(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,346,238 B2 Tilton (45) Date of Patent: *May 24, 2016

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,346,238 B2 Tilton (45) Date of Patent: *May 24, 2016 USOO9346238B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,346,238 B2 Tilton (45) Date of Patent: *May 24, 2016 (54) FLEXIBLE PACKAGING COMPOSITES (56) References Cited (71) Applicant: Smart Planet Technologies, Inc., U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Newport Beach, CA (US) 3,894.904. A 7/1975 Cook (72) Inventor: Christopher R. Tilton, Laguna Hills, is: A 98. Rich CA (US) 4,254,173 A 3/1981 Peer, Jr. Continued (73) Assignee: Smart Planet Technologies, Inc., ( ) Newport Beach, CA (US) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this EP O326410 8, 1989 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 EP O81 1508 10, 1997 U.S.C. 154(b) by 29 days. (Continued) This patent is Subject to a terminal dis claimer. Primary Examiner — Hannah Pak (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Fish & Tsang LLP (21) Appl. No.: 14/065,205 (22) Filed: Oct. 28, 2013 (57) ABSTRACT (65) Prior Publication Data The flexible packaging composites include one or more min eral-containing layers with a bonding agent. The composite US 2014/OO57O61 A1 Feb. 27, 2014 structure is used as a primary or secondary packaging con tainer or insulating material. In addition to the mineral-con taining layer, the composite can contain one or more non Related U.S. Application Data mineral containing layers, including various combinations of (63) Continuation of application No. 12/193,577, filed on extruded resins, cast or blown films, and fibers. The mineral Aug. 18, 2008, now Pat. No. 8,569.411. containing layer is Substantially and continuously bonded to the other layers. The present invention is an unexpectedly (60) Provisional application No. 60/956,690, filed on Aug. unique and environmentally friendly composite structure 18, 2007. containing mineral layers with bonding agents as a key com ponent. The material is designed to form flexible and semi (51) Int. Cl. rigid storage articles at equal or lower costs to prior art solu B29D 22/00 (2006.01) tions while providing a mineral containing layer that is a very B32B3/26 (2006.01) Smooth, has comparatively high plasticity, and having a high B32B 27/20 (2006.01) quality printing Surface not requiring Corona Treatment. The B32B 29/04 (2006.01) composite structure is used as a primary or secondary pack B32B I/02 (2006.01) aging container or insulating material. In addition to the min B32B 9/00 (2006.01) eral containing layer, the composite could contain various B65D 75/00 (2006.01) combinations of extruded resins, cast or blown films, and B32B5/18 (2006.01) fibers. The mineral containing layer is Substantially and con B32B5/30 (2006.01) tinuously bonded to the other layers. The polymer, fiber, and B32B 2L/2 (2006.01) mineral containing layers can be shaped, sized and manufac B32B 3/28 (2006.01) tured such that the composite structure formed is subse (52) U.S. Cl. quently machined to form a storage article. The composite CPC. B32B3/263 (2013.01); B32B I/02 (2013.01); structure has advantages including a high degree of pliability B32B3/28 (2013.01); B32B5/18 (2013.01); and flexibility, a minimum 37 dyne level on the surface of the B32B5/30 (2013.01); B32B 9/002 (2013.01); mineral containing layer, a mineral containing layer that is B32B 21/12 (2013.01); B32B 27/20 (2013.01); highly 86 opaque, and has a bright, white printing Surface that B32B 29/04 (2013.01); B65D 75/008 readily accepts coating and inks, therefore, rendering it (2013.01); B32B 2262/062 (2013.01); B32B highly attractive to consumers. Further, the composite struc 2262/067 (2013.01); B32B 2264/104 (2013.01); ture has tensile strength, dead-fold, stiffness, and other char B32B 2307/412 (2013.01); Y10T 156/10 acteristics that allow it to be readily machined into desired (2015.01); Y10T 156/1043 (2015.01); Y10T storage article forms and storage article closures, therefore, 428/1334 (2015.01); Y10T 428/24355 the material can be used for as a variety of food, consumer, (2015.01); Y10T 428/25 (2015.01); Y10T industrial, anti-static, and commercial uses. Other mineral 428/31645 (2015.04): Y10T 428/31667 containing layer advantages include environmentally attrac (2015.04) tive features such photo-degradability, recyclability, compo (58) Field of Classification Sears, 3/263 B32B 1/O2 stability, and bio-degradability. USPC ................................................. 428/35.2, 141 See application file for complete search history. 13 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets US 9,346,238 B2 Page 2 (56) References Cited 2004/0052987 A1 3/2004 Shetty et al. 2006, O151350 A1 7, 2006 Tilton U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2006.0167169 A1 7/2006 Arana 2006/O198987 A1 9, 2006 Grob et al. 4472,229 A 9, 1984 Martin 2007/0O25904 A1 2, 2007 Skuse et al. 4,507,358 A 3, 1985 Takaoka et al. 2007/0051653 A1 3, 2007 Tilton 4,692.212 A 9, 1987 Swenson et al. 2009/0047511 A1 2, 2009 Tilton 4,851.458 A 7/1989 Hopperdietzel 4,853,276 A 8, 1989 Kurushima FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 4,894,192 A 1/1990 Warych 4.946,372 A 8, 1990 Avni FR 236.7594 5, 1978 5,053,268 A 10, 1991 Ehara et al. GB 1534128 11, 1978 5.434,004 A 7/1995 Ajioka et al. JP 62144931 6, 1987 5,494,735 A 2, 1996 Nitta JP O2O33399 2, 1990 5,515,975 A 5, 1996 Jarvis et al. JP O1897829 8, 1996 5,803.260 A 9, 1998 Tilton JP 10059468 3, 1998 5,827,607 A 10, 1998 Deaner et al. JP 2OOOO15765 1, 2000 5,863,414 A 1, 1999 Tilton JP 2001.214396 8, 2001 5,962,123 A 10, 1999 Mehta et al. JP 2004507385 3, 2002 6,016,913 A 1/2000 Tilton JP 2006518316 9, 2004 6,150,005 A 11/2000 Williams et al. WO O187596 11, 2001 6,274,248 B1 8, 2001 Goto et al. WO 02102593 12/2002 6,730,249 B2 5, 2004 Sears et al. WO O3O29001 4/2003 6,787,205 B1 9, 2004 Aho et al. WO 2004O74130 9, 2004 8,569.411 B2 * 10/2013 Tilton ........................... 524/425 WO 2005095515 10/2005 20O2/O127358 A1 9, 2002 Berlin et al. WO 2007078454 7/2007 2003/0203231 A1 10/2003 Stopper et al. 2003,021 1348 A1 11/2003 Mueller et al. * cited by examiner U.S. Patent May 24, 2016 Sheet 1 of 5 US 9,346,238 B2 PRIOR ART 1.6 11 \ FG. 2A 12 PRIOR ART 17 2122 S ow m was tv - <w w w wz an a <mo - ww. z1. < 7 19 FG. 3A 22 PRIOR ART FIG. 4A FG. 4B PRIOR ART 28 if it 32 1.31 29 F.G. 5A S. 33 F.G. 5B PRIOR ART U.S. Patent May 24, 2016 Sheet 2 of 5 US 9,346,238 B2 36 4O 39 ,1-------- S-S-S- - - 22 F.G. 6A 38 FIG. 6B PRIOR ART 44 \ 2 FIG. 7A 45 48 FIG. 7B PRIOR ART 49 51 -2-, -2- FIG. 8A FIG. 8B PRIOR ART \ as a San 58 1. w way to w a out w w w w w m. m. m. m. m. : 56 is FG.a 9A 56 PRIOR ART PRIOR ART U.S. Patent May 24, 2016 Sheet 3 of 5 US 9,346,238 B2 w y wr w y por pv wt F.G. 1 1A 69 71 F.G. 1 1 B PRIOR ART Assasas 4 R^2----, is a \ . -,. .FIG. i.12B .Y 30 PRIOR ART 81 83 =-4-itz: z - 4 z 82 FIG. 13A FG. 1 3B PRIOR ART 85 \ez4A84 9 O 2 9 : 1?t, \ 22 - 86 z87 FIG. 14A Y88- FIG. 14B 9 PRIOR ART 92 94 93 F.G. 15A 95 F.G. 15B PROR ART U.S. Patent May 24, 2016 Sheet 4 of 5 US 9,346,238 B2 97\ z1,96 z) "Szy z 4 1 OOz 1 98 S 2 FIG. 16A Y99 102 FG 16B PRIOR ART 1 O3 1 O5 104 FIG. 17A 1 O6 FIG. 17B PRIOR ART 1 O8 2. 2. | 1 z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. 109 Fic. 13A t O 113 FIG. 18B PRIOR ART is -- 121 117 FIG. 19A 118 F.G. 19B PRIOR ART 123 1. 125 FIG. 20A '' * FIG.2OB PRIOR ART U.S. Patent May 24, 2016 Sheet 5 of 5 US 9,346,238 B2 128 3. 132 2. 129 FIG. 21A Y130 133 FIG. 21B PRIOR ART 135 g 2. 136 FIG. 22A 38 FIG. 22B PRIOR ART 139 141 "FIG.O 23A FIG. 23B PRIOR ART US 9,346,238 B2 1. 2 FLEXBLE PACKAGING COMPOSITES judged by the print quality and uniformity of ink transfer, rate of ink wetting and drying, ink receptivity, compressibility, CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED Smoothness, opacity, color, resistance to picking, and similar APPLICATION factors. Printability is different than run-ability, which refers to the efficiency with which a substrate may be printed and This application is a continuation of U.S. patent applica handled at the press. Further, structural and printability fac tion Ser. No. 12/193,577, filed on Aug. 18, 2008, and claims tors influence the ability of the materials to be printed using priority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/956,690, filed specific printing equipment. It is generally preferred if a on Aug. 18, 2007, which is hereby incorporated by reference material can be printed on a variety of equipment, maximiz in its entirety.
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