Publié par : Faculté des sciences de l’administration Published by : Université Laval Publicación de la : Québec (Québec) Canada G1K 7P4 Tél. Ph. Tel. : (418) 656-3644 Fax : (418) 656-7047 Édition électronique : Aline Guimont Electronic publishing : Vice-décanat - Recherche et partenariats Edición electrónica : Faculté des sciences de l’administration Disponible sur Internet : http :// Available on Internet
[email protected] Disponible por Internet : DOCUMENT DE TRAVAIL 2003-026 BUILDING THE BRAND EQUITY OF PROFESSIONAL SPORTS TEAMS André Richelieu Version originale : ISBN – 2-89524-176-7 Original manuscript : Version original : Série électronique mise à jour : 06-2003 On-line publication updated : Seria electrónica, puesta al dia Building the brand equity of professional sports teams André Richelieu, Professor Marketing Department Faculty of Business Administration Université Laval Québec, QC. G1K 7P4 Canada Phone: (418) 656-2131 Ext. 7710 Fax: (418) 656-2624 E-Mail:
[email protected] Abstract: A sports team can become a brand of its own. And in an effort to capitalize on the emotional relationship they share with their fans, professional sports teams are starting to position themselves as brands. In this paper, we propose a framework for helping sports teams build their brand equity, taking into account catalyst and constraining factors, as well as “moderating” variables. Key words: brand, brand equity, professional sports, strategy. Autobiographical note: André Richelieu is an Assistant Marketing Professor at Université Laval. In 2002, he completed his PhD at the joint doctoral program in administration in Montréal. His research interests focus on: i) the development of brand equity by professional sports clubs; ii) the internationalization of the firm and the institutional levers which firms can use in order to enter foreign markets.