Movie Night “Miracle” Spiritual Insight

SET: Plan to come together for your second evening of fun and fellowship seeking spiritual insight. Prepare popcorn, drinks (sodas, water, sweet tea, unsweet, tea, wine, etc.) Invite one friend or two (gatherings should not be more than 10 people). Have hand sanitizer in the kitchen and around coffee tables. The movie “Miracle” is available in Netflix or rented from other avenues.

• Beginning prayer: “Thank You for another time of gathering. We come today with hearts so full of gladness and appreciation for the friends You have given us in this world. We need stories like the one we are to see tonight where hard work and dedication lead towards achieving new goals and deeper insight. Bless our time together that we may enjoy this film, that we may find fellowship and that we may be challenged to continue life with an attitude of growth.”

• Ask these questions around the group: o What sport was your favorite as a young person? o If you participated in a sport take time to share a story from your days in playing that sport? o What are your thoughts about learning from a secular film about a sporting event, can God teach us spiritual truths from a Sports movie? o If you have all watched the movie Miracle before test your memory by taking the quiz at the end of the lesson.

ACTION: Watch movie: Miracle

RESPONSE: • After a bathroom break J, ask around the room, what are initial impressions that come to mind after watching the movie? • Additional questions to discuss: o Why did the US have to change everything about their hockey program to beat the USSR team? What lessons can a Christian learn about spiritual growth from this? o The life of a disciple is one of perpetual growth, the disciple never arrives but is always learning/growing. What lessons can you take from the movie that can be applied to your growth? o What was something that you learned from this movie that you did not know before?

SCRIPTURE READING: • Read the following scripture passages: o Hebrews 6:1 o 1 Peter 2:2-3 o Colossians 2:6-7 o 2 Peter 1:5-8

THANKSGIVING AND OFFERING: • On a post-it-note pad write the names other individuals from whom you have learned the gift of grace and forgiveness, throw those names in a bowl as an offering of Thanksgiving to God for those individuals. • Gather any tithes and offerings for the church (Checks payable to NCUMC, Lake Deaton campus in the memo line), appoint 1 person to take them to the Lake Deaton office.

PRAYER: Close this time together in prayer; lifting up the needs of our community and the request lifted from all whom you are worshipping with during this Movie Worship.

Miracle Quiz (written by Austaly)

Do you believe in miracles? The movie Miracle is about the U.S. team which shocked the world to win the gold. Check how much you know about the movie.

Question 1: What year was the movie Miracle released?

2002 2004 2005 2006

Question 2: Which year and in which city did the events the movie Miracle was based on took place?

1984 - Sarajevo, Yugoslavia 1972 - Sapporo, Japan 1980 - Lake Placid, U.S.A 1976 - Innsbruck, Austria

Question 3: Was Kurt Russel the actor that played the part of the U.S. head coach in the movie Miracle?

Yes No

Question 4: Early in the movie Miracle, at the opening practice, how does coach upset the U.S. ice hockey officials?

By not showing up to practice By bringing his wife to training By already picking the squad of 26 players he wanted with no consultation from them By refusing to pick a selector's son

Question 5: In the movie Miracle, what causes Rob McClanahan and Jack O’Callahan to have a fight during an early practice?

A lost bet A woman They were trying to impress Herb Brooks. An old college rivalry

Question 6: U.S. hockey star Buzz Schneider was played by his own son in the movie Miracle.

False True

Question 7: In the movie Miracle, following a tie in an exhibition game in Norway, coach Herb Brooks got very angry by the attitude and poor showing of his players and decided to punish them. What was the punishment?

He made them do a punishing running drill and chastised them until they could barely walk. He gave them a severe tongue lashing whilst making them watch the replay. He made them crawl hands and knees on the ice up and down 5 times. He made them play 2 ten-minute halves amongst themselves.

Question 8: In the movie Miracle, coach Herb Brooks had to cut a player just before the start of the Olympics. Who was the unfortunate player?

Ralph Cox Mark Johnson Dave Christian Steve Janaszak

Question 9: For what did Brooks thank the player he cut just before the start of the Olympics in the movie Miracle? For giving him his very best For making his decision easier For taking the decision like a man For giving him a lift to practice

Question 10: In the movie Miracle, at the opening game of the Olympics, the U.S. team plays the third ranked team in the world and scores a last-minute to snatch a tie. Which was the nation the U.S. team played against?

Czechoslovakia Sweden West Germany Romania

Question 11: In the movie Miracle, the U.S. team beat the second ranked team in the world. Which nation was this?

Romania Sweden Czechoslovakia Russia

Question 12: Coach Herb Brooks tragically lost his life after the filming of the movie Miracle, in which he was a consultant.

True False