Glee 101: Pilot 2009
SHOOTJNG u'Vl1'T 1..UE REVIS ONS 10121/0i; WRITTEN BY: RYAN MURPH • AND BRAD FALCHU...-..--. ~ AND (AN RENNAN Al BLACKNESS. In the void, a sound ... CLAPPING. In SYNCOPATIONAl wit h FOOT STOMPI NG... a crazed crowd demanding a show. Sudden l y , a slit APPEARS in the b:ackness ... which we now realize is a black velvet cur-~ . AS-~ ~ !2:RVOOSTEENAGE BOY peers out . His POV: i.: ' s .:e=:..=:,·::..::g... a :!UGE SOLD OUT AUDITORIUM,everyone vibra-::i..~g wi=~ =~=:..pa1:0=y frenzy . TITLES OP: EPCOT CE!i'l'ER, GLll C:.C'S llA~~ OXU..S, 1993 . 1 INT. BACKSTAGEEPCO~ :-F.2,;.'i'?-E -- -:;;.x - :.:--=:::-.,ccrs 1 The NERVOUS7EN, :u:. a -:t:X, ,c=s ~;:;= ::--=:.a=or so TEENS as they stre-::ch, practice sca:es, e-::c. 0-..e-~:?.:. :..s e~en looking in a .=ti.rro~r p=a~icing a ~:;GE~~ s=:-- F~.::Z.. SuCdenly, their ~eac!'!e.r :.n,r ~ nD:.E?, 5Js t a_;:;p,ea:s. ==::.::.~e tii.~ings, claps her h=ds ::or tilei.::- atten-::-=.o::. MRS. ADLER Show circle, everybody . The teens grasp hands in a circle =o=a J!:"s. ~~-er, is difficult to do because she's obese . MRS. ADLER ( CO~~ :: ) Welcome to nat i onals. The ki ds whoop and scream with de:ig~-::. - MRS . AD:.E:l CC!-_ :l Fantastic . Use "'Cha~e.x=~~e...,;~~ ~ the stage today. 3c-::: ~a~-:: guys to remember sc~~ - ~'cg. PUSH IN ON THE YOONGNERVOGS -•-S,":...GZ 3~Y as she continues . ~ . ;o- -=?~ c::-!:-:,:: Glee c l ub isn • t abc::= c=eti-::ior:.
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