Marine Habitat Mapping Technology for Alaska 267
Marine Habitat Mapping Technology for Alaska 267 Index Bold page numbers indicate figures, acoustic remote sensing (ARS) (continued) Albatross Bank, 178, 249 tables, and maps installation of acoustic sensors, 73 Aleutian Islands, 2, 172, 178, 238 mounting of acoustic sensors, 73-76, 74, coral gardens, 20-21, 22, 23, 239 75, 76, 77-79, 243 Delta (manned submersible) surveys, A and multibeam swath sonar, 40-41 149, 151 Abaco, Bahamas, 13, 16 parameters that can be measured, 29, 29 algorithms from Multiview software, 197 Abrolhos Reef, Australia, 227 positioning for, 42 Allee, Brian, 1-11, 237-265 ABS. See acrylonitrile butadiene styrene post processing of, 42, 44 Allocentrotus fragilis. See urchin plastic mosaics resulting from different Aloha (F/V), 205, 205 absorption of acoustic waves, 30 levels of, 43-44 along-track resolution. See resolution, lateral abundance of fish, 4, 6, 20, 157, 162, 185, 246, and sidescan sonars, 36-38, 40 resolution 247, 250 technology advances in, 41-42 altimeters, 103, 104 on Heceta Bank, 203, 205, 208, 209, 211, as a tool for habitat mapping in Alaska Amend, M.R., 4 213-214, 214, 254-255 waters, 29-45 analog video vs. digital video, 103 in Northeast Pacific waters, 143, 144, 146, and vertical-beam sounders, 34-36 Anderson, T.J., 5 148, 150-151 acoustic waves, 30, 33, 34, 37, 242 angle of incidence. See incidence angles in untrawlable waters, 132, 136, 140 ACPs. See Active Control Points Anoplopoma fimbria. See sablefish accelerating water mass, 91, 96, 244 across-track lateral resolution. See resolution, ANOVA (analysis of variance), 162, 214 acoustical surveys, 2 lateral resolution Anthomastus, 213 acoustic seabed classification, 6 acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastic, Antipathes dendrochristos.
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