(F |{|< IIKS g0 enriches un«l makes r th THK WEATHER B uUtrn enrich and make* joy- W. .St Texas, tonight and Sat* I m i (Italic unlay, partly cloudy. m 11 ( t e le On the “Broadway of America” lASTLANI), TEXAS, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 10, 1028. PRICE FIVE CENTS NO. 24:!. ECTRA MUCH EXCITED OVER MIDNIGHT SLAYING ' A V. $ v. a i« & % a ii ankhead Poultry Producers Asso. At Cross Road [|{A(TS OF Woman and l ittle Held as Slayer I Floods Add To A1 in New Headquarters Tidal Wave Tosses FORMER POLICE II5FIIS WIST Son Are Burned To Of Sweetheart | Florida Distress Vessels On Shore CHIEF IS HELD Death In Home After Hurricane Hy Uiiitnl AMSTERDAM. Aug. 10. Ten FOR MURDER persons were killed and many J At KSONV1LLE, Fla., Aug. 10. slightly injured in three village — t ities and towns in the hurricane dilation of C oopcra- fly Uniltd along the coast of Flores Island, ;n Two Men Thought Implicat­ wrecked area of the fruit district Associa- BROWN WOOD, Auif. 10. Mrs. the I)uth East Indies, which were ed In Murder, But Identity n SelliiiK fated additional loss today from Lewis K. Brittain, 112, and her ; damaged by a volcanic eruption A limit P o s itiv e flood. Of Neither Yet Estab­ son, two years old, were burned yesterday, a dispatch *aid today. St re ms ami lakes in the district lished. Contemplated. to death here last night when jjwApfyj F'ive commercial vessels were were out of banks. The flood dan­ they were trapped on a sleeping thiown aga.nst the coast of tho & % ■ ger was expected to be short-lived. porch of their burning apart- i Hy United Fickii. Bankhead I’oul- The bulk of the high water was islands by the tidal wave tha'. came meat house. after the eruption, a later tii-pttUh ELKCTRA, Texas, Aug. 111. melation, at the being steadily drained today into The entire building was ablaze added. An armed posse jailed Tom Shook, the E*crgludes and Gulf. nccting 1 uesday when firemen arrived, marking it The mountain still is pouring former Electra chief of police, here I after midnight, impossible to effect a rescue of out smoke. early today in connection with fatal ml iniitteos to work the mother and son. Two other -tabbing of W. O. Daugherty at i for reorganixa- families in the building had nar-1 midnight. Daugherty made a dy­ ition along lines row escapes. ing statement in which he named permanence and Mrs. Brittain’s husband, un oil GIRL TELLS HER Work On the Texas Shock as his assnsnin. i iew other mem- / J J driller of I*ockhurt, was in Aus­ A Shook has been at liberty under L> rt a i r how many would tin on business at the time of STORY WITHOUT Botanical Gardens bond «.n a burglary charge. eject to put the [the fire. Origin of the blaze was W. G. Braliey, Wichi’ u county t firm and sub- undetermined. Police were con­ sheriff, made a 700-mile airplane he members ducting an investigation of the ANY CHANGES In Need Of Funds trip to Iuimpasas, Texas, yesterday in if problems fire today. d arrived at a to return with Mrs. Blair as a ma­ AU STIN .— Work on the Texa> idmg of what terial witness against Shook in Trial of T w o .Men At Co* I Here is how Governor Al Smith appeared a- he paid his fir t visit to Botanical Garden, conducted un­ land county is connection with the burglary mam hr for Criminal As- ] the new Democratic national headquarters n the General Motor, der the supervision of the bot­ :g Basko of Mrs. T. F. Wvnn u 1’ charge. Daugherty, in his death­ saull Being Put Through I building at New York. Seated beside Smith i> John Raskob, chair- any department at the University bed statement, said he stopped at of Texas, is greatly hampered by II S. Beitzel is held by Los S p eed ilv . i man o f the national committee. Standing are (le ft) Colonel Herbert “ Ace" Sperry’s home to use the men are now lack of funds, according to Dr. Dies In Home At eles police in connection with telephone when Shook came into ish a commer- — - - H. Lehman and Senator Peter G. Gerry of Rhode Island. 1. M. Lewis, professor of botanl. house if the murder of Barbara Mauger the house. Sperry made a state­ Hy United Pk m . Approximately forty acres of ment to the district attorney. He I’r iducers Asso- whose nude body, apparently Gorman Thursday dead« three month-, was found near COMANCHK. At*. 10. The ! land are in cultivation, but 200 said he entered the room and saw discontinued. um of splendid soil are uvail- capital, it i: that city. Police say Beitzel and State moved lapidly toduy in pre­ the men seu. fling. A fter th.: Mrs. T. F. (Coral Wynn died at the girl lived together after a mo­ KANSAS FARMER NEAR END OF , able for f be work. scuffle, Sperry said, Shook left pc rate if they senting its testimony against J. D. hei home in Gorman Thursday tor trip from Philadelphia and “A wire variety of native plants e romp* tition with FM Pryor, former Eleefcra night Hfter n protracted illness. that he killed her when he tired Pierce, 22. and Harley Holland, 23, ate now growing in the gar- constable, who is under indictment organization, KILLED, SLAYER MILK BOTTLE i den," Dr. Lewis said, "but the Funeral services were to Ik- held in of her. farm hands of DeLeon, near here, w;th Shook for burglary. With miters of the such quality that many Gorman at 4:<i0 o’clock Friday on trial in district court for the I soii is of cveral deep knife wounds, Daugh­ roducers A >uld grow easily if we evening, with interment in the Gor­ criminal assault on Miss Thelma ju tlic is wi erty drove his car five blocks to a continue to MAKE ESCAPE IS PREDICTED i nly had the necessary financial man cemetery. Bankhead, 19. physician's home. He died three e lieeii doing backing. Mrs. Wvnn was 17 years «o ace. Testimony in the trial was vir­ hours later in a hospital. 9 c i-t two ytal I “ There are few large botanical Her maiden name was Cora Maj TURKEYS SOLD tually the same as the testimony f ’rowds jammed the stre.*‘ a a Delivery fr« I’owdered Form I gardens in the country, and none over to poul and she was mairied to Mi. Wynn presented in the trial of Dick Haz Tom Shook I* laced In Jail | in Texas that I know of," he po-sc surrounded the Sperry home in Temple. They hav« one daugli /an|, 27, earlier in the week. Huz­ Cheapens Transportation. “ON HOOF” IN Following: Death of W. O. I went on. "The chief oucs in the home in search of Shook. Learn­ 5c |n *,<mkI t ondit ion ’cr, Lucilc, now a student in lie* zaed wa convicted late Wednes­ Scientists Seek Hidden ing that Shook, his wile and tv,- > cad Daugherty From St ah United States are the Shaw Gar­ thc Karikh Gorman high. day and sentenced to death. Values. small children were in the home. Association is dens at St. Louis, the New York Mrs. Wynn was a devout mem The State concluded its evidence Wounds. Sheriff Braliey of Wichita Fall has OTY Botanical Garden- , the Brooklyn iun it ever her of the Church of < hrist and today. Miss Blink head maintained telephone to Shook and induced K m0 of eggs and more calm during her testimony EVANSTON, HI.- The milk bot- ! Gardens and the Arnold Aboreta while aide was active in the work of dollars have him to surrender peacefully. is gradually In- than she did at the trial of Ha/, at Boston. Million: of that church in Gorman. tSbi By llpitwi l’r» 11 It and even the milk can may give make these the Shook was placed in the county t steadily in- zard. Her story of being dragged ;been expended to wa« a relative of County Treasurer Flocks of Stately Birds Are O KAW ATO M E, Kans., Aug. in. i way before long to powdered milk 1 pi ice It ss treasures they now are, jui! at Wichita F’alls. The county prices paid for from the ear and being assaulted I . I.. Cooper, and of Mrs. Coopei. Driven Through City 1 while only a paltry few' thou- grand jury was ordered to re-rnri- oi n y where vor by the two was the same as the — Police today sought the assassin in a paper package, chemists hint- Surviving members of her family [ sands have been spent on the j vene today to investieate the case. or a tea is between To Consumers. one told at Hazzard’x trial. of M. B. Muthcy, 6f», widely known I ed at the American Chemical So­ are her husband and daughter. Texas Botanical Garden." Although no motive for the . higher thun in | The »U tense was to present its hind owner and farmer living near ciety Institutes at Northwestern Mis* Beulah Speer. “ Grandma" The University garden is locut- stabbing was officially announced lime the asKocia testimony this alternoin. It whs here, who was slain with a shot­ ' University. Cooper of Midland, Mr. and Mrs. MEXICO CITY Buying turkey i ed on the Brackcnridge land west ! it vas rumored that Dougherty iate. It is claim- j gun lust night in front of his home.
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