Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} American Eagle Just a Little Old-Fashioned Justice #1 by Jason Aaron MARVEL DIGITAL COMICS EXCLUSIVE Leaping out of the pages of Thunderbolts, Jason Strongbow aka American Eagle, tribal leader and former super hero, keeps the peace throughout Navajo lands. So when a super villain on the run crosses onto the rez, pursued by one of Tony Stark's Initiative teams, Strongbow must give them all a hard lesson in down-home justice. Issue Name Day Added American Eagle: Just A Little Old Fashioned Justice Full 9/7/2019. From 2015 Copyrights and trademarks for the comic, and other promotional materials are held by their respective owners and their use is allowed under the fair use clause of the Copyright Law. Privacy Policy | DMCA | Contact us. Adblocker detected! Please consider reading this notice. We've detected that you are using AdBlock Plus or some other adblocking software which is preventing the page from fully loading. We don't have any banner, Flash, animation, obnoxious sound, or popup ad. We do not implement these annoying types of ads! We need money to operate the site, and almost all of it comes from our online advertising. Marvel Unlimited - Marvel Unlimited. Marvel Unlimited , cunoscut anterior ca Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited , este un serviciu online de la care distribuie edițiile anterioare ale benzilor desenate prin internet . Serviciul a fost lansat pe 13 noiembrie 2007 și are acum peste 27.000 de numere în arhiva sa. Cuprins. Istorie. Marvel a început să lanseze benzi desenate pe internet în 1996 cu Marvel CyberComics . Acesta a fost ulterior înlocuit de DotComics sub mandatul lui Bill Jemas . Aceasta va crește până la dimensiunea a zeci de benzi desenate până în 2002, dar mai târziu se va limita la doar 12 benzi desenate până în 2004. Marvel Digital Comics a fost anunțat pentru prima dată în 2005 ca înlocuitor al DotComics; cu toate acestea, a folosit aceeași interfață bazată pe Flash cu doar actualizări minore, reducând în același timp benzile desenate disponibile de la 12 numere la 4 numere. În acest moment, redactor-șef Joe Quesada a speculat cu privire la posibilitățile de a adăuga animație la benzi desenate, care ar fi realizat în 2009 odată cu lansarea Spider- Woman ca un desen animat de mișcare . Benzi desenate digitale ale Marvel au crescut doar modest, ajungând la peste 24 de benzi desenate în aprilie 2006, până când a fost relansat în noiembrie 2007 ca Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited. Spre deosebire de inițiativele anterioare, Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited a fost un serviciu de abonament cu peste 2.500 de benzi desenate disponibile abonaților, cu noi benzi desenate adăugate săptămânal. O mică parte din bibliotecă a fost pusă la dispoziție gratuit, în încercarea de a atrage spectatorii să se aboneze la serviciu, fie prin planurile sale lunare, fie anuale. Ca răspuns la temerile din partea vânzătorilor de benzi desenate, Dan Buckley a promis că va exista o întârziere de cel puțin 6 luni de la publicarea tipărită a unei benzi desenate și când aceasta va fi disponibilă pe Digital Comics Unlimited a lui Marvel. Totuși, Marvel Comics a modificat această politică în 2008 cu lansarea Secret Invasion: Home Invasion . Acest lucru a fost lansat online mai întâi ca o corelare cu evenimentul Secret Invasion . Exclusivitatea de benzi desenate digitale ar fi extinsă pentru a include benzi desenate non-eveniment. Lansarea inițială a exclusivităților a inclus o poveste Fin Fang Four de Scott Gray și Roger Langridge , Marvels Channel: Monsters, Myths and Marvels de Frank Tieri și Juan Santacruz , American Eagle : Just a Little Old-Fashioned Justice de Jason Aaron și Kid Colt de Tom DeFalco . La 13 octombrie 2009, Marvel a lansat o versiune actualizată a vizualizatorului de benzi desenate, numită Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited Reader 3.0. Noul cititor de benzi desenate digitale a adăugat o serie de funcții noi, inclusiv modul ecran complet, miniaturi pentru toate paginile și modalități mai ușoare de a găsi cărți legate de cea citită. Apoi a publicat zilnic o serie de benzi desenate „pierdute” ale Căpitanului America , care erau de fapt creații moderne scrise de Karl Kesel . O poveste Galacta în trei părți a fost publicată și digital, după ce a câștigat votul pentru a vedea care a fost cea mai populară poveste din Marvel Assistant-Sized Spectacular . În martie 2013, Marvel a anunțat că serviciul va fi redenumit din Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited în Marvel Unlimited și că serviciul se va extinde pe dispozitivele iOS . Alte puncte de benzi desenate digitale Marvel. În plus față de aplicația Marvel Unlimited, Marvel a început să lanseze benzi desenate digitale pentru iPhone și iPod Touch prin intermediul unui număr de retaileri, inclusiv Panelfly , comiXology și iVerse . Spre deosebire de Marvel Unlimited, aceste benzi desenate sunt disponibile pentru achiziționare ca ediții unice. În plus, a fost anunțat în august 2009 că benzile desenate ale Marvel vor fi lansate pentru PlayStation Portable în decembrie 2009. American Eagle: Just a Little Old-Fashioned Justice #1 by Jason Aaron. Since it launched its online comic service, Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited, late last year providing reader access to some of its huge library of back issues (some released as recently as six months ago), Marvel has been expanding and rotating the material available to its online subscribers and increasingly spicing up the mix with exclusive online content, most notably the recently released Iron Man and Hulk comics that tied into the Marvel Studios’ films (see “Marvel Launches Original Webcomics”). Today Marvel announced that it is launching a new wave of exclusive digital comic book offerings starting with Marvels Channels: Monsters, Myths and Marvels: Galactus from writer Frank Tieri and artist Juan Santacruz, which goes live on Wednesday October 22nd. Marvel plans to launch three or more new exclusive digital comics per month (always on Wednesdays). Among the titles announced today were a Halloween Special Issue featuring Frankenstein and Jack Russell (Werewolf-by-Night) created by Dean Haspiel, American Eagle: Just a Little Old-Fashioned Justice by Jason Aaron and Richard Isanove, Fing Fang Four by Scott Gray and Roger Langridge, Kid Colt by Tom DeFalco, and a collection of Amazing Spider-Man stories from Spidey Brain Trustee Bob Gale that take place within and around the current Webcrawler continuity. With these offerings Marvel is clearly trying to find the right digital formula to appeal to a younger computer-savvy generation that doesn’t mind reading comics online. Given the online proclivities of the younger generation, a substantial Web-based digital distribution component appears to be inevitable for major comic book publishers, but the question is, what format and business model makes sense for both readers and publishers? Some fans object to Marvel’s current Flash format that doesn’t download the comic material to the subscriber’s computer. Others wonder if the traditional model of a comic book page broken down into panels makes any sense for a sequential narrative delivered by a computer rather than by a book or pamphlet. And then there is the whole “motion comics” format with dialogue, sound effects and music dubbed in—the dominant online comic format of the future is yet to be determined as is the payment model for consumers (and for publishers’ disbursements to artist and writers for that matter). Future offerings could well be ad-supported or sold piecemeal rather than by subscription-only—does Marvel’s continued efforts on behalf of its subscription-based system indicate that the publisher has been having some success with this business model, or is it a sign that subscriptions are flagging and more incentives are needed to maintain and grow the number of subscribers? American Eagle: Just a Little Old-Fashioned Justice #1 by Jason Aaron. Membership : Johnny Cool, (Melati Kusuma), Supermax, Two-Gun Kid (Matt Hawk); formerly Blacksmith ("Jerry," a disguised ) Purpose : To protect Arizona. Aliases : None. Affiliations : 3-D Man (Delroy Garrett, Jr.), American Eagle (Jason Strongbow), (Jimmy Santini), Butterball (Emery Schaub), the Cavalry (Red Nine/Wallace Jackson, Stunt-Master/Steve Brooks, Girl/Tarene, Ultragirl/Suzy Sherman), (Abby Boylen), Debrii (Deborah Fields), Enchantress, (Angelica Jones), Frog-Man (Eugene Patilio), Geiger (Delilah Deerborn), (Greg Willis), Heavy Hitters (Hardball/Roger Brokeridge, Nonstop, Prodigy/Ritchie Gillmore, Telemetry), Jocasta, Kerry, Liberteens (2-D, Blue Eagle, Iceberg), (Anthem/Henry Hellrung, Aralune/Becky Ryan, Calamity/James Wa, Supernaut/Milo Fields, Veda/Maggie Neuntauben), Point Men (Devil- Slayer/Eric Payne, Paydirt, Star Sign), (Elvin Halliday), Scarlet Spider (Patrick), the Skrull Kill Krew (Riot, Ryder), (Steve Harmon), Think Tank. Enemies : Cottonmouth (Burchell Clemens), (Blacksmith/"Jerry," others), Zzzax. Base of Operations : An unidentified location in Arizona, USA. First Appearance : (mentioned as an unidentified Initiative team in Arizona): Avengers: The Initiative I#12 (June, 2008); (fully seen, identified as the Desert Stars): Avengers: The Initiative I#16 (October, 2008) History : (Avengers: The Initiative I#12 - BTS) - When Komodo graduated from the Fifty-State Initiative training, she was assigned to the Desert Stars, Arizona's Initiative team, despite hoping she would be placed on the same team as her boyfriend Hardball. (Avengers: The Initiative I#16) - After electric power and Starktech went down during the alien Skrulls' secret invasion of Earth, the Desert Stars aided civilians, with team leader Two-Gun Kid reminding civilians to stay calm and promising that they would have the power back on soon. Asking civilians with problems with heat to report to the cold-manipulating Johnny Cool, Two-Gun Kid continued to manage the situation, reminding the Desert Stars that children and senior citizens were priority. Unaware that 3-D Man and the Skrull Kill Krew were tracking down and killing Skrull infiltrators, and that they had identified Desert Stars member Blacksmith as a Skrull, the Desert Stars were surprised when 3-D Man and the Skrull Kill Krew drove into their rescue area on motorcycles, guns a'blazing. They soon realized Blacksmith was a Skrull when he reverted to his true form to battle 3-D Man and the Skrull Kill Krew and the Desert Stars joined the battle against Blacksmith. After most of the Desert Stars were knocked out, Blacksmith was defeated by being shot through Komodo's body. As Komodo regenerated, 3-D Man confirmed that the other Desert Stars were alive but out of the fight, prompting Komodo's decision to join 3-D Man and the Skrull Kill Krew against other Skrull infiltrators. (American Eagle: Just a Little Old-Fashioned Justice#1 (fb)) - Chasing the bank-robbing Cottonmouth from Phoenix, the Desert Stars (minus Supermax) tracked the killer into the Navajo Nation, where Two-Gun Kid asked two police officers why they were wasting time waiting around when Cottonmouth was still on the loose. When the officers asked who the heroes were, Two-Gun Kid reminded them that they were Arizona's Initiative team, the Desert Stars, but the officers quickly reminded the Desert Stars that they were no longer in Arizona but the Navajo Nation. The officers then explained that they had their own man for dealing with superhuman craziness and when Two-Gun asked who the man was, the officers directed him to American Eagle, who was sitting on his motorcycle nearby. American Eagle and officer Kerry began discussing the situation but Two-Gun Kid interrupted them, prompting American Eagle to also ask who the heroes were. Two-Gun Kid quickly reiterated that they were the Desert Stars and admitted his concern that both American Eagle and the police officers did not realize how dangerous Cottonmouth was, reminding them that they he had hospitalized half-a-dozen security guards and had once battled . American Eagle then asked what Cottonmouth had done to the guards to hospitalize them and Two-Gun explained that he had bit the guards. American Eagle then sat out to find Cottonmouth, asking Kerry to assume him dead if he wasn't back by nightfall, and the Desert Stars announced their plans to accompany American Eagle but American Eagle reminded the Desert Stars that they had no jurisdiction on Navajo land and asked that they tell Tony Stark to kiss his behind. (Avengers: The Initiative I Special#1/Fear Itself: Youth in Revolt#4 (fb)) - When the electric creature Zzzax attacked a dam on the Arizona/Nevada border seeking energy from the dam's generators, both Arizona's Desert Stars and Nevada's Heavy Hitters responded. During the battle, Gravity placed the Heavy Hitters under Two-Gun Kid's command so that he could focus on fixing the damaged areas of the dam. Two- Gun Kid quickly ordered Johnny Cool to plug the dam's hole with ice then assist Gravity with the damaged areas but Supermax was soon shocked by Zzzax and Two-Gun Kid nearly bumped into the Heavy Hitter Telemetry as Komodo and Hardball watched the two teams trip over each other until they managed to defeat Zzzax together. (Fear Itself: Youth in Revolt#1) - The Desert Stars attended the rally held by young hero Prodigy in Washington, D.C., where he discussed the restarting of the Initiative program. After Prodigy's speech, members of the Desert Stars mingled with the other assembled heroes. As various young heroes later jumped into action to stop rioting and panic across the United States, the Desert Stars foiled a bank robbery as Prodigy monitored each of the Initiative teams' progress. (Fear Itself: Youth in Revolt#4) - The Desert Stars helped evacuate Las Vegas with fellow heroes Rage and Debrii helping find survivors of a battle between the young hero Hardball and an Asgardian Serpent-controlled . During the cleanup, Gravity angrily fought Hardball, further destabilizing the city, but the Desert Stars continued their evacuations. (Fear Itself: Youth in Revolt#5) - When the Heavy Hitters Hotel and Casino headquarters collapsed from the recent Las Vegas damage, the Desert Stars all ran for cover, with Frog-Man rescuing Johnny Cool and Supermax rushing around to find the missing Two-Gun Kid, worried that he might have been killed in the collapse. Komodo continued aiding in getting survivors to safety while worrying that Hardball might be dead. (Fear Itself: Youth in Revolt#6) - After Thor Girl renounced herself to her true power as the Designate and attacked the unknowing Prodigy in retaliation for earlier having her imprisoned, Desert Stars members Johnny Cool and Supermax acted in Prodigy's defense while Komodo was left wondering what was happening to Thor Girl. The Desert Stars (minus the still-missing Two-Gun Kid) then witnessed the Designate judge humanity unworthy of her power and travel into outer space. Comments : Created by Dan Slott, Christos N. Gage and Steve Uy. Some online sources list Avengers: The Initiative I#17-19 as appearances of the Desert Stars but Komodo is only one who appears in that issue, not the team. Therefore, I did not include that issue in the Desert Stars' appearances. CLARIFICATIONS : The Desert Stars have no known connections to: Desert Dwellers , mutated desert flora and fauna @ West Coast Avengers II#17 Desert Sword , Middle Eastern warriors @ New Mutants I Annual#7 or any other "Desert" or "Stars" groups. images : (without ads) Fear Itself: Youth in Revolt#1, p10-11, splash page (Desert Stars, main image) Avengers: The Initiative I#16, p15, pan1 (Desert Stars during an aid mission) American Eagle: Just a Little Old-Fashioned Justice#1, p2, pan3 (Desert Stars in the Navajo Nation) Fear Itself: Youth in Revolt#1, p14, pan3 (Desert Stars in action) Appearances: Avengers: The Initiative I#12 (June, 2008) - Dan Slott, Christos N. Gage (writers), Steve Uy (art), Tom Brevoort (editor) Avengers: The Initiative I#16 (October, 2008) - Dan Slott, Christos N. Gage (writers), Stefano Caselli (art), Tom Brevoort (editor) American Eagle: Just a Little Old-Fashioned Justice#1 (November, 2008) - Jason Aaron (writer), Richard Isanove (art), Lauren Sankovitch (editor) Avengers: The Initiative I Special#1 (January, 2009) - "The Real Thing" story - Christos N. Gage (writer), Steve Uy (art), Tom Brevoort (editor) Fear Itself: Youth in Revolt#1 (July, 2011) - Sean McKeever (writer), Mike Norton (art), Lauren Sankovitch (editor) Fear Itself: Youth in Revolt#4 (October, 2011) - Sean McKeever (writer), Mike Norton (art), Lauren Sankovitch (editor) Fear Itself: Youth in Revolt#5 (November, 2011) - Sean McKeever (writer), Mike Norton (art), Lauren Sankovitch (editor) Fear Itself: Youth in Revolt#6 (December, 2011) - Sean McKeever (writer), Mike Norton (art), Lauren Sankovitch (editor) First Posted : 11/21/2018 Last updated : 11/21/2018. Jason Strongbow (Earth-616) Jason Strongbow was a representative of the Navajo Nation of Native Americans, attempted to stop a mining company from excavating a mountain sacred to the tribe by obtaining a court order. Failing in that, he led a peaceful protest group at the mining site. When the night watchman panicked and shot a protester, Strongbow followed him into the mine. There, he discovered that the mining company was in league with Ulysses Klaw who sought uranium found in the mine to fortify his sonic powers. Strongbow also discovered his brother, Ward, who did not share his ideas of preserving the tribal grounds, and an argument between them soon led to violence. [3] American Eagle. During their fight, Klaw appeared and blasted the brothers with his sonic blaster, causing a cave-in. Trapped in the cavern, Jason and his brother were simultaneously bombarded by radiation from an unknown isotope of uranium and the sonic vibrations of Klaw. Jason emerged from the cavern with superhuman powers that he attributed more to the Great Spirit of his tribe than to the mutagenic effects of the radiation bombardment. Ward escaped the cave-in earlier and left with Klaw for the Savage Land. Jason emerged from the mine and was hailed as a champion of his tribe. Taking the flight of an eagle nearby as an omen, Strongbow fashioned a costumed identity of the American Eagle. Learning that his brother was in the Savage Land with Klaw, the American Eagle set out in pursuit, soon finding himself in the company of the Savage Land protector Ka-Zar, the Thing, and the Thing's ally Wyatt Wingfoot. The four of them opposed and defeated Klaw. In the course of the battle, Ward Strongbow was killed by one of the miners' bullets. He was later part of the collection of heroes that stood against the Dire Wraiths. [4] Later Adventures. Jason semi-retired after intervening in Cobalt Tomahawk's robbery of the reservation's casino. [5] Following the national dispute over the Superhuman Registration Act, Jason decided to protest against the act, which got him listed as an enemy combatant. [6] He also designed a new costume with fewer stereotypically Native American attributes, including a leather jacket and a helmet resembling the head & beak of a bald eagle. He attempted to prevent Steel Spider from direct contact with the Thunderbolts by persuading him to ease up on his work as a vigilante. [7] When the two were confronted by the Thunderbolts under Osborn, Jason shot Moonstone with a crossbow bolt. Sepulchre joined Jason and the Steel Spider, and the three were able to defeat the Thunderbolts. In making their escape, the Eagle defeated and crippled Bullseye with ease. [8] After the conflict the Commission on Superhuman Activities cleared him of charges, as his status as a reservation law enforcer made him exempt from the Superhuman Registration Act. [1] Shortly afterward he turned away the Desert Stars who were in pursuit of Cottonmouth whose rampage had taken him onto the Rez, Eagle's territory. Finding that Cottonmouth had taken a hostage, Jason defused the situation and forced Cottonmouth to do some restorative justice as recompense. [9] During Fear Itself, a few drug-dealers took MGH to give them the strength, size, and aura of Natives Americans devils, and create a clash between the natives and their white neighborhood. Their plot was revealed by Jason who also defeated them. [10] Jason later visited Mrs. Rhodes, who had been given sanctuary on the Reservation a year ago, to inform her about the situation with her son. After a series of events including betting up Rhodes support team and taking down an armored faux American Eagle ended up helping War Machine attack an army base to reveal the Ultimo conspiracy. [11] Enter the Phoenix. Not long after American Eagle resurfaced and accepted a part-time position as an Agent of Wakanda, [12] he became one of many super heroes and super villains summoned by the cosmic force known as the Phoenix Force for a contest to determine its next host. The Phoenix empowered the assembled champions and had them fight each other in trials by combat. [13] American Eagle became one of the contestants who most desired to become the Phoenix, since he wanted to bring power to his people. After emerging victorious from fighting Luke Cage, [14] Jason was pitted against Shanna the She-Devil and Zabu, [15] but lost to them. [16] Powers and Abilities. Power Grid [17] Intelligence 2 Strength 4 Speed 3 Durability 4 Energy Projection 1 Fighting Skills 4. Powers. Superhuman Physiology: Due to exposure to an unknown radioactive isotope, The cellular fortification of Strongbow's bodily tissues have increased dramatically, granting him various superhuman physical attributes. Superhuman Strength: Strongbow possesses superhuman strength enabling him to lift about 15 tons, which is enough force to uproot a large tree. Arm Wrestled the Thing. [11] Superhuman Speed: Strongbow can run and move at speeds greater than the finest human athlete. His speed is slightly greater than that of the Cheetah, the fastest land animal on Earth, and can reach a top speed of 65 miles per hour. Superhuman Stamina: Strongbow's heightened musculature produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than an ordinary human. He can exert himself physically at peak capacity for approximately 5 hours, which is roughly 50 times the stamina of an average human. Superhuman Durability: Strongbow's bodily tissues are somewhat harder and more resistant to physical injury than that of an ordinary human. However, he is far from invulnerable. While can be injured by weapons composed of conventional materials, he can withstand impact forces that would severely injure or kill a normal human with little to no injury to show for it. Superhumanly Acute Senses: The American Eagle's sensory organs have also been fortified by the radiation- induced mutation. Like his namesake, the Eagle, he has hyper keen eyesight, able to see at 800 feet what the average human being sees at 20 feet. His senses of smell, taste, and hearing are approximately three times that of an average human being. Abilities. Strongbow is a formidable hand to hand combatant and archer. Paraphernalia. Weapons. American Eagle carries a crossbow which fires specially designed bolts. He has a bolt to which a line of braided fiberglass is connected, enabling him to swing from overhead objects or to climb its length. He also has specially blunted bolts in order to stun an opponent at a distance.