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(F |{|< IIKS g0 enriches un«l makes r th THK WEATHER B uUtrn enrich and make* joy- W. .St Texas, tonight and Sat* I m i (Italic unlay, partly cloudy. m 11 ( t e le On the “Broadway of America” lASTLANI), TEXAS, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 10, 1028. PRICE FIVE CENTS NO. 24:!. ECTRA MUCH EXCITED OVER MIDNIGHT SLAYING ' A V. $ v. a i« & % a ii ankhead Poultry Producers Asso. At Cross Road [|{A(TS OF Woman and l ittle Held as Slayer I Floods Add To A1 in New Headquarters Tidal Wave Tosses FORMER POLICE II5FIIS WIST Son Are Burned To Of Sweetheart | Florida Distress Vessels On Shore CHIEF IS HELD Death In Home After Hurricane Hy Uiiitnl AMSTERDAM. Aug. 10. Ten FOR MURDER persons were killed and many J At KSONV1LLE, Fla., Aug. 10. slightly injured in three village — t ities and towns in the hurricane dilation of C oopcra- fly Uniltd along the coast of Flores Island, ;n Two Men Thought Implicat wrecked area of the fruit district Associa- BROWN WOOD, Auif. 10. Mrs. the I)uth East Indies, which were ed In Murder, But Identity n SelliiiK fated additional loss today from Lewis K. Brittain, 112, and her ; damaged by a volcanic eruption A limit P o s itiv e flood. Of Neither Yet Estab son, two years old, were burned yesterday, a dispatch *aid today. St re ms ami lakes in the district lished. Contemplated. to death here last night when jjwApfyj F'ive commercial vessels were were out of banks. The flood dan they were trapped on a sleeping thiown aga.nst the coast of tho & % ■ ger was expected to be short-lived. porch of their burning apart- i Hy United Fickii. Bankhead I’oul- The bulk of the high water was islands by the tidal wave tha'. came meat house. after the eruption, a later tii-pttUh ELKCTRA, Texas, Aug. 111. melation, at the being steadily drained today into The entire building was ablaze added. An armed posse jailed Tom Shook, the E*crgludes and Gulf. nccting 1 uesday when firemen arrived, marking it The mountain still is pouring former Electra chief of police, here I after midnight, impossible to effect a rescue of out smoke. early today in connection with fatal ml iniitteos to work the mother and son. Two other -tabbing of W. O. Daugherty at i for reorganixa- families in the building had nar-1 midnight. Daugherty made a dy ition along lines row escapes. ing statement in which he named permanence and Mrs. Brittain’s husband, un oil GIRL TELLS HER Work On the Texas Shock as his assnsnin. i iew other mem- / J J driller of I*ockhurt, was in Aus A Shook has been at liberty under L> rt a i r how many would tin on business at the time of STORY WITHOUT Botanical Gardens bond «.n a burglary charge. eject to put the [the fire. Origin of the blaze was W. G. Braliey, Wichi’ u county t firm and sub- undetermined. Police were con sheriff, made a 700-mile airplane he members ducting an investigation of the ANY CHANGES In Need Of Funds trip to Iuimpasas, Texas, yesterday in if problems fire today. d arrived at a to return with Mrs. Blair as a ma AU STIN .— Work on the Texa> idmg of what terial witness against Shook in Trial of T w o .Men At Co* I Here is how Governor Al Smith appeared a- he paid his fir t visit to Botanical Garden, conducted un land county is connection with the burglary mam hr for Criminal As- ] the new Democratic national headquarters n the General Motor, der the supervision of the bot :g Basko of Mrs. T. F. Wvnn u 1’ charge. Daugherty, in his death saull Being Put Through I building at New York. Seated beside Smith i> John Raskob, chair- any department at the University bed statement, said he stopped at of Texas, is greatly hampered by II S. Beitzel is held by Los S p eed ilv . i man o f the national committee. Standing are (le ft) Colonel Herbert “ Ace" Sperry’s home to use the men are now lack of funds, according to Dr. Dies In Home At eles police in connection with telephone when Shook came into ish a commer- — - - H. Lehman and Senator Peter G. Gerry of Rhode Island. 1. M. Lewis, professor of botanl. house if the murder of Barbara Mauger the house. Sperry made a state Hy United Pk m . Approximately forty acres of ment to the district attorney. He I’r iducers Asso- whose nude body, apparently Gorman Thursday dead« three month-, was found near COMANCHK. At*. 10. The ! land are in cultivation, but 200 said he entered the room and saw discontinued. um of splendid soil are uvail- capital, it i: that city. Police say Beitzel and State moved lapidly toduy in pre the men seu. fling. A fter th.: Mrs. T. F. (Coral Wynn died at the girl lived together after a mo KANSAS FARMER NEAR END OF , able for f be work. scuffle, Sperry said, Shook left pc rate if they senting its testimony against J. D. hei home in Gorman Thursday tor trip from Philadelphia and “A wire variety of native plants e romp* tition with FM Pryor, former Eleefcra night Hfter n protracted illness. that he killed her when he tired Pierce, 22. and Harley Holland, 23, ate now growing in the gar- constable, who is under indictment organization, KILLED, SLAYER MILK BOTTLE i den," Dr. Lewis said, "but the Funeral services were to Ik- held in of her. farm hands of DeLeon, near here, w;th Shook for burglary. With miters of the such quality that many Gorman at 4:<i0 o’clock Friday on trial in district court for the I soii is of cveral deep knife wounds, Daugh roducers A >uld grow easily if we evening, with interment in the Gor criminal assault on Miss Thelma ju tlic is wi erty drove his car five blocks to a continue to MAKE ESCAPE IS PREDICTED i nly had the necessary financial man cemetery. Bankhead, 19. physician's home. He died three e lieeii doing backing. Mrs. Wvnn was 17 years «o ace. Testimony in the trial was vir hours later in a hospital. 9 c i-t two ytal I “ There are few large botanical Her maiden name was Cora Maj TURKEYS SOLD tually the same as the testimony f ’rowds jammed the stre.*‘ a a Delivery fr« I’owdered Form I gardens in the country, and none over to poul and she was mairied to Mi. Wynn presented in the trial of Dick Haz Tom Shook I* laced In Jail | in Texas that I know of," he po-sc surrounded the Sperry home in Temple. They hav« one daugli /an|, 27, earlier in the week. Huz Cheapens Transportation. “ON HOOF” IN Following: Death of W. O. I went on. "The chief oucs in the home in search of Shook. Learn 5c |n *,<mkI t ondit ion ’cr, Lucilc, now a student in lie* zaed wa convicted late Wednes Scientists Seek Hidden ing that Shook, his wile and tv,- > cad Daugherty From St ah United States are the Shaw Gar thc Karikh Gorman high. day and sentenced to death. Values. small children were in the home. Association is dens at St. Louis, the New York Mrs. Wynn was a devout mem The State concluded its evidence Wounds. Sheriff Braliey of Wichita Fall has OTY Botanical Garden- , the Brooklyn iun it ever her of the Church of < hrist and today. Miss Blink head maintained telephone to Shook and induced K m0 of eggs and more calm during her testimony EVANSTON, HI.- The milk bot- ! Gardens and the Arnold Aboreta while aide was active in the work of dollars have him to surrender peacefully. is gradually In- than she did at the trial of Ha/, at Boston. Million: of that church in Gorman. tSbi By llpitwi l’r» 11 It and even the milk can may give make these the Shook was placed in the county t steadily in- zard. Her story of being dragged ;been expended to wa« a relative of County Treasurer Flocks of Stately Birds Are O KAW ATO M E, Kans., Aug. in. i way before long to powdered milk 1 pi ice It ss treasures they now are, jui! at Wichita F’alls. The county prices paid for from the ear and being assaulted I . I.. Cooper, and of Mrs. Coopei. Driven Through City 1 while only a paltry few' thou- grand jury was ordered to re-rnri- oi n y where vor by the two was the same as the — Police today sought the assassin in a paper package, chemists hint- Surviving members of her family [ sands have been spent on the j vene today to investieate the case. or a tea is between To Consumers. one told at Hazzard’x trial. of M. B. Muthcy, 6f», widely known I ed at the American Chemical So are her husband and daughter. Texas Botanical Garden." Although no motive for the . higher thun in | The »U tense was to present its hind owner and farmer living near ciety Institutes at Northwestern Mis* Beulah Speer. “ Grandma" The University garden is locut- stabbing was officially announced lime the asKocia testimony this alternoin. It whs here, who was slain with a shot ' University. Cooper of Midland, Mr. and Mrs. MEXICO CITY Buying turkey i ed on the Brackcnridge land west ! it vas rumored that Dougherty iate. It is claim- j gun lust night in front of his home.