w i 8ATUBDAT, AUOtJBTlf. i n » ■ P P L P ^ V B ■ / Am AM ter Ettimtna B m lli AvangB Dally OicalatlaB Tha WiBtiMr ing tha car IwnM sstmld ba ran to for S SMirtk a« M y , IMP F) remit ■( D. B. Waalhi Rsv. Wilttam T. WsUscs of £la , JQielegate Returns Mata" aad Morgaii atrsat and start. North Hsthodlst church, who U tak­ Pentldnds Back Buses to Start Arom ttaara to MaaoftaaUr. The re­ A b o u t Tow n National Guard Units 6.161 M r and MfMiy eaaUi ing hid vacation this month, aiki From D. of I. Parley turn would ba tbe saaM as followed with hla family has been at bis by tha trolley care at present After 'ni«aiajr folr. tlvo town of Watefbary; Vdfihnfit, Cm October 1st croaaing the bridge into Hartford will spod tbs remainder .df the From Long Trip ' ^MAair ft bodget mMtUift last Ready for Maneuvers the buses iriU turn south along the Monchester~—A City of Village Charm gMtt, tlii town MOTMtloa commit* tims near Nlantlc. Tomorrow morn­ Mn. Philip H. Camejr, regent of Boulevard and then west on State ing Mr. WalUce wlU preach in 8L Margaret's Cirete, Daughtera of street to Market north along Mar­ E a S to to d ft taBtsUv* mcpenao UM TrinUy Union Methodist church, Comii«ticnt Go. OfficiRl AdvartWag ea Fags 10) iHr ttft ftoinlBft flaeal wMcb Tell of Journej Through laabtUa, ratumsd horns last night ket to Morgan and from the jtme- V0L.LVIIL.N0.338 MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1939 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICR THRBB ikM Ir tha eoat o( tna Providanes. ^ Comiumy K and H ow il^l gjgrTob??X aJ?^ from tha National CoBvsntkm of the ExpUdns Further Peti" tton of Morgan and Market east to^ Maine, Scolln, Ur- Daughtors of Issballs which was the bridge. ■riaant pariod whan tha approprU- Tha Bpworih League of the South Compile, to Entrdn g^iuiam ^^^ ' Slft votad was flS.OOO. It was said Prince Edward bland. held in l^videnee, B. I. ' lion to the PUC ^ Net Stsuting Petot iH t aWA **«at only minor changes Methodist church will meet tomor­ 4 j40 Ta Bapart Taaight The convention opened on Biuiday Mention of Morgan and Mala row night kt 7 o’clock at ths church At a. m. Tomor- WiU Offers Plan Where 20 Died in Wreck of Streamliner In aftpandlturea are oontemplated. Mr. and Mra. John O. Pentlaad at Tha rosmbara of thaaa units and eama to a eloat late yeaterday If given permioakm by the PUC streets In Hartford, the repreaenta- to b w Mr. and Mra Hubert Rey­ row for iPbttftburg. report at the armory tonight afternoon with the election of offi­ to BUMtltute buses for trolley can; Uve said, was not Intended as a nolds, who are directors of recrsa- Cbestaut strsst hava returasd from will ba aenred braakfast at the cers. There were over 3,000 in at- tha Connecticut Company will' have starting point The . Hnrtford- 20 Dead, 114 Hurt *TW b aftamoon the ToUand Coon* Uon at the Hartman Tobacco planta­ a 18-day bosinsas and ploasurs trip MaachasUr's mUitary oontlngsnts armory about S:80 a. m. Sunday ndance. them in operation October 1. Rockvllle buses entering and leav­ For Settling ty Ttamnmtlr association holds its tion. 'They will spsak on "Ufa on a annua] masting at tha estats of Mrs. to Maine, Nova Scotia, Prince Ed­ In tha nrst Corps mansuvers to bs morning. Tha companiaa will form Mm. Minerva C. Boyd, national Thia announcement was made by ing Hartford travel by a different ■Tobacco iTsntatlon." bald nsxt wssk in Northern New on Main street sad will march di­ regent, of Chicago, preaidad at the a repraaentative of foe company to­ route. On croaaing the bridge they, fhaala Dbioa Welch in columbU ward laland and the Gaspe Penla- day. The Connecticut Company D an zig Row where former Governor Wilbur L. A msetlng of the A. O. H. will be York—Company K and the Howltssr rectly to the depot and will boarcj nvention uid in ner report showed continue west along Morgan street Cross wiU head the list of speakers. Bula. They accompanied Mr. and Company—Will entrain on Sunday the second section of the through Uiat there had bean I1A17 navy mem- baa filed a correction to ita original and turn south Into Market street,.' held at 8t. James’s school bMl to­ Mra Hate Dow of Portland, Maine, application In which it wm stated In Wreck of Train; be—A. N asi it was explained, did not mean that tire day, with additional buses run­ Negro Mortgages Hla Pigs Soudiera Padfie ’spending three weeks with Mr. and Janet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the asBoclatiOD and they are Offleera hi CRarge Bike to Oampelto ■eurca with umiauaUy good can- Velvet Strike Mrs. Harry Forstot of Blsaell street. In Charlottetown. In courtesy to Company K will bs commanded Upon arriving at camp foe com- the terminal for the buses would be ning at shorter Intervale during the nactlowa with high officialdom said For New Suit of Oothea rials Say EvidenMjjy Arthur A. Knofla of Munro street, at that poinL The buses on leav­ rush hours. Mrs. Forstot. mother of Mr. Rosen- was eight years old yesterday. The them tha convention was held thars by Captain Jamea H..McVeigh and panlea will hike about a mile eaet Churches today that Prof. Carl J. Burck- ' field, returned with them for s visit family Is spending the summer at and the visitors ound It moat Intsr- foe Howltksr Company will be In of the depot to their allotted camp­ hardt. L eans of Nations commis- Continues As Menton, N. C, Aug. 14.—(to Qeariy IndieateB in Phflly. their cottage at CrysUI Lake, and ssUng, also Nova Scotia, whers in command of Captotn Horace F. site which will be shout a mile and ■iooer for Darnrig, has a plan for —Jesse Holley, Negro, gave a / liberale Planningf In celebration of the event Mrs. some sections the people many of Murphey, newly advanced from 1st a half distant from Lake Ontario SL Mary's Cftoreh paaeaful aetUement of foe dispute mortgage on hla pigs (or a aaw Mias Barbara and Mias Eleanor Koofia sntertatned a party of them are a mixture of French, Lieutenant and placed In command and on Route 9, New Tork State. Rev. James Staart Nein. Raetor BETTER EATS AT REYMANDER'S! batwaan Garmsay and Poland over Vote Is Near I ralnbow-huad, double-braasted Spikes Removed Nickerson of Pine street were re­ grownups and children. Aftsr Swedish and Indian. They freifiicnt- of the unit. Officere of Company K 'The unite will start breaking tha rraa City. I suit of clotoea. cent guests at the Hotel Commo­ games and a general good time, the ly stopped to wretch the Indians, for foe camp period are 1st Lieut. camp on August 29 and will entralft '/} Broiler With Spaghetti or Fr. Fries and Salad—50c. The plan, according to thia I He went into the haberdaah- Outside Rafl on Sunday, Auguat 13th—Tenth Sun­ ere' and “made a proposition;" dore, New Tork city. affair wound up with a dog roast sitting on the verandas of their Stephen Frey and 2nd Lieut. Wal­ for Manchester, arriving here late' day a f ^ Trinity. . . . And of Course. Our Home Made Ravioli. ■ourca, calls for the reunion of Near Humboldt outdoors. A festurs of the repast homes, busy weaving at their looma ter Cowlea and Lieut. Nathan Saturday night or early Sunday Soft Shell Crabs Daulg with the Reich and for "s Ratification of Agreement Provide him with the aulL he 10:45 a.m.—Horning Prayer aad I Mid, and he would indenture C y «— Dorothy E. Frsonbum of S5 was Janst’a birthday caka with lU or spinning wrbeels. Gatohfll. Howitaar officere are let morning. Sermon. The Rev. Charlee O. Ron- Fresh Cape Cod Steamers Clams On the Half Shell dlreet aad guaranteed connection Fails to Materialize; er BridgfP Appgoad|to Uiao street was the guest of honor eight candlea Bhe waa remembered Follow m Onstoam Lieut. Cbartaa Bycbolski and Lieut. betwaca Bait Prussia (iaeluding j hlmaelf hla "two red ahoats ahd at a surprise kitchen shower, given dell of Hartford will preach. And Other Dishes That Arc Sure To Please. Increaae." with numeroua dainty glfta. and The scenery in tbs Gaspe belt, Robert McComb. During the month of August, the Daaalg) and Oarmany proper.” Prepare to _ Ballot Rano, Nev., Aug. . 14—(to— last night by Mrs. Edward Williams had a happy time. and the many historical places they Bestora of Campanlea SPECIAI. MUSIC FOR TONIGHT! Reichafuehmr Hitler, Polish For­ The store took a chaaea. Jaaaa fUndtobly plotted wraekteg e f n I at her home in East Hartford. Following are the roaters of Com­ Rev. Hc« Rundell of Hartford and Late This Afternoon. found varied and charming. The the Rev. Harold R. Keen of Hebron Rnppert and Hanley’s On Tap eign Minister Joeeph Beck end got bla iuiL A Chattel mortgage 000,000 etreamUncr train toft Frlmda from that place, Rockville population Is shout five sixths pany K and theiHowitMr Company. Playgrimnd covering the clothca and piBi and this toarn were present. The will be on call. Sunday morning Daaalg Naal Leader' Albert Foreter toaet SO pereona Send and U4^ French and on# aixth English. Moat Howitaer Company were aald to be acquainted with the Although tha strike of Chepey was recorded at the county tag- jured today, whll% paUeo aou|~ dseorattona were In pink and blue. R ibbon W iniiers First Sergaant, Ragner C. Guskaf- Servicea will be in charge of the tater'e office. A buffet lunch was sen’cd by the of tbs French are descendants of Rev. Hr. RundeU, REYMANDER'S RESTAURANT plan and to hava accepted it aa a Bros, velvet weavers waa declared maa "with both aat* e t r tar < ths early Immigrants who landed at son; Sergqpnts: Robert DePletro, Notes tlaataf about the tragefor. hostsas. Mias Freebum is to be George W. Elliott. Allred V. Phen- .33 Oak Street Chas. Reymander. Prop. poeaibla baida for dlacumlon. Saturday to have been ended by aat- married in September to E3mer J. At Flow er Show Gaspe centuries ago and for the Ta Freimt Ptsa to Bsilfsx Souttiara Padde eBMala aald.i moat part they are thrifty and hos­ euf, Terry J» Yanlehowiky. In what Is believed to be one of iafactory negotiation, thla "morning deaoa ctoaity Johnson of Clinton street. Corporal: Chsrles W. Cereon. the closest contests ever held In This Nsxi source said that Com- This graphic photo shows how cars were tossed helter-skelter in Humboldt river canyon, near Elko, Nev., in the midnight wrreck of tha pitable. Many of them atlll adhere misalooer Burckhardt was making speeding transcontinental streamline train "City of San Francisco. " At least 20 persons were killed end 114 Injured when the train was de­ the mills remained closed, awaiting Seeking Clues of tboir era* to the customs of old France, which Frahcii J. DIebene. George F. playground competition, Mabel ratification of a back to work vote San Ptoaetoaei" to tha l ______Mrs. Nancy L. Galbraith and her F. W. Lorens of Meriden won the Hawkea, John D. Kynoch, aarance Phelps of the Manchester Green a aaent trip to London to present railed. Officials Investigated a report a rati had been tampered with. daughter, Mrs. E. P. Stickles, of makea tham all tbs more Interest­ the plan to Lord Halifax, the Brit­ by the union local to which tha ot eaatnl Nevada Betotid* i Aihsteur Sweepstakes Cup with a ing to the tourist from the United F. LaCbapelle. Harley F. Newcomb, playgrounds wron the Inter-play- was dsUvorataly pm aad. A ( Orange, N. J„ are visiting with tha Lester H. Wolcott. grpund Jy-Bo contest held on the ish foreign minister. ■triklng waavera belong. Thla vote To Find Plane fomOy of Gordon Jewett of 99 Por­ total of 70 pointa yasterday In the States. Ths women of the party It waa only-today-for tha firat bad been acbeduled for yesterdire aai’ a Joiy summanad to tha-j 14th"annual Gladiolus Exhibit of ths were partieulsriy impressed with Privates First Class: John Berk w^st aide playgrounds last night. yeaterday found tha ter street. ^ John F. CollmlUer, Lawrence A Miss Phelps held s one trick advan­ time that authoritative quartan Hardly Believes Queen morning, but at that tlma oonritl- eauaad by "a Connecticut Gladiolus society In the bread-making process la the acknowledged Profeaeor Burckhardt Talks Are Seen eratlon of the qucsUon waa post­ outdoor ovens, and ths quality of Je>vts, Robert T. Kerr. Hugh J. tage over the runner-up, Shirley Cabled Congratulations General Drum Assumes Crash Cause em rijoap... Mias Gladys and Miss Chs<1otte Masonic Temple. J. W. Bhelmerdlne Paganl, Arnold PaganI, Edwin A. Hoffner of the Bast Side play­ was in Barehtcagaden last week to poned. At a lata hour today tha Braithwalte of Pearl street have of East Hartford waa second with the bread turned out, which they grounds. Rose Buoy of tha West aaa HlUer- vote atlU remainad to ba taken. are glad to sell to travelers. An­ Pitney. Peter C. Ponticelll, W^slev As Preliminary SL Johne, Que., Aug. 147— fbrtylMe apO bsen spending the week at the John­ 62 pointa and G. J. filemsen of Man­ O. Shorts. Alexandsr ’^’Sdford Side playgrounds was third. lllll Thla diacloaure came aa offleiala This morning it waa axplainsd by «nd from ttm son cottsgs, Coventry lake. chester was third with 24 pointa other Important Indiutry la the cod­ (Canadian Press)—W i 1 f r I d Charles S. Tobin, Harold A 'ToplllT. After drawing for positions as to IMtAtSY MOOIl were wrelfhlng the results of the Brosseau could hardly believe It Command in War Game Oheney Brothers tbat tha milla did Crashed Wraduqpi Is Be­ nnra n «r tha angroa* to- In the Open Hweepatakas James fish drying and the making of cod week-end confenncea among Hitler not open duo to a last minute hold­ Hilo of Plainvitle won the cup and John J. Trivlgno, Robert ' L. Tur- who would be first to start, Rore when he waa told "the queen" noc Mion ovM nw m h m Office girla of CbOney Brother! liver oil. cotle, Harvey O. WInchell. Buoy drew number one, Mabel and the Oarman and Italian foreign To Negotiation had cabled him congrltulstions up in nagotlatlona - lieved to Hold Ansvrer beNB ftvar.'wBara a l h * eravat department enjoyed an out­ first prise with a total pointage of As for the children, they are S ta ii Oea feraaeo 67. Arthur Bing of Hartford, with Privates: Charlea A. Batch. Wil­ Phelps number two and Shirley minlatera in wthlch Germany and on bis lOOfo birthday. To Aeddent in Whltdi tha IT eara h iT ing at tha cottage' of Mr. and Mra. many of them dressed quaintly In Hoffner number three. Each one oif Italy wrara aald to have aet a joint Guardsm en At 10:80 to tba union baadquar- kuittodaB tha I Jack Stratton, Coventry lake, last 28 points, was second and William bert N. Baldwin, John J. Baldyga, "I was in England 80 years black woolsn garments, tha ^rla Herbert P. Blsscll, Elmer A. Boyle, the eontestanta was allowed five The Pursuit ooune of actioa. British Admit No Reports ago and she n-as on old lady ten. dalegataa from aavaral unions 14 PeraoBi Killed. BnnneBttng iril , a M t. Those attending were be- Schenetaky of Rockville wraa third with white aprons. When they are In thla aad othar atotaa aat down to remnva l. ; A a aattaa l \ SHMS Mr. SM Mrs. Stratton and with 27 pointa. Walter W. Brennan, Emmett B. minutes to complete her tricks. Miss A daeUratlott today on tha Dan' then," Brosseau aald. seat on errands to the grocery. In­ Brogan, Frank B. Burkhardt, Buoy began the contest and afte' ■if laaua said that unleaa it was Received But Believe They explained to him that Die When ^Dud ooaridor tha praaaat ottUm. It la Rio Do Janeiro, 'Aug, 14—<•) — o f ran had baea uwai \ h slr chikmn. Mr. and Mrs. Field. Jamea Breen of thla town won a stead of little express wagons which isfied with Proaress.! not officially statad. but ramocod. Margsist Donncllan, Jennie Bcolaky, firat prise ribbon In the novice class. Joaeph W. Bycholski, Clifford E. five minutes had completed 43 aattled qieedUy "tha Ibiropeaa pow' the message was from both Tba eruahad wraakaBa af a wa are accustomed to see on our trick;). Miss Phelps was next to o f Happiness Visit Made at In­ that out-of-atata raobaamaa ara to th a n m |Utft.BaiTStt. Louis Gsvello. Evelyn Daniels, Eugene J. DelBene, Willard dar barrel may exjdode." I King George VT and Queen Elix- Amariomi *%aby ritppmr" wi streets, they use little dog tesmA B. Dickenaon, William J. Dumas, show her wsres, and she comnletcd Deutsche Diplomatisch - Politls' I abeth and that Queen Victoria Plattaburg, N. Y., Aug. 14—(ff)— ' Shell Explodes trying to Influence toe local untoa aald T. J. Johpdtpn. Bruns Senkbeil, Mary with one, two or three snimsis. vitation of Fuehrer. in n s McMullen and Louise Bert H. Gibson, Jr.. Alex CurskI, 64 tricks In the allotted five mlniitc.s Che, mouthpiece of the Poreiga Of' ‘ died long ago. The thunder o f a JS-gun , aalute group to dtoown all formor ' aom- Itarad today to holf tha aamrar to Occasionally the third one will be a Walter F. Gutsmer, Richard J. time. The third and last competitor. ftCOg AOldt ■i—------prnnitaaa and boM out fo r a twfo a s unaxplatead e r a * to w h l* M "atudent," a young dog they are Gworek, Earl R. Hampton, Fred­ Shirley Hoffner waa next. Mias Hoff­ L E A D S T O A STOP Here Before You London, Aug. 14.—t, among tbote Praf. -Ihasaa ftefvtr Naokowtkl of 297 School atreet, was section than we have had herb and Nutland, Chester P. Olbrias, Clar­ seemed that Mias Hoffner would b? you do or not, if you want to be sure poaaibla preliminary to efforts to Take No More mander of Divisiou. formed at tot arillo, and It eaa- Itogata a f Tale, an andnant < Miss Irena Lasar of 4 ’faylor atreat expect good crops. thrown bnck from tba red brick tatoed out-of-otato aa wall aa local Vtaa guaat of honor at a kitchen united in msrrtags to Alexsnder ence H. Paquln, Carl F, Pasternack, the champion. Lady Luck wai The attainment ot happiness be­ that your car is in perfect traveling con­ nagotiato the Danslg dispute. tot 4Bri s fomUtor Sgari B Donald J. Simmons, William J. against her however and. she could A goverament inokaaman, corn­ walla ef tha oM Army post, drifted Fort Kaox, Ky„ Aug. 14—(SVrkto RMKe 71m m 'OMMiffteyt Imp v h Ii ■bower given by Mra. O lym ^ Mol- Wsisch of Chestnut street, son of longs to the owmer of a Oulbran. dition — stop in at Van a! After we la the optatoa e f tea Foralga Of- y o n Iriha *am8tpialB,:ja. t-tg tf, " ...... ' Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wslach of .-^ojlfta, Elof A. Solomonaon, John P. not get the Jv-Bo to do what she ea BuNkhardt’s vlaM to yottflg liidtsm'lfoiSiibkf of 109 Prospect street, Thut^day wanted It to do. Thus cloned a very sen Studio Console Plano, for it check it, you can be sure that it IS O. K-! ‘foee 'foouteplaee 'Hha- futtiu o t J e w R ^ u g e e s staadiag atuny at attantion, seund- today. A t ‘.tha p rW B l ttew 18 ap- ht. The many lovely and iiiieful Valley Fslls. R. i.. In s ceremony May Build Sm all Tierney, Henry Wrobel, John B. Daaalg, which has oftaia boon d■■l8^ ___ aaid fka high com- Yanlshewaky. clone and exciting contest. mlaioner now was ^in a position to ad "To tha ffooaral." ware dtod today—killed bfoaa tuf pflM tiRl Em iMko Riif- were attached to atream^ performed this morning at 0 o'clock brings to a home a wealth ot sated as tha powdar banal «C n waa tha first time Geiie.'ai Only tvte' e f tha M aSaapaata af : from a green and jreUow wrat Jn St. James's church. Ths rector Company K’a roster follown: The priie awarded the winner Please Note! Despite the advertised drop in maka coatoeta with the fotUah gqv- aftillary abell tbay tbou^t was to m ^ aaothar day ar to ak ladat. the tweteififoaea ah* eaefoved. U e* First sergeant—ITionias Paganl. waa donated by a local merchant. pleasure and enjoyment. These RuroM, has tbdiar agala bscoaia etBBMBt and tha Danaig Senate." Drum, recently elevated from major "dud" axplodad as they tinkarad atthotRli Chaaay Brettara have ato- Mfog^an. After m'iss L ^ r opened William Dunn celebrat^ the A p a r t m e n t H o u s e s W m iM pniWaki diatf caa. q Order of Mnnidpid Coun­ moral had been acoordad tha were-'toeeaed by ia«a*aa ef - tai tha gifts, games were played and a Sergeants—Jamea , Baylisa, Geo. the price of gas at certain stations we have it wms admitted that no report on wttb It nlSad aa totanthm la open the tonii BmaatoS Navy armari tad « * nuptial high mass and used the are pianos of Indisputable aupe- dengwiw n o |mmki” cil Follows Sitnilar Ban heaota to which hla new rank Iniffst lunch was aerved. Mlu La- double ring service. Beeny, Edwin Chapin, Raymond ths talks had baen racelvad bare, Tbrse other guhrdamen auffarod tomorroip. to heepttale. x^aar is to be married on September Heritage, Herbert Kesms, Clifford riority, endowed with a musical been selling at LOWER PRICES RIGHT ValMi o 8uM8 MGrtHoK If found-* but official circlea aald Burckhardt Utlaa him. The ipsld of honor was. Miss aad a la ohvlaua that by •^nlutloo’* Effective A n gu ^ 21« With Us staff officers, ha received **flosh. woundo.** 16 to Joseph Barrera of School The soniiig board of appeals next Janicke, Norman Koehler. eloquence that delights and mada tha can at Hitlar’a tavttoUon Maj. Ocn. Robert It Tyndall, oom- While the uatoa haa net axptate- ■a tha fhm a aeeeil Julls Waipch of Valley Fslls, slater Thursday will consider several petl- HAVE YOUR CAR ALONG. Oanaaay atwayv atasaa tha uaeco- the aaluta at tba foot of the flagpole atreet. of foe bridegroom, sod foe brldes- Corporals—wnilam Dickson. and it waa aaaumed tba P^iehrer Announced by/ Japs. mandlag tba SfiU) DIvtaiim, iW th ad tha eama at the preaent tfoup, laadteg at tea end ef a tlona for special sons exceptions. Chester Hodgklne, Emeet Kesms, amaxes all who hear them. Their dltkaal cemloti of INuuig ta the must have bed soma settlement in front of post baadquartara, and it was arlgta^ sald''that ceo- laMM were we slaters of ths brtde. REPAIRED AT “ AREL’S” RsMh—(tea tha Rurapaaa powdar FMd ArtUlary, Of wbleh all ntoa Miami. ria„ eoM it Mr. and Mra. WlUard Robb of Ed- Included In foe requests are two Paul Krlstoff;- Ralph McCollum. appearance is so utterly enchant­ — THREE GRADES — plan to preaenL than dapartod to conduct a toiaf ridarattoa at mtoor petoto ef aet- Hiss Wands and Miss Anns Nscs- asking for permission to erect milk banal map aapleda, tha eoauaaataxy SbanghaL Aug. 14.-^(iPj—Tha ware mambara, ordered an Immadl- ly to atont aharply di gerton street will leave by automo­ John McHugh, John Willoughby, OUT BATE AUTO REPAIRS Ntoisad OmSfonltaBy aaa eoafarenee at wtocb he ex- ata military inquiry. Tba accident ttoato* waa at tha bettom o f I t a crane ea a diyae* to thaha*ar. kowakl. Bruno Nacckowskl, brother rooms. One petitioner is Fred ing that either one would make a aald. Britain ■■ a mamber of tha Laagua Ifuaictpal Oouaell, govarnlng body eased Mtisfxctlon with foe pro- bile tomorrow for Washington. D. C. of the bride was best man and foe Gerald Demeusey. Rear 88 Cooper Street oecurred lat# yestaraay on a "oom- Now tt appeara that a m a * widar Uagte R eal* Vbr They will be gone the greater part Schatanelder, deelrlng to build In a Privates First class—Charles precious and beloved addition to 8 gals. OMflrieh Oa« * Tha Dlplomallacba obaarved that eommlttae of thraa reaponaibla for of the Internatioaai Settlement, greae af tba troop coaoentretlon. tomia to at ataka wtMS tba tataraat ushers were William Walmaley of residence B sone at the corner of ta auppertlag “m powtr wbleta coo- pany stnaat" of tba guard untts bare The fonMom wredkaga o f the ptaaa' o t next week. Barrera, Frank Gazdxickl, Leonard Danaig affaire waa notified'confiden­ announced today "no furtbar Euro*, "Rverythiag ia going off remark­ for annual summer training. Groveland, Maas., and Edmund Padn Broad and Lockwood streets, while your home. ttauouaty is pravomag aad hanalag tially of the invitation a few hours ably wall fo r a movamant o f .this of out of state delegatleas to tha waa tewad todaytoy to Rto - - of Valley Falls, R. I. Glgllo, Michael Kokoch, Samuel pean rsfugeea will ba pennittod to Tba gensral admitted the board af kK fi IR GMMMMd. TiM ^ -- - ” ■ George Dart desires to build on Kotsch, Jeremiah Lovett, Francis tba aanaaa Baloh aad paopla,” baton Burckhardt left Danaig Frl- inagnituda,” Ocntral. Drum said. Mias Emil Zimmer of AstorlA L. The bride who was given away by land S t Shanghai.** inquiry, had UUIa to go on to Its ta- RM^M GM BMRQM§ '*MMMI tB- Lake street In rural and residence Gardner, Jamea Hanniae, Trtesta 7 gals- Goodrich A«K.Oac (■waning Polaad) tha waatera dem- _J„ is spending the week end as her brother wore s white satin A xonea. nctaclaa alaa a n ”toueUaf tba boo. eras not known bare arhathar The ordar, desiguad to prevant Drum, commander at the First veatlgdtlon boeauao "ovary maa dl- the betoeef what aiShaealtod the giMSt of her uncle, Theodore C. ZIm. Paganl, Horace Ruaaell, Ernest raatjy oonnaetad w(tb tba axplorioa gown trimmed with pearls, long Two four family apartment Schiller, Ronald Sherwood, John Make Your House A Home ar and tha aalf-raapaet of tba aala tha oommlseloner aaw Count Oalaas- further influx of Jewish immi­ Army, loft bla train this morning at sleeves with point over foe hAnd houses may be erected on Haynes purtaar.” no Clano, Italian foreign mlniater, proposal wia aeeaptad by Cbmay Thageebtatoedai Simmons, Carl Swranson, Michael grants, followad a atmilar ban, af­ Rouaea Point, 15 miles north on the Thoae and train. Her full length veil waa street If an application of the Han- Buy A Piano! 6 gals. Goodrich Ethyl O u ’ ]| “Daaalg bps traly bacoBw who also, waa at Barchteagadan ov " fective Aug. 31, which the Japa- Canadian border, after an overnight kll tod to tiw blast Brotbara, but tt to aow batog ra- er ra a * from I cjieater Athletic association, com­ Savlno. Oorp. CSmrlM R, Handrleks, U , Oak- oonridarad by tha ualea bar af n * Am eri*a’s caught with orange blosaoma and Privates—Ruaaell Aceto, William \ ■yafoct tor tha stubboraaim aad aor- the treMc-and. Ha araa undaratood to n«M announcad last Friday for the trip from New York. With two her bridal bouquet was of white posed oNa group of local business c f powara arbteh hava returned to Danaig, today; ■edtloti of the settleBMat they con­ ■ides, Ueut. Ool. Vernon E. Pritch­ Isnd a t y ; Carp. Boy R. Mmmy, SO. etaSL who aid* to n * men,. is granted. In another re­ Adamson, Georgs Astroulw, Fred­ Oaktand CSty; hla bratbar. Private "We at tha alrpart aew tba SHOES REPAIRED TO roses and shower of valley llllea. rick Baldwin, Joseph Bastis, Elmer Dial CARS GREASED SOc r that thay ara vary aiueh Ctono returned to Rom4 yeaterday. trol north adooebow ereak. ard and Haj. Etmef Lindrotb, bS The maid of honor was gowned in quest.' the Manchester Trust com­ about a haaKby wvalop. In view of tba Burckhardt-HlUar The Municipal (founcil requested Paul Maxsy, 18; Private Wttito oeariag dann to aa are aa , u— , Burdick. Dilio Fsicetta, John Ged- waa at once driven in a staff car to Snow, Jr„ I f , RvanavUto; Private LOOK LIKE NEW aquamarine, lace ^ with net panels pany as trustee seeks to restore the 3230 50 m m St Rurnpaaa cmdtthma " it da- talks political obaarvan saw added eoneular authorittaa to M t ^ ship­ Plattaburg where he waa walcqmad then, natedd at m am a to tae stt- old Wells itieet armory to Its pre­ rsltla, Dominick Gentllcore, Louis Range Oil in gallon lots or over John R. Jones, 13, Prlnretea, aad Chargi;es D rive Qwallty Materiala Used. with headbo£3~'of Talisman roses GlorgetU, Peter Hsugan, Douglas Uawi, Uemtortoftle (Jftrl dOffde Mgnifleanca in today's, laadlng adl- ping eompaniss of ths order. by Col. Thomas J. Crystal, post vious use as a sports center. KEMP’ S, Inc. SYjjc gaUqn deUvMred. Authorttatlva Oaraiaa quartan torlal of tba autboritatire London Private Arthur MeCarty, 18, Prtaaa- "W e h a tw M m r & g waa and arm bouquet of foe same flow­ Johnson, David Kenton, Walter The council spokamnan sold eemmandar. ton. SAM YU LYES ers. The brldeamaids were dreoaed 8i. ■ hair ornaments of roses and srin W est Side H olds t mgua af NUtfoaa aattlamant of Buropfa probiava. rafugeea, but tb« cUy la unable to Woodruff, cena mender of foe Firat Poat’s b ^ t a l . era S e ^ Wllltom the eSga e f the deeh, w l t t ^ i Hannise, Woodrow McCana, Ito^ CITY TA x F Phone M80'\ STATION TTw ForMgn Oflic# minlmiiad ra- O; Hart M , PrtoeateA,' Private lytog pafoly aad* water. bouquets of Rapture roaes and blue ert Muldoon, Clarsnes McCollum, la ~ ■baecb more b wore navy blue chiffon and foe Annual Pet Show at Tam ttong and health faculties. ths nuMtivsra. 18 were there. Mr, Rlea (MexwritJ. VAN'S SERVICE On page Fmr) ton. Rice, praaidMt ef Pan Amerieoa do bridegroom’s mother blue lace. Both Tbay amuM aot diaekMa tba aatura "Shanghai haa done its Butre on enseg N a^nal Miiiiu- 437 HARTFORD ROAD Meanwhile all hlgbwajra leadtog Staadiag Araatol SteR Free Enlargement wore corsages of Sweetheart roses. aC BurddMfdt’a talk with tba Fmbr^ piproblem, aad It la up to into Plattaburg and rlctolty wan Brasili waa ia the aaaw toa a * wtth With Every Roll ar. othare.' Offleera, ptedlng togatbar (rag- fRCtureiw Agaorielion. aw. W# t o * off our ehtrte aad The ceremony was followed by a The annual pet show of the Wsat crowded wttb moving fooopa aa Sl.> manta of Informetide, aald toitlna reception for 290 guesta at the Sub HtUar, a waa atatad, atlil pfoaa to lASM Rafi«aai ABunSy 000 NaUonU Ouardmen from right paate awt dOM dawn eraimd the o f FUm Finished 4 U C Side playgrounds was held last ■ttaad tba cilabratlm ea Aug. 37 at ttona ware that tba ria awn WUed Waaktagtea, Aug. 14.— w ra*8ga teytag. to ■ * whether Alpine club on Eldrldge atreet. night with eight boys and girls en­ PINE AND DANCE Japs Repulse Tba lataat oanana by tba Jtwiah •tatas poured, into northern New t Pnm ta. com- refugaa oommlttaa - MOw* ifijioo to a group arauad tba Senate Clvfl Lihertiee Commtttea aaybody toelde wu allva Wo ww The bride presented to her maid tered. The first prise as ths pret­ FILMS York to join units already In tba shall, which they bad ptahad up * RRtf tOdftjr UM NsUdUU AMORlft* ELITE STUDIO of honor a gold compact and to ' tho RMh ffinlirirBffjr of refugam already have coma bare. field. no eigne of Ufa tiest pet went to Jeannette Ham­ DEVKLUFKU AND Htofoabutg'a aad Xsidaadoifra vlC' tha artinaiy raima. ttoa o f Maattfaeturera “dallbrraUy GMRUeiaaMe her bridesmaid.'^ gold croaaei. The mond who entered a mongrel dog Soviet Forces.T Of that number, lAOO have obtain­ Units of the four participating PRINTED ed employment. 7,0M are attf-aup- General ‘ryadril aald them appai^ orgaatoad" a natloa-wida cempelga "Tba BMa cut a beta to the eldo bridegroom gave to his best man dressed as a dude. The second prise DANTE'S RESTAURANT 3 TTiings To Remember National Guard dlvtalona began ar- aatly was ao in y to ' * "to nullify the adaiiaiatraUea o f tee pen and pencil aet and to foe uBhera 18 Ram O m M e'M rait ' OSS fbltowa “ tTITu <( r) o f the ptaae witb eeoeneaey cut- waa awarded to Betty Hohl who had 24-HOUR SERVICE When Considerinff the Purchase of An rlvtog bare yaatorday. By raU and exactly what eauaad tha NsUoanl Labor Itelattone A et" tora be* u * the peeUtoa to w W * billfolds. the largeat aiMortment of pets. In FRATUBINO OUB BRA POOD RARi (( highway. 11365 man from Urn Haw A committee report Sled wM the Mr. and Mrs. Walach are leaving PdiR Deposit Boi At Brisk dashes Ooenr on but axprtsaad b * M the group drop- tt toy mads It Imptoribto to aoter For a Tasty thla aaaortmsnt erere a cecktV ■eevliif Ran BhaH OPabe Ctoma Ow the Halteftan England statoa' Naw Toib and Naw pad the shell or ttokerad with tbo eeetetety of the gMate afod the be- ^ floor t today for a wedding trip to New „ Storg ERtraacft Fts a b Shrlmp CeiSilnn anS Crehmmt Oecfttoll Border; 280 Depd Are Jaraay atreSmad into tha ana and ■eolation was flnanrdll torgeiy by a l.uncheon. spaniel dog. tropical fish, a turtle, German E ^oy (uso He eald ha baUavod It waa a aad i want liufifo with York. Chicago and Canada. For and a yellow eat. Third prise went Clam Fi lm tt . Left by -AtUidicrB. Hungary WouH aatabUsbed Said camps. .75 mnumeter pbaO. a eallbtr widriy ■mall group of corpdratlene wNtoh Dinner or traveling the bride will wear a pow­ to Marie Thomas whose entree waa Oreftaatra Rvapy TlmnMny anS SaturSay NIgM o n . BURNER Balt Baada Atotva SMaa uaed durtog tba World war, aad "have oigantoad tba elntagy for a Snack, der blue and dubonnett print and s turtle very neatly dons up as KEMP'S Wa AenaaiaisSato 8amU fPiSSlag Partlaa ami i Leaves Paris Rail baaoa la tba mimic war aeae fallad to explode wtMa fired noent- national pragram of empleyer eppre "~f Stop .4t the . white accaesorlea. and will be at "Dopey." RrlMRS — UQCOB8 AND BEBBft 1— Qnality of the Product Tokyo, Aug. l4--^r>—A Japmi- buatlad With activtty aa tioopa da- ly from a mortar. ■ttton to laber nntone aad to foram - home after Auguat 27 at foe home Other contestants were Mildred •M Army t**vrpiv***y*^ Imusd to* Battle Poland mmtal aettoa to towrova caadt- of the bride’s parents. Hawlson. Edna Weir, Charles AUsb, 2— -The Compiiny Behind the Prodnet Say to Hgtokthg, Maiwboukuo, (€ aa P iga Twa.) (C aa Itoga Taw.) t l m o f U ber" Sovlat-lfotigol foroaa Bare rapt Daetariiig that tba orgaatofittoa Navy Prepares Gordon Prentice and William Irv­ 3 I b IR S PRINCESS ,M UBgra ve-Talcolt ing. The judges were Etta Clulow ^ -r*Yonr Loc^ Dealer to a asflaa of brlak‘ riatoaa *1iu doodad tba eountiy" wttb aatl- The msrrlsge of MIse C. Barbara Harriet Potter aad Lucills Blaach- . WHEN TOC BUY A R i f t i l l wnpk aa tha bordaf batwaau Japaa^ Prominent Retired Gen­ labor propagaada tba eamarttt* Taicott, daughtsr of Mr. and Mrs. ard. eral Capi See No Reason ddsd: Hoisting Gear Rastaurant Gardner Taicott of Cleveland, Ohio, R d R t iO M . Wwmlqa prntactod outer Mreigriti. Advocates ^Living Annual "Mu* of this propagsa* to la- Oonar Mala aad l••alrl Streets formerly of Tskottville. and Theo­ Tba cew m x tque, ptiblBhad ban For filin g Friends. ttn ese to I f tiM poMte wttli dore F. Musgrmvs of 41 Willard B ra n fo rd ' . Prito Aug. i4-—The Rev., mdktotae for Federal oBtoaa College. Western Reserve Univer­ Oil t o o a ^ a m at to agSt agatosf ralnad aroqaad Dtoeueriagring the rivalra ef the AFL "te affoet the Natloaal Aseoela- Or By AppotatiMBL In tte Service Charlee R. Oougblto yeetorday adtra- Portemouth. N. H„ Aug. 14—* ) sity and ta i^ t in Rockvilis High wlda totanat Imre today. ttoa of M*ufoctorara to a vahtala H e a r i n g of the Beeple Iw M Teare. m a attack and aaothar On fol- cated the "Utriag eaaual wage" as aad the Otuigriei ~ of toduetrial Ore —Haartenfd by a “well deae" (rori school and raiswrorth High school. 171 Chaueh fttrert. HarMerd. Cam. Tba darlaratfon, wprtoted from MS In tha antoanobite to- for * a n e n g eorporata. fu a * to to- South Windsor. Mr. Muagravs is on lawlng ta p Op a foroa a t ifiOO tha Mlrimfo nawspapar Itogyar an objaetiva "a rb l* ranrvm tha ba said the opialon of tba puabe ta tbfrir eoaunaafor-ta-ebtof, 'Mavy* Zaabir Bonrd of Appeals riM M ft-sm ■■ tha tmuR e f FMnaffb tofoetiaa «r MnugnSana was reported ■alvagera set about prapartog ths faculty of the latter achooL that Otto ■■«■" Java by t)to Rudapaat Itooral daily aupport e f every daant nrindad par­ 1 Bnd nothing Irrtgntor ta its sslsetlnn at candidates for odtoe. Ik aeoordanca with the reqiilro- Biimer t8o tniT liifR loavli% ( 1 |M was mada by 0< son In tha nation." the pfopoeod .general prtoiirias(.ot It map be queetloned wbatbar a u * ■r today, for a asoond h* pwmlttod to ra- kMDts of the Zoeilng Rsgulstiocu, ‘ ‘ R8 OgllttBf. abe, a mimUir a f tha Fer tha past aavaral yean, ba tba CIO. 1 hava watched you M nsa a f tba rasourcaa of coepatmte Of the I4A0S.6M .-YQU GET: QmlHy. Buekad By 13 Taar^ NaaafgctMP. towa . tS rtaa gqimtua w b l* atraek a hUbarto aa> Bo|loa is bereky given that the Zon-, teg Egptcteaca ami Sarvieo F ^ Oiw o f Maadwitet'a wbtoh aald "alUioiigti tbs automotivt to- your wives and your ddldraa as you aateryttoe do* not contravene the t e Board of AppoaU of the Town ■ati-ainnft guas Sana' gant Admiral Ntobifoh Horthy borer reealvad a batter boaily wage w on cruriMd botw a* tha u pp * weO eetabltobirt pubUe peltoy—fore efowted aaid beak wbito brim tew ^ Msut Rsputuhli Finim! ■A 8 to M phuma whkdi ntdad J^o- htddtng eerperatlons to make 4iia- f bwiath thsmatUoa ■mt Manchastar win hold a public HAVE A BETTER TIME at the OAK GRILL to b« mtpd foe ttoni waa given to toborara to ether and nathar atone o f atrik* hare to H avlac in tha Municipal Bulldli« Tkunsay to tha vtetoMy *TVa Huagarians eaaaot Imagtoe bto yearly m lu y did aot Mlcltofoa aad atoawtiaia ~ tributMw ta eonaaetion with peHO- The aalvaga iaat waatharad ■ft TBunday, Auguat 17, 1889, at Exesllcnt Food — Bast of Service! af Dm bofSar towa a t nitoniiMaa. tha pemIbUlty that wa wauM avar " i Sava wltnamed tha eallhur af a fria etti reugb. atoney aigkt. the Mary re ponM ..MMgRir MW- -anmaBC BBft <■ m MUowiqg appU- o f tha Mvar JuacBca, tevejto fl|^i^jRMBto aqr Poll* Daecribiag the Amtrtoaa fUdeia- ■trikes whsn .avaty todetiaed BlrMiB. difltoH..J(al Sattoas Ki Breikra. • - BomS Batf- — Fried EROlop Thai tha Fkaaw that "they ti*a'' if ' BfaMB*^ ^.‘^^^SSSSStmOattaa,baadadb by S m to r amderattog eato and light ■ed- (ha Itahrtierter HOME MADE RAVIOU AND OTHER TASTY DISHES wwr ooBtsaete tognlly and lawfully MiP*atto (Prog,(Frog,, Wia), aaM It w * focUttattag praparattana for the aee- Ooapany, tmstaa, for per- Completely luuUBrd —. No Bxtrufo ateaa tabor grot^," n th a r end Htt. .Oaorgaa . ba.” '£ m ^ ■Igaad. Thua, I am tompy to ah- Oft‘"to naoodsi thA,fonnar-ar- - FUw Wlsee — LiuBers and Beer T m w An Lmr As 3C.24 Per MobUl Rataritoy raid la tha aama area, OouiMta iaudad Its stand ta favor aarva that aa tka Amatfeaa Fad- ■a fhgo fwa.) Navy efHetoto-aald the thab Abate "On tha atiMr hand, wa are dot probably wniild ba. maria Wad- > ftt 88 WaUi strsat for use as a o t- ■aator e f figIR ttg riaea a dtoputa af. tio bvtog awmal wage on antor- arattoa of Ldbor eaten tha SaM e f MtehaU.- .. D i n ^ D u cc To the Marie uf the Oak GrUI Swingaters raaidy a t any adnata to fight the antonwdva Saldr aaeday, aad teat tea aubmariaa than over the toeattoa ef the border ■gatoot thaaa oaaatrtoa ar p « ^ tha automotiva tefoafiy. We a«toi I Inforaatwl hi this ap- We Cater Tft EftBRUtto flu a d May 11. Ba arid the AFL tori began or- hava pledged that than wlO ba would ba tawad four.ar Svt mttoato Maar at thia bea^ wha wauld toy to thrastoa the wettoara "when wOdnt atrikaa." Tyashtogton, Aag. 14—iO — Tha byfiwuaded again to SO er IS fimt of .30 Oak Straat The Jmmaeee eoetebd the Kbelha state ar tha' Waugaifoa teat the an- FMbar Oougblto aald he M d i natHon a tka Tr easury Aug. U : . Gealae, TaL 3304 IteTa tear to ^ trim Maaeheuhao-Oator w to, tba waya b e * " f ir th e’ wcrBUig ■ A nNnOW 9M pi(WMMQ rjairman O A K GRILL toy to pMHBtoli MeagaHe houadaiy; the " ’-'-iin it MCRMfr t o * torir 4 M bto expteltad fu a *y ." but ■St a * griag balctw yaalsntoy. but It wNh MUHted:* say tt to aavaral adtoe to tha aaat amrhad •d to r e * to "what r have racalpto tt r < £ *- r'-' - i - ^

8ATUBDAT,. AUGUBT If, I98» ItaiftertHr giiHilliB A ven te Dally Cbrcalatloa Ths Waathar ing' tSa car bams would bs m a to fee Ike sMrtk al M y. USk Feraeaat of U. B. WaafoOt- ■ Rav. WlUlam T. Wallaea of tha Delegate Retums Main affd M o ig u street and start North Methodlat church, who te tak­ Pentlands Back Buses to Start from thers to Nanchastar. The re- AhoutTown ing hla vacation thla month, and National Guard Unite ttthi would bo the.same as fo llo w ^ . 6 . 1 6 1 Fair sad iBghUy ooslor taNM tt with hla family haa been at hla na­ From De of I. Parley by tha troUsy cars'at premnL Tototoy flair. tive town of Waterbury, Vermont, From Long Trip On October 1st crossing the bridge into Hartford will apend the reinatnder of- the the biuMB will turn south along the '^ ■ M te • budget meeting. Uet time near NIantic. Tiomorrow morn­ Ready for Mweuvers Manehatter-^A City of Villoge C h a r m Might, the town reereutlon commit- Mrs. 'PbkUp H. Cnrnay, regent of Boulevard and then west on Stale ------ing Hr. WalUce will preach in atreet to Market, north along Mar-'- Am adoDted a tenUthre espenee lUt -Trinity Union Methodlat church. S t Margerei's Circle, Daughters of G>nnecdcat Gi. OSicial t v th* wialiig flaeal yM^ wtlcli Tell of Journey Through leeballa, returned home test night ket to Morgan and from the junc- VOL.LyiIL.NO.258 AUvsrttatag os Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1939 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICt THRBH i|Md|r parullele the eoet ot tne Provldenea. .Company K and Howitier | SS5rTcJlrva«‘ ^^u.??i:: from tha Netlonnl Convention of the Explains Further Peti* tlon of Morgan and Market east to Mainey Nova Scoti^ Daughtere of IsebeUa which was the bridge. ■ w e n t period when the appropru- The Epworth League of the South ^mpanlmlo Entrrin gri lion to the P U C SlB aotiM «a a 118.000. It wai eald Prince Edward bland. held In Providence, R. I. Net Startiag Petat. Hat Bight that only minor changee Methodlat church will meet tomor­ At 4:40 a. m. Toraor- Ts Baps ft -Tealght The oonventlon opened ,on Siindsy Mention of Morgan and Mala row night at T o’clock at the church Will I f given permiiiion by the PUC Offers Plan Where 20 Died in Wreck of Streamliner ha eBpeodlturee are contemplated. Mr. and Mrs. John G. PantUad of Ib e members of these units and came to a cloaa late 'yesterday streets In Hartford, the represents' to hear Mr. and Mra Hubert Rey- row for Plattebnrg. report at the armory tonight aftemoon with the election of ofli- to substitute buses for trolley cars, tiva said, was not Intended as a nolda. who are directors of recrea­ Cheataut atraat have raturaad fron wlU be aerved breakfast at tba cere. Thera were over 3,000 In at­ tha Connecticut Oompany will have starting potnL ‘The Hartford- 20 Dead, 114 Hu *T b le afternoon the Tolland Coun­ tion at the Hartman Tobacco planta­ ty rieinnrritin aaaoclation holda Ita a 14-day bvsineis and plaaaurs trip Maneheater’a military oontlnganta armory about 8:80 a. m. Sunday tendance. them tai operation October 1. Rockvllle buses entering and leav­ For Settling tion. 'They will apeak on "life on a In tba First Corps maneuvers to be morning. The companlea will form This anhounoement waa made by ing Hartford travel by a different »»■»»■«* meeting at the eatate of Mra. '^bacco Plantation.” to Maina, Nova Scotia, Priaea Ed­ Mrs. Minerva C. Boyd, national Phnnla Dixon Wdch In Oclumola held next week In Northern New On Main atreet and will march di­ regent of Chicago, presided at tha a representative of the company to­ route. On eroasing the bridge they ward Island and the Gatpa Penin­ day. The Connecticut Company where former Qovemor Wilbur U. A meeting of the A. O. H. will be York—Company K and the Howitxer rectly to tha depot and will board I' nvantion and In ner report showed continue west along Morgan street Danzig Row craaa wiU head the Hit of apeakera. sula. They accompaalad Mr. and Company—will entrain on Sunday the eecond section of the through Uiat there bad been 1IA17 neqr mem- has Hied a correction to Its original and turn south Into Market street,,' held at St. Jamea'a achool ball to­ Mra. Hale Dow of ^rtland. Mains, application In which It was stated dlschaiging passengers and then ' ^ In Wreck of Train^ •fiarmonjr” within party ranka win morrow morning at 11 o'clock for morning at 4:40 a. m. (da.t.) at the train that will take them to camp. batv admitted to tha order since tba ha the kesrnote of the eeaalon, and widely known rarnaUon growers local station and will arrive at their i The train will leave Hartford, wltn last conve lUofoght country of Maine, Arlatook county. tires . . . if the water supply is O. K. tarest eonUnuea. they may ba sure maaWng for the nation's greatest in Tinker hrdi at 8 o'clock aharp. Mlaa Sophia Loulae NackowekI, Kerry P. HcSweency, Philip T. win the championship. Time after GULBRANSEN that the determination of Germany Big, over the week-end arere eeen' by ry Ordered by 0>m* vor a furthar hoMouL gta AtaAriCiiw dfod la tha They have had more rain In that . . . if there’s enough oiL Whether war games. Thla BwnUng a plekat daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meek, Joseph F. Mlnickl, Robert W. time during the closing moments It and Italy w|U ha poaad against Britlah official circlea today aa a ■oog Owm PrOf. Naokowskl of 357 School street, waa section than we have had herb and Nuttand, Cheater P. Olbrlaa, Clar­ seemed that Miss Hoffner would b;, you do or noL if you want to be sure poaalble preliminary to afforta to Aa tha achoao of the laat shot, msuder of Division. focmad at tha xrilla, and It .... Rogtn af Tala, aa Mlaa Irene Laaar of 4 Taylor atreet expect good crops. Take No More thrown bock from the red brick waa gueat of honor at a kitchen united In marriage to Alexander ence H. Paquin, Carl F. Pasternack, the champion. Lady Luck wai The attainment of happiness be­ that your car is in perfect traveling con­ Mgotlato tha Danaig dlapute. taUwd outwfwtata aa wall as kwat lat aad s foMHar Wafach of Chestnut atreet, son of Donald J. Simmons, William J. against her however and.she could A government uokeemen, com- walla o t tita oM Army post, drifted Fort Kaox, Ky., Aug. 14—(fo—gta Tbaao ahower given by Mra. Olympia Mol- longs to the owner of a Gulbran- dition — stop in at Van s! After we la the opinli u of Bm ferilga Of- .lA i* ^Otauaptabbun. of 108 Proapect atreet. Thuraday Hr. and Mrs. Michael Walsch of ,'lojka, Elnf A. Solomonaon, John P. not get the Jv-Bo to do what she QO Burekhardt'e vtaK to ymmg tnanm iviSBWiff Tierney, Henry Wrobel, John B. wanted It to do. Thus closed a very sen Studio Console Piano, for II check it, you can be sure that it IS O. K .! ^GMIUtspHnt IW8FW og ht. The many lovely and uaeful Valley Falla, R. I., In a ceremony May Build Siiiall DaaMg, whtak baa often beau datag* eald tha high com- were dia4 today—killed ' when « g were attached to atraamera performed this morning at 9 o'clock Yanishewaky. close and exciting contest. brings to a home s wealth ot r u “ In a poetUon to pean tMA) ita Mika _ . ‘ 'ooqTnS'of Iha M Company K'a raster followa; The prize awarded the winner aated as tha powdar banal , e f maks contacta with the mliah gov- It was tha Urat time Gene.'sl artlUery ebeU they thought waa a ttaough asoUwr SAP or to sk'M ot, ng from a green ruid yellow erat- In St. James's church. The rector, Please Note! Despite the advertised drop in Wwepm, has Hwtay again baeom# Uwtwnifflwadl----- arlng can. After Mlaa Ltmar opened First sergeant—Thomas Paganl. was donated by a local merchant. pleasure and enjoyment. These aramut and the Danxlg Seute." Order of Municipal G>un* Drum, recently elevated from major "dud" exploded as they tinkered Altkough Chmioy Brothora kavo M h Rev. William Dunn celebrated the Apartment H ouhcs tatentag prM am taMI oaa that an- II had been accorded the w on rahaod hy the gifta, gamea were played and a nuptial high mass and used the Sergeanta^ames Bayllas, Oeo. are pianos of Indisputable supe­ the price o£ gaS at certain stations we have n WM admitted that no report on with It alflad aa lataattoa to open Uw mUm BnaUlaa Navy buffet lunch waa aerved. Mlaa La- Beeny, Edwin Chapin, Raymond dangata ttu paana.” the talke had been received here, cil Follows Similar Ban hoaora to wliich hla new ranh an-< ta ^nmtahL double ring service. riority, endowed with a musical beenselUng at LOWER PRICES RIGHT Ualaas a giiak aeMlon la found— Utlaa him. Three other guardsmen suffered aar la to be married on September The maid of honor waa Mlaa Heritage, Herbert Kearns, Clifford hut official drelee eald Burckhardt Effective August 21, ‘YIeeh woimda" T w o ^ n c 14 to Joaeph Barrera of School The aoning board of appeals next Janlrke, Norman Koehler. eloquence that dellghta and and It la 'okvtous that by “aolutloa’’ amde the eaU at HiUer’a tavltatlon With hla staff officers, he recalved WkUa tea haa sot axplaln- Julia Walach of Valley Falla, slater Thursday will consider several peti­ HAVE Y O U R CAR ALONG. Germany always maans ths uneon- the salute at the foot of the flagpole Maj. Gen. Robert H. TyndaU, eom- aa Uw aMUM___ atreet. of the bridegroom, and the brides- Corporals—William Dickson. and It w u . aaeumed the Fuehrer Announced by Japs. mandlng ths SStb DIviaiaa, 184th Uw OAmw of Uw praooDt ttoup, laadliig at tha aad of a tions for special aone exceptions. Chester Hodgkin.", Ernest Kearna amazes all who hear them. TTielt •dltilOllSl GMiiGII o f Timmmig muet have' had eonm aettlement in front o f poet beedquartere, and It lalgtaaljr axM Umt ' roalda were the slaters of the bride, Included In the requests are two REPAIRED AT “ABEL’S*' lUtab—tbm tba European powdar than daparted to conduct a hrlaf Flald ArtlUsry, of whleh aU alas Mlaatf. Pta., aaM ft a Mr. and Mra. Willard Robb of Ed- Paul Krlstoff, Ralph McCollum, appearance la so utterly enchant­ — THREE GRADES — plan to preaenL Shanghai Aug. 14.—(*>—Tbs ta o f aot- Mlaa Wanda and Mlaa Anna Naca- Baking for permission to erect milk barrel may saploda, tba eommentary pcaaa eonforanca at which he ex- wara maashars, ordartd aa Immadl- ly ta 4laBt rimiply fo gertoB atreet will leave by automo­ John McHugh, John Willoughby, OUT RATE AUTO REPAIRS TTitHni TitnUimllaltT ata mlUtary inquiry. Tba aoeldaBh At tkA hottaai o f i t kowakl. Bruno NacxkowakI, brother rooms. One petitioner la Fred ing that either one would make a said. Britain u a member of the Leegue Municipal OoimclL govarning body priaeid eattafoetion with tha pro- bile tomorrow for Washington. D. C. of the bride waa beat man and the Gerald Demeiisey. Rear 38 Coeper Street oocurrad’ lata ysatmday on A "eoaa- Now It Appoan that 8 aaaUi They will be gone the greater part Bchatanelder, desiring to build In a Privates First class—Charles precious and beloved addition to 8 gals. Goodrich Oac Tba Diplomattscha observed timt eommlttoe of th/ee reeponeible for of the International SeUtement, greaa of tba troop cooeantratlon. ushers were William Walmsiey of residence B zone at the corner of pany atraat” of Uw guard unlU bars loaua to at atako ' tko tatanot Tho tx^atagwnriuM o f tha plaaa of next week. Barrera, Frank Gasdzickl, Lw4oflB»w o t powara wWob hava returned to Danaig- today; aectloii of' the settlenient Utey con­ aidea, Lieut. Ool. Vernon E. Pritch­ land City; Corp. Roy B. Maxay, flS, otaff, who aMad ta men. Is granted. In another re­ Adamson, George AstroulM, Fred­ Oakland City; hla hrothar,. Frtvata “ Wo at tho atoport SHOES REPAIRED TO roaea and ahower of valley lilies. rick Baldwin, Joseph Baatls, Elmer Dial CARS ORBABED S .k e if foytag that thoy are vary muoh Oano returned to Rome yeeterday. trol north of SoodMW creek. ard and Maj. Elmer LIndroth, he The maid of honor waa gowned In quest, the Maneheater Trust com­ about a baattby dovolop- In view of the Burckhardt-HItler The Municipal OouncU raquaatad Paul Maxay, 14; Private WUUa pany as trustee seeks to restore the Burdick. Dlllo FalcetU, John Ged- was at ones driven In a staff ear to Bnow. Jr, IP, BvanavUla; PHvsto LOOK LIKE NEW aquamarine lace with net panela 3230 Range Oil in 50 gallon lots or over It da- talks poUUcal obeervon u w added consular autlKxlttaa to M Ufy ahlp- Plattaburg where Im was weloomad of old Wella atreet armory to Its pre­ raitls, Dominick Oentllcore, Louis John R. Jonaa. 13, Prtaoatoa. and Charges Drive pert, oho din q «a ll^ Materlab Used. with headband of Talisman rosea Glorgettl, Peter Haugan, Douglaa Vtomm, OeaMmtaMe OM’I KEMP’S, he. algnlScanee ta today's. laadUig edi­ ping companiaa o f tha ordar. by Col. Thomas J. Crystal, p o « and arm bouquet of the same flow- vious use as a sports renter. Uaurtaom Serrlm At AM Timm gallqn delivered. ^M^wrtUttva Qonun quartan torial of the authoritative txmdon 'The edimett ipnbeeman eald Private Arthur MeCarty, 14, Prtaee. “ Wo haow Johnson, David Kenton. Walter ceminandar. ton. ^ SAMYULYES era. The brideamalda were dressed iakwnwIiMii today for tba flrat Ttame which made aeveral ixfer- Shanghai autborltiaa ars "not un. aad wo dtartad out la a laoaeh. Wo .741 Mala St. Johnson Block Kotach, Anthony Loniano, Robart Piano Timinc AMo on haad to graet Gaotral The tajurad, taken ta thla Arxsy OnL^lxIr Act alike la peach laca with net panels, ttata tS m th n L Out «. Burebbwdt to tha posaibUlty of paaostul ■ympaUMtle toward tba p l ^ t of Dram wera MaJ. Gen. Jamas A. fouad part o f tho ploao hangiag Lorrh, Ferdinand lAicas, FranM aattlemant of Buropfa probiams. Poet’s hospital, ara ga rgt WUUam hair ornaments of roses and arm West Side Holds Mannise, Woodrow McCann, Itoo- lafXettaaai ' ' rafUgaaa hut tbo etty la uaab|a to Woodruff, cawimander o t tha Flrat too Ohio of tho dacta wM iftM i bouquets of Rapture rosea and blue CITY TAXI Phose M80 STATION . w u ta r Tba Fordgn Offloa mhilmlaed ta- C B x rt 48, Priaoston; Private lyM par^ UBder irotev. ert Huldoon, Clarenca UeOollum, DSNNIS MURMIT. H op. ahaetb maro bacatuw o t ovar oow d- Oorax xraa, and Brig. Gan. Irvlag delphiniums. The bride's mother ■/Wmk taeaa'Bttli porta that cauo might hava laid ba- bad tba strain on nranlclpal po- Ralph CarUr, 31, Ptat Braaoh. and Senate ' G>m«ittee Ae* mWGIMI MtlOfK Neno Paganl, Hugo PateUI, Roaarlo J. PhUUpaon, aaalstaBt dlractor of Private Dorrta F. Fttrii.^^, wore navy blue chiffon and the Annual Pet Show SBRVICB ' . IM u n a« — and health taeURlee. the maneuvers. Mr. Rloo iMaxwoUJ. VAN'S Tlmy would not diseloao the natun (OeUtaue On Fags ton. enseg N i ^ n a l Mann< at ot Paa Aawrieaa do brldegroore'a mother blue lace. Both 427 HARTFORD ROAD TELZ/BOMZaMa haa doM Its Miare on Meanwhlla aU highways leading Free Enlargement wore coraages of Sweetheart rosea. t t Burehbardt'o talk with tbo Foubr- tba problam. and now It is up to BroaUl wao la tht oaxM laaaeh wtth fla s h e s f Into Plattsburg and ylelnity wara Offleora, ptaelag togotharthor 1 ^ - /feetnrers Aasodation. With Every Roll The ceremony was followed by a The annual pet show of the West or. otbara." crowdad with movliig troops aa-U,- mo. Wo toeli off our ahirta reception for 360 gueata at tha Sub mtlor, It w u atatad. MB ptau ta Ita of taforamtloa. aaM poato oad dove dowa onuad of Film Finiahed 4 U C Side playgrounds waa held laat Alfoady 000 National OuardanMn from alght Uoaa w an that thO Alpine club on Eldrtdge atreet. / PIHg AND DANCE •tta o d lw eolobiwtlu om Aug. >T at Japs Repulse ‘n w latast oanaaa tary ths Je 'oMtagtoa. Aug, lA-(P)-Tbo wtoekago tiytag to oao whothar night with eight boys and ^rla en- ■tataa pourad Into aorthara How taadlag la agroup giaata OvO Uhortlaa Cemmfttao The bride presented to her maid . East PnmMa. wm- refugas ootamlttaa ahows Tork to JolB units alraady In tka aayhedy baddo waa aitvo. WO aaor ELITE STUDIO teredr - The first prise as tha pret- FILMS OO n tb aanlvoroary of ■hall, whiehllwy k ‘ ' ■m tactay Uw Notlosml of honor a gold compact and to tlaat pat went to Jeannette Ham­ DBVEUIPED AND refugaaa alrsaffy hava coma flew. 'a. bad Ludondoifro vie- Of that Bumbtr. have obtain­ Uw arUUaiy rAiiga. Uoa of MaBtaAeturin “doUhrntt^ C M M o ta g )d o her brIdramaldR gold croaaes. Tha mond who entered a mongrel dog PRINTED Soviet Forces IJSOO Unito ot the four participating 3 Things To Rernentber ed emptayment. 7,000 are aUf-eup- Ganaral ‘lyadan i orgaBmod” a aatlon-wids nanipalga “ Tbo awg cut a hcio la Uw ride bridegroom gave to hla beat man a dressed aa a dude. The second prise DANTE'S RESTAURANT NatkwiU Guard dlvtaloaa began ar­ lUy was BO Aray to “ to Buiury Uw adailBlkraUea H pen and pencil set and to the ushers IS I i Ob iB g o ; r) o f the ptaao with oawtgoocy cut- was awarded to Betty Hohl who had 24-HOUR SERVICE Whoa Coasidcring th# Purchase of Aa riving here ywterday. By taU and axaeUy srtiat eauaad tka NaUonal Lapn RalatleaA Aot” blllfolda. FCATCRINO OUR RRA FOOD RABt (( ’.J highway. HASS men from tha New tan hicoiws Uw pooftleo la wMeh the largest assortment of peta In FUm DepoSil Box At Brisk dashes Oec«r oa but i xpri n i d boHaf tha giotto drsp- A oem m l^ rnoft fliod with the ft lay ando ft Impoaalbio to Mr. and Mra. Walsch are leaving this aaaortmsnt were a cocker ; Raft SkaR OTbSo Otaaw Oa Um HaUebsa England atotas' N tw Torti and Naw For a Tasty Stort B«traac« pad the rhsU or Hahend wHh tho oeentary ot ttoAooto aaM tho aa- ^ dMffe today for a wedding trip to New spaniel dog. tropical flah, a turtle, aad OrataMat OsektaR Border) 280 Dead Are Jeraay otzeatreamad Into tha area and oeetatloa wao flnaaoed largely by a l.unchcon. York. Chicago and Canada. For Okua Fttaa (^rmaii Envoy fu n Ho aald ho heMovhd ft wao a “Mr. Moo aad I went Inside with and a yellow cat. Third priaa went Left'^ by Attadgen; cotaMlalwd .75 mUllnwter aheU, a eaUhor widely smoU group a t eorpor aUcaw wMelt Dinner or traveling the bride will wear a pow­ to Marls Thomas whose entree was r Xkarrtay aaS flatartay Nigkt Hungary Won^l Aflfiva BHoo used (holiig the World war, and “have orgimaad tlw ftfatagy for A der blue and dubonnrtt print and o n . BURNER Snack, a turtle very neatly dons up aa W4. ___ _ ^JMdl WsMtalK PKftlSG Mitf BgMKSIS» R M Iwado tat Uw adaUc war aoae failed to axpM a whoa fin d neaat- aattoaol program Of osillwwr oppo- fS' r white acceasorlea, and will be at KEMP'S ^ Stop At the . "Dopey." W »B 8 <- imCORR AND BURS l«--QiiRlity of the PrOdnet Leaves Paris Tbhyo. Aug. lA —(P>—A Japan- buaUsd With activity aa troopa do- ly from a moftar> xlUea to labor uataAA oad fajperor* . home after August 37 at Uie home Other contaatants were Mildred oao A i m oonununlqua laauad■ ■ to- Battle Poland nwatal aetloa ta tatprevo^nadi- of the bride's parents. 2— ^The Company Behind the Product Hawlson. Edna Weir, Charles Allan, day ta itenbtag. Manehookno, Figa Two.) (< 08 Page Twa.) Um w o f l a ^ . “ Gordon Prantlca and William Irv­ 3— Y onr L o c ^ Dealer ■oviot-Moagol Rwoaa Wara wm timt tho otnutts/tfon Navy Prepares PRINCESS .M oagnive-Takott ing. The judges were Etta Clulow ta a aatlea ot bttak ftaahaa" taa) Prontinent Rctir^ Gen* "haa geedid Uw oountry" with oatt- TTie marriage of Miss C. Barbara Harriet Potter and Lucille Blanch­ WHENYOUBUTA in tha boedtr batwaaa Japan- pnapagaada Talcott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ard. erri Gm See No Reason HoistiiigG^ Restaurant Gardner Talcott of Cleveland, Ohio, Di|d<«i«tie Advocates .‘Living Annual “ Mash of Uffa propaganda w ta- Comae Mala i 1 Pearl Btiaeta formerly of TalcottvUle. and Theo­ Ib a eooBamatans. pubUMad For Fighting Friends. adad to laguiaoi dw poWlo with dore F. Musgrava of 41 Willard B ra n fo rd ^ F iita Ang-_ i* r < tarjn ta. tar Eknoat. Japaaaaa nawa agoaty. rsfonaeo to olortlono, aad oSMala street. Hartford, will take place In o f Uw amnnistlon have heaatod that For Second Lifting of AUCBCOFBAN aaid tha apotadta Ogbttag B|artad Aqf. 14. — (P) — Tba Wage* as. Good Objective that city today, and following a wed­ sraU T U A L MEDIUM n S * ' ^ w5maidt!'i Manday whan 500 anaaqr tro o ^ at- tto pnpagaada haa hiSaaoood Uw Sunken Squahig Which ding trip they will make their home by a promtaaat reUrad M opialoao of rnUUaao of eta- Seveath DsagMsr ot a Sovealk Boa MOr w wMt ’ loCB- ' ‘ ' Tipantao poMttaM atar tha t niw friaw B "cannot • ’ Notice of Public in Hartford. Bata With A VeU ta ^ ta d p y . o f tha Kbalba and M # thttr GmIc# o f Hit Unduuted Bank. The bride Is a graduats of Mather tbo poaab&ity" o t hovtas Datrott. Aug. lA-r-m-^Tbo cnjdidotia for F ederal Beadlags Daffy 4 A. M. U f P. M. •OOmUineaat ef Pataiid orouood College, Western Reserve Univer­ Or By Appoiatamat. la the Serviee O i i ba to- Charloo R. Onughlta yeotardxy advo- "hi offset ths Notleaal Axooota- sity and ta \ ^ t In RockviUa High Portsmouth, N. H,, Aug. 10— OH Hearing - of the Faapla for 84 Tears, rift ta eatod UW "Uviiig aammi w iga" aa o f Moatifsrtarsra is a vthMo —Hsartsatd by s “wsU deao" from school and Dlsworth High achool, oaothar tho fol- nprtatod idtag ciorporata fuads to im t i l Cbaieh BtraeL HarMaiff, Comm. day hy a foreo of l,m an ehNMva “ which rmervM tlw th M eommsador-la-chlof, 'Navy I' tafaW Board* of Appeals South Windsor. Mr. Muagrave Is on rhsaaf-SStl o t: par Magyar Uw opintoe of tto pnoho la tha .faculty of tjta Uttar achool waa ropottad ' tapulnd, Rhoral dolly He eeleeUBB e f eaadldetae •Olvsgsn sst about proporiag - ~ ttat Otto Aheta support e f tvsty deowit mladod per- 1 Sad Bolhlng ‘ 1m aeeordaaoe with tha requira- Bum or t lo a ri^ 880 dead after by Oaa. - oca In Uw nation.” tlw propoood gwwnl i It Bioy ha qiwotliwsd vrhsfhsr oaeh _ _ or today for s aoopnd ■ ha ta ro- o t Uw 84,000A)0 suaksa whi ■MHta o t tha Zoning Ragulatloos, YOU GET: fluamy. Backed By 18 YealV Msaafactaib ~jUtng. o f tha f o r Uw paot aow n i yaan, ho Uw C IO ,1 have watched you aad o n of 4ho rsoenreso Of oerpon ta tawa *8 riaa gquslua whkli otniek aldUwrto •oUea if hereby given that the Zon- lag BsperteHce sad Servlet fT m One of Maadtaiter's ______O ftt ______n ld "although tha oateoeMve la- your wivso and your ehUdrai as you OBtoip rln 4ooo aot eontnvsae tho " t e Board of Appeals o t the Town aatt-Aireraft , gent Adadral NIehoka Hecthy psh- horor noolvad a hettar hourly wage w on enwhad hstw osa the upper waD ootahaffwd pobUe peUey—flmv ohartod mod boak whilr holBg tow ■m Maaeheatar win bold a public H A V E A B E T T E R T I M E at tha O A K G RILL Meet BesBtsble Firms I od 8~ ta 88 piaami which nidod Jap- thaa waa g lv n to laheran ta other aad aetlwr otona of ctrikoo bon to hlddlag ecrpon t loBs to aiah ad trfHTit*t Uw ’BaaMag ht tha Mtatlcipal Building TtBMdAr to tba ^ a tadaMIch hlo yearly eatary did aot qn4 oMowhoro. ~ trihuttM la caimictlon wltb The aslvogo Beet weathered a AsMBat at . ^ B x e d 4 iit r o o t B iM I — “ " hr towa of “ ‘ averogo hottar thaa tSOft"^ ■ T S o n wltnsfoid the eoIUcg o f ail riiMoBOL* rough, otanny . Bight, tho N avy n * BiAA F .,M » «| tSe fOUovring appU- wt o f tho rtvtr JuacUoa, OoacriWag Uw Aawrta otriheo whan ovsty tsSottttS poraoa ■oonnwadaMsao Nat 'Bol_ pMtad today, hut dayUght Vt Braikni Roiut Bt4f Friad ScbIIobb f t i - z * 1 9 5 to Uoa e f Labor aa a “ watt kasw that tlwy w in la hnach ef eoMUuiCtMs poodof tar SMuitoff XBodorattag atai aad Ught o f tha Maaeheatar tho |g ' LoFoUatto (Prog,. W ta), osM ft waa focUltatiag pnparaUaeo for ths HOME MADE RATIOU AND OTHER TASTY DISHES CoRipletely lastsled ~ No Extras. lom r sad lawtally OaovaoTt tnietaa, for per- I iwortwl Thus, r om h M y (to ob- oad Hft. OB ta rHBodM tha former ar- Fiaa WiiNff — Liqaon aad Bm t Tunas As Lew As HJU Per Meath. B.e>tardxy raid ta tho oaxm area, OeughliB loadod Ita otaad la favor 4 Uw Aamnesa Fad- oa F ta* ->■■•) Navy cdRelala aald Uw, > at gg Walla atraat for use aa teat dot pnhshiy wmdd ha adffo Wad- Disc and Daacc To th* M ask o f tko Oak GriD Swiagaton thiAtir of aghttag mmeo a dioputa o f tia Rvtag oaaual w a go m oraUsaof Labor ewtara tho o f MM IHB. ovor tht loeAUoa o f tlw hofdar lat the autoiDo^ aoM the aatoamUvo bidaotiy, Ha aaadhy, aad Umt th r iMreeted ta tUa ap- WoCffUrTO'l Ho said the A P I. had bag how ptadgod that thm« will be would bo tewed four, or flvo mUoo ta ftaradMayU. A 4 ^ would try to thnaiee Uw ■3T appear at thia haar- w eriw n “ wlwB wUdeat strikoa" Washtaftan, Aag. 10—

MAKCBE8TER EVKNIHO HlRAy^lMANCBESTEft. CXINN, MOITDAT, ACGUVT14, MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, MONDAY, AUGUST 14,1989 PAOITm^ flr tt Army—were wwfelng ool • Bor Protiirt* Compotitw. MadUr battle f r oMem. fatal btobwajr aeeldaato, Kanflao p m O y m m Norma S^ils Six Guardsmen Perfect New ^ Coon^ox Club Holyoke Woman G b I s | firad was aa R 4dLalheran9 ‘Vm cU iv in* OB Satoo Witaanettg &e IMfetlag here were Obituary 15 Croiiig to Boston Clerks Help Harvest Four Violent Rolfo, 48, ef Wait Haven, hurt loot trish Tha n ia Marla* to fbB military repraienUl lvee of a doaaa Guard Units Odd Fellows I ParkvDoy Pen Aivard ' Thursday to an automobile-tniek at mMalfht aad oonttaoM to CootaavUe, Pa., AUg. 14.— ■atlona, iaetudliig Oraat Britain, crash in Guilford, died of his in- hour aad a quaiiar. BY that —Sammy Jackaon, ifl, protaated Die When ‘Dud’ .TypeQutch ^oEnroUIOO ^Hidden Tax” Crop *] Attend Picnic Oermany, Japan, and ChiaA Parley on Negroes Groeasrlek. Aug. 14—((F)— Jurtea yestarday at a New Ravea toe air waa dear aad It was ] to pMaa ah outsider was ••mus* D e a t h * Making Camp At Field Day State Deaths hospital. ble to gat a good Meep aCta cling In" on the mSgaslne sell- From now on tooyT bo count- Shell ExplcNdes tog too number at ears that eepUoMlIy humid day. Ingoualaesa, Albany, N. Y., Aug. 14—(ffl—A Gurlyle JohiiROB Co. Mak* Mm. O. O. OMO X lecldc to Limit Member- Hartford. Aug. 14.-LA comaalttae Manebestsr has an aattmatod hasre paid toll ea the Merritt Brotheriiood He explained he wouldn't, have U. R. Army plane sought by New Mrs. Mary EUsabato Case, wlfp^of Expect 10,000 Members 1.006 "unofficial tax collactors" who Week-End Again Free of Rainbows, Sunset com]dalaed only the tpnipctitor ing TcRtR; Expect to Rhip at Meeting at M andiester Outfits Piteh of 18 to represent the state at a Parksray in seven figures even H a* LuigM t Delegation York state police for more than six­ (Oaatla«ed tiM i Pags One.) Oeorge Orville Case of toe Pleaaaat New Ihigland confaren;^ on Negro Indirectly are helping local, state tootlgb fl'* considerably less was violating ' the child labor teen hours turned up undamaged to­ Valley section of Routo toudsor, Tent* in Downpour at At Mifidlebury for and national governments harvest Highway Fatalities; 2 law hy amploylng boya under P r o f i u c e It. S o o n . Highland Park Club. unemployment In Boston, Septem­ than tsro months since tbe Colors After Rain At O nti^ in Hamden. day at Its deatianUon, Port Btlua Ha ad M Afmy orders for­ died at her home early I N; ber 83 waa oompletod today by their annual revenuea, the National Hlghsray Department began Drown, 2 Fall. la. Allen, VL at the age of 78. Mra. Odae was a Beekmanton. August 19th Events. Consumers Tax Comraisaton declar­ Surptlaed police checked, bade "abidlsra or eivUians from Tfes Cariyla Johnson Machino The Maaefeestaf Ooon tad Pan Stats Labor Oommlsrioner Oorne- eoUaettng dimes from those T a r Dm Mcoad tuce««tv« y««r, Chief Inspector Albert B. Moore of member of the P in t Qmgregatlonal Uua J . Danabsr who named 11 more ed today. uaiag FUrfleld County’s super found Snmmy had the law on hla tha itata poUoa Bureau of Criminal touching shells on artlUary ranges, Company of Main atraet is working cburcb of South au b held a meetiag yeatarday at toe Ten-thouaand Odd Fellows and By Tha Associated Prera FeUewtog too rain that toil to th* BroUMrtiood of tk«. BnU utl Highland Parir Community club­ WUh a fun eomplsmaBt of offloara to tha group prsviouriy named by Tbe unofficial, aad generally un­ super-highway. Bide, and atartad a search for laveatlgatloa said the plane, which whether exploded or not.” on a new type of clutch that wfll Bealdee her huafeind, she leaves Rebekahs, representing all branebes willing, "tax collectors", eccOnUng Connecticut looked back today on Manchester for a abort time last TUodiamt diurcb bad tM laffeat the "poaoher.” house. Membera have haaa Jotaing ao aad man and' prepared for two Governor Raymond E. Baldwin. Car number 1,000,000 went rapKoanUUon at tb« aaoual outing was unraportsd since it left Albany mast raqulrsmsnta for haavter three sons. Harper Warran Case of Governor Baldwin aaroed Major of In the state, will gather to the NC7TC ere the proprietors torougb toe gates last evening evening, at 7:80 and looting for at 4:32,p. m. (EDT) yesterday land-, Fort KnoXk laqatsd approximate­ ' . , r Brown Case of rapidly the past week—them are 61 wisiba at latenalvo field training with another week-end free of highway sbout 30 minutes, there waa e rain­ tttl Blcnlo of Um BroUiCT'hood of ly SO muas aoutbwaot ol LoulavlUe, loads and will grip aad rsK to data—It baa been decided to Leonard J. Maloney, director of the at Lake Quasaapaug, Middlebury, and employee In the 310 local retell as Mrs. D. L. Querty drove tbo Hartford Diatrict, bold at ed at f w t Ethan Allen SB hour and fastar than ths frietlon clutehaa ■auto wlMMr, and Mnrelua Exra ths 48rd DivlatoB of tba Ftrat Corps stores. from New York toward her fatelltlea — one of several the state bow to toe eouto-caet. In toe north­ velopifig movement agalnat the 2flth a half later. /" la ona of tba oountrya major Army Cfeaa of Bnpl Omanfeuali, N. Y., also limit toe enrollment to 100 and thia Connecticut State Employment Ser- August 10 to partlcipsts In the Sec­ haa experienced this year despite west toe eun was Making In a num­ Peck’a farm in,Ka« y*aW«lay peats. It la Uia hemt of ths mseh- BOW manufactured by the com­ goal eriii deubtleas be mached be­ Anay. Company K and tba Howitzer vlca; Edward H. Goto. New Haven, "THere ere 33S official tax levying home at ISO Suffolk streeL •ftamoon. Mord than forty peraona Divisien. No one seemed to know "Tim plane apparently had an un-. pany. They have feaan axparlmant- ona dauMrfar, Mra. Bunlea Case Ho- Company antralnad early Sunday ond Annual Field Day sponsored by and apendtng goveriunental agsaclaa Holyoka, Maaa. heavy summer traffic — but other ber of oolors that made a pretty where the tanks wars but tbs um­ eventful trip," Moora said. anlxad flavanth Cavalry brigada, antoai m Bldgawood atraet. Hen- fore tbe next meeting. Hartford. aupervlaor of the National Youth causes contributed to a vtol<>nt itghL while to too eoutowest toera attandcd from tba loeal cburcb. tng wtth tha Btw clutch for saver- West end East Hartford, ICast naomteg for Plattsburg, N. Y. Administration to Oonnscticut; Dr. the Connecticut Association. In Connecticut," arid Ure. MelvlUs Mra. Querty sraa no little per­ pires—and they wouldn’t tell. Earlier, both state police and gov­ Uia only completaly maehaalaed ebattof. Bfea lanvas two Metara. Hre. Muckleatone, president of the na­ death toll of four. wee a aky of usvy blue. The rain­ Jiriui Darrab. atudcat paitor of Army outfit In tha Uaitad Btataa. al months. Baveral of tham ara on Hampton, Middlatowa, Boitoo, Oav- Both companies reported lata Sat­ AUsn 7. Jackson, Hartford; and Opening at 3:30 p. m. «ith greet­ turbed when State Police Sergt. Cmanuot, was tba speakar at a Cloode Seuadfaig Board ernment radio operators st the Al­ trial and thay are meeting the acc- i Btolow of Now Haven, Mrs. tionwide women's organization. "But Irvtng T. Schubert stopped her, Joseph Lucas, 21, a blind youth bow eeemed to com# out of too Low baiurtng clouds—tba brat bany airport, who requested the Kara also la located a Padaral gold t J n P. DaatogDoming of IInglewood, cei., entry, Andover, COlumbie, WDliman­ urday night at tbs armory and spent Mrs. LsUa Alexandsr, Waterbury, ings from Grand Master, William J. from Danbury, irowned when a ground and extend to toe north aad aaort UMptrational aarvlca In the casary tasta. Tha clutch M Mill in tle. Olaatonbury and tola town ara director of tbe Pearl Settlement every clerk behind a store counter la but her fears turned to ■miles •fonlat. Hr. Darrab apoba on the that have shut out tha sun since the ■aareh, said tbs plane hSd not been storage vault whera approxlmataly Mgnt grandefelHtota and two great tbe tim e. until train time getting Barton of Bridgeport, the afternoon actually a tax collector, too. boat In which ha waa sailing Sun­ was vtslbls for soma Umo. Tha rata IH9 M onvi|M nri Third corps war gamaa atarM of tha aatlon’a buT- the experimental Hago. but having represented in tbe qtombsssbip. eveiytbliv to readiness for tbe de­ House to that city. srhea she sras presented srltb en- m a t u a k that faeea tba Brother- reported slaoc It left Albany airport. mat tha taau gtvan at tha lOM grandnudran. program will Include athletic events "In every sale, these clerks eal- toaortbed fountain pen. the per- day on Bantam Lake, Morris, with cleared the olr aad at 10 o’clock tight days ago—were a aeundlng Airport offleials sfild the plane Uon la kept. Funordl aarvleea wlU fed held at among them many vetsfan coon and parture. Breakfast waa served early The additional oommlttse mem­ for man and women and an elimina­ hla aunt and uncle capslsed. last night too olr was so olsar that boM in kaaplnt young people in plant It waa atatad today thqt It fox huntara / Sunday to tha 120 men and officers lect fractions of hidden taxes that aoaal gift ef State Highway Colw^LmitLivtrl the church by sponnortng youth b w d for the drone of air plane was a North American 0-47, an The explorion vicllma were hare 1:M & m. Wtdaesday at toe w u t- bera named by tha labor oommls­ tion aoftball tourney, directed by have Increased the coat of produc­ Lucan, unable to ewlm. sank ea an airphuia headed towarda Mort- motors, booming artillery and tbs would soon he put into uia to dif- At tbe meeting yesterday it was by Dante’s GrlU and ths companies rioner follow: Edward J. Rtentaford, of Hartford. CommIsriooT William J. Cox organtaatlona. He urged bis listen- Army training ship, piloted by Col. srith other National Guard unlta ferm t plants to tha country tor ney Puaeral heme, H I Mato street, tion and distribution of tba article to toa 1,000,00th toll payer. toe craft overturned but Mlse Helen crackling of m arine guns and nilea. Oeorge Vaughn, who was' accom­ from ladtaiu, Weat Virginia aad BaM Hartford. Rav, Truman H. voted to conduct a raffle. Joseph formed at 8:80 a. m. and marched to Dr. Carter L. Marshall, New Prises will be awarded winneri of era to give more attentloo to Christ Today’s uncarUlnty rafisstsd furthtr trial. ItIf Itit -Matt..Mato 4heatOitat ro- ths station. Ths train waa due to purchased. These taxes, of necessity, ”Tkis Is toa first time I have Valentina of New York and Louis tad Hla taaebinga Juui to gaining panied by LisuL Oaorgs Hamilton. Kaatuoky for tba 10-day training Woodward, pastor of too First Oon- Rtertlag waa ejOcted ehalrmaa, and Haven; Joaepb C. Hasel, Water­ tha various events. must be passed on to ths consumer H. Valantina of Waterbury were much of the situation that sniated ulroRMnts, whichwfeleh UMly oxnoet tha fbllosring smm eleetsd ao toe leave. here at 4:40 a. m. and from bury: William V. Mueller, Stam­ In tba evening In ths dance avaq sraa anything in roy life,' largo membership. Hartln Wick- Both man are from Miller Pleld, course. ; wlU maot, itoo eempiuiy wuT go grdgauonal ehurefe of BMt Hartford SI e part of ths price. A major aha axetalmad. saved by Erwin Stanley, a Negro la both the ClvU war batuea of Staten Island. OMisfal Tyndall said tha tragady I committee;, Jamee Rolatoa, Clifford Hartford at 8:10, the second section ford;; Dr. MlUlcent Pond, Watar- pavilion, there will be a competitive strand of Meriden, president Of the Into production of too eluteh to tno will offletota aad burial will be in of two Urge troop trains share of ell local, stata aad naUeaal Tha 1,000,000 cars means 1100,- who wea flriilng naarby. Haw England Coherence Brother- Manaasaa—hattlea It which the au- Weather obeervera said tl;e plane waa the first of Its kind at rert to i Wapptog canMtary. Mitchell, George Greeaway, Paul bury; John Williams Stai^ord; Al- drill among the following Rebckab psrtor mantuverlBg of Oonfsdsrata foil. Ihould It bo M ouoceoo It will Hussey , fend Arthur Ayers. Plans According to reports from Platto- and Theta Rho Girls entries; Sylvan taxea now are hidden to the em 000 tor toe Highway Depart- Hartford Naa Sutetde Iwad. also spoke briefly. might have bssn forced. down In Kd m In the IT yeara Nattoaal pheua Winter, Bridgeport; Jamas aumera who pay them this way. AttlUo Daroaa, 53, of Hartford forces smastisd tbs Union lines but some remote ares by a. ^vers elec­ nwaa that tha oimmbar of hmo om- were also roads to bold a field trial burg, tha local unlta arrived st of Seymour, Miriam and Liberty of Bwat’B treasury—to be used In The ahemoon ivaa devoted to nu- Ouerdamen have been training ployod to UM pitat wUt ba to- Bewunanton, on the shores of Lake J . Clerkto, New Britain; John J. "However, retail merchants extendtog toe parksrey on to drowned Saturday in the Connecti­ Shop TOMORROW Meroua sports activities after left the southsmsrs too spent to trical and rain storm which swept bera. aom. Bgan, Bridgeport; O. P. Robinson, Hartford, Our Sisters of Norwalk; ofoeiid. 'The club voted to take the necea Ontario at nightfall and pitched Valley of Torrington, Sunset of Man­ should not be blamed. No burinera HartforsT cut river after lie bed dropped off Which a picnic supper was held. carry ea Into Waahlagton. this area shortly before dark last F u n e r s k New Lmdon; William Purtel^ could possible survive today If It Twenty-three thouaand men were night Bagwlar Troapa al f la4la>w|li In a eatotog JuM toauad thtra to siSry steps to Incorporate. Tbe rt-f tents to a baavy rainstonr The chester, and Toujoura Fldele Theta toa Bulkeley bridge. A mralcal ex­ Moat of tha fort'a rtgular Army gtvon a.dtaerlpUoa of tha two guardsmen will be en- Hartford and Carl Gray, Hartford. attempted to absorb ths multitude at aminer said hla death was a sui­ arrayed In s 50.000-nere areas for Mm Animw Bnhia port of ths Board of Govemom on' In naming the commlttsamen Rho Girls of Hartford. Each team troops are at Plattebtirgh, N. Y„ etutehM now mado by tha eom- Tha funeral af Mra. Anna acquiring land waa tabled until next Msgad for tha next two days making wlU drUl for IS mlnutea, aecom- taxes to which It la subject, to eon- Walsh Forecasts cide. During House’s the four-day batUa part of tha both Governor Baldwin and toe sequence, every ring of tha cash vl^neral Assumes grsattnl peacetime aseaeuvera In for mantuvera of the United Rtataa’ pany,.4rith an adjuatmant in prieaa (Walak) Bubit, wtfa of Andrew meeting, ewalUng further particul- 'camp aad oa Wednesday and Thurs­ puled by Fulton’s American band. Naighbora found Mra. Ruby F. first army. Inelirdsd. day will taka part In extenalve regi- CommiaslQoer aelected leedera to Dancing will follow this portion of re^ster represents abt only a aala Devto, 43, of Waterbury lying Americas Army history. Police Court Ruble of 28 Kaighton street, was lara, peraonnel. labor, Industry aad wel­ Democrat Success Five of the bleat victims wert held at bar homa yastardM after- mantal maneuvers with tbe two regi­ tbe program. but a taxraym ent." critically Injured early Sunday immand in ^War' Three-feurtha af the troops ware Norma Shtarar wee waving a killed outright as tha shell ekplod-, ments of each Infantry Brigade op- fare fields from both races. Purpose of the Field Day Is to 'The NCTC now Itas study groups morning In tha rear. yard of her In the defending “Blue’’ Army — b arg ed uith operating a motor aoen at 1:80 o’clock. Rav. Hugo F. poring each other to combat exer­ Dr. Marshall Is a member of tha In approxtinatsly 5,000 communltias spirited fsrewtil to friends and ed In front of a Unt which thqy R. Rtachholta, of to# Mon Lutheran rid In the support of Um I. O. O. F. aiatoo. Maaa. Aug. 14.—OP)— home, 80 feet below on open win­ guardsmen of the 2Sth DIvlaloii vehicle with defective brakes, James fans who saw her off ter Europe occupied. McCarty died aa hour Few Gas Stations cises The two companies will.en­ New Haven alum claaraace com- Hoom at Groton, where membera In 40 atatsa In its educational cam­ dow. She died eight hours later In August Clearance I (Osntlnlud from Pago One.) (Pcnnaylvaala) and the 2feth Di­ Poraa of 18 Highland street, East oliureh oSlototod, and tha service gage to route marches and minor mittee; Mueller la head of the paign to expose "unneeeaaary ooa- U. 8. Senator David I. WaUh (D.- on the Normandie as the cam- later In ths poet hospital. Local Stocks waa largely attended. are cared for. Randall C. Frink of Maaa) predleted today "the Demo- a Watarbury hoopltal. vision (Virginia, Msrylahd and/ tha Hartford, was found guilty this era snapped her at the ship's Ocneral Tyndall said the Urtee In­ combat exercises tomorrow. Stamford Cbmmunitv Chaet aad Waterbury Is presldsnt of the cor­ sumcr-penallzlng taxes,” Mra. John Bimaaky, 86, waa found ■aHedI and were mnrehM off srroas District of CUlumhta). momtag la town ooiirt by Judge Mm. PYM Woodhouae aang two Have Correct Signs Company K waa to charge of Cap­ haa done coariderabla research Mucklestone aa.ld. The crasada In era tic party srlll continue In pow­ country to seaitered campeltea rati. jured men were "aome diatanee Bumfeam, a Gannan hymn. “Las, poration, George E. Rondeau of New er” If it maintains Its "liberal, so­ daad of a broken neck Saturday Seem The smaller force of Invaders — Raymond R. Bowers and waa fined Furs lifeefl by rutaSM aad Oa. tain James H. McVeigh and tbe work to connection with the Negro Britain, vice president: Miss Ruby this stats is led by Mra. Charles •Htad ^ advanceaace «ctaila. t $10 and costs. Porsn was srreatad from tha explosion —..-So feet or Mleh Gthta." and "Roft'ly and Howitzer (^mpeny led b> Captain cial and political policies" and as- night in a New Haven rooming a "Black" Army of rejpilars — waa mors, probsbly." d Osairdi I aw employment problem. Dr. Pond Is E. Perkins of Hartford, secretary; Templeton, of Waterbury, national hotiae end police said ha had fallen ' waa long after duak when some yesterday at the center. Pleading Tenderly Jeaus la Calling.” Under tha law governing toe Horace F. Murpbey. Officera at­ of the ScovlUa Manufacturing Cbm- committee member and Mias Emily aurea toe country of curtailment In SALE m tha unlta arrived, and they were strengthened by the latest engines must have happened to the plane" From his hospital bed, Fitch, onp Hartford, Conn. Walter B. Klein of Torrington, ’’seme" administrative srastas and downatain. guilty to a charge of violation of IfeldplMne g-aiai Tha pall baarsrs were John price posted for gaaoilae aelea at tached to 'Company K were Lieut. pany, WUUama la of the Yale A treasurer. Louise Plumley, at Glsnbreok, stats / •■ipellad to pitch their e a im on of war, geared to strike swiftly although tha causa of the atcldent of the Injured, said be waa with the Walek of Bast Hartford, John Stephen Frey, 2nd LieuL Walter axeearive expendlturea Although tha wask-end eaw no over roads and Baida arhsrs tha rules of the road. Oaorgs V. Dicker- had not yet been dstsrmlned. li«0 pja. qnotatiene the different statlona In town. Towns Manufaeturing Company. O. director. terralne in the darkneca son of SO Henry strast, Hartford, others when the shell was picked up Howard, Martin Haberam, Andrew Cowlat and 1st , LleuL Nathan In %"ntatemant taeued from his AND MAKE EXTRA SAVINGS W ITH Mr arrivals labored through a grandlathera Of many of the men "It was comparatively new," Rice and that he warned them of the laturu ee Rtoeka Which became effective en July 18, P. Robtoson to of tha B3sctrie Boat waa fined tS and costs. He was ar­ Adamy, Michael Turek and John It la neceaaary to shew the coat Of OateheU, Andover, Rea. Corps. Offi­ Company, Purtell Is of toa HoUo- hems,'Walsh said that although to# npour of rain which fall for sev- fought with aword and muskpt in said. "Captain Person was a World post regulation. He said he was on Bid Askai cers attached to toe Howitzer Com­ rsrard ef Congress would seem to .^0 rested Saturday afternoon at Canter Adamy. Burial was in the East gasoline, toe tax paid to toe federal Krome Steel Company and Mr. 3 Oi^anizations •I hours In afternoon. and Waat Oentar streeu. war pilot and Instructor in the the opposite side of ths "street” sS Aetna C ssu slty ...... 100 114 cemetery, pany were let LieuL Charles By- CaU Night Club tadicete some sharp political differ- DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS M r 10 dayn tha troops will en- Objective Is hams American Army. He had been with Aetna Firs ...... 48H government aad toe Ute tax. But Gray is of tha Whitney Chain Com­ Poatpooed until the Wednesday the youths took the shell to thsir 4 7 4 cbolskl and U6ut. Earl Willlanu of pany, all ara familiar with penon- encas In to# Democratic party, he ti rsgUMntal, brlgads and The objaetlve waa tha same as In Pan American Airways tan years tsnt. Aetna Life ...... 30)4 8 1 4 few ttnuoas have poated such West Hartford. Planning Outings I Hioauvara, gradually building aeaalan of tha court was the arraign­ Mrs. Henry MoCoavUle I prices. The prices that ara poated nel work. Wtotar Is manager at tba did not think it “nsreaeirlly In- the Chrl) srar hatUas around Man­ ment of LeRey W. Heald of 808 and had an excsitsnt rscord." "I heard a Mg boom and fell fist AutomeMis ...... 88 87 PVneral servtcea for Mrs. Eliza­ Major Frederick Relncke, 'Third Men in Probe dlcatea” that the country srould go .'i * n i 'i tors'bff 1.11 i : b II {-f-i'i.'h I to a aiimax on Aug. 28 when an assas. Like the Confederates, the The company said the crash was 0>nn. General ...... 26 so on the pumpa gtva toe toUl amount Bqttalion Commander, waa train Bridgeport Manufacturing Aasocla- sadlng “Black Array" of National Pine etrect, Bristol, arrested yester­ on the ground," Fitch said. "I look­ beth J. MoOonviUe, wife of Henry to be, paid for gasoline with the Uon and derkto aad Egan are Repubtiean In tbe next netlonel Invading "Biaeh" Army sought to day on a warrant In his home city Its first grave accident In nine years ed at my hands and found blood on Hertford Fire ...... 77 70 McOcnviUe of 800 Keeney street, oomiiiander and took charge of tha election. Den movoa into battle of operation. words "Including tax.” troop train upon He Iarrival In Hart­ president and sacretary of tha Three local ergaatoatloea are break through to Washington. Tha ohd held for local nutborlUea. Heald them." Hartford Btssm Boiler 88 62 who died on PYidey, were held this Investigation Squel to Ab­ planning for week end outings. On Blatt a dafanduig “Bluo Army” or "Blus’’ Amy i t guardsman had The plane was a total loss. One Nstionsl Firs ...... 60 62 In one atatlo£ at least, there la ford. Oonnactieut Federation of Labor. .000 hifhiy-maohanlaed reguiara. waa driver of a ear which crashed morning from the home at 8:30 and Gray la chairman of the Governor's Saturday the annual outing of tbo SereoB Inebriate Sentenced Wa orders to stand II of. Into n bnm on Demlng street last motor waa ripped out. One wing PhcsnlK ...... 764 fe O’clock at Rt. James church. posted a sign Which gives toe sale duction of Two Girls aetlea will be "foughr for waa sheared off. The part that ra- 784 price at 18 cento a gallon divided commission on ths problem of era- Waaliington Social club will be held Loe Angelee, Aug. 14—(F)— Arth­ CeU Far aad » days over an area of 400 The two armiaa oOmmended an March 27. A companion died later Travelers ...... 440 460 Rev. Vincent Hines was celebrant at the Maacheater Rod aad Gun ur Houaemoa, who spoetallsed to OaOvw Yaw from Injuries sustained In tbs crash. msined abovs water was twisted North End Firemen PitMle UtttlUra of the mass. Rev. Frederick Clark, aa follows; Gtsollne 11 centa, fed­ ploymsot at men over 40 and Hasel And Death of One. tfO mUaa. wtth the outcome nrsn fiom Qalnasvllls and Manaa­ and cniahed. eral tax one cent, state tax three la active to tbe work at veterans' club whare too dtaaor srlU bo aarsr- ■croen Inebriate raise, wea eeatenoed Qeeter’e r rrasrtptlsail "TNISIORiOrdllAllTr tgid fey a Stas of 100 umpires. saa In northsastsm Virginia to Coroner Prank B. Healy found that Oonn. Lt. end Pow. ... 80 63 deacon, aad Rev. Father Caliahaa, Fire Distaict’s ad by toe Oak atresit griU. Raaerva- to 110 dajre to Jail for Intoxaeotloa. Heald waa criminally responsible for It was believed, however, all mall Conn. Pow ...... 40 61 C. P., sub deacon. The elngere were cents, total IS cento. This la eup- unemploymsnL Miami, Fla., Aug. 14—(JF>— Sev­ WBI.DON DRUG CO. Oceoqunn creek 10 miles to the would be Salvaged. In Meeting Tonight poaed to be toe correct way post tlons for the outtra srlll eloae Wed' "Moyhe.’’ coramanted Judge Joseph .D lvI-iiV i J iii i E3;a.LV J Of aaaas Bagtas southeast. But the four-day fight, the death. Hartford Elec. Lt. .. . 86 68 Mra. Claire Brennan and Mm. Helen to eral night club proprietors and girl aesday. Sunday ftompbell Council MartoetU. "sre can help you Va.. Aug. 14 Turned over to the East Hartford The flight began at/Mlaml, about IllumlnsUng Slia. . . . 87 50 Oleskl. prices. Because toe necessary space List Compleled which eUmatas a training program 8,700 air miles northwest of here, for a sign bn the pumps at prasent entertainers were summoned before K. of C., wtU bold Its annual outing straighten up eo you can resutne ffeaM aro tha tankssh ir" svsrjrhody sat up in 1M4, was hedgtd by rules BOllea yestarday wart Pred Shea of Hertford Qsa ...... 34 St Rev. William Dunn and Rev. Cal­ County Rolleltor Robert R. Taylor at tbe Manchester Rod aad Gun your aereen career.” iniatad to know thta gray murky |40 North Main street, this town. last Wednesday anti made 24 stops Raymond Coleman, foreman of So. New Eng. Tel. Co. lahan officiated at the committal In use IS lacking It has not been Will Consider to safeguard lift and proparty. Be­ to discharge snq pick up passengers 158 161 today as aa laveZUgatlon of juvo au b to Coventry. The dlmter srlll BhP on tha n m ahots of the "Third an4 Steve Veldiega of Plnney street. Company No. l of the Manchester Westen) Mss*...... 88 38 service in Rt. James’ cemetery. possible for toe majority of the be served by toe Oak itreat grill. fore the battle, evsry round of en route. dealers to follow the hew law, hut New Rate Book b Now pile employment in night cluba was io of Manassss" rang out on ammunition for rifle, macfelns gun Blllbgtea. The operator of a bus In lire departjpent, has called a meet­ ledustrlnl The bearers who were all relatives begun, a sequel to tba abduction of Reservations for this outing srtU hiaterio flald. which tha men were riding com­ The plane took up the flight Fri­ were Joseph and Thomas Mecartan; they are making arrangemeata to I|efidy for 1939; See or artillery was inspected to guard day at Poet of Spain, Trinidad, and ing of the members for 6:30 tonight Acme Wire ...... 164 1 * 4 Vital Problem tom yoang Miami girls aad the bru' elofo Thursday ovoalng. Sunday tin- ; '■* f' J) Six oomhat cara and tsm bat- plained that they had engaged In an Am. Hardware...... 21 23 Thomas J r , James, Francis and Ed­ have new tags printed aad have tal stoylng of one. na Lodge K. of F., sriU hold its out­ against Uva ahtlls. left Recife, 1.200 miles north of here, Income of $32,3^ .87 Ma of the lltfe Infantry (regu- No bayonata ware permlttsd, and altareatloh in the vehicle. 'They were for a drill. Ths drills of the com­ Arrow H sad H, com. 37 88 ward MoCsu'tan. them properly posted On the tenhe Ju v ^ le Probation Officer Paul ing at Hills Grafs In Wapptog. ) from .Port Howard, Hd., taken off at Depot Square and turn­ at * a< m. yesterday. It had made pany were called off during July foot troopa had orders to mirrender Billihgs sad Spracer. 3 4 Federatioit Leaders to Martens took action after, he said, The eommlttaes of each organisa­ had with tha outpoau of tbo ed over to East Hartford when It six other abope yesterday, the last because of the shortage of water. Tba new rata book for 1*88 baa immediately If a tank cams within at Victoria, before the accident. Bristol Brass ...... 87 40 be found girls he believed to be un­ tion In addlUen to arrangtog far I DtviaMi (lOfth Infantry, waa found the disturbance Involving The meeting tonight will not be so tor Tadde Again Question der age performing In three cluba toe dinner have also plean^ a pro­ ihton, Pn.) near Brsntavtlie. It 100 yards. Tha poaalblUty of a colt's Pst FIresrms.. 74 77 ba«i eetaplatod tba South Man' the pair had taken place In Wood­ much for the use of water but to Eagle Lock ...... 8 Martens reported school records gram ef eporta and nave arranged u tha feaginnihg of tba flght ha. tank emahittg through underbrush land. have the men become femillar with 10 Na Ya Stocks cbeotar Firs District and shows a O f Jurisdiction. and running over eoncenied men Fsfnlr Bearing ...... 110 120 indicated that Jean Boltoa, melody for traaeportatloa. SI a Bleak “snamy" Army atrlk- ^av y Prepares the working of the kjpoater tank grand list of 836,100.088 which at sliiger who survived three days' and tor WaabIngUm and tba Blue unaccustomed to the battle wagons' Grey Tel Psy Station 0 11 2 ffdns will product a tax at 883,- and the pump on the Siswly pur­ Hsrt sad Oootey___ 118 125 Air Radiic ...... AUanUe a ty , N. J.. Aug. 14—OP) nights’ captivity with a man now TaxUlo 2a*aetrle*et INea adars asada up e^ the National high apeads waa ton great. chased piece of apiHirstus. The •00A7. charged srith brutally riaying her rd troopa of Pennaylvnnia, Mary- Seeking Clues Hoisting Gear Hendey Mach., Com.. 8 10 Alaska Jun ...... s u m —Amatlean FedaraUon M Scranton, Pa., Aug. 14—(F)—*y *- Thera were regulettene, too, to members will meet at thq hose t o d a y a n d TOkHHUtOW OoBaetor Runt’a offlea to already loaders will tackle again today (2 oompenloo, pretty Frances Ruth nay Rushtoa Bltoa. 80, ons.of l|w •For « UntiledUm e'we are going to lUfpoBe o f 1, Virginia and the Diatrict of protect tha rolling farm iMds. Landers, Frsry A a k . 2 6 4 28 4 Allegheny ...... working on the faUls which will be house ready to leave at 6:30 end Allied Ch«m ...... 2 • G R E A T f e a t u r e s - t P. M. E. S. T.) tha knotty pr^lam Dunn, sraa but 16. Miaa Bolton eouatry'e leadliig taxtOa industrial- HuaMa. Com fields wars "out of bounds;" after the drill there will be a com­ New Brit. Msch., CVim. 24 4 26 msu*d out before SapL 18 the due and her family asaerted the sraa 10. BtoTM at i>argain priea*, and udien we sa j that we m ean t i n t With tha Orst shou. oSlcsrs and (t'ontlBued from Page One.) do., pfd ...... 100 Am Can ...... of whethar tbo natica’e stagehands Isto, died yeatarday of a booM at­ livestock were considered Immov­ To Find Plane pany meeting. It may be neceeeary shall have union Jurlsdlctton over Tha tsro ^rla disappeared laat tack while playing golf. Bma to new merchandise that most move off onr floora. H ii* ia yowr o | i> alike wort fearful not of the able obataelca; wood lota wars not to hold the meeting to the lower North end Judd ___ 36 )i 2 8 4 Am Home Prod ...... CoDeettoas of delinquent accounts Monday srith a bogus movie talent prtlon of tbs Black Army that they failed to keep President Roosevelt, Peck, Stow A Wilcox Am Rad Bta ...... 10.000 of the nation’s actors. Maccleofleld, England, ho earn# to to be damaged, and feaeca had to on a vacation cruise of New Eng­ pert of the hose house tonight be­ 4 6 during Juto were $1,878.78. Of thia The qusatloo, seemingly ncademlc acouL booked as Charles Jefferson tbe United Stataa as a youth of 10 portunity to get new, pefhap* moch-needed cooking eqalpaiimt at a '* see and ahoot at but of the 70 be repaired. Unlike aay wartime Crash Cause cause of the work that le being Ruiaell Mfg. CO...... IT 31 AM Rmtit ...... amount $1407.9* was for taxes, ao and helddn tbe Orlando Jail. Mias that probably were epeedint land and Canadian waters aboard Scovill Mfg...... Am T A T ...... to the lajrman, to vital to tbea- and bacama promlnsat in mamitoa- engagement, damage officers fol­ the cruiser Tuscaloosa, from ob­ done In the upper part. Palntere 3 0 4 22'i $287.77 was Intersst and $M for ptoan of Broadway aad Hrilywood Dunn’s body sraa found near Boca turlag, financial and construction .fraction o f the origiiud seUing priee. 40 milea an hour in a wide an- lowed the troops to replace or pay and electricians are working In. the SIlex Co...... 18 15 Am Tob B ...... Itaa efeargaa. A total of 88 Usna Raton early Thursday soon after (Ooatlausd fraea Pags Oee.) taining a first hand account of the Am Wnt wks ...... wsse ralsased by Mr. HunL Sev- that they have threatansd to atrlka enterprises. for any “ruin." herculean task the Navy performed clubrooms of the house and the Stanley Works ...... 3 8 4 40 4 80.000 etreng, and even to aecede Mlsa Bolton’s release by bar abduc­ do., pfd ...... — Anaconda ...... a n l aaaounto at long atandtog were Bath Armlea la PlaM Saturday In lifting the Submersible painting of he floor waa to be 88 from tha AFT^ If tha stagehands’ tor. some others and began to take out Torrington ...... Armour III ...... elsarad from tha records T s Oraad Jury Tonwrros^ Throughout the night both armies the bodies which were strewn with her 26 dead 80 feet off the sea started this afternoon, which would 2 6 4 28 4 tNOGBEATlirr pretantlona are not rejected. prevent the meeting being held to Veeder Root ...... 40 51 Atebtoon ...... Notices of real estato aocounta A grand Jury la to conridflr the had thttr men In the field under lit­ about the cabin." floor. ON THE RAME SHOW SB tha 1088 rata book which have Tbs row started when tha Asso­ For h Tasty tle Shelter tents, rifles stacked and Cels Visits President the upper part of the building. New York Banks Aviation Corp ...... ciated Actors and Artists of Amsrt' atojring and felitaaptog In Weat Palm Our I^Bodw, One rescue worker said some of Bank of New York .. 808 418 Baldwin c t ...... ”Wbea Year Feat’s On the Oaa not baan paid will be mailed ont Beach tomorrow, srith Miss Bolton Luncheon, artillery ih ^ c s . tha bodies which fell on the dock Admiral Cyrus W. Cole, com­ ttris weak advlakig tbe taxpayer ca (”4A"), parant body of tha actor’s Bankers Trust ...... 88 88 B A O ...... Keep Gala Off Yew Mtod!” unions, ousted tha vaudevlQa-eiight ona of the sritaeaaas summoned. .Hapaetally adapted 6sr Ofl Dinner or NatlOBSI Quard anti-aircraft regt- with one motor wert burned. An­ mandant of the Portsmouth Navy that a lien will be placed against Meantime J . Edgar Hoover, dt- Yard and In charge of salvage oper­ Central Hanover , . . . 08 101 Sendtx ...... ehtb-clrcuB group, tha Amartcan Burning, th e oil burner and Snack, menta—the listh of Psanaylvania other said the faces of the passen­ Noted Cartoonist •*tNDUNAPOLIS tba piwparty to accordance with rector of the Federal Bureau of to- D aring and the MOth of MnryUnd. Virginin gers In the cabin felled to show ations, visited the president for an (rhsse ...... at . 84 Bsth 8tl ...... law If tha tax, with IntaraaL to not Federation of Actors, July 14 on ^ Stop At the , Oiemlcsl ...... Borden ...... veatlgatlon. Joined Sheriff W. H. complete equipment Is togsn- O and the Dlatriet of Oolumbla—pro eigne of niin or anguish which he hour and a half aboard the Tus­ 4 5 4 47 4 SPEEDWAY’* paid on or before September 30. grounds of executive Lasrrence of Paha Baiwb county In taettd tha raiibeada at Manaaeaa eaid would have been evident If caloosa, anchored lets than a half- Dies at His Home a t y ...... 0 4 4 *• 4 Can Pec ...... ■{\ AutoaaobUe owneie who have not menL The letter group then alUad it- leusly bout toto range d ' i ■ Oerro De P ...... - ...... FbnMring 0-— u eritleising tbs patsda system for B ig E v en t^ and Oainatvuis. Tha "Blaek’’ Army they had drowned. mile from the submerged Squaius OontinentsI ...... l $ 4 1 4 4 paid thrir taxaa are urged to do ao aelf with tbs AFL ■tagebanda* B' turning loose law-breakara srho tben moktog ona eompaet unit It need no such protaetlen, for It was "Therefore 1 believe moet of from which 88 men were rescued Corn Bxchsngs ...... 84 56 Ohes A Ohio ...... ANNSHEttlDAN a t ones as most of thaae accounts ten—boasting 90,000 stagehands, commit other crimes. FRIMCB 8 S presumed that It bad landed from a them died Immediately In the force when She sank 140 feet during a First National ...... 181.6 1875 Chrjraler ...... ara very rinall and abould not ra- movla proJscUontoU aad atudlo la also a modarn Oaa Coola- New York, Aug. 14—i/Th-T. B. FAT O'RfUEN to a talegram to L. K. Nicholas. battle fleet at Quaatlce. of the crash." he added. test dive In May. Guaruty Trust...... 163 170 Coea-coia ...... Mato Ob tha books any longw than tachaietoaa—wUeh la todapeadaot of J r , prerident of tha Miami Junior tag raago wito Hast Oontm, R n a tB o ra n t Tba Third Corps maaauvtrt open­ After ths Tuscaloosa proceeded Powers, 60, noted political caftobO- Irving Trust ...... 11 18 OOl GAI A El ...... M abaolutaly neoaaaary. TO send the 4-A. TW a heatotifal Pan American officials said the Idt of toe Hcarat hewspaperS tar 4 d a y s B sa o r- w b o n b b o a t Chamhar of Commsroa, Hoover as- Antomatle spatMtag TOp- ed e vast war gams that axtanded plane'e laat meisages failed to shed northeastward. Admiral Ools re­ Msnhsttsa ...... 16 16 cdMi int Tr ...... s ocnatabla to coUeet a sum aa low Impertaat aartad ”tha forest of dacency must Cerwer Main and Pearl Stioele mere than 46 years, died today at The move had Important tmmUea- to Piattahurg. N. T., where the first any light on the accident'. At 4:18 ceived a radio meaaage; ’’Am great, MsnutacL Trust . . . . 80 41 COMl BOiy ...... I.-. M s denar adds at laaat $7.00 to ba maraballad In aveiy aaetlon of Buraara and the aaw Deubla- iOttaCrated harewM i and hecond Corps—tha raat of the ly pleased wllh the efficiency and hla Loag Beach home after d tsm- N. Y. Trust ...... 108 111 BdlA ...... tba ehaigs ttobs for tha ramatotag 80,000 4-A p. m. the, operator reported' "Rio year Illness. tbo eouatry la erdra that a recur- aaarbig Gan BreOar. sighted" and made hts final routine arduous service performed by the Public Notional...... 20 81 a m on ...... mtmbar acton, bacanaa ths atage- ranea at aueh a dastradtr crime 5465 contacts at 4:21 and 4:20 p. m. officers and men of your unit. Well One of the earliest political cari­ HUe Guarantee ..... 8K 44 OaRt Cbn ...... haiids, lad h r twa-flstod Gaorga mtobt not toko place.” o to b r Nothing I'BiMiml Reported dohe." caturists of raaderh JoutndliSin, U. a. Trust ...... 1810 188* cor* Prod ...... Browna, have baaa eieblng for aome Juotloe Departamat rocorda OvM aapnetty to aa ou t- Pmfrers was perhspi beat kliowft far •ivitofiNtot'* Texas Ponders tiam a link with movla parfemars Nothing unusual was reported In The pretldent changed----- „ ...... his- rplans ~ — Ddutllia Alrc ...... Vu. riiowsd Jaffanon. under tha name of . Mending fontnra — nooto a TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY lbs last metsage. which was recelv-! Ro aboard the salvage ship Fal- tod "Uttls Joy" dad "LltUs Olobm” Dtt Pitot ...... that would taeraasa tha ntogehanda* Thomaa C Goddblrd, sraa aeatenced ed st the plant's base here tlx min-1 moored shove the partlhlly- figures which chssed ddcB btoSt btea tofeile Bspeirtog Osr. East Kod ...... ,..y... power to RoDywoed. at Columbia. F a , In 1926. to 18 94 lb. tnrfcay wlto ream to utes before It crashed. flooded bow of the -Squelua, but through many of his drdWihgd. Elec Auib-L ...... Policy on Oil Tba new aatoima. break jrtan. to Juno thia n a r ha sras SPECIALS AT Mario Lyre, BrAilisn who was' 4be crulser'O eahVai-eovered He Was the favoriteltd lioUtieal edr- COncerd, N. it.. Aug. 14—(*>-- Gen Elfc ...... - ...... ana ftbM trsditloiiil divlilOB placiQd ea probation uadar a Federal S6( toanist of the late Prefadeat TTieb- Rodaty G. Clark, J r , about SO, of ■togahaada aad acton, lookod Uks amtaBOt at Dtasrar for Impoiaonat- one of the two survivors, declared i bridge he could isa thrSO of the dors RoOidvelt. dhd to tbd bdgilUUlig Gen Foods ...... "the voyage was perfectly normal sto huge red and white poriteohO Weatan, Haaa., died kero last alght Gen Mat i .. - ...... Ward Bi KmuM! To Decide Whether to aa aatariag wedge, and brought a tag aa offloor. Owtag to tts aaw adanttta of hla lohg Ben-dad-Uikpen-dad-Uik ciiAdC ea 2^ p fepaiiinii t ear » ptoaa load of protosttog awvta aeta- Without any trouble until we began that iupport tha water-flUed eUrO. Ddlly Newt OlUelta ...... CliMe WeU* in Effort martianlcal aonatrunUon It to EVERYBODY'S MARKET to deseand; tben the plans eeemed AgroosM an PMutoelo the------culeega e Dtlly NeWt Wfla dsto- blas ban to tba ATL axaeuttvo eiated With tUeh aMa t t Butdnt ree. Hacktr Pred ...... fbMar and men daitradaWa to feu at hreshneck speed." Towed stem first and slanted up­ sAMii M a t ...... To Boo*t Prieee. PHONE S721! FREE DELIVERY! ncld, George Ada end John T. Mb- ddtUl be maering rainiril an iiclri The plane broke to turn. Half of ward, the Squalua went aground the Cuteheoa. St Hafv ...... *tA*U«) in Wataat Rtraet a.. ■ ------X Olanwead eartatalr does It fell ashore, and the other half unchartid pinnacle about 400 yardi gU .” tha quasUoa ef l•vaklllff tha Int Nick ...... — - X b i JW 4 Anstto, Tax., Aug. 14—(ffv—Tax- AFA-etagehaads’ aBtonoa aad pot- *TInl(s oonktog eoMra.” plunged into the water. Short of whers the Nsvy intended to lot T A T ...... a s most prolific oil preduetog ntota, The steel drydock, on nha das begin toe second of throe lifts which tb ^ tbtha AT A b ariita tha 6-A. U’KIi )( UK- (i»s SI S ■■ MU !■ Bcinanat lb. e Jabaa-Mba .... - ...... dicldaa today whethar to cloaa 80,- movie atara dashed back to 5 Cbbraa (cobra island), is about 28 srs deittosd to'bring her to the 000 walls to an effort to bolster $5.00 delhrer* H to fast high ond sbout l.ioo fast from Mirfscs to .shsiiew water. Rhe Johnstown Quite Well, Thank You Hollywaed far a main miattog h aSTTlir crude oil prices, elaahed 10 per cent night TIiMtlag aand” aad axpaetad tba sirport. rested to approximately IM feet of LnaWA bjr aome major companiaa. your home. , , Oranges 18 for 25c PlsneO normally taxi On tha wa­ water. to augmaat thair foroM and rarima LbflilArd Chairman Loo A. Smith of tba htfO. • ^ SCARLET F e v e r ter after sUgbtlng until they art Rsivagers Intended to aing the Mont Ward BalliMd OommlMton, which regu- cloSs cnoiigh to ths passeoger land- ”Wa ara Ocavinead.” thair leader Lemont each 1c three stern pontoons bebbtag above N u k ^ tlv ...... Iqtoa Texas’ ott flow, lad leatad ^ Ralph Moegaa n M T hat tha at- lag float to be towed to by row­ tiM mirface at ths first Opportunity SVPEB GIANT would rign an ordar to riiut down boat l*8t MM...... w m a t -a i toaq A of the atagehaada to Incada with the hope Of miking tot second Mgt pgltV ...... uia waUs for 80 days. Hli a l g ^ tha flald ef orgaatoad acton wffl he Ptachet basket of 7 lbs. 25c The plana wee desceadlag Just lift tomorrow. Three pontoons were H it DMtill ...... tars, asoead by a mambar of tba before dark. But ths weather waa sunk above the bow Raturday right laa rommlarifvi. would offset clear sod a Slight wind waa consid­ H t OWlMI ...... •fler a ecries of unaticceaaful et- ( f t NH A H ...... No. 1 Pototoei peck 25c ered not sufficient to have caused tempta to pull the 1,480-ton erfift ^ aerico waa advocatad by Odier Qenwood Ombiiiatiaa Range Bargaint For Uni Sak any difficulty. from toe mud. m r AM ...... offldala and aparatoea aftsr Priest Here, Fasssager LUS AOseuaeeO Although ths unexpected ground­ pRcitot* ...... ' tba erada nrioo cu t Oklahoma and Cantoloupet, Ige., fancy, for c Pen Aaserican onoeuaead toe ftWto Ptot ...... Kawaae offletola srera to nmirider 2 15 ing wao dtosopetottog. it wfia aotli- RK •seeeeeaaaeeesaee IMhiwtog piMiggir Utt: l a ^ p a t M Id t i3 a to ago Wfeto. lltiff this WMika Off for China 4 OenlcIwCr 4 Ibg Oraitoraaea 2 Cool Covats-nn* 6 Yon Ona Bnrairi Ba oa Bnraer 1 Hormel Spom c Deed—PisoiDgeri: Pref. Jpowi during a fifat attempt Ufttog, the Da*!# ...... B atth Mid IM boUavtd *^odMr qO r m OnM Iran Body — Hent Central and 4 Tsp Gm 25 HsrvSy Bagere, Yale UhivarStty, Squaius broke from her pontooiw. TARZAN FINDS flaMa to othar atata aheuld go TMs anclMM Mseoee. whUe no* esngMM* If 6W New Haven, Ooaa.; Hearie May reared bow flret abovs the aurface Pttb it e fiJ BHBg wtth Tains IB fliieii n pro­ aMena. is Isse s mraire new that Dociito a i i Eddy, OatoetvUls, FM., acting II- and eanfi again. • eeeeeaeeeseeeeeee gram fM riablltoltig af tha eff to- Fr. CanlfidiL Sc. JaineB*B bselth entbartriee anfliretsnf bow migto.k. Cornation Milk 3 cans 20c hrarlan at toe Ufeivtruty of Flori­ Not a bitch Waa evident Raturday, eeaeeeeeeeeeeeee 18 duBHy b.5c Depi^iiioii Era eeeeeeaeeae h i_ la aBariaaair waA. Father A- -POrtofe . at. , a-aBM*cmb of Cbipar waa la MaadBratra (M > the Bqr On A Bndlgel itoR Of LOOO.OOO W3 • •’* • sT'e eVe e*e‘eV e'd hr'er AM 0adi PiiMMfeMta“~’ ami|v''^'''- a a'a a • a'a a a a a a a ^ df tha RaMpd ilvar Pofotoet buehelitc _ - __ e'e eeeaaeaaeeaeaa OV $100.00 - ^MifiWall■ " RriM U i ^ ...... liM lib tha off) •"'•S'' PajeMpt nin. PbRfilf *8Y83“tassSAiU. |U« ”dtm4 i Oytaa. Tbe refa- a RmR a'*4«**aaaaa« iflf iHBMdlB tratgtt ’ . r i n u a m i EVENIN^ ffBEALP, KAM CBESm . OOmf. MONDAT, AUGUST 1 4 IW f MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. GONN.. MONDAY, AUGUST 14.19S» PAGE

craobed into a IS-foot brick signal It's Fun, but Novo WlM Stick to Ring Tone, Smith tower, demolishing R. To Annbimise Trbi fOffersPlaii p SER IA L STO RY War Service Shawls AciUmless Play Wreck Blamed Showering sparks from a abort elrcillt aet f l l f to railway Uas and i News From Manchester's Neighbors created a brteit. panic among tte O f T w o F ilm S For Settling ^tate Views Murder on (hd Boardwalk Time Inchuled S t€^ tle8 Stage Critics On Bad Swilch poasengerfl. Baveto) amoshed win­ dows and climbed out on to the BY ELtNORE COWAli STONE Intckfl* Loa Angalaa, Aug. lA ' ExeCommiMloner Rap* Examiner aaya tte angagamant Danzig Row In Computing Length of A u g ^ 14.—(F) —George.; 21 Injured and 300 .Pas­ The craoh tted up seCHce on tte Mad Oraago wm taho tbe fona et London, express branch o t tte Conej; Island Joan Fontaine and Brun A te i Leaden for Abandon* a "Mystery Rida". Aug. Bernard Shaw .At S3 startled the is. Oast af Ckazltatera a rural oxchaage. Christtoe ted to State Em ploym ent, At* sengers Shaken Up at route almost eight hours. X film aUia, wIB te aanouaeaff (Owthnwd im s FM * Om .) ing Liberalism. Judge Daly Explains ' Tbare were twelva taUea to GhttaUnq TkaranSoa — Beaetltal. call long distance. critics Into pahegyrlca today with week. "*• ■ ’ at tba apedal aatbaek party ] Wapping iBSide arttid., "Beaebmont 1348," she directed. tom ey General Rules. an actlonleto play offering two | Brighton Beach. 'Ttaq paper aald .AhMaa, ST-; t e y ortr tiM RiinUni In th« World evaalng, Aug. li. During tte aodai "I want to apeak to Mrs. Emma hours of philosophical debate which { Addressing m meeting la Ceinmble Mra. tt. tif. uraat M n. Enpta ToBwit — Wealthy, old M tlah actor. Halted Mlaa how j ^ with whipped erwm, aeaatrip tectaUta. Talbert" sums Shavian thoughts o f ' New'York, Aug. 14—(F)—A defec­ Cionnor Sumnionecl tatne'a mother, Mrs. Gaorga fovnmnxnt ■pokMmM w Saturday at tbe home of Mrs. Fan* eakea aad coffee wars aarved. Tbe Hartford, Aug. 14— — Time everything from function! of art to j w u Ukcijr tbnt ala DIxee WMcb wbara Tolland Lisk Case Finding Ria-Vazdley—HaadSome ama af She waited — Interminably. It spent in war 'service for their coun­ tive switch was blamed today by talne, at her northern ' wlMtlior It r a g ^ setbaeb party will be bald seemed to her. A t length the oper­ the .theory of kingamp. | subway official* for the wreck of a home at Saratoga yeatarday ______0 «n n u bofore Couaty damoerata gatharad for ttolr at tbe OommuBlty Houae Friday M steer. try by veterans employed by the In Used C ar C^se P nMte would b« Walter E. Banwe e f Oelrato. George WUn -Boardwalk eon- ator spoke: ‘’Pleaae excuse tte de­ Virtually without drama, the \ Coney Island express In which 21 ■secured her approval. V tm . )U i rtpiy wM •.•bruf of the anaual outing, former Labor Com- araBlng. Aug. 18. state on or before June 30 must be new production, "In Good King Intyra brook on tba Crystal »-*■»* Meja., came on Friday to spend tbe saaloa owner. lay. I'm new at this exchange; persona were Injured and 300 pas­ Mtaa Fontaine entered . , , mlaalonar Joaoph M. Tone berated Says Plaintill Against K ra Jennie7eBnie Wrlaley, Mra. Berthe Included In computing the length of Charles's Golden Daya,” moves road. This brook baa reiiaert damage weekend at tbe borne of hla daugb- Jaapar T te “perfect" butler. but here’s tte otter girl. She'll talk their state employment. Attorney sengers shaken up. after her stater, OUHa Da HaHIUMI^ R eould not lonmed her* attempts of bis parto members to to tbs road during flood watera. Kaeney of Maaeheater with frtonds Mra. Asher A. OoUlna, Hla through a long aeries of drawing New Haven, Aug. 14—(F>—Motor by Pramltr "go eonsarratlTa''. "Wbat wo must Town o f EUiiigton Is Chaadna'— Oriental mystic or to you.” General Francis A. PallottI ruled Two women were hurt ao severely hod become a star. DacUalag t* wiMtter plan” There is a temporary detour wbUc were present at tha recent church elfe baa beta spending the week room discussions among such char­ Vebiclea Commlaaloner Michael A. capitaltae upon ter stator's __ of lU ly I under dl»- do If wo aro to amount to anything aunper and latar called on relaUvea A aeoond voice asked, "Who is toda.y. ^ they required hospital treatment. Connor had been ordered to appear Entitled Only to Nom­ tbe bridge is btong eonatnictad, for colling Mrs, Talbert, pleaae?" acters as Charles 11; his lady MIm Fontaine took her ______at the conf»T«ic«t betweofi poUtloajly". T obo aald, "la to sUy a abort distance. Mra. Raymead Reed ot Ktogaton. The deciaion .requested bj' Per- friend, Nell Gwynn: his wife, Cath­ The others received cuts and bruises. before the Superior court here Wed­ Uberal". Mr. and Mra. Franklin O. Wallas "This Is Mrs. Talbert's cousin— ■urnome. Her moat Yqcent ptofUfla n U w , For«l(n MlnUUr GalMsso inal Damages in Siiit*. Approaohlag Manlags *6 6 gtieet of her mother. Mrs. Chaptor I aonnel Director Harry W. Marsh erine: Isaac Newton, the phlloa- The accident oceurred at 13:18 P. nesday to show cause wBjrhe ahould Ha directly blamed the defeat of Mtas Thorensoo," Christine answer­ on an a£t pasted by tte lakt General appearance w m In "Tba Woaaaflrf Of Italy and Oerman Foreiffn Mary Crandall. and other Ttolland WO n t . Aa the train pulled into tte Surf opher; Godfrew Kneller, .the paint­ M. (E.S.T.) yesterday when four not be restrained from enforcing a Aherne’a M Maximilian la tfJuaaaa.* lOnistar Joa^m Von Rlbbantrop tho democratic party In the last Announcement la mads of tbe ep- relattvee. X Marshall ha've returned to tbelr ed. surprised by tbe question. Aaaembly, aaya: Rockrllle, Aug. 14 —Announce' proseblng marrtege of MUa Agnea City aUtkm, Chrtatlne Thorensoo er, and George Fox, founder of tte coaches of a six-car B.M.T. subway new state law placing a 810 regis­ wueb ended yeaterday. election to the "attempt of eertaln Mre. Ellen Oaaao ef Vernon, waa botoa from their recent vacation "Oh! . . . Well, the otter opera­ "It la evident from k itudy of the tration fee on all used ears Imported ment haa been made ^ Judge m disks of Manchester to Rev. Earl trip. . wM almost sure that tte barehead­ Quakers. train crowded with Sunday beach Afraa Upon Solotloas clcmenta to be both new deal and ward J. Daly of Hartfim In n $ in a racant guest of Tolland frienda tor didn’t know, Mtas ThorensoD, act that it applies to all veterans In London critics hailed It as "sheer visitors leaped a switch near the Into Connecticut tor resale. prominent Nazi, however, wbo eonaenratlve”, Tba republleana, he Matbewson of TaftvUle, Cbnn., Mrs. Harriet Fosut,' of Foster ed young man oeroos tte aisle was but Mrs. Talbert’s service has been the state service regardleaa of when to the ault of Eugana T. Liak of formerly of this dty. Mlaa Zlaka is Mrs. Olaon of Merldan was a re­ on the point of offering to take her mental cnJoymenL" "the reaffirma­ Ocean Parkway elevated station at The state court order w m obtain­ THf nm iuinom sf WMit to Saliburj for the Rome-Ber- said, represent tha eoBservatlve ele­ ElUngtoo against tha TOwm of cent guest of Mrs. t . R. Ladd. • tw t. haa bad as bar gueau »*<<* discontinued.” they were In war service. tions of a great man" and as being Brighton Beach. ed by tba Used Cbr Dealers' Associa­ Hi aala talka, aald that aolutloha of ments, and are genuinely so, har­ a nuraa at tha U. 8. Vaterana Hospi­ week, Mr. qnd Mrs. Fraaklto bogs. "No distinction is made between Ellington, tte ease which waa board tal at Bedford, Maas. Rev. Mathew- Touand O r a m waa wau rdpra- "Discontinued T" Christine gasped. like "Bitting at a dinner party with I^ e first car skidded 200 feet — tion. Inc. after a Federal conaUtu- tka m atest importance and of ing long been leaders In lagtalatlon about two inontha ago la tha Tol' M ta d at tha East Central p b m m ^ U i and ttiir chUdren. Barbara. During tte ride down tte coast "When T" those wbo have been In state service Its front wheels on one aSt of tracks. Uonal court dismissed a similar WoiM'Wlde repercuaalona war# son la tha son ef Mr. and Mrs. Fred ate ted been aware that tata eyes live good talkers going at It ham­ from tha right. Attempts of damo- land County Suparior Court. Llal Orange annual fltld day aad picnic ^ u l and Puiip Smith of Silvar "Two daya ago." prior to their war service, and those mer and tonga." Its back wheels on another—and action tor lack of jurisdiction. ereta to follow a eenaarvatira pat­ Matbewson of East Main street The Springy, Md. frequontly strayed In her direction. • r W l upon. <■ sued tha town of EUlagtoB for $9.' wraddteg wlU take place at Rock on Saturday at the grouflds of the "But—there must be some mis- who joined tte state service follow­ Convenatlon on Maaj Snbjecta Foreign inquirer# were warned tern, T obo said, are bound for fail- 000, and he waa awarded I I and Tollend County Tempeyaiy Home In and Mra. wuuam Tregoantog . . . PleaoanUy aware, for Chrtatlne take.-.T woe to visit her.” ing tbelr war service. C t U L F K got to take aa official certain Italian land, Maaa, on August 18th. The conversations grandly en­ uro, aa. If a eonaarratiro costa. School Priadpel Rata VarnoB Center. and son of MUwaukaa are apandtog Uked tte appearance of tte young "There’s no mistake. Mra. Tal­ toteat AH Be Given Credit compass religion, women, poUUcs, praaa eommente to the effect that ment Is desired, the people whl rote Mra. EUen Ooiabn of Holyoke. a few days at the home of Mr. and man oo much that she did not even bert bM closed her house. We hod "Neither does the act single out axia partnera wanted not only In hla decialeB. Judge Daly stotad Prlndpal Philip M. Howra of the mathematics and science. Newton republican. And, he continued, lack­ RockvUla High school who Is a M ^ is a guest <«f bar alace, Rts. M. Elmer Stoughton of South, mind hta wearing gloaoea. She liked notice two days ago.” those whose state service was In­ and Kneller, for Instance, set forth QVISH' fVflaloa of the Treaty of Veraaillea ing a liberal demoeratle platform that "The plaintiff haa failed la hla L TUdan Jawrett and Mr. Jewett. Winotfor* ^hta brood ahouldere, hta bronzed terrupted by war service. The In­ Lou Nova foas aquaplane riding at 40 mllea an hour in open chan* proof to show the daraagaa sustain­ supcrintapdeiit of schools waa at bis "Do you know where she ta?" tha proposition that curves of sci­ but alao other peace treatlea con­ and liberal democratic candidates. Rev. WilHem C. Darby of Hock- and the ounburnad look of hla tent of tbe legislature was that all nel off Hermoaa Behch, Callt, with Harlan Cook, center, and ed by reason of tbs failure of tba ones today attending tc routine Mra. Myron Burr and children.'^ "I am oorry. I cannot tedl you ence and art actually are tte sam« cluded after the World War. If a liberal government la desired by eaum. East Hartford, attended the Myron. Jr., and Barbara, also Mra. 'hair, M If be never wore a bat. that.” veterans be given credit for what­ AMBVLANCE At the aame time It waa acknowl- Jeanne Gilbert, but the heavyweight championship challenger will dafandanL El Haw of this the matters. Superintendent Hovra will curve viewed from different angles POPULAR MARKET tba p ^ le , they wUI rote far to tbe church supper Friday night and re- Chrtatlne, who habitually went bare­ ever time they spent In war service, in the future stick to something aaagr . . . Uke lighting Tony plaintiff la aatlUad only to nominal be at tbe office each Monday during Burr's fatber, of South Windsor, Christine, who realized that In art and science being two facets 855. Main Straat Rvbinow BniMinff . e *e d that large world laauea were left. malnsd ovar night aa guest of fonn- are spending their vacation to Ver­ headed, cherished a naive belief that and that such credited time be added nt aUke In the international dlacua- Oalanlo or avan Joo Louk. damagaa." August Ha WlU be at tba efflea parlanlonars. talking this much tte girl ted ex­ of the Jewel which is con.selousnesa. S E R V t C E Turning further to Intamal peli- starting August 28th untU tha open- mont. all people who disliked hats were In­ ceeded her authority, oold, “Thank to the time they bad been in the The arguments subside finally “ Where Thrifty Shoppers Shop” atona and plana now going on. clea of the damocratlc party. Tone Whan tha Board of Education of Mra Doris Devra aad Mra herently honest and sofa to know. atate service and tte total consider­ Jelat Coorae of Action t o g ^ school on Septambdr eth. o f TalcottHU# you,” and was about to hong up with this regal reverie near tte atated that ha farors ab^ltlon of tba Town of ElUngton advertised for Tliera have been several further Blanche Fordaaux of Waat Staffoni left last Thursday for aavelan^ But even If tte borehesded young ed as the term of employment In tbe Italy and Germany were aald by general reconstruction schema Mda for transporting the school was a recent guest of Mra. Mabel when tte operator colled, "Walt a end of the play: 8MOKED 1 the praaant eoorentlon-delagate Improvements made during the Ohio, to attend the lueddlng of her man were Sir Galahad In person, mlnutet . . . I w m to tell you,” she service of tte state." In every nation there are tbe . . . caa'always h« da* Informed quartera today to have north China wdth tha object method of naming candidates, and children, Mr. Llak waa one of tha Morgineon. Shanghai Will summer. Including the repairing of niece. Mlaa Barbara Taloott and ohe eould not te explaining strange went on hMtUy In a lowered tone, The personnel director requested makings of a capable .council and ■at n loint courae of action during forcing out all Britons and thair would support a mors for a direct biddars. Mr. Usk claimed that tha ’The regular meetlnc o7 ToUand Pork Chops the roof of the Old High school and Theodore F. Muagrave. Both Mlaa young men to Cousin Emma at the “if you called tbe houM while I waa the attorney general to decide a capable king three or four times Shoulders pended upon for tha hrM-day conference held by Interests. Another wmuld catabUab primary for party nominations. town school board had entered Into Juvenile Grange wee held at the whether the act applies to those vet­ jl For^gn Mlnlater Clano an "antl-Britlsh" course in junior the cleaning and repainting of u e Talcott and Ur. Muagrave wars depot. cousin Emma did not be­ on duty, that In case—someone over. If only we knew how to pick Prerioua to the. opening of tbe contract with him for the trana- hallway of tba Sykes school. Orange HaU Friaay afternoon et long to a school that welcomes erans In tte state service who left pronpL'aafa cMTfljr* Hitler and bla foreign mlnla- Take No More •choola. five o’clock with a good attendance. members of the faculty of tha doesn’t get In touch with you at them. Nobody has found out bow to meeting Tone had been advised that wrtation of tha school children at cbonea acquaintances. And a great to enter war service: those veterans do''It; that Is why tte world ta oo 1 5 e lb. l i e lb. , Von Wbbentrop. Flood Oaagar laeieaaea the gathering waa a "harmony" ef­ !I20 a day for three years and that RefreshmenU were aervad of frank- South Windsor, EUswortb Memorial once—" anca of tha 10 aad hM' High school last year. (tool depended on this visit at Cousin. "BomeonaT" Christine Interrupt­ wbo were first employ*^ by the vilely governed. 'The riddle of how An official aource aald ‘TOO per fort "I will talk as I always have", he mode preparations to fulflti hla furU and rolls after which games state subsequent to the'^ conclusion Jew Refugees The flood danger, brought to ware played. Mlaa Chariotte Smith, daughter Emma's pleasant sbora house In ex- ed blankly. "Who? . . . Are you to choose a ruler ta still unanswer­ .M t agreement on all laauea" waa Ttentam by recent heavy raina was ha said, "directly.” part of the contract which waa of the World war and If It appliea George Bernard Htew Jared. Caaaplata Im laarhri and that there waa no need Mra. Mable N. Morganaon spent of Mr. and Mra. G. Walter Smith, of cluBlva Beochmont, a few miles quite sure—” ed, and It is the riddle of clvlllsa- increased with a rise In tha Hal Later conversation devsiopad tbe later cancelled. It waa claimed that Stafford Springs down tte Board from Surf City. to persons hired on and after July 1 8TBERBBEF / 1 ■t M : further talka. What waa de- fact that 'the former Commissioner tha week end with her son Frank New Smyrna. Florida, la spending “Please don’t Ulk—’’ tte girl’s Uon." (OantlniMd from Page Une!) river which carried It over Its banks the board hod no authority to enter Jotoa O. NeMe If Cousin Emma ahould suggest 20, 1939 and those hired In tte the "burning world prob- Is definitely In the running for the Into a contract for more than a year Morganaon and family at Crystal a few days at tha boma of Mr. aad voice WM tense and hurried. "Just future. pitalisatloa faeffitlaa* ,1 lam” of Danzig waa aald to have and cut off aU connecting raU lines. 4n, Stafford Lake, Ellington. < Mra Guy Smith of Foster street. a loon to caver tte Ju t year at art Sirloin Steaks ib-lja porting with funds from abroad, I-atCr, service was resumed on coming elections, and It wee evident at a time, listen. . . . If anyone ta listening, In answering these questions the hla country might be Intensified. been the main theme of the talka at Ck>Iumbla Saturday that he la ex­ Mra. Emily H. Congdon of Laurel ■ebool, life would be much lees com­ ttta may coat me my job." Hopes to Intensify The message was sent after committees. tha Tlentaln-Pelplng railway. Attorney William J. Shea of Man­ plicated. attorney general says; • t Salaburg and at HItler'a tremely well eupported m the Tol­ John W. Taylor of Farmington, Hill, Wapptog, to spending her va­ CbriaUne, who knew only too well Cvetknvlch's return to Belgrade Japanese authoiitlea aald ap* A Japanese military spokesman chester and Attorney Robert J. A year ago, Chrtatlne would in- Is Form of MaiMtato aCTEER'II^'. ; SiNlitaagaden boma mmUmataly S.OOO of them are in land County aectlon. ■W’aa arraigned In Borough court cation at the home of her friend, what it moont to lose your job, sold from a visit to Trieste where he In- A raUabla informant hinted that aald that tha deadlock In the Tokyo Pigeon of Rockville represented Mr. Guesto of Bishop dlgntatly teva repudiated tte Idea *"The act ta In tbe form a t a legis­ Friendly Relations Japaneae*oontroUed territory, many Japanese-BriUsb talka and the ra* On tho epeaking program with the Saturday moralng before Judge Jos­ Mrs, W, H. Hammond o f Hampton. swiftly, "I’m listening.” lative mandate to those charged cpccted Kas.'lat welfare Inatltutiops- A flaa of action to reatore the Free Uak and Attorney Donald C. Flak of borrowing money. That w m be­ It waa welcomed particularly In 1 Butter competing In builncta with Japte turn to Tientsin of Japan's military former Commlaaloner waa J. Pran- of RockvIUa appeared for the town eph A. Keaforek on tha eherga of "I am to toll you,” the girl hur­ Witt maintaining these records to SIwudar Steajn to Germany had been decided nese. eia Smith, atata chairman. Smith driving a ear whlla under tho In­ cause, until tte advertising firm for ried on, "that if there’s—any trou­ Fascist circles as strengthening hope 4R but queetinna aa to detail# mat delegates had not affected tha local of Ellington. At K. C Sessions which ahe had bean w orld ^ during make changes therein, by adding Roma, Aug. 14.—OH—Draglste It wraa eatlmated BOO Jawa were altuat Ion—that Is tha blockade re- atated that In hla opinion tha rea- fluence ef liquor, evading responsi­ ble—you're to coll Main 3079, any tor drawing Yugoslavia closer to tbe the raaponae that It wraa Mrs. Mary Water Intarvala of ter Ufa rlaaaea hod the time tte veteran spent In war OetkoHch, premier of Yugoslavia, an route to Shanghai. Tbeae, It Dtrlctlone Imposed on the Britlah aon for political defeat was not bility and oparatlng a ear without a Willington time before 8 p.m. Ask for Lucille, eerHca to tte time of the state aer- Rome-Berlin axis. ' to keep the ethers gveaa- waa aald, would be permitted to concession. lack of liberal candidates, but a par- Mrs. Mary Wabar, 46. wife of license. Taylor who la emploj-ed folded up, aha hod never rsoUaed and__” sent Premier Muscollnl a telegram 1 4X4 * / William J. P. Waber of 76 Davis State Deputy Winiam J. Shea of Just bow hard jobs were to And. Hce and tte total to be figured m 1 9 * / land. He aald the Array waa acting in tlaan and defeetiat attitude on the with a construction company to Un­ Mlaa Janata R. Cbnrea "Trouble T . . . Wbo ta LocUIeT” today expressing hta hope that Normal temperature for some \ re oommunlque waa iaaued. Offi- avenue died anddnaly at her home Manchester beads tha Connecticut A t any rate, tte young man did state service. and tha remainder are living In accordance with a policy which pert of e certain wing of demoerata ion. pleaded guilty and waa ordered delegation to tho Intaraational con­ “Please! WriU It down!" "The language of tte act ta such friendly relatione between Italy and birds la 110 degrees. . d relee maintained it would themaetves. Smith hit bark at Tona'a on Saturday afternoon a abort time Bet-:offor to take her boM- bmre been auperfluoua beceuae the camps dependent on International would not be changed before a com­ to pay a total ef 8160 In fines and vention of tha Knlghta of Columbus Frtdarlck Dwight Naweentt, 84, Bometting In . tte frightened that It must be Interpreted os ap­ Shanghai streets still were clog­ plete aettlemcnt meeting all Japa- Implication that the state demo­ after ate had returned home from coats, end also given e tfl-day aue- ~ When Cbrtatlne looked about tte O la paitnaiB merely demonatrated which openod in SeatUe, Wash., yes­ who died at tha honx of hla stater. urgency of the otter girl's voice plying to existing records and not to ged with barbed wire antanglaipenta nesa dasires. cratic leadership falls to support the Rockvills City hospital where pended jail aanteinee. Being untele to dspot platfonn for Cousin Emma's a again their aolldarlty. she underwent an operation ten terday aad wtn close en lliursday. Mrs. Ctorrie Green In Meaafleld Fri­ sent a little chill down duistlne’a future records. thrown up In anticipation of out* (In Tokyo a Forign Office liberal policies, and he wound up pay. Judge Koeiorek Impoaed a SO Mr.- Shea arrived In Seattle Satur­ plain, Sfvenly totlorad Sgure, It "It ta therefore my opinion that Oka# ketorne to Bene his remarks by a virtual renomlna- days ago. day morning, waa well known hare WM nowhere in sight * MIRACLES AT YOUR FINGERTIPS * * * * * break# In connection with the aec* ^keam an said the talka wdth tbe day jail sentence aad fined him 810 day and attended prellmlnuy meet­ where ha worked. Baaldea Mrs. ‘T am writing It." ate sold. tte act applies to all veterans wbo Cknw retuned by airplane laat mdtlab could be rsaumad wdthout tlon of Frencla T. Maloney as V: S. She waa born January 33. 180S at "aba’s M^otebly seat Jaspor to ■ l^ t to Rome where be reported end annivaraary yeaterday of the end eoatq ef 88 for d rivl^ without ings arranaing for tho opening of Green who -vialted here, be leaves "Main MTV. . . . Go on." were In the state service on or be­ Brat Sghting at Shanghai In the the presence of the military dele­ senator. Hillaboro, N. H„ the daughUr of meet aa,” Christina thought iBmedktely to Premier Ifuamllnl. a license. Taylor wraa arrested late tho convention. Those In the Con­ another stater. Mra. Jennie Cbiystal (To Be OMtomed) fore June M, 1939 when the act Japanena-Chlneae war. gates "If Britain assures us of her Former Governor Wilbur L. Otto and Anna (KlUan) Simon, and Friday night on Mato street by night But Jaspor, Oouain Emma's butler . Tka Faadat preen daclarad there necticut delegatkm were apiectal of New London. The funeral waa went Into effect, but will not apply Only One Incident wUlInguesa to discuss economic Cross, vacationing In Ntw Hamp­ had lived In thla city for M }reers. patrolmen, WllUam Silk. A car driv­ —tte punctilious kind of butler kM been no dlvergaaee of vlewa on guests of Most Rev. Gerald Bhauh- held this afternoon and burial w m to veterans employed after the pM- The aimtvaraary naaaad with only questions." Britain has balked at shire lent a meteage, end former She attended tha UMon Oongrega- en by Taylor was Involved In an ac­ neaay, 8. M„ bishop ef 8eattla, who cousin Emeag would tevo—w m z Daakg. t'onal church. She leavee her hus­ to wuitogton Hill cemetery. ooge of ttta act.” one Incident—tha MnUng of tha withdrawing support from the cen­ Conirreaamen Wttllem (TItron of cident with a parked car and It la haa a particular Intareat to Connec­ 'Wtera In sight No m m on tte plat- Aide of Lepke Tbe act sUpulatures that tte term Field Maiabal Hermann Goar* tral C^tnase government's currency Middletown epeAca on party organi­ band, end parents, four sons, Fred­ ticut. Worthy MMter Leonard Todd of lag*a wan tutoraed Ikeener Natloii* Jnpanaaa* ciilbtrollad ahlpplng of* stlsged that he drove off without torm aaamad to bo sxpsetlng bar. "veteran" Is to be used as defined flea In which I I Chineaa wart Injur­ m noitt China wbara tha Japanasa zation and elme Tha masting wee erick H. Waber of Wapping, Fran- Investigating the damage done. Hla UDCla, Daniel Colwell, waa one South WUlIngton presided at the BvsrsroiM seemed to te buriylng off, Caitung, wtrieh underaeorad the have outlawed It.) conducted by Lewis Phelps of An­ cle Q,, William H. and Norman A, meeting of the 'Tolland Juvenile in the statutes which provides that gatarmlnatlon of the "taro Mendi ed. The building was demolished. At the aame aeesion of court. 81m- Hew Haven men who founded except perhaps, ona man wbo Un- Under Arrest a veteran oholl mean any resident (Generallaelmo Chlang Kai-shek The Tlentelfi spokesman alao ex- dover, aasnclatioo pretrident. of Rockvills: a daughter, Mias eon LsMIre, 44, of Woonaocket. R. the Knlghta of Columbus to 1883 Grange Friday at 8 p. m. gered by tte nowspaper stand, hla bo aoarch abouldar to eboulder to presivd doubt that a Japanese plane, Dorothy May Waber. A famUy reuntan w m held Wed­ of this state, who Is an honorably tka end," aald: snnt an anniversary mesaage to the I„ formerly of Stafford waa ar­ and was tho leeturar ef tha first face burtad la a paper, and— discharged soldier, tollor, etc., who Bhanghal Chineaa. pralaiBg "patJioU aa previously reported, had flown She also laavaa a brother, Herman raigned on the charge of being a council In New. Haven. He waa nesday at the home of M n. Joaeph A vo4ee said at Chrtatlne'a aide, T b la appliea to the burning Eu- over the Britlah embassy building at Simon and twro sletera. Mrs. Robert Krivanac to Baat WlOtegton to Amoniaa Leader of served with tte military forces at PBMan proMama aa well aa to all who are rcaolved to light agalnat fugitive from justice. He wralvcd ex­ later the flrot secretary ef tha na- *T suppose someone win be hen to tte United 8tatea In time of war, In their treachaimia environment." Peiping, dropping leaflets wdueb Talks Are Seen Davidaon and Mrs. Frederick C. tradition and waa turned over to UMial body aad Halted to Manehea- honor of the eeventieth birthday of meet youT" goilllcal and ulplomatie dectilona Trinks, all of Rockville. Strong Arm Squad in any campaign recognised m such The anniversary brought ntw said, "Exclude Britain and build up Rhode Island authorlUea wbo cams tor. having taken part In the tasU- her fatber, Rev. Joseito Rldiardnon Christine turned to find the bare- nenftoBtlng tha azia powara out* a new order In East Asia," The funeral will be held on Tuee- by tte War or Navy DeportmenL Hdo of Bmope. But the Danalg manifestations against the British. to Stafford Springs. LeMIra wraa ar­ t'lt'o-i of Campbell Council, K. of of Danletaen. There era eight chil­ beaded young man standing boside Garment Indnatry. About 3,000 persons, mostly Jap­ "It must have been a Oilnese day afternoon at 3:M o'clock from rested Friday night by State Troop­ C„ In 1801. dren and twenty-Mx grandeblMren. •Metkm, which becania a daclatva klta," he aald. As Preliminary ■bar. Ho w m older than she bod anese, marched to the Japanese tha txithcr A. WHUte funeral home er George Ferris Of'the Stafford New Toric, Aug. 14.—— Anti* a waak-end at bla Torkahlre home. city. She waa a graduate o f tbe destroyed by lira after It hod been 14 and p ro M ly longer duo to Leen Rib Corned Beef...... lOe Ib. H m young man continued to servlag a Fedorol penltaatlory rwib^rud kto a letting appease- Callera at tbe Foreign Office In- Rockville High aebeo] with the class struck by lightning during n fleree British la»der»ln north China 07m. eluded tha Turklah ambassador. ahertage of orders. T te lay-off will stand there. term. ^ ed a thrae-day eanferanca today to nUc Week of 1918 and o f the Wtnimaatie Nor­ affoet appreximatolv 300 works Li|sa Ends Corned B eef...... 28e lb. ttunder storm that swept over tte R added thet Italy and Germany Tevflk Ruitu Araa. and tha French mal School In I t n . gba was a "1 only thought”—t e went cm— Amoruao 'fled .from tbe city coiislder raaelutleni calling to f r.rh Aug. 14—Anaual outing t t Cham­ charge d'affalrta, Rogar Cambm. Although efnetals of tha eempnfty Chaefc Pieces of Corned Beef, all lean meat 25e Ib. *Tt Is lots—hadn’t I bottor wait tIU yooi' betora Ms Ifidletmant utm rt- wesUni section a t Fairfield county *1|fe not looking for war but they things as an antl'Brltlgh move­ ber of Commerce. member of tba Ool. BsBrp Cham- refused to eomment on tte curtail- TetapbcM and electric power eer- «a not fear It." Tbe autboritaUve TImea said t o ploB Chapter, D JLft ef Oolebeater. Pldtled PIfd* Pset...... 8 lbs. 25c your frisudi eomoT" tUZBSd. ment In British colonies and Canada. Nezt Week day Germany and Italy were seek­ ment the fellewlng notlee w m given A a ttitanra ssorab bM baw nnd„ Hce WM diarupted In several eom- HItler’a Voelklscber Beobachter The meeting began with parades. the Weatobeotar OongragatleBal "Why—” ChztaUas flound barralf Aug. 30— Annual outing of Unne ing “peaoeful revlsloa of seme of to each of tbe empleyeea when they way for Lspks m a result o f what munitlM and a few bricks ware MIMaad "democraUc poUtIclens to It was not likely tha damonatrators eburch and tbe Lafflas Aid aeclaty disarmad t e tte straightforward Mioebad Into tte . straat when Lodge. Knighte of Pythian at HIU's tbe remaining te n n a "^ the Ver* of the church, p reeetved their pay ebaeka. “Owteg to Special Or PresBXat Up Chickens for Broflinp or Pry- Dtatriet Attorney Ttem M B. take their ten flngeri out of the for- would attempt to enter tha Mttab a abertaga ef orden tte mill win be way t e spoko. m if tbay bod known lightning struck two bulhfiaga In a ta pie” and declared "the toon* Grove, Wepplng. tollies treaty they woffid *mo doubt 8be laBvto bar biMbaad aad per- 4wch otter tor yean, "thank you; Dewey daacHted m aa Apparently concession, blockaded since June 14. CemlBg Bvaato And e general readlnesa to confer closed during tte week ef August tte cantor a t Danbury.. tiky convince themaelvei of the but British defense forces w-ere « t o ona brotbar, Maine Robert 5fe- httt .somsoM will te bora any ala- oegazdaed eampaiga to MO off aU Aug. 38-8ept. 4 -- Knlghta of Co­ among all the Interested statM.” I4tb end probably longer. Tp an witnesasa against b ^ Hartford —T te Eostom Divtalon rtghtneae of our method—the better ' mobilized to meet them at the Nfin of Olendale. O ^orB la: two tbeaa wbo havp btan employed te*e ItS f Sprint Lamb SheoMer Chops ..29c Ib. o< tte Amariean Lawn Bowling Am- rar them and for peace". lumbus cemlval at Main street Tendency to Speak of Peneak ristera, Urai Malcolm C. McOUvray boundary. If necessary. gmUnde. ' tte last three yaara tba eempaav la Laaih for Stew iat ...... iiH atIcn, onanlBg Ra annual tournO' In Danalg. a amall crow d watched Comroenttng on the week-end con­ .10c Ib. Then aha sow . aa unobtruolvs- One resolution before the con­ Sept. 7-§ —Flower show of Man­ ferences betwroen represontatlvea of « It pieaaad to encloaa a week’s pay— mont bora today, roatoeted tu praot- tRuaual Sunday work on a pontoon ferees would make the antl-Brltlsh McNein of Roekvnia; a atop-soo your average pay over the last 1* looklaff, spectactad parson la a Boat dant, E. L. Rlcbartson of MUwaukaa, *>** epcedy tranaporUtlon with East chester Garden elub. Masonic Tern- tha Rome-Bcrlln axis, the 111000 said Chauneoy Anaoa MarkbAm aad Chacli Beef Groond...... Denied More Pet^ campaign* permanent peri of the pie. No admlaalon. “ In Berlin last night there was a month’a signta Warren Woolen 23c Ib. fra y suit eoma from on antranea Wta. b h ^ e to span the VlatuU end pro- three nephews. Donald H. asd Rogar eempany. The plant which to one ef Lower Round Ground.. . . , and mova toward bar. It wasn’t IVaterbmyu-aiie. Mbmta BlgMow, nuaeia. SIz acrtlona In the center tendency to apeak of ‘peace plans’." Royce MeGlIvray and R. g. McNalU ...... 29c Ib. "No object oould be mors worthy tbe largeet In Stafford, manufae- Jaspar; but possibly COnala B: Boy Hangs Himself t o r a ^ poUce nmtnn and cRy court « the bridge are yet to be floated 3nd of Glandala. bad a now botlar. Igta pUce.. of atatesmanablp today than a peace tuTM nae woolen and worsted ma- NATIVE FRESH VEGETABLES probaUen cOeer, died e f artbrRta aettlemant fully and ftoelyi accepted The ftmaral win bt bMd on Tuaa- toHala As tte man easts up to at ^ ManTe boepiUl wtera «»Pl«natlon could be obtained w 6t two 0‘aloak « t bar Rev. John Faaree of PreoM NsnUntPicked TeBowCom ...... 19cdoc. Christino askad 00 a swift Inqiulao. NorHatown, Pa.. Aag. 14,-Af >— bad bean a patlant 14 yoars. m Tkntlg for the movement of be­ Aerial Gas Station by ell the powers'concerned," added tbe newspaper. home In W eatabe^ Ontar. Ear. street retirsd Methediat mlnletar P^crii Picked U a a Besas...... Sc qt.. 4 qts. 19e *T wondsr If you'ra looktog for T te body of IX-yaar-dM Osorgo tween 1,000 and 1.500 German Labor A. yPallaea Camla win effldato. oeeuptad tte oulptt aad delivered tte soBMbodyT I tboogbt porteps Mra Qidglay Wm found g «»g by a Mrvlea men to the Free Qty Several, of the London papera published rumors of various "plena," BurlM will ba to tba Baat Bamptoa eersMB Sunday morning at tte l l Send RIpa IVNBaleea ...... Se Ib. TUbort sant you to moat ma. Fi ropo from a Mgb fOnoa 1 ^ Mgbt purportedly from continentid e'eleek sarHese held to Trtnitv bar cnusla. Mtas—" a flaw bourq after Ms paranta ra- Surface of Mars . BeUrve Hitler Told ^^rea^i ^Iree^t ^^eaa ...... 2 qtS'i 19c r . sources, looking toward a po^bla Mathodtot ebureh. Wimntantle. A T te man baltod. tnaad to let Mm lacraaaa hta array Waraaw, Aug. 14— Poiiah clr- Mr. and Mra. Rndnhh Tfirtir ef nunibcr e f Stafford Spetega poe^a ••eeeoeneeoaoeoaaeeeooaeeae 29C P9Cl( P*gtate. «aa generally expreav-d the view to- "negotiated settlement’* of ^ ro p a ’a ~ ‘t t tbora is aaytbinf I can do—“ problama. EUington are tbe pMentt of a m ttttMlSida in bogan; but tte terateadod young two goata m 4 a dog. Pif^tores Finished ■ b jy lUat Carl J. Burckhafdt. League en Saturday at the RaelrHlle Nona had confirmation here. M m Larralaa Cbrlstonaen o f Stef, ■ AtOUB BASEST DEPARTMENT ffan cut In: “Goerga’a flatbor b a W PA work- WNatlona commiaaioner tor Danalg a t y feed Raigbta Is ipssdkig this month or.“ aald Ma motbar, Mra. rmea- bbddlacuaaed with AdoJf Hitler the Tha British gnvemmant mean­ "Are you. or a n you not, bora to while kept close watch on tha Eu­ vsesttonlaff wHb lelativaa In Pro- Hqaarea ...... iScdoa. ■sot tbia young ladyl” atlao Qulglay. “Ha gaU glS a waak. Btoemflaetala. Booth Africa. Aug. FM blHty of "a new aolution" for Three acouU o f T r a M ^ E w danee, R. L ., tka future of the Free aty. ropean sItuaUoa for peaalbla deval- Bdaiek Pastry 25c dqa. “As it bateaua no.” T te man's Thara ore Mgbt of ua la tte fam­ 14- (F) .Pr.-R rt C. aUpbar, Amar- opmanU In tha waka of the Oer- ^"»«1ea, who are gNu Mra. V iM IA m Ist Of Furnace Blueberry Piet from Native Blaebcrriea r;-. .. .25c each WM toa tly annw *T oae ily. Bo wa Mmply bad to ton *mm aatiaaoaaar. Mar tea eomplat- .* Waraaw cewapapera featured re- man-ltallan confcrencea. It waa to tte boy aoeut eerHca eampat p«rta of Burckhadt’a vlalt to theCer- aemrae baa retuned fouowtng a Y ^P Ik liig a tram." Ooofga not to add to Ma aupply o f ^ phatoanpWag tte aUrflaea of understood British Foreign Secre­ tteN ew jrott WoekTi Fair have re- • m m en tba S. 8. Sbawnea frem O n m Made OeoWea. Henalts, Sugu’ Cook'ea. gun Fuehrer at Bercbteagaden. Ho stroUad OIL Ms glanea barely pota. Wo narar droaaaad te wouM Man, maMug 7000 , pieturM — tary Lord Halifax again would inter­ 0* kietmotlon. The Naur Tetk to MamL Florida and Butter Coeklea, Raisia OeoUea ...... 15c dosn 2 dot. U e do what te dU.” Immediate comment giaMng OutaUna; bat ate bad a many la color — during a month') rupt hla holiday to return to London three seouto. Senior F a M f lalira llsesna. Cuba. ■tufly o r tte •teariby" planet ■ afticlal circles here on reports to study the sttuatlen later this toalbM that Ms Bppamtly Berlin that Burckhardt had a week. Md Leader Wntan Ltah wui GROCERY DEPARpdENT;|3 TUESDAY VALUES spusbadnotmtaMdadstaU. As te ExeoOent HalbURy during tte daflsJU plan for peaceful settlement craned tte plotftrm aad boardod Fisherman Killed wack-aad enabled Sllidier to ob- •r the Danzig issue which bad been train whieh saaatad about to pun tala date oa tba wind dbaettan bb y Ptod both by HlUer and PoUah Tolland Clavtrbloom - out, ChrtaUaa wbo w m naad to eou- I_ rT—, -!- . 1 , M M whlcb laeaatly boa baen near- Fwaigs Minister Jeaeph Beck aa a bua cn tba ratwa M s tba aeonli duettoff bar own aflfoln, turned hot­ i l l I r U e l L I x T R S l l aat tba afiith rinoa 1984 aRbough FbPkPk baala for diacuaalon. Curb Stocks ly upon tha young non. •PPraftmatoly a«,000j)00 mllea aep- arrtHng at tka f l * tba I19P« I B u tto r ' “aotiy,” ha sold. “ But do you aratad tba two. With Rental paymrats bn organlaed intoltd natrcle nonally ran around taOiag your af- H. H, Aug. 1 6 -m - Tte aetanttat win contlana hta re- —tear K. Chaaa; >0, — — — Bjr T k « A m o cUM Pragg and they win undergo extanatve ^ T k e b e d ta e AM eociaty ed tte f t in to strangacar Bnrf CUy tan*t eTfenaald. aaazcb at tba abaarvatory bera naUI Amn luperpew ...... tratolag tte 'TM wd PedMated ctNndi Mrred e kmad.'aad Failay Bmitli. SO, a t En- arid Baptambai, then go to Jobaa- 2 lbs. 55c tho soflast piacs tor that sort of aald aarloualy Injurad today whan applicable towards, Can Mare ...... j Montay they era at' C M ^ yUhEs I In tbe Mctal rooms ec -rl- thing. In eon yen dont know, ttta aaabuig an routa boma. Cent SUtaa gn ...... Bedu tbM wara thrown from n traek toWoB atraat. Pr^danoa. R. Tte peouta at the flair w with tte tonrn la n nsaat tor ahody charao- Clto gTc ...... ■ ^•Hal Inatmila aadId nackerebleia wbKb laft tba road aad atrnek n raeevared today from Lake ■p Pp uW l ls V t i f •...... e 0 e e e a...... S o a e • e E« • • aSX® le iv08a tsra o f srary vartaty taoatraek bnuliar purchase if you wish by fframen. Ha drowned ...... gi ^ wm aH with tteI IleWtefiaa typM M n. I .Ooeg. eu fbOowOTit* El Bond and 8b ...... | ef lerHoe: Ordaritasa tor______adiMata- e f tbi rtuMut hi ehargt. Ona CddR P U ia a , fn a h ,, Cri«y.erk Royal - Scarlet,.. .Ige. ia With n paity af flK mM, tbay wbdla batting. Travan RuaUaa (whale wheateatlUBea), I try tkani. .2 lit. pkf*. lie r is apook o f hooest- aran ntazwng M M from n f ' and three ehfldrcn. Nlag Hud Pow ...... 7 buadnd City were aarved, foI- trip. 8nRlb WM takan to FT Entarprlaa. Ora.—(F>—A r Ora- Segal Lock ■oaonooboo tad far diatlaguMMd fuaeta; lock- lowtag tba C rapefm i t Juicdk ewoetwatt ari aneweeteaed. Royri Scarkt.. dtad tha poatmaatar not to. Y«a caa raat tlw hanter with aa Uni Oaa ... «»d damrertiff u In ftant ed N o .S c a a a ...... 4...... 2 fe e 2 2 e ly Mac toMaLTfone te r^ ^ V^ffmoiNf to tte ly ------— ------■ d WM Raportaat, te exptalaad, tarRi CMitract aad thea if it praffta known ermnlet ed SUttflard pieytng fltneturad akttlL I ha doaant want ta ba botbarod. « lc k l8a.Ea^Jarlle. ' Sweet Si 'eost ataadpoiat yoa caa. a p ilf a l gk>ruii n. M, baUarad to Peru e f tte FWrT oMaa at church' «a | R ^ TWe ergau end I or Ohio BhM T ip ...... has Se. i M P ^ ^ t t e ket auiwtiei* at tka , H .-^ ff)-T b e trana. tetosaantaa; good wia aavuiea to far* apedal itnbutlena far zeueieal rtalah towwda parchaat. TWateei^ ^ ef tbe very Rev. WUUaai j . Me- •Mbttore; Srat made paaffMe throagb m u D w i B e e p rla h ea ...... t ife . p ^ S2e lOOVRAM a wkidi saw the ae- Gnny, 8. J.. from the preaideney of am w ai MMdlabontna. W. Ta— (FV-T. UJberal raatal parehaoe afer .ia.aal^ ka of r r ansant Lineeln. Iff — - •..•...... 2 1x84 cans jSIr u it a m v H plan* Botoen -O------oOm to tl edltorablp Of Witt demon . . Matear waa glad to ba kadi todM was B nattw «r I^FlMd of lu «T. •••••••••eeeaeoeaaeaoaa »S ISC Tf you win awet Tyiar eanwty JaO. from uWch ho ’ a floBavanth Ban daacffaf th« faith which theOfltel nmtoStcal itedleo.1 — IQftgiSlnf reettng tn flie: r. Mra. Witt wkat dIgMIy I IhAVaB . ' from igTO to to kn by tte •oetatF of M eaA Water, fM at^aafth ...... gaRia (osatoRta) Ifc ' dayaagaHaf haa ia this aqalpaMaL aad ia br. fassciSUnrfcr Fa Jetua. eurtwiudlng thh* I wai a R iA M. 8a a F. m . The AAanchester ic Division hnewB today by t weye. ipraaant I M gsn la t t e catlsB flf thff way la whM H m m et tbs ' a t Yaara. Thai DIAL im w ^fR It QEUVBBYI - tm enNiiM m ciiri bwa adfloptsd. mihfiBiikaal . - G MAifCRB9n» KVKNiiio HOAis. lumnmsi. 0)1111, iid]fxuTrAteonri4, im MANCHESTER EVENING HEBAU>. MANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAY. ACGC8T14,1980

Mt In bL Tba . Witte far tha artlala by af na wore abjactlau t Mgalflcaaea. ftviad .at -vw* wmm mmmmm MW* m ataoM oaf thteaywapaa fM to th a l ala that the U nited L dior Rayburn VM Jotaafi by Health^ A nd D iet hoy favor la oao par- oaaloor's targe. bSa C alled to Jobs T o o u t that __ ha te Ready to Start Third Set CouwUy and sbappaid o t Tm m fMrttal mi4 natoadlag war aiqn>ltoo tor BMaad. _____li ------la aaathar to boeonaa ibittettau. ramud* •ad U T ana laerMaotattvea, Sr. Sadi in ’ThoXittlo .‘'l a t h e A d v i c e aaate yaroona a n aUaato that la, Maay toraiar hay toror vlcUaw I of taduigttg ta ’ amect* Daily Radio Programs peUUctaM daaertnad R m e i ^ nat­ two af kta I MM Iwtnda •ooh to tha 'Tpaaaa** which Bu- un4ir9ti4#flitiite Otey have aa ahnaramT aaattronaaa O n State P lan C ould C ontrol f u n . ate. have wfittea ta to tea am haw da- maala, to ualim. aa Httle aoda. Be* Of Locks on Anniversary ural that party laadara ta Oanarto conriudlng M « twMM ipttrMInB.* ropo anjayo. Which Ifr. Chaatbatw te aubataaaaa not aftaettag tha av* Ughtod thv won to remata fr tag iollavodh^HitoMavai ho la natOiMy to aeareh boaw state should back Mm for tke ta D mteoi etoquent aetroaaaa, ..w amgo iadividual. aomtaatkxt Than M« to th« ItoiUd StotM lain and If. Daladtor bought from alace bar return from ten yean af "T froaa an hay favor mrm pto n o after for the real eann of the trouble, Harr Hlttor at IfmOeh. The fliot traatmiat ■,, trytag thia method. V o aot giro 1 wblah gonerally Mea ta poor aat’ng StaO-SMaUy Swtag—OO BayMc. Watariagtoa, Aug. 14.— (/n —Rptoy an avan nwra Important row Landeen Sees Woiking On tlw etlwr bsoA the Raybuni aueeaaa on tha lAndon a t m aba 700 Unemployed Begin anaisuaoomaat wm reoatvadI vmb an* hatrad haa bean the vtotlm af M playa Hay favor te atoa aaOad hay havHM tha aatteat avoid aay IMM u( iMievtag your hay fever un­ haMta. Uae aoda aa aa emergency S:4S—TUm TIam; Whlto the Panaau Caaal ebaarvoa In world htotory ta Uw neat qui ““ the irriteriBg aaria til you have at toaat giroa thia I If It la aaedod. but at the SKIO-Not M U ag Age. To W ork under Penn* :y-ni eaatuiy than ta tha yaan slnea the Men Hold Election in thusiaam ta tlw Oarner camp, teas- Bay State Aaaariae loatbaa tlw Ititoga that —and ahortUved onaaL *The lit­ aa. aamaiar catanb aad roao favor. mudi M tha Boum taadar hM baan The ayteptoBto a n very amah tha ‘ a trial. ^ I. atudy your food hablta wnc S’taO'-Stacy o t Um ieng. the VBltod Btatea la haataning ataaawhlp Asioao awda the flrat cau- ^8sa:,ra«SM 73: thair aattaa ooustrlaa aUad Fait, Cdeisgwes eell Bhart tle FMaa” aaaa her ‘kad an tha sylvanie*a Program . Uoua paaaaga te.Aug. lA 1014. Pnlm of Hand. a dewa*tha*ltaa supporter of maay tot. New York erltlea ooncurrod) giro ama a t th en af a eoM.‘IM ayaa ba- ple.'lf ragweed waa the eftondar, the •ad lean which oetotle dtetotle mlatakeaml both tba relatorearaent aad axpsa- Thajr aia ot aararal aattonallttaa. Twenty or moro paraoua klllad In mi a aro Inaktag the aoda daalrobla. Dtet alaa of the vital link batwaan the The Bamvarsate prompted the Naw' Daal pbtletaa and hM mon- Sleepy probably tha beat perfornmaaa of tod, tha reform win uaually banlM the ’kdd eemmaat tram offUtal students ot Washington, Aug, 14—(ST— 8an< •oied aoiM of Uw adaBlntotratfea’a ____ ot thaai douhtlaw lagaid tha crimlaial train wrack la Neva­ nor aaroer. voyage. Aaothar aaetbod oT troat- Rarrtobutg, Pa., Aug. 14—(S> Atlaatle sad Padfle. onalata of buOdlag up the 9Uaatioa: Hoary Y. wiltoa: ‘ tadigoaklen'’ aad mako the further w. leae a. a Bight bundrM uncmployad "broad- PreUnriaary work will start with­ military hlatory that ‘klcban wm atcr Lundaco (PL-. UInn.) said to- BUiJop Hiawiaalaaa aa aiiaa^jr parfleipaaU da, with a long Hat af iajurod, _ a f tha taking of aoda unaeooaaary. *Y>ne acu OayBsM Bavb right" WhanRwn u a "Mg dRch" WM Beeton, apaOa af a tolaraaoa by traMtag Mm »BhvBhaeidl vrinaarv," ta Paaiwytvaala vroro out dalay en a third Mt ef toekn day that tt rival labor faeUoiu would ehuaette' to a war. It amiM net ha antiraljr tourtoan daad In tha eraah of aa with a von MwBad aamuat of tba _ Dda, what ettaet deaa ^ •wallow dsea not make a auaunar,** R adio called to Jobs today under tha atnto’a nriUtaiy Offldala understood today, atorly C^.^ ^ R ror Admtoal Alfred unite, they vrould pick Uw next tag. Ona to tha •ad a few occaalonal deeea of aoda nfw "work-or-gvt-off-rellar* pro- Tkayar Mahaa opposed vtgoroOaiy angry today. mitatda tha raalaaa ot raaaaa to Amartoaa plana at lUo, Ineluding a taga of mneua from the nan, brritaat. whick aamuat to harowtthtathaBtoeaaehT'* Maataay. Aim U though Oangraai ta Its baste to ad­ prstldMite P lan to In ten d T hv wofkad W r n u AaeocuTso ttaaa that aaiaag thaaa n igh t ba a W a s h i d ^ o i i ' a groat daal af ttoaa natag tha tacraaaad. Thto method haa'had . _ wO probably not hurt yqp, but It la 4:00—Backatagv Wtta. - gnm . journ tailed te vote a apeclfle 1377,* tlw atfuawate of numerous amlnant ^ "If the APL aad CIO ereuld gat noted aeonomtot aad marnbor ot The aoda will affect tha uawtoo to allow younrif to get tato Porty-aavan projaeto aponaorad AnwrtcaM that the canal abould be the 1040 fanatleai todlaldual or taw or aaon aidarabla aueeaaa olalamd tor It. but gaatrte Juleo which haa baaa provl- 4:1S—atona Daltoa. 000,000 appropriation wbaa It togetoer, they erould bold turn a t 1< M« fMW M WMlMIvato Praaldant Iteoaovolt'a original It haa alaa baaa kaown t f i taQ. the haMt of eattaig ao earotoaaly that New Tork, Aug. 14.—Tlw NBC by , munieipallttos, govaromaotal anthertaad the project. aeutrallaed and not forUfled. The alcotfM In Uw palm of Uwlr band." C oncerts W eek I at BaaaaMaatNii who oouM aoaka htouaU haUara M pattent with the oualy thrown out ta the way o t mak­ aoda beeomea a frequent aie»aalty to 4:10—Vie and Sado. neiea and Institutions—hut not World War, whleh had started when off, Uw Senate taitod to sw *aa aniaiM to tt ’■rain Truat:" half a doaan Na­ la abto to taO afeoad of tttaa' la gtvtag tha pattont r a t o 1 fM ing it neutral or ovan ataahaa, pro- 4:4S—MMatroam. and CBS natworka wUl broadcast y Praaeuro from both Army aad Lundaan told raportora. “Tha farm pubUean Oovaracr S1_____ o ta s s that ha waa dotog bla own cauatiy D a y b o o k aaeuro roUef. • 08W of the activity during tM U. tha type that could ba handlvd th Aneea nwde her first voyage rota vrould bertng ta. and they oould araatwa la iMa tloaal Ouardamaa daatroyad by tha w to the attacka wm ateit. Bay tha ateanttal th&M la to ovoweam vldtag a targe enough deaa ta taken. S;0O—Tba O lfolto. by WPA, PWA or private Interaata Navy to behind tba urge for speed. Mtttod tha toaua.. cf a bOl wbleh would havsl I tatol aawt tab* a aaratoa ^ atriktog at any rutaar* favor to largely aiaanaal ta aaturo tha patlant’a taadmqr toward aa ah- 5;1S Seag aWoato. a. Army m anauven a t Manaaaaa, The 4>,000*ton .etUaahlps aoea to aaarch right tato tlw whits House." Uwlr aatertoa from lA flC ^ buratlag of aa oxUUoty ahaQ at •y nWROH OHUVl Oaatrte Jnlee thua ehaaged to made Vau, and PtotUburgh, N. T.. bo- —vroro aat up aa a part o t the WeMfi Haro NaoSad Two Plaata He aald "tharo la nothtag to hops StodebridfR Symphonic f toaabMiaMaaa at aUa part ot tha Anarleaa natloaal aad moot af the attacka develop dur* aarnml raaeUearioa aad to. •tflotoat • a a dlgoariro aid. 1 5:4S—UttM Otpliaa Ai atote’a effort to get aomcthlng for be rtviteA barely will be able to. Without tha canal, Mahan pre­ for Manritol SMilottiq I batala ara alaa fa* r t Kaon; tha uaual woak-and lag the anmmar aad fan. to the atata of laaanAlty onjeyod' A T h o u g h t «;00—Nawa OM Waatl twoan now and Augurt 34. aqueeaa-through tha praaent locks, tor" from alUwr tki^OemocraUc or acaalona. the tostolatora aaaaoaor epaa to attack bjr him. my noona urovar aoda Bsay ba tempcmrlly helpful Reb The broadcaita atartod Sunday Ita money. dicted, great aeparate Unltad fltetea Uw RapubUoan parw- aqd arguad Festival Draws More crop of automobUa ateughtartaga 'aahiagteb—'Thto outgolag. aaa- Y o r I of tha ro- byotban. at to not ) whan then to aa e :lS —atibtrtetty Sporto with Eventually tha eommonwealth ex- aad OongrsM w m odvtoad by ex* floota aright ho eonsldared tmpara- 000 a year. Aaythteg to ertppla tha Unltad ovar the oountry, oven a aooro tuiB of tha ■nidi to iMio'tto Stavla. vritb provtew tolka and wUl oon- that tha tread to toward even that a naw. eountry-wlda Parnwr- Than Gipaelty. If taxauen aad relief I all tat at M. to *. laaa of Oengroaa eould aawy go of hydrochlcrlo add ttnuo wtUi a WABC-CBS pickttp pecto to put a) 300,000 tiro for tha Atlantic and Padfle. Labor eoallUon could oomaaand • t i ^ hla eountrjr*a potantlal ana- af paraona Injured la a aubway downa la htotory aa tha gaaond w i r atood. Howovor, ta I M Boatack ba* from peOan or othar aubataaaaa to of tha toot that It lodueaa fi:SO—BOTnbard UvltoWs Ikiaam- able-bodtod relief redMento te work vaasato. OongTSM WM told at Uw tost aaa- ncoaaaltatod hoMiiig a gaa to atady tha aohjaet aad later wlrieh ho to aanalttva. aa It la to ro- from Hawaaaaa at 10:10 Umigbt. stiffletettt support to wtn Uw her •tea, M aonw cata, bom lUUvaai Tba nyl Evan to anaQ aatoat Aajr- train eraah at a Coney Maad tor- of thah a ItobaOloB. l t ^ ----- the ataouat of frae add actually id'de San'*! **"8i/Yai!Mrtriek under the plan -created by an act rims eeneetn of tha army, Btofi. whan the proposal w m tente- tional cm p a l ^ _ BtoekbtidSA Baaa, Aug. I4-- Mr. Rooaeveira earitor throat to b u t fit Um ka on aaturday, which *. adariaiatoatlea ebjaetlona Shm ton-iM p puUs sis snothar tjrpiesi fMtius of tha period. TUI slradar to pfObably- fair to poor the more" pnjeeta are on thair way to­ vrithboM hto aettro support If Uw moro eelMW, thaa tha *kbad" lb- turn up a tot of bravo mileage U :a a -N a w a balf.’* Exposed H eart teeted at first by a atemlaaa cock­ ••If. Tha loogara hoard quRo dtaappatattog to' Shlnrjr Grabben won overridden haartUy. The Mg r e a ^ poets, tarmfiwting in urn tops foUow tba 18th Century style. Made of j;00 a. m^—ailant ward approval by county aaatotanca tail gtaM wbleh later gave way to Damecrata aoariaatad a oaadldaU obatoualjr tba while wo do laat m enn additieoa w an amda la the m shogsiiy veneers end gumwood. B egulsr I12S.OO. boards, charged wRh aupervtotag • trsaapareat "taoubatar." aot ta ayapathy wRh hto ebjo^ Ifaaaaehuaatta which hi Senate where, under leaderahlp of DIaltag tonight: the Tka bate, who wdghad • I outalda totruatoa and Senator RuaaeU of Oeorgla, weU A.M. W B A p -m ^ T . iDlek Tracr. B aby Is D ead tonw ef Oaroacta'frtanda paadtot- t» tha paying tha nmabara ot Ita Mouoa ounda at Urth aad imaienUy ot ItapraaaataUvaa «3,000 a year t t o a quartar-MUlaa waa add­ T:M, Kargarot ftwaldi aaon; A roikan wm reeetro "laevatltag normal cacapt tor IUw the ClipaxpoMd •d m at tka vtoa preaMtoatk aam- atrlkara arhieh ed to the agriculture budget flguro. •taO—Praneli Ooetor L Q.; • :« . HeranrRMdra wages" about SO to BO eanto an palgn tor tha poMklantlal noariaa- to a Mt atlrrad up over tba TtaO—Steatag Wa baart. ahowM Ino alamring ayaap- C O A L . e e In New York And the Incroaaed baneflte wen di­ iKMMfawa aad Woatlwr. Xhlgkta: A Joaaf PaatotMck oon- hour tor eommon labor and win ilea vroold ba atoppad up baoai fact that tha ropraaantatlvaa ra- rected heavOy aouthward. 3 Pieces, only w alk only m long M nieiaaaty to Victim of lU re Malform* unUI Priday morning, wl OM OsstlpsaylB to httehy dalay tha focmal S:ia-Hl-Boya. reapiratory trouble davalopod. af nr. Boosaroltk ihclaratlan. - Haa Og-Stago WABC-CBS—e:IO. Blondto (waM •am ragular eroakly leltof cheek. UMIa Nbtlraal Bigaldaaaeak Q. 8. W lLUi i SON. INC eantiy, to Maw of tha oircuraataaca i:S0—Badlo Baaaar. Autbortttoa ef two o t the atatoto ation aad Inroads of Oxygon VTM a.tariBtotarad ta aa Oteatk No. 1 - g: a-Bliythm o t the Day. / repiat fiJO); T, Bi^. Jow^ W. m New Daal elrelaa> ttwrs wan IMsiRflA nMBt$1f$ that tha atata haa gona on tba hlaa- The 2 S e r a a n did not wla out 4 ICartta on "COP Accompitonmanto etttaa have held out from Rronchial Pnenmonia. attempt to proloag Uw tafsat’a Ufa. prodtettona th at B ayb un ’o tadacM appotontljr. aron aa •taO -ilaey Lao Tratoe. / A blood traaafualao. wltb firo eubie ^ IIntol ■■■ ' “ aaaaton ■■ 11 I aawaroawabaato, rotadwwww aaaMgoWavW thamaalaaa ■y Oaarga Bow alone. They won la maay of thair •:Sfi-Mnaw Whfla Yon Work. ta O eafron;’’ T:SA Howard a ittoa ta the program. Ifayer nt of Oanar vrould have Uttta totiualan vany myaiM 11,0 0 0 for tha Maimium, UhmIM all efforta principally becauae of Re- $ 9 7 -5 0 Shaitan; a:IA Ouy Lomhaido; t. So D. Scully of Plttehurak oaBtlmatars of Uw toUwt's ble publican auppdrt •:4»-TIW BaiaMtaff Oewbeya lA — (*) — Raby provtdad only a tomporaiy tapreva- ^jthalr work win ba dona to ona New York, Aug. 14 — Tallulah SOtaO-Tka Man TMu M thto ta Badla. d mambara o t eouaen "thtak R Bankhead dooea’t atead on foraaal- Tha concluding blow of thto eom- WJS-NBO-A OrnlUM ef Dl* ta not to the elty'a advantaga.' Mary Bafist Rafatl. bora cna wrok *w*Pt tha oaant of apadal Ity. Oreo around to her dreaalag blnaUoa waa the orneklag of the tOtaa-*totoi’a Othar WHO. Raadtag'a Soeialtot mayor, J. Itenty seo with hflp htofi i? *^t**"y^ y*** to lOtaa-Jmt PtalB BO. __ aro; T, Ordar of Advanturaa; ciwaA died today, tta vtotlm of her - - l a l y tha aaaaiona. Tha togtototora ara gat* room without aatiea aad Tallulah •pending-tending H a ItepubU- 10:4a-Tka Woman In WhRm T:SA True ot Patoa, niaw Ubm ; A Stump, aald tha plan would banafit waavora. 1 ugg a handaoma laatog from many will carry out gamiloualy. c§ne and aoutharnan lad tha attack Kte, MW ttma; fi:ao, Badie nattlwr tha city nor Uw worker. ra n maltorniatloB aad tlw tarroda 1? “ ‘•■•uata by whloh It waa whit- j|:00—OavM Banim. ’Thua far, only ona relief banaS- Ob oronoBm pnonowoo* G ear Away Debrii ***'“ of tha atata'B nairapapiia. partlon- —a waa g c ^ on at aa anar- iliU------U im m to J Jc o tm . mnA wish Haaawnd Baanatt I to panoada tba CiMnay work* gotta verbal paoo tha ather ova- "Pam and Poraat Oanawi ela iy aaalgTWd to work out hla doto Doeton amssBil dnth tolly for yaiy earafuny avoldlag siiiffvii'is.frsa.T O I WMaw 1 chock eras nported to have refused cauaad by wHsaalro heart waak BtHka In ordar | nlim . . . I o f U fa. Ron." In Wake of Storm anything Ilka a raoord yota, AU '^ a ll moaning friaada barge Tba aoma oomHaatlon la tha Houae MBS-Ckata—S:S0. Author Au­ the tsM—and waa drogppad from tho dm to ecagaattan o t tha lunga. ttab.i to amaaaed moat of the votea by which Istao; leltof reoa m tha taw raoRrifea. Puaaral arraagaaaaate wan wRh- that la kaown about thair todlvM- back atage after tha parformaace F.M.______thor; fidiA Paavaat o t Malody. : A fight awnathtog that tbaj every night, Satter mo with their fsaar1* flMly Bfam ^ waa--- ^ prevented from roach- U:U-OayOn«ML What to aapiwt Tuaaday: That eras la ceatraUy-loeated Iff* baU vrtrita Mayor Juan uai poaltlona on tha auh)act to that lag tha Boor. coming county, firat to gat a rcUaf- cuaaad wRh tka faUwr, Sl-year-old Apalatarioota, Pta.. Aug. 14.—<« to laudatory oommanta on my ebar- Whan tha UtaS—▼••• Pamtty. WBAP-NB^1S:4S m m.. Wom- Iff of than voted tor tha grab and aotorlaatlea af Raglaa Cltddtnp • —* relief bOl wwmm « U taS-Toor Panrily ead Mton •n’a elib program; f :S0, Pepper vrock-pregtam Job under vray. miatag company caaptoya aad lai Rcaldante of thto gulf eoaat aacaon only W agatoat IL Invariably wind up by aaylag: 2 “.“ !*? .''•praamttaUvA WooKim M ;ll itagta* Bast. Touag; A CtaM mualc. tha paaalbllUy ef turolag •at about todtar to claar away dahria tha *f Vlrotota, tod the aaam comblna- Uw bahyto bafv o n r to actoaro tor n * bprtogMd tlhlen potote out “ ‘But TaSttlah, you p o o r ___ ^ m obtaktaw on lavoatigatlen l;00 ■■ Nawa aad Waalhar. CM-Chata—1;4A' Tune Tlaw; In Uw waka of a anwtt tropleal ragitoot that tha pay of roproaantotlvoa _ -rovar oaa you play la Naw York ttaa—Vkitattaa. - J 3:SA Btocy af tha tong; A Bxpler- to aUauanaerr Doaa not tba beat got of WPA. The raault oraa that ItaO—OraUBaa MOMMIaa, C razy Inventor Ta tom AaSapap Into storm that ew aead normwast Plort- ■gparant tha othar Haw ttwtaad la maay of tha ao-oalled "ultro-Ubeml" bur snu da Saturday alfkt aad Mew Raait rau dawaf Chat you gat away to faaturaa of WPA. such •• the fed* WJ$-1N B O -11 a. sir Joaub Dr. O u U lm o DM StatU o, hara and that tf laa toUowa: Oonaaotteut fSOO for the mouatalna er tba ahon tor a O ^ . daMvarad tha tafSat laat Monday a t but ysaterday ta rain aqualto oror wal thaater, went out Roatrictive • MMr. K ills H is W ile atrlha, after tha Mannhiua; Ifataa, ItfO, yiet* montbr 1 think It'a dreadful.’ fWturoa wore written te aad pol­ r of Allea •ad Ba Chattoaga;" U:3A Pana a aawn amtonrity hataltal te the w in ropoctod may S' aat- nmm; Haw Kampahlro, $ f , ‘T eould won be aparod their I M ia . and Heew hour; S p. ta.. Opera Tonda Hum aaoUee, aald be 44 ished off both III the House S.taa-T1w Stoiy of Itonr MaaUn. li§4 rsstofwt ------ta d li- tor I awm; Varmoat, liOO mdetoncea, well-meaning though Sonata. froni MUaa, Rata- other doeton had daddod to per- ttos dtonmtod by d-nrila an hour thay may be. Yor the flrat Ume S:ia-M a Pvektaa. ______Scow Tlwaday short waroa: OSP aotopsy lator todi^ _ lata whatlwltk to a day fir apaotel aaai Reproaaata- Attadu Dan^ter with vrinda and torrooUal rstaa whloh oe- alnoe Tro been la the theater Fm tWv Smith, oucceeded la whUitag sJ a f appar-Touagb lyally. OSD 08B tandea, S:SAlA Arcadtoa The mothar, 34-yaar old compaatod Uw dtoturtaaea, Sita ***• • 9M0, monlanim. la a Naw York Mt thdt to n auc- S:4a-Tha Pomoa; DJD SatllB. a i o . ' Otto Hammepy Then Slediee patoaao ItatoaL raealvad wood ebartad laat Tuaaday Hwnriat aortk- tha valvat hiiM* Tha Uhtan to aatraaMly aaorafut ‘ that It oaa run through a PMebo baad; PCI Btodbovan, A bar bahyto drnm ta aOanoA but •aat of Puerto Bieo. ------_ anwwar aad nor Meada to maay aoutlmro tadua- ippy program; TPA4 Paris, H is Own Throat. tatav aald: "It to Oodk Iteporto from anmanmltlro whicb 1 • 5 S'" that you gto batter an aany for aaol 10% Baeard eoao P**aw ha dtolgovaraaNat from batter paid ugia- totaltote. Agata tha eon of ' wUL" on the brunt ef tha atono tadleat- ! . . ! J , l T ro romrt maay a aumaaer •upport VTM from the South. Formal or Informal WDRC Saum Nyaek, N. Y- Aug- 14—«n Ska MW tba ■xpoaad heart tor •d BO fsaiwlttoa and ao groat 1 _____ ^_*^l**t*" tb«ao who raoatea ^jan laat tan yean at the ahora, • V • ma first ttate ysaterday. •ga te Uria aoetton. Jaraay atand I a vary amok —fUy* ta M awuatalaa, evaa la a Now A anioA wkaaltaf Mia. BafSta to Heavy gatoa upaat a boat a t Oadar fruit-1 aa it tahaa thto dtag at Ita York M om ent, but not from tblm SM otxoSn ^w q u ^‘ for 45 M illion H old a aaw iooba paused brtoOy botora Kays Saturday meratas M tha dto- rd have given aur right MOO.000.000 autherlsaU oa^aium aaultt by bar craaad tavoator totkar. th agtaM nniaafy vri tunwaro antarad the Onu of1 . . rhhbtoggraupt *170 proto tor a goad play, aad have etoaraaeo waa atoned by eouthom for Budget or Mansion Home btadaaoa bar to daam after rroaaliig pantnaiils soum Plorl- .M toM to m . ahOd - - ^ todBjra - „ togtototurao wito my ohaaeea on the thar' om atuoa which oontendad It waa _ % , _ . Security C ards wim a hammer after totally ~ ' Orta croft, y hsr af af tha Itoanay aay ona of thaaa ftvo atetea aad ba r. Tha hot weather got prladpally of benefit to a itaritad ahOdram w m draenwA gaaay on totto* hatter off thaa wo ara aaw." BM dowar Bay. rd ^ a aaaaou raw big eltlo^ The toUwr, Batah BaynwnA dS "Attkaagh •Iraady aapael at tha equator were I aaaund ot The Hatch bUl to outlaw "peral- 4:1 O w k ait > a rih a ' aatttomaat, but Alaa It aaaaw to baUoro that If waalthy totoitaaae angtaasr, cMiaax* w h a t l aaw, Mvar thought aaether iittla Yosaa."* doiia poUtloM •ctlvltlaff’ of fSdmM You *re sure to find your new bedroom at 1,800,000 Needf Aged •d to to n t ot madnaaaby alaihliw hia would, la M I «d by Nty fw any aa waa aa tha Oovaniar la ltearton wm Juat vote •ktaloyeaa waa barite to ha elaaaod throat wtm a imaor ta a laelMdbiam- '•V that aa aouthara logtolattoa. aa R vna CoHerting Federal Id M batataaa. X amaaura, thua eompai* A WMrlwM af VMMNy I ef hla palattal II laoai hi M ay bshy ta 1 i aa- Mag a roeord vato on It in tha Alabaaia’a oalebrotod daughter to liritlated by the ttorTuoUe^omo. S t a l e a m ia Program. Ba dtad savarta heoia latar ta a 1 • /'V a lady of vaat enthumlaama. Soma- tor whoM name It boio. Norotw pttol wRbont legatatag haada^ th^ Rouaa a lot of Ifaaaaohuaatto rop- M IM R had heavy auppert from — Nawa^ I a a aare aha vrouM Ska pne haa aald that wore bar vitality i4 - « n - /n w Ri" - •* — waaka raaantativaa win ba put Into tha haroaoaed, enough poorer eould bo aouthara mombera. who ccnaldarod -WATKINS AUGUST SALE- Bto IS yrar cM sttn eO ro dang America *s leading makers ofjma., ______PhMtteal autddaa. bo- generated to moro aa anny corpo toa“a5Sth! “ **‘* * * ^ to Ra a aun m erttlesliy weak fro w toM ero^ If eauaa Tfaaaaohuaatto paopla road acroaa the country, flaamlnalj. abe Btvar Bojto. timer btowa on ma head ■ la Uroleaa. Intaroated la a eauaa. Wagwkour amandmaata. fought anm. u o t the < by the admlatotrotlen, made Mad- lydAiOOAtSSwaakatbl fRctola had dKOeaRy m gv*> Jn ^ ^ taaT aa : tadlkaly ^ tha coot of that The throwa haraelf Into It with tho s a t t a Ranges presenU a most. la aaerlfloa thaaa* I aaarat vota ualaaa tha aoM nu» fronay of a medieval crusader. way targMy because of mmport of llt.0 0 Thrss-Plses Bedroom with Colonial mo-A Tha hsaiA « tu o-w I «ns aT j S t tif Not ao long ago ahe atonaedatormed the w th e n a ro Who had'*p ^ S d m tifs. Bed, dresser, chest in mahogany vensers. 7 a.. o f m e I tSS^Ikrlb^-dd Ptaa about tMO.000. Urited Btotea ieaate to fight for IM-TO nm e*Pieee Colooial Bedroom In solid mspla: ask Tka- trtet Attorasy M aantlauatloa of the redmral W t t f f O ^ t o I an tn m atoraya, Thaater. y>.tto low tahSToMa bSite to* drsww Intariora. Brsehet bsae dreeaer B A m a tn O that what aaata tha meat to the cniitrTe T n lh W radt’b MaUro Juat BOW hmr paaalaa to the New Ytaany aeuthach atatoa , i,, , Ht4.M T liraeO ^ Salem Cbeet Group: FineupU poet, and cheat; aemi-^ool bed ...... e f O y a D U mrangh hatf a 4 AUGUST SALE VALUi A toiaoa would atm ba a York Gtoate. Bron Been Ithough th ^ ' 'era tka atadta normal nwM to a abawdown the'mto! er bad. Isrge Salem dreeaer bsae with besutifnrmUriw. Tha .1 •Vfi I ravolta at tonmo If you paid two doQan far arolww rmident ta the awmad ourlte amaadmanto by Saaater anaand matchingmaicaing ehaatcneev ofor ' ;4- • Itof that hu- it In the National Leagim. 1 AbMR: P baoay aald tb a i -a^afTauaa Th^v^TS. tbrSifbfa .^vlswwc qaajiaMaCML tha dOATW af thna yamw 0 daMberataly cauaad tha W luteb oriQ broad aa a herotle I aeamnita bad tiianail frira Id 0 ^ • fPT aay goatleawB ba|d 1105.00 Three-Piece Modem- Bedroom in aolid m ule: I o f tha : tranaeonttoentai euntan finish. Dresser bsae with nnfnuned round lOtaS-BaYkhi ta I euptaffi enough to hint that tho Otaata TteM traauRhM baaaaroeaup SO Stam a; Stad I s a a rranctoeo" in ■ •regb’b T o m to * may win the peaaant. Bar* aat of aouthom t a t t e mirror; dieet and ------sotas-dL B. Anay ring mattaae daya ahe alta In a bed night. But ap- SpaaulatloR aa to tba nature or parto and a aubataatial. teamathu tlM -M ThistoPleoe Reppalwhite 18th Century Bedroom I e a a V • • a "" ** MaWTR bon directly oppodte the aiant ^ t t e labM lawa whoM Stoat dl- $ 8 9 . 0 0 t M to m a facta competo tha eaafaranao batwaan Count dugout at an home gamea of the with dreeaer, bed y id cbeet. Mahogany aavartbalaaa. No .todlreouy, wm to raduee p range eon- Ctoao, MuaaoUal'e torolga mlntotar, Terryaaan. ebeerlng them oa from too South’s oomi^atttM advaatoge veneered ^wll^raa m as. PWaat P in DUAL OVEN mbtaatloa ot 2 * 2 !? to the toat. Bwantly from Its etomp dreum* aad ChanoaUor Hltlar aad bto tor- $125.00 Itee^Pieoe Posaant-Cohmial Bedfora; a unique ato brought tha antln Otont teem, U :ia-B i Tho ‘tod ter abcl* alga mlntotar. Van lUbbantroo at playofV M their vrlvea execu- nmdanM design in Bed with spindle ^ tea. ma ^ . ****.f*^ onadlttono ravaaled ISaUburg, aad aa to Ita outaoma. to Ivea and norta wrtten to a per- U taS-O sI' by tevnaUgatlon after tha dtoaater ahoar guaaowoAi wlthouf avan Ovl- JSlf.00 Ifcrae-Fleee Sheraton Group by Grand Rapids tionta head and foot ;drMaer and U taS-^an Oaikaata ( I formanee o t "The UtUe gdaea,’’ CB#ft ...... a e e a «••••'•••• . I I • th I antertainod tham with a buf- Quotations*' puiM craftOB^ Genuine mahogany with mtinwood Itta a -T a d Wasafs ” * ^ toa atop aaovad aad ro-|baeaoaa th a n hoo baan ao oa* fet «• the atage after tba bandings. Bed, dresser anddiessing •••••••••• ••••••••••••••# aouaeamant ot aay agroamant on «talr. vtbrmit „ ***• l*hnpo aad prohaMy action with nlatlon to tha Bedroom; finely dto PM than one penoa, did that Job quarrol. It to aammod m to ^ Intervtowar. Aak her a ^ read of the thtaga signed Colonial bed, bradcct bsM dresser ' question aad the aaawer, quick, there. ^ P«Mndiig with aoma ahow of roaaoa. th!!t •ta a tenrent o f words. Did “ • Nevfito $17$.00 Ihma-PSses Colonial Bedroom with Ogee brack* and cheat Made by Irwin of Grand Rapids lU a fnilaaly tha bind of honor that Italy haa not put bar otemp of op- Bwkhead ever place a bet r Grand Rspide made bed. drees* af tha Brittoh ta er. chest Gemtiae mahogany ...... 5 ^ , tka Mat flaatl; — ______■ ____ _ «■ aay plan that HlUar may ‘T’toca a bet? I had atateaa STJOAdOS 1 . 2 2 ra^to polat oo- have had tor aa Immadlate o o i^ jroee romriag for me aU ovpr Ba|to*tor — Nowai toated tor tha parpatrottoa of tha that direction. the ommtry at laat Wodnead^ $11$ J5 Thm ^Pisse Colwtial Happehrfalte dssign in solid ^aaa. tha partrotly logl* Nobody but tha aetual portlel* B u t l ^ and Rosa that’a myrntaA^ MiaKaiasur’*’ ghamy.’ Slaigfa bad, dresser and E A 11^5 BSywM&rtoTItaSaf M SeM tor iJO jPeur-Piece Slmrston group 1r gmraine msbog* ~ flad back If bAGoodTimo m taeaalng room ao that I could wivatra?**' Oktooooaaeeeaeaeoeoamatawnwng | f:>a-«aatTka) k»owl«df« I at Salaburf: aobody haa aa got the roaulta at tha toteraria- Mads by tbs G r^ »taS — BbM I — Nawa ToTok# “"■•amiif tmitcatad, all ara «ri-1 InkUaf as to wlwt OMtlutfiaa 'm%tt M Than the rodia w w M ^ rm dgataat him Bad. diesssr. chast and I Of at dreultod or ««—^»»»ig aad lha< i B ^ ’ah- tor n tm s dMmdaat oM o f o a i y otwtodarotton and roaehad. If anr. Tho only 2 2 to pheaa tourtoea bookmat^ for $142.M Three-Piece Cuehman Cohmlsl Gtoup In aolid fta a -o a On A •d S10A30fi.SAjB tba Of o f a mtad or mndallmowB to that wanf to Itela- -John U Uwta. C 1. O u _____ UtaS-Protly BRty 1 yaar. ba SfidM I^pM M the roaulta Waa I taatatharr by Beppehriiite gatod 9SAfifiAMS>Sr ITAldS' LOW I 00 far aajburg, that ho talhad wtth teVhr tag claar hla vtowa on the Oanier wna-Mytt aad Ml r to ta i eaataiteay. / ■ w «fsi^ co^haped drawer paIlt.*i|gtaA . ranw M :r ----- “ S o ta T h a a hted af m«] Wbbantrop. that ho want $4$4iOO Flrs»Flaoi French Court Group in genuine ma> Bed. dreeaer and c b e e t...... l 2 8 a 5 0 lU TB AND n id of aural waip, what ut- Ihaok to Itoaaa—aad that natbiaa Tha eleetrle*lSn$2 to htah ta jrpratoa af HannaB Shuarita, Apmumitly the Ohhbd Statoa and Grand Rapids made ^ dreiw . quality maylhao baan gtvro out to tha wocMto Britota aro embarked Oh aa opaa A j^ ta b la , bench and bedside yTOtom jy paoducer Of ‘The Ut* program o t attmaptod fruatratton of AVAGiAlU -______-1*^ OW ftdta Jopaa. MOB* - te «wealvaaf|whatovar from tha pniiay. yor tba ------_ to tha boat diraetar j» P M aatMad I • total < • otou ao Tiiaimiiii drotowlraot.aooparoooCoguoaBtoaoBood TTOoror waakad vrith.” ahomrid. MBtlHMlftl flr si^siy tag; Ids my'ymSP*'Mks daaead ®Bdcheat ^Pa^w^rw' FU VtoglBia Red m oowhida boote, $$$.00 ThreaPlem Early AnamkHi Bedroom In aaMs Iteaaig H to ropert- out any o t ---- DeaOu L ati N igki t o a i 8m as IT od that tha NaM mOttety perwimM a s T A ’ i S ’A i j j i a oae today. gala ar adnstaga to thaaa-fhaa S toagle aeacw. la $ 4 4 . 5 0 has raaaked the properttoaa o t a we niwaalonally had diSeroMea of •Vght dtvtotoa,'* that military aup- optaten about how a line topour ta thrM«h be 10^ ^ a a writ or enttehte M ftovtea of havh« bo made. He aavor gate Tkm o f repalta V VIV . tolpyardw- M»MHteua uuieadkw: while af ■ XANClIEVrEB BVBWIWO HBBAIO. B U N C B nna. i .HOlfDAT. AUGUST 14, IM S BIANCHE8TER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. MONDAT. AUGUST 14, ISSS F A Q iim "

He left a leUef train at AI)buiTo"wn Pair Describe Ito, CoUr. PfiUcB H r 4 B a r O afy Gives Kiwanis Picture OBo hi the coadi I was w was ' BtiRE GivoB Hia B rUi No Opposition was aa laa«dlbls aigbt to ass . . . Vfc*-"Ws /w ars Just tkat hto train pUM np ^ sutoh- iMiag nqng whan shddealy there KaoxvUle. Tsaa,, Auf, Cards Topple Reds Twice to Trail Leaders by 6 1-^2 Games Tbs Just Vs club will raset to­ Wreck Suspect morrow night St ths horns o f iira . woed. Btael hcldgs aersas wtoch crash sad ths Ughts —Answering m imirginij call To Bus Change Of State Welfare Job Etta Lovelsnd of EIro street. tha aagtos Joltad waa Htoralty ton WSOt OOte that two poMBta “ertra benttag to Mirsda oa It waa stvack by gyrat­ •The women>ere soldiers, though tbelr child nearly to dsaU.“ two Mr. and Mrs John Henry and Motorifitfi TeR of Over­ ing aara.” ■ad there eras ao sign o f hystoila police offlcere found a perplaaed loner Robert J. daughter Irene of Pasadena, CaL, LIks otbora at tha survivero, Mun- smoog tham." ^ mother end a aeapf boy. Heariog Held Today in hearing Drunken Rjdl- gsr paid high tributa to th# courage Msilo Oluati, Sb-ydar-old Chicago *T was giving him hla bath LMeup of Davis Cup Team Still in Muddle Moriartya-Bluefields Vie [Annex 4-2, 4-3 Wins who are vlalUng for a iiiOBtb In the Hartford— W ould Cat Rndfeb T dls Q ub About Kaat with relativee In Boeton, Mate, of Tbslma RIstvedt at Chicagik'stew­ bank dark, ssid: ' and be didn’t like it much.” • road Man Grum bling. “There was a aqueaUng sound KaSensire Aid for Con* and New Rochelle, N. Y., were ardess sad tha only rsgistersd nurse Time by 8 Minuted. week-end gueate of the Andrew aboard, who sdmiaistored to ths In- and Uita ths car toppltd over and Again in Benefit Contest Third Largest San Francisco, Aug. 18— OH — over and faU down tha embenk' iM cllcnt Needy. Johneoira o f 81 Clinton street. They dasplto a “tsirlfle blow on the A hearing on tbs proposed Mb- Three-Way Tie made the crosa-country trip by auto­ Description at a poaaible ausp^ In msnL Rj^gFailxto j Roy^s Nine Still Seeks wracking of tbs $3,000,000 streanl- “Then after we stopped rolling Painter Admits sntuUon of buses for trolley cars Morlorty Brothere and tha Bhie-Ahan, far from E but Wiley seamed . OOBMeUent’a «steiulv« efforts to mobile, stopping St places of Inter­ “Shs was practically out on her on the Oonnectlcut Company lines est en route. llned train, “City of Ban Franetsco," heard gas escaping from the car. fields wm pUy tomorrow evsnlng j ^ have ths holsnce and supply tha •M tiM unfOrtuBSts through the was furnished police by two young fset,“ said Mungsr, “but “b she kept took off my ahoe and broke a win­ hstWsea ths South tei—ilnus hers Impress by Win First Twi Loop Victory Features Play Turnout in St. Michigan motorists. trying to help thoas worss hurt than dow and climbed ouL It'woa a hor­ oad Hartford was held today before to a bsnsfit gams ter ths velvet j e( public welfare were Mrs. Charlex Allen of East Mhk^ie hsrssif. Flna&v, ■be eollapasd on the Picture Theft turnpike entertained at dinner yes­ Ina^tora Sidney Dubose and rible scene.” Public UUUUea CommlaaloiMr Jos­ workers at the Wert Side play-1 Everyons felt sorry for tha ufvMtf described at the weekly grouad, unabto to talk, barher fees "Three of the dead wefit pinned eph W. Alsop In Hartford. Seven Aeaadsy meeting of the Klwanla terday at her home over 40 guests. William Merrick said tbs men, In Dapper Dan grounds. Whlls thers Is nothing at | Blusftslds whsu ths ssoaon started, l « Crowd of 4 0 ^ Fant whoee namee were withheld, related aroesred with blood. under the wrecked cara and 1 tuidcr- pereons who attended spoke In In the Eastern Meriorty BnUmrs sod tha D opot^s^ chonoss lost FrldM night G o l f n r C h a r g o d ctab St tte Country club today by The occasion was the reunion of the “Even then, ehe tried to Indicate RetunuT W atteau L^lndif ths town champsIPS Inflictod a otoko. It beihg morsly on oxhlbltloa \ Am a iM tter at tact they fslt kind Spicer family, members of which that early Saturday they overheard sUnd they won't be able to get them favor of the proposal and Judge Square Osrmge oquora off this sve- game, do not be led astray from' of oony for thamsslvos Mt what- W Uh KOUng Caddy * S e e « R e d O o m o.Mbart 3. Smith of this town, wel- what to do until she temporarily out until they tear the caraxto 11-1 defeat Tbsrafore Angslo at fb n cMBmlasloner o f the state. Mr. were present from New York, a drunken railroad man at Wella, ferent After He Re- Rnirmond A. Johnson attended in nlag at ths Wart Bids Oval. Thla Um fact that. Merarltys wont re- svsr pains that etreulated through Nev., say; lost conedouaneM." pieces." the totereet# of the Silver Lone Shows Ordinary Form in oi., wanta this gems this eventog Sarasen, Shute and Gul- In on P«M Seltcn; AB - Smith lerealed that twenty mllUona Rhode Island and this state. It Muager said “The coolneae ehown wUI ha ths lost game .or ths toll-i^,nd do not bs surprised If sU the vengs for tbs 11-1 pasting Utey ths club were goim with the wind PhUodalpMo, Auff. 14—(/to— was also the 01at birtbday o f Mrs. “The railroad never gavs jns a • t o r e d I t . Bus Oompeny. dahl Knotted at 287 in took lost Friday svtnlng no matter last Friday night Holland did not cT dollars were spent iss r year, the by meet at the paaeengere was re- Beads Five laveetlgatore Beating Parker in enders who refuosd yesterday to al­ regulars plus the sntirs team ore A 37-yeor-old anmUur golfer. Twin iBUb in Ametlc Ogure not including federal projects Allen's mother, Mrs. Phoebe Imer. break. I've worked as a railroad ■peoken out thsra putting this gems away. what ths cause may be. Any other have a brlUion; array at talent to Jemae E McForiairi. flrd, was man since the arar, but I never got markebla. A number of uninjured Washington, Aug. 14.— (JH— The Paris, Aug. 14— of 988 Main street. Mias Celln hai throwing ths biasing cap at a Chin, Company; Robert Steveiu, public Rye, N. Y.. Aug. 14—IF)— Out- lew of averages aonmtlmss tokaa vongs and b# able to toss bock the : molUid en tha boneb. But there was after a poor ebot , or may not be “to" but the li. eso In tha restaurant Hs sat at a posslbls, although soma at them train In which at least 30 parsons “disgusted’’ -with the way It hod m m e ■ they wUI spring on upseL slssUiiff pace bogged In driving roin- 000. state aid took another 03,000.- been spending a month In ths United were In severs pain, and there seem­ were killed. been restored. uUllUes engineers o f the State aide of enheaclng Bobby Rlgge TheIS Igame erlll stm at 0 o’clock ears of those things and taunts they have token since that esparioneo plus ability to hit la ths Held to I3J)00 brtt ca o a to- Louie Cordlnoto deflnltoly arant Statea. It la her first visit table and talked until another rail­ Highway department; John J. ■torme, three of thmatien'e meet 000, old age assistance amoupted to ed to bs so Uttls we could do for S. N. Mills, acting englnser of the The painting disappeared from reputation os a collector of tropUso, shorp with the usual pilssa and though they have not strengthansd colorful gotfen moved Into n playoff game. clutch out there under the blue voiuntory maaslaugbtar charge. “out"—either to eallara or Um No­ 03,400,000 and this figure was RobeH 3. Hmith while here abc baa attended the road man told him to “keep your them." Burke, Boat Hartford Town coun­ the eastern grtos court tennis chom- as per their own roquert they play­ Elmer Duffy boa returned to the oolora and that to what eounted in McFarland was quotad by Jus- tional Lsflgua paimaat raco. Baptlat (invention In Atlanta, Oa., mouth shut." Commissioner's Safety Bureau, said the Louvre on June 11. three umpires. round today tor flrrt money to the matched by the federal government, Baa I t e to ,Nenres« Phoae these men had been despatched to The genuineness of the $200,000 cil; George Waddell, clerk of the pionriilps did nothing to clear im the It looks as though Morlsrty’s ed a lot better boll agslnat the 410,000 Dapper Dan Open tourne- Meciortra and be or Cy Blanchard tha strateh run. ’Then Borello woe ties of Um Peace Ifoer^ E They h«d a reerattira at Rpdrtto ‘ did to the blind cost 017.O0O, widow's and has traveled to Buffalo, Niagara The Inspectors wars told ths man Board of Selectmen of Mancbeeter; Davla Cup muddle, which Walter will probably get the nod with the to tine form and wbou this young- Corneal as noytaff; lon’e Pork yeotaraiy tor Um asB- had dark hair, walilMd about 160 E F. Heoox, veteran engineer make an official inquiry: Inspectors painting was tecognlasd at once ^ erere and maybe stUl are to a bod PA’a than In any pravlous gome. msnL aid $370,000. child welfare 01.000.- Falla and Chicago, and the New C. H. Madison and A. A. Hynds in Henri Verne, director of Fiettch David Condon of SL Roee'e chu non-playing captain, condent- slump. Tbs llksllhood of the Depot For eim thing the team hit better odds tavocing ths latter to cony star to right ha makra any tsom “1 was oagrv uter I mods a lor eiioult leadera oad devourad 000 and 04.000,000 u«nt to Institu- Pond in Bolton York World's Fair. Sbs la planning pounds, and wors blue denim. aboard the crack filer, ran end Never out ef ths driver's seat and etumbled about a mUe to the noeroit San Francisco; Engineer W. P. National Museuma, and JaeqiiM of East Hartford; J. Frank tocted the tourney to de. Square Oarage team upsrtttng the and only one lopso marred the flrrt to wind up tha scheduled four- the boniMr to thla gams. It will be step to gat tha \erdict What a bat­ hod shot and i swung by club both hahrw at a drablehaadar Mo ' tIOMe to sail on Saturday on the M. 8 One cf the Michigan youths told Kershner of Chicago and E. D. Rine­ Jaujard, asalataat director. Manchester town engineer. U1 the men named to the Davla applecart la not so remote if Marco whole gom e but v ^ t a coetly tapaa remembered that the Blueflelds lost tle It wm be when and if he and rather stroaffty and it oUppad Um notoy eaUataetim at 4OA0T Mr. Smith, who was introduced by Kungebolm for her home In Sweden. Ssn Francisco police: phone to spread tbs alarm which day tort was Sorasen, ST-year- brought medical eld ruehing |o the hart and E N. D^ge, Washington. They were reached by police after Judge Johnson. uiup aquod started In the touniey le in shape and the bora decided to it woe, os It meant five runs old veteran from East Brookfield, their flret encounter erlth Mortortys Blanchard meet In a pitoher’a bet- out ef my hoada.” farm, third largest turnout ever to Ms son, Robert'H. Smith, In humor­ Sold by Wood Deeply Meved by FtoUaga Rinehart Is chief of the accident hope bad alraoet been abandoned 14 Boses In stogies or doubles. One by one, th# bftll fsinf Tha ca4dy, John Ktonuatag, 18, attend n bnaeboM goom to It. Miss Gladys Msttasen of 1 “He wai tough, and bs was deeply scene. give him a Mt M support to tbs Ooim. Firing into ths tosth of a thla year In a rather drsmsUe man­ Ue. But Holland might use Pout- ous vein, pointed out that the sub- Invesigstion section of the Safety of locating any nrt eaperts until It was brought out dnrlng the they were ousted, until only Rlgge field ond at Um plats. The Polish It is a wall known fact that Morl- mounting gals, “Osnlol Gens” bung ner, that to the game was forfaited nay tor this gorim ns he to Just so wot eonytog a bog tor n rasas. Louto. tact c< wMfare was altogether too Middle Turnpike la spending moved by his feelings." “As soon as I had the train stop­ ped, I Jumped out end ran heck.' Bureau and Dodge Is a ear construc­ after the AasumpUoa Day holiday. discussion that the Oonnectlcut end Frankie Parker remained. Thle team beat him on four hits, 7-fl, ortya Oo not like left handed plteb- up a osvea ever per 387 fo r the regu­ after three Irulnga of badgering onxloua to win as Morlsitys ore M ef n awaoma..wtth which Otaea In am L tn iira Mtwd and too extensive to cover In Speiry’fi Purchased by vacation at Clinton Beach, Walls Is a amsU railroad town In tion snginecr. Dmfiara Pahiling M ghm L Company plans to put 14 busM on waa entiirty to Pate’s Ilktog. but hs locked fiskUrig support mera Ing end It might erork out that McFarland w m plnylag at Um reoult at their 4-8 aad 4-8 detail^ a brief talk, and his address sMUrn Nsvoda. oast of Elko, and be told Joeeph E Jsekson of the lation 77 boleo. and backllng. The Blueflelda bod and maybe a Mt mere If the truth Reno Evening Oasette. Both experts, sobmlttiag tho South Manchester Uim whereas PTonkle and Bobby are expected to than anything slae. ZIggy Olbert would be sent In there An hour later Detmy Shute, Hunt­ their soy tort Friday and new to known os there to a decided ad­ Huntingdon Vuloy Country trlumpha . tim RodUrda chtootod ' mainly on the high points of H artfonl Man Form er­ Sixty members of Mons-Yprss simut 08. mllao from tbs -scans of the painting 4o n mlnuto axamlna- carry Amtrlca’s singles hopes In dub yesterdny. the wreck. “ There w m no breeae, and the IS Repertod Impveilng It now uses idne trolley cars. Tbs Then if Morlortya win this evo- ■irainst theih this evening. This ington, W. Va , ax-R^er Cup etor Moriortye wont to be back on top vantage In having two wiim over a CineliumU’a lead to • $-8 goBWh r'work In this state. Post and Auxiliary attended the an Denver. Aug. 14.—(P)—Thirteen tlon at the central police headquar­ running Ume to ths city would bs the toternatlonsl competltkm. ntog they will bs bock where they youngster has pitched some swell OUmr goUcra h M bo w m took Um ’torueur oertao two ffMMa ^Tba speaker said that his depart- ly a Local Resident. niial outing o f the units yesterday 77>e Michigan men's raport was dust had gathered la a great cloud. turned In an IdsnUeol cord and waa at the heap, so look for a real hot five! club. There were no lights, and I couldn't persona, hospitalised after s pasaen ters, unhssitotlagly declared It wt>s reduced by eight minutes If the But yesterday, Rlg$*> h> wanning went to be nsore than anything olos gomes this year both for ths High matchod hy tha CtodoreUa of grtf, gaum tomorrow evening. Prserafie to RtrOM stondlag about 16 feet from oterra ' worataffS ' mat was operating on a budget of afternoon Snd evening at Marl given additional credsnea by author­ ger train wreck which took two the original despite changes made the title by Downing Frankie, dem- to Um irorld, on even terma erlth school and ths Legion Juniors and big Ralph Ouldohl of Modtoon, N. J. MoFoiiond. skyward on ueuxd Um ISMimlB ISf^.OOO this year, topped only by borough Lake. A general program ities after Southern Pacific poUce seo a single Hvtng person. I could change Is allowed. It was also Laet Vanr’a Tenm Beet The entire proeeede of thto nrim Joseph Wssikelewicx, of 48 hoar ths screams and moans of the lives hers Saturday, wars reportild on It by the artist who admitted be stated that the company plans to enstrated only he waa better than tha Blueflelds. The feud between tonight may mark hla debut In the The playoff erlnner will get 43,000, aittteipoUaa at tbs strsteh taStlo to tte Mghsray department's appro­ Wethersfield avenue, Hertford, has of sports was anj^sd and picnic reported that W. K. Fraed, Box 00, improving todw. bad takdo E Frankly Mortortya took a lot bet­ wffl bo turned over to the \^vat dying and tajurod. run txproM buses dlrscUy to Mon- Parker—yeaterday. .Neither player theae two teesu la real and tnngl- TwI league with a win. He has the second men 11,300 and third $1,000. tor with tha 1938 edition on the eome. priation. The welfare stalT now purchased from L. T. Wood what la Itinrhra wars served during the day. Alto Loma, Calif., told them that E ■. Scott, M, Denver, In one of Ths young painter, large Bo- roee for any stretch shove everags work’t Union. Th» umpiree end "I turned and ran for HartMy, ebaotsr during rush periods and Ma In more then one eensa and stuff end If given say kind ot sup­ 'Vic Ghesxl, husky six footer front field. Tha team plays amooUmr, both teoma have donated their oerv- GA’s Nosed Out Enos Btoughtor Mt horaa rrara b t . OOBSista o f aOO employees In three known aa Sperry Pond, located on yesterday, a number of hours after Santa Fe railroad coaches struck by gouselevsky. mid he was ao Indig­ play. Both showed alarming weak- port might be the factor In a stun­ Deal, N. J„ took 388 for the four both gxamo. Mo Mow to tho fln| ’ aSIces. Old age aaeistance requires the Bouth aide of the (iamp Meeting Hie annual picnic of St. James's which I knew was a little more than theso may be routed through to while not. apparent to the fane ■gems better satisfleld and when Icee. Both eats at btoechem wtU the wreck, ho noticed s man answer­ the lead enxine of the Denver A Rio nant at the way L’lndlfferent had Manchester Green. . neos'nt the service line, each being there Is an UDdarvurrent o f tense­ ning upseL It Is either be or Mer- trips around the Wlldwcod country eomtaf with a nmn ob hi tho otott 1 tbs largest staff and has 110 work wooda road In Bolton. The pond, Sunday School will be held Wednss. ing the description of the WoIIsl a mile away. I must have fsUen been retouched that he had '’Just Blanchard to right any opposition be reoarvod ter tteket brtdera et Grande western "scenic limited," Bight ef Way cracked nine timeo. And both avoid- ness which plainly wracked Morl- CO. club course to toilsh aloim to fourth sod put«^ Rt Louto la i jOrs. Oonnectlcut has IS,000 persons which covera four acres, also has 16 day. Buses will leave the rear of Nov., man at Hasen, Nov., a railroad down 30 times on the way. Then I died a few hours after the crash. K. purely and simply taken It home M tha iMt os If It were charged with hna a hard Urns knocking base hlta thla gonm. Ticket oeUera wm be By Thread City caued sit the doctors and nurses I When asked shout the OormecU- ploos, a stogie stroke ahead of to the hinterlands. These bora have Podgott dallvecod B plw '«U 4he Uet for aaslatanee and pays acres of land that surruiinda It the church at 9 o'clock and carry the stM 80 milee east of Reno. H. Mock, 03, Pueblo, Santa Fe con­ with me.” |BMiamlta. Harold (Jug) MeSpoden, Wlnclme- at evoty aoettoB at Um field ter wtth oBo OB to Urn oonath • weakly average to each o f $0.10, mostly to the aouth.' party to Elisabeth Park. A baakst Frsed said this man was drunk could, telling them to hurry. ductor, was killed Instantly. Fifty -’There I reatoced it to Its orig­ eut Company right o( way on ths W Porker’s reliabls foreBond played acquired a lot atnee that Sunday thto gim e and ocemrdtog to leporta “ With the Harney sectloii crew I Twin Hills company rsproaentatlvea ter. Moos. nyw w tp, aad PItehsr Mart M n g fifth In the nation in Its old Mr. Wasxkelewics la an underUker lunch will be carried by the children - cursing ths railroad. four passengers and crew members inal condiUon,” be said. him foloe on oeverel occoelons, and Henry Picard, P. O. A. Champion afternoon lost September and if qii Um odvonoe oole Beaten by ^U ly All-Stan homa nra o ff age assistance awards. In Hartford, but was formerly and Ice cream and aoda water will San Francisco officsra were con- made my way back to the wreck, were injured. He told police that 'for peveral stated that the land erould probo^ hla oteadtoem was to no avail be- given a chance wlU show Juat oh crowd wm be on bond to watch aijd we did what we could. It seem­ from Herobsy, Po., who with son ter Um r a h 'lfl Caempleyineat the Oraae realdent at Manchester and was In be provided. They will spend the Wnced be was the same person ob- Three of the Injured, Including days he went In the Louvre making be . turned over to either the town eonss Rlgge woo even steadier to a Falcons Defeat Green NaUonal Open champion Byron Nrt- much tomorrow night Thoy mlaa thera two rivals ploy teasorraw In llffi Inning of eighth. Mr. Smith said that 00 per cent t^he grocery business on Birch street day at the park, leaving for boms ed like on eternity before tha first Mrs. Minnie Larson, 40, Fort Madl- snoopy of the pointing to or the state.- They also believed WItoy on first This doss not Bight Urn gsnm win pM ttva^ Michigan men. They relief train got hers.” bortoff sm ef way. The only real soB, of Roadtog, Px„ nod been fnver- TlirlllerbySeT. I A lO il Of Um rellrf cases are caused by before entering the undertaking by bus In tha UU afternoon. u id It would Havg k>Mn 6ARUv POS" lon, Is., were reported In serious got the gueida uaed to his presence. orraagemanto could bs -modeT to eBcttaaMOt eaxM fa the final gem* cd to coriy pradlottoBA finlslmd oven that Oabb to not playing good start at S e’clMkVhafpi. business Id Hartford. Heoox declared they found "poai- Then, police aold they erera toM. and that there has alblo for him to have been at the condition but “doing nicely." oovar ths preesat trpllsy rail# on at Om oaecnd oat. wImb Rigga held With Late Rally, 8-4 With Claytra Hcnfimr, Choriotto. a huge Incrsasa In relief out- Included In the sals of the pond Mrs. Roy Warren and children o f wreck ocene. Uvs evidenos that somebody had de­ he cut the erlra attaching It to the Omter stnst and Mala straeC Ms eat petoto hefOra finally wtoning, N. C . at 3M. Um ______and the land la a small building. liberately wrecked the train." wan, wT^>|>ed It up in a hawepeper, New T eek CMmrie * 1039. Princeton street ere vlaiUng with 1-fl, 6-4. 0-4. 7-6. Neloon hraekeUd at 3bl with trimnmd • to T to on otavwi tootoff I to a riwtto _. speaking on child welfare, Mr. This the new owner Intends to con­ Mrs. Warren's parenU. Mr. and Splhas Laeasaedea Rail put the package under hla arm and hoU gonm with the WUUamattAAU. vert Into s four room house to be Give Shower Party In wtonttg, aigge retained the Felix Berafln, another PennoylvanlaB the Mbttoart tn S S a teltil • disclosed that Manchester Mrs. G. H. Wilcox, at South Lyme. *Tt looked like the spikea had slowly walked out of the museum. eoatom tttlo. floi tod Alice Marble New Britain Tallies Four from Scrantoa, and Ky Loffooit, Stars ysotorday. The Osnaairi i used as a clubhouse. He Intehds to 20 Dead, 114 Hurt been loosened on the rail leading to < ^lontinue Searcli One-Day G olf T ou m ey Um v beet O Oto t o PMI r a le R U -A i luMdents' aiw now caring for some to the woaMn*a otoglea. Blotide Alice G>lored Airay Chicago, who deapito flundaye too to Um Ant toatoE Mri SS SSimamaaltU SOO chlldrciii probahly more than clean out the pond, cart In sand and George Vaiteh of Church street |s the bridge, and the angle Iron con­ Runs in .8th to Break riub aaara baob toUmlr hall provide a swimming Twach and de­ F or Miss A nne Frey mowed dewa Mra. floreh Potfray sbowert, turned to Um dny*i beet any other community In the state enjoying hla annual vOcation at the necting the raUa-liad been removed. Fbliyaa 6-8, 6-4, to a Oloae battle T ie; Kannpka Features aeore, a dne-undar per 66. Tlio curly, velop the land around tha pond for Surf Hotel. Block Wand. In Train Wrecks Then the rail had been moved in Chaises Drive T o r Car Thieves for its stss. -Children under six which added unaeeaerary proof to the Upsets Locals haired Chleogeen aloe accounted for Slated Here Saturday a wnUi and aa orror, t h « ptokod am job to will d-E years at age, who are not being cottagea The pond la located close about four inchea. * ■ ____ i - ' ' , On M ound and at Bat. a s to tho third and fiarath to the road on Its north border, but Mias Aime Frey, at 00 West CbUfonla oco’e dointnenee of the tonmeya beet ntoe bole eourae, aarsd for properly In their own Joseph Makulls la spending a few "Whoever did It placed tumble- On Labor Act Torrtogtoa, Aug. 14—lleh residenu the prevailing color ueed. Guests auto. sUghtly Injuring two persona. Atowet Pea Upert Shttte’s 68 Um some day and third- A couple of womra goMtn e ter Aurimy oad MMMbtd ^ baB to over ate years of ags are sent to eerie cries of the dWng and Injured have been averted. Aa ft waa. the Saying that the oosoctatlon's op­ Pork la Hortford yeaterday bofoce' seventh he welted unUl flturgeon round 49s by Qttldsto and Oshxsl, ■ultfl Over W eek-End. ^o Manchester and Organised one ... Mlaa Edna Newton has returned which Bent those sole to move into dining car was rocking and caught were present from Hartford, East erating budget reached $1,440,000 in Authorttiss believe the fugittvea BraohBae, Mnoe. Aug.l4—(F)— some 000 oolored fxaa, ths 'Depot ‘ "flrrta" over the wash rad. doap toft for fl tripto. - aouaty hecnes or to foster homee, Hartford, Olsstonbury and this were involved to a burgloty at the Tim netteiial deuUee teaala obom- wilted complrtsly befors making a scores soared. Morton Pitagarald of Hartford later oeond iriMi Om b M i group new totaling 8000. Mr. Uie llrat Polish clubs IQ Manchester to her home on Hamlin street after s desperate rescue search. the superstructure of the bridge, 1937, th e committee report edilad Square Oarago mom lost h> a lone 1E4 orifl B E Ofltoh O b t o ifS with a clubroom on BIrCfa atrect. a Week's vacation at Narragiuiaett town. that the money largely was suppUsd DiMorttao filling stoUea on tbs aftn. pioBridpe weren’t even bolf-iray nmvs . . . then it was too late. There’s on old golf saying that The coning week’e golf octtvIttM toured the 16 h«ea to M, Um flrrt for ChapBioa. ttofftod t o ____ ^ ■mlB diorumsd the matter at ghnsUy scene, where and ths wreck resulted." run margin to Um Hartford Ron- “you drive fem ehow—but putt for at the local Country club wm be Dedgma Mt btolAtoUlwflw i The pond was purchssed by L. T. Pier. twisted bodies were trapped In the An avallabis aid was summoned A mock marriage ceremony and by "on timer clique” at Mg corpora­ sted-Torriagton rood eoi^ ffMday through the .flret round today, but a1 SOS nos, 18-13. Tha Hartford After a bed start Sturgeon more Unm that rite ever aoend uador 66, ffora tho aAV s OBO ran toad wBM hmmmdt ®Vf •adepUon at sosm length and the Wood In 1939. He built a neW (|sm games whiled sway the evening and tions and continued: monilag. A nseond stolen Bor, oon- the touraaxMnt already hod eeme dough,” and ‘That about iella the bigbligbtad by the flret annual one- Mrs. Jay Road turned In a cord o f thiv kifft tm the Btoth_wly wi% atspa taken by the aUte to Insure more horribly smashed cars and from Carlin and Elko. Nev., and oolored lads had everything, their than held hla .own with Konupka stoiy" oqhl Sorasen. the "Ooimecti- day tournament of the newly or­ i t Umt rrmthed Um flrrt Unra * and was to use It as an Ice pohd, ^ Mr. and Mrt. Otto Nelson of where many of the Injured lay four special trains were rushed to a buffet lunch was served by the “The National Aseoelatloii of Mon- tolnlag dgars. cigaiettos and Oil wlthto a foot-fault or so of produo- own way es far as umpirl^ went homes fbr these youngsters. but when the decision was reached t^hurch street are spending two hostesses. Miss Frey received a ufaeturars deliberately organised token In the burglary, waa found toff a pair ef youthful fftant-ktllen. end it waa not until the fifth that ent JatS ta” who boa. held most of ganised fluburben Lesgua, wMch hM ever broken 100. Both 1 m ot to third so DtaaiUrti Midair’s aid, which Mr. SnUth helpless beside the wreckage, arose the location. end the North Enders ware farced his mates gsvs him a bit of encour the wMUiwbUe Utlee to $oU, raid he will be held here this Baturday. Six to manufactur Ice the pond w We^a at lx>vsjny's Inn, Bethlehem. Passengers wart warm In their choice collection of beautiful and and coordinated the efforts of em- sbaadoned later la the day oa the B ock to ChUfornla. the tennis Fttagerald and Mra. Road have i to '®®contf p®®td M wdodfc Mtovss to be one of the finest laws never used for cutting Ice. N. H.' tales of heroism on the part of sev­ WInsted-New Hartford rood. to accept some weird tatorpreta- sgsmsnt. TWO niiu In ths first “ coCddn’t rink a putt ell day." aube oomprlss ths clreult tecludtog poymg ter oevoral yoora. eral and stout courage and lack of praise of Dr. E A. Betts, Pennsyi- useful gifts. iloyersamd employera’ ssaoelaUona bopsa of ths year eentsr upon Walby tlons on rulas and poor decisions on Umb Uftod b sop Ay to * s it right LeeriRbi OB the hooka, has helped many n s planned, nation-wide compMffn One of the fuglUvoa may have Van Hocn, cbo at liflFs sraglae stn- frame woe oU Um oooiing until ths flhuto, Obrasl and Ouldohl echoed Msnehester, East Hartford, Wart orator and Itaeppod botwaca Book- fitadlias in the state. There are panic on the part of all the sur­ vsnls state college professor who, plays. Oresn Usd It up in the fifth. tha eoiM theme. Hartford, fliomhury, Holyoka aad Members of the family of L. J. vivors. though badly bruised hlmselt. work­ to ntdllfy the administration of ths bSM Injured. It woe stated by Jioilee, sattoBS, sad Jock Kramer to on ex- ■oturdav’a man’s wmaaptM ®r ®ttd Murdddi n® % Irtt ®® K®hiIb* aa\i^ t66 iSSb*Bi BOW 1,000 widows and 8,800 chll Tuttle of Hudaqn street are at the National Labor Relations Act, Im­ who believe be suffered head hurta - tent that mifht wen diseourage al- Ths local team twies throatsimd It ems a sweet gome to watch oU Wllbrahom. brought the followtog reoults; Orita nra with the tyta« dksa receiving aid In. this branch Fall Flower Show There was the story of the stew- ed swiftly and eflIclenUy to save Convention Rally to leave the field but reaunmd play All who havemve ploysd In ens or AUdsItafl^f Hanley camp. Damarlacotta, Maine. the live of several Who might other­ pairing tha. succeoafttl operation of la the crash. mest anybody owept a pair at fltaa- tbs way. Ray Holland made ■ two Daviee wtth fi6-lfi-71 tlod Jim WUay run. - Of public srelfare srith a m-eekly ardtas, a registered nurse, who, In- the law. to Anally be nosed out when their great catchoe up Ogolnst Um foima more matrimeo la tim Moguo wm aot UkE Jiire cost Is charged to the town of Inchea. An Innovation this year distributed to all of the hospital ter, Oaktand; Desa Harvllle (m ale), with $118,800. T h e rtolag the town of Bast Hartford two par- uM oRd tint ArarattaM wm raoko T a m B a c k R o c MI b rie^M toned ______5aetUement or. If no town Is liable,will be a class for non-memkera, wards. Oakland, whose widow, Thclka, vls- Oaa tooMbnitod. ttt liM fpts th®/iBsdWilos hftttilift leoM Mba aa o u r doHMo pifly dm wtMM. That to gutot PItoltrald wtth B >4. tbb tbtoi BMRg whrii ha “You ahould be proud that you are of this company to tbs eeenelatkm’s cela ef raol sototo obaadonsd lo"* .The Mas of that cruetal petet oa- flararisk tooMi the hoQ Bvar K - L afayettcfl, 6-2, o the expense Is paid by the sUte. artistic arrangements of any fiow- istlng at 1900 Bast 34th strsat. yeora ago upon the diacoattouance oyeo ter thito 9 aal oloib la the am furaer bwraia Mo flflbto paatSa 4e BertHr era. ^ OB AmeiicaB aftar the oeuregeoua oetlvItM*' the report eold. To In­ toBWtl rally gave tha xtotb gamh to local T w ttl^ Loaffw tbla oveatog. Rordrs hofli oad ths parade itortod. M ost at tha flrrt rauad matshsa Mr. Smith said that a warehouse A pre-natal ellnie win be held Kansas a t y ; Hslsn Henry, 83fi Boeton. Aug. 14.—<«>—RaMana- dicated by the fteroeae m Ito con- of the Hartford-New York boat line. 0*BIan6y*i 7-H ltt«r. nUavodlifli baTltod to be ‘ abi Mto to ^ Doors will be open to the public on and httalUgeat babavter at thoM la tlon at 10 oppoiataM o f John p Tm - Vba Ban and Kraamr, aad, ertth Tba bora hn raodjr, ooger aad eon- tve bssB nompMsi to tha wsai- tor the distribution of Federal com- Thursday at 9 a. m. In ths bospita] 04th street, Oakland; W. V. Ji trlbattoas ft«m $735 ft 133$ to ‘The sale price eras diacleaed at $37,- M d e a b r a to r a r * ’ ’ **** ***” 8*— to ^ mvtolh by: bat Auadey aad tme to bto asodltlee la maintained at New Thursday at 3 p. m. to 9 and again clinic building. Haynea streeL 88 Leroy. New York City 4 ^ wtedL The otowardeoe, atehr- aoUy, who reMgnad under fire re­ VOb Hera oervtug with tho ertad at Odont to their nwtty to boM tM r m t AMfluit toarasy wtth tho fit- arfie, crew, and —pe"«finy ths Bian $88,000 to 1087." Bb4.30. his borw thsy Juat hresasd throuffb PMUy Ieohs about the I lOftor tba imp artbn f a n __ _ Haven and last year a million dol­ oh Friday from 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. (hualneoe address, l i o WUllstns cently as clerk of Superior Civil Norman R. Biicitinglinm, counsel own offotoot Um Mectarty Brattmm Thoy lot two amra nxm la tho towing raoutts: Mra. Orito Oavlea After lering throa gsmes and gat- rigM atoalglrt Mattog mmfiit There will be no admlaalon charge pasewigers. handM tha sltiiatloa court, was demanded _ The Oeaahd Meton Ooepentlea Um final gorna to take the match at flrrt of ^ atoth that wwa aot A throo-yaar abommi drtaatraIM r' ra B “ . “ .eaexpiMtoa — itor. A ttownh the OAX Mertsrty lars worth of fof^tuffs was receiv­ Dr. William Allen, president of •troet, Hsrtterd Life Insuraiwe marvaloualy. oy hie waa listed aa tbs ssocod isrgsat tor ths trustees. Informed the court to tbla flanl ermouuter nhd rimw at tho AthioUw ore to AB B H PO A ■ toagw reeerd ef 18 e tn liM WllWl ed there for allotment to towns In and nothing for sale, and a good at­ the ConnecUcut Hospital Aaaoela- Company. N. Y.); Charlss A. John- aiieeeeeor, JemN F. MeDermollott, to b-7, 8A, 6-1. •-«. 6-4. Moot CBO wto to the tocot Moffua. noedod aWhsBffb tim OrtOB otoffod Merita Pltfliweld _ . . BroUmn ntunod to tho wto aeh aa ...... i 3 3 3 6 6 “T ^ was ao tomtofio. Bn contributor during tha lbSS-S7 aa- that ths buUdtogs and tbs two par- None at tho top midad playare la toitaodefolffMh. n o q r the state, based on the number of tendance la hoped for on both days. Uon as appointed Dr. Harry C Myrtle Kik teoko room for employee d rop ^ by erta o f land erera torn down many ------' A bad 8; Mra Uwto yeolerdey afteraoea with a 6-8 ItoriagtaE tf . p..6 6 3 3 8 Thai ehlldrea handM m arntraa weu. Ow M lte whan he took oAce ft rlod, with $d$.m. Othsra Uatod os stthar tha nma’a or weaMoro touara tooeed of Mra ~ MmBpb- over the Lefeyattra at nhef cases In the various commun- Smith, supertntendent of the Memor­ £f ^ ’-rSf**^<******^ addrssa, Dr. Bstto WH nadoubtadly the hsco "subotaatial Mpportwe’’ at yean age and that Mace the oboa- mafit saw arttaB yoatorday. Ylesr------M W . 8 b ...... 6 1 8 1 6 Detroit to toim rarar ____ _ Itlce. He said that a program for ial bospita], a member of the reeehi- 84 B. ScotL Chicago); XathailiM lb>7. McDwriaott eeld the latter donment e f the faeni ttae. the rail- AB R HPO A 8 ^teJhm doublod to left orator with , torn up: Mra JohB A Reekmio. Ned CTfeUey twirled um a t *. ,.....,6 8 4 3 6 o f ths sftunthaa. B e werked elorka waidd be given tbelr Jobe bock M neteUon: evor. waathif psgmttttog. aP of tha tw o aratw ohoord. Tho Moohi ■ carried to tba 81at hoto dtatoaee for the leeala aad ksM Um fiS a m m STu-rxim M the distribution of surplus commod­ Mi88 Erickson Goes tlona rommittqe. James A. Hamilton E Kura. 8139 Hsrpsr svsnuo. Chi' cessliigly throughout ths night, Nntloaal fftsM Oorporatlan. $43.- road boa no need for the load. The E Feotor, ...8 118 11 to. l b ...... 6 6 6 IS 3 of the New Haven Hospital Is chair­ e ^ ; Charles W. Lawts. J r„ Stow-. U they wMied them. •tsfSi tiidudhig diteMStam ctem * ....1 8 4 8 » • svm y toM ottafltot to tho bootlM Mra r. T. WUtk o x . aevw Mto ha eUawad weO aeaftotod. ities Is now being considered but helping la avety war ho poaslbly 000 during ths five-year period: property Is located en the benim of Maaa .Alles Morbla arxj Mrs. floreh Era •• ....4 3 8 8 1 6 Um. ol^tb btobig* that nothing definite has been de­ man of the committee. Rrd, white, hooM town uakBown: could." r—-V the Oonnectient river end conMete Morth f ...... • 8 8 8 • • toanm) w tothto that tw o oM T B fcT a Jetom* dowsed Mto. irif M right battere end wnlh- rty, a ...... • 3 8 36 1 * United Btatee Btoel. Oorperntlan, Fahyon to the w aara’a dteMtoB. raft 0B0 fly to M t floM cided upon. Hot lunches for school To Join Parents P^msn Portar Uoyd, Chleago (no As aa anti-climax tha dinlag ear $4L4S0; Monranto CbemlenI CWn- ef 303,438 equon feeL RijMtir. 8 b ...... 8 6 8 8 8 8 toy, if ...... 8 6 6 6 6 New Ovtoeao, Aug. , 14.—<«| Th« town of Bart Hsrttoftl pro- and Bobby lUaraBhroad Ooeka. Rattay. lb ...... 4 6 6 6 1 .0 Um gaam. R waa • toot gmasi, lOPP®®5SiM SUWa Ui%wSLdU52SM pwWWmSM ntmKWMp • M ortar^ a^artad wtth a atogM children have been suggested as one Mr. and 3fra. Waltar Oerman and addrssa); Eleanor D. at ths reoeue trabi eaaght ' Oaorge QsldwcU. ten ser eonstn p m , $80,778: WaotlngbouM Ftankla ParimrSra MaHam aad N ...... 8 6 8 8 6 Yo$torday*9 method. Hr. and Mro. John B. Farley are Jtorthi. ,817 Laka atrwt. Ook Park, pooM to exmatruct dIkM to the prop­ R. fbotar. 06 ....4 8 Ij# «'• pioyadaRdftfllaCaattaB. ON 7. Aoranr aora toateira atAI tony to Um tort, added am l i i i i o WBE p ... ..3 •' • 3 6 6 Mlaa Charlotte Erickson, daughter rout# to Ifonow OntMa at ttoB jUBMtatendMrt at LouMIe trie A Momifartuilng Oens Adrian Qttirt-Jaek Bremwieh to tha The hoB a eon : itobaptoyeE eeeaad end tttb end thra staged a Mr. Smith said that the system rnjoylng an automobile tour of the ni.; Leroy Moore, Negro waiter, obock to twrvous $SM1$: CbryMm Oorporettan .___ erty aa a flood centred meafiure. Dur­ FMfty, K .’...... 8 8 4 4 4 4 E P I f ...... 4 6 6 6 6 of Rev. and Mrs. K. B. Erickson, Canadian maritime provtneea. addreaa unknown; Oeotg* O. Me- Rtnta UalvetBlty. and ble oae-tti XMn’s. irili oertaff-toto aetian today. threo nm apririag la the m ik to at uelng stamps for relief, now be­ damage reoulted. osslstaat wen Indictod by a Fsd- 400; BethMom Bteerdorparntton, ing the burrieeae ef lort year end Bcaidaa Vna flora and Kraamr. Wotifty, irT7..^1 ••116 Lea ~ ~ ~ ~ 77 “ Prank who formerly occupied the pastorate Danlel, Negro. .Oakland; Betty the floods ef prevloue yean the Wfbver, p ...... 4 8 8 6 6 0 _ . . ^ ■ AB R M PO A ■eeun v to to cy T a o b CYMrttay aad TOtato ..4 6 8 34 88 11 _ . . AthleUea. end Med ing tried as an -experiment In Ro- of the Emanuel Lutheran church Wlta the Md$a out en i graa^l Jury today. Caldwell, •2-2®; Jb* r w Onpothtlaa, otbar tin t rauad wlnimra wera Bob to fU m i Art PiBffi eta ceBected a detmie end Tasbaefl—Pattoir Mt I dMBter, H. Y , may be adopted in The following swimmers are asked Naujoka, 4749 Dorchester avenue, 1,000 feat at ita own track tota ua, entire property ataag tha lawlaadn BMch. ■ ...... 1 6 1 6 6, 6 Ptolphte R ...... 4 6 6 1 0 AA A ton ,nere. left Mahcheater today to Join to report tonight at Globe Hollow at who waa dUmleMd July 1. « rtTJWO; Boig-Waiwar Corpora tlon. was flooded. Kaambtb, at Austta. Tex., and Oar- Pbe, fl 1' S'U ' 1 le opleee. Meriartpe need a trio m t£ Hartford. SUmpa would be given, her parents In Rock Island. Ill Chicago; Arnold Robar, aoststant Boutham Poclfle re-routed Ita troRle $37,141; Rs^bUe Steal Oorpera- Mock, to ...... 1 6 6 6 6 6 AB B N NO A ■ 0:80; Murphy. B. OtfItsUl. Pratt, • t e e ^ white, 414 Otand aveaua. ehatged with uolag tha — «■ hi a Rudlaw, at Phesnix. Arix.: tba KMoA e f 6 1 6 fl had w llBoira uring Murray cotter regular commodlUes as well where Rev. Erlckaon U now comi^ over the aiaihy acheoM by wbleh tha Univontty tton. $84,800; ■ocony-VacUum OU third sesdsd Murphy twins, Chartsr — r * ; . Ryds, 8 Aflri 3: e. T. B. WBolt I the wart AMm aad Tbemae ,M ....d 1187 three Mt rtmtout t o __ _ Weir. Lewta, R. OrfttelU, Denton. ■‘aiwsla. Negro ■outhani Poette aa|g they _ « 18 16 8T SI ...... fl 1 8 fl fl. S e ..• msmps for additional foodatuffa. troller of 'Auguatana College and L*ary, Server, VendrUlo, Loomis, waa miktad at $ld.0dLdft. Tha to- Company, ^ mOOO; ffwtft A Hospital Notes wauxm, fnm Cbleafo: Ruasen .....f 1 8 r • ------Kk E p . JohaaoE am and Aerver of the LegteB Jmdora . BobPritor. ladtoaa aBd to bs dlMilbuted from several I Theological Seminary, porter. Oakland; H. C Worst m were uoable to aol------Oompoxy, $314$i; Rtoaderd OU of MR, 8b ...... ■ Genolfl, $techhoIU, Toppliig, Trottsr, Grand View avenue, PUtaburgh. dtotomat alleged ha had oub'^oa- 'iltt and Frank O m naar. Um na- cermtor**^' . . . . . 4 6818 ■ nmratoa defeatod B ThehoBeerae; Lae, WMte Sea— Peltor atoras. WPA workers would be Erlckaon has been spending they could leMoM UNlr oervico to tractora ralm their bide oa uhlver- N ^ Jermy, 830MI9: Ihelwan Bo- i ftftb ranktog pair, and Dove ” **** "’ ’ST b " h R > a B th at UM amta \ 4 aad 8; Art W noo B| It Sb ..4 1 cW cM ea three Mto to : Ssverick. Brennan, M. OrfltelU, Mc­ Pe.; one dead la trabi (bsUovod to OowMa m. ... .4 1 6 1 8 6 0 6 6 •l if...... 6 . abis to obtain a 80-cent stamp free West- Neil. Moxssr, Arncdd, Turkington. bo Negro erew aemhtr) slty wock. and give him the differ- dak Company, $30,810. Admitted floturday: L ad Tod flatowMar. o f 8. Pflttphfl. lb ...6 6 6 6 6 ~ieB4ar«ha< 8 oad L . Bi tha ”***S e*e m . p a A . m aad Lae. reversed trick wRh a m v i Wtth aach purchase of a onr dollar minster Choir echool eummer __ The only two woman’s ...... • 1 8 1 tn u o a y , t o ...... 4 8 8 8 8 A Vt at . . . •. ,8 Hruh. Doggart, Vancour. AU Juniors Foley eettnwtad dannte to _ Sfl7 Center street, lira. Once Lntli^ ■rrapaRlh. i f . . . . 8 • 6 1 6 Mtter to eeeenE - i ' atamp. at hiorOtfleld. Mass., and re­ ^a----a--- , row 87 Benton strsaL iMtOhaa prodnood wtaaara to third toitod^'wm dA*8 aad I, aad wn ineamo, i f ...... fl 0 0 3 6 3 ...... 8 . Prito.OatanRuritor, Bed Aoe a m ' turned from there yeaterday with bring birth certtflcstss to Globe Hol­ ^ 1 ^ _____were hurled train ttoelf at raon than IfiOOJIOO. lb . at ...... 8 ScbIl M ...... 1 '6 6 6 6 .lb :.S to Oeod Humor low to BIU Sacberek. DIaehnsnd flnturdsy: Misi Sath soadad VtavM Woifmdaa and Pa­ Keato h a. p ...... 4 8 8 1 l tbs wtaBsr w f ths 'Oebh, a t ...... 8 0 6 6 0 • Aritotera-Peetoera 3fr. Smith InUrsperaed hla Ulk u f' Hra. G. Albert Pearson and fromrom*8X' tliMr bertha at tha c r a ^ The men "with both o a n ed! Jon HlltoiW. 0(. 8 i lb . . . . 8 while those stUl op In the observa­ wanted ter New Haveo, Auff. 14—(P)— The O pen Forum Dnrtihff. fl Church a tr^ Herbert tricia COartaff, of CaUforxia. aad "ARTway. It to dsWMfid amr N the ^ . WyUe. l b ...... 4 0 1 36 • • ■toady eevaThlt pitebtag eenmd Wtthi.fc a . number .of . khumorous------stories . . ' Mlae Grace Benson, who have also Bewly oppoftted rrmmleelfm to ta- . . . 88 McKee street. John Mmo. Blmoaa MatUeu, ct Francs, MlhoMIt. 1 M > ..4 TMlMwnwtobyRiirariHaAAMF _T 6; _ ~ or. If ...... 4 6 1 8 0 6 y, N ,• • .8 flrrt gome rtrawy aadletter hettiA bwn studying at the school. Mias t Mr. and Mro. E E. Fish o f Cateat- tion care and louBjoe wore toppled dtoeater was BflbtosoB. 0 . . . . . 4 Trtalo .Sfl 8 U 87 T 8 P ...... 4 given 'Marty applause by nut atreet hod os their guests yce- like teB-ptno. AU except the rdar old and ' vemiffato otote ftaUtutlone cottaff fliAivaa, 841 Chatar otrsst. aad Mrs. TM ala RIae Jahaseo, ef ...... any Plitod Ito 8b ...... 4 1116 6 m with two tripira deiw ths Klwanlsns. Dr. D. C. Y. Moore Erlckaon completed her Junior year for fto oMiitany and phyMcelly IB floturday, ffwoa to Mr. and. Bartax. iieral aasdtd to Um fanigB Kcaakt If' ...... 6 Murray, S b...... 8 6 6 6 t 8 at Manchester High last June. terdsy their son-in-law and daugh­ four care wore denUed. Ah T. Oowieo. lb . . . 8 A B B N P O A occasion to compUment Mr. ter. Mr. and Mro. WUUam P e n ^ held ita Rret OMothiff t o o u at the Editor. TlTSSraJd!^***" Mrs. r~...... Bat A radf" Dri i p ...... 8 a 6 3 6 6 T r ta la ...... 46 7 8 88 38 Clbet:Obet Lewe, The hem r and the herotem at Ths losl train to uM th s _____ I would Uhe to thank the nmiri Bemerx rf ...... 4 Sb . . ...4 6 ISS A ____ Aoera by htotogai ftattth oa the splendid erork he bss ton o f Westsrly, and Mr. and Mro. tha alght were graphleaUy told by prior to ths craph Bwiand ths mtma edriM M Ruperler Court Judge I t e - try. at . . . 8 t e ...... 4 18736 n a wttb two 0B le beta StBi^sc^H^to his office as welfare neth Wynne. Its chairmen,*' CM Legiea tor the fine Chnlvnl •undoy: MMra. Ruby TadayfoBoBiao 8 ; oad k ...... 6 0 0 X 1 1 Wrninmirtll . 041 106 661 6 1 -6 Oetrett aeocBd a t n ^ Norman Lovett of Pawcatuck, R. L ^ C. Muager, Oaseha attorney 88U 18 84 IT 8 BArirtmL to .* ....8 fl a A ...... 801 000 466 06—7 Demands Settling t ^ hml a tew wertm back. whl*< ThleotjrtBa, HoUoflE a ...... fl 1 Bara Atougbter aad ] erho, riding, to eoa at the rear cara, at that ttom I bm«ht a wMa book Bmm batted to: Barimr E N. „.* * f.H*tendsace prise, doosted by Mlos Alsaa C Hanaon W t today aoeaped uahurt IT Ksciy atraat' ChVtoga a t •l C m a Vtot. 8h ...... 8 8 M E SO R d E 84 ~4 ~7 37 16 "a irdtoale Fcrxmr Mt ■asMd te r . wts won for the sec- for her homa In Msmphia, T m ^ Bor Harbor!^Me!r A u ?^ 4—

— drowtaff Ucketo. BThot I wont to M b: aondoir, a doughtar to Mr. Ptttflburffli fl$ Ctortflbbft (8l#»t). t o U m r ■ Mritoriw E DeneOy, Ai retor 8, An- UygHaeeef Of Oil Controversy "Maay at the victims," he relat­ soy I T wb baoa M to WHBaaiA Jxha Aerlrffc 86 . , « . . . . 8 3 ; to snrressiOB by Thomas after a vUft of eeveral w e ^ with bswkoB. sad there was no' Dr. Otto WkHeamMenTM, a mam- r la tha drawl r w M M tha Mra. o K k bu m . 85 Osopir B. Loertt If ....i 6 *^**3u e r . h . p o . a . b . riv. 8toy E TWO ban MtoTMur- ed. “ were UteraUy torn to liacaa. her of John Hepkfta Uhlventty, died eroa that at. BUtorito MBwIalt. RabtoaoB % K fo NewriLe...... • 1 0 7 3 U rtk K iw toiW . Threo h e n 6Be> N. rrasMsat H. a Ho«m Mrs. Emma U NctUeten at Hunt­ erlth haade, teat er araw cut oC that qavam id a$ DotritL ^ . . . . . 4 6 StoTtoSto^briN ington street Mlaa Hanaon M treas­ rails. -id dsaiy totaa at a enhta at which l■y■ramiIea. ICay flboat- ■ t LauM a t CWraffo (Right). J b tb e r L J f...... 4 o i t • o ^ iriitojbi mta eff! AtoniaRe 4 to that an intar-club out- Washlagtoa. Aug. 14.— gom- and their hodlaa etherwtoe asutilat- flUmpMRf P ...... 8 'f l 8 SE lforiel 4 to 4, Baitoataa 3 to bs hold at Lsks Oom- aer Wellea, , acting saeretory at urer o f Le Moyne OoUegs, and •d." the I and Mra. Wkhelhenaen wen jOta, AflSffiB (O aiy OBrnm I thedali f .) Aeraer, p ...... L 6 Arito. I f ...... 4 6 3 3 6 3 *'sme North to take a spaclal three MBdftff the nm aser. am t BatTa i l l Authma atraoL Hviy Kovon, Mergansen. ae ...8 l } x 8 3 4 1-E Aaeriflra Mtot BarUe, B h b . y Angust hfi, sponsored by •tata, foRBaliy demanded today a n had plot gcBO to had aad-wos jrriBihmaa’a Bay. Or. Coventry , qm rtoa ■towort, Mra E O. Johaoi •aim, 86 ...... 6 0 1 0 $.3 tortto itPira haaee: HeiaMedA aetUement at the Mexlean oO eoa- weeks eouies at New York Vnlver. lytog to say berth awake," he Mid. winuauport st — ,, TOtoto 4 7 87 37 8 to ttty. , J. itonteha at Bat M H u r, oobb- Beri) Bsenke aM fleraataa at Albany. to fb otor. aerrtlholedtoe'eli ...... 4 6 6 1 1 1 jjtordem_ E VbrrirtK. BaOmt E Uoversy lest it rosult In “a material "SuddMly there waa a vtolewt ’ medieal w eeMnw. eold deott mm Wataat to ] ■toriii nhttrar * **4 trie ...... 4 0 l ie 1 6 barrier" between Mexico and the wived hi the m Cmtm ot flptlRff ' s# feaeaoeg , bump, appareatly caaaod h P ]^ of M toaM w ek . ■rtcB PltofferaM. to the ...... $ 0 0 8 6 0 &%raHiS!iSlwm m u n m ^ ■•*>>• Ang. M-HiP)—. Ualted Stotea. Navy to Lanach New M the trato laa«1i« tha track. ThtowoB WIRms B oitg a t Portamouth, N. H , Aug. 14—— n YaaraOg Jab P ...... 8 6 1 0 .3 6 Cbepwra, jo ft os haaaet 0. i A E ^ J m a n g ^ OatMimlOansiml John WMlse, after oaotereaess wtth foUawod by a n r n iln B at baaBB i . I t o - Of...... 3 6 1 0 0 6 WeeCe AIMtan E Ban OB baAe said today Mfaieaa Amhossador j|^ The Navy made ready today to sweeviag aa the can otortod iRlarsd AMNoC. _ hBrJE Uwett, lamtch Ito aswsat submarine. No. 18 Stamtord,. Auff: 1^ AW* off: Bertie % to iira i E Mflrtal E Jera and Donald R. Rlchherg, at- pUtog up lathe creek had. ▼otleaa Ctty. 185 Boutk Mala k N - e e s TJ ■etot Orito Do m C trniS ______tamey toe. the American oU ‘ oeai- 197, the Seawolf, stmitor In de- As soon as tha 'in, 8S. thraam pa9r_ Omy soed a Mgn and Mss to ths in-tetad sub- VottOM cirdM today that BlBNffMrt. 858 rely taJflrad^aSMiff StoraeeR 6Rd aC^fidUag "Uw whoto P—«tA diaeloaed at his prcm eon- to Ftoo X n hoi ■OBi Ciswfte Bmes ...... 4.W «HH 303' dfaBaSsEto hmsey caaa la moftes Squalna. Tha lanufMwi waa inn lied vlni ; to " :tea Uo coy nrailmagf toesaM that ths Btato DepattsMBt ataitsd hiaak- U .CM M , Mb firat Mta. K. OneUrtp, PoB- M E Utopfiwi DiewliiraaE la ch st Ths ths sat her at recent eomprs* aat ter 11:4$ p. m.. ( e 5 l t 7 to- _ ftoM to nadiws $a get StiSKiotSS ' *< fonartad g$ fliW tw ’i e AjhlE to a ^ sewe BMcrow. wMh Mia. Edward C ths Rvtag a« nyeoiBof— ""----- Aee htte. Oshb. Murray. ■lae propussls ter a board at dL t e , wits at Raor Admiral KalWus, h riri^itfi^ oVtoE dm hSr flat _ j6e: 6004 OB bans, off lectors to *Tt waa a I h it b t 'e*VT E PBffsa 8; Mt byj V tot AtriNA out by;j voted a< Tha Wort i f f 6t ML Naha tat .. es E Utoftrae: a*rtb4lieBdeA - 'Si' ■AMCBEarnBR BVBMIMO HBflALD. MANCHESTBR. OONN^ MONDAY. AUGUST 14.198f MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY. AUGUST 14.1939 ' f t - € RED RYDER An Ac* la th* Hol*7 HY rXRD BAniAM BUY SE iJ i? WLWMT/ruu a,c — Sense and Nonsense — . Ihri GOVO— 1 NCh'D PatMng Raaurkat LittI* gUla MtoeHty Bapart M taatto af OaM vuil* Ilk* to play w ta doUa, and so do When I refltot how often 1 am told Two or afee minutes— two or SfPTRACm.O aoma of thalr fathara...It u not To aaa a snow o a t 1 don't eare to are* hours. '(aeui «M 'n difficult to meet expenaea aeie •**. W hat d-> a e y niesn In this life of Arvnr^OM, day* la facL you maat aem av«ry- To read a book whoa* auaor leaves oure ? SNDATIHg V ms cold, Not very much If but counted aa KiWLgm whara...Thla old.v.orld would gat BANDIT’S CYCLES— ate ^ battar It dumb tolka wouldn't l^^riatt lands a at have no charm time, BUSINESS LOCATIONS LEGAL NOTICES Q rde Tneada? and W ednesdaj , R e e u e s r. E 8 FOR RENT «4 do so much talking...Moat avary ^ r ma, ■’ But minutes of geld and hours d a s aNtoSn nan,la wora 88 a day from bia And fuiOermore I must learn to sublime St Manebsttsr. within and for the Elm and Maliempo to Meet play If only we'll use them once In a FOR SALE—19^HARL,ET David DIatrlet of Manohsitsr. on Iho iftta naok down. It’s from toe aack up son motorcycle jrtaaonabts.. Call 11 FOR RENT—SMALL Store ISxU. day of AUBust. A. p., MIS. that eounta...Moat of ae leaden Bueh iMto** aa contract, must ba While , "~ Dewls street. Inquire a t 464 Hartford Road. PrtSfBi WILLIAM 8. HYDE, Esa, of men can't lead a e tr own wive*. sure to hear 'I'To rnake someone happy—make #■ ' ■ ------Judgs. ' In Pro Feature on ...When a man la broke It may This orchestra, consult without de­ someone smils. Estate of Hugh and Sarah Merlartr, lay A mihute- m ay dry a littla lad's BUSINESS SERVICE!^ both of Manehsstsr, In said District, mean he has gone into a* hands HOUSES FUR KENT d sessssd . of a racalvor...It ita't what you This medical maglelan, .volunteer tears. won tAUC—ISST NASH OFFERED Tha AdmlBlstratrlx haying axhlblt- UandiasU r’s Edm* BIm. who —.haaaflatie world. B o a Klaa and Maltam- do that count'A it's what’s due.... Ih a il great cause, embrace the An hour sweep aside trouble of IfeSL IMS Dodf* Sedan. 19SS Urabam s e v e r a l MOtlERN SIX ROOM ad bar admlnlatratlon account with atlU to taste dafaat aa * profaaatonal now extant year*; ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION, slncis b o d s ^ also two. family Sata laid aatata to tbliHCoui pe have agrssd to eoma Into tha It is a sin to play golf on Sunday aoach, 1934 Naab sedan, W31 anea, it la scrapper, is ochadulad to m*et eoe ring *t 16S pound* or laaa and Indt- aa way aoma play It...Bettor be Conviction—aough unable to com­ Minutes of my time m*F bring to OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR ttOARDING HOUSE ...... W 1 t H...... MAJOR Cbsvnlet sedan. Uessler Nasb, lu rommcrclal and household service, In excailent loMtlona. Apply Ed­ of hla asvereat tests u a middla- ply an end new and used refrlBerstinf equip­ ward J. Holl. -TMepbons Mant PRDEKED:—That th* Mtb day of eationa ara that thalr sU-round en- a wida awake ugly than a aMeplng Headersea Hoad. Pbone 7308. Auauat, A. D., MIS, at • o'clock (d. a waigbt this Friday night la tha faa> oountar sriU furnish one of a # host b eau ty .. .ENcn if a man la bad at W ia everyaing enjoined on me. I Mopelesoneaa somewhere, and bring O O O eH t ment. Wayne W. PblUlps. 63 Wslk- tar 4643 or 8036. t.) forenoon, at tha Probata Olflca, In t .turs event of the weakly boxing grant me a friend. 1W7 CSUCVROLETT town sedan, «sr. Phone 4978. aald Manchaalar, ba and ths .aaraa la attractiona of tha outdoor season. flguraa ha nm enjoy looking at AiM'r iv « y DAP Mor ir f A n B P ir r r - tr / Mcrf a o 'n a d rr, aw ciooomAN/ IHT WUlys sedan, 1938 OldsmobUe aaaignad for a haarln* on tha allow- ^ Rad lUn’a A. C at t^ A straaf aupperUng card la being good ones...Three aings In Ola How much more happy, wise and K A im a iA i WARDChl.SChTiCS ALLTMNT WH NAVB CAlMIMT in 'TNW FRIOIDAIRE UILK oooUng sys­ HOUSES FOR SALB^ anoa of aald admlnlatratlon a^ unt R *d lta’a outdoor arena, cotmt af *rr*ngsd aad Um bouta. wfll ba an- world an always unexpected— good aan 1 Teacher—Take IS l-t from 29 1-4 DIO VOJ AN' COMCTARtn, 4v/j locality m TtKOM—NAMA — MID NO DOUBT coupe. 193d Ford 1-2 ton panel. Ith aald aalataa and thia eourt dl- Hartford Road nad Wait Cantar Are properly conducted people who | and what'a a e diffeernce? ______avCR.6EB 1934 Pontiac sedan. Cole Motors tems and 2 »nmerclAl Refrf(erstlon recta tha Adminlair'atrix to giva aounoad la * few days but main in- tripleta.. .Man cofnea into aia rm oau.c TtXJ AtMt AWARB THAT FROSB AKB of all typA. See us for quotations TWO TENEMENT HOUSE, 3 si& •treat. world nakad, w ia noaing on him. Do all the thing* I atlll refuse to I Youngster—Yes, that'a what I P-fl at tbs Cwter—0463. 0 roonu, fum scs, a srs(e . All con- 1^ notloa to all paraona Intaraatad taraat cantata on the question of V \ MOQ*S»^ TO BNi:p(tCB AMPHlBIANg— ONB OP THE «K CLABEBS on new and used equipment. Ex­ tRaralB to appaar und ba heard Ihara- Patar Vandrlllo. praaldant of tha whdatr or not Elm will ba abla to Before long nearly everybody has do! —Arthur Oulterman. I vy. Who carM anyhow? TW' LAW IN o n VBICTBBIUtm ANIMALS— AND ML1«T BE pert service. Kemp's Incorporated. vsnlancss. CantriJly located in OB by publtahlng n copy of thIa order chib, announead today that Elm baa aehleva bia ninth atraigbt pro tri­ sOaMOtog on him ...Than ara two RockvlUe. WrlU Box F, Hsrald. •onavBtwapapar haring n clrcutn^ bM ^ kad to oppoaa Sal MaiUmpo TNBCB fntg£iN(rrg,' naeawBD As NiffPE* nop lAno tion In antd.DIatrlet, Sra dare batora umph agataat tha hard hitting, clav- ways to eat fried chicken, ae AN* in VDU pC WUlUnantlc.^io baa eoaipUad u HOLD EVERYTHING CRgATUnBS/ THUS PMOOE APtS NOT aald day ot haaring and return make (w Maltampa Dm baa bam abaant dainty way and ae right way.... BY CLYDE LEWIS •TRAM BBdB PROPgftW < » « A R D BY Manchester FLORISTS— to thia CourL Impraaalva atrlM of vtetoriaa In ra- from a * local card for aavaral weeks The bee that make* aa honey LOTS FOR SALE 73 WILLIAM S HTDB eant months that Includes knockouts OONPT FM0UC6 niTHEK mSUlNS OR Evening Herald^ NURSERIES 15 hut Is reneitad In fine shape snd la doesn't hank around the hive... A FlBNIN' LiemiSB HUNTlua UUNS— BROOKFIELD STREET, choicest H-I-14.1.. ■''“•••• over aavaral leading flguraa In tha training hard-for Friday's bout One way to get away from a city's CLASSIFIED FOR SALE—ASSORTED (Isdtolua bulldlbc lot near Center, 80x170. bustle la to move to the outskirts. 0UeMBR\J A MAS-SOMPMf S B - • JY XSWf, SAMNl ADVERTISEMENTS bloOms. 43 Florsnca street. Pbone Owner non-rsstdsnt Sacrifles prtea. AT A COURT OF PROBATVJfELD ^Boma people conidder It Wrong oRAgnuonngn WARS on HkMDumjg ^ hawb vou tawmsi 4686. Rt ManehsRtRr. within and for tha MIN nniT, I'LL NCUR8ELP IN A \ p THSCr SOX OP OPBOt MR vor«a i« • u r r Tsisphons Hartford 3-3341. District of Manehastar. on tha llth narry for money, yet all minis- imltlaU. ■•■iksTR %m4 RRRr«vtftiioaR dar of Au^at. Ar D.. list. Week En^ Sporte » ;d o ... CLAMP TOU lU LAWaUrr FOR CIOARS OWBRTD tttf BOMit aa • and oomaeond AMSTON l a k e ;—1 wUl aeU my Prasant WlLtJAM i. HTD8. Saq^ TN CALABOeag r PALSe ARBSnr, f / THE 4 0 4 |R N 0 R Vdrda aa two vorda MtniniRB ooaf ts HEATING - PLUMHING — beautiful water front lot rsason- iu d fa . Major League’ PeevUh Lady Traveler—It's per­ marshal •s-V P S // { *R>OAYf g— BiiBS «f ihraa lloaa R(X)FING AND SIDING 17 abla Apply Mr. Kuhniy, Amston Estata of Cmllr Chanar of Man* By The Assodsted Press LI m mtaa »ar da? fei traaataai L ska ohaatar. In aald Dlitrlot. minor. RyC’ N. Y.—Bobby Itlgga defeated fectly acamUloua, porter—to think Tha Ouardtan havlnv axhibltad Ills I'Ve been waiting 2o minute* for a It. l< WE SPECIALIZE In spplyinf roofs, annual account with aald aatata to FranMo Parlor aad Alloa Marble CaaR c a a rsa aad asbestos siding, workmanship thii Court for allowanca. It la toppwi Mra. Sarah Palfrty Fabyaa Leaders train that Should have left 30 min­ S gsBsesaties uars ..i I atai t eta rusrantssd. Estlmstss freely mven. OROeRED:>-That tha 19th day of to retain aaatara grass coon t«n- ute* ago! I Ososseaties Ds f s .. t stai il eu Also carpentry, patnunf. A. A. Auguat. A. D.» 19SI, at 9 o’clock (d. a. Johnny Wolsmullar. Maureen O'fluUlvan and Uttto Johnny Sheffield ala ehampleaahlpa. Anmtaaa LaaffM 1 Oar ...... I It MSI I* tie Lkabor Group Gives t.) foranoon, at tha Probata Off lea. In a scene from the new Tgraan hlL "Tarxan Fbids a Son” which heads . Wife—Let me aee th at lettar all erOetS (er irreaslar lasertiaa. Dion Inc., 81 WclU. TeL 4960. In aald Manchaatar. ba and tha aama S a r a to ^ Springs, N. T.—Blma- Magglo, Naw York. la asaignad for a haaring on tha al- the bill at a e Circle tomorrow and Wednesday.' The companion featura lech, two-yaar-old from Ool. B. R. you’ve Juat opened. I can ae* from •tU se aSaraed al is* ooe uae rate atara tbe Rlts Brothers and Don Aroacha In tha "Three Muaketeers." .896: Foxx, Boston, .888. rates for teas »er«s e»er» New Haven Award Ibwanca of aald account with aald Bradley's etable, won teratoga Run*—Foxx, Boaton, 108: Rolfa, ae handwriting it'a from a woman Sar sdranislaa atrea asaa rsqaast MOV ING— TRIICX1N6 •■tata. and thia Court diracta tha and you turned pale when you read Ads atdaras safara tea laird at arts Ouardtan to glva public notlea to all special, aU-furlongo, by four N w York, and MeCoaky, DArolt, aav, vUI Sa saarsad aalr (at iSa aa- S T O R A G E 10 pareona Intaraatad tharain to appaar lengths In 1:10 4-6, trallsd by b W ffO. i t Mal aaaSar a* tlsMa iSa ad assesr- and ba heard tharaon by publlanlng Claiir tka toUowlng tranafara of Sharp and Andy K. R im batted to—WUUama. Rea- Husband—You can hav* it. It’s AUSTIN A. CRA34BERS Naw Ravaa, Auf. 14—(F>—The copy of thia ordar In aoma naws- Double Birthday __sasrstna at iSa rata New Haven .Csntnii property'ara eomplata. Ernest and Saa Fraadseo.—Woltar Dinger ton, 98: Foxx. Boaton, 98. from your milliner. as slIawaBta ar larsads aas Local A Lcbr Dcadase* Mover* Labor Council »apar h ayin g a circu lation In said Thomaa Henry to James Anderson, sa Ms USM ads stsssad afiar TM—4)90 *• HoQatar ML announced today tha astabUahment :>latrlct. Ava daya bafora aald day of Tulsa, (mpturad haUonal all-gauge . Hlta—McQulnn, St. Louis, mi4 i n a dar. o t on award to be given annually to haaring and raturn maka to this Parly Yesterday property on Spring street. O. B. skeet shoot crown la doubto shoot- Rolfe, Naw York, 144. Aiaough imlveraally cimdemned, Ms nlll tarstds*: diastar usas Court. WUlU to H arry C. Fiegg, lota 94 off to break Ue w ia tour otoera. gossip la uBlvaraaUy practiced. tha cttlaan of New Haven "who by WILLIAM ■. HYDE DouWaa^rsanbarg, Dstrolt, 86; his actlvtUaa In tha community, has and 95 colonial Gardena, Harlan Pittsburgh—Oena SaresAi, Dan­ w n u a m ’ Boaton, and Rolfa, Naw The Marald »tu as« sa «ass«sm REPAIRING dudga. H. WHilta to Araur and Suxanne York, S3. •as Msts Uaa saa taaanaat lasartws halpad to make Now Havan a more H-9-14-19. A double Mraday party was held ny Shuts aad Ralph Ouldahl daad- STORIES IN STAMPS af aar ed*erttee»eei ar«arad Is* MOWER RKPAIR2NC. prograsslva dty, and thereby has as- yesterday afternoon In honor of Shorts, lot 88 Oak Grovs HbighU lockod w ia 7S-hola totals of 887 a t W aOIngton, 13; 0'*7wiUiaM|8Ulj T b s ta a d sa n a st owiaataa a« is a utiimas r-m a etc.. Roma runs—Foxx. Boston, 80: ra« BsSItasltea af adrartistaa viil In thdr otruggle to maintain the District of Manchaatar. on tha 13th road and her granddaughter, Mra. ment, aeceecItaUng playoff today. issuiad aalr Sr aaaealiaiMa af isa Braltkwai^ S3 Peail icrecL standard of living.’’ day o f A ugust. 1939. St. Louis—Crowd of 40,807 saw Graanbarg, DatrolL 30. I*rasani WILLIAM 8. HYDE, Esq.. James Brogan, of Pine street, at Stolen haaaa—Casa, Waahington. •asraa awda tor tsa aaratea raasaras Tha award was establlahsd In oon- Judga. Blow Torch Starts 8L L«ula swaep douMeheader w ia AO adaartlaSBanit ataat aaarara tha former's home. Mra Leister, 40: Cbmpmmn, aavatond, BOOTS AND HBR N o d d i e s On Ik* Mov* BY BOGAR^ R MARTtNMA nactlon with tbs celebration of tbe Eatata of Ellaabath O'Natll lata of who was bom in Barvla Brtkkner, ClncinnaU, 4-3 and 4-8, to cut Reds’ la stria, sasr sad irsesrassr HELP WANTED— PIto —Orova. Boaton, and iSMalstlsas aatarsed Sr tsa saeiiaa- eouacU's 60th annlvaraary which wll Manchaatar. In aald DIatrlet. daoaaaad. Germany, woa 83 years old and National Laagua ^ to 8H famto. PBMALR On motion of Mary E. Hlbbart of Flames Iiuide Wall Donald, »sar ToriL 13-3. iJr c c W§\X,9AIK)NE.m- OYMf.COMIMM sss sad tsar raseraa iSa nsst la S5 be cllmaxad by the Labor Day par­ ■aid Manchaatar atacutrig Mra Brogan waa 36, both Wilhdaya Zurich. SwltiaAand—U. s. tnak V«Qfe COME,* a I * 0 | SdM. rsvlsa St ralaal s a r s a s r aaa- ade and an ouUng and field day ORDERED:—That sis months from team took 13 of 16 S i*t ploeas hi Mdsfa i aSlaatlonaSla w a n t e d —EXPERIENCED gtrl coming on the name day. OUR TWAAM J | I—- - r- - u TOO RRE iSrOMNO HOUR*—Ulaasi Saa asa Sept. 4. Tbe annual convention of tha 13th day of Aug. A. D. 1939 ba and A large group of friends and re­ Company No. 1 of a a S o u a Mon- intereaUonal taeeL althof^ Blaine B atting-M lM . g t Louto, J48; • y for bousevtork. Id wetk. No laun­ the Omnectleut FedeuUon of Labor tha aama ara llmltad and allowod for Arnovich, PhUodalpbto, A41. ts Sa poSIlaSad aama dar mmt< sa re­ dry or cooking. Apply 39. Stephen tha credttora within which to bring latives was present and the honored chastar firs department answered a Rideout waa third in 1,600 dteters; s a le Sr If a’skteS aeaa: Sai aider* will open hero tha following day. U. 8. captured 18 of 14 ftraU at Run#— Warbto, CtoctonaU. 8>: ^ i - ’f UlM. street. Tel. 6419. In thalr claims against aald aatata. guests received many lovely gifts. atm alarm at 4:30 yesterday after­ ■gM.iwtrriiutsawci.aic. and tha aald axacutrix la diractad to Refreahmenta were served and a noon going to 88 High street. The Basel Saturday In triangular meet Fray, CInetoaaU, 8A >, S;f .. TBUEPHONB YOUR _lva public notlea to tha craditors to w ia France and Swlts^and. Run* M M to-M oPonniek. ; 7 ”W a lU SS eellaatsA Me raapnnsi- plete line. Small down payment, • WILLIAM 8. HYDE to cut away aevsral clapboarda to of American xpne flni^ agalnat MM*. 8L LOuto. 30. . - bBLGIUM’S new aeries on Peter forest flies ran wild before shifting Judge. reach the fire. Cuba by taking Anal two atagte tar strata la talapsaaad ad* pay no more until October. Mont­ H -I-14-S9. Public Records ** Paul Rubens provides impor­ Sa s s s a w td aad tb a lt aseaiRFM? gomery Ward. winds over tha week-end prepared matches. It S* aastaataSA tant addiUona to a * collaetions •( for the homeward trek today after AT A COURT o r PROBATE HELD SyTMuae, N. Y.—BUI Holt. Syim- philatoUsts who search for famous L 2 J INDEX OF FOR s a l s ;—000-FlVB gallon Coca tha flames had bean checked. R t Coventry, within and for tha Dls* Clamp on Gambling euae, u ^ t WiUte Tumsaa. 4 and Cola kaga 36c each. Inquire Cen­ However, new troubles developed trict of . Coventry on the Itth day of Perrails painttog* •* •tamp*. Th* Rubons CLASSIFICATIONS A ugust. 1919. 3. to win aaatare amateur golf sat, sutehartae far UiO rHtaratkm ter Pharmsney, Odd Fallows Block, In the Columbia Nallooal Forest in Prasant EUGENE W. LATIMER. According to a building permit cbampionablp. WASH TUBBS Tlwt’* TeWBit H fti / aa«aa*«*aa» asddaaaaaaaa or Tbs Murphy Drug, Depot oouthaast Washington when Are that Lid at Saratoga *f the ailliivf A atwarp hOA*. to- ••••••Ra*dd«*asaaa Judge. granted todax by Inapeetor Edward Chicago—Muebo Gusto won (x m - flude* tto of his paiaUngs. Mi*•«■•••*••••••••* Square. had ravaged 6,000 acres swept over Katata of Alolala Kohler, lata of C. Elliott, Jr., Anthony J. Tour- control Unas and burned toward the Coventry In aald DUIrlct. dacaaaad. mlla Laksalde handicap la 1:89 at "DetMfit From a e CroM," 8*n> asT T B syara WRSBd a_a> *1 aa * a***************** Fred Klalnart. 180 West Canter naud will build on School street for Washington Park. OMi M TllSBfc# Tl MR************* tiny town of B. Z. Corners. Pumper Saratoga Springs. N. Y., Aug. 14 tcogiie Standing •rally accoptod aa RubMu’ mattar- ia^ildW fHIRB aa*************** imits ware stationed there to pro­ etraet, Manchester. Executor Annie Pohl of 37 Emersim street a —(Ah—Two early morning raids by Detroit—Edta Batabrooks evar- piace. la rtproduetd on th* hlah- ELECTRICAL ORDERED:—That six moniha from four room dwelling to" coat 83,700. n i t t M T Lm i iT0Ml4 I *Mi*«!*** a *••• •« tect buildings. tha data hereof ba. and the aama ara police and a state board threat to wbelmad Ellamaa WUliama, 8 aad T*toer*»h ItoeMto „.«st vtlu* of tha afrtoa, shown Rtd a*************** APPUANCE.S—RADIO 48 A permit has been granted to suspend liquor licenses for tour ho­ 6, to taka clooed w astsra woman's Pstasasls sdasss****** ****** At least six families—two In tbe llmltad and allowad for tha cradUora above. Ruhtna paintad "Daacant m spnV ' IfT lP i to bring In thalr ctalma against aald Andrew J. Healy of the Hartman tels today clamped a “ no gambling" golf tournamanL veu 'm l FOR EXPERT RADIO repairs call Liberty Lake area 20 miles east ot sstata, and tha Ekacutor la diraotad g t Louts 4-4. Clnetonatl 8-8. prom aa cross" for a* altar at M OAWK AatsaeSlIas 1st dais ...... 3636. Reliable, ressonsbls Ben­ Spokane, and four In the Spirit Tobacco company for permission to lid tighter on the casinos surround­ BrookUna, Moaa. — Walby Van to give public notice to the creditors ing this historic spa. BoMm 18-8. BtooklyB 8-8. tha AMwtrp cia«drel In 1811, a AStOBoSllaa tot Bsehanaa • son's Radio. 713 Main street: Lake, Idaho, district—knew only o.f said aatata to bring In thalr claims erect a large tobacco shed on Burn­ horn aad Jack Kramer, Loa Naw York 11-8. Phlladatatito %>X year after hla appointment as Aata Asaessottaa—Tires .. . heaps of black ash remained where within said time allowad, by posting ham atreeC to coat 82,100. Saratoga County t>l«,i(rlot A ttor­ AngelM, carrlad to Bva aeta batora CUeago 8, Plttoburgh A court painter ot a* Nethcriandi. Aat* Rasatrlaa—PsiatiBa .,. a copy of thia order on tha public AppUoatlona ney Alfred L. Simon aMo anncMinced Asta ReSaals ...... their homes stood three days ago. sign post naaraat tha place whara tha downing Bobby Low an* i j u t j oaar Rubens worka which ap­ Abtss *Sls Sr TtoaS ...... FUEL AND FEED 49-A AppUcattona for marriage licenses a.toorough grand Jury Inveetlgatlon Dea, Stanford Unlv., la faatur* deceased last dwalt. within tha aama of alleged gambling where an era of Oavatond 8-0, Chicago 04. pear oh Stamps are patotlhga of hk Aatee— re t Hit* ...... KIIM la Osm Yard Town, and by publishing tha aama have been filed a t the office of the flrat round match of naUonal tan- flatsa**'- aerriea dtoraa* . FOR SALE—10 ACRES meadow once In aoma newspaper having a big time wagering waa sponsored In ' Boatoo 8-8, WOHitogton 1 4 . Arst Witt, iah*U8 Brant, tho art- hav in etacka. Inquire R. Jennings. Town Clerk by Clarence John Krol nla doublaa. Phnadalphl* 18-0, Naw Toili lit’a s«na, his sacond wlfa, Halana M aisrmlaa—Blerelas ...... circulation In said Probate District, and Mary Vince of airtotvn and : f - ■ "-ay nineties" by Dick C^anfleld'a Wseisd Aalos—MoiorerelaS Tel. 8804. Van Nuya, Calif., Aug. 14 —(A>— and return make to th is Ci>urt of tha casino. Boston—Rad Sox sand pitcher 8-Sl. Pourntant, and hSr two ehllflrOn, A Btuotlni! airplane crashed In the notice given. Edward A. Haaklna of Palmer. Woodrow Rich to LoulavlUa. 8t Lama 11. D ^ t 7. a portrait 8f hla sUtar-ln-law and EUGENE W. LATIMER Mass., and Anna E. Cleavage of ' Simon's announcement caused a back yard of the pilot's home, kill­ furtliir stir In record crowds gaa- Brie, Pa.—BlUy Mc(3ahea. New a fclf-partreiL ■siisaboll ing W. R Harper, 40, and hla pao- Judge. a ia town. ■alldlBR—CeBtracilaa ...... HOIISEHOID G” Mabel B* cott July 4. were dropped today by 88 IS •UMsal^OrBaiatle ...... IS (d) 4 R(X)M8 FURNITORE Mantle's city prasocutor. Bautista tempt to show “temporary insanity Fbitodalphto ...... 80 70 408 tSsalad—Inetraeiloaa ...... M 117 Down (18 mos. to p a y )..8176 la praaldant (if tna organUatlcm. Incidental to chlldbira." Wounded Woman’s • t - y J l ; ' riaaaalal e» 4 ROOMS FURNITORE Mra. Fink appoarad In court w ia L Pet TOONERV1LLB FOLKS Raods—dlaosa—Mortgecaa ...a . li 819 Down (18 moa. to p a y )..8198 her attoraay, Ben H. Dewey, i Naw Y ork...... 78 88 488 BY ri^ A IN R rOX MBSIaasa Opponuaiilaa ...... It 7 FREE "COUPTiaY AUTOS" entered two plaaa — Innocent, ■ Condition Is ^Good’ Boatoa . , ...... gg 88 % £ jm M aaar ts Lm o ...... n No m atter where you live, pbone 436 Mats aaa Sliaaltaa* Noticejof Special Innocent by rasoon of temporary OtovatSBd ...... 85 48 484 Uncle J e d IMsktU pMdM wav back over in I mr hill MSla Waniad—raoial* ...... sa or WTite ue to eend a "Pnurtsaj insanity — to aa tint dagrsa Cbieago ...... 87 80 488 Hals Weatad—Mala ...... IS Auto" for you to bring you to tbs murdsr Indtetmant. MySbora. N. T, Ai«. 14-(F)— Waabtogton ...... 4g 88 444 COMRa To V i s i t t h r ..t o w n p o l k # ! S S 4 1 aslesaan Wtaiad ...... Is-A store and take you back home again. Town Meeting Afterwards, Dsway told nawe- Mro. Bltoabaa Gf«v« Cudwall C*n>> Philadelphia ...... gr " TB 4 M Hals Weniad—Maia or PsibsI*.. I) No obligation whatioever. men a e latter plea sraa baaed upon Ua, 81, showed oonttouM Improve ■t'Loala 8t d«Bie ttaniad ..... ri-a ALBERT'S FUR.N'ITURE CO. Legal Voters of tha Town- of 78 401 •tlsettoaa Wamad —Pamala . . . . In Hartford Store—43 Allvn St. the fact Baby Holton Fink waa nmat today «t SouthsMa h ^ ta > ■IIBSIIOBS Maniad—Mala ...... It Coventry are hereby warned and bore of a Camrean operation. The whara aha waa taken after bedag CaislotManr eeaneiaa ...... tu directed to meet at th**lCommunlty ' W. L Pet USED 6 CU. FT. General Elactiio child (voa found dead June IS In shot area timss ^ a rajaetod suitor Spriagflald ...... 88 48 488 FRECKLES AND HIS rUBNOS G«BUllilSt BY MERRILL RUNWRR Uaa Starb—Pata—rao llrr— SeSlalaa House, North Coventry, Friday, who than killad hlmaalf aftar wound­ Uasa—Uiraa —Paia ...... si rc^rt^eralor at an axceptlonally August 18, 1938 a t 8:30 P. M. Oraan creek near Mrs. Flak's Clyda Blialra ...... #4 81 4 . Uva diork f-VaMciaa ...... ti low plica, J. W. Hale./Orp. home. Ha waa a a n 10 weeks old. ing a stota trooper. Benatan ...... M 81 487 \ Peelirr ene Saopiiat ...... tt D. 8. T., lo see what action tha Tha ooodltloa of tha aoaially \ Town .wlahes to take on the follow­ Mra. Fink, 33. waa dlvorcad a da^a*agaga« ffX 81 446 WsBiad—. Pats— Poui'rr—S ha loat hla and fall 40 •hooting. The atate trooper. ee S MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 53 Road. f*at to a* ground srhlla paitomlag ■peed to the heoee wh«i Sprogva Oaorge O. Jacobaon, In a s glare of a apoUlght last night JM ^«ytayrf n ptatol. wo* not A ra u r J. Vinton. tor a crosrd at a neljhbothood ear- J*ndon. U.-OV-Ordto8 Ralph V. Reynolds, nival on a e S o u a SIda. «■ Iha daportsUen af ■*• oddttton- Board of Selectman. The vlcUm. Harvey MUIa. 44, ' Dated at Coventry, Conn., this ChlUlootbe, O , aueoombed today In Aut€>-Xruck Crash s.sTTa'itJstJsris; 13a day of August. 1839. a hoepital oevaral boura afUr tha Albert B. Harmon, faU. la which he sustained iateraal S its 5^15“ 8C0RC3IY SMitH ItN * Men aiMAB lies Town Clark. Injures 4 Persons NM HM SSSSlM MM- JOHN C fRRRR Injuries aad fractutoa * 9d thit • toNd daetrwad By *■ a*. itosM* yaoterdiv at Omnby had 1’^ iNod aa an DU wplaMiia Hartford. Ang. gionr Hartford ON M M «)• ‘MMfwek cemSfle Ife Ido dot* M idijidsht ' 1 S aattn ar TlrittM tv eulF «id tnitov m Mnnldpal hoapjtaL Uwy woro B aT RewA6Mdeawes BF Toky* ,A*g. gewAa *AN*,aceeDet tt: Btanlay Vhikowlei; 48; Md aeeaa AND BnaeA *>**ph a g n a t. 70. - — i«iity«B»j3W elH punnffOTi IB'E w *d th a t ilrtvenW Mieheel fheart The ireeh,

■Bri woo oirtoUd an a I O n m I of racklan drtvtag. Tha irrMant mm ias at R*i^ tha BtoaoNM m