A Program of pilgrimage and discovery




13 nights / 14 days 36 meals ______


Dean Dr. Christopher Pappas, Vancouver BC Canon Dr. Richard LeSueur, Canmore AB

Itinerary Summary :

Jerusalem 4 nights Dan Hotel,

Galilee 4 nights En Gev,

Dead Sea 1 night David Dead Sea Resort & Spa

Jerusalem 4 nights Ambassador Boutique Hotel Jerusalem (near the Old City) ______

Accommodation: Contact Phone Numbers

Jerusalem March 10-14 Dan Hotel, Jerusalem 2Amr Ibn Al A’as Street 6 Phone: +972 2-627-7232

Sea of Galilee March 14-18 Kibbutz En Gev Phone: +972-4-665-9800

Dead Sea March 18-19 David Dead Sea Resort & Spa Ein Bokek, +972 8-659-1234

Jerusalem, March 19-23 Ambassador Boutique Hotel 5 Ali Iben Abu Taleb, Jerusalem +972 2-632-5000

Land Agency CTM Tours, Jerusalem,

Meals indicated B – breakfast / L – lunch / D – dinner

Modest Dress (M) Men : long pants or zip-ons to cover legs Women : knees, shoulders & elbows covered


Thursday, October 20 Day 1 Arrival at Ben Gurion Dan Hotel D Arrival at Ben Gurion International Airport. One is transferred to Jerusalem, about an hours’ drive, for a restful first night. Check into Dan Hotel 5:30pm Group reception and welcome 6:30pm Dinner

Friday, October 21 Day 2 Introducing Jerusalem & Bethlehem Dan Hotel BLD The day begins with an orientation briefing. We then travel around the walls of the Old City onto the Mount of Olives to overlook the city. “Walk about Zion, go round about her, number her towers, consider well her ramparts, that you may tell generations yet to come.” Psalm.48:12,13 We then drive south of Jerusalem into Bethlehem where we pass through the “Wall of Separation” in order to pray in the Basilica of the Nativity. “The shepherds said to one another, ‘Let us go now to Bethlehem and see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us.’” Luke 2:15 Wake up call / breakfast Briefing: Orientation to Pilgrimage Jerusalem: Journey Around the Walled City: Mt Scopus, Mt of Olives Lunch: Tent Restaurant, Beit Sahur Bethlehem: Basilica of the Nativity, Grotto of St. Jerome (M) 6:30pm Dinner

Saturday, October 22 Day 3 The Judean Desert Dan Hotel BLD The day begins with an early departure into the silence of the Judean wilderness with a visit to the Monastery of St George, Wadi Qelt. “Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the Devil and he fasted forty days and forty nights.” We then drive down onto the Jericho plain to stop at the near the place where John baptized. “See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way; the voice of one crying out in the wilderness.” Mark 1:2-3 After lunch at Qumran we visit the remains of the “Qumran community” and the region where the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered. Early wake up call / breakfast Wadi Qelt / meditation in the wilderness Overview St. George of Choziba Monastery (M) Jordan River: Baptismal site, Meditation and Renewal of Baptism Vows Qumran (Dead Sea Scroll discovery) lunch and visit the excavations Return to Jerusalem: (Optional walking tour Ibrahim’s Shop, Palestinian Pottery Shop) 7:00pm Dinner 3

Sunday, October 23 Day 4 Day of Sabbath James of Jerusalem Day Dan Hotel BD Sunday worship is with Arabic Anglican congregation at the Cathedral Church of St. George the Martyr. After coffee we travel to the lively Ben Yahuda Jewish market in West Jerusalem with free time to wander, shop and find a blintz for lunch. In the afternoon we make a solemn visit to the Holocaust Memorial. Breakfast Group check-in St George Cathedral – 10:00am worship with the ‘living stones.’ Ben Yahuda Market – free time for lunch (on our own) Yad va Shem (The Holocaust Memorial) 7:00pm Dinner . . and pack for the Galilee ______

From Jerusalem to Galilee

Monday, October 24 Day 5 Travel North to Galilee En Gev Kibbutz BLD We travel north to the pastoral region of the Galilee via the ancient coastal city of Caesarea Maritima. From the heights of Mount Carmel we overlook the Jezreel Valley and the hills which shelter Nazareth. We travel on to spend the next four nights on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. “Jesus came to the Sea of Galilee, and as he was walking along the shoreline he saw two casting their nets into the sea, and he said to them, ‘Follow me.’” Matthew 4:18-19 6:30 wake / breakfast buffet 8:00 am Departure for the coast Caesaea Maritima Lunch at Port’s Café Caesarea Muhraqa – Mt. Carmel (M) Arrival at the Sea of Galilee, Kibbutz En Gev 6:30 Dinner

Tuesday, October 25 Day 6 Nazareth En Gev Kibbutz BLD The day begins with the recent excavations of what was once a vast city near Nazareth, and yet never mentioned in the Bible. From Sepphoris we raise more questions than answers as we journey to Nazareth to visit its ancient churches and other subterranean discoveries. “They returned to their home town of Nazareth in Galilee. The child grew and became strong; he was full of wisdom and God's blessings were upon him.” Luke 2:39 Wake up call / breakfast Sepphoris (considered) Cana of Galilee Nazareth : Mary’s Well, St. Gabriel’s Orthodox Church (M) Basilica of the Annunciation (M) Sisters of Nazareth Excavations Lunch in Nazareth: Zeit Zaitoun Mount Tabor : Devotional on Mt of Transfiguration (M) 6:30 Dinner 8:00 Evening Speaker: The Kibbutz: An Evolving Communal Way


Wednesday, October 26 Day 7 The North Shore of the Lake En Gev Kibbutz BLD The day is spent on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee at Capernaum, Tabgha and on the sea. Lunch is at the Mount of Beatitudes overlooking the lake, followed by a boat cruise on the sea of Galilee. Attention is given to some women of the Bible as we visit the town of Mary Magdalene. “Jesus went out and sat beside the sea. And great crowds gathered about him .. and he told them many things.” Matthew 13.1-3 Capernaum, Tabgha, Mensa Christi Mount of Beatitudes (M) Lunch at Beatitudes Magdala (village of Mary Magdalene) The Galilee Boat discovery Boat trip on the Sea of Galilee Late afternoon reflection on hillside

Thursday, October 27 Day 8 Hula Valley & Upper Galilee En Gev Kibbutz BLD We travel north to the headwaters of the Jordan River below Mount Hermon, and the place of Peter’s pronouncement at Caesarea Philippi. Turning east we proceed up into the Golan past the fortress of Nimrud. Lunch is at a Druze Village. “Then Jesus asked, ‘Who do you say I am?’ and Peter replied, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Matthew 16.15 Tel Dan Caesarea Philippi / Banias Lunch – Birket Ram (Druze region) Free time back at the Sea of Galilee … pack for Dead Sea ______From Galilee to the Dead Sea

Friday, October 28 Day 9 Travel to the Dead Sea David Dead Sea Resort & Spa BLD We travel south down the Jordan River Valley. Lunch is provided at the ancient oasis of En Gedi. The afternoon is free to enjoy the Dead Sea environment and even a “bob” in the salt water. Breakfast / departure Jordan River Valley Ein Gedi – Lunch Check into David Hotel at Ein Bokek Free time for Dead Sea “float” 7:00 Dinner

Saturday, October 29 Day 10 To Jerusalem via Jericho Ambassador Boutique Hotel BLD The day begins with a visit to the ancient fortress-palace of Masada. Lunch is in Jericho where we visit to the excavations of the oldest city in the world. Ascending to Jerusalem we stop at the Israel Museum to view an enormous three-dimensional model of first century Jerusalem (as Jesus knew it). Along with other displays one gains a synthesis of all that we have experienced thus far. Check into Ambassador Boutique Hotel and dinner. Masada Jericho: Lunch and visit to Tel es Sultan Israel Museum: Model of 1st c. Jerusalem, Dead Sea Scrolls Check into Ambassador Boutique, Dinner Briefing: The Church of the Holy Sepulchre (group check-in) 5

Sunday, October 30 Day 11 The Way of Christ Ambassador Boutique Hotel BLD Early on this day we will make the ancient devotional walk of the “Way of the Cross” to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. “Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed.” John 20:1 After lunch we visit the Western Wall, the holiest place for Jews, , and then ascend a monumental staircase that once led up into the Temple in the 1st century. Then free time to explore and shop in the Old City.

7:00am Departure for Devotional Pilgrimage “Way of the Cross” (via Herod’s Gate) Holy Sepulchre : Coptic & Ethiopian Community (M) Lunch: Bolghourji Restaurant Western Wall / Temple Steps (M) Free time to explore and shop in the Old City 7:00 Dinner

Monday, October 31 Day 12 Land of Contrasts Ambassador Boutique Hotel BLD The day begins with a visit to the Haram esh Sharif (the “Noble Sanctuary”) the 3rd holiest place to Muslims (24% of the world’s population). On our way out of the Haram we visit a place of Christian significance, the Pools of Bethesda, near the “Lion’s Gate.” We then drive south of Bethlehem to Beit Jala to visit a refugee camp dating from the displacement of the Palestinians in 1948. A young resident will describe the story of the camp and take us on a walking tour. On our return to Jerusalem we meet with Anglican Bishop Hosam Naoum. “Pray not just for peace, but for a just peace.” Elias Chacour Haram esh Sharif (M) St Anne’s Lunch: Bethlehem at Abu Shanab (“The Moustach”) Dheisheh Palestinian Refugee Camp from 1948 (M) Hafrada Wall (“wall of separation”) & Walled-Off Hotel 5:00 Tea and discussion with Bishop Hosam Naoum, Cathedral of St George 7:00 Dinner

Tuesday, November 1 “All Saints Day” Hope of Peace Ambassador Boutique Hotel BD Our final day begins on the crest of the Mount of Olives to visit a ministry of the “living stones” of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem. We then make a devotional walk following the route of Palm Sunday; from the Mount of Olives to Gethsemane. After lunch we drive outside the city along the route to Emmaus for a special act of worship and thanksgiving. The afternoon ends with some free time before a festive farewell dinner inside the Jaffa Gate. Princess Basma Centre, Mount of Olives Palm Sunday devotional walk (M) Bethphage, Dominus Flevit, Gethsemane Lunch on our own Abu Gosh (Emmaus) Eucharist (M) Free time Farewell Dinner at Nafoura Restaurant, Jaffa Gate 6

Wednesday, November 2 Day 14 Transfer to Ben Gurion B This morning we are taken to the airport for our return trip home.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. ______

Pilgrimage is a distinctive approach to travel that aims to facilitate vivid engagement with a land, its peoples, and its ancient stories at a depth that can be called “soulful.” While all travel contains elements of tourism, pilgrimage is different in its intention, design, pacing, collective rituals, and the principles that underlie the day-to-day experience. It is also fun, playful and by grace, transformational.

Includes: • All land transportation on air-conditioned buses • Professional Guides • Hotels • 36 Meals (including most lunches except 2) • All entrance fees to museums and sites • All fees for guest lecturers and specialist guides • Luggage handling at hotels • All resource materials • All tips & gratuities

Does not include: • Air transportation to/from Israel • Travel insurance (recommended)

• Beverages with meals


Program Highlights: Bethlehem : Church of the Nativity Way of the Cross – A Devotional Walk Dead Sea Scrolls Western Wall – “Wailing Wall” Caesarea Philippi Church of the Resurrection / Holy Sepulchre Capernaum Jordan River – baptismal site Sea of Galilee boat excursion Qumran: Dead Sea Scroll Discovery Kibbutz En Gev Jericho Nazareth Yad va Shem - Holocaust Memorial Dead Sea “swim” Judean Desert: early morning meditation Mount Tabor - Transfiguration Mediterranean Sea – Via Maris

Canon Dr. Richard LeSueur has led or facilitated more than 45 excursions through the biblical lands of Israel and Jordan over the past 30 years. A former Lecturer and Course Director with St George’s College, Jerusalem he most recently served as the Acting Dean of St George’s College.

For more information please contact

The Rev. Dr. Richard LeSueur Pilgrim Routes Travel Inc. PO Box 8802 Canmore, Alberta Canada T1W 0C1

Email: [email protected]