Matroid Matching: the Power of Local Search [Extended Abstract] Jon Lee Maxim Sviridenko Jan Vondrák IBM Research IBM Research IBM Research Yorktown Heights, NY Yorktown Heights, NY San Jose, CA
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT can be easily transformed into an NP-completeness proof We consider the classical matroid matching problem. Un- for a concrete class of matroids (see [46]). An important weighted matroid matching for linear matroids was solved result of Lov´asz is that (unweighted) matroid matching can by Lov´asz, and the problem is known to be intractable for be solved in polynomial time for linear matroids (see [35]). general matroids. We present a PTAS for unweighted ma- There have been several attempts to generalize Lov´asz' re- troid matching for general matroids. In contrast, we show sult to the weighted case. Polynomial-time algorithms are that natural LP relaxations have an Ω(n) integrality gap known for some special cases (see [49]), but for general linear and moreover, Ω(n) rounds of the Sherali-Adams hierarchy matroids there is only a pseudopolynomial-time randomized are necessary to bring the gap down to a constant. exact algorithm (see [8, 40]). More generally, for any fixed k ≥ 2 and > 0, we obtain a In this paper, we revisit the matroid matching problem (k=2 + )-approximation for matroid matching in k-uniform for general matroids. Our main result is that while LP- hypergraphs, also known as the matroid k-parity problem. based approaches including the Sherali-Adams hierarchy fail As a consequence, we obtain a (k=2 + )-approximation for to provide any meaningful approximation, a simple local- the problem of finding the maximum-cardinality set in the search algorithm gives a PTAS (in the unweighted case).