Nurul Nadjmi, Wiendu Nuryanti, Budi Prayitno, Nindyo Soewarno

Jurusan Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada Jl. Grafika No. 2 Kampus UGM , Yogyakarta 55281 e-mail: [email protected]

Kondisi makro perairan yang merupakan Negara kepulauan (Archipelagic State) yang terbesar di dunia. Dengan jumlah pulau yang mencapai 17.508 buah, serta garis pantai terpanjang kedua yaitu sepanjang 81.000 km. Berdasarkan paradigma perancangan, tata ruang berbasis kepulauan "archipelascape", maka model arsitektur penataan ruang publik tepian air diarahkan pada pemograman spasial dan kegiatan yang mendukung sistem jejaring lintas pulau (trans-island network) serta dalam keterkaitan hulu hilir perkotaan setempat (urban ecoscape linkages). Sehingga apapun kegiatan yang melingkupi serta yang akan dikembangkan dalam ruang publik tepian air perkotaan harus ditempatkan pada posisi dan sistem tersebut secara tepat. Kawasan ini memiliki potensi wisata terutama wisata metropolitan kepulauan. Gugusan kepulauan dalam hal ini Pulau Batam, Pulau Bintan dan Pulau Karimun (BBK) memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda-beda untuk dijadikan kawasan destinasi pariwisata, diantaranya wisata alam atau bahari, wisata religi, wisata belanja, wisata agro, wisata MICE, wisata kuliner, wisata olahraga,dan wisata sejarah. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada konsep jejaring yang tepat dalam pengembangan destinasi pariwisata metropolitan kepulauan dalam hal ini Batam, Bintan dan Karimun. Sebagai lokasi amatan adalah Kawasan BBK sebagai kawasan destinasi pariwisata metropolitan kepulauan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana konsep jejaring yang tepat dalam pengembangan destinasi pariwisata metropolitan kepulauan dalam hal ini Batam, Bintan dan Karimun sehingga bisa menjadi pariwisata metropolitan kepulauan yang dapat di jadikan percontohan dalam pengembangan daerah kepulauan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan observasi langsung. Teori-teori yang melatar belakangi penelitian ini adalah teori jejaring (network), teori destinasi pariwisata, dan teori metropolitan kepulauan. Kesimpulan menunjukkan bahwa model tata ruang di BBK sangat menunjang dalam pengembangan kawasan tersebut sebagai daerah destinasi pariwisata kepulauan. Kata Kunci: Konsep Jejaring, Destinasi Pariwisata, Metropolitan Kepulauan.


Nurul Nadjmi, Wiendu Nuryanti, Budi Prayitno, Nindyo Soewarno

Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University Jl. Grafika No. 2 Kampus UGM, Yogyakarta 55281 e-mail: [email protected]

Indonesian waters macro conditions which is an archipelagic nation (Archipelagic State) the largest in the world. With a number of islands that reaches 17,508 pieces, as well as the second longest coastline is along the 81,000 km. Based design paradigm, based spatial islands "archipelascape", the architectural model of the arrangement of public space on the waterfront directed spatial programming and activities that support the cross-island networking system (trans-island network) upstream and downstream linkages in the local urban (Ecoscape urban linkages) . So any activity that covers and that will be developed in urban waterfront public space should be placed in position and the system properly.

The area has tourism potential especially metropolitan tourist islands. Islands in this island of Batam, Bintan and Karimun (BBK) has different characteristics to be used as a tourism destination area, including natural or marine travel, religious tourism, shopping tourism, agro tourism, MICE tourism, culinary tourism, travel sports, and travel history. This study focused on the concept of proper networking in the development of tourism destinations in the metropolitan islands of Batam, Bintan and Karimun. As the location of observation is a BBK Region metropolitan area island tourism destination. This study aims to determine how the right networking concepts in the development of tourism destinations in the metropolitan islands of Batam, Bintan and Karimun so that could be a tourism island metropolis that can be made in the development of pilot areas in the Indonesian archipelago. This study is a qualitative research approach to direct observation. The theories of the background of this research is the theory of networks (network), the theory of tourism destinations and islands metropolitan theory. The conclusion suggests that the spatial models in BBK strongly support the development of the region as a tourism destination area islands.

Keywords: Network Concepts, Tourism Destinations, Metropolitan islands


1. Background Tourism activities at this time is one of the basic human need to be able to eliminate boredom to daily aktiftas monotonous.Law No. 9 In 1990, mentions that the tours are: travel activities or part of these activities are carried out voluntarily to enjoy objects and attractions. Meanwhile, people who travel activities are also called tourists. According Sunaryo (2013), Tourism is the whole phenomenon of tourism activities undertaken by tourists. Another definition is also expressed by Mathieson and Wall (1982), states that: "Tourism is the temporary movement of people to destinations outside the normal Reviews their places of work and residence, the activities undertaken during Reviews their stay in Reviews those destinations, and the facilities created to cater to Reviews their needs" (Tourism is: the movement of residents temporarily to a destination tourist activities while in a tourist destination, the availability of facilities to meet the needs). Looking at the above facts, the tourist activity is an activity that will never be no death. Tourism cannot be run without the interest and motivation of tourists to visit the objects and tourist attraction. Mc Intosh in Psychology Tourism (1998): a. Physical motivation, tourists devoted to physical and mental refreshment. b. Cultural Motivation, tourists intended to vent curiosity society and culture conditions that exist in other countries or other areas including music, art, architecture and historic places. c. Personal Motivation, tourists associated with things of a personal nature, such as visiting friends, expand relationships, looking for new experiences, and expand horizons, and also visit places of worship. d. Motivation Prestige, tourists are intended to meet the need for a hobby, continuing education, business contacts, conferences, and meetings that are prestigious.

An island is one of the destinations that give shape or manner different tours with tours on the mainland at large. Because of the geography of the islands are very typical. in this case the island of Batam, Bintan and Karimun Island has a variety of types of tours, which is an attraction to attract tourists to come visit. Batam Island was ranked third in the National Tourism destination. This is caused by the location of Batam Island very strategic borders with , , Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. Travel types contained in Batam Island is so diverse and scattered islands in the surrounding areas. There are 12 islands have a diverse kind. According Pelupessy (2011), states that integrated tourism area is the area that takes into account the centers of tourist activity, characteristic of this type is linked to tourism and the tourist track in this case associated with tourism potential is in the Riau Islands in this case Batam Island, Bintan and Karimun Island. Integrated tourism area in this peneliian integrate diverse types of types of tourism in the island of Batam, Bintan and Karimun Island, so these types of tours supporting each other so that later it can support the type of the main tourist on the island of Batam.

2. Writing Purpose The purpose of this paper is to determine how the concept of appropriate networks in metropolitan tourism destination development in this island of Batam, Bintan and Karimun so that could be a metropolitan tourism islands can be made in a pilot in the development of the islands in Indonesia.

3. Methodology The methodology used in this paper is a method of rationalism derived from theory and empirical truth. By using descriptive qualitative approach. Sampling method using purposive sampling method, the sample obtained from stakeholders who can provide specific information and community groups that can provide a view that is as accurate as possible. With descriptive analysis method that describes the characteristics of existing and potential research sites. And search for the factors that influence the development of integrated tourism area in Batam Island, to find the right networking concept in the development of metropolitan tourism destination islands in this case Batam, Bintan and Karimun that could be metropolitan tourism islands that can be made in the development of pilot islands in Indonesia.

4. Results and Discussion Characteristics and Potential Type Tourism in Batam, Bintan and Karimun and surrounding islands.This analysis aims to look at the potential and characteristics of each region to obtain the structure of the tourist destination region development. And proper networking concept in the development of metropolitan tourism destination islands in this case Batam, Bintan and Karimun that could be metropolitan tourism islands that can be made in the development of regional pilot islands in Indonesia. a. Island Beach With Potential (Natural or Marine) The number of islands located around the island of Batam, Bintan and Karimun all have the potential for marine tourism, strategic location and surrounded by ocean. However, this study focused on the islands settlements and became a destination that the number of visitors the most, namely to Batam and nearby islands (Pulau Batam, , , New Galang Island, Bulang Island, Pulau Sambu, Reed Island, Abang Island, Aur Island, Island Princess, Island Lengkanak, Rear Island and Pulau Padang Nyirup). To Bintan and surrounding islands (Bintan, Mapur and Nikoi Island). To Karimun and islands of adjacent (Karimun Island, Kundur, Sugi Island, Moro Island, Island Alai). Potential islands have marine tourism makes these islands as a destination region in the development of marine tourism destination integrated tourism area in Batam, Bintan and Karimun and the islands around it.

BATAM Batam Island has an area of the island: 1,040 km2 of land, 2,950 km2 overall Population: 1.15386 million inhabitants, Tribe: Malay, Javanese, Batak, Minangkabau, Chinese, etc. Religion: Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism. Language: Indonesian and Malay. Consists of 12 districts and 64 villages. The boundaries of the city of Batam: North (Singapore Strait and Singapore), South (Lingga District), West (Karimun), East ( and ). The location of this island is very strategic because it is traversed by the international shipping lane, directly adjacent to Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. 95% is surrounded by oceans and 5% is land. Scattered in the Malacca Strait, Singapore Strait, , and . In ordained as FTZ area according to Law No. 44 of 2007. Every weekends or holidays, this bustling area visited by tourists, both domestic and foreign countries. This island is the core of the island because of the large size of the small islands around it. Not only that this island is the island's most complete infrastructure in comparison to other islands, so the researchers set this island as a major tourist destination that support other islands. Which island is also there are various kinds of tours, one of which is a marine tourism. A complete facility on the island is very supportive of tourism activities on the island.

Galang Island Galang Island is one of the islands of several islands which are located around the island of Batam. Galang Island has attractions snorkeling, diving on the island of Abang several islands around Pulau Galang has all manner of coral reefs that are still awake naturalness. The natural beauty of jasmine and Turkish Mirota Beach is one of the types of tours is in the interest by local tourists, especially tourists. Distance location Galang Island of Batam city about 30 minutes by road.

Lengkanak Island The natural beauty of the beach Beautifully situated on the island is amazing Lengkanak brownish white sandy beaches, long stretches resemble bay. The beach is crowded by local tourists visit when weekends or holiday season. The distance is not too far from the island of Batam bias in the travel by road about 40 minutes.

Island Princess For residents of Batam, Island Princess is very well known and has become one of the favorite tourist destinations. It was not because the island has such a beautiful land and is located very close to the beach Nongsa. People beach that's attractions on the Island Princess. This island can be achieved in just 5 minutes from Nongsa with water vehicles or speed boat.

Galang Baru Island Tourist destinations in New Galang Island is Beach Galang Mas. Being farthest side of Galang Baru Island, Coastal Galang Mas is the most perfect place for those who want a natural atmosphere of calm, quiet and away from the bustle of the city. The location is somewhat distant destinations to travel time is approximately one and a half hours by road. But it all paid off with the view that we are going through the rather beautiful.

BINTAN Overall area of 87717.84 km2 Bintan is comprised of area land area of 1319.51 km2 (1.50%) and marine areas covering 86398.33 km2 (98.50%). In 2007, the governments perform the expansion of regional divisions and districts. In geographies, Bintan regency is located between 0o06'17 "- 1o34'52" North Latitude and 104o12'47 "East Longitude West disebalh - 108o02'27" East Longitude East in the west, with boundaries as follows:  North: Natuna, Anambas and Malaysia countries.  South: Lingga District  West: City of Batam and Tanjungpinang  East: Province.

Bintan regency can be reached by air from major cities of Indonesia and around the world, through Batam Hang Nadim International Airport and continue with the ferry heading to the island of Bintan, or through the airport Raja Haji Fisabilillah in Tanjungpinang. Of Singapore and Malaysia, Bintan Island is approximately 2 hours using the ferry to Bentan Tellani Port or Port Lagoi Sri Bintan Pura Tanjungpinang. Although the island is the capital of Riau Islands, but Bintan Island still has a shortcoming in The infrastructure development because there are many areas that are still lacking in its infrastructure, especially road, or may in the island said that there are areas that do not complete its infrastructure. Which The Island is also there are various kinds of tours, one of which is a marine tourism.

Mapur Island The natural beauty of the beach beautifully situated on the island is amazing Mapur brownish white sandy beaches, long stretches resemble bay. The beach is crowded by local tourists visit when the weekend or holiday season. The distance is not too far from ordinary Bintan Island in travel by air vehicle such as a speed boat for 30 minutes

Nikoi Island For citizens Bintan Nikoi Island is very well known and has become one of the favorite tourist destinations. It was not because the island has such a beautiful land and is located very close to the beach Trikora. Those Nikoi beach attractions on the island of Nikoi. This island can be achieved in just 5 minutes from Nongsa with water vehicles or speed boat.

KARIMUN Karimun is part of the Riau Islands province, which borders the State Affairs neighbor Singapore and Malaysia, as well as adjacent to the industrial growth center of Batam and Bintan. Karimun is one of the new districts in the province of Riau Islands, which is based on Law No. 53 in 1999. The geographic Karimun extends between 00º 24 '36 "N and 01º 13' 12" N and 103º 13 '12 "East to 104º 00' 36" E, is exactly the shipping lanes and close to the international flight zone. Karimun is located in the capital city of Tanjung Balai, District Meral which bordered on the west by District stimuli and Bengkalis, east of the village cliffs, south of the District of stimuli, District High Tebing Meranti District and northern Strait of Singapore and Malaysia, while it Karimun itself is administratively bordered by:  North: Singapore Strait (Philips Channel), Strait Melaka and Peninsular Malaysia.  South: District of Kateman (Indragiri Hilir) and the District of District Senayang Phallus  West: District of stimuli, District Cliffs High (Meranti Islands District) and District of Kuala Kampar (District Pelalawan).  East: District of Rear Padang (Batam)

The total area of Karimun has an area consisting of 4.918 km² land area of 932 km² (93.157 ha) and vast oceans of about 3.987 km² or an area of 398.692 hectares, thus it can be seen that Karimun is surrounded by sea, Karimun district is a cluster of small and large islands some 249 islands, which consists of 54 islands have been inhabited and 195 other islands are uninhabited. The island is also there are various kinds of tours, one of which is a marine tourism. A complete facility on the island is very supportive of tourism activities on the island.

Kundur Kundur is one of the island of several islands which are located around the island of Karimun. Kundur has attractions snorkeling, diving. Kundur this has all manner of coral reefs that are still awake naturalness. The natural beauty of the beach is one of the types of tours is in the interest by local tourists, especially tourists. Distance location Kundur of Karimun about 30 minutes through the water transportation.

Sugi Island Sugi Island is one of the islands of several islands which are located around the island of Karimun. Sugi Island beach tourism natural beauty also is one of the types of tours is in the interest by local tourists, especially tourists. Distance location Sugi of Karimun Island about 45 minutes through the water transportation.

Moro Island Moro Island has the natural beauty of the kind of tour that is in the interest by local tourists, especially tourists. Distance location Moro island of Karimun about 60 minutes by road and water transportation.

Alai Island The natural beauty of the island beach in Alai is one of a kind tour that is in the interest by local tourists, especially tourists. Distance location Alai island of Karimun about 60 minutes by road and water transportation.

b. Island with Potential History and Archaeology In Batam, Bintan and Karimun there are attractions that can be the main attraction is a historical tour. This is evident from the relics of the past.

BATAM Not only are marine tourism on the island, there is also a historical tour in Batam Island, Houses stage named Limas This piece is one of the assets of Malay Culture in Batam. Position located in an old village in Kampung Melayu Batu Besar, District Nongsa. Limas House Cut it looks dashing and elegant. Characteristic of Malay very visible in this Cut Limas House. Nong tomb of Jesus, the surrender of this tomb complex in Batam Island Tomb Nong Isa family Daeang Parani be made in historical evidence of the existence of a phase of leadership in this area centuries ago.

Galang Island From a variety of historical sources, Galang Island and some areas in Riau Islands during the war North and South Vietnam made a stopover land by Vietnamese citizens who commit mass exodus due to the never-ending civil war. Vietnamese refugees first arrived in Indonesia on 22 May 1975. The Government of Indonesia provide Galang Island as a transit point for refugees Vietnam. Japanese monument, that Sembulang citizens residing in Galang call monument is 3 x 3 meters. This monument was initiated by the citizens of Japan to commemorate the Japanese soldiers who never set foot in Sembulang. During his stay in Sembulang recorded 128 Japanese soldiers killed.

Pulau Sambu Sambu Old Town, Pulau Sambu for holiday travelers to the hobby of exploring the old town. This tiny island is only a few miles from Batam many exotic save many buildings of historical value. Here is an old building located in Pulau Sambu: Complex House officials Pertamina Sambu, Thousand Stairs, Bugis Family Tomb, Bukit Bendera, Pensions 1, Sambu Ria and Cinema Sambu, Old Temple D042366, Ward Employee Mess Pertamina Sambu, Sambu Island Market, Office Heading Pulau Sambu.

KARIMUN Kawasasn historical attractions are in Kundur and Alai Island c. Island with Sports Tourism Potential

BATAM The Island has a sport tourism is the island of Batam, where the island is famous for Golf sports paradise for golfers, there are 6 golf course on the island, with international standard facilities. Jungle Tracking, exploring the forest becomes an attractive option for those who like a challenge and nature lovers. And many more tourist sport contained in Batam Island include: Canoeing, Bowling, Bilyard, Volly Beach, Jet Sky, Go Kart, Takraw, Futsal, Cable Ski, Banana Boat, Parasailing.

BINTAN The Island has a sports tourism is on Bintan Island, where there are sports Island Golf for golfers, there are 2 golf courses on the island, with international standard facilities. Jungle Tracking, exploring the forest becomes an attractive option for those who like a challenge and nature lovers. And many more tourist olahga contained in Bintan include: Canoeing, Bowling, Billiard, Volleys Beach, Jet Sky, Go Kart, Takraw, Futsal, Cable Ski, Banana Boat, Parasailing, kite board. Where included in the tourism calendar which is held each year. d. Island with Potential Religious Tourism

BATAM In Batam Island there is also a tourist destination Religions, this can take a look at the various attractions of religion in this island. Great Mosque Batam, Statue of Goddess Kwan Im, Pura Agung Amertha Buana, Vihara Duta Materya, GPIB Emmanuel Batam, Sri Lalitha Maha Stepfather Puru Sundari Temple.

KARIMUN In Karimun Island tourism potential religinya Down there in Sugi Island, and the island of Karimun Island Board. e. Island with Potential Agro Tourism and Eco Tourism

BATAM Batam Island, tourism and eco-tourism angro famous in Batam Island is Mangrove Nongsa which has an area of nearly 300 acres, Forest Tourism Cat's Eye, freshwater fish breeding in Sei Temiang. Rempang and Galang Island is famous for its gardens and plantations Dragon Fruit Rosella.

BINTAN Agro tourism potential and eco-tourism are on the island of Bintan.

KARIMUN Agro tourism potential and eco-tourism are in Karimun Island Board, Kundur and Sugi Island. f. With Island Tourism Potential M.I.C.E Batam Island is famous for MICE travel destination. g. Island with potential Culinary Tourism Batam Island, not complete a visit to a tourist destination without tasting the typical cuisine of the area. In Batam Island there are many places to explore, feel and enjoy the culinary in this island, among others: Sate Zone Old Post Office, Shop Tent, Pujasera Windsor, Pujasera Harbour Bay, Parade Seafood, Simpang Rojak Seraya, Pujabahari Fruit Market, Angkringan Graha Solomon Bukit Seraya, Golden Prawn. The typical meal on the island Spicy Crab, Gong gong, Fish Soup, Cah Kale, Garlic Fried Chicken, Spicy Fish acid, Nasi Padang, Nasi Lemak, Roti Prata, Tea Screwdriver. Rempang and Galang Island, on the island is the most beautiful culinary place because it's floating Barelang Seafood Restaurant, Golden Prawn Restaurant. Which provides a very good seafood. h. Island with potential Shopping What did you think when calling Batam, Shopping. Batam is known as a shopping paradise for tourists. With eight regional shopping center in the island, it is worth Batam referred to as a shopping paradise. Travelers can meet the needs of Fashion and accessories, electronic devices, glassware, souvenirs, to a wide range of second hand goods. As for the place or area shopping center in Batam, namely; Mate (electronic device), Nagoya (Center for fashion boutiques and electronic devices), Batam Center (fashion and accessories), Baloi BCS Mall (fashion and accessories), Tanjung Uma DC Mall (electronic devices and fashion), Batu Ampar Harbour Bay Mall ( Fashion and accessories), Sekupang Star Trade Center (fashion and accessories), Batu Aji Top 100 Mall (Everything household). Analysis of factors affecting the Integrated Tourism Destination Development Zone As in this study the factors that influence the development of integrated tourism area destinations in Riau Islands Particularly in Batam, Bintan and Karimun Island and surrounding islands. Factors derived from the variables obtained integrated tourism then analyzed by descriptive analysis by comparing the existing condition and literature studies. There are several factors that influence the development of an integrated tourist destination on the island of Batam, Bintan and Karimun, namely: accessibility, ease of attainment to the area where the existing tourist destinations. Amenitas, increase the completeness of supporting facilities. Attractions, Determination mainstay of tourism activities, tour support and supporting tour. The area determination made in support zone area tourist destinations, Making Batam, Bintan and Karimun as Major tourist destinations in the area between the islands that are around. Develop criteria Area Development in Batam Island Travel Destinations In the process of regional development factors affecting tourist destinations in the analysis again and compared to the tourist destinations are located on the islands around the island of Batam, Bintan and Karimun while the result is, increasing the number of public transport to reach tourist destinations support, availability of ferry services to the region supporting destination. Develop Area Development Tutorial tourist Destinations At this stage of the development direction of integrated tourism destination in the region do triangulation technique with data sources used in analyzing the factors that influence the development of an integrated tourist destination area. Macro and Micro landing is the result of the formulation of the destination region. 5. Conclusions and Recommendations Tourist destination region is closely associated with the distribution of the type contained in the tourist destination and Concept Network that connects the island to the other. So that the distribution areas of core and support is very important to get a tourist destination area targeted and regular.


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