John Maynard strategic costs, but offers some tantalizing discussions of ef- Smith and David Harper to discuss the detailed biology of ®cacy costs, which the authors suggest are underappreciated. this half of the communication dyad. Not so. Instead, they We second that notion but feel it is not strong enough. concentrate on a single question, why signals are reliable, The most basic ef®cacy costs of signaling are incurred in and emphasize one methodology to its solution: game theory. creating its morphology, behavior, and neural circuitry. In ad- Although not embracing the entire biology of signaling, the book grapples with a continuing problem. dition, some animals scour the environment to obtain their Signals evolved to communicate information and manip- signals; bowerbirds steal decorations for their bowers (Borgia ulate receivers to the signaler's bene®t. Similarly, the re- and Mueller 1992), and some moths sequester plant alkaloids ceiver's response to signals is under selection to promote its for the ¯occulent showers they bestow upon females (Conner ®tness. The issue at hand is the con¯ict between signal and et al.