Zero-Voltage Switching Flyback-Boost Converter with Voltage-Doubler Rectifier for High Step-up Applications Hyun-Wook Seong, Hyoung-Suk Kim, Ki-Bum Park, Gun-Woo Moon, and Myung-Joong Youn Department of Electrical Engineering, KAIST 373-1 Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daegeon, Republic of Korea, 305-701
[email protected] Abstract -- A zero-voltage switching (ZVS) flyback-boost (FB) output rectifier produces the high voltage spike. Thus, the converter with a voltage-doubler rectifier (VDR) has been snubber network is required across the output rectifier, which proposed. By combining the common part between a flyback results in a degraded efficiency. converter and a boost converter as a parallel-input/series-output As an attractive solution over aforementioned topologies, (PISO) configuration, this proposed circuit can increase a step- up ratio and clamp the surge voltage of switches. The secondary the flyback-boost (FB) converter was proposed as shown in VDR provides a further extended step-up ratio as well as its Fig. 1 [5], [6]. It can achieve a higher step-up ratio due to voltage stress to be clamped. An auxiliary switch instead of a both a transformer and a parallel-input/series-output (PISO) boost diode enables all switches to be turned on under ZVS configuration. Since the voltage spike across the switch is conditions. The zero-current turn-off of the secondary VDR limited to the output voltage of the boost converter, no alleviates its reverse-recovery losses. The operation principles, protection circuit is required. Furthermore, since the energy the theoretical analysis, and the design consideration are investigated.