Revista Española de Documentación Científica 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185 ISSN-L:0210-0614. doi:


Google Scholar as a source for scholarly evaluation: a bibliographic review of database errors

Enrique Orduna-Malea*, Alberto Martín-Martín**, Emilio Delgado López-Cózar** * Universitat Politècnica de València e-mail: [email protected] | ORCID iD:

** Facultad de Comunicación y Documentación. Universidad de Granada e-mail: [email protected] | ORCID iD: e-mail: [email protected] | ORCID iD:

Received: 17-07-2017; Accepted: 08-09-2017.

Citation/Cómo citar este artículo: Orduna-Malea, E.; Martín-Martín, A.; Delgado López-Cózar, E. (2017). Scholar as a source for scholarly evaluation: a bibliographic review of database errors. Revista Española de Documentación Científica, 40(4): e185. doi:

Abstract: (GS) is an academic search engine and discovery tool launched by Google (now Alphabet) in November 2004. The fact that GS provides the number of citations received by each article from all other indexed articles (regardless of their source) has led to its use in bibliometric analysis and academic assessment tasks, especially in social sciences and humanities. However, the existence of errors, sometimes of great magnitude, has provoked criticism from the academic community. The aim of this article is to carry out an exhaustive bibliographical review of all studies that provide either specific or incidental empirical evidence of the errors found in Google Scholar. The results indicate that the bibliographic corpus dedicated to errors in Google Scholar is still very limited (n= 49), excessively fragmented, and diffuse; the findings have not been based on any systematic methodology or on units that are comparable to each other, so they cannot be quantified, or their impact analysed, with any precision. Certain limitations of the search engine itself (time required for data cleaning, limit on citations per search result and hits per query) may be the cause of this absence of empirical studies.

Keywords: Google Scholar; Academic search engines; Bibliographic databases; Errors; Quality.

Google Scholar como una fuente de evaluación científica: una revisión bibliográfica sobre errores de la base de datos

Resumen: Google Scholar es un motor de búsqueda académico y herramienta de descubrimiento lanzada por Google (ahora Alphabet) en noviembre de 2004. El hecho de que para cada registro bibliográfico se proporcione información acerca del número de citas recibidas por dicho registro desde el resto de registros indizados en el sistema (independientemente de su fuente) ha propiciado su utilización en análisis bibliométricos y en procesos de evaluación de la actividad académica, especialmente en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades. No obstante, la existencia de errores, en ocasiones de gran magnitud, ha provocado su rechazo y crítica por una parte de la comunidad científica. Este trabajo pretende precisamente realizar una revisión bibliográfica exhaustiva de todos los estudios que de forma monográfica o colateral proporcionan alguna evidencia empírica sobre cuáles son los errores cometidos por Google Scholar (y productos derivados, como Google Scholar Metrics y Google Scholar Citations). Los resultados indican que el corpus bibliográfico dedicado a los errores en Google Scholar es todavía escaso (n= 49), excesivamente fragmentado, disperso, con resultados obtenidos sin metodologías sistemáticas y en unidades no comparables entre sí, por lo que su cuantificación y su efecto real no pueden ser caracterizados con precisión. Ciertas limitaciones del propio buscador (tiempo requerido de limpieza de datos, límite de citas por registro y resultados por consulta) podrían ser la causa de esta ausencia de trabajos empíricos.

Palabras clave: Google Scholar; Motores de búsqueda académicos; Bases de datos bibliográficas; Errores; Calidad.

Copyright: © 2017 CSIC. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) Spain 3.0.

1 Enrique Orduna-Malea, Alberto Martín-Martín, Emilio Delgado López-Cózar

1. INTRODUCTION the territory by launching Google Scholar (GS) at the end of 2004, the topic is expected to appear in The launch of a new tool the ultra-light morning television chat shows run by ultra-light TV personalities who are meant to Google Scholar (GS) is an academic search light up our mornings”). engine created by Google Inc. (now Alphabet) on 18 November 2004, and its main purpose is to provide Given the characteristics of Google Scholar, it can “a simple way to broadly search for scholarly and should be studied from two complementary literature” and to help users to “find relevant work but different angles (not only its characteristics but across the world of scholarly research”.1 also its effects and consequences). Firstly, GS may be evaluated as a discovery tool (Breeding, 2015), The way it functions is similar to the general that is, a search engine the purpose of which is engine in that it is a system based to provide the best results to each query and a on providing the best possible results to user pleasant user experience based on usability, ease queries entered into a stripped-down search box of use and, above all, speed (Bosman et al., 2006). (Ortega, 2014). In the case of GS, it returns results Secondly, Google Scholar may be analysed as a tool for millions of academic documents (abstracts, that can be used to evaluate scholarly activity. This articles, theses, books, book chapters, conference use, which came about due to it providing citation papers, technical reports or their drafts, pre-prints, figures for each document indexed by the system, post-prints, patents and court opinions) that the has led to the increasing use of Google Scholar Google Scholar crawlers automatically locate in the by users (teachers, researchers, students) and academic web space: from academic publishers, professionals (companies, assessment bodies) as universities, scientific and professional societies, a bibliometric tool for various evaluation processes to any website containing academic material (authors, journals, universities), although it was (Orduna-Malea et al., 2016). not designed with this purpose in mind and lacked As with Google, the results retrieved for a particular the required basic functions (Torres-Salinas et al., query are ranked by an algorithm that takes into 2009). It is precisely this aspect (Google Scholar account a large number of variables (where it was as a valid tool for carrying out bibliometric studies) published, who it was written by, how often and that the objectives of this bibliographic review will how recently it has been cited in other scholarly be based on. literature, etc.), although the exact components of this algorithm and the weight of each variable is The launch of a new debate unknown, for industrial property reasons. However, several empirical studies have demonstrated that The debate about the advantages and the number of citations received by a document disadvantages of using Google Scholar began is one of the key ranking factors (Beel and Gipp, immediately after it first appeared (November 2009; Martín-Martín et al., 2017). Another essential 2004), giving rise to good and bad criticism in feature of Google Scholar is that the entire process equal measure, as Giles (2005) pointed out in his is automated, without any human intervention, column in Nature. The first analyses of Google from the location of documents (crawling) to the Scholar came from technology blogs and websites, bibliographic description (metadata parsing) and such as Sullivan’s (2004) more neutral and the extraction of the bibliographic references informative piece for Search Engine Watch (https:// (reference parsing) that are used to compute the, or Kennedy and Price’s number of citations received by each retrieved (2004) more sensationalist piece for the now- document from all other documents. defunct Resource Shelf, affirming that “as you’ve read here many times, Google is brilliant (that is, Google Scholar was not the first tool of this type; ingenious at marketing and trying new things), and other pioneering systems had already appeared this is yet another example of their savvy”. These on the scene (Citeseer, the first version of which propagated fast on the internet. dates from 1997, is considered the first academic search engine). However, the fact that it was In spite of the general enthusiasm, critical voices developed under the umbrella of a company like soon made themselves heard, one of whom was Google, and used part of its technology, led to Péter Jacsó (2004), who tested the search engine immediate acceptance by a significant proportion between 18 and 27 November 2004, publishing of the academic publishing world and by some his findings informally on a 2blog. In his study, professionals and researchers, a fact that was widely Professor Jacsó, a specialist on database evaluation criticised by Jacsó (2006a), who openly mocked with extensive experience, conducted an analysis this new state of affairs (“As Google wandered into of the general coverage of various publishers

2 Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: Google Scholar as a source for scholarly evaluation: a bibliographic review of database errors

on Google Scholar using the “site” command, wide range of disciplines (mathematics, chemistry, and identified a number of important limitations, physics, computing sciences, molecular biology, leading him to conclude that “Google Scholar needs ecology, fisheries, oceanography, geosciences, much refinement in collecting, filtering, processing economics, and psychology), and also observed a and presenting this valuable data” (Jacsó, 2004). high correlation (R2 = 0.994 for articles published The issues identified by Jacsó included unfriendly from 2000 to 2004), which led them to affirm search syntax, little or no information about the that “GS can substitute for ISI”, and that “GS features of the search engine, and inconsistent may gradually outperform ISI given its potentially results. He found specific errors, such as the way broader base of citing articles”. Finally, that same in which it displayed results in which there were year, the seminal article by Bauer and Bakkalbasi changes in the word order of the title, or generated (2005) appeared, an analysis published in D-Lib completely erroneous bibliographic descriptions in which they compared “the citation counts (the book, Computers and Intractability, by Garey provided by WoS, Scopus, and Google Scholar and Johnson, detected errors and inconsistencies in for articles from the Journal of the American the title, subtitle, author names, publisher’s names, Society for Information Science and Technology locations and years). He also noted a wide range (JASIST) published in 1985 and in 2000”. This of additional errors like inflated hit counts, inflated study concluded that for articles published in citedness, full-text links pointing to erroneous 2000, Google Scholar provided statistically documents and unmerged document versions. significant higher citation counts than either Web of Science or Scopus, and was significant because At that precise moment, and in the wake of the authors brought to light the importance that Jacso’s criticism, a wave of criticism was directed citation analysis had acquired, not only for crawling against the general drawbacks of Google Scholar academic publications or measuring their impact, (Price, 2004; Goodman, 2004; Abram, 2005; but also for justifying tenure and funding decisions, Gardner and Eng, 2005; Notess, 2005; Ojala, underlining the future role that GS could play in 2005; Vine, 2005; Wleklinski, 2005; Adlington this complex matter. Indeed, in the light of Bauer and Benda, 2006; White, 2006), alongside more and Bakkalbasi’s article, The Scientist devoted an neutral articles, such as the study published by article to the future of citation analysis and the role Noruzi (2005), that, while acknowledging its many that the web in general and GS in particular could drawbacks, also pointed to its potential benefits play in bibliometric analysis (Perkel, 2005). and possible improvements. At the same time, other articles adopted a markedly neutral attitude Jacsó’s response to these articles was not towards GS. These included the columns by Butler long in coming; he lambasted them in a column (2004) in Nature and Leslie (2004) in Science, published in Online Information Review (Jacsó, brief news features that did not discuss or even 2006a). First, he declared his utter disagreement with Butler, claiming that he did not seem to have mention critical aspects, perhaps due in part to understood his illustrative examples of Google the fact that both the Nature Publishing Group and Scholar’s errors, “even if my examples were as the American Association for the Advancement much tailor-made for Nature as bespoke suits by of Science (AAAS), the publishers of Nature and Savile Row tailors for the ultra rich”. Second, he Science, respectively, had reached agreements to warned readers not to limit their reading to Belew’s provide access to the full text of their publications work. Third, with respect to Pauly and Stergiou, he to Google Scholar crawlers. openly criticised their claim that GS can replace On the other hand, the paper published by ISI, particularly since their claim was arrived at by Belew (2005) was a significant departure in the “handpicking” only a few articles, without filtering debate about the value of Google Scholar. This or even cleaning them up, and they contained author analysed a corpus of 203 publications numerous errors in the form of inflated and concluding that, surprisingly, there was a high phantom citation counts. Two years later, Harzing correlation between the citations received by and Van der Wal (2008) criticised Jacsó for his these documents according to Google Scholar criticisms of Pauly and Stergiou in a seminal article and to ISI (the author did not indicate what exact published in the same journal in which these database he used or the discipline to which the authors published their earlier article (Ethics in documents belonged, simply that six authors from Science and Environmental Politics). They accused the same interdisciplinary department had been Jacsó of also “handpicking” examples of errors, chosen at random; in any case, the use of WoS with few and unrepresentative samples, and while may be surmised in the area of computer science). they did acknowledge the errors pointed out by Similarly, Pauly and Stergiou (2005) conducted a Jacsó, these errors were basically inconsistencies citation analysis on a corpus of 114 articles from a in the results for specific queries.

Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: 3 Enrique Orduna-Malea, Alberto Martín-Martín, Emilio Delgado López-Cózar

Lastly, Jacsó (2006a) acknowledged the validity at the time) invited Jacsó to reply (Jacsó, 2012b). of Bauer and Bakkalbasi’s findings, although he Jacso’s criticisms were extremely strong (“utterly recommended that readers take a critical look at the demagogue rhetoric, featuring false accusations, volume of citations not only in the 2000 sample (where misleading statements, claims and comparisons, GS was superior to WoS), but also in the 1985 sample delusional ideas, arrogance and ignorance in the (where WoS outperformed GS), data that seemed to Vanclay-set”), so much so that he even questioned have been overlooked by the academic community, the review and publication process (“part of a which was more interested in highlighting only the mock-up scenario to test how poorly researched, positive aspects of GS and hiding or minimising its prejudiced, biased, duplicate papers using ‘flawed limitations, according to Jacsó. methodology’, ignorant arguments, erroneous calculations, loaded rhetoric, and misleading From that moment, and in the same column examples can get through the current quality filters in Online Information Review (called Savvy Searching), Péter Jacsó published a series of of editorial preview and peer reviews”). articles from 2006 to 2012 aimed at identifying, The ideas of Vanclay (2012) were equally criticised describing, categorising and denouncing the many by Butler (2011) and by Bensman (2012), who errors and limitations of Google Scholar (listed in highlighted Vanclay’s lack of knowledge about Appendix I, along with various data related to the the workings and purposes of the WoS and JCR errors identified and samples used in each study). databases, and his excessive idealism in the “promise Much of his research was also published on his of a far better assessment of research/publication personal website (, as a way of performance through the h-index based on GS”. archiving the evidence. Jacsó (2012b) once again reiterated that his In spite of the strong and harsh criticism that he Scholar was not directed towards then fired off from his platform onOnline Information its undoubted advantages for thematic searches, Review (some of his most vehement remarks are but towards its serious limitations, which make it listed in Table I), and which will be described in inappropriate for bibliometric analysis (“extremely detail in the following sections, Jacsó was always lenient citation matching algorithm”), an aspect with rigorous, admitting that Google Scholar is an which Aguillo (2012) also concurred. In particular, excellent tool for locating documents that might not Jacsó argued that the adulation shown by the be accessible through traditional databases, as well bibliometric community towards Google Scholar is as for accessing full texts (i.e. as a discovery tool). due in part to the fact that it retrieves a greater number However, “using it for bibliometric or scientometric of publications and citations and, consequently, purposes, such as for determining the h-index of a higher h-index than many researchers would a person or a journal, is another question” (Jacsó, deserve. This may have a perverse effect on the 2008c). This fact led him to criticise colleagues evaluation of the quantity and quality of publications that used Google Scholar for said purposes even if in “decisions related to tenure, promotion and grant they did admit the limitations of the database. For applications of individual researchers and research example, Bar-Ilan (2008), in her study of highly- groups, as well as in journal subscriptions and cited Israeli authors, admitted that “the sources and cancellations” (Jacsó, 2012c). the validity of the citations in GS were not examined in this study”. In the light of this observation, Jacsó (2008b) raised his dissenting voice, although he The evolution of an – already old – debate did qualify his position with an understanding that Between 2004 and 2008, criticism of Google it is sometimes not only tedious but impossible to Scholar was largely sustained by Jacsó’s articles. verify the origin and validity of the citations due However, other authors also expressed their to the system’s significant limitations, laconically reservations about this search engine, particularly concluding, “I cannot blame her and others who because of the lack of improvements and updates, accept the citation counts as reported by GS”. as Gregg Notess (2008) noted in the forum Search The debate came to a head in 2012 when a Engine Showdown.3 At around the same time, a controversial article published by Jerome K. report by the consulting firm comScore, published Vanclay (2012) in the journal Scientometrics by the prestigious technology blog Techcrunch,4 strongly criticised the Impact Factor and advocated reported a fall in the number of unique visitors the use of alternative sources for the evaluation to Google Scholar during the November 2006 to of journals, including Google Scholar. The November 2007 period. This news was picked up on controversy was heightened all the more by the by Jacsó (2008b), although there was no mention tone employed by Vanclay. Therefore, Tibor Braun of the fact that the Google Scholar team seemed to (the founder and editor-in-chief of Scientometrics have declared unofficially that these numbers were

4 Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: Google Scholar as a source for scholarly evaluation: a bibliographic review of database errors

Table I. Mythical quotes by Péter Jacsó in the column “Savvy Searching” in Online Information Review

Article Quote Jacsó The parsing and citation matching components require brain surgery (2012d) It is more like a contemporary version of the Aesop fable about the fox who invited the stork for a dinner, and served soup in a very shallow dish Jacsó Its secretiveness [GS developers] about every aspect of Google Scholar is on par with that of the (2012c) North Korean government One can almost see the scene (and hear the song) from “The Wall” as the grossly under-educated crawlers and parsers march to their destination sites, proudly singing “we don’t need no education”, and thinking “we don’t need no metadata” Jacsó Its many serious shortcomings make it as inappropriate for scientometric purposes, as making King (2012b) George III, a.k.a. the ‘‘mad king’’ of Great Britain, the first ruler of the United Kingdom GS has acted since its launch as the ultimate mismatchmaker GS, the emperor of Secretiveness GS—in spite of its name—is omnivorous Using its reported publication and citation counts to calculate metrics, is like inviting a street card shark to be the dealer in a 5-star casino Jacsó I am graced, especially as I am also listed as Albert Einstein’s co-author (2012a) Jacsó The GS parsers are very unconventional but versatile in interpreting any numeric data as a publication (2010) year Cleaning it up would require much more than spraying out some deodorant and replacing the carpet messed up by the parser puppies of GS again and again. It needs a complete fumigation in the kennel and the GS mansion Jacsó I have not seen any professional information service that would behave in such a senseless way (2008c) Its pathetic software has a long way to go to make use, at a scholarly level Jacsó In some European countries omitting the author name from the publication is infringement of the (2008b) moral component of copyright, an unknown concept in US copyright law Jacsó In GS searching by journal name is a Sisyphean task (2006a) These errors of artificial unintelligence in matching cited and citing references one hopes will be noted by the natural intelligence of real scholars and practitioners That domain [beyond 1,000 hits] remains the world of 1,001+ nights, with equally loose number of promised virgins and harem dancers Jacsó Unsystematic, unpredictable and disturbingly fragmentary coverage (2005c) Jacsó G-S is a free service, and for many who consider it to be a gift for the world it may be anathema to (2005a) say any but good words of it G-S gives a bad name to autonomous citation indexing. It shows lack of competence, and understanding of basic issues of citation indexing not correct (a fact that was mentioned by Notess, The evolution of Google Scholar was slow, 2008). In any case, it seems that there was some especially during its first years of existence. This decline in the initial euphoria amongst various may have been due to the fact that the team at the experts about the potential of Google Scholar. A beginning was made up of only two people (Orduna- notable example was Dean Giustini, who had started Malea et al., 2016). In fact, some of the limitations 5 a blog dedicated to Google Scholar , and who or criticisms that it received in its early days, such as admitted that “Scholar is not as useful as promised” coverage and speed of indexation (Jacsó, 2005a), (cited by Jacsó, 2008b), in reference to the inability were later transformed into strengths (Moed et al., of Google Scholar to resolve the limitations that 2016; Thelwall and Kousha, 2017, in press). had existed since its launch in 2004. Giustini went on to state that “unless it changes its course, GS In 2008, some of the Google Scholar errors that will go the way of the dodo bird eventually”. Google had led to erroneous results and citations, or large- Scholar did indeed change. scale duplication thereof, were corrected, “which is

Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: 5 Enrique Orduna-Malea, Alberto Martín-Martín, Emilio Delgado López-Cózar

the appropriate reaction to the criticism” (Jacsó, in its coverage and speed of indexation, many of 2008c). A number of other errors could also no the errors reported during the 2004 to 2012 period longer be reproduced, although many others of a still persist today. similar magnitude still remained after an apparent cleaning-up of the data. This seemed to indicate Rationale and objectives that when bad practice was exposed in the press, Google Scholar fixed it so that users could no longer Given the growing use of Google Scholar not only find the exact examples that were reported; they as a gateway to searching for academic literature, therefore tended to think that the issues had been but as a bibliometric tool, the identification, resolved, although this was not entirely true (Jacsó, classification and quantification of its errors and 2010). Not only did they persist, but all Google limitations when calculating bibliometric indicators Scholar-based evaluations that had been conducted is of paramount importance. previously would have irreparably harmed both the However, scholarly literature dedicated to this individuals and journals that were evaluated. matter has not been systematic. With the exception Jacsó (2010) also complained of the lack of of Jacsó, few authors have directly sought to detect, gratitude shown by the Google Scholar team for describe or gauge the influence of errors in Google his and other authors’ contributions to correcting Scholar. Occasionally, these limitations have been the errors, something that had in fact occurred given passing mention in certain publications, but in the case of the team, which they have received scant attention in the way publicly thanked Nunberg (2009) for contributing of description or explanation or have been quite to the improvement of that tool with his criticism. simply overlooked. Another significant complaint was related to Google Moreover, in many cases these limitations have Scholar’s tendency to blame its errors on publisher been mistaken for errors, when they are in fact metadata rather than its own parser, similar to related but different aspects. The limitations of the Google Books team’s excuses for errors as Google Scholar are related to certain services or reported by Nunberg, as described by Oder (2009), features that prevent it being used as a bibliometric who reproduced the letter from Google in response analysis tool. These limitations include not being to the query about the errors detected: “Without good metadata, effective search is impossible”. able to sort the results by the number of citations or the year of publication, the absence of an API However, Google Scholar continued to evolve and to (Application Programming Interface), the maximum grow until, on its fifth anniversary (2009) it eliminated of 1,000 results per search or limited capabilities the “beta” tag that it had retained since its launch for exporting search results, to give only a few (Jacsó, 2010), and many of its systematic errors were illustrative examples. The objective and purpose fixed (corrected or deleted). Subsequently, Jacsó of Google Scholar is not bibliometric analysis but (2011) reported that the Google Scholar parser had searching for scholarly literature. Therefore, if such improved, such that tests carried out in mid-November analysis is tedious, we should mark it down as a 2010 did not detect some of the previous errors, and mere limitation but not as an error. many others were reduced significantly, although he did continue to warn that it was not yet reliable Conversely, an error arises in relation to features enough to be used to calculate bibliometric indicators that Google Scholar should provide or execute in the evaluation of research activity. Finally, Jacsó correctly if is to fulfil the goals and tasks that it (2012a) recognised that the volume of errors was officially declares itself to offer. For example, insignificant when compared to the errors identified the system claims to report the number of at the beginning, although the affected authors would citations received by a publication from the other not be of the same opinion. A few years later, in Jacsó’s publications indexed on Google Scholar. Therefore, prologue to La revolución Google Scholar: la caja de if this number is incorrect, we have located an Pandora académica (Orduna-Malea et al., 2016), he error. Since these functional errors directly affect contended that the reduction in the number of errors, the calculation of bibliometric indicators, knowing even when positive, was manifestly insufficient since what types of errors exist, and to what extent, are errors persist due to functional issues with the system important challenges in present-day bibliometrics. that have not been resolved. This study is therefore a first step along this line Indeed, despite the fact that 2011/2012 was a of research. Its main objective is to carry out an milestone in the Scholar with the exhaustive bibliographic review of what has been emergence of the related services Google Scholar said and done about errors in Google Scholar, to Citations (aimed at authors) and Google Scholar then categorise the findings of the studies that we Metrics (aimed at journals), and definitive growth have included in our review.

6 Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: Google Scholar as a source for scholarly evaluation: a bibliographic review of database errors

2. METHOD Table II. Broad taxonomy of errors in Google The bibliographic review of errors in Google Scholar database Scholar was conducted over three consecutive Error type Scope phases. First, empirical studies on Google Scholar Coverage Related to the erroneous in- were compiled. Second, the studies that addressed clusion/exclusion of material errors in Google Scholar, either directly (as part of in the database based on ac- the objectives) or indirectly (errors were listed or cepted and rejected typologies described even if they were not part of the main Parsing Related to the misidentification objectives), were selected. Finally, the selected of the descriptive elements of studies were qualitatively analysed in order to a bibliographic record group them according to error type. Matching Related to the linkage be- The first phase (compilation of empirical studies) tween bibliographic records was carried out as part of the objectives of a Searching & Browsing Related to the search fea- nationally funded research project (HAR2011- tures of the search engine 30383-C02-02). For this purpose, an online information and bibliographic review service was Phase I was carried out from 2014 to May 2017, created, called Google Scholar’s Digest (http:// while phases II and III were carried out in parallel, which has between January and May 2017. been compiling all empirical studies that provide data on Google Scholar since 2014, offering critical reviews (digests) of the most relevant studies. 3. RESULTS This service was put together from systematic This section is divided into four main blocks. First, searches of the main bibliographic databases a descriptive analysis of the bibliographic corpus (WoS, Scopus and Google Scholar itself) and is is carried out. Second, studies focusing on the constantly fed by a technological monitoring and identification and description of errors in system, using RSS technology, a Twitter Scholar are examined. Third, publications that account (@GSDigest), and the Google Scholar have focused their interest on errors in filtered or alerts system. To date, 271 publications have been structured environments – either official services compiled, including journal articles, books, book (Google Scholar Citations, Google Scholar Metrics) chapters, conference papers, reports and working or existing tools in the market (Publish or Perish) papers, among other document types. – are looked at. Finally, the publications that have This system was designed in part because of proposed Google Scholar error type categories are the complexity of finding academic literature with singled out. empirical data on Google Scholar, since searches limited to the term in the title, 3.1. Descriptive analysis of the bibliographic keywords or abstract are insufficient. corpus The second phase (selecting the studies on As mentioned previously, the literature that has errors in Google Scholar) consisted of a qualitative dealt with errors in Google Scholar was divided analysis of the 271 publications in the Google into two bibliographic corpuses. The first (corpus Scholar’s Digest bibliography. The studies were separated into two distinct corpuses. On the one A) comprising the work of Jacsó (16 publications, hand, the work of Péter Jacsó (Corpus A, comprising Appendix I), and the second (corpus B) comprising 16 works, see Appendix I) and, on the other hand, other publications that have addressed, directly other studies with data or comments on errors or indirectly, the issue of errors in this database in the functioning of Google Scholar (Corpus B, (33 publications, Appendix II), forming in total a comprising 34 works, see Appendix II). corpus of 49 publications. The third phase (categorisation of errors) Of the total number of publications, 40% (20) consisted in the reading, analysis and manual are concentrated in the period 2005 to 2008, classification of each of the studies in the two corresponding to the launching of the search engine bibliographic corpuses, in order to identify both the and the bulk of the articles published by Jacsó, who different currents in the literature on errors and the after then authored an annual review for his column main types of errors studied to date. in Online Information Review (2009-2011). 2012 is To this end, we decided to apply a general an exception (four works by Jacsó), coinciding both taxonomy of errors (Table II), in order to classify with the update of the search engine and the birth of the studies according to the type of error addressed Google Scholar Citations and Google Scholar Metrics. (note: a study may, of course, contain information From then on, Péter Jacsó ceased his fertile output on several types of errors). dedicated to Google Scholar. Corpus B, for its part,

Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: 7 Enrique Orduna-Malea, Alberto Martín-Martín, Emilio Delgado López-Cózar

developed strongly during the first years, although Jacsó’s work influences this distribution since all his no remarkable pattern is observed. One possible articles have an international approach (or rather, reason for this is that a significant proportion of these they have no geographical restrictions). Finally, most publications did not focus on the errors of Google of the publications have analysed authors (41% of Scholar, which nevertheless appeared during their the total), followed by journals (25%) and documents development; the errors were then only reviewed in (17%). Figure 1 gives a summary of the descriptive passing (in varying levels of detail). In any case, the data of the analysed bibliographic corpus. number of publications grew in 2016 (five in total). With regard to thematic coverage, 53% of all the 3.2. Errors in Google Scholar publications (corpus A and B) focus on specific disciplines Following the scheme proposed in Table II, while the remaining 47% are multidisciplinary studies. contributions were classified into those that These data are influenced by Jacsó’s work, as 12 identify errors related to coverage, parsing, of his 16 studies (75%) cannot be ascribed to any matching and searching. disciplinary area, since they are based on the testing of different search options through general queries. 3.2.1. Coverage As far as geographic coverage is concerned, 76% (37) of the publications are international in scope, while Given the scarce – at times, inexistent – only 24% (12) focus on specific countries. Again, information on the sources that feed Google Scholar

Figure 1. Descriptive analysis of the bibliographic corpus on Google Scholar errors (a) annual output; (b) unit of analysis; (c) thematic coverage; (d) geographical coverage

8 Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: Google Scholar as a source for scholarly evaluation: a bibliographic review of database errors

(Jacsó, 2012c; Orduna-Malea et al., 2016), critical 3.2.2. Parsing literature on its coverage was particularly fertile Parsing errors are one of the most important during the early years of its existence. Jacsó (2005a), areas of this study, as their occurrence causes a from the outset, reproached it for the fact that the chain reaction that is capable of generating and results for any query were made up of a mixture of transmitting new errors to other documents on an document genres (journal paper, conference paper, extremely large scale. Parsing is a process that or book) and paper types (research paper, review enables strings of symbols to be analysed according paper, brief communication) from a multitude of to predetermined formal grammatical rules. Hence sources, including not only educational websites an application can identify the different parts of a but also non-scholarly sources, like promotional bibliographic record (author, title, source, volume, pages, table of contents pages, course reading lists number, pagination) of both a citing document (Jacsó, 2006a). (metadata) and a cited document (bibliographic The academic literature has sometimes treated reference contained in the bibliography section of this as an error when in fact we are faced with an academic work). a limitation for conducting certain bibliometric Belew (2005) had already indicated that certain analyses. Moreover, it is not even globally accepted character encodings, such as ASCII, can generate as such because many specialists consider that problems and errors (inconsistencies in author the varied nature of the citing documents is not names and erroneous attribution of citations) in necessarily a limitation in itself. WoS and Google Scholar, especially for authors However, having performed several tests to verify whose names are written in non-Latin characters. the validity of the system with such an amalgam However, Bar-Ilan (2006) expressed surprise of citing documents, several errors related to when, in performing a bibliometric analysis of the coverage were discovered incidentally: scholarly output of mathematician Michael Rabin, she discovered that there were recurring errors • Massive content omissions when searching (erroneous attribution of citations and authors) in for journals (Jacsó, 2005c): this even articles published by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical occurred with the journals of publishing and Electronic Engineers), even though Google houses that had agreements in place with Scholar − supposedly − based much of its data on Google Scholar to display the full text of the the information provided by publishers. In reality, contents (Nature, Science, PNAS). the main problem with Google Scholar was related • Indexing limits (Price, 2004; Jacsó, 2005c): to the fact that it programmed its own parsers limits were detected in the indexing of , instead of relying on the information provided set at the first 100 to 120 KB of the text, such by the metadata prepared by publishers, an that, if the terms of a query appeared in the approach that may make sense with unstructured text beyond that limit, a result might not be masses of web pages, but not with scholarly returned and, therefore, the corresponding documents (Jacsó, 2005b; Jacsó 2012c), leading hit would not be counted. it to generate enormous amounts of errors during the process of scanning and parsing the various • Mistaken inclusion of excluded document elements of a bibliographic record. This fact led to types (Jacsó, 2008a): sometimes a book the discovery that the author “I Introduction” was review was mistaken for the book itself. the most prolific according to Google Scholar, with Apart from the errors made due to wrongly more than 40,000 publications (Jacsó, 2006a) classified document types, the coverage policy or that “F Password” was the most cited (Jacsó, of Google Scholar was also brought under 2008b). The faulty functioning of the parsers led scrutiny: “Content such as news or magazine to segments of the International Standard Serial articles, book reviews, and editorials is not Number (ISSN) being mistaken for the year of appropriate for Google Scholar”6. publication (Jacsó, 2008a), and menu options, section headings and journal name logos for • Inclusion of excluded document types due to author names (Jacsó, 2009a), due to the complete mass indexing (Jacsó, 2012c): when Google lack of quality controls (Jacsó, 2010), distorting Scholar considered a web domain for inclusion the bibliometric indicators at individual, corporate (for example, .edu), it indiscriminately and journal levels (Jacsó, 2012c). indexed all the files hosted in that web domain that were apparently academic, which led to As an illustrative example, and in response to the indexing of many document types that in Vanclay (2012), Jacsó (2012b) showed a result principle, according to its rules and criteria, obtained by Google Scholar for the article “Vision were not appropriate for the database. 2020−the palm oil phenomenon”, in which the

Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: 9 Enrique Orduna-Malea, Alberto Martín-Martín, Emilio Delgado López-Cózar

system deleted the second author (MA Simeh), Emerald (Jacsó 2008b), or journals such as The showed “Growth” as the publication source (when in Lancet (Jacsó, 2010), where parsers sometimes fact it was the Oil Palm Industry Economic Journal), created author names from the MeSH terms (Medical and “2015” as year of publication (when it was Subject Headings) assigned to the documents. actually 2005). Figure 2 shows the current result for Even though Jacsó (2010; 2011) acknowledged this article with its corrected bibliographical data. that in some cases these names may be legitimate (notably the case of Raymond and Linda Measures), Within the parsing errors, the literature has dealt most of the time they were large-scale errors: V. with each of the elements of a bibliographic record, although errors related to author names have Cart corresponded on most occasions to View Cart, undoubtedly been the most widely studied. For and not to Veronica Cart (Jacsó, 2008c). that reason, we shall now look at author studies Table III provides a comparison of the results separately from the other bibliographic elements. obtained (number of hits returned) for a query by absurd author (example: ) a) Absurd authors in Google Scholar in the different publications that have addressed the subject, including the results Péter Jacsó (2004) denounced the irregular and obtained in 2017 for the purposes of this study. deficient behaviour of the Google Scholar parsers from the outset, especially when identifying author As has already been mentioned, sometimes names, which were confused with other content these terms were real (Jenice L View) and other (Jacsó, 2008a). Marydee Ojala (2005) expressed times they were parsing errors, which substitute similar sentiments in a brief text included in the (VIEW, TPO, from VIEW, TIONAL POINT OF) or article by Wleklinski (2005), published in the modify (KALINGA, AVF, from KALINGA, A View journal Online. Harzing and Van der Wal (2008) From) or add (Image, PVVS, from Physically-Valid also contended that Google Scholar would not View Synthesis by Image). These absurd authors find publications if the author’s name included a still exist as of 2017. sequence of characters that was not in a traditional typeset or if the author had used LaTeX (a document Finally, on other occasions co-authors (real or preparation system). absurd) were added. Jacsó (2008b) denounced the fact that in the bibliographic record corresponding On occasion, a “misspelled author” error was to the seminal article on h-index published by generated, whereby names such as “Julie M Still” Jorge Hirsch (2005), Google Scholar had added became “Julie M” or Péter Jacsó himself became “Peter three co-authors (Louie, Jackiw and Wilczek), who J”, such that the first letter of the surname became were the researchers that Hirsch used as examples the first initial of the forename (Jacsó, 2008b). in his article within an enumerative list (this result On other occasions, nonexistent names were has been updated and is now correct). Jacsó generated. Jacsó managed to identify a large number himself also fell afoul of this quirk in the search of these, such as: Payment Options, Please Login, results, appearing in the company of “MA Sicilia” Strategic Plan, I Background and II Objectives, as co-author of his article “Deflated, inflated and Forgot Password, I Introduction and R Subscribe, phantom citation counts” (Jacsó, 2006a). Curiously, among many others (Jacsó, 2008b; 2008c; 2010; this erroneous information only appeared in what 2011). These errors were sometimes concentrated was considered to be the main version, but was in the publications of certain publishers, such as correctly recorded in the other versions (Figure 3).

Figure 2. Correction of the bibliographic description of results in Google Scholar

10 Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: Google Scholar as a source for scholarly evaluation: a bibliographic review of database errors 0 5 1 0 11 16 23 12 148 137 155 416 6,840 2,720 1,030 5,420 7,770 3,750 1,813 16,100 59,800 56,800 Replicated hits (2017) 78,100 25,200 42,700 40,100 77,600 910,000 Jacsó (2012c) 1,100,000 Jacsó 45,900 74,000 43,900 42,300 73,400 49,500 (2011) 910,000 105,000 39,500 Jacsó (2010) 120,000 7,940 1,330 6,180 4,320 et al. Torres 12,200 (2009) Jacsó 42,400 85,300 910,000 (2009a) 956 & Wal (2008) Harzing Jacsó 85,000 (2008c) Jacsó *5,990 12,400 102,000 (2008b) (2008) 689,000 Bar-Ilan 40,100 Jacsó (2006a) Test search on absurd authors Test Query Access Assessment Contents Design Evaluation F Password I Introduction Introduction M Profile Methods Password Policy Subscribe Therapy Treatment V Cart View Introduccion Estado de la cuestion contenido indice i-netlibrary Table III. be due to the query performed (using command or not) compared to the rest may * Note: the unusually low value

Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: 11 Enrique Orduna-Malea, Alberto Martín-Martín, Emilio Delgado López-Cózar

Figure 3. The addition of a phantom co-author to a bibliographic record in Google Scholar

b) Other bibliographic fields identified inconsistencies in the publication dates. Within this area, we may highlight the publications that reflect errors in titles and bibliographic • With regard to the publication date, Jacsó information (mainly, name of journal, volume, (2008b) discovered errors because the number and pagination): parsers identified any chain of 4 digits as a potential publication date, including page • With regard to the document title, Jacsó numbers or area codes or street addresses (2005b) contended that it was sometimes in author affiliation. For example, the volume mistaken for sections or subtitles (“Short number was sometimes used to designate Communication”, “Original Article” or “Special the publication date, as Jacsó (2010) pointed Invitation”). These elements could be added out in the case of the “Proceedings of SPIE”, to the original title or replace it completely. or the year of the latest edition of a book was The reason for this error lay in the fact that mistaken for its publication date (Dilger and Google Scholar ignored the metadata and Müller, 2013; Martín-Martín et al., 2017). On focused on detecting sequences of characters other occasions, there was simply no date with some special emphasis (boldface, larger of publication (Jacsó, 2010), a fact that was font size, etc.). Walters (2007) is one of the also reported by Maia et al. (2016), who, few authors that has given a figure to this after analysing 2,400 documents in the area type of error, after evaluating 155 articles of “Strategy as Practice”, noted that 15% of and detecting that 15.5% (24 documents) the documents had no publication date on of them had incomplete titles. However, Google Scholar. These errors led the system it would seem that he used the snippet to absurd situations in which some documents provided under each result to perform this had future publication dates (Jacsó, 2008c), analysis. Walters then stated that GS did not which in turn caused “future” documents to include more than 4 authors and no more have already been cited by other documents. than 99 characters (in reality, GS uses a line Nevertheless, these publications are small to include these data, and the author can now samples that were compiled in the Google access the complete reference by clicking Scholar’s developing years. In a later study on the “cite” option), so we may assume (Martín-Martín et al., 2017) of a sample of that the error rate that he obtained was an 32,680 highly-cited documents, the authors overestimation. For this reason the title is confirmed that there is agreement between sometimes shortened, as shown by Bar-Ilan the publication dates reported by Google (2008) in her analysis of the publications of Scholar and Web of Science for 96.7% of the American Physical Society, in which she documents. Although WoS is not error-free,

12 Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: Google Scholar as a source for scholarly evaluation: a bibliographic review of database errors

the fact that it is a supervised database gives 3.2.3. Matching us certain guarantees regarding the quality In most cases, matching errors are derived of Google Scholar data today. from parsing errors, since small variations in a • The document source is another field that reference can lead to duplicate records (Harzing has been explored by the literature. Jacsó and Alakangas, 2016), although they are (2005b) had already indicated that there sometimes errors in themselves. In any case, were results that did not provide information the consequences of these errors for bibliometric about the source, even when they originated analysis are enormous, especially because of from Medline. Subsequently, Maia et al. the fact that they generate a mass of inflated (2016), who worked with a sample of document citations. As an illustrative example, 633 records, indicated that 27%​ of them Jacsó (2008b) analysed his own article “Google contained no mention of their source. Scholar: the pros and the cons”, which at that time had received 57 citations according to the Google • These parsing errors do not only affect source Scholar result. However, after exhaustive filtering or citing documents, but also documents of the data, Jacsó found that this figure was highly cited by them. Meho and Yang (2007) inflated. First, the number of estimated hits was analysed citations received by 25 professors 55, of which the interface actually displayed 53 from Indiana University-Bloomington, (this is occasionally due to desynchronisation demonstrating that 475 citations from Google caused by a database update). Of these, there was Scholar did not have complete bibliographic no way to access four of them (their veracity could information, although it should be noted that not therefore be verified), six were duplicates and these citations came from unusual document four others were erroneous (citing document did types (presentations, grant and research not mention the cited document). proposals, doctoral qualifying examinations, This example alone would suggest to the reader submitted manuscripts, syllabi, term papers, that there is a wide variety of interconnected errors, working papers, Web documents, preprints, both in matching and browsing (see next section). and student portfolios). Similarly, Noll (2008) Although the errors should be studied in terms of studied the coverage of Google Scholar in the their cause-effect relationships, the literature has area of art history literature, highlighting the generally treated them separately, distinguishing existence of errors in the cited references, between matching errors between different which lacked information on the volume, versions, on the one hand, and matching errors number and pagination. between citing and cited documents, on the other. The reasons for which the Google Scholar parsers commit these flagrant errors have been very little a) Matching versions studied, beyond the work of Jacsó. One such study Duplicate versions of records are an issue that have that merits our attention is that published by been brought to light by the literature practically Haddaway et al. (2015), who, after investigating since the launch of Google Scholar. Jacsó (2005b) the usefulness of Google Scholar as a database in illustrated the existence of different versions of the systematic reviews and grey literature, calculated a same document that were not correctly linked and total rate of duplicate records due to parsing errors how this caused dispersion in the citations received of around 5%, because of the following factors: by a document, which ultimately affected the • Typographical errors introduced by manual position in which that document appeared in the 7 transcription (15% of title records). results. Yang and Meho (2006) also commented on how a citation from two versions of the same • Differences in formatting and punctuation document (preprint and the version of the article (18% of duplicates). published in a journal) would be counted twice. • Capitalisation (36% of duplicates). However, studies that have provided exact figures that quantify the magnitude of these errors in a • Incomplete titles (15% of duplicates). particular sample or in Google Scholar in general are very scarce, and with completely different results • Automated text detection (3% of duplicates). due to the enormous differences in the samples • Scanning of citations within references of used. Noll (2008) detected 23% of duplicates and selected included literature, and the presence multiple versions that contributed to the number of both citations and the articles themselves of citations received by a set of 12 preselected art (13% of duplication). historians. Rosentreich and Wooliscroft (2009),

Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: 13 Enrique Orduna-Malea, Alberto Martín-Martín, Emilio Delgado López-Cózar

after calculating the g-index for a set of 34 (mentioned above) worked correctly, many of the accounting journals, detected a duplicate rate of errors would be resolved, although this regrettably around 3%. Thor and Bornmann (2011) described is not the case. how, in the case of a specific search (), they obtained eight results in notorious inability of Google Scholar to correctly Google Scholar, and all referred to the exact same link citing/cited documents, resulting in an document, which ironically dealt with the automatic inflation/deflation effect in the cited documents identification of duplicates. (Jacsó, 2008a), due to either receiving citations However, it should be noted that the system for that do not exist or not receiving existing citations. automatically identifying versions has improved For example, Jacsó noted that the most-cited substantially over time, an aspect to which Google article in The Scientist was a document with 7,390 has dedicated technological resources, as can be citations received which, in reality, corresponded in seen through the publication of a patent that large measure to an article published in the Journal describes the automatic identification of different of Crystallography. Subsequently, Harzing and Van versions of the same document (Verstak and der Wal (2008) were not able to reproduce this Acharya, 2013). search, and they noted that the most-cited article The article by Pitol and De Groote (2014) was was another (which received only 137 citations), the first dedicated exclusively to the issue of from which it follows that Google Scholar was able versions in Google Scholar. The authors analysed to correct this error. 982 articles, concluding that only 6.1% of them In spite of this, the reporting of errors in (60) had duplicate versions, which was taken to empirical studies is notable. Meho and Yang (2007) mean that they were documents that the system observed that Google Scholar missed 40.4% of had not merged. Moed et al. (2016) also indicated the citations listed in both WoS and Scopus for that duplicates, in the strict sense (with identical 25 professors, and Bar-Ilan (2008) noted that the metadata), were rare (0.2%) in their study of article “Probabilistic Encryption”, cited 915 times, a limited set of articles (1200) published in 12 had been attributed incorrectly to Avi Wigderson. journals. Even so, this percentage depends on the Jacsó (2008b) pointed out that most of the citations document type analysed, increasing significantly received by an article published in the Journal of in the case of monographs. Martín-Martín et al. Forestry Ecology & Management actually cited a (2017) analysed the article “Mathematical Theory technical report, yearly updated, that had part of of Communication”, for which they detected up to the same title as the journal article. Which meant 165 versions that were not correctly linked. that “GS lumps together a series of technical reports and a journal article, awarding the citations b) Matching citing/cited documents to the journal” (Jacsó, 2008b). Another source of error is the matching of citing At other times, the matching error stems from (source) and cited (target) documents. Although an earlier parsing error. For example, Jacsó citations are prone to many forms of error (e.g. (2008b) reported that the authorship of an article typographical errors in the source document published in Online Information Review was because authors or journal editors have incorrectly attributed to “M Profile” when in fact it was co- transcribed a bibliographic reference), other authored by Hong Iris Xie and Collen Cool. Since problems are caused by the Google Scholar parsing this article had received 10 citations, the two process, especially when non-standard reference authors had been deprived of these citations. If formats are used (Harzing and Van der Wal, 2008) “I Introduction” had been the author of around or when the document has a complex structure 6,000 articles in Google Scholar (see Table III), (Meho and Yang, 2007), or simply when the parsing the number of citations that the actual authors process fails. In the words of Vaughan and Shaw did not receive could be in the millions; it is as (2008), “citing and cited papers are confused”. impossible to calculate as the number of wrongly The Google Scholar automatic citation system attributed authors. The direct consequence is that functions correctly when a bibliographic reference the citation/matching algorithm is as unreliable as exactly matches a master record (Jacsó, 2009a). the parsing algorithm. These errors, even if they In that case, it is rewarded with a new received have been minimised, still exist. For example, citation. However, it may be that there is no such Moed et al. (2016) indicated that one of the most- match because the parsing has generated variants cited articles in the Journal of Virology, according or duplicates, both of the reference and the master to Google Scholar (270 citations), received most record (or both). If the version-linking technology of these citations (180) erroneously.

14 Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: Google Scholar as a source for scholarly evaluation: a bibliographic review of database errors

3.2.4. Searching & Browsing been resolved, although authority control is still lacking (a search for “revista española” (“Spanish The last aspect that remains to be described journal”) will retrieve articles published by Revista is general errors associated with the search Española de Lingüística Aplicada, Revista Española and browsing processes in the Google Scholar de Pedagogía, Revista Española de Documentación environment. This type of error has sometimes Científica, etc.) and is complicated by the existence been confused with or placed alongside search of abbreviations and variants (Jacsó, 2006b), a limitations. In this case, we shall only highlight problem that still occurs. those contributions that look specifically at errors. In its beginnings, Google Scholar provided an From the qualitative analysis of the bibliographic advanced search function to look for documents corpuses of errors in Google Scholar, we separated according to their discipline. Jacsó (2008a) revealed out the contributions that report errors in the this to be an absurd function, since a search not advanced search due to a lack of authority control, restricted by subject generated 85% more results in the number of hits for a query, and errors in the than adding up the results for each of the categories. full-text link.

b) Hit estimate errors a) Advanced search Within the errors in hit estimates, the literature As might be expected, the pioneer in this field was has mainly dealt with errors based on queries using Jacsó (2005a). When he conducted a bibliometric Boolean logic, the duplication of hits, and advanced analysis of Garfield’s work to coincide with his 80th search publication date. birthday, he discovered a series of deficiencies due mainly to the absolute lack of authority control (Bar- Boolean problems Ilan, 2008), which generated errors in searches by author (the system combined the publications of This type of problem was a classic example in E Garfield and RE Garfield, for example) andby Jacso’s work. They are problems related to absurd journal (the system combined all articles published or inconsistent numbers of results according to in Current Science with those of other publications the query. For example, the search for “protein” in which the same character string appeared, such returned 8,390,000 results, the search “proteins” as “Current Directions in Psychological Science” or 4,270,000, and finally the search for “protein OR “Current Trends in Theoretical Computer Science”) proteins” 1,630,000 (Jacsó, 2005a). Based on this (Jacsó, 2005a). This is an error in the sense that the study, we have compiled all the examples provided database was unable to return the articles published throughout the work of Péter Jacsó and recalculated by a particular author or journal, which is the service these data for the present day (Table IV). In this that had been promised to the user. At present, at way, we may see how the errors not only persist least for Current Science, this error seems to have but, in some cases, have even increased.

Table IV. Test search on absurd Boolean hit counts

Original Replicated Work Query hits hits (2017) Lancaster 442,000 1,130,000 Jacsó (2008c) Lancaster OR Lancester 348,000 170,000 chicken breed 9,750 95,800 chicken breeds 5,300 59,600 chicken breed OR chicken breeds 5,300 141,000 Jacsó (2006b) Chicken 387,000 2,300,000 Chickens 168,000 1,070,000 chicken OR chickens 322,000 2,170,000 Scholar 556,000 6,520,000 Jacsó (2006b) Scholars 939,000 2,510,000 scholar OR scholars 611,000 4,720,000 Protein 8,390,000 5,270,000 Jacsó (2005a) Proteins 4,270,000 4,550,000 protein OR proteins 1,630,000 5,190,000

Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: 15 Enrique Orduna-Malea, Alberto Martín-Martín, Emilio Delgado López-Cózar

Duplicate hits Year range

The generation of repeated hits has also been If parsing errors are assumed in the publication a recurrent issue in the Google Scholar literature dates, we could not expect an advanced search (Jacsó, 2005a; 2006b; 2008b; Shultz, 2007): the by publication date to be error-free. Table V existence of duplicate records in Google Scholar compiles all the examples provided by Jacsó with a results due to parsing and matching errors reconstruction of the searches for 2017 conducted (versions). It should be mentioned, however, for this bibliographic review of errors. As can be that much of the literature uses erroneous terms seen, inconsistencies still persist. when referring to the concept “hit” (results for a specific search), because sometimes they use it as a c) Erroneous full text links synonym for “citation” (citations aggregated under a master record), although they are related but Finally, the literature has identified errors in the different concepts (Levine-Clark and Gil, 2009). It is links in the master records that provide access to therefore difficult at times to follow or appropriately the full text of the article, where this is possible. contextualise many of the findings and conclusions. Jacsó (2005a) found that by clicking on the link Of the few publications in which specific figures to an article published in 2005 on Infection and are given, Jacsó (2008b) reported how, after Immunity, the system took him to the full text of analysing the number of articles published in Online another article published 25 years before in PNAS. Information Review indexed by Google Scholar, Likewise, Shultz (2007) discovered the existence he obtained a total of 513 records (thus hits). Of of broken links or dysfunctional links. Later, Martín- these, approximately 38% (195) were duplicates, Martín et al. (2016b), after conducting an exhaustive with the added problem that this figure (513) varied case study into the article “Mathematical theory of depending on the Search Engine Result Page (SERP) communication” on Google Scholar, detected 830 that the user was on at any given moment. versions linked to the master record. Of these,

Table V. Test search on absurd time range hit counts

Work Query Time Original Replicated range hits hits (2017) 1700-2013 596,000 699,000 1750-2013 567,000 717,000 1800-2013 552,000 758,000 Orduna-Malea 1850-2013 566,000 766,000 et al. (2015) 1900-2013 541,000 *676,000 1950-2013 617,000 742,000 2000-2013 693,000 739,000 2006-2008 93,900 915,000

Torres-Salinas 2005-2008 89,800 813,000 et al. (2009) 2004-2008 139,000 *930,000 2000-2008 109,000 671,000 1907-2007 116,000 386,000 Jacsó (2008c) Lancaster 1917-2007 118,000 *350,000 1435-2008 20,200 993,000 Jacsó (2008a) Vietnam 1960-2008 20,600 *911,000 2005 23,600 188,000 Jacsó (2006a) Scholars 2005-2006 11,900 181,000 1995-2005 976,000 738,000 Jacsó (2005a) 1985-2005 966,000 672,000

* Note: these results are coherent with Boolean algebra although quite implausible

16 Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: Google Scholar as a source for scholarly evaluation: a bibliographic review of database errors

Google Scholar only returned 763, of which 21.1% • Martín-Martín et al. (2014b): analysed a (161) presented some kind of error. In particular, corpus of 64,000 highly-cited documents 86 had a broken link to the full text. between 1950 and 2013. The following errors were identified: full-text links that 3.2.5. Global error propagation did not work or did not correspond to the master record, GS-WoS linking failures,8 The errors identified by the scholarly literature unlinked versions, incorrect attribution of analysed in this study have barely been quantified, citations to documents, incorrect attribution and most of the time they are merely mentioned of documents to authors, phantom citations, or reported. Despite the absence of error phantom authors, incorrect identification of percentages, the deficiencies were sufficiently titles, duplicate citations and publications. voluminous for Jacsó (2008c) to conclude that the citations reported by Google Scholar were not As can be seen, the broader the samples, acceptable, not even as a starting point, for the the greater the quantity and variety of errors evaluation of the scholarly activity of researchers, found. This is due, as already mentioned, to the since the volume of citations was “inflated” and interconnection between different types of errors: “untraceable”, which had similar repercussions for a parsing error can generate a duplicate which, if the calculation of derived indicators such as the the version control system does not group them h-index (Jacsó, 2009a; 2012c). correctly, can generate a duplicate citation. To illustrate these shortcomings, the literature 3.3. Errors in filtered environments has carried out several analyses that have revealed the combined occurrence of several types of errors All of the studies reviewed above operate in the that distort the overall results, among which the Google Scholar environment. However, there are following publications stand out: platforms, both external and linked to this service, designed for working with more filtered and • Jacsó (2009a): analysed the book Managing structured data, which may in some cases help to the Multinationals: an International Study fix some of the errors seen in the previous sections, of Control Mechanisms (Harzing). Seven although they may similarly introduce new errors. (unlinked) versions were detected, each with its own received citations (citation dispersion), and one result corresponded a) External products to a book review that was erroneously One of the more notable external products attributed to Harzing. is Publish or Perish (PoP) (Harzing, 2010), a desktop application that provides a user-friendly • Bar-Ilan (2010): analysed the book interface for searching Google Scholar directly Introduction to Informetrics (Egghe and and, especially, for working with results in such Rousseau). 358 documents referring to a way that allows users not only to work with the article were detected, of which 24 the retrieved documents (sort them according to (6.7%) were duplicates, 17 contained title various criteria, merge duplicates, etc.) but also variants, and 5 had authorship errors. After to obtain a wide variety of bibliometric indicators removing the duplicates and other errors, calculated from the retrieved documents. This only 307 documents actually cited the book application, which is free to download and use,9 has (total error of 14.2%). undoubtedly contributed to the democratisation • García-Pérez (2010): analysed a corpus of and popularisation of bibliometrics. 380 publications by 4 authors in the field Jacsó (2009a) analysed the first versions of of psychology. 16.5% of the citations were the tool, confirming its potential to facilitate the erroneous (phantom citations, duplicate discovery of erroneous information and correct it. links, unlinked versions and errors in the However, since the application works directly with estimation of hits). Google Scholar results, it inherited certain errors • Adriaanse and Rensleigh (2011): analysed the (e.g. typography errors in author names or errors content of 9 environmental science journals in the title, phantom authors, phantom citations) in South Africa, identifying a total of 448 and limitations (e.g. a maximum of 1,000 results inconsistencies in the records (14%) as well as per query) that cannot be directly corrected or duplications (a total of 185) due to “citation” resolved. The ability of PoP to export the results hits in Google Scholar. Note: In this case, hits obtained to a spreadsheet can mitigate, but not are counted as citations (citation hits). solve, some of the problems.

Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: 17 Enrique Orduna-Malea, Alberto Martín-Martín, Emilio Delgado López-Cózar

Baneyx (2008) developed a complement to at Hacettepe University, estimated that 55% of PoP called CleanPoP, which works with the results their contributions (135) had received duplicate provided by PoP to improve their quality. Its citations, representing approximately 12% of the capabilities include the automatic detection and total number of citations received. Martín-Martín merging of duplicate articles and variants of the et al. (2016c) also detected duplicate documents, author name. As a sample, Baneyx analysed 12 incorrectly merged documents and incorrect French researchers. Focusing on one of them (R. titles when analysing the GSM profiles for 814 Br), PoP located 3,707 citations that, after using bibliometrics researchers. Subsequently, Orduna- CleanPoP, were reduced to 526, so the author Malea et al. (2017) detected and classified errors concluded that about 86% of the citations provided in the automatic linking of authors with their by PoP were incorrect. institutional affiliations, in the case of the Spanish university system (wrong by normalised names, disambiguation problems, incorrect linking, b) Internal tools multiple official academic web domains, errors with The Google Scholar team, fully aware of the complex, multiple and internal affiliations). errors and limitations of their database, developed With regard to Google Scholar Metrics, and launched two new services between 2011 and impressions were similar. Jacsó (2012d) 2012 that directly draw on the Google Scholar described the service as a potentially useful and database. First, Google Scholar Citations (GSC),10 complementary tool for journals, although he also and, second, Google Scholar Metrics (GSM),11 acknowledged that the information provided, while oriented towards the management of authors and it is an improvement, is only “plastic surgery”, journals, respectively. and that “the parsing and citation matching First impressions of Google Scholar Citations components require brain surgery to qualify GSM (from an errors point of view) were positive. Jacsó for bibliometric purposes at the journal level”. (2012a) admitted that this platform “apparently Apart from the errors inherited from Google managed to separate – if not all, but most – of Scholar, GSM also has errors of its own making, the wheat from the chaff”, since a large number such as linking articles to the wrong journals. of duplicates were identified and corrected. In Jacsó (2012d) was surprised that GS occasionally addition, the fact that it allowed the authors provided correct data but that, subsequently, GSM themselves to correct and edit the descriptive attributed an article to the wrong journal. These metadata of their articles could help in the medium attribution errors consequently caused errors in and long term to improve the quality of the data, the attribution of the h5-index of publications. so the system was seen as promising. However, many inherited errors were still present (some of Also noteworthy are the annual reports from the which the authors themselves could not correct, EC3 Research Group on the release of each new for instance separating versions of documents that version of GSM (Martín-Martín et al. 2014a; 2016a). had been incorrectly merged by the system). These reports have enabled us to explore a wider variety of errors, particularly those related to Moreover, Google Scholar Citations has its own normalisation problems (unification of journal titles, errors. For example, in the automatic generation of problems in the linking of documents, and problems co-authors, Jacsó (2012a) criticised the fact that in in the search and retrieval of publication titles). his own list there were authors with whom he had not published: “most of them I have not heard of, let alone known or worked with”. At present, this 3.4. Classification of errors process has improved considerably, although many The last body of publications on Google Scholar of the errors are the result of actions, deliberate errors has tried to categorise and classify existing or not, of the authors themselves, who, through errors. However, it should be pointed out that interest, negligence or incompetence may have these classifications are not only incomplete (not incorrectly filled in the various personal information reflecting all types of errors), but were carried out fields or edited the description of a document. The in a way that complemented or supplemented the number of citations received per document is a original work, the main objectives of which were value automatically calculated by Google Scholar, not to create or construct a taxonomy of errors. For in which authors can not intervene. Even so, there example, the most detailed classification (although are errors in the processes that are performed it mainly focuses on parsing aspects) is found in automatically. For example, Doğan et al. (2016), the work of Adriaanse and Rensleigh (2013), whose after analysing the profiles of 10 researchers analysis was based on a sample of only 14 South from the Department of Information Management African environment journals.

18 Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: Google Scholar as a source for scholarly evaluation: a bibliographic review of database errors

In any case, and given their interest, Table VI is small percentage deals in any depth with the concept a compilation of the main types of errors published of errors and even fewer contribute empirical data. to date, the article in which they appeared, and With the exception of Péter Jacsó’s work, we can their main items. only point to two articles written with the goal of directly ascertaining how errors in Google Scholar 4. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS function and what their impact is: Doğan et al. The results of our qualitative analysis reveal that (2016) and Orduna-Malea et al. (2017). Other works the bibliographical corpus on errors in Google Scholar of great interest, such as those by Harzing and Van is still limited. The bibliographic review process der Wal (2008), Baneyx (2008), Li et al. (2010), yielded a total of 49 publications, of which only a Adriaanse and Rensleigh (2011; 2013), and De

Table VI. Error Classifications in Google Scholar

Original error Work Type Subtype Category Innumeracy Browsing Jacsó (2008a) Illiteracy Parsing Phantom link Browsing Phantom master record Matching Jacsó (2008c) Phantom author Parsing Phantom citation Matching Phantom publication year Parsing From section title Parsing

Phantom author From search template option Parsing Jacsó (2010) From other data elements Parsing

Phantom publication year Parsing Data export inconsistencies Browsing Author spelling Parsing Double-barrelled surnames Parsing Diacritical marks Parsing

Author inconsistencies Author sequence Parsing Separated authors Parsing Incorrect authors Parsing Nonsensical authors Parsing Article title omission Parsing Adriaanse Article title variation Parsing and Rensleigh (2011) Article title sequence Parsing Article title inconsistencies Subtitle omission Parsing Alternate language title Parsing Nonsensical title Parsing

Volume inconsistencies Volume number omission Parsing Issue number omissions Parsing Issue inconsistencies Incorrect issue number Parsing Page number omitted Parsing Page number inconsistencies Incorrect page number Parsing

Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: 19 Enrique Orduna-Malea, Alberto Martín-Martín, Emilio Delgado López-Cózar

Winter et al. (2014), in spite of their contributions time required by Google Scholar, showed that data to the knowledge of errors in Google Scholar, have cleaning processes have, after all, little effect on addressed this issue in an indirect, circumstantial, results, something that had already been partially secondary or at worst incidental way. demonstrated by Baneyx (2008), albeit with very small samples. Doğan et al. (2016) were the first to This means that, in general terms, scholarly systematically calculate various indicators before literature about errors in Google Scholar, and after cleaning the data (in this case in Google particularly articles focusing on the use of this Scholar Metrics). Although the authors concluded tool in bibliometric analysis, is scarce, excessively that the differences in the calculation of the h-index fragmented and diffuse. There are no studies in and the i10-index before and after eliminating which research designs have been specifically duplicates (of both records and received citations) developed not only to identify but also to quantify were statistically significant, an analysis of their the errors and evaluate their consequences. results leads us to question their conclusion, since Studies that do touch on the question of errors the differences, even when they exist, are not so were designed with other objectives in mind, and significant. In fact, the h-index does not change when they address the issue, they often arrive at for any of the authors after deleting the duplicate conclusions that are all too apparent (that there records, although it does change slightly after are errors is obvious). In addition, the few studies deleting duplicate citations (the most extreme that provide empirical evidence (albeit indirectly) case falls from 16 to 13). In these cases, the level are not comparable because they deal with of profile editing and maintenance (even possible completely different samples with different units manipulation) by the authors themselves has a and research objectives. direct influence on these differences. Given the importance of quantifying and Lastly, as regards Jacsó’s work, his quite evaluating the consequences of errors in Google considerable body of work identifying, discovering, Scholar, since this database is widely used in both testing and disseminating the errors and limitations bibliometric analysis and in academic evaluation of Google Scholar are worthy of recognition. processes (whether we like it or not), it is quite Undoubtedly, he is the author who has most remarkable that the bibliometric community has contributed to the serious, rigorous and non- not undertaken more studies of this nature. The opinionated analysis of this database, so that it may experts that have been most critical of Google be used for bibliometric purposes. Nevertheless, Scholar, with the exception of Jacsó, have criticised we would venture to mention some limitations or the database on the basis of its errors, but have shortcomings in his extensive scholarly output. not studied their true impact on bibliometric Regrettably, Jacsó’s work does not reveal all the analysis, especially in the context of a big data errors in Google Scholar, although it does expose system that is forcibly transforming the postulates the most notorious and flagrant, a fact that has on which many bibliometric studies have been led to an improved service. Many of the errors based. These studies are limited – for better or are perhaps repeated excessively throughout his for worse – by the capabilities of the available work as practical examples and, beyond the self- bibliographic sources, which to date have been explanatory screenshots, greater detail would not controlled and supervised. have gone amiss in some of the methodological One of the possible reasons is the recognised aspects, which are sometimes lacking or only difficulty in evaluating the errors themselves, due partly sketched out. The design of an exhaustive to certain substantial limitations (limit of 1,000 systematic classification of errors, as well as an search results, limit of 1,000 citing documents estimation of the overall magnitude of these errors, per result, with hardly any options for ordering beyond simple exemplification, is also lacking. This the results, etc.). This is something that has been has become particularly relevant since 2012 (when strongly criticised by Jacsó (2006a; 2008c; 2012b), Péter Jacsó’s contributions ceased and GSC and while Meho and Yang (2007) have already criticised GSM appeared on the scene). the excessive time required to clean up the data. The evolution of Google Scholar (both in coverage For this reason, few studies have shed light and data quality) must be continually evaluated on the real effects of existing errors. Sanderson because of the speed at which its database is (2008), who calculated the h-index in detail updated. Nevertheless, the tests performed in the for 3 British researchers, concluded that, after course of this study have shown that most of the correcting the errors, the h-index had been errors reported by Jacsó (especially parsing and underestimated by 5-10%. Li et al. (2010), who searching errors) are still present today. However, also acknowledged the excessive data processing the calculation of bibliometric indicators (citations

20 Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: Google Scholar as a source for scholarly evaluation: a bibliographic review of database errors

received, h-index) has improved, thanks in no Orduna-Malea holds a postdoctoral fellowship (PAID- small measure to the development and evolution 10-14), from the Polytechnic University of Valencia of GSM and GSC (predicted by Jacsó, 2012a). Only (Spain). This manuscript has been translated by the calculation of error rates (by type of error), professional native translator Charles Balfour. with large samples and by discipline, will allow us to rigorously appraise the suitability of the system AGRADECIMIENTOS for use as a complement to the evaluation of academic impact. Alberto Martín-Martín está en cuarto año de la beca de doctorado (FPU2013/05863) otorgada por el Ministerio de educación Cultura y Deportes (españa). 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Enrique Orduña-Malea es becario postdoctoral Alberto Martín-Martín is on a four-year doctoral (PAID-10-14) de la Universidad Politécnica de fellowship (FPU2013/05863) granted by the Ministerio Valencia. (España). Este artículo ha sido traducido de Educación, Cultura y Deportes (Spain). Enrique por el traductor profesional Charles Balfour.


1. 7. It should be remembered that the number of cita- tions was the criterion used by Google Scholar to 2. Like many informal articles published about Google rank the results (Jacsó, 2008b). As of 2007/2008, Scholar between 2004 and 2005, this document is no new ranking criteria ( longer available online, and has been retrieved from en/scholar/about.html) were introduced, of which ci- the Wayback Machine ( See bibliography. tations is only one, though important, criterion (Mar- 3. tín-Martín et al., 2017). blog/2008/01/scholar_down_books_up.shtml 8. 4. 9. bers-igoogle--homegrown-star-performer- this-year/ 10. scholar-citations-open-to-all.html 5. Google Scholar Blog, available at: http://weblogs. 11. scholar-metrics-for-publications.html 6. html#content


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24 Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: Google Scholar as a source for scholarly evaluation: a bibliographic review of database errors ------Deficiencies are found using “site” command Hits and citations inflated unmerged Versions range year Deficiencies in searches Deficiencies in Boolean searches Deficiencies in advanced func search (published by tion) Deficiencies in citation at tribution Deficiencies in the correct indexation of one journal related especially to author - control (source title vari ity ants, article title variants), erroneous titles, and article unmerged versions us Deficiencies in coverage ing “site” search command oneuse of Through the searchspecific query number(, the areof hit counts retrieved the num as well analysed by ber of citations received each result. Some errors are which positives) found (false results. inflate Cited/citing document link age malfunction generates errors citation the bibliographicErrors in (authorship,information source)publication, date of found are Duplicate hits hits against 1,000 than Less some queries. Boolean logic does not work properly in combined query searches

Empirical Empirical Observations ------Searching Linking Citations Versions Searching Parsing Parsing Matching Searching Searching Matching Searching

Main variable ------ANALYSED PRODUCT Google Scholar Google Scholar Google Scholar Google Scholar Google Scholar Google Scholar GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE International International International International International International DISCIPLINE Multidisciplinary Multidisciplinary Multidisciplinary Multidisciplinary Medicine Multidisciplinary Period All All to May All to May 2005 December 2004 – July 2005 2006 2005; SAMPLE Random Test Test Random searches Random Test Test Random searches 680 articles published in Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology Test Random searches Test Random searches Test Random searches ANALYSIS UNIT Hit results Hit results (Garfield) Authors Journals (Current science) Documents Journal Journal Hit results Hit results WORK Jacsó (2004) Jacsó (2005a) Jacso (2005b) Jacsó (2005c) Jacsó (2006a) Jacsó (2006b) APPENDIX I. PÉTER JACSÓ’S WORK ON GOOGLE SCHOLAR GOOGLE ON WORK JACSÓ’S PÉTER I. APPENDIX

Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: 25 Enrique Orduna-Malea, Alberto Martín-Martín, Emilio Delgado López-Cózar ------Limitations and errors in GS are classified into Innu and Illiteracy meracy Errors are compiled and recalculated to compare them to those previously detected in 2007 Google Scholar (GS) is under the microscope from of calculat the perspective ing the h-index for individu als and journals. Phantom citations Duplicate hits Identification of Ghost authors that steal citations from real authors Hit count estimates vary according to each SERP Discusses the related fea tures of Google Scholar, of Science Scopus, and Web in and demonstrates (WoS), the latter how a much more realistic and fair h-index W. can be computed for F. Lancaster than one pro duced automatically errors:Categorisation of links, phantom phantom records, phantommaster citations,authors, phantom publication years phantom Calculating errors in GS software, when using PoP especially when computing h-index Summarising errors with Boolean searches, dupli cates (hits and citations), and author mismatches Phantom authors Phantom publication years feedback GS team Critique of Some of the problems that exist with GS are discussed, particularly regarding content spam and citation spam

------Searching Parsing Searching Parsing Searching Parsing Searching Matching Parsing Coverage

------Google Scholar Google Scholar Google Scholar Google Scholar Google Scholar Google Scholar International International International International International International Multidisciplinary Multidisciplinary Multidisciplinary Multidisciplinary Multidisciplinary Multidisciplinary Random Test Test Random searches Random Test Test Random searches Test Random searches Test Random searches Test Random searches Test Random searches Hit results Authors Journals Authors Authors Journals Authors Authors Jacsó (2008a) Jacsó (2008b) Jacsó (2008c) Jacsó (2009a) Jacsó (2010) Jacsó (2011)

26 Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: Google Scholar as a source for scholarly evaluation: a bibliographic review of database errors - - - Improvements in GS data Improvements are highlighted: elimination of duplicates, and availabili of bibliometric indicators. ty Some errors are equally lists), claimed: co-author citations (inherited from GS) and search limitations work Vanclay’s Critique of on using Google Scholar’s and WoS of instead h-index errorsJCR; methodological conceptsand misunderstood wellare highlighted as work. Critique of Vanclay’s In this case, the Google algorithm is Scholar ranking as well some observed, other related limitations (1,000 results per query, sort lack of advanced ing results options) which jeopardise the use of GS to compute some accurately basic bibliometric indica - of the tors, irrespective existence of other errors. The purpose of this paper is to review the software and content features of the Google Scholar Metrics (GSM) service launched in April 2012, examining browsing, the software, searching and sorting func tions, citation matching and content.

- - - - - Authors Searching Parsing Searching Parsing Searching Parsing

------Google Scholar Citations Google Scholar Google Scholar Google Scholar Metrics International International International International Multidisciplinary Forestry Forestry Marketing - - 1 author (A. Acharya), of developer GS Random Test Test Random searches Test Random searches 20 journals Authors Journals Hit results Journals Journals Jacsó (2012a) Jacsó (2012b) Jacsó (2012c) Jacsó (2012d)

Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: 27 Enrique Orduna-Malea, Alberto Martín-Martín, Emilio Delgado López-Cózar 1 citation error (a misspelled name) and 1 link that led to the wrong destination page 36 citations identified by 36 citations identified GS but missed by WoS 86% of citations found by 86% of citations found by are incorrect PoP No empirical data on errors is provided “Probabilistic encryption” cited 915 times improperly attributed to A. Wigderson Duplications to “P Ingwersen” query Date of publication for Society American Physical fails frequently No empirical data on errors is provided GS misses 501 (12%)misses 501 GS system errors due to citations 475 citations from GS complete did not have information bibliographic 2 queries with 1 inaccessible result each Duplicates in 7 out of 10 queries 4 queries out of 10 with some error 5 pages with errors out of 247 results Empirical Observations • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Duplicate publications inconsistencies Author Title inconsistencies Improper citation attribution inconsistencies Author Duplicate publications Improper citation attribution Improper author attribution inconsistencies Author Error in date of publication Search errors not properly Versions grouped authorship Wrong Similar titles are merged wrongly Duplicate citations Author inconsistencies Author Duplicate citations Matching errors Duplicate hits Duplicate hits not found Pages Variables • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PRODUCT GS GS GS GS GS GS GS GS GS GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE International International France International Israel USA USA Ireland International DISCIPLINE Later-life Later-life migration Multidisciplinary History; Sociology; Economy; Geography; Philosophy Mathematics; Computer Science Multidisciplinary Library & Library Information Science Library & Library Information Science Multidisciplinary Medicine Period 1990-2000 1997-2004 (publication date cited works) of N/A N/A 1996-2006 N/A 1971-2005 N/A 2006 SAMPLE 155 articles 203 publications from 6 authors 12 researchers 113 publications of Michael Rabin 40 highly-cited 40 highly-cited researchers Israeli 47 and 62 publications from 2 authors 5,285 citations from 25 researchers 7 students through 8 queries 10 queries ANALYSIS UNIT Documents Authors Authors Documents Authors Authors Authors Hit results Hit results WORK (2007) Belew (2005) Baneyx (2008) Bar-Ilan Bar-Ilan (2006) Bar-Ilan Bar-Ilan (2008) Yang and Yang Meho (2006) Meho and (2007) Yang Robinson Robinson and Wusteman (2007) Shultz (2007) Walters APPENDIX II. COMPILATION OF STUDIES THAT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ADDRESS ERRORS IN GOOGLE SCHOLAR GOOGLE IN ERRORS ADDRESS INDIRECTLY OR DIRECTLY THAT STUDIES OF COMPILATION II. APPENDIX

28 Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: Google Scholar as a source for scholarly evaluation: a bibliographic review of database errors was was


found to be around 3% Query for “I Introduction” shows 956 results, of which 160 correspond to publications a) that receive citations, and b) of which “I Introduction” is the only author 23% of citations included duplicates and multiple versions 24 items out of 358 (6.7%) referring to the book are duplicates (17 title duplicates and 5 with authorship errors) First SERP: Hit count results, claims 227 estimates but only 219 appear Second SERP: 134 results are claimed, and only 119 appear. After deleting duplicates, 51 citations (14.2%) constitute errors. Overall, the level of the level Overall, duplicates within 55 citations (16.5%) present errors 11 errors were due to HCE 57 errors due to phantom citations 215 contains duplicate links 100 duplicates due to reprints published in different sources Citation counts inflated 5% after cleaning data by through PoP 185 duplicate records 448 (14%) inconsistencies • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Author inconsistencies Author Title inconsistencies Citations improperly attributed Duplicate citations Duplicate publications Incomplete bibliographic information Title inconsistencies Duplicate publications Duplicate citations unmerged Versions Title inconsistencies Duplicate publications Duplicate citations Duplicate citations Duplicate publications Citations missed Phantom citations Title inconsistencies Duplicate publications Duplicate citations Author inconsistencies Author Title inconsistencies Bibliographic inconsistencies issue, (volume, pagination) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • GS GS GSM GS GS GS GS GS International International International International Spain International South Africa Management and International Business Informetrics; Bibliometrics History of Art Accounting Psychology Library & Library Information Science Environmental Environmental Sciences 2002-2006 N/a 1975-2008 N/A N/A N/A 2004-2008 20 1 book: 1 book: ‘introduction informetrics’ to egghe and (by rousseau) 472 34 380 publications from 4 authors 42 experts rating 42 experts rating research published 101 authors by 9 Journals Documents Documents Journals Authors Authors Journals Harzing and de Wal Van (2008) Bar-Ilan Bar-Ilan (2010) Noll (2008) Rosenstreic Rosenstreic and Wooliscro (2009) García- Pérez (2010) Li et al. (2010) Adriaanse and Rensleigh (2011)

Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: 29 Enrique Orduna-Malea, Alberto Martín-Martín, Emilio Delgado López-Cózar g-index due to a parsing error 29% of documents with typology undefined corresponding 165 versions to one same work unmerged HCE claims 763 versions for 1 record, but 20.1% are links, incorrect: 83 broken and 38 errors could not be verified No empirical data on errors is provided The query “allintitle: merge purge large” shows 8 results (records) all of which refer to the same publication (duplicates) 448 (14%) inconsistencies: 12 data export inconsistencies; 146 author inconsistencies; 122 title inconsistencies; 167 inconsistencies bibliographic No empirical data on errors is provided 8.7% (108) of citations of publication. without year 4% (29) of publications of publication without year (11 in theses; 14 unknown documents) 64 duplicates and 11 false positives Ada Yonath lost 1 highly- Ada Yonath her cited article, modifying • • • • • • • • • • • Duplicate publications Duplicate citations Duplicate Title inconsistencies Phantom authors Phantom citations confused reviews Book improperlyDocuments attributed to authors unmerged Versions Citations improperly attributed to documents accessingtext links Full erroneous file to Link connection between broken and WoS GS Duplicate citations Duplicate publications Duplicate publications Author inconsistencies Author Title inconsistencies Bibliographic inconsistencies issue, (volume, pagination) Author inconsistencies Author Data export inconsistencies unmerged Versions Duplicate publications Duplicate citations positives False scanning Technical errors Technical errors Technical • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • GS GS GS GS GS GS GS International UK International South Africa Germany International International Multidisciplinary Economy; Geography; International relations; Law; Sociology Multidisciplinary Environmental Environmental Sciences Business Multidisciplinary Multidisciplinary (Chemistry, Economics; Medicine and Physics) 1950-2013 N/A N/A 2004-2008 2005-2009 Sep 2005- Apr 2013 2012-2013 64000 120 N/A 14 1572 members of German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB) 2 classic articles 56 articles 20 Nobel winners Documents Authors Journals Journals Authors Documents Authors Martín- Martín et al. (2014b) LSE Public Group Policy (2011) Thor and Bornmann (2011) Adriaanse and Rensleigh (2013) Dilger and Müller (2013) De Winter et De al. (2014) Harzing (2014)

30 Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: Google Scholar as a source for scholarly evaluation: a bibliographic review of database errors Not clear if duplicate duplicate Not clear if refer to unmerged versions or just merged versions versions Full text search: duplication text search: duplication Full of 0.56% rate rate duplication search: Title of 2.93%. errors typographic of 15% 36% letters provoke Capital of all duplicates due to Title errors 15% titles cause Incomplete of duplicates due to title errors 3% of causes Parsing to Title error duplicates due causes Scanning references to duplicates due of 13% Title error 5% duplication rate: Total 1.3% (17) duplicate profiles 1.3% not is [duplicate profiles a but error considered limitation in this work] The use of PoP reduces reduces PoP The use of output from 244 research to 106 results (138 original document duplicates) 15% (360) documents (360) documents 15% date of publication without (633) documents 27% of source without publication • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Duplicate publications unmerged Versions Title inconsistencies Duplicate hits in searches Data export inconsistencies Duplicate profiles Author inconsistencies Author Citation inconsistencies Duplicate publications Author inconsistencies Author Incorrect source identification • • • • • • • • • • • GS GS GSC GS GS International International International International International Multidisciplinary Environmental Environmental Sciences Multidisciplinary Multidisciplinary (Humanities; Social Sciences; Engineering; Sciences; Life Sciences) Strategy as Strategy (SAP) Practice N/A N/A 2011-2012 2013-2015 N/A 982 6988 full text searches 4194 Title searches; 7 systematic reviews 191858 146 2400 Articles Documents Authors Authors Publications Pitol and De Groote (2014) Haddaway Haddaway (2015) et al. Ortega (2015) Harzing and Alakangas (2016) Maia et al. (2016)

Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: 31 Enrique Orduna-Malea, Alberto Martín-Martín, Emilio Delgado López-Cózar No empirical data on errors is provided Article published in Journal 270 of Virology receives out of citations from GS, which 180 are false due to wrong attribution duplicates: 3.9% (430) Total in GS; 5.2% (366) GSM. Identical duplicates: 0.2% and 18% (0.3) (26) in GS, in GSM 11.4% of citing documents is in GS the publication year unavailable 73% (8) of authors have 73% (8) of authors have duplicate records in GSM profile 55% (135) of publications 364 duplicate receive citations (12% of all citations) 92 out of 591 In GS, publications are duplicated 364 out of 3079 In GS, (12%) citations are duplicates • • • • • • • • GS : publications Duplicate citations Duplicate Title inconsistencies Phantom authors Phantom citations Citation matching reviewsBook books misattributed as improperlyDocuments attributed to authors unmerged Versions Citations improperly attributed to documents GSM: profiles Duplicate (deprecated) Misattributed documents manipulation Data records Duplicate mergedIncorrectly documents Incorrect titles Duplicate publications Duplicate citations unmerged Versions Data export inconsistencies errors Technical Duplicate publications Duplicate citations • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • GS GSC GS GSC GS GSM International International Turkey Bibliometrics Multidisciplinary Information management N/A 2010-2014 N/A 814 1200 articles published in 12 journals 11 authors 617 publications from GS 3144 publications from GSC Authors Journals Authors ) Martín- Martín et al. (2016c Moed et al. (2016) Doğan et al. (2016)

32 Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: Google Scholar as a source for scholarly evaluation: a bibliographic review of database errors 96.7% of documents and GS included both in WoS (32680) show concordance in date of publication 16% (13) Spanish a do not have universities normalised entry GSC only groups 73.7% of all the scholars that could been linked potentially have having to the institution by an email or affiliation of the institution, and 80.5% of those with official email from the institution • • • Incorrect title unmerged Versions Date of publication inconsistencies Institution name disambiguation Incorrect linking Lack of precision in search queries Errors in complex institutions due to internal units • • • • • • • GS GSM International Spain Multidisciplinary Multidisciplinary 1950-2013 N/A 64000 82 universities Sample A: 17938 authors Sample B: 22285 authors Documents Universities Authors Martín- Martín et al. (2017) Orduna- Malea et al. (2017)

Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 40(4), octubre-diciembre 2017, e185. ISSN-L: 0210-0614. doi: 33