
CHRISTINE JENIRA ID no. 016201300031

A thesis presented to the Faculty of Humanities President University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations Concentration in Diplomacy




This thesis entitled “The Roles of Indonesian Government in Maintaining Its Sovereignty in Natuna Islands from Threat by China during President Joko Widodo Period (2014-2016)” prepared and submitted by Christine Jenira in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the Faculty of International Relations has been reviewed and found to have satisfied the requirements for a thesis fit to be examined. I therefore recommend this thesis for Oral Defense.

Cikarang, , May, 2017

______Drs. Teuku Rezasyah, M.A, Ph.D



I declare that this thesis, entitled “The Roles of Indonesian Government in Maintaining Its Sovereignty in Natuna Islands from Threat by China during President Joko Widodo Period (2014-2016)” is to the best of my knowledge and belief, an original piece of work that has not been submitted, either in whole or in part, to another university to obtain a degree.

Cikarang, Indonesia, May, 2017

______Christine Jenira




The Panel of Examiners declare that the thesis entitled “The Roles of Indonesian Government in Maintaining Its Sovereignty in Natuna Islands from Threat by China during President Joko Widodo Period (2014-2016)” that was submitted by Christine Jenira majoring in International Relations from the Faculty of Humanities was assessed and approved to have passed the Oral Examinations on May 22, 2017.

Hendra Manurung, S.IP, M.A Chief Panel of Examiners

Riski M. Baskoro, S.Sos, M.A Examiner I

Drs. Teuku Rezasyah, M.A, Ph.D Thesis Adviser



Title: The Roles of Indonesian Government in Maintaining Its Sovereignty in Natuna Islands from Threat by China during President Joko Widodo Period (2014-2016)

Indonesia is an archipelago country with 17,000 islands which means Indonesia has sovereignty over the island and its surrounding waters. But there are still many small islands, especially in the outer part islands that lack of the government attention. While the island is a determinant of Indonesia boundary, such as one of them is the Natuna Islands. No wonder the Natuna islands are prone to conflict. In maintaining Indonesia's territorial integrity, the Indonesian government realizes the important role of the government to build defense in the Natuna islands. Looking at the geographical condition of the Natuna Islands where the waters are wider than the land, the Indonesian government prioritizes development in the marine sector. Such as the use of maritime resources, setting up military bases, and building marine tourism. In 2014, the Indonesian government makes marine policy which produces 7 pillars as a top priority for managing Indonesian waters. This thesis aims to explain the role of government in maintaining sovereignty in the Natuna islands in accordance with 7 pillars of maritime policy. The writing process of this thesis is done by qualitative method to analyzing the case. The authors expect this thesis able to provide information to the reader related conditions in the Natuna islands and as the role of government against this case.

Key Words: Natuna Islands, Indonesia’s Outer Island, Sovereignty, The Role of Indonesian government.



Judul: Peranan Pemerintah Indonesia dalam Mempertahankan Kedaulatannya di Kepulauan Natuna dari Ancaman China semasa Periode Presiden Joko Widodo (2014-2016)

Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang memiliki 17.000 pulau yang berarti Indonesia memiliki kedaulatan atas pulau dan perairan sekelilingnya. Namun masih banyak pulau-pulau kecil khususnya di bagian terluar yang kurang akan perhatian pemerintah. Sedangkan pulau tersebut adalah penentu batas wilayah Indonesia, seperti salah satunya yaitu Kepulauan Natuna. Tak heran jika kepulauan Natuna rawan akan konflik. Untuk tetap mempertahankan keutuhan wilayah Indonesia, pemerintah Indonesia menyadari bahwa pentingnya peranan pemerintah untuk membangun pertahanan di kepulauan Natuna. Melihat kondisi geografis kepulauan Natuna dimana wilayah perairannya lebih luas maka pemerintah Indonesia memprioritaskan pembangunan disektor kelautan. Seperti pemanfaatan budaya bahari, mendirikan pangkalan militer, dan membangun pariwisata bahari. Di tahun 2014, pemerintah Indonesia membuat kebijakan kelautan yang menghasilkan 7 pillar sebagai prioritas utama untuk mengelola perairan Indonesia. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan peranan pemerintah dalam menjaga kedaulatan di kepulauan Natuna selaras dengan 7 pillar kebijakan kelautan. Penulisan skripsi di lakukan dengan metode kualitatif dalam menganalisa kasus. Penulis mengharapkan skripsi ini mampu memberikan informasi kepada pembaca terkait kondisi di kepulauan Natuna dan sebagaimana peranan pemerintah terhadap kasus ini.

Kata Kunci: Kepulauan Natuna, Pulau Terluar Indonesia, Kedaulatan, Peranan Pemerintah Indonesia.



First of all I would like to thank for the one and only Mighty Lord, Jesus Christ. Without His blessings, I might not be able to finish my thesis. I am so grateful for the strengths that He gives to me during my thesis writing process. There is no word can describe how blessed I am with His grace. Dear the most important persons in my life, my beloved daddy and mama, Jan R. Scheele and Tiyenih. Thank you for brought me into the university level, for gives me good educations, for always support me and always teaches me to be brave. The most grateful thing as your daughter is, I always being loved and become your most priority. Third, I would like to deliver my thanks for all lecturers in international relations study. Without them, I might not be able to finish my study in President University. Especially to Drs. Teuku Rezasyah M.A.,Ph.D and Riski M. Baskoro, S.Sos., MA, as my guidance and patience thesis advisor who always support and give me motivations to finishing my thesis. For everyone whom I shared my happiness and sadness in my life. For everyone that gives me the best memories during my university life. Thank to whom always stay beside me to support during my university life, Jullianto; For my beloved roommate, Natalia Stephanie Tiwang, as the one whom always make me cheerful since the beginning of my university life; the memorable friends during my entrepreneur project “Hunhun Gemes”, thank you for the memories, laughs, knowledge, and stories; to the funniest friends during my university classes and dormitory life whom as a place to shared my fears and stories, Putri Gumay, Antonia Junita, Elok Saraswati, Tifany Azza, Widya Handayani, and also Stephanie Tiwang; my thanks to my dance teams in Presuniv, Cheers IR Squad 2014 and Prime; also for my internship team in PT. Bank DBS Indonesia, especially to Istaseptria, Shelly Vernanda, Fadilla, Morinnalisa, Maria Oktavianty, Richard Joshua, David Willy Otniel; as well as my high school friends, Sisilia Indriani, Glenn Chandra, Gabrielle Davina,Cahyadi Setiono, Jerry Yeskilia, Natanael Ivan Rio, Stephen Febrianto, Alfonsus Wara. Also to everyone I could not mentioned here one by one. Thank you for all memories that you gives into my life. I am never being regret for everything that happened and everyone that I met.

Cikarang, May 22, 2017

______Christine Jenira


TABLE OF CONTENT THESIS ADVISER...... i RECOMMENDATION LETTER ...... i DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ...... ii PANEL OF EXAMINER ...... iii APPROVAL SHEET ...... iii ABSTRACT ...... iv ABSTRAK ...... v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...... vi LIST OF FIGURES ...... x LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ...... xii CHAPTER I ...... 1 INTRODUCTION ...... 1 I.1 Background of Study ...... 1 I.2 Problem Identification ...... 10 I.3 Statement of Problem ...... 12 I.4 Research Objective ...... 12 I.5 Significance of the Study ...... 12 I.6 Theoretical Framework ...... 13 I.6.1 Sovereignty Theory ...... 13 I.6.2 Neo-realism Theory ...... 14 I.7 Scope and Limitation of Study ...... 16 I.8 Definition of Terms ...... 17 I.9 Thesis Structure ...... 20 CHAPTER II ...... 22 LITERATURE REVIEW ...... 22 II.1. Journal Review ...... 22 II.1.1 Laksma TNI E. Estu Prabowo. (December, 2013). “Kebijakan dan Strategi Pertahanan Indonesia: Studi Kasus Konflik Di Laut China Selatan (Indonesia’s Defense Policy and Startegy: Case of Study Conflict)” ...... 22 II.1.2 Nguyen, Dong Manh. (2005). “Settlement of disputes under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: The case of South China Sea dispute” 25


II.1.3 Weatherbee, Donald E. (2016, April). “Re-Assessing Indonesia’s Role in the South China Sea” ...... 26 II.1.4 Japanton Sitohang, Syamsumar Dam, CPF. Luhulima, Awani Irewati, & Rosita Dewi. (2008). “Perbatasan Wilayah Laut Indonesia di Laut China Selatan: Kepentingan Indonesia di Perairan Natuna” ...... 27 II.1.5 Prof. Dr. J. Salusu. (2009). “Indonesia Negara Maritim: Sebuah Refleksi dan Visi” ...... 28 II.1.6 Prasetyo, Kanyadibya Cendana. (2016). “Mempersiapkan Ekonomi Tangguh di Sektor Maritim Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia” ...... 29 II.1.7 Matondang, Erlinda. (2016). “Strategy Diplomasi Indonesia Dalam Pengamanan Perairan Natuna Pasca-Keputusan Arbitrase Internasional” ...... 30 II.2 Information of Journals and Books Writer ...... 31 CHAPTER III ...... 33 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...... 33 III.1 Research Method ...... 33 III.2 Research Framework ...... 34 III.3 Research Time and Place ...... 34 III.4 Research Instrument ...... 37 III.4.1 Library Research ...... 37 III.4.2 Internet Research ...... 37 CHAPTER IV ...... 39 INDONESIAN GOVERNMENT POLICY IN MAINTAINING INDONESIA’S SOVEREIGNTY OF THE OUTER PART ISLANDS ...... 39 IV.1 Indonesia’s Sovereignty as an Archipelago State ...... 39 IV.2 Historical Background of Indonesia’s Marine: Djuanda Declaration 1957 ...... 41 IV.3 Three Foundations of Indonesia’s Marine Policy ...... 44 IV.3.1 Indonesia’s Convention Law No. 32 Year 2014 about the Sea ...... 44 IV.3.2 Indonesia’s Convention Law No. 17 Year 2007 about Long-term Development Plan (RPJPN) ...... 46 IV.3.3 Nawa Cita ...... 48 IV.4 Seven Pillars of Indonesia’s Marine Policy ...... 51 IV.4.1 Management of Marine Resources and Human Resource Development ...... 51 IV.4.2 Defense, Security, Law Enforcement, and Safety at the Sea ...... 53 IV.4.3 Governance and Institution ...... 54 IV.4.4 Economic and Marine Infrastructure and Increased Welfare ...... 55


IV.4.5 Management of Sea Space and Protection of the Marine Environment ...... 57 IV.4.6 Maritime Culture ...... 58 IV.4.7 Maritime Diplomacy ...... 59 IV.5 Chapter Summary ...... 60 CHAPTER V ...... 62 INDONESIAN GOVERNMENT IN IMPLEMENT THE 7 PILLARS OF INDONESIA’S MARINE POLICY TO MAINTAINING INDONESIA’S SOVEREIGNTY IN NATUNA ISLANDS...... 62 V.1 Indonesia’s Sovereignty in Natuna Islands ...... 63 V.1.1 Population and Maritime Culture in Natuna Islands ...... 65 V.1.2 Enforcement Law in Natuna Islands ...... 70 V.1.3 Natuna Islands against Nine Dash Line ...... 77 V.2 Development in Natuna Islands on President Joko Widodo Period ...... 82 V.2.1 Improve the Security and Defense around Natuna’s Territorial Waters ...... 83 V.2.2 Economic Development: Fisheries, Oil and Gas Sectors ...... 87 V.2.3 Sea Toll through Natuna Islands ...... 92 V.2.4 Human Resources Development ...... 96 V.3 Chapter Summary ...... 98 CHAPTER VI ...... 101 CONCLUSION ...... 101 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...... 103 APPENDICES ...... 116



Figure 1 Nine dash line...... 7 Figure 2 Nine dash line Claimed Indonesia's Exclusive Economic Zone……...... 7 Figure 3 Indonesia Maritime Zone……………………………………………….8 Figure 4 Waltz's Neorealist Theory……………………………………………..15 Figure 5 Maritime Zone According to UNCLOS 1982…………………………17 Figure 6 Analysis Framework……………………………………………...... 33 Table 1 Website Lists……………………………………………………………37 Figure 7 Indonesia's Road Map of the World Maritime Axis………………...... 43 Figure 8 Nawa Cita…………………………….………………………………..48 Figure 9 the Main Programs of the Management of Marine Resources Policy…52 Figure 10 the Main Programs of Human Resource Development Policy……….52 Figure 11 the Main Programs of Defense, Security, Law Enforcement, and Safety at Sea Policy…………………………………………………….……………….53 Figure 12 the Main Programs of the Management of Sea Space and Protection of the Marine Environment Policy...... ………………...56 Figure 13 the Main Programs of Maritime Diplomacy Policy………………….59 Figure 14 Analysis Framework…………………………………………………61 Table 2 the Amount of Islands in Natuna ……………………………..63 Figure 15 Senoa Island, beauty marine tourism in Natuna islands……………...66 Table 3 the Indonesian Archipelago Baselines: Sekatung Island……………….71 Figure 16 Maritime Zone according to UNCLOS 1982………………………...72 Figure 17 President Joko Widodo and all his related cabinets hold a meeting in KRI Imam Bonjol 383………………………………………………….……...... 77 Figure 18 Han Tan Cou 19038 Vessels that had shot by ……..80 Figure 19 Indonesia’s Security Vessels in Natuna’s Waters……………………82 Figure 20 China’s Submarine…………………………………………………...85 Figure 21 China’s Artificial Island……………………………………………...85


Figure 22 KM Caraka Jaya Niaga III Vessel Operates to Route Tj. Priok – Tarempa – Natuna – Tarempa – Tj. Priok…………………………...92 Figure 23 the Result of Seaweed Cultivation in Natuna Regency……………....93



ALKI = Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia or Indonesian Archipelago Sea Lanes APBN = Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara or State Budget ASEAN = Association of South East Asian Nations or Perhimpunan Bangsa-Bangsa Asia Tenggara BUMN = Badan Usaha Milik Negara or State-owned Enterprise CSR = Corporate Social Responsibility or Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan EEZ = Exclusive Economic Zone or Zona Ekonomi Ekslusif JK = Jusuf Kalla JOKOWI = Joko Widodo KEPMEN = Keputusan Menteri or Ministerial Decree KKP = Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan or Ministry of Marine and Fisheries KRI = Kapal Republik Indonesia or Indonesian Flagship LIPI = Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia or Indonesian Institute of Science MEF = Minimum Essential Force or Kekuatan Pokok Minimum MOU = Minutes of Meeting or Notulen Rapat MPR = Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat or the People’s Consultative Assembly NDL = Nine dash line or Sembilan Garis Putus-Putus NKRI = Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia or Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia NM = Nautical Mile or Mil Laut NO = Nomor or Number PLN = Perusahaan Listrik Negara or State Electricity Company PM = Perdana Menteri or Prime Minister


PRC = the People’s Republic of China or Republik Rakyat Cina RI = Republik Indonesia or the Republic of Indonesia RPJMN = Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional or National Short-term Development Plan RPJPN = Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Nasional or National Long-term Development Plan SCS = South China Sea or Laut Cina Selatan SKK MIGAS = Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas or Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities SUPMN = Sekolah Usaha Perikanan Menengah Nasional or School of National Medium Fisheries Enterprises TNI = Tentara Nasional Indonesia or the Indonesian National Forces UN = United Nations or Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa UNCLOS = the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea or Konvensi Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa tentang Hukum Laut UNGEGN = United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names or Kelompok Pakar Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa tentang Nama Geografis US = United States of America or Amerika Serikat UU = Undang-Undang or Constitution Law




I.1 Background of Study International relations are referring to external relations between nations, states and peoples as mentioned by Devetak, Burke, and Goerge in their book “an Introduction to International Relations”. 1 Those relations stated above are referring to international relations studies. According to Schwarzenberger, international relations study is part of the sociology science that examines the international community. International relations study is not only about political element but includes elements of economic, social, sovereignty, to the welfare of society. Schwarzenberger emphasize international relations is includes all relationship between nations or states.2

International relations understood the term of anarchy that means there is a superior authority owned by individual or a group of people. David A. Lake set out a term of international hierarchy. State is the highest authority in international system according to international hierarchy. 3 Means a state has major role to influence other actors or perhaps raise a conflict in the relations. Territory is one of a necessary element that assumes an existing of state.4 Sometimes a state is too overly concerned into their territorial sovereignty; the problem it may cause a conflict. Therefore, arise conflicts generally related to territorial sovereignties

1Devetak, Richard, Burke, Anthony, & George, Jim. (2012). An Introduction to International Relations. 2nd edition. p. 2. 2 Schwarzenberger, Georg. (1964). Power Politic. London: Prentice Hall, p. 8. 3 Lake, David A. (2011). Hierarchy in International Relations. Cornell University Press. 4 Bueno, Christoper Fuster, Ph. D. (2012, April). Elements of State. Hubpages.

1 threaten; Zacher mentioned territorial disputes or territorial conflict are the common issue in international relations.5

Conflict also an important concernfor a state government to maintain their territorial sovereignty. Every state should have its own policies to maintain and protect their territorial sovereignty called as rules and regulations made by governmental institution or international organization such as United Nations. Especially for an archipelago state, the government should be more concerned of this kind of issue.6 Perhaps, it is not a strange issue for some countries that has been experienced territorial dispute or territorial conflict for several times. However, the government should always fight for the legal rights of their territorial sovereignty.

One of the countries that have a conflict over territorial claim is Indonesia. Indonesia as a biggest archipelago state has been happened territorial dispute. Indonesia has been experiencing territorial disputes between neighbor countries.7 For instances the cases of Sipadan and Lingitan islands, territorial disputes between Indonesia and . The case closed by International Court of Justice in 2002. It decided those islands are belongs to Malaysia territory. 8 Realize the loss of Sipadan and Lingitan islands make Indonesian government needs to be more concern in maintaining and protecting the territorial sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia especially to the outer part islands.

According to latest update by Indonesia Statistic, the total area of Indonesia is 1,913,578 km2 includes land and water territories. With the total island are 17.504

5 Zacher, Mark W. The Territorial Integrity Norm: International Boundaries and the Use of Force. The MIT Press, p. 215. 6 The Government Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 78 Year 2005 about Managing the Small Outer Part Islands. Retrieved February, 2017 from http://www.ppk- tahun-2005-_20141008121119.pdf 7 Tabloid Diplomasi. (2013, February). Permasalahan di Perbatasan RI. Retrieved March, 2017 from 8 Meetings Coverage and Press Releases United Nations. (2002, December). International Court Finds That Sovereignty Over Islands of Ligitan and Sipadan Belongs to Malaysia. Retrieved November, 2016 from

2 islands.9 Based on United Nations data, the total of named islands in Indonesia are 13.466 islands, across 33 provinces and 4.981 islands have been deposited into United Nations in 2007.10 Indonesian government has to submit the rest of islands to United Nations by the latest 2017.11 With the total of its islands makes Indonesia dedicated as the largest archipelago in the world. Remarked two from three of Indonesia territory are covered of waters and estimated has a wealth of economic value of up to 171 billion US dollars per-year.12 If government able to maintaining all the Indonesia’s natural resources, Indonesia’s economic will get better and increase social welfare level. However, the fact that natural resource is still dormant due of lack Indonesian government attention and it has stolen by other countries. There are still un-named islands which those islands are including to Indonesia territory. 13 According to those statements, no doubt Indonesia territory in the outer part islands is threatened of claimant because there are still many natural resources abandoned by government.

Indonesian government has huge responsibilities to protect, manage, develop, maintaining the sovereignty, and conserve, including for the outer part of Indonesia’s water territory as written in UU No. 6/1996 about Indonesia Waters. 14 Those purposes are lead to the role of government intervention. According to Thies and Andrew theory, roles are typically defined as social positions which are constituted by ego and alter expectations regarding the

9 . (2017, February 9). Luas Daerah dan Jumlah Pulau Menurut Provinsi, 2002-2015. Retrieved March, 2017 from 10 Economic and Social Council, United Nations. The Naming Procedures of Indonesia Islands. Tenth United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names, 2012. 11 Vice Minister of Development Planning & Vice Chairman of BAPPENAS. (2014, January 28) Rapat Koordinasi Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan: Pembangunan Kelautan dalam RPJMN 2015-2019. BAPPENAS. Retrieved February, 2017 from JMN_2015-2019_jakarta_28_jan_2014.pdf 12 WWF Indonesia. (2015, April 23). Kekayaan Laut Mencapai US$ 24 Triliun, Namun Terus Menipis. Retrieved November, 2016 from 13 Brigadier General TNI, Hargo, Dody Usodo, S.IP, MM. (2016). Jumlah Pulau di Indonesia. Official Website of the Secretariat General Council of National Security of the Republic of Indonesia. Retrieved March, 2017 from indonesia.html 14The Convention Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 6 Year 1996 about Indonesia Waters. Retrieved March, 2017 from

3 purpose of an actor in an organized group.15 According to the thesis topic, the actors who play the major role in this raised topic are governments. Governments that able to develop, conserve, and harness the territorial sovereignty based on the governmental policies and purposes.

Related to the paragraph above; the outer part islands of Indonesia territory is involving to territorial sovereignty priority of the government intervention. The outer part islands are vulnerable to the threat of claims. Indonesia needs a strong government to denied and strengthen the sovereignty. According to government regulations No. 78/2005 regarding managing the small outer islands, the outer small islands mean an island with a total area that less or equal to 2000 km2 which has a base point of geographical coordinates that connecting the archipelago sea baseline in accordance with national and international laws.16

In 2014, the 7th Indonesia Presidential successions begin. President Joko Widodo familiar called as President Jokowi was elected as a President of the Republic of Indonesiafor 5 years. President Jokowi incentive to build Indonesia into the upper ranks of the maritime world supported by the potential of Indonesian waters which rich in natural resources.17 Perhaps, it becomes a new hope for Indonesia to strengthen and enrich Indonesia’s waters. He said; "Recapturing Jalesveva Jayamahe (our glory at the seas)" to support his statement on his first speech in Paripurna MPR, Jakarta on October 20th, 2014 with his first position as Indonesian President.18 President Jokowi has a vision to makes Indonesia as a maritime axis in the world. Bring Indonesia into a developed maritime nation, independent, strong, and able to provide a positive

15 Hamisch, Prof. Dr. Sebastian. (2013). Role Theory in International Relations.Tsinghua University, Beijing. Retrieved February 14, 2017 from http://www.uni-

16 The Government Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 78 year 2005 about Managing the Small Outer Part Islands Article 1 Paragraph 1(b). 17 Khee Giap Tan, Nurina Merdikawati, Mulya Amri, & Kong Yam Tan. (2015).2014 Provincial and Inaugural Regional Competitiveness Analysis: Safeguarding Indonesia’s Growth Momentum. World Scientific Publishing Co. 18 Joko Widodo: Jalesveva Jayamahe. (2014, October 20). Official Website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. Retrieved March, 2017 from

4 contribution to peace and security in the region and the world in accordance with the national interest.19

In keeping with Indonesia's territorial sovereignty in the outer part islands, it has seen on his effort to maintain strict Natuna Islands against claimant. Based on Law No 53 year 1999, Natuna Islands is officially a part of the Republic of Indonesia.20 Natuna Islands is one of the districts of the Provisions in the . The North and East Seas of Natuna islands are directly adjacent to the South China Sea and the West Sea is bordering with Malaysia.21 Natuna Islands consists of 154 islands; there are 27 habbited islands and 127 inhabbited islands. The total territorial of Natuna Islands is 224,684.59 km2 including land and waters.22 Natuna Islands is estimated to have oil reserves reached 298.81 million barrels and natural gas estimated 55.3 trillion cubic feet. From these statements, it can be said Natuna Islands is the largest oil and gas resources in Asia.23 Stunning natural beauty and abundant natural resources make Natuna Islands so essential. Wealth of natural resource located in Natuna Islands certainly is a threat to Indonesian sovereignty.

In 2010, the Natuna Islands dragged the heat of the South China Sea conflict on unilateral claims made by China. 24 It was begin when China government propose historical fishing area to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) named “Nine Dash Line”. Assistant Foreign Minister Liu Zhemin, the senior Foreign Ministry spokesperson from the Department of Boundary and Oceans Affairs Directorate, stated that:

19 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia.p. 2. 20 Official Website of the Ministry of Internal Affair of the Republic of Indonesia. Profil Daerah Kabupaten Natuna. Retrieved November, 2016 from daerah/kabupaten/id/21/name/kepulauan-riau/detail/2103/natuna 21 Official Website of the Government of Natuna Regency. (2013, October 10). Kondisi Geografis Kabupaten Natuna. Retrieved November, 2016 from 22 Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Natuna. (2015). Buku Saku Kabupaten Natuna. p. 1-3. 23 CNN Indonesia. (2016, July 23). Laut Natuna jadi Sumber Migas Asia. Retrieved November, 2016 from sumber-migas-asia/ 24 Fathiyah, Wardah. (2016, January 9). Indonesia Tegaskan Kembali Kepemilikan Pulau Natuna. VOA Indonesia. Retrieved November, 2016 from tegaskan-kembali-kepemilikan-pulau-natuna/3138015.html


“China respects freedom of safety and navigation in the South China Sea and that the Chinese government has always maintained the right to freedom of navigation and over flight in the South China Sea as a right enjoyed by all countries in accordance with international law.”25

China would like to expend more their territory regarding to government interest. China government rejected the arbitral tribunal’s decision regarding South China Sea dispute between China and Philippine. Chinese President Xi Jinping stated “China will never accept any claim or action based on those awards”.26 China will consistent on their position and policy toward South China Sea. Chinese government prefers on negotiation and consultation and managing in order to settling the disputes in the South China Sea. China emphasizes sovereignty over the South China Sea and the islands are covers in it.27 The nine dotted line raises contention to several countries including Indonesia’s territorial sovereignty because it is only recognized unilaterally by China. Besides ofcausing a new conflict, indirectly China heat up the South China Sea conflict. Nine dash line encompasses the , the , and the important thing is North Sea of Natuna Islands.28

25 Tsirbas, Marina. (2016, June 2). What Does the Nine-Dash Line Actually Mean?.The Diplomat. Retrieved November, 2016 from actually-mean/ 26 Hunt, Katie. (2016, July 12). South China Sea: Court rules in favor of Philippines over China. CNN.Retrieved March, 2017 from south-china-sea/ 27 China’s Government White Paper. (2016). Retrieved March, 2017 from 28 Tsirbas, Marina. (2016, June 2). What Does the Nine-Dash Line Actually Mean?.The Diplomat. Retrieved November, 2016 from actually-mean/


Figure 1 Nine dash line29

Figure 2 Nine dash line Claimed Indonesia's Exclusive Economic Zone30

29 Jakarta Greater. (2014, March 5). China Klaim Wilayah Natuna. Retrieved March, 2017 from


Geographically Natuna Islands is obviously a part of Indonesia territorial sovereignty. The Indonesian government is not afraid and has strongly disputed this claim. North of is including into Indonesia’s Exclusive Economic Zone according to the legal basis of UNCLOS. Means Indonesian government has authorities to develop, navigation, conservation, and protect EEZ territorial based on rules and regulations of the Indonesia’s law of marine.31

Figure 3 Indonesia Maritime Zone32

Although since 2010, the previous President of the Republic of Indonesia, President has denied the nine dash line, based on legal institution, Natuna Islands is part of Indonesia’s territory.33 But, there are still founded Chinese boats those venture illegally into the territorial waters of Indonesia and steal the fish in Indonesian waters illegally. In 2016, Ministry of Maritime Affair and Fisheries, Mrs. Susi Pudjiastuti took a decisive action to

30 Vaswani, Karishma. (2014, October 20). The Sleepy Island Indonesia is Guarding from China. BBC. Retrieved March, 2017 from 31 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia. p. 13. 32 Ibid. 33 Jakarta Greater. (2015, March 25). Alasan Cina Rebutan Natuna dengan Indonesia. Retrieved March, 2017 from


Chinese fisherman who illegally fishing in Natuna sea. She burned the boat.34 That happen can be concluding as a violated Indonesia sovereignty and jurisdiction over EEZ. “Indonesia rejected China who claims north of Natuna Sea as an operating Chinese fisherman within ‘a traditional Chinese fishing ground’” said Indonesia Foreign Minister, Mrs. .35 Indonesia has been faced these things for very often to happens, the Indonesian government took a firmer stance for illegal fishing. However, Natuna Islands still a part of Indonesia sovereignty.

In June, President Jokowi visited Natuna islands and saw directly the potential economic of Natuna Islands. He would like to improve the economic ability of Natuna Islands and strengthen Indonesia sovereignty against illegal fishing and claims from neighbor country.36 To resolve the issue and protect the sovereignty of the Indonesian maritime against conflict, the government created a marine policy that is based on Law No. 32/2014 regarding Indonesia’s Marine, Law No. 17/2007 regarding Long-term National Development Plan (RPJPN) and 9 priorities agenda by President Joko Widodo - Vice President Jusuf Kalla named Nawa Cita. Those foundations generate 7 pillars of Indonesia’s marine policy. Which it can be used to maintaining Indonesia sovereignty in Natuna Islands 37

Based on the statements above, the contents of the policies will be described by the author in more detail in Chapter 4. Then the author will analyze how President Jokowi implementing these policies to maintaining Indonesia sovereignty in Natuna islands. In the analysis chapter, the author uses the theory of sovereignty to support the analysis section. Basic purpose of this thesis is to

34 BBC. (2016, June 21). Setidaknya 30 Kapal Asing 'akan Ditenggelamkan' Setelah Lebaran. Retrieved February, 2017 from 35 Dewi, Erika Anindita. (2016, March 22). Jokowi Should Stand Firm in Fishing Dispute against China: House. The Jakarta Post. Retrieved February, 2017 from against-china-house.html 36 Official Website of the President of the Republic of Indonesia. (2016, June 24). Presiden Jokowi : Percepat Pembangunan Natuna. Retrieved February, 2017 from pembangunan-natuna.html 37 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia.p. 2.

9 provide a result of research in the policy implemented by President Jokowi to Natuna islands to maintaining sovereignty of the territorial waters of Indonesia especially in the outer part.

I.2 Problem Identification As mentioned in the background of study of this thesis, “Nine Dash Line" established by China government and it might be proof to become a threat to Indonesia’s territorial sovereignty. The northern sea of Natuna islands included into the nine dotted lines that proposes illegally by China government as a China’s sovereignty. 38 But the decisive action that is executed by President Jokowi gives great hopes to maintain in this case which is the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia. By build and develop the securities in Natuna seas relevance to maintaining Indonesia sovereignty against threaten of claims.39

This thesis will analyze the roles of Indonesian government. According to Adam Smith, roles of government has functions in maintaining defense, keeping order, building infrastructure, and promoting education. 40 That statement is accordance with the roles of Indonesian government as mentioned in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia alinea 4:41

“Furthermore, in order to form a Government of the State of Indonesia which shall protect the entire Indonesian nation and the entire Indonesian native land, and in order to advance general welfare, to develop the intellectual life of the nation, and to partake in implementing world order based upon independence, eternal peace and social justice”

38 Tsirbas, Marina. (2016, June 2). What Does the Nine-Dash Line Actually Mean?.The Diplomat. Retrieved November, 2016 from actually-mean/ 39 Official Website of the President ofthe Republic of Indonesia. (2016, June 24). Presiden Jokowi : Percepat Pembangunan Natuna. Retrieved February, 2017 from pembangunan-natuna.html 40 Smith, Adam. (1776). The Wealth of Nations. Adam Smith Institute. Retrieved May 24, 2017 from 41 The 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia Alinea 4. Retrieved May 24, 2017 from


According to alinea 4, it concluded Indonesian government has below roles:42

1. Protect the entire nation: Indonesian government has right to ensure national order, security, peace and maintaining sovereignty can be by improving the levels of security and defense either in military sectors, law enforcement, or national and international policies. 2. Advance general welfare: Indonesian government has right to realizing prosperity for Indonesian populations can be by developing the national economic, infrastructure, and optimizing the natural resources. 3. Developing the intellectual life: Indonesian government has right to improve the educational levels of the Indonesian population. 4. Play an active role in international independence, justice, and peace: Indonesian government balancing international relations with all related International Institutions, South East Asian, and Asian Nations.

While the Indonesian government has to be maintaining sovereignty because sovereignty is not only gives an advantage in having a harmonious territory but by doing a decisive action, it may also impact a good benefit for state’s economy. Sovereignty is very important for the country and its people; sovereignty can create harmony in the country and become a proud force for the country.43 The number of Indonesian islands in the outer part of Indonesian territory holds a special attention for the government for the absence of territorial disputes; conflicts of threat the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia.

Overall, government action is extremely important. Approach, development, and public diplomacy are less focused on the outermost regions. So far the Indonesian government has wasted time in developing Java Island, called as "Java-centric". 44 The government also needs to consider stricter development

42 Ibid. 43 Brahm, Eric. (2004). Sovereignty.Beyond Intractability. Retrieved February, 2017 44 Official Website of the President of the Republic of Indonesia. (2016, June 24). Presiden Jokowi: Percepat Pembangunan Natuna. Retrieved February, 2017 from

11 outside Java. In this thesis, the author will also provide insight about the activities of the Indonesian government in develop the securities and economics in Natuna Islands by implementing 7 pillars of marine’s policy.

I.3 Statement of Problem Topic: The Roles of Indonesian Government in Maintaining Its Sovereignty in Natuna Islands from threat by China during President Joko Widodo Period (2014- 2016)

The statement of problem: How did President Joko Widodo Implement the Policy to Maintaining Indonesia’s Sovereignty in Natuna Islands from threat by China? (2014-2016)

I.4 Research Objective Based on the topic raised and the problem statement above, the objective of this research is:

1. To explore depth understanding of Indonesia territorial sovereignty in case of outer part islands 2. To analyze how did President Joko Widodo implement the policy in maintaining Indonesia sovereignty in Natuna Islands occurred on 2014- 2016 3. To understand the used of Indonesia’s marine policy into the outer part islands (Natuna Islands)

I.5 Significance of the Study The significance of the study of this thesis is to get in depth understanding of Indonesian government policies in maintaining sovereignty of Indonesian territorial waters in Natuna Islands. Especially of President Joko Widodo is on his focus to strengthen Indonesian maritime industry as a maritime axis in the world. His concern may have an influence to Natuna Islands against claim by China. By implementing government policies in maintaining the sovereignty, President Joko pembangunan-natuna.html


Widodo should bring Indonesia to independent maritime which can manage own territorial sea including the abundant resources.

Indonesia's sovereignty will not be rocking and disunited, the government's actions provides hope for the nation. The sovereignty brings the wealth for Indonesia citizens. The author expects this thesis will provide information and attention to all Indonesian people in order to maintain the undivided sovereignty of Indonesia.

I.6 Theoretical Framework The author uses several theories related to the topic that has been chosen. The use of the theory is to facilitate the reader to more understand the scope of the issues raised. The theories will be used are sovereignty theory and neo-realism theory. Those theories are used to help the author in analyze the case.

I.6.1 Sovereignty Theory Sovereignty is the right of every people and country. Sovereignty is an important pillar for the state. Each country has different definition of sovereignty respectively where sovereignty has become a destination country to unify and strengthen the establishment of the country. According to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia; sovereignty is belong to the people.45 Means the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia is owned by the Indonesian people to be one and mutually safeguard the sovereignty of Indonesia. It back to the basic natural law of state. As for the natural law’s definition, Indonesian Constitution referred to Hugo Grotius statement, he stated; “Sovereignty is the sovereign political power vested in him whose acts are not subject to any other and whose will cannot be over-ridden” 46 . From the explanation of Grotius, it served understanding of the importance sovereignty itself.

45 Swandaru, Diasma Sandi. (2013). Prosiding FGD Pakar II: Pengamalan sebagai Philosophische Grondslag. p. 26. 46 Grotius, Hugo. Sovereignty: Meaning and Characteristics of Sovereignty. Pooja. Political Science Notes. Retrieved November, 2016 from sovereignty/254


The statement above means “Sovereignty cannot be negotiated” said Luhut Binsar Panjaitan.47 It becomes state pillar for the government and cannot be moved easily by a switch to a group of people interested. Sovereignty leads to an authority and power perhaps the role of state actors. Grotius mentioned sovereignty is the sovereign political power, related to power.48 Every state in the world compete the power to preserve their interest. Using power and authority is an effective ways to interact with others. It related back to state behavior.

Sovereignty is divided into two aspects which are internal sovereignty and external sovereignty. Internal sovereignty is the highest authorities of a country to regulate that exist in covering the people, regions and governments. External sovereignty is the power of a state to hold a relationship or partnership with a country in the interest of the nation and the country as participating in diplomacy and international organizations.49 To analyze the roles of Indonesian government in implementing marine’s policy the authors believe that sovereignty theory can explain the reason why Indonesian government develops maritime sectors in Natuna islands.

I.6.2 Neo-realism Theory Neo-realism is one of the theoretical approaches in the study of international relations. International relations approaches helpful to assist researchers in describing and analyzing a case. Based on Wacker, theory is divided into four criteria, there are; conceptual definitions, limitations domain, relationship-building, and predictions.50 Definition which means the theory used to explain, domain limitations is theory as an application to the real world, the

47 Peters, Scott Cheney. (2014, December 14). China's Nine-Dashed Line Faces Renewed Assault. Center for International Maritime Security. Retrieved November, 2016 from 48 Grotius, Hugo. Sovereignty: Meaning and Characteristics of Sovereignty. Pooja. Political Science Notes. Retrieved November, 2016 from sovereignty/254 49 Brahm, Eric. (2004). Sovereignty.Beyond Intractability. Retrieved February, 2017 from 50 Wacker, John G. (1998). “A Definition of Theory: research guidelines for different theory – building research methods in operations management”. Retrieved March, 2017 from

14 application can be implemented in analysis by improve and develop the research using the term of theory (relationship building), then analysis will produce specific allegations and prediction relating to research.

Neorealist theory is first stated by Kenneth Waltz in his book entitled "Theory of International Politics" in 1979.51 The theory of neorealist is a renewal of Waltz’s view to the realism theory that already existed. Based on realist thinkers, humans are selfish and self-centered as proposed by Morgenthau's "Human Nature". Waltz aims to describe realism theory in the shape of a more scientific and positivism. The differences of realism and neo-realism theories are defined by their point of views to the international system. According to realism theory, the state is the main actor who plays the major roles than the international system. Nothing is higher than the state.52 Although the state is the dominant actor but neo-realism theory is recognize the role and existence of non-state actors in the international system such as international organization like United Nations. 53 The system itself is a collection of units that interact within it. According to Neo-realism, the condition of the international system is anarchy called the pressure of the structure of the actor (state) to achieve survival in the national interest. With the nature of the international structure that anarchy underlies every country to achieve its power in politics, the military and the economy.54

51 Waltz, Kenneth N. (1979). Theory of International Politics. Columbia University. 52 Jackson, Robert. (2016). Introduction to International Relations: Theories and Approaches. Ed. 6. Pages 79-82. 53 Ibid. 54 Perwita, A. A. Banyu, & Sabban, Nabilla. (2015). Kajian Konflik dan Perdamaian. Graha Ilmu. p.19.


Figure 4 Waltz's Neorealist Theory55

According to Waltz's view, world peace can be obtained by formation of an alliance that used a concept of “Balance of Power”. Balance of Power is a concept in which each country seeks to always equalize the level of strength with other countries. It is intended that no country has more power or dominant as compared to other countries. 56 Therefore neo-realism is more emphasis on international security issues.

Based on the explanation above, the author describes the theory of neo- realism into the case raised on this thesis. The government's role in maintaining Indonesia's sovereignty in the outer islands that threaten of a territorial dispute will be presented with a neorealist view. In this case, neorealist is not partiality to the individual but to the state.

I.7 Scope and Limitation of Study The scope and limitation of this thesis is only focused on analyzing the policy that is implemented by President Joko Widodo including the government structure during his period to maintaining Indonesia’s sovereignty in Natuna Islands. The author would take the time frame for the research in year 2014 until 2016. Since President Joko Widodo started his period as Indonesia’s President was in 2014 and the first decisive action by President Joko Widodo was held in 2016 by visited and hold closed meeting in Natuna. Also 2016 is the maximum limitation year for the author since the thesis should be done on 2017. The author

55 Ibid. p.79. 56 Wardhani, Baiq. (2014, March 13). Realisme. Department of International Relations. Universitas Airlangga.

16 used Indonesia’s marine policy year 2014 established by the Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector by implement the 7 pillars into the roles of Indonesian government in Natuna Islands.

I.8 Definition of Terms I.8.1 Jalesveva Jayamahe

Jalesveva Jayamahe derived from Sansekerta, it an Indonesian navy military motto meaning "our glory at the seas". The motto became a firm grip for the military navy, Indonesia is known for its wide territorial waters and wealth of marine resources in abundance will make the TNI responsibility for maintaining marine naval Indonesia along with its contents.57

Not just once President Joko Widodo said Jalesveva Jayamahe in front mess media. He urged all of Indonesia’s people, especially for the fishermen to recapturing the glory of Indonesia’s Seas. 58 Jalesveva jayamahe supporting President Jokowi’s to make Indonesia a major maritime nation in the world during his period.

I.8.2 Nine Dash Line

Nine dash line is nine dotted lines indicating the sovereign territory of China. Aside from being a marker of the sovereign territory of the China, nine dash lines is a freedom area of Chinese fishing ground. Nine dash lines is become international controversy issue to the dotted line entering several countries in South East Asia such as Malaysia, Vietnam, Brunei Darussalam, Philippine, and Indonesia.59

Nine dash line has come from the historical relicts of dynasty Ming dynastyand the government of China is believes on it. China claims it into

57 Marboen, Ade. (2014, October 20). Joko Widodo: Jalesvevas Jayamahe. Antara News. Retrieved February, 2017 from jalesveva-jayamahe 58 Ibid. 59 Tsirbas, Marina. (2016, June 2). What Does the Nine-Dash Line Actually Mean?. The Diplomat. Retrieved November, 2016 from dash-line-actually-mean/


UNLCOS on history rights, but it does not succeed. The territories that included into the nine dash line where actually it has been legally agreed as an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and the application of historic title of UNCLOS cannot be apply to Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).60

Nine dash line is the root cause of the conflict between Indonesia and China territories. All those things become a threat for Indonesia territorial sovereignty because 30% of North Natuna’s Sea is including into nine dash line or Traditional Fishing Ground of China citizens.61 It called also as a claim, since China illegally claims several territories without any agreement or a law.

I.8.3 Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)

Figure 5 Maritime Zones According to UNCLOS 198262

According to United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea about Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in article 55:

“The exclusive economic zone is an area beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea, subject to the specific legal regime established in this Part, under

60 Jianrong, Zhu. (2016, September 1). Let the Facts Speak. Retrieved November, 2016 from 61 Pramono, Siswo. (2016, July 11). China’s nine-dash line revisited. The Jakarta Post. Retrieved November, 2016 from revisited.html 62 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia. p.13.

18 which the rights and jurisdiction of the coastal State and the rights and freedoms of other States are governed by the relevant provisions of this Convention.”63

Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) has been agreed by several countries that located surrounding the zone. Therefore every state located close to the EEZ has an authority measuring 200 mill sea of coastline to have the marine’s wealth, navigation freedom, conduct policy over national law, and develop or cultivate the natural resources.64 EEZ is one of UNCLOS regulations that become state’s right and responsibilities to maintaining EEZ territorial waters by state rules and regulations.

I.8.4 United Nations Convention in the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)

United Nations Convention in the Law of the Sea is an international agreement established by United Nations in 1982. UNCLOS conducted of comprehensive explanation and regulations regarding rights and responsibilities of state to maintaining the world’s ocean.65

I.8.5 Nawa Cita

Nawa Cita is nine priorities agenda which will be executed during the reign of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Jusuf Kalla. Nine priority agenda aims to support the path of vision and mission of the administration of President Joko Widodo which make Indonesia a more advanced, politically sovereign, self-reliant in the economic field, and in cultured personality. Nine priorities agenda consists of government’s performance in maintaining Indonesia sovereignty regarding welfare, government work in transparency, strengthening the unity in diversity, combating corruption, increase the quality of society,

63 United Nations. Part V:Exclusive Economic Zone. Retrieved November, 2016 from 64 Ibid. 65 Ibid.

19 increase Indonesian productivity to international trade, increase the domestic economic sector, develop national characteristic, and strengthening tolerance.66

I.9 Thesis Structure I.9.1 Chapter I: Introduction

First chapter is conducting of Background of Study, Problem Identification, Statement of Problem, Research Objective, and Significant of the Study, Theoretical Framework, Research Methodology, Scope and Limitation of the Study, Definition of Terms, and Thesis Structure. The author would like to give the basic understanding of the topic raised. In the first chapter the author describes basic information what will be discuss in the next chapters.

I.9.2 Chapter II: Literature Review

In the second chapter the author reviewed several books and journals that are related to the topic raised. It uses to help the author to understand the cases and it help to research the problem of topic chosen, analyze the root cause, and gain others perspectives.

I.9.3 Chapter III: Research Methodology

Third chapter will describe how the author gains the data and where the sources come from. As the used method for this thesis which is qualitative approach. All the details of research process will be described as clear in this chapter.

I.9.4 Chapter IV: Indonesian Government Policy in Maintaining Indonesia’s Sovereignty of the Outer Part Islands

In this chapter, the author will describe more detail of government policies those used to maintaining Indonesia’s sovereignty. The policy that the author used is Indonesia’s marine policy that made based on 3 foundations which is

66 Widodo, Jokowi & Kalla, Jusuf. (2014). Jalan Perubahan Untuk Indonesia Yang Berdaulat, Mandiri dan Berkepribadian: Visi Misi, dan Program Aksi.p. 6. Retrieved February, 2017 from


Indonesia’s Convention Law No. 32 year 2014 about the Sea, Indonesia’s Convention Law No. 17 year 2007 about National Long-term Development Plan (RPJPN) and 9 government priorities program named Nawa Cita. In this chapter, the author mentioned detail definition of 3 foundations of Indonesia’s Marine Policy. From those 3 foundations generates 7 pillars that the author used to implement the roles of Indonesian government in maintaining Natuna Islands from threat of China. This chapter also explained the historical background of Indonesia’s territorial sea law which is Djuanda Declarations. The author hopes this chapter gives general information and basic understanding to the reader about the Indonesian government policies before going to the analysis sections.

I.9.5 Chapter V: Indonesian Government in Implement the 7 Pillars of Indonesia’s Marine Policy to Maintaining Indonesia’s Sovereignty of Natuna Islands

This chapter the author will gives clear information to the reader regarding the raised issue. There also analytical information of the author regarding how the Indonesian government in implement the marine policy to maintaining Indonesia’s sovereignty in Natuna Islands. In this chapter, the author would like to give more understanding to the reader of how did President Jokowi’s on his decisive actions that held in Natuna Islands to maintain the border. Also, how the marine policy can be implement to maintaining sovereignty in Natuna islands accordance to 7 pillars. In this chaper, the author will used sovereignty and neo- realism theories.

I.9.10 Chapter VI: Conclusion

Chapter five will gives the conclusion to the reader from all previous chapter explanation. The author will conclude overall the thesis about.



LITERATURE REVIEW In this chapter, the author reviewed several books and journals which can provide the necessary data for this thesis. Books and journals are reviewed by the author is still within the scope of a thesis topic raised. In addition to providing information and knowledge to reader, reviewed journals and books also gain others different perspectives and point of views related to the thesis topic. So there are some responses pros and cons by several actors to differentiate people perspective. The author wish literature review provides an easy understanding and values to readers about what the thesis talking about.

II.1. Journal Review

II.1.1 Laksma TNI E. Estu Prabowo. (December, 2013). “Kebijakan dan Strategi Pertahanan Indonesia: Studi Kasus Konflik Di Laut China Selatan (Indonesia’s Defense Policy and Startegy: Case of Study South China Sea Conflict)”67 This journal was created by member of National Security Agency (Lemhannas) of Republic of Indonesia named Laksma TNI E. Estu Prabowo.68 The journal is about how Indonesia gains it policy and strategy in order to anticipating South China Sea case. It should be an attention for Indonesian government to protect the sovereignty of Indonesia authority. Indonesia still believe the case can be handle by soft power rather than anticipating in hard power it may affect an implication of Indonesia interest.

Power is the desire is always in demand not only for individuals but also the state. The theory of space based on the perspective of geopolitics that mastery of spatial de facto and de jure is referred to also as a political power. If it is

67 Prabowo, E. Estu. (2013). Kebijakan dan Strategi Ketahanan Indonesia: Studi Kasus Konflik di Laut China Selatan).Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional.Lemhannas RI No.XIX (3). p. 117-129. 68 Portal Lemhannas RI. Biro Humas. Retrieved December 8, 2016 from

22 associated with the state, then reduce or increased space becomes an important issue for the state because it concerns the power, honor, and country’s sovereignty.

South China Sea Case unresolved began to involve other parties. China will continue to aggressively desire to master the content richness South China Sea and islands closes to it waters. Not only troubling the parties concerned, but this case also began to involve other parties. Indonesia is not involved directly in the case of South China Sea but began to fail on unilateral claim of china in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in the north sea of Natuna islands. Indonesia should maintain its position in enforcing its rule over the EEZ of Indonesia, located in the north of the islands of Natuna.

If viewed from geopolitics dynamic, South China Sea has great advantages for the political and economic field. South China Sea has abundant marine wealth contents of the fishery resources and biggest oil reserves. Not only that, the South China Sea is also a strategic trading traffic. The largest economic trading activity in the world occurred in the South China Sea.69

Although it has been made a variety of solutions to address the issue of the conflict, such as Indonesia's participation in the Workshop on Managing Potential Conflicts in the South China Sea once a year and the Declaration of Conduct of Parties on the South China Sea, the case of south china sea yet have a final solution peacefully. Because of that these case is being an important agenda in the ASEAN meeting. However it has been made many kinds of solutions to solve this conflict, such as a participation of Indonesia government in creating a workshop once a year to aware and managing potential conflict in South China Sea.70 Until

69 Prabowo, E. Estu. (2013). Kebijakan dan Strategi Ketahanan Indonesia: Studi Kasus Konflik di Laut China Selatan).Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional.Lemhannas RI No.XIX (3).Sengketa Di Laut China Selatan, p. 120 70 Official Website of the Ministry of Foreign Affair of the Republic of Indonesia. (2016, November 16). The 26th Workshop on Managing Potential Conflict in the South China Sea. Retrieved December 8, 2016 from on-Managing-Potential-Conflict-in-the-South-China-Sea.aspx

23 today, South China Sea does not have any final solution. Therefore this case become an important agenda need to be discuss in every ASEAN’s meeting.71

Based on the writer of this Journal, Indonesia still there was no emphasis or special attention to the South China Sea conflict. According to the writer resources, the books “Mempertahankan Tanah Air abad XXI” published in 2003 and “Putih Pertahanan” published in 2008 those published by Department of Defense of Republic Indonesia is already clearly recognized there is a potential conflict in the South China Sea. But all this time, Indonesia is more focused on maritime borders between Indonesia and Malaysia.72

Case of South China Sea is become a treat for Indonesia, even though Indonesian government still believe this case can be handle by diplomacy approaches. Based on the research of the writer, there is no special strategy that focuses from TNI on South China Sea conflict. Minimum Essential Force (MEF) development of Indonesia is still focusing on the area of Sulawesi seas. According to the writer, Indonesian TNI should build military bases around the Natuna islands.73

The conclusion I draw from this journal is overall nice and clear and easily understood by the reader. An important point that I can take that Indonesian policy in that year are still not balanced foreign policy and the lack of defense policy in the country in anticipation of the case of the south china sea. From the results of the study authors, a lot of data that year states that TNI MEF has not looked at the Natuna islands.

71 Prabowo, E. Estu. (2013). Kebijakan dan Strategi Ketahanan Indonesia: Studi Kasus Konflik di Laut China Selatan). Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional.Lemhannas RI No.XIX (3). Sengketa Di Laut China Selatan, p. 124. 72 Ibid. 73 Prabowo, E. Estu. (2013). Kebijakan dan Strategi Ketahanan Indonesia: Studi Kasus Konflik di Laut China Selatan). Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional.Lemhannas RI No.XIX (3).Postur Pertahanan dan Strategi Militer, p. 126.


II.1.2 Nguyen, Dong Manh. (2005). “Settlement of disputes under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: The case of South China Sea dispute”74 The seizure of territory is concerned conflict in each country. Especially when we discuss a territorial dispute over South China Sea, it has not come peacefully solution to resolve the problem. It makes the countries bordering the South China Sea drive the strategy to strengthen the territorial integrity of each country.

The paper made by a member of Foreign Affair of the Republic of Vietnam, the author also acknowledge as a legal expert at Department of International Law and Treaties, named Dong Manh Nguyen. The Paper purposed to deserves information and high values according to the raised case. Overall, the paper is contains clear information and it fulfill requirement needed for this thesis. The author of this thesis is appreciated for the knowledge received from the paper.

In the paper, the author explains the basics of conflicts affecting the South China Sea territorial disputes. Based on the author's view, geo-politics is one context as to why China claims South China Sea. Abundant marine wealth that trusted to provide high economic value becomes an interest for several countries.

Overall, the paper aims to obtain information links to the United Nations Law of Sea (UNCLOS) to the case of the South China Sea. So that the paper is divided into three sections, namely; part I, the view expressed by the author based on geopolitical theory that is associated with the South China Sea conflict. Until the root problems that occur and progress to the deadline set by the author.

In part II, focus on the mechanism of United Nations Law of Sea (UNCLOS) regarding their particular settlement of laws and implementation laws to disputes. In this part also include historical background of UNCLOS. The part III of the paper is an analytical between UNCLOS and South China Sea disputes. It describes how UNCLOS implementing their laws to South China Sea disputes to

74 Manh, Nguyen Dong. (2005). Sattlement of dispute under ther 1982 United Nation Convention on the Law of the Sea: the Case of South China Sea Dispute.United Nations. Retrived from en_0506_vietnam.pdf

25 solve the conflict and the latest development of South China Sea since UNCLOS involve solving the problem.

As mentioned, this paper is focus on claim to Spratly Islands that involve some countries; which are China, Vietnam, Brunei, Philippine, Malaysia, and Taiwan. Even though there is no Indonesia, but some of information and knowledge are used as an example; How Indonesia can implement UNCLOS to Natuna Islands in Indonesia.

II.1.3 Weatherbee, Donald E. (2016, April). “Re-Assessing Indonesia’s Role in the South China Sea”75 The journal was made purposed current issues that happening in South East Asia. The research of the journal concludes Indonesian government takes an action. Which is Indonesia should involve in strengthening its territorial sovereignty since China began to harass the sovereignty of Indonesia. The conflicts mentioned in the journal helps the thesis author to understand the current situation of Indonesia’s position to the issues.

Conflict that happened between Indonesia and China give an opportunity for Indonesia military to strengthen the territorial strategy in maintaining sea borders close to South China Sea. According to the journal analysis, the nine dash line established by China historical does not have international legal status on UNCLOS. President Jokowi does not admit any conflict between China-Indonesia related to territorial dispute. The President has used illegal fishing as the highest figure for the issue. Now day, the President of Republic of Indonesia following by the government structure maintaining Indonesia territory in Natuna islands which claim by China in nine dash line. The foreign ministry of Indonesia, Luhut warned China that Indonesia’s concern about the nine-dash line and Natuna might force Indonesia to follow the Philippines’ lead and go to an international court.76 In this journal give an analytical action by Indonesian government against threatens of claim of nine dash line. It helps to understanding the current situation

75 Weatherbee, Donald E. (2016, April). Re-Assessing Indonesia’s Role in South China Sea. ISEAS – Yusof Isak Institute, . 76 Ibid. p. 10.

26 which related to the author time limitation to know how far Indonesian going to maintaining Natuna islands against that claim.

II.1.4 Japanton Sitohang, Syamsumar Dam, CPF. Luhulima, Awani Irewati, & Rosita Dewi. (2008). “Perbatasan Wilayah Laut Indonesia di Laut China Selatan: Kepentingan Indonesia di Perairan Natuna”77 This book was created by Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) members. This book written used qualitative method by gained actual data from any trusted sources. As well as direct research used by the author in order to understand the problems those occur. Otherwise from giving information to the reader, the book aims to provide awareness that the Natuna waters are an important part to be considered by the Indonesian government.

In this book explains the government's efforts in safeguarding the waters of Indonesia, especially in the Natuna waters until the law of the sea and naval military-driven government. In the end, could be possible opportunities for conflicts of cases dragged South China Sea. Before the regulation of international waters establish, the Indonesian government made a political declaration aimed to maintaining the territorial waters of Indonesia as a unitary region of NKRI. Then on December 13, 1957 established Juanda Declaration, containing:

"That all the waters around, between and connecting the islands or parts of islands including the mainland of the Republic of Indonesia (NRI), irrespective of area or width are the portions were reasonable than the land area NRI and thus is part of the national waters which were under the absolute sovereignty than NRI. A traffic peaceful water of this foraging for foreign vessels is assured during and just does not conflict with the sovereignty and safety of the State of Indonesia. Determination of the territorial sea in which the width of 12 miles measured from the lines connecting the outermost points of the islands NRI will be determined by law "

77 Sitohang, Japanton, Dam, Syamsumar, CPF., Luhulima, Irewati, Awani & Dewi, Rosita. (2008). Perbatasan Wilayah Laut Indonesia di Laut China Selatan: Kepentingan Indonesia di Perairan Natuna..LIPI Press. Jakarta.


Over time the government continuously strengthening laws Indonesian maritime law. However, the national maritime law cannot be a strong grip for the Indonesian government. Until in 1982, formed the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which aims to regulate the use of the seas and oceans peacefully. The Indonesian government ratified the international maritime law with the law No. 17 in 1985.78

In order to maintain the security of the Natuna Sea, the government moves some of the Navy in the waters off the coast. A limitation of budget funds into the Navy so that security constraints in the Natuna waters in 2008 to be minimal. Unlike the situation in previous years, for example; in 1985 conducted “operation brushed” Area Natuna islands to anticipate the events of 1979 a massive refugee from Vietnam. Such information may be a reference to the previous years of surveillance in the Natuna waters and can be a race to examine how the movement of government in securing the Natuna waters today.

II.1.5 Prof. Dr. J. Salusu. (2009). “Indonesia Negara Maritim: Sebuah Refleksi dan Visi”79 Indonesia is a maritime country with a great amount of water that is more extensive than in the mainland. Not a few people Indonesian fishermen. Fisherman activities are drawn to the sea or island to island, where it is in need boats or ships as their transportation.

Indonesia Sea is not only a need for people to earn a living but to make the government to pay more attention to the country's sovereign territory. It encourages governments to develop fleets Indonesian waters protector. Aiming for the welfare of the people and minimize the threat of state sovereignty of neighboring countries. “Already about half a century of successive governments to give attention to the development of maritime Indonesia, but has not been able

78 Sitohang, Japanton, Dam, Syamsumar, CPF., Luhulima, Irewati, Awani & Dewi, Rosita. (2008). Perbatasan Wilayah Laut Indonesia di Laut China Selatan: Kepentingan Indonesia di Perairan Natuna..LIPI Press. Jakarta. p. 32. 79 Salusu, Prof. Dr. J. (2009). “Indonesia Negara Maritim: Sebuah Refleksi dan Visi”. Hassanuddin University. Jurnal Luar Negeri Vol. 26 No. 3 by the Ministry of Foreign Affair of the Republic of Indonesia.

28 to create maritime resilience” quoted from the journal. Republic of Indonesia to the island nation and the number of large bodies of water require an active government and resiliency Indonesian waters. Not just the vision and mission were presented but the real performance in keeping the waters of Indonesia must be upheld.

The Journal is giving knowledge to the author of the overview by the public in general against the vision and mission of the government to make Indonesia a strong maritime nation.

II.1.6 Prasetyo, Kanyadibya Cendana. (2016). “Mempersiapkan Ekonomi Tangguh di Sektor Maritim Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia”80 The Indonesian archipelago and the territorial waters of the broader deservedly reached the goal to make Indonesia as the world maritime axis. By becoming a shaft maritime world, it will build Indonesia's economy and improve the welfare of Indonesian society. Not just empty talk, but the government should be more emphasis on the development of maritime weighed on the mainland.

The journal provides detailed information geographical location and area of Indonesian waters. The journal focuses on the discussion to safeguard the Indonesian waters, maritime infrastructure build, and realize the tough economy and realize the shaft maritime world.

Maintaining Indonesian Waters Territory – the President Joko Widodo order with the World Maritime Axis vision gave rise to guard the territorial waters of Indonesia. Susi Pudjiastuti Minister gave a stern warning to fishermen illegally from neighboring countries in the region who steal fish the waters of Indonesia. Illegal fishing has cost the country an estimated 80 trillion Indonesian rupiah per year. It becomes a treat to Indonesia sovereignty.

80 Prasetyo, Kanyadibya Cendana. (2016). “Mempersiapkan Ekonomi Tangguh di Sektor Maritim Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia”. Brawijaya University, Malang.Jurnal Luar Negeri by the Ministry of Foreign Affair of the Republic of Indonesia.


Infrastructure Development – Ports and the number of vessels not in accordance with the area of Indonesian waters. It became an important idea for the government to build more focus than the maritime interests of the mainland.

Realizing Tough Economy and Realization of World Maritime Axis – Making Indonesia the world maritime axis is for the welfare of the people through maritime infrastructure such as ports, the price of the necessities of life were balanced up to the remote region, increasing human resources, and obtain the results of marine resources as much as possible without damaging the ecosystem. To achieve this goal the government has to commit a consistent work to maritime-based economic development.

In conclusion from the journal is Indonesia’s geography has big possibility to bring Indonesia as world maritime axis. Therefore, Indonesian government needs to strengthen the role and importance in achieving the goals of government vision.

II.1.7 Matondang, Erlinda. (2016). “Strategy Diplomasi Indonesia Dalam Pengamanan Perairan Natuna Pasca-Keputusan Arbitrase Internasional”81 This journal discusses diplomatic efforts to maintain the sovereignty of Indonesia in the Natuna waters after the issuance of the final decision of the international arbitrate. In the journal there is information about the position of ASEAN countries on association in the South China Sea. Indonesia has one of the non-claimant states. In this journal contains analysis of the author on the policy can be done by the to strengthen the security in the waters of Natuna. The author did lovel strategy implementation on the analysis in the form of four models: (1) the structure of the international system; (2) the perception of the elite; (3) strategies of other countries; and (4) the capability of the country.

81 Matondang, Erlinda. (2016). “Strategi Diplomasi Indonesia Dalam Pengamanan Perairan Natuna Pasca-Keputusan Arbitase Internasional”. Indonesia Defense University. Jurnal Luar Negeri by the Ministry of Foreign Affair of the Republic of Indonesia.


II.2 Information of Journals and Books Writer Laksma TNI E. Estu Prabowo, he working in the National Security Agency which is a non-ministerial government institution. He served as head of the Public Relations Bureau.

Nguyen Manh Dong, The Head of Territorial and Border Affairs Section of the Department of International Lawand Treaties, Ministry of Forein Affairs of Vietnam. He holds a Bachelor of Law (LLB) degree from the Faculty of Law, Hanoi National University (1994).

Donald E. Weatherbee, he is a professor that has been described as the dean of the American scholars of the International Relations of Southeast Asia.

Japaton Sitohang, Syamsumar Dam, CPF. Lahulima, Awani Irewati, and Rosita Dewi, they are Indonesian Institute of Sciences Research Center of Political staffs assigned to observe and analyze the situation Natuna in Indonesia maritime border with the South China Sea. Those researches be used to produce a book where purposed to give an information to society.

Prof. Dr. J. Salusu, finished bachelor degree at UGM majoring International Relations in 1962 and received a master's degree at the School of International Service, American University in International Studies in 1973. Now he became professor of social science and political science in several universities in Indonesia.

Kanyadibya Cendana Prasetyo, born in Malang. Brawijaya University graduate student bachelor in International Relations. Have an interest in the issues of development, environment, and cooperation.

Erlinda Matondang, S.IP, M.Si, completing a master's degree in Defense Diplomacy Studies Program, Indonesian Defense University, and graduate studies in International Relations Studies Program, University of Slamet Riyadi Surakarta. The author works as the Government Employees Work Agreement in the Directorate of Defense Technology and Industry, the Ministry of Defense of the


Republic of Indonesia. In addition to serving as a government employee, he is actively writing scientific papers theme diplomacy, defense, foreign affairs and international politics.



RESEARCH METHODOLOGY In this chapter the author would like to give general information of the research methodology used for this thesis. This chapter will describe clearly the process flow of how the author gain the data, research method, research framework, research time and place, and research instrument. The author purposed to give trusted sources that used for this thesis.

III.1 Research Method Accurate data and research is essential in making the thesis. From the research and accurate data source that can be used to get answers from the identification of problems. This thesis uses qualitative research to collect the necessary data. According to Creswell, “Qualitative research begins with assumptions, a worldview, the possible use of a theoretical lens, and the study of research problems inquiring into the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem. To study this problem, qualitative researchers use an emerging qualitative approach to inquiry, the collection of data in a natural setting sensitive the people and places under study, and data analysis that is inductive and establishes patterns or themes. The final written report or presentation includes the voices of participants, the reflexivity of the researcher, and the complex description and interpretation of the problem and it extends the literature or signals a call for action.”82

82 Creswell, J.W. (1998). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design. Sage Publication.


III.2 Research Framework

Indonesia's Marine policy (7 pillars and 3 foundations)

Government Sovereignty theory Implementation in and/or Neo- Natuna Islands realism theory

Figure 6 Analysis Framework

The author will used the Indonesia’s Marine Policy which is conducting of 7 pillars and 3 foundations as a basic foundation to implementing the role of government in Natuna islands against China. The analysis section will present two theories which are sovereignty theory and neo-realism theory. Those theories help to improve the analytical concept and critical ideas of the author.

III.3 Research Time and Place III.3.1 Research Time

August 2016

This month was the very beginning step; the author was collect the thesis title and submitted to campus. The author searched the title by gained the data from internet, books, and thesis. The thesis title should be relevance in international relation study. In the end, the author interesting to territorial disputes cases that happened in Asia. So, the author chooses “The Role of Indonesian Government in Maintaining Its Sovereignty in Natuna Islands from Threat of China on President Joko Widodo Period (2014-2016)” as thesis title.


November 2016

This month was the starting time of research to gain any information and actual data relating to the topic chosen. The data was being collected was the primary data from official Indonesian government, United Nations official website regarding to UNCLOS, official books, and secondary data from news, online media, and journals.

December 2016

In this month, the author started to write the thesis outline by utilized any related data that has been gain and actual footnote to support the write. After obtain approval for the outline thesis from the lecturer advisors, the author began to focus on further expanding the outline in Chapter I. In the first chapter there is basic information of root cause and discussion of thesis widely and in more detail. To get good results, then the author consults with lecturer advisors and revise some errors based on advice from the lecturer advisors.

January 2016

This month, the author began to write chapter II-Literature Review and chapter III-Research Methodology. The author reviewing some books and journals related to the topic thesis. Besides reviewing relevance books and journals, those books and journals must have information and knowledge related to the topic of thesis. This process helps to develop ideas and primary data. In the third chapter, the author describes in detail the process of gaining the needed data and the process of writing the thesis until all chapters gathered.

February 2017

In this month, the author began to focus on the cases raised. The author began writing chapter IV which contains of the overviews case, writing focus to the suggestion from the lecturer advisor and the revision was done to improve the content of this chapter. While writing chapter IV, the author also revised some

35 errors and mistakes in chapters I, II, and III in order to improve the capability of thesis writing and supported data.

March 2017

According to suggestions from the lecturer advisors, on February the author still improve the writing and revises the mistakes on chapters I and IV. The author also starts writing on chapter V which is analysis chapter.

April 2017

In this month, the author focus on writing the analysis chapter which is chapter V based on lecturer advisors suggestion and advice. The analysis chapter is contain of the implementation section into the thesis case accordance to the policies that has been describes in detail on chapter IV.

May 2017

In this month the author finished all chapters by writing the conclusion in chapter VI and the author also merged the all chapters have done.

III.3.2 Research Place

During the research and writing process, the author used the facilitation by government which is public library.

Bogor Public Library– established in August, 1972 by the governor of Bogor. This library aims to improve the quality of Indonesian human resources to provide educational facilities for the community. It purposed to increasing interest and habit of reading to broaden their human resources quality and thinking ability. So, Indonesian society is able to compete in a globalized world. The author uses this library as a place to writing and gain books are relevance to the topic raise.

Ali Alatas Library – established on October 2009 by the Ministry of Foreign Affair. In this library, there are data and information related to international politics and international relations issues that are useful for academics and the general public. The author greatly benefit from the facilities provided by the


Department to obtain an annual official reports, journals, and books related to the topic.

III.4 Research Instrument To meet the necessary data, then the author search the data by various means easy and practical. The author uses both primary and secondary data to support the writing of a thesis. Data is not only taken from the official website of the government but also used the data obtained from the experts that relevance with this topic. Therefore, the author also uses information taken from journals, books, news, reports, speeches, and research useful purpose for writing this thesis.

III.4.1 Library Research The author uses public facilities given by the government. A public library facility in the city of Bogor is still less worthy so the books related to the topic of this thesis is very rare. Ali Alatas library that I visit at least give me two books related to the topic of this thesis and three journals are already gathered as annual journal into a book. Books and journals are very important to help the writing process of the chapter I and chapter II.

III.4.2 Internet Research The author is more utilize in finding the data needed by internet. In collect the required data, the majority of research done through the internet. But the author still sorting out the data is accurate and appropriate for use.

List of Website 1. 2. 3. 4. Official Website 5. 6. 7. 8. News, Journals, Social


List of Website 9. Media 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Table 1 Website Lists

Official Website

Official website is the official website operated under the government and official institutions. Official information obtained from here can be used as a primary source, and the data is accurate. Usually official website is provides the information that is important and can be accessed by the general public.

United Nations Documents

By accessing the official website of the UN, the author can take the official data that has been downloaded by authorized members of UN agencies. Such as maritime law UNCLOS, the author can access directly through the official website of the UN.

Books, Journals, Articles, and News

Books, journals, articles, and news used as secondary data and support data. The author fined relevance information to support the primary data by access e-book, e-journal, and e-news. The information’s receives need to be filter either useful or not useful. Those things are contribute to develop the minim primary resources.



INDONESIAN GOVERNMENT POLICY IN MAINTAINING INDONESIA’S SOVEREIGNTY OF THE OUTER PART ISLANDS In this chapter the author give an in depth and detail explanation about the government policy that the author used to implement the roles of Indonesian government in maintaining its sovereignty in Natuna Islands. The author used Indonesia’s marine policy that underlying by Law No. 32/2014 about the Sea, Law No.17/2007 about Long-term National Development Plan (RPJPN), and Nawa Cita. From those three foundations generate 7 pillars that will be used to implement the roles of Indonesian government in Natuna Islands from threat by China. Also, this chapter provided the historical background of Indonesia’s marine policy which is Djuanda Declaration. The information provided by this chapter is obtained from official document of “the White Book of Indonesia’s Marine Policy”.

IV.1 Indonesia’s Sovereignty as an Archipelago State Indonesia is a biggest archipelago country in the world with a total of islands is 17.504 islands 83 and total of territorial water of 6,315,222 square nautical miles.84 Indonesia believes have abundant natural resources inside the seassuch as petroleum, tin, natural gas, nickel, timber, gold, silver, bauxite, copper, fertile, soil, coal, and fishes.85 Those essential of natural resources owned by Indonesia has attracted the world interest.

83 Statistics Indonesia. (2017, February 9). Luas Daerah dan Jumlah Pulau Menurut Provinsi, 2002-2015. Retrieved March, 2017 from 84 Geospatial Information Agency of Republic of Indonesia. Pentingnya Informasi Geospasial untuk Menata Laut Indonesia. Retrieved March, 2017 from surta/show/pentingnya-informasi-geospasial-untuk-menata-laut-indonesia 85 Official Website of the Republic of Indonesia. Sumber Daya Alam Indonesia. Retrieved March, 2017 from


Saying having 6,315,222 miles as legal waters means mass. Indonesia territorial water is huge. Since it is huge, the territorial water of Indonesiaare bordered with 10 neighbor countries, there are; India, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippine, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Australia, and Timor Leste.86 In order to maintaining Indonesia’s sovereignty in the border regions, Indonesian government implemented rights of maritime boundaries according to international law which is UNCLOS 1982. 87 Maritime boundaries generally consists of the territorial sea boundary, the exclusive economic zone boundary, the boundary of the continental shelf, contiguous zone boundary, limit special fishing zone, and the presence of the outer islands. Noted there are 92 islands are located in the outermost border of Indonesia’s territory.88 From the total of 92 outer part islands, there are conducting by inhabited islands and uninhabited islands (Stone and Coral). The islands are located at the outer part be aware of the conflict considering the case of loss of Sipadan and Lingitan islands from NKRI that happened in 2002.89

The outer part islands marked have greater economic potential due to rich natural resources. Most of the outer part islands citizens are fishermen. Therefore, it is much needed that the role of government helps to improve the development and cultivation of fisheries within Indonesia water territory especially outer islands. 90 The Government shall take over the management of the islands as written in Indonesian Presidential Regulation No. 78/2005 on the Management of

86 World Bank. Rencana Induk pengelolaan Batas Wilayah Negara & Kawasan Perbatasan Tahun 2011-2014. Retrieved March, 2017 from reas0201102014.txt 87 The United Nations Convention the Law of the Sea Act No. 6 of 8 August 1996 regarding Indonesian Waters. 88 Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal, and Security of Republic of Indonesia. (2006, July 18). Kebijakan dan Strategi Penataan dan Pemeliharaan Batas Wilayah NKRI dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil Terluar. Retrieved February, 2017 from pdf/ForkomPolhukam.pdf 89 Meetings Coverage and Press Releases by United Nations. (2002, December 17). International Court Finds That Sovereignty Over Islands of Ligitan and Sipadan Belongs to Malaysia. Retrieved February, 2017 from 90 Directorate General of Tax of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia. (2013, June 24). Ketahanan Nasional di Pulau-Pulau Terluar Indonesia. Retrieved March, 2017 from


Small Outer Part Islands.91 Based on the regulation above, it has been written in details of the government jobs list in govern the outer part islands.

IV.2 Historical Background of Indonesia’s Marine: Djuanda Declaration 1957 The history of Indonesian waters is inseparable from the history of the Djuanda Declaration 1957 which declared to the world that Indonesia is an archipelago country. So that the territorial waters of Indonesia including the sea around, among other things, and in the Indonesian archipelago are belong into a unity of NKRI.92 Djuanda Declaration formed by Ir. who at that time served as Prime Minister of Indonesia. Djuanda Declaration was formed with the aim as the legal basis of the Indonesian state especially for the territorial waters. Considering Indonesia's territory covered by thousands of islands and the sea that surrounds the islands. Therefore Indonesia needs the declaration.93

Prior to the establishment of the djuanda declaration, Indonesian waters were regulated by the Dutch colonial maritime law, called as Territorial Zee en Maritime Kringen Ordonantie 1939. The regulation governs the sovereignty of Indonesia's sea only 3 miles from the low water limit. The sea in over the 3 miles was a high sea so foreign ships could sail freely. However, it seems to be detrimental to Indonesia because the islands in Indonesia become separated.94 in 1956 the Indonesian government was represented by the prime minister began to think of changing the Ordinantie 1939 through the insistence of the defense department, the interior, the agriculture, the shipping,

91 The Government Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 78 Year 2005 Contents 5 Chapters and 12 Acts regarding Managing the Small Outer Part Islands. Ratified by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. 92 Dispenarmabar. (2012, November 21). Apa Itu Deklarasi DJuanda?. Official Website of Markas Besar TNI Angkatan Laut. Retrieved April 26, 2017 from DEKLARASI-DJUANDA.aspx 93 Sulistyo, Eko. (2016, December 18). Deklarasi Djuanda dan Hari Nusantara. Official Website of Staff President RI Office. Retrieved April 20, 2017 from dan-hari-nusantara/ 94 Official Website of the Ministry of Tourism of RI. Deklarasi Djuanda dan Implikasinya Terhadap Kewilayahan Indonesia. p. 2. Retrieved April 26, 2017 from

41 abroad, and the state police. Then formed the committee assigned to draft the law of the territorial waters of Indonesia and the maritime environment through the decision of the Prime Minister of RI no. 400/P.M./1956. From the result of the reshuffle only distinguish the boundary of Indonesian territorial sea which was originally 3 miles became into 12 miles while its principle still follow the concept of Ordinante 1939.95

The reshuffle looks not maximized to regulate the sea of Indonesia. So, in August 1957 the new Indonesian Prime Minister, Ir. Djuanda issued the “archipelago principle” which is the concept of an archipelago country. On December 13, 1957, PM Djuanda issued the Government Announcement of the State Waters of the Republic of Indonesia, which became known as the Djuanda Declaration.96 With the contents as below:97

1. Indonesia declares an archipelago country having its own style; 2. Since the ancient time Indonesia is already a unity; and 3. Ordinance 1939 provisions on Ordinance, can divide the territorial integrity of Indonesia from the declaration contains a purpose: a. To realize the unified and unified territorial shape of the Republic of Indonesia; b. To determine the boundaries of the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, in accordance with the principle of the island state; and c. To manage the peaceful traffic of the voyage that guarantees the security and safety of NKRI.

Furthermore, the principle of the Indonesia archipelago nationally recognized is inseparable from the establishment of UNCLOS 1982. The Government of Indonesia has struggled for international recognition of the

95 Ibid. 96 Sulistyo, Eko. (2016, December 18). Deklarasi Djuanda dan Hari Nusantara. Official Website of Staff President RI Office. Retrieved April 20, 2017 from dan-hari-nusantara/ 97 Dispenarmabar. (2012, November 21). Apa Itu Deklarasi DJuanda?. Official Website of Markas Besar TNI Angkatan Laut. Retrieved April 26, 2017 from DEKLARASI-DJUANDA.aspx

42 concept of archipelago country principle for 25 years. The official recognition of UNCLOS 1982 was finally ratified by the Indonesian government in Law no. 17 year 1985 as the official guide of international recognition of Indonesia as an archipelago country.98

Since the recognition of the international marine law convention, the territorial waters of Indonesia have become larger than ever before, so it is feared that foreign ships can no longer sail freely in Indonesian waters. Considering the history of Indonesia, which was a sea lanes of foreign ships, because of that the Indonesian government established convention Law no. 37 of 2002 about Right of Obligation of Foreign Ships and Aircraft in Implementing the Right of Sea Lane Passage through the Arranged Seaboard Sea Islands. The law is regulates the rights and plots of foreign ships and aircraft passing through the territory of Indonesian sovereignty. The line is divided into 3, namely:99

a. ALKI I across South China Sea, Karimata Strait, Java Sea, Sunda Strait; b. ALKI II across Sulawesi Sea, Makassar Strait, Flores Sea, Lombok Strait; and c. ALKI III across Pacific Ocean, Maluku Strait, Seram Sea, Banda Sea, Ombai Strait, Sawu Sea.

The declaration of Djuanda as explained above became the foundation of Indonesian waters and to this day the declaration is recalled especially for the government in carrying out its duties and the basis of legislation in the marine sector.100

98 Sulistyo, Eko. (2016, December 18). Deklarasi Djuanda dan Hari Nusantara. Official Website of Staff President RI Office. Retrieved April 20, 2017 from dan-hari-nusantara/ 99 Indonesia’s Convention Law Act. 6 No. 17 Year 2002 about Right of Obligation of Foreign Ships and Aircraft in Implementing the Right of Sea Lane Passage through the Arranged Seaboard Sea Islands. 100 The Coordinator Ministry of Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia.p. 7.


IV.3 Three Foundations of Indonesia’s Marine Policy Marine policy became important role models for the Indonesian government in regulating the Indonesia’s territorial water and its contents that uphold the sovereignty of NKRI. The marine policy is made based on three important cornerstones of the Indonesian government legislations, there are; (1) Indonesia’s Convention Law No. 32 Year 2014 about the Sea, (2) Indonesia’s Convention Law No. 17 Year 2007 about Long-term Development Plan, and (3) Nawa Cita.

Figure 7 Indonesia's Road Map of the World Maritime Axis101

IV.3.1 Indonesia’s Convention Law No. 32 Year 2014 about the Sea Indonesia’s Convention Law No. 32 Year 2014 about the Sea is a regulation that regulates all activities related to Indonesia’s authority in each seas and water. Consisting of 13 chapters and 72 articles that contain about the limits of the territorial waters of Indonesia, the rights of navigation, the rights to manage,

101 The Coordinator Ministry of Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia.p. 2.

44 builds, develops, and protects the Indonesian territorial waters.102 According to Act 3, this law held for:103

1. Confirm Indonesia as an archipelago country, characterized by archipelago and maritime; 2. Utilization of marine resources and/or activities in marine areas in accordance with the legislation and international law in order to achieve prosperity of the nation and the state; 3. Realize a sustainable and safe sea as a living space and space protecting Indonesia’s sovereignty; 4. Utilizing sustainable marine resources in a sustainable manner for the welfare of the present generation without compromising the interests of future generations; 5. Promote culture and knowledge of the marine assets to the society; 6. Develop human resources in the field of professional marine, ethical, dedicated, and capable to prioritize the national interest in supporting the development of optimal and integrated marine; 7. Provide legal certainty and benefits for the entire society as an archipelago country; and 8. Develop the role of the unity state of the republic of Indonesia in the global maritime arena accordance with international law for it national interest.

Indonesian marine legislation raced to the international regulations established by the United Nations of the Convention of the Law of the Sea in 1982. It becomes an agreement between Indonesia and UNCLOS in order to maintain national and international territorial waters. According to the agreement, Indonesia’s water is recognized by the international law and global arena.104

102 The Convention Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 32 Year 2014 about the Sea Act 4. 103 The Convention Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 32 Year 2014 about the Sea Act 3a-3h. 104 The United Nations Convention the Law of the Sea Act No. 6 of 8 August 1996 regarding Indonesian Waters.


IV.3.2 Indonesia’s Convention Law No. 17 Year 2007 about Long-term Development Plan (RPJPN) Indonesia’s Convention Law No. 17 Year 2007 about Long-term Development Plan (RPJPN) is a regulation made by the legal constitution agencies of Indonesian government to set up the long-term development plan ofIndonesia. This regulation is realized for the national development starting from 2005 up to 2025. The establishment of the law long-term development aims to allocate a state budget, revenue, expenditure, and avoid vacancy state development plan.105 To achieve and ruin the RPJPN programs, the government established the Medium-term National Development Plan (RPJMN) with a five- year period. As announced by the Secretariat Cabinet of Indonesia, "With consideration to implement the provisions of Article 19 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 25 Year 2004 on National Development Planning System, President Joko Widodo on January 8, 2015, has signed Presidential Decree No. 2 of 2015 on RPJMN 2015-2019".106

In the medium-term national development plan, development in marine is one of the development plan agendas that have been underway since 2015 up to 2019.The government focused on marine development to make Indonesia an independent maritime state.107 This construction in maritime sector applied the contents of Indonesia’s Marine Policy, national development law be a foundation of the principles of marine policy. Here are the contents of the principles in marine policy:108

1. Nusantara Insight

105 The Convention Law of Republic of Indonesia regarding National Long-term Development Plan No. 17 Year 2007 Ratified by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Jakarta. (2007, February 5). 106 Pribadi, Indra Arief. (2015, January 15). Pemerintah Terbitkan RPJMN 2015-2016. Antara News. Retrieved March, 2017 from terbitkan-rpjmn-2015-2019 107 Vice Ministry of Development Plan and Vice President of BAPPENAS. Pembangunan Kelautan Dalam RPJMN 2015-2019. Official Website of the Ministry of National Development Plan. Retrieved March, 2017 from JMN_2015-2019_jakarta_28_jan_2014.pdf 108 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia. p. 26-29.


Nusantara Insight is an Indonesian perspective to recognize the identity of the nation which is based on its geographical structure. Where geographically Indonesia is an archipelago state, by a concept of Nusantara Insight, Indonesia archipelago is a form as inseparable unity in ideology, political, economic, social, cultural, security, and defense.109 2. Sustainable Development Sustainable development aims to meet the needs of the next generations. The principle of sustainable development in the marine policy set; (a) Utilization of resources does not exceed the capabilities of biological resources (renewable) or a non-biological resources (non- renewable) and the utilization of non-biological resources does not damage the conservation of biological resources; (b) Resource utilization should not sacrifice quality and quantity for the next generations; and (c) Resource utilization unknown impact for the future should be done carefully and supported by scientific researchers.110 3. Blue Economy Blue Economy was first established by Gunter Pauli in 2010 over his book “The Blue Economy: 10 years – 100 innovations – 100 Million Jobs”.111 He said; “Blue economy concept is very relevant implementing in marine and the fisheries sector through the development of innovative and creative business based on the principle of efficiency of nature”112 Blue economy concept applies for ecosystems as logic so the concept is safe and a friendly environment. If the blue economy is implemented into the maritime sector, it will not damage the marine

109 Abdulkarim, Aim. Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan: Membangun Waraga Negara yang Demokratis. Grafindo Media Pratama. p. 22. 110 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia. p. 27. 111 Rakhmindyarto, & Sinulingga, Wesly F. (2014, December 9). Ekonomi Biru untuk Maritim Indonesia yang Berkelanjutan. Official Website of the Ministry of Finance of Republic of Indonesia. Retrieved March, 2017 from 112 Setiawan, Indra. (2015, April 12). Pauli: Ekonomi Biru Relevan di Sektor Kelautan. Antara News. Retrieved March, 2017 from biru-relevan-di-sektor-kelautan


ecosystem and leaving waste. For example; cultivation plant of mangrove, in addition to preventing coastal erosion, the fruit can be used for syrup and natural dye for batik. It can be fully utilized and not thrown away unnecessarily.113 4. Integrated and Transparency Management Integrity management implemented with the discipline, inter- regional, inter-actors (stakeholders), and cross-sector. The principle is applied only in one system that covers all aspects of the management. It is not separate, so that one aspect with the other aspects is interrelated. The principle of transparency where the process is carried out must be in accordance with the laws and regulations that have been set.114 5. Participation The principle of participation is a role that is owned by all stakeholders. All stakeholders have equal role in the planning, implementation, has open information about government policies and sufficient access to resources equitably.115 6. Equality and Equity The principle of equality and equity aims to ensure equal justice and mutual benefit in an individual or group of individuals. Development in Indonesia must be Indonesian-centric instead of Java-centric. So, the construction is done evenly and equal regardless of race, religion and culture.116

IV.3.3 Nawa Cita Nawa Cita is nine priorities agenda which will be implemented over five yearsduring the reign of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Jusuf Kalla. The nine priorities agenda contains the government's priorities in turning Indonesia into a country more politically sovereign, self-reliant in the field of

113 Ibid. 114 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia. p. 28. 115 Ibid. 116 Ibid. p. 29.

48 economy, and personality in aspect of culture.117 Nawa Cita is a Sansekerta word, Nawa means nine and Cita means purpose. 118 Thus, President Jokowi named Nawa Cita which means nine government purposes to develop Indonesia. Here are the contents of the nine priorities agenda or Nawa Cita:119

Figure 8 Nawa Cita120

1. Will bring the nation to protect the people and provide security to all citizens. 2. To build good governance that is clean, effective, democratic and reliable. 3. To develop Indonesia from borders by strengthening areas and villages in the context of United Nations. 4. To reject weak nation by conducting law enforcement system reform that is free of corruption, have dignity and reliable.

117 Widodo, Joko & Kalla, Jusuf.(2014). Jalan Perubahan Untuk Indonesia yang Berdaulat, Mandiri, dan Berkepribadian. p. 6. 118 Sasmita, Ira & Putra, Erik Purnama. (2014, May 20). Nawa Cita, Sembilan Agenda Jokowi-JK. Republika. Retrieved March, 2017 from jokowijk 119Widodo, Joko & Kalla, Jusuf. (2014). Jalan Perubahan Untuk Indonesia yang Berdaulat, Mandiri, dan Berkepribadian. p. 6-12. 120 Official Website of the Republic of Indonesia. Nawa Cita. Retrieved March, 2017 from


5. Will improve the quality of life of Indonesian people through: Smart Indonesia (Indonesia Pintar), Healty Indonesia (Indonesia Sehat), Indonesia Work (Indonesia Kerja) and Prosperous Indonesia (Indonesia Sejahtera). 6. Will improve the people productivity and the competitiveness in the international market. 7. Will realize the economic independence by accelerating domestic economic strategic sectors. 8. Will conduct nation character revolution. 9. Will reinforce the united and strengthening social restoration

Those three foundations are forming the vision and mission of government in establishing the maritime policy. The vision of Indonesia’s marine policy is to bring Indonesia into maritime axis in the world, Indonesia becoming developed maritime nation, independent, strong, as well as, it is able to give positive contribution to security and world peace in accordance with national interest. To achieve those visions, government needs to support by the following mission:121

1. Managing marine resources in optimal form and being sustainable; 2. Establishment of the quality of human resources and science and technology that are reliable; 3. Establishment of a strong maritime defense and security; 4. Implementation of the enforcement of sovereignty, law, and safety at sea; 5. Implementation of maritime’s good governance; 6. Realization equality of public welfare in the coast tall areas and small islands; 7. Realization of the increase in economic growth and competitive maritime industry; 8. Establishment of a reliable marine infrastructure; 9. The completion of marine spatial documents;

121 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia. p. 24-25.


10. Implementation of a marine environment protection; 11. Implementation of a maritime diplomacy; and 12. The establishment maritime insight including an identityof maritime culture.

IV.4 Seven Pillars of Indonesia’s Marine Policy The three foundation of Indonesia’s marine policy generate seven pillars. Here are seven pillars of Indonesia’s marine policy:

IV.4.1 Management of Marine Resources and Human Resource Development Marine resources policy aims to optimize the utilization and management of the results of Indonesia's marine resources. To optimize the management of Indonesia's marine wealth, the government established the development of human resources policy.

"Development of human resources is considered very important, because managing marine resources and fisheries in essence is managing its human resources", said Suseno Sukoyono, The head of the Human Resources Development of Indonesian Maritime and Fisheries.122

Human resources policy aims to develop the potential of the society especially in the maritime field to become a professional worker, ethical and have a broad education in marine science and conservations.123 Considering Indonesia has abundant marine resources, "The potential of Indonesia’s marine amounted 171 billion US dollars per year. Potential of fisheries are amounting 32 billion US dollars per-year. If the potential is managed optimally, Indonesia will become a very rich country", said Syafril Fauzi, Secretary of the Directorate General of

122 Wijaya, Ahmad. (2015, May 19). Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) Kerjasama dengan Universitas di Norwegia. Antara News. Retrieved March, 2017 from norwegia?utm_source=related_news&utm_medium=related&utm_campaign=news 123 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014) Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia.p. 32.


Managing and Marketing of Fisheries in the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia.124

The amount of Indonesia's marine wealth can help the Indonesian economy. Utilizing marine resources for the national interest is more beneficial than been stolen by foreign countries. Here are the following main programs in implementing the policy of marine resource management and human resources development policy:

Figure 9 the Main Programs of the Management of Marine Resources Policy125

124 Sajarwo, Gandang & Assifa, Farid. (2014, December 22). Kekayaan Laut Melimpah, Indonesia Tak Pantas Punya Utang. Kompas. Retrieved March, 2017 from Pantas.Punya.Utang 125 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia. p. 30.


Figure 10 the Main Programs of Human Resource Development Policy126

IV.4.2 Defense, Security, Law Enforcement, and Safety at the Sea Under the law Article 1 paragraph 1 number 3 of 2002 on National Defense, the national defense aims to preserve and protect the national sovereignty, territorial integrity of the unitary state of Republic of Indonesia, and the safety of the nation from all forms of threats, and utilize national resources and national infrastructure facilities.127 The contents of the legislation crustaceans national defense that has been described above, applies to the defense policy, security, law enforcement, and safety at sea. Here are the following main programs of that policy:

126 Ibid. p. 32. 127 The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia. (2015). Buku Putih Pertahanan Republik Indonesia. p. 1.


Figure 11 the Main Programs of Defense, Security, Law Enforcement, and Safety at the Sea Policy128

National defense policy must be aligned with the marine policy (Indonesia into the world maritime axis) where national defense play an active role in maintaining national waters, especially activities at sea, security and territorial sovereignty of Indonesia in the outer islands.129 “We have to revise the programs of national defense, this should be in the same direction, in line with government policy”, said Director General of Defense Strategy, the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia, Major General Yoedhi Swastanto.130 Based on statement above, Marine policy is supported by the minister of national defense in the National Defense White Paper released in 2015.

IV.4.3 Governance and Institution Governance and institutional policy contains about structuring a national system in maritime, implementation of international law in the field of marine

128 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia. p. 34. 129 Gumilang, Prima. (2016, March 30). Diplomasi Maritim Isu Sentral di Buku Putih Pertahanan RI. CNN Indonesia. Retrieved March, 2017 from sentral-di-buku-butih-pertahanan-ri/ 130 Gumilang, Prima. (2016, May 31). Buku Putih Pertahanan RI Fokus ke Program Poros Maritim. CNN Indonesia. Retrieved March, 2017 from fokus-ke-program-poros-maritim/

54 accordance with national interests, and the development of a national system of marine governance is good, transparent and accountable.131 Realizing Indonesia as the axis of the maritime world cannot be separated from governance and national and international institutions which recognize Indonesia as a maritime nation. Regional jurisdictions Indonesian waters regulated by national law that implementing the international law, namely UNCLOS. 132 With a strong legal basis of an international law, the identity of Indonesia as a maritime country will be recognized by the world.

IV.4.4 Economic and Marine Infrastructure and Increased Welfare Considering the richness of Indonesian marine potential may be able to build the national economy. Then the government makes a policy of marine economy. Marine economic policy is to make the sea as a means of national economic backer.133 Indonesia has the authority over the use of natural resources in each national territorial water in accordance with national and international law (UNCLOS).134

To take advantage of Indonesia's marine resources, the government needs to build adequate infrastructures. In the marine infrastructure development policy, the government building investment cooperation in the field of marine infrastructure construction and the development of sea transport connectivity, focused on the connectivity between islands, especially the outer islands. In addition, governments need to develop ports in Indonesia based on international standards.135 The programs supported by the transport minister in accordance of the budget’s structure.136

131 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia.p. 36. 132 Attachment 1, Regulations of the President of Republic of Indonesia No. 16 Year 2017 about Indonesia’s Marine Policy. National Document of Indonesia’s Marine Policy, the Ministry of Maritime and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia. p. 6. 133 Official Website of the Republic of Indonesia. Sumber Daya Alam Indonesia. Retrieved March, 2017 from 134 The Convention Law of the Republic of Indonesia Act 1 No. 32 Year 2014 about the Sea. 135 Adityawarman. (2012, March 7). Transportasi Laut Miliki Peran Penting dalam Pembangunan Nasional. Antara News. Retrieved March, 2017 from


Increased welfare policy aims to aim to achieve increased prosperity marine construction which gives the advantage to the welfare of society, especially people in small islands and the outermost islands. Here arethe following key programs that will be implemented:137

1. Make the proposition and infrastructure for business development like fishing, fish cultivation and salt farmers; 2. Increase the capacity of the ability of the fishermen, fish cultivators and salt farmers; 3. Facilitate access to knowledge and the provision of information technology budgets for fishing effort, such as fish cultivators and salt farmers; 4. Expanding employment opportunities for people and businesses in marine, particularly in the fisheries sector, energy, and tourism; and 5. Improved management capacity of marine resources for sustainable marine tourism on coastal communities and small islands. pembangunan-nasional 136 The Bureau of Communication and Public Information of Minister of Transportation. (2016, October 24). Konektivitas Transportasi dan Tol Laut Menjadi Target dan Prioritas Pembangunan Kemenhub Tahun 2017. Official Website of Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia. Retrieved March, 2017 from transportasi--dan-tol-laut-menjadi-target-dan-prioritas-pembangunan-kemenhub-tahun-2017 137 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia. p. 40-41.


IV.4.5 Management of Sea Space and Protection of the Marine Environment

Figure 12 the Main Programs of the Management of Sea Space and Protection of the Marine Environment Policy138

Marine spatial management policy aims to protect resources and the marine environment, exploiting the potential of marine areas of national and international scale, and develop marine areas that have the potential for production, distribution, and services. Here are the following main programs of the Management of Sea:139

a. Creating alignment across between sectors in marine areas; b. Acceleration of spatial national seas; c. Acceleration of zoning plans in coastal areas and small islands; d. Acceleration of zoning plan strategic areas of national and inter-regional zones; e. Provision of geospatial information data base and thematic integrated; and f. Simplification of licensing the use of marine space.

138 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia.p. 43. 139 Ibid. p. 44.


Marine environmental protection policy aimed at safeguarding the marine environment in order to avoid contamination or damage in the sea area as well as a source of conflicts related to seas and oceans. Here are the main programs of marine environmental protection policy:140

a. Strengthen development in the basin, coastal, marine and small islands with a system of integrated and sustainable; b. Strengthen of marine conservation; c. Preventing, mitigating, and restoring the impact of marine pollution; d. Marine disaster management; e. Building infrastructure in coastal areas and seas in a sustainable manner; and f. Develop bilateral cooperation (ASEAN), regional and global in the management of the marine environment.

IV.4.6 Maritime Culture Maritime cultural policy aims to give full understanding to the public on maritime insight to optimize national sustainable marine development. 141 Maritime culture is very important to build the ideology of a state as an archipelago country. Which is Indonesia is rich in maritime resources. Maritime culture create a space for people to learn, exercise, study, work, and recreation. Here arethe following programs are key policy maritime culture:142

1. Improving education and public awareness of the marine sectors applied to all types of education; 2. Identification and inventory of cultural values and social systems of the marine region national unity and culture of Indonesia; 3. Development of a needs-based marine technology; 4. Generating insight and understanding of maritime culture;

140 Ibid. 141 Public Relations of Secretariat Cabinet RI. (2015, January 6). Kebijakan Kelautan Nasional (National Ocean Policy) Memberikan Arah dan Pedoman Bagi Seluruh Pihak Dalam Melaksanakan Pembangunan Kelautan. Official Website of the Secretariat Cabinet of the Republic of Indonesia. Retrieved March, 2017 from 142 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia.p. 45.


5. Harmonization of the use of marine resources; and 6. Maintain the revitalization of the historic role of the ports.

IV.4.7 Maritime Diplomacy "We need to wake up maritime diplomacy skills and strength in the sea", said President Joko Widodo, on the limited cabinet meeting in Simalungun, Saturday, August 20, 2016.143

Maritime Diplomacy is a foreign policy effort aims at optimizing the potential of maritime based on the national interest and in accordance with the provisions of national and international law (UNCLOS). Maritime diplomacy is not only a bilateral, regional, and global but military and civilian use to meet national interests. 144 Maritime diplomacy can be a media for promoting the national interest such as a relationship of cooperation between countries in maritime sector, for example Maritime Forum 2016 organized by the Japan- Indonesia.145

In addition to establishing cooperative relations among countries, the implementation of maritime diplomacy can boost the government's efforts in dealing with conflicts at sea, are like illegal fishing, territorial disputes, violations of sovereignty, piracy and maritime destruction (China).146

143 Krisiandi. (2016, August 20). Presiden: Jangan Abaikan Diplomasi dalam Membangun Maritim. Kompas. Retrieved March, 2017 from membangun.maritim 144 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia.p.47. 145 Ramadhani, Mutia & Maharani, Esthi. (2017, January 25). Indonesia Perlu Diplomasi Maritim Modern dan Inovatif. Republika. Retrieved March, 2017 from diplomasi-maritim-modern-dan-inovatif 146 Official Website of Ministry of Foreign Affair of the Republic of Indonesia. (2014, November 15). Presiden Jokowi Deklarasikan Indonesia Sebagai Poros Maritim Dunia. Retrieved March, 2017 from Indonesia-Sebagai-Poros-Maritim-Dunia.aspx


Figure 13 the Main Programs of Maritime Diplomacy Policy147

IV.5 Chapter Summary Based on the contents of that has been described above in detail, marine policy encompassing government efforts with society to keep, maintain, manage, and utilize Indonesian waters under national and international laws that have been determined. Marine policy is one of the policies approved by the President and national institutions of RI, and therefore the author would use a marine policyto implementing the role of the government of President Jokowi and the cabinet together works dealing withthe issue in the outer islands in maintaining Indonesian waters territorial sovereignty.

The outer islands, especially Natuna Islands rose as a case of this thesis topic. Sovereignty territorial waters of Indonesia in the Natuna islands are been threaten by China's unilateral claim (Nine-dash Line), it again heating up in early 2016. On March 19, 2016, “Hiu 11” fishing vessel belonging to the Ministry of Marine and Fisheries RI catching Chinese fishing boat “Kway 10078 Fey” who illegally fishing of the area Indonesian waters. 148 Since the incident, the

147 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia.p. 47. 148 Gumilang, Prima. (2016, March 30). Diplomasi Maritim Isu Sentral di Buku Putih Pertahanan RI. CNN Indonesia. Retrieved March, 2017 from sentral-di-buku-butih-pertahanan-ri/

60 government is attempting to emphasize the limits of national jurisdiction waters by deploying strength security Safeguards Sea Capacity. "Sea Patrol and security measures should be improved. So that our brothers and sisters on the border, outermost regions, and the foremost islands of Indonesia, can move forward with the other brothers in the homeland ", urge President Jokowi after a meeting in KRI Imam Bonjol.149

During the decade that Indonesian government has not concerned Natuna islands being to belong to the government. Whereas Natuna archipelago potential prone of conflict and/or claims by neighboring countries. The geographical location of the territorial waters of Indonesia in the Natuna Sea is a strategic point for trade and traffic of foreign vessels. In addition, the Natuna Sea has a great marine wealth value. "The most phenomenal riches potential in Natuna is the oil and gas, reserves in gas fields Block D-Alpha, with total estimated reserves of 222 trillion cubic feet, and gaseous hydrocarbons 56 trillion cubic feet, is one of the largest sources of Asia.", said District Government Natuna Plan strategic Mining and Energy Natuna regency 2012-2016.150

As mentioned above, Natuna islands used as a case to be implemented of the marine policy on the role of President Joko Widodo to maintaining Indonesia sovereignty.

149 Kusumadewi, Anggi. (2016, June 24). Jokowi Serukan Perketat Penjagaan Laut Natuna. CNN Indonesia. Retrieved March, 2017 from 20-140583/jokowi-serukan-perketat-penjagaan-laut-natuna/ 150 Perkasa, Anugerah. (2016, June 23). Laut Natuna Menjadi Sumber Migas Asia. CNN Indonesia. Retrieved March, 2017 from 140387/laut-natuna-jadi-sumber-migas-asia/



INDONESIAN GOVERNMENT IN IMPLEMENT THE 7 PILLARS OF INDONESIA’S MARINE POLICY TO MAINTAINING INDONESIA’S SOVEREIGNTY IN NATUNA ISLANDS This chapter will analyze the role of Indonesian government in implementing Indonesia’s marine policy to maintaining Indonesia’s sovereignty in Natuna islands. The author will describes all the activity that has been done by the government to strengthening the Natuna Islands against sovereignty challenge. This chapter also used two theories which are sovereignty theory and neo-realism theory in order to help the author in analyzing the role of government itself. The analysis chapter will be done by below structure:

7 Pillars of Indonesia's Marine policy

Government Sovereignty Implementation theory and/or in Natuna Islands Neo-realism theory

Figure 14 Analysis Framework

The structure of this thesis described in a circle layout as we can see in the figure above because each sub-chapter began by adjusting the topic and the material discussion.


V.1 Indonesia’s Sovereignty in Natuna Islands Natuna Islands is perhaps not widely known by Indonesian society due to its location. Based on geographically and state laws, the Natuna islands is located at Indonesia's northernmost part strait Karimata. Since 1999, Natuna islands stand alone as one of the regency in Riau Islands Province, with the capital city of Ranai, East Bunguran district151 with the Head of Regent Drs. H. Abdul Hamid Rizal, M.Si and Vice Regent Dra. Hj. Yuni Ngesti Suprapti, M.A.152 Natuna islands is bordered by several countries as following below:153

1. North Part: the North Sea bordering with the South China Sea, Vietnam, and Cambodia; 2. East Part: East Malaysia (Sarawak) and West Kalimantan; 3. South Part: Bintan District; and 4. West Part: Peninsular Malaysia and Anambas Island.

Natuna islands have 154 islands with 27 inhabited islands and 127 uninhabited islands that are contains of small islands (rock and coral). Those islands are divided into two clusters based two largest islands in the Natuna regency, which is Serasan Island and Bunguran Island.154 While, Natuna islands also conducted of 7 islands are located in the outermost part, there are; Kepala Island, Small Subi Island, Senoa Island, Sekatung Island, Sebetul Island, Semiun Island, dan Tokong Boro Island.155

151 Official Site Manager Natuna Regency Website. (2013, October 10). Selayang Pandang Kabupaten Natuna. Retrieved April 6, 2017 from 152 Official Site Manager Natuna Regency Website. (2016, May 10). Pemerintahan: Profil Bupati dan Wakil Bupati. Retrieved April 6, 2017 from bupati.html 153 POKJA Sanitasi Kabupaten Natuna. (2014). Buku Putih Sanitasi Kabupaten Natuna. Chapter II, Gambaran Umum Wilayah, Administratif. p. 9-10. 154 Official Site Manager Natuna Regency Website. (2013, October 10). Kondisi Geografis Kabupaten Natuna. Retrieved April 6, 2017 from geografis.html 155 Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Natuna. (2015). Buku Saku Kabupaten Natuna. p. 15.


Table 2 the Amount of Islands in Natuna Regency156

According to the table above, all of the islands located in the Natuna regency unnamed in detail and/or maybe there just a couple of islands that have name. While the location of the Natuna islands located in the outermost part which means all the islands inside Natuna regency are prone to conflicts which may threaten to Indonesia’s sovereignty. That’s why all islands must be clear registered into the national institution. However, it backs again to the role of government to achieve Indonesia’s sovereignty entirely. The government can take the advantage on its role and power to resolve this problem. As stated by Grotius, that sovereignty can be achieved by a political power that aims for an interest.157

Sovereignty is so important for Indonesian government and society. Therefore, in order to reducing possible conflicts that may be threat the sovereignty, in every 5 years the Indonesian government registered islands that have been recorded and named to the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN). Indonesia has over 17.000 islands and “over of 13.466 islands have been registered in 2012 (to UNGEGN). The rest will we have registered this year (2017) in New York,” said Brahmantya Satyamurti Poerwandi, Director General of Sea Space, Marine and Fisheries Ministry. There are 1.286

156 POKJA Sanitasi Kabupaten Natuna. (2014). Buku Putih Sanitasi Kabupaten Natuna. Chapter II, Gambaran Umum Wilayah, Administratif. p. 10. 157 Grotius, Hugo. Sovereignty: Meaning and Characteristics of Sovereignty. Pooja. Political Science Notes. Retrieved November, 2016 from sovereignty/254

64 islands will be registered in 2017 including of 111 outer islands, the rest of the outer part islands are consists of the outer islands in Natuna regency.158

According to the author opinion, registering all Indonesia’s islands including the small islands that located in the boundary is a very important thing to do. Moreover, registered the islands into international institutions are very useful as guidelines and legal bases of the Indonesian government. It can be use any time to prevent a problem or conflict.

According to the information above, it is one of the fact actions of the government in accordance with 2 pillars of Marine policy. First, pillar no. 2 regarding law and sovereignty enforcement especially to develop the sea border.159 Second, pillar no. 5 of marine policy regarding the management of sea space which the government makes the determination and settlement of zoning ownership in coastal regions and small islands.160

The author believes those policies has been implemented by the government on registered the islands that have been recorded and has been named into international institutions, UNGEGN. Besides that government’s role, especially the ministry of marine and fisheries in participate to utilize its authority in making a policy to govern Indonesia’s sovereignty. Where the islands in the outer part has a very important role to maintain the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia because these islands are play major role as a symbol for state borders. Then the role of Indonesian government in maintaining the unitary state is reliable to the explaination above.

V.1.1 Population and Maritime Culture in Natuna Islands The Natuna islands has an area of 224,684.59 km2 with the amount of territorial waters is 222,683.29 km2. Population in Natuna islands is 74.520

158 Al Abrar. (2017, January 3). 1286 Pulau Kecil Indonesia akan Didaftarkan ke PBB. MetroTv News. Retrieved April 6, 2017 from kecil-indonesia-akan-didaftarkan-ke-pbb 159 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia. p. 34. 160 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia. p. 42.

65 people (December 2015).161 At the end of 2016, recorded the revenue in Natuna regency in 2016 amounted Rp. 1.155.500.000.000,00 based on the official information from the Regional Regulation on Regional Budget for Fiscal Year 2016, article 1.162

Natuna island residents are mostly work as fishermen, farmers and miners.163 Seeing the wider territorial water, the potential in the maritime sector should be allow a greater opportunity as a regional income. Marine sector can be a source of economic incomes if the society and the government can utilize in maximally and good. A form of blue economic is also relevan to be implementing into the Natuna islands since blue economy is closely linked to waters and marine sector such as fisheries, transport, and tourism.164

Based on the author research, until now there is no special specific regulation established by the local government regarding the blue economic in Natuna islands. The author opinion to this happened, the government seeing not maximizing the development or improvement in marine sea needed in order to implement the blue economy.

For example in the tourism sector, the Natuna islands have a wonderful marine beauty, great beaches and beautiful sea. It can be used to attract local and foreign tourists.165 Unfortunately, there is no role of the government that focus on develop the tourism sector as a local economy income since the previous governmental period especially before 2015. Based on the latest Statistics Percentage of Natuna Regency, tourists from around the world who visit the Riau

161 Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Natuna. (2015). Buku Saku Kabupaten Natuna. p. 1-3. 162 Bupati Natuna, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. (2016). Peraturan Daerah Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 mengenai Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah Kabupaten Natuna Tahun Anggara 2016 Pasal 1. 163 Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Natuna. (2015). Buku Saku Kabupaten Natuna. p. 1-3. 164 Rakhmindyarto, & Sinulingga, Wesly F. (2014, December 9). Ekonomi Biru Untuk Maritim Indonesia yang Berkelanjutan. Official Website of the Ministry of Finance of Republic of Indonesia. Retrieved April 6, 2017 from maritim-indonesia-yang-berkelanjutan 165 Pesona Natuna. Pesona Alam Natuna Pemikat Dunia. Official Website of Natuna Regency of Tourism Agency. Retrieved April 14, 2017 from dunia.html

66 province in October 2015 decreased 5.96% compared with the previous year, October 2014, of course, it led to the tourists who visit the Natuna islands also decreased.166 Due to the location of the Natuna Islands are remote and lack of transportation makes hard for tourists to come into Natuna Islands. Moreover, Natuna islands are lack of quality and accommodations facility or five-star hotel as a place to stay and attract foreign tourists.167

Figure 15 Senoa Island, beauty marine tourism in Natuna islands168

In, 2016 the local government just starts the development plan in tourism sector that will be begin in 2017. It seems late but it can be a new hope. Natuna regency tourism department will prioritize the potential attraction that excels in Natuna islands by a way of improve the marketing system. In more details, the tourism department will work together with some travel agents and event organizers in marketing and promoting to bring foreign tourists by the sea which is Natuna islands can be as a destination of cruises ship or yacht ship. More than that, in anticipation of the arrival of foreign tourists, the local government will also improve and provision the facilities and infrastructure, such as transportation,

166 Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Natuna. (2015, December 2). 1,03% Penurunan Jumlah Wisman ke Prov Kepri – Oktober 2015. Retrieved April 6, 2017 from 167 Official Site Manager Natuna Regency Website. (2013, October 10). Sosial Budaya di Kabupaten Natuna: Perhotelan dan Pariwisata. Retrieved April 7, 2017 from 168 Pesona Natuna. Senua, Wisata Bahari Natuna yang Sangat Indah. Official Website of Natuna Regency of Tourism Agency. Retrieved April 20, 2017 from yang-sangat-indah.html

67 repair of roads and bridges, floating harbor, toilet facilities and clean water, procurement gazebo, and home stay.169

Seeing the beauty of maritime sector owned by the Natuna Islands it realize pillar no. 6 of marine policy regarding marine culture development which is sea can be utilized as tourism and place to study for society. If the government manages well the program of tourism development plan in Natuna islands, it can be used as a place to make people understand to the maritime culture and increase knowledge of marine.170 Since, the development of tourism sector is not being run yet because it is still under progress. So, the government does with another sector which is mangroves planting in order to implementing the pillar no. 6 regarding maritime culture.

To realize society minded of maritime culture, vice regent of Natuna islands Dra. Ngesti Yuni Suprapti planted mangrove around coastal Sedanau district, West Bunguran. The mangrove planting program expects public awareness to protect the environment of mangrovesthat useful to prevent coastal erosion. There are 500 mangrove trees that have been planted by Director of the State Defense, Directorate General of Defense Potential Ministry of Defense, First Admiral TNI Muhammad Faisal, SE, MM, Chairman of the Parliament Natuna Yusripandi, military commander Lt. Col. Ucu Yustiana 0318, Secretary Natuna Wan Siswandi, S. Sos, M.Si, and Bakesbangpol Drs. Muchtar Ahmad.171

Based on the analysis of Professor Cecep Kusuma M.S, Faculty of Forestry, IPB University, he said "Mangrove ecosystems that are essential to maintain the integrity of national territory of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI)".

169 Marketing of Tourist and Culture Agency of the Natuna Regency. Tahun 2017, Tahun Kebangkitan Pariwisata Natuna. Official Website of Tourist and Culture Agency of the Natuna Regency. Retrieved April 10, 2017 from pariwisata-natuna.html 170 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia. p. 45. 171 Gutmi, Wan. (2017, February 27). Penanaman Pohon Mangrove Salah Satu Kecintaan Bela Negara. Official Site Manager Natuna Regency Website. Retrieved April 14, 2017 from negara.html


Considering mangroves are useful to resist abrasion, if there is damage mangroves, especially in the coastal of small islands or outermost islands could cause a loss of integrity of the boundary or the sinking of the Republic of Indonesia.172

The author believes, it can be occur aconflict that threatened the territorial sovereignty because the loss of boundaries that symbolized by the outer islands. According to UNCLOS, the outermost zones of territorial sea have to be calculated width of 12 nautical miles measured from the outer islands coastline.173 It means the existence of the coastline of outer island is required. Especially, seeing the geographical location of Natuna islands is located close to the border, the author believes the mangrove tree planting in Natuna islands is extremely useful to prevent an abrasion and integrity of NKRI’s sovereignty.

Based on the analysis of the author, logically if the coastal islands in Natuna regency are not being planted mangroves then when abrasion held periodically, the coastal will be eroded by the waters. According to geographical study, the erosion of the coastal continually can make the mainland part the island gradually became exhausted and started to sink.174 The conclusion of the author analysis is if the small islands that become a symbol of the national border are sinks then the territorial sovereignty of a state will be change and the territorial border that measured from the shoreline also will be change. Of course, those things may be threaten territorial waters disputes. That is why mangrove so important to maintain the integrity of state.

Beside the information above, mangrove trees which have various benefits and advantages can also be used as a tourist destination as it has been applied in

172 Suryanto, & Rahwati, Laily. (2015, December 4). Pakar: Mangrove Berperan Pelihara Keutuhan NKRI. Antara News. Retrieved April 8, 2017 from 173 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia. p. 12. 174 Sari, Maya. (2015, December 26). Abrasi Pantai – Penyebab – Dampak dan Pencegahan. Pusat Studi Ilmu Geografi Indonesia. Retrieved April 22, 2017 from bumi/laut/abrasi-pantai

69 several areas in Indonesia (Mangrove Nature Angke, Jakarta).175 It is important to support the tourism development plan of the Natuna’s government. Besides that, it also mentioned in two pillars of marine policy. First, pillar no. 5 about protection of the marine environment which the explanation above is related to the main programs of protection of the marine environment. Second, as already mentioned before which is pillar no. 6 about maritime culture that mangrove trees can be used as a place to learn, study, and also tourist destination places. 176 Garden mangrove tours give insight on maintaining coastal erosion since beginning to kids and adults.

According to the author opinion, the tourism department may also impose the entry fee that can be used to expand the planting of mangrove land and the building needs of the tourism sector or hold a mangrove planting event for the tourist whom visiting.

V.1.2 Enforcement Law in Natuna Islands Natuna islands are geographically located extremely so close through the borders; the author believes, maybe it only a few foreign people do not understand that the Natuna islands belonging to the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia. In order to maintain and avoid threaten of conflicts; the government should enforce strong laws for Natuna islands. The law which is clearly describes the Natuna islands is a part of Indonesia’s sovereignty as de facto and de jure. Other than that, law is also neededto governing the right in having and the right to manage the Natuna islands under national law (Indonesia’s Convention Law) and/or international law (UNCLOS 1982).

Based on the historical background, it can explain as de facto. In the 16th century in 1597, the Natuna islands belong to Pattani Kingdom and Johon Kingdom (Malaysia). But, in the 19th century Riau Sultanate won seized Natuna Islands from Malaysian Kingdoms. After Indonesia’s independence (1945), Riau

175 Official Website of BKSDA DKI Jakarta. Taman Wisata Alam Angke Kapuk. Retrieved April 14, 2017 from 176 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia. p. 44-45.


Sultanate gave the authority of its sovereignty belong into NKRI. Then, on May 18, 1956 Indonesian government registered Riau Islands to United Nations as a part of the sovereign territory of the Republic of Indonesia.177

According to the national convention law, Natuna regency is inseparable from the history of the Riau Islands Province. On the beginning, Natuna regency was a part of the Riau islands but according to delegation’s decree of the Republic of Indonesia No. 9/Department on May 18, 1956, Central Sumatera Province merged into the Republic of Indonesia and Riau Islands granted the status of an Autonomous Region Level II, which is headed by the Regent as head area.Then proceed with law No. 53 Year 1999, formed the Natuna regency from an expansion of Riau Islands Regency.178

Indonesia’s authority over Natuna Islands is not only guided by national law but also international law. As mentioned before, Indonesian government has registered Natuna islands part of Riau Islands Province to United Nations. It means Indonesia’s sovereignty over Natuna islands is recognized by international arena and all the states that joined UN.179 In order to maintain the integrity and unity of NKRI, the Indonesian government also registered Indonesia’s boundaries to UN accordance with Indonesian government regulations no. 37 year 2008. Which is the territorial boundaries are consists of maritime boundaries and the outer islands with the total 183 boundaries that have been registered. Among the boundaries, it composed of small outer islands and territorial water in Natuna.180

Based on the International law of the Sea (UNCLOS), each states has an authority over jurisdiction areas, the high seas, and basic area of international seas which is contiguous zone, exclusive economic zone and continental shelf. 181

177 Harmoko. (2016, March 28). Sengketa Natuna. Poskota News. Retrieved April 14, 2017 from 178 Official Site Manager Natuna Regency Website. Lintasan Sejarah Kabupaten Natuna. Retrieved April 14, 2017 from 179 Ibid. 180 United Nations. The List of Geographical Coordinates of Points of the Indonesia Archipelago Baselines Based on the Government Regulations of the Republic of Indonesia Number 38 of 2002 as Amended by the Government Regulations of the Republic of Indonesia Number 37 of 2008. 181 Indonesia’s Convention Law Articles 6-7 Number 32 Year 2014 about the Sea.


Likewise with Indonesia, Natuna islands is one of Indonesia’s outer islands that bordering state’s sovereignty.

The author concluded the Natuna islands as a one of representative border in Indonesia has authority over international seas according to statement above that states by UNCLOS. Since the case of this thesis is the rights of Indonesian government to uphold the national laws especially in the northern part of Natuna’s water that illegally has been claim by China as a part of their territorial sovereignty accordance to Nine Dash Line map.

Since the author has already mentioned the various aspects such as historical background, national laws, and international laws. Natuna Islands clearly belongs into Indonesia’s sovereignty. But however, the author believes the decisive roles, strong law and the existence of international institutions (UN/UNCLOS) will be more useful to oppose the claim.

Back again into the definition of archipelago, archipelago means “a group of islands, including a part of the island and the waters between the islands, and other form of nature that related to each other so tightly, so the islands, waters, and other form of nature one of unified geographically, economic, defense, and security and an essential political or as historically has been regarded as such”.182 In the fact Indonesia is an archipelago state. The Natuna islands is consisting of 157 islands and conducting by seven outer small islands that become a symbol of Indonesia’s boundaries. For example, Sekatung Island, located in the northern most part of Natuna Islands. Sekatung Island is uninhabited outer island.183 Sekatung Island became the state border of Indonesian between South China Sea and Vietnam with the coordinates point as below:

182 Indonesia’s Convention Law Article 1 Paragraph 4 Number 32 Year 2014 about the Sea. 183 Direktori Pulau-Pulau Kecil Indonesia. Sekatung. Retrieved April 15, 2017 from


Table 3 the Indonesian Archipelago Baselines: Sekatung Island184

Sekatung Island has a fairly large fisheries potential. The fishing result of fishermen consists of Napoleon fishes, various types of Kerapu fishes, Sea Cucumber (Teripang), and sea slugs. These fishes have a high economic value.185 Potential development of cultivation on the Sekatung Island is widely available because of the lack of aquaculture development for Kerapu fishes and seaweeds.186 Remembering the abundant natural resources in Sekatung Island, it able to generate high economic value, it can be utilized as well as possible by the governance and local community in order to helps economic development over Natuna islands. According to UNCLOS, Indonesian government has an authority over maritime sector that covering Sekatung Island, with the following restriction:

184 United Nations. The List of Geographical Coordinates of Points of the Indonesia Archipelago Baselines Based on the Government Regulations of the Republic of Indonesia Number 38 of 2002 as Amended by the Government Regulations of the Republic of Indonesia Number 37 of 2008. p. 2. 185 Direktori Pulau-Pulau Kecil Indonesia. Sekatung. Retrieved April 15, 2017 from 186 Ibid.


Figure 16 Maritime Zone according to UNCLOS 1982187

The author analyzing based on the picture above that Indonesia has 12 NM of territorial sea which is calculated from the baseline of the Sekatung Island and other 24 NM as an additional zone which is calculated from the end of territorial sea boundary. Moreover, Indonesia has the exclusive economic zone along 200 NM calculated from the end of territorial sea boundary. As well as the continental sea along the 200 NM to 350 NM this calculated from the end of territorial sea boundary. Where the width of Indonesia’s EEZ and the continental shelf within Sekatung Island, it reaches South China Sea. In more detail, those boundaries are located in the northern part of Natuna’s water. Where the Nine Dash Line map issued by China has claim through northern part of Natuna territorial sea is wrong. According to international law that has been explained above, it belongs to territorial jurisdiction of the sovereignty of NKRI. According to act 56 no. 1a about EEZ based on UNCLOS 1982 regarding right, jurisdiction and duties of the coastal state in the EEZ, Indonesia as a state that has authority against EEZ is has sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring and exploiting, conserving and managing the natural resources, whether living or non-living, of the waters superjacent to the seabed and of the seabed and its subsoil, and with regard to other activities for the economic exploitation and exploration of the zone, such as the production of energy from the water, currents

187 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia. p.13.

74 and winds.188 Therefore Indonesian government has authority to enforce law over Natuna islands and its territorial sea. Indonesian government has rights to catch illegal fishing boats that have stolen the fish on the continental shelf of Indonesia’s sovereignty. Besides that, China has no rights to claim even a least of Natuna islands region. “Indeed in that territory is the high seas area, not owned by the state. But the natural resources inside the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf have been given to the coastal state. That where Indonesia has rights to manage the natural resources inside there. And if there are ships of other countries who want to fishing in it, they have to ask permission to Indonesia. Well, sovereign right that issue by China” supported statement from Professor Hikmahanto Juwana, International University.189 The statement above states that the right of sovereignty is so important and it became a main focus for Indonesian government. “Be careful with the diplomatic language of China’s foreign ministry. They may not say claim over Natuna islands. But the official map that established by the China’s government has been included Natuna waters into their territorial sea” urge Yusril Ihza, the expert on Constitutional Law.190 If the Natuna’s waters easily being claim into China’s territorial sovereignty, then to China took its islands is only one step away. Statement as mentioned above accordance with pillar no. 2 about defense and security at the seas, development of boundary area, the active role of regional and international cooperation, and the sovereignty and law enforcement. 191 Government show that the sovereign rights in Natuna islands, which is part of the

188 United Nations. Part V: Exclusive Economic Zone. Retrieved April 17, 2017 from 189 Wirawan, Jerome. (2016, June 22). Hak Berdaulat Indonesia di Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif. BBC Indonesia. Retrieved April 17, 2017 from ia 190 Maharani, Ethi. (2015, November 21). Yusril: Cina Bisa Saja Bilang Tak Klaim Natuna, Tapi…. Republika News. Retrieved April 15, 2017 from bilang-tak-klaim-natuna-tapi 191 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia. p.34.


Indonesia’s national interest by way of enforcing the law in the border area of Natuna waters and cooperation in international relations against Nine Dash Line (China). Noticeably neo-realism theory that explains the national interest is a priority, but besides that the government is recognized the role of international system. International system means the role of international organization such as UNCLOS that guide the Indonesian government to achieve its national interest (enforcing the sovereignty).192 In order to achieve this purpose, the Indonesian government strives to cooperate with UNCLOS to serve a strong legal guideline. This is accordance to the role of Indonesian government in play an active role in international relations which the relations between UNCLOS and Indonesia has beneficial for each country. Besides the passage of neo-realism theory regarding of international organization, the Indonesian government also enforcing pillar no. 3 about governance and institutions.193 The Indonesian government needs to cooperate with The international institutions (UN), which is used as a guideline that the UN recognize Indonesian sovereignty over the waters and islands, and the territorial boundaries in the legal system. The role of international organization has categorized into 3 but related to the case, it implementing the role of International Organization as an Instrument, international organization is used by member states to achieve certain goals based on foreign policy purposes.194 Seen from the above explanation regarding the limits specified in the Natuna islands by UNCLOS, the author argue that UNCLOS plays an important role as the basis used by the Indonesian government to recognize the identity of Indonesia over the sovereignty especially in the northern part of Natuna territorial water. The legal institution of UNCLOS also used to assert that China has no right to declare a traditional fishing ground or implement nine dash lines in Natuna waters.

192 Jackson, Robert. (2016). Introduction to International Relations: Theories and Approaches. Ed. 6.Pages 79. 193 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia. p. 36. 194 Perwita, Dr. A.A. Banyu, & Yani, Dr. Yanyan Mochamad. (2014). Pengantar Ilmu Hubungan Internasional, ed.4. PT. Remaja Rosdakrya. p. 95.


V.1.3 Natuna Islands against Nine Dash Line Nine dash line that is nine dotted lines issued by the Chinese government on the basis of the history of the fishing ground of China since the Ming Dynasty. The Chinese government believes that the South China Sea and its islands in it, is a part of the sovereign territory of the PRC that have been handed down in accordance with the map "nine dash line".195 The problem is nine dash line is recognized by the Chinese government illegally have claimed some sovereignty in the surrounding area. One of them is Indonesia, although the relationship between Indonesia and China strong until now. China claims the Natuna waters into nine dash line as traditional fishing ground of Chinese people while “traditional fishing rights in Indonesia is only with Malaysia,” urge Susi Pudjiastuti, Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Continue, “While the exclusive economic zone in Natuna waters absolutely part of Indonesia territory, Indonesia maintains its exclusive economic zone under international law. In EEZ, Indonesia has sovereignty over its natural resources. Natuna islands isIndonesia's sovereign territory, and therefore according to the law, Indonesia entitled to it”.196 This statement means, Indonesian government is really concern to the sovereignty issue and it also can be related into the pillar no. 2 regarding defense, security, law enforcement, and safety at sea.

The Indonesian government seen so incentive in sovereign and law enforcement over its authority against Natuna islands. Other than that, President Jokowi and all his cabinets several times affirmed to the public and also covered by the media that Natuna islands belongs into the sovereignty of NKRI. “It is already fixed price, there is no haggling and no further negotiation. Natuna absolute to the territorial of NKRI” urge TNI five stars, Genderal Gatot

195 Tsirbas, Marina. (2016, June 2). What Does the Nine-Dash Line Actually Mean?. The Diplomat. Retrieved November, 2016 from actually-mean/ 196 Kusumadewi, Anggi. (2016, June 20). Perairan Natuna, ‘Medan Tempur’ Indonesia-China. CNN Indonesia. Retrieved April 10, 2017 from tempur-indonesia-china/


Nurmantyo. 197 That statement proves the implementation of the government against marine policy which is enforcing the sovereignty over seas especially Natuna water that claimed by China.

However, since the issuance of the Nine Dash Line map where the northern sea part of the Natuna islands including there too, it becomes particular concern of Indonesian government to enforce strong laws on the border of Natuna islands. Besides that, the perception of Chinese fishermen is wrong about the fishing ground around the border of the Natuna Sea. Chinese fishing boats is often doing illegal fishing in Indonesian territorial waters. In addition to violating the sovereignty of Indonesia, it is very inappropriate action, which is steals fishes in Indonesian sovereign territorial waters.198

According to the author research, actually there is no detail statement that describes clearly from both parts, especially from of the Chinese government regarding the waters in the Natuna islands is include or not include into the nine dash line based on an existing image. The Indonesian government also continues to deny that Indonesia has no problem territorial disputes with China in the Natuna waters. However, seeing from the location of the Natuna islands and the analysis of national defense experts, also current problem of illegal fishing across the border it can concluded the Natuna islands is prone dragged into South China Sea conflict.199 Therefore, the Indonesian government start focusing the defense strategy in Natuna islands as a strengthen security and defense performance at the forefront.

On June 23, 2016 President Jokowi came directly to the border in Natuna and held a closed meeting on the ship KRI Imam Bonjol 383. The meeting was

197 Widyatno, Eko & Indrawan, Anggara. (2016, September 26). Panglima: Harga Mati Natuna Milik NKRI. Retrieved April 14, 2017 from natuna-milik-nkri 198 Kusumadewi, Anggi. (2016, June 20). TNI Tembaki Kapal China, Hasyim Djalal Tegaskan Natuna Hak RI. kapal-china-hasyim-djalal-tegaskan-natuna-hak-ri/ 199 Japanton Sitohang, Syamsumar Dam, CPF. Luhulima, Awani Irewati, & Rosita Dewi. (2008). Perbatasan Wilayah Laut Indonesia di Laut China Selatan: Kepentingan Indonesia di Perairan Natuna. LIPI Press. Jakarta. p. 32

78 attended by several related ministers there are The Coordinator Minister for Political, Legal and Defense Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno L.P. Marsudi, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sudirman Said, Minister of National Development Planning Sofyan A. Djalil, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Agung, the TNI chief Gatot Nurmantyo, Head of Maritime Security Agency Arie Soedowo and Riau Islands Governor Nurdin Basirun 200

Figure 17 President Joko Widodo and all his related cabinets hold a meeting in KRI Imam Bonjol 383201

The meeting is became a biggest question, why President Jokowi hold the meeting in the Imam Bonjol 383 vessel that had shot Chinese vessel (Han Tan Cou 19038) was fishing in the Natuna waters few months before his attendance? Why President Jokowi does not hold the meeting in the mainland of Natuna seems like usual of other meetings?

Based on the author’s believe there is a meaning behind of that meeting, besides a form of hold a closed meeting which practically means only done with the limited time and circumstances. The meeting was seen purposely held on the boat which was sailing right in Natuna waters. Once again, the author believes

200 Dwipayana, Ari. (2016, 24 June). President Jokowi: Percepat Pembangunan Natuna. Official Website of President Ir. H. Joko Widodo. Retrieved April 8, 2017 from pembangunan-natuna.html 201Ibid.

79 there are two meanings behind that meeting. First, the author believes it aims to show into the public especially to the Chinese government that showed the head of Indonesia as a higher symbol of state that recognized by all countries has the legal authority for sailing or doing any activity well above the Natuna territorial waters which is absolutely a part Indonesia’s sovereignty. Second, every ships or vessels owned by Indonesian military security and defense legally have the right to sail, maintain, navigate and protect the border within Natuna territorial waters, especially Indonesia’s border between neighboring countries and South China Sea. Also, Indonesian security vessel has rights to enforce the national law in execute the illegal fishing boats that across the Indonesia’s territorial sovereignty. For the author, it was a form to threat back the China government.

To support the statement above, the author puts the analysis theory. Sovereignty theory plays a role on this issue. Sovereignty is related to basic form of human nature. Human nature is basically anarchy and will do everything they can to get power.202 Based on the author perspective, President Jokowi is seen anarchy where the presence of President Jokowi is a sign that the sovereignty of Indonesia is a fixed and cannot be negotiated. He is presence in Natuna Islands absolutely showed the authority of his power against Indonesia’s territorial sovereignty.

As mentioned by Cabinet Secretary, Pramono Agung, and the visit of President Jokowi at the same time to hold a meeting, he said, “Natuna is NKRI. That is final. Therefore, as a head of the government and state, President Jokowi would like to make sure Natuna as a part of the sovereignty of NKRI”.203 From his statement means President Jokowi would like to proven his authority to enforce that Natuna belongs to Indonesia. Therefore, in order to maintain the integrity of NKRI, President Jokowi with all his cabinets does everything possible to strengthen the Natuna islands. In order to get the right power over Natuna

202 Jackson, Robert. (2016). Introduction to International Relations: Theories and Approaches. Ed. 6. p. 79. 203 Kuwando, Febian Januarus. (2016, June 26). Jokowi Ke Natuna, Gelar Ratas di Kapal Perang Imam Bonjol. Kompas. Retrieved April 14, 2017 from ng.imam.bonjol.

80 islands, President Jokowi focus on all forms of security and economic development in Natuna regency.

Even though Heri Mokhrizal, Head of Public Relations of Riau Islands denied the visit of President Jokowi and all his cabinets related to China claims on Natuna Islands that recorded by medias.204 While China government also has recognized the Indonesia’s sovereignty over Natuna islands as mentioned by Hong Lei, China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman to Washington Times, “The Indonesian side has no territorial claim to China’s (Spratly Islands). The Chinese side has no objection to Indonesia’s sovereignty over the Natuna Islands”.205 In addition, since a few months earlier TNI Indonesian navy arrested three times the Chinese flagged fishing vessel was illegally fishing in the territorial waters of Natuna there are Han Tan Cou 19038 vessel, 10078 Fey Kwey vessel and Gui Bei Yu 27 088 vessel.206

Figure 18 Han Tan Cou 19038 Vessels that had shot by Indonesian Navy207

204 Suryanto, & Panama, Nikolas. (2016, June 22). President Jokowi Akan Rapat Terbatas di Natuna. Antara News. Retrieved April 8, 2017 from 205 Yu, Miles. (2015, November 19). Inside Chin: China Concedes Natuna Islands to Indo. Retrieved April 15, 2017 from china-concedes-natuna-islands-to-indo/ 206 Lumbanrau, Raja Eben. (2016, June 24). Indonesia dan China di Pusaran Laut China Selatan. CNN Indonesia. Retrieved April 8, 2017 from pusaran-laut-china-selatan/ 207 Taylor, Gloria Safira. (2016, June 222). Panglima TNI akan Kirim Lima Kapal Perang Pengintai ke Natuna. CNN Indonesia. Retrieved April 19, 2017 from


The meeting was also attended by journalists of government and several national media and international media were invited to recorddirectly the arrival of President Jokowi to hold a closed meeting in Natuna waters. The important things is the President and the related cabinets also informed MOU of the meeting results to the media that consists of; (1) the Indonesian government focused on the economic development on fishery, oil, and gas sectors in Natuna islands; and (2) the Indonesian government will develop the national defense in Natuna islands and deploy more ships on duty to guard the border.208 In directly the agenda of the meeting is emphasis of the Indonesian government in rejected the claim made by China illegally to NKRI in the territorial waters of the Natuna Islands.

The meeting agendas is accordance with one of the main foundations of marine policy which is a long-term national development law where government focused on developments in Natuna islands are linked to a form of defense and economic improvement. Based on the agendas that mentioned above, the Indonesian government is implementing pillar no. 2 regarding neighbor defense, security, law enforcement and safety at sea and pillar no. 4 regarding the economy and marine infrastructure and improved welfare.209 Any developments undertaken by President Jokowi and his cabinet in the Natuna archipelago will be spelled out in detail in the second sub-chapter.

V.2 Development in Natuna Islands on President Joko Widodo Period The role of President Joko Widodo and all his cabinets in develop Natuna Islands in order to uphold the unity of NKRI by improve the economic, social, politic, and culture sectors. Moreover, the Indonesian government would like to lima-kapal-perang-pengintai-ke-natuna/ 208 Dwipayana, Ari. (2016, 24 June). President Jokowi: Percepat Pembangunan Natuna. Official Website of President Ir. H. Joko Widodo. Retrieved April 8, 2017 from pembangunan-natuna.html 209 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia. p. 34 & 40-41.

82 realize the national interest in a form of defending the sovereignty of the border region. The governance of President Joko Widodo is aims to achieve prosperity for the society especially in the outer islands which Natuna islands through gaining an improvement in the maritime sector.

V.2.1 Improve the Security and Defense around Natuna’s Territorial Waters Since the incidence of arrested foreign fishing vessels were stolen fishes in Natuna’s territorial water, then President Jokowi and all related cabinet exert tight security surround Natuna waters. President Jokowi together with Indonesian military and the ministry of defense in cooperation especially to maintaining the security in border area close to Natuna islands through water or air. Through his visited to Natuna islands on June 23, 2016, he delivered an important agenda which is the central government and local government will cooperate to develop and improve the defense and security facilities in Natuna Islands. “I ask the capability of Indonesian military and Bakamla in maintaining the sea have to be improved, both in terms of completeness or readiness of radar technology” urge President Jokowi at the closed meeting in Imam Bonjol 383 RI vessel.210

In the early year to mid of 2016, Indonesia’s army has deployed 2.000 soldiers assigned to guard in the Natuna islands. Indonesia’s air forces also increase the quota of aircraft in the Natuna islands. December, 2015, Indonesia’s navy has sent seven warships to maintaining the borders in Natuna islands. January, 2016 Indonesia’s navy added 14 warships to oversee the Indonesia’s EEZ territory in the South China Sea. 211 Ministry of defense has estimated Indonesia’s has spent 5-6 trillion rupiah to strengthen its military bases in Natuna islands. “(Security) in Natuna (budgeting) Rp. 5 (trillion) even more, almost Rp 6

210 BBC Indonesia. (2016, June 23). Rapat di Natuna, Presiden Jokowi Minta Penjagaan Ditingkatkan. Retrieved April 17, 2017 from l 211 Tulika Bhatnagar. (2016, January 1). Mengapa Indonesia Menambah Kekuatan Militer di Natuna?.BBC Indonesia. Retrieved April 17, 2017 from


(trillion)” mentioned Ryamizard Raycudu, Minister of Defense in front of Presidential Palace.212

Figure 19 Indonesia’s Security Vessels in Natuna’s Waters213

Although the government always denied their purpose of strengthening the military bases in Natuna islands related to claim by China. But the Indonesian government stated a military construction Natuna island called as a form of maritime diplomacy to achieve national interest. “There is no way to provoke us because it is our territory, also Natuna, the rehearsal of can be held everywhere is not a problem at least it still our territory. It has nothing to do with the South China Sea conflict.” Urge TNI Jemi Trisonjaya at the peak exercise military air force in the Natuna islands.214

In the beginning of September, 2016, marine troop began to build “Komplek Komposit Marinir” in the southern coast of Natuna islands. It will be used as home stay for Indonesian soldiers that mobilized to guard the Natuna

212 Lestari, Reni. (2016, August 3). Menhan Gelontarkan Dana hingga Rp. 6 Triliun Amankan Natuna. Retrieved April 19, 2017 from triliun-amankan-natuna?utm_source=br&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=news 213 Taylor, Gloria Safira. (2016, June 222). Panglima TNI akan Kirim Lima Kapal Perang Pengintai ke Natuna. CNN Indonesia. Retrieved April 19, 2017 from lima-kapal-perang-pengintai-ke-natuna/ 214 BBC Indonesia. (2016, October 4). Latihan Puncak TNI AU ‘tak provokasi’ Sengketa di dekat Natuna. Retrieved April 17, 2017 from

84 islands and also marine bases and armory. In the western part, marine troop built the dock as a submarine bunker.215

Related to this the Indonesian government shows its implementation of pillar no. 7 on maritime diplomacy. Maritime diplomacy is utilizing the military marine aspect to fulfill national interests in accordance with national and law requirements.216

The author put forward based on the national and international laws that have been explained before, Indonesia has the legal right to enforce the law over the EEZ territory that has claimed by China (NDL). So, the role of government in carrying out their purpose regarding the national interest means the Indonesian government has right to strengthen the military sector in that area such as the establishment of maritime boundary and the extensions of continental shelf accordance with international law which is this action is related with maritime diplomacy policy. The author concluded the role of government in this term is protect the entire nations by ensure the order, security, and defense for Indonesian people.

The author gave other ideas that supported by the theory, the enforcement and development of defense aspects is a link in the form of power. Under the Neo-realism theory, the Government will continue to improve or build the state's defense to be equal to other countries. It also called as “balance of power”. It is a concept in which each country seeks to always equalize the level of strength with other countries.217

Indonesia wants to equate its military power to be equivalent with the Chinese military so that they achieve a balance of power. The Indonesian

215 Khoemaeni, Syamsul Anwar. (2016, October 6). Kisah Pembangunan Perbatasan di Pulau Natuna. Retrieved April 19, 2017 from natuna?utm_source=br&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=news 216 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia. p. 47. 217 Wardhani, Baiq. (2014, March 13). Realisme. Department of International Relations. Universitas Airlangga.

85 government seeks to look resolute and shows the ability to compete with China's defense capability. Indonesian government aim the state to always survive from any threatens or conflict by strengthening the security of defense.218 If any time the Chinese government continues to attempt to claim Natuna waters, the Indonesian government declared that it is ready for war if the sovereign territory of NKRI is disturbed by anyone. As Luhut says, "We do not want our sovereignty to be disturbed by anyone".219

China perspective, the Chinese government is seen trying to reach its authority over the South China Sea. Not only issued a map on the background of history, China also built artificial islands, which strengthen the claim of Chinese sovereignty and become a container of China's existence in the military and civilian realms. Also, the Chinese government deployed a submarine that holds 12 Jl-2 ballistic missiles operating within its continental shelf.220

218 Perwita, A. A. Banyu, & Sabban, Nabilla. (2015). Kajian Konflik dan Perdamaian. Graha Ilmu. p.19. 219 Kusumadewi, Anggi. (2016, June 23). Rapat di Atas Kapal Perang di Natuna, Jokowi ‘Gertak’ China. CNN Indonesia. Retrieved April 19, 2017 from di-natuna-jokowi-gertak-china/ 220 BBC Indonesia. (2016, July 12). Kapal Selam dan Rivalitas di ke Dalaman Laut China Selatan. Retrieved April 19, 2017 from


Figure 20 China’s Submarine221

Figure 21 China’s Artificial Island222

V.2.2 Economic Development: Fisheries, Oil and Gas Sectors Considering the natural resources in Natuna waters have value of economic potential. So the government focuses on economic development in the field of marine by utilizing the fishery, oil and gas sectors.

Fisheries sector, since 99.5% of Natuna regency consists of marine and certainly rich with marine products. Other than that, the marine sector is very promising given the high market demand from Hong Kong and China.223 Natuna

221 Ibid. 222 Ibid. 223 Endang & Santi. (2015, October 25). Pemkab Natuna Gelar Pertemuan dengan Kementerian Perikanan Bahas Perkembangan Budi Daya. Official Site Manager Natuna Regency Website. Retrieved April 19, 2017 from pertemuan-dengan-kementerian-perikanan.html


Sea region has the potential of sustainable fishing, which reaches 504,212.85 tons, in accordance with the approach of study KOMNASKAJIKAN/KEPMEN no. 45/MEN/2011. The dominant fish resources consist of:224

1. Big Pelagis Fish Species: 31.520,16 tons; 2. Small Pelagis Fish: 296.455,50 tons; 3. Demersal: 159.699,60 tons; 4. Karang Fish: 10.288,89 tons; and 5. Other species: Squid, Shrimp, Crab and Lobster (6.248,70 Ton).

So, the local government of Natuna regency in cooperation with the central government especially the Ministry of Marine and Fisheries to utilize the marine resources in Natuna islands. On July 25, 2016 Natuna district government held a meeting with the Secretary General of the Ministry of Marine and Fisheries of RI, Syarif Wijaya. Syarif Wijaya describes the purpose of his visit to the Natuna Islands, which is to determine the point’s area as the construction of facilities for the fishery sector, both cultivation, fishing, and seaweed. 225 The KKP of RI appealed the Natuna Islands to become one of the fishery production centers of Indonesia. So that the fish catches in the Natuna Islands can be exported abroad.226

On June 22, 2015 Selat Lampa, Tiga island district became the first development site that hold by cooperation program of the local government and the central government. They built an integrated fishery production port in Natuna regency. This development spent 46.7 billion rupiahs budget from APBN Indonesia. The development of this fishery port is held by the initial type of work

224 Official Site Manager Natuna Regency Website. (2015, February 4). Membangun Kelautan dan Perikanan Natuna. Retrieved April 19, 2017 from membangun-kelautan-dan-perikanan-natuna.html 225 Santi, & Rdw, Sri. (2016, July 25). Pertemuan dengan Sekjen Kementerian Kelautan Perikanan. Official Site Manager Natuna Regency Website. Retrieved April 19, 2017 from perikanan.html 226 Team President (October, 2016). 2 Tahun Pemerintahan Jokowi-JK: Akselerasi Mewujudkan Indonesia Sentris. p. 198. Retrieved April 19, 2017 from content/uploads/2016/11/ebokk_JK2tahun_ebokk.pdf

88 such as the making of empty stones (dam/ponds) hoarding and 8x100 meter of docks and also for increase the port entrance access.227

Furthermore, the fisheries and marine ministry of Indonesia plans to bring fishermen from Pantura to the Natuna islands to fill Indonesia’s EEZ and land their catch to the Selat Lampa. Furthermore, the KKP RI will also provide vessel assistance of 125 units for local fishermen. 228 The KKP RI also built infrastructure in the form of cold storage to save the fishes to always be fresh with capacity of 200 tons in Selat Lampa with cost spent about Rp. 10 billion for 2016 and the capacity will be upgraded again to 3,000 tons in 2017.229 Director General of Strengthening Competitiveness of Marine and Fishery Products, Nilanto Perbowo stated he will build flats (rusun) to anticipate the arrival of fishermen from Pantura, Java. “Actually not forever they moved, it just as a fishing ground as their fishing area. They are unloading or bad weather, they can stay there while waiting for the next departure. Roughly like a hotel.” stated Nilanto.230

Oil and Gas Sectors, The Natuna Islands have gas reserves in the D-Alpha block of 222 trillion cubic feet located rights at the EEZ, exactly 225 km to the north of Natuna waters and 46 trillion cubic feet of hydrocarbon gas. Seeing at the abundant total of reserves, the Natuna islands is concluded as a one of the largest sources of gas producers in Asia.231 While the petroleum reserves in the Natuna Islands reached 298.81 million barrels of oil. It is estimated that the age of oil and gas reserves in the Natuna Islands reaches 50-100 years. Approximately it consists of 13 oil and gas companies operating in that area, namely; Conoco

227 Ridwan, Ariful, Axy, & Santi. (2015, June 25). Peletakan Batu Pertama Pelabuhan Perikanan Kabupaten Natuna. Official Site Manager Natuna Regency Website. Retrieved April 19, 2017 from kabupaten-natuna.html 228 Santi, & Rdw, Sri. (2016, July 25). Pertemuan dengan Sekjen Kementerian Kelautan Perikanan. Official Site Manager Natuna Regency Website. Retrieved April 19, 2017 from perikanan.html 229 Chandra, Ardan Adhi. (2016, August 26). Begini Cara KKP kembangkan Potensi Tangkapan Ikan Natuna. Detik Finance. Retrieved April 20, 2017 from ikan-natuna 230 Ibid. 231 Official Site Manager Natuna Regency Website. Potensi dan Peluang Investasi. Retrieved April 19, 2017 from


Philips Indonesia; Genting Oil Natuna; Indoreach Exploration; Lunding Oil & Gas BV; Peal Oil; Premier Oil Natua Sea BV; Sayen Oil and Gas PTE LTD; Star Energy LTD; Titian Resources Indonesia LTD; West Natuna Exploration LTD; and Pertamina EP.232

The local government of Natuna regency appealed to oil and gas companies operating in that region to provide benefits for the society in Natuna islands. Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) shall implement the submission of Corporate Social Responsibility 2015 and the 2016 Program Plan to the Natuna Regency Government. The CSR 2015 program conducted by oil and gas companies consists of Pelatar Rakyat Development in North Bunguran District, Hydron Car Supply Program, 1200 reading books for Natuna students, refinement program in Kencana beach, and fixed home program for not feasible houses.233

According to the author opinion, to optimize the utilization of marine resources in the Natuna islands, the local people, especially the fishermen, need the construction and repair for some related facilities. The author argues there are two main important things which are electricity and diesel fuel.Those are so much helping the fishermen catch.In case, to keep the fishes catch to always fresh so the fishermen need to store it in the cold storage but cold storage requires a large enough power (electricity). Electricity in the Natuna islands has not been stable yet, but in line with the government program, the supply of electricity in the Natuna islandshas been increased over 50 MW. 234 In building the electricity supply, the central government coordinates with PT. PLN (Persero) Center to

232 Perkasa, Anugerah. (2016, June 23). Laut Natuna Jadi Sumber Migas Asia. CNN Indonesia. Retrieved April 19, 2017 from 140387/laut-natuna-jadi-sumber-migas-asia/ 233 Santi, Jasipah, & Mardiana. (2016, June 8). Serah Terima Program Tanggung Jawab Sosial (TJS) SKK Migas-KKKS Tahun 2015 di Wilayah Kabupaten Natuna. Official Site Manager Natuna Regency Website. Retrieved April 19, 2017 from 234 Dwipayana, Ari. (2016, June 23). President Jokowi: Percepat Pembangunan di Natuna. Official Website of President Ir. H. Joko Widodo. Retrieved April 20, 2017 from pembangunan-natuna.html

90 supply the electricity in Selat Lampa.235 Moreover, the subsidized diesel fuel for fishing vessels, the KKP of RI in cooperation with the Indonesian Fisheries BUMN (Perindo).236

The author believes with the cooperation of various parties between the local government and the central government as described above, the potential of fishing in the Natuna Islands can be utilized maximally but the author hopes it still in accordance with the laws governing to preserve for future generations. The author argues by optimizing the utilization of the abundant natural resources in Natuna Islands, it may help to increase the economic value for the Natuna populations. The author believes the balancing economic will gives prosperity to the society. The author concluded the Indonesian government actions in develop economic value in Natuna Islands is one of the government’s role to advance general welfare.

Achieving sovereignty is not only enough by strengthening defense and security sectors but also need society approach. As explained in external sovereignty that power in a country is used to establish a relationship and cooperation to achieve national interest in the form of diplomacy.237

Based on the author research, in upholding the sovereignty over the NKRI in the Natuna Islands, the central government and its cabinets carry out an approach to the Natuna Islands government and the people especially to the fishermen. The government shows its role as a state leader by creating a program related to economic development and improvement in the Natuna Islands especially in the maritime sector.

235 Ningsih, Damiana. (2016, June 27). Natuna Jadi Sentra Perikanan dan Kelautan Terpadu. Beritasatu. Retrieved April 20, 2017 from jadi-sentra-perikanan-dan-kelautan-terpadu.html 236 Chandra, Ardan Adhi. (2016, August 26). Begini Cara KKP kembangkan Potensi Tangkapan Ikan Natuna. Detik Finance. Retrieved April 20, 2017 from ikan-natuna 237 Brahm, Eric. (2004). Sovereignty. Beyond Intractability. Retrieved February, 2017 from


Where programs implemented by the government in the islands of Natuna are in accordance with the policy pillar no. 1 regarding the management of marine resources. Management of marine resources is to encourage the optimal utilization of natural resources for present and future generations.238 As explained above, the government not only increases the fishing potential of the Natuna islands but also the cultivators that are useful for future generations. The author argue, if the government only develops the potential of fish catch, then the natural resources will gradually run out and rare, therefore the use of cultivation for fish, coral reefs, and seaweed.

The author conclude, the government also takes into the account level of processing, marketing, value added, as well as the standards and safety of marine and fishery products by building cold storage to keep fresh fish catch before being sold and exported out of town or abroad so the selling value stays stable. Other than that, the cooperation made by local governments with oil and gas companies is also a form of maximizing the use of oil and gas resources for the national interest, namely subsidies and exports abroad.

V.2.3 Sea Toll through Natuna Islands Indonesian sovereign nation means Indonesia has the highest power to regulate the lives of its people to the prosperous, justice, and welfare. Basically, the sovereignty belongs to the people (from the people, by the people, for the people).239 Means government comes from the people and elected by the people to realize the role of a sovereign state for the welfare of the people in order to achieve justice and prosperity. Based on the sovereignty theory adopted by the Indonesian government, the government needs to play an active role in all sectors aimed to creating public welfare especially in the Natuna Islands. Thus the action of visible government programs is expected by society Natuna islands.

238 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia. p. 30. 239Official Website of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia. Kedaulatan. Rumah Belajar: Belajar untuk Semua. Retrieved April 8, 2017 from ri4&kl=8


Jokowi President together with the cabinet creates a program of national development plans that build connectivity of inter-island which is sea transportation (Sea Toll). The government plans to create a "archipelago bridge" which means to facilitate economic activity and public transportation between islands in Indonesia. 240 “The sea toll is one of the answers to overcome the economic imbalances and it is the government's move to affirm that Indonesia maritime nation”, quoted from book of “2 tahun pemerintahan Jokowi-JK: Akselerasi Mewujudkan Indonesia Sentris”.241

Outermost islands have a very strategic role in maintaining the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia. But the distance away from the centers of economic activity and in adequate infrastructure causes the region is often left behind. The most appropriate way to make progress in this area is to build a complete port infrastructure with facilities supporting fisheries economic activities as the most likely economic potential to develop. That is also what the government, through the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) at this time. One of them is the Natuna islands.242

Recently the government built the sea toll route Jakarta to Natuna on October 25, 2016. Budi Karya Sumandi, Minister of Transportation, scheduled departure logistic ships towards Natuna and/or from Natuna will operate at least every 14 days or twice a month. The ship will transport logistic premises in the form of basic necessities with weight of ship 3,000 DWT. “This is a major breakthrough. Natuna Sea Toll Logistics will seek to suppress the price disparity, so that, Natuna citizens can get basic needs at an affordable price” said Budi, at

240Official Website of the Ministry of Connectivity of Republic of Indonesia.(2016, Oktober 24).Konektivitas Transportasi dan Tol Laut Menjadi Target dan Prioritas Pembangunan Kemenhub Tahun 2017.Retrieved April 7, from transportasi--dan-tol-laut-menjadi-target-dan-prioritas-pembangunan-kemenhub-tahun-2017 241 Team President (October, 2016). 2 Tahun Pemerintahan Jokowi-JK: Akselerasi Mewujudkan Indonesia Sentris. p. 264. Retrieved April 19, 2017 from content/uploads/2016/11/ebokk_JK2tahun_ebokk.pdf 242 Ibid. p.198.

93 the Port of Tanjung Priok, Jakarta.243 This is a new step of the government in order to increase the welfare of the Natuna islands. By facilitating the process of shipping logistics, the price of basic necessities in the Natuna islands and Java islands did not highly difference price and rate.

Figure 22 KM Caraka Jaya Niaga III Vessel Operates to Natuna Regency Route Tj. Priok – Tarempa – Natuna – Tarempa – Tj. Priok244

“The Sea Toll is not a road, it means there is a deep sea port, and there are ports in , Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua. And there is a big ship that operate every day, so the price in all these islands is the same” said President Joko Widodo. The goal is to create national efficiency; especially travel time between islands became faster and also cheaper cost.245

Example the development of seaweed cultivation in the Natuna Islands has decreased by 92.43% in 2015 compared to 2014, the problem is because unbalanced fund and income. While the land for seaweed cultivation is supported. The problem is seaweed farmers have to buy seeds outside Natuna regency (Lampung and ) that require big fund but the result of income is not

243 Muhhamad Idris. (2016, October 25). Kapal Tol Laut Baru Rute Jakarta-Natuna, Bolak-Balik 15 Hari Sekali. Detik Finance. Retrieved April 8, 2017 from bisnis/3329293/kapal-tol-laut-baru-rute-jakarta-natuna-bolak-balik-15-hari-sekali 244 Ibid. 245 Team President (October, 2016). 2 Tahun Pemerintahan Jokowi-JK: Akselerasi Mewujudkan Indonesia Sentris. p. 265. Retrieved April 19, 2017 from content/uploads/2016/11/ebokk_JK2tahun_ebokk.pdf

94 much. 246 The author hopes according to the purpose of sea toll as already mentioned before, expect with the sea toll the government can helps cultivator of seaweed to reduce the purchase price of seeds from outside Natuna regency and increase marketing of seaweed products of the Natuna Islands to Java Island.

Figure 23 the Result of Seaweed Cultivation in Natuna Regency247

Pillar no. 4 focusing on marine infrastructure, sea toll development in line with the main programs presented in marine infrastructure policy.248 Especially in the development of national marine transportation connectivity system, the role of government in implementing this policy is clearly visible with the development of sea tolls.

As mentioned by Smith, the role of government is build infrastructure and accordance with the 1945 Indonesia’s convention which Indonesian government has right to increase the national prosperity. By this way shich is build infrastructure of connectivity transportation is help to create prosperious archiperlago nation. Although the 6 main programs of marine infrastructure are not 100% yet run by the government for example in infrastructure development

246 Pusat Data, Statistik dan Informasi Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan. (2016, August).Kelautan dan Perikanan Dalam Angka Kabupaten Natuna.p. 23. Retrieved April 20, 2017 from 247 Pusat Data, Statistik dan Informasi Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan. (2016, August). Kelautan dan Perikanan Dalam Angka Kabupaten Natuna. p. 24. Retrieved April 20, 2017 from 248 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia. p. 38

95 cooperation with partner countries (foreign country) especially for the Natuna islands.

V.2.4 Human Resources Development The marine potential in the Natuna islands is very high but the people have not been able to maximize the management of these natural resources well because the people manage it in a traditional way where only from knowledge gained from generation to generation.249 Fishermen and cultivators need more educational knowledge about marine management so they can know how to maximize the potential of the sea. For example, KKP of RI will organize training for the cultivation of coastal fishermen who have been his main livelihood in the marine sector.250

Based on the author opinion, the development of human resources should be more in priority because the public should be given the right education in order not only to utilize its natural wealth but to maintain its existence for generations to come. This can be done in the form of seminars and school education. The local government together with the Ministry of Transportation cooperation to support the education of students in the Natuna Islands to realize inter-island connectivity, "We offer vocational education for 1,000 Natuna students and the surrounding areas that have been operating vessels manually to West Sumatra vocational education," Budi Karya Sumadi. Moreover, maritime education has entered into the curriculum at the Faculty of Engineering, University of the Riau Islands.251 If the Riau islands province students are interested in maritime sector can study in that university.

249Ridwan, Ariful, Axy, & Santi. (2015, June 25). Peletakan Batu Pertama Pelabuhan Perikanan Kabupaten Natuna. Official Site Manager Natuna Regency Website. Retrieved April 20, 2017 from kabupaten-natuna.html 250 Endang,& Santi. (2015, October 20). Pemkab Natuna Gelar Pertemuan dengan Kementerian Perikanan Bahas Perkembangan Budi Daya. Official Site Manager Natuna Regency Website. Retrieved April 20, 2017 from 251 Biro Komunikasi dan Informasi Publik. (2017, March 9). Menhub Pastikan Pengembangan SDM dan Prasarana Transportasi Berjalan untuk Mewujudkan Konektivitas di Natuna. Official Website of the Ministry of Connectivity of RI. Retrieved April 20, 2017 from


KKP RI also prioritizes the development of human resources in Natuna by conducting field school programs. Field School Program is implemented by the State Fishery Business School (SUPMN), Pontianak, West Kalimantan. This program was given to 25 participants from the Natuna islands.252 Field school is a non-formal learning process for farmers to improve their skills and knowledge to recognize potential and business development. 253 Other than that, KKP also conducts seaweed cultivation training for 150 people spent 363.75 million rupiahs; Seaweed processing training for 150 people spent 386.25 million rupiahs; As well as pilot extension and empowerment of marine and fisheries community spent 102 million rupiahs.254

The above programs are the government's role in improving human resources in harmony with pillar no. 1 on human resource development that aims to make people professional, ethical, dedicated and able to prioritize national interests, especially in the field of marine.255 Indonesian government that looks anarchy based on the analysis of the author using the theory of neo-realism. The nature tends to force the country to always survive by doing various ways.256

The Indonesian government showed its role in developing the intellectual life for Natuna populations by increased the ability of fisherman and local citizen. The authors argue that the role of government in improving human knowledge in the Natuna islands aimed to seek human beings to be able to exploit the potential of maritime as much as possible which means tantamount to impose every citizen to be together a purpose to survive based on the national interest itself. Survive transportasi-berjalan-untuk-mewujudkan-konektivitas-di-natuna 252 Official Website of the Ministry of Marine and Fisheries of RI. (2016, August 23). Tingkatkan Kapasitas SDM Natuna, KKP Selenggarakan Program Sekolah Lapang. Retrieved April 20, 2017 from program-sekolah-lapang/ 253 Ibid. 254 Ibid. 255 The Coordinator Ministry for Maritime Sector. (2014). Buku Putih Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia: Menuju Poros Maritim Dunia. p. 32 256 Perwita, A. A. Banyu, & Sabban, Nabilla. (2015). Kajian Konflik dan Perdamaian. Graha Ilmu. p.19.

97 itself appears to be focused on the government's objectives where developing human resources can help improve the economic potential of the marine sector.

V.3 Chapter Summary Sovereignty is indeed the absolute thing for each country. A realist state will continue to strive for its sovereignty by performing various means even though the end of the country will be seen anarchy. Indonesia which is an archipelago country has a sovereign right over the whole island and the territory of the land and its waters. Based on the author analysis above, it has answered the problem identification of this thesis research that can seen President Jokowi play his role as head of state in prioritizing sovereignty in the Natuna islands. Various actions have been demonstrated and implemented in the Natuna Islands, there are; Increased security guard and defense in the borders of Natuna waters over case of China's claim, development in the maritime sector aimed at improving the economy of the Natuna Islands, seeking de facto and de jure legal deed on the Natuna islands as a guideline for the NKRI, and enhancing human resources to be more insightful.

Both theories have also been implemented in assisting the author in analyzing the roles of the government. Actually, both theories are interrelated in this process of analysis. The theory of sovereignty plays a role in the discussion material about the law which stated the Natuna Island belongs to Indonesia and the existence of the island itself which is important to the Indonesian government. Meanwhile, neo-realism theory is the efforts of the Indonesian government in upholding international law as the guidance of the state and the nature of the government of those roles.

According to the author, the role of government to keep the border in Natuna islands is quite good and implemented in accordance with the vision and mission of local government and central government. The Indonesian government role has accordance with the UUD 1945 alinea 4 as the author mentioned in the problem identification chapter I. Compared to other border islands, the author stated the role of government in the Natuna Islands seen better than other.


The Implementation of 7 Pillars to Natuna Islands 7 Pillars 2014 2015 2016 - Build fishery - Construct production facilities for port in Selat cultivation Lampa, Tiga fish & Island District seaweed - SKK Migas - Build cold Natuna storage (200 Islands hold tons capacity) CSR in order in Selat Management of to helps Lampa port Marine Resource and infrastructure - Increased Human Resource development electricity Development in Natuna supply over Islands 500 MW - Increased dissel fuel subsidize for fishing vessels - Conducting field school program for fishermen

- Before 2014: - President Joko Indonesian Widodo and government has all related been registered cabinets named & cooperate to recorded islands strengthening to UNGEGN in defense & every 5 years securty in the - Enforcing law Natuna’s of Indonesia’s borders Defense, Security, territorial waters Law Enforcement, accordance to and Safety at the Sea international maritime zone - Enforcing law in Natuna Islands accordance with national law, UNCLOS, and historical background - Indonesian government Government and cooperate with Institution international institution (UNCLOS) Economic and - President Joko Marine Infrastructure Widodo and Increase Welfare declared to


The Implementation of 7 Pillars to Natuna Islands 7 Pillars 2014 2015 2016 develop Natuna’s economy by utilize marine resources accordance to the closed meeting (June 24, 2016) - Deployed more warships to the Natuna’s borders - Deployed see toll route (Tj. Priok – Natuna) as logistic transortation - Determined the - Planting Management of Sea borders islands mangrove to Space and Protection and registered protect the of Marine to UN coastal against Development abrasion - Improve marketing system in tourism sector to attract tourists - Improve the tourism facilities Maritime Culture (road, bridge, harbor, clean water, and home stay) - Planting mangrove as the tourism destination place - Utilize the military sector Maritime Diplomacy to full fill the national interest




Basically for every country, sovereignty is an essential thing that every state government realizes to find ways to fight for its own sovereignty. Sovereignty also becomes the determinant of the territorial integrity itself. Likewise with Indonesia, Indonesia as an archipelago state covered by thousands of islands from Sabang to marauke make government more incentive in maintaining the sovereignty of NKRI. Moreover Indonesian waters are rich in natural resources, not a few foreign ships that enter to steal fish in Indonesian waters. Other than that, the outer islands that used as the symbol of a country vulnerable to conflicts due to not only the location but the lack of government role to the islands.

Since there are many possible conflicts may be happen, the Indonesian government realizes of their role is very much needed. In 2014, the Republic of Indonesia holds a change of the head of state which is frequently done in every 5 years. October 2014, President Joko Widodo with Vice President Jusuf Kalla inaugurated as the 7th head of state of the Republic of Indonesia. Since serving as President RI, the vision and mission of the Indonesian government seems to be more inclined towards development in the marine sector, especially small islands and coastal areas.

After conducting research on this case, the writer can conclude that the role of Indonesian government in Natuna Islands has seen its implementation in harmony with Indonesian maritime policy made by Coordinator of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of RI. Since the case of arrested of illegal vessels in Natuna waters, President Jokowi mobilized the related cabinets and TNI to strengthen Indonesia's sovereignty in the Natuna islands. As this way, first of all, the President together with the , the Minister of Defense and the


Minister of Defense to improve defense and security around the Natuna waters, especially the border areas between Indonesian waters and the South China Sea. Example; increasing the number of soldiers assigned to guard the border, increasing the quota of warships and warplanes, building military bases and weapons storage.Secondly, the central government, which is the Minister of Fisheries and the Minister of Home Affairs together with the regional government and residents of the Natuna Islands, cooperate to encourage the economy in the Natuna Islands in the maritime sector. Example; improve human resources to be able to optimize natural resources in Natuna, build infrastructure for tourism, encourage fishermen to get better catch, and provide jobs for fishermen and seaweed farmers.

From the writer's research, the implementation of government role in Natuna Island is more visible than in other outer islands. Moreover, the theory of sovereignty and the theory of neo-realism have been implemented in the analysis of the author and have explained that the Indonesian government is very concerned with its sovereignty in the Natuna islands through several statements that have been mentioned above. Then, the persistent nature of government to realize the national interest reflects the realist nature. But in realizing its national interests, the Indonesian government remains in accordance with the international system of Indonesia making United Nations a strong legal foundation and guidance for the state.

The authors hope the results of this research and the analysis of this case can inspire the readers, especially young people to encourage the government to pay more attention especially to the small islands and the coastal of Indonesia’s islands. The authors also hope that this paper can provide information needed for students and researchers concerned. Considering the Presidential position of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Jusuf Kalla this period until 2019, the author hope this paper can be developed more broadly and in more about the role of President Jokowi's administration in the Natuna islands.



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APPENDICES I. 92 Outer Most Islands in Indonesia Retrieved from Presidential Decree No. 78 Year 2005 about Managing the Small Outer Islands II. Government Regulation No. 61 of 1998 on the list of geographical coordinates of the base points of the archipelago baselines of Indonesia in the Natuna Sea III. Indonesia – UNCLOS Agreement regarding Indonesian Waters IV. Indonesia – UNCLOS Agreement regarding Exclusive Economic Zone