w i 8ATUBDAT, AUOtJBTlf. i n » ■ P P L P ^ V B ■ / Am AM ter Ettimtna B m lli AvangB Dally OicalatlaB Tha WiBtiMr ing tha car IwnM sstmld ba ran to for S SMirtk a« M y , IMP F) remit ■( D. B. Waalhi Rsv. Wilttam T. WsUscs of £la , JQielegate Returns Mata" aad Morgaii atrsat and start. North Hsthodlst church, who U tak­ Pentldnds Back Buses to Start Arom ttaara to MaaoftaaUr. The re­ A b o u t Tow n National Guard Units 6.161 M r and MfMiy eaaUi ing hid vacation this month, aiki From D. of I. Parley turn would ba tbe saaM as followed with hla family has been at bis by tha trolley care at present After 'ni«aiajr folr. tlvo town of Watefbary; Vdfihnfit, Cm October 1st croaaing the bridge into Hartford will spod tbs remainder .df the From Long Trip ' ^MAair ft bodget mMtUift last Ready for Maneuvers the buses iriU turn south along the Monchester~—A City of Village Charm gMtt, tlii town MOTMtloa commit* tims near Nlantlc. Tomorrow morn­ Mn. Philip H. CameJr, regent of Boulevard and then west on State ing Mr. WalUce wlU preach in 8L Margaret's Cirete, Daughtera of street to Market north along Mar­ E a S to to d ft taBtsUv* mcpenao UM TrinUy Union Methodist church, Comii«ticnt Go. OfficiRl AdvartWag ea Fags 10) iHr ttft ftoinlBft flaeal wMcb Tell of Journej Through laabtUa, ratumsd horns last night ket to Morgan and from the Jtme- V0L.LVIIL.N0.338 MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1939 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICR THRBB ikM Ir tha eoat o( tna Providanes. ^ Comiumy K and H ow il^l gjgrTob??X aJ?^ from tha National CoBvsntkm of the ExpUdns Further Peti" tton of Morgan and Market east to^ Maine, Nova Scolln, Ur- Daughtors of Issballs which was the bridge. ■riaant pariod whan tha approprU- Tha Bpworih League of the South Compile, to Entrdn g^iuiam ^^^ ' Slft votad was flS.OOO. It was said Prince Edward bland. held in l^videnee, B. I. ' lion to the PUC ^ Net Stsuting Petot iH t aWA **«at only minor changes Methodist church will meet tomor­ 4 j40 Ta Bapart Taaight The convention opened on Biuiday Mention of Morgan and Mala row night kt 7 o’clock at ths church At a. m. Tomor- WiU Offers Plan Where 20 Died in Wreck of Streamliner In aftpandlturea are oontemplated. Mr. and Mra. John O. Pentlaad at Tha rosmbara of thaaa units and eama to a eloat late yeaterday If given permioakm by the PUC streets In Hartford, the repreaenta- to b w Mr. and Mra Hubert Rey­ row for iPbttftburg. report at the armory tonight afternoon with the election of offi­ to BUMtltute buses for trolley can; Uve said, was not Intended as a nolds, who are directors of recrsa- Cbestaut strsst hava returasd from will ba aenred braakfast at the cers. There were over 3,000 in at- tha Connecticut Company will' have starting point The . Hnrtford- 20 Dead, 114 Hurt *TW b aftamoon the ToUand Coon* Uon at the Hartman Tobacco planta­ a 18-day bosinsas and ploasurs trip MaachasUr's mUitary oontlngsnts armory about S:80 a. m. Sunday ndance. them in operation October 1. Rockvllle buses entering and leav­ For Settling ty Ttamnmtlr association holds its tion. 'They will spsak on "Ufa on a annua] masting at tha estats of Mrs. to Maine, Nova Scotia, Prince Ed­ In tha nrst Corps mansuvers to bs morning. Tha companiaa will form Mm. Minerva C. Boyd, national Thia announcement was made by ing Hartford travel by a different ■Tobacco iTsntatlon." bald nsxt wssk in Northern New on Main street sad will march di­ regent, of Chicago, preaidad at the a repraaentative of foe company to­ route. On croaaing the bridge they, fhaala Dbioa Welch in columbU ward laland and the Gaspe Penla- day. The Connecticut Company D an zig Row where former Governor Wilbur L. A msetlng of the A. O. H. will be York—Company K and the Howltssr rectly to the depot and will boarcJ nvention uid in ner report showed continue west along Morgan street Cross wiU head the list of speakers. Bula. They accompanied Mr. and Company—Will entrain on Sunday the second section of the through Uiat there had bean I1A17 navy mem- baa filed a correction to ita original and turn south Into Market street,.' held at 8t. James’s school bMl to­ Mra Hate Dow of Portland, Maine, application In which it wm stated In Wreck of Train; be<e admitted to tha order elnca the discharging passengers and then •Harmony” within party ranks win morrow morning at 11 o’clock for morning at 4:40 a. m. (ds.t.) at the train that will take them to camp. b« the keynote of the session, and widely known carnation growers local atatlon and will arrive at their | <n,e train will leave Hartford, with last eonvsiitlon held twro years ago; that it intended to operate buses ■re driven to the south side of State the purpose of electing delegstss to and origlnatora of tha celebrated that tha pledge of 8100.000 made over part of Weat Canter streeL Program CaUn for Re« laduded in the list of speakers will the convention in New Haven. desUnatloo in foe 4Srd DivUlon Hartford’s military units aboard, at street near Central Row. ha former labor commissioner "Maine Sunahine ” variety. Both area, near Spellman’s, N. Y., at fi:10 a. m. by rha order to the Natiofial Cath- Aleng Same Roole. Faster Time. i^ o n of Free City with Joseph M. Tons and members of the couples attended the two-day con­ 4:10 p. m. ^ _ Major Fredsrick G. Reincks ot a'ie School of Social Sarvica at The petition aa it now mads pro­ The company 'is now planning a' Moriarty Brothers’ iiaseball team Washington, D. C„ had reached a to­ schedule on which the buses will ba stats central committee. will journey to Rockville tomorrow vention of the FlorUU’ Telegraph The two local National Guard Hartford, Third Battalion Com­ vides for the starting of buses from ^ Reich, Connection of ^ Earless Man Sought tal of 880,000. ITia balance la ex- operated, Ths time will be faster to oppose the Lsfsyettes of that Delivery aaaoclatloo at Charlotte­ uniU win be at full strength for the mander, will be Commander ot the the corner of Main and Morgan Mrs. Barnard RosenlMd and town. the capital city of P.E.I., latfsat assembly of regulars and troop train which will carry tha l-ccta<l to be raised In tha next two streets in Hartford aad from there than that of the troney. There will’' East Ihrunnia, Germany city. Players will meet at the Wset years. wrest acrom the bridge Into East be at least three buaea an hour to daughter, Harriet, rstumesaq their Side field at 1 o’clock. which has a Mpulatlon of IS,{ natlMal guard troopa svsr local troopa. Meals will be served home t^ay la Firlladelphla. "'after Only two florists are membai ■siablsd in thla corpa arsa. foe men aboard tha train. Hartford. Main and Morgan street, and from Manchester during the en­ Rama. Aug. 14.—<e>—A. N asi it was explained, did not mean that tire day, with additional buses run­ Negro Mortgages Hla Pigs Soudiera Padfie ’spending three weeks with Mr. and Janet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the asBoclatiOD and they are Offleera hi CRarge Bike to Oampelto ■eurca with umiauaUy good can- Velvet Strike Mrs. Harry Forstot of Blsaell street. In Charlottetown. In courtesy to Company K will bs commanded Upon arriving at camp foe com- the terminal for the buses would be ning at shorter Intervale during the nactlowa with high officialdom said For New Suit of Oothea rials Say EvidenMjjy Arthur A. Knofla of Munro street, at that poinL The buses on leav­ rush hours. Mrs. Forstot. mother of Mr. Rosen- was eight years old yesterday. The them tha convention was held thars by Captain Jamea H..McVeigh and panlea will hike about a mile eaet Churches today that Prof. Carl J. Burck- ' field, returned with them for s visit family Is spending the summer at and the visitors ound It moat Intsr- foe Howltksr Company will be In of the depot to their allotted camp­ hardt. L eans of Nations commis- Continues As Menton, N. C, Aug. 14.—(to Qeariy IndieateB in Phflly. their cottage at CrysUI Lake, and ssUng, also Nova Scotia, whers in command of Captotn Horace F. site which will be shout a mile and ■iooer for Darnrig, has a plan for —Jesse Holley, Negro, gave a / liberale Planningf In celebration of the event Mrs. some sections the people many of Murphey, newly advanced from 1st a half distant from Lake Ontario SL Mary's Cftoreh paaeaful aetUement of foe dispute mortgage on hla pigs (or a aaw Mias Barbara and Mias Eleanor Koofia sntertatned a party of them are a mixture of French, Lieutenant and placed In command and on Route 9, New Tork State. Rev. James Staart Nein. Raetor BETTER EATS AT REYMANDER'S! batwaan Garmsay and Poland over Vote Is Near I ralnbow-huad, double-braasted Spikes Removed Nickerson of Pine street were re­ grownups and children. Aftsr Swedish and Indian. They freifiicnt- of the unit. Officere of Company K 'The unite will start breaking tha rraa City. I suit of clotoea. cent guests at the Hotel Commo­ games and a general good time, the ly stopped to wretch the Indians, for foe camp period are 1st Lieut.
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