SPARTAN SPIRII ANNOYED Festivities and activities Creating the perfect costume for overweight surround Homecoming men with goattees NEWS 3 OPINION 2

VOLUME 119, NUMBER 42 SERVING SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY SINCE 1934 SPARTAN DAILY WWW.THESPARTANDAILY.COM MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2002 ANALYSIF Angels S.F. anti-war protest draws 80,000 take World A 'desire to bring voice Series to the street' marks one 4-1 win in Game 7 of the largest protests marks Anaheim's first since Vietnam championship title By Kemberly Gong Daily Senior Staff Writer Associated Press

00 In what was one of the Lamest protests ANAHEIM This is definitely since the Vietnam Wa4 more than 80,000 movie material arid the stars are people as reported by CNN, clogged the the never-say-die Anaheim Angels. streets of San Francisco in a mass anti-war They came out of nowhere to reach demonstration on Saturday their first , rallying past Similar demonstrations were held every team in their way. in Washington, D.C. and Tokyo, Their rookie wins Game 7. Berlin, Copenhagen, Mexico City, And the best hitter in the world Stocicholm and Rome. watches from the losers' dugout, The march and rally, organized by luiowing he was once just SiX outs International A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act away from winning the only title he Now to Stop War 8c End Racism), has ever wanted. began in Justin Herman Plaza in the , and financial district and proceeded to the Angels made it all come true, beat- the Civic Center, where politicians, ing Barry Bonds and the San Francisco activists and musicians took the stage Giants 4-1 Sunday night for the fran- to drum up support for anti-war chise's first charnpionship in 42 years. policies. Plus the most amazing thing the "You are the true American patriots Angels didn't even need to rely on who are preserving democracy; you their Rally Monkey. Anaheim third are the true American patriots who baseman was voted MVP are preserving civil liberties," thun- after hitting .385 with three home dered U.S. Rep. Barbara Lee, D- runs and eight RBIs. Oaldand. "I can't believe it, man," Anderson Lee voted against the resolution to said. "It's been a long year a testa- use military force in Iraq and was the ment to the guys who never gave up." only member of Congress to vote Still, the highest-scoring Series in against war in Afghanistan a year history carne down to pitching, as it ago. Lee has been praised by her con- always seems to do in October. stituents for maintaining a solid anti- Behind Lackey and the , war platform despite wide support Anaheim had too much to win base- for policies to invade Iraq. ball's first all wild-card matchup. "Let this be the first step to talcini The Angels became the eighth back the White House in 2004, straight home tearn to win Game 7 of she said. "That's what we've got to the World Series. History was on do." their side from the start and so was an Her sentiments were echoed omen a skywriting plane put a throughout the day, as people of all gigantic halo over Edison Field before races, genders and ages diligently the first pitch. marched, and sometimes danced PHOTOS BY KRIS HOLLANL SPARTAN DAILY A day after it blew a 5-0 lead in the down the street to the hollow thud of Chris Moore raises a fist and holds a skateboard with an anti-war slogan written in chalk in protest of possible war with Iraq Saturday seventh inning, San Francisco never buckets turned into makeshift afternoon at the Civic Center in San Francisco. got close to winning its first title. drums. Bonds went 1 -for-3 with a walk to Many held signs attacking Ralph Turner, a seasoned protester, relies on people who go to the Web close out one of the most dominant President Bush, corporate greed, oil said he hadn't been involved in many site to find cheers about body image. Series performances ever, yet it wasn't policies throughout the world, and protests since 1964, when he took police violence and corporate greed, enough. the resolution of conflict between action against the Vietnam War. she said. When it ended, Bonds walked down Israel and Palestine. Signs that read, Though he said the effort was still a Eve River, a Radical Cheerleader the dugout and picked up his glove. "No War for Oil," or "Drop Bush bit confused because of the number who said she's been cheering for two He walked back, tapped his son on Not Bombs," were common among of different issues represented at the years, said anyone can be a part of the the back and walked down the run- protesters. demonstration, he said it was a good movement. way as the Angels celebrated on the Many at the event voiced their inter- beginning. "All you need is the desire to brinF field. est in peace throughout the world. "There doesn't seem to be much your voice to the street," she said. "It s Lackey wasn't even with the Angels, "We don't want war and we don't opposition to war," he said, but added easy and everybody can do it. You can stuck in Triple-A, when they went 6- want people to die," said anc-year-old that the cause may pick up steam as also make up fun movements to go 14 for the worst start in team history Adrian Arnold. more people learn about the issues. along with the cheers." But with both staffs worn down, the She was at the demonstration Shortly after, Turner and nearly 100 Another protester, Patrick 24-year-old righty gave Anaheim with her mother and two older sis- people laid down in the streets, as McGuire, donned a large raincoat, exactly what it needed with five ters, helm! and Eliza. Their mother, part of a symbolic gesture to show gas mask and rubber boots, while innings of one-run ball. Leslie Arnold, said she became people dying in Iraq because of holding up garbage bags on a pole to Anderson, finally due to get the more politically inclined when she potential war. All foot traffic halted symbolize body bags of civilian casu- recognition he's always deserved, hit a had children because it gave her a to account for hundreds of bodies alties of war. He said it was his state- three-run double off Liran higher value of life and for peace. strew in the streets. ment against America's "criminal acts Hernandez in the third for a 4-1 lead. She and her eldest daughter, Eliza, The protest was filled with con- of inciting war with Iraq." The monkey made a brief, attended the Million Mom March, cerned and colorful citizens. Among "What the hell good can it do?" he early appearance on the video board to a group dedicated to stricter gun them were different factions of the demanded, before marching on. celebrate the moment, then sat back Radical Cheerleaders, a web-based The street merchants that lined and let the sellout crowd of 44,598 control laws, three years ago in prayed during a speech given by U.S. Rep. Barbara the group that doesn't count a steady A demonstrator bang their ThunderStix like crazy. Oaldand when Eliza was in San Francisco. third grade. number of members, but instead, See PROTEST, page 4 Lee (D-Oakland) Sunday afternoon in See WORLD SERIES, page 6 Displaying SJSU's Broncos buck Spartans at Homecoming departments -Those guys played a pretty:good game .1:tegamiNTIL, Second home frotball and my hat is off to them. Right now, Second annual Showcase.* Learning they are a little ahead of our program. game drew over Our youth and depth showed up aiainst brings prospective students to campus a petty good team like Boise State, Hill 10,000 said. "in the past, Boise State has intim- By Therese Bratberg By Chris Giovannetti idated its opponents. I said, 'Let's be Daily Staff Writer Daily Sports Editor physical and take it to them.'" For the first 11 minutes of play, the The university community and prospective students Consider the Western Athletic Spartans did just that. poured into the Event Center Friday and Saturday to Conference football championship race SJSU punted away the initial dnve but view a variety of programs featured at the 75 different a two-horse affair. not before the Spartans' offense forced booths at the second annual Showcase for Learning. Boise State University scored 21 first- the ball past midfield on an array of "It is exposing what San Jose State University has to points in just over six minutes slant passes from quarterback Scott quarter Risloy offer to graduate and undergraduate students," said en route to a 45-8 trampling of the San to wide receivers Kendrick Duncan Lange, the event production manager. Jose State University football team on Starling and Charles Pauley Friday's Expo program, which ran from 3 to 7 p.m., Saturday at Spartan Stadium. Boise State took possession at its own mostly targeted graduate students and had information The I lomecoming loss sent the 26-yard line and on the strength of about the programs. Spartans into a WAC freefall. SJSU quarterback Ryan Dinwicklie and "I came here to check out their graduate programs," dropped into four-way tie for third back Brock Forsey, the Broncos pound- said Gary Yuen, a junior majoring in industrial organics 44sai,..""r place in the WAC at 2-2 while the con- ed their way to the SJSU 40-yard line. for psychology. "I won't be graduating until next year, but NIKI DESAUTFIS DAIt Y STAFF Facing a fourth-down and four yards Helfman attempts to ference -leading Broncos improved to 4- I like how you can talk to people for your grad pmgram San Jose State University tight end Marcus tackle Boise State stayed one game to go situation, Dinwiddie found Forsey defeated 0 and ahead of the University wide receiver Tim Gilligan. The Broncos the Spartans 45 8 on University of Hawai'i with the victory. See SHOWCASE, page 5 Saturday at Spartan Stadium. See FOOTBALL, page 7 PAGE 2 OPINION THE SPARTAN DAILY OCTOBER 28, 2002

ANNOYED Halloween for overweight guys with goatees Fog machines, spicier webs and skulls. blow up some balloons and go trick or treating dressed as a No. 4 - Angus Young, from AC/DC No. 2 - Glenn, the old biker from thc Village People Skeletons, ghosts and ghouls. woman. Anybody that knows AC/DC knows that Angus is a skin- Glenn Hughes, who played the part of the biker, or leather Yes, they're all upon us and the thought of candy malccs kids Oh no, these days, I must have a better costume. ny twerp who wears blue velvet school uniforms and doesn't man, in this group actually died in March of last year, but drool. Each year I must be better arid more convincing. really cut his hair. what better way to help his character live on? The punch and candy will be flowing, the money for cos- But it's going to be tough competing But, as with the Travolta outfit, this would be The group has replaced Hughes with another person, but tumes will too. with last year's costume, when I donned a an amusing costume to watch us big guys get it'd be great to dress up in leather chaps, vest and cap for a day. But when someone doesn't have a costume idea, what's he to plaid flannel, threw on some glasses and around in. Heck, it could happen, Arnold Hey, get your mind out of the gutter. do? an Ohio State University shirt and spray Schwarzenegger did it. No. 1 - San Jose State University President Robert Caret. For the kids it's simple, dress as your favorite super hero and painted my hair blond to be Drew Carey The advantages are great, you get to walk Don't get me wrong, I like Caret. you'll be able to score. while my girlfriend sported a blonde wig around with ugly looking teeth, tallcing in a He seems fairly genuine when I've spoken to him in the past For the adults it's much different, some might even think of arid garb resembling Mimi Bobeck. weird accent and listening to Back in Black, and his personality is pretty cool as well. being a whore. So, with the intent of actually using one Hells Bells, TN.T or Thunderstruck all day For me, however, there are three things that really sell this Halloween is just four days away, oh what a sight. of these ideas someday, I am going to run long. costume. The fake cries and screams, oh what a fright. down my top five costume ideas for tv, No. 3 - Stone Cold Steve Austin First off, Caret's from Boston and I'm a huge Red Sox fan. As a 22-year-old adult, Halloween has an entirely different overweight men with goatees. Here is one of my favorite professional Secondly, he wears a shirt and tie every day just like I occa- meaning than it did 10 or 12 years ago. No. 5 - John Travolta from "Saturday wrestlers of all time. sionally do. Instead of running around with pillowcases collecting Night Fever" BEN AGUIR RE JR. All us plump fellows really have to do to make And finally, it's all about the accessories, man. sweets, these days it's all about going to costume parties and OK, if you've seen "Saturday Night an effective Stone Cold Steve Austin is wear jean The sunglasses with the Croakies, the "I'd rather be fishing" having a good time. Fever" you know that Travolta neither has a goatee, nor is he shorts, throw on some robot,looking lcnee braces and shave mug and the reserved parking spot for my LOCUS. However, with the change of scenery, a sense of added pres- overweight. our heads. Ah, it'd be great. nue has arrived. But can you imagine one of us larger guys dressed in a white OK, so the head shaving might be going a little too far, but Happy Halloween. No longer will I throw on a hat, wear my Little League jer- polyester leisure suit wallcing around with the tune of the Bee I'm sure we could find a swim cap that can give it the same sey and say I am a baseball player. Gee's "Stayin' Alive" playing on a boom box? effect of baldness. No longer will I ask my mom to buy me that vinyl Sgt. For the last five years, this has always been one of my top However, with this Austin costume, we really do need a six- Ben AguirreJr. is a Slaughter costume with a plastic mask ideas, but I still haven't been able to find that white suit with pack of Steveweisers, a stupid skull ring and a wife we can Spartan Dai6, Sports Editor. And no longer will I borrow one of my mother's dresses, the black lapels, damnit. beat. Ylnnoyed' appears Mondays.

SPARTA GUIDE THE FINE PRINT Sparta Guide is provided free of charge to students, faculty and staff members. The deadline for entries is noon three woricin_g days before the desired publication date. Entry forms are available in the S_partan Daibr office in Dwight Bentel Hall, Room 209. Space restrictions may require editing of submissions. Entries are printed in the order in which they are received. Who makes the football TODAY Orientation Leader Recruitment KSJS We're loolcing for SJSU Tuneful Tuesdays: Live concert SJSU Catholic Campus Ministry Orientation Leaders. Paid leader- - The Atila and Dave Project Daily Mass will be held at the ship position, extensive leadership from noon to 1 p.m. in the training, three units academic Student Union schedules anyway? SJSU CCM Chapel located at Amphitheater. For 10th and San Carlos streets next credit, priority registration for more information contact Calvin to Robert's Bookstore. Mass times classes and much more. at 924-8448. I'll admit it. lomecoming games are generally meant to captivate the are 12:10 p.m. Monday-Friday Applications are now available in This weekend was the annual Homecoming football audience, and keep them in their scats. Fans aren't sup- and at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. on the Student Life Center in the Department of Biological Sciences game, and I got caught up in the spirited festivities. posed to be leaving early because the sight of their team Sunday. For more information Old Cafeteria building. Deadline Stephen Morse,associate director Having gone from apathetic commuter student to living getting mollywhopped is too much to bear. contact Sister Marcia at 938-1610. is Friday. For more information for science bioterrorism prepared- two blocks away and spending almost every waking The athletic department and whoever else organized this call 924-5972 or e-mail ness and response program, CDC, moment of my life here on campus has made a fan out of past week managed to gct a bunch of rabid fans into Orientation Leader Recruitment [email protected]. Atlanta, GA, lectures: me, in addition to the occasional football coverage I get to Spartan Stadium, and we were forced to extinguish our We're looking for SJSU "Bioterrorism in the United States do. enthusiasm because, to be honest, we couldn't say much Orientation Leaders. Paid leader- Department of Nutrition and Food - Implication for the Future. Of course, if I'm going to be part of an editorial staff that after the ,econd quarter. ship position, extensive leadership Science Lecture begins at 1:30 p.m. declares that students need to take more That perhaps was the biggest shame to training, three units academic Try the latest in body fat testing: Wednesday in Morris Dailey interest in campus events, I damn sure come out of yesterday. credit, priority registration for Bioelectric Impedance. Tuesdays Auditorium. For more information ought to be getting my ass out to the Normally I like to sit behind the opposing classes and much more. from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. and contact Mimi Bini at 924-5281. games. team's bench and put on a heckling clinic, Applications are now available in Wednesdays from noon to 1 p.m. It's a bit ironic considering that in high hut yesterday the Broncos not only stifled the Student Life Center in the in Central Classroom building, College of Science school, when I knew the majority of my the Spartans' passing offense, but my verbal Old Cafeteria building. Deadline Room 221. For more information, BreOcfast with the Dean, Guest classmates and actually played sports, I offense. is Friday. For more information contact Sherry at 206-7599. speaker: Stephen Morse rarely got caught up in all the There's only so much time I can spend "Bioterrorism: call 924-5972 or e-mail a threat for the Homecoming hoopla, but then again, reminding the backup quarterback that his [email protected]. Career Center: sponsored by future" begins at 7:30 a.m. Silicon Valley Bank and Heller Wednesday at the University Club here it's really nothing more than an first name is B.J., or criticizing someone excuse to get hammered and watch live who apparently forgot what his Counseling Services Ehrrnan Attorneys at Eighth and San Salvador initials were Building blocks of creating a streets. Cost is $15. For more football while people drive around in cars so he tattooed them on the backside of his You've got to be kidding! I spend and act extremely amis. that much? From 3:30 p.m. to business from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. information contact Mimi Bini at with silly decorations DRAY MILLER 4:30 p.m. in the Administration in the Umunhum room in the 924-5281. proud of their school for a day. And as much fun as it is to remind some building, Room 201. For more Student Union. For more informa- I was proud of our fans yesterday, as they finally put on scrub that I had as much to do with the score as he did as information contact Kent tion contact the Career Resource WEDNESDAY some pre-game festivities that would be less than tame he grabs his junk and points to the scoreboard, that routine McLaughlin at 924-5910. Center at 924-6031. compared to those of a major collegiate programs fans. For gets old pretty fast. SJSU Catholic Campus Ministry us, that's pretty good. So after reminding some of their cocky backups that no School of Art and Design School of Art and Design Daily Mass will be held at the That said, who's the idiot who decided we should play the matter what the score was, they still had to go home to The school of art and design will The school of art and design will SJSU CCM Chapel located at best team in the concerence for the biggest home game of Boise, Idaho and were thus the real losers, I had to retreat be having student galleries and art be having student galleries and art 10th and San Carlos streets next the year? to a silent reality that reminded me that I really had noth- exhibitions through Friday. The exhibitions through Friday. The to Robert's Bookstore. Mass times Granted, if you talked to head coach Fitz Hill, or perhaps ing to talk about. exhibition will run from 10 a.m. to exhibition will run from 10 a.m. to are 12:10 p.m. Monday-Friday players such as Luke La Henan or Charles Pauley, they'd Some Homecoming celebration. 4 p.m. in the Art and Industrial 4 p.m. in the Art and Industrial and at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. on likely tell you that yesterday's opponent was taken no less The big shots who make the schedule need to come to Studies buildings. For more infor- Studies buildings. For more infor- Sunday. For more information or more seriously than any other team on the schedule, and their senses. mation contact Bill or Nicole at mation contact Bill or Nicole at contact Sister Marcia at 938-1610. that the Spartans showed up intending to win like any The program needs more people to start attending 924-4330. 924-4330. other game. games, so of course the best way to get the stands filled is Orientation Leader Recruitment But lets be honest. to market the one game in which they stand to take their We're looking for SJSU Career Center School of Art and Design Lees take the fans into consideration here. biggest loss, right? design will Orientation Leaders. Paid leader- The Career Center will be taking The school of art and Homecoming games are supposed to be the most fan ori- Sounds like a great way to keep people coming back for be having student galleries and arf ship position, extensive leadership drop-in appointments from 11:30 ented of the year, one in which the highest attendance is MOM. a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the Career receptions from 6 p.m. to 8.p.m. in training, three units academic the Art and Industrial Studies credit, priority registration for expected and a loss is always the biggest upset of the year. On the bright side, I heard some obnoxious Boise State Center, Building F. For more the 2-6 University of Texas-El Paso fans met their match in the form of our judo guys in the information contact the Career buildinp. For more information classes, and much more. We have schools like Resource Center at 924-6031. contact Bill or Nicole at 924-4330. Applicatiohs are now available in and struggling Fresno State University on our schedule, parking lot aftenvard. the Student Life Center in the and we bring in 6-1 Boise State University for a "Bronco At least something from San Jose State University came Department of Biological gthences School of Art and Design Old Cafeteria building. Deadline Rotisserie"? out on the winning end Saturday. Stephen Morse,associate director Tuesday night lecture series: UC is Friday. For more information Good call, higher ups. for science bioterrorism prepared- Berkeley professor of painting call 924-5972 or e-mail Sure, I had faith that our Spartans were capable of the Dray Miller is the ness and response program, CDC, Katherine Shenvood will discuss [email protected]. upset, but it would have been nice to see thcm play against Spartan Daily Managing Editor Atlanta, GA. lectures: how a cerebral hemorrhage has a team that wasn't as capable of posting, say, 45 points on 'The Fine Print' appears Mondays. "Bioterrorism in the United States altered her art. Lecnire runs from Department of Nutrition and them. - Implication for the Future." 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Art build- Food Science Lecture begins at 1:30 p.m. ing, Room 133. For more informa- Try the latest in body fat testing: ANOTHER DIMENTIAN JONAH PTAK Wednesday in Morris Dailey tion contact Jo Hernandez at 924- Bioelectric Impedance. Tuesdays Auditorium. For more information 4328. from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. and contact Mimi Bini at 924-5281. Wednesdays from noon to 1 p.m. va1kA7 A 1StCa 11,1 41,,E NUN, I LI- ILL" PRE-SIOC.P.I'l Alsits in Central Classroom building, Mt, LA's I vt,ILL cow_ REIE, Ci ANS Att. ESICEJETLAIYAC., A SIGH .4 RELICT College of Science Meditation from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Room 221. For more information, Breakfast with the Dean, Guest and Spiritual Explorers from 5 contact Sherry at 206-7599. speaker: Stephen Morse p.m. to 6 p.m. in the sjsOrit Room "Bioterrorism: a threat for the in Grace church at San Fernando Sikh Students Association of SJSU future" begins at 7:30 a.m. and S. 10th streets. Check the Sikhism - A Universal View: Wednesday at the University Club Web for details. For more informa- Lecture Series Wednesdays at Eighth and San Salvador tion contact Chaplain Roger at through Dec. 4 from 7:10 p.m. to streets. Cost is 315. For more 605-1687. 9:10 p.m. in the Boccardo Business information contact Mimi Bini at Center, Room 106. For more 924-5281. Amnesty International information contact Robbie Singh Organizational meeting_- we at 51( TUESDAY welcome new members. Every Irjok -rttl yuRt- tvairobsys SI.L1rE.R.7 "EALLI.IPLC, Tuesday (tentatively) at 4:30 p.m. Peer Health Education Program IEE.LAE-VE-ts 1-Likt 4Ait. SelkIA` Allssm-1 DIEPIE-PLAT PALD- IIIELAAATuNI ' SJSU Catholic Campus Ministry in the MOSAIC Multicultural Boobs: Breast Cancer Awareness SL____PL___AirCit CALICIWT PLAPLE. (RASA Daily Mass will be held at the Center in the Student Union. Program: discuss awareness ot -V breast cancer, prevention srleos Um Ts. , SJSU CCM Chapel located at and early sh-rt it-14%* StAkit. 10th and San Carlos streets next Nutrition Program detection. From 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 to Robert's Bookstore. Mass times A healthier way: 6-session weight p.m. in the MOSAIC are 12:10 p.m. Monday-Friday management class from 2 p.m. to 3 Multicultural Center in the and at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. on p.m. in the Student Health Center, Student Union. For more informa- Room 208. For more information tion contact the Peer Health Sunday. For more information J 14 contact Sister Marcia at 938-1610. contact Jen Styles at 924-6118. Office at 924-6204.

SPARTAN DAILY ADVISERS I k Lundstrom and Jan Shaw, News; Dennis Dunleavy, Photojournalism; Tim Burke, NEWS ROOM 408.924.3281 OPINION PAGE POLICY I Readers are encouraged to express them- FAX 4(18.924.3282 selves on the Opinion page with a letter to the editor. T... Clyde Lawrence, Advertising A letter to the editor is a BV-word response to an issue or a ANNA RASALIS Executive Editor ADVERTISING 408.924.3270 point of view that has appeared in the Spartan Daily. STAFF WRITERS I Saadia Malik, Roben Meredith, Kristin Schwarz., Melinda Latham, Laura Buckingham, Managing Eduor A viesspoint is the same ari a letter to the editor, arcept it is a 400-word MIKE CORPOs Opinion Page Editor Knstma Mendoza, Bryn Graziano, Karen lmamura, Anne Ward, Fernando Croce, [Levin O'Donnell, Trisha SPARTAN DAILY (USPS.509-480) imue m point 4view that has appeared in the Spartan Daily. 777WWI CMGs GIOVANNI-111 Sports Editor Santos, Lea Blevins, Allison Foley, Sylvia Lim, Daniel Lopez, Justine DaCosta, Therese Bratberg, Jason Crowe is published every school day for (full iinsions become pnipertv of the Spartan Daily and may be FUN AGUIRRE JR. Sports Editor academic year) $31 and *motet) $20. edited Mr clarity, grammar, libei and length. Submissions must con- STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS I Ryan Balbuena, Stanley Kao, Robert Patrician, Evan Parker, Danielle Gillett, author's name, address, phone number, signature All FARD A&E Editor Periodicals postage paid at San Jose. tain the and major. Niki Desaorels. Kr.. I lolland, Mandi Dana, Loretta Gibson, Anthony Reginato, David Bitton Submissions may be placed in the Letters to the Editor box at the RIMA SHAH Projects Editor Mail subscriptions accepted on a Spartan Daily office in Dwight Bentel !hill, Room 209, sent by fax JASII0NG KINEI Photo Editor ADVERTISING STAFF I Rhiannon Bentley, National Advertising Director; Simon Plaza, Head.Art Director, remainder of semester basis. Spartan to (408) 92413237, e-mail at SDAILVOimc.sjaisedu or mailed to DO4 IL; RIDER Photo Projects Daily, San Jose State University, One the Spartan Daily ()pinion Editor, School of Journalism and Mass Patrick Wong and Sam Cho, Art Directors; Rocio Guzman, Retail Manager; Tami lida, Sarah Cuing, Shu- ANDREA SCOTT Produrnon Editor Washington Square, San Jose, CA Communications, San Jose State University, One Washington Chin Wu, Christine Patellam, John Hargrove, Mark RATtte, Jose Natividad, Maurice I,i, Renee Dominguez Square, San Jose, CA 91192-0149. TRISHA SANTOS, RIMA SHAH Online Editon 95192-0149 Fairman, Nick Valderrama, Kari Spencer, Account Executives Edtiorials ate written by, and are the consensus (it the Spartan MICIIELLE JEW, LISA BUll' Copy Editors PO.STMASTER: Send address Daily editors, not the staff ARTISTS I .1, 1 '..0 ( (. Warren Paylado, Illustrator TRISHA S.ANTOs changes to the Spartan Daily, San Jose Published opinions and advertisements do not necessarily reflect THE SPARTAN DAILY I ONE WASHINGTON SQUARE I SAN 10SF, EA 95192 I State University, One Washington the VICIII1 of the Spartan Daily, the School of Journalism and Mass JI IAN LoREDO Alwertising Director (408) 924-3281 I SDAILYffiruu.sisti.rmi, SDAILYADSOnvicsisu.Eou Square, San Jose, CA 95192-0149 Communications, or SJSU. OCTOBER 28, 2002 THE SPARTAN DAILY NEWS PAGE 3 Homecoming: 11 more than just ther but but football for fans iay. ret. Floats, tailgate "But they'll yell because I'm scary." Scared or not, the SJSU athletic past parttes and royalty all department reported that 10,497 fans showed up to the game to support the this part of the 'big game' Spartans. Athletes also shared in the Ely Melinda Latham Homecoming enthusiasm. Nick Gilliam, ca- Dailyltaff Writer kicker for the Spartans, said that Homecoming is a good time for getting Fans, students, and alumni together and enjoying the events. came "It's ng" together on Sanirday afternoon at a chance for everyone to get Spartan Stadium for food, drinks and friends. They also showed up for the football game. . "I'lljust go out there San Jose State University's it a Homecoming game against Boise and threaten their 'tor State University ended with a 45-8 gys. defeat for the Spartans, but the events lives if they don't surrounding the game showed that SJSU can boost attendance, at least at a tailgate party. yell But they'll yell Preparations for the big game began when fraternities and sororities started because I'm scary." decorating their floats on Friday. The "Crazy George" groups were formed and began brain- storming sessions last Monday. Four Henderson, groups made their floats on campus to bring awareness of the game. former SJSU cheerleader Christina Rodriguez, a sophomore art major and Delta Gamma sorority member, said that late hours and hard ABOVE: Jason Shaughnessy of work went into planning her group's Delta Upsilon fraternity cheers float, which featured two large foot- with inflated balloons that were he ball helmets and a scoreboard made of given out before the Homecoming tissue paper and fishing wire. game at Spartan Stadium against She said that working with Theta Chi and Gamma Zeta Alpha, the fra- Boise State University. LIS ternities in the group along with her sorority, was a good experience. PHOTOS BY RYAN BALBUENA "It helps improve relationships with DAILY STAFF :h the fraternities," she said. "Everyone helps out." On Saturday, the floats traveled to behind the Spartan Marching Band in A parade that started at Spartan Village and headed into the tailgate area. c, Prior to the game, the .tailgates served as a place for the SJSU com- al munity to come together. Johnny Brown, a senior psychology major and 5 78 ea tor 50 Id Sigma Nu fraternity member, said 4 99 Int 100 "ne IS that tailgates were an opportunity for le graduates to catch up. (408) 616-7700 re "It's a chance for all the alumni to IS come back and sec what's going on," he said. "It's a special time especially if www.cqsnitts com. //13 IC you're a member of a Greek organiza- ABOVE: Members of the Spartan IS tion. Marching Band play for various IC Lee Brandenburg, an SJSU and tailgate parties before the start Sigma Nu alumnus, graduated in of the Homecoming game. 1952 and serves on the advisory board of the fratemity. Hc said college stu- tO dents need to live it up while they can. it involved," he said. "It's a tun dayi, fun "More beer, more booze, more sex," he time." said. "Keep the tradition going. It's what's Punter Bryce Partridge said that he needed. You only go to college once." was excited to play at home. Other graduate expressed different "I'm just pumped up that it's onc of to reasons for coming. John Croll, an industrial studies alumnus from the our home games," hc said. "It feels like class of 1973, said part of the reason for it's been a long time, and that it's is showing up was to boost attendance in Homecoming makes it even better." ir order to preserve SJSU football. Homecoming also celebrated the "We have to save the program," he coronation of its king and queen, said. "It's the only way to save it." Jason Chorley and Chrystal Day. Steve Vargas, a senior kinesiology Day, sponsored by Delta Gamma sorority, said that being chosen as a te major and Kappa Sigma member, attended his fraternity s tailgate, and candidate was a privilege. said that attendance seemed to have "I just think it s a big honor just to be nominated out of my house," she le dwindled in his time at the school. "I've been going to State for a said. "It was hard to be chosen because while," he said. "They used to have there's a lot of awesome girls." rallies on campus. Now it seems like Chorley, sponsored by Beta Theta Pi the group is smaller. The turnout used fraternity, said that winning the title to be huge. I think there could be could not be summed up in words. more interaction." "You can't explain it, he said. "It's Sandra Aguirre, a junior administration just cool." of justice major, said that tailgates and The Icing and queen are in charge of football g.unes can rally SJSU students. some of the Homecoming events for "It's about getting tokether, interac- next year, Chorley said. Part of his tion and school spirit, she said. "It plans are to get more students to the contributes to spirit." games. Homecoming King and Queen VISIT SPARTAN BOOKSTORE MONDAYS AFTER A George Henderson, better known as "I'll try to boost attendance in what- Anthony Chorley, a business "Crazy George," has been leading ever way," he said. "Everyone wants to management senior, and Chrystal SJSU HOME FOOTBALL GAME AND RECEIVE 1Z OFF cheers at games since 1968, when he see the place full." Day, an aviation senior, hug dur- was a cheerleader at SJSU. Since The stands on Saturday's game ing their crowning at halftime. YOUR NEXT PURCHASE FOR EVERY POINT 1975, the alumnus has been cheer- grew emptier as time passed and the leading for professional teams and point gap widened. However, the day SJSU games. He said that he intends wasn't a total loss, said Emily Garcia, SCORED BY THE SPARTANS. to increase school spirit by any a communications alumna (2001). THIS IS NOT YOUR means necessary. "I had fun," shc said. "I came out to SHOW YOUR SJSU SPIRIT AND PRIDE BY "I'll just go out there and threaten support our team. It was good to sup- their lives if they don't yell," he said port And promote " DAD'S RC CAR. SUPPORTING YOUR SPARTAN FOOTBALL TEAM. Never been to Israel? qi t rom your . Pwic rommuni y Visit Israel for ten days AND GETTING YOUR GEAR AT with students from your campus for free during SPARTAN BOOKSTORE! winter break XAMPI MICRO R/C CARS 21 21/0 IMPORT TOYS n ANIME GOODS P TS OFF SPECIAL EVENTS LIMIT 35 POINTS. GRAND OPENING OCTOBER 26, 2002 11 1350 EL CAMINO REAL, It's your campus MILLBRAE CA 94030 Pal SpartanBookstore A Orvt,ton nf Shnt, (650) 8714910 WE'RE YOUR San Jost State University Apply online today!: DETAILS AT' sportonohops com If you have any. questions contact Brynne Speizer. , BOOKSTORE. Hillel of Silicon Valley, at 408-286-6669 or 0//er erg 114,1(4 tertbooks computers, cleetmnics, d regalia Alust present ticket stub at proof of attendance WWWTOKYOTEKKI.COM 1111 PAGE 4 NEWS THE SPARTAN DAILY OCTOBER 28, 2002 PROTEST I Nearly 100 laid down in the streets Two dead, eight hurt in Oklahoma shooting rampage

SALUSAW,Olda. (AP) A teenag- Patsy and Elvie Wells. Patsy Wells, hit in er apparently upset by complaints about the face and leg, died. Her husband was his driving shot foiu neighbors, including hit in the chest and was hospitalized in a 2-year-old girl, then went on a 20-mile fair condition Sunday. shooting spree, apparently targeting peo- Police said Fears then got into his pick- ple at random, police said. Two of the up and headed east on U.S. 64 to a car victims died. dealership, where customer Reba Daniel Fears, 18, was arrested after los- Spangler, 68, of Fort Smith, Ark., was ing control of his pickup truck and crash- killed. ing near a police roadblock, authorities Authorities on Sunday ciidrit know if said. As police cars surrounded him, he Fears had any connection to the dealer- threw out a 20-gauge shotgun and sur- ship or the viCtims. rendered, said Oklahoma State Bureau of Ronnie Boswell of Muskogee, owner of Investigation spokeswoman Kym Koch. the dealership, said salesman Jim Nunn, Authorities hadn't determined a motive of MuSlcogee, tried to get away, but the for the Saturday rampage, in which 10 gunman "shot him in the chest and people were shot in all, but police said knocked him off the ciub into the street they believed Fears became angry when a and then shot him in the back." Nunn neighbor scolded him for driving reck- was hospitalized in fair condition. lessly in the middle-class neighborhood. Police said Fears continued firing as he "A man got onto him for driving errat- drove down the highway, wounding two ically because he said he almost hit some people. kids," Koch said. After he drove away from the store, he Fears was to be arraigmed Monday on fired into a pickup and wounded a man two charges of first-degree murder, said in the arm and chest, authorities said. A Sequoyah County District Attorney short time later, he shot a pedestrian Diane Barlcer-Harrold. She said prosecu- walking with her young children in the tors hadn't decided if they will seek the town ow Muldrow, injuring the woman, death penalty. authorities said. The children, one of Some people in Sallisaw wondered if whom was in a stroller, were not harmed. Fears was mimicking the sniper attacks Fears also shot at but did not hit a in the Washington area. police officer from Muldrow, Koch said. "I think it's a copycat thing," said Camellia Conley, an employee at a Sallisaw hotel."He's been a rebel without a cause. He was always a loner, and Valley.Fine always wore a black trench coat." Koch said such speculation was prema- Nails ture. "It's way too early to say it's a copy- Superior Quality cat," Koch said. . Gel .stlk Acrylic Fears was described as a polite student '/ Alanicures Peaicures who worked part-time at a Wal-Mart ' Airbrush Nail Design KRIS HOLLAND , SPARTAN DAILY store and lived with his mother in We Use Real Gel Not Powder Santa Cruz residents Zane Dinosaur and Emily Bredrick observed the protest from on top of a bus shelter Sunday afternoon in downtown Sallisaw, a town of about 8,000 people M-F: 10-7 SAT: 9-5 San Francisco. near the Oldahoma-Arlcansas state line. On Saturday, after neighbor Greg contin uedfrom page 1 protesters were met by long rows of clanging gave the protest the mood of Dolores Huerta, the co-founder for Caughman complained to Fears about 4082419575 tables set up by different organizations a festival or parade, a solemn tone was the United Farm Workers of America, his driving, Fears broke into his father's We look forward to seeing yOu. NI arket Street were protesting as well. and Location: 2910 STEVENS CREEK BLVD. #106 interest groups. One man dressed set on the main platform, directly in had similar comments to make, and house and stole a shotgun, Koch said. (across from Bank of America at Valley Fair) "No war in Iraq," shouted one man, as "Diane Frankenstein" in a purple front of the gilded dome of San urged people to become more active in Police say he then shot Caughman, as he held a box of watches in front of suit, bolts in his head and a "vote war" Francisco's City Hall. their community efforts to oppose who was in a nearby yard, hitting the passing protesters. pin, greeted his so-called constituents Ted Lewis, a representative of war. man in the back and in the neck, and w:C 10% Discount The hesitancy of the United Nations as they filtered past. Global Exchange, a San Francisco- "We cannot stop this war with this wounding his 2-year-old daughter, who or One Free Gift to act against Iraq for violations of A myriad of interests were repre- based human rights and anti-war demonstration - we must take fur- vvas sitting in a truck nearby. Both were numerous Security Council resolu- sented: there were people calling for organization, hospitalized. Ch. (please bring coupon) spoke fiercely to the ther steps," she said. "Each one of us le) tions was the cause of increased pres- peace, some calling for direct action crowd opposing war. has g,ot to be an organizer for Fears then shot two other neighbors, sure by the Bush administration for against the government and others "Lying to start a war is criminal; an peace. military action against Iraq - the main opposing oil interests in Iraq as well invasion of Iraq is a war crime; One speaker launched into a song reason people were at the protest in as Colombia. The net of ideas cast regime change starts at home," he opposing military action and violence the first place, as evidenced by the was wide, but was applauded by shouted. in the Middle East. strong anti-war tone of' posters, cheers speakers as a huge display of solidar- Lewis called for more emphasis on The chorus: "We can bomb the and interviews. ity. peace and banding together to "fight world to pieces, but we can't bomb it 'Li-4- a ! Upon reaching the Civic Center, Though the drum beats and hells this war machine. to peace." LIVE AND LEARN Napa poultry ranchers: No wrong in raising fighting roosters anal Associated Pro, their fate, there's little they can do but fighting, bust them up, tnake them pay tin jAPANESE! pay attention and wait, Loughran said. it," Castro told The Napa Valley Register. NAPA Tenants of a poultry, ranch The ranch is owned by Vallejo lawyer "As for raising them, having flirt with APAi in Napa say there's nothing wrong with Stephen Camden, who has rented out them, I don't see anything wrong with it." Waseda ()repel Migrants LAII4C NOrtil AnierltAll and tificrnationai stsidenrs raising roosters and selling them to peo- the 12 different sections of the property Castro said fighting cocks must be at Native lifiericans in the Arts ple who stage cocicfights in Mexico, but to various tenants who raise roosters, least two years old before entering a ring, thr prestigious Waseda University, Tokyo, japAll kir Japanese language .111d LEM,- California law doesn't agree and animal chickens, hens and rabbits. The proper- where they fight to the death. For this & Art Exhibit pArAtivc USsjapan Societies study: rights advocates say it's just plain cruel. ty's manager, Alvaro Castro, said tenants reason, he says, they have a better life Art 31itsec 71;eittr- Waseda Oregon Tratisn.stirstml PP 'gran) Although the law says it's a misde- only have to follow one rule: no cock- than those raised for the supermarkets. January 15 - June 27, 2003 meanor to raise fighting fowl, Capt. fighting on the premises. Animal rights groups don't agree. Saturday November 2", 2002 Waseda (ingots Summer lapaneie Progrant Mike Loughran of the Napa County Castro said he was unaware it was a Cockfighting is a blood sport that no 7 110u -to- 9.00pm July 9 - Augmt 19, 2003 Sheriff's Department says he can t misdemeanor to raise fighting cocks in one else supports except for those mak- A' San Ja.selliState search the Napa ranch unless there's evi- California. He also didn't know about ing money from the enterprise, said Todd Theater, Hugh Gillis Schrilarship of up k, S1000 Are available kir the I ransnareind Pnlrans. dence linking the roosters on the prop- the 2002 Farm Act, which will make it Amy Rhodes with People for the i'or mom infismunon, cont.uu erty to cockfights in other places. illegal to ship the birds across state lines Ethical Treatment of Animals. Sponsored try SJSU Chapter IM Americs,iluthari SCAMP Wasede Oregon Office Unless deputie.s find fighting para- or across the country. That law goes into end f noineenng Society and ['Jaded by the Assoc eted "Everything about it is inhumane," Studems The VIEWS espnessed hems are those of the 823.P7o9r3t8land State University phernalia nearby or can follow a ship- effect next year. Rhodes said. "Most states outlawed this campus organization and are not necessarily those of MOO) ment of the fowl to Mexico and observe "I agree, that if they catch someone in the 19th century." Associated Students ler mtre information contact email: info44 AISH 4 408 9561696 or a,sessou:s holm! corn CORRECTION In a Sept. 24 Spartan Daily article titled, "Author to bring her humor, commentary," the article stated, in par- tiality: "...National Public Radio's This American Life..." NPR, however, is neither the producer nor the distribu- tor of the radio show. The show is actually produced by WBEZ/Chicago Public Radio and distributed nationwide to public BUY BEY 1 for 590 Buy any 6 mch sandwich and a medium mink. radio stations by Public get a second 6 moll sandrech of equal or lesser Radio International. value tor Sai 'The Daily regrets the Try our pa error. Right across om campus

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Plus government fees and taxes. any finance charges and dealer document preparation charge and any emissions testing charge OCTOBER 28, 2002 THE SPARTAN DAILY NEWS PAGE 5 SHOWCASE I Scholarships awarded Rising death toll from gas used in hostage- 2 contsnuedfrom page 1 Students could win backpacks and mission "I think it is taking rescue clouds success of so it gives you an idea of what it is." good that we do pencils by playing dart ball, a game coordinated by academic services. t in Pim Pisalsaralcit, a lecturer in lin- this for the community that MOSCOW (AP) A no steriou, 111CV COL! %%ar tnc, %%A:re tatscli W2S "They're looking for someone with a guistics and language development, may not necessarily know about knockout gas killed 116 hostages after in Chechnya. Most who left tilt hospitAls hugged I in said her department had professors on game, even though we're realizing Russian special forces stormed a The tew dozen hostages who were those meeting them, then hurried to hand to answer questions at the booth SJSU This is a way ofputting people aren't that coordinated," said Moscow theater to free them from well enough to be released Sunday get out of the chilling rain And avoid Michael Salazar, a counseling coordi- ek- and a computer with a text-to-speech a human face on SJSU" Chechen terrorists, casting a shadow on could provide few clues AS to the nature reporters and TV ciuneras. car synthesis program, in which students nator from ASPIRE. "It helps us what was first seen as a triumphant res- of the gas. Those who stopped to talk gave eba could type in a word and the comput- Mike Adams, chair, break the ice so we can talk about scri- cue operation. More than 150 more "We knew something serious was accounts that sometimes contradicted was er would say it back to them. ous business." hostages were in critical condition going to happen" when the gas started the official version. "We had to have some interactive television, radio, film and Lavonne Simpson, producer of Sunday, the chief Moscow city doctor ing into the hot auditorium that Podlesny questioned Russian televi- w if toys," she said. "We are here to give theatre department Showcase for Learning, said about said. ree d of excrement, Mark Podlesny sion footage that showed the captors' ler- information to those interested in 3,000 people applied to win the two The physician in charge of the city's said as he walked out of' Veterans corpses in the theater arnid liquor bot- going to grad 82,000 scholarships, which would be poison unit said troops did not tell Hospital No. 1 near the theater. tles and syringes. "They didn't drinlc, school." dents performing jazz r of The Spartan Shop's recruiter and hip-hop announced at halftime during the medical authorities they had gassed the "I lost consciousness. Yes, there was a didn't smoke, didn't swear. They were inn, and dances. training manager, Swan L. Boon, Homecoming game. auditorium until the 750 hostages were strange smell: said Roma Shmakov, very disciplined," he said. the handed "We wanted to showcase what we "We've done our best to support ath- brought out, most of them uncon- 12-year-old actor in "Nord-0st: the Podlesny and Georgy Vasilyev, pro- and out brownies and said they have Russian were particularly in our dance department and what letics and get everyoni out to the scious. musical in progress when the gunmen ducer of Nord-Ost, disputed reet interested in inform- dance classes are offered," said Katie officials' statement that the guerrillas ing people about their new real estate game," she said. "But we didn't know the character of burst in. ann Tomich, a freshman majoring in music. Simpson said they had been working the gas," said Yevgeny Luzhnikov, head Outside hospitals where the hostages had begun shooting hostages betbre division, which will renovate old dawn and prompting the special forces' Victorian She said they performed three on the event for a whole year, coordi- of the city health service Department of %Were taken for treatment, friends and s he houses and rent them out to dances, including Severe Poisoning. The fainily crowded the gates in futile assault. faculty and staff. the first one they nating the different departments and substance was two had learned in class. programs. described as akin to compounds used in efforts to learn if loved ones were A total of 118 hostages where known "We are here to tell students what surgical anesthesia. inside. Authorities gave out little infor- to have died after the Chechens the "The stage is slippery, but we're hav- "A lot of students were saying they , he whole shop is about," he said. ing fun," she said. The gas affected hearts and lungs, mation on identities, conditions or stormed the theater 116 from the People mostly want general infor- wanted to come SJSU as a result of nan She said Company One, a song and Showcase for Learning," she said. said Andrei Seltsovsky, the chief ctty where victims had been taken. effects of the gas, one young woman I. A mation, but a few people come with dance ensemble on campus, also per- physician. He said he had no informa- Even diplomats had trouble finding shot early in the standoff and one serious questions, said Joseph Frank, a Mike Adams, the chair of the televi- rian formed tap and swing dances. depart- tion when asked about reports that the information about the estimated 70 hostage shot Saturday moming shortly professor from the school of music sion, radio, film and theatre the raid. the Jeremiah Smith, a sophomore avia- ment, emceed the event by going compound could cause vomiting that foreign citizens who were among the before and dance. tion major volunteering at the Air would choke unconscious victims. captives. U.S. consular officials searched Many of the 50 assailants killed in the of "Some are even people who already around with a microphone to various mscue mission died aftcr being shot in Force ROTC booth, said it was introducing their pro- "In standard situations, the com- the city's hospitals for one of the two havc degrees," he said. departments pound ... does not act as aggressively as Americans known to have been in the the head, apparently while unconscious important for them to be a part of the grams. The Federal Security it a Josanna Ponsi, a graduate student in showcase since the program was at turned out to do," Selisovsky said. theater. A second American was found from the gas. iid. the College of Education's credential "I think it is good that we do this for "But it was used on people who were in recuperating in a city clinic. At least Service said three othcr gunmen were growing. the community that may not necessar- And captured, and authorities searched the program, said this was her second "Last year we had 45 cadets and this a specific (extreme) situation for more two other foreigners one Dutch time going to the event. ily know about SJSU," he said. "This is than 50 hours. ... All of this naturally one Austrian died. city for accomplices or gunmen who year there are 93,"he said. "More peo- a way of putting a human face on Only on Sunday afternoon, more may have escaped. "I didn't realize how many schools ple are interested in it, and a big group made the situation more difficult." there were," she said. "I visited about SJSU." The White House declined to criti- than 24 hours After the hostaps were The attackers included 18 women, of them came out of high school." Adams, who has been the KSJS cize the rescue operation, making dear freed, did hospitals post lists ot patients. many of whom said they were war wid- all of them." Games, raffles and scholarship Ponsi also said she put in an applica- adviser for 15 years, said attendance the Bush administration's view that Visitors were still prohibited. Some cm/s:The women strapped explosives to drawings drew high school students as seemed to be lower than last year blame for the deaths lay with the cap- people outside the gates saw thcir rela- their bodies, and mines were placed tion to win one of the $500 scholar- well as college students to the tables. ships that would be given out. when the floor was packed and people tors. tives waving from windows. throughout the building. The attadcers Thc College of Social Work's spin- were shoulder to shoulder. "The Russian government and the "They are hostages again: one visitor threatened to blow it up unless Putin "My teacher told me we could win the-wheel was a popular game, in scholarships and find out about vari- "Those who came got more quality Russian people are victims of this shouted to the armed guards at agreed to withdraw troops t'rom mainly which the students had to spin a board time at the booths though," he said. tragedy, and the tragedy was caused as a Hospital 13, where about half the cap- Muslim Chechnva. ous colleges in case we wanted to get and the number their spin landed on our master's," she said. As the event came to its end around result of the terrorists who took would give them a certain prize. 1 p.m., Simpson gave a final speech hostages and booby-trapped the build- April Anthony, a sophomore major- Billy Vennarucci, a high school sen- ing in journalism who volunteered for and thanked everyone for attending. ing and created dire circumstances," ior who participated in spin-the- "I think it was very successful. At spokesman Ari Fleischer said Sunday. the event, said she gave students a wheel, said he got second place and 800 hostages chance to fill out surveys on how they least 3,000 people were here today, The approximately r) won a yo-yo and a Frisbee disc. and more than 1,500 yesterday," she were taken Wednesday night when an Authentic Mexican Food heard of showcase and why they "I am thinlcing about applying to estimated 50 Chechen rebels stormed attended it so they could win scholar- said. "We know everyone had a good SJSU," he said. ti me." thc theater during a popular musical. ships. Jason Romes, a graduate student in Come On In & "Every half hour thcy draw from the urban and regional planning who vol- surveys," she said. unteered for the College of Social Try Something Radio station Star 101.3 was outside Work, said about 500 total people had Healthy *Tortas the showcase arena on Friday to pro- participated in spin-the-wheel. 4PSYCHIC-0 mote its station and inform students "This has been the main attraction," & Fresh... ’4.; ,`" * Juices who passed by about showcase, while PALM & TAROT CARD READING he said. "It's been really loud." 0) KSJS took over on Saturday with its 'The College of Social Work also had it was, the PRESENT as it is at Our New * Breakfast torntable exhibition. Unfold the PAST as hip-hop a raffle, which gave students a chance The FUTURE AS IT WILL BE Location! Saturday's event from 9 a.m. to 1 to win a compact disc player by filling Torras (r.5. J11 iC('S p.m. brought a steady stream of people out a survey and answering a question. And things that may have a hold on you to the Event Center, where the same "They have to answer what the CALL FOR ONE FREE QUESTION! booths were set up for both under- 505 E. San Carlos St. (408) 971-2568 biggest problem they have in their 408-279-9071 graduate and graduate students. community is and how they would Outside the Event Center, the solve it," said Sylvia Andrew, the dean Available for Private Parties and gatherings (Corner of 11 St. Close to San Jose State) whool of music anti dAnce had stu- of the College of Social Work. BY APPT. ONLY $10.00 SPECIAL

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PAGE 6 SPORTS THE SPARTAN DAILY OCTOBER 28, I, Angels win first franchise title; Giants 'winless since 1954

continuedfrom page 1 Bonds wound up 8-for-17 (.471) wild. A little too much, maybe. field comer that easily scored all three Hernandez was not so lucky the next Giants-Angels with four homers, a .700 on-base per- made up for a rare runners. inning when he walked -wai just wanted to get into a sit- centage and 1.294 slugging percent- baserunning mistalce in the first by As Reggie Sanders tried to corral the with two outs and fol- uation where I'd be able to hit my agc. leading off the ball along the low wall, an Anaheim lowed with a double that tied it at 1. pitch, not do too much," Anderson 2002 Anaheim and the third with a single fan got into the act, bopping the right NIolina added another double, and said. Giants combined "Unbelievable for and fielder on the back with a pair of red the hits were his way of honoring his Brendan Donnelly, Francisc, for a record 85 runs also singled. Tim ThunderStix. There was no interfer- father who was faraway. Earlier Rodriguez and closed it World Series and 21 homers. us, for our fans. Salmon came up ence called, properly, although two Sunday, former amateur outfielder for manager Milce Scioscia's bunch. The game might and Hernandez security guards were soon standing in Benjamin Molina Santana was in Percival escaped a two-on, one-out either, especially after finishing 41 have been the last for This team worked cost himself, hit- the area when Hernandez, who lost Puerto Rico, where he was inducted jam for his third save of the Series. games out of first place last season. San Francisco man- ting the Angels for the second time in the Series, was into the.island's hall of fame. "Unbelievable for us, for our fans," Somehow, the Angels pulled it ager Dusty Baker in as hard as any star in the right pulled. The Giants took a 1-0 lead in the Percival said. "This team has worked together. They led the majors in hit- the Bay. There are hand. Hernandez seemed uncomfortable second on singles by Benito Santiago as hard as any tcam ever. We deserve ting, overwhelmed the New York growing indications team ever. We No outs, bases from the start, constantly pawing at the and J.T. Snow and a sacrifice fly by it." Yankees and Minnesota in the AL he'll soon leave, pos- loaded. The at-bat mound while trying to find his control. Sanders. And when it was over, Southern playoffs and then knocked out Bonds sibly to take over the deserve it." of a lifetime for He looked nothing like the MVP of Notes: Goodwin's left California, the land of celluloid stars, and Co. or Troy Percival Anderson, drafted the 1997 World Series for Florida and Giants pinch-hitters at 0-for-16 in the had just added a whole teamful of "Somewhere, is smiling Seattle. Anaheim Angels clOter by the California instead resembled the pitcher who tied postseason.... The last rookie to start them while Hollywood luminaries right now," commissioner Bud Selig Tears streamed Angels in 1990 for the NL lead in losses this season, Game 7 in the Series was Jaret Wright Pierce Brosnan and John Travolta said as he presented the trophy. down the face of and out of the which he did with 16. of Cleveland in 1997. He got a no- watched from the stands. Owned by The Walt Disney Co., the Darren Baker, the 3-year-old bat boy postseason until this year. A surprising lapse by Eckstein, who decision in the Indians' 3-2 loss in 11 Before this year, the Angels were Angels are still for sale. Before then, son of the Giants' manager, as he was Unsung despite a stellar career, took off Anderson's liner to center innings at Florida.... Salmon stayed in known mostly for heartbreak. Beloved though, they can certainly travel the carried from the dugout by his father. Anderson got the hit that will put him field and was doubled off, enabled the game after being hit, but did not owner Gene Autry never saw his team three miles or so to Disneyland to Anderson doubled in the third to in highlight reels for a long time, Hernandez to overcome two walks in look great in grounding out his next get this far before passing away, and it enjoy this most improbabk champi- make it 4-1, and Angels fans went sending a line drive into the right- the first. time up. didn't look like these guys would do it, onship. www. thespartandaily Rookie Lackey shines in spotlight for Anaheim .com ANAHEIM John Lackey going to rattle, he's not going to be inside with some early and Detroit for Pittsburgh in 1909. couple of years from our minor league loolced nothing like a rookie, pitching intimidated.... He did evertthing we that set up my pitches away." It was fitting that Lackey got the people," Black said. "We saw it in with poise from the moment he could have asked of him. What a Benito Santiago and J.T Snow fol- win to cap an ainazing comeback sea- spring training and his first start at walked to the mound. job." lowed with singles to put runners on son for the Angels. They started the Texas. He looked like he belonged in World Series. Game 7. No jitters. Lackey, who turned 24 when he got first and third, and Reggie Sanders year 6-14, while Lackey was domi- the big leagues." Lackey became the first rookie a no-decision in Game 4 on drove in the first run of the game nating at Salt Lake. Lackey was steady in relief in the starter to win the seventh game of the Wednesday night, came right at the with a sacrifice fly to left field. He got called up to the majors June first round against the New York Series in 93 years. He shut down Giants, throwing strikes and staying Lackey pitched out of another jam 24 and lost his debut to Texas. He Yankees before pitching seven score- Barry Bonds and the San Francisco calm despite the pressure. in the fourth when he allowed con- came up to stay the next week and less innings in a crucial Game 4 of Giants, leading the Anaheim Angels Pitching on three-days' rest, Lackey secutive singles to Bonds and finished the year 9-4, winning the the ALCS against Minnesota. to their first championship in their started with a perfect first inning. He Santiago with one out. He wasn't wild-card clincher against the "It's an unbelievable feeling. I can't 42-year history with a 4-1 victory opened the second by retiring Bonds flustered, retiring Snow and Sanders Rangers. describe how great it is with all these Sunday night. on a lineout. on flyouts to preserve a 4-1 lead. "We heard a lot about him the last fans here," Lackey said. While watching from his couch in Lackey intentionally walked Bonds Lackey left after a hitless fifth and Texas when Curt Schilling and Roger the first four times he faced him this watched his relievers finish it off. Clemens dueled in Game 7 last year, Series but showed no fear this time "It's kind of hard to have fun in the Lackey dreamed about making it to against baseball's most dangerous hit- middle of the game," he said. "But I the majors. He did more than that ter. had fim watching when I came out." he became a champion. "It was big to get myself going Lackey became the first rookie "This is a long way from Salt Lake," early. It gave me a lot of confidence, starter to win Game 7 of the World mac Lackey said, referring to the Angels' Lackey said. "I was able to come Series since Babe Adams shut out asks Triple-A affiliate. "It s not bad. This is where you want to be. Everyone salon Wigs Hats wants to be in the World Series, Game 7." Chinese Cuisine Theatrical Makeup Manager gave FOOD TO GO Magic Lackey the nod for the biggest game Adult Novelties Mandarin Jinx I.unrh (:o 15% off all products and services for students. in Angels history in part because Nzerhuan GuiAinr Gag Jokes Ramon Ortiz was bothered by a sore Lunch and Dinner (:aiering Available Call for appointment. wrist, and also because of his faith in ()pen Daih - dined Infants to Adults Sandal. 14i, deliver io "Erplanade" XXL the right-hander. 3. Sizes XS - Lackey justified that support. He We accept: VISA MC AMEX DIS 48 south first st. allowed one run and four hits in five 842 W El Camino Real innings, walking only one. oilw 131 E. Jackson Street san jose, ca 95113 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 "You have to look at what he's all Blocks North of Santa Clara 408.287.2294 Phone (408) 616-0016 about," Scioscia said. "This guy is not k294-3303 or 998-9427 Between 3rd and 4th Street Fax (408) 616-0017

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ƒ Teach Make the difference CSU Office of the Chencelfor OCTOBER 28, 2002 THE SPARTAN DAILY SPORTS PAGE 7 4 Boise State University 45, San Jose State University 8 BAY AREA NFL ROUNDUP 49ers surge FOOTBALL I ,,partansg bowl hopes in jeopardy with loss conttnued.from page 1 defense, driving 39 yards in a to win over minute-and-a-half. This time it was is on an out pass. Linebacker Onyeka Forsey, the WAC's leader in rushing :r Ossai subsequently plowed Forsey yards per game entering the contest, Cardinals Ir and the Spartans, who have had trou- rumbling for a touchdown from nine WAG" ble making critical defensive stops of yards out. Alionated Press late, took possession at their own 43 - The Spartans' woes didn't stop -STANDINGS yard line. there. SAN FRANCISCOWhen Jeff IC The SJSU drive stagnated until Nick Calaycay's kickoff hit the left FOOTBALL Garcia and TCITCH Ov#ens are in ;ia running back Lamar Ferguson took shoulder of SJSU linebacker Tony TEAM Au. sync, the San Francisco 49ers can a handoff from Illslov, cut through Ficldin, who had his back to the play BOISE ST. 4 0 7-1 outscore anybody even the the heart of the Broncos' defense blocking for the kick returner HAWAII 5 1 6-2 improving Arizona Cardinals. passed yards and ft and down the left sideline before he Pauley. SJSU 1 2 4-5 Garcia for 252 his four touchdown was dragged down at the BSU 5 - The ball bounced wildly off FRESNO SI 2 2 4-5 threw two of rt yard line. Ficklin and was recovered by the Nywm 2 2 4-5 passes to Owens as the 49ers jumped The Broncos (4-0 WAC, 7-1 over- Broncos' Brad Allen at the SJSU 17- 1.4.TEce 2 2 3-5 to a big early lead and held off the Cardinals for a 38-28 all) then came up with a defensive yard line. RICE 2 3 victory Sunday. 3-5 Arizona and San Francisco were 1 stand of their own. Forsey scampered in from two UTEP 1 3 2-6 On first-and-goal, fullback Ezekiel tied for first place in the NFC West, yards out to push the Boise State TULSA 1 3 1-7 Staples got to the two-yard line. but the more experienced 49ers IS -2) lead to 21-0. SMU 1 4 1-8 Rislov tossed an incomplete pass to BSU pushed its lead to 28-0 on a scored 24 points before the second Courtney Anderson on second down 16 -yard touchdown pass from Through Oct. 27 quarter was a minute old. and, following an SJSU timeout, Dinwiddie to Forsey with 1:35 The C.irdinals (4-3) proved their Pauley rushed for no gain on third remaining in the first half. The Week in the WAC strong start to the season wasn't a fluke with a roaring qecond-hAlf rally, down. While the Broncos were charging, games: On fourth-and-goal from the two, the Spartans' offense looked limp for Saturday's but Ronnie Heard's third intercepnon the Broncos Travis Burgher and a number of reasons: Boise St. 45, SiSU 8 of the day with 5:26 lett cur, short Bobby Hammer mauled the diminu- The near-absolute loss of a run- La. Tech 50, Nevada 47 another comeback in the malting by Cardinals quarterback Jalce Plummer. tive Ferguson at the four-yard line. ning game. Staples joined Martin on Tulsa 20, UTEP 0 1 "The red zone is a spot where you the disabled list after suffering a first Owens caught scoring passes of 21 have to execute and it takes all your half concussion. He wasn't cleared to Rice 27, SMU 15 and 61 yards, finishing with eight loving," Rislov catches for 132 yards. He even said. "There is really play the rest of the game. The 5 - Friday's gamez no room for mistakes. When we got foot, 5 -inch Ferguson remained signed another one of his catches down there we weren't executing the SJSU's only ground threat and fin- Hawai'i 31, Fresno St. 21 with a pen from his sock but it way we needed to." ished with 70 yards. was dunng pregame warnmps, when Tailback Lance Martin, consider- Rislov was 32-for-52 for 256 yards Boise State 2-yard line. he caught a practice pass and then ably larger than Ferguson, likely passing but the Spartans aerial game Pauley was forced back SiX yards on pulled the same trick that earned would have been the Spartan getting seems to have caught up with them. a fourth-and-goal rushing attempt. him a warning from the league after the ball on the goal line drive. "They completely took the screen Forsey scored his third and final he did it during a victory over Seattle However, Martin suffered a sprained away from us," Rislov said. "We'd go touchdown on a 36-yard run. two weeks ago. This timc, Owens left ankle in on the first play of the in motion and they'd immediately yell SJSU finally got on the board with handed the ball to a kid. game and was in and out for the screen." seven minutes remaining in the third Kansas City 20, Aland 10: remainder of the contest. Red zonc inadequacy. The quarter on a 27 yards pass from At Kansas City, Mo., Kansas City's "We got down to the goal line and Spartans ran nine plays inside the !tidos, to Jamall Broussard. Rislov defense wasn't itself That's great that's where they put me in," said Boise State 20-yard line and came found Starling in the end zone for news for the Chiefs. Martin, the second-leading rusher away with zero points. the two-point conversion. Priest Holmes totaled 184 yards and the for the Spartans behind Ferguson. "I Time of possession once again Boise State backup quarterback running and receiving, knew I could've gotten it in there. I came into play for the Spartans. B.J. Rhode, the WAC's leader in NFL:s lowest-rated defense held the offense to one want to win so bad." Boise State held the ball for 39:03, passing efficiency entering the league's highest-rated Chicfs beat This time, however, the flow of the grinding down another tired SJSU game, upped his numbers with a 40- touchdovm as the

game changed as the Broncos' defense. yard touchdown pass to wide receiv- Oaldand 20-10 Sunday. Kansas defensive stand yielded immediate Calaycay, who missed a 48-yard er Billy Wingfield to complete the The victory was City's first Oakland (4-3), results. field goal attempt in the second scoring. in six games against which has lost three straight. The Broncos drove 96 yards in the quarter, made good on a 25-yarder The road doesn't get any easier for Maslowski forced Jerry Rice next two-and-a-half minutes with tobegin the third quarter. the Spartans as they travel to ANItiONYREGtniAl,) DAILY STAFF Mike to fumble and recovered the ball on Dinwiddie running through the hole The Spartans (2-2 WAC, 4-5 Hawai i on Saturday for a contest at San Jose State wide receiver Charles Pauley is tackled by Boise State the Oakland 22 with set- his line had broken for him to give overall) were stopped on the goal Aloha Stadium with the second- 4:39 left, cornerback Terrial Hall during Saturday's Homecoming loss to Boise ting up Trent Green's 4-yard touch- Boise State 2 7-0 lead. line again in the second half. With place Rainbow Warriors. State 45-8. down pass to Tony Richardson with The Broncos' defense forced SJSU seven minutes remaining in the third Hawai'i (5-1 WAC, 6-2 overall) 1:55 to go. The victory to punt on its next drive. quarter, SJSU again squandered a rallied for a 31-21 come-from - "We're not going to throw in the to our seniors," Hill said. "Our guys. keer the Dinwiddie and the Broncos again scoring chance when they faced a behind victory at Fresno State towel and tell the guys this is a deserve the opportunity to go to a Chiefs (4-4) in contention or the went to work on a tired SJSU first and -goal situation from the University on Oct. 25. rebuilding year. We're not doing that- AFC West title.

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